> A Private Show > by Buster Knutt Reborn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > One You'll Never Forget > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dusk drank down what little was left in his cup, barely able to make out what was being hollered in his ear over the sound of the blaring club music. "Come on, Prince Dusk!" one of the Royal Guards that had dragged him out to the strip club crowed. "Live a little! There's so many girls here, you should be falling over them trying to pick!" Another guard laughed loudly, clapping his comrade on the back and making them spill both of their drinks onto the floor. "Not like he hasn't got enough girls back home in that harem of his, eh?" came the boisterous bellow. "Then what's one more, right?" a third chimed in. Dusk looked around for a quick escape, his headache already pounding about as loud as the music in the place, and the mixing scents of bad cologne, worse drinks, and horrible spills were really starting to get to him. He waved the guards away with a call, just eager to get out of the crowd he was stuck in. "Alright, I'll go see what they're like on the stage!" he yelled, his voice already getting hoarse after barely being in here for thirty minutes. "Atta boy, Your Majesty!" they all shouted in unison, Dusk immediately moving away from them and trying his best to mentally block out the music. 'Find a new girl for the pile', they'd said when they'd brought him out here. Dusk had half a mind to smack them for referring to his wives like that, but he knew he'd meant it without malice. So, here he was, halfway across the country in the 'premium' Equestrian strip club he'd forgotten the name of two minutes after being told it, looking around for a girl who'd catch his eye. And so he looked, trawling past the eager glances from male and female patrons interested in a hook-up, past the dead-eyed dancers and the half-effort gyrations they put on, and finally coming across what he believed was the centre of the stage that had drawn quite a crowd. Curiously, he stood by and kept his eye on that pole, making his way through the crowd to see what they were all gawking at. What they were all gawking out turned out to be a mare eager to earn her paycheck and then some. Spinning, flipping, leaning, grinding, and working the pole in a way he'd never seen before was easily one of the most beautiful mares he'd ever laid eyes on. A gorgeous blue colour, almost-glowing raspberry eyes, and a smile bright enough to light up an entire football field. The stage around her was absolutely covered in cash, constantly raining in from every angle except up as the crowd went absolutely bananas on her. She stood out compared to the other mares in the room, not just because she lacked the huge tits most of them relied on, but because she seemed to be genuinely enjoying herself. Whistles, catcalls, and cheers were coming from everyone watching her, with every stallion or mare she made eye contact with throwing more money onto the stage for her. Then she locked those bright, gorgeous eyes onto Dusk. Something about her just made his heart skip a beat, and something about him got her attention above anyone else. She spun around the pole twice more, using that slender-yet-defined form of hers to expertly cartwheel across the stage to where Dusk was standing next to, gently lowering herself onto her stomach by the end of it. She had her face inches away from his, that beautiful smile still glowing, cupping her face with her hands as she spoke to him. "Hiya, handsome," she giggled. "You're a special one, ain't ya?" "I..." Dusk began. "Some people tend to say so." "Really?" she asked, cocking a well-groomed eyebrow. "Well I'm gonna be another one of them that thinks ya special. And if you're interested in special, how bout you and me take this to a private little room so we can get extra special? Sound good, cutie?" "Sounds excellent," Dusk nodded, watching intently as his mysterious new 'friend' got back to her feet and gestured for him to follow. "So, sweetums," she began, closing the door to the fancy private room behind her before waltzing over to Dusk. "What's ya name?" "Dusk," he answered with a nod, taking a look around the room. It was like every expensive hotel room he'd ever been in, just with the bed replaced with a couch big enough for three people to sleep on, around, or in each other on. The whole room reeked of extravagance, with a running fountain, a bottle of wine in an ice bucket next to the couch, a large surround-sound music system. "Like the prince?" she asked, tapping a finger to her chin inquisitively. "The very same," he nodded with a smirk. "Sorry I didn't wear the