> Fall of Equestria: A Rare Opportunity > by Arkunus Stilshire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The invitation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Gotta finish, gotta finish,” Rarity muttered to herself.  It was going to be her finest work. This wedding dress had to meet not only her expectations but her customer’s wishes as well. The wedding was still weeks away, but she had many orders to complete and even more were piling up. The stress was getting to her but she pulled through. She couldn’t afford to mess up after all the hard work she put in. “Almost there, and….done!” Rarity held the masterpiece high in the air, letting the light from her window illuminate it. The sight of it brought awe to her. She could stare at her creation for eternity if she could. “And just in the nick of time.” It was late in the afternoon which meant it was time to close up her shop. She carefully placed the dress in its prepared box, sealed it to keep it safe and placed it with the rest of her finished work. As she was putting the materials and equipment away where they belong, the sound of the doorbell ringing caught her attention.  It made her a bit annoyed because she did not want to deal with any customers at that moment. She laid everything on her desk and exited her room to meet with whoever entered her shop.  “Excuse me, kind sir or madam, but the shop is now closed and won’t be open until-” “Well, would you make an exception for a friend, my dear?” Fancy Pants spoke in a polite manner. “Fancy Pants, and Fleur. What brings you here to Ponyville? Are you here on business?”  “Not exactly, Rarity. We’re here on private matters,” spoke Fleur.  Rarity wondered what could be so important for them to travel so far to Ponyville if they weren’t there for business. She also noticed the dress Fleur was wearing. She had seen her wear many dresses but this type wasn’t something she ever saw her wear before. It was a red sheer mesh dress, almost see-through to the point that one could see her bra and underwear. Rarity blushed and tried not to stare below her neck. Instead, she turned around and pointed at the table. “Perhaps we should discuss this private matter sitting down. It's the least I could do after your long trip.”  “We won't take long, Rarity,” Fancy responded. “This will be quick.”  “Alright, what is the nature of this discussion, Fancy?”  “Fleur and I have been attending certain private parties for more than a month now. They were only exclusive to the rich and elite, but lately, they have expanded and are looking for extra members. As long as they are privileged and open-minded, they may participate. Given our history and partnership, we wanted to ask you if you would like to join us tonight.”  Rarity was surprised. To be invited to a private party with Equestria’s elite ponies was a privilege. An opportunity to franchise and build business relationships, even get someone to help her expand her shops in Canterlot and Manehattan. It would be foolish to turn down such an invitation. “And you chose me, of all ponies, to attend this private party? I am honored. And what of you, Fleur?” "Well, we wouldn't be here if I didn't want you to join us, dear. We're good friends after all. What do you say, Rarity? The clock's ticking." Despite the potential opportunity, Rarity was a bit hesitant to answer. Her experience with parties involving ‘civilized’, high-class ponies wasn’t positive per-se. She could thank Blueblood for that. Still, lightning doesn't strike twice. C’mon, Rarity, you can’t pass this up, she thought to herself. An entrepreneur like her simply had to take the chance. "I accept your invitation, and I would like to accompany you both." Fancy smiled at her response. "Splendid! I had a good feeling about this visit. You should change into something that isn't too formal. Wouldn't want to get your best dress spoiled." Rarity was confused by that. This was supposed to be a private club with Equestria’s most elite and they wanted her to attend with something less formal? What sort of party would she be attending? After going upstairs, taking her purse; and packing her basic necessities for a night, or two out, she was ready to go. As she walked downstairs wearing her midnight blue v-neck dress she spotted the two aristocrats already waiting by the door. They whispered to each other and Fleur giggled. Whatever they were discussing made Fleur look like a teenager who was hiding a dirty secret.  "Not too perfect, but acceptable, dear,” Fleur said, smiling. “It's a nice look for you." "Thank you, Fleur. Are we all set to depart to our destination?" "Yes, follow me and don't fall behind~," Fancy responded with a slight change in tone In his voice. As Rarity watched the two exit her building, she saw the backside of Fleur’s see-through dress and noticed that she wasn't wearing a regular type of underwear but a thong. Her white posterior and her cutie mark were on full view of any watchful eyes. Fancy placed his hand behind Fleur’s left cheek making her giggle. Rarity blushed at this and averted her eyes not wanting to be seen as intrusive. The three trotted to the train station, barely making it in time on the departing train. It was fortunate, yet curious, that Fancy had already generously bought the tickets for the three. And not just for a regular train but the express one. It would take them no time at all to arrive to Manehattan. As the train trailed across the landscape, the passengers saw the sunset over the horizon. It was a beautiful sight to witness but Rarity's attention was brought more to her companions. Fancy pulled his suitcase up to his lap and faced Rarity directly. "I suppose now would be the time to explain the nature of this club… To help you comprehend and expect what's to come," Fancy said. "From the little hints you’ve given me, it does sound like it isn't your typical club. What sort of congregation is this exactly?" Rarity asked. Fleur giggled once more. Her legs pressed together as she was trying to control some urge. Her hand was placed on Rarity’s lap. "It's a fetish club. The most explicit fantasies brought to life." Rarity’s face turned bright red. Her heart skipped a beat, hearing those words coming from her friend’s mouth. A fetish club? As in ponies performing sexual lewd acts with others in view? Is this why Fleur was wearing that type of dress, a secret fetish she kept to herself only letting a select few to know? "A-a a fetish c-club, you say?" Rarity stuttered her words. "You mean I have to…." "You don't have to do anything you don't feel comfortable doing, Rarity,” Fleur continued. “This is just to relieve any tensions and to have fun." Rarity’s face blushed even more as she thought about the prospects of the information she was given. She had many questions but could only ask a simple one and hoped for a simple answer in return. "And what's the name of this secret club, or party, of yours?" Fancy and Fleur looked at each other smiling before facing Rarity and speaking at the same time, "C.O.C.K."  Rarity’s face couldn't get any redder. Sweat dripped from her body. Of course, they would name it that. It is a fetish party after all. "Controlling, Ordering, Cumming, and Knotting,” Fancy explained. “C.O.C.K. Something you'll be seeing often when we arrive, Rarity. I do hope you enjoy the festivities."  Rarity didn't know how to respond to what she heard. Being surrounded by ponies performing lewd sexual acts in front of her. And what would she do? Watch as they mate with one another, or even participate in what they demand? And what sort of things would they ask of her? What was in store for her? "Rarity, are you ok?" Asked Fleur, snapping Rarity back to reality. "Oh, I'm alright dear. Just… never mind.” She turned to Fancy to break the tension. “So, what's in the briefcase, dear?"  "I'm so glad you asked, Rarity. You'll need these to enter the club." Fancy pulled out a couple of red collars. They were thick and were adorned with a heavy-looking metal ring on the front. He held them in front of the two mares. Fleur grabbed hers, latching it on her neck with amazing grace and speed. A faint clicking noise was heard. Fleur looked proud and wore it as if it was an honor.  "C-collars? You mean I have to wear one as if I was a pet?"  "The running theme of this club is us mares being pets to our stallion masters, Rarity,” Fleur explained. “To serve and be used however they want to use us. To walk and crawl in the nude flaunting our bodies, offering them to pleasure the males just as we were made to do~."  The words Rarity heard were hard to swallow. Everything she said went against being the privileged, civilized lady that she was. "Fleur everything you told me is demeaning and degrading to us mares. Walking around n-naked for all those stallions to gaze upon. And to serve them at their beck and call, letting them use us as if we were slaves, doesn't that bother you?"  "I wouldn't be having this discussion or attending with Fancy if I had any issues, Rarity. I'm not forced or manipulated. I do this by my own free will."  "If you're having second thoughts about attending this club, we could drop you off at a hotel. I would pay for your room, of course, and you can spend the night alone with a bottle of wine to keep you company, without having to spend a single bit. You would be missing out, though." Rarity considered accompanying her friends, but the party didn’t feel right for her. The mere thought of being nude and serving stallions was so unladylike. Yet, the chance of being noticed by the elite was too good to pass. Perhaps she could even earn a title for herself. Who knows when she'd get another opportunity. A regular pony from Ponyville like her would never have gotten such a privilege even once, let alone twice. So she took a deep breath and looked back at Fancy. "A-alright I'm a big mare. I guess I could attend this club just this once to see how it feels... Be a dear and, h-hand me that collar, Fancy." "I knew you were open-minded, Rarity,” Fancy replied. “I'm glad you're giving this a chance. I assure you, you won't regret this." He handed her the collar. Rarity took it but hesitated for a moment before latching it onto her neck. The collar was heavy yet comfortable, even though its fit was almost skin-tight. It wasn’t hurting her in any way, so at least in that part, she could get used to wearing it.  "Now before we arrive, I do believe a toast is appropriate to welcome our new member." Fancy pulled out a large bottle and a couple of glasses from his suitcase. He popped the cork and poured bubbly liquid in two glasses, handing each one out to Fleur and Rarity.  Rarity stared at her drink and saw Fleur consume hers in just mere seconds. She noticed that the drink had some glow to it. The color was a type of light green-blueish, and it had a powerful, sweet smell. Not something she'd seen before. "May I ask what sort of drink this is? I'm unfamiliar with this."  "It's called Essence, my dear. Out of the country, courtesy from our founder, Avaar," explained Fancy. Rarity brought the glass to her muzzle and took a whiff. She noticed there was a tinge of something like flowers, in addition to the alcohol. She took a small sip and felt a gentle warmth inside. She then consumed the beverage in one swig with no issue. There was no burning feeling, nor any odd after-taste. It exceeded her expectations. "My goodness, this is by far the best drink I've ever had, Fancy. I could feel my nerves calm down immediately after I drank it. I must see this Avaar fellow myself and ask about his supplier." Suddenly, a strong sensation coursed within. Her body heated up, her nipples and clitoris engorged, and she felt a wetness running down her thighs and her dress. Her own vagina was leaking! Rarity was flushed with embarrassment. She noticed that Fleur seemed to be going through the same process, but she seemed more enthusiastic than her. Her hands touched her privates, her eyes closed as she smiled. Giving in to her primal urges. "W-what is this? Why am I feeling so, so...” "Horny~?" Fleur cutting Rarity's sentence. "Let's just say this is a very powerful beverage~," she said in a sultry manner. "Fancy, what was in that drink!? Did you drug me!?" Rarity exclaimed with a worrisome tone, while keeping her voice down. Drawing attention to herself from the other passengers was the last thing she wanted. She needed all her energy just to remain still. Resisting her urges took all her focus. She crossed her legs in a vain attempt to stop her leaking arousal, but to no avail.  Fancy spoke calmly, “Relax, Rarity. It’s just to get members into the mood before the festivities begin.” Fleur poured herself another glass before speaking. “It’s made by harvesting exotic plants grown from Avaar's homeland. Ever since Avarr imported his supply, it’s been a hit and incredibly popular amongst those of us who have access to it. We all indulge ourselves with his drinks at our gatherings to make them all the more enjoyable and long-lasting. It boosts our libidos and sexual stamina so that everyone can last longer and for multiple ‘rounds’.” Rarity was at a loss for words. So they use these as aphrodisiacs? she thought to herself.  While she pondered about that, she felt another feeling of lust wash over her, and a new sensation overtook her. Rarity suddenly felt the urge to touch and fondle her breasts and genitals, normally she would be ashamed to have her lust on display while out in public like this. Her feelings did not go unnoticed by her two companions, however.  Fancy and Fleur looked at each other and smiled knowingly. Fleur was also feeling the effects of the drink; her see-through dress left nothing to the imagination as her own nipples poked through the bra and were visible to anyone who looked. The panties were soaked and stained from her leaking juices.  “E-erm, Fleur? You m-might want to c-cover y-your, e-erm…” Rarity said, struggling to even speak. Fleur paid little heed to her words, looking at her suggestively before diverting her attention to herself and Fancy. She and her stallion began to touch each other’s bodies with passion. “Mmmmh…Aaaahh.” The moans and coos were heard as they attended to their lusts. The sound of the train whistling alerted them they had arrived at Manehattan. The passengers mobilized and exited the train. Rarity waited for everyone to leave, not wanting to be seen in her predicament. The last thing she wanted was for everyone to think she was a sex freak with a fetish for public humiliation. But her companions went ahead of her as they didn't care if anyone saw them. She wasn't ready to leave, but she had to move or the new passengers would see her. Time was of the essence. After Rarity stepped down from the train, she hastily caught up with her friends. All the while she was blushing as her juices were still leaking down her inner thighs and her nipples still poked through her dress. She prayed no one would notice her like that.  Fancy was able to hail a cab that happened to be right up the street. When the three boarded it, Fancy whispered into the driver’s ear as if he didn't want anyone to hear despite the lack of any other ponies around. The driver simply nodded his head and yanked the cab, trotting through the roads of Manehattan.  The beautiful sights of the city helped Rarity distract herself from lewd thoughts and her bodily problems for a moment. She remembered her plans of opening her shop in the city, to get the recognition she craved for.  She thought about how hard it’s been, ever since she opened her own boutique. She always wanted to expand and become part of the high class. Her friends were giving her a golden ticket to enter the life she always dreamed of. She remembered all the wealthy mares and stallions she met at the Grand Galloping Gala. She wanted to be part of that. She imagined meeting them all up close and personal~... Suddenly Rarity's mind snapped back into the reality of her situation. The arousal only increased with time. Her thoughts traveled to fantasies of a different nature. She imagined expressing her carnal desires; wrenching a handsome stallion way out of her reach and indulging in the most primal acts with him. She felt the urge to touch herself frantically as her juices leaked over the taxi seat.  Rarity attempted to cross her legs, hoping to limit the flow to not stain the fabric of the cushion. Her efforts to hide her lust were in vain. Fleur smirked and lifted a leg over the other, partially spreading her thighs. One leg crossed over onto Fancy’s to keep it raised, as she moved her fingers under her dress, to her dripping marehood. Rarity blushed to the point that it spread to her neck, as she saw Fleur’s soft, delicate fingers rub over her panties, eliciting a soft moan from her. She faced her gaze the other way, not wanting to see the show Fleur was displaying. It was too tempting. She hoped they would arrive at the club soon as possible.  Distracting herself with sightseeing utterly failed when Fleur's leg lay on top of hers. Her friend’s crotch was now open and exposed. Rarity could feel her body urging to do the same, to give and surrender to her urges. Her eyes closed as she bit her lip, trying to focus on anything else besides lewd actions, to no avail. "How much longer until-" The carriage came to a sudden halt, bringing Rarity’s mind into focus, just enough to stop thinking of her burning heat. She looked at her surroundings, but they were unfamiliar.  From the looks of the decaying buildings and lack of lights, it would appear they were on the outskirts of Manehattan. Yet, in front of them was a large mansion, surprisingly still standing and lacking any degradation. It seemed odd how out of place it was compared to the rest of the buildings. They stepped off the carriage and waited for Fancy to pay the driver. "Thank you, my good fellow. ᛏᚺᛖ ᛏᛁᛗᛖ ᛏᛟ ᛞᛟᛗᛁᚾᚨᛏᛖ ᛁᛋ ᚾᛁᚷᚺ," Fancy spoke, handing him the bits. The driver nodded and drove away into the darkness. Rarity was curious about what sort of language he spoke to the driver as she was unfamiliar with it. "Fancy, what exactly did you tell that fellow? It almost sounded like old Ponish."  "Sorry Rarity but it’s something between us members. In time you'll see what it means. Shall we move along? The party has already begun."  The three walked past the metal gates, heading to the large wooden doors. Fancy knocked in a peculiar rhythm. The slider on the door opened, revealing a pair of eyes gazing upon them. Rarity thought she should speak up since she was new and it was appropriate to introduce herself. She wouldn’t be let in if she was a mere stranger. However, before she got to speak the pony closed the slider and opened the door, allowing them to enter.  “Welcome back, Sir Fancy, and Mistress Fleur,” He said in a friendly manner. “I see you’ve brought a new member along with you this time.” "Right as always, my good fellow. Have the festivities started yet?" Fancy asked, politely as always. The bouncer nodded his head. "Avaar has been waiting for you. I shall let him know you have arrived."  "Splendid. I do hope he isn't in a sour mood for our tardiness. Come along, girls, no more dawdling."  They trotted past the bouncer. Rarity had so many questions in mind but it appeared they would have to wait for another time. They walked through a short hallway that split into two, each leading to a room. Fleur opened the door on the left heading inside with haste. Before Rarity entered, she saw Fancy heading in the opposite direction.  "Fancy, are you not coming with us? Where are you heading?"  "I'm heading with the other males to the banquet, dear. That's where I'll be waiting for you two. Just follow Fleur’s instructions and you'll be fine. Don't take too long though. You wouldn’t want to start off with bad impressions, would you?" Fancy departed with a slight bow.  Rarity hesitated for a moment before entering through the door. After shutting it closed behind her, she turned and saw Fleur standing completely naked, wearing only an eye mask and some garters with a symbol sketched on them. The sight of a nude body in front of her, made Rarity blush intensely. Averting her eyes to the floor, she asked, ”F-fleur? You’re n-naked just like that? What are you wearing over your r-rump-uh-c-cutiemark!?” she stammered. Fleur looked at her friend giving a gentle calm smile as she slowly approached her. She halted mere centimeters from Rarity, their bodies almost touching each other. Rarity shifted her eyes above Fleur's neck level avoiding looking at the exposed body. She remained silent as she continued to stare at Rarity. Rarity wondered why her friend didn’t answer her question. Just as she was going to ask again, Fleur placed her hands on top of her shoulders, with a smirk present on her face. With a swift sleight of hand, she pulled her dress down and let it fall to her feet, along with her soaked panties. Only a bra protected Rarity from complete nakedness. "Fleur! What in Equestria are you doing!?" Rarity shouted as she covered herself with her hands. Being in heat was bad enough. But being forced to strip by her friend was simply too much to handle. She had some words to say but was interrupted. "Lighten up, Rarity. You're supposed to be naked at this club, remember? You'll do fine, and I’m sure you’ll love it. Loosen up, let your mane down, and have some fun for a change. Here, put this mask on, along with this robe and garters. Then head through that door. It will lead you to the main room with the others.” “You’re leaving me too?!” “Be seeing you~," Fleur winked at her as she exited through the door they came in.  Rarity was frozen in place. She tried to process what just happened. The whole evening was a blur. Being invited by her friends to attend some fetish club, drinking a beverage that's making her feel aroused, stripped naked by Fleur. She had a hard time believing any of it. Her heart was racing. She kept playing the last moment over and over in her head. Fleur in her glorious nude body stripping her against her will. She saw her own hand reach for her crotch then pulled back. Did she really enjoy what Fleur did to her? She shook her head, forcing herself back to reality.  Rarity looked around and noticed that the whole place was like a huge dressing area, there were racks with stylish clothing hung around and boxes with labels on them.  “I g-guess this is it,” She said to herself. She took off her bra and gathered the rest of her clothes, put them in an available box, and placed it along with others stamped with numbers. "Well, at least I'll be able to find my clothes without difficulties. Some order in the disorderly mess I got myself in…" Moving quickly, she placed her mask on, slipped on the garters, then finally put on the dark robe. Though she wondered what was the point of any of it. She made herself forget the thought, then proceeded to exit the room, searching for the banquet. As she walked, she felt the effects of the drink resurface again, her juices flowed down over the garters, thankfully the robe covered it so no one could see it. Wearing the foreign outfits and clothes seemed to make her feel even more anxious about what was to come. Rarity walked through the hallway leading to the main room. She could see the lights and hear voices assuring her she was heading in the right direction.  Rarity’s eyes opened wide in shock as she entered through the door. Before her eye was a spacious, opulently-decorated ballroom. The marble pillars were adorned with finely-crafted, golden scrollwork; luxurious tapestries from an unknown foreign culture hung from the walls, keeping the original brick hidden from view. Whoever had ordered the renovation of the space clearly had plenty of bits to spare. In the center of the room were the members of the club, they were all stallions standing next to mares wearing robes similar to what she was wearing. In order to not be an outlier, she quickly joined the rest standing idly waiting for what was to come. Despite many ponies present, the room was silent as a graveyard with only whispers here and there.  A loud bright light shined upwards, showing someone standing by the balcony. It was a lone creature of some kind. Its appearance was alien to Rarity. He was large, muscular with furry brown skin and a pair of antlers. He looked like some kind of a deer. “Greetings, everyone, I am glad everyone was able to join us yet again. I also welcome the new members brought to us. As always I would not have succeeded if it weren’t for Fancy Pants and his obedient mare.” Rarity saw the two walk into the spotlight where they stood side by side by their host. Grinning, the three were hovering over the members with their eyes. Fleur was still visibly more excited than Fancy. Her hands were on her hips as she cocked her body a bit. Both stepped forward as the host took a step back.  “Mares, remain still and prepare to be exposed~,” Fleur spoke in the most luscious of tones. Fancy took his turn to speak. “Men, claim your prizes.” Rarity could swear she heard some giggles before she saw the males stripping the robes off the mares. They were all stark naked under their robes, save their collars, masks, and garters. Their nude bodies were exposed, their privates no longer hidden, in full view for all to see. So many naked mares were all around her, Rarity couldn’t help but blush under her mask. Yet at the same time, deep inside it felt like something was awakening. Some sort of guilty pleasure, as she stared at what was in front of her.  “Time to join your kind, mare~” Rarity heard from behind her. The tone sent shivers through her body, heating up as a stallion pulled the robes off her, revealing her naked body. She no longer stood out from the rest. She was part of the group. Still, she reflexively covered her private parts in embarrassment. “The time of Dominance is nigh!” shouted the creature. “The time of Dominance is nigh!!” repeated everyone in the room. The eerie silent idleness was gone.  