> Flutterclaw > by Diloboi > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1: A Sewer in Concord > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy stirred, her breath hitching for a moment before continuing as normal. She rolled over, from her back to her side, attempting to snuggle deeper into her blankets… …Only to place her cheek into something cold, wet and mushy. She gasped in surprise, reflexively pulling her head from the cold surface… …Only to then bash her head on something. Reeling back in pain, her foreleg then lost footing, causing her to slip back down to the ground. For a few seconds, Fluttershy laid still, whimpering, before finally opening her eyes. She wasn’t home, that much she could tell. Her eyes quickly scanned the darkened room. The floor, if you could even call it that, looked to be nothing but puddles of water and mud, covered with pieces of trash and debris. The walls were made out of old brick, being a cylindrical shape than ended with a wall. Metal pipes snaked across the ceiling, and metal grates hugged the ground. The room wasn’t large, and the only exit seemed to a door lit up my a small light at the end of the hall. Slowly, Fluttershy stood up to all fours, scouring the room with wide eyes. Though for some reason, the position seemed kind of uncomfortable. And this itch behind her ear. Reaching up, she scratched it with on her claws, instantly relieving… Claws? Looking down at the limb, her eyes widened in shock. 5 long, razor sharp talons extended from a scaled hand. Her hand. Her eyes moved over the rest of her foreleg, now completely covered with light yellow scales. Mirror! Quickly, she moved to one of the puddles on the floor, looking down at the reflection. The face she recognized was no longer there, instead replaced by something else entirely. It looked almost like a dragon’s. A yellow scaled face with two large horns and a large muzzle, sharp teeth poking from her mouth. Small slitted blue eyes stared back at her, both wide with fear. … For a while, Fluttershy just stared at the reflection. It would blink when she did. It would move she moved. She reached with a now clawed foreleg and felt the scaly skin. It was all too real. Moving back and sitting down, her eyes again traced over the foreleg… forelimb? While the talons were far to long to allow her to grab anything comfortably in her… palm, I think it’s called that, she probably could still grab things between the claws. The limb looked heavily muscled, much larger than even somepony's like Big Mac or maybe even Bulk Bicep's. Maybe not that big... Her rear legs were similar to the front, but instead of… hands, they ended with something that resembled paws or maybe feet, with 3 large claws as opposed to 5. A large tail also lay on the floor behind her. While it was hard to turn her head, she could see it had small pink spines that covered all the way up to her back. This is so... strange. The former pony took a couple deep breaths, calming herself. It took a couple minutes, but eventually, Fluttershy felt just a little better. Maybe I should try leaving this place... Slowly, she stood to all fours again, but again found it uncomfortable. Maybe I'm supposed to walk on two legs? Like a minitour? Carefully, she pushed herself into an upright position. While the position was more comfortable, she'd have to learn walking on twos. Not only that, but it seemed like this room wasn't built for her height. She had to duck her head to prevent her horns from colliding with the metal pipes above. Steadily, the former pony wobbled as she took a couple steps towards the only door in the room, her clawed hands keeping her from falling over more than a few times. When she got to close, she noticed some faded text on a metal plaque. Concord Civic Access? Where in equestria is that? To her right, the door, made of blue rusted metal, stood. On it, a sign marked 'restricted area' in large text. I hope nopony get's mad if I need to go through here... It was small compared to Fluttershy, the top only reaching to about her chest. Gingerly, the mare poked her smallest claw through the small handle, pulling gently. The door made a horrid squeaking as it opened, revealing a darkened area. Along with this, a horrible stench left the room, finding its way to the former pony's nose. It smelled like somepony had left a fish out to rot for weeks. She gagged, tears forming in her eyes as she quickly pushed the door back shut. The mare gasped for the slightly fresher air in the tunnel, coughing heavily. "...Not going... to go in there..." She breathed out. Her eyes widened in surprise for a moment. Her voice sounded a little rough, but nonetheless, she could still speak. "Oh thank goodness..." She sighed in relief. At least