> Fallout Equestria: End of Peace > by Venomking > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 0: nice crimson snow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I found myself face down in the crimson snow. Wait a second, snow isn't supposed to be red—it's supposed to be white. Excruciating pain shot through my chest and my right foreleg. The world grew darker, losing its vibrant hues. Was I on the brink of death? Sounds of battle echoed all around me. A pony's panicked voice pierced the chaos, shouting, "Raiders!" Impossible. I must be in the afterlife, for raiders haven't been seen in years since the Lightbringer brought back the sun. The world blurred, making it increasingly difficult to see. "Someone, quickly stabilize Rook!" a concerned voice called out, referring to somepony named Rook. Memories flooded back. I am Rook, a blue unicorn with a matching mane, my cutie mark depicting a spear and shield. I was being dragged through the frigid white snow by an unidentified pony. my vision is fading, as the darkness encroaches. I need to keep my mind active. I know how to stimulate my thoughts. I just need to recall some Equestrian history. Approximately fifty years ago, the Lightbringer restored the sun, ushering in a new era of peace for Equestria—a period that was short-lived. Raiders and slavers dwindled from large groups to small tribes. However, a new figure emerged, uniting them under a new banner, heralding an age of raiders once again. In response, a faction known as the Anti-Raider Alliance (ARA) was formed to rebuild Equestria, with their primary goal being to eradicate raiders for good. Following the failed raid on the reestablished Ponyville, courtesy of the ARA's military force, the raiders either abandoned their criminal ways or fled north to perish in the Crystal Empire's treacherous weather. And now, here I am, bleeding out in the snow, at the mercy of raiders, mercenaries, or some other group of criminals. It's ironic. I always thought I'd meet my demise from overindulging in chili or succumbing to the bitter cold, but not like this. This is becoming tedious. Perhaps I should drift off to sleep. Yes, a nap sounds rather pleasant. Then darkness engulfed me as a desperate voice cried out, "Rook, don't you dare die!" > Chapter 1: Good Morning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I dreamed of home, a place where fields of lush crops stretched as far as the eye could see, providing food for the brand new Equestria we had built. Thirty years of unbroken peace had dulled our memories of the wasteland that once surrounded us. In the dream, I was a young colt again, basking in the warmth of the sun as I eagerly assisted my parents with the bountiful harvest. Oh, how I wished I could freeze that moment and live in it forever. Suddenly, a piercing scream jolted me awake, and I found myself lying in a bed, stripped of my ARA winter trooper uniform and combat gear. Medkit, a coal-black pegasus with emerald eyes and a medical kit cutie mark, greeted me with a wink. "You're finally awake, sleepy head," Medkit said, her voice filled with a mix of relief and concern. She explained that she had checked on me while I slept and assured me the bullet had passed through without causing severe damage. I winced as I gingerly sat up, feeling the dull ache in my chest and right hoof. Looking down, I noticed the blood-soaked bandages wrapped around my wounds. Confusion clouded my mind as I asked Medkit “What happened?” "Zonk brought you in. According to him, you, Plow, Frosty, and Sergeant Winterboots were ambushed by a group of raiders during patrol. Luckily, their aim was off, or you might not have been so fortunate," Medkit explained, her attention already shifting to another injured pony. As I prepared to leave the medical facility, I gathered my combat gear and dressed myself. Medkit offered a word of caution, reminding me to be careful and not do anything reckless, considering our current shortage of pony power. I reassured her “I will pop one of Programs wonder healing potions if anything happens ok it tastes like shit but you and I both know how well they work.” Medkit smiled and with a nod, she returned to her duties. Leaving the medical station at Fortress Icy Peaks, I trudged through the snow towards the steps leading to the towering walls. There, I spotted Plow and Winterboots engaged in a conversation that seemed laced with worry. "I can't believe raiders are back. I thought they had all disappeared or perished," Plow fretted, anxiety etched on their face. Winterboots, a white unicorn with a light blue mane, countered with the certainty of someone who had witnessed the trials of the wasteland for years. "These aren't your typical raiders. I've fought during the last stronghold against them. They might be mercenaries masquerading as raiders, but one thing is for sure: they're trouble." Plow, a green earth pony dressed in ARA power armor, looked grim, their cutie mark of a 9mm bullet a stark reminder of the dangers we faced. Winterboots, despite his experience, had never climbed the ranks beyond sergeant, and the tale behind his scorched cutie mark remained a mystery to us all well beside Frosty. Plow noticed my presence and greeted me warmly, enveloping me in a tight hug before teasingly remarking that life wouldn't be as interesting without my reckless exploits. Winterboots joined in the banter, and I saluted him. "Sir, I am ready for duty, Sir," I proclaimed with utmost determination. "Good lad. Frosty is already at the watchtower," Winterboots replied as he resumed his conversation with Plow. Making my way along the wall, I marveled at the snow gently cascading from the sky, blanketing the roads and fortification. As I arrived at the watchtower, I spotted Frosty, a white unicorn with no mane or tail, her cutie mark showcasing a crosshair with a skull at its center. She specialized in sniping, a mighty asset to our defense. "Look who's alive! I guess I owe Zonk five-hundred caps," Frosty quipped, her eyes focused down the scope of her sniper rifle. "Very funny," I retorted, playfully rolling my eyes as I finished climbing up to the watchtower. Taking a seat beside her, I inquired about the attackers, eager to learn more about the situation. Frosty remained silent for a moment, her gaze fixed on the distant horizon. "They were raiders, no doubt. Despite what Dad thinks, their poor combat skills and the signs of drug abuse on the corpses point to their true nature. They also attempted to overpower our patrol and take prisoners. Mercenaries wouldn't bother with such tactics." It had been years since raiders had plagued our lands, and their sudden return raised questions and fears within me. Before I could voice my concerns, Frosty interrupted, placing a hoof on my shoulder. "We're about to be attacked," she declared, her voice eerily calm. "Go inform my dad immediately." I nodded, acknowledging the urgency in her words, and hurried off to find Sergeant Winterboots. As I rushed along the wall, my hoof steps faltered, causing me to slip on some ice and tumble into the snow below the fortress walls. Grimacing in pain, I picked myself up, only to find Sergeant Winterboots approaching with a mix of exasperation and worry etched on his face. "Frosty said we're about to be hit, sir!" I managed to gasp, my breath still ragged from the fall. Sargent WinterBoots wasted no time. His eyes locked onto the horizon as he sprinted towards the edge of the wall, bringing his weathered sniper scope from his bag to his keen eye. With the instincts of a seasoned warrior, he scanned the surrounding landscape, searching for any signs of the imminent threat. "Get those damn alarms blaring!" WinterBoots roared, his voice carrying the weight of command and urgency. I rush to the alarm as Plow pushes past me to join Sargent WinterBoots on the wall. I grab and pull the alarm down with all force I could. The alarm sounded normal at first but then it went silent and exploded with rock music with lyrics by someone who was trying super hard to be edgy or annoying not sure witch. “I am the second apocalypse of Equestria with my beats. I will finish you all and enslave the weak” the speakers said before somepony shot it for being loud and annoying. As I got on the wall to join Plow and Winterboots a great snow storm hit us hard. This was the start of something new and brutal. Alright Rook we are ARA you been trained for this weather they raiders or not it does not matter what does matter what you gonna do here and now. Then boom. > Chapter 2: The Storm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- An explosion rocked the fortress. There was no sound of a rocket launcher or cannon going off; all we knew was that it was a sudden boom, and part of the wall exploded, killing a few ponies stationed there. Then, another boom without the distinct sound of a rocket launcher or cannon. “Did they sabotage the wall somehow?” Plow asked, preparing his weapon. Winterboots remained silent, keeping his eye on the wall, and another part exploded. Bullets started to fly through the blizzard, with one almost hitting me. The enemy had launched an assault, causing yet another part of the fortress wall to blow up. Amidst the chaos, another team leader yelled, “Every pony, return fire for the new Equestria, for the ARA!” Group of ponies open fire at our unseen enemies from the wall raining a hellstorm of bullets down into the blizzard where everypony thought the enemy was. Winterboots gave us orders, “Plow, go to the fortress gate and defend it. Rook, find Zonk and do what they say as if I am the one giving you orders.” Both Plow and I nodded before setting off to carry out our orders. As I ran past ponies rushing to help defend the fortress, I searched for Zonk, starting in the barracks, where they were likely asleep. Bursting into the barracks, I looked for Zonk and found a note on their bunk. It read, "Dear Rook, Sargent Winterboots likely ordered you to find me. I am already prepping what's needed to break this attack. Please bring me one of Program's healing potions, seven explosives of any type, and some cheese. I'll be waiting at the east side of the fortress. Love, Zonk." What the hell? I never understand how Zonk is always one step ahead, but anyway, I'd better gather everything they need for whatever plan they have. Already having the healing potion on me, I only needed to get the explosives and the cheese. The cheese part still puzzled me, though. I rushed to the armory, dodging explosions as snow began to build up, hindering my movements. Upon reaching the armory, I found a dark red pony in charge. She seemed unsurprised to see me. “Rook, right?” she said, adjusting her glasses. "I'm Burning Joy. Zonk told me to save this stuff for you and give it to you. Zonk already did the paperwork because you were only going to grab grenades, and told me to say things have changed and these are needed." Burning Joy handed me a bag full of various explosives and, surprisingly, some cheese. Confused but not questioning Zonk's intentions, I thanked Burning Joy and made my way to the east side of the fortress to find Zonk overlooking the battlefield from the wall. After climbing up to join them, I began to relay Winterboots' orders, but Zonk stopped me with a hoof, already aware of the plan. "I already know how to win as long as I get everything I asked for," Zonk said in their deep, exotic voice, taking the bag from me to inspect its contents. Zonk was a Zebra, and little was known about them except that they dressed in bulky armor with a heavy-duty helmet, and they always seemed to be a step ahead of every pony. Zonk ordered me to follow them as they slid down a rope they had set up beforehand. I hesitated for a moment, realizing Zonk didn't outrank me, but I followed their orders regardless. Winterboots order me to follow Zonk's words as if they were his orders so I will follow them for now. Landing in the snow below, we carefully made our way through the blizzard, using Zonk's instincts to avoid being detected as our enemies charged past us. The snowfall was so thick and heavy that we could stand out in the open without being seen by our enemies. It was luck, given that I counted at least seven patrols passing by us without detection. I'll never understand how Zonk has an innate sense of when to halt and when to advance in this brutal blizzard. I managed to spot their armor—a mix of junk and scrap metal. It seemed like they were not mercenaries pretending to be raiders, as their armor featured the markings of two different raider clans. We found our way into the eye of the storm, to only find our shelves in their encampment so we quickly moved to hide behind a truck then we saw a group of them gathering around a heavily armored truck. Their encampment was trucks covered in scrap metal and junk they seem welded onto as mobile shelter. One pony emerged from the vehicle, clad in intricately customized heavy armor. “Who hit my pet!” the heavy armored pony yelled to the group of them as a mare with a bomb collar around her neck stood next to him. “H-heavy metal she is only a slave she needs to be corrected when s-” he said before was stopped by Heavy Metal jumping off the back of the truck and knocking the pony who spoke out to the ground. Heavy Metal deployed a shield from his hoof and slammed it through the pony's stomach, cleaving them in half. He then yelled out, "Anypony who dares to harm her again, fuck her, or even dare to question me will face a punishment twice as worst. Is that perfectly clear?" Crowd of them were scared from what they saw as he returned to the back of his truck then blasted loud rock music. A crowd of ponies began feasting on the deceased pony left behind by their leader. Some tore off chunks of meat and headed to a fire to cook it instead of consuming it raw, which seemed to be the norm for the majority of them. The scene was truly brutal to see. How could ponies devolve into animals no monsters like this praying on their own as food. Zonk whispered to me, "Seems they are in fact raiders. Cannibalism confirms it, as does their slave keeping. Looks like Plow owes me five hundred caps." Zonk looked around looking for something but they pointed out a group of unicorns channeling magic into an odd looking obelisk and figured out how all this was happening. Zonk whisper to me “The obelisk is the key to all this we have to destroy it…but what bugs me the most is fact that this is a mega spell level of magic how did they get there hoofs on this” A Raider lashed one of the unicorns with a whip, warning, "Don't let the blizzard die down. If you make Heavy Metal appear weak, he'll unleash his fury on all of us. Remember, failure isn't an option; if we disappoint him, we disappoint Graymane." Before I could inquire about our next move from Zonk, they vanished from my sight. I had no idea where they had gone as a large group of raiders assembled for an assault on the fortress. However, they seemed to be prepping themselves first, chemming up for their assault. This granted us a window of opportunity to do something. If I could not figure out something, a raider group of that size could tip the scales in favor of raiders at the fortress. All Zonk left me was one remote explosive and cheese to work with. He took everything else. The situation intensified, and I decided to take matters into my own hooves. So I looked around and found an ammo truck and got an idea. I stealthy move through the encampment making my way to the ammo truck to realize they got a guard by it. I could try killing them but if i do it risks alerting others also missing guard in a battle is a huge red flag. I thought to myself to realize they are raiders and Ara books say they are not smart so I tossed cheese past them and they walked away from the truck and started eating it. Got to be kidding me they really are this stupid well i guess it is time to make my move. I planted the explosives Zonk had given me in the raiders' ammo truck to cripple their attack. I ran away as fast as I could diving for cover hoping no pony saw me. Heavy Metal and his slave mare walk to the