crown." "Oh, that's okay, sweetums," she giggled, flaring her hands out down by her hips and leaning forward. "It'd probably just get in the way with what I've got planned for ya." "Which would be?" Dusk asked with an inquisitive-yet-knowing smile. "Why don't you take a seat on that couch and I'll show you, huh?" she smirked playfully, gently pushing the stallion over to the couch while she made her way over to the sound system. As she waltzed away, Dusk couldn't help notice the spring in her step. The way she carried herself with what seemed like genuine excitement and joy at the prospect of doing her job. Also her ass. What she lacked on her chest, she more than made up for with a big, round, well-toned ass positioned on top of some thick, powerful thighs. Her entire body showed that she put in work, everything from her toned arms, to chiselled abs, to those super-strong legs. Dusk could feel himself getting excited, both in his head and in his pants, watching her bend over and put some nice, slow music on. The perfect auditory companion for a strip tease. Dusk sat himself down on the couch, a noticeable bugle in his pants from watching her work, and the mare took notice of it the moment she straddled his lap. "I'm Sonata, sweetcheeks," she said, blowing him a playful kiss as she grinded her ass against his crotch. "And yes, you can touch." "Oh, that's exactly what I wanted to hear," Dusk chuckled, watching her begin to work. Her outfit was skimpy, just as much as everyone else's was in this place, but it did a good job of hiding enough of her body to where to became exciting to see her take it off. A top that struggled to be called a bra hid barely anything but nipple, yet watching her reach back to unclasp it brought a sense of eager anticipation to him. It felt like watching a magician reach into his hat or tearing the first clump of wrapping off a present. The clasp sounded louder than anything else in the room when it came undone, mostly because of how hard he was focusing on it. Sonata grinded herself back against him, that big, toned ass feeling almost like a ball of fire from how hot it felt against his cock. "Hey," she said with a smirk, raising her arms above her head and looking back over her shoulder. "Care to give me a hand taking this off? I can't quite manage it, I'm afraid." "Oh, it'll be my pleasure," Dusk nodded, sliding his hands over her back and curving them round over her chest. He could feel her heartbeat immediately through that bra. Steady, relaxed, in control. She was a professional who'd seemingly done this so often that she was in complete control of herself and of the room. She leaned back against his torso, still working her ass while also putting him close to her face. Dusk kissed her cheek as he gently peeled away her top, allowing it to drop to the floor in front of her and exposing her flat chest. His fingers probed against her torso, the kiss on her cheek slowly turning into a lick as he felt himself fall further into his desires, his fingers coming into contact with short barbell piercings on her tits. He toyed with the cool metal, gently tweaking it and the titflesh around it with an eager fascination. He hadn't been with a pierced mare before, so he found himself breaking new ground. He acclimatised himself to the sensation of the metal, the way Sonata squeaked and groaned as he toyed with it, using his entire hands to massage and squeeze her flat breasts as best as he could. As his hands found more and more ways to play with her, and as she giggled and moaned in yet more adorable ways, Dusk found himself liking her more and more as the minutes went by. Beautiful, eager, friendly, and talented, she was steadily extending her resume out to the Equestrian prince, and the more he saw of it the more he liked her. The Guards had mentioned it as an off-hand joke earlier. He had plenty of mares back home in that harem of his... so what was one more, eh? Nothing wrong with making a good thing even better, especially when she seemed this good out the gate. "Mmmm, someone likes me, huh?" Sonata purred. "Yeah," Dusk replied stupidly. "I like you a lot." "Seems like the big guy downstairs likes me too," she continued, putting extra pressure on his cock as she cycled her hips back around again. "Wanna let him say hi? Help make sure you don't stain those nice pants, too." "Sure thing, babe," Dusk purred, licking her cheek again as she sat up a little. "Wanna see a magic trick?" she asked playfully. "Go ahead," he nodded. With a giggle, she stood up and began to untie Dusk's belt and pants from behind without looking. During the process she made sure to give more than a few lingering touches to the beast rousing