> Harmony in Order > by SapphireSpark > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Pathway to Submission > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equestria was saved. The arduous conflict that had caused rupture and rampage throughout the once peaceful land was now gone, and the two evil Empresses in charge of such a fracture; Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker, had their former selves restored by the pony who fought tirelessly to restore Harmony throughout the realm. Sapphire Spark was her name. The dark blue coated and purple-blue maned unicorn had finally achieved it, years of resistance, of hardship, had proven fruitful. Having the Elements of Harmony certainly helped her cause a great deal, but without the spark of hope she brought, without her implacable determination, those artifacts wouldn’t have been able to reach the corrupted Empresses to do their magic. Her actions had been rewarded, as she had been granted both alicornhood and the crown by the now cleansed alicorns for her immense struggle and her dedication to Harmony. While ruling did take away some of her time, she was already used to it and she loved doing it, giving her much more free time than usual as things ran efficiently. Having two other alicorns to help certainly made things better, and now, she could do something she always wanted to do. Research! With the archives now hers, she visited the trove of ancient, bountiful knowledge, hoping she would be able to learn and practice new spells, and perhaps she would find more enchantments for her massive blade. Stepping into the room, Sapphire gasped in awe at all the scrolls and books, going from bookshelf to bookshelf with a giddy step and with a happy squee, until she found a scroll that sent her curiosity into overdrive while also annoying her. It was one of Starswirl’s scrolls, denoted by his signature, but it was incomplete, and the prospects of such a spell would be immense, as the scroll described the ability to travel through time. She needed to finish it. She pondered what the final sentence would be, trying to hypothesize what Starswirl would have wanted to write to finish his creation, but it was a fruitless endeavour. So she went with her gut, writing ‘And let fate be rewritten’ at the end of it. It seemed to have worked, it worked too well! “Wait, what is happening?!” The scroll began levitating, and immediately activated, giving Sapphire no time to cancel it, nor to escape its effect, as she was transported through time, sucked into a portal. She was still in the archives, and things looked very similar, as books, scrolls and artifacts still littered the room, making her wonder if the spell had actually worked or if it had simply fizzled from inserting the wrong line. “Okay, mayyybe I shouldn’t do this today, I don’t want something else happening. I think I got lucky” Sapphire noted, exhaling a sigh of relief from seeing that little seemed to have changed, and that she didn’t blow herself up for the millionth time. Deciding to take a break, she left the scroll on a stand, opened the archive doors and went out into the hallway, aiming to reach her bedroom so she could do some less… unstable spell reading. Humming to herself, she strolled through the many splitting and confusing hallways. Fortunately, she was quite used to them at this point and knew that to reach her bedroom she needed to go through the massive throne room to reach some random unassuming door that led to an incredibly long hallway, followed by another door, then another small hallway, and finally her door. Opening the door to the throne room, she began nonchalantly crossing the massive room, her mind pondering about the many spells that are still to be explored in the archives while still humming her made-up song. “Wow, I did not expect this. Wh-What?” Sapphire stopped mid-way through the room, frozen in place as she heard someone speak from her throne’s direction. The words rang into her ears, driving immense confusion as they seemed too familiar, way too familiar. Turning herself around to look at the source of origin, she gasped, as she saw. Herself. Or somepony who seemed to look like her, as she began analysing every minute aspect of… herself? She looked dimmer than her overall, like her colours had been somewhat drained, and she sported rings around each of her hooves. They looked similar to cuffs but were way more adorned, engraved with many runes and enchantments, crystals embedded inside them, they looked incredibly intricate. Sapphire’s gaze continued upwards, before stopping at the mare’s neck, as she spotted a collar which looked even more complex than the cuffs as an almost indecipherable amount of runes crisscrossed the object, its glow ominous and dark, much like the other equipment donned. Resuming her inspection, her gaze met with the other