The kerfuffle began. Everymare moved from their places, either being taken by their owner or simply just moved to each other. Rarity was unsure what to do. She stood there and watched as some mares got to their knees in front of stallions’ crotches. They undid their pants and began fondling, stroking, or outright sucking on their cocks while kneeling. Other couples got onto the ground, missionary style, and started mating like animals in heat. Stallions held their mares down in mating presses as they rutted them intensely. Rarity saw one mare being thrust into from behind, against the wall. On the sofas at the sides of the room, she saw a purple pony riding a muscular stallion, moaning and thrusting her hips onto the erect cock beneath her. "T-this is…" Rarity was unable to finish the sentence as she was overwhelmed by the sights unfolding in front of her eyes. Mares everywhere surrendered to their urges, letting the stallions take control of their bodies. It was all happening so fast. Too fast to process all at once. Yet all the while, she imagined herself being in the mares’ places. How gratifying it would feel to be in those positions… Her mind went back to reality as she felt a hand on her shoulder. It was the same stallion who removed her robe. He had a short mane, a well-adorned blazer and trousers, and an eye mask not unlike hers. It barely hid his face, but still, she had no idea who he was. “Oh, h-hello there. Did you…want me to s-serve y-you??” Rarity asked nervously. “You’re new to this, aren’t you?” asked the stallion. “You’re the only one who isn’t being plowed by anyone.” Rarity nodded, unable to say anything else. The stallion placed his hand under her chin, his eyes locked on hers. “Perhaps we should get you a drink first. Would you like to try some Essence?” His face had a look of warmth and assurance, causing her hands to slowly drop from covering herself. “Oh that’s alright, darling, I already had some with Fancy and Fleur. but maybe I could sit down with you if you don’t mind?”  “Sure, we can do that. Follow me and don’t fall behind, mare.” The stallion walked towards the bar at the far corner of the room. Rarity tailed along, avoiding the horny couples fucking each other. She almost tripped on a mare who was crawling across the floor holding a dildo in her mouth. The two arrived at the mini bar. A mare was behind the counter picking up some glasses, unaware of the two customers that arrived. The stallion picked up a small remote left on the counter and turned the knob. The mare yelped and immediately stood up, her body shivering as she turned to face the two. Attached to her garters was a sex toy inserted inside her snatch. “H-hello, sir. H-how m-may I s-serve you?” the mare asked with difficulty over the soft hum of the vibrator. “Get me a glass of Essence, mare, and make it quick if you want to avoid punishment~,” the stallion responded, turning the knob and increasing the setting of the vibrator. The mare clenched her fists, almost falling on her knees, her breasts pressed on the counter. “But if you’re quick and good, you’ll get your reward.” “Y-yes of course, sir,” she stuttered. “Give me a m-minute…” “You got seconds, mare,” he ordered. The mare grabbed the glass along with the bottle, setting it down and pouring some Essence into it. The stallion quickly consumed it, setting the glass down and facing the bartender. “Well done, mare. I’ll let your master know you did an adequate job. As for your reward…” With a smirk, he turned the vibrator up to the highest setting. The mare moaned in pleasure, once again struggling to stand, almost kneeling. “You may cum like the slut you are.”  The mare fell to her knees as she experienced her orgasm granted by her master. “Ah! OOh-aah-Aaaahh!” the mare howled, showing the joy of her reward. Rarity could only stare in lust; blushing at what she had witnessed. Is that what they do here all the time? Rarity thought to herself. While she pondered about this, she noticed that her vagina leaked more juices while she was watching the spectacle unfold. Her hand had trailed down to her engorged clitoris and her slit. She had been rubbing herself without realizing it. Another hand had been on her breast the whole time too. "S-so if we're sitting here and having drinks p-perhaps we should get to know one another. My name is Rari-" The stallion put his finger on her lips, cutting her off. "No revealing names, mare. Remember? Weren't you told about this?"  "Oh right. Sorry, I guess the masks and garters should have made it obvious. Well, sir, I’m a fashion designer from another town. What about you?" She asked. The stallion snapped his fingers at the mare signaling for another glass. She was quicker than before. He looked at Rarity, handing her the glass. "You really should have another drink of Essence, mare. I promise you'll feel more relaxed." Rarity was a bit reluctant to have another one. She was already very horny after the first drink. Was having another one even safe?  "Uh, are you certain I'll be alright, sir?" He simply nodded his head, reassuring her. Rarity drank the Essence from the glass in large sips. Like the drink before it was a delicacy, almost addictive.  She had no hesitation to finish it all, despite the prospects of… "Oh my, I feel so…s-so…" her body was heating up once again. She could feel her crotch burning up with streams of cum leaking. Her hand once more trailed to her pussy lips and she began to touch herself. The stallion noticed this. "So tell me, mare. I know you haven't been here long, but from what you saw in the first few minutes, did you see something that piqued your interest? Like that mare over there.” He pointed at her. “On her first day, she found out she loves to serve men and mares with the necessities they need." Rarity saw who he was pointing at. What she saw made her blush a bit. The mare had yellow skin but that was about all she could describe. Her head was in a latex hood, her eyes were closed by zippers, and her mouth was stuffed with a ball gag. Her arms were bound behind her back, her legs bound by a large metal brace limiting her ability to walk. Her tail was tied to the back of her head giving everyone a view of her privates which showed they were stuffed by two large vibrators. Under her breasts was a small wooden plank that had sex toys that were latched, connected to her nipples. It looked demeaning but she didn’t fight against her ordeal.  "I….I don't think that's for me. M-maybe uh, do you have anything else that’s less…unorthodox that I could try?" "Hmmm, I have a suggestion. It's simple. I believe you'll love it" "S-splendid. W-what is it…sir?" The stallion got up from his seat, without saying anything else, he dropped his trousers, revealing his massive erection to Rarity. She stared at the massive meat stick, its veins throbbing, clearly showing he was deeply aroused. She was unable to look away before forcing herself to look at the stallion. "Am I s-supposed to…" Before she finished her sentence, he picked her up and placed her on top of the counter, spreading her legs wide enough to show him her pussy. It was stained with her own juices. Rarity could feel her heart racing. It was clear what he wanted to do. She was torn between her modesty and the chance to experience pleasure in a way she never thought she could. She thought about pushing him away and leaving but then considered otherwise, every fiber in her body told her otherwise. She wanted this. She needed this. His enormous cock poked at the lips of her hungry, burning cunt. She wanted him to use her.  "Are you ready to serve me, mare?" Rarity was still mesmerized by this. She struggled to come up with the right words to say. "I… I'm not s-sure what to say.” “No worries, perhaps the bartender can help you, mare.” He then gestured another look to the same bartender; a different one from the one before. Then, the barmaid mare walked towards them, got behind Rarity's back and fondled her breasts while whispering in her ear. “You are a whore, and a slut, so let your master know that you are~.” Rarity felt chills across her body. The thought of saying those words felt demeaning but deep down she wanted to repeat them. She obliged.  “A-ahh yes, m-master…U-use me like the slut I am!” Rarity exclaimed, almost surprising herself at what she said. Her breathing became erratic, her soaked nethers were in desperate need to be rutted, she was willing to do anything without restraint. "That's what I wanted to hear~." without wasting another second his dick penetrated her vagina in one swoop. Her mind snapped. Feeling his cock inside her marehood, she let out a loud moan. The feeling was more intense than the night she lost her virginity. Part of her wanted to push him off. She had second thoughts, but before she could even try to go through with that, she was restrained by the bartender. Rarity's wrists were grabbed firmly, preventing her from doing anything else. She thought about protesting, but her mouth remained closed, she simply wasn’t going to turn and walk away. She wouldn’t even if she could.  The feeling of being restrained and used by not one but two ponies felt arousing and thrilling at the same time. His cock thrusting inside her at a rhythmic pace. The look on his face showed he was enjoying the session.  She felt her own legs hugging the waist of the stallion, indicating she wanted more. The stallion obliged, he began thrusting into her faster, and the mare behind her teased her nipples. “H-hah, n-nh. O-oah, a-ah!” Rarity never had feelings of attraction towards mares, but the way she was playing with her breasts felt like bliss. She could feel her head spinning, and her mind getting clouded from the combined actions and the sensations. She almost wished that she could repay the favor, to give this mare the same pleasure that she was giving her. To grope and lick at her hot body and~Ah! What was she thinking? Suddenly, she was snapped out of her fantasy by the stallion bringing himself down for a kiss, claiming her lips with his own. At the same time, the pink mare brought her own face down as she began licking at Rarity's neck. This was all too much for Rarity but her body kept wanting more.  He then broke the kiss and said, “Hrgh, I’m getting close, aah, c-cunt…” He snorted in pride as he looked down and saw the look of pure elation on Rarity’s face. “Please, ahh! C-cum inside me. Oh! Please, Master!” The stallion pressed his cock deep inside her as he released his load of sperm inside her pussy. Grunting in lust as he enjoyed his orgasm. Rarity felt his cum enter her womb. “Aaah! OOOH!! Ngh, HAAAH!” she moaned. Her legs shook, as waves of pure pleasure overtook her. Her orgasm was extremely intense, she could feel her own body limping, shivering from ecstasy. Semen and Rarity’s marecum leaked out of her cunt, which was filled to the brim. He pulled his dick out of her. The massive load of cum dripping from her crotch and his cock spilled on the stainless floor. The bartender released Rarity, and immediately crawled under the counter to the large puddle, and proceeded to lick it all up. The stallion just stood there watching the mare doing her job then turned to his latest conquest. Rarity could only face the ceiling, regaining what energy she could muster, processing what just happened. "You okay, mare? You're not going to pass out on your first night, are you?" Rarity was still recovering as that orgasm had nearly fried her mind. “O-of c-course not, d-darlin-, I-I m-mean, sir.”  "Good, there's still much more for us to do. And you're a mess. Mare, clean her up.” The Bartender looked up to her master with a bright smile before responding in a sultry tone. "Yes, master~." Getting up and standing in front of Rarity with a devious smile, the pink mare looked at her with a noticeable lust. Rarity stared at her wondering what was going on in her mind, but before she could think of anything, the mare plunged her face between her legs. Her mouth covered her soaked cunt. The barmaid licked and slurped up her juices and their mixed cum.  Rarity gasped as she felt the tongue licking every trace of cum left, giving her electric pleasure. Rarity couldn’t believe she was being cleaned and eaten out by a mare using her tongue. She should have objected but the feeling was incredible. She suddenly couldn't stop moaning loudly as she began to touch and fondle her own breasts.  After a minute, the barmaid pulled away. "Done! I cleaned her. May I clean you now, sir?" The stallion nodded his head. Like before, she immediately kneeled and proceeded to do the same. Pressing her face against his crotch, she took a whiff of his scent before licking his semen-coated member. Unlike with Rarity, she took her time. It appeared she was savoring every drop of his cum. Rarity felt a small disappointment as she felt she was close to another orgasm. She was tempted to ask for her to finish but remained silent. She tried to convince herself that she was still only into stallions. "I-I think I'll go see what else is there to offer. You don’t really need me for anything else do you….sir?" Rarity asked in her usual polite tone. The stallion paid no attention to Rarity. He was more focused on the blowjob he was receiving. Not getting a response from him, Rarity got up from the bar and walked back into the crowd. She wasn't going to wait for him to finish his little private session when there was so much to do all around her. As she walked past the other couples in the throes, she came across Fleur. She had no idea where her friend had been since she spoke on the stage. When Rarity saw her, she couldn't believe what was in front of her. "So you two thought you could cum without your master's permission? If you want to cum then by all means cum like the whores you are~!" Fleur scolded the tied-up mares restrained on the bed in full view for others to see. They were tied in a spread eagle position, completely restrained and blindfolded. A double vibrator was in between the two, inserted into their pussies.  "Please mistress, don't do this!” One shouted.  “I beg of you we'll do better!” The other one chimed in, "I promise I'll-" Fleur silenced the first one by stuffing the ball gag in her mouth. The other protested, "No please, mistre-" until she too was gagged. “Silence! You weren’t given permission to speak!” Fleur exclaimed before picking up a remote that laid on the bed. It looked like the one Rarity saw at the bar. She then turned up the dial, which caused the vibrators to buzz at a higher setting and the two mares then moaned through the ball gags.  "Yeah, teach those two bitches a lesson!" Shouted a stallion from the crowd.  "Remind them where their place is!" Another shouted. Many were cheering while others were masturbating to the spectacle. Some mares got down to their knees and the stallions gripped their heads as they bobbed up and down their shafts. Other stallions grabbed their mares from behind and fucked them doggy-style while groping their breasts. Rarity was frozen in place. These ponies got aroused from watching two mares being punished. More stunning than that, she had never seen Fleur like that before. She’d only known her friend as the high-class, but kind aristocrat that she’d known for some time. To see her as a cruel dominatrix was difficult to accept. She carefully trotted past the crowd attempting to reach Fleur, hoping no one would take hold of her. Though the thought of being rutted from behind would be marvelous. Rarity quickly pushed the thought out of her head. Pull yourself together, Rarity. Don’t stare at anyone… She walked around the audience, got across the other side, and passed at the rear where there were fewer ponies in between her and her friend.  "Ah, my dear friend. How are you finding the evening so far?" Fleur's bright smile shone through her pristine coat, her mask, and the dim light of their little corner of the grand hall. The elegant mare leaned back against a marble column and crossed her arms underneath her sizable bust, her tail swishing behind her. She looked pleased with herself, at least to Rarity, who regarded her fellow mare with a bit of depredation. Rarity gnawed on her lip, before drawing it into a smile she knew was a little too tight to come across as genuine. "Well, it's been very... exciting. Exotic. So many unusual things to see and hear..." "And taste," Fleur added with a snicker. Rarity could've sworn she saw her eyes sparkle in the near darkness as the other mare cocked her head to the side. She could feel her gaze roaming over her. "You have questions, my dear?" "Is it so obvious?" Rarity asked with a nervous laugh of her own. Fleur raised a brow and nodded for her to continue. She did, after rubbing the palms of her hands together for comfort. "I was... very surprised, with the public punishment you administered. It was punishment, was it not?" Rarity frowned a bit. She looked over her shoulder, back to where the two bound women would still be helplessly subjected to the shared vibrating sex toy. "Considering what you did to them, it might be more of a reward..." Her attention snapped back to the dominatrix mare, who barked another laugh. Sharp, this time, with a lot more edge. "Hardly!" Fleur said and gestured in the direction of the party. "That vibrator has several special settings, one of which is a low tease designed to bring a mare to the brink of orgasm—and leave her there, teetering on the edge, never quite enough to plunge her over. They'll be desperate to cum, but unable to actually do it. Not unless one of the masters, or I, decide they earned a reprieve. And that will not be anytime soon, if at all today." Rarity jumped in surprise when Fleur suddenly pushed herself away from her place at the column. She stalked towards the other white mare, graceful like a big cat, and with the same hint of threat. Rarity's eyes were glued to her, taking in every shift of muscle underneath that soft coat, all the beauty and the curves Fleur was widely famous for. "There are certain rules to follow, my dear. One of which is that every orgasm in this house belongs to the masters. The men. I can give permission in their names, a privilege I was given at the beginning of our little get-together. If you are close, you will ask. Then you will either be given permission to climax, or you will not. Failure to ask is worthy of punishment until you learn: you cum when THEY want you to, not when you want to." Rarity was unable to respond to what Fleur said to her. Everything she said sounded like it was burned into her mind. She was, of course, a bit unnerved at how things went here, how even involuntary bodily functions had to be controlled by the males. But then, she felt almost compelled to agree, that it seemed almost… right? Rarity shook her head. "Fleur, I've never seen this side of you. I would never think to see you performing such acts or agree to this."  “Oh well, what can I say? I’m just someone with a different side. Someone who has a fetish for this sort of thing. I would have never discovered this if it weren’t for this club.”  “How did you find this club?” Rarity asked. “That's a story for another day. I’d be happy to tell you another time, and speaking of time~.”  Fleur lifted her arm aiming at the two mares while holding the remote. They struggled against their restraints for a few seconds before she turned the vibrator off. Causing the mares to become limp, exhausted from their torture session. "Wait right here for a moment," Fleur said as she returned to her spot in the center of the crowd, right next to the bond mares.  "What do you think everypony? Do you think they deserve to cum?" The crowd of stallions and mares shouted no in unison.  But then the mares begged for their release. “Hhmmhpphhmmm!!!”  “Uh, F-fleur?” whispered Rarity, “I-I think that they’ve had enough, can you just let them, uh, cum?” Fleur looked back at her friend, "Sorry, but the masters say no~." She turned the toy back on the lowest setting, and the mares struggled once again. Fleur stood and watched, clearly enjoying the torment she was inflicting. Rarity, being uncomfortable with this, wanted to continue the discussion away from the horny crowd. "Fleur, can we please talk in private, I-I’d like for us to look for s-something else here?"  Fleur gave a look of annoyance but decided to help her friend get more accustomed to the place. Fleur directed her attention to a mare standing by the pillar "You, mare, I’m leaving you in charge with this punishment. Do not disappoint your superiors." The mare shyly nodded her head, reluctantly grabbing the remote handed to her. Fleur then proceeded to walk in the other direction and gestured to Rarity to follow her. Rarity caught up to her friend. "Fleur, this club, what they do here… I don't think this is for me. I came here not for, err p-pleasure, but because I thought I could find someone who can help me expand my business. Fleur could see in her eyes that: she did in fact enjoy said pleasure, she was considering all these fetishes, and she wanted more. But she needed a method to get her to accept this. Hearing what she wanted she knew she had an opportunity.  "Is that all Rarity? You only wanted to find someone to help expand your business?" Rarity felt a bit of shame, she realized that she’d been focused on herself, rather than just trying to have a good time and make others genuinely happy, she had been only thinking about how to launch her career. The ponies here; her friends especially, likely did not make the decision to invite her lightly. After all, she was just an ordinary mare from Ponyville, and it would be risky to allow anyone into the club. For fear of being exposed and shamed by all of Equestria. "Well, why didn't you say so? I know someone who has interests in fashion," Fleur stated. Rarity peeked an eye at her friend. “Really? Here? Somepony here could help me?” Fleur halted herself to look directly at Rarity. "Of course. Did you forget that Equestria's elite congregate here?"  Rarity was a little embarrassed forgetting about that detail. "Must have slipped my mind. But moving on, who is he and where may I find him?" “He usually hangs out near the musicians,” Fleur said. Rarity was puzzled. “The musicians?” “Just come with me, this way.” They both walked to the center of the main room toward a slightly elevated platform. Upon reaching where the musicians were playing Rarity saw It only had mares playing instruments. She saw they were all visibly aroused and struggling a bit to play their instruments due to the vibrators stuffed into their genitals. This somewhat didn’t surprise Rarity. She saw a mare playing the harp suddenly moaned and shuddered, playing a couple of false notes as fluids leaked down her thighs before gradually regaining composure and resuming her play. Her attention was cut off when Fleur nudged her. "They play beautiful music, don't they? But you should hear what beautiful sounds they make in bed~." Rarity remained silent trying not to picture what she just spoke. "I-is he-uh h-here, Fleur? I like to get this over with…" Fleur led her across the small crowd of ponies listening to the music. It didn't take long to reach the stallion Fleur was searching for. As soon as they stopped Fleur bowed in front of him,  catching his attention. Rarity stood there seeing her friend bowing unsure what to do.  "Pardon me, sir, for interrupting your show, but this lovely mare would like a moment of your time," Fleur spoke. The stallion turned towards their direction. Rarity saw the stallion was wearing trousers, but a large hole was cut revealing his crotch. She saw it was limp but still somewhat big. She could only stare until Fleur grabbed her head and forced her to bow exactly like her. The two locked eyes, Fleur hinting her to speak exactly how she spoke. Rarity took a deep breath before speaking. "Greetings, sir, this, uh, mare would like to discuss business privately, if that's OK with you." Rarity was reminded of the times she heard Fluttershy say those same exact words. “And what makes you think you’re worthy of my time, mare?” Rarity was a bit reluctant to respond. The tone of his voice was not comforting, almost a bit intimidating.  she responded back before she lost her chance. “Because this mare would like to prove it to you if you give me the chance.” she stood not moving a muscle waiting for his reply. She felt the stallion clamp a leash on to her collar, tugging her as he began to walk, pulling her towards him. Rarity saw Fleur give a smirk before she disappeared into the crowd. She was taken away from the crowd outside the banquet, taken to a small bedroom. The stallion led her in then shut the door. Rarity shivered as he stood there staring at her. she noticed his member was starting to harden clearly getting aroused, at the same time she had the urge to service him. Her legs quivering and her pussy burning in heat, her heart rate increasing. “Well, aren’t you going to prove it to me, mare?”   Rarity shifted her eyes directly at the stallion. “O-of c-course, sir. Um…” Rarity was frantically thinking how to convince him. She remembered the acts she saw the mares perform and decided to act like them. She laid her body on the bed, raising her tail high for him to see her marehood. it made Rarity blush and feel somewhat guilty to perform such a demeaning act but at the same time she seemed to enjoy it. “P-please show this mare how amazing your cock is, sir!” she still couldn’t believe she said those words.  The stallion wasted no time approaching Rarity, immediately penetrating her pussy with his massive erect cock. This made her howl in pleasure feeling how large and hard his dick is. “I see you love my dick, mare. I expect you to remain conscious after I'm done pounding your holes. So if you want to tell me what you want, you better say it now."  Rarity was a bit distracted getting penetrated, her mind swamped with pleasure, she struggled to comprehend and respond to him. "I-I'm a fashion d-designer, s-sir, and I h-heard!! T-that you might t-take some interest~!!” Rarity struggled to speak the words she wanted him to hear, but the strength of his cock made it very difficult to talk. The brute force he was inflicting was painful yet it was also very pleasurable at the same time. "A designer you say? Well, you caught my attention, mare. I promote a certain type of outfits for clients with certain interests." In a display of his physical dominance, he grabbed Rarity’s hips and twisted her around with his cock still buried inside of her, causing her to scream in pleasure. He climbed over her, covering her entire body in a mating press as he fucked her pussy. Both his hands pinning her wrists down. He leaned forward, almost touching her face as he looked directly into her eyes.  Rarity almost looked at him in awe, not only was he giving her pleasure in a whole new way possible, but he was also a fashion promoter with a rich supply of clients. She could only imagine what he could do for her; both here in bed, and also for her career.  "So how do you feel about making custom outfits for my clients to see if you're the one I'm looking for? Including the arousing, sexy types? More specifically the BDSM type?" Rarity was surprised at what he said, she was still having a hard time processing anything else while she was being rutted. And the fact she was being asked to make outfits for sexual purposes only… It was something she had never done before. She expected to be hired for designing fashion dresses for clients to wear in public, not for closeted ponies during their private time.  "I'm waiting, mare," the stallion growled, breaking her thoughts and possibly her uterus, Still rutting her, showing no signs of stopping. "I-I am…eager to work on whatever you a-ask of me, s-sir!!" The stallion smiled. "Then let's conclude this session, mare."  