from its slumber in her pants. "Oh, that's a fancy belt buckle..." she hummed, pretending to struggle with it while keeping her hand flat against the side of Dusk's titanic length and occasionally squeezing it to the rhythm of the music. "Gimme juuuust a second here, sweetums." The proximity between the two really let him get a scent of her perfume. It tickled under his nostrils, made his mind light up in fireworks. There were few things in the world that smelled as good as she did right now. He tucked his muzzle against her neck, licking gently against her flesh and getting a taste of her as well as a gentle sniff. She giggled at the action, clearly seeing Dusk turning into a drooling mess from the mere smell of her. "Go on, sweetums," she smirked. "I don't mind being your bouquet for a while." With that green light given, he indulged himself in her taste and her smell even more. His tongue lapped against her neck, her jaw, her cheek. His muzzle stayed pressed against her body, feeling the heat radiate through him as all of his senses were working overtime to just get as much of her as they possibly could. Mere minutes alone with this mare and he was already this stirred up, a mix of excitement to see more and contentedness with what she'd already given him battling it out to see who'd come out on top. Dusk soon felt his belt unbuckle and be pulled off, allowing her to get to work on his button and zipper with just-as-skilled a set of fingers as ever. "Would you care for a drink?" Dusk asked, using his magic to levitate the wine out of the ice bucket. "Hell yeah!" she beamed. "It's not every day you get offered a top shelf drink from a top shelf client!" "Keep going as well as you have been so far, and you might have to get used to that," Dusk chuckled, using his magic to grab two wine glasses and pouring drinks out for both of them. "Where do you want yours, babe?" "Juuuust stick it down on the table for now," she answered. "I've got plans for that one later. In the meantime..." With a click of her tongue, she undid the button on Dusk's pants, pulled down the zipper, and pulled his titantic length free of its enclosure. The genuine surprised on her face as she looked back over her shoulder at Dusk, eyes wide and mouth agape, was one of the biggest compliments he could've ever received from a mare at this point. "Why thank you," he giggled. "No, sweetie," she smiled back. "Thank you." With a brief grunt and an elegant bend, she picked herself back up onto her feet, clapping her hands together against her slender chest and smiling. "Now that we've got the, heheh, party-poppers out," she cackled to herself. "We can get a start on the rest of the night!" Dusk cast her a curious glance, cocking his head to the side as he waited for her next move. That next move, unsurprisingly, was starting to sway in time with the music. He'd kept it in the back of his mind since she'd put it on as a nice little addition to their nice little getaway, but now Sonata was about to make it the main attraction for the time being. The stallion hungrily licked his lips, cock stood up to full mast and twitching against his abdomen as his newest partner started her routine. With another professional spin, still in time to the music, she brought herself into a resting position with Dusk's cock between her legs, before beginning an oh-so-effective lap dance. "And remember sweetums," she winked. "As hands on as you want it to be, remember?" Dusk didn't vocally respond, instead moving on instinct as his hands kept themselves busy with her ass. He gripped, squeezed, rubbed, and stroked her ass, thighs, back, and whatever else came in range as Sonata swayed and moved on top of him. The mare again seemed to be working a job she adored, as there wasn't a single beat to the music she didn't give it her all for. It seemed like she'd trained for the entire album on whatever she'd put in the sound system, as minute ticked by with every single switch in tempo, style, and rhythm being met with a practiced and perfected move, grind, pump, or drop. It was beyond enrapturing for the stallion, as he'd never seen a single mare in his life put on a performance like this in the bedroom. His hands glided all over her, squeezing her chest as she dropped her ass down against his cock, rubbed the crotch of her ever-wetting panties as she opened her legs and leaned back against him, found his tongue dragging across her cheek once more as she spun around and straddled her entire body against him. Sonata knew how to work it in ways he didn't even think possible before he'd met her. Her rhythm was infectious, something that he struggled to look away from for even half a second. Gently