Sapphire’s, they had both been examining each other at the same speed, leading to them staring into each other. Her eyes exuded with power, shimmering with unrivalled strength, with dominance that pierced Sapphire’s very being. She broke her stare, a small blush rising on her face, something which the other Sapphire had noticed, as she replied with a devious smile, worsening the blush. Still not done with her scan, wanting to also distract herself from the weird feeling she had gotten from that exchange of looks, she looked higher up, spotting the final trinket the dimmer version of her had at the horn’s base. That one was easier to examine, it was a magical amplifier from what the dormant runes told. Done with her examination, Sapphire’s emotions finally took hold as utter shock and confusion wracked her mind, as she exclaimed. “Wh-What?!” “Y-You’re not a changeling, are y-you?!” “Considering we look slightly different, I doubt so,” the dimmed alicorn replied, pondering “They are very good at replicating ponies perfectly, appearance wise. How did y-” “Oh no, the spell worked!” Sapphire yelled out loud to herself, the realization having finally dawned on her from her other self’s comment, the only point of confusion being that the spell was just meant to go back in time, not directly into an alternate timeline. Only then did she discover what she had done, ‘And let fate be rewritten’, her final addition to the scroll had morphed the magic to act as a gateway spell rather than a time spell, her face permeating with concern. “I need to leave.” “What spell?” The other Sapphire inquired, raising an eyebrow, visibly intrigued by what she had heard. “I would like to know more ways to gain power, to spread Harmony and Order.” Those words did not ring well into Sapphire’s mind, not matching what she would normally say. Power? Harmony? Order? These weren’t compatible. Power clashed with Harmony, as for true harmony to be present, power needed to be kept in balance, not growing, and while true Harmony brought some order, it was mostly from coexistence and tolerance of one another, the concept of order was never meant to be a pillar of Harmony. Not only that but, Power and Order combined usually created tyrants and empresses, as Sapphire got reminded of the conflict she had been through, worry accentuating, feeling the other Sapphire’s aura of darkness even more. “N-Nothing!” Sapphire replied with nervous laughter, flustered. “I uhh… N-Need to go s-somewhere to d-do things! B-Byeeee!” She bolted off, rushing to go back into the archives so she could go back to the normal world, to the Equestria that did not have some weird version of herself. Unfortunately, that was a fruitless endeavour, as, tsking and flicking her horn, intense, empowered magic coursing through it, the dimmed alicorn brought Sapphire to a freezing halt. She had only been given permission to look and to barely move her mouth, but try as she might to struggle, it made zero visible dent in the spell’s power, remaining static. “I was never good at lying, but wow I did not expect I was that bad at it,” said the dimmed alicorn, highly unimpressed, as she left her throne, slowly making her way towards Sapphire. “This wasn’t a request, you will tell me about that spell of yo-Gah!” She recoiled from her spell fizzling, her horn sparking from the flow of powerful magic being abruptly interrupted, zapped by her own excess energy as Sapphire had taxed her magical reserves to cast a powerful counterspell. Freed from her magical prison, she immediately made sure to gain some distance from the other Sapphire, readying a battle stance, as she spoke. “I will do no such thing, now, if you let me leave we can resolve this amicably, you should know diplomacy is key.” “Diplomacy?!” The other Sapphire scoffed “Diplomacy is weakness unless forced! But sure, I will engage in diplomacy.” Her slow walk towards Sapphire continued, reciprocated by Sapphire walking backwards with each step she took, as her horn began shining bright with power, the runes on the magical amplifier glowing as the dimmed alicorn channeled another powerful spell. Her already domineering aura and expression grew, her smug smile stretching, stirring something hidden inside the mare in front of her as she spoke once more. “You give me the spell or you’ll give me the spell, there we go! The terms have been made!” “That is not how that works! N-No way am I accepting that!” Sapphire retorted, lighting up her own horn with arcane energies, readying a defensive spell while recalling her magical blade, doing the same with it. The weapon always returned to its soulbound owner, regardless of time and location, an incredible feat that took a lot of effort and literal help from Starswirl to make along with the ability to act as an arcane focus. “Oh well, and you said diplomacy is key. No matter, I prefer