something was going her way. Her moment was ruined when something rattled the roof violently. She involuntarily let out a eep in surprise, retreating against the nearby wall. "What in Celestia..." She whispered. Slowly, she crept forwards, moving towards the epicenter. The roof above had a patch replaced by metal, though it noticeably looked deformed, light now creeping in through the edges. "A grate! I can leave!" She 'yelled' excitedly, reaching up with both arms, taking great care to not topple over, the pony pushed on the grate. It lifted, revealing more light. The former pony stood out on her tippy toes, peeking out the now open gap. What she saw did not look hopeful. While her eyes took a few seconds to adjust to the influx of light, she could make out movement, and shouting the did not sound pleasant. Old buildings, at least, what looked old to her, stood around a beat up road. Banners with faded text reading 'Celebrate History!' fluttered in the wind above. What caught her eyes, however, were the occupants. Several creatures, all of them wearing strange helmets and tattered clothes, would peak their heads out, pointing objects that would make a noise that sounded almost like a thundercrack. At first, Fluttershy thought they were looking at her, but she was relieved to realize they were more focused on another one of the creatures. This one looked different from the rest. Instead of wearing drab clothing, this one wore a deep blue jumpsuit, accented by gold in some spots. A satchel dangled off his shoulder, made of some brown material. His hair, I think its hair... was a deep brown, and his coat looked to be a light beige. In his hand was a strange silver object, which he occasionally poked out from around the small pile of bags he sat behind. Beside him, a dog, a germane shepherd she remembered, stood beside him, crouching low, barking at the other creatures. "WE'RE GOING TO GET YOU, ASSHOLE!" One of the further creatures shouted. "Oh my..." Fluttershy whispered. She watched as a couple of the further ones moved closer, as another threw some sort of bottle. She gasped when it smashed nearby the Blue creature and the dog, bursting the ground into flames. The creature scrambled away, kicking away at a flame that had landed on his boot. "SUPRISE FUCKER!" One of the other creatures snuck behind Blue! He, It sounds like a he... makes a grab at Blues throat, wrapping its arms around Blue's neck, Blue swinging his arms wildly at him. Beside him, the Germane Shepherd growls, lunging at the creature. "FUCK OFF, YOU MUTT!" Her eyes widened as the thing kicked the dog in its jaw, the shepherd yelping in pain as it fell to the ground. Her initial reaction, that of fear, is quickly shaken off by a feeling of anger. Hastefully, the former pony pushed the grate, letting it slide off to the side, before climbing out of the sewer. I'm going to give this meanie a piece of my mind! Nate's breaths were becoming more laboured as the Man squeezed his arms tighter around his neck. Dogmeat laid nearby, but only let out whines as the dog tried to relieve the pain in its snout. Shit... It's only been 30 minutes since I... "I'm going to gut you." The man behind him hissed, pulling out a switch blade and bringing it to Nates throat. As hard as he attempted, Nate couldn't break free from the Man's hold. "Hold still..." The man trailed off, before dropping the knife. His grip loosened on Nate, who ripped free from the man before pushing away, falling to the ground on his knees, before quickly turning to face the man again. Expecting to fight, Nate was surprised to see the man's face had gone completely pale, all former Bravado abandoned. The man's hands hung at his sides, the knife now laying uselessly on the cracked street below. Scrambling for the knife, Nate grabbed it, bringing it up, only to see the attacker was gone. He caught a glimpse of the man running full tilt around a corner. Turning his head, Nate similarly watched as the rest of the people attacking him ran, one being caught by a red streak of light from the balcony. "What the..." Nate breathed out, confused greatly, only to be shaken from his stupor when he heard the whimper of his dog. "Dogmeat! Are you okay boy?" He scooched closer to the animal, noticing the crimson fluid dripping from the dogs snout. "Hold still boy, this'll help you..." Reaching into his satchel and digging around for a moment, the man pulled out a stimpack. Carefully, the Vault dweller pushed the needle into the dogs neck. The dog gave a soft whine in response, but his ears relaxed, no longer pressing against his head. "Give it another moment, Dogmeat, you'll be fine..." The man gave his companion a few gentle pats on it's side, listening to his dogs breathing... Why is he breathing