Dark Secrets

by Mr Jelly

First published

What happend to Cyburst after that fateful night near the everfree forest

Third book in the Cyburst Origions Trilogy.

Cyburst has just married and is settling down for a normal life with his wife, Candy Corn. On the day of a Wonderbolts compitition, something that was never expected happens. Except by Cyburst. He and his family must go into hiding to escape the danger, but not for long. What will happen. What Secrets will be uevealed. More tags will be added later when the others come into the story

This story WILL have a pretty detailed kill scene. It embraces the mature rating.

This is going on at the same time as BlackMirage's "The War for Equestria"

My Name is Bob

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Dark Secrets.

By Cybeasthunter
Chapter 1: My name is bob.

Bob the bartender was polishing a glass when the familiar red unicorn with the two toned hair walked up to the bar. This pony was a strange one. He could down the hardest drink we had without even flinching. He could drink ten of same drink and not be even buzzed with the alcohol. Bob had made it a game to see if he could make this pony faint. He brewed the most alcoholic drinks they had into one super beverage, bob was surprised that it wasn’t illegal.

“What’ll it be tonight?” Bob asked the unicorn

“You tell me,” The unicorn said as he sat down, “It’s not like you have something I can’t handle.”

The unicorn was always grim. Nopony really knew why. Not even on Pinkie Pie’s birthday, a party which everypony would show up to, did this pony show any interest in mares or in the happiness that surrounded him.

Bob gave the pony an earth breaker, the strongest drink, because it was the pony’s favorite.

“Don’t you have a job?” Bob asked the unicorn, “You seem to have an unlimited amount of bits.”

“No.” the pony said simply

“Don’t you have a marefriend that you need to get back to?” Bob asked

Anger flared in the unicorn’s eyes, then it died as quickly as it came. The pony let go of the sword that bob didn’t even see on the back of the pony.

“No.” the pony said through his teeth.

“C. B. I’m going to have to ask that you give me the sword.” Bob said as he put his hoof out to the pony. “I’ll hold on to it until you leave.”

“My katana has a name you know.” The pony said as he handed over the sword, “It’s Silverbolt.”

“That’s all fine and dandy,” said an orange earth pony with a Stetson hat that was just now walking up to the bar, “but ‘ahm wonderin’ how you can even drink such a hard cider.”

The unicorn turns around just as the earth pony reaches the bar.

“Easy. I can’t get drunk.” The unicorn says while finishing off his drink.

“Oh yea’? Well, ah’d be a fool not to challenge you to a drinkin’ contest.” The pony said
The unicorn sighed.

Fine, but I’ll win.” The unicorn said as he got up from the table, leaving money for the drinks and a nice tip on the table.

29 drinks later.

“Ah… ah canen’t believe it.” The orange pony said with a stutter and a slur, “howard you still not… not…”

“Is drunk the word you’re looking for?” The unicorn said with no evidence that he’d just drank his 30th drink that night, “I already told you, I can’t become drunk.”

“This poney is mah new bestest friend!” the earth pony yelled as she threw herself across the table they were sitting at and put her foreleg around his neck.

“Please don’t touch my neck,” the unicorn said as his eyes dilated with fear, “it triggers bad memories.”

But for our lone protagonist, Cyber Burst, it was too late.


“Come on Cyburst, were going to miss the carriage.” Candy Corn yelled

“No were not, and if were running late, I’ll transform and fly us there.”

“You know we can’t do that. It’ll bring too much attention on us.” Candy corn said

It’s been a year since Cyber burst moved in with Candy Corn. They had confessed their love for one another a few days before he moved in and married a few months after once they knew Candy corn was pregnant. The honeymoon was to Las Pegasus, mostly because there wasn’t any other place to go honeymooning to. At one of the auctions there, they’d won some of the royalty seats for the Wonderbolts show, Complete with a royal carriage ride to Canterlot They got them cheap too because they didn’t spend their money on gambling like most of the other ponies there. The only other pony who went over 200 bits for the seats was a pegasus with a rainbow mane. Candy and Cyburst won them eventually. And today was the day the Wonderbolts were performing.

“Where is Silverbolt?” Cyburst asked himself, “I can’t find it anywhere.”

‘…does it really matter that you find Silverbolt?” thought a deep, avian thought, deep inside Cyburst’s mind, “I mean it’s just a Wonderbolts show…”

‘Yes, I do Phoenix,’ Cyburst thought to the origin of the avian thought ‘because what if something happens and I don’t have it?’

‘...it will appear in its sheath on your back like it always does…’ Phoenix thought

‘Oh yeah, that is what happens.’ Cyburst thought sheepishly

“Let’s go!” Candy Corn yelled “we’re going to be late!”

“Fine!” Cyburst yelled back

Cyburst and Candy walked out the front door just to run into some Pegasi who were waiting for them in front of a carriage. One of the Pegasi was pure white, and the other was a cream color.

“Are you Candy Corn and Cyber Burst?” Both Pegasi asked, at the same time.”

“That’s us.” Cyburst said, getting himself and Candy to her feet. “aren’t you supposed to be in the town square?

“Because of your wife’s condition, the princess has ordered us to escort you directly from your home to your seats at the Wonderbolts show.” The Darker pony said,

“Are you saying that I can’t make it to the town square because I’m preggers?” Candy said in an annoyed tone.

“No. They’re saying that you can, but they don’t want you to exert yourself.” Cyburst said quickly so nopony would get hurt.

“Oh. Okay.” Candy said as she climbed into the carriage.

Cyburst sighed in relief as he got into the carriage. It was bigger on the inside. It had a full bar, two comfortable seats for them to sit on, and a love seat if they wanted to sit on that instead. Cyber Burst and Candy Corn sat down on the love seat and chatted for what seemed like only ten minutes.

“We’re here” one of the pegasi said.

“When you mean here, you mean Canterlot right?” Candy asked

“No, I mean at your seats.” The same pegasus said

Cyburst opened the door of the carriage and, sure enough, they were at their seats. When the seats said royalty, it meant it. Princess Celestia was sitting on a cushion looking over the field where the Wonderbolts were getting ready. Celestia turned her head to look at the ponies that had just arrived.

“Was the trip long?” Celestia asked with a smile.

“N-no. To whom do we owe the honor too, princess?” Candy Corn stammered

“Actually, nopony but yourselves. You did buy the royalty seats, did you not?” Celestia asked.

“Yes, we did, but we didn’t know we would be sitting with royalty.” Cyburst said, calming down.

“Well, then there isn’t a problem.” Celestia said, “Look! They’re about to start.”

Candy and Cyburst went to the balcony of their viewpoint and looked down. Sure enough, the wonderbolts looked as if they were about to take off. Suddenly, a loud noise blared and startled everybody. Celestia gasped.

“What? What is that noise?” Cyburst asked.

Celestia turned around and said with all seriousness.

“The air raid siren. We’re under attack by the Lunar Republic.”

What happens next?

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“It’s time, Candy.” Cyburst said as he put his foreleg around Candy Corn’s waist and lights up his horn,

“How do you know it’s- Candy Corn starts, but is interrupted by the strange feeling of teleporting,

“My royal guards will escort you back to your... where’d they go?” Celestia asked her guards when she turns to find nopony there,

“We don’t know.” The two guards said in unison,

Cyburst and Candy Corn appeared at their house. Cyburst immediately started packing things, while Candy Corn proceed to ask questions,

“How do you know it’s ‘that’.” Candy asked,

“Because the Lunar Republic had no reason to attack.” Cyburst said, “Can you please just follow the plan?”

“Fiiiinnne.” Candy Corn said playfully,

The “Plan” was made because Cyburst, who still had lingering thoughts about what that mosaic he found in the Mirage Temple meant. Candy Corn also found a similar mosaic in the Pyramids of Gaia. The plan itself was to get everything they thought they would need for the next few months, and head to Cyburst’s original house, which was somewhere in the everfree forest. Cyburst would need to make some preparations before they could actually get to his house.

