> The Mailmare and the Fashionista > by errant > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Only Chapter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity bit her lip to stifle a moan as she desperately tried to focus on the dress taking shape beneath her expert hooves, which guided her sewing machine with practiced skill. Though estrus had lit a fire that burned deep inside her loins, she still had deadlines to meet and clients to satisfy. She shifted slightly in her chair, painfully aware of the dampness leaking from marehood and of how sinfully good it felt as her lips brushed briefly against the wooden surface. The needy tingle between her thighs only deepened as she squirmed, the gentle friction bringing her close to orgasm as her forelegs trembled in anticipation. Her ears twitched at the sound of a familiar knock, and Rarity hurriedly rose and covered her shame with her tail before trotting over to the door and opening it a crack. "Yes?" she asked. "Delivery for you!" called Ditzy. The smiling face of the town's best-known mailmare greeted her, framed beneath a shining golden mane squashed beneath her uniform cap. "For me?" Rarity exclaimed, surprised by the unexpected arrival. She opened the door wider and ushered Ditzy inside, closing it behind her. Can you just put it on my desk, please?" Ditzy smiled at the display of hospitality. "Sure thing, Rarity," she replied cheerfully, unloading the packages onto the mare's desk and taking off her hat. "If you need anything else, just let me know." Ditzy turned to go, her tail lashing out behind her carelessly. Rarity, back turned to inspect the deliveries, gasped hard as the soft strands of the other mare's tail brushed against her needy marehood. Every muscle in her body locked in place and her mind ground to a screeching halt as the slight touch sent her over the edge of her self-control. Rarity fell to her knees, biting her lip to stifle a cry as her loins convulsed hard enough to make her shudder all over. She let out a whimper as a rivulet of sticky liquid trickled down the insides of her thighs, feeling the coldness against her burning marehood. "Rarity?" Ditzy called out, alarmed at the mare's sudden, frantic movement. "Are you alright? Do you need me to get help?" "N-no, I'm fine," Rarity managed to gasp out. "Please, just -" She began to say before her words were reduced to a mewl as her clit throbbed violently and her pussy spasmed hard, as if trying to milk a nonexistent stallionhood. The moment passed as suddenly as it had come, leaving Rarity gasping for air and shivering all over as she came back to her senses, her head spinning and her pussy aching as if she'd just been mounted and bred by a stallion. "Ooh, Ditzy," she moaned, panting hard. Suddenly, her horn blazed with magic as her telekinetic aura wrapped around Ditzy's body and dragged her closer. "Woah!" Ditzy exclaimed in shock as she felt her body being pulled against the white mare's own. The sensation quickly passed as Rarity's aura vanished, leaving her standing in front of the fashionista with her muzzle inches away from her customer's. "I need you to. . . to help me. . ." Rarity whimpered, her eyes fluttering closed as she tried to resist the urge to rut the mailmare right there on her floor. "Rarity, I don't-" Ditzy began, before her words were cut short as the mare's soft muzzle pressed against her own, and the taste of her flooded her senses as their tongues entwined and their lips parted to allow their tongues to play together. She moaned in surprise as she felt Rarity's hooves grip her body tightly, pulling her close. "Please," Rarity gasped, pressing her forehead against Ditzy's. "I need your help, I need. . . I need somepony. . ." She couldn't bring herself to say it - that she wanted to rut, that she needed to fuck like a desperate bitch in heat - but the other mare seemed to understand regardless. "Well, if you insist. . ." Ditzy giggled, letting her hooves wander across the mare's back before settling on her wide, firm rump. She whimpered helplessly, trying to resist the urge to just press herself against the mailmare's body and hump like a common whore. Ditzy's tongue swirled around Rarity's own as she explored the mare's muzzle and gently licked the fur on the inside of her cheeks, breathing in the rich scent of her musky aroma as she ran her hooves across the white mare's body. Slowly, Ditzy nudged her onto her back and straddled her. Rarity's hooves gripped her back firmly, pressing them closer together as she ground her loins against Ditzy's belly, feeling the smooth skin and the muscles that rippled under her soft grey fur as she pulled away from the kiss. "Mmmm, Ditzy. . . please," she whined. "I need you to fuck me. . ." "Gee, Rarity, you're not really in a position to ask me for anything, are you?" Ditzy replied, her words laced with amusement and her eyes sparkling. Rarity gasped softly as she felt the mailmare's firm hooves kneading her rump, a pang of lust coursing through her. She arched her back, pressing her marehood against Ditzy's belly as she struggled to rut her. "Ohh, Ditzy," she whimpered, "please, I need. . ." Ditzy grinned as she felt the other mare squirming in her hooves, feeling her urgent need through the contact between their bodies. "You