> Blood love > by underrated Drake > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Blood Love Ch. 1 "A not-so-forced wedding with my ex-crush" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “...SO, what do you say Spikey-wikey! Let’s get married!” Rarity said with a big smile Spike looked at his unicorn vampire friend and then up to the sky and said “No!” “Awesome! Let’s get everything… Wait What?!” Rarity said in disbelief Nestled amidst the verdant hills and mystical landscapes of Equestria, a land where beauty and magic are as commonplace as the air that its inhabitants breathe, lies the quaint and vibrant town of Ponyville. This charming locale, merely a 45-minute train ride from the bustling metropolis of Canterlot, holds a significance far beyond its size. Despite its seemingly unassuming appearance, Ponyville is an essential cornerstone of the Canterlot kingdom, celebrated not only for its enchanting atmosphere but also for a resource of unparalleled power – the "Power Crystals." In Equestria, where harmony and tranquility have flourished since the end of the great clan war, an era of peace reigns. Here, even the monsters of lore have found a place in society, coexisting peacefully with other creatures in a world where magic and technology intertwine seamlessly. The 21st-century influences are evident in every corner of Equestria, from the sleek, high-speed trains that connect the towns and cities to the sophisticated gadgets that dot every household. This blend of ancient magic and modern technology creates a unique tapestry that is Equestria – a realm where the past and the present coalesce. The "Power Crystals," mined exclusively in Ponyville, are at the heart of this magical-technological fusion. These radiant gems are not mere ornaments; they are the lifeblood of Equestria's advanced civilization. These crystals possess an innate ability to store and amplify magic, a feature that has revolutionized the way magic is used and applied. In the hands of skilled magicians and technologists, these crystals power everything from the simplest household appliances to the grandest architectural wonders in Canterlot. They are also integrated into various technological devices, enhancing their functionality with magical properties, such as communication devices that can transmit messages across vast distances without any delay or transportation vehicles that move with astonishing speed and efficiency, all while leaving the smallest of environmental footprints. Furthermore, the Power Crystals have a deeper, more mystical role in Equestria. They are believed to be connected to the land's very essence, resonating with the natural magic that permeates through every tree, river, and breeze. This connection is not merely functional but spiritual, as many Equestrians believe that the crystals help maintain the balance between the natural world and the burgeoning technological advancements. It is this balance that allows monsters and other mythical beings to coexist with humans and other creatures, creating a society where diversity is not just accepted but celebrated. In Ponyville, the mining of these crystals is not just an industry; it is a sacred duty, entrusted to a lineage of miners who have passed down their knowledge and reverence for the crystals through generations. The miners are not mere laborers; they are custodians of a tradition that binds the past to the future, ensuring that the use of Power Crystals remains in harmony with the land's ethos. As the narrative of Ponyville unfolds, we are introduced to one of its most enigmatic and revered residents, Spike, the town's resident Vampire Dragon. Spike's story is not just one of heroism but also of transformation and introspection. In his youth, Spike was perceived as just another denizen of Ponyville, albeit one of a unique and mystical nature. His existence as a Vampire Dragon was a curiosity, but it did not define him in the eyes of the townsfolk. He was friendly, approachable, and well-integrated into the community, sharing in its joys and sorrows like any other resident. However, the fabric of his life and the perception of the townspeople about him irrevocably changed on one fateful day. Ponyville, usually a haven of peace and tranquility, found itself under a sudden and terrifying attack. Without a second thought for his own safety, Spike sprang into action. He rushed to the hills, the direction from which the danger emanated, and confronted the enemy single-handedly. With his unique abilities as a Vampire Dragon, he fought valiantly, displaying courage and strength that saved Ponyville from certain disaster. His actions that day earned him the title of "Ponyville's Protector," a moniker that carried both reverence and a subtle sense of awe. However, this heroic act brought about an unforeseen shift, not only in the town's dynamics but also within Spike himself. The once friendly and approachable dragon underwent a transformation. His personality became silent and stoic, a stark contrast to the warm and engaging character he once was. This change was not lost on the townsfolk, who began to view him with a mix of respect and fear. Spike, acutely aware of this shift in perception, found himself increasingly alienated from the community he had protected. In a bid to avoid causing any discomfort or fear among the people he cared for, Spike made a poignant decision. He chose to distance himself physically and emotionally from the heart of Ponyville. Near the outskirts of the town, close to the mine that was the source of the town's prosperity and power, he built himself a house. It was a solitary