sipping on his glass of wine and basking in the glory of such a beautiful performance, he curved a hand back around her waist and massaged her cunt through the cloth of her panties. Sonata dropped onto his crotch with a hefty sigh as the song she'd been dancing to came to an end, exhaling heavily and looking back over her shoulder at the stallion she'd been so eagerly entertaining. "Well?" she asked giddily. "How does that rank on your scale?" "Honestly?" he chuckled. "Gonna have to come up with a new scale for that one. That was absolutely incredible." "I do aim to please," she winked, grinding herself against his fingers as he continued to massage her pussy. "Say... if you're still getting handsy... you wanna up the scale and go two-for-tango?" "If I ever answer 'no' to that question, please shoot me," Dusk smirked, setting down his wine glass and kissing her. His tongue lolled into her mouth with purpose, and she made no attempt to pull back from the kiss. Her tongue responded in kind, eagerly and almost-desperately wrestling with Dusk's for dominance as she turned herself around quickly and began pulling at his clothing. Using that same movement magic she'd perfected, his clothing almost slipped itself off, buttons and zips undone in the blink of an eye, all the while keeping his lips locked and his tongue tangled with his favourite new mare. For the big finish came his pants, watching Sonata break away and slowly slide them off of his body, all the while placing lipstick-stained kisses along his thighs and lower legs. She continued to tease him with her touch, dragging her tongue back up to his thighs, just below his cock, as she gestured for him to remove her underwear. The stallion did so with a gentle-yet-firm tug, pulling away the string and casting them across the room to who knows where. Neither of them stopped to check, and once they were both naked in each other's embrace, the took a moment to pause. They locked eyes, staring deep into the other's orbs before linking once again with a kiss, Dusk feeling Sonata's hand wrap around the tip of his cock with an eager intention. "You ready to show me what this big guy can really do, sugar?" she asked with a tickling gaze. "I was born ready," he smirked, picking her by the thighs and turning them around on the couch. He flopped Sonata down onto the enormous couch, watching her open her legs wide enough to have her heels almost touch her ears. Her cunt, dripping wet and gorgeous, was the only thing he wanted to focus on at that moment. With an eager lick of his lips and a gentle grip of his hand, he guided the thick tip of his cock against her waiting cunt, gently grinding himself against her lower lips. "Oooh, somebody likes to build up to the crescendo, huh?" she teased. "Never wanna rush a good thing," he winked, then gently pushing his hips forward and parting her cunt lips. Sonata's head dropped back immediately and pleasure poured from her maw the second he got inside of her. Her lower body was racked with a sudden, violent shiver at the sensation, barely able to form words that didn't just come out as an incoherent jumble at first. "Somebody enjoying themselves?" Dusk asked. "Ah ha... hoo..." she mumbled, rolling her shoulders and shivering again. "Y-Yeah. Something like that..." He leaned forward and kissed her again, plump lips meeting his that were soon followed by that wet, delicious tongue. He pressed inside her harder, pushing more and more inches deep into that gorgeous cunt until he hilted the entire thing. Dusk remained still for a while, merely enjoying the sensation of being so deep inside something so tight and wet, with Sonata seemingly doing the same thing on her own. "You are easily the biggest thing I have ever taken," she cooed out between kisses. "Holy fuck, you feel amazing." "Y'know, I was gonna say the exact same thing about you," he chuckled, probing his tongue deep into her mouth and getting another wash of her taste over his maw. After that, he picked up the pace. The dance had been great, the stripping had been enrapturing, but now he was ready to fuck. Sonata could sense it in him and she seemed just as eager and ready as he was to get this underway. He worked himself up to a pace, using that trained expertise he'd gained over ploughing a mountain of girls at this point in his life, each and every one of them feeling like they'd prepared him for this moment right here. "Oh, fuck yeah," Sonata moaned, head slamming back against the couch as Dusk really got himself into a good pace. He'd ramped up from fucking at this point, now hammering himself into her tight, sweet cunt as hard as he could. Despite her slender frame, Sonata seemed built for