need me to what? What is it you need?" "I need you to. . . to fuck me," Rarity whimpered, the words escaping from her lips before she could stop them. "Well, since you asked so nicely. . ." Ditzy replied, grinning as she gently rolled Rarity onto her side and lay on her back, pulling the white mare on top of her. Rarity mewled with gratitude as she straddled the other mare and ground her loins against Ditzy's belly. "Go on, then. Fuck me," Ditzy whispered, reaching out and gently stroking the other mare's mane. Rarity's eyes fluttered shut as she pressed her forehead against the mailmare's, taking a few deep, shuddering breaths as she tried to focus. The knowledge that she was mounting another mare like some common whore, a beast ruled by primal instincts, only served to stoke the fire burning within her loins, sending waves of heat and pleasure rushing through her body. She rolled her hips, moaning in satisfaction as the motion brought her marehood into contact with Ditzy's smooth, firm stomach. "Oh, Rarity," Ditzy groaned as her hooves reached up and fondled the other mare's chest, stroking her breasts as her hooves sank into her fur, making the fashionista gasp and moan. Her ears pricked up as she heard the wet squelch of the white mare's pussy, drooling pre-cum onto her belly and smearing the liquid onto her fur as she rolled her hips. She smiled as she felt the fashionista's lips nibbling on her neck, nuzzling her neck and collarbones as her hips rolled faster and faster, grinding against her in a slow, teasing rhythm. The feeling of another mare's body pressed against hers only made Rarity hornier. She ground her hips faster, smothering Ditzy's body with her own as she clung to her, their manes brushing together. Ditzy's strong hooves kneaded her rump firmly, sinking into their soft flesh, and the mare's tummy rubbing against her throbbing clit sent shudders of pleasure coursing through her, making her legs tremble and her breath catch in her throat. Rarity whimpered softly as she felt her orgasm drawing closer, the familiar ache growing stronger and stronger as it reached its inevitable crescendo. "Oh, Ditzy," she groaned, burying her muzzle in the other mare's neck. "I'm gonna. . ." She broke off as her legs shuddered hard, and her whole body tensed up as her pussy squeezed down hard, coating Ditzy's body with a wave of thick, sticky nectar. The moment passed as quickly as it had come, leaving Rarity panting hard as she felt her loins relax and the afterglow slowly faded. "Rarity, are you okay?" Ditzy asked, concerned. She smiled as she felt the fashionista roll onto her side, nuzzling against her neck affectionately and pressing her body close against her own. "That was . . ." Rarity trailed off, panting softly as she tried to catch her breath. "Oh, Ditzy, that was . . . I needed that so badly . . ." "I could tell," Ditzy giggled, before reaching up and gently stroking Rarity's mane. "But you're alright now?" "I think so," Rarity replied, still panting softly. "Good," Ditzy whispered, smiling at her. "I'm glad I could help." Rarity's cheeks flushed as she suddenly realized her position in the floor, her pussy oozing her lust all over the mailmare's skin. She struggled to her hooves, staggering unsteadily as she reached down and pulled Ditzy up onto hers. "I . . . thank you, Ditzy," she said, smiling bashfully as she pressed her muzzle against the mailmare's forehead. "It's no problem," Ditzy replied, smiling at her. "If you ever need a hoof with anything else, just give me a shout!" She snapped off a salute, its precision marred by a playful wink, before she turned and made her way toward the door, picking up her hat and putting it back on. "Oh, Ditzy, wait," Rarity said. Ditzy stopped and turned back, looking at her curiously. "Could I . . . could I ask you to keep this between us? I don't think my friends, or my parents, would understand . . ." "Of course," Ditzy said. "Don't worry, Rarity! I won’t kiss and tell!" She opened the door and trotted out, giving Rarity a wave goodbye before shutting the door behind her. Rarity leaned against her desk, sighing as she felt her loins still pulsing with a dull ache, her arousal already reignited. Rarity leaned back in her chair, a whimper of need escaping from her lips as she fantasized about the soft fur of Ditzy's tail brushing against her loins. Her head spun as the imaginary sensations overwhelmed her, the world narrowing to the moment, the feel of Ditzy's tongue against her muzzle, the scent of her lust as it filled her nose, the gentle pressure of the mailmare's hooves against her body, kneading her rump as she ground herself against her. "Ditzy. . ." she moaned, shuddering hard as she tried to resist the urge to just mount her then and there. She squeezed her eyes shut and bit her lip, trying to force the sensation of the mailmare's body out of her mind. An unexpected knock at the door broke her concentration and caused her to jump up in surprise. "Come in," she called out. Ditzy pushed open the door, grinning broadly. "Hey, Rarity!" she said, trotting into the room and leaving the door open behind her. "I'm missing a letter and I was wondering if I dropped her earlier when we were," she giggled, "you know?" Rarity blushed hard as she remembered their earlier