abode, reflecting his new-found preference for a quiet and isolated existence. Living on the fringes of Ponyville, Spike embraced his role as its silent guardian. He was content, or so he told himself, with this life of solitude. He believed it was for the best, a necessary sacrifice for the peace and safety of the town he loved. Yet, within the depths of his heart, a sense of emptiness lingered, an unspoken yearning for a connection he had once cherished and now lost. Spike, in his new role as the solitary guardian of Ponyville, found himself confronted with a practical challenge: the need to sustain himself and pay his bills. The aftermath of the attack on Ponyville had left the town's vital gem mines understaffed. The miners, who were key to extracting the much-needed "Power Crystals," had either fled in the wake of the attack or, tragically, had been casualties of it. Recognizing both a need and an opportunity, Spike stepped into the role of Ponyville's sole Gem Hunter. Being a Gem Hunter was not a task for the faint-hearted. It was laborious, demanding, and often perilous. The mines, rich with the coveted Power Crystals, were deep and treacherous, requiring not just physical strength but also a keen sense of awareness and an understanding of the mystical properties of the gems. For Spike, however, the physical challenges of the job paled in comparison to the emotional toll it took. The loneliness of his work, compounded by his self-imposed isolation from the town, weighed heavily on him. The mine's echoing chambers and winding tunnels became a metaphor for his own internal solitude. Moreover, Spike's task was not just laborious but also of paramount importance. The Power Crystals were not mere gemstones; they were the lifeblood of Equestria’s magical-technological society. As the only one brave and capable enough to venture into the depths for these crystals, the responsibility resting on Spike’s shoulders was immense. This responsibility, while a source of pride, also deepened his sense of isolation. The weather and the solitude of the mines were formidable adversaries, but Spike faced them with the determination and resilience characteristic of his dragon heritage. The dangers of his role extended beyond the natural hazards of the mine. In a land where Power Crystals were of such high value, the threat of thieves and enemy soldiers was ever-present. Spike, acutely aware of these risks, was always prepared to defend the mines, and by extension, Ponyville. His bravery was not just born of duty but also of a deeper, instinctual drive – the dragon way, as he often reminded himself. In battle, he was fierce and unyielding, a force to be reckoned with, driven by a deep-seated conviction to protect what he held dear. Despite the profound changes in Spike's life and the distance he had placed between himself and the town of Ponyville, not all ties to his past were severed. His old friends, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack, remained a link to the life he once knew. These friends, each unique in their character and approach, still treated Spike with a sense of normalcy, a reminder of the camaraderie and bonds that had once been an integral part of his everyday existence. Pinkie Pie, ever the embodiment of joy and exuberance, continued to include Spike in her life's significant moments. She invited him to her wedding, a vibrant and festive occasion that stood in stark contrast to Spike's solitary existence. More meaningfully, she wanted him present during the birth of her son, a deeply personal and intimate event. These gestures from Pinkie Pie were sincere, devoid of any ulterior motives, offering Spike a rare glimpse into the warmth and connection he had distanced himself from. However, Spike started to notice that not all interactions with his friends were as straightforward. For instance, Rainbow Dash often sought him out, but her intentions were primarily to have a sparring partner. Spike, with his formidable strength and combat skills, was a perfect match for Rainbow Dash's adventurous and competitive spirit. This arrangement, while beneficial to both, lacked the depth of their previous friendship. Similarly, Rarity and Twilight Sparkle's interactions with Spike had taken on a more pragmatic tone. They often approached him for free or discounted Power Crystals, leveraging their past relationship to gain access to the valuable resource. Additionally, they sought his protection during their ventures into the mine, knowing well that Spike's presence guaranteed safety from any potential threats. While these requests were practical and aligned with Spike's new role as the Gem Hunter, they lacked the pure, unadulterated friendship that once defined their interactions. Spike, for his part, did not mind these changes greatly. He understood the practicalities of life in Ponyville and the value he could provide to his friends in his new capacity. His stoic acceptance of these altered dynamics was in line with his pragmatic approach to life post-attack. Yet, beneath his acquiescent exterior, there might have been a flicker of longing for the simpler times, for the days when friendships were free from the shadows of necessity and mutual benefit. On an unusually serene day in Ponyville, Rarity, adorned in her usual elegant attire, made her way to Spike's house. The visit itself was a rarity, as their conversations had lately been confined strictly to matters of work. Spike, surprised by her unannounced arrival, welcomed her with a mixture of curiosity and caution. "Good afternoon, Spike," Rarity greeted him with a warm smile, her eyes scanning