Learning The Ropes

by Storm butt

First published

Gallus has been interested in starting a relationship with both Sandbar and Smolder. The only problem is his lack of experience is causing him to overthink everything. Luckily for Gallus, he’s friends with a couple willing to show him the ropes.

Gallus has been interested in starting a relationship with both Sandbar and Smolder. The only problem is his lack of experience is causing him to overthink everything. Luckily for Gallus, he’s friends with Lost Way and Crashing Thunder. A long weekend with them to sort out his thoughts might be just what he needs to get some of the “experience” he craves.


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“Celestia, I can’t wait to get off,” Lost Way said with a weary sigh as he brushed the bits of snow off of his fur. Dragging the last loads of cargo into the castle through the wintery snow

“C’mon, it’s not that bad,” Gallus said with a roll of his eyes.

“Easy for you to say,” Lost Way replied as he shivered. “Unlike you, MY coat isn’t made for this kind of climate. Zebra are made for hot weather not up in the mountains or skies where you gryphons fly.”

“It’s kind of funny,” Gallus said. “Hearing my superior complain to me. Aren’t you supposed to be setting an example for us young cadets or something?”

“Yeah, no,” Lost Way said. “Leave that stuff to the guards who wanna be a captain someday. I for one am very fine in my own little sector just doing my job and getting a nice little paycheck. Feel free to suck up, though.”

“Heh, fat chance,” Gallus said.

Lost Way liked Gallus. He was relatively new to the job of a royal guard, and as such he commonly needed to be guided around on most days to get a feel for all the duties it required. For the past several months Lost Way had gotten closer to him. He knew what it was like to look different in a sea full of ponies, and even if most of the guards treated him well it could never hurt to have a friendly face. Gilda apparently knew him from back in Gryphonstone and had asked Lost Way and Crash to make sure he didn’t get up to trouble when training to be a guard. Luckily for the two of them Gallus seemed to want to stay as far away from trouble as possible. He was a hard worker and eager to prove himself, which was something Lost Way admired. Despite being less than a decade older he had grown to think of himself as sort of a mentor to the young gryphon.

“I for one can’t wait to get this crap over with,” Lost Way said. “Spending a few weeks on holiday is gonna be nice.”

“Going someplace?” Gallus asked.

“Probably not,” Lost Way said. “Crash’s folks are visiting someplace warm this year for Hearths Warming Eve. I’m just looking forward to cozying up with Crash and Gilda near the fire and getting buzzed on cider.”

“That sounds nice,” Gallus said before letting out a long-winded sigh. There was a slight frown on his face.

“What about you?” Lost Way asked. “You’ve worked like the past three holidays. You taking this one off?”

“I guess,” Gallus said with a shrug.

“You guess?” Lost questioned.

“Captain said I had to,” Gallus said. “I would have preferred to work through the holiday, honestly.”

“Seriously?” Lost Way asked. “I don’t think the captain likes suck-ups. You don’t gotta work yourself to death just to get ahead here.”

“It’s not that,” Gallus said, frowning still. “I just… I don’t really have anything to go back home to, really. I mean I don’t really have any family there. I’ll probably just end up staying at my apartment around here.”

“Well, what about your friends?” Lost Way asked. He could feel himself begin to frown too. Gallus had mentioned before that he really had no family to speak of save for a guardian who was a grumpy old gryphon, but even he wasn’t related to him.

“Mmm, a few offered to come visit me or have me visit them,” Gallus said. “But they already did that a ton when we were still in school, and now that we’re all older and have jobs it’s even harder for them to make time to see their families. Plus a vacation in the dragon kingdom or with Yona’s family sounds a bit more taumatizing than it does relaxing.”

“I uh…” Lost Way trailed off. He felt silly for having nothing to say. All he knew was that he felt bad for bringing the subject up. Gallus might have been an adult now, but right now he looked like a sad kid to Lost Way.

“Woah, Sorry,” Gallus said. He gave a shake of his head and tried his best to put on a smile, though Lost Way could see a glimmer of that previous melancholy still lingering in his eyes. “I didn’t mean to be a downer there.”

“No, it’s fine,” Lost Way said. “I should be the one who's sorry. I didn’t mean to bring that up.”

“It’s fine, it’s not like I go around advertising it,” Gallus said. He looked down at the ground with a twisted frown on his face. He seemed to be feeling a little awkward, still clearly blaming himself for the awkward silence in the air. That made Lost Way’s chest ache. “Hey, once we’re done with these loads we can probably head home for the holidays? I know it sucks in the cold but once we do it you can go sit by the fire.”

Gallus began to walk off back toward the exit out in the snowy courtyard, but just before he took a step out Lost Way felt himself speak. It didn’t really fully process in his head before he started talking, but before he knew it the words were coming out.

“Y-You know!” Lost Way said. “Our place is like… pretty big!”

Gallus stopped and looked over his shoulder.

“Uh… Okay?”

“I mean,” Lost Way paused. “You already know Gilda, and Crash and I… Since you’re gonna be in town anyway you could stay with us for the holidays.”

“Seriously?” Gallus asked. He turned back around. There was a look of disbelief in his eyes.

“Hey, if Gilda says you’re a good kid then I trust her,” Lost Way said. “Plus me and Crash have gotten to know you pretty well these past few months. I was already planning on making a huge dinner for us with a bunch of foods from Gryphonstone Gilda said she was gonna help show me how to make.”

Gallus would normally hate it when Lost Way called him a kid, but instead of annoyance like usual there a spark of hope in his eyes. He looked for a moment like he couldn’t believe his ears and was fighting the urge to get too excited before he squeaked out one last question.

“Really?” Gallus asked. “Are you sure I wouldn’t be ruining your guys’ alone time or something? Crash and Gilda would be fine with it?”

“I’m sure I can talk them into it no problem” Lost Way said. “I can ask Crash in the locker room when we’re leaving, and I’m sure Gilda won’t say no to you of all creatures staying with us.”

“I… Thank you!” Gallus said. Before letting himself get too excited he blushed a little and coughed before forcing himself to calm down. “I-I mean… If you’re sure.”

“Tell you what,” Lost Way said before walking up to Gallus and putting a hoof on his shoulder. “Once we’re off duty you can go to your apartment and pack up the things you wanna take with you to our place. I promise you Crash won’t say no.”

“Okay!” Gallus said.

Seeing him smile he really did look adorable, though Lost Way had a feeling that he would protest if he said something like that out loud. Instead Lost Way chuckled and lifted his hoof to ruffle the few feathers that were sticking out from under Gallus’ helmet.

“C’mon,” Lost way said. “Let’s get this shift over with, then when we get to my place I’ll make us all some cocoa.”


As it turned out Crash was more than willing to allow Gallus to stay with them. In fact, from the moment Lost Way explained to him Gallus’ predicament he nearly lept at the opportunity to offer the young gryphon some assistance.

Gilda too saw no problems with this arrangement. She actually was quite happy to see Gallus, and the idea of letting him stay with them made her smile. Lost Way hadn’t thought about it before, but it made perfect sense that Gilda would be glad to have a familiar face around for the holidays even if she considered both Crash and Lost family by this point. Upon agreeing to let him stay over she proceeded to lock his head right under her foreleg and began to give the feathers on top of his head a rough noogie.

“Aw, you kidding?” Gilda asked. “I’d LOVE to have this dork around!”

“Ow! Ow! Gilda, ow!” Gallus snapped as he squirmed and writhed unable to free himself.

“Heh, guess the guard hasn’t made you any less scrawny, huh?” Gilda asked.

Once she had released him Lost Way got started on the cocoa that he had promised. Crash was quick to show Gallus where the shower was and even rushed up to the attic to pull out extra blankets and pillows so the gryphon could make himself a proper nest in the living room for when it was time to sleep. Gallus seemed a little overwhelmed by all the attention, but it was in a good way where he kept smiling and blushing at just how nice everypony around him was being.

By the time Crash had come down with the mass of blankets and pillows Lost Way was just bringing out the mugs of cocoa.

“Oh, wow,” Gallus said. “That’s like, not from a packet is it?”

“Nope!” Lost Way said with a grin. “Homemade!”

“This stuff is better than sex,” Gilda said with a groan as she picked up the mug. Suddenly she paused and jumped a little, realizing what she said. “I-I mean, uh…”

“I’m not a kid anymore, Gilda,” Gallus said. “I know what sex is.”

“Sorry,” Gilda said with a chuckle. “I’m just used to you being that dork who came home from school and couldn’t shut up about all the friends you made.”

“Oh, come on,” Gallus said. “Are you gonna just tease me this whole holiday?”

“I mean, not when I’m sleeping,” Gilda said. “Duh.”

“C’mon, he’s had a long day,” Crash said with a chuckle.

Thankfully it seemed that there wasn’t even a hint of awkwardness in the air with Gallus around. He was able to slip easily into the conversation with ease, and despite the fact the four of them had never all been together at the same time it felt beyond easy to treat it like they had been living like this for weeks. They talked a little about work and how Gallus had been getting the hang of things the longer he had been there, and of course he was quick to say to Gilda that both Lost Way and Crash had done a ton to help him adjust and fit in.

“Trying to butter me up?” Crash asked. “I’m not the one in charge of your raise.”

“I-I’m not!” Gallus whined before blushing. “You two have been really helpful, I mean it… Sheesh, I need to stop giving you two compliments.”

“Aww, don’t be like that,” Gilda said. “What about me, where’s my compliment?”

“What have you done to earn one?” Gallus asked.

They really did have that sort of relationship where it was clear they grew up together. Enough to push each other’s buttons but not take it personally, and despite the fact that Gilda mocked she was going to put him in another headlock she backed away last second as Gallus squealed and backed up, prompting the other two boys to laugh.

After things calmed down and Lost Way took the empty mugs away it was already starting to look like twilight outside. With winter came shorter days, and even now it was already starting.

