> Zeon Kaiju's Monster Adventure > by BurningGigan1972 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1. A world called Equestria > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a beautiful day in Hawaii and it was the perfect day for deep sea fishing but there was one person who was fishing but wasn't having much luck. "Man, this sucks. I have been out here on my boat since 6:00 a.m. and its 3:00 p.m.. Where are the those damned fishes?" a 23 year old with brown, spiked up hair, tanned and pretty fit body, boy named Zeon Kaiju, said. The name "Zeon Kaiju" was the name that was given to him by his mother and father because of his love for the giant monsters that were the Kaijus, but whom sadly died when he was 6 years old. The cause of both parents' deaths, was from a monster attack in 1991 while his mother, father, and himself were visiting his aunt who lived in Tokyo, which happened to be during the attack of King Ghidorah and Godzilla. Lucky for Zeon, when he discovered that his parents weren't going to around with him anymore, his aunt generously took him in and raised him as her own, moving into Zeon's home in Hawaii. But the happiness soon ended 21 years later when Zeon's aunt began to have heart problems and one day, when he went to the hospital to visit his aunt, the doctor that was taking care of her, told him that she had a heart attack and died at 3:00a.m.. Well, steering away from the tragic past, it is time to focus what is happening right now. So as Zeon continued to fish he began to notice that the clouds have began to swirl. "That's weird. The news did not call for any sort of storm at all this week." Zeon said scratching his head. Suddenly, from within the swirling clouds, a bright light emitted causing Zeon to cover his eyes. Then a portal appeared and sucked up Zeon right out of his boat. When Zeon opened his eyes, he noticed that his body felt different and that he was surrounded by nothing but darkness. "Huh?! Where am I and why does my body feel different and... fuzzy?" Zeon said as he noticed that both his skin and clothes have been replaced by fur. That when it hit Zeon, when he look at his body, he saw that his human body was replaced with a bright blue horse body with Pegasus wings and a blue and red horse tail and on his head, he a had long unicorn horn. Last, on flank he had red Godzilla 2000 cutie mark. Soon after looking over his new horse body, there was another flash of bright light that once made Zeon cover his eyes with his now horse hooves, and so marks the beginning of the adventure where Zeon. *FLASH OF LIGHT AS EVERYTHING GOES WHITE* It was beautiful day in the town of Ponyville and everypony that lived there was as happy as can be and six certain ponies were have the best time of their lives, going to the spa, watching a play, and going to a local carnival that was in town. "Oooohhhh, this has been the super-duper, bestest day that I have ever had, right next to the day Twilight came here to Ponyville and chose to stay here." a pink, hyper pony named Pinkie Pie said hopping up and down instead of walking. "I know, and that trip to the spa was fantastic. Those spa twins do know how to do a mare's mane the way she likes it done." a white unicorn mare with dark purple (I think. Correct me if I'm wrong,) curly mane, named Rarity, said admiring her hair. "Ah'll admit too, that massage that the spa twins gave me really help that there knot that was in my back and legs feels a lot better." the southern accented mare named Applejack said. "Eh, the spa was fun, but the carnival was better. I mean what pony doesn't like roller-coasters, carnival games, and food stands that give you cotton candy." the cyan, rainbow mane Pegasus called Rainbow Dash said as she took a bite out of her cotton candy as she flew above her friends. "Well I liked the play they did about How Princess Celestia and Princess Luna became rulers of the sun and moon and all of Equestria." the shy, quiet voiced, light yellow Pegasus named Fluttershy said walking beside Applejack. "Yeah, the day was fun, but I wish that Spike was here. He's been working really hard lately up at Canterlot Castle for the past week helping out Princess Celestia with Princess Luna in getting used to the changes that happened during her 1,000 years banishment to the moon and I wanted him to join us for the day of fun and relaxing." a violate purple unicorn mare by the name of Twilight Sparkle said. So as the group of friends enjoyed the rest of the their day, there was a sudden loud bang sound that sounded like thunder but louder that also made everypony look out their windows, doors, or where ever they were standing. "What in tarnation was that?" Applejack said as she looked everywhere to see what made the loud noise. "I'm not sure but I wish Spike was here so that I can send a letter to Princess Celestia right now." Twilight said as she too looked around for whatever made the noise. Meanwhile at Canterlot Castle, Princess Celestia was sitting on her thrown levitating and reading a scroll when she too heard the loud noise outside, spooking her out of her focus and nearly dropping the scroll. So as she levitates the scroll down, she goes to the window to see what the noise was. As she reached the window, Celestia soon realized what the loud noise was as she saw some of the clouds beginning to swirl around out in the distance. "Luna, Spike, we might have a situation that may need out attention." Celestia said as she walked out the thrown to go get Princess Luna and Spike to go and head to Ponyville and find Twilight. Back in Ponyville Golden Oak library, Twilight was in the process of writing a letter to Princess Celestia. "So how exactly are you going to get the letter to Princess Celestia when you're done since Spike isn't here to send it to her?" Rainbow Dash asked Twilight. "Well, I have been practicing a new spell that will allow me to send letters to Princess Celestia when Spike isn't here to send them for me." Twilight explained. Suddenly, from the entrance of the library, there emitted a bright light and standing at the entrance was Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Spike. "Princess Celestia, Princess Luna!" everypony say in a surprised sort of way as they immediately bowed. "Hello everypony." Princess Celestia greeted. "Greeting Twilight and friends. "Princess Luna greeted too. "Hey everypony." Spike the dragon, Twilight's number 1 assistant, said jumping off Princess Celestia. "Princess Celestia, I was about to write a letter to you asking if you knew what that loud noise was." Twilight said. "Well that's what Princess Celestia was coming over here to talk to you guys about." Spike said. "Yes and me and Luna happen to know what the sound was." Princess Celestia "The sound that everypony heard was a dimensional portal that somepony opened and is now traveling here and will be showing up any minute now because of how much time has passed since the loud banging sound was heard." Princess Luna explained. Suddenly, there was a flash of light that made everypony look outside once more. When they did they all found a big swirling port right above the City Hall. "Is that the