“Ok, meet me at the entrance to the Everfree Forest.” Cyburst told Candy, “And if anyone but me shows up, hide and don’t come out until I appear.”

“Ok, but promise me you’ll be safe.” Candy said,

Cyburst leaned towards Candy and gave her a long, passionate kiss.

“I promise.” Cyburst said when they broke away,

Then, he ran in the direction of Ponyville.

Cyburst could hear the screams and sounds of destruction before he could see them. he used his camouflage spell to make himself invisible as to not attract any of the oncoming rebels. The dark uniform they wore made them easily spottable. there were only a few in Ponyville at the time, but they could come in waves at any moment. He hurried to the housing district of Ponyville. The district where his mother lived. When he approached the door, he found that it had been forced ajar.

His heart sank with every step as he got closer to the door. When he got to the door, he didn’t look in. He opened his eyes to find the there was a dark gray stallion standing over a corpse. A muscly, dead, corpse. With no skin on it. Cyburst looked to the side to find that the skin was taken off in pieces. There were flecks of color on some pieces, but mostly nothing but red covered the whole room.

Cyburst’s mother had been flayed.

“...Dear Celestia!” Phoenix thought as he examined the room.

But Cyburst had a different reaction.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Cyburst yelled as he disabled his spell and jumped on the stallion, scaring him out of his wits.

“What the-” the stallion tried to say before getting thrown onto the wall,

“What the hell is this!” Cyburst said as he held the stallion by his neck with his magic,

“Why do you care. Is she a friend of yours?” the stallion asked with a very struggled voice,

“No, she’s my mother!” Cyburst yelled, “And you just killed her in the most painful way possible!”

“Heh! I was just having some fun!” the stallion smirked,

Cyburst lifted the stallion up, just to slam him back into the wall with enough force to crack it.

“You think that is fun?!” Cyburst questioned, “You’re a monster!”

“Not as much as you are.” The stallion retorted.

With that comment, Cyburst’s horn got even brighter. The stallion felt as if something was just put into his chest.

“Wh-what’d you do?!” The stallion stammared,

“I’ve just put a small force shield into your stomach.” Cyburst said, his eye twitching slightly,

“What’s that going to do?” the stallion asked,

“The funny thing about shields-” Cyburst said, but was inturrupted by a scream of pain that was coming from the stallion, “Is that you can expand them at will.”

“No don’t do it!” The stallion whimpered,

“You’re too far for redemption!” Cyburst said,

“NOO-” the stallion uttered before having his innards turn to his outards and was splattered around the room.

Cyburst didn’t give the stallion a second glance before walking up the stairs and into his old room, his emotionless eyes searching at the ground for a sign.

“There!” Cyburst said,

He reached down and pulled up a floorboard that had a few nails missing. Under it, was the whole reason he came back to this house.

The ripped Mirage Scroll.

He put the old parchment into his saddlebags. He left his room and walked down the stairs. He went up to his mom’s distorted body and shed a single tear.

“I’m sorry mom.” He whispered, before leaving the house.

Once he arrived at the Everfree Forest entrance, he found Candy Corn exactly where they planned on meeting.

“Good girl.” Cyburst said as he walked up to the mare.

Candy Corn’s head whizzed around in surprise, but then the rest of her body turned too, at a calmer pace then her head.

“Oh, it’s just you. Wait, where’d all this blood come from.” Candy asked, as she rushed up to Cyburst.

“From my mom’s house.” Cyburst said, his voice cracked in pain, before breaking down and crying.

“What happened?! I thought you said you were going to be safe?” Candy asked in a scolding tone,

“I-I was. The stallion would never *sob* never have been able to take me.” Cyburst said in between sniffles,

“What?! Who was it?” Candy asked,

“I don’t know, but he killed my mom.” Cyburst managed to get out before he fell to the ground in pain.

But it wasn’t physical pain.

Candy put a hoof to her mouth. “Dear Celestia!”

“Hey, you two! Stop!” a voice yelled from afar.

Candy turned her head towards a large dark coated mare galloping in their direction.

“Cy, it’s time to go.” Candy said as she nudged Cyburst’s shoulder.

Cyburst wiped away his tears and got up and looked at the Everfree Forest. His eyes showed determination.

“Our final destination is in there.” Cyburst said,

“Where exactly are we going? You never told me that in the plan.” Candy asked,

“Oh, nowhere, just my house before I moved in with you.” Cyburst said,

Cyburst trotted forward slowly to let Candy keep up, but they both knew they couldn’t for long. Once they were about one hundred hoofs in, Cyburst gently levitated Candy onto his back so that they could pick up the pace. As Cyburst galloped, Candy got anxious.

“Cy, where is your house?” Candy Corn asked,

Cyburst chuckled, “I have no idea!”

“What?! then where are we-”

“That’s why it’s such a good hiding spot, nopony knows where it is.” Cyburst said,

Candy had to think about this, Cyburst had never mentioned where he lived before he moved in, but now that he said nopony knows where it is, that only leaves one place.

“You built your house on top of the Temple?” Candy asked,

It was the best idea I ever had.” Cyburst said, then laughed his head off for a few minutes.

Eventually, the trees parted and a large house rose from the sand that made up the clearing.

Cyburst lifted up Candy Corn, “Are you fit to dig a little?”

“Yes, I think I can dig for-AHHHHH!” Candy Corn screamed as she was lightly put on the ground.

“What?! What’s wrong?” Cyburst asked in a panicked voice,

“I-I think my water just broke!” Candy Corn winced in pain.

“Of all the times- okay, I’ll get this going, and you sit there and do what one does in this situation.” Cyburst said

Cyburst literally picked up all the sand in one large area with his magic to see if anything was under it.

“Hmm.. not there.” Cyburst said as he put the sand back down, and searched in another area of sand, “Not there either.”

“Can you hurry up?!” Candy asked in between gasps for air,

“I’m going as fast as I can! There it is!” Cyburst yelled back as he picked up a third area of sand, and finding what he was looking for.

“What?” Candy asked, clearly in pain,

“The pedestal.” Cyburst said.

Cyburst floated himself down to the bottom of the hole he made and looked at the very sandy pedestal that jutted out of the ground with a small piece of parchment on it.

It was the other half to the Mirage scroll.

Cyburst took out the half he had acquired earlier and laid it in place. The text on the two halfs were now decipherable being that they were next to each other. Cyburst used a quick repairing spell to mend the tear he had made so many years ago. Once the Scroll was whole, the loud magical machines that provided the late Temple with it’s name were back online and creating a large mirage again. Having finished what he had started, Cyburst floated back out of the pit and placed the sand back into place.

“Now that that’s taken care of, Can you Help me?!” Candy Corn asked, obviously angry,

“Oh, yes. What shall I do?” Cyburst asked,

“Well, you can start with...” Candy Corn began, but was cut off because the stupid author hasn’t witnessed childbirth before, hence he cannot write an accurate description of it. E

A/N Sorry for making everybody wait! I lost all interest in this story after... I’m not really sure. No matter, I’m back. The next chapter will be posted as soon as I write it. Also, go give BlackMirage a huge “GET THE BUCK BACK HERE” for me, will you? I really want to write with him again.

Quiet Ocarina

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“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Candy Corn screamed with a foal coming out of her... Well, you know.

Luckily, Cyburst was there to catch the foal ,who was crying at about 5 bizzilion decibels, before it fell onto the floor. He raised it up to his face with a warm, gentle magic, inspecting it closely.

“It’s a colt!” Cyburst said with glee,

“That’s *Gasp* her *Wheeze* Umbilical cord.” Candy managed to get out.

“It’s a filly!” Cyburst corrected himself, his face a darker shade of red.