tryst. "I . . . I don't think I remember seeing anything but I can certainly look," she said, blushing harder. Ditzy grinned as she watched Rarity walk around the desk, and her smile only widened as she noticed how Rarity's tail, apparently subconsciously, lifted itself to reveal her sodden, leaky marehood. She bit her lip, resisting the urge to step forward and bury her muzzle between her thighs. "Here it is," Rarity said, suddenly returning with the letter. "You have no idea how glad I am about that," Ditzy replied, giggling softly. "I’d be in a lot of trouble if I didn’t get that back! I should probably get back to work, though, my route's almost finished!" She turned and walked back towards the door, hooves clicking on the polished floor. Rarity followed her with her eyes as she departed, tail swaying behind her. The fashionista couldn't take her eyes off of the other mare's swaying hips and wide rump as she watched her trot. "O-oh, Ditzy, wait," she said, stepping forward. "Could I . . . could I ask you something?" "Of course!" Ditzy replied, looking back over her shoulder. "What's up?" "I was just wondering . . . are you . . . are you doing anything tonight?" Rarity asked, her face flushed with embarrassment as she fought down the urge to just press herself against the other mare. Ditzy grinned, noticing how the fashionista's gaze kept returning to her rump. "Well, I was just gonna take a nap, but-" she cut herself off with a chuckle, amused at how desperate the mare seemed to be. "Why do you ask?" Rarity blushed even harder, trying to force the words from her throat. "I was just . . . I thought that maybe . . . if you had nothing to do, I could . . ." "You want me to come over and fuck you again?" Ditzy asked, giggling. "Yes," Rarity moaned, shuddering hard as she tried to fight down the urge to just force the other mare against the wall and ride her then and there. "Oh, Ditzy, I need you, I need you so badly . . ." Ditzy grinned, biting her lip. "Alright, I'll be over later on. Don't get yourself worked up until then!" "I'll try not to," Rarity replied, sighing with relief as the other mare left. She bit her lip and leaned back against her desk, breathing deeply as she tried to get her raging hormones back under control. She still had work to do - and it would be so much better when her release came at another pony's touch, anyway. Rarity's ears pricked up as she heard a knock on the door. "I'm coming!" she cried out, hurriedly rising from her desk. "Just a moment!" she added, trotting out from behind the desk and towards the door. She pulled it open, revealing Ditzy standing in front of her with a beaming smile on her face. "Ditzy!" Rarity exclaimed, stepping forward to greet the other mare with a hug. Ditzy giggled as Rarity pressed her muzzle against her neck, and Rarity smiled as she felt the other mare's forelegs wrap around her, squeezing her slightly. She breathed in the mare's scent deeply, savoring the smell of her as she nuzzled her neck affectionately. "Hello, Rarity," Ditzy giggled. "Oh, Ditzy," Rarity moaned softly, shuddering as she remembered how the mailmare's hooves had kneaded her rump, her hips bucking and grinding as she rutted her. "Ditzy, I need you so badly . . ." She trailed off, her breath catching in her throat as she fought to resist the urge to just drag her to the ground and mount her then and there. Ditzy giggled. "I'm all yours tonight." "Please, Ditzy," Rarity whimpered, trying to keep her voice down so that her neighbors couldn't hear. "Please, fuck me . . ." Ditzy grinned, stepping through the doorway and closing the door behind her. "Well, if you insist," she giggled. "Where should we go?" Rarity blushed as she led Ditzy through the house, to her bedroom. The mare grinned as she felt Rarity's hooves pressed against her back, guiding her to her destination. Rarity's heart raced as she remembered the first time Ditzy had “helped her out”, and she squirmed with anticipation, biting her lip as she tried to keep herself under control. She pushed open the door and ushered Ditzy inside, closing it behind her. "This room's so big," Ditzy commented, grinning as she walked into the middle of the room. Rarity nodded wordlessly, watching the mare's hips sway as she walked, trying to ignore the throbbing ache that grew stronger and stronger between her thighs. She felt a familiar twinge deep in her loins, and her tail lifted, revealing her sodden, leaking marehood to the mare's eager gaze. Rarity blushed as she suddenly became aware of how horny she seemed, but the fact that Ditzy was seemingly equally aroused did nothing to help matters. She whimpered softly as the mailmare approached her, nuzzling her muzzle affectionately. "Oh, Ditzy," she sighed, reaching up and running her hoof through the other mare's mane. "I know," Ditzy said, smiling warmly. "I'll help you get it out of your system tonight. Just be patient." She pulled Rarity into another hug, kissing the side of her neck and making the fashionista gasp as the soft touch sent shivers of pleasure coursing through her. Rarity reached up, taking Ditzy's muzzle in her hooves and pulling her closer. She moaned as their tongues twined together, shivering with desire as the other mare's hooves stroked her body, feeling her soft fur