> Ready Player... ??? > by Synful > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie Belle was trying her best to hide her frustration while she watched Button play video games with Zakia. She hoped Button would notice her distress and comfort her, but he was too focused on the game. Sweetie Belle didn’t want to ask Button directly to help her with her heat, even though she really wanted him to. She felt embarrassed and didn’t want to share her feelings with her boyfriend’s friend. As the game continued, Sweetie Belle’s heat only got worse. She tried to find relief by shifting in her seat, but nothing seemed to work. She really wanted Button’s help, but he was too busy with Zakia. Finally, Sweetie Belle couldn’t take it anymore. She stood up and left the room in a hurry. Button called after her, but she didn’t stop. She wanted to be alone to take care of her heat. She didn’t want to rely on anyone else, especially not Button, who seemed more interested in video games than her. Zakia noticed Sweetie Belle leaving and asked Button if he should talk to her. Button dismissed her concern and said it was better to make Sweetie Belle wait a little during her heat to intensify the experience. He thought he was being clever, but he didn’t realize how much he was hurting Sweetie Belle’s feelings. Sweetie Belle tried hard to keep her frustration under control, but it was becoming more and more difficult. She looked over at her boyfriend Button, hoping he would notice that she was upset and offer her some comfort. However, he was too busy playing video games with Zakia and didn’t seem to care. As she watched the two, as their gaming went on, Sweetie Belle’s discomfort grew stronger and more noticeable. She tried moving around to feel more comfortable, but nothing worked. Grinding her thighs together, she squeaked out as a cute moan escaped Sweetie’s mouth. Button didn’t notice it at all, while Zakia did. He ignored it, knowing what was going on. Sweetie wasn’t his problem, but her pheromones were getting a rise out of him all the same. Button, on the other hand, he didn’t even seem to notice. After a while, Sweetie Belle couldn’t take it anymore and with her meeting eyes with Zakai when she moaned surprisingly loud for someone trying to not get caught. In her attempts to get some relief as she waited for Button. Eager for him to finish his gaming session. She was caught playing with herself. Sweetie Belle’s face turned an apple like red, spreading across her face. Sweetie Belle quickly stood up and left the room without so much as a word. She was feeling angry, embarrassed, horny all at the same time.  As Sweetie Belle stormed out of the room, Zakia couldn’t help but notice her leaving. He saw the frustration etched on her face, and he knew something was wrong. He turned to his friend Button and asked if he should go talk to her. “Yo, you think you should handle that?”  Button replied dismissively, “Nah, she’s just in a mood. Her heat isn’t even for another week. She got like this last time as well.” Button said, dismissing the concern. Making another remark that Zakia shook his head at.  “I read online that if you make a mare, wait a little during their heat. It’s a lot more intense later. Gotta make them really want it, you know?” Button grinned, thinking he was being clever using this ‘trick’ he read about online.  Zakia looked at him with a concerned expression. “Where’d you read that? Hoofeddit?” Zakia’s sarcastic remark being hand waved away by Button. Zakia shook his head at his friend. Zakia knew how intense heats could be for mares. But get involved that much. It was Button’s problem to handle, not his. But his empathy for Sweetie Belle's predicament. Her pheromones had done a number on him. How Button was so unphased by it was amazing to the Zebra. Before being allowed to think much about it. His attention was brought back to the game at hand as the sound of “3 2 1 FIGHT!” blared out from the ongoing game. Drawing Zakia’s back to playing the game with Button. But he couldn’t focus on the game, not after earlier. Button, on the other hand, was too focused on the game. As he continued to beat Zakia at the game. Zakia felt frustrated and decided that they should switch to a different game that he had a chance at winning. Button mockingly yawning at him agreed, confident he’d still win, regardless. *** Sweetie Belle was growing more and more agitated as she entered the guest bedroom. With a huff, she locked the door behind her and collapsed onto the bed. She spread her legs apart for balance, pushing her bottom into the air and burying her face into the soft bedclothes. She could feel the heat rising between her thighs, urging her fingers to wander downward. As her fingers caught hold of the waistband of her thong, she pushed them down and was met with a sticky, dripping mess. A shiver ran through her body as the cold air hit her quivering marehood, causing a light gasp to escape her lips. “You effing asshole Button,” she whined into