“I *Cough* need to sleep...” Candy said as she slid from consciousness.

“Ok. Hey, wait! Too late.” Cyburst said, “Now what am I going to do, I know nothing about foals.”

“...Maybe you should have looked that up before you banged your wife with a birthing intent...” Phoenix thought,

“Oh shush you.” Cyburst thought back angrily,

“...Fine, be that way. I was going to help you, but...” Phoenix thought,

“Okay, I’m sorry. Can you please help me?” Cyburst thought back,

“...Well since you apologized and asked so nicely, yes, yes I will...” Phoenix thought back, “May I?”

“You may.” Cyburst thought back, relinquishing control of his body and giving it to Phoenix. Phoenix, being the first time he’d ever moved the body by himself, stretched a little, then took the foal into the house and found a diaper.

“...Why do you have diapers if you don’t have children?..” Phoenix thought/asked,

“I like being prepared for any situation.” Cyburst thought back,

“...Uh-huh... No matter, just as long as we have them, and a lot of them...” Phoenix thought as he looked around.

After a few minutes, Phoenix had put the diaper on the foal, got her to stop crying, and lull it into a sound sleep. Cyburst was rather dumbfounded with all the experience Phoenix had with foals. While Phoenix started to change places with Cyburst, Candy walked into the room.

“Were you just going to leave me out there?” Candy asked harshly,

“Well, it’s just as safe out there as it is in here. And quiet down she’s sleeping.” Cyburst replied while motioning to the sleeping body inside the random crib Phoenix found in Cyburst’s house.

“Oh, she’s so adorable!” Candy Corn said in a loud whisper as she walked up to the crib,

“She is. Wait, did you think of a name?” Cyburst asked when he caught up with Candy,

“Yes.” Candy Corn replied half-heartedly, distracted by the new family member,

“...Well, what is it?” Cyburst asked,

“Quiet Ocarina.” Candy Corn said quietly,

“What a beautiful name.” Cyburst said.

Candy Corn and Cyburst both looked down at Quiet Ocarina. Her dark blue coat shining in the light. Her eyes the color of the clearest sky of the. Her mane and tail, both the color turquoise and the color of freshly harvested hay. Candy and Cyburst both sharing the silent moment that seemed to last forever. Candy Corn then leaned in to kiss Cyburst, who compiled and let the warmth of his mare comfort him. Candy awkwardly broke away with a quizzing look on her face.

“Why do you have so much foal stuff anyway?” Candy asked,

“What else am I going to spend all my money on?” Cyburst asked with a goofy grin,

“Me.” Candy Corn teased,

“Oh, that reminds me. I have something for her.” Cyburst said, walking out of the room and returning with a small necklace in his mouth.

The necklace itself wasn’t very big. It was obviously made for a foal. But it wasn’t the necklace that was unique. It was the pendant on the necklace that really set it apart. It was a small design that had some parts of Cyburst’s Cutie Mark, but it also had something else. Cyburst levitated the necklace onto Quiet Ocarina’s neck and fastened it.

“That was a gift from my Mother on the day I got my first Cutie Mark.” Cyburst told Candy Corn, “She didn’t really know what to think when my Cutie Mark changed into what it is now.”

“How long are we going to stay here?” Candy Corn asked,

“Until this war is over.” Cyburst said, looking out the window at the large pillar of smoke that was coming from Ponyville.

“How long will the war go on?” Candy asked,

“That question, nopony can answer.” Cyburst said, closing his eyes and hugging Candy Corn.

A/N Sorry for the short chapter, I've got things to do. I'm mostly posting this for later references in other stories. I belive the correct term for this is a "Filler Chapter."

The slip-up

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Chapter 4: The slip-up


Cyburst turned his head towards the bush which a sound had just emanated from. He was patrolling the border of the small amount of land the Cloaking scroll covered. the bush was on the outside, so he paid no heed to it. The cloak made him and everything else inside the border look like any other part of the forest, but that doesn’t mean people couldn’t hear him. He and Candy have been there for only six months, but it felt like six decades. Cyburst trotted until he came to the small line he drew three months earlier to make the patrols much easier. Cyburst had finally finished the last round and sighed. When you’re secluded from the outside world, there’s not much news for you. He walked back up to his house, where his mare and filly were rocking back and forth.

“Is it okay for me to speak?” Cyburst wispered,

“Yes, she’s quite the heavy sleeper.” Candy Corn replied in a normal tone,

“Good, I’ve grown to dislike crying.” Cyburst said, also returning to normal voice level.

“Did you find anything?” Candy asked, “Is it over?”

“No, and I’m not sure.” Cyburst answered. “Many wars last for a year, but we can’t be sure.”

Candy Corn sighs, “I know, but I just get anxious when I’m left from my work for this long.”

“Hey, I’ve got enough food, cider, and bits to hold us here for a decade, we’ll be fine.” Cyburst said, trying to cheer up his mare.

“You’re right. We’ll be just fine.” Candy replied, looking down at their filly, “She’ll be fine too.”

“She’ll be more than fine she’ll be protected.” Cyburst said.

Cyburst embraced Candy Corn and the both stared out the window, trying to pick up any signs of equestrian life, but they only found a family of bunnies, huddling inside their burrow.

Cyburst awoke with his forelegs still around Candy Corn. He looked outside to find the sun wasn’t there, but the moon was. He yawned and slowly relaxed his grip, and took his legs away from Candy. He went outside to make another patrol. THe morning patrols were always the hardest, still groggy from the snooze. When Cyburst was finally awake, he felt a little uncomfortable. Something was different, but he couldn’t place his hoof on it. He brushed it away, it couldn’t be too important. He found the line and set out. Nothing out of the ordinary, but that feeling kept nagging him., like somepony was watching him. Cyburst pushed the thought to the back of his hea. Somepony? Watching him? Impossible. The cloak was intangible, insensible, but secure. Shifting could be heard from the direction of his house, but it was probably only Candy Corn waking up. She hated it when she was alone in the morning. Cyburst decided to cut the patrol short and head back. as soon as he turned, he realized something. Do you know what he heard?


No birds chirped. No squirrels chattered. Not even a manticore could be heard. Something was wrong. He ran back to the house. He unlatched the door and threw it open. He saw Candy being held by somepony, gagged too. Somepony who shouldn’t have even been there.

“Let. Her. Go.” Cyburst said, his eyes aflame.

“No.” The pony said, sneering.

“Then you die.” Cyburst said, a large amount of magic was being built up around his horn.

“You first.” A voice said next to his ear.

Cyburst tried to react, but it was too late.


Cyburst’s vision was strangely tilted. his head felt as if it had lost ten pounds. His neck collapsed and he fell to the ground. He’d finally pieced it together. Why he felt uncomfortable. It was hotter than usual. It was the summer solstice. The only day the magic wears off. That’s how they got in. But it didn’t matter, not anymore. He wasn’t going to be around much longer anyway. Candy Corn struggled to get out of the pony’s firm hold.

“MMMMMPFHMMMMPFH!” Candy Corn tried, but it was too late.


Cyburst awoke with a start. he jolted upright and felt himself all over and found nothing was broken. He was alive. Not only that, but in perfect condition. he put his hoof on his neck. Every vertebra was intact and in the correct place. Cyburst practically jumped for joy. Well, actually, he did jump for joy. But wait, didn’t that pony snap his neck?

“...by being one with me, you have an incredible regeneration rate...” Phoenix thought,

“Wha ha ha!” Cyburst said, “Phoenix, you haven’t talked so long I almost forgot about you.”

“...Aww you made me die a little inside...” Phoenix thought sarcastically, “Go do something useful with your power...”

“Okay, but not right now. Right now I need to tell-” Cyburst stopped dead in his tracks, his blood turned to ice.

“Candy Corn.” Cyburst whispered, looking at the pitiful body in front of him.

