> Twilight Sparkle's Desperate Training > by KitoKitoKito > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Long Day Of Holding > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle’s eyes gently fluttered open as the sun rose outside her window, streaming in through the glass, sunbeams landing right on her face. She’d always thought the sun made for the best natural alarm clock - it always worked pretty well for her. The lavender unicorn stretched her hooves out, pushing a few layers of blankets off her body and climbing out of bed. She yawned, rubbing her eyes. She’d stayed up far later last night than she should’ve, but admittedly, it was hard to resist a new novel from Moonscribe - she so rarely published, after all. She looked around a bit, eventually identifying the open book lying on the floor near the head of her bed. She sighed as her horn glowed, a magical purple light surrounding both her horn and the book as it floated off the ground, gently levitating over to her nightstand and sitting among a stack of various other tomes. She’d done quite a bit of reading last night - it wasn’t often that she found herself staying at Canterlot castle, and she just had to read every new addition to the royal library that she could while she was there. The morning fog was the price for her lust for information. She felt a pang through that haze, coming directly from her bladder - in fact, her hind legs were even letting out a slight shake. Clearly, she was in need of some morning relief, but she needed to get everything else ready first - she’d use the bathroom on her way out. Twilight Sparkle was a pony, one of the very many living in Equestria, a kingdom ruled by two princesses. Her magical skill was matched only be her wealth of knowledge - she was practically addicted to books, studying being her favorite hobby, leading to her nearly encyclopedic knowledge of the world. However, she was more than just a pony. For one, she was a unicorn, the only race capable of casting spells and using magic of the three main pony races, the others being pegasi, born with wings, and earth ponies, who had a natural connection to the earth and an aptitude for craftsmanship that unicorns and pegasi didn’t take as naturally to. That was far from the only thing making her special, though.  To say Equestria was ruled by two princesses isn’t entirely accurate - in fact, a new one had recently joined the fray. Twilight was previously a student of Princess Celestia, however, through a series of events, she’d found herself becoming one of the princesses herself, transforming into an alicorn - a species with both wings and a unicorn, as well as immortality. One day, a day not far off, she’d be replacing Princess Celestia and her sister, Princess Luna, as the new Princess of Equestria. It was a nerve-wracking thought, something that filled her with great stress, even if it was still a ways away. Previously, Celestia had mentored her in the ways of magic, but now, Celestia was mentoring her in the ways of being a princess. That was the reason for her visit to Canterlot. She’d come in by train the previous day and spent the night, preparing for today, where she’d be accompanying Celestia on a large variety of diplomatic duties all around Canterlot. She had thirty minutes to prepare herself after the sun rose; she quickly brushed her teeth, brushed her mane, and cleaned herself up, teleporting around her room to efficiently perform each task as fast as possible while focusing on holding in her bladder, promising herself she’d be releasing it soon enough. The nearest bathroom was in the hall - she’d stop there on the way to the throne room. Soon enough, her beautiful purple-blue hair, with a red and lavender stripe down the middle, matching her tail, were looking fitting for royalty. Her fur was perfectly straightened and fluffed just the right amount; her wings were preened and trimmed, laying flat against her stomach. Finally, her cutie mark, a pink star surrounded by six other white stars, was clean and radiant as could be, practically shining in the light of the sun.  A cutie mark was a symbol showing a pony’s special talent. For Twilight, that was magic, of course - the stars on her flank represented that. She quite enjoyed the little mark; it felt fitting for her, and it matched the other princesses’ well. Celestia’s was a beautiful sun, and Luna’s was the moon, each being very fitting, as it was the princesses who made the sun and moon rise and set using their magic. Another thing Twilight was worried about was taking over such a process - it wasn’t going to be easy to do both herself. She’d had to do it once before, and the results were… well, less than satisfactory. Still, she could learn. She held her back thighs together as her magic swung her door open. She took a quick glance down the hallway - the bathroom was right there! However, her glance also led her gaze to a nearby clock… which revealed that she was already exactly 1 minute and 13 seconds late to her day with Celestia. She gasped in horror and immediately rushed towards the throne room, galloping at full speed, forgetting her bladder in her haste.  She soon burst through the large set of double doors, already completely out of breath, and panted out, “Oh Princess Celestia I’m so sorry I’m so late I just got so caught up in my preparations I promise this will never happen again!” The words flowed like a river, not a single breath between them.  Celestia simply tilted her head in slight confusion. She sat on her throne, her pure white fur dancing with color streaming in from the many stained glass windows, her sparkling, multi-color mane glistening in the sun, blue, green, purple, and pink. It flowed out from her body, despite the lack of any wind inside the castle. Twilight had always wondered how it did that, but at the moment, it wasn’t important. The princess cleared her throat, adjusting her golden tiara, a matching necklace sitting around her neck, her hooves each covered in similarly matching golden shoes. Her large white wings sat folded on her back, her horn of the same color, far longer than a normal unicorn’s, glowing with a light resembling the sun as it gently closed the throne room doors behind Twilight. “Don’t worry about that, my dear student - it’s barely a minute past our expected start time. Just be careful not to let it go later than that next time.” She smiled, stepping off her throne and walking towards her student. “Come, follow me to the library. I’ll explain our plans for the day during our walk; we’re going to begin with a bit of a lecture on royal etiquette. You’ll be needing it today.” “Understood, princess!” Twilight perked up, forgetting her lateness for now and matching the princess’ pace as they both made their way down to the library. Her bladder panged; she suddenly felt a shiver running through her spine. It was starting to hurt, getting to the point where she was constantly aware of just how bad she needed to go. Perhaps she could ask Celestia if she could stop on the way… no, that would be so embarrassing! Making the princess wait for Twilight to use the bathroom would make her feel like a child. She could hold it until after the lecture, at least - she’d just focus on memorizing the information and forget all about her bladder issues. Celestia was probably going to need a break too, after that - it would be perfect. But first, she needed to get through the walk there. Her bladder wasn’t so pained that she struggled with walking yet, thankfully, though she did find it hard to combine walking, holding her urine, and talking to Celestia. Unfortunately for her, as she got lost in bladder-related thoughts, she managed to miss most of what the princess had said about the day’s schedule; all she got was that they weren’t going to be done until a few hours after the moon rose. It would be a grueling day of princess duties. The student considered asking Celestia to repeat the schedule, since they still had a bit of walking to do, but her pride prevented her. Instead, she asked, “I thought you said it was just going to be a normal day of princess duties. I don’t mean to complain, but isn’t that kind of a lot?” Celestia sighed. “Being royalty comes with its downsides. It’s rare to get anywhere near a full day’s rest between all the events and meetings one must participate in. I’ll admit today’s schedule is perhaps a little more packed than the average day, but not by much - as a princess, it’s rare to get more than an hour of downtime before you fall into a deep slumber from exhaustion.” She replaced what had become a dour look with a smile, turning to her student. “But it’s also very rewarding, of course, and somebody has to do it. I’m lucky to have my sister and so many others I can count on for help, like you, Twilight. And when you take over the position, you’ll have the other bearers of the elements of harmony, Spike, Starlight, and so many of your other friends. Even Discord could be a great help, if you can give him the proper incentive for it. Of course, Luna and I will always be around, given the eternal life that accompanies being an alicorn, but I do hope you’ll give us a bit of a break.” She winked playfully; Twilight chuckled. “Wow, that sounds like… a lot, really.” It was hard to comprehend just how much she’d have to take care of in Celestia’s position… and her bladder wasn’t making that any easier. It seems a part of her brain was currently devoted only to her need to use the bathroom. “Um, quick question, how long is this lecture going to take?”  “Oh, I’m so happy you asked!” Celestia perked up a bit, a cheerful smile on her face. “Four hours! I’m going to go into every little detail, grooming your wings, mane, and coat, dressing properly, accessorizing to complement missions to other nations, how to be polite with every race, it’s going to be quite a lot!” Her horn glowed; they had reached their destination. They entered the library, looking at the familiar sight of bookcases reaching into the heavens and stretching infinitely far. Celestia led the two to a lecture hall attached to it, already set up for their lesson, multiple books stacked on the table in front of a large chalkboard. A few empty notebooks sat on the first row of seats, along with a box of freshly sharpened pencils and 10 highlighters of different colors. “I know you just love long lectures, so I made sure to pack in as much information as I could! I hope you’re ready, you’ll be filling at least two of those notebooks, I’m sure!”  Twilight smiled nervously. There was not a hint of sarcasm in Celestia’s voice; she was entirely serious, and she was also correct. Usually, she would be very excited for such a lecture, but at the moment, all she could think about was whether or not the princess would notice if she were to quietly urinate behind the desk. Maybe she could catch her urine in her magic, and float it over to a trash can? Or at least just let it fall onto the carpeted floor silently… she shook her head. Celestia would notice that for sure - centuries of living gave a pony some great intuition. No, she’d just have to hold it, or maybe hope that Celestia would decide to take a break in the middle.  “Alright, I’m ready!” Twilight sat on her rear, back hooves stretched flat on the seat, front hooves sitting on the desk. She pulled a notebook towards her and magically flipped it open, floating a pencil into the air. She tried to ignore the rising, blunt pain caused by her increasingly desperate need to urinate, and focused on the lecture. She was truly excited for this; certainly, she’d be able to distract herself with the flow of new info. “Then let us begin!” Chalk floated to the board. Celestia looked just as excited as Twilight was; these moments of direct mentorship were so rare now. It made her nostalgic for the days when her student was still attending her magic school. She’d certainly be making the most of it. —------------------------------------------------------- “The griffons tend to prefer a focus on the entree rather than the dessert; something more savory will have them more satisfied. They can be very picky - they eat meat back in their homeland, but we don’t serve it in Canterlot. Still, a substitution dish made with natural ingredients can work well, and they’ll likely appreciate the difference in taste. The changelings, in contrast, love sweet things. King Thorax isn’t very picky, sure, but still, if you want a royal feast to really make a good impression on him or any one of them, some careful consideration should go into the dessert. I’d go for something either very rich, or very fruity, with a high sugar content. Apparently, it reminds them of the taste of love - Thorax once told me that love is most similar in flavor to strawberry ice cream, so if you’re ever at a loss, just go for that. Don’t worry too much about presentation, they’ll rarely be fussed about it. Now, the dragons are a bit easier; we have plenty of gems in the reserves that can be finely molded into a variety of forms…” Twilight eyes were those of a crazed madpony, racing across the page as did her tenth pencil, the other nine sitting in a neat row with broken or blunt tips. It had been five hours. Five. Hours. Three notebooks had been filled, and the fourth was well on its way; a servant was currently on the way to bring another three, just in case, along with a few highlighters to replace the ones Twilight had broke in her rush to separate her notations. Celestia had not taken a single break; in fact, she’d barely taken any breaths. She’d just talked, and talked, the board filling and erasing, filling and erasing, information pouring from her like a great waterfall. Still, they’d barely even scratched the surface. There was just so much to know; it would take at least ten more lectures of similar length for Twilight to get everything.  Normally, she’d be in Heaven right now, a state of pure, unadulterated bliss, and to an extent, she was. She just loved to learn new things, and to get them straight from Celestia was a truly amazing thing. There were probably a multitude of points written in her notes that had probably never been published in any textbook or guide in the world, considering how special and specific this information was. It made her feel amazing. Though, she’d be feeling far more amazing if she didn’t have to pee the entire time.  