“So um… Can I ask something personal?” Gallus asked.

“What is it?” Crash replied.

“Was being in a herd something you always wanted?”

It wasn’t surprising that Gallus asked a question like that. Everypony who knew the three of them did at one point or another. Though something about the way Gallus said it seemed different. He suddenly got far more quiet and looked down to the floor with a clear blush forming on his cheeks. As Lost Way returned to the living room Gallus began to look around at all three pairs of eyes on him.

“I always did,” Crash said. “But Lost and Gilda kind of fell into it cause of me.”

“You make it sound like you guys tricked me,” Gilda said with a roll of her eyes. “I mean, I guess I never thought of it before. I wasn’t against the idea or anything, but it didn’t cross my mind till I met these dorks.”

“Oh, I see,” Gallus said. He folded his talons over his lap and began to fiddle with them. Lost Way could sense something else was on his mind.

“Was there something else you wanted to ask?” Lost Way said.

“It’s nothing,” Gallus said with a shake of his head.

“Oh come on,” Gilda said. “I know that look. It’s the same one you used to give when you were scared to ask Grandpa Gruff for something.”

Gallus blushed a bit. Knowing that Gilda could see through him that easily got to him, but upon realizing that suddenly three sets of eyes were all on him he let out a little sigh.

“I’ve had this thing for a while with a few of my friends,” Gallus said. “I thought we were just joking when we started out but ever since we graduated we uh… We flirt some. Sometimes a little more than that.”

“Oooh,” Lost Way said. The zebra couldn’t help himself. Gallus was normally tight-lipped about his personal life at work outside of friends, and for the longest time Lost Way had been curious about his romantic involvements but had thought it rude to ask outside of the occasional question if he was seeing anypony, to which he always replied he wasn’t. “Do tell.”

“C’mon, guys,” Crash said. “Don’t tease him.”

Gallus kept staring down. It was clear he had never really spoken about this out loud before to perhaps anypony.

“I have these two friends,” Gallus said. “One’s a pony and the other’s a dragon.”

“You mean Sandbar and that Smolder girl?” Gilda asked.

“Uh-huh,” Gallus said with a slight nod. “It’s nothing serious… I think. We were all hanging out together at my place a few weeks ago. We drank some cider then Smolder said as a joke we should play spin the bottle. I laughed at her but then Sandbar actually put it down and… I-I dunno, it sort of just happened. Sandbar’s bottle landed on Smolder first and I really thought they were gonna chicken out till they didn’t. Then when it was my turn it landed on Sandbar and we kind of just keep doing it for a while until we all kissed each other a few times. Then we stopped using the bottle entirely.”

“I thought my college years were raunchy,” Lost Way said.

“We didn’t do anything but kiss,” Gallus said. “I’ve never kissed a dragon or a pony before… or a guy. I’ve known I like both guys and girls for a bit now and they know too. They were the first I told along with my other friends.”

“Did you feel anything?” Crash asked. He was interested now as he scooted up closer to Gallus. “When you kissed them?”

“Maybe? I guess?” Gallus said. “I was a little freaked out at first but the more we did it the less scared I felt. After it was all done I felt really torn between them till I… Well till I thought about you guys.”

“Us?” Lost Way asked.

“Mhmm,” Gallus nodded his head as he answered. “You two had mentioned it to me once or twice. After it happened I started thinking about it more and wondered if it was something I should do too.”

“It isn’t something you should do just because you can’t decide,” Crash said. He reached out his hoof and put it on Gallus’ shoulder. For the first time in a while Gallus looked up to meet one of their faces. “But if you feel something for both of them it might be an idea. Have you three talked about it since then?”

“A little,” Gallus admitted. “We kind of all got on the same bed that night and cuddled. The morning after the two said they had fun. Smolder joked how she wanted to do it again and Sandbar actually pulled me aside before he left and kissed me again. Both her saying that and him doing it made me feel all…”

“Sappy?” Gilda asked.

Gallus nodded.

“That wasn’t all… The two of them the night before tried to go a little further.”

Crash must have widened his eyes because Gallus suddenly blushed again and looked down.

“Further how?” Lost Way pressed.

“Well… They kind of groped each other a bit, and then me. I did it back too but then I suddenly got all panicked. I think they realized I was scared of it going that fast and both backed off. That’s when we decided to just cuddle a bit.”

Gallus squirmed. Explaining this was clearly getting to him, but getting it off his chest, in general, seemed to be helping so he pressed onward.

“I didn’t know what to do with either of them,” Gallus said. “I didn’t want to embarrass myself. I know both of them have experience with that stuff but I’ve never…”

Gallus trailed off. He didn’t need to finish the sentence.

Crash could feel a pang of sympathy for the younger gryphon.

“You know,” Crash said. “When Lost and I started out I was really inexperienced too. When I met Gilda it was the same thing all over again cause it was my first time with a woman. If they care about you then that sort of thing shouldn’t matter.”

“I guess,” Gallus said. “It’s not just about not wanting to save my own feathers either, I guess. I want to make them feel good, too. I guess that’s why I brought it up at all. I was hoping you three could… show me?”

Gallus’ face was bright pink by now, and very quickly the rest of theirs followed. All of them went to say something at once, interrupted each other, and then cut themselves off and silence fell again.

“Whaddya mean show you?” Gilda asked.

“Nevermind,” Gallus said. “Oh my gosh I can’t believe I just asked that… I-I… I don’t know what I’m thinking. I should just…”

“Woah woah woah! Hold up,” Lost Way said when Gallus began fluttering his wings to get up in a panicked tizzy as if he were about to literally shoot up from the ceiling away from the awkward situation he was in. The zebra grabbed him by the sides and yanked him back down onto the couch where he sat there looking as overwhelmed as a steaming teapot. He instantly hid his face behind his talons and let out a long groan.

“I’m sorry,” Gallus said. “You guys are just the only creatures I know well enough to talk to about this stuff. Ocellus and Silverstream can’t keep a secret to save their lives and you three just seem so happy whenever you talk about each other. I… I really want what you have, I think.”

“So… What?” Gilda asked. “You want us to help you practice how to get laid? Wouldn’t that kind of upset Sandbar and Smolder if they knew?”

Gallus shook his head.

“Smolder once told me that she never wanted to be tied down to one creature. Sandbar never said anything like that, but… I mentioned to him in private that after that thing happened I had no idea what to do. He said it was fine if I took time to figure things out or even dated around a little,” Gallus said. He spoke a bit quickly, clearly still nervous.

Lost Way looked back and forth between Crash and Gilda. Both of them seemed to be at a bit of a loss for words, so it seemed up to him to say something.

“You know,” Lost Way said. “We have talked about the possibility of opening up our relationship to somepony not in our herd just for fun… Gilda, you mentioned you had a few friends who might like to meet Crash for that, right? Maybe this is a chance for us to test that out and help Gallus.”

“We did, yeah,” Crash said.

“It was mostly a joke,” Gilda said with a long sigh. “But yeah, when we talked about that I guess I was serious with being open to the idea… I guess the dweeb has gotten a little cute since he got older.”

“H-Hey!” Gallus snapped.

“I’m warming up to the idea here!” Gilda said.

“Look,” Crash said, interrupting the two. He looked over to Gallus who had been sitting there silently just blushing this entire time. “This isn’t something you’ll regret or feel guilty about, right?”

“I don’t think so?” Gallus said. After a few moments of Crash giving him a stern stare, he shook his head. “I-I mean no! I won’t.”

“Okay,” Crash said before closing his eyes and letting out a sigh. He looked to Lost Way and Gilda. “You two feel the same?”

“I mean…” Gilda paused. “Sure. Why the hell not? It’ll give me more reasons to tease the brat if I know how to make him squirm even better.”

“I’m fine with it too,” Lost Way said.

“Okay,” Crash said. He looked the most nervous out of the four, but it seemed to be less for himself and moreso for the sake of every other creature’s feelings. Once he was satisfied they were truthful he seemed to loosen up a bit.

“So, kid, you wanna learn how to do this?” Lost Way asked.

“Right now?” Gallus said. His voice was almost squeaking.

“You’ll just lose your nerve if you hold off,” Lost Way said.

Gallus looked like he was about to argue, then thought about it a moment. He shook his head before standing up, though shakily, and looked Lost Way in the eye. The Zebra reached out his hoof and grabbed Gallus by the talons.

“C’mon,” Lost Way said. “Let’s show you how to be a man.”

Without warning Lost Way tugged and pulled Gallus down to the couch. Crash had to scoot out of the way to make room for the gryphon who was suddenly on his back and pinned underneath Gallus. He went down to the floor and laid down next to Gilda, and suddenly the two boys had an audience. Gallus looked up with eyes as wide as an owl as suddenly Lost Way was on top of him with one leg pressing down to the side of his head while his other hoof stroked at Gallus’ cheek.

“First lesson,” Lost Way said. “Some foreplay.”

“Oh, wow,” Gallus said. “I-I thought I was gonna learn how to… y’know… Initiate it.”

“You mentioned your dragon friend’s a bit of a hothead,” Gilda said. “Yeah. She’s not gonna be fly with that the first few times if she’s like me. Dragons especially get super into the dominance thing.”

“Dominance?” Gallus squeaked. “How do you know that?”

“I traveled the world, dummy,” Gilda said from the floor as she settled herself down with a cocky grin to watch as Gallus was manhandled by the zebra. “I’ve met a few dragon gals.”

“It’s normally not just one creature’s in the same roll all the time,” Lost Way said. “Sex is about making the one you love feel good. For example…”

Lost Way reached down and suddenly buried his mouth up against Gallus’ neck. He pecked softly before sinking his teeth in ever so gently. Gallus let out a soft cry, but one more of surprise than pain. He moved his lips up to kiss at the edge of the gryphon’s jaw. Gallus shut his eyes, and right now Lost Way could feel the pounding heart press up against his chest as their bodies connected. His hooves traveled down Gallus’ side until he got to his hind legs where he gripped at the flank and gave it a good solid squeeze.