it this way~” With that, the dimmed alicorn blasted Sapphire with a beam of pure, unbridled, arcane power, hitting the shield cast to block the spell. From an outside perspective, it was hard to see that somepony was the target of such strength, as the immense flow of magic enveloped Sapphire’s rapidly crumbling shields in its entirety. Noticing that her blade’s shield broke, signaling to her that holding against this much power would lead to defeat, Sapphire taxed even more of her magical reserves to cast a quickened teleportation spell while still holding her barrier up, lest she be hit before she blinks away. Successfully evading the dimmed alicorn’s arcane wrath, Sapphire replied with her own magical rebuke, combining her horn’s arcane flow with her blade’s to form her own powerful beam. The dimmed alicorn quickly locked her gaze to Sapphire’s new location, recasting her spell towards her, as there was no better defence than overwhelming offense. Both beams clashed, their intense might pushing against another, as Sapphire put all that she could into her beam, knowing that dispelling her opponent’s magic would be too costly nor could she retry her previous trick, pinned into committing her arcane power into this one spell. Her struggle was visible, as she quivered from the growing arcane tax on her, her eyes completely closed, focused solely on this one spell. Meanwhile, the other Sapphire put some effort, but it was clear as day who was buckling and who wasn’t, as the cuffs fed her immense power while massively increasing her arcane reserves, and the magical amplifier on her horn doubled that already ludicrous amount of arcane output, making this much worse. Sapphire lost more and more ground, her magic overtaken by the dimmed alicorn’s dark, empowered energies, and upon feeling the dark magic warp around her horn, a sign of imminent danger, she began morphing her spell into a focused shield as a last ditch attempt to hold out against the stream of power. It did little to alleviate what happened next, as the blast propelled her backwards, sending her flying across the throne room, before landing and sliding further away, sparks of dark energy coursing through her and her horn. Her blade had also been sent flying, embedding itself in one of the walls. But, ever the determined mare, she stood up, shaking yet remaining ever defiant. Nothing would make her give in to defeat, as it would mean giving this cursed version of hers free reign to threaten her realm and even more, considering that Starswirl’s modified spell could probably lead to other Equestrias. “I am a bit surprised by this thing’s sudden appearance,” the other Sapphire said, pointing at the wedged blade, “but no matter, I'll make sure to analyse it later once I am done with you.” Coming closer to Sapphire at the same slow and uncaring rate as she did before, that ever-victorious smile of hers still growing, she continued. “Now, would you like to sample my magnum opus? I know you’ll love it~” Sapphire took a step back as she saw the dimmed alicorn teleport a collar right by herself, held in a magical grasp. A mix of both blush and dread came across her countenance, as she glanced at the object with worry, noticing the intricate runes and enchantments on it. Looking back at the other Sapphire’s own collar, curiosity always taking hold of her even in the direst of circumstances, she realized they were both very different from one another.  They were both intricate and complex, yes, but the collar her counterpart donned eclipsed the other one in terms of magical inscriptions by an overwhelming margin. Noticing Sapphire’s shifting looks, the dimmed alicorn clarified her statement, hoof pointing at her collar. “This is also my magnum opus, they are both interwoven with each other, you’ll see~” “Now stay still~” Sapphire did anything but that, but she only managed to earn a sigh from the dimmed alicorn, who immediately used her magic to freeze her in place, and with an audible ‘Click!’ Sapphire was now collared. She struggled to fight back the weird feeling that had renewed in strength, but signs of her hidden desire still escaped her as her face reddened and her mouth opened to let out a small moan, yet her semi-flagged tail certainly was the biggest indicator. Still, it seemed like those signs of weakness had gone unnoticed, as the dimmed alicorn looked at the now glowing necklace on her captive, giddy. Still, that was not the only feeling Sapphire had noticed, as it felt like something had intruded the deepest confines of her very being. “Wh-What is thi-” “Slave! No magic and no movement allowed!” “You may speak~” “What d-do you mean?” Perplexed and incredibly worried, with an extra hint of blush from being called a slave, Sapphire set out to test what her counterpart had just said. She tried casting a spell, as even if her magical reserves