As the lecture rushed on, the pain in her bladder climbed at a steady pace. At the beginning, she could sit still with little problem. Thirty minutes in, her legs had begun to gently shiver; she was tapping a hoof idly against the seat, making as little sound as she could with her jittery motions. An hour later, she was squirming every few minutes, adjusting her position constantly, moving left and right across the desk and dragging her supplies with her, trying to get comfortable. It wasn’t working. She felt that horrible discomfort no matter what she did, the desperate need to just let it all out being ever present within her. Once she was 2 hours in, she had to split her concentration between holding her bladder and absorbing info, which had proved a nearly impossible task. She knew that, the moment she put her full attention on her notes, she’d be leaking all over, but of course, she still needed to get this all down. She’d considered asking to use the restroom, considered raising a hoof to get the princess’ attention, but she hadn’t. She’d imagined herself doing it, how easy it would be to just give a quick little, “Excuse me, Princess Celestia?” and ask the question, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. She was too nervous. What if Celestia saw it as a childish request, or was annoyed about the interruption? Really, she was far too benevolent for such a thing, but her desperation and focus on note-taking impeded her thought process greatly. Another hour in, she’d gone to the possibility of just galloping out of the room so she could just let it out somewhere, not even caring if Celestia noticed, but still, she didn’t have the confidence, and the minutes it took to do such a thing could hold precious, valuable info. She didn’t have the strength. She just couldn’t do it. And now, there she was. Her forehooves sat between her legs, pressed against her privates, her thighs squeezed tight around them. She squirmed in her seat, leaned left and right, wobbling like a tightrope walker on the verge of a fall. She felt cold, all her warmth focused on the source of her current desperation, her urine hogging it all for itself. Twilight was on the verge of just pissing right then and there and continuing her note-taking without giving it another thought, hoping the princess would be able to overlook it or not notice, but still, she couldn’t bring herself to. Even a simple leak was out of the question - who knew how strong the scent would be? And to add insult to injury, Celestia seemed to be moving onto… how to serve water to each of the different races. Ughhhh. Twilight dutifully noted every bit, thinking about the water pouring into glasses, liquid against liquid, splashing and trickling… it made her jealous, her hooves shaking hard. She wanted to go so badly, she could’ve sworn she’d give anything to do it in that moment. “For the seaponies, honestly, just give them all their own pitchers, and keep those full. They’ll be drinking a lot for obvious reasons. The griffons won’t need quite as much, but their throats dry out pretty fast, so still, give them some focus. The changelings… Wait a moment.” She suddenly found herself breaking from her teacherly trance. She looked up, above the chalkboard, at the clock. “Oh, my, have I been going for five hours already?! Oh no, we need to wrap things up - we’re about to be late for the next appointment!” She cleared the board with a swipe of magic, quickly galloping out from behind her desk. “Come, Twilight! Don’t delay - we need to get going immediately. We’ll forgo the chariot and just fly ourselves. The destination is Ponyville.” “W-wait, Princess Celestia!” Twilight cried as the princess swung the door open, turning with a look of worried confusion to her student. The lavender pony was past the point of caring about anything but relieving herself. “I need to use the bathroom before we leave. I’ll make it quick, promise!” Celestia pondered this for a moment. It would be reasonable to let her student go… but at the same time, this could make for a good learning opportunity. And they were in quite a rush. “There’s no time for that, Twilight. You should’ve used it before the lecture - if we delay anymore, we won’t make it in time. Come on.” She turned and began to trot out of the lecture hall, but quickly turned back, another thought occurring to her. “Actually… I think I’ll have you hold that in for the whole day. Being a princess often requires that we put our own needs aside in favor of our duty; the need to relieve our bladders is one of those many needs we must sometimes neglect. There will even be times where you’ll find yourself spending multiple days holding it in, when on diplomatic missions - it is unbecoming of a princess to be seen relieving herself, and even such a thing as asking for a bathroom break can break down important diplomatic discussions. I’m sorry, Twilight, but you need to hold it. You can use it once we’re finished with the day’s duties.” “B-but P-princess!” The student pleaded, walking out from behind her desk. Her shaking back legs were a clear indication of just how desperate she was, as was the beading sweat on her brow. She struggled to walk without leaking any. “It’s only the start of the day, and I need it so badly! I’m sure if you just let me use it this one time, I can hold my next load in for the rest of our duties!”  Celestia looked upon her condition; it was obviously very bad. She considered letting her go, wondering if this might get in the way of their duties… but no, this was something she needed to learn. She shook her head. “I hate to do this to you, my precious student, but this is just one lesson of many. You’ll be happy you did this now, rather than having to learn it when the situation is far more dire. Now, let us be off - we are losing sunlight!” With that last statement, Celestia was off, and, after letting out a quiet groan, Twilight was following close behind. Every bathroom they passed during their trot taunted her - it was like Celestia had specifically chosen a path with plenty of restrooms on purpose. The pouring of water from regal decorations on the wall was particularly aggravating; Twilight felt the sensation worsening. She wondered if she had any spells to counteract this, but she feared that casting any without being certain that they would work could lead to concerning results. Having an accident in front of Celestia was unthinkable; she was better off just holding it in. —-------------------- Soon enough, the two were flying through the air, a small entourage of pegasi from the royal guard flanking them. They were soaring at a fast pace, one that Twilight wouldn’t have been able to maintain only weeks ago - she’d just recently gotten her wings, and it was no easy feat to master their use. Normally, royalty would travel via chariot pulled by pegasi, however, as Celestia had stated, the situation called for them to go as fast as they could. Though, they were far from their top speed; the chariot honestly might’ve been faster. Twilight’s hind legs were crossed over each other, her thighs pressed tightly, rubbing back and forth. She bit her lip hard, her eyebrows upturned in an expression of clear exasperation, her back hooves lightly shivering. The wind chill was much worse when all her body heat seemed to be fleeing towards her privates; it was torture. Normally, she’d have had no reservations about making a quick stop down on the ground and simply peeing behind a tree or somewhere similarly private. Ponies were constantly nude; it was no big deal to do something like pee on the ground for them at all. In fact, it was completely natural, though most folks preferred to have at least a little privacy when they did their business.  Of course, a princess such as herself was held to higher standards, and even if she wasn’t, Celestia had made it clear that there would be no bathroom breaks. Twilight tried to distract herself by thinking of the destination… only to realize she wasn’t quite sure what it was. Sure, Ponyville, she got that part. It was where all her friends lived, her hometown, where her own castle and home sat. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy all lived there, or at least, very close by. It was a quaint village with a lot of charm, full of many of the friendliest places in all of Equestria. It was likely most well-known for Twilight herself taking residence there. It was rare for Celestia or Luna to make a visit - she wondered what reasoning they had to go there today. She’d likely have known, if she’d paid more attention earlier, but alas, she had not. “Here we are!” Celestia announced, smiling with giddiness. She gently floated closer to the ground, Twilight following close behind. The two gently fluttered down on the outside of an open dirt field, three large stands packed with ponies in front of a barren natural stage, grass growing on the edges. Everybody excitedly chattered among themselves, some ponies still going between different concession stands and getting various cheap fair foods, many pegasi seated on clouds in the sky that seemed to be precisely placed for audiences. “What’s going on here?” Twilight asked, looking around with confusion. This area was a on the edge of Ponyville, used only for fairs and performances. The last time she’d been there, she was going to see… “A Wonderbolts performance!” Celestia happily proclaimed, as excited as a filly. “Naturally, we princesses are always invited to come, but it’s so rare that we actually get to see it. However, this sort of thing is an important part of our role as royalty. Groups like the Wonderbolts are vital to Equestrian culture - we must make sure we show our support for them by occasionally attending performances and such.” Already, other ponies were pointing toward the pair, staring with awe at the rare sight of Celestia in their little village. “It’s also good for the citizens to see the princesses out and about at times, so that their perception of us doesn’t get too out of hand. We may be celestial figures of sorts, but we’d rather not be viewed as gods - it can lead to tricky business.” Twilight tilted her head. That all sounded fairly reasonable… though by the way Celestia was smiling, she had a feeling that wasn’t all. “Right, right… and you also just really wanted to see a Wonderbolts performance, didn’t you?” Twilight found she was speaking to a brick wall; Celestia quickly darted over to a concession stand and bought a cheap bowl of nachos, throwing a handful of ten bits onto the wooden stand counter and quickly flying back over to Twilight, magically dipping one of the chips into a small plastic cup of cheese. “I’m sorry, did you say something, my student?”  Twilight giggled. “No, not at all.” She turned to the stage; the audience was starting to get extra excited. “I think they’re going to start soon. Where do we sit? The stands are packed.” “We happen to have a nice little cloud preserved for us.” She pointed above the stands; indeed, a cloud was sitting in wait, with the words “RESERVED FOR PRINCESS CELESTIA AND PRINCESS TWILIGHT SPARKLE” written on a small sign on the side of it. The two quickly hovered over and sat on top of it, the surface fluffy and soft against their skin. Pegasi were naturally able to stand on clouds and interact with them physically; alicorns happened to possess the same ability, seemingly a part of their aptitude for flying. The two turned their attention to the stage - a single Wonderbolt, clad in the light-blue uniform with motifs of pastel yellow lightning as well as circular goggles, waved a flag in front of the audience, everyone growing suddenly silent. He made some quick notes about safety and such; as he did so, Twilight found herself being reminded of her present need to pee.  In all the excitement of the performance, as well as her joy at seeing Celestia getting so excited, she’d forgotten her bladder, but now, it was coming rushing back, and not in a comfortable way. She quickly pressed her hooves up to her slit, suddenly squirming, uncomfortably moving back and forth. She felt a sudden rush of urine going through her, pounding at her dam, moments from breaking free; she had to close her eyes and focus all her effort on holding it in. She knew the moment she let out even a drop, she was going to lose it all. She rubbed her crotch; opening her eyes, she noticed a slight bulge in her bladder. Was she really that full? Hopefully it wasn’t too noticeable to anyone else. She’d never experienced this before; she’d never needed to go this bad. Nobody else could see it… except for Celestia, who was currently staring at her student with mixed emotions. She felt bad; she considered telling her she should go relieve herself, get this pain over with so she could focus on the rest of the day’s activities and enjoy the performance more, but still, she knew she’d be doing her a disservice if she let that happen. Even if her belly was bulging with the need, she needed to hold it, for as long as she could. The possibility of an accident was becoming quite vivid to the princess… and honestly, she found herself almost hoping such a thing would happen. If Twilight were to spill in public, it would be a mortifying experience, something that would certainly stick in her head for a very, very long time. She’d certainly learn her lesson; Celestia doubted she’d ever have another accident in her life with that little reminder in her head. Though, this wouldn’t be the best time, admittedly - she had a reputation to uphold, after all, and peeing in front of an entire crowd of people was not the best way to uphold it. The position of their cloud would probably prevent most from seeing if she was discreet enough.  “Princess Celestia,” Twilight whispered as the safety info went on. “Are you sure I can’t make a quick bathroom break? I’ll just empty half of my bladder! I won’t need another one for the rest of the day, promise!!” Celestia shook her head. “I stand by what I said, Twilight. You’ll thank me for this later, I’m sure. This may be difficult, but it is one of the easier tasks you’ll be enduring as royalty.” She turned her head to the stage. “Oh, they’re starting!!” Her tail flapped like an eager dog as she floated another of her chips to her mouth. The student knew from experience that the princesses were enamored with the ways of the commoners of Equestria - they were served meals fit for royalty every day, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Something as simple as a bowl of nachos was like a delicacy to them, a very rare treat that they could only enjoy in the most special of situations and outings. Twilight resignedly turned back to the stage, squirming silently, finding herself wondering if the cloud would absorb her urine if she were to let just a bit out… though she didn’t want to risk the consequences if it didn’t. Her lips quivered; the this was taking all of the strength in her body. She was just lucky she didn’t need to move around or cast any magic at that moment - she felt like those activities would lead to a very wet alicorn in a matter of seconds.  “Without further ado, the Wonderbolts!” The stallion pulled his goggles over top of his eyes and flew into the air. The sound of distant winds filled the air; the crowd looked around in confusion, someone soon pointing a hoof straight into the sky and shouting “Look!” Everyone followed the direction, Celestia and Twilight included, to see, rushing from high in the air, five pegasi, lined up in a V formation, racing towards the ground. Cheers erupted from the audience as the Wonderbolts flew towards the ground, veering up at just the last second, kicking up clouds of dust as they soared away from the stands. Twilight gasped in excited surprise. In the middle of the formation was a mare with a mane and tail of rainbow colors - she immediately recognized them as Rainbow Dash, one of her greatest friends. She cheered for the pony as she lead the formation, watching them all do various spins, barrel rolls, cartwheels, and other daring tricks, manipulating clouds to put on an insane show that only such an incredibly well-trained group could pull off.  The performance went on for about ten minutes with all five of them going at once, after which it broke off into a series of individual stunts, many of the Wonderbolts showing off their individual talents. As Spitfire, a pony with a main imitating a beautiful blaze, made pictures in the sky using clouds, Rainbow Dash, sitting on the sidelines, gave Twilight and Celestia a cheerful wave. The two returned it; surprisingly enough, Celestia seemed even more eager in her wave than Twilight did. An hour later, the end finally came, the crowd slowly dissipating as Twilight thumped her hooves against the cloud, inwardly groaning as the pain, and her bladder, swelled immensely. She wondered if she’d been cursed or something; she could swear she hadn’t drunk that much. She turned to Celestia. “Wow, what a performance, am I right? Can I please please please please use the bathroom now?” Her squirming was almost a dance now, her eyes full of pleading.  