“Mmmph!” Gallus whined.

“Being dominate doesn’t mean controlling them,” Lost Way said. “It means guiding them. Plus you don’t just wanna lay there like a dead fish while they do all the work, cause that means they don’t know you’re enjoying it. Try grabbing me.”

“I-Is that okay?” Gallus asked.

“Grab. My. Ass,” Lost Way spelled out.

Gallus chirped a little as he moved only to reach his hand up and squeeze the talons against Lost Way’s own flank. Suddenly their bottom halves pressed together, and suddenly Gallus let out a loud noise as something stiff of his shoved up against Lost Way.

“Sorry,” Gallus whispered.

“Is he…?” Crash began.

“He’s excited, that’s for sure,” Lost Way said with a grin. He slid his hoof down between Gallus’ body down his chest, and when he reached just above where his crotch would be his hoof teasingly pressed down instead of grabbing him. Gallus whined.

“The hotheaded ones are grabby,” Lost Way said. “Depending on the mood you either need to match that energy or just submit to them entirely.”

“How do I match it?” Gallus asked.

“Easy,” Crash said before leaning down and whispering something into Gallus’ ear that Lost Way couldn’t hear.

“You sure?” Gallus asked.

“Go for it,” Crash said.

After nodding his head Gallus paused for a second. Then he did something unexpected and grabbed Lost Way by the back of his head. He wrapped his arms around and pulled him into a kiss. Lost Way was a bit surprised that Crash had suggested that, but even more surprised how willingly Gallus had gone for it. He felt the other talon reach for his other flank as suddenly his butt was gripped. His cheeks spread, and for a moment Lost Way felt his heart skip a beat. All of a sudden it wasn’t just Gallus who was poking something stiff.

“Heh,” Lost Way chuckled when the kiss split. “Naughty birdy.”

“Was that… good?” Gallus asked.

“It’s a start,” Lost Way said. “Matching your partners energy is the most important part. Don’t expect they’ll always want it the same, even if it’s Smolder. Even the toughest girls like to be treated sweet once in a while… Or so Crash says.”

Lost Way glanced up and threw a smirk over at Gilda, and instead of throwing out her usual sarcastic comment the feathers on her head perked up a little and she glanced away.

“Can it,” Gilda muttered. When the boys looked at her it was clear the sight of them rolling around was getting to her. She kept fidgeting and even looked a bit embarrassed. It was rare for Lost Way to see Gilda so flustered, so he took a moment to savor it before focusing back on Gallus.

“Alright, big boy,” Lost Way said before grabbing Gallus’ body “Let’s see if you can keep up with this one.”

“Ah!” Gallus let out a gasp as suddenly Lost Way pulled them to the side so they could tumble over and rolled against the back of the couch until Gallus was up on top of Lost Way. Despite the change in position Lost Way didn’t change his demeanor and remained fully in control. He grabbed Gallus by his flank and pulled down.

“Sit,” Lost Way said. It was an order, and Gallus complied faster than a trained dog.

“You’re not gonna put it in yet, are you?” Gallus asked, and gave a quick glance over to the audience they shared.

“No,” Lost Way said. “Just gonna show you how to make somepony go insane till they beg for me to do that.”

Lost Way gripped Gallus’ cheeks and spread them. His cock which had been steadily hardening the past several minutes was able to slip between the cheeks easily until Gallus was hotdogging him. The gryphon let out a little chirp at the sensation of the long stiff member grinding against his hole. He shuddered and whined.

“Ever had anything in you before?” Lost Way asked.

“Mmmph… Y-Yeah,” Gallus said with a little nod.

“Naughty boy,” Lost Way said. “Got some toys back at your place?”

Gallus nodded his head as he shut his eyes to avoid having to look at any of the others as he admitted this. He opened his mouth to speak but all that came out was a whimpering moan followed by a shudder of his body. He leaned back slightly until his hole was grinding right back against the member.

When Gallus leaned his body back his cock became visible. It was decently sized and already dripping with pre-cum all over Lost Way’s belly. Lost grinned before looking over to Crash.

“Oh hon?” Lost Way asked. “Mind giving me a hoof… or a mouth?”

Crash’s eyes widened as his lover called his name, as did Gallus’ own, but neither objected further as suddenly Crash scooted closer. He had never seen a gryphon’s cock in person but the sight mesmerized him. It was certainly different from his own, but that only made him even more curious. There was a knot halfway down it, which Crash had never for himself seen outside of the sex toys Lost Way owned.

“Show our little student the benefits of a third creature, would you?” Lost Way asked.

“Yessir,” Crash said before smiling softly and leaning his head in so it could squeeze between the two men and his lips and tongue could reach Gallus’ member.

“Ahh…” Gallus let out a little gasp. He sounded so adorable, and it was even cuter as his talons squeezed into the sides of the couch in response to the stimulation.

Crash began to suckle on the cock. He moved his head down and took the bump of the knot between his lips. It was a good point to latch onto as he used his tongue to press against the bottom of the cock and tug up and down. He could feel the inexperienced gryphon practically spurt the back of his tongue with every little movement he made. It was a somewhat sweet yet bitter taste that was all too familiar.

“Ahh… Oh gosh oh gosh oh Celestia,” Gallus whined before tilting his head back and looking up to the ceiling. He began to hump his hips back and forth, which just made it so he was either grinding against Lost Way’s cock or further pushing his cock into Crash’s mouth. His whole body trembled and he had to grip the side of the couch just to keep sitting up.

“Noises like that are good,” Lost Way encouraged with a teasing tone of voice. “Lets me know I’m doing a good job. Don’t look so shy about it~”

“I-I can’t help it!” Gallus whined.

The three of them hardly seemed to notice that Gilda was still staring at them all. She kept shifting and occasionally her back legs would grind together. For her this must have been like her own personal show. Three royal guards all getting at it at once sounded like something out of a cheesy romance novel, yet it was happening before her eyes.

Lost Way knew that Crash was especially good at using his mouth, and even with the foerign looking cock it took little time at all for him to get Gallus clearly on edge. The poor boy was fighting not to squeal with pleasure at every little suckle. He was so cocky and headstrong at work that seeing him stripped to a writhing mess of pleasure about to burst was too adorable for words.

Crash took his lips off of the cock, and when he did so Gallus let out a long whine of disapproval. It was practically twitching when the lips came off of it and in a moment of absolute horny lust he tried to reach down his own set of talons to rub himself to completion.

“Woah there,” Lost Way said as he reached out his hooves and stopped Gallus. “Don’t wanna burst your load too soon. That won’t be any fun when it’s with your friends, will it?”

“Jerk,” Gallus whined, yet stopped squirming and pulled his hands away willingly. Lost Way chuckled, because by pulling away all he did was scoot himself back against the cock once more.

“Tell you what,” Lost Way said. “If you say ‘please fuck me’ I’ll take you to my room and give you a good lesson on how to take it like a man.”

“P-Please fuck me,” Gallus whined.

“Again,” Lost Way demanded. “Oh, and add a ‘sir’ this time, would you?”

“Please fuck me, Sir!” Gallus said before blushing hard and shutting his eyes.

“Good boy,” Lost Way said before reaching up and running his hoof through Gallus’ chest feathers. “Now go to my room over there. Second door back. I expect you to be bent over the bed when I come in, understood?”

Gallus nodded his head.

“And no touching yourself,” Lost Way said.

Gallus whined again but nodded all the same. He slowly slipped off of Lost Way and blushingly turned away from the other two. He tried to cover his hanging cock and balls with his tail but the thing was far too thin to do anything. He was forced to awkwardly waddle away trying to squeeze his legs together before going back toward Lost and Crash’s room.

Once the door was shut Lost Way wiped up the pre-cum from his belly and gave it a lick before sitting up. He was still erect, and quite frankly eager to get into that bedroom.

“What did making him beg to fuck you have to do with showing him sex?” Crash asked.

“Nothing,” Lost Way said with a devilishly playful giggle. “I just wanted to see if we made him horny enough to do it.”

“Jeez, you’re evil,” Crash said with a chuckle. “Don’t go too hard on him, okay? He’s a beginner.”

“Did I go too hard on you?” Lost Way asked before getting up off the couch and playfully swishing his tail against Crash’s face. “I’ll be as gentle as that horny little birdy deserves.”

Though that sound worried Crash a little, he knew from experience that Gallus would be in good hooves. As Lost Way wandered off he looked back over his shoulder to Gilda who had been strangely quiet this entire time.

“You okay?” Crash asked. “That wasn’t awkward, was it? Seeing some creature you grew up with… y’know?”

“Crash…” Gilda said softly.

For a moment Crash felt himself fill with worry. Perhaps she was having second thoughts about this. Perhaps she hadn’t thought it through all that well.

“What is it?” Crash asked. “What’s wrong?”

“I need you to fuck me,” Gilda said. She got up the moment Lost Way was out of sight and moved over to Crash before gripping him with firm talons on his shoulders. “Holy crap that was hot.”

“O-Oh!” Crash said, feeling surprised. However he recognized that look far too well in Gilda. It was hungry and lustful, like a hawk circling its prey. Crash had a sinking feeling in the pit of his belly that he was the prey. He wasn’t sure if he should be excited or worried for getting Gilda so riled up.

“My nest,” Gilda said flatly. “Now.”

“Y-Yes, ma’am!” Crash squeaked.

First Time

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The moment the door shut behind Gallus was when the reality of his situation began to settle in his mind. He was in a boy's room, a co-worker, directly after begging for sex. He felt lightheaded as he sat down on a bed that wasn’t his own. He looked to the floor to see a few discarded feathers from Crashining Thunder’s wings and a few shades of pink and yellow scarves that only Lost Way would wear. The bed was messy and slightly saggy on one side where it was clear Crash typically slept.



