Fluttershy At Your Service

by Antlerdragon

First published

Fluttershy serves Anon as a maid and more!?

Fluttershy is a single mare struggling to make ends meet. The shy little mare decides to become a private maid for a human!?

Fluttershy has a large bottom, which distracts her client even though she should be focusing on work.

Authors Note:
Slow burn? Not super slow, but it's a slow burn with some set up and fan service, not just straight to the bed.

Fluttershy Maid Service

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It was tough being a single mare in Ponyville. The world of smiley ponies was friendly, but you still needed a job to make ends meet.

Fluttershy had tried so many jobs. She loved her animals and music making, but it wasn't always necessary. Parties weren't constantly going on in Ponyville, and she had yet to feel confident enough to expand her business to other parts of Equestria.

The short, fair-pelted mare had recently gotten a job as a maid. Another job for her to try and probably fail at of course. She was so shy it was hard to talk to any pony without blushing and squeaking.

Fluttershy brushed back her long pink locks, looking at herself in the mirror to instill confidence. The pony that looked back at her didn't look too confident—but Fluttershy hoped confidence would grow on her after she actually put on the uniform.

"I can do this," Fluttershy said to herself, quiet as always (even to herself).

Pulling off her frilly pink pajamas, the mare put on a lace back bra, and a stretching, black thong. Fluttershy couldn't help that her bum had grown significantly larger than her chest. While her bosom remained a medium to small size, her ass was bulging.

"Just my luck," Fluttershy whispered as she pulled on her black and white blouse.

She was a fancy-looking maid, that was for sure. Her frilly maid outfit was nothing you'd see in an average hotel.

Glancing at the clock, Fluttershy put on some dark dress shoes. It was seven forty-five, time to get going so she could be early for her eight o'clock shift.

The small, big booty mare grabbed her purse and rushed out of her room. A simple breakfast on the go would do, so she grabbed a hay-shake that she'd gotten last night.

Sipping it loudly, Fluttershy stumbled clumsily out the door and hurried to a Bus Stop. Public transportation in Ponyville was so good, it just didn't make sense to have your own vehicle.

Fluttershy got on her bus five minutes after getting to the waiting spot and then headed to her first client. Oh yes, Fluttershy was a personal maid. She worked for big wigs, and if she managed to keep this job she might actually make it to Canterlot one day.

But for now, it was the very few Ponyville residents that could afford a pretty little maid.

The bus ride was peaceful. And Fluttershy yawned as it closed in on her stop. The gentle rocking motion of the bus was enough to put any pony to sleep.

Waving to the bus driver, the mare got off the bus and started towards her first job. Blinking away sleep and adjusting to the change in lighting, Fluttershy took in the towering home she had been dropped off at.

A large white home towered before her, one with bay windows, a white picket fence, and a massive, oak, wrap-around porch. These ponies were loaded.

Fluttershy had never seen this house, was it new? Or was this just a part of Ponyville she rarely visited? Either way, this was her job.

Breathing inward, the mare combed her small fingers through her hair and tried to summon confidence once again. Swinging open the white gate, the small beauty trotted up to the door of the massive home and knocked.

The small sound echoed, and then after a brief period of waiting, the door opened.

Fluttershy had to stifle a gasp. What stood before her wasn't a pony at all, it was a human. This human man smiled at her like this meeting was commonplace and then beckoned her in.

Fluttershy gulped, stepping tentatively into the home. The man closed the door and instantly regarded Fluttershy with an overjoyed expression.

"I'm so glad you're here! I specifically requested you, Fluttershy!" The man said gleefully.

Fluttershy didn't know where to look, the floor, the wall, or the man's face. Eventually, she decided on the human and tried to reply.

"U-um…why me?" She asked.

The human leaned forward an inch. "Oh how rude of me! My name is Anon, and I'm your biggest fan."

"Biggest fan?" Fluttershy squeaked in confusion.