ammo truck with a group of raiders so I took this chance to kill two birds with one stone so I hit the trigger. As explosions rippled through the encampment killing the raider leader and the raiders with him. Then more explosions followed? Truck after truck started exploding, likely caused by Zonk’s work. I have to admit impressive they got all that done so fast while being stealthy. I noticed Zonk waving for me to follow them. Started running to them but my tail was grabbed and I was tossed back away from Zonk “You kill her and try to kill me,” Heavy metal said. the fucker survived being blow the fuck up. He held both his hoofs around my neck as his brown fur burns and on the right side of his face was infused with his helmet. He locked eyes with me while I continued to strike his head with my hooves, my breath growing strained. "You ARA ponies truly have no idea of the war you started all those years ago. The raider prophet Graymane will usher in a new age of raiders, just like what Red-eye did years ago. The torment we'll unleash upon every pony beyond this fortress will be an exhilarating spectacle," he declared, a chilling smile stretching across his face. I persisted in swinging my hooves, attempting to stagger him, all while my horn glowed in a desperate attempt to grasp my gun from its holster. Yet, my efforts merely resulted in him seizing me and forcefully slamming my head back, shattering my magical hold. "Don't think I'm as stupid as the rest. I hold the title of Heavy Metal, the musical herald of Graymane, for a reason. It will take much more than that feeble attempt to outwit me," he retorted, his words ringing in my ears as my vision began to blur and fade. I thought to myself, 'I'm in deep trouble. I'm sorry, Mom, Dad; I won't be able to rebuild our farm now. I fear this is how it ends for me. "For Zandalar!" Zonk yelled as he thrust the knife into Heavy Metal's exposed side, taking advantage of the chaos caused by the explosion that caused his side to be exposed. The impact appeared to strike a critical point, causing Heavy Metal to stumble backward, clearly taken off guard from the attack. This sudden turn of events provided us with a precious opportunity to escape. However, I was still struggling to breathe due to the Heavy metal brutality. Zonk had a healing potion ready, which he gave to me to drink. Again I wonder how he knew this would happen or did he bring it just in case? I drank potion and my air ways were fixed up. Healing potions are a true gift from Celestia. We managed to escape and regroup as the blizzard subsided, revealing the aftermath of the fierce battle. Bodies laying in snow with crimson snow around them on both sides but sadly from what I could see more of our side then there's. Raider fled past us while being shot up without their blizzard. They lost all hope of taking the fortress this day. Lucky for us they were cowards and ignored us instead prioritizing looting their dead allies and fleeing for their own lifes. Sergeant Winterboots was overseeing the clean up both inside and outside of the fortress. He was clearly worried about something as he reached into his satchel and retrieved a cigar. Winterboots placed the cigar in his mouth and lit it, taking a moment to savor the smoke. All the while, he maintained a vigilant watch over the ongoing clean up. Just as I was about to report the events that had unfolded outside the walls, Zonk spoke up ahead of me, catching Winterboots' attention. They explained that a group of unicorns had caused the blizzard with the help of an obelisk, which we had successfully destroyed. Zonk then added that we had narrowly avoided a pony known as Heavy Metal, who had mentioned a pony named Graymane during the confrontation. Winterboots said “Zonk are you sure he said Graymane like G R A Y M A N E?” Zonk Nodded in silence as I was just confused by why Graymane is an important name especially when odds are it is only psycho raider talk but will admit does sound familiar to me. Winterboots seemed taken aback by something and muttered about needing to report this to his sister in Canterlot. “You two are done for the day, go rest, eat or sleep i don't care i got something important to do,” Winterboots said before he walked off. With our mission complete, Zonk spoke to me privately. “I know you are confused and might not trust my abilities but trust my words. I am always five steps ahead of every pony, I know only follow my words because Winterboots told you to so please trust me.” I smiled and nodded not saying I would trust them but also not saying I wouldn't trust them. As I headed to the barracks to rest, I felt a sense of foreboding. The battle was far from over, and it seemed things were about to get much worse. As i layed down to rest in my bunk a thought came to mind. WHY DID ZONK DO PAPERWORK BUT NOT TAKE THE EXPLOSIVES!? > Chapter 3: a fail attempted > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was dreaming again about the farm. I was a young stallion again walking along the trail to my family's farmhouse with my father. “Hard to think all this used to belong to raiders and hard to think the sky had almost no sunlight truly a gift from the six,” my father said to me as we pulled wagons of food to the farmhouse for storage for the nearby settlement. I nodded as I pulled my wagon of food through our trail. “Equestria is healing. We got food and clean water. I say if Equestria keeps moving forward like this everything will return like it was all those years ago,” My father said before he stopped and unhooked from his cart to open the storage. As I started pushing my cart in as my dad held the doors open as a gunshot rang out. I woke up in my Bunk with Zonk looking at me. “Can I help you?” I said, shoving them back as I got up from my bed. “Right now no. But Winterboots and Frosty are waiting for you on what remains of the wall,” Zonk said as I got up and headed to meet with them as Zonk watched me exit the barracks. Zonk's line of sight from their helmet blacked out visor made me feel a bit weird. Walking through the fortress ponies started talking, some saying “I think these are raiders?” Another pony saying “no it cannot be ARA broke them years ago we are called the Anti Raider Alliance for a reason. The ponyville slaughter put an end to them years ago, read your text books.” A sense of dread fills the air around our fortress today. Most of us have not seen big raider groups for years, maybe a few small bandit or small slaver groups, maybe a small raider group or two but nothing like yesterday. On my way to the wall I saw Plow reading a book on basic medical treatments. Well that raises a few questions worth asking. Walking to Plow I asked him “You know that's not a book on guns right?” He shrugged and said “I know but the medic team is trying to keep ponies alive that got hurt and we were short staffed after that skirmish yesterday,” he stop for a moment and pulled out another copy “would you like one?” before giving me a medical magazine. I am not sure how this helps any pony but ok. I took it then said to him “Thanks and good luck with all that, just remember you cannot reload a pony like a gun to fix it not working,” as he nodded I waved him goodbye and made my way to meet Winterboots and Frosty. Reaching Winterboots and Frosty I heard the sound of muttering from them before Winterboots passed her something before I made myself known. “Reporting for duty Winterboots,” I said as I stood tall and saluted. “We got an important visitor coming and we need to make sure no raiders attempt anything or I will never hear the end of it. So you and my daughter are heading out to try figure out where they came from and stop them if they try anything if they not plotting anything basically do recond,” Winterboots said to me as he light a cigar then said “also careful what you say when you get back because if you got raider family blood keep it to yourself our visitor is arriving by vertabuck and well just do not say anything got all that?” I nodded and headed to the armory to get some recon gear and set off with Frosty. Meeting Frosty outside the fortress she led the way as we moved through the snow it gave us time to talk. the Blood from yesterday still caked on the snow, nothing changed from yesterday so was the smell. “Raiders returning and a report of Graymane being at head is super bad how do you feel rook?” Frosty asked me as she kept looking forward. “I am doing well but Graymane, who is he? I think I heard of him before but I do not remember where," I said back to her. Frosty stopped and gave me a look then turned back to walking then said “Over a hundred years ago there was an attack on the reclaimed Ponyville with Graymane at the head of the raider group launching this attack. Before you waste time asking yes a hundred hence why it is odd to have his name pop up it is very likely just some pony acting as if it is him or something.” I then jokingly asked “Hundred years? Maybe it is him? like he has a herald with that heavy metal pony. Maybe he is immortal like the princesses from before the balefire?” Frosty gave me the cold shoulder but before I could ask another silly question she stopped and signaled me to hunker down and move to cover. I follow her orders knowing full well she knows recon better then me and has the best eyes out of us all. She held a knife in her magic as she grabbed a raider covering their mouth with her hoof and jammed the knife deep into their neck as she dragged him into our cover out of vision of any pony. The raider struggled to break free before going limp and the life drained from his eyes at that point Frosty dropped him, letting him land face down in the snow as Frosty cleaned her knife on the dead raider body and sheaves it. “Let's move,” she said as she led me to high ground overlooking a massive encampment as more raider groups joined it. I layed down on the ground then pulled out some binoculars from my bag and took a look as Frosty used her scope from her rifle to get a better look. “What are we looking for exactly?” I asked as I looked at the encampment. “Anything that would be a threat to the fortress or them grouping up for attack basically any red flags,” Frosty said while peeking at an old wanted poster. Does she think Graymane is alive for real? Like it was just a joke, I didn't really mean it. I ignored that fact as I looked over the raider camp and saw heavy metal he was still alive? no way he was still alive after being blown up and stabbed in the side like our kidneys are around there. I saw heavy metal still alive seemling ordering his raiders to whip him and beat him for some reason. Is that a raider thing or something? Somepony runs up to him and says something before heavy metal gets up then heads to the middle of the encampment. “Frosty something is happening down there towards the middle of the encampment,” I said. We both looked and saw what looked like a pony in heavy duty power armor standing by the right side of two double doors as a pony was speaking as heavy metal stood to the left of the double doors. Then the doors swung open and out stepped a gray unicorn with a dark gray mane with a cutie mark covered by his leather armor. Last he had a black crystal around his neck in the form of a necklace. We could hear raiders cheering as Frosty says “Impossible,” as she looks at the photo and back to him “How a hundred years,” she started adjusting her rifle and scope. “Wait we are to just watch,” as I grabbed onto the rifle to stop her but was not fast enough and the shot went off. I quickly looked through the Binoculars and yup they knew we were up here as well she missed the shot but the shot seemed to have hit heavy metal in the back right hoof by mistake so not all that bad news. I put my Binoculars back in my bag before I could say anything Frosty said “this way i patrol here before this way now!” Then she ran off. I followed her as fast as I could as raiders took potshots at us and their trucks broke down at the gate. Lucky for us there trucks broke down at the gate but they still had hoofs and a blood lust we needed to escape. Frosty turned and took shots at random at the snow as raiders started showing up; they chased after us but stopped shooting, seeming they must have changed their minds and wanted to take us alive. We kept moving as Frosty kept wasting ammo by shooting snow. I shouted “Stop wasting ammo we nee-” but I was cut off by a roar and a giant tentacle bursting out of snow grabbing a raider. I stop in confusion as Frosty grabs my hoof and pulls me to follow. She led me to a hidden path leading into the mountains and back to the fortress. “Ok now that we are safe, what in Celestia and the six names was that back there!?” I said loudly as we traveled through her secret path. “Snow Kraken,” She calmly said as she led the way. I shaked my head then said “No, not that. The fact that you recklessly opened fire at the raider leader after we we-” she cut me off by stopping and looked me dead in the eye. “Father gave me special orders to kill the raider leader if he was a perfect match to the wanted poster he gave me. But thanks to you who fuck up our likely only chance to kill a historical monster Celestia only knows the mayhem he will bring and now i have report this back to dad,” she said before turning back and leading us back to the Fortress. I followed a bit then said “Sorry but how do we even know if it was Gra-” but before I could finish she turned and looked me dead in the eyes. Her eyes were full of rage and fury then said “My dad was there when he was a young colt and he felt it was going to be him and the poster was a match so it must have been him not a fake but the real deal. Now he has a chance to cause the mayhem he did all those years ago. He can now do it in the here and now.” “It seem Graymane is back after all no?” a familiar voice said along our path somehow? Frosty quickly turned down our path to the fortress and aimed her sniper rifle at where we heard the voice come from with full intent to kill whoever managed to sneak up on us. We both stopped at the sound of a Stealthbuck turning off and Zonk turning invisible to visible in front of us. “Why are you here!?” I asked loudly. Zonk took a moment then said “I felt your weakness would ruin Frosty shot so I sabotaged the raider trucks by the gates so you could escape.” Frosty was shocked and then said “Dad told you?” Zonk shaked his head no then calmly said “you know me Frosty now then let's get back to the Fortress an..this isn’t correct,” as he looked past us. We both turned around to see what Zonk saw and it was a good size group of raiders with few rushing away from their group to attempt to get to us before the others. Frosty yell “Fuck how did they find this path way Snow Kraken should of took them off our trail,” attempted to fire her gun but all she got was a click she pull out her magazine from her gun and looked then said “I should of brought more ammo. “ I noticed Zonk hoof prints in the snow and I put it together but I chose to stay silent about it because infighting isn't the best idea right now. Zonk looks at me as they pull out a Zebra assault rifle and check its ammo before finishing prepping it. “Me and Zonk got this you go warn your dad we will buy you as much time as possible,” I said as me and zonk took cover behind a few rocks. Frosty silently mouthed fuck it and ran leaving me and Zonk to slow them down by our selves. “So betting, I can kill more than you,'' I said to Zonk as I opened fire with my rifle. “Only in your dre-...nevermind hundred bits say i get more,” They said back as he opened fire down at them getting the first kill before me. We manage to take out a good chunk of them during the few minutes of fighting. They kept using melee till one of them shouted something and they started shooting back. It seemed they wanted Frosty not us. I can only imagine why. know what I do not want to know. The white snow changed from an untouched white wonder to a crimson river as more kept rushing and few shot back. Like what the fuck how do they have this many raiders it scarry to think this many raiders