Gallus didn’t mean to gasp the second Lost Way spoke and broke the silence in the room, but he was so deep in his own thoughts that he almost forgot that the zebra was even here standing at the door. He went over to the bed with a soft smile on his face far different from the cocky playful one he had moments ago back in the living room. As he sat down Gallus realized he was tense.

“I’m fine,” Gallus said, still trying to recover from the embarrassment of that gasp. “I asked for this, I mean.”

“Just cause you ask doesn’t mean you can’t say no whenever,” Lost Way said. He reached out and touched the top of one of Gallus’ talons. “Anypony who tells you otherwise are jerks. That’s rule one.”

“Thanks,” Gallus said with a slight shake of his head. “But I’m really not saying no right now. It’s just… kind of happening fast.”

“That’s okay,” Lost Way said. He inched closer to Gallus. “We can go slow.”

There was something about the way Lost Way carried himself that made Gallus trust him. He sounded so confident and smooth. He was just a tiny bit smaller than Gallus, though he certainly didn’t act that way. Soon enough he was pressing his body up to Gallus’ own and wrapping a foreleg around his back. He pressed his lips right up to the side of Gallus’ head and breathed out a chuckle.

“You wanna take it your first time with Sandbar, don’t you?” Lost Way asked.

“I-I…” Gallus started to speak but then clamped up.

“Don’t be shy,” Lost Way said. “You weren’t shy when you begged me out there to fuck you.”

“Holy crap,” Gallus whined.

Lost Way reached around to Gallus’ chest and placed his hoof right there. He began to stroke it down, and when he got to Gallus’ belly the gryphon let out a little whine. His heart was pounding in his chest, and he wasn’t sure if it was from nerves or excitement.

“Those toys you have at your place,” Lost Way continued to speak as he lightly flicked his hoof back and forth against Gallus’ belly. “You used to them? You didn’t just buy them for show and then get too scared to really test yourself, did you?”

“I’ve used them,” Gallus said softly.

“Mmm, that’s good,” Lost Way said. “A real cock’s a little different, though. Got a whole creature on the other end of it who wants to use that cute hole of yours as their own. I bet even your sweet little friend Sandbar gets really wild when he’s super horny.”

“Mmm,” Gallus let out a noise. Though he had softened between the living room and now the zebra’s words were making him squirm. He could feel himself stiffen up once more, and that was when Lost Way reached down to give his member a proper teasing touch.

“I’m gonna tell you to do a few things,” Lost Way pressed on. He squeezed the head of Gallus’ member while still rubbing his muzzle up and down one of the gryphon’s cheeks with tender motions. “If I say anything you don’t wanna do, though, just tell me the safe word.”

“Safe word?” Gallus asked.

“Never feel like you have to do something somepony says just cause you agreed to sex,” Lost Way said. “So just say ‘red’ if I go too far, okay?”

Gallus nodded his head.

“Good boy,” Lost Way said, and smirked. “So, do me a favor and roll onto your belly. I wanna see that butt of yours.”

Something about shifting so easily from teacher to sex partner made Gallus’ head spin. Regardless of his pounding heart he nodded his head and complied. He rolled over with his front half still on the bed and his paws still on the edge of the bed. Lost Way got up and walked back and forth with a grin on his face. He reached out a hoof and gave one of the cheeks a proper squeeze, which made Gallus bite his tongue to keep silent.

“You got some nice cake on you,” Lost Way teased as he giggled to himself.

“Th-Thank you?” Gallus replied, and then instantly blushed upon realizing how silly it sounded to thank somepony for complimenting his butt.

Lost Way sat down right in front of Gallus’ butt. His head was at eye level with the cheeks, which made it perfect for him to reach out and squeeze either one with each hoof. Gallus pressed his face into the mattress and let out a little whine as he felt them be pulled apart.

“This is to lube me up?” Gallus asked.

“Heck no,” Lost Way said. “You kidding? I don’t think ANY stallion would be gay if we used lube like this. Use the real stuff every time, got it? Don’t learn the hard way.”

“Then why are you…”

“Cause it makes you feel good, silly,” Lost Way said. “Lemme show you!”

“L-Lost Way, hold o— MMM!”

Gallus was about to say something when Lost Way pulled his cheeks apart and moved his face forward. The first thing Gallus felt was something wet against his hole. His whole body trembled and a shiver of electricity went up his spine. The sensation was utterly and wholly alien.

Gallus was familiar with the sensation of toys, but this was new. Lost Way’s tongue wasn’t exactly trying to penetrate him, but instead toy with him. Every swish and lick of the tongue caused nerve sensations Gallus didn’t even know he had to react. He reached out his talons and sunk them into the blankets to grip as he lay there trying to decide between breathing and the risk of letting out whimpering moans.

Lost Way wasn’t satisfied with just teasing, either. The zebra seemed almost hungry to Gallus with the way he ate him out. He kept pushing his muzzle deeper and deeper until Gallus’ cheeks were no doubt nearly suffocating him from how tightly they squeezed around his mouth. Still, his tongue kept flicking, and Gallus could feel every little movement.

“Ahhh!” Gallus finally felt the burning sensation in his lungs reach a point he could no longer ignore and let out a gasp. Just as he feared he let out noises that exposed just how badly Lost Way’s tongue was getting to him. As he breathed in and out more moans escaped, and his face flushed hard as he tried with increasing desperation to keep his beak firmly shut.

A long and tedious lick from his taint all the way up to the base of his tail was what really got Gallus to nearly explode. His whole body shivered in response, yet he remained entirely silent until the last moment when Lost Way pulled his tongue away. At that point, Gallus let out a loud gasp as air demanded to be let back into his lungs. He laid his head down on the mattress and began to pant.

“Why do you do that?” Lost Way questioned.

“D-Do what?” Gallus asked.

“Clam up like that when you feel good,” Lost Way said.

“I dunno,” Gallus replied, and felt himself blush. “It’s embarrassing, I guess? I sound all… I-I dunno.”

“Like a gryphon getting the best rimming of his life?” Lost Way asked with a grin.

“The only rimming, actually,” Gallus replied. He didn’t want to look over his shoulder. It felt strange talking so normally with Lost Way when moments before his tongue was absolutely ravaging his hole. Even now Gallus was still trying to catch his breath from how hard he had worked himself up.

“Crash used to do the same thing,” Lost Way said. He climbed up onto the bed and lay beside Gallus so the gryphon could no longer ignore Lost Way’s gaze. He pressed his body up to Gallus’ own. “When we first started messing around he was so nervous to just let it show how good he felt. I’m gonna tell you the same thing I told him.”

“What’s that?” Gallus asked.

“I like hearing I’m doing a good job,” Lost Way said with a smile. “I think everypony does. Plus, you sound really cute when you do finally break a little.”

“Mmm…” Gallus said. He continued to blush and squirm back and forth. “I know Smolder’ll tease me if I do it in front of her.”

“So?” Lost Way asked. “A little teasing isn’t gonna kill you. Plus, it just means she likes you if she calls your little birdy chirps cute.”

To surprise Gallus, Lost Way proceeded to use his tail to swish right against the gryphon’s butt. Gallus’ eyes widened and he let out a sudden gasping cry.

“Like that,” Lost Way said.

“J-Jerk,” Gallus replied.

“Aww, don’t be so grumpy,” Lost Way said. He had that tone again of a more devious and assertive zebra. He reached over and grabbed Gallus before suddenly pushing him until he rolled onto his back. At that point, Lost Way climbed up onto Gallus’ body and swung a leg over his chest so he could stare down at the gryphon. He used both of his front hooves to grab Gallus by his talons and hold them up. Suddenly the two were face to face with only a few inches separating their beak and muzzle respectively. Gallus was so focused on staring into Lost Way’s eyes that he didn’t realize the zebra was moving his hind leg until it was pressed right up between Gallus’ thighs. The soft skin of Lost was suddenly grazing ever so gently against Gallus’ taint as well as the base of his cock which had started to harden once more.

“Hard again?” Lost Way asked.

“Uh-huh,” Gallus said.

“Good boy,” Lost Way said. “Don’t be shy about it. You really are cute when you get into it like this.”

“I am?” Gallus asked.

“Totally,” Lost Way said with a grin. “But if you aren’t careful that dragon and pony are gonna eat you up. Though, who knows? Maybe you want that.”

“B-Be serious,” Gallus said, though as soon as he said it he found it hard to turn his gaze back toward Lost Way. He rolled his head to the side, which gave Lost Way the opportunity to lower his head down and give his neck a quick nip with his teeth. It was enough to startle, not to hurt.

“Maybe you want ME to eat you up tonight, hmm?”


Gallus twisted without thinking, and in doing so he accidentally thrust his hips upward until his already half-hardened cock pressed firmly into Lost Way’s lower leg. He shut his eyes firmly as the blush consumed him. He could hear Lost Way chuckle in that taunting and devious tone of his before he started to pepper Gallus’ neck and cheek in quick nips and kisses. He started to move his hind leg up and down grinding it against Gallus’ cock while not once loosening the grip on the talons still firmly held above the grpyhon’s head.

“Ahh!” Gallus had to fight the urge to silence his body's desire to let out whines the more Lost Way teased him. Though it made his heart beat like a drum and his cheeks burn like fire he took Lost Way’s advice the best he could and tried to prevent himself from caring about how embarrassed he felt.

“Good boy,” Lost Way said. He lifted his head and brought one of his hooves down to touch Gallus’ face and force the gryphon to look him in the eyes. Though the zebra was smiling Gallus saw nothing but a quiet hunger in his eyes. He didn’t even think twice to lean in when Lost Way lowered his head to kiss him.