ruffle beneath her hooves and their bodies pressed against one another. She sighed softly as she felt Ditzy's lips trailing soft kisses along her muzzle, nibbling gently at her ears. "Oh . . ." Rarity whimpered, shivering in growing urgency. Ditzy grinned, pulling the mare closer. She took Rarity's hooves in her own, gently leading her towards the bed. She knelt down, guiding the mare down beside her, before crawling up and settling down onto the mattress. Rarity followed her, biting her lip as she settled down on top of the other mare. She leaned forward and rested her head against her partner’s chest, gratefully surrendering herself. With a sudden burst of energy, Ditzy wrapped her limbs around Rarity's body and, with a surprisingly athletic movement, rolled over to pin the unicorn beneath her. Rarity gasped as her back hit the mattress, her eyes widening in surprise as she looked up at her lover. "Don't worry," Ditzy said, giggling at the fashionista's look of shock. "Just stay there and let me take care of you!" She leaned down and kissed the other mare deeply as she settled down on top of her. Rarity gasped softly as she felt the mare's firm rump press down against her thighs, her arousal still growing stronger and stronger as her loins throbbed in need. Ditzy ground her own nethers against Rarity's, finding them warm and drenched with her own fluids. The two ponies moaned in unison, their tongues entwined as they tried to press their marehoods tighter against one another. Rarity's hooves gripped the other mare's hips, trying to pull her closer as she felt her orgasm approaching, her body shuddering and her breath catching in her throat as her marehood dripped with lust and her pussy squeezed down hard. Ditzy smiled, pulling away from the kiss. "I know you're eager, Rarity," she whispered. "But I'm gonna have to tease you a little longer. You're soaking wet!" Rarity moaned in response, struggling to form words as she fought the urge to just hump the other mare. She whimpered as Ditzy began to grind her hips, rubbing her clit against the white mare's own throbbing need. She bit her lip, feeling her loins ache with the need to come. "Oh, Ditzy. . ." Rarity whimpered. "Oh, please, fuck me. . . please, fuck me hard. . ." Her legs trembled as she tried to keep them from closing, and her body shuddered hard as her loins twitched and gushed, flooding the sheets beneath her with her nectar. Ditzy grinned. "That's not what I asked for, Rarity." Rarity gasped as Ditzy ground her hips faster, and she moaned softly as her pussy squeezed down hard, making the bed shake beneath her. "Oh, Ditzy. . . please. . ." "Please, what?" Ditzy whispered, grinning down at her. "Please, fuck me. . ." Rarity whimpered. "Fuck me hard. . . fuck me until I come, please, I need it. . . oh, Ditzy, please. . ." Ditzy leaned down and kissed the fashionista on the nose, gently nibbling on her soft muzzle. "I'm not sure you really mean that, Rarity," she giggled. "Maybe if I stop. . ." "No!" Rarity exclaimed, before letting out a moan of satisfaction as the mare's hips rolled faster and faster. She moaned in protest as the mare lifted her hips off of her, leaving her lying on the soaked bedding, aching and throbbing with desire. Ditzy chuckled as she reached down and parted the fashionista's thighs, gazing at her glistening, needy pussy. Rarity whimpered as she felt the other mare's hooves running across her swollen clit, rubbing in gentle, slow circles and making her whole body shake and shiver with pleasure. She let out a soft sign as her hooves spread her marehood open, gently kneading her clit and sending electric jolts of pleasure coursing through her body. She panted hard, gasping for air as her head swam with pleasure. Her legs trembled as her loins clenched down, and she arched her back as the other mare's hooves pressed against her clit, grinding the soft frog of her hoof against her soft flesh. She squeezed her eyes shut, whimpering as she felt her orgasm approach, her pussy tightening and her hips rolling. She could feel Ditzy's gaze on her, watching her, and the thought of her friend seeing her at her most vulnerable only made the pleasure stronger as she neared her release. "Oh, Ditzy!" Rarity exclaimed, her eyes snapping open as the pleasure suddenly overtook her. Her whole body tensed up, trembling and twitching as she came hard, her pussy squeezing down on nothing as it tried to milk a stallion that wasn't there. She cried out as the mare's hooves pressed down hard, pinning her against the bed as her orgasm overcame her. Her legs kicked out and her tail rose, the soft strands brushing against her clit as she rolled her hips, rocking the bed desperately as her loins clenched down hard. Ditzy grinned down at her, gently rubbing her marehood as the fashionista's orgasm continued, Rarity's cries of ecstasy filling the air. She could feel her arousal building up within her own loins, and she could see how wet her partner was, the sight making her hunger for more. Slowly, Rarity's movements began to slow. Her cries became whimpers and her hips rolled more gently, and her moans gradually grew softer and softer until they were barely audible. Finally, Rarity went still, gasping for air and breathing heavily as she lay on the bed. Her legs trembled