Sure enough, it was Candy Corn, but it was very hard to tell. Her body was mangled and her legs were twisted at funny angles. a white paste covered her coat in some areas, mostly near her posterior. It didn’t take an analysis spell to know what it was. Her mane was ripped and ragged. Her eyes, her once beautiful eyes were duller than he’d ever seen them.

“What happened” Cyburst said as he looked around his house.

The room was ransacked. All things deemed valuable had been taken. Everything else had been destroyed. Table? legs cut off, broken in two. Nice wooden chairs? They looked as if Goldilocks had sat in them. Crib? a pile of dust.

“What’d they do with Quiet Ocarina?” Cyburst said through clenched teeth,

“...I do not know...” Phoenix thought,

Cyburst went upstairs. It didn’t look any better. He looked at the forest through a nearby window. It looked as if nothing had ever happened. The sun was setting again. The birds started to chirp. The squirrels were collecting things for winter. The faint roar of a manticore could be heard.

He went back downstairs and touched a panel on the wall. the wall shifted to reveal a secret room. nothing had been touched in there, thankfully, but that wasn’t enough to lift his spirits. Cyburst couldn’t comprehend what had just happened. His whole life, everything he’d worked up to from his childhood, had been taken away from him in a mere day.

“...What do we do now?..” Phoenix thought,

“Now?” Cyburst thought, “We leave.”

“...Where?..” Phoenix thought,

“I don’t know yet, but not here.” Cyburst thought, “You ready?”

“... Sure...”

“Fifty percent! RELEASE!” They said harmoniously.

A small piece of cloth caught Cyburst’s eye. He picked up the rag with his talons. Once he examined it, something inside him snapped.

“Phoenix, we have our destination.” Cyburst thought in a little-too-cheery tone,

“...Okaaaay. Where?..” Phoenix thought,

“Celestia” Cyburst thought in reply,

Then, nothing but a loud boom was heard, all that was left where Cyburst was moments ago was the cloth and the wind. Cyburst was flying towards canterlot as fast as he could go without losing his transformation, which is mach three.

“...Are you scared, Cy? You’re shaking...” Phoenix thought

“No.” Cyburst thought back, “Now, now I’m angry!”

The small white cloth had finally touched the ground. It’s sun decal matched the well-known Cutie Mark of a certain princess. its corners began to smolder. Then, it was engulfed in flames.

A/N SOOOO SORRY. I'm not busy at all, I just never get around to updating this. I'm going to try to see if I can get this republished so I can try to get more views, but it's going to take time. If I don't write before, I definitly will write during the holidays. See you soon. Oh, and while I'm hear, WHAT THE HELL MIRAGE!


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The only War Heros I know are either dead, or dying.
-Solid Snake, Metal Gear Solid

“...We’re almost to Canterlot, Cy...”

“I know, but if feels like it been only two minutes.” Cyburst said to Phoenix,

“...That’s because it HAS only been two minutes, we’re fast fliers...” Phoenix replied, “...Maybe we should apply for the Wonderbolts... After this, I mean...”

“I’m pretty sure they don’t allow pony/Phoenix hybrids.” Cyburst said, “Plus I like speed, not tricks.”

“...Have you ever tried to do any tricks?..” Phoenix asked.

“Of course not, you should know that, us sharing bodies and all.” Cyburst said.

“...I have to go to sleep too, you know...” Phoenix retorted, “Sleep isn’t just rest, it lets one’s brain store it’s new memories, that’s why we still sleep...”

“But we don’t have to, right?” Cyburst asked.

“...No...” Phoenix replied, “...We’re Here...”

Cyber Burst looked ahead of them and sure enough, the Canterlot Castle was getting bigger by the second. Cyburst slowed down to a stop in front of the town gate. He looked around. Nothing much had changed since his College years at Celestia’s school for gifted ponies, just a few collapsed houses here and there. Cyburst landed and went back to his regular form. He unsheathed Silverbolt, not knowing exactly what was right around the corner. The smell of silver would make most Supernaturals run away, but there were the few ones. The hungry ones. They could put up a fight if it was necessary. Cyburst had no intention of becoming a Lycan or Vampire. His power rested in his skill, and Phoenix. Phoenix was the only other power he needed.

Suddenly, one of the windows on the side of the castle shattered, raining on Cyburst. He put his flank up to the nearest wall, and made himself as inconspicuous as possible. A loud crash was heard, like something hitting the floor. Then, Her voice was heard. Not the kind and gentle voice as he last heard it at the Wonderbolt show, but loud and filled with rage.

“You aren't going anywhere!" Celestia screeched.

“Go!” a voice shouted.

A very bright yellow pegasus jumped out the window, her wings keeping her aloft. If Cyburst wasn’t mistaken, it was Spitfire from the Wonderbolts. Not soon after, three more pegasi, two earth ponies, and three unicorns jumped out. The four wingless ponies were equipped with some type of mechanic wing. One of the pegasi was carrying an unicorn. He recognised all but one of the ponies immediately. Six of them were the hosts of the Elements of Harmony, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash. The one being carried was Vinyl Scratch, the DJ that go’s by the of DJ Pon3. She was rather large compared to the last time he saw her, which was on one of her albums, Synthesized Chaos. She seemed to be in pain. That’s when it hit Cyburst, she was around nine months pregnant. He looked at the pegasus carrying her, nothing was familiar about him. His ash grey coat, purple mane and tail, and even his eyes were not ringing any real bells. Cyburst knew he’d seen that pegasus somewhere, but he couldn’t put his finger on it.

He was about to go and ask about it, but then a large pair of pure white wings popped out of the window as well. Cyburst looked at the Alicorn with hatred. The nerve of her! How could she go on knowing what she let her subjects do to his family. He needed to let her know how he felt about it.

Cyburst was about to give Celestia a good organ removal, but something strange happened. Spitfire rounded back and ENGAGED Celestia in combat.

“Mirage, guide them there, I’m going to stop Celestia.” Spitfire yelled to the pegasus that was unknown to Cyburst.

Spitfire moved back, doing circles around Celestia, slashing at Celestia’s wings with her hoof, Celestia reached out for the Wonderbolt, grabbing Spitfire’s tail with her magic. Celestia lifted her up by it, and engulfed Spitfire with with all of her magic, swinging Spitfire around like a puppet, Spitfire had finally broke free, drawing a switchblade and cutting her enemies right wing, causing her to plummet towards the ground. Once Celestia had hit the ground, Spitfire turned around and tried to catch up to the other eight ponies.

“...This is a great time for dealing with Celestia...” Phoenix thought, “...She was wounded from that battle...”

“No.” Cyburst thought back, “I’m not going for her. Not yet.”

“...Well why not?..” Phoenix asked, “...You won’t get a better chance than this one...”

“Because I want to inflict all the injuries that will lead to her downfall.” Cyburst replied, “I’ll let her heal, then, we’ll make her feel what I went through.”

Cyburst looked at the ever shrinking group of ponies flying away from Canterlot.

“We’re going to follow them.” Cyburst said as he started to walk.

“...Why?..” Phoenix said.

“Mirage is the only pony in that whole group I can’t remember where I’ve seen him before.” Cyburst thought, “I have to figure it out.”

“...Then why aren’t we flying after them?..” Phoenix questioned.

“They might think we’re hostiles if they see us.” Cyburst replied.

Cyburst ran after them, magic keeping his adrenaline from falling. They were heading towards a desert-like area. In the distance he could see a small, western town. It looked heavily fortified because of barricades for the war. Large mountains of sandstone loomed close to the town, withered away by the winds of erosion. one of them was right over the town. The perfect place to watch anything that happened.

When Cyburst reached the town, he saw the town’s name on the entrance.


Cyburst knew that name too, but it didn’t make any sense. He started to scale the sandstone mountain. What was it that made the whole place feel familiar? The Smell? Nope. The old, western buildings? First time he saw those too. The Landscape. No... Wait, he hadn’t seen it in real life. The only place he’d seen it was...

