Shining Visits The Stable

by Storm butt

First published

Shining Armor decides that while visiting his sister and Spike that it's about time he met up with Spike's recent partner; Stable Reins. What's the worst that could go wrong with visiting a bondage shop with a kinky owner?

Shining Armor decides that while visiting his sister and Spike that it's about time he met up with Spike's recent partner, Stable Reins. The unicorn happens to own an adult store and has a way of swaying any stallion he has his eye on into the back room to be locked up for some fun. Shining Armor just happens to be Stable Reins' latest target.

The story has a focus on tickle torture, and features the OC of a friend.

Bound By The Stable

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Even as the years went on the quiet homey feel of Ponyville remained the same. Shining Armor never questioned why his sister was so fond of this town. While nothing about it was extraordinary or unique it had a way of making you feel safe and at home. The midday sun shined down on Shining Armor and the dragon walking beside him.

“Stable’s place is at the very end of the street,” Spike said. “Um… For obvious reasons.”

“Obvious, huh?” Shining Armor asked. He looked over to the dragon. It was still strange to him how tall Spike had gotten over the years. He could still remember when the boy was a hatchling, but now he had matured into a young man. The spines on top of his head technically made him taller than Shining Armor, though the slight slouch in his posture hid that well.

Shining Armor and Cadance were both in town visiting Twilight, who herself was in town visiting Starlight Glimmer and the School of Friendship to see how things were going. Twilight and Cadance had gone out together to catch up and have a girl's day together, which left both Spike and Shining Armor to figure out how to kill time.

“How come you wanna meet him anyway?” Spike asked.

“Do you not want me to?” Shining Armor asked.

“It’s not that,” Spike said with a hint of bashfulness as his gaze drifted away from Shining Armor’s own. “It’s just sudden is all.”

“I thought you said he wouldn’t mind us dropping into his work,” Shining Armor said.

“He doesn’t,” Spike said. “I don’t either, I guess. I just… Even Twilight’s only met him a couple of times is all. I just… I want you to like him.”

Spike blushed ever so slightly. It had been a surprise to everypony in his life when six months ago he announced that he was dating somepony, and that somepony turned out to be a stallion. It was hard to tell just how long Spike had been dealing with those feelings inside of his head alone, but it was obvious to anypony who knew him that Spike had gotten far happier this past half year.

“Just so you know,” Spike said. “I didn’t meet him AT his store, okay?”

“Mhm,” Shining Armor said with a playful smirk. “You know I’m married to the princess of LOVE, right? You don’t have to be embarrassed about that stuff with me.”

“I’m serious!” Spike whined. His flustered blush was adorable. “I really didn’t know what he did until we already were friends!”

“Heh, I guess I’ll have to ask him myself,” Shining Armor said as he picked up his pace a bit and began to jog ahead. “This way, right?”

“Sh-Shining!” Spike whined. “Hold on!”

Spike quickly picked up his pace to follow Shining Armor as they rushed to the end of the street. Most of the windows were shuttered on the lower half so you couldn’t see inside, but the bright and flashy magic sign on the front drew Shining Armor’s attention.

“The Pleasure Pony,” Shining said. “Not very subtle I see.”

Without waiting for Spike’s approval Shining Armor couldn’t contain his curiosity any longer. He found himself reaching for the door and pushing forward only to hear a bell be hit by the door above his head and ring out into the empty store.

At the far end of the store sitting behind a glass counter was a stallion leaning back in his chair reading what Shining Armor first assumed to be a magazine, but upon closer inspection was actually a comic book. The stallion looked up with a polite smile, but the moment Spike stepped in behind Shining Armor and made himself known the smile morphed from polite to utterly genuine.

“Spike!” Stable Reins said.

“Hey, Hon— Eer, I mean… St-Stable!”

Shining realized that Spike was about to call Stable “honey” but then stopped himself. He smirked back at the dragon who was still blushing. Yet at the same time, Spike himself seemed to lose that tenseness he had been carrying on their walk the moment he met eyes with his boyfriend. The dragon pushed forward past Shining and walked toward the counter.

