> Luna's Offering > by Holocron > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Broken Bride > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Luna's heart was heavy, aching in the growing pain of her soon to be new life. The near conquest of her home, and the potential suffering of her people was too much for her to bear. But even then, to be offered to this brute, this vile, wicked minotaur. Luna felt a sting of betrayal when her sister, Princess Celestia told her of what was to happen. She wanted to believe she had no choice, that this offering, this sacrifice would be enough to save her home. But part of her felt as though she was little more than a fatality in warfare. Thankfully, she wore a veil over her face, to hide her eyes, red with tears. Riding in the carriage back to the Minotaur Empire, Luna couldn't help but feel the immense sorrow. She was to be given to Emperor Iron Chain as a bride; though from what she has heard about him, she may just be another concubine in his collection. She had never met him, with only her sister having the unfortune to meet him. From what Luna was told by her sister, he was boorish brute. Savage, vulgar, and a muscle bound slob. She shuddered as she could only imagine what fate awaited her. She was told it would be maybe a week before she would reach the Minotaur Empire, and she hated and feared what was going to happen. Luna had every right and reason to be afraid. Barely having arrived, she was ushered into the castle, the massive structure of iron, steel, and stone. This wasn't the end of her worries, as she was brought to an elaborate bed chambers, her room perhaps, but the massive gold statues of her new husband showed this to be his room. But laying on the bed, an erotic looking bridal gown lay ready for her. Fearing what would happen, Luna reluctantly striped from her clothes, and put on the outfit. It was tight, nearly transparent, and barely covered her large tits and pussy. "Well fuck, if it isn't my new bride." Called the voice of Iron, her new husband. He stood at the door, wearing barely a thing. Only a gem encrusted, dented crown, a large cloak, but nothing more. And his vile, thick, and throbbing cock hung between his legs. "Shit, you are sexier in person." Stroking himself, he looked her over some more. "That's enough flirting. Let's getting to baby making!" Iron wasn't kind, he wasn't gentle, and he wasn't merciful. As soon as he approached Luna, her pushed her backwards, and as soon as she landed on the bed, he was on her. His cock, a massive thing rivaling the size of the mare's own arm, was slammed in her pussy. She screamed out in the pain. She didn't want this, but she couldn't even fight back. The violation of her most precious region was too much, making it impossible to channel her magic, and Iron's body was stronger than even hers. Crying in the pain, this only invited the minotaur to press his face against hers, making out with his new, unwilling bride. Faster and faster, Iron was fucking Luna's pussy, showing no remorse as he was working himself up to an orgasm. This mare was tight, and her belly bulged and stretched with each thrust. It was sending rushes of pleasure and ego through his mind, and he wanted nothing more than to stuff her full of his cum, knock her up, and fuck her some more. Of all the females he had been given to halt his campaigns, Luna was by far the best, and he planned to keep her. Humping faster and faster, Iron pulled his mouth from the mare's mouth, only to grit his teeth and feel himself ready to blow. Luna could only scream and cry, feeling as the thick, hot load of his cum was bubbling up. And then, all at once, he came. The unwilling bride was forced to feel the heat of this vulgar cum flooding her insides. Her womb was soaked, ovaries saturated in virile spunk, and what's worse, her alicorn body allowed her belly to bulge and swell more easily than other mares. "Fuck...that was good!" Iron laughed, wiping his brow as he looked at Luna. Her body lay spread and sweating. She was panting and crying, and the massively thick mess of his cum was gushing out of her gaping pussy. "That whore was right. You are a good breeding bitch." Luna's body twitched, the veil still covering her eyes. The minotaur raised his eyebrow before laughing some more. "Oh? They didn't tell you? I raped the shit out of the Princess slut back in Equestria, and all the while, she was crying and begging me to take you instead. At first, it seem like a good deal, since I was already balls deep in her whore cunt. But then when I saw a picture of you, oh boy! I knew I found my breeding bitch." Luna lay there, her greatest fears being realized. She didn't want to believe that she had been given away like this, though the more she thought about it, the more it made sense. If this decision was so important, why didn't Celestia talk to Luna about it first? But hearing that even her own sister had been so violated by this vulgar minotaur, it made perfect sense. She sold her out, her own sister, her own blood to save herself. But after being so brutally fucked by Iron, Luna couldn't blame Celestia, but it still hurt all the same. She had no one now. "You were sold out by your sister, so now, you're mine. I own that pussy, those hot tits, and that tight womb." Iron laughed, continuing to mock the down and hurt mare. "So I'm gonna make sure you're always full of my bouncing, baby boys." Turning, he only left to continue laughing, while Luna could only cry; broken and betrayed.