dimensional portal you were talking about?" Rarity asked fearing about what was going to come out of the portal. "Yes that is the dimensional portal." Princess Celestia says. Then suddenly the portal begins to make a low pitch sound that sounded like a growl and then out from the portal flew out Zeon Kaiju and as he hit the ground, Zeon created a large trench starting from where he landed and across 15 yards of ground. "Oh that's going to leave a mark in the morning." Rainbow Dash said cringing at the sight of Zeon's crash landing. So as ponies head over to the crash site, everypony began to notice that the new comer from the portal was a male Alicorn, a rare site to see or have. "So our dimensional traveler is a male Alicorn?" Spike asked. "Yes but we have to be careful. We don't know if he could be good or evil." Twilight said. After saying this, Zeon began to move his head around, groaning in pain. As Zeon began to open his eyes, his vision was blurry and all he could see were dark figures standing above him. "*groan* What the, I must have landed really hard and I'm seeing things or this is a dream." Zeon said as he rubbed his head with his hand only realizing it was a hoof. "Nope it was neither of the two." he adds as his vision started to become clear again. That's when he saw standing over him a purple unicorn, a white Alicorn with mane that was looked like it was blowing in a breeze even though there was none, a dark blue Alicorn who's mane was doing the same thing as the white Alicorn, a cyan Pegasus with rainbow colored mane, a yellow Pegasus, and a little dragon with purple and green scales. Getting up, he looked around and saw that there were no human to be seen but just little colorful ponies with little pictures on their flanks and the crowd consisting of unicorns, Pegasus, and regular earth ponies. "This can't be real. I have to be dreaming this up." Zeon said as he shook his head around. "Actually mister, you aren't dreaming." Rainbow Dash said flying backwards behind Zeon. "Oh I see what's going on here. All of you are just little robots in pony costumes that my friends made and are trying to make me think that I'm in a different world and they knocked me out and put me into this pony suit. NICE TRY YOU GUYS BUT YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE THINK A LOT HARDER IF YOU WANT TO GET ME IN A JOKE." Zeon said as he waited for his friends to appear with a disappointed looks on their faces thinking that they finally got him in a prank. "This guy must have hit his head really hard because he is crazy." Pinkie Pie whispered over to Twilight. "Yes, but don't forget Pinkie, he's not from this world." Twilight whispered back. "So you mean he's an alien!" Pinkie Pie whispered back in a shocked sort of way. "What! No, I mean he is not from OUR world. He's from a different dimension just like Princesses said." Twilight whisper explaining to Pinkie Pie. So as Zeon waited for his friends to appear, Princess Luna had decided to walk up to Zeon and correct him. "Excuse me mister but I'm afraid that we are not "robots " nor this is a joke or prank." Princess Luna said to Zeon making him looked confused. "Well then if this isn't a prank or a joke and you aren't robots, then where the hell am I?" Zeon asked. "You are in the land of Equestria." Princess Celestia said walking up to Zeon. And at that moment, when Princess Celestia's eyes met with Zeon's, Princess Celestia felt her heart skip a beat and as did Zeon's. He has never seen anyone that was as beautiful as her and at that point, Zeon realized something, both him and Princess Celestia were the exact same height and same species, winged unicorns. "So what made you come here to Equestria?" Fluttershy asks walking up to him. "I don't think i came here willingly." Zeon says as he begins to explain how he got there and eventually told everypony about his life including the death of his parents. Soon, after finishing his life story and how he got to Equestria, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna offer Zeon to live with them in Canterlot Castle, and what was Zeon to deny an offer like this. So he took the offer and made Canterlot Castle his new temporary home. > Getting used to the Equestrian life! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Months go by since his arrival to Equestria, Zeon was slowly starting to get used to the life of Alicorn, and during the course of the months, Zeon was given lessons on how to fly with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy .He given lessons on how to use his magic by Princess Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Twilight, and Rarity. You can say that getting turned into an Alicorn was the best thing that has ever happened in his life, but to him, it did not always feel like it on some days. There would be times where he would miss being a human and being able to do human things and activities (like being able to grab stuff with a normal hand instead of a hoof or magic) but luckily for Zeon, he always had Princess Celestia there to help cheer him up. Since he lived in Canterlot Castle with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, Zeon and Princess Celestia began to hang out with each other, enjoying one another's company and eventually became best friends until Princess Celestia had decided that she will ask Zeon a question that will change the course of their friendship. So one night, Princess Celestia decided to take Zeon on a little stroll through royal garden. As Princess Celestia and Zeon walked through the garden, they came across the area where many different types of statues of old famous ponies from the past, with flowers surrounding them. As Zeon look at each statue, there one statue that caught his attention, as he walked up to the statue. Celestia noticed that Zeon had found the statue of none other than Discord, the lord of chaos and disharmony. "I see you found the resting place of Discord." Celestia said walking over to Zeon. "This thing is called Discord." Zeon said looking at Celestia with a raised brow. "Yes. He used to rule over Equestria with his chaotic powers, making chaos and disharmony everywhere he went." Celestia said with a stern look on her face as she stared at the statue, remembering just how chaotic he made the world. "So if he was causing chaos everywhere and bringing disharmony with him, why did you make a memorial after he died?" Zeon asked giving Celestia a confused look, not understanding why they would make a memorial after the death of an evil villain. "Oh, this is not a memorial." Celestia chuckled looking back at Zeon. "What?" Zeon says now even more confused than before. "Well not too long ago, my faithful student and star pupil, Twilight Sparkle, along with her friends, used the Elements of Harmony to turn Discord back to stone after he broke out of being imprisoned the first time by me and my sister, Princess Luna, when we had the Elements of harmony." Celestia told Zeon, who then began to understand everything now. So now knowing what the statue of Discord was and his history, Zeon and Princess Celestia continued their walk, the two coming across the royal garden's