The princess sighed. “You know, I was in a situation similar to yours once. I’d gone an entire party at the royal castle holding my bladder in - I believe it was a reception for a marriage of some of Equestria’s elite. I just kept getting pulled aside by person after person, each one having something to say to me, and I couldn’t say no to a single one without offending them. Three hours later, I was rushing for the bathroom as elegantly as I could. My face when I read the ‘out of order’ sign must’ve been a sight to behold.” She chuckled, shaking her head. “Thank goodness it was on the stall in the filly’s room, rather than on the door outside. I remember standing there and just feeling it all rush out, slowly trickling down my hind legs, spiraling around them with a flood of golden urine. It took many washes to get it out of that beautiful white dress I was wearing. I was able to teleport away before anyone saw it, but I got a lot of questions about my disappearance from the party the next day.” Tremors snaked through Twilight’s body. She could imagine the story in vivid detail, mostly because she had already imagined the exact thing happening to her multiple times. It made her problem so much worse; she suddenly felt as though she might burst open any second, no matter how much she was trying to hold it back. If even Celestia couldn’t keep her bladder in control, how could she possibly do it? She blushed a bit, the thought suddenly bringing to mind the more private parts of Celestia’s body. She usually tended to relegate such thoughts to the bed; she quickly shoved them back down in her subconscious. “P-princess, why are you telling me this!?” She asked, exasperated, a little annoyed. It was really not helping in any way. Celestia couldn’t help it; she let out a giggle at the pony’s flustered form. “I’m not sure. Just felt like I should.” A complete lie; she totally said it to tease Twilight. That didn’t mean it wasn’t true, though. “I believe my situation was a bit worse than yours is now, however - I’d been holding it for far longer than you have. If I was able to make it so far, I’m sure you can at least come close, don’t you agree?” “Mmmm…” Twilight neighed in frustration. “Fine. I’ll keep holding it.” Even as she spoke, her words felt strained; she felt the liquid sloshing around inside her bladder, constantly battering the resolute dam she was holding erect before them to prevent any leaks. It was cracking. “What’s next on the list, Princess?” “Ah, next, we need to head over to Sweet Apple Acres. We can take our time getting there - a little stroll through Ponyville wouldn’t hurt at all.” Celestia stood, preparing to hop off the cloud, before a blue figure suddenly zoomed in front of them. “AH!” Twilight yelped as a snout was shoved in her face; only once the blur stopped inches from colliding with her did she recognize the extremely eager form of Rainbow Dash. The cyan pegasus floated in front of her, wings beating rapidly in excitement, her rainbow-colored mane swished over her forehead, her mane flapping in the air. Her bold blue uniform sat on her back, between her wings. She was smiling wide, looking just as excited as she always was after hearing the crowds shout her name. Her cutie mark, a cloud with a rainbow lightning bolt, was showing prominently on her flank. “Hi Twilight!” She greeted, giving her friend a small hug before floating down onto the cloud, turning to face Celestia and giving her a quick, inelegant bow. “And hello, Princess Celestia!” She turned back to her friend, her smile not fading for a moment. “How’d you like the show? I had no idea you were coming too!!” Twilight glanced down for just a moment. It seemed she hadn’t accidentally peed herself in surprise, not even a leak. She’d half expected to see a puddle by the time she’d recovered. Instead, the panging pain remained, fast and resolute. “It was great, Dash - your solo section at the end was amazing! I had no idea you could fly so fast that you could make a figure eight with your afterimage.” She chuckled. “Was the part where you hit a cloud and screamed part of the show?” Rainbow blushed, eyes widening. “N-no- I mean, yes, yes it was!” She resolutely claimed. “All part of the show to have a little drama, y’know?” Celestia and Twilight both tried to hide their snickers at the obvious lie. “Whatever you say, Dash. The recovery was pretty cool.” “Wasn’t it!?” Any trace of embarrassment from the pegasus quickly fled her system. “That was one of my awesomeest performances yet!” “Most awesome,” Twilight quickly corrected. She slowly slid her hooves over her bladder, hiding the bulge as best she could in her sitting position. “Whatever,” the pegasus said, dismissively. Another female voice soon called her name. “Oh! Coming!” She shouted with a quick turn of the head. “Sorry, I gotta go - the Wonderbolts are all going out to dinner after this.” She turned to Celestia and gave more of a nod this time. “Thank you for coming, Princess Celestia! Everybody was super hyped to see you here!” Celestia giggled; few would have the gall to talk to her in such an inelegant way. She didn’t mind at all. “Of course, Rainbow Dash - I enjoyed the show greatly. Tell Fleetfoot I especially liked her solo performance.” “Will do!” The rainbow-maned pony gave a salute. “See ya!” And she was gone, quickly zipping over to the rest of the Wonderbolts, who soon turned and flew off in a separate direction. They headed towards Cloudsdale, a city located in the clouds, inhabited solely by pegasi.  Twilight sighed in relief; holding a conversation with her bladder so full was no easy feat. “Alright, you said Sweet Apple Acres?” “Indeed I did!” Celestia hopped off the cloud, with Twilight following close behind. “We have about 15 minutes to get there, no need to rush.” “Got it. Um, if I may ask, why Sweet Apple Acres?” “As I said earlier, we’re just going to confirm a few things about a shipment of apples for royal guard rations. They make for very healthy guard ponies.” “But why us? Couldn’t you do that with a letter, or send a servant to take care of it?” “Why not? We’re in the area, and it’s been a bit since I’ve seen Granny Smith. I’d like to catch up a bit!” She smiled. “Just like with the Wonderbolts, Sweet Apple Acres is important to Equestrian culture. We can use it as a learning opportunity - I’m sure Applejack would love to help explain how the Apple family contributed to our food reserves, as well as banquets and other events.” Twilight’s ears raised at the mention of a “learning opportunity.” “Sounds great!” She exclaimed, a bit more pep in her step as they made their way down the paths of Ponyville, walking between a multitude of buildings. Whatever pep she may have been able to muster out was quite quickly drained as a pang of sudden pain rushed through her body; hardly a few minutes into their walk, the lavender unicorn stopped in the middle of the road, her body shivering, as she felt a particularly rough onslaught of desperation hit her system. She rubbed her thighs together, pushing them as close as she could, holding it back as though her legs would physically block the rush; Celestia looked at her with a mix of concern and amusement, if such a thing were possible. “Quite a struggle you’re having there, isn’t it?” “M-mhm,” Twilight murmured, looking to her princess’ eyes with a pleading gaze. “A-are you sure I can’t take a break to let it out?”  Celestia shook her head. “I’ve already said why you must do this. I promise, you’ll be happy when it’s over.” She patted her student on the head. “Come on, we shouldn’t dilly dally. This walk is going to have to turn into a sprint if we take too much longer, and I doubt that’s going to help your condition.” “Mnnrgh,” Twilight groaned and growled, beginning to walk again with shaky hooves. She stared at the ground, her full concentration on her bladder, as Celestia enjoyed the sights. Her gaze particularly fell on three locations: Sugarcube Corner, a local bakery, where Pinkie Pie, one of Twilight’s friends, worked. It was quite a popular location - they always had a great selection of lovingly crafted desserts. Celestia had quite the sweet tooth; she certainly wouldn’t mind a visit there, though now wasn’t the time. Another one was Carousel Boutique, a store that another of Twilight’s friends, Rarity, ran and managed. She was a fashion designer, especially crafty when it came to dresses - she’d made outfits for royal figures including Celestia herself multiple times before. It was actually a location the princess knew they’d be visiting today, but that would come later. The third place was Twilight’s own castle. It was a purple building made of crystal, hoisted up into the air on branches of a purple and blue tree also made from that same prismatic substance, with a large starburst sitting on top. It was a sight to behold, for sure, and a difficult one to describe if you couldn’t see it yourself. The castle had come about as a result of a particular adventure Twilight had gone on; Celestia still had the reports tucked away inside her personal archive. She mused over them often, even after giving them each a few reads - she lamented the passing of days when her student would send almost daily reports on her lessons on friendship.  As the princess reminisced, Twilight found herself doing the same, looking to her castle. Specifically, she reminisced on all the times she’d gone to use one of the multiple bathrooms located throughout. She missed that quite a bit at that moment. She’d truly taken bathroom use for granted; she’d give anything in the world to be sitting on the porcelain throne at that moment. She tried to dispel such thoughts and think of something else; she opened her mouth to chat with Celestia, perhaps a simple conversation about how nice it was today, how the sun was shining overhead, but she soon found her words corked by the sound of a hose running nearby. She turned her head to a gardener watering their flowers outside their house, a stream of that clear liquid pittering against the dirt. She sank her teeth into her lower lip, finding herself, possibly for the first time in her life, jealous of a hose, being able to so easily empty its contents. She desperately wished that was her. She once again tried to dispel the thought, and when she went to speak to Celestia again, she found that putting any effort into any action that was not walking and holding was probably going to end poorly. Her wings quivered as her bulge pulsed; she could feel her heart beating in her bladder, as though she’d accidentally swallowed the thing and somehow got it in there. Her whole body still felt so cold, except for the warmth on that one particular spot. Her hooves stuttered with each pace; she was walking far slower than she normally would, rubbing her thighs together with every step.  “Here we are,” Celestia announced, less because she would’ve normally felt a need to do so, and more because Twilight seemed to be very intently focusing on a piece of dirt on the ground. The purple alicorn raised her head to look at the sight before her. A white fence surrounded the acres, an archway with plants winding up its sides and a simple wooden sign with an apple carved out of it hanging from the top to denote the destination. Fields stretched out, far and wide, growing a multitude of crops, but most notable and most densely available were the apple trees. Truly, the Apple family’s enormous orchard was a sight to behold - they did not take their namesake lightly. Ahead of them was a large barn-like building that Twilight recognized as Applejack’s house, inhabited by the aforementioned mare, her younger sister Applebloom, older brother Big Mac, and of course, Granny Smith. As the pair walked through the archway, a lime-green walked out to greet them, the skin on her legs sticking tight to her bones, her face full of creases and wrinkles, topped with a pale-white mane. She was shaking almost as much as Twilight was, though for entirely different reasons. She raised a hoof and gave a little wave, smiling with warm, pastel-orange eyes. Her cutie mark was an apple pie, an apple product, just like everypony else in her huge extended family. Coming out from behind her was Applejack, a significantly younger mare, her coat the same orange as Grannie Smith’s eyes, her own gaze coming from green pupils. Her mane was a light blonde, tied in, ironically, a ponytail, with a cowboy hat sitting on top of it. She also waved, looking only a little less excited than her grandma. Her cutie mark was three red apples in a triangle.  “Well, hello there!” Grannie called out, waving the royalty towards her. “Come on in, I’ve got all the paperwork set out and everythin’. Applejack, put some coffee on the pot.”  “Will do,” the mare responded, bowing to the princess and then walking inside to perform the requested task as Celestia and Twilight stepped towards the door. Granny didn’t seem fussed with making any similar gestures of respect. “Good afternoon, Annie,” Celestia greeted, smiling cheerfully. “It feels like ages since I last saw you. You haven’t aged a day past 100!”  “Hehe! You got that right, Tia. Come on inside - I wanna get right to talkin’ bout the borin’ paperwork stuff so we can chit chat a bit before you need to fly off again.” “Sounds good to me! Come on, Twilight - you’re gonna love this.” The student nodded, putting on a weak, wavering smile as she followed behind her princess, trying to calm the shaking of her hind hooves. She’d never heard Granny Smith’s real name - was it really Annie? Apparently, her and Celestia had some history, though that wasn’t a surprise. Celestia had lived for centuries, and Granny was one of the oldest mares in Equestria, besides the princesses, of course. She glanced in the direction of a nearby latrine, the crescent moon in the door taunting her. Shaking her head, she pushed the thought away, and focused on the pleasant aroma of apples that engulfed her being as she stepped foot inside, soon entering what looked to be a dining room, taken up primarily by a large square table. Papers were scattered across it, black and white seeming to crowd out any corner of the natural wood, with three cushions seated around it, all matching the colors of different types of apples. The three each took a seat on one; Twilight felt her stomach rolling as she did so. She immediately leaned onto the table, pushing her thighs against each other in an attempt to hide her bladder bulge, smiling nervously. Celestia noticed, but Granny Smith was, thankfully, oblivious. Twilight tried to think about anything except for how embarrassing it would be if she were to have an accident right on top of that cushion, how it would definitely absorb the liquid and the smell certainly wouldn’t come out. She tried to get comfortable, but failed, shifting around in her seat almost the entire time. The smell of coffee breezed in from the attached, open-passage kitchen; Twilight could see Applejack there, grabbing the coffee pot’s handle with her teeth and bringing it over. “Could shomepony grab the cupsh?” She asked through her teeth. “Oh, I got it!” Twilight responded, summoning her magic to easily levitate a serving plate with four mugs on top, all shaped or printed with various designs - likely all gifts or novelties. It also came with two other pouring cups, one full of cream, one full of sugar, with a small metal spoon dug into it. The plate clattered onto the center of the table, the alicorn immediately regretting her offer to help, having to stop her levitation before she could set it down with exact precision to prevent an oncoming leak. She barely managed to stop it. Thankfully, neither Applejack nor Granny seemed to notice that she wasn’t giving it her all, though of course, the princess did. She raised an eye at the alicorn; again, she considered letting her go, but still decided not to, internally shaking her head. If anything, she should be having Twilight do more magic in this state so she could get used to casting spells under pressure. Perhaps that would be a good exercise to perform once they got back to the castle before Celestia finally let her student spill her bladder. “Shank you,” Applejack said, pouring the coffee into each cup, leaving the pot half full and setting it on the ground to their side, so as not to cover any papers, or risk spilling it all over them. “Dig in!” The four ponies all partook; Celestia held the mug in her magic and, after adding enough cream and sugar to turn the black liquid to vanilla white, she happily drank. Coffee was another one of those things she never got to drink at the castle - it was always tea. Her cup was soon emptied; she didn’t hesitate to pour herself another. The other three all simply used their hooves to sip at the liquid, which was still steaming hot - way too hot to drink. Applejack gave the princess a concerned look as she, nonetheless, downed the entire thing. Twilight was thankful for that distraction; it stopped anyone from noticing that she was using her hooves instead of her magic, something she would’ve never done normally. She was so used to drinking coffee as she studied and worked that it was a reflex to keep a cup hovering in her magical grasp, but at that moment, she had a feeling that any attempt to use telekinesis was going to end with shattered glass, coffee-stained wood, and urine-stained cushioning.  “Alright, let’s get right into business!” Granny Smith proclaimed. Applejack bit the serving tray and moved it to the floor as the elderly mare sifted through documents. “Indeed. Pay close attention, Twilight - you should try to memorize any numbers you hear. This is about the ballpark of what you can expect from Sweet Apple Acres. You’ll have advisors and treasurers to help with your budget, of course, but you should try to known and understand as much as you can yourself to make sure everything moves smoothly.” “Right!” Twilight responded, nodding confidently as the princess and the grandma began their discussion of exactly how many apples, cans of applesauce, and stores of other apple-related products could be given for the reserves, and exactly how many bits could be given in return. It was a tornado of logistics, a confusing mess of numbers, with discussions of taxes, exchange rates, transportation issues, proper preservation practices, and so on, so forth. Most ponies’ minds would be boggled, but Twilight was excited, her tail even flapping a bit as she listened and memorized. She just wished she could give it her full attention - that aching bladder was still bothering her quite a bit. She silently kneaded her cushions, occasionally squirming or shivering, focusing on stopping every little leak that threatened to emerge from her slit with pinpoint precision. Once a slight lull in the conversation was reached, Applejack, who had finished her coffee and had made absolutely no attempt to understand what was going on (she had some training in the field, considering she was next in line, but Celestia help her if she was going to try and learn from this math rodeo), butted in. “I’m gonna go work on my chores. It was mighty nice to see you, Princess Celestia.” She respectfully nodded her head; the royal figure returned the gesture. “And I’ll talk to you later, Twilight. If they finish up early, you know where to find me.” She waved and made her way out, off to tend to the fields, buck some apple trees, or do any other myriad of tasks needed to keep the farm running smoothly. The three mares soon returned to the discussion, lasting for another 20 minutes, before everything was finally settled. Celestia wrote a collection of signatures, numbers, and other notes on a bunch of forms, slowly adding them to a neat stack, finally freeing the table of its paper blanket. She floated up a manilla folder, provided by Granny, and slotted them inside. “Well, that didn’t take nearly as long as I’d expected!” She proclaimed happily. “I think we still have about another half hour until our next appointment. Twilight, I’m gonna talk to Annie for a little while - you should go help Applejack with her chores. It’s a good way to keep fit.” Twilight smiled and nodded, internally grimacing at the comment. She couldn’t imagine trying to do any bit of physical activity without a rush of warm liquid emerging from her privates. Still, she managed to walk out in a slow trot, moving each hoof one at a time as she focused on keeping her bladder in check.  “Oh, and make sure you don’t… well, you know, while you’re out there.” Twilight tensed for a moment as Celestia spoke. The princess suddenly walked up behind her and whispered in her ear. “I’ll be able to tell if you let out even a leak - don’t get any ideas about avoiding your lesson.” Twilight nodded once again and continued her trot, biting her lip to keep a frustrated groan from coming out of her maw. She was far from the type to be any shade of disobedient, especially when it came to instructions from Celestia herself, but admittedly, she had been considering giving the nearest patch of flowers just a little extra water, hoping that she could let out just a tad without it being noticeable. Now, though, she was far too scared. The princess would read the guilt on her face instantly. “Oh, oh, one more thing!” Twilight turned, slight annoyance on her brow, as Celestia’s golden aura held the lavender alicorn’s mug into the sky, still filled to the brim with now-cool coffee. “You didn’t drink any of your coffee! You should really have some - it tastes great, and you’re gonna want that energy for the rest of the day.” Twilight wanted to scream. The last thing she needed was to add more liquid to her system. Especially coffee - she knew just how fast that would work its way through her body. The moment it hit her bladder, it was certainly going to be pushing some of her urine out to make room. Still, she grasped it in her magic, finding her legs all shivering just a little harder as she focused her mind on the task. “O-oh, right, t-thanks!” She stuttered out, slowly walking away with the mug following along behind her.  “Twilight, deary,” Granny Smith spoke; Twilight stopped and spun back around. She’d made it barely three steps toward the door to the next room. “You should really drink it now - wait any longer, and it’s gonna be cold as an icicle!” “R-right, t-that’s true!” Honestly, she was thinking whatever patch of flowers was originally going to be watered by her piss would now be watered by the coffee in that mug, but it seemed she wouldn’t escape so easily. It would be rude to refuse to drink any now; she couldn’t act so impolitely. She gulped, slowly pulling the mug to her lips, and quickly chugging the cold, black coffee down. It was bitter, far more bitter than normal coffee would ever be, only because she knew the effect it was about to have on her system. Still, she managed to get down every last drop, quickly levitating the cup back over to the table and setting it down before refocusing her mind on holding her urine, which seemed to be gunning to take advantage of any weak moment she had and burst out. “Thank you!” She quickly said before finally walking away, her pace much faster this time.  “I didn’t mean she had to chug the whole thing,” Granny Smith said to Celestia, confusion at the mare’s odd demeanor on her face. “Is she doin’ alright?” “Don’t worry - she’s just a little nervous about performing royal duties with me. She tends to stress over the little things,” Celestia responded, the first sentence a complete lie. “Oh, Applejack tells me about that all the time! Sounds to me like she’s as stressed as a buffalo in matin’ season.”  “You wouldn’t believe it! This one time…” The two soon lost themselves in idle chatter, forgetting Twilight’s oddities almost instantly.  —------------- Just as Twilight left the building, she noticed Applejack walking in her general direction. “Oh, hey, Twilight!” The farm pony greeted. “You sure finished up in there fast. Are y’all leavin’ soon?” “Hi Applejack! Not at all - I think Princess Celestia wanted to talk to Granny Smith for a little bit.” She turned her head back and forth, glancing around conspiratorially, approaching Applejack before whispering, “Did you know her real name is Annie?” “Princess Celestia’s name is Annie?” Applejack tilted her head in confusion. “No, I mean- never mind. What are you up to? Maybe I can help with some of your chores while I wait for them.”  “That’s awful kind of you, sugar! Though, right this moment, I was just headin’ for the latrine. I’ve been holdin’ in somethin’ fierce for the last 40 minutes or so - my bladder is burstin’! Mind waitin’ for me?”  Twilight’s heart felt like it was twisting. With the most neutral tone she could manage, “Of course not, take your time!”  “Thanks, sugar.” Applejack nodded to her before entering the latrine, quickly closing and locking the door behind her. The unicorn sighed, walking in circles around the outhouse, lower lip clenched firmly between her molars as she hummed quietly, feeling that any movement of her body at all would help distract her from the present desperation. It was a nice, warm day out, the sun’s rays beating warmly across her coat, and yet, she still felt shivers of desperation rushing up and down her spine like they were doing a pacing test. She soon realized her mistake in choosing the latrine as the focus of her circling. “Ah~” The mare inside moaned in satisfaction as the sound of urine trickling down into a tank of liquid below sounded out, creeping between the cracks and gaps in the wood and infesting Twilight’s ears like small demons trying to worsen her pain in any way they could. That sigh of relaxation and satisfaction, of relief and happiness, felt like hooves on a chalkboard; the unicorn put her head down on the ground and covered her ears, trying to block it out, but the trickling still made its way through her defenses. She felt her slit practically pulsing in desire, the lips quivering desperately; the coffee was working its way through her system, mercilessly rushing to the center of her need. She quietly groaned, shutting her eyes hard, battling a particularly strong desire to leak; only once the trickle stopped did she quickly rise back to a normal sitting position, a ruby red blush on her face as Applejack opened the door and turned to face her. “Ah, that felt great. Nothin’ like a bit of relief after workin’ on the farm for so long. That coffee always works its way right through me.” She looked to her friend. “Somethin’ on your mind, sugar? I hope you weren’t thinkin’ about what I was doin’ in there too hard~” She playfully teased, smirking as she looked at the blushing alicorn. “W-wha- n-no, of course not!” Twilight stammered, blush intensifying, Applejack chuckling. “Oh, come on, don’t you have chores for us to do or somethin’?” “Hehe, you sure are cute when you’re flustered.” Twilight grumbled in displeasure as Applejack patted her on the head. “I was just gonna take a stroll through the orchard and check on all the trees, see if anything’s up with any of ‘em. Walk with me, it’ll be nice and relaxin’.” The alicorn sighed as Apple Jack began to walk. “Alright, fine.” She quickly fell into pace beside her, trying to control her shaking as much as she could. If Applejack had noticed anything aside from her earlier blushing, she wasn’t showing it. The two of them strolled through the orchard, the orange pony giving each tree a quick look, up and down, to make sure everything was in proper order. As she said, it never hurts - a problem is unlikely, but if there is one, they’d be happy to have noticed it. Being quite a fan of double, triple, and even quadruple-checking her answers when taking tests, even when every single one was almost always correct the first time, Twilight could heavily relate. The two idly chattered about how their days had been going. Applejack talked about her chores - she was usually up pretty early to get started, sometimes even before Celestia raised the sun. She was an earth pony, with no wings or magic, but she had the advantage of being deeply tied to the natural world in a way that made anything involved with it come very naturally. Her heritage played a big part in that as well, of course. They also had the distinct advantage of mastering any chosen craft with incredible growth - it was likely some instinctive part of their own special breed of earth pony “magic,” but Twilight also thought it might’ve had something to do with them having no need to spend any time learning to fly or use magic.  “So, how were the Wonderbolts?” Applejack asked, her head still facing the trees opposite of Twilight’s direction. “Amazing as always,” the alicorn responded, though she definitely sounded a tad less excited than she might’ve normally been. “Rainbow Dash was especially great, if that’s what you’re wondering. Made a bit of a mistake during her solo routine, but she corrected it pretty impressively.” “Good to hear. I haven’t seen one of those performances in a while now - I really oughta go to the next one and cheer Dash on.” The orange earth pony suddenly stopped. “Oh, er, guess my tank isn’t quite as empty as I thought earlier.” She moved to the side of a tree and raised one of her back hooves into the air. “You don’t mind, do you?” Twilight was confused for a moment, but she soon realized what Applejack was referring to. “Oh, no, not at a-all!” She stuttered only slightly as she spoke. She sat down, pawing at the dirt with her hooves to distract from her desperation. This was going to be difficult to watch. “Great.” Applejack let out yet another sigh of relaxation, seemingly louder, reaching right down to Twilight’s soul and needling it as she loosened up her body and let a stream of gold come streaming out. It was a gentle trickle, flowing through the air and hitting the side of the tree, tiny drops splashing all over, the sound of thudding echoing from the bark. Not even a blush crossed the farm pony’s face as Twilight watched, hooves tapping silently on dirt with incredible speed as she squirmed, trying to ignore the sounds while also trying not to make her desperation obvious. A rosy red blush crossed her cheeks as she worried about her friend noticing her desperation - it was so embarrassing! “There we are,” the earth pony said, letting a few stray drops roll down her legs, wiping herself off with a leaf picked from that very tree. Twilight was frozen for a moment as her bladder begged to let her urine out, like it was complaining about Applejack being able to so brazenly do the same thing. She fought back the urge to let out a leak - this would probably be the only chance she got to do it without Celestia having a guaranteed chance of knowing. But no, she couldn’t; she knew that the princess would find out. She didn’t want to defy her teacher. “You’re starin’ pretty hard there, sugar - I was just jokin’ earlier, but you know, if you really like what ya see, we can always-” “Applejack!” Twilight quickly interrupted her, blush intensifying greatly, as she realized she had been staring at the earth pony’s privates, though not at all for the reason Applejack thought. She grumbled in frustration. “I-it’s not that, I-I was just zoning out, is all!”  The farmer chuckled. “Sure you were, darlin’. You know I’m not gonna judge - I’m always open for a little fun on the farm, if you get what I’m sayin’.”  “A-applejack!!” Twilight glowed with humiliation. “It isn’t like that!” She considered that thought for a moment. “At least, it isn’t today,” she said in a hushed tone, not wanting to limit her options entirely. “Come on, we should go back.”  “You know, if you get done with Celestia early, all you gotta do is fly up and tap on my bedroom window-” Twilight’s horn glowed, wrapping around Applejack’s hat and pulling it down over her head. “Stop teasing me!!” She sighed in exasperation as the orange mare laughed much harder, tilting her hat back up, the two soon beginning to walk. “I can’t believe you’re talking like I’m the horny one out of the two of us.” —------------------- Celestia magically strapped a rough brown saddlebag to her back, one side filled with paperwork, the other holding a few gifted jars of apple products. Twilight witnessed the sight just as the two of them were returning, a bit of a residual blush still on her cheeks from all of the very unexpected teasing coming from her friend. “Time to go?” She asked the princess, giving her wings a slight ruffle to prepare for her flight.  Before saying anything, the princess expected her student. It seemed the bladder bulge and shaky legs were just the same as before, if not worse, and her expression was definitely one of strained desperation rather than guilt. “Indeed it is. Thank you for your hospitality, Annie!” “Any time!” The old mare happily responded. “Come over for dinner sometime, I’ll whip up some amazin’ apple pie for the four of us!”  “I’ll do my best - I certainly wouldn’t want to turn down an offer of one of your pies.” There was a reason her cutie mark was an apple pie specifically. “Have a good day!” The royal figures waved goodbye to the farmers as they headed for the entrance, Twilight preparing for take-off, though Celestia didn’t seem to be doing the same. “Where are we going next, Princess?” Twilight queried, putting her wings back down as they walked under the archway. “Next is Carousel Boutique! We’re going to try on a few new designs your friend Rarity has been working on.” She looked to Twilight for a moment. “Try not to shake too much when she’s fitting you, ok? It might make things harder for her.” Twilight grumbled. “It would be a lot easier if you were to, say, let me use the bathroom beforehoof?” She smiled hopefully at the princess; Celestia sighed. “As it has been, the answer is still no. I know it’s difficult, but you have to understand, this is good for you. And besides, it would be unbecoming of a royal figure to ask to use someone’s bathroom immediately upon entering a building.” “Can’t I just go out here? I know we aren’t supposed to be seen peeing outside, but there are plenty of spots around here where I can do it without anyone noticing!” “No, Twilight. That isn’t the point anyways.” She thought for a moment. “How about this: if you can keep it held in until we’re done, I’ll give you some of my lecture notes for the school of magic.” Twilight’s eyes widened. She very, very desperately needed to pee… but that was a pretty nice prize. Still, she hesitated. For almost any other task, she’d have jumped at the promise of such a reward, but she’d never been nearly this desperate. Still though, it wasn’t like she had a choice in the matter… and those notes were pretty appetizing. “Ok, fine, I’ll hold it,” she said. “Or, at least, I’ll try.” “That’s my number one student!” Celestia smiled. “Be extra careful at the boutique - it would be a shame to ruin any of Rarity’s designs, now, wouldn’t it?” Twilight nodded, a slight flush racing across her nose. That would be mortifying - not only would she be incredibly embarrassed and humiliated, she’d definitely undo a lot of her friend’s hard work. Rarity might not show it if that were to happen in the moment, but she knew her friend would definitely be unhappy about one of her works being harmed in such a fashion.  