so hard? The man gave a alarmed glance at his dog, but realized quickly it wasn't his breathing. Who is... "Um... Excuse me?" He heard a soft voice, sounding feminine, behind him. Nate jumped involuntarily, clutching his chest to calm himself. Slowly, he stood up and turned around, "Sorry. I was just..." His breath hitched when he saw what was behind him. A large lizard thing, looking like something straight from Grognak the Barbarian, stood. He had to look up to meet its blue slit eyes, as it stood a good 3 feet taller than him. "Wha-" He choked out, a wave of fear passing over him. "Oh. Sorry I startled you... I just wanted to ask if you were okay..." He heard the same soft feminine voice come from the creature. "Who... What... huh?" The shocked Vault dweller managed out. "Well... it's just that other... person, hurt you and your dog, and I just wanted to see if you needed help..." The lizard seemed to wilt under Nate's ever present gaze. Said Man stood there for a couple seconds, lazily bringing a finger up. "A talking yellow lizard... asked if I was alright..." "Oh, um, I'm a pony... or at least I was..." The lizard looked sad for a moment. "A pony..." Nate began to pace, not because he wanted to, but he needed to think, "I've gone crazy, haven't I? 210 years in a freezer has done something to my head..." He grabbed his head as he said it, almost like it was going to pop right off. "...Are you okay?" The 'pony' asked, concern written on its face somehow. Nate glanced over, before reaching out with a hand, pausing for a moment before contact, "Can I... touch you? Just to see?" He said quietly. "Um, okay." The lizard reached one of it's clawed hands out. Gingerly, the human slowly reached before tapping on one of the claws. He felt it. He then touched the scaled base of its finger, which he also felt, being strangely soft. "...Um...Why'd you need to touch my hand?" The lizard asked, looking a little confused. "...Sorry... Just needed to see if... you were real." Nate's hand retreated, falling to his side. He just stared up at the large creature for a while, half expecting for it to disappear the next time his eyes blinked. Beside him, Dogmeat slowly stood, walking past the human and to the lizard, who reached out with a clawed hand, palm facing upwards. The dog sniffed it curiously, before licking her it. The creature giggled, This is so strange... before scratching the dog behind his ears. At least Dogmeat is fine with this. "Can I... ask you something?" The lizard asked timidly, still petting Dogmeat. When Nate gave a nod, it... she continued, "Could you help me?" Raising an eyebrow, he replied. "What does a... 'pony' need help with?" "Well... I'm lost, and I've been turned into... this." She gestured to herself, "Do you know where we are?" Nate only took a second to respond, "We're in Concord, in the New England Commonwealth, which is part of the United States of America... at least, it was until..." He trailed off, sounding more somber at the end. The creature stayed silent, Nate noting the worry forming on her features, "I've never heard of The United States..." she paused, "Can I... stay with you for a little?" She asked. "Uh..." Nate considered this for a moment. She'd scared of those guys, maybe her staying will make finding... "Sure, I guess." She beamed happily, Nate taking note of her large teeth, "My name is Nate, this is Dogmeat... Do you have a name?" "My name is Fluttershy." > 2: When Freedom Calls part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- That’s a strange name. Nate kept the thought to himself. No need to offend the lizard that towered over him, not to mention asked for his help. “So… I was just looking through Concord for… someone.” Nate gestured with his hands. “I’d be happy to have some help.” “Okay. I’ll be glad to help. Who are we looking for, if, um, you don’t mind me asking?” For having such a large stature, she seemed very timid, Nate noted. “…Someone important…” Nate muttered, a sad frown forming on his face. He quickly shook off the feeling, continuing, “I’ll tell you more later. Let’s get moving.” “Okay.” Fluttershy didn’t push. She had not failed to notice the melancholy in the man’s voice. She just decided to take his word for it. “Lead on, I suppose.” The trio began walking down the road, dodging around debris, old vehicles, and makeshift cover. Everything looks so… bleak. And Destroyed. Nate kept his pistol close, examining his surroundings. The blown out buildings provided good hiding places for would be enemies. Feels like almost yesterday I was heading into town... The thought gave way to darker ones. So, he tried to distract himself. "So, you were a horse?" Nate strummed up conversation, breaking the silence hanging over them. Ahead of them, the