> Teenage Little Mutant Ninja Pony > by SagwaisAwesomw > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Lone Rats and Cubs Part One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So, Twilight?" "Yes, Pinkie?" Twilight looked at the pink pony. "I wish I can be a ninja." sighed Pinkie. "What's a ninja?" asked the other ponies. "A ninja is how someone fights with weapons. Ben is not allowed to do that." "I heard that." piped up Ben. "Hi Ben." called the ponies. "Hi everyone." Ben said back. "What are you doing here?" "We're hanging out at Twilight's library." said Applejack. "And Pinkie explained to us about a ninja." added Fluttershy. Ben suddenly came up with a idea. "I'll show you a video of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles." "What is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?" asked Rarity. "What is it?" Rainbow Dash was puzzled. And he did. ... At the outside alley, Sagwa, Jet-Jet and Dongwa were playing Ti-Genzi, when Fu-Fu flew by. The inventable happened. I'll give you a suspense of your shock. He wasn't watching where he was going and crashed into the alley wall. "OW!" he shouted. Jet-Jet bursted out laughing. "Clumsy bat does it again!" he said. "Leave him alone!" snapped Sagwa. "And don't call him clumsy!" "Sorry if...if I wasn't....careful enough." gasped Fu-Fu. "Take no notice, Fu-Fu, he's a alley cat, and most alley cats tease most of the time. But as I stated, he has a good heart deep down." "I know." sighed Fu-Fu. "Then again, I'll be careful. Ja-jen, my friends!" He flew off. "Don't get more careless, clumsy bat!" laughed Jet-Jet. "Quit teasing my best friend!" snapped Sagwa. ... Back at Twilight's Library, after the video finished, Starlight Grimmer arrived. "Sorry, I'm late. I'm the only pony of this group to know Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles before the others now do." Pinkie giggled a bit then she got a can of mountain dew. She took several sips, til it was empty. "I've got an idea. How about we play the Teenage Mutant Ninja Ponies to inspire the turtles?" "Hey, that's a good idea!" exclaimed Applejack. "I know Ben is not allowed to play with weapons, he'll stay out of his way, okay?" "Okay." smiled Ben. "The only way to use weapons is in a grassland or a forest." "Sure thing." smiled Twilight. "Let's go, every pony! See ya Ben!" "Bye!" ... Meanwhile, Fu-Fu flew back to the alley after a flight without any troubles to meet up with Sagwa, her siblings and the alley cats. "So, you made it through the sky for a flight without any trouble? You weren't clumsy?" asked Jet-Jet. "Correct!" said Fu-Fu. "I have to admit, you are a good flier. I may tease you for crashing, but I still like your flying." "Thanks." ... A few minutes later, the ponies got their weapons. "Now that we got our weapons, we gotta start our mutant adventures!" said Twilight. Suddenly, Pinkie saw a tree of magical apples. I'll explain to you in a few moments. "Look Twilight! Can I have one apple?" "Sure." said Rarity. Pinkie grabbed one magical apple and took a bite of it. "MMM! Delicious!" Suddenly, she felt something. "WHAT'S HAPPENING!?" It was a apple to turn someone into a mutant! "GAAAAH!" screamed Pinkie. "I'M A MUTANT PONY!" "What's wrong?" asked the others. "I'm turned into a mutant, and....and...I AM GONNA DIE!" Pinkie bursted into tears. "Calm down, Pinkie." said Twilight. "Don't worry. The way you're gonna survive being a mutant is to overcome it." "How?" "Wait and see." ... Back at the alley, Sagwa, Dongwa and Sheegwa were talking. "Where are our owners?" asked Sheegwa. Sagwa sighed. "We looked all over the library place, and Ben told me that they're on a ninja adventure." "Ninjas are like Tai-Chi." declared Dongwa. "Hey!" exclaimed Sagwa. "I know! We can look for them okay?" "Good idea, Sagwa." Dongwa said. And they sat off to look for their owners. On the way there, a tiger-like figure appeared. "AAH! A TIGER!" screamed Sheegwa. "I DON'T WANNA DIE PLEASE HUG ME!" "Hello!" said the tiger-like figure. "Who are you?" asked Sagwa. "My name is Sagwa. This is my big brother Dongwa and my little sister Sheegwa." "I'm Tiger Claw! I