Soon enough, the two arrived at Carousel Boutique. The namesake was clear in its design, being circular in design with two stories, the top story a bit smaller than the first, the entire building making for sort of a cone shape. Pastel blues, pinks, and purples made up the architecture, the paint arranged in patterns that were more likely to appear on clothing than a wall, normally. It was very fitting for the purpose. The queen gently rapped a hoof against the door, her shoes making the sound of metal on wood, only sounding a little different from a hoof on the surface. Still, Rarity noticed, as the moment she opened the door, she immediately bowed. “Welcome, Princess Celestia, to the Carousel Boutique!” She raised her head, an excited smile on her face. “Come on in! I’ve been working on these designs for months, I’m absolutely positive you’re going to love at least a few! Oh, and is Twilight accompanying you today? I have even more for her!”  “Hi Rarity!” Twilight called out, waving a hoof from behind Celestia’s tall form - it was hard to see her through the doorway.  “Ah, there you are! Hello, Twilight! Both of you, come on in - I’ll prepare some tea!”  “No-” Twilight began to speak, but found Celestia’s tail stuffed into her maw instantly. “That would be wonderful - thank you, Rarity,” the princess spoke, walking inside as her student scraped pastel hair strands off her tongue. “I just know we’d both love to have some tea right now.” She emphasized ‘both,’ communicating clearly to her student that she was going to be contributing more liquid to her desperation once again. “Coming right up!” Rarity smiled and daintily walked into her kitchen as Twilight closed the door behind her, using a hoof rather than magic, as she normally might. The student whispered, “Do I really have to drink even more? I can still feel that coffee on the verge of leaking out!” “All just a part of your training~” Celestia spoke, her voice full of a teasing undercurrent. She knew exactly what she was doing. “And besides, it is rude to deny an offer for tea at an establishment such as this. You already have quite the rapport with Rarity, of course, but many other business ponies - especially those in Canterlot, on the more, shall we say… pretentious side, will require some work to build a good relationship with. It’s valuable to have such connections, especially as a princess, and with proper etiquette, you’ll find it quite easy to make them. Though, you’ll always have the upper hoof in such situations, considering you are royalty - it’s likely the other pony who will be most interested in making a connection with you.”  Twilight nodded through the mini-lecture, memorizing the tidbit of advice. Though, she really doubted she’d have much need to associate with any dressmakers besides Rarity. This unicorn was already an amazing seamstress, and was always up to date on the latest trends and fashions. She had a special eye for clothing design in any form, especially when it came to the more formal sides of things, and working with royalty was something she’d grown quite used to due to her connection with the princesses via Twilight, as well as her contributions to saving Equestria multiple times. Rarity soon walked back into the room, her horn glowing with a diamond-like blue as a tray of tea cups floated before her, along with a pot and an arrangement of different additives - honey, sugar, cinnamon, and more. “I wasn’t quite sure what kind of tea to make, so I figured I’d make it a bit fun and leave it up to your own choosings!” She gently placed the tray onto a coffee table between two couches, the three all sitting to drink.  “What a wonderful idea,” Celestia praised, smiling. Her horn glowed as she prepared her cup; she was gracious enough to hover the pot over to Twilight and fill her tea cup up for her, going as close to the brim as she could.  “T-thank you, Princess Celestia,” Twilight said, legs shaking as she sat, reaching forward to grab the teacup. She gulped, then quickly chugged the whole thing, trying to hide the apprehension on her face as she did so. She felt like she was betraying herself by adding even more liquid to her bladder, which was already on the verge of collapse, but still, she did so, shakily placing the cup back on the tray.  Apparently, she wasn’t hiding her distaste well. “Twilight, you really should’ve added something to the tea!” Rarity’s cyan magic spread across the pot and slowly refilled the lavender alicorn’s cup, much to her despair. “I know you tend to prefer your coffee black, but tea such as this should be partaken of with a little something extra at least. I won’t let you leave here without enjoying the refreshments as I know you can!” The honey, held in a squeeze bottle, telekinetically lifted off the table and dabbled a few drops in the cup; a spoon stirred it, and the cup levitated to Twilight’s face. The student grabbed it in her hooves. “Give this a try! It was always my favorite way to prepare it when I was a filly.” The alicorn held a wavy smile as she stared into the tea. It was, naturally, not the taste that was stopping her from enjoying it, but she couldn’t tell Rarity the real reason. Celestia hid her snickering behind a hoof as best she could; her student would’ve stared daggers at her if she didn’t currently have the seamstress’ attention. “Y-you’re right. Thanks, Rarity!” She felt pain pulse through her lower body as she drank, a little less quickly this time, but still, electing to finish the entire cup without pause. “Much better!” She declared, setting her cup down on the table. Rarity raised an eyebrow; she clearly wasn’t buying the lie, but she knew better than to push it in this circumstance. She put together that Twilight was likely drinking the tea as a matter of etiquette for the sake of Celestia’s watching; perhaps this was a test of some sort. The dressmaker suddenly felt a bit bad for pushing more onto her - she’d have to apologize later on, when the solar alicorn wasn’t in the room.  She wasn’t completely correct, though she was close. Twilight could not read her thoughts; the extremely desperate princess in training only saw Rarity’s chin in her hooves, an analytical gaze in her eyes. Suddenly, Twilight felt very self-conscious. Roses bloomed beneath her cheeks as she held her legs close to her crotch, careful to hide the now-swelling bladder bulge, squirming uncomfortably, both from the gaze falling on her figure, and her need to urinate. Rarity was a fairly smart pony, and also one well-educated in polite conduct. It was entirely possible that she could figure out exactly what was going on with Twilight, a prospect that terrified the purple pony. Luckily for her, Rarity hadn’t had a single clue about the bladder situation.  Celestia sipped the last of her tea. “Thank you for providing these refreshments, Rarity. Are you ready to move onto the fittings? I must admit, I’ve been quite excited to see your new designs.” The princess was not really a fan of royal dealings - living eternally did make the qualities of high-pony life grow quite dull, quite fast. However, it also made one gain a much higher appreciation for the smaller details, especially when it came to any more artistic area. Fashion design was certainly one of those areas. Celestia always enjoyed seeing how the designs of her royal apparel and regalia changed over the years, always driven by new designers and the ever-changing trends of time. She’d grown quite a fondness for this particular pony’s craftiness with a needle and thread, as she always made something more fun and unique than a simple solid color.  “Oh, of course!” The white mare hovered her cup onto the tray and stood up, hardly containing her excitement. “Allow me to fetch them!” “Take your time. While you’re doing so, could I make use of your restroom?” The princess requested. “Of course, right over there.” Rarity pointed a hoof to the single-pony bathroom, located nearby, before trotting off into another room to grab her designs. Twilight looked as though Celestia had just stabbed her in the back. “You said it was unbecoming of royalty to use someone else’s bathroom!” She whispered, her voice a hiss. “I said it would be unbecoming to do so immediately upon entering. We’ve spent enough time here for it to be normal.” She stood and walked towards the bathroom door. “I’m happy for this opportunity - I’ve been holding it in since Sweet Apple Acres!” And before Twilight could complain, the door was shut. She quietly groaned, stuffing her face into her hooves, which soon became strawberry red as she found the walls were… surprisingly thin. She could hear the trickle of urine against water from where she sat; it seemed Celestia was making every attempt she could to do it as loudly as possible. She covered her ears, but still heard a flush, and then the running water of the sink. Every sound seemed to enter her ears and immediately snake down to her bladder, where they lined up with spears and sticks, prodding the nearly-broken walls that were holding it back from bursting forth. She shivered, taking a moment to focus on holding it in especially hard, feeling the beginnings of a leak about to take place; she was barely able to stop it. Just as Celestia exited the bathroom, looking refreshed, Rarity wheeled out two stands with lines of dresses upon them, the size of one set of apparel being much smaller than the other - it was clear which was for Twilight, and which was for Celestia. Each one had an intricate design, some similar, some very different from the others, each one having the touch of a genius and perhaps slightly eccentric designer. Celestia’s eyes sparkled in excitement. “Ooo, magnificent!” The princess’s hooves clopped against the floor as she admired the dresses. “I simply can’t wait to see how they look! Which would you like to begin with? I’m hoping we have enough time to try each one!” “I think this will make for a great starting place~!” Rarity magically lifted the first two dresses from their stands, a matching pair for the two royal figures. They were both white, with streaks of color running through them in seemingly random but truly precisely-chosen, curvy diamonds. Gold for Celestia, and purple for Twilight. An amazing start to be sure; each pony grasped the dress in their magic and began to slip them on.  The dresses wrapped around the ponies’ torsos, silk on the bottom and top clinging to them, with the skirt of the clothing draped over their flanks. Although Celestia had no trouble fitting herself, Twilight found that trying to get the top part on was… troubling. She blushed in embarrassment, soon realizing the source of the issue was her bladder bulge. The dresses were all measured to fit her just perfectly; naturally, the addition of a new swelling made it a little difficult. Rarity noticed her difficulty, the white unicorn prancing over and taking a bit of a look. “Oh, Twilight, dear,” she started; the purple alicorn’s blush intensified. Her fear that Rarity may have noticed her desperation increased greatly - it didn’t help that the seamstress could now certainly see her hind legs shivering like she was getting seasick on a boat. “I don’t mean to embarrass you, but you really must be careful about your weight - I don’t want to have to adjust your measurements every time you come for a new dress. I know training for your royal duties is a stressful act, but make sure you take care of yourself.” Twilight bit her lip; she wasn’t sure if she was happy Rarity had gotten it wrong, or even more embarrassed by what she thought it was. Still, she went with it. “R-right, haha, I, um, guess I’d better stay away from Sugarcube Corner for a while.” “That would be a good place to start. Pinkie Pie does make it quite difficult to keep any sweets out of your maw, though - having some cake at a party is rarely a thing to worry over, but with that mare, the parties just never end, and neither does the flow of pastries.” She took over the dress with her own magic, trying to tug it over the bulge. “It’s going to be a bit tight, but I think we can make it fit… hm.” She stopped for a moment, soon taking a hoof and gently prodding the bulge. The action made Twilight squirm. It was like she was squeezing a water balloon, trying to make it pop open; the alicorn barely held back from turning her white dress into a new shade that would match the accents on Celestia’s.  Rarity's face flashed with an expression one Twilight struggled to place, some combination of surprise and amusement. She flicked her eyes over to Celestia; the princess had been watching and enjoying the entire interaction, of course, her love for mischief being fed more than it had in quite a while, even though she did feel quite bad for her student. Still, as Rarity’s eyes glanced towards her, the princess acted as though she were simply admiring her dress, the unicorn none the wiser. She floated over her tea cup and refilled it with now-cold liquid, sipping from it casually. Rarity leaned towards her friend’s ear and whispered, “This bulge isn’t quite like a little pudge, Twilight - you aren’t… you know…”  Twilight felt cold sweat beading on her brow. She’d actually noticed, for real this time. Still, she tried to feign ignorance. “W-what is it?” In as hushed a voice as she could manage, some combination of disbelief and excited surprise in her tone, “Do you have a bun in the oven?” The alicorn took a moment to think about that sentence. “What?” She said, with much more genuine confusion.  “Oh, you know… in the family way? In the pudding club?” Rarity’s eyes held a plea for Twilight to understand her; still, the alicorn was clueless, just tilting her head to communicate her confusion. “Oh, Twilight Sparkle…” She sighed in exasperation. “What I’m trying to ask is… are you… pregnant?” Celestia hardly held back from sending a shower of tea across the room in a tremendous double take; she quickly swallowed, almost choking on the liquid. She turned away and stuffed a hoof in her mouth, shaking as laughter tried very hard to escape her; only a few barely audible snickers made their way out. The moment she was away from that boutique, she was going to be laughing harder than she had in quite a long time.  Twilight did not find it quite as funny.  Her face reddened tremendously as she stepped back, mouth agape. “RARITY!” She shouted, feeling hot with humiliation. “What are you talking about!?”  “Oh, darling, it isn’t something to get so worked up about! I’m sorry if I ruined the surprise, I really didn’t mean to - I promise I won’t tell any of our friends!” “R-rarity, I’m not pregnant!” Twilight groaned in exasperation. “I just- it really is just the sweets, like you guessed earlier. I’m definitely not pregnant. I haven’t…” she blushed a bit harder. “I-I’m just not!” “I’d always thought you had a preference for mares, honestly, but I guess a stallion must’ve managed to catch your attention. Who was it? Sunburst? Maybe… hmm, now that I think about it, you don’t have many good choices in that department, not that I know of at least. Maybe one of the royal guards? Ooo, or Big Mac? Did Applejack set you two up? Though it’s hard to imagine you two together. Oh, of course, you know so much magic, I’m sure you were able to find a way to get impregnated without needing a real stallion! Who’s the lucky mare, then? Rainbow Dash? Applejack herself? Maybe Pinkie Pie? You did seem to get shaky when I mentioned her~ Personally, I would’ve most expected you and Rainbow, but Pinkie is a wonderful choice too! Oh, though maybe…” She turned to look to Celestia; a slight pink blush crossed her cheeks. “Well, I suppose, if you are going to be living forever, it would only make sense if you were to do it with someone who has similar life expectancy-” Celestia burst into a fit of giggling, no longer trying to hold it back, far too amused by the sight of Rarity circling around the room as she queried on Twilight’s love life. The lavender alicorn was burning with embarrassment; once Celestia was implied as a possibility, she wasted no time in taking the dress she’d failed to put on, wrapping it in her magic, and then flinging it onto the love-obsessed pony’s face. “Rarity, I am not pregnant! I mean it!! And stop saying that stuff, especially in front of Celestia - that is so embarrassing!!” She stamped her hooves in chagrin; her back hooves quivered with her use of magic, a conscious effort being transferred to her hind quarters, the alicorn having to focus to keep her bladder from erupting. The ponies around her were certainly not making things any easier. “I’m not dating anyone, and if I was, you’d know it way before they got me pregnant of all things!” Rarity chuckled along with Celestia; the two of them were both seemingly having quite a lot of fun at poor Twilight’s expense. “Oh, I’m sorry, Twilight, I know - I just couldn’t help myself!” She lifted the dress off her head and brought it back over to the royalty-to-be. “Just consider it some extra motivation to get out of that castle and partake in a little activity, ok? Increasing your knowledge is a worthy pursuit, but sitting around all day is going to wreak havoc on your body.” She began to slip the dress back onto Twilight. The alicorn grumbled, still feeling chagrin. She noticed that Rarity was changing the topic, but she certainly wasn’t going to stop her. “Yeah, yeah,” she responded, rolling her eyes. That night would be spent drafting up some payback plans for this pony. She may actually find herself arranging a prank with Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie to properly return the favor of this humiliation.  “This is going to be a little tight. Breathe in for me.” Twilight nodded and sucked her chest and stomach in; it made her bladder feel like it was being squeezed. Her eyes widened at the sudden sensation of liquid being pushed out of a squeeze bottle. She barely managed to hold back a leak as the seamstress pulled the dress on and strapped it in, Twilight letting out her air with an exasperated exhale. It was, unsurprisingly, very tight, but it still worked well enough for their purposes. Rarity examined them both, side by side, walking around, considering the design from various angles. Celestia and Twilight had both gotten into standing positions, the princess having to pick herself up off the floor after one of the bests bouts of laughter she’d had in decades. The designer didn’t hesitate to make slight adjustments, slightly moving Twilight’s bangs, adjusting their skirts, even having no hesitation in adjusting Celestia’s royal jewelry. Few other citizens would be so willing to touch the royal figure without very explicit permission, but in this environment, Celestia was happy to let herself be treated as little more than a mannequin. It was always best to let the artists do their work and not complain; such is where the best results lie.  “Hmm… it needs a little something more.” She quickly dashed off and returned with a small box of jewelry, placing a pair of amethyst earrings on Twilight, the purple crystal held in a gold wireframe. “It doesn’t look quite right to have you wearing no jewelry at all when Celestia is so accented with gems and gold.” She stepped back. “Alright, perfect.” Rarity’s horn glowed; two mirrors hovered over, showing each pony their appearance. They both looked stunning in their dresses, each shining with elegant flare. It was amazing. “Wow, Rarity! This is perfect!” Twilight exclaimed, very excited to admire her appearance.  “I have to agree - I quite like the minimalist design,” Celestia agreed, putting a mane through her hair as she admired her looks.  “Thank you, thank you~” Rarity responded, happily soaking in the praise of her work. “Those earrings work just perfectly on you, too, Twilight! I’m happy I thought to bring them in. Just consider them a part of the dress, an accessory on top of it.” “Oh, thank you, Rarity! How much will they cost?” She tapped one with a hoof; they were quite high-quality. “Don’t worry about that, darling, just take them! As I said, a part of the dress!” She closed the jewelry box and set it aside. “And if you don’t use this dress, I’m sure you’ll still get some usage out of the earrings nonetheless - they match you too well to ignore.” “Thank you, Rarity!!” Twilight’s eyes glimmered as she looked in the mirror. They were really quite perfect on her. In the past, she might’ve argued that the mare shouldn’t be so willing to give things like this away, especially not when she had a business to run, but Twilight knew better now - Rarity’s generosity was not to be denied. For many ponies, just accepting their gifts with a smile and gratitude is the best way to really make them happy. “I’ll wear them for the rest of the day!”  “Any time, dear, and you absolutely should! Though, maybe take them off for now - the next dress I’m going to have you try on won’t work with that color scheme.” The alicorn’s heart sunk in her chest. She was really looking forward to taking off her current apparel - it was beautiful, but the way it squeezed her bladder was making it very difficult to keep her from ruining the outfit. She looked to the racks - there were at least ten left. She suddenly realized she was about to be fighting for her life during this fitting. —---------------------------------- “Thank you, please come again!!” Rarity waved goodbye as Celestia and Twilight exited the boutique, both entirely nude, besides Celestia’s royal jewelry and Twilight’s new earrings. The dresses would be delivered straight to the castle - no need to take them back by hoof.  As soon as the door closed, Twilight buckled at the knees, falling into a heap on the ground. “Oh sweet Celestia, I don’t think I’m going to make it for another ten minutes!” She moaned in pain as her bladder’s beating made needles pierce her spinal cord. She wanted so desperately for this to be over; she was seriously on the verge of defying her mentor straight to her face for possibly the first time in her life, just so she could go take a leak. It was seriously unbearable - she was now having to stop what she was doing entirely almost every five minutes just to stop a sudden leak from breaking free. A few hours ago, she’d experienced the worst desperation of her life; now, it was on a whole new level.  “Hmm, I always forget that you use my name as an expression,” the princess said to herself. “We have only two more destinations today, Twilight, and then you’re home free - just bear with it a little longer, ok? You’re going to have to face this many more times in the future, at times when I won’t be there to help - you can do this.”  Twilight was getting really tired of hearing that by now; still, she sighed and nodded. “Alright, where are we going next, Princess?” “You should really start just calling me Celestia, Twilight - we’re about to be on the same level of royalty, you know. And besides, I see you as a friend, not just a subject.” “Mmmm… I know, but it still feels so weird to not use your full title. Maybe once I’m actually a princess.” “Hmm, well, fair enough. Our next destination is going to be…” She thought for a moment. “Well, I’ll leave it up to you - we’re heading back to Canterlot for now. We need to head to either the gardens, or to the kitchen.” “The gardens and the kitchen? What would we need to go there for?” “Simple - I want you to see in more detail the workings of the palace. You’ve spent enough time there to be familiar with the work of the chefs, gardeners, maids, and butlers, but to truly be able to both make good use of them and treat them with the equity and kindness they deserve for their efforts, it’s good to talk to them, and really understand what they’re doing.” She smiled. “It also just so happens that we have a special guest in each location today.” “A special guest?” Twilight tilted her head. “What do you mean, princess?” “You’ll see - just choose a location for now.” She ruffled her wings, preparing for take-off; Twilight quickly did the same, and the two were soon shooting into the sky, flying back to Canterlot. Just as she did on the way down, Twilight held her back hooves together, thighs rubbing against each other, pressing so tight together she thought she might crack her own bones. Her flying was a bit erratic as a result of her shakiness; it was so hard to resist just letting it out in the middle of the air. She tried to block the rush of wind against the quivering lips of her pussy, but she couldn’t stop it entirely. Every strand of cold air hitting them made her feel shivers creep along her back.  She managed to speak, despite the discomfort. “I think… the gardens would be a good place to start,” she said, speaking loudly to be heard over the wind. Her earrings were flapping in the current, but still holding on strong - she even spared a little bit of focus on her magic to make sure they weren’t going anywhere. She immediately wished she’d just dropped them off at her castle, though - any focus she was using on her magic or flying was focus she wasn’t using on her bladder.  “The gardens it is then!” Celestia responded as they neared the castle. It was a magnificent place, filled with interesting architectural designs placed all over, the location built into the side of a mountain. Purple was the main color, with many gold accents used on tops of spires and towers. Their current destination, which they soon dived towards, was a large courtyard right in the center. The two gently landed onto a cobblestone walkway, one which stretched out through the entire garden area, weaving between so many plants and large patches of grass. It was a magnificent collage of different plants brought from all different corners of Equestria, especially filled with flowers blooming in every shade of color imaginable, the blossoms bearing many shapes and sizes. Twilight often spent time out here studying or reading, either sitting on one of the few benches or tables, or, more recently, due to her new wings, sitting in the branches of trees scattered about in circles of dirt. It was a beautiful place, also inhabited my many smaller animals, especially bunnies, squirrels, and other critters. In Equestria, it was no uncommon thing for these animals to be much more friendly and close to civilized ponies, and in this courtyard, they were even friendlier. They’d come right up to the various mares and stallions walking around and rub against their ankles, or even run up their backs and take a nap in the warm fur of their coat, if they were stationary long enough to let them. Though that still wouldn’t have explained the entourage of a certain yellow pegasus, currently tending to a batch of azaleas with a watering can in her mouth. Fluttershy’s wings sat folded against her side, her long pink hair with a slight curl at the tips narrowly avoiding the shower of water she provided to her plants. Her cutie mark was three butterflies, with pink wings and blue bodies. If that wasn’t enough to make her special talent clear, then the crowd of animals around her would’ve provided a good hint. A horde of squirrels, chipmunks, and similarly-shaped creatures crowded around her feet, moving between them, all looking expectantly to the mare, along with many birds flying nearby or hopping along the ground. A white bunny sat on her back with an annoyed expression, shooing away anything that got too close and squeak-yelling at them.  “Calm down, Angel,” Fluttershy said, placing the watering can on the ground as she turned to nuzzle her bunny. “I’ll feed everyone after I finish watering. Just three patches left.” Celestia and Twilight had yet to be noticed, but the purple mare seemed excited to see one of her friends. Excited, but also a bit confused. “Princess Celestia, why is Fluttershy helping with the gardens? I’ve only ever seen her helping out before big events, where we were all supposed to play some part. Is there something big she’s helping to prepare for?” The princess shook her head. “Not exactly. Her animal sanctuary just happened to be in need of some extra funding from the reserves; we decided to offer a large sum to help run it if she were to take a day to come and take care of the plants and animals here. She really has a way with animals - every time she comes, all the critters running around out here tend to stay out of trouble for at least a month afterward. It’s nice to have them here, but it’s much less nice to have the mischievous little things running through the castle halls and disturbing guests while trying to get more food. Though, well… it can be pretty funny, sometimes.” “That makes sense to me. It isn’t often that they get to be with a pony who can actually speak to them,” Twilight responded. Indeed, Fluttershy had the rare ability to speak to animals - she heavily preferred it over speaking to other ponies, generally. She was certainly one of the shyest ponies living in Ponyville; she was faint of heart, and her voice was soft and quiet. It matched the animals very well.  “You should go and talk to her - see how she’s doing, and ask her about what she needs to do around here. Maybe you can help her finish up her tasks. Meanwhile, I’m going to check with my advisors and make sure nothing has come up while I was gone.” “Sounds good! I’ll just talk to Fluttershy until you’re back.” Twilight turned towards the pegasus.  “One moment, before you go.” Celestia leaned down and whispered to her student, “After this and one more little event, you’ll be free to use the bathroom, so don’t get any ideas about trying to help water the flowers or anything, ok?” Twilight rolled her eyes and nodded. The thought had, naturally, crossed her mind, but there was no way she was going to go through with it - not unless she was about to have a real accident… which, thinking about it, it seemed like she was getting very close. “Princess, I, um, I don’t know if I’m going to be able to hold it back; I’m right on the verge of an accident.” As if on cue, she felt a surge of desperation flood her, hooves shaking needily. “I promise I’ll really try to hold it, but I’m starting to think my body is at its limit!” A light blush graced her cheeks as she looked to the grounds, worry and shame in her tone.  “If it happens, it happens,” the solar mare responded, her tone still warm and even, a smile on her face. “But you won’t be getting those lecture notes - not today, at least - and you’ll have to try this again from scratch another day. Unless you’d like to experience this entire situation again, you should probably focus pretty hard on preventing any unfortunate circumstances.”  Twilight gulped. She couldn’t imagine anything worse than having to start this challenge from the beginning. It was pure torture, something much more fit for a criminal in need of a punishment rather than a royal figure. She gave a few quick nods. “R-right… I-I’ll try extra hard then!” Her voice cracked at the end; she suddenly clapped her thighs together and rubbed a forehoof against one of said thighs, biting her lip with a nervous glance to her posterior. “But, um… no promises.” “Just do your best, and that’ll be enough.” Celestia gave her student a gentle pat on the head. “Now, I’m going to go speak with my advisors. It’s probably going to be around the time when I need to lower the sun, too, so I may take a little longer to check on Luna and coordinate the movement. It’ll be a bit late, but we’ll have some dinner before we end the day. Good luck.” She turned and trotted off, her gait royal and elegant, befitting of her position as always.  