old Museum of Freedom stood, as told by the banners hanging above the streets. "A pony, actually. Though horses are distant ancestors." The former pony was glad to be talking again. The silence had been uncomfortable to her. "What about you?" "I'm human. Dogmeat's a dog." Nate faced the large lizard, but still clutched his 10mm pistol tightly if anything appeared. "I think I've heard of hoo-mans before." Nate chuckled briefly at the pronunciation, "There's a unicorn from where I'm from who talks about them." Nate raised an eyebrow, a smirk spreading over his features. "Unicorns? Next you're going to tell that there's dragons and princesses." Fluttershy nodded her head, "There's unicorns, and pegasi and Earth ponies. Dragon's live far away from Equestria, but I know one, his name is Spike." She paused for a moment, "Am I not in the body of a dragon?" She looked down, regarding her large, clawed hands. "I don't know what you are." “Oh.” At seeing a downcast expression form on the not-dragon's face, Nate added, "Maybe we might meet someone who will." "Thanks" Fluttershy responded quietly. She opened her to mouth to continue, but was interrupted by a crash. Both Nate and Fluttershy's gazes snapped towards the balcony above. A man, with dark skin wearing a tattered coat and hat, stumbled through the door. He waved a strange looking device before looking down towards the trio. "Holy f..." The man said, almost going unheard by the group. He continued however. "I've got a group of settlers inside! The raiders are almost through the door! Grab that laser musket and bring your deathclaw and help us, please!" The man retreated inside, while both Man and pony's minds raced. Shit. We've got to hurry. What was he... Deathclaw? I don't like that name. But they need our... Both sets of eyes met a body lying on the steps, red fluid staining the stone. Fluttershy froze, her eyes widening at the sight as she brought her hands close to her chest. She barely acknowledged Nate running towards the fallen human, Dogmeat close behind. "Fuck..." Nate whispered as kneeled. The corpse was a man. Blood seeped from holes in his chest, staining the white shirt and brown overcoat the man wore. His eyes, unmoving, stared at the sky above. Beside him, a strange looking gun sat, it's design looking like a laser gun, "We've got to get moving Fluttershy." He turned his head to face the large deathclaw. He did not expect to see the pure terror on her face, tears forming in her wide eyes. Her arms clutched her chest, almost seeming like she'd shrunk a few feet. Nate quickly stood and ran to the Deathclaw, his dog following. "What's wrong?" He asked. Fluttershy stared. "H-He's..." She choked out. "He's d-de..." More tears formed, her scales somehow looking deathly pale. A wave of understanding crossed Nate. She's just a Civie. Never seen... "Listen to me." He waited till her blue eyes met his brown. "We've got to get in there. That guy-" He pointed towards the balcony, "-needs our help. We need to move, or more will die." He waited, staring deep into the Deathclaw's eyes. Come on, Fluttershy, Calm down. They need you and Nate. Just… The image of the dead man flashed in her mind. …Be brave… Fluttershy's gaze dropped, where she saw Dogmeat looking up at her from beside nate. The former pony taking a deep breath, before speaking. "Okay... Let's go." Nate nodded, moving towards the museums door, stopping to pick up the weapon by the man. Fluttershy kept herself from looking at the poor man as she followed behind. Who would do... that to someone? A sickening feeling passed over the Deathclaw. As she followed Nate into the building, she couldn't help but ask herself. What happened to this world? Nate looked over the room they’d entered. The majority of the interior was built with rotted and faded wood. Ahead, the ticket booth and entrance stood, though a metal gate prevented entry. To his right, a narrow doorway. Above, a mural with faded paint depicted a U.S. revolutionary soldier across from a British army soldier, their respective flags behind them. Glancing further upwards, the man could see the floor had gave out, leaving the above areas visible. Several balconies, some crumbling, stood. He could make out movement on the second and third floor balconies, most likely the raiders the man mentioned. “Wait here.” He called behind him before carefully walking to the gate, the floorboards creaking under his weight. Reaching out, he gave a small push, and when it didn’t budge, a pull. The gate stayed shut. Sighing, the Vault Dweller returned to his companions. “The gate’s locked. I’ll go through the side room there. The way looks too narrow for you, so try to get through that gate.” He watched the pale yellow deathclaw nod, before continuing, “I’ll