the modest surroundings of his abode. "Rarity, this is a surprise," Spike replied, his voice a mix of formality and genuine surprise. "What brings you here today?" Rarity took a moment before responding, her gaze softening. "I realized it's been quite some time since we've had a proper chat, Spike. Just a friendly visit, nothing more." Spike raised an eyebrow, a hint of skepticism in his tone. "Just a friendly visit? No Power Crystals involved?" Rarity chuckled, a melodious sound that echoed slightly in the sparse room. "No, Spike, no Power Crystals today. I wanted to see how you are doing. It's been a while since we've talked about anything other than work." Spike relaxed slightly, offering Rarity a seat. "I'm doing alright, I suppose. Life in the mines keeps me busy." "I can only imagine," Rarity said empathetically. "But tell me, Spike, don't you miss the old days? Our adventures, the laughter, the camaraderie?" Spike paused, a distant look in his eyes. "I do miss them, Rarity. But things have changed. I've changed." Rarity leaned forward, her expression sincere. "We all have, Spike. But change doesn't mean we have to lose what we had. We, your friends, we still care about you. You're not just Ponyville's protector or the Gem Hunter to us." Spike looked at Rarity, a wave of nostalgia washing over him. "I appreciate that, Rarity. It's just... it's not easy to step back into that world. After everything that's happened." "I understand, Spike," Rarity replied softly. "But please remember, you're not alone. We're here for you, in whatever capacity you need us." The conversation continued, meandering through memories of the past and thoughts of the present. Spike found himself opening up more than he had in a long time, discussing his hopes, fears, and the solitude that had become his constant companion. Rarity listened intently, offering words of comfort and understanding. As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow through the windows, Rarity stood to leave. "Thank you for this talk, Spike. It means a lot to me, and I hope to you as well." Spike nodded, a small smile gracing his features. "It does, Rarity. Thank you for coming by." Rarity departed, leaving Spike in a contemplative state. The visit had stirred something within him, a reminder of the bonds that still existed, waiting to be rekindled. It was a step, however small, towards reconnecting with a world he had once been an integral part of. The friendly conversation with Rarity opened a door, perhaps to a path that would lead Spike back to the warmth of friendship he had thought was lost. The next day, Rarity's unexpected return to Spike's house caught him completely off guard. He opened the door to find her standing there, a determined yet somewhat anxious look in her eyes. Spike, still processing her presence, invited her in, wondering what could have prompted a second visit so soon. "Spike, I need to talk to you about something important," Rarity began, her voice carrying a seriousness that immediately captured Spike's full attention. "What is it, Rarity? Is everything okay?" Spike asked, concern evident in his tone. Rarity took a deep breath, her eyes meeting Spike's. "Spike, I am going to be honest with you... I want you to marry me." Spike's reaction was one of utter shock. For a moment, he couldn't find the words, his mind racing with a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. "Marry you? Rarity, this is... unexpected. Why? Why now?" Rarity hesitated, her gaze faltering slightly. "I've been doing a lot of thinking, Spike. We've known each other for so long, and you've always been so dependable, so strong. I admire you greatly, and I believe we could have a wonderful life together." Spike, still stunned, tried to process her words. "Rarity, I'm flattered, really, but this seems so sudden. Is there... is there more to this?" Rarity looked away for a moment before meeting his gaze once again. "Spike, you know as well as I do how important the Power Crystals are. With you as my husband, the security and prosperity they bring would be... well, it would be guaranteed." Spike nodded slowly, his suspicions confirmed. "So, this is about the Power Crystals." "It's not just that, Spike," Rarity quickly added, a note of earnestness in her voice. "I genuinely care for you, but I can't deny the practicality of such a union. It would benefit us both in many ways." Spike sighed, a mix of emotions swirling within him. "Rarity, I appreciate your honesty, and I do care for you too. But marriage, especially under these circumstances, it's a big step. It's not just a business arrangement. It needs to be based on more than practicality." Rarity nodded, a hint of disappointment in her eyes. "I understand, Spike. I just thought... maybe it could be something more in time." Spike offered her a small, sympathetic smile. "Let's not rush into anything, Rarity. We have a strong bond, and I wouldn't want to jeopardize that. Let's take some time to think about what this really means for both of us." Rarity agreed, and after a bit more conversation, she left, leaving Spike in a reflective state. The proposal, while unexpected and somewhat pragmatic, had opened a door to possibilities Spike hadn't considered before. Yet, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this than just affection and practicality. The conversation had sown the seeds of doubt, making Spike wonder about the true nature of relationships in a world where the lines between personal and practical often blurred. For the next two weeks, Rarity's visits to Spike became a daily occurrence. Each day, she arrived with the same