The few times Gallus had kissed ponies it had ranged from awkward to pleasant. Kissing Lost Way was different. This was a stallion with experience in not only the bedroom, but with different species as well. He didn’t hesitate at all about which way to position his head against the beak nor did he hesitate to force his tongue into Gallus’ mouth. The few times their mouths parted for air were the times Gallus whined and realized just how needy he sounded. The gryphon found himself learning to lean into what Lost Way was doing to him instead of trying to control it, and the more he did that the less nervous he felt.

Lost Way was practically laying on Gallus now, which meant the gryphon’s member was firmly pressing into the zebra’s body. Lost Way seemed aware of this by the way he refused to stop wiggling his body so his belly grazed and rubbed against it. The longer they laid there kissing the more apparent it became that Gallus wasn’t the only one reacting when he felt a cock rub against his own. Soon enough the two were pressing together and Lost Way was grinding up and down to stimulate them both.

Lost Way broke the kiss and simply smiled down at Gallus who was whining under each breath he took. He looked down between them at their bodies mere inches apart. He saw Lost Way’s cock lay on top of his as the zebra glided his body up and down.

“Want me to show you how to take it like a real man?” Lost Way asked. He playfully stroked the side of Gallus’ head and toyed with his feathers.

“Yes, please,” Gallus said.

Lost Way got up off of Gallus’ body and went directly over to the nightstand beside the bed. In the very top drawer, there was a bottle of lube already halfway used. It was the same brand the gryphon bought for his toys. He couldn’t help but gaze down toward Lost Way’s crotch to stare at his hanging erect member and wonder how it compared to said toys. The zebra was decently sized, and Gallus had never been overtly adventurous with what he bought.

“We can still back out if you want,” Lost Way said.

Gallus looked up to see Lost Way’s concerned expression. He looked gentle and caring, and it made the nerves bubbling up inside Gallus die down.

“I wanna try at least,” Gallus said.

“Good,” Lost Way replied. He moved over to Gallus with a glob of lube in his hoof. “Don’t be brave just for me though, got it?”

Before Gallus could even nod his head Lost Way moved his hoof forward and smeared the lube right onto his hole. Gallus realized that only he himself had ever applied it down there, which made the sensation both familiar and alien at the same time. Goosebumps ran up his body as he let out a shaky breath. As soon as he was ready Lost Way was quick to smear more of it on his own member until it glistened. After that the zebra tossed the bottle aside and climbed up onto the edge of the bed until he was positioned between Gallus’ spread legs.

“Should I change positions?” Gallus asked.

“Not yet,” Lost Way said. “Missionary is pretty easy. Let’s work our way up to something rougher, hmm?”

Rougher. The simple word made Gallus’ head spin. In fact he was so lost in that spiral that he wasn’t aware of what Lost Way was doing until suddenly he felt something press up against his freshly lubed hole. He realized very quickly that it was Lost Way’s cockhead and felt his body stiffen.

“You gotta relax,” Lost Way said gently.

“Sorry,” Gallus replied.

“It’s alright,” Lost Way said. He lowered one of his hooves and placed it against Gallus’ leg before petting up and down. “Just breathe. If it hurts too much just tell me and we can stop, okay? No brave faces.”

“Got it,” Gallus replied with a nod. He could hardly stand to look down at Lost Way and instead stared up at the ceiling. He tried his best to calm down, and as he did so he felt his pounding heart settle down to a healthy rhythm once again.

It was right about then that Lost Way pushed. The sensation was familiar while at the same time not. The toys he used were never quite so warm, and for once he didn’t have control over how fast it went into him. The first thing Gallus did was open his beak and let out a pant followed by a whimpering cry as the first few inches entered him. The toes on his back paws curled as his talons balled into fists.

“Doing good?” Lost Way asked. The zebra sounded like he was holding back a pant of his own.

“Y-Yeah,” Gallus replied.

Lost Way pushed deeper. It became clear to Gallus very quickly that Lost Way was about as big as any toy he had, if not bigger. He wondered briefly if Lost Way was simply bigger than average or if he had just been buying less intimidating items to test out. That thought quickly went out the window as he felt the base of Lost Way’s cock hit his ass and the head of it deep inside of him hit up against his prostate. The first thing Gallus did was let out a cry.


It was somewhere between a yelp and a chirp. Gallus instantly blushed hard and squeezed his eyes shut.

“That was a cute sound,” Lost Way said with a chuckle.

“I can’t help it,” Gallus whined.

“Good,” Lost Way replied. “Not hurting too much?”

“No,” Gallus said. “I feel… f-full?”

“I’m gonna start thrusting now,” Lost Way said.

The zebra pulled himself back a few inches, and then pushed back in. He was slow with his movements without being tedious about it. Gallus had a feeling his face was being watched closely to make sure he wasn’t trying to put on a brave face for the pain. Once again the head of the cock hit his prostate and Gallus had to bite his tongue to keep from whining too loudly. His head cocked back and suddenly he was looking at the wall behind him upside down.

“Ahhh! Mmmph!” Gallus cried softly. He could feel his cock practically twitch, and when he looked down it was dribbling with pre-cum.

“Heh, sensitive in there?” Lost Way asked.

“It… mmmph… F-Feels good,” Gallus replied.

Lost Way grinned at that comment. It seemed to only encourage the zebra because as soon as he was told he was doing a good job he became far less cautious with his movements. He began to properly pump in and out of Gallus, working up like an old engine until finally he was moving at a steady rhythm. Every thrust he made suddenly made the bed creak. He could feel Lost Way’s body press up to his butt and thighs, a far different feeling than any of the toys had ever given him.

Each and every time Gallus felt his prostate get hit he had to decide between stifling his moans or letting them out. Each thrust made his cock throb and quite frankly it was driving him insane. He found himself trying to push down into each thrust to make the cock inside of him go even deeper.

“Ahh! Ahh! Mmmph! Nnngh!”

Lost Way panted softly as he worked. He was gripping Gallus’ thighs tightly for leverage all while staring down at him with a smile that made the gryphon’s heart skip. It only took a few more minutes of this before Gallus started to not care about the noises he made and every thrust turned into a whine of pleasure.

“Ready to get rougher?” Lost Way asked right at the point where Gallus felt like he was going to start pleading for Lost Way to do just that.

“Yes, please,” Gallus said through a pant.

Lost Way instructed Gallus to flip over onto his belly. He did just that until he was back in the position he started in when Lost Way had rimmed him. Instead of pressing his mouth back up to the hole Lost Way pressed his cock. He leaned over Gallus’ body and pressed his hooves into the gryphon’s back before lowering them to his hips for proper leverage.

“I’m gonna pound that cute birdy butt of yours,” Lost Way taunted.

“Please,” Gallus begged. It took everything in him not to just scoot back to force the cockhead waiting at his hole to enter him. “Fuck me, Lost!”

Lost Way chuckled, and did just that. He pushed into Gallus with far more ease than before and was quick to get things going.

One thing was certain, and that was Lost Way wasn’t lying about this being rougher. From this angle, Lost Way had full control to treat Gallus as though he were nothing but a hole. His hips moved with a near-mechanical force thrusting in and out of him. Gallus laid on the bed with his cheek pressed to the mattress and his eyes nearly rolling back into his skull from how good it felt. He started to let out one continuous moan instead of short segmented ones, and paused only to breathe. What really surprised him was when he heard a voice pleading for more and realized it was his own.

“Ahh! Lost! More! Mmmph! Keep going!”

With each thrust Lost Way’s balls slapped down to Gallus’ ass. Each time he heard it synced up perfectly with his prostate being rammed. No doubt the spot on the bed where his cock was grinding against was soaked with pre-cum by now.

Lost Way gripped Gallus ass with a hoof before giving it a sudden and unexpected swat right on his flank. Gallus yelped softly and looked back over his shoulder. Lost Way grabbed him by his tail and gave it a tender yet firm tug which made Gallus whimper.

“Heh, you’re really good at this,” Lost Way commented with a devious grin. “Nice tight hole. Cute adorable sounds. Celestia I wish I could keep you.”

Keep him? That made Gallus’ cheeks burn brightly. The worst part was he was so intoxicated by his own horny thoughts and how good it felt to be fucked that he felt a similar desire cross his mind. He wanted Lost Way to grab him and fuck him harder.

“Ahhh! Fuck me!” Gallus whined. “Please!”

“Nnngh, what happened to the shy little birdie?” Lost Way asked teasingly. “Mmmph, does birdie want me to cum in him?”

“Yes!” Gallus said with a tone far needier than anything he had said thus far. “Please!”

Lost Way somehow found a way to move even faster. The creaking of the bed grew even louder as the frame began to bump up against the wall with every thrust, no doubt echoing throughout the house. Neither gryphon nor zebra seemed to care and simply kept it up. The feeling of the cock moving in and out of him hitting that pleasure spot again and again made Gallus feel drunk on horniness.

“Ahhh! Ahhhh! Lost! More! Mmmph! Fuck me!”

Lost Way was huffing and panting just as heavily as Gallus by now. He felt far more like a beast in heat right now than before, and Gallus was adoring every moment of it. The passion he felt as Lost Way grew closer and closer to climax made his heart soar. He moaned loudly in sync with Lost Way. He found himself wanting just as badly as Lost to have his ass full of zebra cum.


Lost Way let out a grunt before thrusting into Gallus one last time. He managed to thrust his cockhead right up to Gallus’ prostate as he did so before letting a torrent of cum burst from his cock. Gallus could FEEL the warm sensation fill him. Since his hole was plugged up by Lost Way’s cock it had nowhere to go and seemed to stay inside of him. Something about that made the gryphon giggle like an idiot.

Lost Way was practically laying on top of Gallus and panting. The both of them were drenched in sweat, and as Lost Way pulled out the cum came dribbling out of Gallus’ hole at a steady pace. Lost Way collapsed with his arms wrapped around Gallus’ body.

“Mmmph, what were you so nervous about, again?” Lost Way asked with a giggle. “You good?”

“I’m great,” Gallus said. He rolled onto his side just to look down and confirm his theory that indeed there was a massive stain of his pre-cum right on the sheets.