meet you on the other side, and see if there’s a way to unlock it. Come on Dogmeat.” With great haste, the man dashed towards the door, 10mm pistol drawn, the laser musket shouldered, with his dog close behind. He stopped at the corner, peeking around, aiming his pistol. The hallway was narrow, brick walls on each side, but was empty. As he stepped in however, a speaker crackled to life. “No more British occupation!” A man’s voice called. There goes sneaking. The man shook his head before continuing to the corner. Peaking, he saw almost a dozen mannequins, some dressed in Redcoat attire, standing. The room was various pieces of décor, making it look roughly like a street, surrounded by brick buildings. “Back to England with you!” Continuing forward, the Vault dweller weaved between the mannequins, moving into the next room. A single ship mast stood, surrounded by wooden crates and empty display cases. Faded Murals covered each wall, looking like the ocean and horizon. “Have your tea back, you jackanapes!” Walking around to the left around the ship mast, and ducking underneath two Jacobs ladders tied from a railing where a collapsed stairwell once was, Nate got to the next room. More empty display cases, the one closest to the door on the right having a still lit lantern. Another British soldier mannequin leaned on a wall across the room. “No taxation without representation!” He kept moving, getting to the last doorway. Peeking through, he was back in the main area, and could see that the floor had collapsed in, leading to a basement, while a large staircase led to the next floor. While the gate was on the other side of the hole, the man could easily climb along the edges, where some of the floor remained intact. He could also see Fluttershy on the other side. Look's like she can't get through. I hope it's not from lack of trying. He moved a little further into the room, and looking up at the second and third floors, he could see more raiders exchanging fire with someone, most likely the man with the Settlers. "Come on Dogmeat." He turned his head around, seeing the dog sniffing the doorframe curiously. "Dogmeat-" His words were cut off as something landed on him, hard. He fell forward, crashing into the ground, his gun slipping away from outstretched arms. Beside him, a object clattered, before making a deafening bang, making his ears ring. SHIT. SHIT. SHIT. The Vault dweller elbowed the thing behind him, connecting with a body. A man's voice grunted behind him. Nate rolled to his left side, striking with a fist at the man's face. Glass crunched as he punched out the lens of the welding goggles the man wore. The raider staggered, allowing Nate to roll fully to his back, but quickly recovered and began trying to beat down on the Dweller, who crossed his arms in a attempt to block the punches. Is this going to become a regular thing?!? Fluttershy sat patiently by the metal gate. After Nate had left moments ago, she'd decided after giving the gate a decent push that she would just wait for him. He'll be here soon. I hope. While she had just met him a few minutes ago, he was nice enough to her. And it was nice to have someone while she was away from Equestria. I hope I can go home soon. And the other's are okay without me. Movement caught her eye. She watched as Nate crept from a dim room. His eyes scanned the room before landing on hers. He then looked above before turning around. That's when a figure jumped from above. Fluttershy gasped, then screamed as he landed on top op Nate, both landing roughly on the floor, though it went mostly unheard as a noise resembling a thunderclap rang across the room. Something hit the gate, a small shower of sparks landing on her scales. She yelped, though didn't feel anything. Instead she was focused on Nate, as he began to fight the man, who also fought back. The Vault dweller blocked punch after punch, but began yelling. Dogmeat soon charged in from behind, jumping and barring teeth at the raider's back, but was promptly hit by the man's arm, sending the dog reeling. Do something, Fluttershy! Her mind screamed. Using all her strength, she pushed on the metal gate. The brittle metal quickly snapped, and the Deathclaw had to steady herself from falling. She then rushed over to Nate and the Raider. "When I bring you in to Gristle, you're gonna wish you're dead." The raider snarled, again striking against Nate's arms. His attacks had slowed, and his breathing had become heavier. "Fuck. You." Nate kicked the man on top of him in the gut. He gasped for air, before growling. "You'll fucking pay for-" The man ended with a yelp as he got picked up into the air. Fluttershy towered above Nate, holding the man, who stared at the Deathclaw in terror from where she