request, her determination unwavering. Spike, increasingly bewildered and pressured, found himself rejecting her proposal each time, albeit with growing discomfort. Day 1: Rarity: "Spike, I've given it more thought, and I truly believe that marrying me is a good decision for both of us." Spike: "Rarity, I respect your persistence, but I don’t think marriage should be based on a decision like it's a business deal. It’s a matter of the heart, and I’m just not there." Day 3: Rarity: "Spike, you could protect the Power Crystals more efficiently. Think about the security and stability it would bring to Ponyville." Spike: "That’s exactly my point, Rarity. It’s not about security or stability. Marriage is more than that. It’s about love and genuine connection." Day 7: Rarity: "I believe we could grow to love each other, Spike. Isn’t that enough to at least consider it?" Spike: "Love isn’t something to gamble on, Rarity. It’s not something that we can just hope develops over time." Day 10: Rarity: "Spike, I think you're being unreasonable. This could be beneficial for both of us." Spike: "Rarity, I can’t marry someone just because it’s beneficial. There has to be more. I value our friendship, and I don’t want to ruin that with a marriage that isn’t built on true feelings." Day 14: Rarity: "Please, Spike, just think about it one more time. It’s a logical choice." Spike: "Rarity, my answer remains the same. Marriage should be about love and mutual respect, not logic and convenience. I’m sorry, but I cannot accept your proposal." With each passing day, the strain on their friendship grew. Spike was torn between his longstanding affection for Rarity and his firm belief in the sanctity of marriage. Rarity, on the other hand, seemed increasingly desperate, her reasons for wanting the marriage rooted more in practicality than in emotion. The repeated rejections began to create an awkward tension between them. Spike struggled with guilt over denying Rarity's request, but he stood firm in his belief that marriage, especially one based on ulterior motives, was not the solution. Rarity's persistence, while a testament to her determination, also hinted at an underlying urgency or need that Spike couldn't fully understand. These daily exchanges, fraught with emotional complexity, laid bare the challenges and intricacies of their relationship. The situation was a microcosm of the larger dynamics at play in Ponyville, where personal desires often intersected with practical necessities, leading to difficult choices and uncomfortable realizations. After her 17th visit that week to ask Spike to marry her, she felt that she finally got through to him. “Don’t you want to have kids? Because I’ll be more than honored to be their mother!” Rarity said “Of course I want kids, Rares, and I am honored that you want to be their mother, but…” Spike said “...SO, what do you say Spikey-wikey! Let’s get married!” Rarity said with a big smile Spike looked at his unicorn vampire friend and then up to the sky and said “No!” “Awesome! Let’s get everything… Wait What?!” Rarity said in disbelief Rarity's enthusiastic proposal was met with Spike's unwavering denial. The tension of the moment was palpable as Spike gathered his thoughts to explain his decision. "Rarity," Spike began, his tone firm yet respectful, "I run two legitimate businesses here in Ponyville. I've worked hard to maintain them, and they are important to me. But it seems like this marriage proposal of yours... it feels like an attempt to monopolize my efforts for your own benefit." Rarity, taken aback by Spike's directness, struggled to find words. "Spike, I... I hadn't realized you felt that way. I thought it would be mutually beneficial." Spike shook his head gently. "It's not just about business benefits, Rarity. Marriage is a partnership based on mutual respect and love. It’s not a strategy to gain an upper hand in business or to secure resources. I value what I've built here, and I can't let it be compromised under the guise of marriage." Rarity's expression shifted from shock to contemplation. The realization that her proposals might have been perceived as opportunistic began to dawn on her. "I... I'm sorry, Spike," Rarity finally said. "I didn’t mean to make it seem like I was only interested in your businesses. I genuinely care for you, but I understand now how my proposals might have come across." Spike nodded, appreciating her honesty. "I know you care, Rarity, and I care about you too. But we need to respect each other's boundaries and aspirations. Our friendship means a lot to me, and I wouldn't want to risk it with a marriage that isn't founded on the right reasons." Rarity took a deep breath, her demeanor softening. "You're right, Spike. I let my practical side take over, and I lost sight of what truly matters in our relationship. Can you forgive me?" "Of course, Rarity," Spike replied with a small smile. "Friendship is about understanding and forgiveness. Let's just put this behind us and move forward." The conversation marked a turning point in their relationship. It brought clarity and a renewed sense of respect between them. “Come on, give me a hug,” Rarity said as she walked over to Spike Spike was confused at first before she hugged him Rarity wrapped her big arms around Spike’s body in a big hug. "Rarity, why are we hugging?." asked Spike blushing. "I just want to hold you for a bit." said Rarity, planting a kiss on Spike's cheek. Spike knew that Rarity was showing signs of love again, he was a little embarrassed but somewhat flattered. Her ear was against his pecs and she heard his heart beating, it was like a