It was strange. Even though he hadn’t cum he still felt a sense of satisfaction in being the one to make Lost Way do so. He considered again what Lost Way had said right before eating him out about doing something just to make the other feel good during sex. It didn’t feel as serious or scary as it had when they had just started.

“Sandbar’s a lucky stallion,” Lost Way said. “You’re totally a natural bottom.”

“H-Hey,” Gallus said sheepishly.

“What were you saying near the end there?” Lost Way questioned. “Fuck me? Pleasssse fuck me, Lost!”

“How does Crash stand you?” Gallus whined before rolling away from Lost Way and covering the sides of his head with his talons.

“I ask myself that a lot,” Lost Way said.

It was at that point that Lost Way tapped Gallus’ shoulder and the gryphon turned back to look at him. He was smiling warmly as he began to rub up and down one of Gallus’ arms with his hoof.

“C’mon, let’s get cleaned up,” Lost Way said. “Then in a bit if you’re feeling up for it, I think I know the perfect stallion to show you how to do what I just did.”

“You mean… top?” Gallus asked.

“Well, you did ask for help from ALL of us,” Lost Way said with a smirk. “You’re gonna have a long weekend, bird boy.”

Gallus blushed as he processed those words. He thought about what awaited him over the next few days and couldn’t help but wonder what he had gotten himself into.

Second Time's A Charm

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The hours following Lost Way and Gallus sleeping together were surprisingly normal. The biggest thing Gallus found himself worrying about was that going through with this process would make his friendship with the two royal guards tense and awkward, but even after he had cleaned up and worked up the nerve to walk right back into the living room in the presence of Crash, Lost, and Gilda he found that only he himself seemed to show any sign of worry.

“There’s the big guy,” Lost Way said from the couch. The zebra was wearing a dark pink fuzzy robe wrapped tightly around his body. He had showered first upon Gallus’ insistence and had taken the notion of relaxation to the next level. He practically looked like he had just walked out of the spa with how much he was glowing.

“H-Hey, guys,” Gallus said nervously as he stepped into the living room.

“You still take FOREVER to shower,” Gilda complained. “Seriously, you’re lucky I’m not going in soon or else I’d kick your butt for wasting all the hot water.”

“Nothing wrong with being thorough,” Crash said jokingly. “Maybe you wouldn’t find your feathers so ruffled all the time if you took care of them a bit more, Gilds.”

“Oh, stuff it,” Gilda said with a roll of her eyes.

Gallus found himself chuckling. Whatever nerves he had felt before were drying up faster than his own fur after the shower. He sat down on the couch next to Crash who was seated in the middle and scooted closer toward Lost Way. It was only then that he realized just how much time had passed when he looked to a window only to see darkness.

“That late?” Gallus asked.

“Well, we’ve been busy all afternoon,” Lost Way said with a shrug followed by the briefest and flirtiest of winks toward Gallus.

“Can we finally decide what we’re gonna do about food?” Gilda asked with a slightly annoyed groan.

“Well, now that Gallus is here…” Crash started.

“You weren’t waiting for me to eat, were you?” Gallus asked.

“Uh, duh,” Gilda said.

“Guys…” Gallus said softly. He was both a bit touched and embarrassed by the compassion on display from the three creatures. “You don’t have to do that.”

“Aww, he’s trying to be all selfless,” Gilda said teasingly with a grin spreading across her beak. She got up from her seat and went behind the couch where she was quick to lock Gallus’ head into a firm arm lock using her bird-like arm. Gallus instantly began to squawk and yelp as he squirmed.

“G-Gilda! Gilds! Ahh! My feathers!” Gallus whined as Gilda noogied him on top of his head like she used to do while he still lived back with her in the gryphon kingdom.

“I thought you were STARVING,” Lost Way said.

“I can bully a nerd and decide what to eat at the same time,” Gilda said.

Once Gilda had released Gallus’ head from her iron grip the four of them got to discussing what they should do about food. Despite Gallus trying to speak up about paying for his own portions he was quickly shot down by the other three parties. It was Gilda who recalled some of his favorite food from the gryphon kingdom and then Lost Way who commented that a place that served similar things was on the opposite side of town.

Once again Gallus tried to say he’d be the one to go and get the food, but once more he was pushed out of being helpful with the demand that he was their guest. Lost Way, as comfortable as he looked, stripped out of his robe so he could walk side by side with Gilda. It would take at least two creatures to carry all of the food needed for the four of them together.

Gallus probably should have clued in a bit earlier what was happening, but he was still overwhelmed by the three’s overwhelming kindness that he wasn’t thinking straight. It wasn’t until Gilda and Lost were at the door trying to scribble down everybody’s orders so they wouldn’t forget it that Crashing Thunder found his way over to the couch and slid up beside Gallus.

“Doing good?” Crash asked.

“Uh-huh,” Gallus said with a nod. “Thanks for all this… you really don’t need to go this far, though.”

“Don’t mention it,” Crash said with a grin.

The pegasus looked over his shoulder quickly to see that Lost and Gilda were still hunched over the breakfast counter with a quill and slip of paper. It was then that he leaned down to Gallus’ ear and whispered something that made his feathers stand on end.

“Lost Way mentioned you hadn’t cum yet~”

It was the absolute last thing Gallus expected Crash to say to him in that moment. It took him by such surprise that he practically let out a squawk of shock, and the springs on the couch cushions actually whined from him physically jumping in response.

“A-Ahh!” Gallus was quick to stutter before he could even think of what to say about that. “I-I um… he… we…”

“Okay, we got it all written out!” Lost Way said, interrupting Gallus before the poor gryphon could think to put his thoughts back together. He came up behind Crash and wrapped his forelegs around the large pegasus’ neck and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Take care of our new birdie, Crash.”

As soon as Lost Way said that he winked directly at Gallus. He must have blushed because instantly Gilda snorted and tried to stifle her laughter.

Had they… planned this while he was busy washing up? The thought of that only made Gallus’ cheeks blush brighter.

The poor gryphon was suddenly so overwhelmed that both Gilda and Lost leaving the house felt like it happened in the blink of an eye. They hardly said goodbye before closing the door behind them and heading out to the night. It left Gallus alone with Crash who was still sitting awfully close to him.

“Oh, gosh,” Gallus said without thinking upon realizing there had been a good ten seconds of utter silence between them.

“We don’t have to do anything if you don’t wanna,” Crash was quick to say. He reached out and touched Gallus right on his chin before stroking the feathers near his head gently. “They were just really pushy about us having the chance, you know? Lost Way said he felt a little bad about… er… what I said before.”

It seemed even Crash was a little sheepish about outright talking about this sort of thing. That, strangely enough, made the nerves in Gallus’ chest feel much less panicked.

“I’m not… against it,” Gallus said.

Looking up and down Crash really was physically intimidating. He was one of the largest ponies Gallus had ever seen; especially for a pegasus who was typically known for their slender and sleek body.

“Well, Lost Way told me he taught you how to take it,” Crash said with a sheepish smirk. He scooted closer to Gallus until they were practically bumping up against each other. “Wanna try to see if you can give it?”

“T-To you?” Gallus asked. “Really?”

“Lost tells me I’m good at it,” Crash said as he blushed and glanced away. “Only ever tried it with a pony, though. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t curious if it’d feel different with… you know, hehe.”

The more Crash talked the more it seemed like he was the one who was nervous. Gallus couldn’t help but smile. He was like a big teddy bear whose intimidation was entirely physical. Lost Way’s teasing had been relentless and caused Gallus to freeze up and allow himself to be pushed around in a way he didn’t know he’d enjoy so much. To change dynamics so quickly must have been what it was like to be in a herd.

“Sure,” Gallus said. “Wanna go somewhere comfy?”

Heading right back into the familiar bedroom Gallus felt nearly giddy. Crash was suddenly struggling to look Gallus in the eye even as he sat down on the bed in front of the gryphon. There was a faint blush on his cheeks.

“I dunno how good of a teacher I’ll be for this,” Crash said. “Gilda and Lost have a ton more experience than me. I’ve never actually been with anypony except those two.”

“Really?” Gallus asked.

“Mhm,” Crash replied with a nod. “It’s a long story. I kinda know what it’s like for you though, I suppose. If you wanna do whatever with me to try and get some experience I’m not against it.”

Suddenly Gallus couldn’t help but stare at Crash’s body. He had never really paid much attention to it before outside of a work setting, but he really was attractive. He was well built with just enough chub on him to seem cuddly at a glance. The way he kept fidgeting and glancing away was adorable.

“Is it okay if I… If I just practice being the one in control?” Gallus asked.

“Go for it,” Crash said with a chuckle. “I just hope I don’t disappoint compared to Lost. He’s really good at this sort of thing.”

That comment made Gallus’ heart skip a beat. This was so different from how this room had felt with Lost Way in it. The role reversal was such whiplash for him yet at the same time he found himself excited.

“Don’t sell yourself short,” Gallus said, and found himself growing a bit brave as he stepped forward and touched one of his talons to Crash’s chin. “Lost Way says you’re REALLY good at being a bottom.”

“He said wh—”

Gallus had said that just to see how Crash would react, but the moment the pegasus looked up with brief panic in his eyes the gryphon couldn’t help but grow overcome with the urge to lean in and press his beak right up to Crash’s lips. He was just so cute, and Lost Way had broken through the hardest part of his hesitation hours ago.

“Mmmph!” Crash whined softly. He leaned back which allowed Gallus to practically lay against his massive body. Once they parted Crash gave a little gasp, as he clearly hadn’t sucked in the proper breath for a surprise kiss of that length.

“Sorry,” Gallus said with a giggle. “You’re just really cute.”

Crash’s eyes widened.

“Th-Thank you,” Crash said.

“Can I… Can I um…” Gallus spoke softly. “I can do whatever, right?”