Upon looking around more Shining Armor realized most of the store front was rather plain. It was mostly ropes and a few ballgags out front. It didn’t seem like a wide enough variety for a proper business, but Shining couldn’t help but notice a curtain sitting right behind Stable that seemed to lead into the back half of the shop.

“Is that…” Stable Reins set down the comic he was reading and gave a proper look at the stallion walking in with Spike.

“Stable,” Spike said. “Um, this is Shining Armor. He’s Twilight’s brother.”

“Obviously I know who he is,” Stable said with a laugh. “Holy crap, there’s a full prince in my store.”

“Only by marriage,” Shining Armor said with his own bout of sheepishness.

“Woah!” Spike said as he approached Stable Reins and took a proper look at the comic he had been reading. “You’re up to this one already? I just gave you my copies like a week ago!”

“Well, I’m sorry that I want to understand what my little dragon is talking about when he nerds out every week when a new issue comes out,” Stable said with a teasing giggle. “Plus this Super Steed looks GOOD in this spandex.”

“I don’t nerd out,” Spike said with another blush.

“Last week you were SQUEALING while reading it,” Stable said before reaching out and touching one of Spike’s hands on the table. Spike didn’t move his hand away, and Shining realized he didn’t blush at all about it.

“Was not,” Spike retorted.

“Hmm, you’re right, maybe it was one of those other times you were squealing. Like when I…”

“Ahh! Ahhh! Shut up!” Spike whined loudly before covering his hands on either side of his head. “Lalalalalaaaaa!”

Shining Armor couldn’t help but giggle at the two. Not even a full minute had passed and already the two were fully absorbed in each other and practically forgot that Shining Armor was here. It didn’t seem rude either, but more like the two genuinely didn’t realize how absorbed in each other they had become. Though as soon as Shining Armor laughed both boys looked over to him, which only made Spike’s blush worse and caused Stable to smirk back at Shining Armor. While Spike was distracted Stable stood up and surprised the dragon by pecking him on the cheek, which made the dragon jump a bit.

“Would you mind grabbing me the next comic from the stack you gave me? It’s in the back.”

“Sure,” Spike said with a dopey-sounding giggle as he rubbed his cheek where Stable had kissed him. While moving toward the curtain that led to the back he kept his eyes focused on Stable, but then accidentally hit his tail against the doorframe as he went, causing a loud thud and a quick sound of pain from the dragon.

“Ow! I’m fine!” Spike said as he readjusted himself quickly and scurried off to minimize further embarrassment.

“So,” Stable asked. He was suddenly speaking to Shining Armor. “Do I pass the ‘Big Brother’ approval?”

“Huh?” Shining Armor asked. “Oh, no, that’s not what this is. I mean, I did wanna meet you.”

“I’m just teasing,” Stable said with a smirk as he stood up. “He does talk about you a lot, though. I’ve pretty much figured out you’re the one to blame for his obsession with comics and board games.”

“Ehehe, guilty,” Shining Armor said.

“It’s pretty adorable to know that the big stoic Prince of the Crystal Kingdom is a nerd at heart,” Stable said.

Shining Armor giggled and felt himself blush. He could see why Spike liked the guy so much. Most ponies would be afraid to call Shining anything close to a ‘nerd’, but Stable managed to do it in a way that made Shining Armor feel complimented rather than teased.

“I um, actually,” Shining Armor said as he put one hand behind his head and glanced away from Stable’s line of sight. “Wanted to visit for… another reason?”

“Oh?” Stable asked. His brow went up with intrigue.

“My wife’s a little er… kinky,” Shining Armor said, and whispered that last part. He couldn’t help but giggle a bit saying that out loud. “I was wondering if maybe I could look at your stuff? Maybe if anything’s good get a discrete shipment back to the crystal kingdom?”

Stable Reins smiled as he stood up. Shining saw a glimmer of something in the stallion’s eye that surprised him as he stepped forward, though he couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was. He reached for the curtain that led to the back and pulled it halfway open.

“Well then, that’s an offer I can’t refuse,” Stable giggled. “Why don’t we step in the back?”

Stable almost seemed eager. Shining Armor went past the curtain and stepped into the back room. The first thing Shining Armor noticed was the lack of windows, which made sense. The next thing he noticed was contraptions that made him blush just looking at them. His eyes fell upon an X-Frame in the corner, and then to a sex swing that swung in the air beside it covered in black straps. The walls were lined with black vests and riding crops, and even whips.