manage to stay hidden from us all for so long. Also fact we seem to be killing mostly psycho raiders again and again but something off about them i cannot put my hoof on it. “For Graymane for the new age of the raiders!” one of them shouted as he got shot by Zonk. Zonk quickly reloaded faster than I was able to before saying “pick up your speed Rook we got another group and they do not seem normal,” as a gunshot grazed their helmet. Three ponies in full heavy armor started walking up one firing a minigun and two firing standard assault rifles. Their weapons lack the standard rust that you would see from raider weapons as well their armor was well keeped and cared for. When did raiders have the mental capacity to make elites like this in all sense they should hoard the best weapons and armor for themselves out of greed. Unless these ponies are the best fighters to make sure there equipment was never stolen from them oh great we are more fucked then i first thought. Things only went from bad to worse as an explosive barrel was sent flying from down the path to behind us causing the mountain path to shake causing an avalanche. Cold snow rushed down sweeping us and the raiders away. The avalanche brought us down the mountain. I struggle to keep myself above the snow, losing sight of Zonk. Attempting to stay above the snow with swimming movements trying to find something solid to grab onto. But I was blindsided by a rock and darkness took me. I had no idea how long I was out for. but when I woke up I found myself partly buried in the snow and a Power armored pony looking at me. Wait a second it was the pony that was with the raider leader fuck. They lift up a hoof ready to smash my head in but was stopped by a pony saying “Hold up wait Armor,” it was the one Frosty called Graymane “He killed a few of our ponies the honor of his death should go to my most devoted.” Pony he called Armor set their hoof down on the snowy ground as raiders' hoof cuffed my front hooves as well as put black ring around my horn and dug me out from the snow. I noticed as they dug me out three armored raider ponies pulling themselves out of the snow before walking to a raider at a makeshift catapult. Raider by makeshift catapult looked scared and was about to say something before one hit him with a spiked hoof and the other two started beating him till he could not move. A raider said as they finish restraining me “Be grateful Graymane offering you a chance to have a respectful death more than you ARA ponies deserve.” They yank my chains to get me to follow behind them as Graymane and Armor watch them escort me away. I had no clue what they were planning to do exactly but I feel more killing will be involved. After a few minutes of walking I saw no evidence of Zonk making it out alive but I am just happy knowing that Frosty got away at least. Once we reached the Encampment and oh Celestia the smell of I have no idea what filled the air but it wasn’t pleasant. All I could assume was a mix of their filth and rotting meat. Their tents and makeshift homes had pictures of Graymane with words I could not read them fully but I knew one had words about a new raider god on it. “Welcome to paradise ARA filth. The type paradise Light Bringer tried to destroy by bringing back that damn sun!” The raider leading the way said to me, “Shut up!” Another raider who was escorting me said. The one leading group rolled her eyes before saying “this paradise is built on faith and unrestricted freedom. Also soon your grave.” They took me to what looked to be a makeshift arena. They point hoof to a cell within the arena “if your lucky somepony will sponsor you for this arena so it will not be a slaughter,” one raider said as they shoved me into the cell. > Chapter 4: Gray Maters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sitting in my cell I lost track of time as the sound of multiple ponies walking along the cell's fill the air till they stopped in front of my cell. One of the ponies looking me down was Graymane with the giant power armor pony as well as a few raiders. “What is this?” Graymane asked, holding the medical magazine I had with me. “A medical magazine, what about it?” I said as I got up. He looked at it then to me and said “You're no medic, why do you have it?” “Oh becau-'' I was saying before I stopped to avoid giving him any insight on the fortress or any of its defenders. He chuckled as he walked side to side in front of my cell and said “Smart noticed I was fishing for info but I will get what I want out of you.” I kept my eyes on him and asked “how are you planning to do that?” He stayed silent looking at me. I could feel him studding me carefully then he spoke saying “I could let my raiders try torturing you till you speak but most research shows any pony will tell you anything if it will get the pain to stop.” I refused to speak not knowing where he was going with this. He chuckled then said “your friend had with you holding my raiders back. Maybe they will speak if they wake up but then again I feel lack of medical care will cause them to die before they wake up.” Wait they got Zonk impossible or is it they did not foresee their hoof prints so they could have been captured. “Or maybe the mare you tried to save that we managed to cut off from the fortress. Might let my raiders torture her after we finish putting a foal in her. Who knows maybe we break her will and make her join us through combo of drugs and raping till she breaks,” He said with a huge smile on his face he was enjoying coming up with his twisted ideas of his. “Treat Zonk for their injuries and do not touch Frosty. You can torture me for info like you said your self in the end somepony will say anything to make the pain stop!” I yell out running to my bars trying to reach for him. My hoof got grabbed by a power armor pony and they started bending my hoof. I felt my bones slowly starting to break. Graymane said “So Zonk and Frosty are their names. See how easy it is to get info out of a pony without torturing them. In the end i do not care for info on the fortress i already know i will win and second Armor let his hoof go he needs all four for the arena.” The one he called armor let my hoof go so I pulled it back in as Graymane than said “you've been tested my child your next trial is soon.” as he turned and walked away with every pony leaving me alone in my cell. I sat down and took time to think mostly if Frosty managed to report back to the fortress and if Zonk got out of all that alive or not. Sounds of a stallion moaning and a mare crying echo through the cells. They are a hard reminder that these raiders are nothing more than animals like my drill sergeant told us. A raider mare in leather armor stopped at my cell looking at me then said “this one i want him lay him on his back and drug him up so he is nice and hard.” One raider stallion in junk armor was about to open the cell but stopped when he noticed my uniform then told her “We cannot Graymane say the ARA pony is not to be touched till he wins or loses in the arena.” The raider mare stomp her hoofs angrily then said “He is the one i be fighting in the arena today well i guest i can publicly fuck him then. A good display of power and dominance.” Before they could leave I asked them “What are the rules for the arena you all yap about?” Mare turned happily and said “In the Arena there are three rounds for prisoner types like you that often do not go well for you. Rule one prisoners go in with armor they had when captured hence why you're still dressed. Rule two any raider can pledge a weapon to you or not to spice up the fight or to another raider so you are going in unarmed no one has helped an ARA prisoner. Last rule winner can ask for anything if they down or kill the pony in the arena; this one is shared between raider and prisoner.” I was shocked how much she shared so willingly so I asked “why help me with rules so easily?” She chuckled then said “Because knowing the rules have changed nothing. You will only have your armor and nothing else so I will put you down and ride you in front of the crowd as a piece of meat,” she started laughing and snorting on her way out of the prison area. I sat down thinking what I can do to get somepony give me a weapon so I do not go into these fights without any way to fight back. I was not the best at CQC but gun play is what I am best at. “ARA pony fight time” a raider pony said before tossing me jerky and then saying “You cannot die on an empty stomach.” I started eating as he kept an eye on me. The moment I was done he opened my cell and waved me out. “Not scared I will attack you and make a break for it?” I asked. He looked at me then said “You in the heart of the encampment moment you try you will be found and killed now fallow.” I followed him as he led me to the arena with a crowd of raider ponies cheering and booing at my arrival as a familiar voice speaked “We got an amazing display today not seen since the ponyville slaughter. an ARA pony!” The crowd boo and cheer at me louder as the pony speaking walks out. It was Heavy Metal this fucker again he then said “he needs to live through three rounds but he not going to last one so who is going first,” he pulled out a list then shouted “Night Haven!” As a bat pony mare laned in the arena dressed in spiked leather armor equipped with spiked hoofs. Their black fur was as black as the night sky itself and her mane matched it as well. “Now let us fig-” Heavy Metal said before being cut off by Graymane. Graymane asked while sitting on a makeshift throne clearly built by his raiders “Ranged or melee?” The Crowd went silent as Night Haven said “I am good.” Graymane repeated his question while looking right at me “Ranged or melee?” “Ranged?” I said with a bit of confusion. Armor walked out to the arena and gave me a revolver with six shots and no ammo to reload it before they walked away. The Crowd started talking to each other loudly, clearly as confused as I was before Graymane stood up and said “Do you all undermine my teachings? Have I not taught you all we are better than them? Have I not proven the strong should dominate the weak? We trust ARA are weak and we are strong so making the fight a bit more fair because in the end the strongest will win and our goal will be achieved every way.” The crowd changed from confusion to joy as they cheered as Night Heaven stood on her hind hooves soaking in the crowd watching as Heavy Metal got clear then yelled “FIGHT!” I quickly pull out the revolver and fire two shots at them as she dodge both shots, closing the gap fast. She hit me so hard I was sent flying back. Landing on my back before I could regain my focus I was kicked hard in the ribs with Night Haven saying “oh come on lets have some fun hit me back ARA pony!” I had four shots left and she was very fast but all I needed was to remove the threat but I had no clue how to just get her to stop fighting or kill her. As she kept kicking me over and over I had an idea if she was fast and able to dodge every shot at range. There was one way to make sure my shot would hit but I needed the right moment. “I don’t want you and I do not want to disappoint the crowd so I guess I'll finish this if you're not going to fight back,” Night Haven said before lifting both her front hoofs readying to bring them down onto me. Moment those hoofs got as high as they could, I leapt up, tackling her to wrestle her to the ground. I tried to copy the hold that Frosty used on the raider back on our scouting mission. Night Haven moves to keep me from moving behind them with the hold by slamming a hoof on my head over and over. Blood started filling my vision. It felt like being hit by a bag of breaks over and over. I felt myself losing my grip before she tapped out? Night Haven yelled “I surrender,” I let go but the moment I let go she took flight and came back down aiming for me. I rolled out as she landed getting a spiked hoof stuck in the ground. I took aim and shot at her twice but she let go of one of the spiked hoofs to dodge the shots. “Mother fucker you try to shoot me while i was stuck!” Night Haven yells at me. I looked at her then yelled back “You faked surrender you don’t have any space to bitch about it.” She launched herself at me. I was about to dodge her attack but I noticed some pony in the audience was flashing something in her eyes blinding her so I took my chance. I shot my fifth shot hitting a wing and causing her to hit the ground face first, giving me a chance to get on top of her from behind and press my gun to the back of her skull. “Surrender now!” I yelled at her fully ready to shoot her if she said no. Know what maybe I will even if she does.. Night Haven growled at me then said “I am yours to do with I surrender!” loud enough for every pony to hear. Heavy Metal stood there acting as if he did not hear her surrender but Armor put a single hoof on his back and pushed him down causing him to lift his mic and say “ARA pony wins now Armor for love of Graymane stop it that hurts like being fucked with a cactus!.” Graymane stood up “Pick her fate!” I look confused as Night Haven said “going fuck me publicly or what?” Not going to lie the idea of raping a raider did sound ironic and a good way to let out some stress but i shook my head then said “Any other choices?” Graymane then said “Feeling very merciful hu well you can do nothing or anything honestly she is not stronger than you so she has no say till tomorrow. She has to do whatever you say” Like that I knew what to do “Help me fight,” I said as I got off her. Night Haven got up dusting herself off and then got her spike hoof back then she said “I will by glory of Graymane i will but first we heal.” We both walked to the exit of the arena to get patched up as Heavy Metal said “You cannot have somepony help you in a fight or get medical treatment, all prisoners have to keep going till they die!” Night Haven turned to him then said “I am a raider and I am working for him till the next day you tell me where it says a ‘raider group’ is not allowed to heal between rounds?” Heavy Metal stomped his hoof then yelled “He is a prisoner not a raider s-” but was cut off by Armor stomping their hoof and pointing at Graymane glaring at him. Heavy metal went silent and bowed to him as we walked out of the arena. Walking to the medical room that was covered in a bit more blood than I am used to as well as a severed hoof on the floor for some reason. Night Haven said “Sit down wherever I am getting a medical kit if somepony hasn't used it.” I found a bench not covered in blood to sit down on as Night Haven started treating my head injury with surprising good medical skills for a raider. “How do you know how to do all this?” I asked. As she kept treating me she said “In raider life health care varies. Like for example a ‘doctor’ treating me for withdrawal and then stole one of my kidneys so you know. Learning how to treat your own injuries or you have to roll the dice.” I stayed silent as she stopped and started treating herself next, pulling out a lighter and burning her bullet hole on her wing close. “ARA has a raider work program to work off your crimes you could join it and become a doctor in our civilization.” I said to her, She pulled out one of her spike hooves from the side of her armor and started sharpening, then said as she worked “working to death does not sound fun to me.” I was confused by what she said to me. The ARA work program has let out many ponies who used to be raiders back into civilization and so on. Before I could ask Night Haven why but they beat me to the punch and asked me “Need ammo?” I nodded yes as she checked bodies of a few dead raiders in the medical room forcing me to ask “Do you not feel bad looting your own?” She looked at me and simply shrugged then kept on looting till she found a few revolver rounds. She tossed me the rounds and I loaded my revolver in time for a raider to come in and say “Your next fight is ready to go. I hope you're both ready to die. Heavy Metal picked the next one himself.” We both followed the raider back to the arena with Heavy Metal in middle hyping up the