fountain that had a statue of a unicorn holding a flag on the top. "Zeon!" Princess Celestia called out to the blue alicorn who had kept walking along the path. "Yeah." Zeon answered looking back. "Let's stop here and take a breather for a while." Princess Celestia said as she walked over to the fountain and laid down on the edge, near the water. Giving a shrug, he walked over to where Princess Celestia was and stood by the edge look down into the water, find little fish in the fountain, swimming around and going under the floating water plants as the two rested by the fountain. Princess Celestia took this moment to her advantage to finally popped the question and reasoning for being here. "Zeon." Princess Celestia says looking at Zeon taking a deep breath as her heart raced in her chest. "Yes princess?" Zeon said looking to Princess Celestia. "Please, you can call me Celestia." Celestia says as she scoots closer to him. "Ok Celestia." Zeon says as he sees Celestia scooting closer to him. "Do you mind if I can ask you a question?" Celestia asked. "Sure, ask away" Zeon said, now noticing that Celestia was now laying right next to him. "Well, I was wondering if… um... if…" Celestia tried to asked but found herself unable to produce the words she wanted. "If….... what?" Zeon said trying to figure out what Celestia was trying to ask. "If….. You would be my colt friend?" Celestia asked, finally finding the strength and words she needed. "You mean like a… boyfriend?" Zeon asked making sure that he and Celestia were thinking the something. "Yes, exactly." Celestia says. After hearing that sentence come out of Celestia's mouth, all Zeon could do was just give a surprised look. Not once has he ever been asked by a girl to be their boyfriend. For him, this was a BIG shocking surprise for him, especially because he was being asked out by royalty. So as Zeon just laid by fountain's edge with a surprised look on his face, Celestia was hoping that Zeon would say "yes" and agree to be with her. "Celestia." Zeon says looking at Celestia. "Yes." Celestia responds tilting her head in anticipation. "I'm not trying to be mean or rude but, why would you want to be in a relationship with me? I'm not even close to being royalty or something like that. I mean, I may be royalty here, but, where I came from, I'm far from it. I was a fish merchant, doing nothing but selling fish." Zeon says now looking at the ground, his head now resting on the fountain. "Zeon, I want to be in a relationship with you is because I like you for who you are. I don't care if you're royalty, a fish merchant, or a royal fish merchant. The reason I want to be with you is because you're a good friend and you have a wonderful personality any pony can have." Celestia says Zeon resting one of her hoofs on one of his hoof. As Zeon looked up towards Celestia, he could see that her words were truthful but as he brought his head up to look Celestia straight in the eyes, he felt bad for what he was about to say. "Celestia, I would be honored to be your boyfriend, but I uh…... kinda already had somepony in mind." Zeon sighed to Celestia. "Oh... and who might that be?" Celestia asks keeping herself calm, managing to not showing the disappointment she felt. "Well, the pony who I kinda had in mind is, ummm well, your uhh…. sister, Princess Luna." Zeon says as he rubes the back of his neck, unsure of what will happen next. "Oh, my sister, Luna. I guess she too deserves a stallion like you as well, especially after being banished to the moon for a thousand years." Celestia says showing a little bit of her disappointment in her voice. Zeon noticed the disappointment in Celestia's voice, which made him feel even worse that he had said that he wanted to ask Luna out first. "Hey, don't be disappointed Celestia, if it doesn't work out with me and Princess Luna, then I can always reconsider your offer to be with you. I mean, that is if you're still interested." Zeon said to Celestia, holding her face in his hooves, making her blush. Suddenly, the sound of the Canterlot clock's soft chimes striking 1:00 A.M. was heard. It didn't feel that late but the clock was singing that it was. So after hearing the clock soft chimes, Celestia and Zeon both decided that it was time to go back inside and head to bed for the night. Meanwhile, many miles away, over at the area where dragons migrate to during the great dragon migration, the ground inside the giant volcano, began to violently shake and crack, spewing giant globs of molten rock and lava within the volcano's floor. Withing moments, a large, dark, three headed dragon burst out from the volcanic crust. Desghidorah (a.k.a Death Ghidorah), had emerged from the lava, roaring and screeching from all three of its head as it came to stand on the dormant volcan's crust. With every step it took, it caused the ground beneath it to crack and split, causing smoke and more lava to push out and flood the area in its orange glow as the volcano slowly became active. With all this activity going on the glow in the air could be seen with an advanced telescope in Canterlot from a certain night princess. Princess Luna had spotted the glow in the distance with her telescope while scoping for any trouble and had come across the glow. As she focused on it, she had begun to fear the worst. She feared this was a sign that an old foe of her and Celestia's past was about to return to Equestria. An old enemy that will cause trouble and make all other incidents in Equestria like Discord's chaos take over, herself turning into Nightmare Moon, King Sombra taking the crystal empire seem like only mere little accidents. The return of the King of Kaijus, (not Godzilla), could be making his return after so many centuries. Back with Desghidorah, the dark three headed dragon walked through the mountains, causing large amounts of destruction till it came across a familiar monster. The giant drill handed beetle Kaiju known as Megalon. Together, the two giant monsters had one goal to accomplish. Looked for the location of their fallen master. As the two searched around an area that they believe to be his last known location, they soon came a across a tall mountain with half of its base missing and a large pile of rocks and boulders at the bottom. As both monsters looked at the mountain, Megalon slowly walked up to the mountain and began to use his drill hands to smash and drill away the pile of rocks. After about five minutes of smashing and drilling away the pile of rocks, Megalon soon came across a large, blue, dome like structure. Backing away from the blue structure, Megalon looked over at Desghidorah as the three headed dragon fired multiple fireballs from all three of his heads. Each fireball made contact with the blue structure and it was not long before the entire structure blew up, sending a large amount of smoke and ruble into the air. Suddenly a small, dark object flew out of the smoke within the blink of an eye and landed on top of a nearby neighboring mountain. The dark object, turned out to be a alicorn with a midnight black coat and wings, a long sharp horn, orange tipped hooves, eyes as red as a blood moon, sharp teeth similar