held him in a outstretched claw. The Deathclaw glared hard at the Poor Raider, the Vault Dweller almost feeling the intensity from where he lay. "Stop it right now." While her voice was still like silk, it had taken an edge, one that brought Nate a tinge of fear. "I don't want to have to say it again." The raider nodded rapidly, squirming in Fluttershy's grasp. After a few seconds, she set the raider down, who promptly took off, running through the door Nate previously entered. "Are you alright?" Nate looked back up, where the Deathclaw looked at him, her blue eyes filled with concern. She reached down to the prone Man. "Yes. Thanks for the help." Nate grabbed the claw, and was lifted to his feet gently. He brushed the dust from his jumpsuit, before walking over to Dogmeat. The dog whimpered, his right foreleg held above the ground. Nate crouched down, patting the animal on it's side. "You okay bud?" The dog merely licked his face in response. He chuckled, before standing again. "We better get moving." At Fluttershy's nod of confirmation, the trio began to ascend the stairs. They got to the mid section before someone yelled. "HOLY SHIT! THERE'S A FUCKING DEATHCLAW!" The trio turned, seeing two Raiders. One stood above the main entrance, pointing a crude looking rifle towards the group. A second one stood above on the third floor balcony, aiming a double barrel shotgun. "FUCK! FUCK FUCK FUCK!" The second one, a woman, began to yell, "SINCE WHEN TO VAULT DWELLERS HAVE FUCKING DEATHCLAWS?!?" "SHOOT IT YOU FUCKING MORONS!" A third raider called, moving behind the second raider with a hunting rifle. "Fluttershy! Get down!" Nate yelled, flipping a small round table, sending it's cooler to floor. Dogmeat slid beside him. "Why-" Fluttershy was interrupted as a dozens of little objects began hitting her front, each feeling like a pebble flung up from a cart hitting her. The raider's rifle was fully automatic. "Ow! Ow! Ow! Stop!" She squeaked as she dove behind a pillar at the top of the stairs. While it stopped most of the things from hitting her, her large profile still let a couple hit her. Nate holstered his 10mm pistol, bringing out the laser musket. While the raiders focused fire on Fluttershy, who had gotten behind something to Nate's relief, he could still return fire. Inspecting the gun quickly, he imagined that the hand crank on the back of the receiver worked the weapon. Cranking a couple began to make the capacitator glow a ominous red colour, which brought a smile to Nate's face. Thing still works despite looking like it was pulled from a junkyard. A couple more cranks, and it was ready. Aiming down sights, his crosshair went over the Raider above the entrance's head. Pulling the trigger, a brilliant streak of red light fired from the gun, hitting the raider's head. Instantly, the man was cremated, leaving nothing but a pile of ash. The rate of fire at Fluttershy dropped significantly. Nice! Quickly, the man cranked the weapon some more. While it was tedious, the payoff seemed to be worth it. Aiming for the raider above this time, he fired. Again, the laser hit, this time in the raider's chest. "GAH! FUCK!" The woman yelled in pain, ducking behind a railing. "SHIT! WHAT KINDA VAULT DWELLER KNOW'S HOW TO FIRE A GUN?" Both raiders seemingly retreated, disappearing into a room. Nate sighed in relief, before looking towards his deathclaw companion. "You okay, Fluttershy?" Said deathclaw was breathing heavily, curled up behind the pillar. She still looked straight ahead. "Are they done?" She breathed out. "They're gone now. Don't worry." Concerned, Nate and Dogmeat walked over to her. "Are you hurt?" "...I'm o-okay." Fluttershy said after a once over her body. While the majority of the things pelting her had merely bounced off, a couple had embedded themselves in her scales. "Jesus... You got shot pretty bad." Fluttershy grimaced as she picked a pellet from her arm. It only stung a tiny bit, but it hurt all the same. "Here." Fluttershy looked back towards Nate, who now held out a strange looking syringe. "Just stick it in your arm. You'll feel better." Fluttershy took the device between two claws, bringing it above her left arm. Carefully she slid the needle between two scales, and it automatically injected. Almost immediately, a shudder of relief passed over the deathclaw, the soreness in her scales disappearing. A couple of the pellets clattered to the floor, forced out. Whatever was injected, it felt great. "What was that?" Fluttershy asked, looking to where Nate had a small smile. "Stimpack. Wonder of Modern medicine." A laser musket went off nearby. "We need to go." He reached out with a hand, before he stopped himself halfway. "Oh..." Fluttershy smiled, "It's okay." She pushed herself up, standing