“So, Shining,” Stable said in what Shining could tell was his ‘Customer Service’ voice. “Tell me, what does your wife like?”

“Um,” Shining said. “She likes bondage. Though not really much into pain stuff. Just the tying up part with some uh… teasing.”

“Oh, so something that’d be her size?” Stable asked.

“Actually I uh… She’s usually the one who…”

Stable suddenly giggled. He stepped forward and surprised Shining Armor by putting his muzzle right up to his ear. Shining felt goosebumps run up his arms as he shuddered.

“I already could have guessed that, big boy,” Stable said.

Stable suddenly turned away and continued walking as though nothing had happened. Shining Armor felt his eyes widen as he stood there momentarily stunned feeling tingly all over his body. Did Stable just… flirt with him?

“In that case, I think we’ll need something strong to hold a big guy like you down,” Stable said. He was right back into his customer service voice. He nodded toward the back of the store. Shining Armor found his legs again and quickly followed up toward Stable.

What Shining Armor saw was quite large. It looked like a recliner of sorts with padded cushions, but at the very end where his legs were to be extended were a pair of stocks. Not only that, but two cuffs were directly above the seat that Shining Armor could guess were intended for his wrists.

“This one is my studiest piece,” Stable said as he put his hand on the object and tried to shake it to prove his point. The thing didn’t bend at all. “Thoughts?”

“It’s… Wow,” Shining Armor said. “Y-Yeah, I think Cadance will like that.”

“Wanna see how it fits?” Stable asked. “If there’s any specific changes to fit your body needed I’ll have to know that before I ship it.”

Shining Armor blinked. Did Stable just… wink?

“Hey, guys!” A voice called from behind. Both looked back to see Spike with a slightly annoyed look on his face. “Jeez, you asked me to grab you something then totally vanish!”

“Sorry, hon,” Stable said in a sing-song type of voice. “I was just about to put Shining here in some equipment to let him give it a little test!”

“Huh?” Shining Armor asked as he looked back to Stable.

“Ooh, really?” Spike asked. “Yeah, you aren’t breaking out of that thing, Shining.”

“He knows from experience,” Stable reins whispered, but loudly so that Spike could clearly hear it.

“Will you can it?” Spike whined.

“So, you getting in?” Stable asked. He pulled open the stocks and smiled at Shining Armor. The stallion could feel himself tense up.

“Sure, I guess,” Shining Armor said.

Without really thinking Shining Armor moved his body forward. The chair itself was surprisingly comfortable, but that didn’t stop him from tensing up when he placed his ankles one by one into the stocks. Stable swung them shut, and Shining Armor could feel the cushion squeeze around him. As the lock clicked shut Shining couldn’t help but bite the inside of his cheek. He gave a tug of his left leg, and then his right. He couldn’t budge them at all.

“Yeah, real sturdy!” Shining Armor said.

Stable stepped closer to Shining and took him by the wrist and began to lift it up.

“What’re you doing?” Shining asked.

“Well it’s not a proper test if you don’t TEST it,” Stable said. “I’ve had a lot of strong guys in this thing but never a former royal guard captain!”

On this day in particular Shining Armor had decided to wear a black tank top and loose-fitting shorts. It was casual and sensible due to the hot weather outside, but as his arms were lifted up by Stable and locked into restraints one by one he became acutely aware of his vulnerable it made his underarms seem. As his arms rose up the fabric covering his chest shifted and both of his nipples became exposed. He looked briefly over to see Spike staring at him with wide eyes.

“Heh… Enjoying the show?” Shining Armor asked, a bit nervously.

“S-Sorry,” Spike said as he looked away and covered his eyes with one hand.

“I can’t blame you, hon,” Stable said. He surprised Shining Armor by suddenly lifting a single finger and planting it just an inch under Shining’s exposed armpit. It came from the opposite direction Shining Armor was looking, so it surprised him badly enough to let out a high-pitched yelp.


Even Stable jumped at that as Shining Armor felt himself blush harshly. Stable continued to tease him by suddenly dragging the finger up and swirling it around Shining Armor’s helpless pit.