were basically depleted she could still do small cantrips, but when she attempted to do so, it didn’t work. She couldn’t think of any spell! She knew of her spells’ existence, but she was completely unable to picture herself casting them. It was like her own mind had locked away the knowledge to do so, causing a massive wave of worry to overtake her, making her instantly begin to test the other command. She tried moving her body, but found herself unable to conceptualize doing such an action, yet part of her hoped that she was still frozen by the other Sapphire’s magic. Unfortunately, a quick glance at her untouched body was all that was needed to confirm she had been released from the arcane grasp, multiplying her worries. “Wh-What have you done?!” “L-Let me go!” “Oh, you’re free to go~” “You just don’t want to~” “Since, your will is now my will~” “Remove th-this thing off-” No more talking, slave~ A thought pierced Sapphire’s mind, immediately cutting her vocal protest short, as she found herself unable to think of talking, her words now confined inside her mind, unable to be voiced as the other Sapphire began explaining her devices without any chance of being interrupted. “From a close distance, a vocal command suffices~” “But far away, nopony can hear my will.” She circled around Sapphire, continuing to unravel her devices’ intricacies, her pride growing the more she spoke, while the collared alicorn could only watch and listen. “So I made this complex object,” her hoof tapped her own collar, “and bound all other collars to it.” “It allows me to put my thoughts, my commands, my orders, into anypony’s mind~” Still donning her extremely cocky look, she put her muzzle right against Sapphire’s, teasing her. “No matter the distance~” “And that’s not all~” Intentionally pausing for dramatic effect, her mind stuck in some twisted fantasy, she spoke again. “I can alter anypony’s desires~” “Their goals~” “Their needs~” “Their wants~” “Mine to decide~” “I can shape you how I see fit~” “Whenever I want~” “Wherever you are~” “This feeling is my favourite~” “I make sure to give my subjects plenty of it~” Sapphire felt a sudden surge of heat overcome her entire body, blistering warmth making her dizzy, as her marehood began winking in need, dripping with lust, while she started panting heavily, her body quivering. It did seem that some of her body’s primal needs were left untouched, as quivering and panting would technically count for talking and moving, things which were currently unallowed. Still, the only things capable of showing her true emotions right now were her eyes, as they darted around in shock, fear, and lust. “So, while you were busy making what seems like a glorified wand, I made a tool that can bring Harmony. As there is Harmony in Order, and this,” the dimmed alicorn pulled on both the collars, “brings Order.” “I do have to give some credit to the voice speaking to me while I was exploring the vanished Crystal Empire for crystals. He greatly helped me with the idea, and I think he bestowed me with arcane knowledge to fulfil this amazing plan.” Pondering if she was done, intentionally making Sapphire struggle against her heat more, she decided to give her opponent a moment of respite, as the captive alicorn soon began feeling normal-ish again. The heat accrued had not gone away but it was no longer increasing, this giving her breathing room. “You may speak again, slave~” “You m-monster!” Was the first thing Sapphire let out. This was despicable, an erasure of what true Harmony was, replaced with forced obedience and imposed order, all at the whims of this twisted version of herself. “Follow.” The dimmed alicorn said bluntly, heading towards the doors leading outside, and unable to do anything but complain, Sapphire followed her. Finally arriving at their destination, she pushed the big doors open, revealing the city. “Look.” She commanded, guiding Sapphire’s gaze using the collar towards all the ponies walking to places, shopping and chatting. All of them sported a collar, and there was no sign of disturbance, of cacophony. “I brought peace. They live in joy and everything moves in tandem. No more war, no more infighting, unity.” Sapphire was horrified, everypony was under her control, every pony. She vowed to destroy the scroll that brought her here after leaving and, if it would be in the archives, this world’s scroll. “No, this is fake! You have become like them!” A nerve was struck inside the other Sapphire’s mind, as she grew furious. “Like them?!” “I am nothing like them!” “They caused suffering by waging a petty war!” “They want revenge, destruction, despair!” “I want peace, unity, and order! Bliss!” “And I brought it!” “And I should be rewarded with obedience!” “Every pony should follow my every command! For I saved them!” The more she talked, the more apparent the darkness within