> A Group Giggling Activity > by StarkyShy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Eager Exploration > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sandbar and Yona sat uncomfortably silent in the yak’s dorm room. Though they weren’t alone, their other friends had also joined them, sitting on one of the beds or chairs around the room. But it wasn’t the addition of guests that made them feel so tense, Gallus, Smolder, Ocellus, and Silverstream were just as anxious and uneasy as the couple. They all knew why they gathered inside, but no one was brave enough to actually start the conversation. It all started last night. For Sandbar and Yona, it was a special night that they had been planning for about a week. Sandbar went around getting a custom order of rope and lotion and other tools, Yona spent a lot of time convincing Ocellus to spend the night in Smolder and Silverstream’s room. All of their prep culminated in a very long night of tickling, laughter, and snuggling. It was meant to be an intense, intimate and most importantly, private, moment for the couple. When the morning came, Sandbar was meant to sneak back into his room before Gallus woke up. But an entire night of verbal teasing and toe feathering and foot brushing takes more out of a pony or yak than they expected. And for Sandbar, naked snuggles in the tender embrace of a gentle, loving yak was overwhelmingly comfortable.  They overslept far past sunrise. And when they did wake up and quickly got dressed to get on with their day, Sandbar opened the door to see his four other friends waiting outside, looking very sleep-deprived. Sandbar barely got an awkward greeting out before he was hit with a blunt “We know what you two have been doing,” from Smolder. Sandbar and Yona just…assumed that the dorm walls were soundproof. Or at least, soundproof enough… But their friends knew. They knew for a WHILE. The realization alone would be mortifying enough, but now their friends were insistent on talking about it. And yet, after they all walked into the room, not a single word had been spoken since. Smolder tugged at the ropes, still attached to the bed, as if she wanted to see how far she could casually tug without them fraying, and how hard Yona was getting tickled to warrant such thick rope. Silverstream quietly looked in through Sandbar’s box of tickle toys, trying to pretend that she wasn’t imagining some of the bristles running across her feet and over her wings. Gallus and Ocellus couldn’t look their roommates in the eye, all they could visualize whenever they looked at them was the couple stripped naked and tickling each other, or worse yet, them teaming up to tickle them to tears. And Sandbar and Yona’s faces had been blushing bright red the entire time, breaking out into a cold sweat as they could practically feel the judgment from their friends as each second passed by in silence. Gallus finally managed to lift his head up and look straight at Sandbar. “So…what’s…so great about being tickled?” It came out awkwardly and he probably could’ve worded things better, but at least he finally forced the conversation into motion. “Huh?” Sandbar perked his head up, shocked by the sudden break in silence. Yona did the same, but was too stunned to speak. “Y’know, just…why do you two do it?” Gallus quietly tapped his index fingers together. “I…uh…” Sandbar was at a loss for words, was Gallus genuinely curious? He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s…just something we think is fun.” “Yeah, but…what do you find fun about it?” The blush on Sandbar’s cheeks intensified. “W-Why do you ask?” As embarrassed as Sandbar was by answering, Gallus’s cheeks were getting just as red by asking. “Just…wondering, is all…” “Oh, um…well…” Sandbar paused. He loved the times when he was tickling and being tickled by Yona, but to explain why was hard to put into words, especially with the pressure of all his other friends watching him for his response. “Just…when I’m being tickled, it just makes me feel all…excited…and…happy?” “...Is that all there is to it?” Gallus asked. His tone wasn’t skeptical, just curious. “N-No, i-it’s not just that, it’s j-just…” Sandbar stammered, trying to get his thoughts in order. Yona decided to add in her input. “Yona love laughing. Yona feel happy and tingly when laughing. And when Sandbar tickles Yona, Yona can’t stop laughing. It makes Yona feel good knowing Sandbar doing so much to make Yona laugh.” “Y-Yeah,” Sandbar nodded. “Even if it’s just playful. Like, if Yona comes up from behind and squeezes my sides, it’s like my mood instantly improves.” “That sounds…nice…” Ocellus sheepishly smiled. “And tickling Sandbar lots of fun, too!” Yona added, wanting to give her friends some perspective on the other half of their tickle-kink. “Sandbar make lots of cute squeaks when Yona gets his armpits.” Gallus and Smolder let out a few teasing snickers, much to Sandbar’s embarrassment. “Y-Yeah? Well, Yona’s feet are as ticklish as they are big!” Sandbar huffed, wanting to take his girlfriend with him in retaliation. “I’ve had a lot of fun finding all of her tickle spots and making her squeal.” Ocellus and Silverstream immediately looked over to the blushing Yona, and then their attention went right down to her feet. They did look as big as they ever did, and rather soft, too… Both Yona and Sandbar were just as red in the face as they were before, but the more they kept talking, the more comfortable they got while talking about their frequent tickle sessions. “Yona really like when Sandbar crawl on top of her to tickle upperbody. It real nice, intimate position.” “When Yona blindfolded me, it made all the tickling even more intense, but it was getting me tingly all over! Not knowing where or when she’d tickle me was scary, but exciting! “Sandbar get really mean when he do teases while tickling, but mean in good way! It like he make things tickle more when he talks!” “Yona’s got a lot of stamina, so I get a lot of time to really get her laughing, and with how much of her there is to tickle, I need all the time I can get! Helps that I got these new ropes that’ll keep her tied down.” All their friends listened intently as Sandbar and Yona talked about tickling and being tickled by the other one. And with their interest, a few other feelings started to get mixed in as well. Sandbar awkwardly scratched his neck as he tried to finish up his explanation. “So…um…yeah…Does that answer your question, Gallus?” “Kinda? I guess?” Gallus shrugged, unsure if he was entirely satisfied with everything he’d been hearing. “Ugh, sorry, I know this all sounds super weird to you guys,” Sandbar sighed. “I mean yeah, but it sounds really fun, too!” Silverstream grinned. “It…does?” Yona tilted her head. Ocellus nervously chuckled and pressed her fingers together. “Would it maybe be possible if…we tried it out, too?” Sandbar did a double-take. “Wait, you guys…want to be tickled?” “Well yeah,” Smolder smirked. “Why else would we be having this awkward conversation?” “From what we’ve been hearing, and trust me, we’ve been hearing it for a loooong time,” Gallus snarked. “You two have been having a great time, might as well see what’s so great about it.” “Plus if it gets me a good night’s sleep again, even better,” he muttered under his breath. Sandbar and Yona stared at each other, then at each of their friends, their jaws hanging open in shock. They were dreading a rejection of their kink, but an open curiosity to it left them completely baffled. Yona needed clarification. “...Friends want Yona and Sandbar to tickle them the same way Yona and Sandbar tickle each other?” “W-Well, maybe not the exact same way!” Ocellus sputtered out. “But just something so we can see what it’s like for ourselves?” Yona and Sandbar exchanged glances. Sandbar already had most of the tools and bondage gear ready, plus their friends were genuinely willing to do this of their own volition. Sandbar looked back to his friends. “Um, yeah! I think we can arrange something for each of you!” “WOOHOO!” Silverstream cheered, immediately diving towards Sandbar’s box of tickle tools. “Ooh, I want that one, and this one, and this one…!” Smolder held up one of the blue ropes. “We don’t have to be tied down with stuff strong enough to keep Yona down, right?” “Well, not unless you want to be,” Sandbar said. “I mean, we’ll see what works to make you comfortable.” “Can we at least start tomorrow?” Gallus yawned, rubbing the bags under his eyes. “I really need some freakin’ sleep.” “Of course!” Sandbar nodded. “We need time to get everything sorted out anyway. So if there’s nothing else, then-” “Ooh! Ooh!” Silverstream raised her hand and frantically waved it around. “If we do end up liking it, does that mean we’ll get to join in on your late night tickle sessions?” Sandbar hesitated to give an answer. Sure, his friends sharing another particular interest of his would be nice, but to have it intersect with his private, intimate moments with Yona? Then again, apparently they weren’t as private as they originally thought… “Uh…” Thankfully, Smolder decided to save him. “C’mon, Silverstream, let them figure this out one step at a time.” “Just…come find us whenever you’re ready, alright?” Ocellus said. With little else left to discuss, the group of four left the room, leaving Sandbar and Yona to plan their friends’ upcoming tickle sessions. As soon as the door closed, Sandbar immediately flopped backwards onto the bed. “Well, this has been the most humiliating moment in my life,” he groaned, smothering his face with a pillow. “Why? Friends all seem fine with us doing tickling stuff.” Yona tried to offer sympathetic headpats. “Yeah, but they knew about EVERY time we did it…” Even Yona couldn’t keep her smile up. She remembered saying some very embarrassing things just to make Sandbar let up on the tickling. “Well, look on bright side! Now we get to make friends embarrassed right back!” Sandbar pulled the pillow off his face. Instead of a blushing cringe, his eyebrows furrowed with determination. “Alright, let’s see what we can do.” Sandbar and Yona kneeled down next to the box of tickle tools, pulling them out and discussing whether or not they should use it on one of their friends. “...Say, Yona?” “Yes, Sandbar?” Sandbar glanced at the door. “What Silverstream said earlier…if some of them do end up liking it, what happens then?” Yona’s ears perked up. “What you mean?” “Like, if we have another tickle session together…are we just gonna let them join in?” “Sure! Why not?” Yona eagerly nodded. “More friends mean more laughter!” “I guess, but…I dunno, I liked doing this stuff cause it was a special thing for just the two of us.” Yona gave Sandbar a teasing smirk. “Is Sandbar worried Yona might enjoy being tickled by other friends?” “Well, I wouldn’t say it like that…” Sandbar said, guiltily scratching the back of his head. Yona put a hand on Sandbar’s shoulder. “If Sandbar want to tickle or be tickled just by Yona, all Sandbar have to do is ask,” Yona winked. “And if Sandbar want to tickle or be tickled by other friend, that fine, too!” Sandbar softly chuckled. “Thanks, Yona. I guess I’ll try not to be too jealous if one of them wants to try tickling you.” “Heehee, no need to be worry. Sandbar best at tickling Yona!” “Heh, we might have to find an actual private place later on…” The next day, after some much-needed sleep, Ocellus, Gallus, Smolder, and Silverstream gathered outside of the same dorm room they confronted Sandbar and Yona in. “...So we’re really doing this, huh?” Smolder looked around, trying to see if anyone had any second thoughts. “Guess so,” Gallus nodded. He tried to act as disinterested as possible, but the sweat dripping down his feathers betrayed his aloof attitude. Ocellus couldn’t stop staring at the door to her room, her mind already racing with a million thoughts a minute on what was on the other side. Silverstream put a hand on the changeling’s shoulder. “Ya nervous, Ocellus? It’s only gonna be a little tickling!” Ocellus fidgeted in place, rubbing her hands together. “Well…being tied down and tickled by Yona and Sandbar does sound a little…intimidating…” “Aw, it’ll be fun! You’ll see!” Smolder turned to Gallus “You remember what Sandbar said about needing special rope to tie Yona down?” “Yeah?” Gallus raised an eyebrow. “I wonder what he’s doing to her that requires ropes that strong in the first place…” “If that’s the case, it’s a wonder the bed is still in one piece,” Gallus chuckled. The door opened, and Sandbar peeked his head out, seeing that all his friends made it, waiting for their tickle session. “So…which one of you wants to go first?” > Silverstream's Savory Squeaks > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silverstream immediately jumped in place, waving her arms about. “Oooh! Me! Me Me Me Me Me! Pick me!” Well, with such an enthusiastic response, it was kinda hard not to single out Silverstream. With a shrug and a smile, Sandbar beckoned in the hippogriff. “Alright, come on in, Silverstream.” With a giddy squeal, Silverstream ran towards the door to see what Sandbar and Yona had come up with. During their absence, Yona and Sandbar had transformed the dorm room into a makeshift tickle dungeon. Different ropes and straps ran underneath and around the corners of the beds, the desks displayed as many tickle tools as they could fit, and several bottles lined the shelves. “Woah…This is so…cool!” Silverstream said in awe, constantly turning around to see how they decked out the dorm room. “If you don’t mind, just take off your shoes so we can get started,” Sandbar said. “Don’t wanna keep the others waiting too long, after all.” “Oh, do I take the rest of my clothes off, too?” Silverstream asked, kicking off her flip-flops. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to, just strip down to your comfort level,” Sandbar explained, turning around to take inventory one more time. “I mean, Yona and I usually do these things naked, but that’s just because we’ve done that stuff as a couple. If you’re not comfortable taking your clothes off in front of us, that’s totally fine, so-” The moment Sandbar turned back around, Silverstream’s bra flew onto his muzzle. Removing it only revealed the rest of Silverstream’s naked body.  “Ooookay then!” “So, when are you two gonna get naked?” Silverstream asked, pointing at Sandbar and Yona. “Wha-Us?! You want us to be naked, too?” “It’s only fair, right?” “Silverstream make good point, Sandbar,” Yona nodded, already pulling her skirt down to her ankles. After a beat of hesitation, Sandbar shrugged and started stripping. Being nude in front of Silverstream clearly wasn’t going to be the weirdest part of his day, anyway. “I know this is all new to you, but if you have any sort or preferences on how you wanna be tied up or tickled, we’ll do our best.” Silverstream zipped around the room, looking at all her different options. So many tickle tools and bondage gear on display, she wanted to try them all! But she probably couldn’t get through them all at once. Maybe next time? Oh, but what should she go for first, then? As Silverstream kept searching and racking her brain trying to decide. Sandbar couldn’t help but let out a soft chuckle at the hippogriff’s natural enthusiasm. It almost felt like she had been doing this with them for ages. Eventually, Silverstream made up her mind, swiping a bunch of tools off the desks, holding them in her arms. “Oooh, just tie me up on the bed and tickle me silly with these, okay?” she grinned, immediately foisting her haul onto Sandbar and Yona. “Good choice! Just lie down and Yona and Sandbar tie Silverstream up!” Yona nodded. “Woohoo!” Silverstream immediately flipped onto the bed, lying with her arms high above her head and her legs straight out as an indication on how she wanted to be tied up. Yona and Sandbar quickly got to work getting Silverstream into position. They wrapped her wrists and ankles together, then tied her now bound wrist and ankles to each other underneath the bed. For added comfort, they made sure to place pillows underneath her head. “Oooh…” Silverstream shimmied her hips side to side, eagerly awaiting her tickles. Once Silverstream was tied down, Yona and Sandbar laid out all the things Silverstream had chosen, quietly discussing what they should do with each of them. Silverstream was already squirming around on the bed. Not in an attempt to break free, her excitement was simply ramping up as she waited. “Alright, if it gets to be too much, just say ‘pink’ and we’ll stop, got it?” “Mmhm!” Yona and Sandbar loomed over Silverstream on opposite sides of the bed, before striking simultaneously with smirks on their faces. Sandbar’s fingers eagerly spidered all over Silverstream’s stomach, with a finger occasionally dipping into her navel. The much larger and taller Yona had better reach, and spread her arms out to scribble her fingers in her armpits and squeeze her thighs. Silverstream, predictably, exploded with laughter. Her wings immediately spread out wide as she started leaping around on the bed. “EEEEHEEEHEEHEEHAHAHAHA! OHOHOHO GOHOHOHOHOHOSH!” They could have spent time methodically testing each spot to see where Silverstream was the most ticklish, but she did say she wanted to be tickled silly. They’d just have to wing it as they tickled her all over. Not that finding a tickle spot on Silverstream seemed to be a problem. With the way she was already arching her back, it might have been her stomach, armpits, thighs, or hopefully, all three. It had only been a few seconds, but things were already promising. “Oooh, Silverstream so ticklish!” Yona teased, her fingers digging into her inner thigh. “Enjoying yourself so far?” Sandbar asked, squeezing Silverstream’s stomach, though he was pretty sure he knew the answer. Silverstream eagerly nodded. All their fingers wiggling and squeezing and s scritching around her body felt great! “YAHAHAHAHA! YEHEHEHES! IT’S SOHOHOHO FUHUHUHUHUN!” Yona shifted her focus more onto Silverstream’s lower body, getting her hands on the hippogriff’s thighs and giving them plenty of playful squeezes. Her thumbs squished into her hips every so often. Sandbar took the opportunity to move upwards, walking his fingers up her ribcage and then dug hard into the hollows of her armpits. Though he remembered to give Silverstream’s stomach some attention with a few pokes and scribbles. “KYEEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEEEEE!” There was definitely a massive shift of intensity in Silverstream’s laughter. It was definitely caused by either Sandbar’s fingers digging into her pits, or Yona squeezing her hips. Though it was impossible to tell who should take credit. With Silverstream already naked, Sandbar decided to get a little more frisky. And with his hands already at her armpits, it made for a smooth transition to teasing and tickling her breasts, just to see if they were sensitive, like Yona’s. Meanwhile, Yona couldn’t resist any longer. She had been standing at the edge of the bed, right in front of Silverstream’s wiggling and