“A-Ahahaaa! Hohohohooly crap, duhuhude! Whahahat are you doing?” Shining Armor whined. He began to pull and tug at the restraints above his head but they didn’t budge. “Eheheee! Ahahaha! Mmhmhmmph!”

“I’m testing the restraints,” Stable teased. “Do you want me to stop? I’m hardly touching you, you know.”

Shining Armor felt his body twist only to be denied by the tight binds holding him in place. For some ungodly reason, he didn’t say ‘NO’ when asked if he wanted it to stop. In fact, the next thing to happen was surprising to everybody there. Shining Armor became… excited. It was obvious when anybody looked at his pants, and he was unable to hide it. Soon it became the only thing both Spike and Stable could focus on as they all froze what they were doing.

“Uh…” Spike said.

“I can’t help it!” Shining Armor whined. He kept trying to shift himself in a way that would hide his erection but was unable to. Why oh why did he have to wear pants like this today?

“Since you seem to be enjoying yourself,” Stable said as he giggled mischeviously. He reached his hand down to the stock and pinched the toe of Shining Armor’s shoe before wiggling it back and forth. “Shall we keep ‘testing’ the equipment?”

“Oh gosh,” Shining Armor whined.

It was sort of an open secret that the Princess of Love had a very open relationship. She had always encouraged Shining Armor to do as he pleased with either mare or stallion or even other creatures, as long as she was told after the fact. Honesty was what mattered between them, and their love was sturdy.

“Sure?” Shining Armor asked, almost unsure of the answer coming out of his mouth as he spoke it. Though as soon as he did he felt his heart skip a beat, for Stable suddenly grinned with a wicked sort of look.

“Hehe, I bet I can make you regret that,” Stable said.

He sounded so sweet yet spoke such deadly words. Just what the heck was he planning to do?

“Oh, wow,” Spike said from beside them. He was staring at the two like it was some sort of show. Shining couldn’t help that his own legs seemed awfully tense, as though he were trying to hide something himself… Lucky dragon had worn pants today though which made it difficult to tell at a glance, unlike poor Shining who was forced to show it off.

“Spikey,” Stable said. “Why don’t you help me with these shoes, hmm? You look like you’re dying to join in.”

“I-I uh… Is that fine?” Spike asked. He looked quickly between Shining Armor and Stable.

“I guess,” Shining Armor said. “I mean… if you’re comfortable.”

Truthfully Shining Armor wanted Spike there to reel in the wickedness he saw behind Stable’s eyes.

Spike considered this for a moment before folding his hands over his belly and giving a sudden nod. He looked so cute all bashful like that. He stepped forward and without anybody giving him instructions grabbed for one of Shining Armor’s shoes and pulled it off to reveal royal blue socks.

“Wow, I didn’t even tell you to do that,” Stable teased. “Eager?”

“You were gonna do it anyway!” Spike snapped.

Shining felt even more exposed now, especially when Stable followed Spike’s lead and pulled off the other shoe. This time though Stable was eager, and took the sock off at the same time to reveal Shining Armor’s snow-white colored sole. Stable grabbed the heel and let out a delighted-sounding gasp.

“Ohoho, that’s soft,” Stable said. “Mmmm, delightful.”

“Really?” Spike asked. The dragon was blushing again. He reached down and gingerly began to pull at Shining’s sock as well. Once it was off the dragon’s claws squeezed around the foot. Spike’s eyes widened even further. “Oh, wow, you’re right.”

“Mmm!” Shining Armor whined softly as the dragon’s pointed claw tips so much as poked into his foot. He tensed up and let out a gasp a moment later. “Ohohohookay guys, stop teasing now!”

“Stop?” Stable asked. “Oohoho, silly prince.”

Shining’s heart skipped yet again. Stable suddenly gripped him by his big toe and out of nowhere pulled a string from the front of the stocks that Shining hadn’t noticed until now and wrapped it around. His foot was suddenly taut and he was unable to wiggle his toes little more than splaying them ever so slightly.

Shining’s pants seemingly grew tighter the more restrained he became. His heart pounded in his chest as Stable drew his fingers down the length of the sole and without warning began to dance his fingertips right along the arch of the foot.