He was no longer holding back, his speed had increased brutally pounding her marehood. Rarity winced feeling him thrust deep inside her, yet she couldn't help but moan and beg for more. The stallion tightly pressed himself against her, she felt herself tightening around his cock, desperate for his sperm to flow inside her womb.  "P-please d-don't stop," Rarity pleaded. She was ready for the climax but felt his cock pull out of her, his cock squirting his semen on her body, staining her breasts and face with his jizz. She was able to close her eyes before it got on her. She was a bit disgusted by that, but was too exhausted to say anything.  “You should know the rules, mare. You don’t tell your master what to do. And you’ll only get to cum when I allow it.” “H-hah. A-ah.” Rarity was at a loss for words, she whimpered as she felt her body still desperately wanting for more pleasure, for release. But then, as she opened her mouth to pant and moan, some of his cum dripped into her mouth and she tasted it. It tasted salty and sticky, but not unpleasant. She then found herself seeking pleasure by licking her lips to taste more of the semen.  “It tastes marvelous,” Rarity thought to herself. unable to sit up and look at the stallion himself. She was too exhausted to even try to speak. she saw him leave something on the small desk beside her before he walked towards the door. “My card; meet me tomorrow at 9 am sharp, have your collar on and don’t be late, mare.” The stallion exited the room leaving Rarity all by herself, letting her gather her strength in private.  She almost passed out until she was able to muster some strength just enough to get off the bed. She spotted herself in the mirror and saw the large mess of jizz coated on her body. she stared at herself for a moment before searching for something to wipe the mess off her, but it appeared there were no towels or anything to clean herself with.  “Perfect, how do they expect me to clean this off? By asking some mare to lick it off me?” Rarity continued to look for a solution, then looked at the bed sheets, stained with possibly hundreds of different types of ponies who used the room before her. There’s no other option available. Picking up the sheets, she used to wipe the cum off her skin until she was somewhat clean from the mess left by him. Once finished  she sets the sheet back on the bed, then spots the card left on the desk.  Satisfactions, Delivering your pleasure, G.W. 3rd Street, Diamond Avenue "Satisfactions? Well I'm certain I can deliver my fine creations, enough to pleasure customers, and enough to please him.” Rarity left the room while tucking the card into her garter's strappings, she felt like a child hiding a cookie she stole, after all she felt so gleeful that she finally got the chance to launch her career. Albeit not the way she was expecting in the first place. As she emerged back into the crowd, she saw Fancy and Fleur approach her, along with a mare Fancy was dragging using a leash connecting her collar. She was a blue mare with a white mane. Fleur walked beside her, her hand was seen placed on her posterior making the mare shiver as she struggles to walk straight. “Well, my dear, you certainly seemed to have pleased your master well~,” Fleur said in a sultry manner. “Indeed, he was so impressed that he gave you what he rarely gives to others.” Fancy pointed to the card tucked into her sides. “Few mares have ever gotten his attention like this, let alone being invited to work with him,” he said. “O-oh, w-well…You did say he’d be the one who could help me, after all…” Rarity said modestly. “Anyways, I think I should retire for the night, I need to meet him tomorrow and I can’t be late.” "Already done for the night, Rarity? Pity, but I understand. If he expects you tomorrow you can’t disappoint him, your master would expect better from his mare~…” Fancy spoke as he looked at the mare he had in his grasp. She looked away. Rarity seemed concerned but thought little of it, thinking it was a fetish or roleplay. "Well, Fancy, Fleur, thank you for this lovely night but I really must be going now. I just need my clothes back and a ride to a place I can spend the night."   "Your clothes are right where you left them, as for your ride home, well…We have somepony to help you with that~,  don’t we~," Fleur said, yanking the leash pulling the mare, making her squeak. Her head bowed in front of them. Fleur lifted her chin up with her finger, the two locking eyes. She was giving her a suggestive and intimidating look. She whispered, “you know what to do when she…”  Rarity tried to listen but was unable to hear her exact words. All she saw was the mare nodding her head. Fancy unhooked the leash and she stepped forward to Rarity. She was unsure what was going to happen until Fleur spoke.  "She can take you to one of the hotel rooms that we had booked for you. The Manefaire Hotel." “Y-yes, mistress,” the mare spoke, bowing to Fleur and Fancy, “I shall bring you to your lodging for the night, miss.” She then stood idly as if she was awaiting further orders. Rarity simply looked then spoke. "O-ok then, let’s go get dressed, and you can take me to my hotel room.” The mare nodded, walking beside Rarity as they both headed straight to the changing room.  Rarity picked up the box with her clothing in it, and the blue mare picked up her own box as well. Since there were no private changing rooms with doors, they both had to dress themselves openly. But there was no issue. After all, they were just naked with each other and dozens of strangers. The mare took off her mask and placed it into her purse, but kept her collar on, as she put on only a blouse and a skirt.   So she doesn't have a bra or panties? Rarity thought as she watched, blushing slightly. She decided to follow her example and keep her collar on while putting her dress on. She placed her mask, bra, and panties deeply into her own purse, as to not risk anyone seeing them. As well as safely inserting the card into another compartment. While this was going on, she seemed to notice this mare’s figure, she was rather curvaceous and had a nice, semi-petite form. Her skin looked so smooth, her breast and ass so soft-looking and… Suddenly Rarity snapped out of her thoughts, blushing heavily as the mare was already walking towards the exit. Rarity quickly catches up to her, following her outside.  Right there a taxi wagon was right in front of them, and a driver was waiting for them. "Splendid, let’s be on our way then.”  They both stepped into the backseats, and Rarity saw a familiar face, the same driver from before. "Oh hello again. We need to go to the Manefaire Hotel please," she politely asked. "As you wish, ma'am," the stallion spoke, pulling the wagon away from the mansion.  The two mares sat in the backseat, enjoying the sight of the city’s night. Rarity could say this night was interesting to say the least. But she still felt like she wanted more. Perhaps it was the drinks of Essence, or because that barmaid and the stallion who gave the card to her didn’t allow her to cum. Either way she wasn't ready to retire for the night, not just yet. "Perhaps a quick masturbating session to satisfy my lust is in order, it's the only option I have."  While she weighed her options, her pussy began to heat up a little and leak. Her lust was returning after not having a release for too long. "How long does this drink last for? Honestly, how do they deal with this every time they attend this club?" she felt the urge to masturbate then and there. At the same time, the blue mare next to her also began to feel her own desire, she touched her nethers through her skirt and rubbed her inner thighs. Seems Rarity isn't the only one having a difficult time. The sooner she got to her room, the sooner she could get this over with.  At one point, Rarity noticed this, and she blushed while also sympathizing with her. “A-are you also f-feeling, uh, unsatisfied?” “Y-yes, my master and mistress didn’t let me cum for a few times; for a long while.” Rarity understood and felt for her, after all she herself hadn’t had an orgasm ever since she was with the first stallion at the bar. Not to mention, the barmaid and the other stallion didn’t let her cum either. They denied her the release she needed and she needs one now. She figured the same applied for the other mare as well. “It’s ok, darling, I get it, I feel the same too. We just have to hold on, then later we can deal with it ourselves. I know you can handle this.” Then, the blue mare held Rarity’s hand, and looked into her eyes with warmth. “T-thank you,” she said.  They arrived at the hotel suite, Rarity and her companion exited the wagon, the mare heading for the door while Rarity was about to pay for the fare. "How many bits, sir?" "The fare was already paid by your friend, mare. You're fortunate to have friends like him." The driver departed from the hotel. Rarity proceeded to the entrance, meeting with the receptionist. "Pardon me, I believe I have a room booked for me, under the name “Rarity”." The receptionist quickly browsed through his log book. "Yes room 169, second floor. Here's your key, ma'am." He turned around, picked one of the many keys from the rack behind him, holding it out for her. Rarity quickly took it then headed for the elevator with the mare standing idly waiting for Rarity. She pressed the button for the floor lever. "I know it's a bit late to ask, but what is your name, dear? I don't think I can keep calling you mare." The mare bowed her head before she responded. "My name is Dazzle Sparks."  Once they reached their floor, both stepped out and walked down the hall. Their room wasn't far from the elevator. Rarity unlocked the door, entering the room with Dazzle behind her. The room was rather lavish, and yet typical at the same time. “Here’s the room Master and mistress booked for you. I hope it suits your liking, Ms Rarity.”  “Indeed, Ms Dazzle, I find it quite suited to accommodate me while I'm in the city.” Rarity sat down on the comfy bed. She thought about just lying down and falling asleep after a long day, but she still couldn't rest. She couldn't relax, not before dealing with the burning lust in her nethers that was still flowing down her sides. Her hands moved to her crotch and her breast.  And the other mare in the room noticed this. And she felt the same way. "M-ms Rarity, w-would you like s-s-something before you sleep?"  "I, I'm f-fine, Dazzle. I just need s-some alone time." She remembered her plan to masturbate once alone, but she felt like that wouldn’t be enough. She needed to give pleasure too, to share it together with someone else. “W-well, it-it's just that, e-erm, the effects of the Essence drink often lasts for hours. A-and g-given that, n-neither of us had a chance to c-cum for quite awhile despite having come close a couple of times… I-I thought that, m-maybe y-you’d want this mare to help s-service you?” Rarity blushed at her words. Once again, to be serviced by a mare, but perhaps there was no other available option. She desperately needed to be pleasured, to get a release that she was denied previously. Reluctantly, she agreed to her offer; but deep down she felt aroused and excited to explore this fetish, to try something new and different sexually. She did enjoy it the first time. "W-well m-maybe, I c-could u-use s-some help f-for m-m-my p-problem…”  And it looked like Dazzle wanted the same thing. “M-me t-too. Perhaps we can h-help each other. It is my d-duty to serve. Shall I proceed, miss?" Rarity reluctantly opened her legs a bit, pulling up her dress, the mare proceeded to crawl towards her. Kneeling down and placing her hand on her thighs. She buried her head between her legs, Dazzle's mouth meeting with Rarity’s pussy. ”H-hah, O-ooh! Aahh!” The lack of panties made it easier. Rarity covered her mouth muffling her moans as she felt Dazzle's tongue invade her nethers. She could feel her tongue doing wonders to her she never felt before. The mare proved herself to be a professional at this. Rarity could only respond by placing her hand on top of her head, gently stroking her mane as she serviced her.  Dazzle's past sessions with stallions and mares helped her learn methods on pleasuring anyone. She knew how to make ponies cum and was proud of it. Her tongue focused on her sensitive spots to send waves of pleasure across Rarity’s body. She laid on the bed breathing heavily, her hands fondling her breasts. She couldn't help but think why this is so pleasurable for her. Why does she want this random mare to perform oral sex, or feel so submissive towards stallions letting them use her like some toy? She should object to this but… "D-dazzle! I-i think I'm g-gonna AHH-ahh!" She screamed as her orgasm exploded all over her muzzle. Dazzle gulped down her love juices, as waves of pleasure engulfed her. Her legs trembled, her body convulsed and spasmed uncontrollably.  Dazzle didn't show any discomfort, rather she was happy. Her tongue licked the cum on her lips. "You taste delicious, Ms Rarity." Dazzle had brought a hand down to her own folds and was rubbing them. The intense feeling made her fingers dig deep inside her own pussy, already spilling a flow of her juices on the floor.  "Oh-oh, my g-goodness…Dazzle, I think that was all the energy I had left. I wish I could return the favor…" Rarity laid there unable to move a single muscle. Dazzle however got up, took off her skirt, crawled onto the bed, spreading her legs apart like Rarity, and she positioned her pussy just above her face. She saw how wet her crotch was, dripping on the bed sheets, and her face. Rarity knew what she was insinuating, what she wanted from her, but she still was a bit reluctant to give her what she wanted.  Maybe I should repay her for helping me, I guess it wasn’t that bad. She seemed to enjoy it; maybe I could try to do it myself. Just do exactly how she did Rarity.  She leaned forward slowly reaching her crotch and could see her trimmed crotch stained in her own juices. Closing her eyes she proceeded to extend her tongue and lick her wet folds. It was her first taste of another mare's vaginal juices. The taste was different, nothing compared to anything she's ever tasted. Still she had to help Dazzle. She forced her tongue deeper inside her wet cunt, and after overcoming her initial rejection, Rarity found that it tasted rather a little sweet, and she wanted to try a bit more.  She then proceeded to lick more rapidly, slurping up the mare’s honey. Causing her to moan out, as she lowered her hips and slammed her pussy onto her mouth. “P-please m-more. P-please let me c-cum, miss! Make this cunt squirt like the slut I am!" Rarity was giddy, hearing her say that, her forced dominance over her. She showed she was enjoying this too much, but rarity was still hesitant to oblige her request. She continued to use her tongue the best she could, licking across her folds slowly. She ended up placing her hands on Dazzle’s rump, feeling the netting of her garters. She could feel her body near its climax, and her hesitance was fading gradually. She forced her tongue back inside Dazzle's pussy, touching her sensitive spots making Dazzle ache her body, touching herself as she finally reached her breaking point. "Oh, sweet Celestia!" Dazzle screamed, squirting her cum onto Rarity's face.   Rarity began instinctively swallowing the juices that splashed into her mouth, as she did that she noticed that it felt pleasurable and satisfying to gulp down another mare’s cum. It seemed to taste even better as Dazzle was cumming on top of her. Rarity departed her face from Dazzle's crotch. Mustering what energy she could, she got up and went to the bathroom to wash the leftover cum from her muzzle. When she returned she saw Dazzle putting her skirt back on.  The look on her face showed she was satisfied from their little session. "Thank you, Miss Rarity." Dazzle gathered her things, exiting the room, leaving Rarity all by herself. She was in thought, she felt satisfied and yet puzzled at the same time over what had just happened. The concept of lesbianism was still new to her, at first she was hesitant and reluctant when the barmaid tended to her upper half earlier. But then she actually found herself liking it when both the barmaid and Dazzle pleasured her nethers. However, this time it was something else entirely. Giving oral pleasure to another mare, and drinking her juices was something she’d never considered doing before, but now she reconsidered her previous modest thinking, Submission towards her superiors, letting them order her around as if she was their property. She still thought it was demeaning to perform such acts, but deep down somehow it felt right for her, to let someone else take charge for a change. Rarity then felt her fatigue take hold, she didn't realize how exhausted she was, she then laid down on her bed and drifted off to sleep in the moonlight. ***  Meanwhile, back at the club… Fleur hugged Fancy’s arm as they walked past the many couples in the throes of passion. She felt proud that she had yet again introduced a new member to be part of such a wonderful group. The warmth she felt from her pride, the sex, and her stallion’s presence, would soon swell even further.  They arrived back at the bar, where they received glasses of Essence to drink. The bartender bowed her head as she finished delivering their drinks. They held a hand together as they picked up their glasses. “Here, let us drink before we continue our fun together,” Fleur said, looking forward to what was to come. As they drank, Fancy traced his hand up and down her slender sides, from beside her left breast, down to her garter-covered thighs. Fleur felt her own heat and arousal increasing from both the drink and his touch. Her nethers began leaking juices and her clitoris winked, and she used her free hand to rub the stallion’s crotch. “I must say, you certainly are a beauty and one with a gorgeous figure, Fleur,” Fancy said, as he leaned in for a kiss. She didn't object as she returned it passionately. Their tongues danced as they explored each other's mouths, moaning in pleasure. After a minute or two, she pulled back to continue her drink and said, “Soon you’ll see firsthand just how good I can make you feel.” After several glasses of Essence, they were both ready and recharged for another round. They both decided to find a more comfortable place to explore each other’s bodies. They went to another room with soft, luxurious beds. They saw other couples also using the room. Some lay down to rest and relax while groping each other’s bodies. While others used the beds for more ‘active’ intentions. Stallions laid over the mares in mating presses as they plowed with such force and speed. Mares sat naked on stallion’s laps as they rode them while the males lay down enjoying groping and grabbing their breasts.         Fleur and her owner went onto an unused bed and he laid down on her as they began to make out. Their kiss was powerful and more lustful than the previous one. As they exchanged saliva, Fleur enjoyed his taste and the leftover Essence in their mouths, they each moaned into the kiss. His hands moved to fondle her breasts, causing the mare to moan in pleasure; moaning loudly into the kiss.  “M-more…” she whispered. One hand trailed down her sides until it reached her slit. Her suitor rubbed her vagina and pleasure nub, stroking it firmly. Her nethers were dripping with her mare honey as she began to lose herself in pleasure. She began groaning, desperate to soothe the burning heat in her nethers.  Sensing his mate’s desire, the stallion moved off her and retracted his hands, causing her to whimper. “I can tell you’re in heat, my dear, you want this don't you?” He asked her. She begged for him to continue. “Please…give me more, eat me,” Fleur begged weakly. She spread her legs as wide as she could. Her longing would soon end, as he knelt down and was face to face with her swollen pussy lips. Her clitoris was engorged as he inhaled her scent. “Aahhh, your scent is exquisite, cunt, let’s see about your taste.”  She felt nothing but electric pleasure as he lunged his face into her cunt, rapidly lapping up her juices, licking her most sacred of places. She moaned softly, gripping the sheets of the bed as she enjoyed the way he was using his tongue. Her juices tasted so sweet. He couldn't help but want more of her so he dove his tongue into her pussy, slurping up all of her love juices off her inner walls. Keeping a grip on her thighs, he rubbed them softly. Fleur kept moaning loudly and panting heavily, her slit was winking, and continuing to leak more of her juices. She felt like she was in heaven and they both enjoyed the pleasurable feeling so much.  As he continued slurping up her juices, flicking his tongue along her wet snatch, Fleur’s body began to tense up. She could feel her climax building up, and he could sense she was close, so he dove his tongue as deep as he could. Then, she screamed in ecstasy and sprayed his muzzle with her love juices, as waves of pleasure engulfed her. Her legs trembled, her body shook and spasmed uncontrollably. The stallion gulped down Fleur’s cum before retracting himself. Fleur lay there convulsing as she began to come down from her intense orgasm. “That was great… foreplay, are you ready for some more?” he asked her.  She panted, still coming down from the waves of pleasure. “A-ah yes, please use my body for your pleasure. Remind me what I am, sir~! "That’s what I wanted to hear." To a stallion, the scent and taste of a mare in heat had an intoxicating, arousing effect - having buried his muzzle into Fleur’s crotch meant his cock was erect and throbbing with anticipation. He then climbed over his mate and brought his cock to her dripping pussy lips, and slid his member into her soaked cunt. “Aah! OOOH!!” Fleur moaned loudly. Fancy grunted as he thrust into her while holding her down in a mating press. She gave the first yelp of pleasure as his cock brushed a rough patch inside her pussy. “Her insides feel like heaven!” Fancy thought. Fleur’s soft, silky insides wrapped tightly around his length and caressed it as he thrusted her pussy. He slammed his hips against his lover’s, she squealed and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Hrgh, I must say you’re most...hah...exquisite, Fleur,” the stallion grunted as he leaned in for a kiss. Fleur kept moaning into the kiss.  Her eyes shot open wide as she felt him fondling her breasts. “Nnh, ah, yes! T-that’s it, darling, hah! Just...oh!” She moaned. It wasn’t long before she felt herself tightening around the meaty rod buried in her crotch. “Nnh, ah, yes! T-that’s it darling, hah! Just...oh!” Fleur moaned, her mind swamped with pleasure. His tip flared as he felt Fleur’s walls grip down on his member, preparing for ejaculation. “Hrgh, I’m getting close, aah, Fleur...” He grunted, as his thrusts became rougher, deeper and increased in rhythm. Looking down at Fleur, he observed a look of pure elation on the mare’s face. Her moans quickly increased in volume and pitch, as she drew close to climaxing. “Please ah! Master! Inside, show this mare how fortunate she is to have you as her owner!” Fleur cried out lustfully, wrapping her legs around her suitor. He jerked forwards so slightly, involuntarily, hitting Fleur deep inside. She quivered, sending him over the edge. Her jerking hips set him off and he unleashed his cum into her thirsty pussy. “Aaah! OOOH!! Ngh, HAAAH!” she moaned, gasping as her body trembled with orgasm. Her legs shook violently as she temporarily lost control, waves of pure pleasure flowing through her body. She exploded her love nectar all over his crotch, her vaginal fluids squirted out of her overflowing honey pot each time the stallion hilted himself, staining the pristine sheets. Having reached the peak of his climax, the stallion slowed his movements, ejaculating the last of his load into his mate’s quivering cunt.  The door slammed open, Avaar entered, not bothered by the two fucking. The two looked at him, wondering why he was in a hostile mood. "Sir, are you upset? Do you want me to-" "What I want is progress!" Avaar, snapping at Fleur. Fleur shuddered a bit, sinking into the bed. Fancy got up to try to calm his nerves. "Avaar, my friend, what's got you all hot and bothered?" Avaar was silent, walking back and forth.   “It’s been months, and yet I still have little more than this to show my king! I was expected to help infiltrate this nation and bring its most important citizens to our side.” Avaar leaned on the table, his hands scratching the wooden desk leaving furrows on its surface. Fancy carefully approached him hoping he could provide some comfort.  "Perhaps my Fleur could offer you a blow-job, or would you like to fuck her ass? I know how much you love anal penetration." Avaar didn't budge, not even facing Fancy as he spoke. "I'm in no mood for your whore, Fancy. I only have less than a week before they arrive, and when they see I have yet to weaken this continent's powerful beings I'll be most severely punished for my failure.” Fancy wanted to assure him that all would fall into place in due time. "Surely we can still succeed before they arrive. Maybe they'll understand that-" "I cannot fail my king!!!" Avaar slamming his fist. The two were silent, unsure if they could even try to calm his nerves. Fleur crawled towards Avaar the way she was taught to in hopes as a last resort. Upon reaching him she bowed her head, pressed on the floor, raising her posterior high in the air. Avaar noted her loyalty but was still unamused by her performance.  "This mare wishes to help you succeed your plans, I'll do anything to ensure they come to fruition," Fleur spoke, as she looked up at her superior, hoping she succeeded. Avaar showed no emotion, merely ignoring Fleur. This made her feel like she failed and she could have done more.  Fancy decided to take charge, knowing he'll listen to him. "What my dear Fleur is trying to say is that she's loyal to the cause and is eager to prove it, as am I. What do you need?" Avaar faced Fancy’s direction, but showed intimidation. "I am aware, from my short stay in your homeland, and what my brethren have gathered so far, you're ruled by these female alicorns that you call ‘princesses’, and that they possess powerful magic at their disposal. And that this land is mainly protected by one of the alicorns and her group of friends that wield the so-called ‘elements of harmony’?"  “Yes, indeed. In fact, one of the elements has just joined us as a member of this club, tonight.”  