and her loins convulsed weakly, sending pulses of pleasure rushing through her body. Her head spun as her senses reoriented themselves. "Oh, Ditzy. . ." Rarity whispered, shivering with pleasure. "Thank you so much. . ." "I know you liked that," Ditzy giggled. "But I'm not finished yet." "No!" Rarity exclaimed, her eyes widening. "I mean, I'm glad you don't want to stop, but please, give me a moment. . ." She looked down at her soaked body, at the slick fluids leaking from her sodden marehood and soaking the sheets, at her own exhausted legs, at the drooling marehood of her lover, and at the sight of her own fluids oozing out of her. "Just give me a moment to catch my breath, please. . ." Ditzy nodded, settling down onto the bed beside the fashionista and smiling as the mare pressed her muzzle against her shoulder. She sighed contentedly, wrapping her arms around Rarity and nuzzling her neck affectionately. "You alright?" she asked. "Oh, yes," Rarity replied, smiling. She looked down at the sheets, her smile faltering slightly as she noticed how soaking wet they were. She blushed, glancing up at Ditzy. "I guess we'll need to do the washing early." "I'm sorry," Ditzy giggled. "It's not like I could help myself." Rarity bit her lip, resisting the urge to ask if the mare was just as turned on by seeing her soaking wet. She took a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself down, before pulling away from Ditzy. "So, shall we?" "Yeah!" Ditzy exclaimed, rolling onto her hooves. "I'll be right back, though. I've got a fun idea!" She trotted out of the room, leaving Rarity wondering what exactly she was going to do. She smiled, rolling her hooves under her as she waited for the mailmare to return. Return she did, several minutes later, with an assortment of red ribbons carried in her mouth. She smiled at the sight of the fashionista's expression of disbelief. "I hope you don't mind me using your ribbons," Ditzy said. "I figured I'd use them to tie your legs up - I just thought, you know, since you're all fancy and everything. . ." She grinned broadly at the other mare's bemused expression, and Rarity couldn't help but grin in return. "Well, since you went to the trouble of asking," Rarity said, grinning broadly as she lay back down on the bed, lifting her hind legs into the air. She took a deep breath as she watched Ditzy tie a ribbon around her hoof, holding it in place while she tied another one around the second hoof. Rarity giggled as she felt her hooves being pulled into the air, and she squeaked in surprise as Ditzy lifted her legs higher and secured them to the bedframe with a few more ribbons, keeping her hind legs raised high into the air. "There we go," Ditzy said, grinning at the sight. "I guess you could call this a little bit of bondage!" Rarity's eyes widened as she realized just how vulnerable she was. "D-Ditzy?" she stammered, blushing deeply as she looked up at the other mare. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you," Ditzy replied, giggling. "Just lie back and let me make you feel good." Rarity whimpered softly as Ditzy's hooves brushed her marehood, zeroing in on her sensitive clit. Pushing firmly yet gently, her skillful hooves coaxed the throbbing, twitching, nub of flesh from its hiding place until it was fully exposed. Rarity cried out in ecstasy as Ditzy rubbed it gently, rubbing slow circles into it, her mind going blank as the pleasure consumed her. She arched her back, her marehood aching with need as she tried to hump against the mare's hooves, her loins dripping with lust and her legs trembling with desire. Ditzy grinned, running her hoof through the fashionista's white fur as she teased her, tracing slow circles around her clit before switching to rubbing the very tip of her hoof against it. She watched with amusement as Rarity's thighs shook and trembled, her tail rising and her loins convulsing, sending a torrent of fluids pouring out of her sodden marehood. "Oh, Ditzy. . ." Rarity whimpered. "Please, don't stop. . . don't ever stop. . ." Ditzy bit her lip at the sight of the mare's sopping pussy leaking all over her hooves. She grinned as she leaned down and ran her tongue through the mare's loins, cleaning up the sticky liquid with every lap. The mare's body twitched and spasmed as Ditzy licked at her pussy, the mare's tongue working hard to clean her of all the stickiness until finally she was clean. She drew back, licking her lips and savoring the taste of the mare's arousal on her tongue before bending back to place her muzzle into her lover’s loins. Rarity's eyes widened in shock as she felt the mare's tongue trailing back towards her clit, licking slowly upwards and making her whole body tremble with pleasure. "D-Ditzy," she gasped, her voice breaking. "Oh, Ditzy, you can't, you shouldn't, we can't . . " "Shhh, I'm taking care of you," Ditzy whispered, reaching up and gently stroking the fashionista's belly. "Don't worry, it's fine. I just want to make you feel good." She grinned, leaning down and giving the other mare's clit a gentle lick, eliciting a shudder from the fashionista. She giggled, lapping slowly at the swollen nub, nibbling gently on it. Rarity gasped as the mare's tongue worked at her loins, licking slowly and teasingly across her