Anon leaned forward more, causing her to flush a deep red. "You are so cute in person…" Anon said, trailing off as he stared lovingly into Fluttershy's eyes.

Fluttershy shielded her face and felt her ears steam with embarrassment. Who was this guy? And why did he like her so much?

Knowing he liked her, and seeing the glee swim in his gaze made Fluttershy feel all giddy and warm. She loved making new friends. And even more so, she loved making friends with creatures that weren't like her. Like the rabbits, bears, and chaos gods. This didn't feel too much different… except… Fluttershy felt like she was being looked at by a stallion, not a bunny.

"T-thanks," Fluttershy eked.

Anon smiled, stepping back and then gesturing around his large home. "Do as you wish, I'll ensure your paid no matter what. In fact, why don't you start on the kitchen and I'll make you something to eat after,"

Fluttershy managed to find her voice, "Oh no, you don't have to do that sir, I already had something to eat," she whispered.

Anon blushed, seemingly enthralled by her words for some reason.
"Well I'd like to give you more," he said.

Fluttershy blinked and then nodded, she guessed that a little more food wouldn't hurt. She was so short after all, maybe extra food would help her grow so she didn't feel so tiny all the time.

Wandering carefully around Anon, Fluttershy hurried to the kitchen. The kitchen was just as fancy as the rest of the home. It was decorated with hanging cookware, small plants, and a cozy kitchen window. The counters were black and white granite, and the fridge was voice-activated.

Fluttershy had been given her own cleaning supplies via the company, and promptly set her dark bag onto the kitchen island and rummaged through it for some spray and a rag.

Upon finding both, Fluttershy turned to try to clean anything she could. After a slow inspection of the kitchen, Fluttershy realized it wasn't dirty. There was barely even any dust.

Feeling wrong about wasting Anon's time, Fluttershy turned toward his previous place in the home. She found him much closer, leaning on the kitchen island and observing her.

"U-um, your kitchen seems to already be clean, sir," Fluttershy hurriedly said.

Anon blinked, as if registering her words took a moment, and then replied. "That's okay, just clean it anyway. I'm sure you know how to make it sparkle."

Fluttershy thought about this. Maybe Anon was correct, especially if Fluttershy was a new maid. Everything could be a little cleaner, right?

On that thought, the mare turned toward the sink and sprayed it with cleaner. Casting a nervous glance at Anon, she began to rub down the sink, and polish the counter surrounding it.

"Bend over a little while you do it," Anon said.

Fluttershy didn't know what to say for a moment. She leaned forward to wash the inside of the sink, feeling her tail twitch with embarrassment. Was Anon… checking her out? The thought made her core clench.

With the sink fully cleaned, the cute maid mare stood back up and turned to wipe the kitchen island. Scrubbing it, Fluttershy realized Anon was now staring directly at her breasts.

Looking dreamily at her, Anon licked his lips. He was clearly into her. That fact, was extremely clear, but Fluttershy was too shy to say a word. Instead, she let him wander around and hover near the sink, openly checking out her ass as she washed his counter. The motions were jiggling her bum, and that jiggling seemed to captivate Anon.

"Scrub that spot a little harder, it's dusty," Anon advised.

Fluttershy felt her eyes dart. There was no dust, but she was scrubbing harder anyway. She felt her asscheeks clap together again and again as she did so, and couldn't help but whimper. Her butt was so large that when she moved, it sent shock waves into her mare slit.

Suddenly, Anon was closer to Fluttershy and his breath was on her neck—making her squeak.

"Are you ok?" Anon asked.

Fluttershy blinked at her rushed hand movements, and slowed them down. Behind her, Anon was only inches away from touching her with his front.

"I'm fine," Fluttershy whispered.

Anon stepped away. "Good! Then we can work on the living room, how about some dusting?"