This piqued Avarr’s interest, and got his attention. “Explain, what do you mean exactly?" “The pony known as Rarity, she is the element of generosity. Fleur and I invited her here earlier today, and she took a certain liking to this place, and its activities. She was mostly reluctant the entire night, but soon, she’ll learn to fully embrace our way of life.” "You brought one of these 'elements' here, a female who has access to powerful magic, who has ties to the rulers of this land, and you introduced her to our secret club? Have you both lost your minds!? Do you realize what will happen if she reveals all she has learned to the princesses and the other elements?! I expected this sort of idiotic thinking from your female, but from you as well, Fancy?!" “Avaar, don't you see? This is a perfect opportunity for us! Rarity is our best way to weaken the elements and the princesses from within. She is personally close to all of them, they trust her, and she has deep knowledge of their strengths and weaknesses. We can use that to our advantage,” Fancy said. He spread his arms in a calming gesture before he continued. “Rarity is blinded by her need to belong to the elite. She’s so desperate to please her betters in the hope they will accept her, she will let herself be led deeper and deeper. Our little gathering of high-society ponies was a perfectly crafted trap, all to bring her into the fold… and keep her there.” The stag relaxed upon hearing this. “Is that so? You have a point there… Hmmm, if she does have close connections to my targets this could work in my favor. we can use her, manipulate her into helping us without attracting attention.  “But how do we use her, get her to cooperate? And keep her from revealing about me? What happens when she exposes all of us and we get caught before we’re ready?” Avarr shouted. “It’s alright, Avarr, she trusts us. When we first invited her, we told her that it was only a harmless fetish club, a gathering for ponies to explore their desires and relax. We convinced her to try it out, and it worked out well. She was, of course, modest and reluctant most of the time, but she slowly began to accept and embrace her true nature as a mare. She tried our Essence drink, she served two stallions, and even experienced being attended to by another mare.” “And how did she react to the drink, did it affect her like the rest of the females?” Avarr asked Fancy, who he turned to face his pet Fleur. “Fleur, tell him.“ Avaar looked at Fleur and she spoke. “Yes, master, I saw it in her eyes. Rarity couldn’t hide how much she loved it deep down, how she loved to submit and serve for pleasure. It took a lot of effort to convince her to shed her modesty, to come here and do what the rest of us did, but it worked. Yet, she still feels somewhat confused and reluctant. I will certainly try my best to lower her guard, to make sure she knows her place and to serve the hierarchy. And soon she’ll learn to love it as much as any good mare should~." Fleur smiled at Avaar. Her tone showed she was very eager to accomplish Her task. She leaned close to Avaar's crotch, wagging her tail showing how badly she wanted his member.  “Your mare shows loyalty but can she prove it? There can be no mistakes made.” Avaar crossed his arms over his chest and scowled down at the mare close enough to breathe on his crotch. Fancy kneeled down next to the mare, stroking Fleur’s mane like a dog. Her eyes closed as she cooed like an animal. “I assure you, Avaar, Fleur is the perfect candidate to assist us, along with that foolish mare Rarity.”   Avaar mulled over Fancypants’ proposal. All the while Fleur-De-Lis’ heated breath played over his trousers and her prize hidden within. Avaar’s dick slowly formed a tent. “Details, Fancy. I need more details. You are good with plans. Tell me one.”  “We know for a fact Rarity designed Princess Cadance’s wedding dress,” Fancy told the other male with a smile. He tugged on his mustache. “She’s the Alicorn who rules the Crystal Empire, one of Equestria’s most isolated vassals. Together with her husband, Prince Consort Shining Armor, former captain of the guard.” Avaar frowned in thought. “She’s the pink one? Smaller than Celestia? Huge tits?” Fancypants simply laughed and shrugged. “They all have huge tits, my friend! But, yes. The pink one, that is indeed her. She already got one dress from Rarity, she would probably want another, or perhaps something more risqué even. She is young and married!” Avaar snorted dismissively and shifted in place. That was deliberate, Fleur had to lean with the direction his crotch pointed like she was glued to it. “Marriages mean little to my kind, Fancy.” Fancypants nodded at that. “Yes, quite. We’ll work on fixing Equestria’s silly wedding idea later.” Fleur, still staring at Avaar’s crotch, had to giggle a little to herself at that promise. She remembered Fancy’s and her own wedding… what a silly cunt she’d been! “For now, Fleur here will convince Rarity to ask for an invitation from the princess. We’ll go with her, of course, being her friends. Once there, we will work on Princess Cadance herself, see if she would like to join our club too. She’ll have let her guard down, with Rarity around. We’ll ply her with Essence, have her squirm in some bondage equipment, give her a taste of servitude. And, of course…” Fancy paused for dramatic effect. He could see how impatient Avaar was growing again, but he couldn’t help teasing his stag friend a bit. His smile grew into a wide smirk. “While Rarity wastes Princess Cadance’s time, my Fleur will sneak to the Crystal Heart to break off a little part of it. Just a little bit, not enough to notice…” “... But enough to form a magical connection,” Avaar completed. He had been nodding along, but at this, for the first time this evening, he also grinned. “Fancypants, my friend. I am impressed. I think your cocksucker here has earned herself another cock to suck.” Fleur nickered with glee when Avaar’s hands undid his belt and those obstructing trousers began sliding to the floor. She almost impaled her face on his already hardened dick with a lewd choking sound. While the mare got to work on Avaar’s pride, the two men clasped each other by the wrist. “Hah, thank you, Avaar! I’ll go and get things ready for tomorrow then. I would not want to waste another day, not with Rarity about to be put into her true place with the rest of her kind and then, the Alicorns!” Fleur smiled as she performed her duties sucking Avaar's cock. "Can't wait for the fall of that bitch 'princess' Cadance" “That reminds me, earlier tonight, Rarity was also looking for somepony to help her with her fashion career. Fleur suggested her to our patron Glory Whole.'' Avaar looked at Fancy as soon as he mentioned that name. "The designer. The one producing the outfits for the mares" Fancy nodding his head.  "and recruiting fashion ponies from all over the nation to produce our style of clothing…” Fancy said. “Really and so how did that go?” Avaar grunted as he came, holding Fleur’s head very firmly as he filled her mouth with his semen. She swallowed every drop of his cum, moaning in pleasure. “It went well Avaar. After Fleur introduced her, Glory took Rarity for a private session, serviced him, and let herself be used as she should have. He handed her his card, and she agreed to meet up with him tomorrow to work with him.” “Did it really go that well, mare?” Fleur got up and licked her lips before speaking. “Yes, master. Her skills and talent as a designer will continue to be a valuable asset once the king needs suitable and proper clothing for all mares to wear. Plus, I already sent another slut to escort her back to her hotel; to test her to see if she’s willing to embrace her nature as a mare.” “Good, looks like things are falling into place better than I thought…And what of this other mare?” Then, the door opened, and Dazzle walked in… “M-masters, m-mistress… ” She spoke nervously. “Ah yes, welcome back, did you do what I asked of you, my little whore?” Fleur greeted her, asking while cupping her face.  “Y-yes mistress, she was s-still feeling h-horny so when I offered to s-service her, s-she accepted.” Dazzle said. “How much of a slut was she?” “She moaned and touched her breast while I was servicing her and she a-agreed to pleasure me in r-return. She allowed me to s-sit on her face as she ate me out, b-because she was too tired…” “Ahh, well done Dazzle my dear! You see master Avaar, Rarity is already changing rather quickly, and soon she’ll be a true whore in no time!” Fleur stated. “I see, the both of you have done a decent job, you deserve a reward. I'll decide what sort of reward you deserve which is more likely involves my brethren fucking your mare cunts" Fleur looked at Dazzle and saw the look in her eyes, her blushing face, her still dripping pussy. She cupped one hand to her breasts and the other stroked her nethers. “Dazzle, you little slut, you’re still not fully satisfied are you? Do you still want more? I guess Rarity couldn't give you enough to last…” She tried to divert her eyes but she couldn’t deny it. “N-no, m-m-mistress Fleur.” “Well, like master said, we both did a good job, so we both deserve to be rewarded for it.” Fleur then pulled her in, and claimed her lips with her own. Dazzle’s eyes widened, she blushed even harder, and she found herself moaning into the kiss. “So, let’s go back out there and I’ll give you the pleasure and the release you crave for.” “Oh-o-ok.” As Fleur walked the other mare out by her arm, Fancy stayed back to speak with Avarr. “So, now we know just how much Rarity has progressed in just her first night here. Tomorrow we’ll check in on her and Glory, and we’ll report back to you.” “Splendid! I want to know just how far she’s willing to go, and when we shall be able to use her for our plans. Keep me posted.” He said as they walked back out into the main area. “I shall tell my king of our progress, and our latest asset.”  Soon…soon, it will all be perfect, and I can’t wait for it all to unfold... > Satisfaction(?) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daylight gleamed through the shutters of the windows as the morning sun rose, the light shining at Rarity, forcing her to respond in slight annoyance. After the late night she had, Rarity wished that she could sleep in for longer. If she hadn’t been so exhausted, perhaps she could have remembered to fully shut the curtains before she passed out. Turning to her side to avoid the bright sunlight while pulling her sheets over herself. She thought it was okay if she decided to try and squeeze in an extra hour or so before she had her meeting with the stallion and… Oh drat! Her eyes opened wide when she realized she had to wake up to not be late to meet up with the designer. From what she learned of him the night before, she deduced that he probably would be impatient or angry if she showed even a second late. So as much as she would have liked, she needed to get up and start her morning routine sooner, rather than later. With haste she got up and adjusted her clothes, attempting to pat down the wrinkles; despite the state of mess they're in, then proceeded to the lobby in hopes there would be breakfast. She felt intense hunger like she hadn't eaten for days. She hadn’t eaten since she left ponyville and since then, she only drank two glasses Essence and…. Dazzle’s cum before she slept. She hoped there's a big meal waiting for her to satisfy her growing hunger. She gathered her things then exited the room, rushing downstairs getting past a few ponies that were in her way. "My goodness, I don't think I've felt this hungry before. Perhaps they have something that can quench my appetite." She got into the elevator and hit the button for the lobby. The doors close and it descends to the first floor. It doesn't take long to arrive. The moment the doors open she sprints out the elevator, exits the lobby and heads to the dining lounge. In her sights she saw the staff serving food on the large table. Ponies in line holding their plates and utensils, ready to take what they wanted from the buffet. Rarity followed their actions, getting herself a plate and utensils, standing in line behind the others waiting for her turn to grab her meal. There were rows of all kinds of foods. From stacks of pancakes high as towers to scramble eggs yellow as the sun. As soon it was her turn she grabbed just what she needed, didn't want to appear greedy nor want to gain too much weight. A lady must keep herself petite and healthy. She searched for an empty seat that could give her a good view of the outside, and once she did she sat down and began to eat her meal. While she did she began to ponder what the day would bring her. She thought about what Fleur said about the stallion, and what he said to her and about how he designed special outfits for his clients. "So how do you feel about making custom outfits for my clients to see if you're the one I'm looking for? Including the arousing, sexy types? More specifically the BDSM type?" Rarity had never thought about doing something like that before, making sex-based and arousing bedroom outfits like that was something entirely new to her. But then again, there have been a lot of firsts for her lately. Perhaps it's time to try out something new. Make dresses by day/openly, arousing slutty outfits by night/in secret, or something like that… While she thought about her future, Rarity stared at her pancakes coated in thick syrup. The way it oozed all over her pancakes, it reminded her of something very arousing. Like something she saw at the club… Wait a minute… Rarity suddenly realized that her red collar was still on her neck! She began to sweat nervously, worried that someone may have noticed her odd choice of fashion. She looked down, trying to hide the front of her neck, and she ended up looking at her purse, which still had her pantines tucked deep inside. She blushed heavily, feeling embarrassed that in her haste, she left her membership collar on, and her own panties in her purse that she left off when she followed Dazzle to the hotel. She closed her legs tight as she could not take the risk someone would notice her. She resumed eating her pancakes, chewing with caution. She adjusted her mane around her neck in an attempt to conceal the bright red collar. Once she finished her meal, she put her dishes into the collecting trays, and headed back to the lobby elevator. The feeling of intense shame lingering. "I really hope nopony noticed me. I would never hear the end of this if somepony saw…" Rarity can feel her heart beating a bit faster. It was a strange sensation for her. Did this arouse her being out in the open with others around, wearing a collar on like some pet? To walk around with her private area exposed to anyone who tried to take a peek? She tried to deny these feelings as she hurried out the elevator to her room. She didn't want to think about her newfound fetish. All she wanted to focus on was getting out of the hotel and finding Glory. She immediately went to the washroom, splashing cold water on her face. Looking at the mirror she saw the bright red collar on her neck. She looked away and saw her purse on the floor. She removed her collar and placed it inside. Rarity then noticed she still smelled of sweat and the musk of stallions. Not wanting to be overly untidy and unhygienic, she needed to clean herself up a bit before she left. She took a quick shower, washing off every scent of sex off her, and dressed herself for her meeting with the stallion. After getting dried up and redressed, she looked and smelled better. It made feel like her old self. It brought a comforting feeling. She took a long look at the mirror again before she exited the bathroom then her room. With a look of pride and confidence she left for the meeting location as stated on the card. Satisfactions, Delivering your pleasure, G.W. 3rd Street, Diamond Avenue Rarity dashed through the hotel doors, and called for a taxi that was fortunately here for her just in the nick of time. "Thank Celestia that you're here, thank you miss. I need to get to Diamond Avenue on 3rd Street. I'm going to be late for my appointment" the cab driver nodded, then pulled the cab wagon using all her stamina to get through the busy roads of Manehattan. Upon arriving she thanked the driver and handed her the bits she owed. Rarity speed walked through the street looking for any indication or a sign that may lead her to her destination. Upon reaching an alley, she saw the building that had the name 'Satisfactions' in large bold words. "Well it looks like I found it just in time" The building was a clothing store, it looked big towards the rear, but the store itself looked rather small, like it didn't take up the whole structure. She looked at the front entrance, through the clear glass doors, seeing only a few ponies and possibly the receptionist standing behind the counter. She took a deep breath going to her purse and grabbed her collar. With slight reluctance she latched it back on her neck then walked through the entrance with no hesitation, hoping to meet with “G.W.” before anyone else notices her. She hopes the shoppers are too occupied to see her. It certainly would raise their eyebrows at her. Once she reaches the mare behind the counter, she clears her throat and speaks. "Excuse me, but I have an appointment to meet with your uh, boss? I think his initials are G.W… Is he here?" The receptionist took a long look at Rarity before she decided to answer her question. Rarity assumes she was checking her collar to make sure she was eligible to meet him. "You mean Glory Whole? Yes he's here in his office. And I see you're wearing that collar. you’re a member too eh? I have one myself at home." The mare spoke in a soft tone, almost whispering as to not draw unwanted attention. Rarity understood the need to remain inconspicuous and was a bit surprised to see another member working here at a fashion store. "His name is Glory Whole? That's...interesting. So his Office is…" "Take a left then the first door on the right" the receptionist spoke. Rarity backed away then proceeded to Glory's office. She looked back to see if anyone saw her and noticed not one pony looked back, not even the mare she spoke to. She resumed walking not wanting to make Glory wait a second longer. Walking through the hallway she saw the door with his initials plastered on the door. She felt an uneasy feeling the moment she reached his door. She closed her eyes, her hand gripping the doorknob firmly, then pushed through. Her eyes opened and in her sights was a stallion sitting behind his desk writing on paper. He continued to write like he was unaware of her presence. She was unsure if she should speak or interrupt his work. She didn't want to start off in a rude manner but she does want to start right away and show him the skills she has. "Are you going to stand there watching me sign papers all day or are you waiting for my permission to speak?" Glory spoke without taking his eyes off the papers. “Oh um, hello Mr. Glory Whole. We met last night Y-you gave me this card.” Rarity showed him the very same card in her hand. He stopped scribbling and looked directly at her. He stood and approached her at a slow pace. Rarity could only stand and watch as he came closer. Standing at arm's length Glory eyed her from top to bottom, inspecting her like some prized product he won. “So… You are the so-called talented fashion designer i met last night ” He asked. Anxiety hung over Rarity, reluctant to respond for some reason, but managed to gather the courage to speak with her tone of confidence. “Y-yes. Yes I am.” Rarity stated. “Then come with me, young lady” Glory gestured for her to follow him, he led her outside his office walking at the end of the hallway, Rarity tailed him and saw the door marked ‘employees only’. He opened the door, and the two of them walked through the passageway. At the other side was a large room, or a hall with sewing and tailoring equipment, mannequins, and carts of fabric and other clothing materials around. The room was rather decaying and lacked color and looked more like some unused warehouse. it sent a uneasy feeling coursing through her body. It practically kept nudging her to turn back and leave this place and let it become a faded memory, but then she reminds herself that she’s here to earn some recognition and spread her business beyond ponyville’s borders. She mounted up the courage and continued to follow Glory’s hoofsteps. As they continued to walk Rarity saw some ponies working on some outfits Glory told her about. they’re exactly like he said: lingerie and latex suits suited for mares only. What caught her attention more was the fact the workers were all bare naked, flaunting their bodies around, working yet not minding each other that they are in their own birthday suits. Rarity even saw a couple making out at the corner of the building, fucking like a bunch of horny rabbits. she quickly averted her eyes, only able to face the filthy floor she walked on. She turned her attention to Glory in hopes for an explanation. she swallowed then spoke her words. “Glory is this um allowed at your workplace? i feel this could lead to a lot of distractions” Glory faced her, not batting an eye. “Does this bother you? Do you want to leave and say goodbye to this opportunity you got?” Part of her felt she needed to walk away from this. It was nagging her nonstop to turn back. but once again she pushed her feelings of doubt and stood firm. She looked directly at his face and spoke with confidence. “N-no of course not. Just speaking out loud. I just think this could delay progress…” “They get the job done, that’s all you need to know. There's an empty seat and a binder with a list of outfits needed to be produced. I expect you to have some outfits ready by the end of your shift. If you have any questions you can ask my assistant Fru Fru Delight. Good day.” In a swift second, Glory turns and walks away from Rarity leaving her alone with the small horny crowd. She was still unsure how she should proceed. should she strip naked like the others, will they ostracize her because she wears clothes? She did what she could think of at the moment, heading for her seat, then sitting down in between the naked ponies. The stallion stitched an outfit that appeared to be a wonderbolt suit but lacked cover, letting anypony see the chest and crotch. The mare beside her was sewing a cheerleader outfit, noticing that the skirt is short. If anyone wore it, it would barely cover the crotch area. Not to mention, the top which resembles a bra, leaves the breasts exposed. The sight of these outfits made Rarity a bit uncomfortable. "My goodness. Are there many ponies with these sort of fetishes?" She was unsure of what to think about all this. Making those kinds of outfits with seemingly only one, secretive, purpose was very unlike her. It certainly wasn’t her ‘style’, her particular area of expertise. She sat there pondering and self-debating until a male voice snapped her out of it. "Hey mare, are you going to start crafting or keep daydreaming? Snap out of it." He then walked to a desk, grabbed a binder off it and placed it on her lap. “Here, start making the outfits that are listed in this binder. After a couple are made you can take a break. You can have sex right at the corner like those two" Rarity sees the same two ponies making out while still fucking with each other. She quickly turned to the stallion who snapped her out of it. "Um, sex at work? She asked him. “Yeah, what’s the matter with that? Hours of work in this hot sauna, anyone could use some relaxation." Rarity couldn't find the words to counter what he was saying, so she just decided to begin her work and leave them be. But then, she noticed that it really was rather warm down here. "Goodness, it really does feel like a sauna in here. Don't they have air conditioning? How am I supposed to work in these conditions?" Rarity then looked around the room and saw how everyone there was naked and didn't seem to be bothered by the heat. She also saw that next to the door were some racks and boxes where clothes were kept. She realized how they tolerated the heat and turned red, blushing. "Oh dear. I don't want be nude around these ponies without my mask and garters, but I guess there’s no other way. I'll just have to bear with it if this is what it takes,” Rarity opened the binder and looked through the pages of outfits needed to be made. Each one only surprised her, and the thought of making each one of these, it felt a bit wrong. But she had to, she needed to if she wanted to gain Glory’s support. Perhaps it won't be as bad as I thought. She kept scrolling through the pages hoping to find one simple and not too…unusual, or ‘slutty’. She eventually finds a page showing the picture of an outfit: a maid outfit. But it was quite different from the usual clothing for maids, the front was open to reveal their chests, the sides and lower front also showed their hips and curves. The bottom skirt, if you could call it that, was very short to the point that it made no difference to being naked below as it allowed anyone to view the mare’s slit and ass. A pair of stockings that resembled the same garters that Rarity wore. In addition a shorter extension of garters also went down over their outer thighs. "At least it's easier than the others… And less deviant too…" She said, justifying it to herself. She was about to begin, but she then remembered the distracting heat. Only a few minutes in and she can feel the sweat starting to drip on her beautiful white skin. She ignored it, focusing on her task as she wasted enough time deciding what outfit to do. Time passes on as Rarity struggles to sew the outfit during this overbearing heat. She wipes the sweat off her face every few minutes. she forces herself to ignore everything that's going on in this workplace which is easier said than done. the heat and the presence of naked ponies either working or fucking like dogs in heat, her own eyes betraying her to take quick peeks. she stares at one of the stallions stretching in front of others. His body was rather attractive and quite muscular, when he turned towards her, her eyes slowly darted down across his chest until he reached his crotch. his cock although limp was still somewhat large. she continued to stare at his member, not noticing she kept the sewing machine on. “oh my, his c-cock is so…” rarity was interrupted by the mare beside her. “his cock looks incredible huh? that’s why you keep staring at it” rarity quickly takes notice of the mare along with the outfit now slightly ruined due to over stitching it. “oh no oh no! the outfit!!” She turned the sewing machine off as quickly as she could, pulling the outfit out of it. She held it in her hands and saw how disastrous the results were. “It's ruined! I can't look at it!” The mare grabbed it from her hands, looking at it herself. Rarity looked at her wondering what she was doing. “Don’t be so dramatic. It's an easy fix, I can do it in my sleep.” “I'm sorry but who are you exactly?” Rarity asked the mare, trying not to look below her neck level. she doesn’t need to know what she looks like completely naked. “Well my name is Glitter Sparks. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Rarity.” The mare smiled in the cutest way she could, as she began to fix the outfit. Rarity was more focused on how she knew her name. Did Glory tell her her name? “Um, pardon me miss, but how do you know my name?” Rarity asked. “Oh please, you think I wouldn't recognize one of Equestria’s heroines, and one of the best dress designers seen in years. I mean look at you. Such a young mare, and you’re already running a shop along with saving Equestria from villains?” Glitter said. Rarity figured that maybe she was more famous than she thought. “Oh, I see. So that’s how you recognised me, especially since I’m not wearing my mask like last night back at th-” Rarity then shut herself up, remembering that she was supposed to keep the club a secret. Glitter made a lips sealed sign. It was clear she knew what she was almost about to say. “It’s ok Rarity,” She said more softly. “Many of us here also know of the ‘club’ and are even members. I believe you met my sister, Dazzle.” Rarity instantly remembered that name, and memories from last night began to flood in her mind. "D-dazzle? As in Dazzle Sparks? She's your sister?" Rarity asked, surprised. “Yes, and I know what happened last night. Everything~" Glitter giggles like some school girl caught red handed. Rarity could only blush and remain silent, unable to respond. "I assume it was your sister who told you what…we did." Her own body was burning in both embarrassment along with the heat of the room. Rarity looked away, staring at the table to avoid eye contact. Glitter leaned in closer to Rarity. She enjoyed the sight of embarrassment on Rarity’s face. "What's wrong, you don't like what you see? Or you don’t want me to tell you that I know you squeal like a little filly when my sister eats you out?" Her remark only made Rarity hide her face. She wanted to leave before things got more uncomfortable for her to handle. She then felt Glitter wrap her arm around her shoulder, leaning on her for support. "Hey it's alright I don't judge. My sister and I have done the same with other mares and even each other a few times at our masters' behest, every time we visited the club. I'm not going to deny that having my own sister perform oral sex on me is so fucking fantastic. It's truly something I can't put into words.” As soon as Rarity heard her say that, she quickly turned to face Glitter, wanting to make sure she just heard correctly. "Excuse me but did you just say you had sex, with your own sister? Rarity asked, shocked. Glitter pressed closer to Rarity, their muzzles almost touching each other. A wide smile was in full view on her face. With no hesitation she clarified her question. "Yes. I know it's a very uncomfortable subject, but all of us at the club are more open and understanding than those who would simply judge and condemn, that’s one of the reasons why we go there in the first place. And I don't regret accepting their offer." Rarity backed away standing up. She knew the club was open to kinks but to go as far as supporting incest was something else all together. Even she wouldn't perform such a taboo act on Sweetie Bell, or even think about it. "Whoa you ok there, you're not freaking out on me are you?" Glitter asked, concerned. “Oh. Uh, n-no. I was just feeling shocked and surprised. Um, I'm sorry if it sounds rude to cut our discussion short but I really must continue with my work. I don't think Glory will be too happy to hear I hardly made any progress." Rarity tried to grab the maid outfit from Glitter's desk, but she held Rarity’s hand firmly but gently to assure her. “Hold on, you can't finish it if it's in this condition, just relax and let me fix it, then you can finish it." Rarity reluctantly let go of the outfit. She watched Glitter undid the mess she made, undoing the incorrect stitches and errors she made. It didn't take long for Glitter to finish, and once she did she hands it back to her. “There, all done!” Rarity looked at the outfit, amazed that she was able to undo everything she did. She often forgets she's not the only pony with skills and this is her reminder. “Oh, well thank you very much Glitter.” She says with gratitude. “No problem, Rarity.” Glitter says before she notices how sweaty she is. Glitter wanted to say something about it. Deep down she wanted her to be naked like her not because she was concerned about her getting a heat stroke but she was really curious what she looked like underneath. She's been wondering how her body looks ever since her sister told her about their session at the hotel. "Hey you're sweating a lot. You're gonna stain the outfits with your sweat. Why don't you take your clothes off like the rest of us anyway?" Rarity had to admit, she was in fact hot and sweating like rainfall, but she didn't want another day of spending the time surrounded by naked ponies so soon. Or at least not without her mask and garters to conceal her identity, especially since Glitter here knows who she is. The other workers here might too. "N-no thank you, I'll be fine. I'll just drink some water. You do have water here right?” Glitter was disappointed at her response but knew it was only a matter of time until she gave in. "Yeah, over there.” Glitter pointed to another set of tables on the other side of the room. The water fountain appeared to be in great disrepair and looked like no one had tended to it at all. "Uh that doesn't look very clean or safe darling" Glitter aimed her finger a bit more to the right pointing at the table that had rows of bottles. "That's why they bring water bottles 'darling' ” Glitter said, mocking Rarity. That bit felt a bit insulting but she'll take it as being playful towards her. Putting the dress on the table she heads towards the table where the bottles were. Once there she immediately opened and consumed the entire bottle, allowing some of it to soak her face and coat. She was extremely parched and it felt very refreshing upon drinking it all. But as soon as she was finished the taste of the water felt different. It didn't taste exactly like water, it had a familiar taste but she couldn't put it together. She figured this brand of water was unknown to her and decided to drop it. She returned to her seat and resumed her work. She was halfway done with her progress and needed to haste herself as she wasted enough time. Staring at that stallion and talking with Glitter has taken enough of her time. She put all her focus on her work. As she was just about to finish adding the last details, she felt her own body was once again starting to heat up. It was similar to what she felt yesterday but it was weaker. Her own heart beated a bit faster and her eyes were no longer aimed at the outfit. They were darting at everyone, focusing on their exposed bodies. She kept eyes from meandering but it was a constant struggle to do so. On top of that the exhausting heat is constantly pouring in, and she still had more outfits to create. It was all too much to handle. She could feel her own mind slipping. Thoughts of last night flashed in her mind, being around so many ponies in nothing but her birthday suit. Being pleasured and witnessing such sexual demeaning acts. But she quickly snapped herself out of daydreaming, noticing her hand was hovering on top of her crotch She didn't want to lose herself completely, but at the same time she had to find some way to relieve herself. So in an attempt to stop feeling the unbearable heat, she gave in and followed the others example. She got up, went to the racks and proceeded to remove her clothes. She took hold of the shoulder straps of her dress, and pulled them down until they fell to her ankles. Then, she pulled down and took off her panties as well, putting it into one of the boxes, and hanging her dress on the rack. Now she was completely naked once again, only having her collar on. something she felt it was unnecessary to even keep it on. At first she was so relieved to feel cooler, but then she felt her embarrassment return after her mind was less clouded from the heat, she turned back and checked to see if anyone was staring at her, but to her surprise most of the others there paid her no heed. Only Glitter, who looked and winked at her with approval, gave her nudity any regard. "What is up with that mare? She seems to be obsessed with me following the others' examples. Don't tell me she gets off with me being naked." Rarity returned to her desk and resumed her task, she couldn't let any further distractions halt her anymore. Not the heat, the awkwardness, the naked ponies, or Glitter. Hours passed, Rarity made a couple more maid outfits, each with varying patterns of fabric and exposure spots; she felt that these would really be liked by their commissioners. She did her work well, despite the many temptations going on, the most concerning was that her private parts constantly felt tingly. Her hand would subconsciously try to slip between her legs but she would immediately pull it back. Her eyes would repeatedly take quick glances at the stallions, and even some of the mares, in front of her. Including the couples having sex in the corner. "Celestia damn it this is getting ridiculous! It's bad enough I'm naked again, now I'm dealing with this annoying heat constantly. This is making it too difficult for me to keep on working! Rarity stopped now, after having completed several of those outfits. She’d be done soon, only several more to go. She’s so close, she couldn't let this horniness stop her now… Her mind was snapped to reality when she was surprised by Glitter slamming her hand on the desk, catching Rarity’s attention. “Hey, I can see you’re really struggling ‘darling’. How about you take a quick break before you pass out from exhaustion or the stress from not relieving yourself. Don’t deny it, I know when someone needs to relieve themselves from their urges.” Rarity didn’t want to admit it, but she was right. It couldn't go on like this, her own body was screaming for relief. She decided to ‘take a break’, like Glory and the others suggested. She put down her equipment and the fabrics she was handling. Rarity knew that there was only one way to relieve the lust within her. She stood from the desk and headed to the corner of the building. Even if she has a bit of experience of being naked around others, it doesn't mean she’s a hundred percent comfortable. Not to mention what she’s about to do is very unlady like for her. Once there she looked at the floor, it was stained by Celestia knows what, but fortunately there was a sofa for her to sit on. She then sat down and proceeded to do the deed. Her eyes closed, now letting go of her restraints, she placed her hand between her legs and she began to finger herself. She rubbed her pussy slowly using her fingers in circular motion, stroking herself at an increased pace. She proceeded to use her finger to massage her clitoris once it got wet. “Oh. Ah, a-aaah…” She moaned, not just due to her feelings of pleasure, but also finally being able to give in and let go. She could finally focus on nothing else and give herself the pleasure she desired. Her moans increased in pitch and volume as her fingers began to slip inside her, between her pussy lips. She began working herself up to an orgasm, her legs quivering and her heart beating like she’s running a marathon, she was definitely close. “Oh my, i can’t believe i’m doing this, but it feels so fucking incredible! So much….” Before she got to finish, the arrival of two ponies got her out of her ecstasy high. A large stallion and a mare who was petite like Rarity also got on the couch. The couple almost immediately got right to it with each other. The stallion sat on the couch first, lap, while the mare sat on his lap. Like a pair of horny teens they both made out right away with no hesitation or even concern that there was already someone occupying the couch. The stallion brought his cock to her entrance before sitting back down, impaling herself on his dick. As she moaned in pleasure while bouncing on his dick. “Holy fuck your cock is big sir! fuck my cunt and remind me what a slut I am!” Rarity watched the two and was unsure what to do. She thought she should just leave and let the two continue in private, but something inside her wouldn’t let her. she continued to stare while she continued to rub herself. This was bizarre for her, to find it arousing to watch another couple fornicate right in front of her. she should have been very unnerved to be sitting right next to others having sex, and ashamed to be aroused at the sights and sounds of it. Yet here she was, watching the two fuck, thinking it was her in that mare’s place, getting penetrated by his cock. "I'm in the mood to pound that tight cunt of yours bitch. Lets try my favorite position" The stallion lifted the mare up by her hips, got up and turned her around, laying her back down on the cushions. spreading her legs wide apart that her private were in full view, and began to rut her brains out as he drilled into her like a dog in heat. “Ahhh! Hah…ah! Harder sir! my cunt is yours to fuck!” Watching this reminded Rarity about her sexual experiences from last night. The stallion she first met at the club, fucking her on the bar’s countertop in the same position as them. She recalled how exhilarating it felt. To derive such pleasure from indulging in such forbidden fruit, to engage her carnal desires like that. While she regaled herself with the previous night’s experiences, she began involuntarily fingering her pussy again, this time with even more gusto and lust than before. She could feel the intense vibrations coursing through her body once again, only the vibrations were more intense. Her eyes focused on the stallion’s sack swinging during each thrust he inflicted on the mare. “Please sir, empty your seed into my womb! Claim my body as yours!!!” She screamed, lost in her world of pleasure. The stallion was no longer holding back. his speed was increased and it appeared he was rutting her with brute force. His hand gripping her mane, pulling it hard, he gave one last push as he unloaded his sperm into her cunt. The feeling of warm cum flooding her insides pushing her to the brink, as she then also climaxed, spraying her juices over his crotch and onto the cushions. Rarity covered her mouth, shutting her eyes tightly as she experienced her own orgasm. She was exhausted but was relieved at last, and felt some satisfaction. Now that she was finally relieved and satisfied, Rarity decided to get back up to continue the remaining outfits she had yet to do. But first she was taking a few minutes to recover and enjoy her afterglow. The stallion got up, giving the mare a firm slap on her ass as she stood up, making her squeak then giggle, giving her ass a little shake. “I hope I was enough to satisfy you, sir.” The stallion didn’t give her an answer saying that he was satisfied, rather something else that Rarity saw as rude. “Get back to work Fru Fru. Those wonderslut uniforms aren’t going to sew themselves.” Wait, Fru Fru? That’s who Glory said was his assistant. Rarity realized. She saw Fru Fru get up as well, not even cleaning off the sticky mess left on her crotch despite the presence of towels, or even expressing any sign of disgust from the cum or his remark. Rarity thought she should speak to her to see if she needed some comfort. “Ms. Delight as you ok? I thought I should see if you were ok, since he well…was a bit rude towards you. Honestly, he should have at least shown some gratitude.” “I appreciate your concern but I'm fine. If you're done with your break you should return to your work desk. You’re not getting paid to stand around and conversate with others.” Fru Fru told her. Just like that she departed from Rarity’s view and left the working hall. Rarity didn’t know how to feel. She witnessed Fru Fru getting used then tossed like some toy. just like she was treated last night after by that stallion she met at the bar. She thought she should say something but perhaps another time. She walked back to her desk and resumed her work again. “So how was your break ‘darling’? Glitter whispered into Rarity’s ear. She had snuck up behind her and placed her hands on Rarity’s shoulders. Which startled her, causing her to jump a little in her seat. “Goodness, you don't sneak up on someone like that!” Glitter laughing at Rarity’s response. She sat back down on her chair, laying her head on her hand while looking at Rarity. “Calm down, what’s the matter, you did something you don’t want others to know? What were you doing in the corner? Giving one of the guys a blow job, or maybe was it a titfuck? Tell me everything already!” “Uhhh…Well…” She was reluctant to reveal what she did and saw. But it didn't seem Glitter was going to let it go. "I witnessed Fru Fru and some other stallion having intercourse and…I masturbated to it…" She blushed in shame, expecting Glitter to give her a slut-shaming remark. But she didn’t. “Wow, so it was that good was it~? Did it make you feel good? Did you wish it became a threesome?" Now that last question left her too embarrassed to even reply. "No…of course not. I had no interest in servicing two at a time." But deep down she agreed with it all. She just silently nodded weakly before grabbing her equipment and resuming her work. After a few hours, Rarity finally finished a few more outfits and now she had done enough. Then Glory entered the room, walking to each of his employees and seeing the work they've done. Rarity saw as he inspected simply only looking, not saying anything besides giving a simple nod. Rarity thought it was odd that Glory wasn't giving out his thoughts or even a little bit of criticism. It almost appeared he really didn't care about the quality of the outfit. When it was Rarity's turn Glory inspected her outfits thoroughly unlike the others he saw. Rarity only stood there idly as he looked through her work. She felt chills despite the heat still being an issue. “Hmm…Not bad, good quality work, but seems to be a simple looking design. I thought you would have picked the more explicit options" Glory putting the outfit back on the table. Rarity wanted to give out her reasoning before he made any more assumptions. "Well I noticed a lack of those certain types of outfits, so I thought I would put my focus on those before working on the more popular ones. Certainly there are plenty with this particular maid fetish…" Glory looked back at Rarity, she was concerned what his response was going to be. “Hmm, true I guess. It’s a job well done nonetheless. You’re not wrong, but I have a feeling you’ll be making more exotic outfits sooner or later.” Glory smirked. it felt unnerving but she brushed it off. “Anyways; everyone, you may all leave now that your work is done for the day. Except you Rarity. We should talk in my office.” “He knows my name as well. I wonder how many of these ponies recognize me” Glory simply walked away heading towards the exit along with others who followed after having put their clothes on. Rarity stood there stunned for a moment. She went to the racks, putting her clothes on before following him to his office. She wondered what exactly he wanted to discuss. Was he not impressed, did he have something to say he didn't want others to hear? Once there he shut the door behind them and sat in his office chair, while Rarity sat in the other chair across his desk. Glory placed his elbows on the desk, staring directly at Rarity. She was now even more concerned and worried. What did she do to get on his bad side? “Um sir, is there something wrong you wanted to discuss?” “There is. Why did you agree to work with me, Rarity?” She was confused by his question. He did offer her a job and she accepted it with pride. “Uh, because…I was looking for an opportunity to expand my career amongst the elite, and my friend Fleur invited me to the club last night and she said I could find someone who could help me there. And then she introduced me to you.” Glory leaned back at his chair. “Then why don’t you seem so excited working here?” Rarity cocked her head a bit. “Pardon?” “I've seen how hesitant you are, how uncomfortable being around my workers is for you. Working in this environment. So tell me, what’s your problem?” Glory asked her. “N-nothing sir. there isn't a problem at all.” Glory leaned forward towards Rarity. “Don’t lie to me, young lady. I know something is bothering you.” Rarity sighed and began to confess her concerns. “W-well, it’s just that I’m not used to most of the things that go on here and at the club. I often feel the need to be very modest, and I’m not as open, or uh, ‘rambunctious’ as the other members. Being naked and performing lewd acts around others is something that I’m not exactly comfortable with, most of the time. And working on my tasks in my birthday suit seems unnecessary as well." "Haven't you noticed how happy and relaxed everypony is working without any clothing? How much progress they're making, while still being able to be their true selves and pleasuring each other?" Rarity did notice that from the others, but even so she's been able to work on dresses with her clothes on or without taking sexual breaks. "Well yes, I'll admit it that they seem happier, but even so do you really expect to see a lot of outfits or progress with this many distractions?” “You call it distractions, but others say that they’re inspirations for their creations, things to keep the designers in the right mood, or ways to relieve some of the built up pressure. Don't deny it Ms, with so many clients, so many hours you're sacrificing don't you think you need some relief? How often do you even think about sex, or even have any? You must have so much pent up lust and cravings don't you? Especially after working on all these outfits." Rarity wanted to say something in response but she couldn't. She couldn't find the right words to counter his sentence. "I need you to really think about this, Rarity. Do you think you are capable of working with us, or even being a part of the club if you keep being reluctant around us?" Rarity was silent, but she had to answer before he made the decision for her. she thought about what he said then looked at him ready to give her answer. "Sir, y-you’re right, I do need to change my attitude here, and I believe that I can be one of you. I can be a part of the club and I can keep working with all of you.” Rarity assured and convinced both him and herself at the same time. “Good, then in that case, goodbye for now.” “Wait, do I come back tomorrow or how does this work? And what about helping me with my shop? That's one of the reasons why I'm here.” Rarity said. “Well, you’ll have to wait and see if the clients like your work, and if they do, my assistant Fru Fru will reach out to contact you and she’ll recommend you and your skills to other designers as well. Speaking of my assistant, I heard from a little bird that you enjoyed the show she put up.” He said, smirking with his eyebrows. Rarity wanted to hide her face as it was bright red again, but felt it was pointless. She really needs to be used to this by now. “Well it was a lovely show between two lovers expressing how they feel about each other.” Rarity said, trying to avoid further discussion about her masturbation session. though Glory chuckled at her response. “There’s no love between those two. My wife tends to spread her legs to just anyone who demands her.” Rarity was shocked to hear what he said just now. His wife, she was sleeping with someone and he’s not enraged? “I'm sorry, can you repeat that? Did you say Fru Fru is your wife? a-and you’re ok that she just had sex with one of your employees?” She said, with concern. Glory simply smiled, opening his drawer, pulling out a bottle and pouring some liquid into a glass. “What can I say, my wife really loves the attention, and cocks.” Glory sips on his glass, while Rarity was trying to comprehend what she just heard. This club, these people, performing so many acts of taboo. She thought about simply deeming them as deviant and sex-addicted, but then realized that she needed to change her thinking towards them and their fetishes because they are still the ones who could help her career. Not to mention I guess I like how it feels for me too and- “You’re still here? Do you want something Rarity?” She quickly shakes her head. “oh no sorry. my head was in the clouds. I'll get out of your mane now.” Rarity getting up, quickly heading to the exit. but before she turned the knob she looked back at Glory to say one more thing. “Oh dear I forgot, I never did give you my address, darling.” “That’s not necessary, my dear. Your friend Fleur told me where you live and work.” “Oh, I see. well then i bid you farewell Mr Whole. with that Rarity exits his office, walking out the shop. she felt a feeling of relief, tensions now subdued. “Now that I know what to expect I should head home now. Those dresses aren’t going to sew themselves” She spots a cab passing by and hails for one. The stallion stops and waits for her to board his carriage. “To the Manefaire hotel please darling.” With a nod he steers her back to the hotel. from the top window of the building Glory watched as Rarity departed from his sight. still drinking from his glass as he heard the door opening. with a slight turn of his head he saw it was Fru Fru entering. she slowly walked towards him not to cause an annoyance as she stood by her husband. “Did she meet your standards husband?” Glory stared through his window not even looking at his wife. “Hardly. I can't believe they sent me this one. She definitely is useful but her reluctance is an issue that needs to be solved.” Rarity’s taxi arrived back at the hotel as the sun set, she paid the fee and exited the carriage. She went to her room, and after seeing what a mess she is, she proceeded to take a shower to wash off the smell and sweat off her. After taking her shower, she felt her stomach grumbling and quite hungry. She knew the trip back home was going to be long so she needed to eat something before leaving. She looked at the clock and saw she had some time before the train would arrive. She took her things and left her room. She went down to the hotel restaurant to get something to eat before she departed back to Ponyville, and this time customers were to be served their meal. After placing her order, she sat in her seat waiting for her meal to be delivered. While she waited Rarity thought about these past two days. The invitation to a secret fetish club surrounded by ponies who play out their deepest and dark desires, then is