“Oh dear.” Cyburst said when he got to the top of the mountain and looked down at the area.

It looked exactly like the Mosaic in the Temple.

Nine Elements start the war, one Element will end it.

“...This is getting interesting...” Phoenix said aloud.

“I know who you are, Mirage.” Cyburst said with a grin on his face. “You’re one of the nine.”

Stale Battles and a sequence break

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“...Gods ain’t gonna help you son,
you’ll be sorry for what you’ve done...”

“Phoenix, what are you doing?” Cyburst asked, “This isn’t the time to be singing.”

“...Then what time is it for?..” Phoenix replied.
I’ll need to look back at your story a few times to get this right

“It’s time for.... Crap, I don’t know.” Cyburst said, “Maybe we should go down and investigate?”

“...Maybe. After a week of staying up here, you would have had a big master plan already...” Phoenix said.

“Oh hush. It’s not like you’ve been doing anything interesting.” Cyburst retorted.

“Well, they have.” Phoenix said, pointing with a hoof.

Cyburst looked in the direction that he was pointing, and sure enough , Mirage was out with Spitfire, doing... nothing really. He stood on top of a tall mountain while they talked. A lonely cloud was hovering near them. A familiar rainbow-maned pegasus jumped and talked from that cloud. Spitfire rushed over and touched the pegasus. This says a few thing about the situation. One) these two were together, Two) there’s still hope for this small, but mighty outpost.

While Cyburst was assessing the situation, he failed to notice the light blue colored pony flying in the direction of the group. Evidently, it wasn’t friendly. The pony slammed into Mirage and tackled him to the ground, that large thing that was about one hundred hoofs down. That wasn’t the only thing that was strange. It got fairly dark quite fast. Avian-like eyesight did help, but it doesn’t work well in pitch black darkness.

“You’re right, Mirage.” A voice said,

“Have we been found?!” Cyburst said.

“...I don’t think so, that wasn’t speaking directly at us...” Phoenix thought, “...Although it did speak in our mind...”

“I thought only we could speak through our mind.” Cyburst replied, “Did somepony else enter my body?!”

“...No, the pony who spoke most likely had an ability to speak in the minds of ponies in the area, he just didn’t know we were up here...” Phoenix thought.

Just then, a loud sound emanated and a wave of rainbow shot out, dissipating the darkness instantaneously. The whole scene had changed amid the blackness. Three ponies were guarding a building from three familiar ponies. Not only were they exactly the same except for the horn, wings, or lack of both, they were more of the ponies found in the Mosaic. The light blue pegasus and Mirage were facing off, but weren’t attacking. They only seemed to be talking to each other, but they were too far away to be heard with any clarity. Spitfire was getting a little too close to the unknown pegasus. What if he has a hid-. A loud shot rang out, and Spitfire lay limp on the ground.

“No!” Rainbow Dash Screeched, Clearly upset.

She flung herself at the Pegasus, just to be batted away.

The pegasus spread it’s wings and was about to leave, flying up, but something shiny hit it’s wing, making it crash to the ground.

“Not only do I hate liars,” Cyburst said, “But I also hate cowards.”

“...Then why don’t you go down and help?..” Phoenix thought.

“It’s not my fight, but there's.” Cyburst replied, “Ours will come soon enough.”

The pegasus now had a hostage, Vinyl Scratch. Mirage seemed to be trying to negotiate, but it didn’t seem to be helping. Vinyl wasn’t about to give up, even in her condition. She surprised the pegasus and flung him down. Mirage was the one to act though. He changed colors, from a purple mane and tail to pure crimson. A loud scream was heard again, but not from Rainbow dash, but from Mirage. This seemed to blow back a few enemies. The blue pegasus was thrown into one of the sandstone mountains, and was limp. Mirage took the liberty of escorting him back to the town, but, instead of killing the pegasus, he dropped him off near the recently broken couple. Mirage’s mane and tail turned back to it’s original purple shade. He looked back to Vinyl and a new face. Cyburst was too far to make out any characteristics, but he knew there was sompony new. All ponies, except for Rainbow Dash, that blue pegasus, and Spitfire, went inside of a close building.

“Well, that was interesting.” Cyburst said, “I wonder what other things will happen here.”

“...Can’t you already guess?..” Phoenix asked, “The fate of Equestria will be determined here...”

“I figured that, just... How will that turn out?” Cyburst said, not really asking anypony.

After that, it was as quiet as Flutttershy’s cottage at night. Cyburst lie down on his back and stared up into the light blue sky. The wind rushed through his silken mane. He crossed his hind legs and put his forelegs behind his head.

‘For now, we’ll just have to wait for our time to strike that overgrown so-called princess.’ Cyburst thought,

Cyburst was back at the bar. He found that there were tears on his open hooves. He’d lost everything in those short months. He looked at the pony who’d set off those sad memories, but the drunk orange mare was fast asleep. Cyburst looked at Bob, the bartender, for any type of sign.

“See fell asleep in your arms!” Bob said giddily, “Maybe she likes you.”

“Probably not.” Cyburst said in a monotone voice.

“Well, she can’t do much good right now.” Bob said, “Could you carry her home?”

“Sure.” Cyburst replied.

Cyburst flopped AppleJack onto his back. She was surprisingly light. Cyburst walked over to the bar to get directions to AppleJack’s house.

“Okay, so you turn left at the house with the yellow roof, and head straight for three blocks.” Bob said, “You can’t miss it. It has apple trees.”

Cyburst walked out of the bar and went in the directions the bartender told him, and sure enough, the Apple family farm was right in front of him. It was slightly smaller than Sweet Apple Acres, but still a decent size. Of course there were a few apple trees. It looked as if it wasn’t fully done, like Applejack planned to add more trees.

Cyburst walked up to the front door and knocked.

No answer.

He knocked a little harder this time.

Nopony was heard from inside the house.

Cyburst pushed on the door, only to find it open. He walked inside to find the place clean and tidy. Nothing seemed out of place. It was quiet.

'Still, I should spend the night, in case somepony actually is in here.' Cyburst thought, ‘With AppleJack in her inebriated condition, she wouldn’t be able to protect herself.’

Cyburst set Applejack on the nearby couch and then sat down on a chair. He touched his sheath to check if Silverbolt was back, which it was. He started to settle down for the night.

Too bad Cyburst’s memories even haunted his dreams.

The mission he'd been waiting for

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You haven’t failed until you quit trying.
-Fang, Maximum Ride

Cyburst was still atop his sandstone mountain when he heard shuffling coming from down below. Cyburst tensed up, and looked down the mountain.

Just Werewolves passing by.

Cyburst heaved a sigh of relief. They were downwind of him and couldn’t pick up his scent. Cyburst looked at them. Werewolves usually only clump together if they’re hunting something. He looked at where they were headed. It seemed to be a castle that hadn’t been there for a while. He didn’t recognise it from any map he’d seen, but his maps were a little out of date.

“I wonder....” Cyburst said aloud, “Phoenix?”

“...Yes?..” Phoenix thought groggily.

“We’re transforming.” Cyburst said.

“...Now?..” Phoenix asked.

“No, in fifteen minutes.” Cyburst said sarcastically, “OF COURSE NOW!”

“...Alright. Alright...” Phoenix said, wide awake. “... I’m ready...”

“Here we go!” Cyburst said, “50%, RELEASE!”

Cyburst and Phoenix transformed, of course, but they didn’t realize how much noise they actually created by yelling. A few of the Werewolves looked up and spotted them and started to ascend the mountain at an amazing pace. The only advantage Cyburst had was flight and camouflage. He decided the latter was more useful at the moment.