up straight. Together, the three continued on. Hopefully we don't run into anymore Raiders after those three. "PUT THE GUN DOWN!" Nate yelled, leaning out a doorway, his pistol pointed around the corner at three Raiders who were near the door. Behind him, Fluttershy hugged her back to the wall, Dogmeat beside her feet. They were on the third floor now, currently dealing with the 3 remaining Raiders. They had run into another two downstairs in an exhibit, but the two quickly surrender upon seeing Fluttershy. They were promptly tied up using the rope from the ground floor. "Fuck you! You'll just gut us afterwards! And then give us to your deathclaw." The one wielding a hunting rifle and wearing a sack hood yelled. He hid behind a pillar, which provided barely any cover for the man. A second man stood behind him, switchblade in hand. He wore a old gas mask. The female raider, leaned against the wall, held the double barrel shotgun in one hand while her other hand clutched a burn on her chest. She was breathing heavily, each laboured. "If you surrender right now, I promise none of you will be hurt. Either that, or I'll open fire now." Fluttershy grimaced. The image was unappealing. I hope he never has to do something like that... The wounded raider cursed under her breath, and dropped her shotgun. "Fuck this..." "Rye! You pussy out, and I'll kill you myself! We are not losing to some fucking Vault Dweller!" The raider shifted his gun towards Rye, who raised her hands, still leaning on the wall. "You don't have much of a choice." A new voice said. The door at the end of the hall opened, the man from earlier walking out. He aimed his laser musket towards the man. He wore a tan duster, a blue and gold undershirt, a faded cyan neck scarf, brown leather gloves, and a brown hat. "Drop it." "Damn it." The raider cursed, dropping his rifle. The raider next to him dropped his switchblade. Nate stepped out around the corner, pistol aimed towards the sack hood wearing man. Suddenly, the Raider grabbed his ally, pulling him backwards. Nate yelled, "Don't move-" Both men toppled over the railing. Nate ran to the edge, watching as the man in the sack hood twisted around, putting the other raider beneath him. With a crash and a muffled scream, both men landed on the ground floor. The sack hood man, left mostly unharmed by using the Gas mask raider as a shield, quickly ran to the front door. Nate attempted to shoot at the man, none connecting as the raider charged through the front door, out of sight. "Fuck..." Nate didn't believe it. Guy used his own man to save his hide. Coward. The man frowned, but looked back up at the new arrival. "I don't think I've ever seen a Raider that desperate. Usually they take the easiest option..." The man looked up from where he stood beside the railing. "Nevermind that. Thank you for helping us. Name's Preston Garvey, Commonwealth Minuteman." He held his musket in one hand, offering the other to Nate. "Nate Dunne." He shook the man's hand. "I take it you're a Vault Dweller?" "What gave it away?" Nate smirked, while Preston chuckled. "Say... what happened to your deathclaw?" Preston's tone became a little more nervous, but there was a hint awe, Nate noted. "You mean Fluttershy? She's just around the corner. Fluttershy, there's someone here who want's to meet you." Both men watched as the deathclaw peeked around the corner. Preston's breathing hitched, but he kept his eyes on the large lizard. Her eyes met Preston's, and for a brief moment, Preston felt a moment of fear, but also something else. The eyes, unlike every other beast in the wasteland, held intelligence, and not just that, but also a great deal of care and kindness. The feeling passed through Preston quickly. The deathclaw slowly stepped out, ducking her head underneath the doorway. She walked slowly towards the two. The man also noted the dog trailing behind. The deathclaw stopped only a few feet away. Her hand's were intertwined, almost looking like someone timidly waiting to- "...Hi. My name's Fluttershy." She murmured quietly. Preston felt his jaw drop as his legs nearly gave out in shock. "Wha... she-she can... talk?" Bewilderment filled Preston's words. "Yeah... that was my first reaction too..." For a while, nothing was said. Fluttershy wilted slightly underneath the sustained staring she was receiving from the minuteman. ...now I feel bad. Poor girl doesn't like all this attention... Nate you dumbass! She has shy in her name! How did you not- "Preston is it safe too-" A man, wearing utility coveralls with a tan undershirt, stepped into the doorway. His eyes, seeming unfazed, looked over the Minuteman, the Vault Dweller, and Finally the 9 feet tall deathclaw. No one moved. Nothing was said until. "What the fuck?"