her became. Her reasoning, her goals, gradually becoming twisted by greed, and by her unchained desires. “I tamed the Solar Empress! I conquered the Lunar Empress!” “They both saw bliss, happiness, joy. Reunited together from the peace I brought, as my personal slaves~” “And while I do have favourites, I make sure to give my ponies all the pleasure they need, be it in person, or not~” “Nothing makes me feel better than to see them all enjoy a blissful rapture, and they feel the same way~” “It is their reward for being under my rule and it pays for the small tax of obedience~” Finally, revealed to Sapphire was her counterpart’s most corrupted desire, lust. It had merged with desires for control, for peace, for joy, forming something terrifying. “No, this is all wrong. Y-You could have used the Elements, you could have brought back true Harmony,” Sapphire said, defeat in her voice from the twisted sight before her, earning a fast paced but long retort from the dimmed alicorn. “The Elements did nothing! They made me an alicorn and caused small uprisings here and there but nothing came of it. Nothing had changed! I pondered challenging Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon individually, but I found that a foolish endeavor. So I turned to the artifacts inside the forbidden section of the archives. I turned some of them into my cuffs to grant me power along with the magical amplifier. And to make sure that everyone understood the blissful reign I would bring, I made the collars. And now all prosper!” “Y-You should have sought other ways, truly there must be better than this.” “This is perfection! I get to give everypony joy whenever I want, and they love it! While maintaining order and harmony! Everypony should experience this! They just need to wear the collar first~” The dimmed alicorn grew tired of Sapphire’s what-ifs, remembering what her other self could provide her, another realm full of new ponies to conquer and to bring into her realm of bliss. “You need to experience the realm of pleasure I bring, maybe then you’ll understand~” “And you haven’t given me the spell~” “I w-will not give y-” “You know~” “I know that you are persistent, even when you know you can’t escape, but let me remind you I can just ask you to simply do it~” That managed to shut her up, and she didn’t even need to command her to stop talking, though she should have ordered her to be mute earlier, but she had false optimism another version of herself would understand her then. Still, having a weak misguided version of herself as a personal toy spoke to her deep desires, and she was a generous, forgiving ruler. And, knowing herself, she knew a unique, blissful way to break her into her new role, while still getting that scroll. “Follow me, slave~” Compelled to obey, Sapphire did as told without her own accord, growing increasingly worried as to why her other self had simply not imposed her to give the spell. Upon heading back to the throne room, the dimmed alicorn exhaled, savouring what she was about to say and do, eager to see Sapphire’s reaction. “I like this place for the first times, it helps ponies understand who their new ruler is~” Sapphire’s blush crept back up, causing a devious giggle to escape the dimmed alicorn’s mouth. “Now, don’t think I had not noticed how you behaved when I first put the collar on you and even before~” “Your tail flagging itself, a moan escaping your mouth, and that ever present blush of yours from when you first looked at me~” “You crave submission, you crave lust~” Sapphire’s face reddened even more, she did not like where the other Sapphire was going with this, but her inner desires agreed, and her body showed that approval as her tail found itself going up again. “But I didn’t need those signs to know how much you wish to become a slave~” “As I still remember the old, needy me’s true feelings. Though I personally prefer conquering ponies now~” “I-I don’t k-know wh-what you are talking a-about!” Sapphire exclaimed, her intense blush countering her own poorly constructed lie, shattering it. “Well~” “You will~” “And I will enjoy conquering your very being, without doing it the easy way~” “Now, be a good slave and stay still~” The command spoken, Sapphire was back to being locked in place, forced to watch as her counterpart came closer to her, horn lit up with monstrous arcane energy. “You want to know the fun part about forbidden spells?