Fluttershy got her feather duster and got to work in the living room, gentle with each of the items she dusted. There was actually some dust in the living room, especially all over the trinkets and decorations. This helped the mare focus, whilst Anon continued to watch her from a recliner.

With each sway of the duster, Fluttershy's rump jumped. Each small motion was enough to bounce and slap her cheeks, and it was definitely a show Anon couldn't get enough of.

As Fluttershy was moving away from dusting a low to the ground statue, Anon interrupted her.

"Can you dust that again?" Anon asked suddenly.

Fluttershy paused and glanced at Anon, blue eyes wide. The small maid mare gulped.

"Please?" Anon asked, smiling and tilting his head.

Fluttershy nodded hastily, turning back to the item and dusting all the same spots again. As she did, she made sure to lean forward a little more. For some reason, the action made her cheeks flush, and her body feel hot.

Dismissing any thoughts about it, Fluttershy swam in her own bashfulness as she diligently dusted in her cute outfit. Her short frilly black skirt bounced atop her mounds as she worked, showing off all goods.

Anon could see her straining thong, and admired it alongside her beautiful and cute outfit. When Fluttershy seemed to run out of parts of the statue to dust, she began to stand up again, this time more slowly as if she were asking Anon for permission.

The idea made Anon hard.

"You can dust over here, maybe this table," Anon suggested, gesturing to a dark coffee table in front of him.

The small mare wandered over, moving like a shy little doe. She got to work with her bum facing away from Anon first, dusting the opposing table legs and then the top.

Forward facing, her breasts hung in view. The maid outfit was much more modest in the front, but Anon didn't mind so much. An unwrapped gift was just that much more enticing.

Fluttershy didn't have much to unwrap in the chest department, admittedly. Her breasts were small enough for Anon to hold, and they were perky whilst still remaining jiggly. For some reason or another, Anon liked this about Fluttershy. He was much more of an ass man, and her lack of chest made him feel like she was just that much more perfect. She was made for no one else.

Then, Fluttershy was moving in front of Anon. She was only a few feet away, if that. Knowing what was up, the mare bent over slowly to clean. But she couldn't stall for long, and eventually her large asscheeks were clearly and gleamingly exposed.

Anon almost drooled. She was jiggling with each move she made, and now he could clearly see his prize. The hypnotizing hills were soft and sleek. Despite their size there were no blemishes and they bounced like jello.

Anon wanted to bury his face between them. He wanted to rub and slap the little mare's butt, and watch her blush and whimper. He had loved Fluttershy since he was a young boy, and now that he could watch her, Anon was enthralled.

Abruptly, Fluttershy tumbled forward, seeming to lose her balance. She was pressed into the top of the table, wincing and hissing in pain.

"Ouch," The mare said meekly.

Anon shot up from his seat and hurried over, wrappinf his hands around the mare's waist to pull her up.

"Are you ok!?" He asked. "You aren't hurt are you?"

Fluttershy pushed up with her hands while Anon tried to pull her and steady her.

"I'm okay… I think," Fluttershy said, clearly startled by her fall. The mare stood up then, leaning on Anon's hands for support.

"Uh!" Fluttershy yelped. Her head jerked, and she glanced over her shoulder to stare at Anon.

Anon took a moment to catch on to the situation. Glancing down, the human realized he was hard, and his hard-on was now pressed in Fluttershy's asscheeks. He had helped her stand, but she had stepped back to steady herself and was now pressing herself against him.

Heat touched Anon's face. "I'm sorry," he said, but he didn't move.

Fluttershy didn't try to struggle. Instead, she blushed deeper and then glanced away. Covering her face with her hands, she flicked her tail out of the way, and then sighed.

"I feel so strange…" she murmured.

Anon touched her shoulder, removing a hand from her hip to try and comfort her.

"It's okay," Anon said firmly.

Fluttershy blinked at him, flicking her hair away from her eyes. The shy little mare turned then, and leaned toward Anon. She didn't know what she was doing, or why she was doing it. Maybe she was acting out, or trying to prove something?