lullaby. "Affectionate, are you?" said Spike as a small grin formed on his face. "Are you sure you don’t want to marry me?" asked Rarity. She started to trace her fingers up Spike's chest and began rubbing the right side of his chest in circles, making Spike’s stoic persona disappear. "I-I… don’t know what to think" said Spike trying to be kind. "Then let me convince you." said Rarity with a grin. Spike started to notice Rarity's body and her huge tits and suddenly, a large hard-on sprang out of his body, his sixteen inched long and three inched wide cock was hard and erect and Rarity smiled seductively at him. "I see someone is very excited down there." said Rarity seductively as she gave Spike's huge cock a large lick with her tongue. "That feels nice." moaned Spike Spike's cock twitched for attention and he quickly knew where this was going, he suddenly felt very horny like Rarity felt. "Why don’t we have so much fun, you and me, my dear Spikey-Wickey" said Rarity as she was seducing Spike. "Kiss me again and you can do whatever you want with me." said Spike as a smile formed on his face. They both took off their clothes and both of them were naked. Rarity planted a big kiss on Spike's mouth and they kissed each other passionately, slipping their tongues in each other's mouth. Rarity worked her body and climbed on top of Spike's body, she was on top of him and inserted his large cock in her very hot and tight, wet pussy, ending her body’s purity. They slipped their tongues back in each other's mouth and pulled their lips away to breathe, both moaning in pleasure. "I think I wouldn’t mind having a girlfriend/wife." moaned Spike softly. "I'm your wifey." moaned Rarity eagerly. Rarity started riding Spike's cock up and down and they both moaned in pleasure together. Spike watched her huge tits bounce up and down as he felt her pussy squeezing his large shaft, both feeling warm heat building along with the sexual tension building up as well. Rarity wrapped her arms around Spike's body and held him closely to hers. "I never knew sex felt this good." moaned Spike loudly. "I never knew you felt so good inside me. I'm going to make you enjoy my body." moaned Rarity huskily. Spike never felt this sensation before, he never did it with a lady and that meant this was his first time as it was for Rarity. Spike moaned in pleasure as he was being ridden by the smaller female. Both of them moaned and gasped each other's names as the warmth and sexual tension was slowly building inside their bodies. "You're so warm." gasped Spike excitedly. "Then this should warm you up a little more." gasped Rarity seductively. Rarity began to quicken her pace faster and thrusted Spike's huge boner harder, making her warm walls squeeze his massive dick tighter and harder. Spike's eyes were watching her huge tits bounce faster which made him feel more excited. Their bodies' body heat got warmer and the tingling sexual tension got stronger, making them moan louder. "Oh Rarity." moaned Spike a bit louder. "Just call me Rares, Spikey-Wickey." moaned Rarity lustfully. Both of them were loving every minute of their session with each other, even though Rarity was or used to be Spike's crush back when they were younger, Spike started to believe she was telling the truth of being more interested in being his wife and they both were just enjoying each other's bodies as they made passionate love together. "Kiss me, Rares." grunted Spike lightly. "With pleasure." moaned Rarity passionately. Both of them planted their soft lips together and kissed each other passionately deep, it was Rarity who was first to slip in her huge tongue inside Spike's mouth, both exploring each others mouth and Spike love the way Rarity kissed him since her tongue was much larger than his. "Rares." moaned Spike passionately. "Spike." moaned Rarity into the kiss. Rarity felt their pleasure get stronger so she quickened her speed a little faster and thrusted Spike's cock a bit harder, making her pussy walls squeeze his massive shaft tighter and harder than before. Rarity's large tits bounced up and down at a faster pace as both of them felt the body heat grow hotter and the sexual tension grew stronger. They both pulled their lips away to breathe again. "You kiss so nice." moaned Spike passionately. "It's a good thing You’re bigger than me, that makes sex hotter." grunted Rarity louder. They moaned each other's names over and over again as the pleasure inside each other grew hotter and stronger, both of them not taking their sexually excited faces off of one another. Spike was enjoying himself while Rarity did the same thing with him, moaning and gasping passionately louder than before. "I'm so glad you're my first. I never had sex before." gasped Spike with a hot breath. "Me too, I wanted you to be my first." gasped Rarity loudly. Rarity opened her mouth and let out her tongue as she gave Spike a huge wet slobbery lick going up his chest, nipples and his left cheek. Spike giggled with pleasure as he was licked by her tongue, it was as if she knew that female dragons licked their mates as a sign of submission. Both of them felt nothing but heat, tension, pleasure and excitement rushing through their bodies and minds, moaning louder as a reaction to everything they felt. "Ohhh Rares, oh my god you're tight." moaned Spike boyishly. "You’re so big." moaned Rarity excitedly. Rarity felt everything grow stronger so she yet again, increased her speed much faster, thrusting Spike's huge cock much harder as her vaginal walls squeezed his large shaft much tighter and harder. Spike's eyes were watching Rarity's huge breasts bounce at a much