~” “Some of them let you materialize your inner desires~” The dimmed Sapphire’s horn flickered, signaling a spell had been cast, as she looked behind her captive, noticing an arcane circle had appeared on the floor, before seeing tentacles sprout from a portal opening in the middle of it. “And right now~” “I want to see you enjoy these things while I…” She waited for the tentacles to align themselves, knowing exactly the pacing they took from using the spell many times, ready to lunge with them. Meanwhile, Sapphire’s eyes darted around, desperately attempting to find what her counterpart meant by ‘these things’, a mixture of blush and concern constantly on the rise as, unable to turn her head, she could not see what was to come. “Do this~” In perfect synchronization with the magical tendrils, she put Sapphire in a mouth lock, kissing her deeply, muffling Sapphire’s moan in perfect time as the tendrils breached into her wet, sensitive marehood and in her tight ponut. Sapphire had no idea what was inside her, but what she did know, was that they wriggled, slid perfectly into her holes, and gave her untold amounts of pleasure. She began quivering from the foreign objects’ rapid and deep thrusts, her counterpart’s mouth unable to completely contain the rising moans she made. Her gaze could only focus on what the dimmed alicorn was doing, a sight that fanned the flame of lust, as, despite her mind giving signals of alarm, her body’s carnal needs were unbound by reason. She struggled against the rising heat, slowly enjoying the feeling in her depths as both tentacles thrust at different speeds and strengths, always strong, always fast, but also always varied and asynchronous, giving her no pause to focus her strength into resisting the blissful barrage. Her mind was being weathered by the storm of bliss, but the knowledge of what the other Sapphire wanted to achieve and how she meant to do so had allowed her to steel her resolve, shielded by her readied determination. Parting from the deep kiss, a string of saliva connecting both their mouths, before stepping back to admire the scene unfolding, the dimmed alicorn grinned, her eyes shining with power, with lustful desire. Sapphire’s sounds of bliss had been let out, their true force known as the mare looked at her, eyes resonating with confusion but also with defiance. Circling her toy before stopping at her backside, she looked at the tentacles doing their work, seeing how each time one of them plunged into her toy’s depths, a small splash of liquid love escaped Sapphire’s depths, giggling from Sapphire’s pent-up state. Still, she needed to do more. Eyeing her toy’s flanks, finding the perfect target to bring her more pleasure, she rubbed her hoof on one of them, moving it around in a circular pattern.  “Having fun, slave?~” “Sh-Shut up!” Immediately responding with denial, her rational mind automatically swatting every lustful thought, Sapphire tried going back to focusing on resisting the assault on her backside, a hint of worry and lust growing from the hoof’s slow, repetitive motions against her exposed flank. She was right to be worried, as the dimmed alicorn smacked right in the middle of the target she had been making, searing blissful pain taking over that specific part as it then coursed through the rest of Sapphire’s rear, a very, very loud moan escaping her mouth. Her body quivered from the strong impact for but a moment, confirming to the dimmed alicorn that she was still resisting, yet her marehood’s increased gushes of liquid lust, especially right as she was struck told another story, one of enjoyment, and the dimmed alicorn could only oblige such a desire for more. “It’s so funny that I used to be such a prude bitch~” She smacked Sapphire’s rear once more, the pain felt increasing alongside the pleasure as she was struck in the same spot, already sensitive from the previous strike, making her body quiver for a little bit longer. “Always trying to fight against my desires, my primal needs, deeming it too degrading to even take care of this simple thing as it made me feel weak from doing so~” Another strike, exactly where the previous two were, louder moans, longer quiver and increased lust, need. The tentacles had increased their pace, the feeling of their victim quivering driving them to go as fast as possible, expecting a climax yet that was just made from the impacts against her. “Yet that only made my mind wander more and more into these lustful desires, the confines of my head helping stave off this lust by hoping that someday they would all be abated. Unfortunately, that created hidden desires, untold wishes that I wanted inflicted upon me, upon you~” “After all, the mind cannot hold these things at bay forever, at least not mine so naturally prone to drift in these parts. It had to bargain, to create a specific part of me that craved it so it could be pushed under the rug.” She put much more force into her next strike, causing Sapphire to be dazed for a few seconds, as a massive moan escaped her mouth and reverberated throughout the throne room, her body shaking heavily. Her cheek was completely red, her marehood gushing out plenty of her fluids in return for the bliss, and her mind reeled from the sudden lustful desire coursing through it, a whisper of caving in being made. “And so a duality was made. This heroic bringer of peace, the one who was striving to fight off evil, power and domination, secretly craved those exact things, inflicted upon her with lustful intent, ironic. And even then her boundless lust was still obvious, as she had learned zero techniques to reduce it.” “I-Aaaah!