crowd with the two ponies who threaten to rape me from before. Heavy Metal looked at me and said to the crowd “Time for one hell of a showdown ARA pony vs Hammerfall!” The moment he said that the two ponies look confused as a pony in full heavy armor covering them from head to tail hiding all notable parts walked into the arena with a power hammer floating in there magic. The raider mare walked up to Heavy Metal and said “Not fair not fair and not fair we are one who supposed fight not a chosen one!” Heavy metal chuckled and said “Funny fact about that,” right before her head got sent flying off by Hammerfall hitting her with his power hammer with the crowd cheering. “Hey what is this a fucken chosen!?” Night Haven yells out in confusion but I did not need to ask. This pony is called a chosen and looks similar to the ponies from the fire fight me and zonk had from the mountain path. “So I assume this is bad right?” I asked Night Haven while aiming my revolver trying to find a weak point to shoot. Night Haven looked at me then said “Yes Chosen raiders get the best loot and experimental drugs.” The mare raider’s partner fled from the arena as Hammerfall walked to and stood where they both stood moments ago. Heavy Metal seem be enjoying this as they were about to speak Graymane spoke up and said “Hammerfall you been challenged do you accepted.” Hammerfall stomped their hoof and nodded, seeming to get worked up at what Graymane said. Graymane waved his hoof as oil drums were thrown in the arena and said “Careful now oil has two ways to kill a pony.” Heavy Metal got close to the arena exit and said “Watch where you aim and now FIGHT!” before fleeing out of the arena to safety. Hammerfall started walking towards us with heavy hoof steps. I shot two shots and they did nothing. Their armor was too thick to penetrate so I shot a third at an oil drum next to him causing it to explode but their armor held. “We are doom…fuck i am not getting those bullets i loaned to Cloudy,” Night Haven said with a look of despair forming on there face. “No, we need to figure out a way to win, try getting his armor off. I need a weak point to do damage,” I ordered as I moved and tried to stay out of range of Hammerfall’s power hammer. Night Haven took to the skies and kept dive bombing Hammerfall while trying to break off pieces of their armor without any luck. Hammerfall keeps ignoring them as they keep walking at me slowly, swinging their hammer almost hitting me a few times as they keep saying over and over “one of us will be strong!” I had no time to think of how odd he seemed to be as I was more focused on how to beat them. First thing I noted was the fact they seem laser focused on me so much so Night Haven was largely ignored. I shot my third shot into their helmet eye hole with the glass stopping the round and drawing no reaction. Night Haven swooped down grabbing one his hooves and tripping him causing him to make a loud noise and the ground to shake. The shaking caused a few oil barrels around him to fall over spilling out their contents onto the ground.. she said as she landed next to me “we need to find a way to win this we cannot dodge him forever.” I realized something that Graymane said earlier about oil having two ways to kill a pony. I said to Night Haven “Night Haven I will keep him distracted and you throw as many oil barrels at him as possible.” Hammerfall got up slowly and carefully and returned to hyperfocus me as I moved back slowly making sure I had line of sight of him till everything was ready. Night Haven grabbed a barrel and slammed it into them causing them to stagger and covering them in oil. Everything was going as I thought it would. He is ignoring her and focusing on trying to turn my head into a red sludge as he keeps swinging at me throughout this entire thing. Still I dodge as swing and by doing so got his hammer jammed into an oil barrel splashing its contents everywhere so I took the chance I shot it. But timing could not be worse because when i shot it causing it to explode and lighting him on fire Night Haven and I both got caught in the blast. When I got up the arena was on fire with Hammerfall swinging his hammer in a panic screaming “One of us will be strong One of us will be strong One of us will be strong YOU ARE STRONG!” before he dropped to the ground. I started looking around the burning arena and I noticed Night Haven on the ground not moving while being surrounded by fire. Then I saw a way out for myself. I could make it to the exit among the chaos and maybe escape the encampment and stop fighting these arena battles. I was about to run for it but remember Night Haven was out cold and would likely die in the fire if somepony did nothing but maybe one of the raiders will help her…ya fucking right. I ran through the fire as fast as possible to avoid getting burned badly by the flames and dragged her out to safety as the fire started to burn me. Air started to get hard to breathe from the smoke and my vision started going blurry as I managed to get me and her to safety before I passed outside the arena. Before I slipped into unconsciousness I heard Graymane say “Let this be proof that ARA only brings destruction to paradise and only care about those who are useful to them.” > Chapter 5: Reunion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up with my front hoofs cuffed to a bed framed so i struggle for a short time then i said “Oh fuck me…no wait don’t.” I looked around the room and it did not look like a prison cell or a raider’s personal sex dungeon; it looked way too clean to be anything like that. I tried to use my magic but got magical feedback on my horn that can only mean I got an anti-magic ring on my horn just like the ones we use for unicorn raiders we sometimes take alive. All I could do was lay there till whoever put me here checked on me, giving me time to try to figure out what to do when I managed to get away from the raiders. I took a bit more time to look at where I was. It seemed that some pony had guns hanging on the wall, Leather armor on stands and vintage whisky on a nightstand. The door opened as Armor and Graymane walked in, oh for love of Celestia i am about to be railed by both of them. “Let us talk,” Graymane said before Armor pulled up a chair for Graymane to sit on. I looked at him, focusing on him. not like i had anything better to do so i said “ok lets why am i here?” Graymane gave a jester to Armor and Armor removed a hoof cuff freeing one of my hoofs before setting a tray with food on it. What Armor gave me was a meaty stew with some vegetables. I looked at it concerned about what was in it. It must have been clear I was concerned about the food because Graymane then said “it is safe to eat, we did not put pony meat in it after all we do not waste Hunter’s good meat on ARA ponies.” I started to eat as Graymane started to talk “You know you held your own out in the arena. So i got an offer for you to join us raiders and you can join Night Haven or not then i will let you leave here before sunrise.” I finished eating and i already know what to say “Thanks but i'd rather return to ARA but i assume this isn’t free is it?” Graymane smiled then said “Maybe we can have peace after all attacking a fortress would be costly and if my people can see you ARA ponies can be fair to us maybe just maybe we will avoid a blood bath no pony wants to see.” I smiled and nodded to the arrangement before Graymane gave a jester to Armor again to remove my last cuff and the anti-magic ring from my horn. “Before you go I am going to send you with Night Haven to help keep any raider patrols off your flanks,” Graymane said before he left the room with Armor. I got out of bed leaving the tray on the bed before walking out the room into the hallway with Night Haven sitting there. When Night Haven noticed me and got up to ask me “Did you save me?” “Well ya i could not let you die you help me even if it was because your raider laws and rules told you to,” I said to her before looking around then asking “So where did Armor and Graymane go?” Night Haven wave for me to follow then said “Follow me I was told I will be escorting you back to the fortress so might as well start by getting you to Graymane.” As we walked the halls it was very clear that this place is not up to code only built for being a temporary place to stay but that's not important. I wish they would have found a way to keep the smell of the encampment from getting in. We walked to the exit of the makeshift house to meet with Graymane and Armor who were waiting for us with supply bags. I walked up and opened one of the supply bags and it was no trick. It had a handgun with replacement clips for reloading and an assault rifle with few magazines to reload it with. As well as food and water for the trip. It really seems Graymane was not lying to me, he really wanted to try to get some type of peaceful end to all this. “Sorry,” I said before holstering the handgun and rifle to my side then putting the supply bag on my other side. Graymane chuckled then said “no need to worry i would have done the same if roles were reversed.” Night Haven and I walked off from the encampment making our way to the mountain after traveling a bit of a distance away from the encampment. I heard a gunshot ring out but ignored it considering Night Haven did not seem bugged by it. So I guess I will ignore it as well. “So are random shootings normal around here?” I asked. Night Haven walked by my side and say “Yup that's life in raider territory ever you're shooting something or some pony else is shooting something.” Well I guess that makes sense because gun safety isn’t one of those things they would worry about at all. “So how long have you been a raider for?” I ask, attempting to keep us from awkwardly traveling in silence. “Since I was a filly born in a slave cage,” Night Haven said as she walked by my side. I was a bit shocked about that fact and then said “I am sorry to hear that.” “No need my father was a raider so I was given a chance to grow up to be a raider,” Night Haven said before she asked “what about you how long you've been in ARA?” I try avoid the question by saying “Well it boring but i am sure you got some interesting stories about life of being a raider along the side of Graymane he seem to be very popular.” Night Haven looked at me for a moment but she looked like she was not annoyed about me avoiding the question and said “I get it sometimes, ponies stories are not good ones and want to be avoided.” I do not want to remember at all what happened because I am part of ARA to make up for what happened all those years ago. We made it to the base of the mountain with a large raider group blocking the path up to Icy Peak Fortress. Night Haven walked up ahead to the raider stallion in charge of the group as he got off the radio. “We are here t-” Night Haven said before getting cut off by the raider stallion. Raider stallion wave for his raiders to get around us from all sides before saying “Think you can shoot Graymane and get passed us?” Night Haven looked shocked then shouted “I am a loyal raider to Graymane i would never!” I looked around us and noticed the raiders around us had melee weapons at the ready and a crossbow. They must be a forward guard or something to alert the encampment if ARA tries to push them. “Oh real funny i just got off the radio your friend there shot Graymane and escaped with you by his side,” The raider stallion said as he prepared his own crossbow. Night Haven attempted to step up on him but an arrow was shot into her hoof and when i turned to shoot the one with the crossbow one hit me in the back of a hoof with a bat and shoved me over. “Boss boss let us play with them before we give them to Graymane,” one of them said. The raider stallion looked at us with a smile and said “I will take Night Haven, you beat the ARA pony till he pisses blood.” A gunshot rang out and the raider stallion's head exploded in a gory mess of bone, blood, teeth and so on. Other raiders looked around trying to figure out where the shot came from as a familiar pony...no a zebra in heavy armor moved and shot at them. I grabbed my hand gun with my magic and shot two raiders in the back of the head then shouted “Night Haven we need to fight or die can you fight?!” Two raiders charged at her as Night Haven managed to snap the arrow shaft with her mouth and dodge their attacks then headbut one and punch the other one in the necks allowing me to shoot both of them in the heads. One was starting to run away but before I could aim a shot a raider charged at me from my blind spot. Lucky for me our savior shot him and saved me. The raider’s blood covered my face and eyes, making me miss my shot letting one of them escape from us. Afterwards I wiped the blood off my face. I pray to Celestia that I did not get a virus from that blood splatter. “Good to see you are still alive as well and who is your friend?” a familiar voice said. I smiled and said “Thank Celestia that you are still alive Zonk oh and this is Night Haven she is a friend.” Zonk’s visor looks new but the armor seems damaged. Have they been out and about this entire time since the avalanche? “The Fortress is under siege right now, at least on this side of the mountain. I should know I spent all day yesterday trying to get back,” Zonk said as he looted raiders. Night Haven joined in checking raider bodies for anything useful then said “Something is wrong, maybe ARA can help us solve what happened back at the encampment.” Zonk turned to look at them in silence then looked at me. I could not see their face but I can sense they will want more info on Night Haven before we get back to the fortress. “Before you say anything Zonk she is on our side they were ordered to target her like us,” I said but Zonk stayed silent. Zonk finished looting and said “I could care less right now, we need to find a way to get back to command.” I nodded but looked at Night Haven as she bandaged her arrow injury and she said “I am told to keep you safe till we make it to the fortress as Graymane ordered me to. So I will keep doing so.” “I have a possible way back to the fortress,” Zonk said as he started walking away from us. Me and Night Haven started following as Night Haven asked “why did you not use it yet?” As soon as she asked he replied to her with “Because I tried all closer paths before to save time. But sadly all of them were destroyed or are being guarded by heavy raider patrols.” So now it's three of us: Me, Zonk and Night Haven walking along the bottom path of the mountain. I am not going to lie, I feel some hostility between Zonk and Night Haven right now. During the walk I noticed that Night Haven was staying close to me…bit more than before even putting one of her bat wings on my back so I stepped a bit away from her but it was no use. She just keeps getting close and putting her wing on me while being locked on to Zonk. We traveled so long that the sun was going down and we were out in the open so I had to speak up because knowing Zonk we would walk till morning so I said “We should find shelter for the night.” Zonk said “No it will be a waste of time and i.” but they stopped and staggered a bit then said “Maybe you correct i need sleep and to eat.” I ask Night Haven “Can you air scout for a place for us to hunker down till tomorrow?” Night Haven looked at Zonk then to me “Sure but remember your my to keep safe got it ARA?” “You can call me Rook,” I replied before she nodded and took flight. Me and Zonk sat in the snow for a bit and caught up on what happened after we got swept away by the snow. Zonk asks me first and I explain everything from the arena to my talks with Graymane as well how I met Night Haven. Zonk then started to explain what happened to them saying “I dug myself out of the snow in time to see you being taken away. I would have saved you but it was a lot of ponies, all of them well armed and well armored so I could not risk it.” I sat there silent, taking a moment to say “Well I cannot blame you if one of us was captured, the best idea would not run in and do something stupid.” Zonk nodded in approval