to Nightmare Moon's, and a regal red and orange mane and tail. This Alicorn was none other than the evil tyrant, King Midnight. As he looked around, he notices that none of his many monsters, besides Megalon and Desghidorah, were nowhere to be seen. "Where are my MONSTERS?" King Midnight yelled with a menacing voice, bearing his razor sharp teeth, his voice echoing in the empty mountainous region. As he looked around, he noticed that his Battleship (it looks like the combination of the Nemesis ship from Transformers Prime and the Gotengo and Xiliens mothership from Godzilla Final Wars), was nowhere to be seen. Just then, as King Midnight looked on, he noticed a glimpse of something shiny, similar to metal. So he flew over to where the shiny object was, it turned out to be one of the Kaiju-transporters he used to bring certain Kaijus to the areas of his choosing. Seeing this to his advantage of finding his ship, King Midnight reactivated the ship, flew over Megalon and Desghidorah, pushing down on a red lever as a ray of light shot down over the two giants, making them disappear into thin air as they were now in the Kaiju-transporter vessel. Now fully prepared to find his Battle ship, King Midnight turned on the ship's tracking device and quickly found where his ship was located at and took off towards it. > History of a Tyrant > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 hour before King Midnight's return. "Celestia? Celestia? Sister, I need to talk to you." Princess Luna called out to her sister as she looked for her. After 10 minutes of looking for her sister, Princess Luna found her getting ready to open her bed chamber doors and head in for a good night's rest. So as quickly as she could, Princess Luna ran over to her. "Celestia, I have to speak to." Princess Luna said as she approached her sister. "Yes Luna, what is it?" Princess Celestia says to her sister, doing her best to not to show her jealousy over the fact the Zeon likes her little sister than her. "Sister, do you remember the large volcano our parents told us held a large dragon that brought death and great destruction with it?" Princess Luna asked. "The old stories and fables mother and father would tell us? Yes, why do you ask?" Princess Celestia asks finding it odd that Luna would ask such a random question like this. "Well I'm afraid that the "fabled beast" has become reality and returned and is in no doubt off to bring back its master." Princess Luna said, recalling a few of the stories they were told. "Luna, those were just stories, nothing more than fictional tales mother and father told us before bed to probably scare us into behaving or to put us to sleep." Celestia sighed rolling her eyes slightly, finding it amusing her younger sibling would believe such tales. "Is that so? Then explain to me what I just saw." Luna demanded, her horn glowing with energy as she summoned a memory spell, showing the elder sibling exactly what she saw; a dark three headed dragon silhouette emerging from a erupting volcano. Now believing her sister and seeing the situation that Equestria now faced, Celestia immediately went to into her room with Luna following behind. Trotting over to a small desk and a basket of empty scrolls, quickly writing and sending a letter to her faithful student, Twilight, informing her of the situation and that she and her friends need to come to the castle immediately the next morning. Present time morning. Zeon was sleeping in one of the guest rooms that he was offered to stay in, and as he slept, small visions invaded his dreams. Giant monsters raging through cities, cities set a blaze with citizens terrified screams as they ran from the dangers, and a giant silhouette of another monster engaging with the other monsters before seeing two red glowing eyes stare directly at him, jumping at him with a mouth full of sharp teeth and soul shattering screech, jerking the blue alicorn wide awake. "Holy shit...... that was a intense dream" Zeon exhaled before yawning and stretching, his attention being drawn to the door as a royal guard knocked on it. "Zeon Kaiju, your presence is requested by the princesses." A Royal Canterlot Guard said. "*yawn* What's going on, did something happen?" Zeon asked tiredly as he got up and stretched his body more, making parts of his body pop and crack some what loudly. "I am unsure, I was only told to come and get you and escort you to the throne room." The guard responded. So walking with the guard to the throne room, they headed down a hall that lead to the throne room, Zeon passed a window that held a image of a dark Alicorn stallion whose coat was dark as midnight, and below the Alicorn were 6 well know Kaijus that Zeon recognized; Destroyah, Golza, King Ghidorah, Gigan, Kelbeam, and Red King. Continuing to stare at the picture, he started to feel as though he seen the Alicorn from his childhood before. But Zeon was brought out of thoughts when he realized the task at hand was going to see what the princesses needed. Eventually, both Zeon and the royal guard made it to the doors that lead into the throne room. When the two walked into the large room, he could see that the princesses weren't there yet and that he wasn't the only one who the princesses wanted to see. Also there were Princess Cadence and Shining Armor, along with Twilight and her friends. "Hey! What are you guys doing here?" Zeon greeted as he walked over to the group, hoof-bumping Shining Armor as the guard walked back to his post. "We were all summoned by Aunt Celestia, where ever she's at." Princess Cadence says gesturing to everypony. "What are you doing here?" Shining Armor asks. "Same thing. I wonder Celestia wants seeing she summoned all of us here." Zeon answers with a puzzled look. Soon enough, Princess Celestia, along with Princess Luna, came walking into the throne room. "Hello everypony." Princess Luna said in her usual monotoned voice, walking over to the large pair of thrones and taking a seat in one. "Hello princess" everypony greeted back, bowing in respect to them. "You all are probably wondering why you all were summoned here." Princess Luna said as she walked over and sat next to her sister on her throne. "Yeah, that's pretty much it..