marehood. "Oh, Ditzy, that feels. . . so good. . ." She groaned in frustration as the ribbons gripped her legs tightly, keeping her from closing them and squashing the mare's head between her thighs. "Oh, Ditzy. . ." Ditzy grinned as she heard the fashionista's words of encouragement, pressing her lips against the other mare's clit and flicking her tongue against the sensitive flesh. Rarity cried out in pleasure, her voice almost drowning out the sound of the bed shaking beneath them as the fashionista writhed against the bonds holding her. The mare's legs trembled hard, and she rolled her hips, humping against the mare's muzzle as she approached orgasm. The bed creaked and Rarity's breath caught in her throat as her senses seemed to explode with pleasure, and she came hard, her loins convulsing as she coated the mare's muzzle in a wave of thick, sticky fluid. Ditzy swallowed it down, giggling softly as the fashionista's body shook and shivered with pleasure, her hips bucking and her thighs squeezing the air. Ditzy rose, grinning at the sight of the fashionista's sodden, exhausted form. "That was pretty good!" she said, laughing as Rarity opened her eyes. "Thank you, Ditzy," Rarity replied, her voice trembling slightly. She struggled to get her breathing under control, trying to fill her lungs with air after the sudden orgasm. She panted, looking up at the other mare. "What . . . what next?" Ditzy giggled, looking at the bedsheets. "Well, I could untie you . . ." Rarity blushed. "Or?" Ditzy grinned and brushed the tips of her hooves across the bound mare's teats. Rarity moaned, her whole body shaking as the touch sent waves of pleasure rushing through her. "Or I could just keep you tied up." "Oh, Ditzy," Rarity whimpered, squirming slightly against the ropes holding her legs in the air. She mewled with need as the mare's hooves brushed against her nipples, making her whole body twitch and tremble. "Oh, Ditzy, don't stop. . ." Ditzy leaned down and licked the mare's nipple, nibbling gently on it. Rarity groaned, trying to grind her hips against the bed as the mare teased her. The soft licks and nibbles made her whole body ache, and she couldn't help but roll her hips and try to hump the bed again, desperately seeking any stimulation. Rarity cried out as the mare's hoof pressed against her pussy, rubbing slowly and teasingly over the sensitive flesh, while her tongue flicked back and forth across the tip of her nipple. She panted hard, fighting down the urge to just beg for more as she squirmed in the ropes. "Oh, Ditzy. . . don't stop, don't stop, oh please. . ." Ditzy grinned, sucking on the mare's nipple before lifting her hoof from her marehood, licking her lips as she took in the sight. "I don't think I will." She looked up at Rarity, making eye contact with the fashionista before she lowered her muzzle again, licking her way down the mare's tummy before stopping to lap up the nectar leaking from her sodden pussy. Rarity let out a shuddering moan, her breath catching in her throat as her back arched. She rolled her hips, grinding herself against the mare's muzzle as her pleasure mounted, the tip of the mailmare's tongue flicking across her clit in a slow, steady rhythm. Her eyes snapped open as she suddenly came, the force of the orgasm making her whole body shake as her loins spasmed and gushed, drenching the mare's muzzle in her fluids. Ditzy grinned, looking up at Rarity as the fashionista caught her breath, her body slowly calming down from her orgasm. She drew back, licking her muzzle clean. "That was a big one." "Oh, Ditzy. . ." Rarity whimpered, panting hard as she tried to regain her composure. "Oh, Ditzy, don't stop!" Her words turned into a mewl as the mare's hooves rubbed gently across her sensitive nipples, the touch making her whole body tingle with pleasure. "I won't, don't worry," Ditzy replied, giggling at the fashionista's reaction. She leaned down, pressing her lips against the other mare's slit, letting her tongue work its way up and down the throbbing opening. Rarity let out a loud moan as the mare's tongue flickered across her clit, making her whole body twitch and shudder. She panted hard, trying to control the motion of her hips as she tried to roll them, needing to feel the mare's tongue on her loins again. "Oh, Ditzy. . . oh, don't stop. . ." Ditzy's hooves gripped the mare's legs tighter, holding her firmly in place as she lapped at the fashionista's pussy. She moaned softly as the mare's nectar coated her tongue, tasting rich and salty on her lips as she ran her tongue across the swollen nub. She nibbled gently on it, making Rarity mewl in response. She grinned, sliding a hoof slightly into her marehood. Rarity's eyes snapped open and her body jerked as she came hard, her back arching. Her head spun as she gasped for air, her whole body convulsing violently. The world faded out around her, and all she could hear was the sound of her own heart pounding in her ears while the waves of pleasure rolled over her body. Slowly, the world came back into focus. Rarity's head spun as she looked around, struggling to get her bearings. Her legs ached from the awkward position, and she wiggled them slightly, trying to get some feeling back into them. "Oh, Ditzy," she whispered, her voice still trembling. "I'm right