Either way, the adorable mare was suddenly kissing Anon. The kiss was gentle, a simple touching of lips that made Anon's face blaze with heat.

Fluttershy closed her eyes, her face mirroring Anon's. The two were shocked, but they were kissing, and neither of them pulled away.

Feeling Fluttershy withdraw, (her body shrinking back less than an inch) Anon gripped her upper arms gently, encouraging her. The action allowed Anon to savor the sweet softness of the mare's lips for a moment longer.

The shock was wearing off now, and so it was only starting to sink in that Anon was truly kissing Fluttershy. The action was so sweet, soft, and warm that both parties were bursting at the seams with desire.

Startled by her own feelings, Fluttershy pulled away.

"I'm sorry!" She exclaimed. "I'm so sorry, sir, that was unprofessional!"

Anon looked at her with a smoldering expression. He wanted to go back in, but he didn't, and let her move away.

Sputtering and scrambling, Fluttery tripped backward, landing in the middle of the coffee table. The force of the fall flung up her outfit, revealing her bottom bits. Staring up in awe, Fluttershy blushed and tried to push down her skirt.

Anon covered his erection before saying, "Are you okay? Maybe you should get some water."

Fluttershy only squeaked, and then got up and hurried to the kitchen to do exactly that, get water. Gulping down a glassful, Fluttershy tried to calm her racing heart.

What was she going to do? She was like a mare in heat and over what? A human!? Gulping more water, Fluttershy hauled herself up on the kitchen island, and sat there, breathing heavily.

At this rate, she wouldn't leave this house before she was bred by him. What was a single mare to do? Paired with a sexy human, at a six-hour shift!?

Fluttershy's ear twitched, acknowledging Anon as he came into the kitchen at her right side.

"Fluttershy," Anon said simply, sounding professional.

Fluttershy winced. Was he going to scold her?

Fluttershy Maid Service [Middle]

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"How about I make you that meal, aye?" Anon spoke with nervously clasped hands.

Fluttershy regarded Anon, then her cup of water. "Sure," she whispered.

Anon smiled before crossing the space between them and taking the cup. Anon gestured toward the table and chairs behind the island.

Fluttershy—being so close to Anon—struggled to collect her thoughts. When she finally slid off the counter, she had been staring into Anon's eyes for an embarrassing amount of time.

Clearing his throat, Anon asked, "What is your favorite food?"

Fluttershy was quiet, sitting down at the kitchen table before searching for an answer. Her mind was still full of butterflies—ones that she tried to flush away but only migrated to her stomach. She enjoyed Anon checking her out, staring at her, and she didn't exactly know why, or why she followed his commands so happily.

A meal would be good. Was it a date?

"I like soups… and salads."

Anon hummed an acknowledgment and rummaged through the kitchen cabinets. Fluttershy lifted her eyes to watch Anon put together a salad, feeling flustered and giddy.

Humans were interesting to look at.

Anon scrambled to make a good salad, and then came to the table and set down a massive wooden bowl of it.

"I chose salad since… you know, you're a pony," Anon said, eyes uncertain.

Fluttershy averted her eyes briefly, and nodded. She loved salad.

Anon took another trip to retrieve some silverware, dressing, and the smaller—actual bowls they would be eating out of.

When Anon finally sat down, he avoided her eyes, smiling to himself.

"Help yourself," he said.

Fluttershy realized she was staring again, and quickly got to work on sorting herself out. She put on no dressing and began stabbing the salad in chunks.

When the mare had gathered a stack of greens on her fork, she opened her mouth wide and shoved it in. Crunching, the cute mare's cheeks swelled with her food.

Anon had eaten a single leaf before stopping to observe the mare eating. Now he laughed.

Fluttershy stopped chewing, cheeks partly swollen as she took in Anon's amusement with embarrassment.

"What?" She asked around the mouthful.