…. I think?" Zeon says. "Well I'm afraid to inform you all that yet again, evil has risen and threatens the safety of all of Equestria once more." Princess Celestia says with a stern voice. "What?! Who is it this time? Did Discord escape again? Is there another changeling invasion?" Twilight asked. "I'm afraid that this time it's another Alicorn." Princess Luna says. "Another Alicorn?!" everyone says in shock. "But I thought you two, Princess Cadence, and Zeon were the only Alicorns in Equestria." Rainbow Dash says with a puzzled look on her face. "Yes, but this is no ordinary Alicorn." Princess Celestia exclaims. "What do you mean?" Twilight asks not sure of what Princess Celestia said. "What she means is that this Alcorn not only tried to rule before me and Celestia, but this Alicorn had the command over giant creatures he called "Kaijus." Princess Luna answered. "But ah thought Kaijus were only myths, legends, and old folk-tales." Applejack says rubbing the back of her head. "They were at one point in time." Princess Luna says. "So then why do you think this Alicorn is now just reappearing?" Zeon asked. "Allow us to show you why." Princess Celestia says bringing a large ancient looking book to her as her and Luna's horn began to glow brightly, and with a flash of light, the entire world around them began to transform and shift as though they were thousands of years back in time. "Long ago, before me and my sister became rulers of Equestria, there were three rulers before us, our Father, King Sunbeam, who ruled over the sun and Equestria, our mother, Queen Night Star, who ruled over the moon and Equestria, and another Alicorn who went by the name of King Midnight. But this Alicorn wasn't just another co-ruler of Equestria, but also ruler of giant monsters that were called Kaijus. These giants were seen as giant beasts that were able to bring an entire city mass destruction but they were also seen as creatures that were able to protect the world from said utter destruction and able to keep the peace of the world. But King Midnight only saw the Kaijus as another way to make others do whatever he wants. He used the Kaijus to attack other cities and make them surrender to his ruling. Both our mother and father tried to reason with him and stop him from destroying other cities in Equestria. But both of their efforts to stop King Midnight from his destructive rampage for world conquest only resulted in failure. So they had no other choice but to use brute force in order to stop him and the only way to stop him was by using a Kaiju of their own, and the only Kaiju that could be able to stop him was one that wasn't under King Midnight's control. King Midnight knew how to create these giant monsters thanks to the help of his father. A unicorn highly advanced in magic. With his help, they found a way to make their own, and in doing so, they created Volcan, the Ultimate Monster. A Kaiju that was said to be a mixture of all the Kaijus King Midnight hade created himself, combined into a 110 meter tall dragon-like Kaiju with large powerful red wings . A long tail that ended with a sharp blade-like spike at the tip of its tail. Claws on its hands that were sharp enough to cut through metal like as if it were wet paper. Arms that were able turn or transform into other Kaiju's arms such as the Kaiju, Gigan, using their hook like arms for example. Its teeth are strong enough to tear through even the thickest and strongest hide. A Kelbeam-like horn that was able to send a powerful energy beams and use it like the Kaiju, Destroyah, and send powerful surge of slicing energy into it's target and impale its horn and send waves of concentrated energy into its enemies like the Kaiju known as Gomora. Sharp jagged Dorsal plates similar to that of Godzilla's, are sharp enough to cut a monster's limb clean off. Volcan also has the abilities to absorb any poison or toxins that have been inflicted onto it and is also able to copy moves from other Kaijus and use them to its advantage. And last its eyes, red like raging volcano, has the ability to see in the dark, in inferred, and fire beams of energy. Volcan was truly the perfect Kaiju to fight against King Midnight and his army of monsters. But because Volcan was such a powerful Kaiju, the creator ensured that only those of his bloodline were ever able to wield the powerful Kaiju and only those decedents could wield Volcan. The first pony that wielded Volcan was King Midnights own father, but no pony could speak his name for he did not want King Midnight to know his own father was fighting against him. Seeing that some other pony was daring to go against him, King Midnight let lose all his monsters onto his challenger to destroy them for daring to go against him. When King Midnight did this, he caused a great historical battle that was aptly named "The Great Kaiju War". The war raged on for months on end, claiming many lives, both in King Midnight's army and the ponies serving under the King and Queen, but with King Midnight's father fighting against him instead of with him, defeat was unavoidable for King Midnight. So with one last effort to claim victory, King Midnight took one of his one of his most loyal, powerful, and deadliest Kaiju he had and went to destroy his opponent once and for all. When King Midnight found his father, he sent out his Kaiju, known as Desghidorah . His father transformed into Volcan and the great battle between father and son was now taking place and was the battle that would decide the fate of all of Equestria. If Desghidorah won, King Midnight would take over all of Equestria and rule over it with and iron hoof as to say and everything else that was evil would also be allowed to roam free, but if Volcan was to win, then Equestria would return back to normal and peace would be brought back it. With the battle between Desghidorah and Volcan under hand, only time would be able to tell who would come victorious. As the battle went on, both Kaijus fought on, both were evenly matched, but one was smarter than the other and in one swift move, Volcan managed to subdue Desghidorah and imprison it in a volcano and as for King Midnight, seeing that his most loyal, powerful, and deadliest Kaiju was defeated, he had no other choice but to flee, but when he tried to flee in a Kaiju-transporter he used to bring Desghidorah to battle in, Volcan used a energy ray and, sadly, struck the ship, sending it flying into a near-by neighboring mountain. There, King Midnight was imprisoned there, having a giant force field-like barrier placed around where he crash landed and a spell to put him in a deep sleep ensure he could not return to rage another war. And when King Midnight's father returned victorious, he was able to bring peace back to Equestria and he was able to return to his loving wife who had given birth to their son, who, like King Midnight before him, was also an Alicorn. And not only was the son of the Kaiju wielder born, but the birth of both me and sometime later, Princess Luna, were soon heard throughout Equestria. But afraid that King Midnight could return or that history may repeat with his newborn son, the wielder of Volcan built and enchanted a statue of Volcan, surrendering the spirit of Volcan to it. Then put a spell on it that only allowed a pony of his lineage, starting with his newborn son, could wield the spirit of the mighty Volcan. After giving up Volcan's spirit, the unicorn and his wife and son left through a dimensional portal the father had opened himself; a type of magic that came easy to him, and took his family to a different dimension, fearing that King Midnight would return and seek revenge and kill his wife and son if her were ever to return." *Story ends and everything goes back to normal* "So you're saying that the King of the Kaiju creatures is back and we could be facing another great war, right?" Rarity says making sure she heard right. "Yes, and now the only way to prevent this is to reclaim the spirit of Volcan, the ultimate Daikaiju." Princess Luna adds. "But how are going to do that, I don't think any of us has Kaiju wielding blood in us." Zeon