the sheets. “You’re the one that’s supposed to be taking care of this with that dick of yours. No-ah-not... my fingers.” Sweetie Belle struggled to form coherent thoughts, lost in the mix of stimulation and frustration. Sweetie Belle’s thoughts couldn’t get over how ignored she felt. “How did Zakia notice, but you didn’t Button! You were sitting in between us.” Sweetie Belle moaned out as her fingers did their best to put out the fire between her legs. “Are you really too busy with that stupid game to tend to your girlfriend’s heat?” Sweetie Belle couldn’t help but feel beyond frustrated, even in her own thoughts. *** Since Sweetie Belle had stormed off, hours had passed. For almost that entire time. Zakia and Button were engaged in a mix of curses to joking banter. The attitudes they had changed depending on who was winning at the time. Zakia came out on top a couple times but nothing major, but Button was clearly the better gamer overall. However, it was around two o’clock in the afternoon, and they had missed lunch. Button, though having missed both lunch and breakfast, it was starting to show. Things started to shift in Zakia’s favor. It appeared like Button’s abilities were waning as he started to get more sluggish and unfocused again, much like how he was before chugging down another energy drink. A pleading “Come on, come on!” escaped Zakia’s lips. As Button shouted, “No no no no!” in a panic on his side of the screen. Then it happened. Zakia cheered, and Button moaned, as the mix of joy and disappointment echoed in the room. ”Ha! Gotcha bitch!” Zakia boasted. He was pretty pleased with himself, finally feeling like he really won. “Yeah yeah, don’t get ahead of yourself. I’m just a little groggy. Let me get another energy drink and we can keep going. Button admitted to feeling disappointed, but he was confident he would win again soon, reclaiming his virtual throne. “Dude… don’t you think you’ve had enough of those already? You’ve had like nine of them already.” Zakia said, seeing his friend open and down another energy drink.  ”Pfft, nah. I just need to keep myself going. I had a late night gaming session, so I didn’t sleep last night.” Button assured Zakia. He gave Button a look that screamed, “You’re so full of shit!” With Zakia’s victory still fresh, the Zebra needed to stretch his legs. The two had been playing video games for hours, and Zakia was feeling restless as his leg felt like it was asleep and disliking the alien feeling. “I need to stretch my legs,” Zakia said, getting up from the couch. Button shrugged. He didn’t seem to mind or care. Being too focused on picking out the next game to play. Circling the kitchen and back down the main hall. Zakia was feeling the stiffness in his legs start to ease. As he got closer to the guest bedroom, he noticed the door was cracked open. The sound of wet, messy sound coming from inside. Curious, he approached the door and peered inside. The smell in the room along made the Stallion’s pants feel a lot tighter. Zakia saw Sweetie Belle lying on the bed, her fingers moving quickly between her legs as the wetness between her legs was being splattered all over the sheets below her.  Short and cute moans with every thrust of her fingers into her twat, her eyes closed as she went wild on her love tunnel. The sheets were a sticky mess under her. “Was she going at it the whole time?” Zakia thought to himself.  Thinking just how long ago it was since she stormed off. She looked up at him, startled, and quickly tried to cover herself with a pillow but luckily, not screaming at him for peeping. “How did you get in? The door was locked.” Sweetie’s face was flustered as she caught her breath, the glistening fingers that were moments ago deep in her gushing cunt. “It wasn’t locked, the door was even opened a bit.” Zakia said, quickly. He couldn’t help but rest his gaze on the exposed mare. Never noticing just how nice of a figure she had till she was so exposed and vulnerable. Sweetie Belle felt the intensity of Zakia’s gaze over her. She didn’t know if he was telling the truth or not. But she believes him for now. He at least paid attention and noticed her issue. “What’s Button doing?” Her voice was bitter.”He’s picking the next game as I stretch my legs.” Zakia felt like he was suddenly on egg shells by the tension that quickly formed between the two. “Of course, more video games… Asshole.” Sweetie Belle cursed out as she buried herself into the pillow she was using to cover herself. Zakia didn’t know what to say. He was standing before his friend’s girlfriend who was going to wild on her pussy for hours if he had to guess. While expecting Button Mash to have helped her with her heat. It honestly kinda upset Zakia. “Why the hell are you playing a damn game and not tapping that ass?” Zakia thought to himself. An awkward silence permeated between the two of them. Until Sweetie Belle broke the silence, her tone being more than just frustrated, spoke up. “Zakia… I’ve been trying to deal with my