“Yep,” Crash said. “Go for it. I’m not picky.”

“Then…” Gallus started but found his body moving before he could finish that thought. He moved until he was on his hind legs on the ground and his face was burying itself right into Crash’s belly. He moved his talons to either side of Crash’s hind legs and squeezed at his hips as his beak drug down further and further until finally, it hit Crash’s crotch where it pressed against a fleshy flaccid sheath.

“Ahh…” Crash let out a little gasp. He seemed to not expect Gallus to be so forward, and in response to the beak grazing against his crotch, his thighs squeezed slightly until Gallus felt his head trapped between them. Suddenly his face had no choice but to press right up against his sheathe and his balls which were directly underneath. The smell was strong and manly, but not unpleasant.

“S-Sorry,” Crash said quickly as he unclenched his thighs.

Gallus could feel something prod his beak. Crash was growing, and his cock was inching out of his sheath.

“Oh, wow,” Gallus said softly.

It was big. That much was obvious even while barely erect. It wasn’t the length that made Gallus stare but the sheer girth. It was practically as thick as a regular stallion’s leg. Suddenly it made perfect sense why Lost Way had been the one to show him how to bottom and not Crash. It wasn’t just a personality thing, as Crash’s cock might actually hurt him if he wasn’t fully ready for it.

“Everypony keeps saying that,” Crash said with an embarrassed tone of voice.

As his cock grew Gallus couldn’t help but lift his talons to grip it. He could feel it stiffen in his hands and as he did an uncontrollable urge came over him. He positioned his beak right at the head of it and opened it to let his tongue out. As it grazed over the cockhead he could feel Crash tense as well as hear the sound of a little whine escape his lips.


Soon enough Crash’s full length was on display. Just holding it felt like a log and Gallus could feel his cheeks redden. He put his entire beak around the cockhead and had to nearly unhinge his jaw to avoid letting the tip dig into the tender flesh.

It surprised Gallus just how much he was able to get down. The cock filled his mouth entirely, and he could taste pre dribble against the back of his tongue as his head kept going deeper. He made it close to halfway down the shaft before an alarm went off in his mind warning him to go no further.

“Ah!” Gallus let out a gasp when he pulled the cock out.

“Sorry,” Crash said. “It’s a little hard to work with.”

“It’s kind of hot,” Gallus said softly. He felt like he was staring like a kid outside a candy store. “Do you think you could just lay back and let me… play with it?”

Crash did as he was asked. He laid on his back, and the bed sunk slightly and creaked from his weight. With how he was positioned his newly hard cock stuck straight up. It seemed Gallus had been able to get him fully erect with little more than a few bobs of the head.

“Like this?” Crash asked.

The sight in front of Gallus was intoxicating. The cock and balls were alluring, sure, but he had so much of Crash on display right now from his thighs to his butt even.

“Perfect,” Gallus said.

Without further warning Gallus moved his head in and forced his beak right underneath Crash’s massive hanging balls. The pegasus let out a gasp and once more squeezed Gallus’ legs between his thighs. It nearly suffocated the gryphon as the smell of manliness overwhelmed him.

“S-Sorry!” Crash said softly as he tried to unclench his thighs, but was stopped by Gallus lifting up both of his arms at once and stopping him.

Gallus absolutely did not want to leave here. All he wanted to do was bury himself inside of Crash’s crotch. He opened his mouth and let one of the balls fall into it before he began to drag his tongue all over the sack.

“Mmm…” Crash let out a worried sound. It was adorable how focused he was on Gallus’ safety despite the stimulation he was receiving clearly giving him a ton of pleasure if the continued stiffness of his cock was anything to measure.

Gallus licked greedily as much as he could. He drug his tongue down Crash’s taint until he hit his butt where he greedily buried his face looking for the pegasus’ hole. As soon as he found it in the darkness between those thighs he was made well aware he had hit his mark by Crash’s loud yelp.

Suddenly Gallus had an overwhelming desire. He finally let Crash unclench his thighs from around his head and lifted it up.

“Will you sit on my face while I eat you out?” Gallus asked.

It was the absolute most horny thing he could have said in the moment. Crash’s eyes widened in surprise.

“I-I dunno,” Crash said. “I’m really big, Gallus. I don’t wanna hurt you.”

“I promise you it’ll hurt me way more if you don’t,” Gallus said. “Your ass is beautiful I just wanna…”

The gryphon realized he was squirming around with impatience. He hadn’t realized the benefits of having such a big yet submissive partner before, and he was feasting on a lust he never knew he had.

It took a bit of convincing, but eventually Crash agreed to do what Gallus asked of him. The gryphon crawled up onto the bed to lay down on his back. Soon enough Crash was standing over him with his big rump hovering over Gallus’ face. The pegasus looked down worridly.

“Just… Sit?” Crash asked.

“Mmhm!” Gallus said eagerly with a quick nod.

“Tap if you need me to sit up, okay?” Crash asked. “I mean it!”

“I will, I will,” Gallus said.

It was so cute how worried he was. Gallus got the feeling that Crash really didn’t see himself nearly as hot as he should, because even with the gryphon practically begging to be smushed by his rump he didn’t so much as tease him with a wiggle or sly comment like Lost Way surely would. That made it even hotter that he was so hesitant yet willing for the sake of making Gallus happy.

Crash sat down extremely gingerly. He was slow with his movements and clearly didn’t trust his full weight to fall on Gallus. He sort of hovered with his plush cheeks pressing down to Gallus’ face until finally Gallus reached up and grabbed him by his hips and yanked him down the rest of the way.

“Ah!” Crash whined. Gallus was unsure if it was the shock of being pulled down or the sudden beak pressing right to his hole.

“Mmmph!” Gallus moaned with pleasure. He couldn’t wait to open his mouth and unleash his tongue on that tender hole. The moment he so much as licked it he could feel Crash’s entire body vibrate from the moan he gave.

Much to Gallus’ surprise, he could breathe a little, it was just entirely consumed by the manly smell of the stallion sitting on him. In order to breathe he had to fully open his beak and in doing so force his tongue against the pegasus’ hole. The noises Crash made only encouraged him to keep going. Gallus found out very quickly that Crash was anything but silent in bed.

“Ahh! Mmmph! Nnngh! C-Careful! Ahhh!”

Crash sounded like he was lost between his concern for accidentally hurting Gallus and being utterly enthralled in how good it felt to be eaten out. Lost Way wasn’t lying when he said Crash was noisy. It egged Gallus on to see just what sort of noises he could get out of him with every press and drag of his tongue against that quivering hole.

“Mmmph!” Crash whined. He squirmed around which just caused his big butt to rub against Gallus face. The poor gryphon was in heaven to the point he didn’t realize he was getting a bit light-headed. He simply kept eagerly licking away swirling his tongue around. He squeezed his talons into Crash’s thick thighs and found they were just as plush as his rump.

With every little whimper and whine, Gallus could feel vibrations throughout Crash’s body. By now his own cock was hard and no doubt Crash could see it clearly given his position.

By the time Gallus felt his lungs begin to burn he hardly realized he had gone so long without air. He tapped his hand on Crash’s side, and the pegasus was like lightning with how fast he snapped out of his pleasured daze and sat up.

“Oh, gosh, are you okay?” Crash asked.

“Hehe…” Gallus giggled softly. He knew he no doubt looked silly with his feathers all ruffled and bent out of shape from Crash writhing around so much. He lay there panting as Crash looked down at him worriedly.

“You were the one being all noisy,” Gallus said once he caught his breath. “Are you always that loud?”

Crash blushed as he shook his head and let out a little sigh of relief.

“Mmmph, you’re just like Lost,” Crash said.

Crash’s eyes wandered down to Gallus’ lower half. The gryphon’s cock was out and hard now.

“Never seen one on a gryphon?” Gallus asked, and wiggled his lower half teasingly so his cock would sway back and forth.

“Not in person,” Crash said. “Does it… Really knot?”

“You bet,” Gallus said with a smile. He reached his talons down to grip the base of his cock and waved it around. “Wanna give it a taste?”

“Mmmph… A little,” Crash admitted sheepishly. It was earnest enough to make Gallus giggle.

“Go ahead,” Gallus said.

Crash moved slowly like an animal examining something it wasn’t quite sure about. He crawled to the end of the bed where he crouched down so his muzzle was right in line with Gallus’ cock. As he inched closer his eyes widened. He reached out with his hoof and touched the member so tenderly that Gallus hardly felt him at all until he began to rub it up and down feeling all the bumps and curves that weren’t on a pony’s cock.

“It’s not as big as ponies,” Gallus said. “But the way it’s shaped makes it feel really good… I-I mean… My toys do, at least.”

“I like it,” Crash said. He ran the tip of his hoof right over the roundness of the knot which caused Gallus to bite down on his tongue to keep from whining. That restraint was quickly overwhelmed the moment Crash brought his lips to the head, which resulted in Gallus letting out a whine he couldn’t control.

Crash was remarkably gentle with how he moved. There was a lust and hunger behind his movements, but the way he cradled Gallus’ cock in his mouth was gentle yet stimulating. He suckled in a way that caused the cockhead to be squeezed and tugged on without discomfort, only pleasure, and Gallus had to fight to keep his beak from opening and letting out a moan.

“Ahhh…” Gallus gasped softly. His talons curled into the bedsheets in response to Crash’s head bobbing down his cock.

Without any effort, Crash managed to lower his lips all the way to the base of Gallus’ cock. As his lips went right over his knot and squeezed Gallus let out a whimpering moan that he couldn’t quite contain. As Crash went upward and his mouth released the knot Gallus actually let out a gasp.

“Oh, gosh,” Gallus whined.

Crash was starting to get in the zone now. He bobbed his head up and down in a perfect rhythm. He looked up with his big blue eyes, and it was at that moment that Gallus felt his heart skip. He was so cute.

“Heh, you like it?” Gallus asked.