curling feet without doing anything for far too long. Her attack started off strong, digging her fingers right at the stems of her toes. “Mmmhmhmhmh! O-Oooh…!” The tender attention to her breasts made Silverstream giggle, squeak, and blush, but the strike to her toes made her screech. She heaved her chest upwards as she screamed with laughter. “EEEEHEEHAHAHAAAAHAHAHAHAAAA!” With Silverstream leaping into the air, Sandbar was practically cupping her breasts, not that he seemed to mind. He continued to lightly tease and run his fingers over her breasts, quietly thankful that Silverstream’s head was covering up his crotch from Yona’s view. Yona was busy making up for lost time, wildly scribbling her fingers up and down Silverstream’s soles, tickling without caring what spot was more sensitive or if she was trying to bat at her hands with her soles. She just wanted her fingers to cover as much of Silverstream’s feet as she could. Silverstream’s body didn’t know whether to laugh or moan, what came out was an attempt to do both at the same time. “NNNFFFAAAHAHAHAHAAA! OOOHOOHOOHOO AAAAHAHA GOHOHOHOSH!” Sandbar’s gentle fingers running across her breasts mixed with Yona’s non-stop scribbling was more than enough to turn her cheeks red. Sandbar’s own cheeks were almost as red. He could feel the burning start to reach his ears. He could see Yona looking up and making her way towards him, so he quickly switched to some armpit scribbling just to make sure Yona wasn’t getting the wrong idea. Yona was changing locations to get higher up on the bed, but not to confront Sandbar for having his fun. Silverstream’s arms reflexively jerked, trying to pull her arms down to her sides as Sandbar’s fingers dug into those taut hollows. The rope that was holding her in place wasn’t the blue rope that Sandbar claimed could hold Yona down, so there was still a bit of wiggle room. But it didn’t mean much as she still couldn’t bend her elbows or knees to any helpful degree. Through teary eyes, Silverstream saw Yona getting closer, standing on the side of the bed, her hands on the mattress. It looked like she was just observing, but with Sandbar’s fingers constantly scritching at her armpits, it was hard to concentrate. She didn’t register Yona’s head coming down onto her stomach until her lips were already buzzing. “EEEEEAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!” Yona gave Silverstream’s stomach a powerful, long raspberry, easily covering a good amount of her belly all by herself. “Wow, you’ve got a really ticklish tummy, don’t you, Silverstream?” Sandbar teased, leaning over the bed to look down at the hippogriff. “YAHAHAHAHAHA! YEHEHEHEHES! IT TIHIHIHIHICKLES SOHOHOHO MUHUHUHUHUCH!” Silverstream cackled, her wings popping out, extending past the sides of the bed. “Huh, interesting! I gotta see this for myself!” Sandbar smirked, walking to the side of the bed opposite of Yona. As soon as Yona lifted up her head, Sandbar took her place, buzzing his lips on a different part of Silverstream’s stomach. “AAAAIIIIEEEE! WAITWAITWAAIIAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!” Without a beat of rest, Silverstream threw her head back with more wild laughter. Sandbar’s lips didn’t cover as much area as Yona’s did, but he made up for it with faster buzzing lips. Probably. It was kinda hard for Silverstream to tell. Once Sandbar lifted his head up for air, Yona immediately went down to take his place, giving Silverstream a raspberry on a slightly different part of her stomach. Once she was done, Sandbar went back in. They continued trading places, always giving the hippogriff belly a constant stream of tickling. The couple were surprisingly well-coordinated for something they never could have practiced before. Silverstream howled with laughter, the constant buzzing sensations on her stomach caused tears to start flowing down her blushing cheeks. With her arms and legs tied, her biggest form of movement was twisting her body from side to side, though that only served to turn herself towards her next tickler. “If you’re laughing this much already, I wonder what you’re gonna do when the real tickling starts…” Sandbar chuckled, finally letting up and giving her a chance to breathe. Silverstream immediately started gasping for air, letting out wheezy giggles with each exhale. Her head felt lightheaded and giddy, and stomach still felt tingles. The way Sandbar said ‘real tickling’ gave her shivers all over. “Silverstream excited?” Yona grinned. “S-So much…!” she deliriously giggled. “Ooh, this is fun! No wonder you two do this all the time!” Sandbar and Yona stood up with one of the first things Silverstream requested: large, six-inch wide paintbrushes. One in each of their hands. Just seeing them hold the brushes in their hands already made Silverstream’s feet curl. “Now, where should these go first…?” Sandbar mused, already pressing the bristles against her ribs and sliding them down her side. “Mmmph…Heeheeheeheehee…!” Silverstream wiggled her hips side to side, squirming more as the bristles ran down her body. Sandbar traced the brush across her stomach. “Maybe across your belly again, because we know it’s so ticklish…” “Eeeeheeheeheeheep!” “Or maybe we tease somewhere else sensitive,” Yona cooed, sliding the brush right in her cleavage. Silverstream let out a gasp. Her hands clenched into fists as her arms trembled. “Oohoohoo…” Sandbar smirked, already eyeing his target. “Or maybe…” he slid over, standing on the other side of the bed, right in front of Silverstream’s feet. “...I use these on your slender feet…” Silverstream’s toes curled up. She could no longer see most of the brush in front of her feet, but it was like she could feel it already touching her. “...Hee! Eeheehee! Ahahaha!” A giggle escaped her beak, then another, and another. Her toes kept curling, and she could stop herself from laughing, despite not actually feeling the brush on her feet. “Ooh, look like Silverstream really want her feet brushed!” Yona smirked, watching the hippogriff squirm and giggle from anticipation alone. “Well, lucky for me, I really want to brush her feet!” Sandbar replied, pushing the bristles closer and closer to her heels. The moment Silverstream felt the bristles poking at her heels, she let out a yelp. Her feet immediately wiggled and squirmed, causing giggles to start pouring out of her beak. She could already feel the brushes jittering up and down her feet, though they never got further than halfway up her feet. Her feet kept bouncing in place on the bed by reflex. It seemed like Sandbar was fixated on brushing her heels, as no matter how much her feet squirmed, the brushes never strayed far from the same spot. Sandbar smirked, pulling the paintbrushes back. “Alright, now let’s see what happens when I actually start moving the brushes this time…” Silverstream’s eyes went wide, before cracking an embarrassed grin. That whole time, what she thought was Sandbar making rapid strokes against her heels was… “Look like Silverstream so excited, she tickle herself!” Yona teased, looking down at Silverstream with a smug grin to match Sandbar’s. Silverstream let out a nervous chuckle that quickly changed into frequent giggling as Sandbar started to tickle her feet proper. The broad paintbrushes actually started to move up her feet with long smooth strokes instead of erratic jitters.  “M-Mmmhmmhmhmhmhmhm! Ooohoohoohoo yeah…” The brushes moved slowly, but they easily covered all of her feet as they moved up and down. It was an almost soothing kind of tickling, though Silverstream suspected, and hoped, that it wouldn’t stay that way for long. Meanwhile, Yona was deciding where to go with her set of brushes. She placed her set right at Silverstream’s elbows. Silverstream curiously tilted her head backwards as the laughter started to pour out. She felt the bristles against her elbows, but unfortunately for both of them, they weren’t ticklish. However, when Yona started moving the brushes downward… Yona was also slow at moving the brushes, but as they moved further down her arms, Silverstream felt the ticklish sensations start to ramp up. The bristles were getting closer and closer to her armpits, and it made Silverstream get more and more giddy with anticipation as they got closer. Sandbar slowly started to speed up the brushes, knowing that Silverstream was waiting for something more exciting. Each stroke up and down her soles went a little bit faster than the last. The change in speed was hard to pinpoint between each individual stroke, but when Sandbar was taking a second to go up her foot instead of five… The slow tickling treatment felt a touch disappointing for Silverstream, but only at first. The way Sandbar and Yona were teasing her and gradually ramping things up, she was getting excited! She was hoping there’d be more, but just anticipating the tickling was making her wings flutter. Yona brushes finally made their way to the real tickle spot: Silverstream’s armpits. The soft bristles gently stroked against her taut hollows. Though with the broad brushes, and maybe a bit of mischief from Yona, it wasn’t just her pits that were getting hit. Her breasts and ribs were getting a good dose of tickling. Sandbar was swiping up and down Silverstream’s feet with the brushes, though with the wide brushes he was using, it was hard to do much more than broad strokes. Though by using one hand, he could hold her toes back, making it easier for the brush to get underneath and in between much easier without having the hippogriff constantly curling and flexing her toes. “EEEEAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!” With Sandbar doing more focused tickles and Yona tickling all over her chest and armpits, Silverstream was squealing and thrashing on the bed. The brush bristles were soft, but the way they glided across her nipples and swept underneath her toes made her shiver and tingle all over. It tickled in a different way than the couples’ fingertips, and it felt just as good. As Sandbar ran the brush underneath Silverstream’s taut toes, he pursed his lips. Using the big brushes was fine, but he found himself wanting to use a tool a bit more precise, especially if he wanted to really get these slender toes he was holding back with the palm of his hand. And looking back at the bed, inspiration started to strike. Sandbar walked over to the side of the mattress, eyeing the pink wings on the bedspread. Silverstream, still giggly from Yona still brushing her chest, looked at Sandbar curiously staring at her wings, until he reached down, and plucked a few feathers, causing her to yelp and jolt. “Ahh, there we go!” Sandbar grinned, holding the freshly plucked feathers between his fingers. He walked back towards the foot of the bed, sitting in front of Silverstream’s feet, slowly spreading her toes apart. Silverstream’s full attention was on Sandbar, and how he was slowly splaying out her toes. “Eeheehee, S-Sandbar?” She nervously giggled, starting to sweat. “What are you gonna doooOOOOOHOOHOOHOHOHOHOHO?!” Sandbar was placing Silverstream’s own feathers between her toes, then sawing them back and forth. The feathers were already much more efficient than the paintbrush in tickling her toes, they slotted in perfectly between her tall toes. “AAAAIIIIIEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!” Switching between seapony and hippogriff constantly meant that Silverstream had to make sure her wings were taken good care of. All that preening was coming back to bite her. “Ooh, good idea, Sandbar!” Inspired, Yona temporarily dropped the brushes to pluck some feathers for her own use, sliding the feather into her cleavage. Silverstream’s view of her toes getting assaulted by her own feathers was now blocked by one big fluffy pink feather slowly gliding towards her. A mixture of hysterical laughter and surprised squeaks came out of her beak, and mirthful tears came out from her eyes. Sandbar had slid a feather in each spot between Silverstream’s toes. He pinched the quill-end of each of them between his fingers, and slowly started pulling them towards him. Silverstream’s mouth opened to let out one large squeal of laughter. Her back arching upwards as high as it could go. Her ankles jolted and thrashed in an attempt to pull her feet towards herself, her toes splayed and curled and wiggled as the feathers made their slow drag through her toes, but all her attempts to struggle only worsened the tickling sensations. Standing at the head of the bed, leaning over to feather Silverstream’s chest and armpits meant that Yona was practically getting the full brunt of all the laughter and screaming. Not that she minded. Hearing how loud Silverstream was laughing made Yona proud that Sandbar got to do the same to her so often. It also made her realize that it really was no wonder her friends could hear them from their own dorm rooms. Silverstream nearly flipped herself over as she jumped around on the bed. Both Sandbar and Yona seemed to be fighting for her attention. Her head kept shifting focus between Sandbar’s playfully sadistic grin as he dragged the feathers between her toes, and Yona’s gentle smile as she softly teased her upperbody. Sandbar finally finished pulling the feathers between her toes, with just the tips hanging in the spaces, just for a moment, and then pushed the feathers forward. “Heh, bet this really tickles, doesn’t it, Silverstream?” “YAHAHAHAHAAAAAHAHAHAHA! IT REHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEAAALLY TIHIHIHIHICKLES! IT TIHIHIHICKLES SOHOHOHO MUHUHUHUHUCH! EEEHEEHEE MY TOHOHOHOES!” Seeing how much of a reaction got Yona curious. “Oooh, Yona want to tickle Silverstream’s toes now!” “Haha, fine, I’ll give you a turn,” Sandbar chuckled. “But first, maybe we should…?” Sandbar did a quick little circle motion with his finger. Yona nodded in understanding, going to the side of the bed, and sliding her hands between the mattress Silverstream’s shoulders and butt. “Hup!” “W-Whoaaaa!” Silverstream was flung, albeit very briefly, into the air, flipping over onto her stomach. Her view of her own feet was changed for a view of her own hands and the pillows she was crying and sweating on. “Alright, all yours, Yona.” The new viewpoint was pretty boring compared to last time. The pillows weren’t much to look at, compared to seeing her own feet getting tickled. She let out a yelp, feeling someone sitting on her lower back. And given the general shape and size, and how her back wasn’t immediately crushed, it was safe to say it was Sandbar on top of her. There was a bit of suspense and excitement, not knowing what they were doing by being unable to see it. Though she could definitely hear Yona giggling to herself somewhere behind her. And then, the next sound that made her tense up. A harsh, electric buzzing. “Ooohoohoo, Yona bet these will tickle lots…” she giggled, waving the electric toothbrushes around, before slowly bringing them down, closer and closer to the pair of feet in front of her. …Right onto Sandbar’s soles. “GYAHAHAHA! H-Hey! Yona!” the stallion jolted, immediately pulling his feet away. “C’mon, we’re supposed to be tickling her this time!” “Heehee, sorry, Yona couldn’t resist!” she giggled sweetly. Sandbar pouted and turned back around, putting his feet behind him again, already plotting to get her back. Just hearing the two having a little teasing fun made Silverstream giggle a little. After her little stint of fun, Yona put the buzzing toothbrushes on the correct pair of feet this time, right on Silverstream’s big toes. “WAAAAHAAAHAAHA!” Silverstream immediately perked up, jolting and thrashing, but with Sandbar sitting on her back, she couldn’t leap up off the bed like before. “What do you think, Yona?” Sandbar asked. “Real ticklish toes, huh?” “Very!” Yona nodded, moving the toothbrushes across her toes. “Yona like seeing them wiggle!” “Heh, thanks for lending us your feathers, Silverstream!” Sandbar smiled, using a few of them to lightly graze against her buttcheeks. “M-MY PLEHEHEAAAHAHAHASURE!” she squeaked, wiggling her body from side to side. Sandbar tapped his fingers against Silverstream’s back. “You’ve got some really soft feathers! And I bet they felt suuuuper soft against your feet…” His fingers went up to the middle of her outspread wings, lightly running his fingers through the feathers. “EEEHEEHEEHEE! OHOHOHOHO GOHOHOHOSH!” Silverstream’s wings twitched as Sandbar started to fluff them up, the little wiggles of his fingers slipped to get to the ticklish skin underneath the feathers. “Hehehe, this feels kinda nice…” Sandbar mused, sliding his hands back and forth across her wings. Meanwhile, Yona was delighted to run the electric toothbrushes all over Silverstream’s feet. Whether they were pressing against her toes, or making little circles on the balls of her feet, or doing random doodles over her soles. She could watch her feet curl and flail in different ways depending on where the buzzing bristles went. Silverstream muffled her laughter by burying her face into the pillows. It was nearly impossible to predict where Yona was going to strike next, her feet couldn’t escape from the tickly brushes. After a bit of playing with Silverstream’s wings, Sandbar pondered what he should do while Yona was busy brushing her feet. His hands idly wiggled about, grazing past the part of her back between her wings. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAAAAA!?” Silverstream’s head immediately shot up, her pupils shrunken, shrieking as her entire body trembled and shook as violently as possible. All three of them paused, the only sound in the room being the constant buzzing of the electric toothbrushes as they tried to process what had happened. A curious Sandbar tested his theory by running his fingers down the same spot between Silverstream’s wings. Another short, but loud outburst of laughter left the hippogriff’s beak from Sandbar’s fingers. Sandbar turned around to look at Yona as they slowly realized some key information, their stunned expressions turning into excited grins. Though their exchange was silent, Silverstream could already sense what was coming up next. Sandbar used his fingers to start scribbling right between Silverstream’s wings, though only using one hand. He used the other hand to stabilize himself as the hippogriff bucked underneath. Silverstream screamed laughter into the pillows, staining them with more tears. Her body was jumping and thrashing all on its own as Sandbar exploited her newly discovered tickle spot. As Sandbar’s fingers scritched between her wings, he was impressed by Silverstream’s resilience. Not once did she ever say anything remotely close to the safe word or even to tell them to stop or slow down. Or maybe she was laughing too hard to actually say words. But by the sound of her laughter, it seemed like she was still having fun. As Sandbar was playing tickle-rodeo, Yona prepared the last tool Silverstream requested. She alerted Sandbar that it was time to move on, and though he wished he got a little more time to play with ticklish wings, he obliged, turning around and loosening the ropes around Silverstream’s ankles. Silverstream felt her feet being freed from the ropes, and her initial instinct was to stretch her legs and kick her feet to get rid of the tingles on her soles, but shortly after, she felt her ankles getting grabbed and pulled upwards. The next sensation she felt was something being poured onto her feet, starting on the toes, and then drizzling down her soles… “All that tickling sure works up an appetite, right, Yona?” “Agreed! Let’s dig in!” And the next sensation was two tongues dragging up her feet. Silverstream shuddered and giggled. The licking didn’t tickle nearly as much as the toothbrushes or Sandbar’s fingers against her back, but she very much needed this reprieve. Yona and Sandbar were busy lapping up the chocolate syrup they poured on Silverstream’s feet, making sure that not a drop went to waste. “Eeheeheeheeheehee! Ohohoho gohohohohosh…!” Silverstream giggled, the adrenaline started to wear off and the exhaustion started to set in. “So? You enjoy your first tickle session, Silverstream?” Sandbar asked before taking a long lick from heel to toe. “Ohohoho yehehes! Sooooo muhuhuhuch!” Silverstream’s wings fluttered as she squealed with delight. “Tickling is great! I’ve never laughed that hard in like, ever! Aaahaaa, it feels so good!” “Good! That mean this session a success!” Yona beamed with pride before suckling on Silverstream’s toes. “Heeheehee…This was so fun! I wanna do it again! C-Can I do it again? I can go another round!” “Wow, Yona. I think she might like being tickled more than you do!” Sandbar joked, sliding his tongue between the toes. Yona huffed and pouted. “No way! Yona like being tickled more!” Sandbar stifled the urge to laugh as he gave Silverstream’s foot another few long licks to make sure all the syrup was gone. With things winding down, Silverstream was finally free of her bed bondage, immediately springing up to give Sandbar and Yona a hug. “We can see what happens after everyone else gets a turn, alright Silverstream?” Sandbar chuckled. “Alright, but if we need to ask for spots, I want dibs!” > Ocellus's Open Opportunity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After everyone re-dressed themselves, Silverstream walked out of the dorm room, with Yona peeking her head out the door. “Alright, who’s next?” Smolder, Gallus, and Ocellus watched Silverstream loopily waltzing out of their dorm room, then back at each other. The way Silverstream’s wings twitched and she staggered and tip-toed on almost every other step, it was like she was massively intoxicated. But the huge grin on her face and the blush on her cheeks indicated how satisfied she was. It only made them more curious as to what it was like inside, but they also heard the entire session, all the squealing laughter that came out of Silverstream’s beak, especially once they discovered her tickle spot. It was intriguing, but also intimidating… Still, someone had to go next. “Um…I…guess I’ll go?” Ocellus finally spoke up, apprehensively stepping forward. “Perfect!” Yona grinned. “Step inside, Ocellus!” Ocellus took one last look towards her friends. Gallus and Smolder motioned for her to keep going, while Silverstream gave her two enthusiastic thumbs up. Swallowing her fear, she stepped in. As Ocellus entered, Gallus and Smolder looked at Silverstream with a mix of envy and mild concern. “So…how, uh…how was it?” Smolder asked, getting a closer look at Silverstream’s messy feathers and fur. “Oh, it’s soooo great!” Silverstream gushed. “Being tickled is like, amazing!” “Yeah, we could tell you were enjoying yourself,” Gallus rolled his eyes. “Could hear your screaming from all the way back here.” Silverstream let a little embarrassed blush, now knowing a bit of what Sandbar and Yona felt. “Oh, that was probably when they found my tickle spot!” Gallus let out a scoff of disbelief. “With how hard you were laughing? I figured your entire body is a tickle spot.” “Oh yeah, they got me gooooood! Especially my feet, look!” Silverstream kicked off a flip-flop to shove her blushing sole in Gallus and Smolder’s face. “Hey! Ack! C-Come on!” Gallus protested, pushing the foot away from his cheeks. Smolder held onto Silverstream’s ankle, giving her foot a few pokes to draw some squeaks out of the hippogriff. Silverstream’s body had some natural shades of pink to it, but her soles were covered with a deep red blush. “Woah, and this was all from them tickling you?” “Mmhm! It tingles when I walk!” Smolder weren’t sure whether to be impressed or worried. Though hearing about what they did to Silverstream and seeing the aftermath of what happened to her feet painted a very colorful picture in their heads of what might be happening to Ocellus in a few minutes… Ocellus looked around the room at the tickle dungeon that Yona and Sandbar had created. The sheer quantity of tools on display made an overwhelming first impression. Just seeing all the cuffs and ropes strewn around had her hands trembling. “Ocellus! Take off shoes and socks, please!” Yona politely ordered. Ocellus sat on the bed, slowly slipping her feet out of her slip ons. “Um…just my shoes and socks?” “Well, you can take off more if you’d like. Just down to your comfort level,” Sandbar explained. “But yes, have your feet bare at least.” Ocellus stared down at her socked feet, using one foot to push off the other’s sock. Taking off her shoes and socks was one thing, but to take off more just to be tickled? Having her feet exposed and dangling off the bed already felt like a lot… “If it’ll make you feel more comfortable, we can strip down, too,” Sandbar assured, seeing the hesitation in Ocellus’s eyes. Ocellus tapped her fingers together. Their offer did make things a little more appealing, but she still wasn’t sure. But Sandbar and Yona went through all this work, she should at least be a little more open to trying it out, right? Ocellus gripped the edge of her skirt, and slowly started to pull it down. She slowly kicked her skirt off to the side, and pulled her shirt over her head. “Um…Is this alright?” Yona turned to see Ocellus in her red bra and panties. “That perfect!” Yona grinned. “Ocellus want Yona and Sandbar to be in underwear, too?” “Um…yes, please.” Yona and Sandbar quickly obliged, stripping down to their underwear as well. “While we’re busy with this, why don’t you take a look and see if you want us to use any specific tools or tie you up a certain way?” Sandbar suggested. Ocellus hopped off the bed, taking another look at all the stuff around the room. Seeing electric toothbrushes and sharp-looking pinwheels made her shudder. The different ropes lying around only spiked her tension, as she imagined herself being tied up in different positions, unable to move or struggle…it made her knees start trembling. By the time Sandbar and Yona discarded most of their clothes, Ocellus returned with a few things in hand. Ocellus offered up some soft-looking paintbrushes and makeup brushes to the couple. “Um…maybe…these? A-And whatever else you think would work.” “Sure! No problem!” Sandbar said. “Have you decided on how you wanna be tied up?” “A-Actually…could I maybe not be tied up while you tickle me?” Yona raised an eyebrow. “Not tied up? What if Ocellus kick?” “Oh, um…I don’t know,” Ocellus admitted to not thinking that far. “Just…being tied up sounds…really scary. Could you maybe…be gentle, please?” Sandbar scratched his chin, trying to think of a way to accommodate Ocellus’s needs. “Alright, I think we can do that. Could you get on the bed, please?” Ocellus placed her hands on the mattress, ready to leap on, until she was interrupted by Sandbar. “No, not you, Ocellus.” Confused, Ocellus turned her head, wondering what he meant, until she felt a heavy thud rebounding on the bed as Yona hopped on. “Alright, now you can get on.” Now even more confused, Ocellus climbed onto the bed, and was immediately snatched up by Yona. Ocellus let out a yelp as she felt Yona’s arms quickly wrap around her, pulling her in with a tight hug. Yona’s arms crossed over Ocellus’s body, her hands resting on her thighs. “You comfy, Ocellus?” Sandbar asked, looking over. Ocellus fidgeted a bit, but she had to admit, Yona’s hugs were extremely pleasant. Firm and tight, but a warm, fuzzy embrace that enveloped her whole body. “Y-Yeah…this is…nice…!” “Good!” Sandbar smiled. “Didn’t have to tie you down…” his sunny tone immediately dropped to a more mischievous one. “...but now you can’t escape the tickling.” “Wait, what-EEEEHEEHEEK!?” Yona’s face also turned into one of mischief as her hands playfully skittered over Ocellus’s sides. “Aaaiiieeeheeheehee! H-Hehehehehey!” Ocellus immediately kicked her legs high in the air with a squeal. Her body attempted to squirm away, but Yona’s hug was too tight to slip out of. Even if she could compete with the yak’s strength, Yona’s arms crossed over Ocellus’s biceps, giving her arms very little wiggle room to defend her sides. Yona let out a gleeful chuckle, though she remembered to still be relatively gentle with the changeling in her grasp. No big squeezes or digs, not yet, not unless she asked for it. Only light and playful pokes for now. “If it gets to be too much, Ocellus, just say ‘pink’ and we’ll stop, alright?” Sandbar said, assuring Ocellus that she still had a way out. “Ohohohokahahahay!” Even with the safe word established, Ocellus felt trapped. No amount of squirming or kicking got her away from the constant prodding at her sides. And yet, with all the poking, giggles kept pouring out of her mouth. The laughter was forced, but it still felt nice to laugh. Yona’s embrace was warm and loving, and with the giggle fit she was currently going through, Ocellus felt…comfortable…and happy. Yona’s fingers moved slightly inward, lightly wiggling against her stomach. “Aaahaa! Nohohoho! Pleheheeheeheeaaase!” Ocellus weakly begged, her belly wiggling as Yona’s fingers tapped against it, only able to watch helplessly as those fingers danced along her abdomen. “Heehee, Ocellus has really cute laugh!” Yona teased, using her fingers to trace circles on her stomach. That small comment was enough to send some blood rushing to her cheeks. Ocellus got flustered, immediately trying to deny it. “Whahaha? No I dohohohon’t!” “Oh yes!” the yak grinned, spidering her fingers a little bit faster across Ocellus’s stomach to prove her point. “Nahaaaahahahaheeheeheehee!” Ocellus let out another squeal, kicking her feet high into the air. “See? Very cute!” Yona spotted Sandbar just watching amusedly from the side. “Sandbar! Come here and tickle! Hear cute laugh for yourself!” A smirk grew on Sandbar’s face as he quickly climbed onto the bed, paintbrushes in hand. “Oh, I bet brushing these feet will get a cute laugh…” Yona nodded, hugging Ocellus a little bit tighter, shifting her own ankles to cross over onto the changeling’s so that she couldn’t kick. Ocellus could now only watch as Sandbar crawled forward, bringing the brushes closer and closer to her feet. Her legs were now trapped, meaning no more kicking. She tried to curl her feet, but it didn’t stop those soft bristles from their torturous advance. A few gasps and giggles pre-emptively left her lips in anticipation, before she decided to just close her eyes and wait for the inevitable. “Eeeeeeheeheeheeheehee!” A laugh came out as brush met sole, but it didn’t come from Ocellus. Ocellus cracked open her eyes to see Sandbar running the brushes up and down Yona’s feet instead. “Well whaddya know, that is a real cute laugh!” he chuckled, dusting the brushes against Yona’s big feet. “Nahahaha! Hehehey! Whahahahat S-Sahahahahahandbahahahar doooiiing?!” Yona squealed, her feet curling and jolting, but not quite pulling away from the brushes. “What? I’m just doing what you asked!” Sandbar said, a bit of playful vengeance lying behind his smirk. “I’m tickling to hear this cute laugh for myself!” “Not Yonahahaha’s feeheeheeheet! Tihihihickle Ocehehehelus’s feeheeheeheeheeheet!” Yona protested, hugging Ocellus even tighter in response. Ocellus let out a grunt as some air was squeezed out of her. She looked down to see Yona’s feet wiggling about, her toes splaying out. Then she looked up to see Yona’s face, her cheeks filled with a blush similar to her own. Being in the middle of this little diversion, Ocellus could feel the love that they had for tickling each other, and much more. The joy on Sandbar’s face as he heard Yona giggling and watched her toes wiggle, the embarrassed giddiness from Yona as Sandbar teased her verbally and physically. Even if she was just there to watch, she could tell how much fun they were having together. “You sure?” Sandbar playfully asked, sneaking the brushes underneath Yona’s toes. “I dunno, I’m hearing a really cute laugh right now!” “Sahahahahandbahahahahar!” “Oh, alright,” Sandbar playfully rolled his eyes, feeling that he had gotten sufficient payback. “I guess I’ll see if Ocellus has a cute laugh if I tickle her feet…” Ocellus tensed up when she saw the brushes pointed towards her soles, but her anxiety was much lower than before. She was almost excited to see them getting closer. She felt the bristles touch the ball of her foot, and she immediately let out a squeak in response, her foot tried to pull back, but was easily held down by Yona’s legs. They started moving down her sole. “Aaaah…aaahahahahaha! Eeheeheehee!” Sandbar’s eyes lit up, as did Yona’s. “Ohh, I think you’re right, Yona! That’s a very cute laugh!” Sandbar nodded, bringing the brush back up to the ball of her foot. “Yaaahahahaha!” “You’ve got quite a ticklish foot, Ocellus!” Sandbar teased. “I wonder what would happen if I tickled…here…” “Eeeeeeheeheeheeheeheehee!” Ocellus couldn’t stop the giggles from pouring out. The brush went right underneath her toes, making them splay out by pure reflex. Unlike the paint brushes they used on Silverstream, these brushes were smaller, meant for art instead of walls, even if they were currently being used for tickling. The soft bristles could easily get to the harder to reach places, especially on a foot. “A-Ahahahaha! Ohohohoho gohohohohosh!” Ocellus wiggled her foot around, but the brush always found a way back to her toes, always doing soft strokes to make her squeak and titter. “Hmm, now what would happen if I used…two brushes?” Sandbar mused. “Would your laugh be more adorable, maybe?” “Oooh, let’s find out!” Yona said, hugging Ocellus more for comfort instead of restraint. Ocellus could only watch as Sandbar slowly brought the pair of brushes closer to her feet. She curled her soles and wriggled from side to side in Yona’s embrace. Despite having the perfect opportunity to just deny the brushes touching her soles by just planting them against the mattress, Ocellus didn’t do so. Maybe it was being stuck in the middle of the moment and being all giggly and lightheaded that took away a bit of common sense, or maybe it was a hidden inner desire to see what would happen if the brushes touched her feet. Either way, it was too late. Sandbar pressed the soft bristles against two random parts of Ocellus’s soles, making small little circles to focus on a small area on the changeling’s cute little feet. “Eeeeeheeeehee! Aaaahahaha nohohohohoho! Eeeeeek!” Ocellus’s eyes widened. Double the brushes meant double the ticklish sensations. The brushes didn’t move far on her feet, but the repeated little swishes made the giggles keep pouring out. Sandbar and Yona’s eyes lit up as they heard Ocellus squeal louder. “Well Yona, what do you think? Was that a cuter laugh than before?” “Hmmm, Yona not sure,” she grinned. “Maybe tickle Ocellus again so Yona can hear more!” “No problem!” “Ahahaaahahaaack! Nahahahat my feeheeheeheeheeheet!” Ocellus curled up her fists, lightly punching the bedsheets as Sandbar made bigger circles with the brushes, making her toes wiggle. Sandbar switched from circles to broad strokes up and down Ocellus’s soles, making sure to go from heel to toe. “EeeeeEEEEeeeeHEEEE! Ohohohoho gohohohohosh!” Ocellus’s legs bounced against Yona’s, unable to actually lift the muscular legs up to kick Sandbar in the chin. “Oh! Yes, that much cuter laugh!” Yona nodded. “Ocellus has very cute ticklish laugh!” “A cute laugh to match these cute feet,” Sandbar chuckled, sweeping the bristles across her arches. The compliments about her laugh and her giggle made Ocellus’s face light up with blush. She felt they were just saying these things to just tease her, yet hearing them still made her heart race and her cheeks blush. “Coochie coochie coochie coochie coochie coochie…” Sandbar sang, tracing figure-eights on the changeling’s soles. “Nohohoho! NOOOhohohohohoooo!” Ocellus’s ears flicked as a chill washed over her whole body. The way that Sandbar just kept repeating the same word somehow made the bristles start tickling even more. “Feel free to join in too, Yona!” Sandbar said, pointing out how Yona had just been keeping Ocellus in a hug. “Ooh, right!” Still keeping the changeling in her embrace, Yona dug her fingers into Ocellus’s sides. “Wait WAAAIIIHAHAHAHAIIIT!” Ocellus jumped around, unable to leave Yona’s arms as her fingers skittered into her midsection. Her hands tried to pry herself free, but there was no matching the yak in strength. As Sandbar kept idly drawing shapes on Ocellus’s feet, Yona tapped her fingers against the trapped bug’s belly. Just one of them tickling would have been enough to get Ocellus squealing, but with the couple double-teaming her, she started to feel tears well up in her eyes as she trembled with hysterical laughter. They not only doubled on the tickling, but also the teasing. “Coochie coochie coooo!” Sandbar kept singing on as he pressed the bristles between her toes. “Ocellus has cute, ticklish little toesies!” “Tickle tickle tickle! Yona tap tap tap on ticklish tummy!” Yona giggled, doing a mix of quick wriggles and teasing taps. It was hard to tell which one was getting Ocellus more flustered. Sandbar was definitely the better singer, but Yona was much closer, and able to get right next to her ear. Either way she was left a blushing, squealing mess. “Ooh, Sandbar! Switch places!” Yona called out. “Yona want to tickle feet next!” “You got an idea in mind? I dunno if I can keep her still like you can, but I’ll try,” Sandbar chuckled. Yona finally released Ocellus from her embrace, letting the changeling rest for a bit and catch her breath. “Ocellus having fun?” Once she was released, Ocellus found herself missing the warmth of Yona’s hug. She leaned backwards against Yona’s chest to feel a bit of that warmth. “I feel all tingly and lightheaded, a-and really embarrassed…but I also feel safe and warm and loved, too. I…I think I like being tickled like this, ehehe…” “That’s good to hear,” Sandbar warmly smiled. “So, are you ready to keep going? Yona reeeaaally wants to tickle your feet.” Ocellus looked up to see Yona wiggling her fingers menacingly at her. She instinctively curled her body up and squeaked, but still nodded in excitement. Sandbar went to hold Ocellus down, though not being strong or as big as