here," Ditzy replied, grinning. She looked up at the fashionista. "Did that feel good?" Rarity's eyes widened in surprise as she felt her marehood twitch. "Oh, Sun and Moon, don't tell me I'm still horny," she groaned. "Looks like it," Ditzy giggled, looking down at the soaked sheets. "Oh, Ditzy," Rarity whimpered. "I don't think I can take much more. . ." Ditzy grinned. "Maybe not, but you've got me all worked up now!" "Oh, Ditzy," Rarity moaned, closing her eyes. "Don't leave me like this, please. . ." Ditzy rolled off of the bed, walking around to the other side. Rarity's eyes fluttered open, looking down at her friend. "Don't worry," Ditzy said, grinning. She leaned down, kissing the fashionista gently on her lips. Rarity let out a moan as her tongue flickered out, teasing the other mare's lips. The mare giggled, pushing her muzzle harder against Rarity's own, their tongues swirling around one another as they played. Rarity moaned softly as she felt Ditzy break off their kiss. Seconds later, she moaned in appreciation as her bonds released and she flexed the muscles in her leg to remove the soreness. "Now what?" Ditzy grinned, turning to look at her. "I was just thinking, you know, how I was feeling a little needy myself . . ." She glanced at the fashionista's sodden loins. "And you've gotten plenty of attention. . ." She reached down and parted the white mare's thighs, taking a moment to admire the sight of her sopping pussy. Rarity whimpered softly as the mare's hoof slid between her legs, teasing her, making her whole body shiver with pleasure. Despite the distraction caused by her rampant libido, Rarity blushed - this time with shame as she realized that she had totally neglected her partner's needs. She sat up, taking Ditzy's muzzle in her hooves and pressing her lips against hers. "I'm sorry, Ditzy," she whimpered. "I didn't mean to. . ." Ditzy giggled. "You don't have to apologize," she replied. "I just figured, you know, maybe if I took good care of you, you might want to return the favor. . ." "Oh, Ditzy," Rarity murmured, kissing her lover again. "Come here, darling," she whispered as she wiggled her way into position until her chest was pressed against her partner's back, holding her tightly in her forelegs. Then, lighting her horn, she focused her telekinetic grip around a very specific spot. Ditzy gasped as a blue aura surrounded her own clit. "Oh, Rarity, that feels so good . . ." "Mmhmm," Rarity replied, smiling at the mare's reaction. She pressed her muzzle against her partner’s neck and licked, nibbling gently on the grey fur and making Ditzy moan in pleasure. The sensitive skin her nub tingled with electrical pricks as the magic aura enfolded it completely, deftly squeezing and caressing it with impossible finesse from every angle. Ditzy shivered and moaned softly, her legs trembling as the magic teased her. Rarity's tongue flickered across her neck, licking slowly up and down the mare's flesh. Her teeth gently nipped at the soft skin, teasingly leaving red marks behind them as she bit. She reached out with her mind, using the telekinesis to manipulate Ditzy's body. She coaxed the mare's legs further apart and grinned as her own body was pressed closer against her partner's back. Ditzy groaned as she felt her whole body ache with need. Her hooves gripped the bed beneath her, her legs trembling as the magic teased her clit, the blue aura enveloping her loins completely. The sensation was indescribable and she drooled, tongue lolling out and eyes rolling up into the back of her head, as the sensation seeped down into the core of her throbbing button. She felt her whole body shake and tremble with every pulse, her mind overwhelmed by pleasure. Rarity nibbled at the grey mare's ear as she worked her magic, her mind focused entirely on teasing her as best as she could. She licked up and down Ditzy's neck, savoring the salty, sweat-covered taste of her. The mailmare was soaking wet with lust, and she could feel her friend's clit throbbing as she squeezed it, sending jolts of pleasure coursing through her body. Ditzy cried out, her hooves squeezing down on the bedsheets as she bucked her hips against the air, desperate for some friction. Rarity licked gently at her ears, nibbling them between her teeth as she pushed her mind harder into the mare's loins, coaxing her towards orgasm. The mare's body shook, and she let out a low, almost animalistic groan of pleasure as she came, her whole body going stiff as she gushed nectar all over the bedsheets. Rarity grinned as the other mare finally relaxed, letting go of the bedsheets and panting hard. She continued licking the mailmare's neck, nibbling gently on her skin as she watched her breathe. "Rarity. . ." Ditzy murmured, grinning lazily as she opened her eyes. "Oh, Rarity. . . I don't know how much more of that I can take. . ." "That was just a little tease," Rarity giggled, pressing her muzzle against her cheek. She licked gently at her cheek, making the other mare smile. Ditzy sighed, closing her eyes and relaxing in her embrace. "I'll say this much: you sure know how to treat a mare." Rarity giggled again, rolling onto her back. She lay still as Ditzy rested her head in the crook of her arm. "I'm glad you think so." The two ponies lay still for a few