When Cyburst finally got away from the Werewolves, who had a habit of tracking him with his scent now that they were upwind of him, He looked at the castle. It was just a little lighter than the night itself. Most of the light for the castle came from many black flamed-candles. It looked very gothic for a castle in this pretty pink world, but that must be why it was built so quickly, so it wouldn’t be judged. Not removing his camouflage spell, Cyburst flew into an open window near the top of the tallest spire. It contained nothing but books. He assumed it was the library. Finding nothing of interest, Cyburst walked down a nearby stairwell. It lead him to the main dining hall which didn’t have anybody in it either.

How could any castle be so empty?’’ Cyburst thought, ‘ It’s rather daunting.

“...It seems that this castle belongs to the Princess...” Phoenix thought.

“Who? Celestia?” Cyburst asked

“...No, the other one...” Phoenix thought back.

“Luna’s castle? It does fit her description, being a darker place than Canterlot Castle.” Cyburst thought.

Still, if it is Luna’s castle, where are all her followers?’ Cyburst thought.

As if on que, something shifted somewhere in the next room. Cyburst opened a door to find an empty hallway. Another sound was emitted from a nearby door. Cyburst crept up to the closed door, disabling his camouflage spell. Cyburst put one of his hand onto Silverbolt’s hilt. He put his other hand onto the door and yanked it open to find...


Cyburst unsheathed his sword. The only thing worse than an enemy is an enemy you couldn’t see. he inspected every nook and cranny to find that nopony was there. No traps had been placed. No tubes of flammable liquid covered the ground. Only a bed and a chair were in the room. Cyburst sighed. He placed Silverbolt on the chair and lie down on the bed. It fit his extended form perfectly, like it was made for him.

Did somepony guide me here?’ Cyburst thought, ‘does somepony want me to stay here in secret?

‘Yes, Cyburst. I need your help.’ A voice said.

Cyburst picked up Silverbolt, “Who’s there?!”

You cannot see me. Nor can anyone else.’ The voice said, ‘I’m contacting you through the night.

“Who are you?!” Cyburst shouted.

A faint shimmer could be made out from the corner from Cyburst’s eyes, but when he turned to look at it, it disappeared.

I’m the ruler of this Castle.’ the Voice said, calmer than before.

“Luna?” Cyburst said.

Yes. You don’t have to talk, I can hear your thoughts.’ The night princess said.

Oh, okay. What do you want me to do? And what’s in it for me?’ Cyburst thought.

I’ve been watching your moves since that fateful day when your wife was...’ Luna said.

How do you know about that?! I was the only survivor in that!’ Cyburst thought angerly.

No, you weren’t, but that’s not important. I still need you to do something.’ Luna said.

What’s. In. It. For. ME!’ Cyburst thought.

Anything. Anything you’d ever wish for.’ Luna said,

The only thing I’d wish for you cannot grant.’ Cyburst thought

Will you just hear me out?!’ Luna shouted, ‘There isn’t much time!

...Fine, what do you want me to do?’ Cyburst thought.

Okay, our spies have reported that the leaders of the Solar Empire are going to send a full scale assault at us. We’ll be able to hold them back, but this will continue forever if we don’t do anything about the leaders themselves.’ Luna said.

So what is it you want me to do?’ Cyburst thought.

This isn’t easy for me to say, but unless somepony takes out Celestia, we might lose the war.’ Luna said, her voice cracking on the last word.

So, you want me to kill...no, Murder Celestia?!’ Cyburst thought.

I know it’s harsh, but you can back-’ Luna tried to say,

I’ll do it.’ Cyburst thought.

...What?’ Luna said.

‘I said I’d do it.’ Cyburst thought.

Just like that?’ Luna asked,

Just like that.’ Cyburst thought, ‘This shouldn’t be a surprise to you. If you actually have been watching me, you’d know that’s been my plan all along.

I know, just.. I didn’t think it’d be that easy.’ Luna said, visibly relieved about his answer, ‘Your mission starts tomorrow. Be ready.

Hopefully I will.’ Cyburst thought.

Cyburst waited for any other words, but none came. The shimmers in his eyes had also disappeared. Cyburst had forgotten he’d been holding Silverbolt. He put it down and got back in the bed.

Phoenix, I hope you heard all that, because that’s what’s going to happen tomorrow.’ Cyburst thought with his head on the perfectly sized pillow.

“...Why are we doing this?..” Phoenix said.

Cyburst smiled


Mission, START!

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The only thing worse than an enemy with nothing to lose, is one who does, but doesn’t fear loss.
- Cybeast Hunter




“Huh, what?” Cyburst said, jolting awake.

Today’s the day, you start your mission at sundown.’ Luna said though the night, ‘My agents have told me that Celestia and her leaders are coming this way.

So how is it going to go down?’ Cyburst thought, ‘When she appears over the horizon, I tackle her to the ground?

No’ Luna said, ‘She’ll attack you straight on like that, and there will be witnesses. We’ll fight her and her people. once we beat them, she’ll be likely to run away. When she gets out of our sight, destroy her.’

‘Okay then.’ Cyburst thought, ‘Do I get a weapon?

Yes.’ Luna said musingly, ‘If you can find the armory undetected?

Wait what?’ Cyburst thought, ‘Where’s the armory.

The innermost part of the castle.’ Luna said, giggling, ‘have fun!

Wait. Luna!’ Cyburst thought

But there was no answer.

“Damn that harpy! I’ll have to find the armory, I guess.” Cyburst said, slightly annoyed.

Cyburst slid his legs to the side of the bed and got up. He was still in the 50% power release, but he didn’t care. He didn’t need to be in his original form for this anyway. He picked up Silverbolt from off the chair and put it back in the sheath. Cyburst opened the only way out of the room. He looked down each direction of the hallway. Nopony was in sight or hearing range. Perfect. Cyburst used his magic to camouflage himself, making him unseeable, but not inaudible or intangible.

He walked down the empty hallway, freezing whenever he heard anything. Eventually, Cyburst found a door with two guards. They didn’t look like they were in a hurry, so he couldn’t wait for them to move.

The guards were quite young. They couldn’t be more than sargents, by today’s standards. Their eyes darted towards every shadow. Cyburst realized how much tension was in the air. They must be scared out of their wits from all the darkness. It only take something supernatural to scare them. Something like- Cyburst had an idea.

Cyburst made the eeriest noise he could think of.


“W-what was that?!” The guard on the left sputtered.

“I don’t know, b-but it didn’t sound happy!” The guard on the right exclaimed.

“I am the ghost of windextor! I am here to clean your filthy souls!” Cyburst said with the tone of his voice wavering.

“AHHHHHHHHHH!” The two guards screamed in unison, before they ran past Cyburst.

“Come back here! Your souls are mine!” Cyburst shouted after them.

The guards ran around a corner, not looking back even once.

“Dumbasses.” Cyburst said, dissipating his unique spell.

Cyburst opened the large door that lead into a large open room. The room’s walls were covered with every weapon of the age. From standard swords to back-mounted rocket launchers. Cyburst looked around for his weapon of choice. Sub-machine gun? No, too loud for him. Machete? He could use Silverbolt if it came down to it. Flare gun? Was this somepony’s idea of a joke?! Then Cyburst saw it. An old, dusty, out-of- fashion Sniper Rifle. It’s chamber was big enough for a knife. One look at it and said “Keep your distance. Better yet, leave the country.” Cyburst smiled and picked it up. It was the right size for a griffon, so it fit him nicely. He slung it over his shoulder so it crossed over Silverbolt’s sheath in an X pattern.

Good’ Luna said, ‘just on time too.

What the hell luna?! Why’d you make me look for the armory?’ Cyburst thought in anger.

Because I forgot where it was.’ Luna giggled, ‘And this was the funnest way to learn.

Once I’m done with this I’m going to r-

They’re just out of sight. get to the top of the tallest spire to make your shot.’ Luna interrupted, ‘You can use the window as an exit.’