Yona, imitating the same hold probably wasn’t going to be as effective. Although he quickly came up with an easy solution. He flipped the changeling over onto her stomach, sitting on her thighs. “Eep!” Being on her stomach made the anticipation shoot up. She could no longer see Sandbar or Yona, but she could feel them. It was like she could sense Yona’s fingers wiggling closer and closer to her helpless soles. Where would she attack first? Her heels? Her toes? Her soles? She could practically feel them wiggling against her feet already! “Eeeheeheeheeheehee! Yona nohohohohoho!” Sandbar stifled a snorting laugh as Yona smirked. “Ocellus? Yona not start tickling yet.” Ocellus’s laughter quickly died down as she buried her face into the pillows in embarrassment. But just as quickly her head popped back up. “EEEEEHEEHEE!” “Now Yona start tickling!” the yak giggled, skittering her fingers across the pair of light-blue soles. “NaaaAAAAaaahahaha! Ohohohoho gohohohohosh!” Ocellus hugged the pillows in front of her, her legs bucking underneath Sandbar as he held her legs down with his weight. Yona was the largest of the friend group, and Ocellus was the smallest. And the size difference was clear with the former tickling the latter’s feet. Yona’s fingers covered so much surface area with very little effort, even just one finger was enough to get most of her petite sole. Of course, one of the drawbacks was that Yona couldn’t quite get into the more intricate places, like the winkles when Ocellus curled up her feet, or right between her toes. Luckily, she was prepared to cover for such weaknesses, grabbing the makeup brush and daintily holding it between her thumb and index finger, dusting the balls of Ocellus’s feet. The bristles on the makeup brushes were much softer than the paintbrush. Slightly less tickly, but very effective at making Ocellus gasp and blush. “Mmmmm! A-Aahaahaaa!” Yona used the makeup brush in one hand to tease between Ocellus’s toes, while her other hand skittered across her soles. Ocellus squealed into the pillows. Yona’s fingers scribbling over her soles made her curl up her toes, but that wasn’t enough to save them from the soft bristles of the brush. She tried to protect her feet some other way by covering up one sole with the other, but that just made Yona focus on the exposed foot instead. “Oooh, Ocellus tiny feet really cute!” Yona teased, spidering her fingers across her feet. Ocellus felt a shiver. “Naaaahahahahaha! Stahahahahahaaap!” Her feet weakly kicked against Yona’s big fingers. Sandbar didn’t have much to do aside from watching Ocellus squirm as he held her down, but seeing her exposed upperbody just wiggling side to side gave him inspiration. There were multiple places he could choose to strike, but he settled on the one closest to him. “EEEEEEHEEEEE!” Ocellus’s entire body stiffened up as she felt a pair of fingers skittering across her butt. “S-SAHAHAHANDBAHAHAHAHAR!” “Hey, I can’t let Yona have all the fun, can I?” he chuckled, his fingers dancing against her butt to make the bug blush. “Q-QUIHIHIHIT IIIHIHIHIT!” Sandbar’s contributions were hardly intense, but just him touching her rear reminded her that she was in her underwear, and the pony was getting to such a tender, private spot. “Well, alright!” Sandbar shrugged, following Ocellus’s request and moving up her body, squeezing her hips and sides. “YAAHAHAHA! NAHAHAHAHAHA!” Ocellus’s body bucked with each squeeze. She was able to get a little bit of lift, enough to maybe knock Sandbar off-balance for a second, but she still couldn’t free herself. Sandbar chuckled at the little rodeo ride, trying to keep his hands on Ocellus to keep squeezing and tickling her hips from the back. “Woah, that really tickles, huh?” “YEHEHEHEHES! I-IT TIHIHIHIHIHICKLES!” Ocellus nodded. Yona brushing her toes and Sandbar goosing her hips made her squeal with ticklish joy. “Oooh, then what’ll happen when I tickle here?” Sandbar walked his fingers up Ocellus’s sides right into her armpits. Out of pure reflex, Ocellus pressed her elbows against her ribs to close off her armpits, trapping Sandbar’s fingers inside. Her eyes widened as she realized what she did. “Ohohoho nooooohohohohoho…!” Sandbar said nothing, only smirking as he slowly dragged his fingers against the hollows of her armpits. Yona kept teasing Ocellus’s feet, watching them kick and wiggle as she ran the brush and her fingers across her soles. “No escaping the tickles!” Ocellus jolted and twisted. She wanted Sandbar’s fingers out of her armpits, but couldn’t force her body to open up her arms to allow it to happen. And not being able to see what was happening to her feet made it near impossible for her to defend them from Yona’s relentless tickle tease attack. “C’mon, Ocellus, it’s like you waaaant me to tickle your armpits!” Sandbar joked. He made sure not to go too intense on the tickles, but with the way Ocellus was squirming, she was mostly just tickling herself. Yona was almost enamored with how Ocellus’s little feet wiggled against the gentlest touch, how the softest bristles elicited all these squeaks and giggles. “Nahahahahahahaaaaa! It tihihihihickles! It tihihihihihihickles sohohohoho muhuhuhuhuch! S-Slohohohohow dohohohohown!” Ocellus pleaded, hugging the group of pillows tight as she tried rolling from side to side. The couple quickly showed mercy to the giggly changeling. Sandbar pried his fingers free from Ocellus’s armpits, turning around and shuffling off her legs to see what Yona was doing. Yona’s hands were still on Ocellus’s feet, but instead of playful skittering, she was gently kneading her fingers into her soles. “A-Aaaaaah…” Ocellus sighed in relief and relaxation, her tender soles being rubbed by big strong hands. She turned onto her back to see for herself, and to prepare for any potential sneaky tickle attacks. Sandbar and Yona each took a foot, giving the tired, tickled sole a bit of love, pressing their thumbs into her feet and slowly rubbing up and down. Ocellus felt her whole body relax and calm down from the giddy tickle-high she was on. The tingling in her soles was starting to wear off with each little rub. Of course, it was still a tickle session, and they could still squeeze a few more giggles out of this massage. Yona brought Ocellus’s foot closer to her face, giving her toes a few quick pecking kisses. “Mmmhmhmhm!” Ocellus flexed her foot as she giggled, her toes twitching with each kiss Yona gave her toes. Sandbar brought his head forward, pressing his lips against Ocellus’s big toe. But instead of giving her toes kisses like Ocellus expected, her big toe slipped past his lips, and she felt his teeth gently nibbling as his fingers rubbed her arch. “Eeeheeheehee…! Ooohooohoo…” Ocellus let out some soft giggles. She was positively light-headed from the gentle tickling and the loving attention that Yona and Sandbar were giving her feet. “Ocellus enjoy tickling?” Yona asked before planting a kiss on the ball of her foot. “Mmmh! Mmhm!” she nodded. “This was a lot more fun than I thought it’d be!” “Oh yeah? What was your favorite part?” Sandbar asked, wiggling her toes back and forth. Ocellus giggled nervously, her eyes shifting from side to side. “Um…when you were tickling Yona’s feet…?” “Hah, doesn’t sound like you enjoyed the tickling that much if that’s the case,” Sandbar teased, lightly wiggling his fingers against her sole. “Eeeeheee! Nonono waaaiit!” she squeaked, splaying out her toes. “I mean just…when I saw how you two acted when you were tickling her instead of me, I started to understand what you two like about it.” “Oh yeah?” “Yeah! I could really feel how much you loved hearing her laugh, making her happy. And I felt part of that when Yona was hugging me and tickling my sides, or when you were squeezing my hips, even now, kissing and tickling my feet at the same time…Oh, it feels amazing!” “So Ocellus love tickling too now?” Yona wondered, poking her big toe. “Um…maybe not as much as you two…” she sheepishly grinned. “But…maybe we could do something like this again?” The couple gave Ocellus’s soles one last kiss. “Sounds good to us, Ocellus,” Sandbar smiled. “And I’ll be sure to give you more demonstrations on how much I love tickling Yona.” > Smolder's Tsundere Satisfaction > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Ocellus dressed herself and left the room, Yona started to put her dress back on. She looked over at Sandbar, leaning against the bed, not even bothering to reach for his clothes. “Sandbar not going to change?” “Eh,” Sandbar shrugged. “There’s two more of our friends left, and it’s just too much work to keep putting my clothes back on if I’m just gonna take them off anyway.” “Ooh, good idea! Save time that way!” Yona quickly took the time to not only take her dress back off, but also her underwear. Sandbar looked at Yona with loving eyes and chuckled as the yak walked to the door, opening it wide enough to show her chest. “Okay! Next!” The sight of Yona’s naked upperbody made three out of the four friends in the hallway widen their eyes and drop their jaws. Silverstream just gave her an approving thumbs up. Smolder and Gallus looked over at each other, waging a war in silence. Both of them wanted to go in, but neither of them were willing to admit it. And chances were that Yona wasn’t going to want to wait long for them to decide. The two stared right through each other, trying to gain the mental upper hand, until Smolder finally caved in. “Fine, I’ll go.” “Good! Come in, Smolder!” As Smolder disappeared behind the door, Gallus turned to Ocellus and Silverstream. “So we all saw that right? Why was she naked?” “I…I don’t know…” Ocellus stammered, blushing heavily. “She at least had her bra on when she was tickling me…” “Oooh, speaking of!” Silverstream interjected. “How was it? Did you enjoy it?” Unlike with Silverstream’s session, they didn’t hear much high-pitched screaming laughter from the other side of the door, mostly squeaks, gasps, and bubbly giggle-fits. “Oh! Um…It was really fun!” Ocellus grinned. “They really made me feel comfortable and snug when they were tickling me.” “Ooh, what’d they use to tie you down?” “Um, nothing, actually. It was mostly just Yona hugging me…” Ocellus giggled. “Whaaaaat? Oh, that sounds so cuuute! I wish I thought of that!” Silverstream looked over at Gallus. “Hey Gallus, you should totally ask Yona to tickle hug you when it’s your turn.” “I-I’m good, thanks,” Gallus winced, already imagining the yak crushing his ribs. Silverstream’s eyes sparkled, elbowing the griffon in the ribs. “Ooh, you already have an idea on how you wanna be tickled then? Tell us, tell us!” Gallus blushed, trying not to jolt or crack a smile from the repeated prodding. “Q-Quit it! I don’t know how I want to be tickled yet!”  “Oh, I can help you decide! There were stocks, ropes, feathers-” Gallus put a claw around Silverstream’s beak to preemptively stop her. “Look, I’ll figure it out on my own, okay?” Silverstream shrugged, turning her attention back to Ocellus. “Hey Ocellus, do your feet still tingle?” “A little bit, yeah.” “Can I look? I wanna see if they’re pink and stuff.” “Um, sure?” Ocellus shrugged, kicking off her shoes. “I don’t think they tickled my feet nearly as hard as yours though.” Silverstream knelt down, peeking at Ocellus’s feet. “Oooh, your feet are so cute and tiny!” she gushed, poking at the slightly blushing soles. “Ahahahack! Hehehey, quit it!” Smolder looked at Sandbar in his boxers and the completely nude Yona. “...I’m guessing I gotta take my clothes off, too, huh?” “It’d help, yeah,” Sandbar nodded. Rather than question it, Smolder just shrugged and took off her low-heels, then got to work taking off the rest of her clothes, save for her panties to match with Sandbar. It only took one glance at Smolder’s bright pink underwear for Sandbar to start grinning. “Not a word,” Smolder sternly warned. “Okay! Now Smolder need to pick tickle tools and bondage!” Smolder looked around the room with a low whistle. “Lotta choices here…” she muttered as she walked around. She wasn’t entirely sure what she was getting into, and wasn’t entirely certain on how much any of these instruments would tickle. She opted to grab as many as she could, just out of curiosity, and to be safe, she snagged some rope as bondage. She unloaded her stash in Yona’s arms. “Will this do?” Yona was surprised at how much Smolder grabbed. Apparently she was very brave. “Yep! This good!” She handed the rope off to Sandbar so that he could tie the dragon down. Sandbar looked at the rope in his hands, wondering how to have Smolder tied. He could just opt for the simple spread-eagle on the bed, but Smolder had something that the rest of their friend group didn’t have: a big, not-hairy tail. He didn’t want to make her uncomfortable by having her lie on it for a while. Maybe if she was standing up… Sandbar’s eyes lit up with inspiration. “Hey Yona, could I get your help for a bit?” After whispering the idea to Yona, the three walked over to the dorm’s bathroom door. Sandbar opened the door and walked inside. Before Smolder could ask questions, she felt a pair of strong yak hands on her hips as Yona lifted her up. And with some quick work by Sandbar, a few well tied knots, and a few cuffs, Smolder was strapped to the door frame, arms and legs spread out, with Yona in front of her, and Sandbar right behind. “...Is all this really necessary?” Smolder asked, trying to turn her head to see where Sandbar was. “I mean, it was either this or the door to the hallway,” Sandbar smirked. “We can easily move you over there.” Smolder immediately winced. “Nope, this is fine!” “Alright, if tickling too much for Smolder, say ‘pink’ and we stop, okay?” Yona asked, trying to make sure Smolder was comfortable. “Yeah…alright…” Smolder tugged at the ropes around her wrists and ankles. It wasn’t exactly a relaxing rest on a bed, but she wasn’t uncomfortable either. The bondage was snug where it was holding her, but it felt a bit strange to be suspended, her tail was barely touching the floor as it rested limp. Yona started looking through all the stuff Smolder picked, trying to grab something that she thought that Smolder would be comfortable getting tickled by for the first time. Smolder tried to lean over as far as she could to try and see what Yona was holding. The dragon was so focused on the yak in front of her, that she completely forgot about the pony behind her. At least, until he started wiggling his fingers against her sides. “Ahahahahack!” Smolder kept twisting and turning to try and look at where Sandbar was going, but could only get glances of his hands as they darted all over her midsection. Sandbar never stayed in one place for long, and his fingers kept moving in different ways. Squeezes to her hips, clawing at her sides, digging into her belly, walking up her sides, tapping against her belly, wiggling against her hips…Sandbar started out relentless. Meanwhile, Yona decided on the tool she wanted to start off with: a pair of recently plucked pink feathers. Something soft and gentle to hopefully ease the stubborn dragon into liking the tickling sensations. Though with what she was hearing, Sandbar wasn’t quite on the same page as Yona. She looked up to see Sandbar happily scribbling his fingers over the dragon’s ribs, and poor Smolder squeaking and writhing in laughter. “Gahahaha! Q-Quihihihit-Nahahaha! Just lemmie-eeheeheehee! Sandbahahahahaha!” Smolder protested, yanking at the ropes around her wrists. Smolder was too preoccupied with trying to watch Sandbar’s hands that by the time she noticed the feathers Yona was holding approaching, they were already stroking her belly. “Eeeeheeheek!” “Smolder like feathers?” Yona giggled. “Silverstream made sure they’re very fluffy and soft!” “Or maybe you like the fingers more?” Sandbar added, digging into her sides. Smolder started feeling flustered. It wasn’t just that Yona was adding to the tickling, but just like she claimed, Silverstream’s feathers were fluffy and soft. Having them brush across her belly certainly tickled, but not in the same way that Sandbar’s fingers did. Sandbar kept changing up speeds and techniques, always moving, always catching her off guard. But those feathers moved slowly up and down the same spot, leaving her helpless to all the tickling it did. The two sensations both tickled, but they were so different in intensity they couldn’t be blended together. It was almost overwhelming her senses, and they had just started. Yona dragged the feathers up and down the dragon’s stomach, already seeing how much Smolder was blushing. “Heehee, Smolder having fun already?” “I-I dohohohon’t! Ahahaha! Idon’tknohohohohow! It! It juhuhuhust! GAHAHAHA it tihihickles sohoho muhuhuhuch!” She wasn’t sure if this was fun just yet. With two sources of tickling, Smolder could hardly concentrate on answering anything. “Well, you’re certainly ticklish, I’ll give you that,” Sandbar teased as his fingers walked across her ribcage up to her armpits. “KYAAAAHAHAHA!” “Ooh, very ticklish!” As Sandbar went up, Yona went down, the feathers left her belly and traced across her hips, letting the long vanes saw across. Only Yona could see the struggle in Smolder’s face as she tried not to blush. Each little stroke of the feathers got gradually lower, forcing another silly grin and some tugging against the ropes. Though obviously Sandbar’s fingers sliding back and forth in her taut armpits was getting the much bigger reaction. Sandbar grinned to himself as his fingers danced in Smolder’s armpits. Smolder’s body kept twisting and thrashing to try and escape, which made it all the more satisfying for the stallion to just dig deeper in to try and drive home the helpless position she was in. “GYAAAAHAHAHA! GET! GETAHAHAHAHAHA! NAHAHAT THEHEHEHERE!” Smolder’s arms yanked at the ropes suspending her. In an effort to try and get Sandbar to knock it off, her tail started to swing. She could clearly feel it hitting him, possibly in his side, but it only made him tickle her harder in retaliation, driving her into heavier laughter. Every time Smolder looked down, Yona looked up with the same mischievous grin as the feathers got lower. They were now stroking her inner thighs, the way the soft vanes touched such a delicate area definitely put a blush on Smolder’s face. Sandbar was caught off-guard by the first tail swing, and he couldn’t get into a position to avoid the swings and tickle her at the same time, so he decided it was best to just take the brunt of it, no matter what. Though Smolder’s tail wagging did give him some inspiration… Smolder felt Sandbar’s hands finally leave her armpits, which gave her a moment of relief, however brief it would be. She looked down at Yona teasing her inner thighs, letting out girly giggles. “Aaahaa…heeheeheeheeheehee!” Her giggly respite didn’t last for long, as Sandbar attacked his next target. “EEEEHEEHEEE!” Sandbar had grabbed onto Smolder’s butt, giving her cheeks a few playful squeezes. “Oooh, ticklish dragon tushie!” If Smolder’s face wasn’t hot before, it was on fire now. She