am the King of the World" "NO YOU ARE NOT!" shouted Sagwa. "You know everyone is special, each in their own way!" "Says the one who got her colors!" snorted Tiger Claw. "We tigers know everything more than normal cats! We are the best! You normal cats are dumb!" Steam came out of Sagwa's face. "NO WE ARE NOT! WE ARE FRIENDLY AND HAVE USES! OUR OWNERS KNOW THAT! WE HAD TIGERS BACK IN CHINA NAMED MARIAH, KAI-KAI AND JAKEO, BUT THEY ARE FRIENDLY! YOU ARE NOT FRIENDLY! YOU ARE A DISGRACEFUL, DISGUSTING AND DESPICABLE JERK WHO THINKS YOU ARE THE BEST! THAT IS WHY YOU NEED TO HAVE A BRAIN! GO! LEAVE! US! ALONE!" The final scream promptly broke the sound barrier. Sagwa finally calmed down. "Come on." she said to her siblings. "Let's go." The three kittens went on their way, as Tiger Claw on the other hand didn't care. ... "Nah. It's not for me." Hun-Hun stared at Jet-Jet, then back at the pristine looking shed, and then back to Jet-Jet again. "Why, may I ask?" "It's too...wooden." "Yes Jet-Jet. Because it is made of wood. Most sheds tend to be." "Yeah, but it's a woody wood, you know? I might get termites all over my fur! And you might be used to that, but I am most definitely not!" Hun-Hun thought very nice thoughts about trees, bushes, and flowers, keeping Jet-Jet in order and burning the rat alive and listening to his screams and so merely said through sighs "But the others are all made out of wood too." "In which case, clearly we need to go shopping again for something with a bit less wood in it!" Jet-Jet grimaced. "Honestly Hun-Hun, I leave you to pick the shed-" This was a blatant lie, but Jet-Jet was so adept at convincing himself that he was right and all else was wrong that he failed to realize this "-and you come back with this!?" Hun-Hun felt like screaming. > Lone Rats and Cubs Part Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the mane 6 went on their adventures, the Miao siblings found them. "Hey, Miao siblings." said Twilight. "Thank goodness you're here!" said Sagwa. But then, she and her siblings saw the mutated Pinkie. "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU PINKIE!?" they screamed at the top of their lungs. "I got mutated." said Pinkie. "Thanks to that apple. But thankfully my friends will help me survive being this." "Can we help!?" asked Dongwa. "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!?" shouted the kittens. "Sure." replied Twilight. The three kittens cheered. And off everyone sat, ... "So, Jet-Jet?" Shei-Hu was talking to the leader of the alley cat, who had taken back to the blatant lie he said to Hun-Hun. Jet-Jet turned to him. "What?" "Remember when you and your buddies refused to hang with mice like us?" "Yes. But since we found out that you and your cousins were nice, we appreciate you more. We may still make fun of you, but still. Much like we make fun of Sagwa and her siblings mostly, but we still care for them." Shei-Hu smiled. "I gotta go back to my village for my dinner. So long." The other alley cats piped up. "So we heard all about Tigerclaw." Hun-Hun said. "Who's Tigerclaw!?" Jet-Jet was shocked. "He hates cats, like us for instance." Hun-Hun answered. "And he likes to choke us." complained Wing-Wing. Just then, Tigerclaw jumped in, startling the alley cats. "THAT'S ME!" he screamed. "And I am here to take over the world!" "NO YOU WON'T!" screamed Jet-Jet at the top of his lungs. "You aren't a proper leader!" "And you are no good!" added Wing-Wing. He took a deep breath. "We had something to say." "What?" "LEAVE US ALONE!" screamed all four alley cats. "NO!" screamed back Tigerclaw. "YES!" "NO!" "YES!" "NO!" "YES!" "NO!" "YES!" "NO!" Fu-Fu heard this and flew over to stop the arguement. "STOOOOOP! STOPSTOPSTOP!" he screamed at the top of his lungs. "WHY ON EARTH ARE YOU ARGUING!?" "That tiger won't leave us alone." said Jet-Jet. "His name is Tigerclaw." remarked Hun-Hun. "He hates other kinds of cats." added Wing-Wing. "He needs to stop thinking he's the leader." finished Lik-Lik. "AAH! HE'S BEHIND ME!" wailed Fu-Fu. Just as he tried to fly away, Tigerclaw grabbed him and ran off, with Fu-Fu screaming "HELP!" continiously.