Why is there a window in the middle of your castle?’ Cyburst thought quizzingly.

‘So I can watch over my courtyard, duh.’ Luna said.

You know what, I’m not even going to question why.’ Cyburst thought

You just did.’ Luna said, ‘This is our one and only chance to end the war. Do not fail me.

Cyburst flew out the window and quickly ascended to the tallest point of the castle.

‘I’m ready when you are.’ Cyburst thought.

Okay. Mission, Heliacal Occult, start!

Cyburst watched as his target came over the mountain with her generals. Of course she was the last one. Luna and her rag-tag group came out from beneath him. They faced each other almost symmetrically, each counterpart facing each other. Cyburst had the strange feeling of Deja Vu.

“The pieces finally fit together.” Cyburst said as he realized why it was so familiar.

It was the exact same as the Mosaic.

Cyburst watched through his scope as both sides tried to reason with each other. He knew they’d ultimately fail to settle this the easy way. The only option left was the hard way. Both sides ran at each other. The- You know what, If you want to read about the battle, read BlackMirage’s, The War For Equestria. You might learn something.

Once Luna and the other parts of the Lunar Republic got onto the boat, Cyburst took aim at the Embodiment of the Sun. Cyburst put a claw on the trigger and squeezed, but only a click was heard. There was no ammunition in the rifle, and it would take too long to go back into the castle. He had to find something to shoot. Nothing but shingles were around him. He looked behind him, but nothing was close. His eye’s rested on his wings, namely, his feathers. They were the perfect size for the barrel, and were sharp enough to cut obsidian. Cyburst sighed once, and plucked a feather from his beautiful wings. To his surprise, the feather grew back immediately. Cyburst should have expected as much, being able to survive death and all. he placed the feather into the chamber. He looked through the scope to find that Celestia had only gotten smaller. He fixed the crosshairs for her head.

One shot rang out.

Celestia fell from the sky, giving the ground a nice, warm hug.

“Damn, the sight was off slightly.” Cybust said, throwing down the gun, “I only clipped her primary feathers.”

Cyburst launched himself towards the white alicorn, reaching her side in only a minute. Celestia had risen to her hooves by then, looking at the beast in front of her intently

“Did you do that?” Celestia asked with rage.

“Yes.” Cyburst said, his eyes like daggers.

“Luna said she’d let me go.” The alicorn said.

“You said you’d release Mirage.” Cyburst retorted, “Oh ,and I’m not doing this for Luna, she’s just adding a benefit.”

Cyber Burst had his eyes closed, tapping his talons, bobbing head to a beat in his mind.
His faithful sword was in his claws.

"You cut my life into pieces, this is my last resort, you royal bitch." Cyburst said to the
wounded mare in front of him,

"What did I ever do?" the mare said, looking at her wing, unusable with the primary feathers clipped.

"Everything that ever has happened to me was started by you." Cyburst said,

He brought Silverbolt up to his face, pointing towards the unique mare that stood in front of
him. Her white coat was matted with blood.Her eyes were slightly shaking with fear.

"A seven nation army couldn't hold me back." Cyburst said, "Let alone your pitiful one."

"I never saw you ever fight one of my soldiers, and I'm immortal." the mare said,

"Yes, immortal, not invincible. You do not age, but you can die by other means." Cyburst said,

"Do you think you will be a hero if you kill me,to bring justice, to end this war?" the oversized mare asked,

Cyburst opened his eyes, they were bright yellow and filled with power,

"I never cared about justice, and I recall ever calling myself a hero..." Cyburst said as he smiled, "I have always only fought for the people I believe in. I won't hesitate... If an enemy appears in front of me, I will destroy it!"

Cyburst closed his eyes again, a single tear dripped down.

"Twilight, I'm sorry." Cyburst said.

Then, with Silverbolt raised, Cyburst charged at Celestia.

Cyburst swung Silverbolt towards Celestia’s side, but the Princess blocked it with a sword of her own. Celestia’s sword was held in her magic, which didn’t have joints, like Cyburst’s arm did. She could twist the sword in any direction she liked. They both swung with tremendous force, but Celestia quickly got the upper hand. Celestia swiped her blade across Cyburst’s cheek, blood spilling out immediately. Cyburst wounds didn’t heal, as they should have after a few seconds. He found that it was due to being cut by magic, and not a solid object. Cyburst slashed in a wide ark, while Celestia countered. The two blades locked and both of the ponies’ faces flew forward.

“Do you think you can defeat me?” Celestia said, eyes stone cold.

“I don’t think so, I know so!” Cyburst shouted, anger flowing through his.

“Then you might want to learn how to double task.” Celestia said

Suddenly, Celestia turned around and kicked Cyburst in the stomach. Cyburst staggered back, but stayed standing. Cyburst was in a tight situation. Whenever he blocked Celestia’s sword, she punched or kicked him. As time wore on, Cyburst got beaten and bruised. When Cyburst brought Silverbolt up to block Celestia’s sword again, She threw one punch to his ribcage, knocking him to the ground. Cyburst tried to get back up, but found Celestia’s blade at his neck.

“Say goodbye to Equestria.” Celestia sneered.

Cyburst closed his eyes, waiting for the cold blade to slit his throat. But it never did.

“Why?” Celestia asked.

“Excuse me?” Cyburst said as he opened his eyes.

“Why did you say sorry to my best student before this fight?” Celestia asked.

Cyburst thought for a second then responded.

“Because I made a promise to her.” Cyburst said, a new feeling rushing through him.

Celestia brought the blade down.

Cyburst stopped it with his hand.

He clasped his hand around the sword, condensing it into a small ball. Cyburst got off the ground. Raw energy surged around him. Celestia backed up.

“I said sorry because I made a promise to her.” Cyburst shouted, throwing down Silverbolt, “And I may not be able to keep it.”

“You cannot beat me, I’ll push you back down.” Celestia shouted.

“...Are you going to do what I think you are going to do?..” Phoenix asked.

“Hell yes!” Cyburst said, the energy around him growing.

Forming into an aura of flame.


The sound that could only be explained as a bird’s cry, only a thousand decibels higher, came out of Cyburst’s mouth.

The beak at the top of his forehead came down and covered Cyburst’s face, like a helm. His eyes went into the sockets above the beak. His chest was covered with protective feathers. Armor plating grew onto his legs, making his once red coat a bright orange. His arms were covered with the same armor as his legs. His Cutie Mark became an emblem in the middle of his chest.

“Who are you?” Celestia asked.

“I am Cyber Burst. A stallion who loves adventure.” Cyburst shouted at the Alicorn, “but not as much as he loves his family.”

“You’re full of yourself!” Celestia screamed, charging headlong at Cyburst.

Cyburst threw a roundhouse kick into Celestia’s side, knocking her to the ground. Celestia quickly gets back up and shoots several lasers at the Avian/Equestrian hybrid, but they bounce off of him and have no effect. Cyburst lunges at Celestia, tackling her to the ground. The roll along, each one somehow getting on top. Cyburst ends the struggle with a quick knee to the stomach. Celestia spit out blood onto his face. Cybust gets off her, but she is unable to get up.

“This is for Mirage.” Cyburst says to the princess as he Grabs her horn.

With unimaginable strength, he pulls of the horn as the mare screams in agony.

“And this...” Cyburst says, holding up the sharp horn, “This is for Candy Corn.”

Cyburst stabs Celestia with the magical dagger, shoving it past her rib cage and into her heart. The Alicorns face was petrified in anguish. Cyburst turns around, picks up Silverbolt, and walks towards Luna’s Castle.

This is Cyburst.’ Cyburst thought, ‘Mission accomplished.


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Cyburst awoke to find the tip of a barrel nudging his nose. The orange pony holding the rifle had narrowed eyes.

“Who’re you and what in tarnation are you doing in ma’ house?!” The mare asked.