could feel Sandbar’s firm hands palming her butt and tickling with each squeeze. “AHAAHAHA! WHAT THE FAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!” Putting his tickling focus on Smolder’s butt had the obvious consequence that her tail would be swinging with wild abandon, but it was a risk that Sandbar was more than willing to take. If only he could see Smolder’s cheeks on the other side. “Sandbar find good spot?” Yona asked. “I think it’s worth exploring,” Sandbar said with a few more cheeky squeezes. Smolder sputtered out with flustered squeaks. Her back arching every time Sandbar’s fingers squished her cheeks. Although leaning away from Sandbar just meant she would be leaning towards Yona, who took great pleasure in running the feathers across the grooves of her underbelly. Smolder tried to fight back against both tickly sensations by sucking in her belly and holding it in, but it didn’t take much for the laughter to spill out and have her take the brunt of tickling from both sides. “Nahahahahaha! Nahahahahat my buhuhuhutt!” Sandbar had taken a fair amount of tail whips to his side and back, and a few to his face. Though none of that was enough to deter him. If anything, it was a great indicator of how ticklish Smolder was, and possibly how much she was secretly enjoying the experience. Not all of Smolder’s tail movements were voluntary. Sure, a few times she was trying to get a good swing at him, but most of her flailing was out of pure reflex. “Sandbar want to get tools next?” Yona suggested. “Oh, good idea, Yona! I haven’t even gotten to her feet yet…” Smolder gulped as Sandbar crawled under her and Yona’s legs to pick and choose. Her toes curled up, knowing they’d soon be targeted next. Though for now, she was just left with Yona, who didn’t want to give the dragon that much of a break from the tickling. Without Sandbar’s relentless stream of tickles, Yona could experiment with what sort of things would make Smolder squeal the loudest. With Silverstream’s soft feathers in hand, she did some exploration, having them stroke all over her body. Going to her stomach, her chest, her hips, her sides, her thighs, her neck, her armpits. Practically everywhere save for her feet, she knew that Sandbar wanted to do something special for that. Smolder thought that just because Yona was using feathers, she could tough it out. But Yona was quick to test her. Though the intensity wasn’t enough to force out huge screams of laughter, it was impossible to keep herself from giggling. The soft touch of the feather strokes against her hard scales gave her tingles on both her body and her mind. “Ah! Ahahaha! Heeheeheeheeheehee!” Yona let out a soft “Ooh” at all the different reactions Smolder was giving her. The snickering as the feathers got to her neck, the squeaks of laughter when they brushed her armpits, but her favorite was running the feathers against the grooves of her underbelly. That made Smolder burst into a high-pitched giggle fit. “Smolder have very cute laugh when Yona tickle here!” Even though Yona didn’t speed up the feathers, Smolder’s laughter made a significant jump in volume. “NAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHOHO!” Sandbar had made his choice of tools, but Smolder’s sudden outburst made him want to hold back and watch. He’d never seen the dragon blush that hard before. “It true!” Yona nodded proudly. “Smolder laugh cute! Smolder make cute giggles when belly tickled!” Smolder’s eyes widened, rapidly shaking her head in denial. “NO NO NOHOHOHO! IT’S NAHAHAHAHAHAT! IT’S NAHAHAT CUHUHUHUTE!” With a new plan already hatching in his mind, Sandbar crawled back under to get to Smolder’s backside, but remained prone. “Alright, time to get to these adorable dragon feet…” “SAHAHAHAHAHANDBAHAHAR SHUHUHUT UHUHUHUHUP!” Sandbar grabbed onto one of Smolder’s toes, spreading it apart from the rest, though for the moment, that’s all he seemed to do. Smolder put her head down, trying to figure out why Sandbar was only holding onto her toe, but Yona and the feathers stroking her belly and hips were obstructing her view. “Whahahat’s going on-AAAAAAAHAAAA?!” Sandbar finally revealed his chosen tool: a fine-tooth comb with dozens of teeth that ran between Smolder’s toes. Smolder exploded with screaming laughter, immediately trying to wrestle her toe out of Sandbar’s grip. “GYAHAHAHAHAHA! SHIHIHIHIIIIIT! WHAHAHAT THE FUHUHUHUCK IS THAHAHAT?!” “Smolder not know?” Yona giggled. “But Smolder picked it out herself!” Smolder tried to remember everything she hastily grabbed, trying to figure out what could possibly cause all these insane tickly sensations, but another slow drag of the prickly teeth between her toes yanked Smolder’s attention away. Sandbar was enamored by how just these few strokes were making Smolder shriek so loud. The clear and up-close view of her soles was also a plus. “Aw c’mon, Smolder, it can’t tickle that much, can it? Or are your cute feet that sensitive?” Smolder tried her best to be furious at Sandbar, but the constant swipes between her toes and the soft stroking on her belly kept forcing laughter out of her mouth. Her mind felt fuzzy and light from all the constant laughter, and she started to feel tingly sensations in places she wasn’t currently being tickled. And the verbal teasing from both of them certainly didn’t help. Sandbar let go of Smolder’s foot, letting her toes wiggle and curl as much as they could. Though even without the restriction, he could easily use the comb wherever he liked. Across her soles, over her heel…going underneath and between her toes was so easy, he was using his other hand to tickle the other foot. “You know, it’s really cute the way your toes wiggle!” Yona used the quill-end of the feathers to poke and scritch at Smolder’s belly, turning her lined belly into an impromptu notebook page. She wrote her name on each of the lines, drew some shapes, and used the soft vanes as an “eraser” whenever the dragon’s jerky movements caused a mistake in her writing. Though her jumpy upperbody wasn’t Yona’s focus. Even propped up in between the doorframe, Yona still had a height advantage over Smolder, and she had a very clear view of Smolder’s face and how hard she was blushing. “Smolder look adorable when her face all red!” Every time Yona or Sandbar used the word “cute” or “adorable”, Smolder felt a specific little tingle that shot down her spine. It made her body shudder, her heart race, and her face burn hotter. She hated how good it made her feel. Feeling that she got enough use out of the feathers, Yona put them off to the side to grab something else from the pile. “Ooh! These look good for tickling cute dragon!” She held up two makeup brushes, both with a large, fluffy, round collection of soft bristles. She showed them off to Smolder, then held them down to show Sandbar. “Oh, very good choice, Yona!” Sandbar nodded in approval, pulling back the comb to let Smolder breathe for a bit. “Those’ll get her to make those cute squeaks for sure!” Smolder gasped for breath, immediately going into denial mode the second she could talk. “W-What cute squeaks? I-I don’t make any cute squeeeeeeheeheeheeee!” With an impish giggle, Yona started dusting Smolder’s armpits with the brushes. “Yep! Very cute squeaks!” Smolder tugged at the ropes around her wrists, desperate to try and yank her arms downward. With just the makeup brushes to focus on for the moment, she tried to seal her lips and deny the couple the pleasure of hearing those cute squeaks she was supposedly making. Yona raised her eyebrow and flashed a grin, taking Smolder’s resistance as a challenge. She swirled the brushes in the dragon’s armpits, circling the hollows of her taut underarms. Even though she tried to keep in the laughter, the constant brushing against her armpits was more than enough for her to crack a smile as she strained to keep her laughter down. “Nnngh…! Hnnngh!” Yona just kept the brushes going at the same pace, the soft bristles still stroking and teasing Smolder’s armpits, just waiting for the moment when she’d inevitably crack again. “Hrrrrgh!” Smolder balled up her fists. The makeup brushes were infuriatingly soft. It drove her crazy how those soft fluffy bristles were making her feel so ticklish, how they made her feel all tingly and giddy all over, how they made her want to giggle and squeal in delight… Sandbar crawled forward, just enough to get a better view of what Yona was doing from the floor. From the low angle, he could finally see how red Smolder’s face had gotten. And being underneath his naked yak girlfriend gave him plenty else to stare at. “Hey Yona,” he called from below. “I don’t think you’re using those right.” Yona tilted her head downward. “What Sandbar mean?” “Well those makeup brushes are meant to be used on her face,” Sandbar smirked. “I’ve seen Professor Rarity use those to put blush on her cheeks.” “Oh! Well, isn’t Yona using brushes to put blush on Smolder’s cheeks like this?” “OHOHOHO SHUHUHUHUT UHUHUHUHUP!” Whether the joke was planned or not, it was enough to make Smolder crack out of pure shock. Sandbar chuckled as he slid back to Smolder’s back. “You wanna have a turn at her feet, Yona?” “Oooh! Yes!” Yona crouched low as Sandbar stood up, with the yak trying to get into the ideal position to use the makeup brushes on Smolder’s soles. A rising sense of unease bubbled up in Smolder’s chest as she instinctively curled her toes. “Waitwaitwa-aaaaheeheeeheeheeheeeee!” The moment the soft bristles touched her feet, the giggling poured out. With Yona at Smolder’s feet, Sandbar had the rest of Smolder’s body to play with… As Smolder was focused on looking down, trying to see what Yona was doing with her feet, she saw Sandbar’s hands reaching forward past her body, only to see his fingers claw and latch onto her belly. “GAHAHAHA NOHOHOHOHO!” “Hehehe, I got your ticklish tummy!” Sandbar teased, getting a bit closer behind her to avoid more wild flailing from Smolder’s tail. While Sandbar was digging into Smolder’s stomach, Yona toyed with her toes, using the soft makeup brushes to press and stroke underneath her wiggling toes. “Tickle tickle, Smolder!” Smolder was hit with conflicting tickling sensations once again, though the intensities swapped places. Now her feet were given the softer treatment, and her upperbody the intense tickles. The makeup bristles made her feet twitch and squirm, while Sandbar’s digging fingers made her thrash and writhe. Obviously the harder tickles were making Smolder throw her head back with laughter, but the little teases on her feet were impossible to ignore. Yona swept the brushes up and down Smolder’s soles, watching her feet flinch with every stroke. “Smolder’s feet so sensitive, so cute!” “Yeah,” Sandbar nodded, giving Smolder’s sides a squeeze. “I don’t think it’s a coincidence that all these cute parts of her are also so ticklish.” “STAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAAAAP!” Smolder cried out, desperately shaking her head. “STAHAHAHAP SAYING I’M CUHUHUHUHUHUTE!” “Why?” Sandbar immediately replied. “You’re cute, you’ve got a cute laugh, you’ve got a cute belly, and cute feet. Why should we stop calling you cute?” “BECAHAHAHAHAHAUSE! IT! IT! EEEEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Yona spun the makeup brush underneath Smolder’s wiggling toes. “Becaaaauuuuuse?” “B-BECAUSE IT FEELS TOO GOOD!” A confusing confession, but Smolder had a lot of confusing emotions going on. Sandbar actually stopped tickling to let out a laugh of disbelief. “So…you want us to stop because you’re having too much fun being tickled?” “...That’s…not what I said…” Smolder grumbled. “Then what dragon want?” Yona asked. She had a pretty good idea, but she wanted Smolder to say it herself. With her face the reddest it’s ever been, Smolder clenched her fists and her teeth. “I…want you to…” she started out with a mumble, but the rest trailed off into a whisper. “What was that?” Sandbar goaded on with a poke to her side. “I…I want you to tickle…” “Stiiiiill not hearing you!” “...I want you to tickle me and call me cute!” Smolder finally spat out. Sandbar and Yona exchanged a glance and a nod. “Of course!” Yona grinned. “Cute dragon gonna get lots of tickles!” Both of them got low, taking one foot each. Smolder looked down, wiggling her toes in excitement now rather than apprehension. While Yona kept wielding the makeup brush, Sandbar got a new tool: a hairbrush, with plenty of tickly bristles on its big rectangular head. “Oh, I’m gonna make your sole blush as much as your cute cheeks!” Both of them simultaneously got to work. Sandbar grabbed onto Smolder’s ankle for better leverage and to minimize flailing as he started scrubbing away at her sole. Yona continued to lightly dust the makeup brush against Smolder’s wiggling toes. And just like Smolder asked, they piled on the teasing and compliments. “Such cute feet!” “With very cute laughter!” “Look at those adorable wiggling toes!” “And cute wagging tail!” “EEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!” Smolder was completely overwhelmed. She had never felt this flustered, or this embarrassed, or this elated. Yona swept her brush across Smolder’s sole. With Sandbar aggressively scrubbing the other foot, both of Smolder’s feet wiggled around wildly out of reflex. “Oooh, Smolder making really cute giggles now!” “Yeah,” Sandbar chuckled. “It’s almost like these lovely feet are just begging to be tickled! A-tickle tickle tickle!” “EEHEEHEEHEEHEEP! AHAHAHAHEEHEEHEE IT TIHIHIHICKLES SOHOHOHO MUHUHUHUCH!” Smolder cried out, her laughter hitting an even higher pitch. Each word they spoke gave her tickly tingles all over. Her tail couldn’t stop wagging. She loved the gentle strokes from Yona just as much as the harsh scrubbing from Sandbar. “I bet it does!” Sandbar called out. “And you just looove making all those cute squeals!” “Tickle tickle the cute dragon!” Yona taunted, watching how flustered Smolder looked. “AH! HEHEHEHEHE! AHAHAHA IT’S! IT’S SOHOHOHO! AHAHAHA I’M GONNAHAHAHAHAAA! I CAHAHAHAN’T!” Though Smolder didn’t technically say the safe word yet, the couple agreed that it was probably for the best to end the session there. As she got untied, Smolder’s face felt as hot as her own fire breath. All the little teases from Yona and Sandbar still echoed in her head. “Ah…hah…that…that was…” “So? Smolder have fun?” “I…gotta admit…that was…pretty…nice…” Smolder nervously chuckled. “I didn’t think that tickling would make me feel so…so…” “Cuuuuute?” Sandbar waggled his eyebrows. “...Y-Yeah…” she reluctantly nodded. “So listen…if you think of other ways to tickle me to make me feel that…good, will you try them next time?” “Of course!” Sandbar said, barely holding back his snickering. “Anything to hear those adorable giggles of yours!” > Gallus Gets It Good > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Smolder exited the room with a noticeable blush on her face. Silverstream, Ocellus, and Gallus waited for Yona or Sandbar to pop their head out to call Gallus in, but the door simply shut behind Smolder instead. “Huh, that’s different,” Silverstream noted, staring blankly at the closed door. “Yeah, I thought they’d be ready for you, Gallus,” Ocellus said. “I mean, I’m fine with waiting,” Gallus shrugged, trying to hide his nervous sweat. “Not like I’m in a rush to be tickled or anything.” “Maybe they just need a break?” Smolder suggested, leaning against the wall before slumping down. “I know I do…” The other three immediately turned their heads towards Smolder in confusion. “What did they do to you that would require a break?” Gallus asked. Smolder rolled her eyes. “They were tickling me, what else would they be doing?” “I mean, Yona was cuddling me for my turn,” Ocellus pointed out. “Yeah, and I was just tied to the bed,” said Silverstream. “What’d they do with you?” “They tied me to the bathroom door frame.” Smolder shrugged with resignation. “Look, I don’t know why they’re taking so long, I’m just guessing here!” Ocellus tapped her fingers together. “What was your turn like? Was it fun? Y’know, being tickled?” Smolder scratched the back of her neck, the blush still clear on her face. “I…liked it,” she admitted. “When they were both tickling me, I was feeling…something. I don’t know how to describe it, but it felt so nice! It was so intense, but in, like, a good way.” “Oh, I know, right?” Silverstream chimed in. “They were making me scream with laughter, but it felt so goooood! I didn’t want them to stop!” “Yeah, it was kinda like that for me too,” Smolder nodded. “Like, they were so good at finding ways to make me laugh and squirm and squeak, I wanted them to find more of my tickle spots…” “Well, they have been tickling each other a lot,” Ocellus giggled. “I guess that makes for good practice.” “With all those tools and ropes and stuff they have, I’d be surprised if they weren’t good at tickling,” Smolder smirked. Gallus let out a scoff that felt a little overcompensating. “C-C’mon, they can’t have that much…can they?” The group turned to see the door opening once again, with Sandbar popping his head out. “Alright Gallus, we’re ready for you!” Silverstream gave the griffon a slap on the back. “Guess you get to find out now, buddy!” Gallus flinched, there was no more delaying it, no more friends that could go before him. It was finally his turn, though his legs didn’t seem to want to step forward… Smolder saw his shrunken pupils and snickered. “What’s wrong, Gallus? Don’t tell me you’re afraid of a few tickles…” she taunted. “What, me? O-Of course not! Why would I be afraid of getting tickled?” Gallus mentally cursed at himself to get moving before any further humiliation occurred, trudging inside as he tried to show to the others, and himself, that this was no big deal. Despite his attempts to play it cool, the other three weren’t fooled. “You saw him shaking, right?” Smolder smirked. “Oh yeah,” Silverstream nodded. “You think they’re gonna go easy on him?” “I think he’ll be squealing either way,” Ocellus giggled. Gallus was almost in disbelief at all the tickle tools that were in the dorm room. He wasn’t sure how much of it was Sandbar’s and how much of it was Yona’s, but even if it was an even split, knowing that even half of this stuff was just hiding away in his dorm room made the griffon want to shudder. Still, he tried to keep a brave face in the presence of his impending doom. “So, I just have to pick what you two use on me, huh?” “That how it usually go, yes,” Yona nodded. Gallus took another look at the walls and shelves, briefly picturing in his mind what would happen if Yona and Sandbar used it on him. Some of the paintbrushes looked fine, but then he saw the meaner stuff like those big flat-headed hairbrushes. “Well, there’s just…s-so much!” Gallus blurted out, his voice clearly showing panic. “I have no idea where to start! It might take a while for me to make a decision! Yeah...” “Oh don’t worry, Gallus,” Sandbar walked over to the griffon, patting him on the shoulder. “I figured you might have trouble deciding, so I already picked out everything for