then returned to their story “I spent the entire day trying to get back to the fortress but raiders took control fast. Number of the raiders isn’t a group, team or a horde, it is a legion but I guess you already figured that by now hu?” I nodded and said “as well, more coming from what I can tell they are rallying splinter groups of raiders and slavers to rebuild what they call Paradise.” Zonk went silent. I could feel they were worried about something before saying “It us vs them Night Haven is a possible risk we will have to be removed but if we are lucky she will leave us.” I stood up and said to Zonk “She loyal to Graymane yes. But she will return and she is on the raider’s kill list right now; she has no reason to abandon us or to attack us.” Zonk got up and looked me in the…eyes? I have no clue but for sure face to visor and said “What if Graymane orders her to backstab us hu? Have you ever thought of that?” I never did and I sat down right before Night Haven returned covered in blood and said “There is a small house full of or was full of raiders in it but I cleared it out. I really needed to let out some major anger from being backstabbed by these traitors but I am good now.” All three of us started heading to the small house as Night Haven staying close to me and keeping a wing on me for some reason. As the three of us walked with Zonk in front of Me and Night Haven I noticed Zonk walk was off so I whispered to Night Haven “Does Zonk walk look off to you right now?” Night Haven looked at how Zonk was walking then whispered back to me “it seems they might have dislocated their back left hoof I will have to look at it at the house well if they let me.” Once we reached the house I quickly noticed four graves made in the snow as we made our way inside. All i could assume that Night Haven gave them a place to rest after she killed them even after they tried to backstab her. We all settled in as Zonk started to give orders. “Rook go find us some firewood for fuel i saw some old pieces of wood outside get them. Night Haven, go check for any leftover traps and I will ready something for us all to eat. I got some leftover rations.” Night Haven opened her bag and tossed a hunk of meat then said “There are no traps. I will help Rook find firewood and use that meat…it is not a pony.” “No, you're going to double check for traps,” Zonk said, making their way to Night Haven. “I do not take orders from you ARA pony!” Night Haven shot back as she got in Zonk’s face. I got between them and said “Zonk just cook. this place that was owned by raiders and Night Haven knows raiders. I am sure she did a good sweep of this place.” Night Haven was smiling smugly but her smug smile dropped as I turned to her and said “We have to work together so you two need at least act like friends,” all Night Haven did to reply was nod and head outside. I look at Zonk as they start prepping to cook before I step outside with Night Haven. The sunset looks majestic, clear skies that the Light Bringer gave us really does give me a hopeful reminder that Equestria can be healed. I started gathering wood with Night haven using my magic elevated any pieces we found as we started to talk. Night haven ripped a piece of wood off a raider fortification and said “So the ARA work program you told me about before. Can you ensure I am able to work off my debt and go free? I am asking because you know if we do get peace I would like to open up a clinic to treat ponies.” I felt a smile on my face as I said “I am sure and I might get the work requirements knocked down a few years without any problems.” Night Haven only said “Thanks,” as she kept trying to avoid looking at graves. “You know them,” I asked as I grabbed another piece off the ground collecting as we chatted. Night Haven refused to speak at first but soon enough she said “the four graves were my family. They tried to sell me out. My own blood thought I would hurt Graymane. My Father and my three brothers.” I said to her “I am sorry. I wish I could help you.” Night Haven went silent and headed inside so I followed looking back as the sun setted and the moon rose. When we got in we tossed a bit of wood on the fire as Zonk took their food into a room to eat alone. Leaving me and Night Haven alone with the meat cooking over the fire so we cut off pieces for ourselves and started to talk. “One you called Zonk he does not seem that friendly…still want me to check their leg? ”Night Haven said. I nodded as they got up and headed to talk to Zonk, leaving me alone as I ate. something moved by the window so I grabbed my handgun and slowly made my way to the door and sneaked out. At least that was the idea before a pony hit me with the stock of their sniper rifle, sending me back and aiming a gun at my head. “Rook?” A familiar voice said. Once my vision settled I saw it was Frosty, her uniform damaged with her crosshairs cutie mark exposed and rifle missing its magazine. Night Haven tackled Frost to the ground and was about to jam a spiked hoof into her head before I shouted “Friendly friendly!” “You're joking? she was about to blow your head off!?” Night Haven shouted. “Because she likely saw raider fortifications and smelled the food,” Zonk said, limping into the room shortly after. Night Haven got off of Frosty as well helping her up. “So Frosty this is Night Haven i hope this doesn’t leave a bad taste in your mouth about her.” I said while returning to my food. Frosty shook her head and said “No, I can assume that with Zonk here and Night Haven here is still alive, she has been a friend to be trusted.” I nodded yes but Zonk nodded no. I took time filling Frosty on everything that happened with Me and Zonk. Then she told me that she tried to get back like Zonk tried to do but she tried flying up to the fortress only to be almost blown out of the sky by anti-air magic weapons. Night Haven was checking out Zonk's leg as we spoke then said “Ya Anti-air magic was Stormwalker's idea of fun. I have seen her cook so many ponies with it that the fortress is not going to get any help from the skies.” Night Haven then popped Zonk’s leg back in place with a loud snap followed by Zonk Holding back a scream. “Suck it up Zonk,” Frosty said between bits of food…from my portion followed by her saying “Night Haven you got some good medical skills.” Night Haven smiled then said “Thanks but this isn’t a perfect fix but should be enough to get all of us to the fortress,” as she started putting Zonk's leg in a splint to help leg heal and help with limp till we could get back to the fortress. “The path we all need to take is risky. tomorrow and if something happens to me you all need to know ahead of time,” Zonk said before pulling out a map. The map was of the local area but had some new details drawn into it clearly by Zonk themselves. Zonk gave the map to me and I laid it out on the floor as Night Haven finished treating Zonk's leg. “First we need to go across Frozen Crystal lake. It was a wonderful natural wonder you know before the war. Then we will reach Crystal lake town. It is in ruins but no raiders should be there yet considering how risky crossing over the lake is.” Zonk said as they pointed them out on the map. I held my hoof up and asked “Why not just go around the lake if it is risky?” Zonk looked at me then said “because if we go around we cannot guarantee the raider patrols are not watching the safe roots around it…also it will discourage them from chasing us with their trucks if they do see us.” I look at the map and I figure they were correct but still risky as it can be like we have no clue if the ice is safe for ponies to cross ever. “After that we will be on the other side of the mountain, meaning we can go through the settlement at the bottom of the mountain and be escorted up to the fortress by ARA ponies,” Zonk said. We all nodded this was the best idea we could have right now then Zonk said “Who's going to keep watch as three of us sleep?” Frosty got up and said “I keep an eye out, I've been sleeping in caves so I can.” I was expecting Night Haven to object then Zonk and her argue but nothing was said as Zonk head off to sleep in one room by themselves. Me and Night haven found a room to sleep in. I started setting my own spot to sleep as Night Haven started removing her raider armor and spiked hoofs. I was off guard by her but got to finally see her cutie mark. It was of a Blood Bag used in I.V. transfusions. My face must be a bit clear that her removing her armor caught me off guard because she said “If you want we can have sex if you like?” I shaked my head and said “N…no i we…we basically meat like yesterday and making lov-” she cut me off with her hoof. “I said sex not love,” She said. I shaked my head no and looked away most because I felt part of me getting a bit hard and I rather not risk sending mixed messages here. “Well it's your loss. Maybe next time big boy,” She said with a wink and lifting her tail high as she flashed me. She set up her spot and fell asleep as for me i had to do something personal before i head to sleep. I sneaked out of the room to avoid what i was about to do from waking Night Haven i walk passed Zonk’s room noticing a sound of a unfamiliar voice saying “odds are to low to happen.” Opening the door slowly I saw a Zebra mare sleeping and talking in her sleep. Zonk was asleep in the corner of the room away from the mare. I slowly entered the room and I slowly started to sneak to Zonk to wake them then the mare said “No they will die if so.” I will choose to ignore her talking for now because she has to be a raider who managed to sneak in here in a drunk or drugged up state. I took notice of the Zebra mare. She had gray and white stripes but her stripes twisted in spirals along her body. Once I managed to get to Zonk I reached to wake them then I was knocked out. I was semi conscious as I felt myself being dragged somewhere and sat up. I could barely see as pleasure grew around my crotch. I could not fully comprehend what was happening but I felt all my stress let go as an unfamiliar mare said “Hopefully that will make him think it was some type of dream,” last thing i heard was her spitting something out and before I knew it i passed out till morning. > chapter 6: Crystal Lake Ruins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was the next day, and the four of us were walking through the snow to reach Crystal Lake. Zonk's leg was slowing us all down, but any progress we made towards getting back to the fortress was considered good progress. I barely remembered why I woke up outside my ARA armor in the halls of the house, but for whatever reason, no pony seemed to notice that I might have fallen asleep in the hall after pleasing myself. "Hey Night Haven," Frosty said, getting Night Haven's attention. "I need to ask you something away from the guys real fast." They both trotted ahead of me and Zonk, far enough that we couldn't hear their soft conversation, but close enough that we could still see them. Night Haven needing to ask a question reminded me that I needed to ask Zonk something, but before I could, Zonk said something dire. "You know, if we get back to the fortress, Night Haven might not get to go into the work program. Winterboot's sister will be there." "I meant to ask, but in my rush to start my scouting mission, I forgot to ask who is Winterboot’s sister?," I replied, staying close to Zonk. "She is Judgment. One of the ARA Council members. She serves as judge, jury, and executioner," Zonk explained. I felt myself go pale before asking Zonk, "Is there a way to keep Night Haven safe from her?" Zonk went silent for a moment, then simply said, "Ask me after we cross the lake. I need time to figure something out." As we approached Night Haven and Frosty, I was about to ask them why they had stopped, but I didn't have to, because the moment we reached them, I saw it. Crystal Lake, with its horrifying piles of ponies lying along the frozen ice. I had seen dead ponies before, both civilians and raiders, but never in such large numbers. Frosty looked at them and said, "This is the remains of three settlements worth of ponies," as we walked slowly over the ice and past the bodies. Night Haven commented as we continued walking, "Some raiders must have made a sacrifice to Red-eye or Graymane... likely both." I looked at the bodies as we passed them, noticing some wearing ARA uniforms, but I chose to stay silent to avoid further hurting morale or slowing progress. Walking along the ice we four took it slow to avoid any surprises like the ice breaking. I do not know why but the air felt so much more chilling as we kept walking. As we kept moving I tried not to think about anything but moving forward. I also kept focusing on my breath as we heard the ice under us make a creaking sound. I Felt my body tense up as we kept going but my focus was broken by Zonk saying “Night Haven if the ice breaks leave me and Rook to die we need Frosty back to the fortress it is important.” Night Haven looked back at Zonk then said “No i will save Rook because Graymane orders me t-.” “Trust Zonk I do not know how or why but so many times since I met them they have been able to somehow know what to do if he says Frosty is important somehow then she is,” I said to Night Haven but she did not respond. I do not know if she is going to ignore what i said or not at first. Night Haven looked at Frosty then to me and nodded as we kept going step by step as each step was followed by a creek. We had the old ruins of Crystal Lake town in our sights. We could make it so easily now or we would if an explosive barrel did go flying overhead from the town and blowing up behind us. The explosion caused the ice to crack and chipped towards us as we started to run while trying our best not to slip and fall. But Zonk slipped and fell as ice gave out. I was about to turn to save them before Night Haven flew past me to grab Zonk and started flying to the town with them in her hoofs. I could hear Zonk yelling at her saying “no not me you have to keep Frosty safe.” I kept running with Frosty as bullets flew past us ponies in the ruins were shooting at us and we needed to get off the ice before it all broke. We were good as dead if it was not for Zonk using a free hoof to toss down a smoke bomb to cover us running into some of the ruins of the town but we ended up being separated from Zonk and Night Haven. Me and Frosty manage to escape the line of sight of our attackers. Kind of both a good and a bad thing, meaning we have no clue where they are or how to avoid walking into them but hey at least we are not being shot at anymore. Frosty taps my shoulder and whispers “we need to find Zonk and Night haven before something happens to them.” I nodded in agreement before I pulled out my binoculars and started to scan the ruins for who was shooting at us. As I scanned the ruins I saw a pony run into a building so I focused on the broken windows with my binoculars to see ghoul ponies and an Alicorn that seemed to be leading them. Ghouls were your textbook ghouls any noteworthy details likely rotted away a long time ago but the Alicorn on other hoof she was tall with her mane, tail and fur color a winter white matching the snow only thing that gives her away is her lapis blue eyes. But one thing worth noting about these ghouls is the fact they were dressed like raiders as well as the alicorn leading them. “What do you see Rook?” Frosty asks as quietly as possible. I explained what I saw and then she moved to get closer, forcing me to follow her. She had an easier time sneaking about but for me I almost got spotted. I almost got spotted by a ghoul but for some reason they did not call me out, maybe because they were semi blind or they were on the edge of becoming feral. Who knows but they wander off without alerting the others. When we got close we heard the alicorn talking preaching “Back when I was one with the Goddess I felt so divine but blind to Paradise. When the light bringer selfishly severed Equestria's only hope for Paradise my eyes were open and what I saw was Graymane.” Frosty and I stayed hidden waiting for whatever the reason Frosty