faster pace, going up and down. Both moaning with their mouths opened as the body heat grew much hotter and the sexual tension was tingling much stronger. "Oh Rares.....I'm gonna cum soon." gasped Spike loudly. "Ohhhh Spike....fuck me......screw me.......shoot your cum into your wifey's pussy." grunted Rarity loudly. Rarity increased her pace to full speed and thrusted at her hardest, making her pussy squeeze at it's tightest and hardest on Spike's massive cock, both of them moaned in loud pleasure and the smaller vampire’s huge tits bounced up and down at a fast pace, the body heat was on fire inside their bodies and the sexual tension was tingling very strong. It happened like a bomb going off. They both heard a loud and wet slap as Rarity came hard first, shooting wave after thick wave of cum all over Spike's cock and balls and suddenly, the horny drake came much violently harder than Rarity, he shot rope after rope of cum up her over tight and hot vaginal hole, both of them screamed and moaned in pleasured tone as they came hard. "OHHHHHHH SPIKEY!." shouted Rarity huskily. "OHHHHHHH RARES." screamed Spike in orgasmic pleasure. Both of them continued to cum hard and for a longer time as they both shot more and more cum inside each other's bodies. Rarity was riding and thrusting Spike's massive length at a faster pace and at a harder thrust, making her pussy squeeze much tighter and harder than before, her huge breasts bounced up and down wildly as the body heat was getting hotter than a hot spring and the tension inside was getting very intense. They moaned loud enough to scream in orgasmic moans. "Rares, OHHHH MY GOD." shouted Spike in pleasure. "FILL ME UP, SPIKEY-WIKEY." screamed Rarity seductively. They came so hard for a long time, their bodies quivered in orgasmic bliss as they hit a second orgasm, it was stronger than the first one and both of them screamed and moaned louder than ever. Rarity kept her speed going rapidly and her thrusts were going much harder, this made her pussy squeeze painfully tight and hard on Spike's massive dick. They moaned and screamed so loud, the body heat and sexual tension was getting very intense, both sweating a lot from the intense pleasure and heat. "I......CAN'T...........STOP..........FEELS TO GOOD............OHHHHHH FUCK RARES." moaned Spike loudly. "YOUR.......MY HORNY...........SPIKEY-WIKEY." moaned Rarity much louder. As they kept at it, they both came longer and harder. Rarity came wave after wave of huge cum all over Spike's lower body while Spike came rope after large rope of cum up Rarity's hot and tight pussy, she was riding and thrusting Spike's twitching cock faster and harder than her body could ever go, making her vaginal walls squeeze as tight and hard on his dick as it ever did. Spike's eyes were trying to keep watching Rarity's huge tits bounce up and down at crazy speeds, both of them had twisted yet sexually crazed faces as the body heat was at its hottest and the sexual tension was at its strongest. The orgasmic screaming from the two was very loud. "AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." shouted Spike. "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." screamed Rarity. Their orgasms were so intense, it eventually reached an end. Both felt tired but still horny and they had more energy than they thought. Spike was still hard and both were still connected. "Let's do that again." panted Rarity. "I will fuck you so hard, you won’t feel your legs for days." panted Spike. “Wonderful!” Rarity moaned Rarity gave another large lick to Spike's cheek as she began to ride his massive member up and down again at an eagered pace, her huge tits bouncing again as her vaginal hole started to squeeze his dick again. Both of them were moaning softly with a breath of air as the sexual sensations were slowly building in their bodies again. "You're such a sexy beast." moaned Rarity excited. "This is better than jerking off." moaned Spike eagerly. “Well, not you have me for that!” Rarity moaned They knew a second time at making-love was going to be better than the first as they felt the heat warming up the inside of their bodies and the sexual tension was starting to build up to be enough to tickle their body's insides. Both the two lovers moaned louder with lustful tones in their voices. "Kiss me, baby." moaned Spike as he puckered up his lips, making smooching sounds. "One big and wet kiss coming your way." moaned Rarity as she planted her big and soft lips to Spike's mouth. Both of them kissed each other passionately and moaned into the kisses loudly. Rarity's lips were smaller and softer than Spike's lips, it was like Spike's best kiss he's ever received. Both of them could hear loud and wet sounds from their kisses as they planted a big, wet one on each other. "Rares." moaned Spike into the kiss. "Spikey-Wikey." moaned Rarity into the kiss too. Rarity felt the urge to give everything a little more power and she increased her pace faster and thrusted her body harder, making her vaginal hole squeeze Spike's massive shaft tighter and harder, her huge tits began to bounce up and down faster, almost motorboating herself, and Spike had his eyes on them. They moaned in pleasure as the body heat built up hotter and the sexual tingling tension built up stronger. Their bodies made wet slapping sounds from the remains of sweat all over their bodies and the remains of cum all over their lower bodies as well when they pulled their lips away to take a fresh breath of air. "Oh God Rares, you're making me feel so naughty." gasped Spike with a loud breath. "That's why I wanted to marry you, I'm in love with