says as he points to everypony. "Be that as it may, we believe that you may be the son to the unicorn who created Volcan, that may allow you, Zeon, to wield Volcan." Princess Celestia says pointing at Zeon remarking how similar the two looked. "But we can only hope that this is true and allow you to wield Volcan." Princess Luna added. As Zeon looked over at the Mane 6, he could only hope that what the princesses were saying about him looking like the foal in the history lesson they were given, and how he just might be able to wield the ultimate Daikaiju, Volcan. But if he were really the son of the unicorn from the lesson, he would be questioning EVERYTHING about his entire life up until this point. "So where are going to reclaim Volcan's spirit?" Zeon asks looking back at the princesses. > The quest for Volcan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So where are we going to reclaim Volcan's spirit? "Zeon asked looking at the princesses. "Your journey will start at the Everfree forest, there follow the river up to the largest mountain. At the bottom of the mountain there will be large boulder with a giant dragon's claw marks on it. Use your magic to light all four claws, in doing so should open the pathway into the mountain." Princess Celestia says as Zeon and the mane 6 depart on their journey. Once the group arrived back in Ponyville, they immediately headed to the edge of Everfree, standing on the dirt path that lead into the forest. Building up the strength, the group made their way into the dense trees, their ears perked up for the sound of the river, soon coming across a narrow river, flowing fast and hard, ready to pull any unsuspecting victim into its raging waters. "I trust this is the river Celestia mention, or is there another river in this forest?" Zeon asked looking up the river where the water was flowing down from. "Eyup, this is the river. It's the only one that flows through the forest over in these parts." Applejack answered, holding onto her hat as she looked over the edge and into the river. "Then our destination is up the river, and by the looks of it, we got quite some walking to do." Twilight said looking up raging stream to the mountain range that barely broke through the top of the trees, the group starting their long trek. After three hours, they had walked 15 miles up the river and soon they come into view of the largest mountain there was, where the very tip couldn't be seen through the thick clouds that surrounded a good portion of its tip and base. "This must be the largest mountain princess Celestia talked about. Seems big enough to contain a large creature in it." Twilight said as she examined the mountain up and down. "And that there must be the entrance." Applejack pointed to the large boulder that had a giant dragon claw-print imbedded in it. "Well let's waste no more time and get into that mountain and retrieve Volcan's spirit…..hopefully." Zeon said hoping that he'd be able to wield Volcan like Princess Celestia said. As they examined the giant dragon claw marks, they all began to think of how exactly they were supposed to light the claws. "Maybe we should light them like a Birthday cake" Pinkie Pie said going up to first claw mark and lights it with a match she pulled out of her mane. As Pinkie pie lit the match up she touched it to the claw which in turn caught the claw on fire. "1 down 3 to go." Pinkie said as she suddenly noticed the flame go out. "Hey" she exclaimed as she tries to relight it only to have it go out, repeating the process over and over till she ran out of matches. "Uh Pinkie, maybe they aren't supposed to be light up by fire, Sugarcube." Applejack said getting Pinkie Pie down commending the pink party pony for her effort. "Well then how are we supposed to "light" it then Darling?" Rarity asked. "Maybe we are supposed to light them like we would a Hearths Warming Eve decoration." Twilight said walking up to the giant claw mark and examined some. "Ok and how do you propose we do that?" Zeon asked walking over to Twilight making her blush some and making the claws all glow the same color blue as his fur. "I think we just found out how." Rainbow Dash said flying up to Zeon patting him on the shoulder. "And how do you suppose I do that, Rainbow Dash?" Zeon asked her looking a bit confused. "I know I'm an Alicorn and all but I don't think my magic is THAT strong enough to light all 4 claws. Hell, I still have some troubles doing simple levitation spells." "Try focusing your magic into just your horn and touch it to the middle of the marking." Fluttershy commented, in her usually soft timid voice. "Ok, its worth a shot." Zeon said sighing as he walked in front of the giant claw mark and started to focus his magic on it making his horn glow blue. Once enough magic was focused on, he touched the tip of his horn onto the giant claw marks, his horn began to glow brighter and brighter as the marking started to illuminate, and before long, the entire claw mark was glowing blue and the claws were lit with blue flames. After the claws were lit, the entire rock the giant claw mark was on began to move and before long, levitating in the air before landing back softly to the ground, allowing a safe passage into the mountain. "Alright everypony, let's get moving." Twilight said walking into the passage lighting the way with her horn. "B-b-but it so dark in there, what if there's scary creatures in there." Flutter shy said once seeing just how dark the cave got, shaking as she sat on her flank. "Don't worry Fluttershy the only creature that's in there should only be Volcan, and he's one creature that will stop at nothing to keep you safe." Zeon reassuring Fluttershy before pushing on into the cave, illuminating his horn as a source of light and built in flashlight. "Plus, you'll be surrounded by your best friends that will help you. Just think of all the other scary stuff we've dealt with. You didn't show any fear when you talked to that big scary dragon that was napping in that mountain by Ponyville." Pinkie Pie said popping by Fluttershy's side and nudging her side. "Well, I guess it can't be that bad then." Fluttershy said taking in a deep breath and rejoins the others with Pinkie Pie right behind her. As everypony walked through the large cave, Twilight couldn't help but look at Zeon walking next to her. Over the past few months that Zeon had been with them, Twilight had started to grow somewhat of a crush for the alicorn, and when he came over to her library from time to time, Twilight couldn't help but feel herself get flustered and hot when her gaze came across him. "Twilight." Zeon said looking at her. "Yes Zeon?" Twilight responded feeling her heart beat increasing some. "You might wanna stop before you fall off the edge." Zeon said, his hoof extended out, holding her by the tail. "What do you mean?" Twilight said blushing not realizing that her front hooves were no longer on solid ground as she walked in place. She soon breaks out of her day dream realizing the situation she had literally walked into and began to try and balance herself back up before she fell into the darkness below her. Luckily for her Zeon had a firm