wanted to get close. The alicorn pull out a book holding it up saying “Graymane is the second coming of Red-eye if we cannot have the Goddess or Red-eye. Then we will have Graymane and he will lead us to Paradise!” Crowd of ghouls cheered as the alicorn then said “But before we can be led to Paradise we need to destroy all who would ruin it starting with them,” and she had a group of ghouls bring out Zonk and Night Haven and she bound them in her magic. Frosty whispers “we need to save them,” as she looks at her sniper rifle and looks through the supply bag i had from Graymane finding a few bullets then she said “I got an idea but you need to keep her from finishing. So keep her talking till I am ready, you got it?” I nodded and we split up as I entered the ruined building. I came to realize it was a church to Celestia that was defaced to Graymane. “We got the pony Night Haven and the ARA pony who shot Graymane and now we will,” She stop talking and point a hoof to me then ask “Who are you pony?” “I am the one who shot Graymane not the Zebra you got there,” I said as the group of ghouls prep to attack me. I started to think this was a bad idea. I could have figured something better besides making every pony here mad at me. but luck was on my side as the alicorn raised a hoof making ghouls hold off attacking me. The alicorn put the book in her chest armor then said “You got a lot of balls coming in my church and tribute to Graymane. So tell me why I should not remove both balls and hang them from the doorway as punishment for interrupting my preaching and for shooting Graymane,” With a big creepy smile on her face. I gulped as reality set in that this was an alicorn. Without the Goddess the alicorns were more than a major threat still but they are egotistical the majority of time. Maybe I got an idea to keep her focused on me. “I was wondering why you are worshiping a normal unicorn like Graymane? Like you're an alicorn would that mean you're more powerful and not in control of this religion?” I ask. She laughed at the question before starting to talk “Because he showed me true power. When I was one with Goddess I felt so powerful I felt I could not be stopped. But when Goddess was severed from us I tried my hoof at keeping up controlling what was built only to realize how weak I was.” I stood there in silence slowly taking in the room before noticing a ghoul take out another ghoul in silence. “I was so weak so very weak so much so some raiders use me to full fill there fantasies of raping Celestia and Luna. Once they were done with me after months of abuse they were ready to put an end to me. But Graymane saved me and showed me the difference between being strong and feeling strong.” She said as she kept her eyes on me. “Interesting story but there has to be more to this…um what do i call you?” I asked. Night haven spoke up and said “She is Cum bucket,” then she laughed as the Alicorn used her magic to slam her head into the floor hard enough it seemed to hurt her but not kill. Alicorn then said “I am Free Soul, a name Graymane gave me for the new me as I was reborn as a raider.” “Can I join?” I asked right before I saw another ghoul was taken out by another ghoul behind her. “Depends, can you cut out your weakness like me and my flock did?” she asked me as it dawned on me these ponies are not ghouls, they are normal ponies who mutilated themselves to the point they look like ghouls. I slowly backed away as they all started brandishing knives and slowly walking towards me to cut the weakness out of me. Then a gunshot and sound of glass breaking rang out as a bullet came flying through the window hitting Freesoul in the horn shattering it and a second shot in the chest knocking her back and down. Night Haven and Zonk got free as Freesoul’s flock got ready to attack us then somepony shouted “Run you foolish ponies run!” A smoke flew in from the ghoul pony I saw killing the others behind Freesoul. The smoke filled the room with smoke as each of us escaped. I found myself outside the church as Zonk and Night Haven joined me outside the church. The sound of chaos in the church as the ghoulish raiders trying to find everypony in the smoke. “Lets go,” the ghoul pony said as they ran past us. We hesitated at first but any thought of not following them popped into our heads was quickly erased by the fact the smoke was clearing and ghoulish raiders would be on us if we did not follow them. We ran and followed this unknown pony as Frosty joined us. The ghoul pony led us to an abandoned home in Crystal Lake town. “Ok now we are safe. I guess you all would like to know who I am. My trade caravan calls me Sturdy Hoof and I am from Zepperhights. I know it is a pegasus only settlement but that does not stop them letting traders stay and trade,” The ghoul pony or Sturdy Hoof said. Sturdy Hoof was not as rotten away like most ghouls. I could make out the details that his coat was dark green with his cutie mark of a black horseshoe and his eyes a solid green. I ask an important question but I feel I can already tell what happened and said “What happened to your caravan?” Sturdy Hoof said with a smile “They all got skinned alive and then raider fucks cut my face so i am always smiling.” Well there goes my second question but now for the final one “Why help us?” I asked Sturdy Hoof exhaled then said “Mare i loved was skinned by those fucks and i want pay back if helping you means i can kill Freesoul then i want to help.” “Well she's likely dead. I shot her in the chest after destroying her horn so the odds of any pony living through that is low,” Frosty replied as she sat down by the window and kept watch. Sturdy Hoof posture became more relaxed a bit and said “Now I just got to kill her flock.” “Good luck with all that we should move,” Zonk said before getting up and Night Haven pulled him down next to her. I looked at Night Haven because it was a bit odd as to why she would do that but now is not the time as i said “We will help you after all we cannot risk them flanking the fortress and attacking the place.” Zonk started groaning and said “Ok i might have an idea to kill them all or enough that they no longer be a threat,” they started putting out a map on the floor of Crystal lake town. Map they had showed the town back before the war but should still work for planning things out. Zonk pointed to the middle of the map of the town and said “The books that i have read said how the town was used for testing energy spells before they were shifted to mare time bay and this location on the map is where the old power plant is but theoretically we could,” but Zonk got cut off. “Theoretically two ponies could blow the place and kill every pony around it but we need a majority of our team to draw them all in am i correct,” Night Haven said. Zonk nodded as they said “they will need to get into the underground caverns that might have robots guarding it so i will go with Frosty.” I quickly objected by saying “Zonk you struggle to run and walk so mobility type stuff like this is a risk for you. So instead me and Frosty?” After saying that, Night Haven objected. “I am to defend you so it is you and me. not you and Frosty. Also we need two ponies who know explosives to get in and out so after what happened back in the arena we both meet the minimal requirements,” Night haven said. Before Zonk could interject Frosty said “then we all in agreement me, Zonk, Sturdy hoof here will draw them into the blast zone. As Rook and Night Haven rigged the place to go boom.” Four of us nodded as Zonk shrugged as we five set off to execute the plan. On our way out Zonk gave me a map of the sewer system of the town and drew out the route we could take to get into the place by blowing out a sewer wall to get in and to avoid alerting the Freesoul’s flock. Once me and Night Haven got in the sewers we pulled out flash lights and attached them to our armor and started walking through the sewers. The stagnant smell of unflush and old sewer water filled the air as we walked. I struggled to breathe but Night Haven had no problem. Figures she would be ok with the smell of filth “Hey Rook?” Night haven said with a hint of hesitation in their voice. “Um ya,” I replied as I read the map and led us through the sewers. “Am I like that? I know I am faithful to Graymane and the ponies of the arena are as faithful as me but Freesoul before she got gunned down. Do I talk like that or act like that?” Night haven asked with a bit of shakiness in her voice. “No honestly, worshiping Graymane like a god is crazy, yes but Freesoul was insane and so are her followers,” I said as I almost fell into the sewer water Struggling to maintain my balance, Night Haven grabs my tail and pulls me back till I am safe and away from the water. Night Haven then said with renewed confidence “Thanks Rook I needed to hear that. now where to next?” I looked at the map and pointed to the correct path only to get shot at by a laser. “Please leave now possible zebra spies or we will fire,” A protectron said as it opened fire. Me and Night Haven took cover around a corner as the protectron kept walking and firing “Those do not seem like warning shots,” Night haven said as she looked around the tunnels. “Nope, it's trying to give us a warning but it seems to be glitched and trying to kill on sight,” I said as I pulled my rifle out and peaked around the corner to fire a few rounds into it. I manage to destroy it for only three more to come walking down the sewer tunnels repeating what the first one said. Night Haven started digging through her bags for something as I kept firing but I ended up taking a laser shot to my front right hoof. Lucky for me the shot did not manage to get through my armor. “Um, Night Haven could use your mindless bloodlust right now,” I said as I peaked out again and fired a few rounds into one but not destroying it. Then only to be rewarded with two more arriving bringing their numbers to five as I took cover again. “Found it,” Night Haven said before bolting into the open and tossing something that looked to be a grenade. “OH FUCK!” I yelled before diving to cover but all I heard was an electric buzz instead of a boom and the sound of all the robots falling over. I got up and looked at Night Haven and she said “What, I use a shock grenade to fry their insides and destroy them.” I am not going to lie, that was smart. For a raider she is a smart fighter as well honorable on some level and cute. Wait, did I say cute? She looked at me. Did I say that out loud? “Good job Night Haven,” I said hoping I did not say anything I thought by mistake. Night Haven smiled then said “I learned it from talking to Zonk yesterday before you woke up in the hallway. Like i did not understand half of what they said but i did get words a shock could destroy robot’s insides perfectly clear,” as she helped me up. I reopened the map then said “We are on track just a bit more and we are in position to blast our way into the facility and rig the place to go boom,” as I rolled up the map and put it in my bag. Once we found the right spot we found it already open with a blue and purple mist leaking from the opening. “Um this cannot be good, has to be some type of chemical leak or something,” I said as I slowly got closer. Night Haven remained silent as she looked around then said in a shaky voice “Something feels very off we better off just leaving town.” After watching a rat run into the opening with blue and purple mist leaking out and then running out without a problem. If it is safe for a rat it is safe for me but in case. I reloaded my gun and grabbed the explosives then said “Night Haven i am going in if i do not come out in half an hour come in and get me.” “Rook do not do this, we could find another way, maybe if we go top side and enter from the front door or back door?” Night Haven said as she tried to take the explosives from me. “Why are you scared? It is clear as day you know what this stuff is,” I said as I kept the explosives away from her. “It's called Hipno. Hipno is a airborne drug used by Graymane followers to open the minds of none Graymane followers with risk of them going brain dead,” she said as she kept looking around and said “ but the thing is a group like Freesoul’s should not have any so it likely a ambush so with my job to keep you safe your not allowed go in there.” “Ok but why avoid telling me?” I asked as I held the explosives close to myself to avoid her grabbing them. She started looking distressed before saying “No I am not going to tell you anymore.” I took steps closer to the opening before she yelled “Because I have to!” Regardless of the risk of brain death I knew what I had to do so I said “Sorry Night Haven I am not risking a friend or our team. So I am going in.” I turned away from her and was about to make my way in before something hit me in the head from behind. Last thing i heard before i blacked out fully was Night Haven say “I am sorry Rook if anyone of us going risk possible brain death it going be me.” > chapter 7: The Reaper > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I awoke in a dark void with that Zebra mare again with her looking at something in silence. “Um hello,” I said as I started walking to her but never getting closer. She quickly turned to face me and said “Rook what you doing here Did you and Night Haven get knocked out or something!?” Wait what? But before I could start my line of questions she waved a hoof and I was pulled in closer. She put both of her hoofs on my face and I looked into her eyes and I was taken in by her wonderful eyes both of them being a light green as she said “Wake up and Finish the mission no time to go dream about your memories.” Then next thing I knew I was awake in the sewers with Night Haven missing. It took me a bit before I noticed the explosives were missing and remembered what Night Haven said to me before I passed out from her hitting me in the head. I got up and ran into the opening and through the colorful mist as the smell of a chemical dump took over my sense of smell. I heard a familiar voice ask “was it worth it?” It was my mother's voice. I stopped for a moment paralyzed then I heard another pony say “You ran instead of staying to fight!” These voices keep coming as another says “You should have died with all of us you coward!” I keep pushing through the mist trying to find Night Haven as my vision fails me and then I was back home in my family farmhouse moments before it happened. I said to my self “Wait this is no fuck no please no,”as i bolted out my house and saw a settlement on fire. I ran to the middle of the settlement and found every pony dead and burning as a voice behind me said “Abandon the fight and left us all to die!” I quickly turned to try to find a pony who was speaking but all I saw was bodies and burning buildings. “Should of stay and fight alongside your family.” the same voice said again behind me causing me to turn around once more. Behind me were ponies with gunshot wounds and open injuries with one an earth pony saying “You could have saved us!” Felt somepony behind me so I turned and saw it was more ponies with life ending injuries standing and a unicorn in front of them said “Instead of facing your crimes you tried to redeem yourself by joining the ARA. You are weak!” A voice above me spoked it was a pegasus with three others missing hoofs and wings but still flying, one leading them said “we could have flown out and got help faster than you. You would have been better off fighting and dropping dead.” Crowd of ponies started talking all around me. I could barely understand everything but I knew all they were doing was blaming me for what I did. Their chatter stops as a gun slides to me, a revolver fully loaded with raider modifications to it. A pony in crowed said “do the right thing and kill your self for your redemption after all the world be better without you.” Come on Rook you held this all inside do not give in…but what if they are correct after all maybe if i was there i could of help maybe they would have lived. I took the revolver and put it to my head counting down in my head to pull the