“A-Ahhh! Ahahahaa! Ohohoooo Celehehehehestia! Eeeeeh!”

Shining Armor was unable to stop himself from laughing. Worse than that; he was unable to make his laugh sound anything even close to dignified. It was squealy and loud and a bit girly as he yelped and gasped and cried out with increasingly high-pitched yelps as Stable Reins’ fingernails grazed along the ticklish flesh of his arch.

The device he was trapped in held, and didn’t so much as shake as Shining tugged and kicked with all his might.

“Oh, wow,” Spike said softly.

Shining could hardly focus on it but Spike was blushing like mad. The dragon’s eyes kept going from Shining’s laughing face to the steady torment on his feet. The dragon grabbed the bottom of his sweater and pulled down over his crotch as his legs squeezed even tighter together.

“Well go on, Hon,” Stable Reins said to Spike as he reached over and giggled before grabbing the dragon by the wrist and tugging him down beside him. “We need to test out both sides of these stocks, don’t we?”

“Oh gosh,” Spike said softly as he let out a shaky breath. “This is really happening.”

Shining Armor thought that perhaps Spike’s clear nervousness would make him less deadly than Stable Reins who clearly had a knack for this sort of torment. It didn’t take long for Shining Armor to realize how wrong he was as the tips of the dragon’s fingers curled inward. They were pointed and firm, and seemed to prod down directly at the ticklish nerves that Stable’s bare fingers could only hope to rub against at best.

“EEEEHEHEE!” Shining Armor let out a squeal as loud as he could at first the moment Spike scraped his claws along the underside of his toes. His whole body twisted in a panic trying to get away from the sensation only to one again hit the restriction of his bindings. “O-Ohohohooo my gosh! No nonohoooo Spike, ohohoo gosh!”

“Hehe, he’s almost as loud as you,” Stable said to Spike in a hushed whisper that Shining figured he wasn’t supposed to hear given that as he said it Stable began to drag his fingers up and down Shining’s taut foot.

“E-Eheheheheheeee! Crahahahhahapp ohohoooo nohoooo! Ahahahaaa! Ehehehehee!”

“Mmm, his feet are certainly big enough to make me believe he was a royal guard captain,” Stable Reins commented. “But the softness? Mmm, life as a prince must have pampered and lotioned you down all over till you were nice and soft like this, hmm? Or maybe you’ve always just had girlishly soft soles your entire ticklish life!”

Is there was anything Stable was good at it was teasing. As Shining Armor sat there enduring it and laughing at the top of his lungs he couldn’t help but also notice his cock was indeed throbbing. There was something so, so hot about a pony taking advantage of him like this. Ponies typically would never dare using such language to a prince, nor would they feel comfortable making him squeal and plead so much without a hint of sympathy. It was exciting and vunerable to be so helpless, yet at the same time Shining Armor’s heart rushed with frantic anticipation at what sensations might come next.

Spike was a lot less percise with his strokes, but that perhaps made him all the more deadly. While Stable was loud with his teasing Spike was sheepish and quiet as he felt up Shining’s sole with both hands up and down just feeling every inch of how tender the foot was. Several times Shining Armor caught him just staring at his frantically wiggling toes as he sat there bitting his lip and whining gently.

Even if Spike were tickling him as gently as possible though… those damn claws made everything so much worse. Shining Armor thought his initial reaction to them might have been his body growing accustomed, but he quickly realized nobody who was ticklish could grow accustomed to them. The way they glided and scraped with Spike hardly pushing was maddening with long tender strokes that as they ran over his arches and the ball of his foot Shining Armor sung out hysterically.

“AHAHAHHHHAAAA! EEHHEHEHEE! NO NOHOHOOO NO SPIKE NOT THEHEHEHERE!” Shining Armor cried out with a squeal of panic as Spike began to pull back his toes and use the claws on his other hand to stroke along the underside. Alarm bells rang out in the helpless prince’s mind as his body told him to fight and thrash despite the remaining sanity in him knowing it was in vain.

“Good idea, Spike,” Stable Reins said as he began to poke and prod at Shining’s other set of toes. “Aww, is this a kill spot for the poor Princey?”