heat for hours. I had hoped it was Button finally coming to ‘help.’” Sweetie Belle said, her voice more desperate, sounding with every word. She looked at Zakia before she moved the Pillow, re-exposing her pussy to the Zebra. The backside of the pillow soaked with her arousal. “Since Button thinks his games are more important than taking care of his marefriend. I want you to do it for him.” Sweetie Belle said, surprising Zakia with her abrupt request. A part of him wanted to just say sure. But he was hesitant at the moment. “Could go and get your-” Zakia was cut off by Sweetie Belle, who seemed to grunt in frustration. “I don’t want that fake dick under my bed back home! I want something real, not a toy.” Sweetie said. Zakia’s potential solution was dead on arrival.  Driven by her lust, Sweetie was determined to get SOMEONE to take care of her heat. Even if that meant spreading her legs for someone other than her boyfriend. “If Button isn’t gonna give it to me. I want you too, so please just help me out with this. Okay?” Sweetie Belle said, a crack in her voice. Her furred cheeks now seemed a much darker shade of red. Sweetie’s voice was a mix of embarrassment and desperation as she spoke. Her eyes, however, expressed how serious she was about her request of Zakia. A long pause weighed over Zakia after hearing Sweetie Belle’s request. He wasn’t sure how to respond, either. How do you respond to a question like that? A part of him wanted to just go and grab Button by the scruff of his neck and throw him into the room with her… But another part of him didn’t at the same time. Zakia returned the serious expression to Sweetie and simply asked. “Are you sure…?” Zakia questioned. Sweetie Belle nodded quickly in affirmation, with no hesitation. “She’s really serious about this.” Zakia thought to himself. He knew that by indulging in Sweetie Belle’s request, that things would change between him and Sweetie a lot. Things would change even more if they were caught, but he also didn’t like how Button was leaving Sweetie in such a desperate state.  “Damit Button.” Zakia cursed out in his head. Running his hands through his hair and taking a sharp, quick breath. Looking at Sweetie Belle and her desperation, she looked at him once more, pleading for him to do this. “Fuck it. He had his chance.” Zakia was done trying to justify walking away or and not getting involved, but he just didn’t care anymore. Led on by his own growing carnal desires and feeling pants tightening was enough for him to just do it. Before they started doing anything, he had to make sure he wasn’t caught by Button. Who would likely wonder why it was taking Zakia so long to return for their next game. “Just give me a minute.” Zakia said, groaning in response as Sweetie impatiently waited.  She watched as Zakia quickly left the room and returned a few minutes later. Carrying a small fancy bottle of lubricant in hand. “Okay, So Button is passed. I don’t think he’s gotten any sleep in the last day.” Zakia said. “Probably playing another game all night… Not the first time.” Sweetie Belle stated more than guessed, Zakia noticing the venom in her voice.  *** Double checking the door behind him, giving the door a bit of a jiggle to ensure it wouldn’t pop open or something like it did with Sweetie. Hearing a frustrated sigh from Sweetie, Zakia impulsively turned back to face her. The door behind him was locked. No more distractions and without a second of hesitation. Zakia moved swiftly towards her, his hands sliding under her bottom. His hands had formed a firm grip across her butt, groping and massaging it slightly. Getting a slight cry in delight from Sweetie Belle as he did. “Talk about sensitivity..” Zakia thought to himself. Raising up by her butt, his fingers dug into the supple bottom. The palm of his hand massaging her bottom, a knee on the bed to stabilize himself as he brought his face closer to her dripping slit. The heat emanating from her quivering slit was intense as her marehood winked, feeling the heat of his breath on her pussy. Sweetie Belle let out a cracked moan as she felt Zakia’s tongue slide into her moist folds. The sensation was overwhelming, and Sweetie Belle couldn’t help but let out a loud hearty moan as Zakia continued to tease her clit. She could feel his tongue swirling around her clit, then his teeth nibbling on the sensitive nub. Sending shivers down her spine. Zakia couldn’t help but notice how sweet her honey pot tasted, living up to her name in the most amusing way… Not that Zakia minded though.. Cries of pleasure echoed in the guest room, with Sweetie Belle’s moans and Zakia’s busy tongue. The thick appendaged going to town in her love tunnel. Zakia’s nose flared though as he ate her out, not once removing his tongue between breaths. While his hands roamed all over her body as he grew more comfortable in his grip on her. Kneading her breasts with one, holding her up with another. Swapping his hands as he kept exploring every inch of her soft, silky fur.  