this kind of treatment. He got to watch her muscles flex and tense as she braced herself, stretched in specific ways, leaned against his body. Her thighs, her arms, her stomach, all of the muscle fibres she'd worked so hard to strengthen doing everything they could to make her feel as good as possible when fucking her, and doing even more to make her look good while doing it. Taking the initiative, Dusk lifted her up off the couch, clinging her close to his sweat-soaked body and letting her wrap her arms and legs around him. Sonata giggled in response at the action, latching onto him in the way she knew he wanted so bad, feeling his fat, throbbing cock ploughing her cunt hard enough to make the sound of it be audible even over the music they'd decided to fuck to. He tried his best to keep in rhythm with the music, to offer the same trained expertise to her that she'd done for him during the dance, but the ravenous hunger to experience her body overwhelmed him. He lacked her professionalism, soon abandoning the effort when all he could think to do was fuck her harder and harder. Sweat clung to the two of them as hard as they clung to each other at this point. The sound of the music, the heat of the room, the alcohol coursing through Dusk's system all swirled and mixed into a sensation he could only come close to describing as 'euphoric'. He steadied himself, feeling his balls swelling and readying themselves to empty inside his gorgeous lover. He vowed to fight it off for as long as he could. He was too busy enjoying the feelings, too busy enjoying her presence as a whole, to want it to come to an end this quickly. Sonata seemed to be feeling the same way, crying out between gritted teeth as an orgasm racked her body from head to toe. He teeth grinded, her legs shook, and her toes curled up hard enough to almost cramp her entire foot. She hugged herself against Dusk's chest as hard as she could, feeling him do the exact same as her cunt clamped down on his cock harder than it had ever done before. The stallion almost fell flat on his back and blew his load inside her the moment she tightened up, and it took all of his willpower and a change-up in his thrusting to prevent him from cumming his brains out inside of her there and then. "Ah... ha ha... hoo boy," Sonata managed to choke out once her skull-shattering orgasm had winded down. "That was... something else..." "I'll say," Dusk chuckled, having calmed himself down enough to pick up the pace back to the speed he was at when he made her cum the first time. "You ready for another one?" "Oh, I'm ready for another five if you've got that in you," she joked, sounding about ready to fall asleep from exhaustion before she'd even finished the sentence. "Well aren't we wishing for miracles?" Dusk joked, kissing her affectionately once again, sliding his tongue over hers as he began to feel himself creeping to the edge of a messy orgasm once more. "I don't need to wish when you're already the biggest miracle in my life!" Sonata beamed, eyes almost glowing and grinning ear to ear. The gorgeous little cornball kissed him again after that, her legs still shaking as they linked around him and her chest heaving from exhaustion. Throughout all of the exercise, sexercise, and debauchery they'd engaged in within the last hour, it was good to see that the little angel still hadn't lost her shining personality underneath all of the sexual swagger she possessed. The stallion gritted his teeth again, eyes almost fuzzing out as his desire to cum began to override his desire to even breathe at this point. Taking what was left of his sanity, he pulled himself out of Sonata and set up a little position change. "What's the rush, chief?" Sonata asked as she was guided into bending over the couch and resting on her arms. Dusk didn't answer vocally, instead gently nibbling the tip of her twitching ear and pushing himself back inside her cunt. Sonata moaned again, the sensation of having something that big put back inside her cunt that soon after such a powerful orgasm would've had her knees drop out from underneath her had she not already been on the couch. "Fuuuuuck, that's too good, sweetums," Sonata cooed, another shiver running from the tip of her nose down to the base of her heel as Dusk worked his way back inside her. "Keep that up and I'm gonna have to start requesting you for private dances instead of the other way around. "Pfft, don't threaten me with a good time, sweetums," Dusk chuckled, dragging his tongue against her cheek and getting another mouthful of her delicious taste. It was soon more than obvious that Dusk was at his limit. His body was shaking, soaked from the top of his mane to the tip