offered to work at some discreet shop crafting lingerie and sex outfits instead of dresses she’s more comfortable with. all this in a span of two days. She's been thrusted into crazy adventures, but this feels different. Was this all necessary to achieve her goals? Something about this was very suspicious, but her thoughts would get interrupted by a familiar pony joining her at her table. Her friend Fleur sat down next to her and warmly greeted her friend. "Hello dear. How was work today? I do hope it wasn't too bizarre or erotic, for you~" Fleur speaking in a sultry tone. Rarity looked at her with an unamused look. She knew exactly what was going to happen and she said nothing to her. Fleur never told Rarity that she’d be making those kinds of dresses, along with the employees she’d be working with in hot & sexual conditions. “Well, a little heads up would have been much appreciated. You knew what was going to happen when I accepted Glory's offer. Did you know what goes on in his workplace?" She asked. “Why yes indeed. I knew it’d be a bit unorthodox for you, so that’s why I let you enjoy the club last night first. So you’d be a bit more used to his demands and the conditions there before you started.” Fleur explained. Rarity felt that she wanted to speak her mind about these bottled up feelings. She had to speak out about what she saw and felt. "Fleur I understand you and Fancy have your 'needs' but all this, just so I can expand my shop just seems rather unnecessary. You're introducing me to things I’m not sure I can fully accept. While it’s true that I e-enjoy some of the things I experienced last night. I've met a few more members who cross taboo lines. This mare has incestuous feelings towards her own sister, and Glory allows his own wife to have sexual relationships with other men. Are there no lines these ponies won't cross?" Fleur didn't answer right away. Picking up her fork to start eating her meal before answering her. “Rarity dear, I thought you’d understand by now. We all have our own hidden desires, secret fetishes, and fantasies So that’s why the members of the club come to explore and find out their fetishes and be able to live them out.” Fleur said. "Yes I understand we all have our fantasies Fleur, but are you telling me that you're not even the least bit put off by what some of the members do?" Rarity asked. "Rarity you saw me punish mares and worship the males in the club. I think it's clear I'm in no position to judge. And neither should you, all of us were invited to join because we’re supposed to have an open mind. Because we needed a place to relieve our daily pent up stress. You may not have recognised them, but many prominent and important mares from all over Equestria, even Canterlot. Many more than just me and Fancy. Very important ponies who spend their days making very important decisions, ordering other ponies around, and generally living very stressful lives.” Fleur leaning back on her chair. “Sometimes they need an outlet, to let off steam. To let somepony else take control of the reins, and take charge for a change. Here they can fulfill their sexual fantasies while doing so. What mare wouldn’t like a strong, confident and powerful stallion as her partner?” Fleur continued. Rarity didn’t have an answer. She was running her own boutique, not an enormous company operating all throughout Equestria. And besides, she herself still secretly dreamed for a handsome, influential stallion to sweep her off her hooves and grant her a place amongst the elite of Equestria. “Granted, not every mare enjoys plain old vanilla love, others like to make things more interesting, to enjoy themselves differently. Here, at the club, we can make it all a reality. Besides, haven't you ever wished that you could just act out your desires? Do what you wish and enjoy yourself without judgment from others. Don’t you have a fantasy Rarity?” Rarity hasn't really considered having one, but after her time at the club, her mind did form some thoughts. Her ‘session’ with Dazzle, and today at the workshop, watching those ponies making out and fucking each other. Perhaps she has one but hasn't had the time to properly think of one. She took a deep breath, blushed, and looked at Fleur. "Ok, I'll admit perhaps I do have one, but I’m not completely sure. Maybe I like to experience pleasure from a male who takes charge. Maybe I like when a mare pleasures me, or when I pleasure her too. Maybe I like to watch a couple make love to each other while touching myself." Rarity felt a hit of shame confessing to Fleur. As for Fleur, she smirked at her. "That's a lot of maybes. A lot of fantasies. Luckily for you I’d be more than willing to help. But first there’s something important we have to discuss. It’s about the club.” Fleur stated. “What about it, Fleur? Did something happen? Or is something the matter?” Rarity asked. “No no not at all.” Fleur said. “It’s just that we have a vision and plans to expand our membership and improve our gatherings.” Rarity was thinking she probably wanted her to do the same and bring in her friends. Though she’s unsure if any of them will even accept her invitation once she tells them what happens in this fetish club, especially Fluttershy. “Well if you want me to invite my friends I…could ask them, but i’m not sure if-” “Oh no that’s not what I meant Rarity” Fleur said, cutting her off. “I mean we do need more members but we have a specific pony in mind: Princess Cadance.” Fleur said. Rarity’s jaw nearly dropped, she was suggesting inviting an alicorn princess to join their secret, sexualised club? She was sure that a princess would never accept and attend, to no doubt perform lewd sexual acts to strangers. The damage to their reputations would be immense. “F-fleur, erm I must ask, w-why her? A-and why in the world would she even accept in the first place?” Rarity stammered, slightly shocked. “Well for one, she represents love, and we believe she could help improve the club by influencing love. Secondly, we want to have our gatherings at the Crystal Empire as well, and she could help us find a suitable venue. The empire and its ponies are beautiful, and her servants and guard mares could wear some specialized outfits we have made for them. Thirdly, perhaps she would enjoy taking part, maybe even with her husband. Being a princess of an entire empire must be extremely exhausting, surely even a princess needs a way to relieve herself. With her husband being a busy prince, and leader of the army, I don't think the two of them could be enough to relieve each other’s stress; they probably don't have enough time anyways.” “And you think you can convince them to attend the club? how do you plan on doing that?” Rarity asked. Fleur looked at her with a smile, swirling the liquid in her glass. “That's where you come in. You have connections, Rarity. You know Cadance, you've been to her castle so you know her well enough for her to trust you. You can ‘convince’ her that the things we do here aren't as bad as some may think, at first. And that it’s ok to shed your modesty and explore your sexual fantasies with others. Plus, what she does will be kept secret.” Rarity was at a loss of words. Sure, she has a good relationship with Cadance but she’s the definition of a proper civilized lady. She is a princess of Equestria, it would be far too unbecoming and unprofessional for her to come to the club, get naked in front of strangers, wear a collar, and have sex with stallions that aren’t her husband. There was no way she could convince her. Unless maybe she brings in Fleur with her. So far, her way of words have a way of convincing others, herself included. Just as Rarity was about to suggest so, Fleur said, “I’d actually like to come with you, Rarity. I’d like to visit and explore the castle while you speak to her. Or, if you’d prefer, I could also introduce her to the club with you, we could both try to explain and convince her to join and take part.” Did she just read my mind? “Oh, in that case, maybe we could try and talk to her next time when we visit the Crystal Empire, but I don't know for sure if this will persuade her. If we can persuade her.” “We could try at least. It doesn’t hurt to try. How does…tomorrow in the afternoon sound like?” Fleur asked Rarity. “Tomorrow, so soon? Mmm ok. Tonight I’ll be returning to my home in ponyville, and I’ll finish up my other dresses and outfits, tomorrow I could meet up with you and take the train to the empire.” "Splendid. I do look forward to our little trip. Fleur speaking in a cheery tone. Then they both continued to finish their meal together. "Just promise me this won't be a weird sex trip along the way. I like to keep this as normal as possible." Fleur gave a small giggle as she avoided eye contact. "No promises darling." After they were done, the two of them took a taxi and departed to the train station. Rarity a good last look at the magnificent city. It's been an odd couple of days, but the views help ease her mind. Once they arrived, Fleur bought a ticket for Rarity despite telling her she could pay it herself. Fleur insisted and wouldn't take no for an answer. Seeing no point in arguing she took the ticket, then got on the train just in time before it left the station. She was able to find an empty seat with no one around. She felt fortunate she found one. She wanted to be alone, not to be around anyone. All she wanted was to return home, and focus on finishing those dresses…Or maybe go to bed soon. Hours pass and the train has reached its destination. Rarity immediately got off and saw the night sky. It was very late and she realized that she was too tired to work on anything. She walked back to her boutique without trouble since most were already asleep. Rarity entered her place, letting her purse fall on the floor as she trotted to her room too tired to even care. Though she made sure she was quiet enough to not wake up her sister from her slumber. Entering her room she walked to her bed and fell on it, not changing into her pajamas. Within seconds, she passed out with the moonlight shining through her window. Fleur returned to the mansion with joy on her face. She was too eager to tell Avaar the news of their progress. Upon arriving, she put on her collar, paid for the fare to the stallion and walked to the entrance of the old mansion. She was greeted by the door man, and was allowed to enter. She headed down to the changing room and stripped herself, putting on her mask and garters. Then she entered the main hall where the other ponies were already indulging themselves. She wanted to join the group but she had to put aside her urges to deliver the news to Avaar. She kept her head down only looking at the floor until she reached the stairs leading up to Avaar's study. She saw him by his desk occupied by whatever was on his desk. She gently trotted towards him then kneeled next to him, keeping her head bowed before she spoked. “Master, I'm happy to tell you your plan is going very well. I was able to convince Rarity to attend the crystal empire with me. She doesn’t know what the real plan is.” Fleur looked up to see if Avaar would be happy to hear the news, but he paid no attention to what she said. He continued to focus on a set of pages laid upon his desk. Fleur wondered why he hadn't responded to her and wanted to ask, but she knew it would annoy him. He always got mad at her when she spoke without reason. She could face a cruel punishment like last time when she angered him. It was by her owner Fancy she was spared further cruelty. All she could do was to remain still and wait like was trained to. She hoped he would say something to assure her that she did an adequate job that met his satisfaction. Like a dog she sat still not moving nor making a single sound. Avaar pulled himself from his desk, facing Fleur for a brief moment just enough for her to see his emotionless face showing his usual uninterested mood. She had hoped she had at least lightened up his mood but it seems she has failed to do so. She kept her head bowed as he walked past her, walking to the end of the room where the cabinets are. She saw him opening them, browsing each bottle until she saw him pull out a bottle of Essence. Fleur assumed he wanted to make her horny and was eager to consume some if it met servicing him all night. She felt a hint of excitement as he slowly approached her with the bottle in his hand, her heart beating at a fast pace, her own pussy tingling as he stood in front of her. Fleur bowed to him and awaited his command. “You proved yourself you can handle a simple task mare, but this next one should be very simple as well. Even with your low intelligence you should be capable of finishing this one with ease.” Fleur looked up towards her superior showing how eager she is for whatever task he bestowed to her. She wanted nothing more but to prove her loyalty to him. “What is my task, master?” “When you meet the princess you must hand her this bottle of improved Essence. Her and ONLY her may be allowed to drink it. I used a rare ingredient to make the effects last longer than the ones I provided and I cannot make any more of these.” Avaar handed her the bottle to which she carefully grasped it, holding it close to her bare chest, giving a simple nod to him to show she understood. “And take this tool with you as well. It’s enchanted so it should be capable of cutting a sample of even the strongest of metals so you’ll have no issue getting me a piece of this Crystal Heart. All you have to do is to press the end on the Heart and slide it off.” Avaar proceeded to hand it to her as Fleur grasped it in her hand, but Avaar’s grip was strong. He looked directly at Fleur’s eyes showing how serious he is. “I expect you to come back with news of success on your mission, mare. you know the consequences of failure.” Avaar let go of the tool, letting Fleur have it. She looked at the object. It was completely metal, including the handle with runic symbols she couldn’t decipher, the tip had a round base, and the end had two sharp blades that bent sideways towards each other. It was definitely not a tool she had ever seen before, but didn’t dare ask Avaar. She only said the words he wanted to hear from her. “Yes, Master.” “Good, now you are excused, mare. For your reward, you can go back and have fun with the others in the main hall. Leave the bottle and the tool, over on the table over there” He stated, pointing to the small table on the other side of the room. “Yes, Master. Thank you, Master.” Fleur then stood up, headed towards the table, and placed the bottle and the tool down, and headed out the door. She may not have had her chance to get penetrated by Avaar's glorious cock but she'll get plenty of that from the members, that's for sure. And soon, she’ll help her masters’ plan, alongside her unwitting friend. Oh, she almost couldn’t wait for the time when the Princess of Love comes to their side. Come tomorrow, the next phase of their plan will come to fruition as the seeds of corruption are planted… > The plan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity buried herself deep into her bedsheets, attempting to hide from the sun's blazing light shining through her window, letting her know morning had arrived. Rarity was still exhausted from these past couple of days. Meeting many ponies and somehow coerced into sexual situations. Not that she could complain. She'll admit it's the most fun she had in years, but still, she had to recover from it all. Especially today. Because she spent two days in Manehattan, she had to make up the lost time she spent finishing some of the orders she had yet to finish. Fortunately for her, it wasn't a huge load, but the sooner she got done, the better. Especially since, yet again she's invited to another trip with Fleur to visit Princess Cadence. She wonders why Fleur thinks they could succeed in convincing a princess to attend such lewd sexual events as this. Not wanting to waste any more time, she had to force herself to get up. She yawned and stretched out her arms, feeling a slight crack from her back. She felt vigorous from that. As Rarity got off her bed, she heard a light knock on her door. "Rarity, you up yet? I made us breakfast." Sweetie Bell asked her big sister. "Give me a moment Sweetie Belle. I'll be down soon. I just need to get myself all tidied up and dressed.” She said sleepily. Rarity mustered the will to head to the bathroom to wash her face and comb her hair. It was a mess despite getting her full night of rest in her own bed. After that, she used her magic to slowly remove the pajamas she had on. It'd been a few days since she slept in actual sleepwear. She opened her closet and put on her usual style of attire. Once she was satisfied with what she was wearing, she exited her room, heading downstairs to join her sister. As Rarity arrived in the kitchen, she was met with a huge disaster before her eyes. Dirty dishes and spilled ingredients were spread all across the kitchen counter, and Sweetie Belle sat on her chair with a plate of pancakes, smiling at Rarity, acting innocent. "Morning sis. Hope you're hungry heh…heh…" She laughed a little heartily. Rarity was annoyed that yet again, her little sister was still making messes when it came to baking even the simplest of meals. She took a deep breath, calming herself as it was too early to argue. She sat down and grabbed the utensils, and began to eat her pancakes. When she ate her sister’s self-cooked meal, she was quite impressed that it actually tasted good. “This meal is quite marvelous, Sweetie Belle. It isn’t half-bad. How did you learn how to cook pancakes this well?” Rarity asked, after downing the first mouthful. “Well…I’ve been practicing my other talents with Pinkie and Applejack. I wanted them to teach me how to make a great meal for my big sister.” Sweetie said. Rarity was rather impressed by this but somewhat put off by the mess her sister made in the process. “Why thank you dearie, but…” “But what?” She asked. “Did you really have to make such a huge mess in the kitchen while you were cooking? I mean, I don’t think you need so many dishes or ingredients to make pancakes. And I’m not sure if I wish to know why all those dirty dishes are in the sink and on the counter and why so many kitchen supplies are spilled all over the place.” Rarity didn't mean to be harsh and criticize her work, but she had a tight schedule and didn't have time to clean up her mess, again. "I-I'm sorry Rarity...I, uh, messed up a few times trying to get it right,” Sweetie said. “I tried to make different dishes, but they didn't turn out right. I went back and forth all over the place, grabbing multiple different things, and one thing led to another... Eventually, I settled on making pancakes.” Sweetie Belle chuckled nervously, hoping to avoid further discussion on the topic. Rarity could tell though. She knew her sister wanted to avoid the mess she had made. She placed her utensils down and looked at her sister. "Sweetie Belle, I have very important matters I have to take care of. While I appreciate your good intentions in making me breakfast, I won't let this happen again. When you're done eating, you will clean up this mess.” Sweetie Belle groaned out loud and childishly. "But Rarity, I'm supposed to meet Scootaloo and Applebloom for a meeting of the Crusaders.” She told her. “Well, the sooner you finish cleaning, the sooner you can meet with them.” Rarity stated. “You're not a foal anymore, you’re a big filly now, and if you make a mess, you are the one who has to clean it up.” “Sigh, alright Rarity. I’ll clean up the mess in the kitchen.” Sweetie responded with a tone of annoyance. “Good, thank you.” Rarity replied. The two resumed eating their meals in silence, Rarity being lost in her thoughts thinking about her work and her future tasks until she was brought back by Sweetie Bell. “Hey Rarity, where have you been anyway? You were gone for two days and I haven't heard anything from your friends.” Sweetie asked. Rarity couldn't tell her what she did. She's not old enough to know these sorts of things. Still, she knew Sweetie would keep asking the same question like a broken record, so she told what she could, without revealing the whole truth. “A couple of my old friends from Manehattan visited and invited me for a special event in the city. We had a good time visiting certain places,” Rarity told only half the truth to Sweetie. "Oooh! Manehattan. I want to go with you and your friends and see the special places you-” “No!” Rarity shouted as she slammed her utensils on the table, cutting off her sister’s sentence. Sweetie froze in place, unsure why Rarity shouted at her. “Did I say s-something wrong, R-Rarity?” Sweetie reluctantly asked. Rarity eased herself and replied as soon as she calmed herself. “I'm sorry Sweetie Belle. I didn't mean to shout at you like that. It's just that I don't think you should join us. This is something I couldn't involve you with.” “Oh OK then…” Sweetie felt a little heartbroken hearing her own sister not interested in bringing her along to the city. Rarity quickly thought of something to cheer her up. “But when I'm free, you and I can go anywhere you want, Sweetie. Just the two of us.” “Really Rarity?” Sweetie asked. Rarity smiled at her. “I promise” After finishing up their meal, Sweetie immediately got started on cleaning up the kitchen, while Rarity returned to her workstation for a couple of last-minute checks and adjustments on the outfits she’d been working on. Upon returning, she sees her station is a bit of a mess as well. Making Rarity feel like a hypocrite after she reprimanded Sweetie Belle. Well as long as Sweetie Bell doesn't see this, I'll be fine. She thought to herself. She proceeded to get to work, trying to finish as much as she could before sunset. Hours passed, and Rarity managed to complete all her orders with plenty of time to spare. Rarity took a deep breath, put her tools down and stood back, admiring her hard work. She looked at her clock and saw she had plenty of time left before meeting with Fleur. Rarity thought about taking some time to relax. Celestia knows she deserves it. "I suppose I could rest a bit. Stress is never good for the body." She fell backward on her squishy sofa, stretching every limb relieving all the tension stored inside. She stared at the ceiling, her mind playing back the moments she witnessed these past couple of days. Secret sex clubs and workstations. It seems that only yesterday her life was simple and mundane, save for the times she and her friends had to save Equestria from certain doom. The only things that were exciting were her adventures with her friends. Apart from that, her life seemed rather plain by comparison. Now, she’s part of a secret sex club; knows that so many of Equestria’s successful, and famous ponies take part in such things. Rarity was now also making outfits for such purposes, her talent, her life calling was now linked to all that. I suppose it's not all bad, I did enjoy much of it. It felt exciting; thrilling, to try out all these fetishes, all this forbidden fruit. Now that she thought about it, after having been exposed to so much ecstasy and sexual tension over those few days, she felt like she wanted to try it again sometime soon. But first, she has to handle the task of convincing the Princess of Love to join this club. She wonders how exactly she plans on succeeding. Maybe Fleur had something in mind that would help pique her interest… Oh wait a minute, perhaps I should ask Twilight. After all, she's known Cadence her entire life, she’s bound to know more about her than anyone else I know here in Ponyville. Rarity needed to have a word with Twilight about how she could convince Cadance to join. She left her room heading downstairs. Before she got to the door, she remembered about her sister and needed to check up on her before she headed out. "Sweetie Belle, are you finished with your chores?" She checked the kitchen and saw it was clean and spotless. It definitely put a smile on Rarity’s face. She'll be honest, she expected the kitchen to be in a further state of disrepair and Sweetie Belle fooling around. Rarity is glad she was wrong. She looked around and wasn't able to locate her sister anywhere. "Sweetie must have left. I wish she told me she departed to visit her friends. But then again, it has been hours since breakfast…" She said before she left to go find Twilight. Arriving at the treehouse library, Rarity knocked on the door. “Yoohoo, Twilight! Are you home?” Rarity waited to see if either Twilight or Spike answered the door. It didn't take long for someone to get to the door. "Hey Rarity, what's up?" The little purple dragon asked, his head peeking out the door. Rarity responded with a smile, always happy to see her Spikey-wikey. "Hello there Spike. Is Twilight here? I need to speak to her." "She's upstairs, reading some book like always," Spike responded. "I'll try not to take too long. I know how much she loves reading her books. Oh, and I have a surprise for you Spike" Rarity searched through her purse and pulled out a small green gemstone, handing it to Spike. He gladly started to snack on it right away. Chomp! Chomp! “Mmm, yummy, thanks Rarity!” Spike said, enjoying his treat. Rarity then headed upstairs to her room, where she spotted Twilight sitting on her bed, absorbed in the book she was reading. “Hello, Twilight dear!” Rarity warmly greeted her friend. Twilight looked away from her book, facing toward Rarity’s direction. Twilight was always happy to see her favorite fashion pony, and one of her best “Hi Rarity! How nice it is to see you.” Twilight responded in a delightful way. She rose from her bed, and walked over to give her friend a warm hug. “I’ve just been reading about alicorn culture. Now that I'm a princess I have to start knowing more about what it's like to be an alicorn. I would ask Princess Celestia but you know how she is, always occupied with her royal duties.” “I understand, we all have duties and responsibilities of our own,” Rarity responded. “Speaking of responsibilities, how's it going at the boutique? Gotten any new orders this season?” Twilight asked her. Concerned for her well-being. "Yes, it's been time-consuming trying to produce all the dresses and outfits before the deadline ends,” Rarity stated. “That must be really stressful, It must be hard to find something to help relieve all that stress,” Twilight responded. already ahead of you Twilight, Rarity thought in her mind “Well, I’d been thinking about that a few days ago, and that’s actually sort of, related to, what I wanted to talk to you about…” She told her. “Oh really? Then come on in and tell me about it.” Twilight gestured for them to sit on her bed. Rarity was very reluctant to reveal to Twilight how she attended this secret sex club, and to ask her friend