“EHEHEHEEEEEEEE! NO NO NO NOHOHOOT MY TOES!” Shining Armor cried out. “Ahahahaaa! Ahahahaaa pleheheheheease!”

Shining Armor threw his head back. His fingers stretched out and then balled into fists as the laughter seemed to punch right out of his chest. He kept howling unable to stop himself to the point where his chest began to ache and his vision even began to blur from tears lingering in his eyes. It was to the point that when both boys finally stopped tickling him that it took him a few moments to even control his helpless laughter.

“Ahahahaaa! Ohohoooo my gosh!” Shining Armor whined as he allowed himself to settle for the first time. His head drooped to the side to lean against his arm as he panted and continued to giggle for several seconds more. His feet continued to tingle even as the torment upon them stopped.

“My, somepony seems to be enjoying himself,” Stable Reins spoke as he stood up and went over to Shining Armor. He took the giggly prince by his chin and forced him to meet Stable’s eye. The cocky and confident smirk on Stable’s face struck both worry and excitement into Shining Armor’s veins as his eyes kept flickering back down toward his feet where Spike continued to sit afraid the dragon might make a move while he was least expecting it.

“It’s… certainly thrilling,” Shining Armor said with a sheepish blush of his own. “Um… A-Are we gonna keep going?”

“That depends,” Stable Reins said before leaning his head down and whispering right into Shining Armor’s ear. “Do you want me and Spike to keep going?”

Shining Armor blushed and started to giggle nervously again. It was funny the sort of evils he had faced without fear only for this to be the time his heart skipped a beat due to nerves.

“Maybe a little…” Shining Armor said with his voice only a whisper.

That whisper was enough to make Stable’s grin turn all the more mischievous.

“Oh, Spikey,” Stable said. “I think Prince Charming here wants to try out my fun tools. Why don’t you go ahead and grab them?”

“Okay!” Spike said. The dragon hopped up to his feet looking just as much of a meld of excitement and nerves as Shining Armor felt. He was quick to scramble away quickly as Stable got down to his knees right beside Shining Armor.

“Little Spikey’s not used to being the one outside of these stocks it seems,” Stable teased as he brought a single finger down to Shining Armor’s exposed pit and began to wiggle it around. “But he makes a wonderful tickler when he works up the nerve, don’t you think?”

Quickly Spike returned with both arms full of an assortment of tools that made Shining Armor tense up. He saw brushes and bottles and various bits of metal that were all jumbled together and quickly set on the ground right where Shining Armor couldn’t see them.

“Wonderful,” Stable Reins said. He surprised Shining Armor when he stood up and walked behind the equipment instead of toward Spike. A moment later a piece of fabric was forced right in front of Shining Armor’s eyes. He let out a gasp as he became blinded.

“Ohohooo gosh!” Shining Armor whined loudly. Even though he wasn’t being tickled yet those giggles just kept coming out whenever he felt his nerves rise.

“Sorry, Princey,” Stable said with a whisper into Shining Armor’s ears. “It’s just so much cuter when they don’t know what’s coming.”

“Should I start with this?” Spike’s voice asked from near Shining Armor’s feet.

“Ohohoo, since when did you get so evil?” Stable asked. “Go for it.”

“Wh-What is it?” Shining Armor whined. He tugged and pulled and wiggled helplessly in his restraints. A moment later he heard the sound of a plastic lid being popped open. He felt Spike’s fingers press into his foot next, though with an additional sensation of a cool thick liquid-like gel.

“Ahh!” Shining Armor gasped.

Spike was rubbing something on Shining’s feet. It felt slick and cool to the touch. After it was spread throughout the lengths of one of his feet Spike began to work on the next. Stable Reins began to walk around the contraption keeping Shining hostage and hummed a tune as Shining resisted the urge to keep whining.

“Wh-What is that?” Shining Armor whined. “Nnngh…”

“Oh, nothing,” Stable Reins said. “Just some baby oil for your already baby-soft soles. Tell me, Shining, do you know what happens if you cover already horrendously ticklish feet in slick and slippery oil?”

“N-No?” Shining Armor admitted. His heart was pounding. He didn’t feel like the answer would be good.