~” “I don’t need to debase myself!~” “I can-Ahhh!~” “I can handle it!” “Ah yes, I can clearly see that.” the dimmed alicorn said sarcastically, pointing to Sapphire’s freely flowing lust going down her legs and onto the floor that had become a sea of her liquid love, and to her mouth drooling with saliva, as she went to whisper in Sapphire’s ear. “Here’s something you don’t know since you were too weak to seek forbidden knowledge.” “If a pony or creature manages to find this weakness, this chained need, and fully free it from its bounds. The sheer amount of stored energy in it, of pent-up desire, is enough to permanently alter you~” Sapphire’s eyes shook with worry, her body’s quiver enhanced not by lust this time, but by fear, which she jailed behind a wall of denial and skepticism to regain her composure, well, her mental one, as her physical composure was rapidly dwindling. She was shaking much faster, and felt something coming, something strong, as her moans kept rising ever so louder and ever so needier. “This is why I don’t need to use this collar that I’ve put on you, slave~” “Because there is another, more interesting way to make you mine~” “And I want to test the theory I learned, to see if it is truly real~” The dimmed alicorn turned around, revealing her incredibly wet backside, as the sight of seeing a failed version of herself succumb to her powers brought her immense lust. But, she didn’t want to simply cause Saphire’s already astronomical blush to simply rise, no. She wanted to up the ante, to make it even worse for her, since her slave’s mouth wasn’t being used properly, only spouting words of defiance when it could do much more. She backed up slowly, swaying her rear in entrancing motions, as Sapphire gazed at the enticing sight, her mind delayed in its response. “Wait wha-Mmmph!~” Her sluggishness shown, despite the dimmed alicorn’s slow approach, she found her words cut short, replaced by a muffled moan, as her muzzle was engulfed by her captor’s marehood. The fact she was stuck in a state like this was already bad enough, but when she breathed in the intoxicating scent laden inside the dimmed alicorn’s snatch, her desire grew way further as the lovely smell of bluebells and lavender accosted her nose. She had never thought she smelled this good, forcing her mind to wonder how delightful her taste would be too, but she couldn’t give her opponent pleasure, she couldn’t give in, no way in Equestria would she do that. Unfortunately, she didn’t have a choice. The unending blissful destruction of her holes had constantly made her moan, and while she tried a bit more to shut her mouth inside the dimmed alicorn’s warm core, it was a fruitless endeavour, and she quickly gave her drifting mind its answer. Blueberries and blackberries, a perfect and downright addictively delicious blend, touched her tongue, immediately making her want more. Her resistances were failing, her inhibitions sundering from both the thrusting tentacles and the scent and flavour touching her senses, and the humiliating aspect of it lowered her will. The dimmed alicorn wasn’t done though, as she began using her muzzle for her own pleasure, moving back and forth, and using her magic she sent a spark of arcane towards her slave’s horn. Suddenly, Sapphire felt immense pleasure from where she was struck, but it slowly seeped in her entire body, as her entire body began screaming for pleasure. It was like she was being licked all over, or like every part of her was being fucked, her moaning becoming incredibly louder and wild from the sensations, and the dimmed alicorn was overjoyed to tell her what had happened. “Ahh~” “Chrysalis’ unicorn breaker~” “A very powerful changeling spell~” “With lowered enough magical resistances, it takes over your mana pathways~” “And instills immeasurable pleasure~” “Mmmph!