Sweetie Belle was lost in a haze, feeling her fur stand on end as he caressed her. Every time he swapped his hands, it reminded her just how much bigger Zakia was than her and how he had to move himself to accommodate her needs. Zakia had taken full control at this point, her body writhing with every touch and grope, while the thrashing and twisting of Zakia’s tongue. “F-f-f-uck..” Sweetie Belle stuttered out, failing to find enough air between moans and talking. Zakia's grip returned to her bountiful backside, holding her up, and began to move his tongue faster, pushing his tongue deeper into her pussy. His tongue constantly prodded her cervix, eliciting a sharp moan every time he did.  Though as she kept getting close, he would suddenly slow down and denied her that peak. “Mmm... Zaki...” Sweetie Belle moaned softly, letting her head fall back as she enjoyed the sensation of Zakia’s tongue. While Zakia mused at the nickname she had already given him. Zakia slid his tongue inside of Sweetie’s pussy, intending to make her scream. His tongue was like a twister in her twat, rapidly swirling around. Her pussy kept clamping down on the intruder, gripping on his tongue, not wanting to let go. Though much to Sweetie’s love tunnel dismay, Zakia’s tongue was being withdrawn. With the slow slithering removal of his tongue, Sweetie Belle shook in small convulsing movements as her voice seemed to bellow. Reaching climax from Zakia’s tongue work and panting heavily. She felt what seemed like rolling pleasure that coursed through her. With his tongue fully withdrawn from her. Zakia began licking his chops as he cleaned Sweetie’s juices from his muzzle.  “Wow, that’s sweet.” Zakia said, noticing just how hard she was panting. Zakia reached for the bottle on the bed, finding it quickly as he lost track of it quickly after getting right into her sopping hole. Popping open the bottle, he poured a thick, transparent gel that had a pink hue to it. “This should help with things.” Zakia said, Sweetie Belle turning her head as he poured it out. “I-i- don’t thin-k, we need the lu-be Zakia.” Sweetie Belle sputtered, had trouble getting enough air to even speak as she panted, trying to get her bearings after cumming as hard as she did. Not understanding why they would need lube now, she was a running waterfall with how wet she was at the moment. “It’s a lube I grabbed from Button’s mom’s room. It helps ease things in a bit more than normal lube. Also has a few magical properties and makes it feel a lot better,” Zakia said, explaining  Though Sweetie looked at him, confused and questioning at the same time. “How do you know about a lube in his mom’s room?” Sweetie Belle questioned, finding it weird. Zakia’s eyes shifted to the side, avoiding eye contact with Sweetie Belle and he said, “Uh, don’t worry about it right now, just enjoy it.” Zakia said, as both his hands were a bit of the lubricant in it and his hands met both her pussy and abdomen. “Unnnnngh! Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!” Sweetie Belle let out a startled moan as the cold liquid met her sensitive flesh. Zakia was handling her body with great care but was firm with his motions as he began to finger her pussy with the lubricant. The magic qualities of the lubricant came to life, making Sweetie Belle’s pussy burn with an even greater heat than it had before. Her mind was in a fog now, but she watched as Zakia stood up after he all but stallion-handled her. Seeing he was undoing his pants, she rubbed her thighs together. What she expected was a nice thick dick hanging out and eager to find a wet hole to bury it. What she saw was a lot more than she expected. She knew Zakia was big, Diamond wouldn’t shut up about how big he was when he was dating her. What she saw now, though, was causing a rise in concerns for her wellbeing. She was having second thoughts as the size was already looking to be too much for her to handle, but he had two of them. With the burning passion between her legs becoming more and more intense, those thoughts vanished. She watched as they seemed to pulse and throb, mixed with his heavy grunts as he gently pumped his rods before turning to her. With her arms to her knees, she spread herself on the bed, giving Zakia a clear view and a suitable position to put those beasts to use. Until they both heard Button yelling to see where Zakia was. “Hey Zakia, where are you, dude? We gonna do a rematch or what? I gotta get my crown back.” Button said. His voice sounded cocksure and confident. Sweetie and Zakia looked at each other with wide eyes. “I thought you said he was asleep!” Sweetie said “He was!” came the hushed response. “Fuck… um uh.” Zakia’s thoughts raced while Sweetie began to panic. Zakia did the first thing that came to mind... even if it wasn’t the smartest. “Yeah, I’m just taking care of something.” Zakia said as Button was heard to be stopped on the other side of the door. “What are you taking care of? Jacking it or something?” Button asked, his voice joking. “Yeah, I am.” Zakia responded. Button laughed it off. “Uh huh, what are you really doing?” Button didn’t believe Zakia from how he sounded. Zakia opened the door, flexing his cock in front of Button. “I’m not joking.” Zakia said, looking Button dead eyed. Luckily, Sweetie wasn’t in Button’s view as he did. Before closing the door again, leaving Button stunned and annoyed. “What the fuck, dude. Come on, really? Why are you jacking it in my mom’s guest room?” Button chided as he closed the door. “Oh fuck off, I’ve been blue balled since me I split up with Diamond and Silver. Would you rather I do it in your mom?” Zakia said in response. Button hollered back profanities, telling him to finish yanking it.  “Hurry the Tartarus up then, fuck dude. Wash your hands after too. I don’t need nut on my controllers.” Button said as he walked off, before yelling, “Have you seen Sweetie? She didn’t leave did she?” Button asked and Zakia responded with “No idea.” Zakia said as heard Button just turn and leave, as he mumbled something Zakia didn’t hear. *** It didn’t take long for Zakia to emerge from the guest room. Though by the time he came out of the room. Button was already starting another up game. Zakia knew it was a single player game mostly, a game called “Elden Hoof”. Though when the title screen hit, it blared loud as Button had set up the stereo system, came to life with the music of the game. “Hey since you were jacking it, I don’t want you touching my controllers, so I’m gonna do some solo for a bit, okay? Might have missed some nut on your hands.” Button said, joking about catching his friend jacking off as he believed. “Yeah, I’ll wipe any on your back if I missed any.” Zakia remarked back with rolling eyes and a relaxed expression. Button just laughed it off, not taking the Zebra’s remarks seriously.  Zakia’s mind was still fixated on Sweetie Belle. With having almost been caught and Sweetie getting spooked. He found pants were painfully tight as he had stuffed his dicks back into his pants... and barely managed to do so. With this, Zakia had a chance to calm down on the couch while Button sat on the floor closer to the screen. This wasn’t uncommon with the two. Sometimes Zakia would just watch his friend play the games. It was often comical or depressing. It depended on the day and how tilted he would get. At the moment, it was Zakia’s excuse not to play video games with a painful erection in his pants. Thirty minutes had passed quickly. Button had remade his character maybe a dozen times. Button was trying to solo a tough first mini boss that was meant to kill you and humble you. Though in the middle of his current attempt, Sweetie Belle finally re-appeared. Zakia was the only one that noticed, as Button was too engrossed in his game once again. Sweetie walked over and stood in front of Zakia. Her small hands running down her skirt and flipping it up with her fingers under the cleft of her bottom. Bending over slightly as she presented her quivering slit.. Looking over her shoulder, Zakia made out her mouth movements. “Take them out.” Zakia was surprised, but compliant. Lust having prevailed over risk, as he looked at Button yelling as the game blared again. Shifting in his seat, Zakia got himself more comfortable. Releasing his ebony pillars from their tight confines. Both springing out, throbbing hard with thick veins visibly pulsing. Sweetie Bit her lip as she lined herself up with the twin shafts. His lower cockhead rested at her wet slut, parting the lips slightly. His upper cock with her tight backdoor, barely breaking as she rotated her hips in, stimulating both heads. She wasn’t dropping herself onto them quickly. Slowly, she slid down. Parting her lips and spreading her backdoor slowly, sinking slightly as the tight between both her holes being filled so much rubbed together. Zakia threw his head back in frustration, right as the crashing of blades into a reverberating thud was heard from the game. Startling Sweetie Belle, she lost her balance and slipped a bit, sliding a few inches further down very abruptly. Zakia almost didn’t notice it the throes of his own pleasure. Reacting as quickly as he could, Zakia’s hands caught her and held her up, so she did not slide all the way down so abruptly. Zakia’s palms seemed to melt into Sweetie’s bottom as his biceps flexed, holding up that bountiful bottom. “Easy.... easy.” Zakia worded out, but they were lost on Sweetie Belle. The game’s blaring sounds masking most words or actions with its overwhelming volume. Sweetie Belle slowly was lowered further down, taking in more and more of Zakia’s rods. As she finally reached his base, her ass cheeks clapped together as she came to rest on the thickest part of his shafts. “Oh.. fuck... So fucking warm.” Zakia groaned. It was like warm silk massaging his shafts. Zakia felt the heat radiating off of Sweetie’s rear end as it rubbed against his own cock. His hand slid down her side, gripping her hip, pulling her closer to