hold of her tail and was pulling her back and keeping her from falling. "Eh Heh Heh Thanks." Twilight said feeling embarrassed that she almost just got herself seriously hurt. "Oh, it was nothing. Just try and keep your eyes forward next time." Zeon joked as he walked by them. "I'm going to go and see if I can find a bridge or something to get us across to the other side." Zeon said walking off to find a way across, leaving the girls alone. "Uh, you ok there, Sugarcube?" Applejack asked walking up to her and placed a hoof on Twilight's shoulder feeling concerned. "Yeah, I'm ok, I've never felt better." Twilight said putting on a fake smile trying to hide her blush, sweat, and embarrassment. "Yah sure about that, yah sure are sweating a lot and we can practically see that blush glowing on your cheeks. Plus the fact that yah keep looking towards the way Zeon went… and yah aren't paying attention." Applejack sighed heavily as Twilight stared off. "Well darling, if I wasn't mistaken, our Twilight is...." "Sick, no no no she's uh tired, uh crazy, wait wait wait she's getting a new book, she's got a…uh… nope, I'm out guess." Rarity says nudging Applejack's shoulder before Pinkie Pie came in beside them and began to guessing. "Uh… not exactly Pinkie darling. Twilight is showing the sigh of old fashion school filly pash." Rarity says looking at Pinkie. "Ooooooohhhhhhh…............ I'm not following you." Pinkie said looking confused at Rarity. "Well, just look her. She's swooning, blushing mad, constantly giggling. She is showing the sure signs of having a crush on a certain blue Alicorn." Rarity pointed out to Pinkie Pie. "Princess Luna?" Pinkie Pie asks. "What!? NO, Princess Luna is neither here and is a dark shade of blue like the night sky. I'm talking about Zeon, Twilight has a crush on Zeon. Twilight is in love with Zeon." Rarity states out. "But isn't Zeon already have feelings for one of the princesses?" Rainbow Dash asks fly above them. "I think so, but do you think Twilight knows that." Fluttershy said looking at a love struck Twilight. "Yeah, Ah don't think so either, Ah also have never seen her act like this neither." Applejack said. "The only time I've seen Twilight act like…. Eh…this before was whenever we came across a new library." Rarity added as they all stared at Twilight. Over with Zeon, he was in the process of building a bridge out of vines, wood and rocks. "Uuuggghhh, this is a lot harder without fingers. Even using my magic is making it difficult." Zeon growled trying to finish tying up the last piece of wood and rock together. "Nnngggghhhhh it's times like these I wish I knew a transformation spell, or better yet a spell that gave me fingers at least." After 10 minutes of messing with the vine ropes used as the railings, Zeon rolled up the newly constructed bridge and brought with him back to the others. "Well girls, it took me a while to make it but I managed to make us a bridge for us to cross." Zeon announced laying the bridge out and tying the stabilizing ropes to some rock pillars. "This will help us get across." Zeon said as he walked across the bridge as everyone else followed behind. Soon after walking for a few more minutes, they soon came across a large cavern entrance that looked big enough to fit a monster sized creature in it. "This must be the place where Volcan's spirit resides." Twilight says looking at the large entrance. "Last one in is a stale cupcake!" Pinkie Pie shouts as she quickly bounces towards the entrance before she was stopped in mid bounce by a magic field and forced backwards. "Ouchie. What's the big idea?" "That's strange, it seems that a barrier has been put up, no doubt as a way of keeping unwanted guests who managed to find a way in out." Twilight says as she pokes at the force field blocking the way in. "Well then, I guess this is where the truth comes out, to see if I have that Kaiju wielding blood in me." Zeon states as he walks up to the entrance taking in a deep breath. Zeon began to slowly walk into the entrance, clenching his eyes shut, praying that the force field wouldn't activate and send him flying backwards, denying him access to Volcan's spirit but after walking a couple feet past the entrance, he opens one eye and sees that the barrier had let him pass by safely, revealing that he really had Kaiju wielding blood with in him. "Well this is where we separate. You girls head back out of the mountain, if there's one thing I know about giant Kaijus inside mountains like this, it's that when they come out, they bring a good chunk of the mountain down and his cave WILL cave in." Zeon informs them as he gets ready to venture a head. "Ok, now you be careful now." Applejack said as she led everyone out. "Don't worry, I will." Zeon assured Applejack. "Wait Zeon!" Twilight said trotting over to the entrance stopping before the barrier forced onto her flank. "Yeah? Something you need?" Zeon asked turning around to face Twilight. "Yes, there's something I want to tell you." She said as her heart began to beat faster, legs feeling shaky, and her head feeling lighter than usual. "And what might that be?" Zeon asked as he walked over to the unicorn who was looking like an old fashion shy school girl. "Well I wanted to tell you…umm uh… that uh…I umm… that I love… love… love it if you returned back safely." Twilight quickly said unable to bring herself to confess her feelings and how she felt about him. "Oh…. Uh ok, I'll make sure that I come back safe and sound." Zeon said finding it a bit odd how it took her a while to say that but then started to wonder if she meaning to say something else. Failing to tell Zeon of her feelings for him, she reunited with the others who stopped and waited for her, having also heard her failed attempts but were choosing not to say anything to her. As Twilight walked by the others, she held her head slightly tilted downward in a way to hide her embarrassment and deep blush from the others. "Ok, I may not be an expert in this kind of situation, but I think Twilight has more than a school filly crush on Zeon there." Applejack exclaimed looking at Rarity. "I'm starting to think that the school filly crush was an understatement." Rarity admitted looking back at Applejack. Meanwhile, 300 miles away from the mountain, a large ship could be seen high in the sky flying around in the clouds, and deep within the ship's cockpit, a white furred unicorn, with a spiked, black mane and tail with grey highlights, a cutie mark with 4 slash marks with a dragons eye over them, and three scars on his left eye that went from forehead, across his eye to his lower jaw, laid curled up un a large throne like seat in the shape of a dragon skull, fast asleep as the room he was in was dark and slightly smokey. "King Slasher? I bring an urgent report to you." A Pegasus soldier said walking into the room where the unicorn slept, slowly starring from his slumber. "Who dares to wake me?" The unicorn asked in annoyance, his voice robotic as his vocal cords were damaged sometime ago. his fiery orange eyes slowly opening to look at the Pegasus soldier with a dagger piercing gaze. "Apologies for disturbing you, your highness, but one of