moments, simply enjoying one another's presence. Ditzy sighed contentedly, and Rarity could feel her body slowly relaxing against her. "Ditzy?" "Hmmm?" Ditzy murmured, opening her eyes again. "Thank you," Rarity whispered, kissing the grey mare on her nose. "I just . . . thank you." Ditzy grinned. "Any time," she said. "And, uh, thanks for letting me. . ." Rarity blushed. "Don't worry about it." She smiled as the mare snuggled up closer to her. "It was really nice," Ditzy sighed. "I don't think I can move, though. I'm exhausted!" Rarity giggled. "I'll take care of the mess," she replied. She rolled out of bed, wincing at the wetness coating her. She walked over to a dresser, pulled a rag from it, and cleaned herself up. "Ditzy, would you like some towels?" Ditzy opened her eyes again. "That'd be great, Rarity. Thanks." Rarity nodded and smiled, walking out of the room and towards the closet. She pulled out two towels and trotted back into her bedroom. "Here you go." "Thanks!" Ditzy exclaimed, taking the towels from her and quickly cleaning herself up. She sighed with relief as she finally felt clean again, lying back down in the bed. She yawned, closing her eyes as Rarity laid back down next to her. "Good night, Ditzy." "Night, Rarity." Rarity snuggled up to her friend, closing her eyes as she drifted off to sleep, smiling contentedly as she rested her head against the mailmare's shoulder. Rarity awoke, slowly opening her eyes as she regained consciousness. She yawned and stretched, letting out a low moan of pleasure. She rolled onto her side, feeling the other mare's warmth beside her, and she reached out and pulled her into a tight hug. Ditzy giggled softly as she woke up at the tender embrace. "Morning, Rarity." "Morning, Ditzy," Rarity whispered. She pressed her muzzle against the grey mare's cheek, licking gently at her neck and making her friend giggle. "You have work this morning, yes?" "Yeah," Ditzy sighed. "I don't think I'm gonna be able to move right, though." Rarity laughed softly. "Neither am I." She reached up and stroked the other mare's mane, savoring its softness. "Why don't you go get a shower and I'll make us some breakfast?" "I can do that!" Ditzy replied, grinning. "Just let me get out of bed first." She slowly disentangled herself from the fashionista, grunting softly as her joints popped. She hobbled towards the door, glancing back at the fashionista as she walked out. Rarity giggled softly, watching her go. She rolled her hooves under her, relaxing in the warm afterglow of their tryst, basking in the glow of pleasure and satisfaction. She sighed, feeling content for the first time in ages. The raging, uncontrollable horniness that had tormented her now lay banked, like a gentle fire inside her. It promised the ability to flare back to full life, but for now she was not just satisfied but fulfilled. Rarity sighed again and rose, stretching again before making her way out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. She pulled some supplies from the fridge and set to work on making a large breakfast, humming happily as she prepared the meal. Rarity smiled broadly as Ditzy entered the room, trotting towards her and giving her a hug. "There you are, darling! I thought you might've gotten lost!" "What? Oh, no, I was just in the shower," Ditzy replied, smiling back. She pulled out a chair and sat down at the kitchen table, admiring the view of the fashionista standing in her kitchen. "So," Rarity said, "how about some breakfast?" "Oh, it smells delicious!" Ditzy exclaimed, grinning at the sight of the pile of waffles on the table. "Thank you!" Rarity nodded, pouring some maple syrup over the stack of waffles. "You're welcome, darling," she replied, bringing two plates over to the table. "It's nice having company for once." Ditzy grinned. "Well, I'd better not overstay my welcome." "No danger of that, darling." Rarity smiled, and the two mares dug into their breakfast. The fashionista watched Ditzy as they ate, her eyes wandering over her curves and her heart filling with affection. She sighed with satisfaction as she took another bite of waffle. "So," Ditzy said, "what do you think about me coming back here tonight?" Rarity blushed, glancing up at the other mare. "I think . . . I'd like that very much." Ditzy smiled. "Me too." Rarity giggled as Ditzy leaned over and nibbled on her ear, making her shiver with pleasure. "Ditzy. . ." "Just a little reminder," Ditzy giggled, pulling back with a mischievous sparkle in her eyes. "So you'll think of me." Rarity laughed, playfully swatting the mailmare's shoulder. "You little tease!" Ditzy giggled, shaking her head. "Well, I should be going now, huh?" "Yes, you probably should," Rarity replied. She rose from her seat and gave the mare a hug. "Thank you again." "It's no problem at all," Ditzy replied, grinning as she trotted towards the Boutique's entrance. Swiftly, she donned her uniform which was waiting, neatly folded, for her. She waved at the fashionista, walking out the door. "See you tonight!" "I'll be waiting," Rarity replied, smiling. She watched the other mare go, giggling softly as she noticed her swaying hips. She shook her head as she shut the door. It would be a busy day, but at least it promised to be a very enjoyable evening once again.