trigger Five…four…three…two..one. “Rook, what are you doing?” my father's voice asked, causing me to freeze from pulling the trigger. He walked over to me and slowly moved the gun away from my head “It is not your fault. What happened to our home is not your fault” he said to me with that smile he always had. A pony from the crowd stepped forward and said “It is entirely his fault if he stayed we could have won!” My dad shaked his head then said “You got a face of a loved one but you're not one.” The pony vanished as he kept talking “None of you are ponies from our settlement. Each one of those ponies would have thanked my son for doing the job we all ask him to do and he should not be tormented for it and now get out of my son’s head you alicorn bitch.” Whatever was happening, the world started turning normal again and I was in some basement with pipes running along walls hearing Night Haven yelling “I AM SORRY I BE GOOD PONY I WILL OBEY GRAYMANE I WILL OBEY!” from down the halls of the basement. As I got ready to run to her I felt something under my hoof. It was the revolver from whatever that was. It was a standard model with odd runes on it with pieces of rusted metal running down it in the form of a bayonet. I quickly holstered it. I would have marveled over it a bit if I did not need to rush to Night Haven. She wants to keep me safe but all she manages to do is put both of us at major risk because if there is one thing i know for sure somepony has been down here with us there is only one pony i can imagine. I made my way from the basement to a control room as the mist grew thicker and illusions danced around the rooms. Illusions spread from simple loved ones to cryptid monsters. “Night Haven I need you to snap out of it we need to go,” I said as I reached a hoof out but somepony grabbed me with their magic and tossed me into the controls. Illusions vanish for temp before returning “page eleven and i quote ‘when canterlot was cleansed it allowed the weak and none worthy of the Equestria legacy so through our Hipno we will test their minds at least for that is my will.’ one of my favorite ways to purge weakness from a pony,” Freesoul said as she closed a book with a bullet indent in it. She looked at me for a few seconds then asked “not shocked i am alive?” with a confused look. I took a moment to get up, readying my new revolver and aiming at her then said “No, not really like when the illusion of my dad says alicorn i figured out it was you.” She was unhappy with what I said before stomping her hoof with so much force sending me back and said “You sound crazy but the Hipno has not destroyed your mind so that means your mind is strong. Join us and all you will have to do is turn in Night Haven.” I scanned the room for anything I could do as she kept talking “Look at Night Haven strong body but her mind is weak to high doses of Hipno. This has opened my mind to the many new ways to purge weakness with Hipno.” I noticed an old fire extinguisher before shooting at it with my new revolver. The moment the bullet left the revolver a hellish scream burst out causing Freesoul to stagger from the sound as the bullet flew through the air. It left a green misty trail and hit the extinguisher with so much force I think it went through the wall. Then boom goes the extinguisher. Speed from the bullet aired out of the room getting Night Haven out of whatever illusion she was in and she screamed “What happened!?” “No clue all i did was shoot this thing but more important are the bombs ready?” I asked while trying to figure out what I did. Night Haven nodded no as Freesoul yelled “YOU HAVE THE SOUL REAPER!?” before rushing at me and grabbing my neck with her hoofs. I tried to point the revolver and aimed it at her head before she headbutt me, breaking my focus causing me to drop the revolver and tossed me out the room as Night Haven charged her. She then tossed Night Haven into me then Freesoul turned to take the revolver but stopped as it was missing. She started cursing up a storm as she entered a blind rage and started ripping the room she was in apart looking for it. What was her deal? Her focused swap so fast from us to the revolver like it a cool gun but i do not see how it is so important. Before i could spend time asking more questions Night Haven got up and quietly said ”we need to go now.” I snapped and got up as we both started to run. I ask “Why are we running?” as i could still hear the alicorn bitch back in the control room yelling. Night Haven then said as we kept running “Before Hipno took over my mind I overloaded the core. I could not get into the room with the power source but I was able to set it to blow itself up.” We escaped into the basement through a few stray Hipno mist clouds on our way out, quickly diving to the sides of the opening from the basement into the sewers as the building exploded. “Are you still alive?” Night Haven asked as I started to get up. When I got up I found the Soul Reaper revolver under me somehow. So I holstered it and replied to Night Haven saying “Ya a bit shaken. we should get back to the others.” Night Haven fixed her armor as we walked through sewers to find an exit to the surface so we can see if the plan worked or not. Out of nowhere she said to me “Thanks again for saving me again.” I smiled a replied “Maybe now you see we ARA ponies are in fact good?” She bumped her flank against my flank and replied “I at least learn my faith is strong and I am nothing like Freesoul.” When we finally reached the exit we saw through the rubble a good chunk of the area buildings was destroyed by the explosion with a few stragglers from the Freesoul flock fleeing “look like our plan work,” Night Haven said as we got out of the sewers. We moved fast to the edge of town as Night Haven asked “How are we going to find the others?” I thought for a moment and remembered Zonk is the bossy type so the odds are they are likely following ARA regrouping protocol. So we will need to head to the edge of town and start walking till we reach the north point of the outside of town. So once I filled Night Haven in on the plan we started walking along outside of town. “Now that we are safe, can I ask you something?” Night haven asked as we walked along outside of town to the northern point of the town. I nodded yes and in no time she ask me “how the fuck do you have Soul Reaper and can i see it?” I replied and said “No clue I woke up and it was there,” I pulled it out and floated it to her as she held it in a single hoof. She looked it over and was clearly amazed then she said “Man it has three runes like Graymane’s Revolver as well. I thought I would never see one of the four legendary revolvers,” she keeps looking at it. I keeped walking as she showed me each rune and explained to them saying “First one gives gun powder the power of a cannon as for the second it lets it punch through anything but power armor as for the last one…To be honest no idea it just says Reap hmmm how odd.” “You two are done talking?” said Sturdy Hoof as he waved to us and led us to the others. Night Haven holsters the revolver into my holster for me before we meet up with every pony and all of us flee away from the town towards the direction of the fortress path. Once we were safe we found a cave to set up camp as the day turned to night. I sat down by a rock as Frosty set up outside the cave to keep watch while Sturdy Hoof was sharpening a knife as Both Zonk and Night Haven argued over who was going to cook tonight. I got up before I got dragged into their argument and headed to talk to Sturdy Hoof but before I could speak he asked me as he sharpened his knife “So your King's boy?” I could only reply with “Who? My dad was Checkmate,” but all that got a shrug out of him before I asked “So now what since you got vengeance on Freesoul?” He finished sharpening his knife then said “Going to make Graymane suffer so I am sticking with all of you. First, I need to loot a dead ARA pony uniform and then help defend the fortress. After all, the only reason ponies tolerated me was largely because of my friends, now I might as well raise some hell you know. I nodded before saying “Can skip the looting part we might have a spare for you.” He smiled and nodded before heading off towards Zonk and Night Haven saying “I will cook. Now you ladies stop fighting!” I chuckled before heading out to check on Frosty as she scanned the darkness for any pony who might be trying to sneak up on us. “What do you need?” Frosty asked me while she keeped her eyes out. “You know we did not all say you had to keep an eye out for raiders like can relax an-” I was saying before she turned her head to me with a look that could kill. I took a step back and said “sorry,” and I went back in. Returning inside I saw Sturdy Hoof cooking as Night Haven doing sit ups and Zonk was stressing out. Zonk walked up to me and said “I am going to scout a path out in advance before tomorrow,”they attempted to leave but I blocked them. I looked them in the eyes…or visor and said “we close to the finish line we cannot risk one of us being jumped.” They looked past me then stomped their hoof before going back and sat down by a rock and started muttering to themselves. Night Haven asked me “Hey, how is Frosty holding up?” “Seems a bit angrier for some reason,” I replied before Night Haven finished her work out and got up. She walked past me and said “I will go talk to her.” Sturdy Hoof filled a bowl and gave it to her and said “give her something to eat.” Night Haven grabbed the bowl and walked out without a word back to him before leaving to talk with Frosty. Before I went to sit down, Sturdy Hoof held a bowl for me full of chilly. Before I questioned him on where he got meat for it he said “I had some salted scorpion meat, it is still good.” After eating I found a spot to finally sleep for the night and before I knew it I was asleep. > Chapter 8: Encounters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have no idea why but I struggled to sleep. I ended up waking up before every pony but I heard Frosty talking to some pony outside the cave. I slowly moved to see who she was talking to and I heard Frosty say “They held me down and took turns using me before we found each other. They made me feel so weak and helpless.” I kept inching closer and closer to see who she was talking to and saw that zebra mare again and then she said “Lucky for you the stallions you described earlier have very high odds of being infertile.” Frosty exhaled then said, “Thanks Zonk for telling me that but I still feel so…WHO IS THERE!” as she whipped around aiming her rifle at where I was. I slowly came out and said, “It is me Frosty do not shoot, and also when is Zonk a mare!?” Frosty looked at Zonk and then back to me as they said “This is a secret Zonk and my dad kept. She came out here to talk to me and do math on what might happen tomorrow.” Zonk started getting their armor on as I asked “Ok but why?” Zonk after getting their helmet on and then said “It is better to get your head blown off from behind as a stallion than getting mounted from behind as a mare.” Then I realized what they were talking about earlier. “Hey Frosty, you know you don't need to hide what happened as we ca-,” I said before Frosty went silent and returned to her watch effectively putting an end to our chat. Zonk placed a hoof on my shoulder and jested to the cave. I got the hint and started walking back into the cave. She lowered her visor and her voice became more stallion-like and said “I ran the math in my head we are very likely going to run into raiders outside the gates of the fortress likely in a camp of their own so we going need to fight.” I nodded in silence as she kept talking saying “So keep doing what you're doing and we will make it through as I plan for the future,” I nodded again as she started moving supplies between every pony’s bags before others woke up. I took time to get a bit more sleep before we left in the morning. When morning came around we started walking up the mountain path to Frosty Peak Fortress and we spotted a raider camp being shot up by some pony with what sounded to be a high-speed gun with the sound of support fire. Frost ran in forcing me, Sturdy Hoof and Night Haven chased after her but Zonk split off. We flanked a few raiders shooting at Plow in his power armor. Plow’s power armor was dented and damaged and looks like he's been fighting for days. I ready my gun in my magic as every pony with me ready aimed and fired at the raiders from behind. Our rifles rang out in a storm of bullets taking the raiders by surprise as we killed them all from behind. The few who managed to charge us got taken care of in melee by Night Haven. After the fighting we met up with Plow as I walked up to them they grabbed me and gave me one hell of a hug. “You're all alive!” Plow said while chuckling. “Ya it's us and a few allies we made on the way now let me go I think I feel my bones breaking,” I said only half joking. Night Haven and Sterdy Hoofs started looting the dead raiders as Plow looked at them and said to Frosty, Zonk, and Me “One of them looks like a raider what with that?” Before I could explain Zonk stepped in and said “Don’t worry she's on our side now tell us about the fortress right now.” Plow nodded before setting their minigun to the side to refill his ammo and started to tell us everything. “Well after you guys gone missing raiders launched a massive attack and blew two holes in the wall. We held them back but then we started losing more ponies to a few dog packs they let loose,” Plow said as he kept a stoic look on their face. We all started to sit down and listen as Night Haven and Sturdy hoof kept looting as Plow then said “When the night came a few raiders in heavy armor showed up to pick a few of us off good news is they were not taken any pony alive but the raiders got away.” It sound like Graymane’s Chosen but we let him keep talking “Then we had to listen to them playing sounds of them raping a few ARA prisoners they had taken likely from the missing patrols. It was broadcasted over speakers so happy I got the A-OK to fire a rock at those speakers even if it provoked them to attack us again.” “So why are you out here,” Night Haven said after handing out ammo she scavenged from the raider bodies. Plow was silent a moment as he looked at her and then at Zonk. With a shake of Zonk's head in approval Plow kept talking “to open a path for the Injured to be escorted back to Canterlot. Judgment already came and gone telling us they going bring her judges and few troops to help but.” “They already getting ready to attack am I right?” Night Haven asked. Plow nodded as Sturdy Hoof joined us saying “So we should head to Canterlot instead?” Zonk spoke up saying “No we are going to the fortress at least the four of us. you and Night Haven are free to leave the group.” Night Haven was about to reply before I spoke up and cut her off. Saying to both of them “No guarantees that we going to make it out of this it is very likely we will die there.” Night Haven said, “I was ordered to defend you as the last order I was given, and after everything, it's because I am honor-bound to. Also, I have grown to like you so I will die with you if I have to.” Sturdy Hoof then said, “I got no pony waiting for me back home and I own Graymane for killing my friends.” Plow picked up their minigun and spun the barrel then waved for us to follow as he escorted us through the mountain path to the fortress and what we saw on our way shocked us. It was Armor and Graymane blocking our path by themselves. Graymane was dressed in gray hardened leather armor smoking a cigar as Armor was in power armor and just standing there. Why only two of them are here? There must be more hidden somewhere or with stealth bucks or something. We stopped wondering as he waved to us and we got closer carefully as Plow asked “Is that Graymane?” “Rook and Night Haven good to see you still alive and you found something that belongs to me,” Graymane said sounding as if we were friends. “What are you talking about Graymane,” Zonk said but all that got was Zonk being sucker