you!” “You did WHAT?” “Mmhm!” Sandbar pointed over to the bed, where Gallus saw all that was waiting for him: A pair of stocks, a few bottles, some rope, and two massive hairbrushes, even bigger than the ones he just saw. Gallus’s jaw dropped. He felt his clawtips tremble just looking at the bed. “Now Gallus strip down and we can get started!” Yona grinned. Gallus stood at the edge of the bed, rethinking his life choices as he fiddled stalled with his waistband. “Y’know, maybe I’m not even all that ticklish in the first place…” “You know, if you don’t wanna do this, you can just say so, dude,” Sandbar said with sincerity. “No, it’s just, I don’t wanna waste all this time getting set up if I’m not even ticklish, so-GYAAAHAHA!” As Gallus was trying to make excuses, Yona snuck up behind and gave his sides a good squeeze, causing his knees to buckle and almost fall underneath him. “Oh, look at that! Gallus ticklish!” Gallus got back up, cheeks notably red. It was only for a brief second, but it felt…almost good to let that burst of laughter out. His unease fought with his curiosity, and with a reluctant sigh, he started pulling down his pants. Being in his underwear made Gallus feel cold first of all, but now he felt vulnerable too. He got onto the bed, putting his feet in the stocks, visibly wincing as he heard the click of the lock, trapping him inside and keeping his feet at the foot of the bed. As Yona locked Gallus’s feet in, she couldn’t help but notice just how smooth and clean the griffon’s soles were. “Oooh, griffon feet look very nice!” she remarked. “Yeah, they’re pretty cute,” Sandbar smirked, wondering if the same strategy they used on Smolder was also effective on Gallus. Gallus simply let out a huff, crossing his arms and curling his toes. Sandbar patted Gallus on the back, speaking with sincerity once again. “If it ever gets to be too much, just say ‘pink’, and we’ll stop, alright?” “Uhuh…” Admittedly, seeing and hearing Sandbar being so gentle with him did put Gallus at ease, though the fact that Sandbar started grinning wickedly the moment Gallus agreed put him back on edge. The couple stood in front of Gallus’s feet, staring at his curled up soles, smirking as their clawed fingers approached. The stocks began to rattle as the griffon nervously tried to pull his feet away. Despite all the evil tools on the bed, Yona and Sandbar were nice enough to start out with their fingers. They just weren’t nice enough to start out slowly. Yona’s fingers were surprisingly nimble as they danced all over his sole. She playfully scribbled up and down, just following Gallus’s foot wherever he tried to make it go. Sandbar, however, didn’t want to give Gallus the luxury of moving his feet. His palm firmly held the griffon’s toes back, using the other hand to dig into his now taut arches. “NAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHOHOHO!” Gallus immediately broke out with laughter. Yona’s playfulness he could handle, but Sandbar preventing his foot from moving at all was making him thrash the rest of his body. “Oooh, Sandbar right! Gallus VERY ticklish!” Yona giggled, drawing a figure eight on his sole. Sandbar playfully nudged Yona with a knowing smirk on his face. “Told ya his feet were super sensitive,” he chuckled. “GYAHAHAHAAHAHAAAAA! WHAHAHAHAHAT?!” Gallus tried to shoot Sandbar a dirty look, but a well-timed finger strike to the ball of his foot caused him to throw his head back in hysterics. Sandbar’s remark made Gallus’s heart skip a beat, but given how that devious pony had already set everything up, he should have figured that he’d tell Yona about how ticklish the griffon was. Sharing a room together meant that Sandbar had plenty of opportunities to give Gallus a quick tickle: to grab his attention, to wake him up, or just cause Sandbar was bored. Every time, Gallus let out a squawk and a flustered, angry reaction.  Sandbar just chalked it up to Gallus being embarrassed that his cool and tough guy front was easily broken, but Gallus was always left with a burning in his cheeks and a funny feeling in his chest that he couldn’t explain. The tickling never lasted more than a few seconds, mostly because of how much Gallus thrashed. But now, with his feet secured in the stocks, there was no escape, forcing the griffon into a full, uninterrupted session of tickle teasing torment. “Wow, Gallus moving feet a LOT,” Yona noted, watching Gallus’s sole squirming with each little touch. “Yona trying to find tickle spot, but Gallus won’t let Yona check!” “I think that just means all of his feet are the tickle spot, Yona,” Sandbar chuckled. Even though Sandbar was holding back his toes, he still couldn’t tell what spots or techniques were making Gallus laugh the loudest. But given how this was the first time he was really tickling Gallus, this was still vital information. “PLEHEHEHEHEHEAAAASE! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP IHIHIHIT!” Gallus begged. His entire body was thrashing around on the bed, sending all the toys Sandbar prepared flying off. Yona couldn’t help but giggle at Gallus’s wild reactions. “Gallus sooooo ticklish! Yona think he most ticklish friend!” she said, wiggling her fingers underneath his toes. “Maybe even the most ticklish griffon ever…” Sandbar added as he raked his fingers down Gallus’s sole. “NOHOHOHOHO I’M NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAT!” Gallus thought that only having his ankles stuck in the stocks would be a plus. After all, if he was tied up even more, it would leave him helpless. Yet with all the thrashing and bouncing he was doing, it made him feel even more helpless than if he was just rendered immobile. He pounded on the mattress, tried to reach forward towards his feet, curled and wiggled his toes any way he could, but nothing he did stopped the relentless tickle attack on his feet. Sandbar finally stopped holding Gallus’s toes back, finally allowing him to wiggle them freely. “I don’t think we can keep tickling his feet like this, Yona…” Gallus felt an initial wave of relief, but knew something else was coming. “Ooh, Yona know what to do!” the yak grinned, grabbing one of the things that Gallus had knocked off the bed, holding it up so that Gallus could see. In her hands, Yona held a long rope with handles on both ends, though the rope itself was a lot fuzzier. Gallus’s toes curled immediately upon looking at it. Yona got to work carefully weaving the fuzzy rope between each of Gallus’s toes. Obviously she was met with some defiant resistance, but it was nothing that couldn’t be solved by Sandbar digging his fingers into his soles to get his toes nice and spread. Gallus clenched his hands into fists as he squirmed. Just the act of curling his toes was enough to start tickling himself now. “Ghhkkk! Nohohohoho…g-get this thing off of my tohohohoes…!” Sandbar stood near Gallus’s right foot. “Well, you heard him, Yona, we should get this out.” he said, grabbing the handle and pulling it towards himself. “WAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!” Gallus immediately stiffened up as he felt the rope tickle all of his toes at once. “Okay! Yona help get rope!” the yak nodded, standing near Gallus’s left foot. She grabbed onto the other handle and tugged it towards her side. “NONONOHOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!” Gallus fell backwards onto the bed, howling with laughter as the fuzzy rope went all the way back, tickling him the entire way. “Come on, Yona, we gotta go this way!” Sandbar smirked, slowly pulling the rope towards his side. “Nuh-uh! Rope go this way!” Yona defiantly stuck her tongue out, pulling the rope back towards her. “PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEAAASE NAHAHAT MY TOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOES! IT’S TOOHOOHOOHOO MUHUHUHUHUCH!” Gallus pleaded with tears of laughter flowing down his face. Sandbar and Yona seemingly ignored the griffon’s cries for mercy, still “arguing” about which way to pull the rope. “Yona, come on, the rope has to go out this way!” Sandbar insisted. “It’ll tickle too much if the rope goes your direction!” “Yona’s way faster! Sandbar’s way too slow, will tickle Gallus for longer!” “STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA! IT TIHIHIHIHICKLES SOHOHOHO MUHUHUHUHUCH! MAKE IT STAHAHAP MAKE IT STAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA FUHUHUHUCK!” Gallus was being driven crazy by the ticklish tug of war. Each pull sent shivers and tingles across his whole body. Sandbar gestured to Gallus, currently lying on his back, weakly reaching out towards them. “Look at him, he can’t handle his super sensitive toes being tickled when you pull it towards you, it has to go this way!” “Gallus crying with laughter because of Sandbar, not Yona!” Yona playfully pouted. “I’M GONNAHAHAHA GO CRAZIIEEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!” the poor griffon howled. His feet so desperately wanted to go as wild as he was feeling, but any sort of wiggle or curl just added to the torment as the rope flossed between his toes. “Ugh, pulling the rope out would be a lot easier if Gallus stopped moving his arms around!” Sandbar grumbled. “WHAHAHAHAHAT?!” Even with his mind going fuzzy, Gallus knew that didn’t make sense. “Yona agree,” the yak solemnly nodded. “Gallus need to learn to stay still!” “Maybe you should help him stay in place while I try and get this rope out by myself,” Sandbar suggested. “Fine, but Sandbar better pull it out Yona’s way!” Sandbar whispered something to Yona before she went to “help” Gallus out. Gallus laid on the bed, sweat, tears, and drool dripping down as he desperately tried to catch his breath. He was left unaware of what was going on, barely paying attention to anything until he felt Yona place her hands underneath him, forcing him upright. “Wha-huh?” Yona took her place right behind Gallus. Similar to what she did with Ocellus, she wrapped her arms around Gallus and gave him a big hug. “Huh? I…Oooh…” After the initial confusion, Gallus settled into his new position. Being embraced by Yona’s big, warm, naked body felt nice, and after the intense tickling he just went through, he was ready to drift off to sleep… But Gallus was too distracted by the warm fuzzy yak hugs to realize that Sandbar now had unrestricted access to both his feet. While Gallus was distracted by Yona, Sandbar grabbed both ends of the fuzzy rope, pulling it back and forth between his toes with a wicked grin on his face. Gallus’s attention instantly turned back to Sandbar as the rope started to move again. “WAITWAITNO NONONOHOHOHOHOHOHO! WAHAHAHAHAHAHA! WAHAHAHAHAAAAIT!” Yona let out a little giggle as Gallus exploded with laughter once more. She could feel him attempt to thrash around again. Luckily her hug kept him in mostly the same spot. “Hehehe, look at these toes wiggle!” Sandbar teased, switching between fast tugs and slow drags of the rope. “Oh, these might be the most ticklish toes I’ve ever seen!” “NOOOOHOHOHOHO! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHACK!” Gallus tried his best to struggle, but Yona was far too strong for him to try and wiggle out, and he had a feeling she wasn’t even trying that hard to keep him still. Yona had her arms around Gallus’s arms, which vastly restricted his movement. She did feel the griffon’s wings try to open up and flap. The feathers brushing against her bare belly and breasts made Yona giggle, but it wasn’t enough to make her loosen her grip. “SAAAAAHAHAA! SAHAHAHANDBAHAHAHAHAR STAHAHAHAHAP!” Gallus begged. He sputtered out rapid, desperate laughs at the fast motions, and long, loud squeals at the slow ones. “Alright.” To Gallus’s surprise, Sandbar actually stopped. He pulled the rope up to finally get it out of the griffon’s toes. “I gotta pick up all the stuff that you knocked over, so it’s your turn, Yona.” As Sandbar ducked under to get onto his hands and knees, Yona looked down at Gallus with a mischievous smile. Gallus stiffened up again. Surely Yona wouldn’t be as mean as Sandbar, right?  As he looked up to see Yona’s face, Yona’s fingers sneakily struck, digging into his sides. “Naaaahahahaha! Eeeeheehee!” Gallus started squirming again. He jolted and squirmed, but his attempts of trying to wriggle free were futile. “Oooh, maybe Yona find Gallus tickle spot up here!” Yona giggled. Yona’s hug loosened up a bit, but only to have her hands explore Gallus’s upper-body. “I-I don’t hahahave a tihihihickle spohohohot!” Gallus insisted, squeaking as he felt Yona’s fingers spider across his stomach, causing him to arch his back. “Oh, Gallus definitely have tickle spots! Griffon’s toes extra ticklish!” Yona pointed out. Gallus scoffed. “T-That’s not fair! That rope’s evil!” he said with a shudder. “I’m not super ticklish anywhere else, so-NYAAHAHAHAHAHA!” As he was talking, Yona’s fingers dug right into his hips, causing him to jolt with a girlish squeal. “Yona found one!” “Heh, great job, Yona!” Sandbar chuckled, picking some of the tools off of the floor. Yona kept squeezing and digging her fingers into Gallus’s hips, making sure to hug him tight immediately after so that he wasn’t jerking around too much. Gallus tried to protest, but every time he tried to finish a sentence, Yona would just give his hips a squeeze to interrupt him. “Y-Yona! You gott-AAAHAHA! Just gimmie a-BREAAAK! Why does it-TICKLESOHOHOMUCH?!” “Because Gallus very ticklish!” Yona plainly replied. “And tickling very fun!” Sandbar finally picked up everything Gallus knocked off, making his way back to his feet. “There we go! Now, where were we?” As he squirmed and jumped from Yona’s squeezing, Gallus turned his attention back to Sandbar at the stocks. He saw his friend holding up two metallic pinwheel-like devices. Sandbar pressed his finger against the wheel to give it a spin, showing Gallus that they weren’t quite as sharp as they looked. Of course, it didn’t do much for Gallus’s anxieties when he felt the pair of wheels roll up his heels. “YAAAAAHAAHAHA! GAHAHAHAHA FUHUHUHUHUCK!” While it didn’t tickle nearly as much as the fuzzy rope, the spiky little points on the wheel made pinprick-like tingles rush over Gallus’s entire body. Sandbar ran the wheels up and down his feet, making tracks all over Gallus’s soles. “Wow, this must be driving you crazy, huh? The way the wheels run uuuuup and doooown your feet…Look at how your toes spread out! It’s like they’re inviting me to tickle them…” Of course, Yona was still keeping Gallus in her ticklish captivity, running her fingers up his sides and into his armpits. “Gallus fun to tickle! Very enjoyable to make laugh!” “STAHAHAHAP! STAAAAAHAHAHAHAP IHIHIHIT!” Gallus fervently fought against Yona’s squeezing embrace, the fingers in his pits causing more mirthful tears to form in his eyes. Yona giggled as she looked at Gallus’s face currently in hysterics. “Isn’t this fun, Gallus?” She asked with another dig into his armpits. “NOHOHOHO IT’S NAHAHAHAT!” Sandbar let out a laugh. “Hah! Come on, dude. We know you’ve been enjoying this, even if you haven’t said it yet.” Gallus sputtered in denial. “S-SHUHUHUHUT UHUHUHUP! THAT’S NAHAHAHAT TRUE!” Sandbar stopped the tickling. He tilted his head and raised an eyebrow as he smirked. “Dude, you’ve been hard for like, the entire time,” he said, gesturing towards the griffon’s crotch. Gallus fell deathly silent. A quick glance down confirmed Sandbar’s accusation, there was a noticeable excitement in his underwear for quite a while. Something that wasn’t just caused by having a naked Yona cuddling him. “T-That’s just…a reflex!” He said, trying to play it off. “Oh yeah?” Sandbar continued. “If you really wanted us to stop, you would’ve said the safeword by now.” “M-Maybe I forgot!” Gallus said, making up the most obvious lie yet. “Safeword is ‘pink’!” Yona chimed in to “remind” him. Sandbar leaned against the stocks, looking at Gallus with a smirk. “Well, now there’s no excuse.”   He tapped Gallus’s twitching toes. “Your choice, dude. You can either say the safeword right now and we stop everything and let you go, or you can tell us how you really feel about being tickled and we keep going.” Gallus’s face twisted with worry as he glanced back and forth between Sandbar and Yona, struggling to decide what he really wanted. The past few minutes felt like hours. When Sandbar constantly teased him with surprise tickles, Gallus always felt flustered afterwards. Now he was experiencing that same feeling but magnified a hundredfold. He had never felt anything like this. His feet were never this tingly, he never felt this out of breath and dizzy, his face was never so hot and bothered, he had never laughed this hard before, not to the point where he was crying, and yet the smile wouldn’t leave his beak. He never felt this weird level of happiness before… And he didn’t want it to stop. “P…P…Please…t-tickle me more…” Sandbar and Yona’s faces lit up upon hearing Gallus speak up. “Really? You want us to keep tickling you?” Sandbar said. “Don’t make me say it again, dude, come on…” Gallus wearily whimpered. Sandbar softly chuckled. “Just wanted to make sure I heard you right. But if that’s what you really want, then get ready…” Gallus’s whole body shuddered, but now he felt…excited. Even if he didn’t admit it out loud yet, the small act of asking for more felt like a huge weight was lifted off his chest. “Alright Yona, you heard him,” Sandbar smirked. “Keep him entertained while I set up the next part, alright?” “Yona on it!” Yona nodded her head as she resumed the tickling. Her fingers firmly dug into his hips to make him jolt and squeal once more. “Eeee! Yaaahahahaha! Ahahahahahahahaaaaaa!” For the first time that afternoon, Gallus was laughing heartily, now fully enjoying himself as Yona playfully got one of his tickle spots. As Yona played with Gallus, Sandbar grabbed the bottle of lotion that he retrieved from the floor. He squirted a generous amount directly onto Gallus’s blushing feet and started rubbing it in. Gallus felt the cold lotion being spurted on and Sandbar’s warm hands touching his feet, half-massaging, half-tickling his super-sensitive soles. “H-Hehehehey, whahahat is thahahahahat?” “You’ll find out soon enough, Gallus,” Sandbar winked. Gallus felt nervous in the pit of his stomach, but he had no choice but to enjoy the ticklish rub from Sandbar, and the ticklish hug from Yona. Now that Gallus was less likely to thrash as much, Yona took the opportunity to explore some other ticklish areas the griffon might have. With her fingers already at his hips, she moved her hands downwards to toy with the bird’s rump. “EEEHEEHEEHAHA!” Gallus would’ve leapt in the air if his feet weren’t in the stocks. His eyes widened, not expecting his butt to be so ticklish. “Oooh, very fun reaction!” Yona said with wonder in her eyes, spidering her fingers across his ticklish butt to see if Gallus would make any more cute noises. “Y-Yonahahahahahaha! Come ohohohohohon!” Gallus whined, though obviously not telling her to stop. Meanwhile, Sandbar was humming to himself, making sure that the lotion was fully worked into Gallus’s feet, in between his toes, and even at the tops of his feet and ankles for good measure. Gallus could tell that Sandbar was having way too much fun rubbing his feet. Even though the massage felt nice, he could tell when his friend deliberately skittered his fingers against his sole or wiggled between his toes just to make him squeal for just a moment. Yona was all too happy to keep tickling Gallus’s butt. As long as he kept jumping, the yak would keep squeezing his rear to make him blush and laugh. Gallus could feel his entire face burning with blush. But between Sandbar’s ticklish rubdown and Yona’s loving squeezes, he was happy where he was. He closed his eyes, enveloped in the tickly bliss. “Alright Gallus, you ready?” Gallus cracked an eye open, then both eyes shot open in shock. Sandbar was holding up the two massive hairbrushes, and they were even more terrifying up close.  