“Oh, you’re awake. My name is Cyber Burst, and I was- wait, don’t you remember me?” Cyburst said.

“No, ah’ don’t remember ever layin’ eyes on ya’ before now.” the earth pony said.

“Yesterday, you challenged me to a drinking contest.” The unicorn said, “Ring any bells?”

“No.” She said, lowering her gun, “ ‘Though you aren’t lyin’, I can tell by your eyes.”

“Good. You kind of fell on me, so I brought you to your home.” He said, “The door was open though, so I stayed to make sure nopony was here.”

The Earth pony sighed, looking down, “The door is always open.”

“Why?” Cyburst asked.

“So if Granny Smith or Big Mac ever come home, they’ll be welcomed right in.” She said.

“That’s right. You were there.” Cyburst muttered, then said. “Applejack, I really wish I could help get them back, but they’re gone.”

“How do you know that?” Applejack asked, raising her gun, “I don’t recall tellin’ you ma’ name either.”

“You told me your name yesterday.” He said, raising his hooves, “I can’t tell you why I know they’re gone.”

“Ah don’t know how to counter ya’.” Applejack said, lowering the rifle, “If ya’ don’t want to tell me, ya’ don’t have ta’.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to, I do, I just can’t because it’s a secret I can’t indulge you with.” Cyburst said.

“Ah’ know some ponies like that.” She said, “Ah just hope someday Ah’ll know why.”

“So, I see that your orchard needs a few more trees, and I, believe it or not, need a place to stay.” The red stallion said, “Is it okay if I stay and help you run the orchard?”

“Well, Ah do have an employment offering down at the town hall, but Ah’ guess Ah’ll let them know to take it down.” the orange mare said, “Ya’ look like you could actually help.”

“I’ll be outside.” Cyburst said as he walked out the door.

Cyburst looked at the landscape. The ground was fertile and well-tended. It looked as if Applejack knew what she was doing. There were plenty of places to plant any number of seeds. Cyburst looked to the horizon and chuckled

“Of course it’s dawn, I wouldn’t expect any less from a farm pony.” He said.

“...You control the dawn anyway, seeing that you don’t want to alarm anypony...” Phoenix thought, “...Why don’t you fly anymore, it’s boring on the ground...”

“You know why we can’t. I’m using all our power just to move the Sun.” He thought, “ I can’t just transform like I used to, it would cause a panic.”

“...True...” Phoenix thought, then was quiet.

“What are ya doing out here?” Applejack said, walking up to Cyburst.

“Just plotting out the land.” Cyburst said, “Where’s the closest florist's shop?”

“Well, Roseluck’s is just around the corner, they have a lot of flowers.” Applejack said, “Ah got some of ma’ rare seeds there.

“Rare seeds, you say?” He said, “They should have what I need.”

Without a notice, Cyburst teleported to the front of the shop and tried to open the door. The door was locked, of course. He should have known nopony would have a shop open at the crack of dawn.

“Do you need some flowers?” A voice said from behind Cyburst.

Cyburst teleported to the air right above his assailant, dropping onto the pony and unsheathing Silverbolt.

“Who are you!” He yelled at the pony under him, blade on their neck.

“R-roseluck.” The pony sputtered.

Cyburst instantly got off her and helped her up.

“I’m so sorry! I’m very on edge today, and the PTSD doesn’t help.” He said to Roseluck, rubbing the back of his neck.

“It’s okay, no harm done right?” She said, “I’m the owner of this flower shop.”

“I guessed. I heard that you have rare flowers.” Cyburst said, sheathing Silverbolt. “Am I correct?”

“Yes you are!” Roseluck exclaimed, “In fact, I was coming here to drop off my newest bundle of black roses.”

“Black roses?!” The stallion said, surprised, “Only the best florists can cross-breed those.”

“You flatter me.” She blushed, “Let’s go inside to talk about the price.”

Roseluck pulled a key from her saddlebag and unlocked the door. This was the first time Cyburst got a good look at her. Her white coat reflected most of the sun’s rays. Her two-toned mane was rather fitting to her name. A pink and lighter pink. Almost as if she crushed up petals and dyed her hair. Her Cutie Mark just emphasized her love for flowers, a rose. She’s, to say the least, gorgeous.

Once they were inside, they went over to the cashier's table.

“So. How many are you buying today?” She asked, her grassy green boring into his soul.

“J-just one.” Cyburst said as he peeled his eyes away.

“Oh, usually Stallions buy more for their mares.” Roseluck said.

“What?! I-I’m not buying it for somepony.” Cyburst sputtered, “Well actually, that’s a lie. To be more precise, I’m not buying for anypony who’s alive.”

“O-oh, just the one then.” She said looking down.

“You know what? Scratch that. I’ll buy three.” Cyburst said.

“Are you sure?” She asked.

“Most definitely.” The unicorn said, his eyes ablaze with determination.

“Okay then.” Roseluck said, punching the numbers into the register. “That comes to a total of three hundred bits.”

Cyburst’s jaw dropped to the floor. “Th-three hundred?! That means it’s one hundred a pop!”

“Right you are.” She said, “Well, how will you be paying?”

“What a buisness pony you are.” He said, rummaging through his saddlebag. “Encouraging me to buy more than charging a hoof and a leg.”

“I’ll take that as a complement.” The mare said, giggling.

“Here you go.” Cyburst said as he placed the bits on the counter.

The earth pony giggled some more.

“I was just kidding, they’re actually fifty bits each.” Roseluck said as she pushed half the bits back.

“I’d have gone for it too.” He said, placing the bits in his saddlebag, “Why’d you stop me.”

“Because I like you.” She said as she placed the three flowers in front of him.

Cyburst laugh shook the building “Sorry, but I’m taken.”

“O-oh...” The white mare said.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be back.” He said, holding her a rose.

“Wh-what are you doing.” She asked

“Handing a beautiful mare a present.” The Stallion beamed.

Cyburst used his magic to place the black rose in Roseluck’s mane. He teleported to the front of a gloomy looking gate. The sign for the yard didn’t raise his spirits.

Zephyr Cemetery

He walked into the graveyard. The tombstones seemed to go on forever. He looked at the plaques of every stone he passed until he found the right one.


“The only pony to ever come close to my pain.” Cyburst said to himself as he placed the rose.

He looked to either side of the tombstone. Nopony lay beside Mirage. Cyburst quickly picked up a large rock and quickly carved a name and placed in next to Mirage’s.

Candy Corn

“You reminded me that there’s one who’s in my exact position.” He said, placing the last rose, “Only Vinyl has a foal to look after.”

Cyburst teleported back to Applejack’s house and surprised the mare.

“Ya’ nearly gave me a heart attack!” She stomped, “What are ya’ doing?”

“Just getting some things fixed.” The Stallion said, grinning.

“Well, there’s just enough seeds ta’ plant another row of trees.” Applejack said, “We should get started.”

“Okay.” Cyburst said, walking towards the barn.

Bob was just wiping off the last glass. His Bar was nearly full, as it should be. It was one of the nights where they had a live band, but tonight was even more special. A mare was singing tonight. She was one of the most beautiful mares he’d ever seen. Her dark blue coat gleaming in the dim light. Her turquoise and golden mane blowing ever so slightly in the breeze created by a nearby fan. Her light blue eyes staring at him seductively. The only thing even slightly odd was her cutie mark, which sort of looked like the head of a lion, if it was an emblem.

The lights flickered to signal that she was about to start. The guitarist started to play a slow- and steady song. The Mare started to sing, her voice echoing of the walls as if they were made of crystal. The song itself seemed to be slightly sad.


Once she was done, the crowd cheered for her, throwing flowers and an occasional bit or two. She waved and blew kisses to the audience. When she waved, a small anklet jingled. It looked as if it was her Cutie Mark, but at the top most edges, it had wings.