Anon tried to speak but the words were swallowed up by more laughter. Fluttershy swallowed audibly and then dropped her fork to dab her face with a napkin.

"I'm sorry… Did I make a fool of myself?" Fluttershy asked, then she covered her cheeks bashfully.

Anon tried to calm down, brushing away amused tears. "Maybe a little, but I think that makes you all the more sexy… Pardon me for saying so."

The small mare looked up through pink strands and then tilted her head curiously.
"What do you mean?"

Anon leaned his elbows on the table and cast his gaze deep into Fluttershy's blue orbs. "Where I come from, humans are everywhere. Life is a lot different. But now that I'm here and I see you in person," Anon paused for a beat. "I see you, for you," he ended vaguely.

Fluttershy didn't understand a thing he said. But something in his words struck a chord with her. The mare took another comically large bite and then looked to Anon for a reaction.

Anon laughed, this time much more loudly. The response still made the mare blush, but instead of feeling anxious, she felt like giggling herself. After swallowing the food, Fluttershy gave a giggle that sounded like a ringing bell.

Anon stopped his own laughter to admire Fluttershy's and then started in on his salad, eyes bright with something.

"So you… aren't from here?" Fluttershy asked, realizing her bowl was nearly empty.

"Not originally. But, no need to dwell on it, I've worked hard to get here. No regrets," Anon replied, chomping.

Fluttershy nodded, "That's good."

Stabbing up her food, the mare took the last bite of her meal. They sat in a peaceful, mildly awkward bubble for a time before Anon spoke.

"You can go if you wish," Anon said.


"You can leave, I'll make sure you get paid."

Fluttershy was taken aback but thought it over. She didn't want to go so soon, and for some reason, the food hadn't ruined her earlier mood.

"I-I- want to stay," Fluttershy replied.


"Yes… T-to finish work," the mare added.

Anon blinked and then stood up from the table. "Alright, then you can start by taking off your thong."

Fluttershy sputtered. "Wh-what!?"

"You heard me. It would help me supervise your fat ass better if you stripped off that thing," Anon said plainly.

After a few moments of turning crimson and breathing quickly, Fluttershy slowly stood up. Testing to see if Anon was joking, Fluttershy simply ignored him and moved around her seat—pushing it in and then preparing to leave.

"Take off the thong, I know you want me to stare at your little asshole," Anon snapped.

Stricken by his tone, Fluttershy stopped—turned away from Anon now. Biting her lip, the small maid reached down under her dark skirt and gripped the top of her thong.

"Good," Anon purred.

Anon's voice sent a shiver up the mare's spine, causing her to gasp. She obediently began to remove her thong, feeling wetness drip from her slit as she did so. When the thong was past her knees, she stopped.

"What are you waiting for, bend over and take them off," Anon insisted.

The mare shuddered, her internals clenching with excitement. She liked being bossed around by this sexy human. Doing as she was told, Fluttershy bent forward and swiftly pulled down her thong.

Stepping out of it, the mare made sure to put extra oomph into her motion. Her large bubble butt waved like water, and instantly Anon was erect and red-faced.

Fluttershy was quick and soon stood back up. Tugging down her little skirt, the pony glanced over her shoulder to glimpse Anon's gaze.

"Like that, sir?" Fluttershy asked.

Anon gulped, eyes wide, and nodded. He wanted to reach out, but held himself back, admiring the figure of the small blonde-pelted mare.

Her adorable ears twitched as she took in his expression, mirroring his lust with her own and mixing it with shyness.

"What now?" Fluttershy breathed.

Anon grappled with a tempest of emotions before stepping forward and leaning toward the mare. Would she kiss him again? Would she accept him?

Fluttershy hushed her rushing mind, and leaned in to meet Anon's lips. The kiss set them both ablaze. The heat of passion and rapture opened their mouths, and their tongues met with happy twists and lashes.