you, Spike Drake." gasped Rarity lustfully. All they seemed to be able to do was moan and gasp and enjoy each other's bodies. Rarity tightened her grip on Spike's body a little tighter and closer, both of them felt their orgasms building closer and stronger. This made their bodies quiver and shiver with orgasmic bliss, even their minds were filling up with horny and erotic images. "Don't stop. I want our love to last forever." grunted Spike loudly. "So do I, my Spikey-Wikey." moaned Rarity with an orgasmic grunt. Both of them giggled as they felt the fiery passion of love burn within their bodies from the intense pleasure building up inside the both of them. Rarity's moans were husky and breathy and Spike's moans were deep moans of pleasure. "Rares." moaned Spike passionately. "Oh my sexy Spikey-Wikey." gasped Rarity seductively. Yet again, Rarity quickened her pace much faster and thrusted her body much harder, her pussy was squeezing on Spike's wet cock much tighter and harder. They moaned in pleasure tone as a reaction to it all, feeling the body heat grow much hotter and the sexual tension grew much stronger. Spike's eyes were looking filled with lust as he saw the large woman's breasts bounce at a much faster pace. "That's right, Spikey-Wikey." moaned Rarity giggling. "Rares....Rares.....oh God... Oh fuck, I love you." gasped Spike with a loud grunt. Spike was in a world of complete pleasure, he felt like the Dragon of town, having sex with a busty, sexy batpony/unicorn. The heat and sexual tension was tickling and tingling them on the inside of their bodies and it was almost like torture. Their bodies ached for another release. "My body tickles." grunted Spike blissfully. "So will this." grunted Rarity in a kinky tone. Rarity opened her mouth again and gave Spike's whole face a lick, making him giggle in a horny tone and smile sexually crazed, having a huge tongue licking his face made him feel the horny pleasure inside increase and nothing could stop the slightly drunk couple from doing the freaky, nasty in the bed. "I feel it coming again and it's a big one." moaned Spike loudly and feeling eager. "Cum… make me a momma." moaned Rarity huskily. Rarity quickened her pace to full speed and thrusted as hard as ever, making her tight and hot vaginal walls squeeze on Spike's hard-on very much tighter and harder than the first time. Spike and Rarity's face were twisted with a horny grin as Rarity's huge breasts bounced up and down at rapid speeds with Spike’s head in between them. Their bodies were on fire with a lot of heat and under intense sexual tension. Suddenly Rarity felt herself cum harder than the first time all over Spike's swelling cock and balls, they screamed in pleasure as Spike came much harder than the first time. Both moaning and screaming in pleasure now. "HERE I COME, Rares." screamed Spike in orgasmic bliss. "CUM IN ME, SPIKEY-WIKEY." shouted Rarity in loud pleasure. Rarity continued to ride and thrust Spike's cock faster and harder than before and her vaginal walls squeezed his cock much tighter and harder than before, both continued to cum harder. Rarity's breasts were bouncing at really fast speeds, their bodies under a lot of heat and tension. Spike came larger ropes of cum up Rarity's tight pussy and Rarity herself came larger waves of cum, the two of them were moaning and screaming so loud, someone would hear them if someone was in the other room. "Yes...Yes...YES." screamed Rarity. "So hot.....so TIGHT." shouted Spike. They came hard for so long, they hit a much stronger yet another orgasm all over their lower bodies. Rarity ridden Spike faster than full speed and thrusted harder than ever before. Spike was loving the feeling of her vaginal walls squeezing powerfully tighter and harder as he watched her huge tits bounce and jiggle up and down in a rapid fashion of speed. Bodies feeling very hot, bodies under a lot of intense tension and very sweaty. Moaning and screaming in orgasmic pleasure together. "Rares." moaned Spike. "Spikey-Wikey." moaned Rarity. They both knew this would last a long time as Rarity came wave after bigger wave of cum all over Spike's large cock and balls. Spike came much bigger rope after rope of cum up her hot and overly tight vaginal hole, making her stomach bulge out even more than the first time, giving her the appearance of being several months pregnant, with more than one baby. Rarity was riding and thrusting at the fastest and hardest speed and pressure as possible and that made her pussy squeeze tightly harder than it ever did on Spike's huge cock, her huge breasts were bouncing up and down and in all directions which increased the excitement in Spike. Both of them were under almost too much body heat and too much sexual tension, moaning and screaming in reaction. "RARITY." screamed Spike in loud moans. " SPIKEY-WIKEY." shouted Rarity in louder moans. Eventually their flows of cum died down yet again after a long time of cumming hard. Spike's cock was still hard and swelled to a bigger size, a bit longer and thicker and wider. Both of them felt tired, but connected, in more ways than one to each other. "That was… amazing." panted Rarity as she placed a hand over her swollen belly "Indeed it was…" panted Spike. “So… about the wedding?” asked Rarity “I’m still going to have to say no,” Spike said “WHAT!!!!” Rarity said as she jumped up and looked at Spike’s grinning face “Just kidding… I down,” he said “Oh, good, I was starting to worry you weren’t going to take responsibility,” Rarity chuckled as she laid down on Spike’s chest and abdomen, her pussy still impaled by his meaty rod. “Well… you drive a