of his tail in sweat, hands gripping Sonata's wide, buxom waist as she slammed himself inside her over and over again like it was the last night of his life. The mare in question was once again twitching her way through another powerful orgasm, feeling her body rock down to her deepest inches as that massive cock inside them kept on hammering. Before long, however, Dusk caved into his natural limitations. With a long, harsh whinny, the svelte stallion slammed himself home inside her clenching cunt, balls tucking against his body, and thick, heavy cum firing out of the tip of his prick and into her deepest reaches. Sonata's tongue fell from her mouth at the sensation, eyes wide in shock and adoration as she felt the super-virile stallion fill her up to the brim with his thick, sloshing cum. "Ah... hahah... ahhhh," Sonata groaned, eyes rolling back into her skull as her body trembled at the sensation. "There we go..." Dusk groaned, gently thrusting his hips forward through his orgasm to milk his massive cock of all its cum inside her. "That's a good, good fucking girl..." After several long moments of orgasm, Dusk pulled his cock out of Sonata's well-fucked hole. He spurted the last of his load onto her back, the amount of it and the heat of the load still surprising the mare as it splashed over her well-toned back. As Dusk began grinding his cock against her sweat-slicked ass, the mare collapsed onto her front, nearly burying her face into the back of the couch as she fought to regain her breath. "Well..." she began, struggling to form words at this point. "That was certainly something..." "Yeah, that's definitely a way to word it," Dusk huffed, his rapidly-deflating cock wilting against his now-empty balls as he stood with his hands on his hips. "You were beyond incredible, Sonata." "Shit, sweetums, I was gonna say the same to you," she chuckled, finally getting her wind back in her lungs. "I think... the shadow of the dicking you just gave me is gonna hang over my head for the rest of your life. I'm probably gonna feel like I'm cumming forever now." "Well, if you enjoyed it that much..." Dusk began, crossing his arms over his svelte chest and winding up a proposition. "I do have an offer you may or may not be interested in." "Yeah?" Sonata asked. "Like unlimited refills and ticket discounts offer or what?" "This is gonna sound a little backwards, but uh..." he tried to get out. "Would you be interested in joining my harem?" Sonata sat up, eyes squinting at the stallion as she processed his words. "Is that... like a swim team or something?" she questioned. Dusk blinked twice. "No, it's... it's a group of mares that are essentially my wives and mothers of my children. We live together and I take care of everything they need," Dusk explained, cheeks turning a little red at the concept again now that he'd had to say it out loud. "So lemme get this straight: you, mister prince man, wanna whisk me away to your magic castle, pay for everything I could ever need, and in return all I've gotta do is have sex with you?" she asked with a cocked eyebrow. "I like to think of it as being a little bit more intimate and loving than that, but uh... yeah, that's the basic gist of it," he nodded. "Honestly, I'd be more than honoured to have a mare as beautiful, and talented, and incredible as you join my harem." Sonata sat still for a moment, stroking her chin deep in thought before her eyes widened in a realisation known only to the deepest depths of her subconscious at this point. "Wait!" she exclaimed, bolting up off the couch and spilling cum down onto the floor. "A harem like... like those ones with the dancer ladies?! With the veils and the belly stuff, yeah?" "I mean..." Dusk scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, I guess." "Does that mean I get to dress in one of those belly dancer outfits from the desert all the time?" she exploded, nearly bursting at the seams with excitement. "You can wear whatever you want, really," he answered. "But if you wanna wear one of those harem dancer outfits, I can definitely get in contact with some of the seamstresses from Saddle Arabia and have them make you the best one they can." "Sign me the fuck up, loverboy!" Sonata shrieked in jubilation, literally leaping off the floor and into Dusk's arms. "Let's get this show on the road!" With that, she locked lips with the smiling stallion, sealing the deal in the best kind of signature she knew how. Breaking away from him and staring deep into his eye, she whispered something to him for just his ears to hear. "And just so you know... I'd have said yes anyway even if I didn't get to wear the outfit," she giggled before kissing him a second time.