Remnants Of The Sixth House

by Onyx Vesper

First published

Luster Dawn, formerly known as Dagoth Dawn is the last living member of the Sixth House and she has adopted a couple of House Dagoth traditions, Including letter writing.

Luster Dawn, formerly known as Dagoth Dawn is the last living member of the Sixth House.
she has also adopted a couple of House Dagoth traditions, Including letter writing.
She must now work along side the Ponies to discover the fate of Dagoth Ur, Her adoptive father and Founder of the Equestrian Sixth House.

I update this whenever I'm bothered please be patient

Prologue: The Mountains Heart

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"Princess Flurry Heart, you must avenge your mother and retrieve the heart from the derelict formerly known as Dagoth Ur, I do not know if anything dwells deep within so it would be advised to proceed with caution." Princess Twilight warned a now adult Flurry Heart, after a while Flurry Heart reached the now derelict Dagoth Ur facility.

as she got closer she felt as if she was being watched. The large corroded metal door opened loudly the sunlight temporarily penetrating the void within, once inside flurry heart cautiously started walking forward, it took her around 15 steps before the metal door swung shut.

flurry heart heard voices and the loudest one said, "Come cursed offspring, Friend or traitor come, come to the heart chamber, I wait for you there where I fought your mother countless moons ago." now with her mental fortitude shattered as she wasn't sure if this was in her head or if it came from deeper within the facility, she entered another room, "This place is built like a maze" Flurry heart whispered to herself as she walked down the abandoned halls deep within what remained of the city of Canterlot.

As she got deeper the strange yet familiar voice said, "You have come to me after the 1000 year war against my legions yet I still have to ask you this, Why?"
not saying a thing Flurry Heart continued down the ancient halls of this underground complex.
"Whatever happened to your accomplice Dagoth!" Flurry Heart screamed at the stone walls not expecting a reply, but yet the walls replied,
"Who, Dagoth Dawn? she was my champion, my right hand, and my loyal servant.
She was a great warrior, with the power of the Crystal Heart coursing through her veins.
She earned the trust of our enemies, and in one swift stroke, she broke the back of the resistance by decimating their morale.
Her service to me was a privilege, and a joy.
I trusted her more than any other servant of the Sixth House, and her dedication was unparalleled, but do not waste time and come to the heart chamber," Dagoth's voice echoed from deep within the facility.

Flurry Heart just walked forward.
she had no idea how large this place is or how deep she already was, but something was from deep within her was telling her that she was going the right way, and that a grave danger was lurking within the depths of Dagoth Ur.
"Come Cursed Offspring, someone close who you haven't seen in countless ages awaits at the heart chamber and shes quite eager for you to join her," Dagoth Ur mocked Flurry Heart as she entered the heart chamber.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER YOU MONSTER!" Flurry Heart screamed at Dagoth Ur, as he taunted her with the large unicorn skull, "I made her into a trophy" He responded with seriousness, Flurry heart started to use her magic to tap into the crystal heart, her tears now mixed with hatred, "What are you doing, WHAT ARE YOU DOING! FOOL, STOP! too late... this is the end, Our cold and bitter end... soon the northern winds will envelop this place and all will be lost... have you realised what you've done, You've doomed us both..." Dagoth ur said as the Crystal heart turned to stone however he cast a spell on himself which might give him a chance at survival, Flurry Heart just stood there, processing what she's just done.

Letter 1 Visions

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Letter 1 Last entry

You have slept, Countless ages have passed, now awaken Dagoth Dawn, awaken and bring glory to the Sixth House...

Dagoth Ur

Letter 2 New Beginnings

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Dear Fallen Father

Upon your command I have awakened, I have awakened to a vastly different Equestria.
there is a small seaside settlement visable from here, Could it have what we need to re-establish the Sixth House's presence in Equestria?

Signed - Dagoth Dawn

Letter 3 Myth Of the Crystal Heart

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Dear Fallen Father

The Heart, I... can't feel it anymore
Signed - Dagoth Dawn

Letter 4 The Arrival

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Dear Fallen Father

I have arrived in said seaside settlement, however, my arrival was met with screams of fear, its a good thing that the Sixth house is still feared and Remembered.

Signed - Dagoth Dawn

Letter 5 Confusion

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Dear Fallen Father

I have been confused before, yet I am confused again, The Earth Pony by the name Sunny Starscout took me in as she was the only one who didn't flee upon the sight of me.
she also explained to me that they fled upon the sight of my horn which was poking out of my hood and not my association with the Sixth House.
she also seems to be a history nerd, I must find out what she knows.

Signed - Dagoth Dawn

Letter 6 Tainted Memories

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Dear Fallen Father

She made me use my despised Birth name of Luster Dawn, I had to use it to remain hidden and not be recognised as a Member of the Sixth House, there is also another unicorn with us, she reminds me of the pink one from all those ages ago.

Signed - Dagoth Luster Dawn

Letter 7 Unicorn

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Dear Fallen Father

So... Sunny let me and the other unicorn stay here for the time being.
I think the unicorns name was Izzy?

Signed - Luster Dawn

Letter 8 Fate Of the Tribunal: Cadence

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Dear Fallen Father

While staying at the bright house I have found an ancient tome which recorded the death of the equine tribunal

The first entry in the book is about the murder of Princess Cadence at your hands during the beginning of conflict now known as The Great Harmony War and explains in great detail the event.

The page said something about strange undecipherable runes made from magic beyond our comprehension appearing where each of the princesses died.

Signed - Luster Dawn

Letter 9 Crowds

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Dear Fallen Father

Today an angry crowd of earth ponies led by a red stallion who seemed like a "Mommies Boy," he ran away when I started speaking Dunmeri thinking am going to curse him and the rest scattered, they must have thought I'm speaking "the native tongue of the unicorn" well that's what he claimed.

Signed - Dagoth Dawn

Letter 10 Uh...

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Dear Dad

I done fucked up,
you could even say that I, the Dagoth Dawn fucked around and found out

so apparently no one in this modern age has magic, well everyone but me.
Mr mommy issues decided that he will bulldose sunny's home for bringing equality,
and now Mr Fascist is at the bottom of the sea.

Signed - Dagoth Dawn

Letter 11 Nevermind

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Dear fallen Father

Never mind they deemed me as a hero and now time to convert this town to Dunmer living standards

Signed - Luster Dawn

Letter 12 Ideological shift

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Dear Fallen Father

I have forced the Sixth House Ideology onto a group of ponies, may they spread this blessing

Signed - Luster Dawn

Letter 13 Expedition

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Dear Fallen Father

Sunny Starscout has taken me and a group of her friends to some old Equestrian ruins, something must have happened here as there is a giant crater in the basement.

Signed - Luster Dawn

Letter 14 Ruins

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Dear fallen Father

I passed out in the ruins and the Ponies had to stay with me till I awoke again, turns out the ruins mentioned before is a location of great importance to the Ponies. While exploring the ruins of this location I have discovered Daedric runes which seemed to do something to me...

Signed - Luster Dawn

Letter 15 Abilities

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Dear Fallen Father

The runes must have done something to me... I feel stronger as if I could summon the Wrath of Vvardenfell...

Signed - Luster Dawn