“Spike,” Stable said. “Go ahead and show him.”

Without a word Spike complied; only this time he didn’t use his claws. Shining Armor felt two points press into either of his feet right at the ball of both. Thick course bristles dug into his flesh the size of no bigger than his thumb. Shining Armor realized they were toothbrushes. As soon as Shining Armor figured that out they began to drag downward.

The reaction was instant; and very, very loud.

“B-BWAHAHAHAAAA!” Shining Armor let out an actual scream as Spike began to scrub with the toothbrushes. Something was wrong. He knew these brushes would tickle, but to tickle worse than Spike’s claws? That just seemed impossible. It had to be the oil. His feet were slick and lacked friction, and without resistance, the brushes were able to drag all over his soles without delay not only targeting more ticklish spots but tormenting them all the worse.


“Scream all you like, cutie,” Stable teased. “My walls are soundproof~ Nopony’s going to hear the big strong prince scream and cry like a little girl except us, isn’t that reassuring?”

As Stable said that he surprised Shining Armor yet again by suddenly reaching his hand down and outright placing his palm directly on the tenting shorts Shining was sporting. Shining Armor let out a gasp followed by biting his lip. A moan of pleasure began to get intermingled into his laughter as Stable began to squeeze and tug at the member through his pants.

Then stable pulled at the fabric. Due to the shorts being casualwear, they were able to be pulled down with ease, and Shining Armor felt the air touch his stiff cock as soon as it became exposed.

“Oh, wow,” Spike said. He stopped tickling Shining, and even with the blindfold on the prince knew it was because the dragon was staring at his cock. Stable got down on his knees beside the bindings and wrapped his fingers around the base of the cock. He hardly had to stroke upward for droplets of pre to leak out of the head. Shining Armor whined softly.

“This hard just from tickling, hmm?” Stable asked.

“Ahhh… Mmmph… Y-Yeah!” Shining Armor said. Though the bindings made it difficult his hips began to try and pump up. Just Stable gently squeezing his cock felt amazing. All of this teasing and torment had made him insanely horny, and he felt like he was going to blow with no effort at all. “Ahhh… Mmmph… it’s so freaking hot, gaah…”

“Ehehe… I have a fun idea,” Stable Reins said.

Shining Armor gulped. Stable’s ‘fun’ ideas seemed like they were always terrifying.

The faint sound of magic was quickly heard. The next sensation Shining Armor felt was right along his shaft. A light sensual stroke that felt like dozens upon dozens of tiny hairs.


“Now THAT was a noise,” Stable said with a giggle of approval. The sensation traveled up Shining Armor’s shaft until it was near the head of his cock where the hundreds of hairs began to swirl around.

“Ahhh! Wait! Nnngh! Ohohoohohooo!~” Shining Armor cried out. His poor cock continued to leak pre-cum.

“I have a little game,” Stable said. “Spike here is going to take hairbrushes and start scrubbing your feet, and he won’t stop until you cum from this makeup brush.”

“Wh-Whahahahat?” Shining Armor cried out in a squeaky frantic panic. “Eheheee! No! Nohohooo!”

“Yeheheheesss!” Stable teased. “Oh, Spike?”

“Got them,” Spike said.

“Wait wait wahahahahit!” Shining Armor cried out.

“Now!” Stable shouted.

It seemed that Shining Armor had no say in if this game was going to go through or not, and that was only further proven as he felt the deadly touch of the hairbrushes bristles touch down to both of his still oiled soles. They didn’t even start moving before Shining Armor started screaming, and when they did the sensation more than justified his reaction.


Poor Shining could do nothing but howl out pleas. Stable began to gingerly drag that makeup brush all around his cock. It was so damn slow and sensual and tickled like hell, but it was nothing compared to the overstimulation happening to his soles.

Spike wasn’t just effective; he was ruthless. Clearly Stable had taught him well. He would drag the brushes up and down the length of the sole, and they were so wide that it didn’t seem to matter where they brushed because within seconds every inch of Shining’s helpless feet would be attacked. As the bristles slipped between his toes as they ruthlessly scrubbed over them Shining could feel the laughter inside of him grow even more desperate to get out. Every exhale of air was a punch of screaming laughter. Every time he ran out of air his body would force him to inhale only to squeal it all out yet again.