Twilight turned back to her friend, and, with every step being a test of her willpower, approached her. “Hi, Fluttershy!” She waved a hoof in greeting; the pegasus jumped back and faced her, startled by the sudden voice coming from her side. She’d been surprisingly absorbed in her task of watering tulips. “Oh, hi, Twilight!” She greeted after placing her watering can back down. Her voice was as smooth and quiet as usual; the alicorn had to be fairly close to hear her. “How’s your day with the princess going?” The student chuckled; if not for her current desperation, the answer to that question would’ve been very positive. Unfortunately, the constant pain was making it hard for her to enjoy herself. “Well… it could be better,” she responded, honestly. “Oh, really? I’m sorry it isn’t going well,” Fluttershy said, picking up the watering can with two hooves instead of her teeth, using her wings to hold herself up as she continued her task. “Do you want to talk about it?” “Um, no, I think that’s ok.” If there was any pony in the world who wouldn’t make tease or make fun of Twilight for her current predicament, it was Fluttershy, but still, she’d rather the pegasus didn’t know anything she didn’t need to. “It’s just… kinda boring, is all. Basic princess things. The lecture at the start was great, though!” Fluttershy giggled; only Twilight would say her favorite part of the day was a lecture. “That’s good!” She responded, happy for her friend as she always was. “How about- wait, how did you know I was spending the day with the princess?” Twilight suddenly asked, realizing she hadn’t actually told the pegasus what was going on. A sudden bladder shiver made its way through her body; she quickly sat down and stuck her legs together, her forehooves between the folds of her thighs, rubbing against her crotch in some attempt to calm it down. She could feel the lips slightly trembling. “Oh, the maids told me all about it! They really like to gossip and chat about what’s going on with the royals. There aren’t any around anymore, since I’m handling most of the work in the courtyard today - apparently, just one extra hoof contributing to this place makes a big difference.”  Twilight nodded along as she watched the shower of water coming from the can’s spigot. It came out in many small lines, trickling down gently, much of it streaming directly onto the dirt with a gentle pitter, a good portion hitting the petals directly. It left a spread of drops on each one, some drops trickling down the sides, others staying right in place. In the waning rays of sunlight, they gleamed, healthy and fresh. Though, the lavender mare was mostly focused on the water itself - like so many other things she’d seen that day, it was reminding her of her need to let out her own stream. For the second time that day, and the second time of her life, she was envious of an inanimate object because of its freedom to spill its liquid contents. She squirmed on the stone, trying to ignore it as much as she could, focusing on her conversation instead. “That makes sense! How’s your day going, then?” “Oh, it’s great! I just love spending time with all this beautiful nature and all these adorable animals!” For emphasis, she replaced the watering can with a squirrel in her hooves and hugged it snuggly, the animal seeming to enjoy the warm embrace. “I have plenty around my cottage and in the sanctuary, but it’s always such a treat to meet new little friends!” Twilight chuckled; no surprise there. “I’m happy to hear you’re enjoying your work. I was surprised to see you here, honestly.” She took a look around for a moment; the garden seemed to be in very proper order, every batch of flowers graced with damp dirt beneath them. “Is there anything else you need to do? Maybe I can help!” “Oh, hmm…” She rubbed a hoof against her chin and joined the alicorn in gazing around the garden. “I think all I have left to do is to feed the animals. Could you maybe help me carry out the bags of food? There’s… a lot.” Twilight wanted to scream. She couldn’t say no to her friend after that - Fluttershy trying to carry huge bags of heavy animal food was not a pleasant thought. The alicorn’s magic would make it a breeze to levitate it all out on a normal day, but she worried that much pressure might lead to her leaving a big puddle on the cobblestone. Still, she nodded in agreement; this was going to be quite the trial. “I can take care of the bags! How many are there?”  “Oh, just a few!” The alicorn sighed in relief. “Only three.” She flew towards a door in the side of the castle walls and opened it, revealing a bunch of gardening supplies, along with stacks of food bags. “Can you just get one for the birds, and two general bags?” Twilight nodded, following the mare over. She sat on the ground, hooves held against her crotch once again, rubbing against her slit. She closed her eyes and focused her magic, feeling the radiant magical energy of the world gathering around her horn, and then encompassing three bags of feed, slowly floating them out. It was taking far more concentration than normal to do this while holding her urine in, though she wasn’t really surprised. She was, however, very worried. “W-what now, Fluttershy?” She couldn’t hide the strain in her voice. She wished she’d asked that earlier. Fluttershy took notice of her struggle. “Just pour half of the bird seed into the bird feeders in the trees, and then you can dump the other two bags on the base of the trees all around! There’s a lot more animals here than you can see now - the other ones will all come out to eat when they smell the food.” “G-got it!” Twilight focused harder, bringing each bag of food to her horn and ripping a small hole in each. She opened her eyes to locate the bird feeders, letting the other two bags drop to the ground by her hooves, and slowly took care of the winged creatures, all of the ones surrounding Fluttershy quickly fleeing from her and going to their dinner. She followed suit for the remaining two bags, which were, thankfully, far easier to dump out; soon enough, every animal except Angel the bunny was off enjoying their meals.  The bunny folded her arms and tapped a foot against Fluttershy’s back in annoyance. The pegasus sighed. “I’ll get you some carrots from the kitchen later tonight, go eat with the rest of the animals for now.” The bunny smiled, accepting this, and quickly snuggled the pegasus’ neck before hopping off to join the others. “He can be such a handful sometimes. Thank you for your help, Twilight - I wasn’t sure how I was going to get all that birdseed up there!” “Of course, happy to help!” Twilight forced a smile as she held back a leak that seemed to be hardly a centimeter away from breaking free. Performing magic under these conditions was far from an easy task; she was really going to need to focus to hold it in now. Naturally, the universe was not content to let that be easy for her. “Um, Twilight?” A pink cotton candy blushed filled Fluttershy’s cheeks; she looked at the ground. “I, um, actually have been waiting for a while to use the bathroom, and now that the animals are gone, I think this is gonna be my only chance. Do you mind keeping a look out for me?” The alicorn was almost certain a hex had been placed on her, perhaps by one of the many villains who’d threatened harmony in Equestria in the past, or some mischievous prankster in the school of magic taking notes from Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie… or Celestia, honestly. Still, she couldn’t deny the request of her friend. “Sure, Fluttershy, go ahead,” she responded, turning away to keep an eye on all the doors. “I’ll let you know if I see any pony coming. Though, I don’t think it would be a big deal if they did see, really - this is basically as good as just going outside, isn’t it?” “I mean, sure, but…” Fluttershy blushed a bit harder. Indeed, it was normal for a pony to pee outside, even if most did tend to find a more secluded spot for it, just for etiquette’s sake. That said, it was no uncommon site to see mares and stallions in the grass in full view casually letting out their bladders with little care, some even doing it while walking along, and no pony batted an eye. Frankly, even if you were one of the royals, peeing in the garden was a completely normal, harmless thing to do - Celestia and Luna did it pretty often. Urine could even make for a good supplement to the fertilizer already used in the soil. Despite that, it was no surprise that Fluttershy still found it quite difficult to bring herself to do it in front of any pony else. She was quite pee shy - she really needed to be alone to let it out in most circumstances. Even having animals around bothering her as she did it was enough to make her slit lock itself up until she was truly alone. It’d gotten her into some slightly embarrassing situations with her friends before. “I-I just, I get so nervous whenever anybody else is around! I usually couldn’t do it even with you here, but I need to go so badly, I don’t think I can wait. Just, let me know right away if anyone is coming, please?” Twilight smiled lightly; she couldn’t help but find this a bit cute. “Go ahead, Flutters - I’ll make sure you know if anyone is coming.” “Thank you!” She breathed in, breathed out, then leaned down, spreading her back hooves on the cobblestone path and aiming her pussy behind her in what was a very evocative position, even if it wasn’t her intent. She didn’t want to step into the dirt, the flowers were grouped so closely together, and she wouldn’t dare risk trampling them; she had to be careful to get a good aim and a strong stream.  Twilight sat, tense, focused on holding her bladder back as she waited for the inevitable pattering of liquid against flowers that was soon to come, and eventually, it did. She felt her skin crawl as though she was covered in spiders as she listened to the quiet sigh of relief from behind her, followed by a cute, gentle trickle. She tried not to think about it, but it was no use; her mind was filled with the image of yellow streaming from the pastel-yellow slit, of Fluttershy’s bladder, full of gold, slowly draining itself out onto the dirt. Without thinking about it, she glanced back, blushing much harder as she saw the position of the pegasus, who, thankfully, did not see the lavender unicorn peaking. Only after remembering Applejack’s teasing was the mare able to pry her gaze from the sight and focus back on her own bladder and on being a good lookout; it seemed that nobody was coming, thankfully.  After about half a minute of trickling, the yellow pony’s stream turned to a dribble, a few errant drops making their way down her legs, though she didn’t seem to mind. The purple mare smelled the strong scent of urine, though it soon began to fade away. Even the memory of it provoked her desperate bladder into a rage, the urine struggling to break free from the prison of her body. She buried all of her jealousy as best as she could as the pegasus came up behind her, giving her a gentle smile. “Thank you, Twilight!” She gave her friend a gentle head nuzzle in thanks; her fur was as soft as silk, and warm, too. She found that the contact was making her desperation even worse, somehow. “Y-You’re welcome!” She responded, trying not to pull away. Fluttershy, thankfully, pulled her head back after only a second or two. “You seem like you’re shaking a lot right now, Twilight. Is everything ok?” “Oh! Yes, yes, i-it’s all ok! I’m, um, j-just a little chilly, you know? Haha!” She lied through her teeth, giving her friend an unconvincing smile.  The pegasus didn’t buy it, but she also didn’t push the issue. “You should put on a jacket or something - you wouldn’t want to catch a cold when you have royal duties to attend to.” She smiled, then grabbed the watering can, emptying the rest of its contents onto the daffodils she’d just given a golden shower. “Well, I won’t be outside too much longer, so I should be fine.” Suddenly, she felt a burst of magic emanating from inside the castle. “Oh! I think the princesses are moving the sun and moon!” She quickly turned to the sky, as did Fluttershy. It was always a beauty to witness the exchange. The cyan of the daytime air flowed away, slowly fading to oranges and growing darker, joining the sun in its trip beyond the horizon. On the other side, the moon began to rise, bringing with it a dark, black sky, one filled to the brim with twinkling stars, every constellation in the cosmos that could possibly be seen on this side of the world visible at that moment. It was beautiful. “Wow…” Fluttershy said, her eyes sparkling. “I’m not a unicorn or anything, but even I felt something a little different being here when the positions changed. I wonder if that’s the magic.” “It probably is! It’s a pretty strong spell, after all, one that pretty much only the princesses can perform. Well, and me, with some help.” She rubbed the back of her head; she had needed to move both the sun and moon once, but it hadn’t gone well for her. She’d get it down eventually. If she had to do it right then, she knew for sure that she’d be feeling much more warm and wet down in her crotch by the time she was done. Thank goodness Celestia didn’t feel a need for her to practice it that particular day. “Indeed - everyone in the castle can feel the aura when we do it.” Celestia suddenly spoke; both Twilight and Fluttershy jumped in surprise. The princess’s smile widened. “Though, most of the staff and other residents get used to it pretty quickly, so they don’t notice it anymore. Still, this is the best place in all of Equestria to watch it happen.” She turned to Twilight. “Did you find your time in the gardens educational, my student?” Twilight’s eyes widened; she blushed hard. She realized at that moment she’d barely asked Fluttershy anything about her duties; she’d completely forgotten about the actual purpose of the visit. “W-well…”  “She was very helpful! I would still be trying to get all the animal food out if she hadn’t been here to help me with it,” Fluttershy quickly said, making sure the princess knew that Twilight had done more than just fool around. She added a quick bow to the end of her sentence. “That’s very good to hear,” Celestia said. “Now, come, Twilight - we should be off to the kitchen for our last task of the night. If you’ve finished with your duties, Fluttershy, you’re free to join us for a quick snack - we happen to have someone working on quite the treat at the moment, and I think they’re about to be finished!” Her excitement broke through as her last statement went on. “Oh, I’d love to! I-if that would be ok!” Fluttershy said, happily trotting closer to the two royal figures.  “Of course - it’s the least I could do to thank you for your help today. Let’s not delay - the baker might already be done.” The two little ponies nodded and followed the princess inside and through the castle. Twilight trailed behind, her shaky legs still making it hard to walk, the pony using her wings to fly short distances to catch up. She had to stop a few times to focus on not peeing, but she couldn’t stay still for too long without making Fluttershy suspicious. If only Celestia hadn’t invited her, she wouldn’t feel that way - the princess already knew she was holding her bladder in, but Twilight really didn’t want to let Fluttershy catch on. Thankfully, the pegasus chose not to say anything, reading Twilight’s wish not to speak of her issues on her face. Soon enough, they approached one of the many kitchens scattered throughout the castle. The smell of something sweet baking trailed through the cracks in the door, a delicious aroma enrapturing the waiting ponies. “Oh, wow! What are they making in there?” Twilight asked, barely preventing drool from dripping out of her lips. It was no uncommon thing for the bakers and chefs to be preparing desserts and pastries, cake especially. Celestia had quite the sweet tooth, as anyone who’d attended any Gala or other event with food involved would know - she especially loved cake, preferring the richest, most intense flavors she could get. Twilight remembered Luna stating her complete disbelief at Celestia’s ability to maintain such a slender, perfect physique while stuffing her stomach with pastries and sweets. “You’ll see in just a moment~” Twilight nodded, watching as the princess dramatically opened the door; her attraction to the sweet smell was quickly stifled by her desperation acting up, yet again. She felt her bladder bulge pulsing; when nobody was looking, she rubbed a hoof against it, finding it’d swelled to a ridiculous degree. She could practically feel the wetness on her slit already; she doubted she was even going to make it through the next 30 minutes without an accident. She’d had some opportunities to let out a leak in the past, but that time was long gone - the moment she gave even an inch of leeway to her body to let even a drop of gold out, the entire thing would be emptying itself, and she wouldn’t be able to stop it, not until every last bit had drained from her body. As Fluttershy walked in behind Celestia, the lavender mare turned to see a nearby bush, and a part of her was certainly considering just using it. She would tell Celestia after, and accept the punishment of having to do the whole thing again, but that would be worth it, cause it was far better than having a huge accident right in the middle of the kitchen.  “Coming, Twilight?” Celestia called; reluctantly, the lavender alicorn responded. “Yep!” And she walked inside, careful footsteps with trembling hooves, a throbbing headache from the strain soon taking its hold over her mind. Every moment, she had to focus on holding it back; she was slow and methodical, knowing any sudden movements could easily disturb her body and put a horrible accident into motion. She steeled herself for whatever she may find in there - she’d make casual conversation with as little effort as she could, and she’d get her and Celestia moving along as fast as possible so this whole thing could be over and she could finally use the bathroom. She steeled her nerves, knowing that even the slightest surprise could ruin everything. “Fluttershy, just as I asked you to work a day in the gardens as a bit of a trade between us, I’ve asked someone else to work as a baker today for the same goal.” She stepped to the side, moving her body so she was no longer blocking the view of the whole kitchen, and she revealed a pink pony with extremely curly, magenta hair, her flank showing a cutie mark of three balloons, two blue, one yellow. Her hands were covered with blue oven mitts, used to remove a tray from an oven right in front of her, a long, rectangular tray full of a delicious brown treat. As soon as she’d set it on the counter, she looked up to her friends with a big, excited smile, and waved to them with two front hooves. “Hi Twilight! Hi Fluttershy! Hi Princess Celestia!” She quickly made her way over, somehow bouncing on all four hooves to meet her friends. Her voice was high-pitched and a bit squeaky.  Quickly, Fluttershy prepared herself for an incoming hug, pulled into a tight grasp by the pink pony with little warning, who then shifted her attention to Twilight. The alicorn didn’t have enough time to attempt to refuse the gesture, and even if she did, she doubted she would’ve succeeded; the mare grabbed her between her hooves and held her tight, giggling in happiness, and Twilight made a quivering smile in return, feeling her bladder bulge being squeezed in between them. Thankfully, the hug didn’t last too long. “What are you guys doing here? Well, I’m not that surprised that Twilight’s here, since you’ve been training to be a princess lately and all, and I obviously know why Princess Celestia is here, but what about you, Fluttershy?”  “Oh, the princess asked me to help out with the animals in the garden in exchange for some funding for my animal sanctuary!” Her voice was still soft and quiet, though it seemed that being surrounded by friends brought a bit of confidence to her tone. “How about you?” “Similar! Princess Celestia reaaaaally liked the brownies I baked for the last party I catered, so she made an order to have more delivered from Sugarcube Corner! But my brownies are so much better if you get them straight out of the oven, so I offered to make them here instead, and she’s letting me stay the night so I don’t have to travel right back home!” She suddenly zipped over to the countertop and held up the pan, making its contents visible. “They’re aaaaalmost done, but I still need to add the frosting. And then make several more batches!” Celestia chuckled. “I think just one pan would be enough, Pinkie - we aren’t trying to feed the whole castle.” “We aren’t?! Then what did I make all of these for??” She reached under the counter and pulled out another tray of brownies… then another, and another, and another, until the counter was so full that she’d started stacking them like a pyramid, while every other pony watched on in a mix of amusement, shock, and horror. Fluttershy and Twilight were used to these sorts of antics, but to Celestia, it was definitely a little more unusual.  While Twilight might’ve normally found this quite entertaining, right then, the silence filling the room was starting to make her worry that every pony there could hear her heart beating out of her chest. Every second that passed was a second closer to a potential accident, and now, there was a total of three ponies here to see the whole thing, plus any other chefs who happened to come through before, during, or after, which was entirely possible, especially considering they’d certainly begin preparing for dinner soon. She rubbed her hind thighs together and bit her lip, eyes slowly trailing upwards until the last pan was added to the tip. After a few more moments of shocked silence, Celestia finally asked, “How did you manage to stack them so high without knocking any over? And how did you fit them all under the counter?” “A magician never reveals her secrets!” Pinkie responded, bouncing in place, her usual smile still plastered across her face. “Also, do you have any containers I can use to store these? I’m almost out of pans and I’m barely halfway done!” “Halfway- Pinkie Pie, I think that’ll be enough.” Celestia’s horn glowed, and the pans slowly came down from the stack, laying across other countertops to avoid an accident. “I only paid for one order - how much more do I owe you for these?” “Oh, nothing at all! The royal messenger said you only wanted ‘an order’ of brownies, so I just thought, how many brownies could Princess Celestia possibly need? And then I remembered that you’re going to live forever, so I figured I’d just make as many as I possibly could, and you could eat them for years and years!”  Twilight might’ve normally asked how Pinkie Pie was expecting them to preserve all of these for years and years, but her bladder held her back from engaging in this particular conversation. Nervously, Celestia inquired, “And… how much will these cost?” Pinkie Pie reached into her hair and pulled out a paper receipt, numbers scrawled across it. The princess took it, eyes tracing the text… and she felt she might faint when she read the final number. With a very forced smile, she said to Twilight, “Well, my student, it looks like the next thing you’ll be learning about is managing the royal reserves and the finances of the castle, because with this, we are going to have to get a bit… creative with our spending.”  Twilight nodded; she would’ve laughed, just like Fluttershy was behind her hoof, but she felt even letting out a single sound was going to cause a whole lot more than just her voice to spill from her. There wasn’t really much cause for concern - the royal reserves could handle a large order of brownies.  “Well, I was going to have you learn a bit more about how to plan meals for royal events, Twilight, but I think we’ve gone a tad bit overschedule. We’ll stop here for today.” The student grinned wide, suddenly filled with so much hope. They were finally done! That meant she could use the bathroom, right?!  “Pinkie Pie, could you take care of storing these brownies? You’ll find some containers in this closet.” Celestia magically opened one of the many doors in the kitchen. “And Fluttershy, would you help her?” “Of course!” Fluttershy responded; the two quickly got to work. “Twilight and I will come help after we take care of one last bit of business. We’ll all share dinner after that!” She smiled to her pupil and beckoned her out of the kitchen. “Come, my student - I would like to speak with you alone about the events of the day to hear what you’ve learned.” The purple mare nodded vigorously, following the princess out of the room. Thankfully, the hallway here was empty of all ponies; it was now night, so few were still out, besides patrolling guards, and, soon, a few chefs who would be preparing dinner. The two could speak freely. “Does this mean I can finally go use the bathroom!?” Twilight asked, clear, painful desperation in her eyes. Celestia nodded. “Yes, Twilight, yes it does.” As the student immediately nodded and turned to steadily creep towards the closest one, she heard, “Wait,” and stopped in her tracks. “Not that one - that is meant for the servants and guests. We princesses have our own bathroom, in the throne room. We don’t want anyone else to see us doing our business - it would be bad for our images.” “Mmm, right, of course, that makes sense,” Twilight said; a harsh realization suddenly came to her mind. “Wait, does that mean… we need to walk all the way there?” “Correct.” Twilight felt like she was going to faint. It was only a five-minute walk, but she’d been slowing and slowing throughout the day; now, five minutes would be 15, based solely on the fact that, if she moved even a hair faster, she’d be leaving a golden trail in her wake. “Y-you can’t be serious… a-are you sure we can’t make an exception, just this once? I’m technically a guest anyways, aren’t I?” “The entire point of this day is to train you to be a princess - it would be an odd choice to have you do something that a princess would not.” She let a small smile come to her lips. “Though, luckily for you, when I said we have to walk, that wasn’t entirely accurate.” Her horn shimmered, and light engulfed them both; in a flash, they were suddenly standing in the throne room, right in the middle, sitting on the lush maroon carpet that led up to the two thrones - one for Luna, one for Celestia. Behind it were two entrances, leading to the princesses’ bedrooms, from what Twilight would’ve guessed. She’d never seen another door anywhere inside. “Where is the bathroom?” Celestia cast a bolt of magic to a wall by a pillar; the wall shimmered, and the texture faded to reveal a simple stone door in its place. “Right there. You just need to know it’s there to make it appear with a bit of magic.” She looked down to her hopeful student. “You’ve made me very proud by being able to hold for so long, Twilight. I’m very impressed. If you can put this much effort into your other studies and training, you will make for an amazing princess. Go ahead.” Twilight was thankful to receive the praise, but far more thankful to see the bathroom before her. And it was not a second to soon; she quickly began to crawl over. She was tempted to dash to it, but she knew her haste would be her downfall. Like a predator creeping up on its prey, she made her way over, every hooffall silent and planned. It was torture; she felt her condition worsening and worsening the further she got. The closer the door was, the more she desperately needed to be in there, on the toilet, letting her urine go. Having relief so near just made her pee so much more needy, still pounding at the walls of her slit.  Eventually, it was right before her; usually, she may have used magic to open it, or honestly, teleported right over, but such concentration was impossible right then. And yet, as she placed a hoof on the door… Celestia watched right there, from her place in the throne room, the entire thing. She thought about how hard she’d made it for her student, and how, honestly, it was hardly necessary at all - it may have been an ok lesson, but it was really quite a cruel way of achieving it. And yet, the princess found she’d enjoyed watching Twilight go through that hold. Honestly, she’d enjoyed it quite a bit. As she stared at those quivering legs, a thought occurred to her, a thought about how she was kind of interested in seeing her actually fail… and without thinking about it, she decided to give just that little extra push to make it happen. “Wait, Twilight,” she spoke; the alicorn froze in her tracks. “Just one more thing.” And as the student slowly turned her head to look to the princess questioningly… she felt something. Something… warm. Warm, and wet. Celestia’s eyes trained themselves on the mare’s pussy; she could see those lips, exposed to the world, slowly beginning to quiver and shiver… and as she watched, her eyes going wide, they finally pulled open.  A burst of urine trickled through Twilight’s pussy, a strong shot of it streaming onto the floor, making a loud thud against the solid stone. It calmed a bit, and the surface tension made it hold to her body; she could feel it dampening the fur beneath her privates, making its way to her legs and slowly cascading down, leaving long lines of damp, pissy fur in their wake, then pooling on the floor beneath her. Her whole body shook in satisfaction from the relief as she let it all out. She was frozen in shock and extreme humiliation, unable to move an inch on her own, unable to stop the outpouring of her urine. The puddle grew, and grew, until all four hooves were standing in it, and still, it continued, the stream growing ever smaller and weaker, and then finally, it was over.  The two ponies just stood there, both frozen in surprise; Celestia’s face held a small, faint blush. She’d watched the whole thing, beginning to end, and had found that, somewhere deep inside, she’d enjoyed it, quite a lot. It was so oddly cathartic to finally see an accident out of the pony who’d struggled to hold it all day long. She did feel quite bad for her, though - certainly, to have such an immense amount of effort lead up to this single mistake would be torture. And indeed, Twilight was less than happy.  Her entire face was red, her body still shaking in complete humiliation, full of chagrin. She couldn’t believe it. She’d actually just peed all over the throne room floor, right in front of her mentor and one of the rulers of Equestria, Princess Celestia. She actually couldn’t have done anything more embarrassing - there was no possible way. After minutes more of just standing there, stunned, she nervously squeaked out, “I-I-I’m g-gonna c-c-clean m-myself off, a-and then I-I’ll clean this u-up!” She stuttered each word, finding she was right on the verge of tears, as she rushed into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. She gave no attention to the surroundings of the room; instead, she just buried her head in her hooves and squirmed in humiliation and embarrassment, so extremely flustered and horrified. She wiped herself off with a piece of toilet paper, then circled around the room for about ten minutes, terrified of what she’d be facing the moment she left. And, on the outside, a small smile came to Celestia’s face. It was little more than a slight bit of magic to quickly soak up all of the urine into a single levitation spell, then teleport it into any plant pots of shrubs she could think of. The smell didn’t last, though the memory of that sight, of Twilight shaking as she peed herself right on the floor in front of the bathroom door, would certainly remain with her for generations to come. She was never going to live this down. After a while of her student not responding, she decided to make the first move. “Come out whenever you’re ready, Twilight - there’s nothing to worry about. You aren’t in trouble.” A few seconds later, the door slowly creaked open, and Twilight peaked through, nervousness and embarrassment written all over her face. The princess smiled with the warmth of the sun. “I’m going to consider that as your success - it’s impressive that you managed to make it half as long as you did, honestly, and if I hadn’t told you to wait for a moment at the end, you likely would’ve made it through. You’ve passed this test, student.” Twilight sighed in relief, slowly making her way out. She felt so empty, and so much better; she could walk like normal, without shaking and shivering with each step, and all the pain was gone. She looked to Celestia. “Um… s-sorry about the mess.” She was still very embarrassed, though. “That is fine, my student - there is nothing for you to worry about. A quick bit of magic can clean up most stains.” A devilish smile crossed her face; she trotted over to the pony, and whispered in her ear, “One time, Luna leaked herself on her throne while getting up to use the bathroom. Without our magic, we would’ve had to throw out the cushion~” Twilight chuckled; it felt good to know she wasn’t alone in the humiliation. She also remembered the story of Celestia making similar mistakes at an event a long time ago. “Thank you, Prin- er, Celestia.” The princess was happy to hear her student finally using her name instead of her title. “You’re welcome. Now, let’s go see your friends again, have some dinner, and get a good night’s rest - I imagine you’ll be needing it after today’s hardships.” Twilight chuckled. “Maybe a little.”