~” “Hehe~” “You’re lucky you know~” “Casting spells while under its effect causes a blissful backlash equal to the strength of the magic channeled~” “But you aren’t allowed to use magic~” It was too much, everything was too much to handle, the spell on her, the way she was being debased by herself, the tentacles and the still present feeling of the collar on her neck and searing bliss on her flank. Despite her valiant effort at resisting the immeasurable pleasure accrued, she simply couldn’t handle it anymore. Her body quivered intensely, her walls attempting to clench onto the slippery appendages ravaging her as she splashed them with an immeasurable amount of her liquid love, her climax also loudly signalled by a much, much louder moan inside. The tentacles immediately reacted to the intense reverberations, as they splashed her with their own blissful liquid, warm seed, so much of it. Sapphire’s holes were rapidly filled, causing the massive amount of cum to spill out of her winking marehood and pulsing ponut, landing on the already incredibly wet floor, her body shaking even more than before as she revelled in the pleasure felt, of being stuffed full and bred. “Ahhh~” “Good slave~” The dimmed alicorn greatly enjoyed the powerful reverberations inside her depths, but not as much as the blissful thought of her slave finally succumbing to her inner desires, as she began feeling something else give her immense pleasure, her slave’s tongue. So good~ Sapphire had begun enjoying the bliss felt throughout her, her inner desires breaking open slowly as she licked her mistress’ inside with increasing want, need for the sublime taste she offered. Knowing her theory was becoming reality, the dimmed alicorn gave no quarter, using her slave’s muzzle with increased haste whilst channeling more and more power into her spell, and the tentacles did not care for their blissful release, instantly resuming their powerful thrusts inside Sapphire. Thus, stuck amidst a sea of pleasure, she lost track of time. She needed more, always needed more, and her wishes were always fulfilled, climaxing copious amounts of times, getting stuffed more and more, as she licked her mistress’ insides with desperation, craving what she provided. It was time, time for everything to be put to the test, as the dimmed alicorn began whispering incredibly tempting words inside her slave’s ear. “Isn’t this amazing slave?~” Amazing~ “This pleasure, this bliss?~” Bliss~ “Don’t you want more?~” “Forever?~” I-I w-want~ M-More~ Her slave’s eyes were fluttering from the thought, she did want more, she couldn’t go on without it, it was everything. “I can give you what you want~” “Forever~” “You just need to obey~” “To submit~” Obey~ Submit~ Need pleasure~ Need bliss~ “To your mistress~” I-I… The last word fostered every last bit of resistance, of will within her, scrambling to her mind’s survival as, recognizing something was wrong, that something was actually altering her very self and this was the last stand, it tried everything to bring her back to normalcy. “Submit to your mistress~” “Obey your mistress~” “Embrace submission~” “Embrace pleasure~” It was too late, her inner desires were free, and with those amazing words resounding in her head, she was rewritten, remade. She couldn’t deny her fate, she had wanted to be an obedient slave all her life, as her previous most cherished thoughts turned to dust; of protecting Harmony, of protecting ponies, of bringing peace and prosperity and of being a good ruler. All gone. She had a new life now, a new goal, a new purpose, and she would fulfill it, as she spoke the words circling inside her head like a mantra of her new life, though in a very incoherent and muffled manner, her muzzle still lodged deep inside her mistress. I will submit to my mistress~ I will obey my mistress~ I am your slave~ To follow you for eternity~ And to worship you forever~ To be granted pleasure, happiness~ I am yours~ A massive smile ruptured the dimmed alicorn’s countenance upon hearing the jumbled words reverberated throughout her marehood, and the sheer pleasure felt, the sheer joy from knowing she was right, that her theory was correct, and that she had turned her weak self into her own obedient slave, was too much to contain. She climaxed, giving her slave an amazing gift that she tried lapping up with immeasurable desperation. Her blissful rapture passing, she needed to get the final confirmation that this was all true. She unsummoned the tentacles, and spoke a command for the collar. “Slave, you are allowed to move freely.” “All commands cancelled~” Things didn’t really change, Sapphire was still hungrily lapping at her snatch and in the same position, but she just needed to do one thing to get all the information she needed. She began moving away from her slave, to gain distance and remove her marehood from her muzzle, but, as soon as she did, her slave simply moved forward, plunging her muzzle back into her incredibly wet marehood, constantly licking her nectar. “Perfect~” “So, slave~” “Who is your owner?~” “Who is the purpose of your life?~” Sapphire stopped her heavy worship and eagerly answered her mistress’ questions, her eyes looking at her with a completely obedient and lustful gaze. “You are, mistress~” “You are my purpose~” “You are my life~” “And I will serve you~” “Forever~” “I truly didn’t need to use the collar~” “Well, it looks very good on you, so you’ll still keep it~” “Of course, mistress~” “Oh, I almost forgot~” “Slave?~” “Yes, mistress?~” “Tell me about that spell you used to get here~” “Absolutely!”