Anon delved as deep as he could, owning the little mare's mouth and bullying her tongue into submission. When he did, and held her tongue firmly down with his own, he felt her melt. She was his.

Anon pulled away, breathing loudly.

"Clean up this kitchen, wash the dishes and table. Then we can move to the upstairs rooms that need dusting."

The maid promptly got to work, moving over to pick up the salad bowl. Still bashful, the mare stumbled a little as she moved towards the sink. She was still dreamy from the intense tonguing.

Fluttershy gathered up the dining ware and began to wash it in the sink, bending forward to scrub a non-existent stain on one of the bowls.

Behind her, Anon approached, a surge of confidence sending the man forward. The small maid doing her chores diligently in his massive home felt like such an intense pleasure. As Anon watched her scrub, he got closer, wanting nothing more than to touch her asscheeks.

Fluttershy could feel the presence of Anon behind her, and scrubbed harder. Despite the fact she was interested, she was nervous out of her mind and constantly overthinking. But all of her thoughts disappeared when a hot hand smacked her right bum cheek.

The motion sent a shock wave up her body and rippled into her thighs and cunt. The initial slap was a test, one to gauge her reaction. When instead of crying out in anger, the mare cried out in pure pleasure—then quickly clasped a hand over her mouth—the next slap was much harder.

Fluttershy was flung forward slightly by the force of the slap, splashing soapy water all over the front of her outfit and splattering her face.

She also let out another loud—but muffled—cry of pleasure. Her ears turned pink, and her eyes swam with moisture. It felt so good to be spanked by the splayed human hand. But it was also a little humiliating, she was all wet—in more ways than one.

Fluttershy glanced up, eyes deep with something like passion. Anon took in her expression and smirked.

"I couldn't help myself," he said, eyes gleaming.

Fluttershy pulled her hands from her lips and then released a whimper. She hadn't meant to—she'd meant to say something—and quickly covered her lips again, but the response was enough to make Anon strike again.

This time he slapped her left cheek, splashing more dishwater onto the mare's expensive outfit.

"You like that?" Anon asked.

Fluttershy wiped water from her chin and tried to steady her rapid breathing. She wanted to say something, but all that came out were moans and groans.

Even though she wanted to tell Anon she didn't enjoy it, her body betrayed her. She was red-faced, her eyes gleamed, and her cunt gushed with juices.

"Ah, so you do."

Anon pulled a finger through the moisture that was currently running down the mare's thigh and then chuckled.

"You are so cute," Anon said.

Fluttershy squeaked and glanced over to tell Anon to not touch that stuff—only to witness the man sucking on his wet index finger.

The sight made the mare shift back, trying to get away from the scene, embarrassed that she was enjoying it. Anon, turning aggressive with intense lust, stopped Fluttershy from leaving. The human pushed his maid back against the sink and buried his crotch against hers—all whilst leaning forward and sucking on his finger.

The puckered lips moved hungrily right in Fluttershy's face, causing her to produce more juices as her insides squeezed and trembled.

"I wonder if your ass tastes this sweet… it looks so clean," Anon whispered.

Fluttershy had no words, and closed her eyes, shielding her face from the truth.

Anon flicked one of the mare's nipples, using his wet finger. "These are hard, do you like me that much?"

Fluttershy whimpered. She did, but she would never admit it, she couldn't. The feeling of butterflies had turned to intense tingles stretching up to wherever Anon touched.

"Of course you'd be so adorable that I'd want to ruin you," Anon said this with a husky voice, suddenly leaning closer toward his maid mare.

She didn't respond, she kept fully still and quivered. Anon felt an idea inch into his brain.

"Turn around, and bend over," Anon ordered.

The small pony did as she was bid, exposing her submissive fat ass to Anon and crying out with her meek helplessness. Anon had already made up his mind and immediately slapped Fluttershy's cheeks.

The mare's sleek buttcheeks turned pink under the assault—and Fluttershy moaned, this time gripping the counter rather than covering her mouth.