about how to convince her sister-in-law to join, she tried to think of the right words to say without receiving judgment, or without Twilight fully realizing what she was talking about. “So, err… A couple of days ago, in the evening after I was done with my latest workload, Fleur and Fancypants came to visit me. We spoke for a while when they noticed how stressed I was, and during our conversation, they revealed to me they attend this "private club" made for only a specific type of criteria of ponies, mainly Equestria’s finest but more importantly, those who are open-minded. I can't say too much due to the outermost secrecy, only that I went with them that day and I enjoyed myself there that night. It really helped relieve me of my stress. But the next day, Fleur spoke to me and she said that the members would like to see if I could ask Princess Cadance if she’d like to become a member. Fleur said she’d be a fit there, and she would like it. But since I’m closer to her than any of them, as an Element and her sister-in-law’s friend, I’d have better luck trying to invite her.” Rarity explained. Twilight was taken aback by all this. “I see. That's very interesting. So why are you telling me all this?” She asked her. “W-well, because I’d like to ask you about her, Twilight. I don’t know her all that well, and I wanted to ask you how could I convince her to join?” “Perhaps you should just point out that the club offers ways to relieve tension and stress, and that it offers total confidentiality,” Twilight suggested. “Ah yes, I also forgot to mention that it offered anonymity as well. When I was there we wore masks and… other things to help conceal our identities.” Rarity added. “Well…For that, that might help ease her concerns, but as an alicorn princess, she’d be easily recognizable, even with masks and ‘other things’ to disguise her.” Rarity hadn't realized that. A mask wouldn’t be enough to hide her identity. There aren't that many ponies with both wings and horns, and the rest of her appearance; her mane and tail color and pattern. She’ll have to ask Fleur about that. "Well perhaps I could make an outfit to disguise her appearance so she isn't easily recognizable, but as I stated earlier, this club takes confidentiality very seriously. I don't believe Fleur and the others will reveal sensitive information to anyone. maybe she has a solution in mind that would allow her to remain anonymous?” Rarity stated. “If you say so,” Twilight said. “So are you going to meet Cadance with Fleur? I should have Spike send a letter alerting her of your arrival.” “Oh right, yes. I should be going to meet her at the train station soon. But I think we could make this a surprise visit.” Rarity said, getting up and preparing to go. “Thank you for the advice darling, if she accepts, I hope your sister-in-law will have a good time as I did.” Rarity told her. “Good luck, Rarity. Tell Cadence and Shining I said hello.” Twilight told her. With everything Rarity needed, she headed for the exit but was interrupted by Spike obstructing her path, still munching on the gem she had given him earlier. She couldn’t leave just yet, not without saying goodbye to her favorite purple dragon. "Oh Spike you startled me. I see you're enjoying the gem very much." Just as she finished her sentence, Spike swallowed the entire gem, smacking his lips and sucking the traces of the object from his fingers. “Mmhmm, oh yeah it was delicious! thank you so much Rarity” Spike said. “I’m glad you like it. anyhoo I’m heading off now, but I wanted to say goodbye to my dear Spikey-wikey first.” Rarity stated, booping the tip of his nose. “See you next time around!” “Goodbye Rarity!” He waved at Rarity as she went out the door. putting his claw on his cheek blushing. "Some day you will be mine Rarity~" With the advice she acquired, Rarity could now meet with Fleur and depart to the Crystal Empire. But there were things she needed to take care of first. She returned to the boutique to see if Sweetie Bell had returned from her meeting with the Crusaders. "Sweetie Bell dear, are you home?" Rarity called out, the only answer she received was silence. “Hmm? Nobody home? She must be out all day with her friends.” Her sister doesn't know about Rarity's meeting with Fleur and Cadence at the Crystal Empire. She couldn't leave without saying anything again, but couldn't wait for her to return. All she could do was leave a note on the table telling her she'd be back in a day or two and not to burn down the boutique while she was away. "Sorry to leave without telling you in person, Sweetie Bell, but I have important business with a friend in the Crystal Empire. I'll return as soon as possible. Don't destroy the boutique while I’m gone, love you!" Rarity placed it where it needed to be and departed to her destination. As she exited through her front door, she was surprised to bump into a client of hers she hadn't expected to see for a while. "Oh hello, Rarity. I just wanted to see if my dress was done. The wedding is in a few weeks and well, lately, I've just been anxious about a lot of stuff. Sorry if I'm bothering you…" The earth pony slightly tilted her head avoiding eye contact. Rarity placed her hand on her shoulder to comfort her, she looked at Rarity, their eyes meeting each other, and saw a smile on her face. “Not at all Ruby Rose. Your dress is still not done, but I assure you it will be before you even say “I Do!” to your wife. I can promise you that" Rarity responded with absolute certainty. This made Ruby smile and feel relieved hearing her say that. "Thank you Rarity. Will we see you at the wedding?" Ruby asked. Rarity was always happy to attend weddings, seeing the newlyweds wearing her outfits and the large amount of joy they expressed. "I'll do my best to attend your wedding. If I can't, I wish you and Bloom the best of luck." Ruby waved goodbye to Rarity as she walked into the distance away from her view. Rarity proceeded to continue her trek to the train station as the sun set over the horizon. Arriving at the ticket counter, she bought her ticket to the Crystal Empire then boarded the train. Inside, she was greeted by Fleur sitting in a booth calling out for her. Thankfully though, this time she was wearing one of her usual dresses in public. “Rarity! There you are, glad you made it just in time!” Fleur said happily. “I got us tickets for a two-stop plan, which goes from Canterlot, passes and stops at Ponyville, and then proceeds to the Empire.” She explains. “Giving us plenty of time, so we could discuss our game plan before we meet the Princess.” Rarity responded, sitting down next to Fleur. “Earlier I spoke to my friend Twilight to get tips on how we could convince Cadence to join the club. It's not a hundred-percent foolproof plan, but If we assure her we can keep her identity anonymous, it may work.” Rarity told her. “Yes, that’s the idea of her joining us, we always ensure our members’ identities will remain unknown whenever they visit. If she agrees, we could ask her for a place for her in the Empire to host the club. As the princess, she’s bound to know of a nice, unused building that’s suitable for the club’s needs.” Fleur stated. “Sure, I guess… So later I’ll go and meet and talk with Cadance privately, in her dining hall perhaps.” Rarity stated. “What about you, Fleur? Will you be joining us? She should meet someone who has more experience with the club.” She asked her. “Well before I do, I'd like to walk around the castle and do a little sightseeing first. It's not often I get to see the inside of a royal couple's castle. Perhaps I'll take a closer look at the Crystal Heart. It looks so majestic, the mere sight of it can mesmerize you." "Well try not to take too long dear, I don't think I could handle this all by myself. It would be nice having you by my side." Fleur placed her hand on top of Rarity’s hand trying to give a look of reassurance. "Of course, I'll help you. I want to meet the princess of love and present her with this as a gift." Fleur turned to her side and pulled up her purse, digging around until she brought out a bottle of Essence and held it in front of Rarity. This made her eyes widen in shock. She immediately grasped it and held it close to her bosom. She then turned her attention to Fleur while hugging the bottle as tight as she could. "FLEUR, are you suggesting we force the princess to be aroused?! If she finds out we did this to her, she'll have us thrown in the dungeons. I'll never be able to show my face in public again.” "Calm down Rarity, this isn't the same type we gave you. This is without the aphrodisiacs, so you don't have to worry about the princess masturbating in front of us, or in public.” Fleur explained. “On the other hand, it shares the same taste and addictiveness, so if she likes it she’ll want to come to us to try more of it. And that’ll be the real thing.” “Is that really wise Fleur? Getting her addicted just to get her to come? Surely we could just use our words.” Rarity said. “We can but I like for this plan to succeed, so it wouldn't hurt to try. As a side note, and this is very important, this bottle is meant for Cadence and her only.” Fleur told her. Rarity raised an eyebrow at her sentence, suspicious of what Fleur just told her. “Let’s just say Avaar had this specially made just for her. It would be bad if he heard if Cadence didn't get to try his Essence.” Fleur pried the bottle back from Rarity’s grip, hiding it in her purse. The two remained silent for a brief moment until Rarity spoke out about her concerns. "Fleur, why is it so important for Princess Cadence to join? More importantly, why her? She's married to Shining Armor and I don't think she would like the idea of strutting through a crowd of strangers gazing upon her naked body. Nor participating in acts that would break the sacred bond of marriage.” Rarity mentioned. “Well, as I said before my dear, we all need some way to relieve our stress and pent-up desires. The princess and her husband have so many responsibilities and duties, that they have little time to tend to each other. We at the club can provide that, help her realize what she’s been missing out on.” Fleur countered. “Besides, even if she doesn’t want to have sex like the rest of us, she can still drink and socialize with the club's members. Being anonymous would also enable her to talk to everyone like she’s one of the more regular citizens of Equestria, not as the Princess. As for her concern about being nude in front of others, well that's what latex suits are made for. we also have those by the way.” Rarity hasn't thought about that, Fleur does have a point, she recalls a couple of mares who didn't participate in having intercourse with other members. But she had to ask another question that lingered in her mind. "Ok but why only her, and not including her husband too? He should know about what Cadence is getting into, shouldn't he?” Rarity asked. “We're interested in the princess. If Cadence wishes to bring her husband into the fold she's more than welcome to, once she proves she can be trusted. But for now, it’ll be easier to introduce Cadance to the club.” Fleur responded to her question. She hoped that's all the questions Rarity had for her. Fleur wanted to get this over with as soon as possible. Drug the princess and steal a piece of the Crystal Heart, return to Manehattan and gain praise from her master, Avaar. Perhaps he'll fuck her as a reward for a job well done. With no more questions in mind, Rarity looked out the window viewing the sights of the landscape. Fleur, on the other hand, was putting on some makeup, most likely trying to look very attractive. As the train continued its track, they were now nearing the frozen wastelands and the Crystal Empire itself. By now the sun had set and the moon had risen, in the distance the Crystal Empire could be seen from outside the windows, its light piercing the darkness around them. "We're getting near our destination Fleur, we should get ready." Rarity said. "I was ready before we left. So we head towards the castle and stop for nothing. Should be easy." Fleur grabs her purse, closing it to conceal its contents. The train came to a full stop at the station. They got off and proceeded to walk towards the palace. The two mares looked at the empire’s near-mystical glow in the night sky. Rarity fidgeted with herself nervously along the way, while Fleur seemed calm and even a bit excited. “The Empire always looks magnificent, doesn't it? Everything’s made of beautiful crystals and it always looks so shiny.” Fleur mentioned, noticing her friend’s unease. “Uh…Yes, hrm-indeed… Very shiny indeed.” Rarity stuttered a little. "Rarity, Are you ok? Don't tell me you're getting cold feet. I thought the great Rarity could handle anything,” Fleur used reverse psychology on her. "Of course, I can handle it, Fleur. I just never asked a princess to join a sex club before." Rarity responded. “You’ll be fine, hun. Just be reasoning, persuasive, and assuring, and with any luck she’ll soon be one of us.” She told her. "And what if she declines the offer? Will I have just revealed the club for nothing?" Rarity asked Fleur. "Trust me Rarity, let's just say her curiosity will get the better of her~." Fleur proceeded to walk a bit faster than Rarity. They arrived at the Crystal Palace and saw the Princess's guards standing by the entrance. Rarity approached them clearing her throat before speaking. "Greetings. I am Rarity and I'm here to meet Princess Cadence." "The princess has been expecting you. I'll alert her of your arrival. Please remain here." The guard pony left his post and his comrade remained in his place, keeping a watch on Rarity and Fleur. As they waited, Fleur approached Rarity and spoke to her as quietly as she could. "I’m just gonna walk around and check out the rest of the castle. I’ll let you speak to the princess privately, and here, take the bottle.” Fleur said as she handed her the bottle. Rarity placed it inside her own. Just as Rarity stuffed the bottle in her purse, Cadance came outside and greeted her old friend. “Rarity! How lovely it is to see you again!” Cadence greeted her. “Hello, Your Highness. It’s nice to see you too.” Rarity replied. “No need to be so formal, just call me Cadence.” She stated, then she looked at Fleur. “ I see you brought a friend here with you, greetings Miss Fleur De Lis.” Cadance politely greeted her. “Greetings, Your Majesty.” Fleur bowed her head a little. “My friend wishes to discuss something with you. Something in private.” Fleur stated. “Must be really important. I hope it isn't anything I should be concerned about, right Rarity?” Cadence asked. Rarity cleared her throat. “As Fleur said, we should talk somewhere private, like in your chambers perhaps?” Rarity suggested. “My chambers? You feel it’s necessary to speak in my bedroom?” Cadence asked. “Yes Cadence, it is. I hope I won’t be disturbing your husband while we’re there.” Rarity said. “Shining is preoccupied at the barracks with the guards, at the moment. So we should be able to talk without interruptions. Shall we head to my bedroom right now?” Cadence asked as she stood aside from the door allowing them passage. Rarity nodded her head as she walked up to her. “What about you Miss De Lis, will you be coming with us?” Cadence asked Fleur. “Not right now your majesty. I will be joining you later. I think Rarity should be the one discussing with you first. In the meantime, I’d like to take the time to walk around and see the castle for a bit. I’ve always wanted to see the marvels of the Crystal Empire’s most grand landmark in person.” Fleur told her. “As you wish, Fleur. See you soon then.” Cadence said, “Bye, Fleur. Enjoy yourself.” Rarity said as they both turned to leave. Rarity and Cadance both went inside the royal palace, while Fleur headed off in the direction of the courtyard. Fleur walked around the exterior of the castle as it glimmered in the night sky. She had to admit, the Crystal Empire was absolutely beautiful. She couldn't help but admire it and let her mind wander a little while being slightly entranced at the wondrous sight, despite her mission and motives for coming here in the first place. She walked around the base & courtyard of the palace until she got to the other side away from where the entrance and royal balconies were. Fleur got behind one of the columns that held the castle in place. She peeked her head past the side and saw only two guards standing around the Crystal Heart. They seemed to be young stallions who were rather bored for the nighttime shift. Fleur figured they were probably poor rookie recruits who were stuck being given the overnight watch over the Crystal Heart. Given the facts that they were not used to being up all night since they weren’t Thestrals like the lunar night guard, and that there was usually never anyone around at night anyway, they seemed less than satisfied that they had to stand there and be bored stiff all night, while their compatriots slept. Don't worry boys, tonight your shift will be so much better~. You’ll get to have lots of fun with me~! Fleur pulled her head back and opened her purse, she checked the supplies and tools she needed for this mission. She had the sharp tool Avaar gave her to steal the piece, and the other things she needed to deal with the guards. A bottle, a spray and a red collar. The collar was altered to be different from the other ones that the members were supposed to wear. It was imbued by some of her masters’ most advanced runic magic that would generate an illusion and soundproof barrier around her and those who were in it. It would also prevent anyone on the outside from noticing them as she seduced and subdued the guards. The collar’s runes would emit a spell that would dampen their other thoughts and persuade them to give in to their lustful temptation and urges. The spray’s contents were made from a special herbal concoction that would make her body produce pheromones making any male who smelled her instantly attracted towards her. Avaar told her to spray it all over herself before she approached anyone. It was meant to only work on males, however, as her master didn't want her to be completely lost in lust and arousal, and forget her mission. If she’d been overly aroused herself, she might’ve been too focused on pleasuring herself, instead of getting the stallions to cum as hard and as quickly as possible. Fleur couldn't risk getting caught, nor losing track of stealing the heart piece discreetly. The bottle was a potion that would increase her stamina so that she’d be able to outlast all the guards and be able to maintain her energy to continue with her mission once all the guards were subdued. This would ensure she wouldn't pass out from exhaustion. Fleur pulled her collar from her purse, and latched it on her neck, hearing a soft click. Then she picked up the bottle and drank its contents. After consuming the liquid, she sprayed it all over herself. Her entire body was now a weapon of seduction. Now that Fleur is ready, she sets her purse down, intending to come back for it later. Fleur turned to look around the pillar and saw the two guards idly standing there, oblivious to what was about to happen next. With no other ponies around, she was ready to commence with her task. There were two guards standing around the Crystal Heart for their nighttime shift. These young recruits were clearly bored spending the night standing around doing nothing, it wasn’t satisfying to be doing this for their duties. Fleur has the perfect solution for that. “Hello, boys. How's the night shift~?” She said as she walked towards them in a slow calm but sultry way. The guards took notice, turned their heads toward her, and responded with vigilance as they were trained to do. “What are you doing here, citizen?” One of the guards asked, wanting to question her presence. “Oh I was just walking by and I happened to notice the Crystal Heart and two handsome guards on watch. Must be boring standing there and doing nothing all night long~.” “It's part of the job ma'am. I suggest you leave the area, it's long past the curfew hours and no one is allowed to be loitering here.” The other guard replied. They weren't expecting to see anyone but guards at this hour, especially a very attractive mare nonetheless. They noticed her sexy tone, stride, and part of her collar that could be seen above/underneath her top. What they didn’t see, however, was the metal ring of the collar emitting a faint glow, and runic symbols also glowing on the collar’s strap. An invisible barrier was now surrounding them and their vicinity. An illusion was generated for anyone from the outside, the guards unaware of this strange magic. “Aww, you sure I can't stay a little longer? I can make it worth your while~” Fleur said, getting closer to the guards. She stepped between the two. Her arms extended across their shoulders, slightly pulling the two closer to her. The two were uncomfortable in this position. As one of them tried to speak, they noticed an unusual aroma in the air. They found it nice and pleasant. The two stallions felt a bit hotter now, their hearts pacing rapidly, and their dicks became hard. Bulging against their armor, Fleur could see their erections on display through their clothing. Fleur tugged down her top a little to give them a view of her cleavage, and one of her bare breasts. “Like what you see~?” Fleur said while giving them bedroom eyes. “Errr, w-well… u-uhm…” They couldn't help themselves but stare at her body. Hearing whispers in their minds; telling them to give in to their lust and fuck her where she stood. Fleur smiled knowing that her charms and her allure were working in her favor. She giggled for them to hear. The guards were unsure why she was giggling until they saw where her eyes were pointing. They took notice of the bulges on their pants and felt embarrassed showing their erections in front of Fleur. They thought she would show disgust but got the opposite instead. “Seems your little friend down there is very happy to see me~. I should take care of him~” Fleur spoke in a seductive tone, as she got on her knees, and undid one of the guards’ lower armor and pants. His massive erection was out on display, already showing drips of pre cum leaking from the tip of his cock. Fleur smiled at his large dick, and with no further delay, she proceeded to give oral on it. The guard froze as he watched Fleur sucking on his dick. He felt he should stop her, but his body could only stay still and enjoy her bobbing her head up and down his member. The pleasure of her mouth and tongue massaging his cock was addicting. The other guard could only watch his partner getting a blow job from this random, but incredibly sexy, mare as his cock began to escape its sheath. He couldn't help himself but to masturbate to this. “I c-can't hold it a-any m-more!” He groaned. “Mmm, that’s right. Give in, don’t hold back~.” Fleur said before diving back in, and having him in her mouth and throat again. “Hrgh, argh…! Hoaah~! S-sweet C-Celestia! I-I, I’m g-gonna c-cum…!” He grunted, before he involuntarily dropped his spear, and used both hands to hold Fleur’s head and shove his cock as deep down her throat as he could. “HAAHHHH!!” He screamed as he came spasming in her mouth, and pumping furiously. Fleur hummed in delight as she began swallowing his thick fluids as it came spewing into her mouth. But then, his legs gave out under her, as he fell back she caught the tip of his cock and sucked up all the cum that still flowed out. On the ground, she dove back in as she gulped down the last of his load, and licked his phallus clean. Fleur turned her attention to the other guard, still jerking off his erect dick with his hand while staring and almost drooling at her. So she slowly, sensually, removed her clothes. First, she undid her blouse top, and pulled it over her head, revealing her breasts. Then, she stood up and removed her skirt, showing off her slender legs. She then finally pulled down her panties, letting it fall down and off her legs. Fleur laid on her back, spreading her legs wide apart. Using her finger to spread her slit, and urge him to come closer. “What are you waiting for, big guy~? Come and get me~.” She said with her most sultry and irresistibly seductive tone. The guard took his lower armor off completely, walked over, and loomed over her. Laying on top of her, he held her down in a mating press. “Missionary style it is~”. Fleur wrapped her arms and legs over him, pulling him closer. Right away she felt his cock poke the entrance of her cunt. The stallion immediately shoved it inside her. Penetrating her insides without hesitation, Fleur felt intense pleasure feeling his member inside her, it definitely was huge and amazing for her. Immediately after plunging inside her, he began to thrust back and forth, sliding his cock in and out of her tight nethers. “Yes~! Fuck me raw and empty your hot cum inside me~!” Fleur felt very excited. Perhaps even more so than she does at the club’s gatherings. Something about seducing these stallions, having sex at the castle with no one able to notice them, and doing so to carry out her master’s mission felt extremely arousing and exhilarating for her. The stallion on top of her kept grunting and moaning as he was rutting her senseless. Or at least he would be if not for the potion she drank. Right now it was the only thing keeping her from being overwhelmed by pleasure and keeping her mind somewhat focused. Preventing her from losing strength from the sex, and the orgasms from making her lose consciousness. As for him, this was the best pleasure of his life. To him, her insides felt like heaven. Fleur wrapped his cock with her pussy walls and caressed his length. He fondled her boobs while pressing her lips onto hers. After seemingly ages of fucking her, the stallions Fleur was pleasuring were now panting, as his cock was throbbing while he was trying to buck her brains out. “Hrgh, y-your insides are-hah- t-tight.” He told her. “I-I’m gonna c-cum soon, y-you s-s-slut!” He grunted out, Fleur smiled on the inside, at hearing those words, and knowing the mind-altering rune magic was working all too well. Fleur felt herself getting close too, as the huge cock was stimulating and stretching her insides, driving her mad with lust. “H-Hah! AH~! OOOH!!” As she was filled with ecstasy she began moaning in pleasure and begged for release. “Ah! P-please! C–cum inside me! F-fill me w-with your hot s-seed!!” Fleur then felt him brush a rough patch in her pussy, before she reached her limit. She screamed as she came, spraying their crotches with her love juices. He felt her cum, he felt how tight she suddenly became, and that sent him over the edge as well. The stallion guard grunted and slammed his member deep inside her as he came. His cock throbbed, spasmed, and spurted