our Kaiju transporters has just landed." The soldier said bowing. "WHAT?! Impossible. Every single one of our Kaiju transporter hasn't been touched for centuries since the Great Kaiju War and when our "beloved" King Midnight fell to his utter demise." Slasher said in a venomous tone. Well, having to go see how a random Kaiju transporter had just arrived, Slasher got up from his throne chair and walked past the soldier standing a little over 3ft taller than the average pony did. Meanwhile on the large lading strip on the top of the ship all the soldiers, which consisted of unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies, were all standing holding/levitating their weapons, pointed at the ship. Slasher soon came storming out onto the run way, which caught the attention of a Pegasus general. "Ah, King Slasher, I'm surprised you showed up here." The general exclaimed walking beside the unicorn. "Don't act so surprised, general, I demand to know why the hell there is a Kaiju transporter here when ALL of our transporters should be in the hanger." Slasher growled as he glared at the ship. "We are giving our best efforts to get the pilot to exit the ship but any orders given goes unresponsive ." The general informed looking at the transporter as the other soldier created a pathway to the transporter. "Well apparently your "efforts" are worthless." Slasher lashed out at the general as he approached the ship's entrance door and began to pound on it "Alright whoever you are, you have till the count of three to exit the ship or we WILL open fire on you" Slasher informed backing away from the ship, "1…..2….." Slasher began counting before the ship's door began slowly opening up. as it did, a ton of dark red smoke spewed out as a large dark silhouette walked into view. "If you dare fire at me, it WILL be the last thing you ever do..... Slasher." The pony said, his menacing voice sending both shock and fear into the soldiers they had ever felt in centuries. Even into Slasher himself. "What…No… I-I-it cannot be?! Midnight!" Slasher stuttered seeing his old master standing right in front of him. "That is "KING" Midnight to you. Yes, I have returned, Slasher. And I see you didn't waste any time taking over my throne and my armies." King Midnight said as he walked off the ship and approached Slasher. "But sadly for you, your days of ruling are over now that I, the rightful ruler of The Kaijan army and all the Kaijus that are in it, have returned. It is time for you to step down and return to your rightful place as my second-in-command, less I force you to step down." "*Groan* That won't be necessary, my liege." Slasher reluctantly surrendered, feeling angered that he had just lost 2000 years worth of ruling back to his old master and had been returned back to his role as second-in-command. "Soldiers of the Kaijan Army, I, Slasher, here by relinquish my title as king back to our returning lord and master, King Midnight." Slasher announces as everypony there began to cheer, yelling and chanting "Long live King Midnight" out of fear if they didn't. Well, while everyone cheered, a blood red pegasus mare with rose colored mane and tail with violet purple bolt highlights and a cutie mark with a pair of sharp wing (similar to that of the ones on the Alicorn amulet) with flames and lightning bolts coming out from behind them, came walking out, her outfit color being black compared to the other soldier's outfits being a dark grey, signifying her higher ranking, as she approached Midnight and Slasher. "King Midnight, my liege, I am glad to hear of your return." The mare said walking up to him and immediately bowing. "Admiral Blazewings. I have indeed returned, for no force in this world can hold me, try as they might." Midnights says looking at the mare. "Well, seeing it that you have been imprisoned for a little over 2000 years, I think it be better if you saw every recorded Equestrian news that our computers have." Blazing says as King Midnight walks past her to go and see all the recorded data. After King Midnight had walked out of view, Blazewings walked over to a very angered Slasher. "I see you're very upset of Midnight's return." She said standing beside Slasher looking up to his gaze. "You think. I had everything until HE returned, all high and mighty, demanding his place back as ruler." Slasher says looking down at the mare as they walk back into the ship. "Why don't you just challenge Midnight, challenge him for the role of king." Blazewings says pointing to Slasher. "I would if I had a chance against him and his powers. I don't want another incident like last time, I already suffer enough with what he had done to my vocal cords, forcing me to replace them with artificial robotic cords. I don't wanna know what will happen if I challenge him for the role as king. For all I care he could rip my vocal cords out and silence me for good." Slasher said as his ears pinned down as his head lowered down, knowing the fact he was weaker thank King Midnight. After seeing him admit his inability to stand against King Midnight, Blazewings hovered up to his head and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Hey, you'll eventually find a way to out strength Midnight. And besides, you'll always be the true king in my books." she says comforting the unicorn. "You really think so?" Slasher would chuckle as he puts his hooves around the pegasus and held her in front of him. "Oh I know so, King Slasher." Blazewings said as she leaned her head in close to his as they got ready to share a kiss, but before their lips could connect, sensory alarm on the ship began to go off, blaring deep low horns, out, making the monitor screens flash red. "What's going on?" King Midnight asked walking into the cockpit. "One of our sensors have picked up 7 pony life signals emanating from the same mountain that Volcan had last been seen around before disappearing completely." Blazewings said as she rushed over to the main monitor and pulled up the mountains image where it showed 7 red dots on it flashing inside the mountain, 6 of which were heading towards the bottom of the mountain while the 7th dot was showing heading towards the center of the mountain. "What are the chances King Sunbeam and Queen Night Star are actively looking for the beast responsible for my defeat." King Midnight said watching the 7th red dot approach the center. "Actually, my liege. King Sunbeam and Queen Night Star have stepped down from the throne and gave the roll of rulers of Equestria to their daughters, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna some years later." Slasher corrected. "Oh? So we have new rulers now do we? Well no matter. Send down Kelbeam and Golza down and have them bring down that mountain. That pony must not be able to revive or reawaken Volcan at any cost. I will not stand to have that monster stand in my way again" King Midnight ordered, stamp his right hoof onto the ground. "At once, your highness." The two soldiers say bowing their head before running off and activating two of their Kaiju transporter ships, beaming in Kelbeam and Golza into their systems and taking off, making their way towards the mountain.