"I'm going to make you cum, just from this," Anon said, setting the bar for himself.

Pulling back his hand Anon quickly thrust it forward and slapped the middle of the bulging butt. Again the mare swung forward, and again she moaned cutely.

"Fuck yeah," Anon grunted, enjoying the sting of ownership on his palm.

Anon continued his spanking, watching the redness spread and enjoying the constant jiggle of the thick cheeks. They were smooth and soft, and each slap gave Anon more fuel for his raging hard-on.

He wanted to do much more than spank Fluttershy's fat ass, but each powerful motion sent more cunt juice leaking out, and every moan got louder. She was enjoying his spanking so much that the pain didn't seem to matter(if there was any).

Water sloshed and splashed as Fluttershy was spanked further and further across the counter until she was practically bathing in the sink. Her breasts were soaked, stirring up the soapy water she had been using for the dishes. Beads of water and sweat touched the mare's complexion with each harsh spank.

"How does this feel?" Anon asked.

Fluttershy couldn't speak, so she moaned. Another powerful spank resonated in her clit and against her insides, causing her to gush and arch.

"Does it make you want to cum?" Anon asked, his deep voice dripping with lust.

Fluttershy couldn't deny the truth, and with each swing of Anon's hand, she wanted to shudder in orgasm. But even without that, she was a live wire, tingling and absorbed by the electric shivers that raced over her body.

All she wanted was for it to never stop. But she would never admit that either.

Anon stopped in his slapping, abruptly stealing her joy.

Fluttershy, practically drooling, glanced up from her position with a dazed expression. Anon looked down at her, smiling.

"Tell me you need it," Anon said.

The mare was silent, blinking away a haze of lust from her pupils.

The relentless Anon continued, "Tell me you need me, and you never want it to stop."

Fluttershy was quiet, her tongue feeling heavy. She was too embarrassed to say anything close to that, and the idea made her throat close.

"Tell me, or I will stop."

The words hung in the air, and after a long moment of silence, Fluttershy swallowed her lump and spoke.

"I n-need it…"


"I never want-want you to stop," Fluttershy tripped over her words, her body ablaze all over with humiliation and pleasure.

In an instant, Anon was a flurry of motion. He was spanking the small mare more brutally than before, spreading out his slaps and making sure every single one counted. Sometimes Anon would rub the softness of one of the mare's cheeks, prepping for a spank before giving it all he had. That always earned him an intense sputtering moan.

Hand red with the effort, Anon swung again and again, startling Fluttershy into a mess of whimpering and loud moaning. The small submissive maid was getting her ass pounded simply by a human hand—and she could barely take it!

Anon could barely take it either, he had to make Fluttershy cum, and then take her ass. Putting more strength into his arm, he slapped like there was no time to waste (which there wasn't) and watched as the small maid became like jello under his palm.

She was soft, whimpering, red all over, and sweating bullets. Anon reached down and powerfully pulled her thighs apart, watching her slit drip profusely as her fat butt was abused.

Anon also noticed the mare's puckering rosebud. If he slapped hard enough, the cheek he targeted would displace and expose the sensitive area. He wanted nothing more than to touch it. The tight little hole represented a well of happiness.

"A-anon," Fluttershy said.

Hearing her say his name so adorably, so meekly, made Anon feel like blowing his load right then and there. Instead, he spanked her quicker, targeting the lower part of her ass so he could watch the shockwaves jiggle down to her pussy and thighs.

She was close, and suddenly she was oozing and twitching with every slap. One final spank pushed her over the edge, and then she was moaning Anon's name.

A mess, Fluttershy went limp, twitching and sighing. Anon was unzipping his pants now and reached a hand over to start to gently play with the mare's heated asscheeks.

"My outfit is soaked…" Fluttershy murmured, dazed.

"Then we should remove it," Anon said. Staring at the dripping mess that was his mare, Anon felt his erection throb.