Gallus swore he felt his heart stop for just a moment as he came to a terrible realization. Those brushes weren’t meant for a pony, they looked more suited for a yak- “Oh fuck…” It was impossible for Sandbar to get the wicked grin off his face. He had just lotioned up Gallus’s feet to be nice and smooth for these big stiff bristles. “I gotta tell ya, I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to tap out now…” Gallus was naturally afraid, but his newfound love of tickling and Sandbar challenging his ego caused the griffon to look Sandbar dead in the eye and say “Bring it.” Thankfully, before Gallus had time to take his words back, Sandbar started scrubbing the big brushes against his feet. Poor Gallus practically exploded. “BWAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!” Sandbar grinned in pure satisfaction. The lotion was doing wonders for making sure the bristles smoothly slid up and down Gallus’s feet. Gallus was back to the wild flailing, enough that Yona had to hug him again to make sure he didn’t hurt himself by thrashing about. “NAHAHAHAHAHAA! I CAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAA AIIEEEHEEEHEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEE!” The simple act of the yak hairbrushes going down his feet made Gallus feel paralyzed. He wanted to flail his feet, but they just wouldn’t move. Or maybe they were moving, but the brushes were so big he had no chance of escaping them anyway. “Tickle tickle tickle tickle tiiiickleeee…” Sandbar cooed, slowly dragging the stiff bristles across the entirety of his soles. “YOU FUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUCK! AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!” With Gallus laughing his head off, Yona remembered what Sandbar whispered to her before she hopped on the bed. She scooted herself back, giving Gallus a bit more wiggle room. Gallus was so focused on Sandbar brushing his feet, he barely felt Yona’s fingers starting at the small of his back, slowly walking upwards, until they started wiggling right between his wings. “AAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE!” Gallus shrieked as his wings outstretched instantly. His back arched and he froze in place as he started screaming with laughter. “Sandbar right! Wings definitely ticklish!” Yona said, lightly skittering her fingers against Gallus’s back in the same spot. “Perfect! Thanks, Yona!” With two sources of intense tickling, Gallus’s concentration was completely shattered. The slow brushing of his feet and the playful tickling between his wings made Gallus dizzy in hysterics. Sandbar made sure to go slow with the brushes to not drive Gallus too crazy. The brushes easily covered so much of the griffon’s soles anyway, so he could focus on the sweet sound of his friend’s laughter. Yona mixed up tickling directly between Gallus’s wings and playfully running her fingers through them. Silverstream and Gallus having ticklish wings was such a fascinating concept to the yak. “PLEHEHAHAHAAAA! I CAHAHAHAHAHA SAHAHAHANAHAH! EEHEHEHEEE STAHAHAHA TIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIAHAHAHA!” Gallus could no longer get a word out. He was starting to feel the tickly tingles all over his body now. As fun as it would’ve been to keep going, Sandbar decided to stop the whole thing before Gallus truly lost his mind. To compensate, Sandbar spent some extra time giving Gallus’s poor peds a genuine massage and a few kisses while Yona helped Gallus get a drink. It took a long while for Gallus to recover. He was still laying on the bed, breathing heavily and sweating as Sandbar tended to his tender feet. “I’ll admit,” Gallus said, tapping his claws together. “I was…kinda scared of doing this. But it was…nice, I liked how it felt to laugh that hard and that loud. I’ve never felt so…happy and tingly before.” “So Gallus had fun?” Yona asked. “Yeah, it was…a lot of fun. I-I think I like…being tickled.” Gallus muttered. Even if it was true, it still felt weird to say it out loud. “Oh, I think you more than liked it,” Sandbar teased. Flustered, Gallus sat up and got in Sandbar’s face. “S-Shut up! If you tell anyone outside of our friends, I’ll…I’ll tie you up and tickle you until you cry!” “Is that a threat or a promise?” > Yona and Sandbar Yearn to Squeal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gallus confidently strutted out of the room to meet with the rest of his friends. “So, how’d it go? Was it suuuuper intense?” Silverstream asked. “Pssh, it was fine.” Gallus scoffed. “Nothing I couldn’t handle.” Gallus was immediately met with snickers and giggles from the three girls. “You know we could hear you begging for mercy from all the way out here, right?” Ocellus pointed out. “...Fuck.” “Yeah, you were laughing louder than Silverstream,” Smolder taunted. “Probably at a higher pitch, too.” “Heehee! What’d they do to make you squeal like that, Gallus?” Silverstream giggled, reaching for his sides. “Hey! Q-Quhihit it!” Gallus protested, batting away Silverstream’s arms as they grabbed onto his sides and squeezed. “Yeah, I wanna know how they made you squawk like that!” Ocellus chuckled. She joined Silverstream in slowly creeping towards Gallus, wiggling her fingers menacingly. Gallus held his arms out as he slowly backed up, trying to keep the girls at arm’s length. “C-C’mon, I just recovered from all the tickling…!” “Maybe you gotta hold him down first!” Smolder suggested, charging in to tackle the griffon to the floor. Gallus’s pupils shrunk as Smolder pounced. By the time he found himself on the floor, Smolder was already sitting on his waist, skittering her claws against his sides. “Gahahaha! S-Stahahahahap!” Silverstream and Ocellus eagerly joined in, wiggling their fingers against his belly, ribs, and armpits. “NOHOHOHO! THAHAHAHAT’S NOT FAHAHAHAAAAIR! EEHEEHAHAHAHAHAAA!” Gallus flailed his arms around, unable to stop any of the three from tickling him. Silverstream grinned as she tickled Gallus’s pits. “Oooh, this is fun! Maybe next time I’ll be invited to the next tickle session to tickle Gallus!” Smolder’s eyes briefly widened as she came to a realization. “Wait, hold on girls.” Ocellus and Silverstream stopped and turned towards Smolder. Gallus wearily lifted his head. “Ok, so,” Smolder started to explain. “This whole thing started because we wanted to know why Sandbar and Yona do all these tickle sessions with each other, right?” The other three nodded in understanding. “And so this whole day, we’ve been taking turns getting tickled, and we all liked it, right?” The group nodded again, but with varying levels of enthusiasm this time. “But Sandbar and Yona don’t just love being tickled. Their tickle sessions are about being tickled and getting to be the tickler!” Silverstream’s eyes lit up. “Ohhh, I see what you’re getting at!” Smolder grinned and pointed finger guns at Silverstream. “I think we should get another tickle session just so we can get the full experience…” “It…would be nice to try it out…” Ocellus giggled. “And I think it’s a great way to thank them both for all the hard work they’ve done!” Gallus scratched his chin. “Hmm, I dunno. I’m not sure if tickling someone would be as fun…” he mused, before reaching his hands up to spider his claws over Smolder’s belly. “EEEHEEEHEEHEEHEEEE!” As Smolder fell onto her back in a fit of giggles, Gallus stood up and dusted himself off with a smirk on his face. “Nevermind. I’m convinced.” After Gallus left, Yona and Sandbar laid down on the bed to cuddle after a job well done, with Yona pulling Sandbar tight into her warm embrace. “Heh, that was a lot of tickling we did today, huh?” Sandbar chuckled, settling himself in Yona’s cleavage. “Mmhm! Yona had lots of fun tickling friends with Sandbar!” Yona nodded, giving the earth pony a loving squeeze. “Hnng…! L-Lucky for us they all really seemed to love being tickled!” Sandbar mused. “You think it’s because we’re such expert ticklers?” he half-joked. Yona took a moment to think. “Yona think friends wanted to have fun just like Yona and Sandbar do!” As they cuddled, they heard the faint sound of Gallus’s laughter as he was getting triple teamed in the hallway. “Hah, guess they couldn’t get enough,” Sandbar smirked, trying to picture the scene outside in his head. “Now that friends love tickling too, lots of opportunities for more tickle nights open up!” Yona said. “Yona excited to tickle-cuddle Ocellus or use yak hairbrush on Smolder’s feet!” “And I definitely wanna try tickling Silverstream’s wings again, or find out how long Gallus can last while I tickle his toes with his own feathers…” Sandbar chuckled sinisterly. He looked at all the tools and toys around the room that they used. “But we should probably start packing things up before we get too comfortable.” As the two got up to start putting things away, they heard a knock on the door and Smolder’s voice on the other side. “Yona? Sandbar?” The couple opened the dormroom door to see the rest of their friends standing there, too. “Heya! We just wanted to tell you that we all had a lot of fun getting tickled today!” Silverstream said. “That good to hear!” Yona beamed. “We glad you enjoyed tickling!” “That being said,” Ocellus interjected. “Do you think you could do just one more session?” Sandbar and Yona quickly glanced at each other. If they really loved it that much, why turn another opportunity down? “Sure! Who’s gonna be tickled, then?” “Oh, that’s easy,” Gallus said with a smug grin on his face. “Both of you!” “US?!” Yona and Sandbar said in unison. “We all got to see what was so fun about being tickled, but now we wanna see what it’s like when we’re doing the tickling. I’m sure it’s as fun as you two made it seem when you were making us all laugh,” Smolder said. Sandbar’s face had clear signs of worry. He wasn’t going to say no, but being tickled by all four of their friends AND as a bit of playful revenge meant he had a pretty good idea of how intense it was gonna be. He looked over at Yona to see what she was thinking. Yona simply smiled and shrugged. “Is only fair, Sandbar,” she giggled. “Yeah, you’re right…” Sandbar reluctantly sighed. “Okay, but you better tickle us good!” “Oh I plan to, buddy,” Gallus grinned, patting Sandbar on the shoulder as he walked inside with the rest of the group. Yona and Sandbar sat on the bed, watching as their friends went around the room, grabbing the tools they wanted to use. He nervously fidgeted in place watching a lot of the particularly tickly ones get snatched up. “Why Sandbar look nervous?” Yona asked. “We been tickled more times than Yona can count!” “Yeah, but how many of those times have we been tickled by four of our friends at once?” “Oooh, right!” Yona nodded, though the idea just made her more excited than anything. The group of ticklers all returned back to the bed with their chosen tools. “Alright, let’s get ready!” Silverstream declared, staring to take her shirt off. The rest of her friends watched in confusion. “Uh…Silverstream? What are you doing?” Smolder asked. “Getting naked,” she casually answered, before realizing why she was getting looks. “...They were stripped down when they tickled us.” A beat of silence before there were reluctant murmurs of agreement as the rest stripped down to their underwear. Now came time to tie the couple up, and Ocellus came up with a simple, but creative idea. The first step was to tie down Yona. Thanks to those thick blue ropes that Sandbar custom-ordered, the yak was put in a Y-position: arms spread out, reaching the corners of the bed, and her ankles together at the foot of the bed. Sandbar got the lucky position of resting on top of Yona, though with his arms wrapped around Yona’s neck, tied together at the wrists. He was dangling like a living necklace. Thanks to the size difference between the two, the arrangement didn’t cover up that many tickle spots, though it would be fairly easy to reach underneath Sandbar anyway. “Wow, this looks great, Ocellus!” Silverstream marveled, walking over to the couple. “You two nice and comfy like this?” “Yona think Sandbar very comfy,” she giggled, noting how Sandbar’s head was resting in her cleavage. “You ready?” Smolder asked, already eyeing the stuff she wanted to use. “Ready!” Sandbar nodded, starting to look forward to the intensity that awaited them. “Alright, the safeword is ‘pink’!” Ocellus said, walking towards their feet. “Though I doubt you’ll be saying it anyway,” Gallus chuckled, giving Sandbar a poke to the side. For the brief moments of anticipation before the tickling started, Yona and Sandbar looked at the faces of their friends. Each of them was looking at their vulnerable tickle spots with the same excited and mischievous twinkle in their eyes. Despite no one saying anything yet, and everyone focusing in on their first target, all four of them had started their tickle attack at the same time. Needless to say, Yona and Sandbar found it a bit overwhelming at first. “EEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!” “GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!” Silverstream had been eyeing Yona’s massive feet for so long, and now she could finally have her fun. She was so excited to rake her claws down her big soles and watch as all her toes spread out from the initial tickling shock. Ocellus wanted to experiment a bit, trying to find all the different tickle spots the couple had, and enjoy the loving laughter along the way. She leaned over the side of the bed, poking and wiggling her fingers against Sandbar’s flank to see him wiggle and squeak. Smolder sat above Yona’s head, reaching down to scribble her fingers in the yak’s taut armpits. She wanted to see what would make these two tickle-lovers blush the hardest and squeal the loudest. Gallus was currently all about revenge. While sitting on Sandbar’s legs, he started digging his fingers into the pony’s sides and hips, squeezing him to make him jolt. Sure, he would definitely get around to tickling Yona, too, but making Sandbar cry from laughing was his first priority. “AAAIIIEEEHEEHEEHAHAHAHAAA! WAITWAITWAAHAAAAHAAAHAAA!” Sandbar definitely felt Ocellus’s fingers tickling his butt, which would ordinarily get him into a gigglefit, but Gallus’s very targeted attack was taking most of his attention. The griffon would not let up on his tickle attack, always making sure to squeeze or dig into his sides or hips to keep him squirming. Every time he opened his eyes, he’d just see Gallus’s smug face looking right back at him. Despite knowing that this was very much fueled by revenge, Sandbar didn’t regret a single thing. Though he was wishing that he could feel Ocellus’s more gentle tickles in comparison. “HEEHEEHEEHEE YEHEHEHEHES! TIHIHIHICKLE YONA GOOHOOHOOHOOD!” From Smolder digging into her pits and Silverstream scribbling all over her soles, Yona was being tickled from top to bottom. And she was excited! Both of them were already getting her to belly laugh, and she was hoping they could really make her squeal. Silverstream was enamored. “Oooh, I never realized just how BIG your feet are, Yona!” she cooed as she got her face closer and closer to her soles as she tickled them. “And so TICKLISH, too!” “Heh, you should see how ticklish her armpits are,” Smolder chuckled, alternating between slow strokes and rapid scribbles. “Hey Yona, what tickles more, the slow tickles or the fast ones?” “EEEEEHEEEE! FAHAHAHAST! FAHAHAHAHAHAST!” Yona’s laughter was significantly louder whenever Smolder was really digging into her pits. The ropes were putting in work to keep her still and her armpits taut. Ocellus wanted to keep tickling Sandbar, but she was starting to feel overshadowed by Gallus’s more aggressive tactic. Rather than try to out-tickle Gallus, she decided to at least use him for a bit. “Hey Gallus? Can you check if Sandbar’s butt is ticklish for me real quick?” Without even skipping a beat, Gallus nodded and switched targets. “Oh yeah, sure thing!” His fingers lowered from Sandbar’s hips to his flank, giving his buttcheeks a few mean squeezes and skitters. The second Ocellus made her request, Sandbar’s eyes went wide. “NONONOWAIT AAAAAHAAAAHAHAHAHA!” The poor earth pony’s squeaks got considerably higher in pitch as Gallus started squeezing his butt. With each grope, Sandbar’s whole face turned a deeper shade of red. With the ropes they used, Yona was mostly immobile, only showing a bit of tugging and straining from the ropes and some wiggling from her midsection. Smolder was listening close for the little high peaks in Yona’s laughter to see what spots or moves tickled the most.  