hard bargain,” Spike said “You can say that again, Spikey-Wikey,” Rarity said as she squeezed Spike’s dick with her vaginal wall. “So… I assume I have to get everything ready?” said Spike “No need dear, I knew that I would convince you sooner or later, so I already made the preparations, I’ll bring your tux tomorrow morning,” Rarity said as she kissed Spike on the lips. One week later, the Town Chapel in Ponyville was abuzz with activity, a stark contrast to the usual tranquility that enveloped the small town. It was a day of unexpected celebration – the wedding of Spike and Rarity. Despite the initial hesitations and misunderstandings, love had found a way, blossoming into a commitment that brought the entire town together. The chapel was adorned with an array of flowers and ribbons, reflecting Rarity's impeccable taste. The air was filled with the soft melodies of a string quartet, adding a touch of elegance to the atmosphere. Every seat was filled, with townsfolk from all walks of life gathered to witness this union. The sense of community was palpable, as old friendships were rekindled and new ones formed amidst the shared joy of the occasion. As Rarity walked down the aisle, stunning in her beautifully designed wedding gown that shimmered with delicate gemstones, a hushed awe fell over the congregation. Her grace and beauty were undeniable, and she glowed with a happiness that only true love could ignite. Spike, standing at the altar, looked dapper in his suit, his eyes fixed on Rarity with a mixture of admiration and love. The transformation in Spike was evident – the once stoic and solitary figure now stood with a softness and openness that spoke volumes of his love for Rarity. The ceremony was a blend of traditional and modern, reflecting the unique nature of their relationship. As they exchanged vows, promising to support and cherish each other, there was a sincerity in their words that resonated with everyone present. However, amidst the joy and celebration, there were subtle undercurrents of envy and wistfulness. Some of the female guests cast jealous glances at the couple, their stares lingering a bit too long on Spike and then Rarity. The reception that followed was a lively affair, with laughter and music filling the air. Friends and family came forward to congratulate the couple, their well-wishes echoing the happiness of the day. The celebration was a testament to the power of love and understanding, overcoming obstacles and misunderstandings. As the evening drew to a close, Spike and Rarity stood together, looking out at the friends and family who had gathered to share in their joy. In that moment, they were not just a hero and a fashionista, but two souls united in love, ready to embark on a new journey together. The wedding of Spike and Rarity was not just a union of two individuals but a symbol of hope and unity for the entire town of Ponyville. Back at their new home, Spike and Rarity settled into the comfort of each other’s company, the excitement of the day slowly giving way to a more relaxed atmosphere. Rarity playfully broached a topic that had been a source of amusement for her throughout the day. "You wouldn't believe how many people asked me if I was pregnant," she said with a chuckle.”When I told them I wasn’t the thought I had gained a lot of weight, but when I told them what actually happened, they looked at me and then at you with wonder in their eyes, it is as if they didn’t know that we can stretch!" Spike laughed along, finding humor in the absurdity of the assumption. "Well, I guess in Ponyville, a wedding needs no other reason than love, but some folks still look for a story." The laughter subsided, and Spike’s expression turned more serious. "Speaking of stories, I couldn’t help but notice several girls giving me annoyed, even angry looks during the reception. It felt a bit unsettling." Rarity, sensing his concern, reassured him with a gentle smile. "Oh, Spike, that’s probably just your nerves talking. It was a big day, after all. Everyone was there to celebrate with us." Spike nodded, but his tone still carried a hint of uncertainty. "Maybe, but it seemed like more than just nerves. I guess I never realized how my decision to marry you might affect others in town." Rarity reached out, taking his hand in hers. "Spike, you know as well as I do that you can’t please everyone. We made this decision together, out of love and mutual respect. That’s all that matters. Besides, those looks were likely nothing more than fleeting emotions. Our friends and neighbors are happy for us, I'm sure of it." Spike considered her words, the tension easing from his shoulders. "You're right, Rarity. We should focus on our happiness and the life we’re going to build together. That’s what's important." Rarity nodded, her eyes sparkling with affection. "Exactly! Let's not dwell on what others think. We have each other, and that's more than enough… so… how many kids do you want?” Rarity asked with a sly smile on her face, making Spike blush. Their conversation drifted into plans for the future, their shared dreams and aspirations for their life together. The concerns of the day faded into the background as they focused on the joy of their new beginning. In the comfort of their home, Spike and Rarity found a sense of peace and contentment, a reaffirmation of their love and the journey they had embarked upon together. However, Spike might’ve not being off, with his worry of the other girls looking at him funny, he had no idea, what this incident was about to set loose a series of events that would alter, not just his life, but all of the town itself.