him. His other arm wrapped around her waist, his fingers digging into her flesh, giving him better leverage as he began thrusting into her. “So... big...” Sweetie let out a sultry moan, her back arcing a bit. She felt full while her body convulsed around the girths. Her body doing its best to milk the Zebra’s twin shafts. “Yeah...” Zakia groaned, his breath coming out in hot gasps as he pounded into her. “Your ass is so tight... your pussy’s so warm, holy fuck. I could pound you all day.” “Mmm...” Sweetie moaned, her body arching slightly from the force of Zakia’s thrusts. “I want you to.” Zakia growled, his lips curling into a smirk as he kept pumping into her. Zakia’s balls having been fished out by Sweetie Belle, leaving his heavy hangers out in the open, feeling magic slowly caressing them as he caressed her. *** While this all transpired, Button was none the wiser. Engrossed in his epic journey to be the Elden Hoofed, fighting a large golden Centaur with a shield and polearm. With the stereo being so loud and how much Button tuned out the world when he was playing his games. He failed to notice anything going on behind him. Lost in a world all his own. *** The Zebra stallion is now pounding away at Sweetie Belle’s tight holes, stretching out her tight cunt and gripping ass. Filling her out completely, her belly bulging with the shape of Zakia’s cocks with every bounce she made in his lap. The Pony mare is moaning loudly, her eyes closed as she rides the stallion’s cocks. Her body is trembling as Zakia’s thrusts increase in speed, slamming into her repeatedly. “Fuck!” Zakia grunted, his face red from exertion as he slammed into her repeatedly, his cock hitting her cervix repeatedly. “Gonna cum soon...” “Cum inside me~” Sweetie Belle moaned, her voice strained from the intense pleasure she was receiving. “Fill me up~” Zakia grinned, his cock throbbing as he kept thrusting into her. Smashing his cock past her cervix and lodging his flared horse cock inside her womb. Smashing the inside with his battering ram like a cockhead. “Ohh! Fuck yeah~!” Zakia moaned out, his cock twitching inside of her. His cum boiling within his balls, ready to erupt. Zakia gritted his teeth, his legs trembling as he continued to hammer into her, his cock swelling even larger. His cock pulsated and throbbed, the veins popping out from his shaft. His cock twitched and jerked as he neared climax. Sweetie felt those powerful hearty throbs, both in her ass and pussy. It warned her he was getting close. Zakia's eyes snapped shut as he sped up his pace to a blinding speed, pounding her pussy and ass mercilessly. With the plush backside of hers rippling as he pounded away.. “Nng... Mmgh... Mmph!” Sweetie Belle moaned loudly as she felt his cock swell up a little thicker than before, his cockhead throbbing and pulsating with each beat of his heart. “Ooooh... Ooohhh~!” Her inner walls were stretched beyond their limits, her cervix being pushed to its limits as it threatened to be breached over and over but never quite making it. She could feel the pressure building up within her, the heat growing hotter and hotter as he pounded into her, ravaging her in such an intense way. While her insides being stretched to their limits, only being supported by the magical aid of the lubricant from before. “Mmgh! Oh fuck! OOOH! YES! UGH!” Sweetie Belle screamed out as she felt his cock explode, his thick load filling her up completely. His cock pulsating wildly inside of her as he filled her up with his seed. “OHHH!” Sweetie Belle moaned out, her voice muffled by the cock buried deep inside of her. Her entire body tingled and shook. The aftershocks of his orgasm coursed through her. “Uuuh... Ahh...” load after load of warm thick spunk was being emptied into Sweetie Belle’s body. Sweetie Belle fell back into Zakia’s chest, panting heavily as she caught her breath. Zakia’s cocks were still buried deep inside of her, twitching slightly as the last few spurts of cum spilled from his cock. Her belly was bloated and easily mistaken for a mother to be with her now rounded belly. Zakia and Sweetie sat in each other’s embrace, recovering in silence. Zakia’s cocks kept throbbing, feeling the contractions and tight grip caused by her rolling orgasms as she was put into a blissful stupor. “Mmgh... Aaah... Mmmph...” Sweetie Belle moaned quietly as she slowly came to her senses, her eyes fluttering open and looking up at Zakia. “Oh, wow...” Zakia smirked as he watched Sweetie recover, his cock twitching and jerking inside of her. “That was good.” he whispered, his voice laced with lust. Sweetie Belle let a soft groan out in response, both parties content as they relished in the afterglow. *** Meanwhile, Button, who was now running up a stone path, leading up to a barricade with a ballista at the back near the entrance to a tunnel. While he grabbed another energy drink as he seemed to down the whole thing in a single go. Re-energized as his gameplay got more aggressive. *** Sweetie, with a shaky arm, reached up and put her hand on Zakia’s cheek and said. “Can you keep going?” She asked. Her voice was soft and eager as she gave him a wanting gaze. His hand found the back of hers, holding her hand, smiling and said, “I can keep going for as long as you need Sweetie.” Zakia said, though he wasn’t sure if that would end up being true. But he was gonna be sure as Tartarus try. He knew better than to underestimate a mare’s heat.  