wildly, shooting his hot cum inside her hungry pussy. Once he was done cumming inside her, the stallion withdrew from her pussy. As a stream of mixed fluids came flowing out of her, he watched and rolled onto his back. Panting and sweaty, he was rather worn from fucking Fleur. Fleur saw the other guard was sitting up and watching them, his cock was already erect and hard again after watching the erotic show before him. “Mmm~, lie back now dear~.” Fleur sat and she crawled over to him. “Wh-what are you d-doing…?” He stuttered, entranced by her alluring beauty. She was on top of him and brought her hips up to his tip. “I’m not done with you two yet, believe me, I have plenty more in store for you two~,” Fleur said as she lowered herself onto his throbbing member, and began gyrating her hips. “And I..want…your…cum~!” A while later, after several more orgasms, Fleur was finished draining the strength of the guards until they were completely passed out. She still had energy in her body, so she got up and quickly proceeded to resume the rest of her mission. Fleur went and got her purse and took out the tool Avaar gave her. With the guards unconscious there was no one to stop her, and even if there were, they couldn’t see what occurred inside the barrier. She went up to the Crystal Heart and used the tool to slice off a small piece of the Heart. A small sliver, an inconspicuous-looking gem; she tucked it safely into her purse along with the tool. “Too easy,” Fleur said, feeling very prideful of herself. “Master will be very pleased.” Fleur then put her clothes back on before looking back at the guards. Hmm, better to make sure none are wiser to exactly what happened with them. She thought, before kneeling back down to lick up the remaining traces of cum on their cocks. Mmm, still nice~. Fleur used her magic and grabbed their pants to put them back on. After adjusting to make sure the armor and trousers were properly fit and straightened out, they looked as neat as though they were never removed. She also used her magic to clean up the spilled fluids on the ground and dry up the ones on their outer and inner wear. Fleur levitated their equipment over to their hands and positioned them at the base of the heart. Now, anyone would think it just looks like they fell asleep at their posts, they’ll probably think what happened to me was just a dream. Fleur cleaned the stains from her body, then picked up her own clothes. She put her panties back on, along with her skirt. She took off her collar and shoved it back in her purse. The illusion had dissipated, and fortunately for Fleur, there was no one around to see what she’d done. If anyone showed up later, they’d only see the guards sleeping on the ground. Fleur straightened herself up, adjusted her clothes one last time, and proceeded to go back to the castle’s entrance to meet with Rarity and Princess Cadance. Hopefully, no one would be too suspicious of her being in the castle this late at night. Rarity and the Princess walked through the hall of the castle. As they did, the former noticed that there were fewer guards on patrol than she thought. “Probably because they don’t have Thestral night guards like Princess Luna does.” “So how is Twilight? Is she handling her alicorn ascension well?” Asked Cadence. “She's doing well, Cadence. She's getting the hang of being an alicorn. She still prefers being called by her name rather than being called princess.” Rarity responded to her question. “I know Twilight will do a great job being a princess. It's not easy at first but she'll get the hang of it. She's proven that many times. With the help of her friends of course.” Cadence chuckled softly. The pair arrived at Cadence’s bedroom, Cadence swinging the twin doors with ease despite being large crystals. As Rarity entered her chambers she saw how massive it was. Her room had all the required furniture one would need: from couches to even a king-sized bed. It was both a living room and a bedroom combined into one room. All that it needed was a kitchen. “Rarity, you’ve been standing there staring for a minute. Are you ok?” asked Cadence, as she sat on her couch. Rarity quickly snapped right back to reality and sat across from Cadence with a look of embarrassment she tried to hide. “Yes, I'm alright Cadence. Just admiring your room. It's definitely much larger than my room. I feel as if I could fit half my house in here.” “It's big alright. Although I wouldn't mind trading it for a smaller one.” Cadence told her. “Really, Why would you ever want to give this up? This room is certainly more extraordinary than any other I've ever seen. I don't think I could ever give this up for anything.” Rarity said. “It just feels unnecessary to have so much space for just two ponies. The castle has plenty of huge rooms across its hallways. Me and Shining have barely filled them up. We've used large paintings to cover the walls and all sorts of plants, but even that’s not enough.” Cadence explained. Rarity never thought having so much space would make anyone feel unhappy. She could tell this conversation was making Cadence feel uneasy so she quickly changed the subject. “Cadence, it's getting rather late and I thought we should get this out of the way. I'm here for something you might be interested in.” Rarity stated. “Yes, Twilight mentioned you wanted to discuss something rather personal. What is it you wanted to talk about Rarity?” Cadence asked. Rarity showed hesitancy towards her. She took a deep breath and cleared her throat before revealing the reason why she came. “Well first, how are you and Shining?” Rarity asked Cadence bluntly. Cadence was a bit thrown off by this question, confused by her choice of words. “What do you mean by that Rarity?“ Cadence asked her. “Being a princess demands constant action. To make important decisions and be responsible for everypony's well-being on a daily basis. That much dedication must lead to a lot of exhaustion and time away from your husband. Surely deep down you want to feel rewarded for all the hard work you do for your fellow citizens. Not to mention, be relieved of all that stress.” Rarity hoped she caught her attention. “Yes this job takes a lot from me, catering to everyone's needs, but what does this have to do with me and Shining Armor exactly? Are you offering us a trip to the spa or some resort?” Cadence asked her, curious. “Not exactly. Like you I’ve been feeling overworked, stressed, and in need of some…um, relief. Fleur and Fancy came to me one day, and they thought of a solution they believed would solve my problems. Fleur was the one who most directly introduced me to it, and showed me the ropes, that’s one of the reasons why she’s here with me today.” Rarity explained. “So Fleur wants to introduce or invite me to whatever-this-is?” Cadence asked her. “Yes, she and other members would like for me to at least offer this invite to you to be a part of their collective. But she wanted me to begin first by giving you the pitch of it.” Rarity responded. “Well alright, but don't keep me in the dark, what was it that they introduced you to?” Cadence asked. Rarity took a deep breath and answered her. “It’s a gathering of the ponies, where the successful and famous ponies of Equestria come together for a fetish event to unwind and to relieve themselves from their stressful day-to-day lives. Simply put, it functions as a sex club.” Rarity stated. Cadence was silent for a minute. Rarity was unsure if she was in shock or disbelief at what she just said. She noticed Cadence twiddling her fingers repeatedly while blushing slightly. She thought she should say something or ask her about what she thought, to break the awkward silence. But Cadence spoke first. “So let me get this straight. You were invited to a sex club to alleviate your stress, and the members asked you to try to recruit us so we can do the same?“ Cadence asked while still blushing a little. “Y-yes, Fleur told me the other ponies thought you’d be a fit for the club. For now, they only want to try and invite you first. Maybe because you're the Princess of Love, your magic can give them a boost and make things more enjoyable there. That could be one of the reasons why they want you to be a part of the club, and that they feel like you’d really enjoy yourself there too.” Rarity told her. “Rarity, do I strike you as a swinger? Someone who wants to have sex with complete strangers?” Cadence leaned forward, keeping her eyes locked to Rarity. This made her feel nervous. She knew she was losing her and had to think of something quick. “Of course not. Believe me, I asked Fleur similar questions when she told me that I should invite you,” Rarity assured her. “Fleur explained to me that you don't absolutely have to have intercourse with anyone if you choose to attend. You could simply just choose to sit, relax, drink, and talk with the other ponies there. As a fellow pony, not as a Princess. I do have to warn you though, you'll be seeing plenty of nudity at the club. Mainly mares flaunting their bodies at men.” “Meaning Shining would be exposed to naked mares and would be tempted to sleep with them should I ever bring him along,” Cadence responded bluntly. “I mean, I know that neither you nor your husband would be the type to completely disregard your marriage and commitment to one another. But as I said before, being rulers of your kingdom means that you have little time for yourself or even each other right?” “You're right about that, Rarity. But I cannot attend a place that supports open fornication with other ponies nonetheless, and what, I'm expected to show others what my body looks like underneath my clothes?” She asked. “If you're concerned about your identity being known, the club has measures to ensure your identity remains anonymous. Fleur assures me they won't tell anyone who you are.” “And how exactly do they plan on doing that, by using a spell to conceal my identity?” Cadence demanded an answer. “Well, they give the female members masks and garters to hide their faces and cutie marks. I've seen some mares wear full leather hoods, and latex suits to prevent them from being recognized. And for pleasure too, of course, I think it’s a special fetish for them.” “Hmmm, well…” Cadence stuttered off, unsure of how to respond to that. “So if you're really uncomfortable being naked around others, Fleur could lend you one and you wouldn't have to worry about anyone recognizing you. You can still have a good time socializing with others.” “Rarity…” Cadence attempted to speak. “Believe me, no one there will judge you even if they knew. Everyone there has more open minds, the gatherings are for those who are the more understanding and non-judgy amongst Equestria.” Rarity said. “I'll admit, the first time I was very hesitant to be there. When Fancy and Fleur told me in detail how the club works, what they do there, and what I’d end up doing there, I reacted almost exactly like you. I was shocked and told them, and frankly, myself, that I could never take part in such lewd acts and be naked in front of others. But after my encounter with one particular stallion, and how amazing he was with me I was-” “RARITY,” Cadence stated in a powerful tone, cutting off her sentence. Rarity noticed Cadence seemed like she didn't want to hear more of what she just told her. She also noticed that she was shaking a bit, her legs were quivering, showing that what she just said about her experience at the club was exciting her. Cadence meanwhile, wasn’t feeling the same, she was blushing and a little flustered at Rarity being about to describe her sexual encounter in detail. “I'm sorry for raising my voice, but I didn't want to hear the rest of the sordid details of what you did at that club of yours. Now, I appreciate the invite but I don't think I can be a part of this little congregation of yours. I'm sorry but I'm declining your invitation.” She stated. “While I won't deny that me and Shining are often stressed and busy with our royal duties and that we have less time for each other sometimes, going to a sex club and being around nude ponies that have open sex with others just isn’t the answer for us. Me being naked around others for them to see doesn’t feel appropriate as a princess, even if my identity remains concealed somehow.” “I-I understand. Trust me, I wasn’t sure if this was even a good idea, but Fleur insisted we at least try and make the offer to you. If anything I feel a little relieved, all things considered. ” Rarity said. Knock Knock. They heard someone from the door. “Your Highness, forgive the interruption but this pony, Miss Fleur De Lis was spotted Wandering around the hallways. She insists she was supposed to see you for important business.” A guard spoke through the door. Rarity could see Fleur standing behind the guard speaking to Cadence looking away from him; not making eye contact. “That's alright she can come in. Thank you for bringing her in in one piece, guard.” The guard pony opened the door all the way through allowing Fleur to enter. The door shut behind her once she was inside Cadence’s room. Fleur casually approached the two, sitting next to Rarity. “So what did I miss? Did Rarity tell you the reason why we're here?” Fleur asked Cadence who was still uncomfortable from earlier. The two were silent for a moment before Rarity spoke. “Yes I told Cadence about the club C.O.C.K and she said she's not interested in being part of it. I told you this wasn't going to go well.” “Wait, the club is called C.O.C.K???” Cadence asked with a slight blush on her face. Rarity felt the same forgetting to mention the name, and what it means as well. “Y-yes, that's the name of it. I'd say what it stands for but I have a feeling this would only make things more awkward.” “So not interested in being a member yourself princess? That's disappointing to hear. a lot of ponies were really looking forward to having you join us. Maybe if you hear me out I could convince you, princess,” Fleur sounded pretty confident in herself. “As I told Rarity, I will not be a part of this “club”. My mind is set, Miss Fleur,” Cadence responded. “I understand princess. I suppose this was too much for you to handle. no matter, this trip was not a complete waste of time. I did what I needed to do.” “What do you mean by that Miss Fleur?” Cadence raised an eyebrow, feeling suspicious of her comment. Rarity was wondering the same thing. The whole point of this trip was to convince Cadence to become a member. Fleur seemed pretty confident that they would succeed. She expected to see Fleur to be in a state of disappointment but what she was displaying is the very opposite. “Nothing to be concerned about Your Highness. It's sad you will miss out, but nonetheless, It's been a pleasure to be here. But before we depart, we brought something just for you. A gift from our founder Avaar. Rarity would you be kind and hand it to her?“ “R-right the bottle. How could I forget...” Rarity used her magic to lift the bottle from her purse and reveal it to Cadence. For a short pause, Rarity felt she shouldn't hand it to the princess, out of fear of the possibility that Fleur could be lying that the bottle wasn't the same she drank two days ago. If Cadence consumes it and finds out they drugged her a huge list of possibilities could happen. They could be incarcerated, or be banned from ever setting foot on the Crystal Empire ever again. Rarity would be ostracized from the public. Her own friends would be wary of her and her business could plummet. “Ahem, earth to Rarity. Are you going to hand the bottle to the princess anytime soon?” Fleur snapped Rarity's thoughts. She was regaining her focus but Fleur was impatient, snatching the bottle from her grip, handing it to Cadence. The princess accepted Fleur's gift, holding it close. Cadence inspected the bottle thoroughly before setting it down on the table. “Thank you for this generous gift, but if you have nothing else to discuss we should conclude this session and retire for the night.” “You sure you don't want to have a quick sip before heading to bed? It wouldn't hurt to try some. Let me pour you a glass. It's the least I can do for making this an awkward night.” Fleur offered. “I suppose one drink couldn’t hurt,” Cadence responded. Rarity was now sure her suspicions were correct. Fleur is trying to get Cadence to drink the bottle in an attempt to make her feel the exact same way she did the first night. As if she wasn't scared enough, she was now feeling terrified. Her heart rate pacing fast with sweat dripping from her skin. She wanted to speak out and drag Fleur out of the castle and scold her for lying about not drugging the princess. But her mouth remained shut and her own feet refused to stand. “Rarity, what are you doing? Fleur is about to humiliate the princess and you won't interfere? Rarity watched as Fleur took the bottle back and opened it. She should have been extremely terrified But she felt no feeling of fear, but rather something else. Her own crotch tingled and burned as she continued to watch Fleur pour the Essence into a small glass and hold it for Cadence to grab. Did she want the princess to consume it and see the joy and pleasure of forced arousal? Maybe she'll get to see Cadence take a peek underneath her clothes. Goodness the thought of seeing the princess submit to pleasure sounds exciting and- “No! Rarity, what are you thinking!?” Rarity shook off the thoughts of the princess performing such slutty acts in front of her. Never before had she ever had such thoughts. She would never want someone who is important to her dear friend to surrender herself to lust and express it in public. Even if pleasure is so addictive and feels so good to give in to your primal urges like everyone should. No damn it! Stop it right now, brain! “It tastes sweet, and it doesn't even burn my mouth. What do you call this, Miss Fleur?” Rarity hadn't even been paying attention to what just happened. She failed to stop Fleur, and now she's about to witness the princess give in to lust and face severe punishment. Her future, her hopes and dreams gone. Her chance of expanding her business ruined. “It’s called ‘Essence’, your majesty. Made in Avaar's homeland, we provide it to our members at the club, and it has become rather popular for those who are able to obtain a supply. The drink makes our gathering more fun and memorable. So we figured that, if you didn’t want to join our group, we’d at least let you try our delicious beverage for yourself," Fleur explained. “It's certainly a delicacy,” Cadence said, while briefly feeling a little warm inside. “Thank you so much, Miss Fleur. I’m grateful for you sharing this with me.” Cadence said, expressing her gratitude. “You’re welcome, Princess Cadance,” Fleur said. “We wanted you to have this bottle for yourself. And if you ever feel like you’d like to have more, you can contact either of us, and we’ll show you where you can obtain some.” “Thank you. I’ll certainly take that up for consideration.” Rarity just sat there in awe, expecting the worst scenario to happen. But to her surprise, the princess seemed normal, not under the effects of an aphrodisiac. It appears Fleur was telling the truth after all. She thought. At least I don't have to worry about the princess banishing us. “By the way, Your Highness, there’s something I should mention,” Fleur told her. “What is it?” “Avarr had this bottle reserved especially for you. It would be a shame if you didn't finish the bottle yourself. After all, it's so divine that hardly anyone could resist.” Fleur stated. “I’ll try not to disappoint him.” She agreed. “Ahem. So, if that’s everything, I think it's time I retire for the night. Shining should be back from his duties soon.” Cadence said. “Agreed. We should be heading back soon ourselves.” Fleur stated, looking at Rarity. “O-okay then. Goodnight princess.” She said, standing up and bowing her head slightly. Fleur got up with her, and they walked to the door. “Goodnight Rarity, have a safe trip home.” Cadence waves the two as they exit her chambers. Cadence then proceeded to store the bottle in the liquor cabinet before heading to bed. As she opened the cabinet door she stopped herself and looked at the bottle. She really liked the drink, and felt it wouldn’t be fair to keep this from her husband. But what happens when he asks where this drink came from, or how I got it? She felt it would be an awkward discussion about Rarity and Fleur being part of a sex club, which they had just invited her to join. But I guess, since I didn't accept their invite, and that the group felt like they were only wanting to tell me about them… Cadence decided to not tell Shining about all this, at least for now. Staring at the glistening bottle, her mouth watered at the liquid sloshing inside. The temptation was certainly hard to resist. She opened it and consumed nearly half the bottle before closing it, then pushed it deep with the rest of the liquor bottles. “It’ll be safe there, I think…” She told herself. Cadence stripped her clothes off, changing into her sleepwear while waiting for her husband to come join her in bed. “A sex club. Like I'd ever become a member. I could never cheat on Shining and neither would he cheat on me. Still, temptations could lead to such acts. We should avoid this.” Rarity and Fleur were brought back to the train station via carriage. As Fleur paid for the fare they headed towards the train. Before they boarded Rarity felt like she needed to say something. “I honestly thought you lied that the drink wouldn't make the princess aroused.” Rarity told her. “I'm glad you didn't Fleur. I don't think she would have appreciated being subjected to forced arousal. I couldn't imagine myself being a pariah, too ashamed to reveal my face in public.” Fleur laughed softly, Rarity was unsure of what was humorous. “You need to lighten up Rarity. You worry too much. My task was to deliver the message and the bottle, nothing more.” She explained. As they arrived at the station and prepared to board the train, they resumed their conversation. “Well, I’m heading back to Ponyville. I don't think I can leave Sweetie Belle alone for another day” Rarity said. “What about you?” “I’m heading back to Canterlot,” Fleur replied. “I’ll be spending the rest of the night enjoying the fun and festivities at C.O.C.K. before I return home for bed.” “Wait, the club will be in Canterlot tonight?” Rarity asked her, surprised. “Yes, we have multiple venues across Equestria. There are club gatherings in different cities. Tonight, it’ll be at Canterlot.” Fleur said as they entered the train. As they sat down in their booths Fleur said, “You should come join us, Rarity. It’ll be nice to see you there again, who knows, maybe we’ll get to buck with the same stallion, try something new like coitus with a mare.” Rarity’s face blushed. She didn't want to admit it out loud but she would like to experience another night of pleasure. Have someone take the handles of her life and steer them. “Uh-um…I’d like to, Fleur. B-but I have to go home to take care of Sweetie, my house, and my tasks.” “Perhaps another day then. there's always gathering events every week so you'll get plenty of chances.” “Then I won't miss out on any important events.” Rarity said. “Speaking of the club, will I see Glory Hole again? I haven't heard anything from him. He isn't disappointed with my performance at his business is he?” “The only way to find out is to come to the club and ask him yourself. Do visit soon as possible if you don't want to miss the opportunity of growing and expanding your business. Or, you could visit to have fun and enjoy yourself, like me~. Rarity knew Fleur was right about all this. “O-ok then, this weekend I’ll come to the club again. Will it be in Canterlot?” She asked Fleur. “Yes.” “Then I’ll be there.” Rarity said. “Splendid, I’ll inform you of the specific location, we can meet for lunch that day at restaurant row and I’ll catch you up with everything you’ll need to know. You’ll be entering that venue on your own this time, as I have important business meetings to take care of with Fancy.” “Alright then…” “And don’t forget to bring your collar with you, they won’t let you in without it,” Fleur added. Rarity recalled that she’d left it at home in her room, after she came back home from her second day in manehattan. “I will.” By the time their discussion ended, the train had stopped and they’d arrived in Canterlot. Fleur took out her red collar from her purse, and put it on, she tucked it under her overcoat so that it’d be less noticeable. “I must depart now, Rarity, but we’ll see each other again soon~.” Fleur smiled and gave Rarity a hug goodbye, but not without feeling her sides up and down as well. Rarity blushed at her friend’s actions. Once Fleur was done, she gave a wink and blew a kiss at Rarity. She watched Fleur exit the train and into the lavish city of Canterlot. Rarity sat in her thoughts as the train journeyed to Ponyville, she would make sure to visit Canterlot soon. Right after she completed her tasks. Fleur managed to get a hold of a taxi driver and requested the stallion to bring her destination. She sat and smiled in satisfaction that she’d completed her mission. “Are you sure you want to go there, ma'am? Not exactly a safe place for a lady to be at night.” “I assure you I'll be ok. I'm expected to be there. I don't want to sound rude but I like to hurry.” Fleur was already running late. She doesn't want to anger Avaar, not when she has good news to deliver. With no further debate, the stallion proceeded to transport Fleur to her destination. Fleur laid back and enjoyed the ride. She grabbed her purse and dug inside its contents searching for the prize. She took out, and stared at the tiny fragment of the Crystal Heart, glistening from the city lights. A smirk formed on her face. She was eager to deliver it to Avaar. She could barely contain her excitement, like a little filly. Fleur was also looking forward to having a few more cocks in her tonight. The guards earlier were good, but the fun didn’t last long enough to satisfy her. When the taxi arrived, Fleur got off and paid the fare to the driver. The driver left and Fleur went into an alley. She approached a rustic door at one of the old buildings that were found around this district and knocked. The bouncer at the door saw Fleur with her red collar on and recognized her, allowing her entry. “Welcome back, Miss Fleur. Your master is waiting for you.” The bouncer spoke in a plain tone. Fleur went inside while smiling, and she gave him a sultry look. “Yes sir~” And she went downstairs to a dressing room, where she got naked once more, save her mask, collar, and garters, of course. Fleur prepared for a night of fun, and to inform her master of her success. She carried her purse in with her and joined the members in C.O.C.K. in the other room