punched by Armor. Plow ready his minigun but by the time he was ready Graymane pulled and aimed a revolver right at Frosty's head ready to fire. “I am talking to Rook and Night Haven now put the minigun down or I will kill to get what belongs to me,” Graymane said with a tone that sounded more like a disappointed preacher than some pony who was a raider leader. “What do you want?” Night Haven asked as we were at Grayman's mercy. Graymane gave a smile and pointed a hoof behind us as Freesoul came walking in missing her front right hoof. “How the fuck,” was all I could say before she pick me up with her magic and tossed me away from her as I hit the ground hard on my back. She tried to close the gap she made between us but Graymane stopped her saying “No we need something from them. do not let your blind anger make you weak.” Then he made his way to me and look me as i got up then said “Soulreaper i want it give it to me willing and you all can leave.” I stayed silent as I tried to figure out if I should take the deal but I had no choice but to accept. Before I accepted I remember he broke our last deal. I felt a wave of dread as things started feeling hopeless normally Zonk would do something but they being watched by Armor like a Hawk and Freesoul here making things harder. I need to buy time till some pony smarter then me could come up with something so I ask Graymane a question “Why don’t you just kill me and take it?” Graymane started to laugh for a good minute before saying to me “Because of the bounding spell your father put on it.” My dad? He has to be mistaken my father never own a gun like Soulreaper and if he did why didn’t he use it during attack in the settlement back then. “My father never owned a gun like this you must be mistaken,” I said as Night Haven started going through her bags slowly and quietly. Graymane looked me in my eyes say “Your father's name was King am I wrong?” “Yes your wrong,” I replied looking him in his eyes. “Lier,” Graymane said before pistol whipping me then sai,d “You got his eyes, His mane, and coat color your father was King leader of the Checkmate raiders, or should say ex-leader after I took over and he fled with a legendary revolver of his.” I smile say “You must be wrong just because i look like him and his name was Checkmate do not mean be this King you are talking about you must be mistaken.” Graymane smiled and hit me again with his revolver then said “Never said his name was Checkmate is that name he going with these days? Who am I kidding he is likely dead because your uncle died to me day before Freesoul reported seeing you had his revolver.” Graymane took a moment to smoke his cigar and blow it in my face then said “After all the revolver goes to the next oldest pony in the bloodline.” Before I could process the info Night Heaven yelled out “FOR THE ARA!” as she tossed an impacted grenade at Graymane. Armor moved faster then a pony in power armor should be able to and caught it in the air causing there hoof to explode and causing enough chaos for Plow to to open fire there minigun at Armor trying to kill them. Armor staggered as they hoof gone but there was no blood no flesh or bone as they struggled to keep up. “This our chance to kill them!” Zonk shouted as Sturdy hoof tackled Freesoul. I took my chance and pull out Soulreaper fully ready to fire it but a smoke screen deployed from Armor’s power armor making it hard to see them. I knew what to do I turned and screamed “we need to get out of here now while two of them cannot see!” Every pony agree as sturdy hoof shot Freesoul in one of her three hoofs and head-butted her as we all fleed. We all ran up the mountains path but no clue why or how but a shot fly out of the the smoke screen and hit Frosty in back of one of her left back legs and one to her front hoof. Plow grab her and tossed her on his back as we fleed and manage get away arriving at Frosty Peak Fortress. A pony from the Fortress yelled out “Plow is back and he got a few ponies with him open the gate!” The Fortress gate oopenedlong enough for all of us to get in side only to be greeted by Winterboots and a few ARA Troopers all aiming ttheir guns at Night Haven and Sturdy hoof. Winterboots order the medical team to take in Frosty as Zonk makes their way to Winterboot to explain everything after a few Winteboots hold a hoofs up and they lower their weapons. Night Haven flapped her bat wings and said “So are we good?” I nodded and said ,“I am going to get treated for my head injuries you two should go to Winterboots for orders.” They both nodded as I headed to get medical treatment. Marking the end of another day for us as the sun goes down. > Chapter 9: Night Haven > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up the next day and a sense of dread filled the air you could just feel it in the air. Getting out of bed I adjusted my armor and saw the empty medical wing, making me wonder where all the injured had gone. I exited the medical wing and saw injured ponies being loaded onto trucks from the fortress medical wing as Winterboots stood there with concern on his face as plain as day. “Hey, what's going on?” I asked walking up next to Winterboots. “We are sending all ponies to injured to fight to Canterlot,” he said confusing me as to why he was still concerned. Zonk walked to join us and said, “Because I have foreseen the medical transports will be destroyed if he does not go with them with an escort.” Winterboots stomped his hoof and said, “Not leaving the Fortress I know if I leave they will sense the weakness and attack we just need to hold for a week, and Judgement is going to send six of her Judges.” Zonk sighed and said, “Yes when you leave any pony here will die but.” Winterboots puts his hoof up and cuts Zonk off before saying “We have a chance of them going alone and you being wrong for once. I cannot leave ponies here to die as I go to Canterlot,” then he walks away to the fortress wall. Zonk waited a few minutes till Winterboots was gone and said “You need to get him to leave we both know I am not wrong and I am playing a bigger game here.” I knew there was no saying no here so I nodded and headed up to the wall to talk to Winterboots. Reaching the top of the wall I saw him watching where raiders build their encampment. He said, "My grandfather, my dad, and younger me were there when Graymane was last seen.” I walked over to join him as he watched over an empty battlefield and asked, "A hundred years ago you were fighting?” He laughed then said “No I said last time he was seen every pony knows about his loss at Ponyvill before raider groups started their decay but a few years after, back when I was ten he was cornered in a place called Foggy Bay. He killed so many ponies even tho he was out number seven to one because of that odd magic.” I wonder about the magic he was talking about. It might explain how he could land shots through the smoke cloud but before I wonder more Winterboots keeps telling his story “he was landing shots no pony should of as if he had the spell S.A.T.S. on speed dial. That is the Stable-Tech Arcane Targeting Spell, but back to the point is that I ran that day and my team, my family, and all settlements around Foggy Bay paid for it.” His face shifted to a face of sadness and worry, and then he said “If I go there will be more blood on my hoofs again and it may cost me, my daughter, all she wants is to stay and fight here,” He slowly pulled out a smoke and light it up and tried to relax. “So if Frosty leaves will you?” I asked. He shook his head no and said: “I know the threat Graymane is even before this cult…maybe he is immortal and what I am doing is pointless but.” I cut him off by yelling “But nothing! Ponies look to you for leadership and your sister is Judgement, right? Well maybe if you retreat you can use some of your political connections with her to help her push to bring the hammer down on this problem,” I was speaking out of line but fuck it at this point. He stood there looking at me in silence with anger but he shifted to sadness and said “Frosty needs to leave as well and half what is left of the defenders meaning this place can't hold and any pony here will die.” “Deal,” I said before following with “I am willing to die here with any pony you can agree to stay here. But I want you to take Nighthaven.” He nodded before going and leaving me to find and talk to Frosty. I headed off to check for Frosty in her watch post. I was shocked that it was still standing considering how badly damaged the walls were but lucky us. I climbed up there to talk to her, saw her lying down, scoped in her rifle’s scope, and said: “What you need Rook?” “You need to leave,” I said as I sat down next to her she remained silent making me say “If you don’t your dad will not leave,” again she remained quiet and I spoke again “Do you not care?” “Drop it now,” Frosty said as she looked down her rifle taking a shot at raiders who are trying to do some type of sabotage. I do not want to play a type of card right now but I need to get her to leave so I looked and saw she was bleeding through her bandages meaning she reopened her injuries. “You are pushing yourself too hard and your body is too hurt keep up all of this. just go with the other injured ponies,” I said. “I can keep going,” she said firing another shot. “And what when your body finally breaks down force your dad to watch you get raped and bred by those fucking raiders again!?” I yelled at her provoking a response and that response was a punch to the face as she pinned me and hit me over and over again as tears rolled down her face. All I could do was shout “Face it I am correct and you cannot hide it at all. Your hoof swings feel weak and you need therapy to heal mentally. all you are doing setting yourself up to be captured abused and bred like a toy for those raiders.” “Shut up!” She shouted before readying to bring down both hoofs giving me an opening to head butt her and pin her now. She started panicking and was having a panic attack set in so I got off and said “Did I make my point? you're not mentally stable and your body isn’t at peak condition If you stay you will slow the others down and only get yourself captured by those animals.” She refused to look me in the eyes as she fixed her bandages and said “You win…I will go and get the mental help I need…do me a favor if you see them taking any mares kill them so they do not have to go through what they have been doing to all mares they have been taking alive.” I nodded as she grabbed her gun and headed off to tell her father. but now how to get Night Haven to leave I'm going to need to ask some pony for help. I started looking for Zonk for help or should I say I was till they popped out from a corner saying “Need help with Night Haven correct?” They made me jump back out of fear and say “Ya got any ideas…stupid question you already got one.” Zonk nodded and gave me a sleep chem mix in an injector. I am sure Zonk is planning for me to drug her. “Ok so I get the idea but how are we going get her like that and is that enough to knock her out till it's all over?” I asked looking over the injector. Zonk said “Talk to her tonight one-on-one and you will get the opening you need. Lucky for us, all injured will be leaving tomorrow so no rush. She out patrolling now with some flyers and helping to sabotage Graymane’s raiders so you got time why don't you go get some food and I will send her to you.” I had an odd feeling Zonk was setting me up for something but I could use some food and grab some for Night Haven she will be hungry when she gets back. I grab some food for Me and Night Haven before noticing the sun going down. It dawned on me I never told Zonk where I would be but knowing them they already know…but I wish I knew exactly how they do it because of how they said it running the odds. I set up a place for Me and Night Haven to talk in a semi-empty storage room in the fortress's lower levels. “Hey, you want to talk to me one on one?” Voice of Night Haven said as I turned to look at her. She was outside her raider armor balled up in her hoofs. I'm not going to lie for a raider she looks majestic outside her armor. “Good you're here let eat and talk about you,” I said gesturing to a makeshift table I made out of boxes. We both sat down as Night Haven mended her armor and said “You know I was loyal to Graymane and my family before you. I would die for Graymane because that was what my family always told me was the right thing to do in life.” I wondered where she was going with this as she kept saying, “But you show me kindness something I did not expect from a pony from ARA…it got me questioning what Graymane and the others I’ve been telling me for years.” “It sounds like he tried to,” I said before she held up a hoof to stop me from talking. “When word of Graymane being shot by you and me I tried to convince my family we did not do it at first I thought it was a misunderstanding but now I know Graymane lied to spark a rage fuel response from all raiders he got,” she said as she finishes mending her armor and started eating. I was about to speak but she cut me off again saying “I thought of Raping you considering how good-looking you are and how kind you've been but not because your weak like all others I've been with.” "Is there a point to this, besides making me feel like I'm about to be raped by a friend?" I asked, feeling a bit worried. "I think I am in love with you," she said, grabbing me and locking me in a kiss. As she removed my gear and equipment, a rush of excitement ran through my body. Before I could finish thinking about it, we were wrapped up in each other's loving embrace, spending the night together. We spent all night making love making me forget why we had this meeting in the first place. She made me forget the stress of tomorrow i only wish we could make this moment last forever. When it was over we lay together in each other hoofs and I could not help but ask her something. “Be honest if you were not a raider what would you love to be?” I asked as we lay together. She smiled and then said “A doctor I think I told you that before.” she went silent for a moment before saying “If balefire bombs had never destroyed our world maybe I might have become a Doctor but I need to ask if you were not an ARA pony what would you like to be?” she asked the world's easiest question to meand I replied "A farmer again like my dad.” She laughed for a bit but stopped when she realized I was not joking “Oh a farmer? Then why are you in ARA then?” she said with confusion. “Got serve ten years in the ARA at any age and if do so you without being too much trouble you get a bit of land near Canterlot of your choice…a farm outside of Canterlot,” I said before falling asleep with her in my hoofs. Before I drifted asleep, she said, “Maybe I set up my clinic next to your farm one day.” I found myself in another fucking dream about me and my dad. He was sitting by a tree fiddling with Soulreaper but something felt off I had no memory about this. “Son we need to talk,” my father said as he kept working on the revolver. I walked over and sat down as we watched our home burn i never talked to my dad after I ran from the battle or ever saw him with Soulreaper. My father spat up some blood and loaded his revolver then said “I was not honest with you or your mother I was once King of the Chest Raiders or checkmate raiders it's hard to think. I used to be his rival in a power struggle over raiders at the time.” He injected himself with Med-x as I asked him “How am I remembering this?” He ignored me and then said “Soulreaper feeds on souls but leaves behind echoes of souls I know all rules by heart so if I am correct when I do this next step all my messages will reach you as the gun makes its way to you because i will it…You likely saved multiple settlements by running away and saving non-combat ponies we sent with you.” Wait is this going where I think it is please do not make me watch this. “Graymane will die and you will play a part in it. So till we meet again,” he said before he shot himself and I woke up the next morning next to Night Haven.