The tickling sensation was overwhelming him. In fact it was so overwhelming that Shining hardly had time to consider just how quickly the makeup brush was making him approach orgasm. This entire experience had been nothing short of an erotic awakening for him, and his cock throbbed with overwhelming waves of pleasure that even Spike’s worst tickle torture attempts couldn’t distract from.


“Awww, I think he’s close!” Stable teased. He began to brush the makeup brush all around the cockhead as he gingerly gripped the base of the cock and ever so slightly stroked up and down the shaft.

“Ahhh! Mmmph!” Shining couldn’t help but grunt and moan helplessly between his laughter. “Wahahahahit! Wahahahahait I’m cumming! Ahahahaaa I-I cahahahan’t stohohoo— AAAAH!”

Though Shining Armor tried to warn them it was clear that the point of no return had already been hit. Just as those deadly bristles ran over his hellishly ticklish toes once more he felt himself overwhelmed with the power of his orgasm. He shot hard; so hard that his cum went well above his head on the first burst only for the next few to hit his chest and face due to being slightly reclined. The pleasure made his entire body numb to any outside sensations for just a moment as he was rewarded with one blissful moment of happiness.

Then the high of the orgasm began to fade, and Shining was a panting mess. He hadn’t realized it until now but the blindfold he was wearing had gotten soaked with his tears. Spike stopped tickling his feet, but they continued to tingle and ache with memories of the ruthless sensations. For several moments after everything stopped Shining continued to giggle softly.

“Shining?” A voice called. It was Spike. The dragon was nervous as he approached and slowly pealed off Shining Armor’s blindfold. “You okay? I didn’t go too hard did I?”

“Ehehe… Gosh you’re one evil dragon,” Shining Armor commented.

“I think he’s fine if he can joke like that,” Stable said. “Besides, he’s a big strong royal guard captain, isn’t he?”

“Heh, we could have used your ruthlessness in the guards,” Shining Armor said.

“You sure you’re fine?” Spike asked. “Need some water? Or a blanket or something?”

“Water, maybe,” Shining Armor said.

“Right, got it,” Spike said. The dragon got up and hurried away as Stable began to undo the bindings above his head.

“So, do you want the equipment?” Stable teased.

“I-Is it that obvious?” Shining Armor asked.

Stable smirked as he grabbed Shining Armor by the chin again when just one of his wrists was undone.

“You know, I only just realized this now,” Stable commented as he looked at Shining Armor’s forehead. “But your horn was free that whole time. Could have probably undone the locks if you REALLY hated it, hmm?”

Shining felt himself blush, and Stable’s grin grew more mischievous.

“I didn’t… think of that,” Shining Armor said.

“It’s cute that the prince has such a kinky side,” Stable said.

Shining’s eyes widened at that as Stable pulled away and giggled. This stallion was dangerous, but also alluring. He could see why Spike was drawn to him.

“What are you two talking about?” Spike asked as he returned with a glass of water in hand that he was quick to hand over to Shining Armor.

“Oh, nothing,” Stable said. “Just how Shining here was gonna get this bad boy over to the Crystal Kingdom.”

“Oh, um…” Spike paused, and looked between the two gingerly. “Before we pack it up um… Could I maybe have a turn?”

Both Shining Armor and Stable both looked at Spike. Shining with surprise and Stable with that devious smile as if he had been predicting this. The dragon instantly blushed and looked away from the two.

“Um… Please?” Spike asked.

“Hmm, what do you think, Shining?” Stable asked. “Feeling up for some revenge?”

“Oh, heck yes,” Shining Armor said.

“W-Wait, don’t sound so eager!” Spike whined, but as he said that Stable snuck up behind him and wrapped his arms around from behind to trap Spike in a hug.

“Too late!” Stable said. “Shining, could you make some room for Spikey here?”

“With pleasure,” Shining Armor said as he pulled his legs out of the open stocks.

“Ready to laugh, Dear?” Stable asked as he held Spike in place with an iron grip of a hug so he couldn’t run.

“Oh, gosh,” Spike whined out loud. It seemed their fun for the day was just beginning.