Sweetie’s heart was pounding in her chest as she rested impaled on Zakia’s cocks. While Button, who was completely absorbed in his video game, didn’t even notice her betrayal right behind him. She had been trying to get his attention for what felt like hours, but he had barely even acknowledged her presence. Having been fed up with being ignored. Sweetie turned to her best friend, Zakia, and made a request and she didn’t regret it either. “I wanna face you... If he’s not gonna look at me, I want you to,” Sweetie said, her voice cold and filled with venom… but also sadness. It still bothered her that she was ignored for a video game. Feeling inadequate because she couldn’t even draw her boyfriend’s attention from a video game. She wasn’t gonna let that be the case with Zakia. Zakia laid back as he watched Sweetie slowly and carefully remove his meaty rods from her used ass and creamed pussy. Having removed herself, and turning to face him. The same glow the lube from before had and where Zakia had rubbed her down with. With a gentle glow and her once cum bloated belly vanished as a sudden surge of pleasure ripped through her body. Causing her to almost fall forward. “What... what the fuck... was that?” Sweetie panted after having gone through such a weird and abrupt experience. Wondering what the Tartarus just happened, but not complaining either. Finding it far easier to move again instead of having a cum bloated stomach. Zakia barely heard her. He tried to speak, but the game Button was playing was too loud. So there was only one thing to do. He brought Sweetie Belle closer while bringing down Sweetie onto shafts as he did. Sweetie didn’t resist his control, moving with it as he wasted no time getting back into her. Her holes felt the abrupt and delightful penetration that stretched her out once more. Her legs parted, her knees spread on the cushion. Sweetie’s bottom rested on his heavy balls, having re-engulfed all of Zakia’s shafts. Finding herself taking on the sizes far more easily and fluidly. “That was the lube from before. I mentioned it had magic in it. It kinda magics it away. I don’t really know how it all works.” Zakia said, trying to explain what happened while never knowing more than it was just a way to magic the problem away. Sweetie panted, hearing but not responding, but leaned int Zakia’s chest as he put his large hand across her cheeks, groping and massaging them. Sweetie looked up to Zakia as she nibbled on his lip before getting what she wanted. Lips meeting and tongues dancing with each other. Sweetie’s arms wrapped around Zakia’s neck, her body pressed into his. Sharp and rapid movements caused an all too familiar feeling to start to rise. Zakia moaned as he felt Sweetie’s tongue dance with his own. He could feel his member throbbing inside her tight hole, and he knew he wouldn’t last much longer. Not at this pace. “No, not yet.. please... I wanna ride this out.” Sweetie pleaded, noticing his coming climax. The zebra’s pace slowed to a now smoother, more controlled speed, as the long, slow thrusts. Her moans muffled as she remained lip locked with Zakia. Sweetie felt Zakia’s hands move down her body, grabbing her rear and pulling her closer. She didn’t resist, wanting him to take even more control. As Zakia continued to grind her against him, she felt him push his thick cockhead past her cervix with a sharp jab after feeling its resistance. She gasped in surprise, but quickly began enjoying the sensation of his cock pushing past her cervix. Stretching her open, feeling the flared heads scraped her inside her womb, making her body convulse again as the stimulation was too much. Zakia moaned in pleasure, feeling her warm insides wrap around him. He loved the feeling of Sweetie’s tight pussy gripping his shaft, the way her walls squeezed his girth like she was trying to milk him. He kept thrusting, pushing himself deeper into her, making her gasp in pleasure. *** Button, on the other hand was gasping in surprise as he complained and bellowed. About the unfair boss that summoned a bunch of other guys. While all the boss did was swing his flag and buff his minions. The following profanity was both colorful and confusing. Still ignorant to the passionate embrace his friend and girlfriend were in. Though in the middle of his rage, Button seemed to doze off a few times, his head bobbing forward before snapping up. But ultimately found himself lying on the ground out like a light. *** Zakia noticed Button passed out, snoring on his back, finally hitting that caffeine crash. Zakia broke the kiss and tried to let Sweetie know, as the game seemed louder than ever. Sweetie confused but turned around, saw Button passed out. She quickly ignited her horn’s magic, fumbling to get the clicker a few times before muting the volume. “Oh, thank god that’s better... that was so loud.” Zakia said as he threw his head back. “Yeah, but... it covered up what we were doing at least... which.. um, thanks.” Sweetie Belle said as she was a bit more adorable as her embarrassed face tried to avoid his. Despite making it such a point to look at him and him look at her as they fucked.  “Don’t worry. I think we both needed it...” Zakia said, as he felt a bit better, his balls feeling a lot lighter. Sweetie Belle “Yeah... I’m gonna keep needing it.” Sweetie said as Zakia looked at her, surprised but also interest. “If Button’s gonna keep ignoring my needs during my heat, then he’ll miss out and someone else can take care of it.” Sweetie Belle said. Zakia looked at her, confused. “Does that mean you’re gonna be dumping him?” Zakia asked, unclear on how far her remark reached. “No.. I still like Button. He’s an adorable dork... but I also have needs. If he’s gonna focus on his games so much, I’ll have someone else take care of it... you.” Sweetie Belle said. “I don’t get a choice?” Zakia asked. “No. Did you plan on saying no?” Sweetie Belle said “No. But what happens if Button catches us?” Zakia asked. Before he was driven by lust, As he talked, he started considering the consequences of his actions now. Sweetie Belle went stiff at his words. “I’ll deal with it... Besides, this isn’t the first time he’s done this either. He did it last year too, but I had to stick with a toy for the entire week.” Sweetie said, a bit of disappointment in her voice. Though in their stillness an abrupt voice ripped through the house. Alerting and scaring both Zakia and Sweetie Belle. “Button dear. Mommy needs some help bringing in the groceries.” It was Cream Heart, Button’s mom. They had totally forgotten about her and now found themselves in a compromising position. Neither Sweetie nor Zakia had noticed just how long they had been at it on the couch. Zakia looked at Sweetie and said in somewhat of a panic. “Oh fuck, what do we do?” Sweetie’s brain was frantically trying to figure out what to do. How were they gonna get out of this? Zakia’s flares were lodged in her and pulling him out of her womb, let alone her asshole was not gonna happen anytime soon or quick process to do. “Sweetie, do you know any magic that can make us invisible or something?” Zakia was getting frantic, not wanting to be caught by Cream Heart of all people of all people. ”Please, please, please let anyone be there right now. ” Sweetie said to herself as her horn flared up. A sharp spike in magic erupted and encased both Zakia and Sweetie Belle. She really didn’t want to do this, but she didn’t wanna get caught more. Her arms wrapped tighter around his neck as she said, “This is gonna feel weird and I’m sorry.” Zakia didn’t understand and looked at Sweetie, confused. Then it hit him. He felt like the world melted into everything and then nothing before he felt like he was in the air.... then crashed down hard. His tailbone was the victim of the impact and fell to the floor below him after having crashed onto the wooden table. Before it then broke under his and Sweetie Belle’s combined weight and sudden impact. Groaning in discomfort, Sweetie was panting as she checked over Zakia. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.” Sweetie profusely apologized for having done that so abruptly and leaving Zakia in pain. Quickly surveying the surrounding room. Sweetie Belle let out a sigh of relief. She looked around and let out a sigh of relief. Scootaloo and Applebloom weren’t in the clubhouse. “What in hay are y’all doi-- oh.” Applebloom said as she looked at Sweetie and Zakia, stunned. “Hey, what’s goin’ on, Applebloom? Why’d Sweetie magic herself to the club ho-- oh wow.” Scootaloo looked stunned as she saw the two on the ground on top of a broken table on the ground. “Aw, horseapples... y’all both are here.” Sweetie said as she groaned in annoyance, bangin’ her head into Zakia’s chest. “Yeah, and ya got some explainin’ to do, Sugarcube.” “Yeah, I wanna know why Diamond’s ex is balls in your pussy and... ass? Wait holy cr-“ Scootaloo was cut off by Sweetie.  “Before we do anything, can you two help me get up and off him? He’s really big and kinda stuck. My legs are also like apple jam. Sweetie Belle said softly, feeling a tad embarrassed about asking for help with this. “Oh, fer fuck’s sakes Sweetie. C’mon Scoots, let’s git her up and off that dick.” Applebloom said. Scootaloo nodded and made the first of many attempts to get her off Zakia. *** “Now that yer not long impaled on that fuckin’ anaconda and he’s got all the splinters off outta his ass cheeks. How ‘bout ya explain what’s goin’ on?” Applebloom grilled both Zakia and Sweetie Belle. Wondering what in the absolute Tartarus was going on.