Yona was letting out a constant stream of steady laughter, squeaking whenever Smolder found a spot on her armpit hollows that was especially ticklish. As for her feet, she felt a sudden lack of playful fingers against her soles, followed by something warm and wet starting at her heel that put a blush on her cheeks. Between Yona and Sandbar’s laughter and the conversation being held by Ocellus and Gallus, she swore she heard Silverstream moaning. Out of curiosity, she looked up and leaned to the side. “Are you…licking Yona’s feet?” Silverstream finished a long lap from Yona’s heel to her toes. “Mmhm! They taste great!” “Really? What do they taste like?” “Like yak feet!” After a few more squeezes to Sandbar’s flank, Gallus turned towards his changeling friend. “Alright Ocellus, any other places you wanna test? We can find out together,” he offered. “Hmm, what about his knees?” Ocellus suggested. “Heh, you got it!” Gallus turned around, and they both took one leg each, curiously wiggling their fingers against Sandbar’s knees, trying to see if they were ticklish. Ultimately, they were right. “EEEEK! EEEHEEHAHAHA! WAIT THAHAHAHAHAAA!” It came as a surprise to all three of them. Sandbar didn’t even know he was ticklish there, but when either of them stuck their fingers behind his knees, his legs immediately started kicking out of reflex. “Woah, looks like they’re pretty ticklish!” Gallus chuckled, grabbing onto Sandbar’s leg while trying to mind the bucking. “Nice find, Ocellus!” “Thanks! Doesn’t seem as ticklish as I’d hoped, but it’d still be a fun spot to surprise him with later!” Smolder had satisfied herself enough with tickling Yona’s armpits for now, and thought about where to go next. She looked over at Sandbar squirming around as Ocellus and Gallus briefly discussed where to tickle him next, then to Yona’s face as she giggled and squeaked. Smolder assumed that it was because of Silverstream licking Yona’s feet, but she noticed how the yak’s shoulders wiggle as Sandbar shook his head inside her cleavage, giving her an idea… Smolder moved to the side of the bed, eyeing her next target. Her fingertips lightly skittered against Yona’s breasts. “EEEEEEE!” Yona’s body briefly tensed up, feeling a hot rush of blood to her cheeks and ears as Smolder started tickling her breasts. “Oooh, ticklish tits, huh?” Smolder let out a low chuckle. “I wonder…” She grabbed one of her tools: one of the makeup brushes that was used to tickle her earlier today. She used the soft bristles to daintily brush her breasts. Yona let out a mixture of a squeak and a moan, arching her back as much as she could, and giving the two guys on top of her quite the jolt. “AAHAAAHHHN!” Meanwhile, Silverstream was eagerly lick-tickling Yona’s feet. She loved the way her big toes wiggled as she licked, and the little giggly moans that Yona made whenever she flicked her tongue underneath her toes. Yona laughed happily as she felt Silverstream greedily lapping at her soles. Sometimes she got the opportunity to curl her toes around her beak, only to get a quick scribble to let her go. Eventually, Silverstream took a break from all the constant licks, though she wasn’t ready to get her face away from Yona’s feet quite yet. She planted her face against those big yak soles, peppering them with kisses. While definitely not as tickly as the licking, Yona’s feet were definitely more lively, her toes wiggling and splaying with each kiss. “Heeheeheeheeheehee! W-What Silverstream doing?” “Ohh, I just can’t help myself, Yona!” Silverstream gushed. “Your big feet are amazing, and you’re amazing for doing all that tickling stuff to me, I just wanna kiss all over your feet and each of your toes to say thanks!” “Hey Gallus, I wanna try something. Do you mind scooting over so I can be on Sandbar?” Ocellus asked. “Sure, go right ahead,” Gallus nodded, sliding off and onto the side of the bed to swap places. Sandbar nervously waited for what the changeling had planned. Ocellus didn’t have an evil look on her face like Gallus did, but he could tell that she had something on her mind. Ocellus put her fingers on Sandbar’s stomach, feeling him tense up and let out a shaky shudder on the cusp of a giggle. Without her fingertips leaving his body, she started to explore. Sandbar felt Ocellus slowly glide across his body, trying to suppress his laughter as he felt her fingers move all over his stomach. It tickled just enough to make him squirm and smile, but not enough to force a giggle out. Ocellus hummed to herself as her hands moved over Sandbar’s upperbody, across his sides, up his ribs, into his armpits… The moment he felt Ocellus’s fingers get to his sides, Sandbar could already anticipate where they were going to head next, and as soon as her fingers got to the hollows of his armpits… “Eeeeeheeheeeee!” “Hmm, so the armpits are a good spot…” Ocellus quietly noted to herself. “What about…” “AAAIIIEEE! AAHAHAHAHACK!” Sandbar felt her fingers start squeezing his inner thighs, immediately causing a massive blush and an eager thrust of his hips. “Oooh, very ticklish!” Ocellus grinned, now getting a bit more aggressive. Her fingers got a bit more frisky, digging into the part of his legs covered by his boxers. “OHOHOHOHO GOSH!” “You know, it’s really fun to find all these spots to make your friends laugh and blush like this! And from the looks of it, you’re having a lot of fun, too!” Ocellus giggled, gesturing towards  the bulge in his boxers. Yona no longer felt Silverstream kissing and licking her feet, but she still had Smolder tenderly tickling her breasts to make up for it. “Wow, this thing works wonders, huh?” Smolder said, looking at the little makeup brush she was using to lightly tickle Yona’s breasts. “Heeheeheeheehee! Little brush tihihihihickles sohohoho muhuhuhuhuhuch!” Yona giggled, gasping and moaning as Smolder dusted her breasts with the soft bristles. “Really? It’s not even going that fast, plus it’s so small, too…” Smolder mused, sliding the makeup brush over Yona’s nipple. “Eeeeee!” Yona bucked her hips as she squeaked. “Y-Yona reheheheheeaally sensitive thehehehehere!” “Hah, no kidding. You and Sandbar are blushing hard right now!” Smolder spun the brush in place, keeping it on Yona’s nipple, listening to her gasp and shudder with each little twist. Yona could certainly feel her own blush getting stronger. As Smolder kept spinning those soft bristles against her slowly hardening nipples, her own ears started to burn up. She couldn’t get a good look at Sandbar’s face, but peeking at Ocellus still squeezing his inner thighs, it was safe to say he was in a similar position. “Yeah, I like it though…” Smolder leaned in to whisper into Yona’s ear. “I think it makes you two look really…cute.” Gallus and Silverstream took a quick break from the tickling, standing at the foot of the bed as the griffon hatched a plan. Thankfully, Yona and Sandbar’s laughter was loud enough that they could have a somewhat private conversation. “...So that’s what I was thinking, but we gotta do it now while Ocellus and Smolder are distracting them.” Gallus said, gesturing towards their other two tickler friends. “That sounds like so much fun!” Silverstream grinned. “Let’s do it!” Gallus gave a thumbs up. “Alright, do it slowly so they don’t notice until we start.” They both popped a wing open, carefully leaning and stretching so that their wings reached both Sandbar and Yona’s feet.  “Alright…careful…!” They slowly lowered their feathers to try and carefully slot them between their toes, but with how Sandbar in particular didn’t have his ankles restrained like Yona, it was hard to get them in between his toes without him noticing. “Come on…almost…if he could just…keep…still-oh screw it. Hey, Ocellus! Do us a favor and turn around, will ya?” Gallus called out. Confused, Ocellus turned around. “Yeah?” “Can you hold his legs down for a bit, please?” Once she saw the wings between Yona’s toes, Ocellus quickly caught on. “Oh yeah, sure thing!” She happily grabbed onto Sandbar’s ankles, keeping them in the same place. “Thanks, Ocellus!” Silverstream said as she and Gallus started lowering their wings, properly getting it between his toes this time. Sandbar twitched, immediately feeling something soft slot between his toes. He let out a soft “ohno” before he felt it start moving. Once Gallus and Silverstream started, both Yona and Sandbar erupted with laughter. The soft feathers of their wings sawed back and forth, efficiently tickling the toes of both of them at the same time. Both birds flexed and stretched their wings to get the sawing motion right, while also rocking side to side to really follow through. Gallus chuckled to himself, Sandbar’s laughter was getting louder than Yona’s. He was already making a mental note to add “toes” to the list of places to tickle Sandbar in the future. Silverstream was practically bouncing as she shimmied back and forth, turning it into a ticklish dance of sorts, grooving to the sound of the couples’ laughter. Of course, with Yona’s foot right next to her, and her own hands free, she just had to give that big sole another good scribbling. “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! FEATHERS TIHIHIHIHICKLE SOHOHOHO MUHUHUHUCH!” Yona had felt feathers between her toes before, but a full wing was a completely different story. Dozens of feathers tickled her sensitive toes, one after another, and it gave her tingles all over. Silverstream’s claws dancing against her foot again was just another layer of ticklish joy added on. “EEEHEEEHEE MY TOHOHOHOHOHOES!” Much like Yona, Sandbar also hadn’t been on the end of a ticklish wing attack, and being hit on one of his hot spots made his body buck around. He could just tell that Gallus had a big smug smile on his face, even if he couldn’t quite see it. When the two initially started tickling, Sandbar immediately started kicking, something that Ocellus was prepared for. It wasn’t the most exciting role to play, but it was pretty satisfying to hear both Yona and Sandbar squeal. She could feel the love in each laugh as the feathers slid between their toes, as well as the love from everyone else as they made them laugh. Gallus was aggressively sawing his wing between their toes, even sliding his wing between different toes during some strokes. Silverstream was going at a much slower pace, but only because she was more focused on tickling the rest of Yona’s toes that her wings weren’t currently getting to. Smolder had stopped brushing Yona’s nipples and went over to join in on the fun. “Hey Ocellus, he’s not kicking too much, is he?” “Surprisingly, no! I guess he really likes getting his toes tickled!” As Ocellus and Smolder giggled, Sandbar’s face got redder. Smolder nodded along. “Cool. Just wanted to make sure you braced yourself for this.” “For what?” “PBBBBTHHH!” “YAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!” Smolder pounced into Sandbar, blowing a raspberry onto his stomach, causing the pony to immediately start bucking and thrashing. “Oooh, I gotta try that next!” Ocellus said, marveling at how high-pitched Sandbar’s laughter got. The four started doing whatever whim popped into their mind, with plenty of tools and tickle spots, there was no shortage of combinations. Ocellus wanted to try out some raspberries just like Smolder did, but on Yona. Seeing as Sandbar was currently laying on top of a good bit of Yona’s stomach, the place where her stomach met her sides would do. She took a deep breath, before buzzing her lips onto Yona’s sides, causing very excited squeaks out of the yak. Hearing about one of Sandbar’s hot spots, Smolder grabbed a paintbrush, dragging the bristles across his inner thighs. The soft strokes elicited a whole bunch of squeaks that Smolder would definitely call adorable. Gallus decided to take a break from tickling Sandbar, wanting to enjoy ticking Yona for a bit. His claws dug at the balls of her feet, watching her toes splay out in response. He did a quick shifty look around to make sure the others were preoccupied with their own thing before he leaned over and started nibbling on her big toe, pleasantly surprised by the taste. With an electric toothbrush in hand, Silverstream turned it on and pressed the buzzing brush against his soles, immediately getting him to scream and flail his feet around. Silverstream didn’t mind all the kicking, it was like a fun little game to keep the brush against Sandbar’s foot as long as possible. Gallus spread out his wing, walking along the side of the bed, doing a long ticklish sweep from Yona’s feet all the way up to her neck. Of course, being on top of her, Sandbar got the brunt of most of the tickling once Gallus walked past Yona’s ankles. Ocellus wanted to get a taste of the more intense tickles. She put a comb underneath Yona’s toes and dragged it from side to side. She was fascinated by how each of the tiny teeth were tickling her toes, and how much laughter was coming from Yona as a result. Silverstream started grabbing and squeezing Yona’s muscular butt, watching her excitedly jolt around as much as the restraints would let her. Sometimes she would add a few wiggles and digs to her squeezes for good measure. Smolder walked her fingers up Sandbar’s ribs. It was just so satisfying to see Sandbar’s entire focus go on her fingers just barely reaching his armpits before going back down and walking back up, wondering if this was the time they’d tickle his pits. Each moment for Sandbar and Yona was a new ticklish surprise. Their friends kept trying different tools and techniques to keep them on their toes. Their uncontrollable laughter and squeals was a sure sign that their friends were just like them, loving both parts of the ticklish fun. “Oooh, I got an idea!” Silverstream gathered her friends together. “Yona’s feet are huuuge, I bet we’d all be able to tickle them at the same time!” Yona’s feet instantly curled up. Sandbar could hear a quiet squeak leave her lips. The rest were instantly on board, as they all gathered to the foot of the bed. “Gosh, they’re really big when you just take the time to look at them,” Ocellus murmured. “All the better to tickle her with,” Smolder chuckled. Yona barely got a moment to say anything before they all started tickling. “AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!” Silverstream sprayed some whipped cream between Yona’s toes, eagerly lapping it up almost as fast as she laid it down. Smolder spidered her fingers against Yona’s arches, feeling how smooth and soft they were to the touch, despite all the stomping she knew the yak was prone to doing. Ocellus took the electric toothbrush that Silverstream had and put it to the yak’s soles, slowly tracing shapes on the massive canvas that was her feet. Being the smallest of the group, the changeling could really feel the size difference, which made it all the more satisfying to tickle those big feet. Gallus held Yona’s toes back with one hand, using his other to start tickling the stems of her toes. A task that was much easier said than done, as he could feel Yona fighting hard to have her toes wiggle. “EEEHEEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! YONA’S FEEHEEHEEHEET SOHOHO TIHIHIHIHIHICKLISH!” Yona cackled. The feeling of all the tickling done to her feet was almost overwhelming. So many different sensations from Silverstream’s tongue to the electric toothbrush made the yak trash around as hard as she could in ticklish bliss. Sandbar took a few slow, deep breaths in order to recover. All he could do was watch his friends go to town on Yona’s soles, all the while being jostled around as Yona struggled. It was wonderful to hear Yona’s ticklish laughter, but he did wish that he could be a part of the group causing it in the first place. “Mmmm! Your toes are sooooo tasty!” Silverstream said before taking another long lick, before planting a kiss on each one of her toes. “Yeah, and really ticklish, too!” Gallus taunted as he skittered his fingers under her toes, feeling the pushback against his palm. “And hearing you laugh makes it all the more fun to tickle them!” Ocellus said, bringing the buzzing toothbrush to the ball of her foot. “And I bet all four of us going at it means this tickles a whooooole lot…” Smolder grinned, spidering her claws all over her soles. “But you’re probably loving it more than we are, so…Tickle tickle tickle!” “AAAHAAAHAAAAHAHAHAHAAA! YEHEHEHEHES! TIHIHIHIHIHICKLES SOHOHOHO GOOOOOOD!” Yona cried out, excited beyond words thanks to the tickles she was receiving. The yak was in tears, and she couldn’t be happier. “Don’t think we forgot about you, buddy.” Gallus said with a sinister tone, pointing at Sandbar. “You’re next.” “Eep…” Sandbar whimpered. “B-But my feet are way too small…!” “So? It’s not like you’re only ticklish on your feet.” The group quickly transitioned to take their places, positioned to tickle Sandbar all over. Seeing all of them lurching over him, wiggling their fingers was already making the stallion giggle and squirm. “Oh gosh…just…tickle me already-EEEEEEEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEHHAHAHAHAHAAAA!” Ocellus started scribbling her fingers against Sandbar’s armpits, each finger quickly took a turn sliding in, causing the pony to jolt. Silverstream made use of her wings once more, gliding a wall of feathers up and down Sandbar’s stomach. Smolder got more frisky, keeping her tickles around Sandbar’s waist, squeezing his hips and digging into his inner thighs, sometimes giving his flank a few playful pokes in between. But the most ticklish part was from Gallus, who must have been waiting forever to finally break out the yak hairbrush in revenge, as he started scrubbing Sandbar’s already blushing soles with the massive brush. Now Yona got to enjoy the tickle show as a spectator, though she was still part of the bondage. Sandbar’s laughter filled Yona with delight as she took a much-needed rest. Sandbar started wiggling as the tickling came from all directions, each one making him howl with laughter. “AAAIIIIEEEHAHAHAHAHAHA! WHYYYYY AAAHAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA?!” he cried out, the question mostly directed at Gallus. “Cause I know how much you like it,” Gallus chuckled. “That’s why I’m not showing you mercy!” “THAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHANK YOU!” “I think ‘like’ is an understatement, Gallus,” Smolder smirked, gesturing to Sandbar’s boxers as she gave his hips another dig. “He definitely loooooves it!” Ocellus said, walking her fingers down to his ribs. “Cause he’s a super ticklish pony!” “But we love it too!” Silverstream exclaimed as she brushed Sandbar’s belly. “To think we never would’ve discovered how fun this all was if it wasn’t for you two!” “And after all those times you tickled me, I have a lot to catch up on,” Gallus playfully warned as he scrubbed the stiff bristles against Sandbar’s feet. “EEEEHEEEHEEHEEHEEE! OHOHOHOHO GOHOHOHOSH!” Sandbar was feeling tingly all over, not just from the relentless tickle assault by his friends, but just the idea that they’d all have more chances to tickle him later, and that he’d have the chance to tickle them too. Eventually, the group decided to give the couple a break, fully satisfied with their first chances of being the ticklers. After freeing them from their rope bondage and giving them a chance to drink some water, they all sat on the bed together. “So…friends all had fun tickling?” Yona asked, though she had a feeling she already knew the answer. A very resounding series of “Mmhm” and “Yep” and head nods came from the other four. “I figured,” Sandbar chuckled. “So I guess now you know why me and Yona love tickling each other so much, huh?” “Oh yeah! It’s so much fun to just laugh and laugh and laugh!” Silverstream giggled. “But it’s also a way to have an intimate and playful moment with someone!” Ocellus added. “And it’s just nice to have someone to make you feel good all over. Whether they’re tickling you, or you’re tickling them,” Smolder said, rubbing the back of her neck. “So…thanks for tying us up and tickling us silly. And, uh, for letting us do the same to you,” Gallus said, chuckling at how awkward his wording was. Even though they’ve been crying with laughter for the past few minutes, Yona and Sandbar were ready to tear up again. Yona pulled all of them into a big group hug. “Well, now that it’s gonna be all six of us, that’s probably gonna be a lot more tickle sessions,” Sandbar chuckled. “We might have to find somewhere else to hold them, or maybe ask Headmare Twilight if the dorm rooms can be soundproofed.” Silverstream’s eyes lit up with a realization. “Oooh, do you think our professors love tickling as much as we do?”