“Mhm…” Crash’s response vibrated around all of Gallus’ cock and made him feel tingly. Gallus giggled both from the sensation and the situation he was in. He found himself growing more confident and began to move his hips up and down to push his cock deeper into Crash’s mouth.

“Mmmph, that’s right,” Gallus said, trying to remember how it was that Lost Way had talked to him during their session. “You love my big gryphon cock… Mmmph, you’re good at this.”

Crash shut his eyes and began to bob even faster. That taunting seemed to only encourage him to go harder, and as a result, Gallus became quickly overwhelmed.

Gallus hadn’t taken into account just how pent up he really was from his day so far. Lost Way had made him relentlessly horny with the way he teased him and pounded him, yet at the end of that session, he still hadn’t been able to cum.

While Crash was gentle, he was in no way skimping on his job. In fact, he seemed to be more intent on getting Gallus to cum than Lost Way had ever been. The zebra had spent all his time introducing Gallus to new sensations and drawing them out for maximum pleasure, while Crash here was sucking and bobbing as if the seed about to blow from Gallus was the tastiest thing in all the world.

With one last bob of his head Gallus was able to take the full knot in his mouth, and that little bit of stimulation was just enough to drive Gallus right up to the edge of being overwhelmed.

“Nnngh! Ahhh! C-Crash, slow down!” Gallus whined.

Unfortunately for Crash; Gallus had forgotten to mention a very important detail about his own cock. Whenever he got close to orgasm his knot would flare up and expand. It had never exactly been a problem in his life before so it hadn’t crossed his mind to warn Crash, but suddenly as he laid there and felt Crash attempt to lift his head only to get himself stuck did Gallus realize what was happening.

“Mmmph!” Crash whined. His mouth was absolutely stuffed with gryphon cock, and he was unable to unhinge his jaw enough to pull it back from the knot. Gallus laid there whining and moaning loudly as he squirmed and writhed.

“Ahhh! Mmmph! Ahhh!” Gallus whimpered helplessly as the pleasure built and built. Every time Crash tried to tug or pull himself free it only stimulated him more. He was inching ever closer to the edge and the longer he stayed there the more his mind became a haze of dizzying pleasure.

“G-Gonna cum!” Gallus whined loudly.

Without thinking Gallus thrust his hips forward right into Crash’s mouth. The orgasm overtook him and he nearly let out a scream from the pleasuring burst of hours of teasing finally being released. His semen was hot and liquidy from just how long he had been pent up, and right now there was an excessive amount pumping itself straight to the back of Crash’s throat.

“Nnngh!” Crash whined loudly as he squeezed his eyes shut. The pegasus was made to guzzle load after load of cock that quickly shot down his throat as Gallus laid there panting and whining from the high of it all. The gryphon’s senses all dulled as he was overwhelmed with pleasure. He felt one finally tug on his cock as Crash was finally able to open his jaw just wide enough for it to slip over the knot.

Crash was coughing when he lifted his head. Cum and drool dribbled out of the sides of his mouth as he panted and looked up with watery eyes at Gallus, who was only just now starting to think straight after such an intense release.

“I’m sorry!” Gallus said quickly as he came to his senses. “I really wasn’t thinking about my knot! I-I didn’t know you’d get stuck like that. Are you alright?”

“Fine,” Crash said through a slightly wheezy breath of air. “Can’t say I’ve ever had THAT happen while sucking Lost off, though.”

“I’m sorry,” Gallus said again. He could feel his heart drop as the worry consumed him that he might have messed up somehow.

“Hey, hey, it’s fine,” Crash said as he quickly fought to regain composure. He scooted up closer to Gallus and placed a hoof onto his chest and put a reassuring smile onto his face. “I was just surprised is all.”

Gallus could feel his face burn hot. He nodded his head to show he understood but it idnd’t stop the embarrassment from lingering. Crash surprised him by leaning in and giving him a quick kiss on his cheek, and that helped calm him down a little.

“Though, I’m a little surprised,” Crash said. His eyes fell back down to Gallus’ crotch where his cock was still hard and dribbling. “You certainly don’t LOOK like you just blew a load through the back of my head.”

“That happens sometimes,” Gallus said softly. “Usually when I’m really pent up and horny, though.”

“Wanna keep going?” Crash said. “I never did teach you how to top.”

“You sure you’re up for it?” Gallus asked. “I don’t wanna hurt you if… it happens again.”

“Don’t worry,” Crash said with a bit of a smirk. “I can handle it.”

The two seemed to be getting more comfortable with each other and their bodies. It was Crash who reached over to the nightstand to pick up the bottle of lube that Gallus recgonized and cracked it open before handing it to Gallus. Crash then turned around and spread his legs before seating both himself and his rump right down over Gallus’ lower legs. He put himself right where his big butt would press up to Gallus’ still hard member and nearly break through the crack to grind up against his hole.

“Your butt is really damn hot,” Gallus said without thinking.

“You think so?” Crash asked.

“Dude, yeah,” Gallus said. “It’s really massive… I bet it’ll jiggle if I pound it hard enough.”

It was that comment that caused Gallus to feel a throb in his cock yet more. Yep, he was definately ready for a second round.

Gallus was quick to pour some lube into his talons and reach out to spread Crash’s cheeks. He hadn’t exactly been able to get a good look when Crash had been sitting on his face, but the sight of his hole still a little damp from his tongue excited the gryphon. He got even more excited when all he had to do was press his lubed talons down to it for Crash to let out a quiet whine. Once the hole was all lubed up he got to work on his cock.

“What position did you and Lost do?” Crash asked.

“Um… Missionary then some doggy?” Gallus said. “Why?”

“Well,” Crash said, blushing a little as he looked away. He raised himself up so his butt was hovering over Gallus’ cock. His back was still facing Gallus as he wiggled back and forth. “Want me to get on right here? It might give you a better show of my butt.”

The smile on Crash’s face was clearly a nervous one. He wasn’t used to showing off his body, but was pushing himself for the sake of Gallus. All the gryphon could do was dumbly nod his head up and down eagerly.

“Go ahead and guide me,” Crash said. “I don’t wanna hurt you.”

Gallus reached out his talons to grab Crash’s butt. It took most of his willpower not to let a big goofy smile go across his face as his talons sunk into the plushness of it all. He guided the butt down until his lubed up cockhead was right up against Crash’s hole, and then he gave a tug downward to tell Crash to move.

It surprised Gallus just how easily Crash took the cock. Within a few seconds the head was inside of him, and the pegasus let out little more than a soft gasp. Gallus got to watch as his cock was consumed by that beautiful big butt only to pause briefly right at the knot. After a moment he pushed himself down further, and it slipped right into him. That time he let out a noise, and it was a mild yelp.


“D-Did I hurt you?” Gallus asked worridly.

“N-No,” Crash said, and shook his head. “Just… ah… Not used to it getting so big suddenly down there. It feels good, though.”

Crash wiggled ever so slightly and Gallus had to bite his tongue to keep from moaning.

Gallus had never used toys that mimicked any sort of anal or oral stimulation, but even if he had he had a feeling it wouldn’t live up to the real thing. His cock felt entirely wrapped in a tight warmth that made him shudder.

“Gah…” Crash whined softly. “Go ahead and start humping. I’ll follow your lead.”

Gallus did as he was told, though truth be told he was so engrossed in how this felt that he was fighting the urge to do exactly that already. He began to push up with his hips and for the most part Crash did the rest.

It became very clear the sort of experience Crash had with this as he began to move. In this position he was made to do most of the work in actively moving himself up and down the cock. Impressively enough he managed to take the knot each and every time he went down. As it squeezed inside of Crash’s tight hole Gallus had to resist the urge to let out a room-echoing moan as that big fat butt felt down on his pelvis again and again.

Crash wasn’t lying about the view. With every movement he made his cheeks jiggled and bounced, and as he got faster moving up and down the cock so did the show he was putting on for Gallus.

“Oh, Celestia,” Gallus whined as he continued to hump. “Y-You feel so good! Ahhh!”

“Nnngh…” Crash let out a grunt mixed with a moan as he continued to work.

Gallus couldn’t keep his hands off of Crash. He kept grabbing for the sides of his flank to push him down faster and faster. Before Gallus knew it he was letting out loud moans and cries with every little movement he made.


Gallus realized he was quickly approaching the point of no return once again. It was a quick build up that was aided in no small part to just how good Crash was at keeping up his movement, and the wonderful sight of his butt moving up and down. Gallus began to gasp as his back arched.

“Crash! Ahh! Mmmph! Getting close!”

Instead of taking that as a warning to stop going so deep Crash did the opposite. He intentionally made it so that his ass took the knot each time he went down, as if he were actively encouraging Gallus to get stuck in him once again. Gallus threw his head back as he felt the pleasure rise in him like a Wonderbolt rose rapidly into the air.

“Ahhh!” Gallus let out one last cry and a thrust of his hips until he felt Crash’s cheeks hit right against his body. He felt his knot flare as the excess cum left within him burst inside of Crash’s body. There wasn’t much left in his tank, but what he had was enough to make Crash himself whine with pleasure as he was filled.

“Mmmph… Pretty good for a first time,” Crash said with a chuckle as the high of pleasure began to fade from Gallus’ mind. He looked down to realize he was still inside of the pegasus, and when he gave a tug it became apparent that he was stuck there.

“Sorry,” Gallus said sheepishly before covering his eyes with one of his hands in embarrassment.

“Don’t be,” Crash said. “It felt good to take it… Couldn’t resist, hehe.”

It took a few minutes of sitting there awkwardly before Gallus’ cock finally lost its swelling and Crash was able to pull out. The pegasus flopped down on the bed beside Gallus in exhaustion, causing the whole thing to sink and whine, and smiled at the gryphon.

“Good lesson?” Crash asked.

“Hehe, yep,” Gallus said. “You’re a pretty good teacher.”

“I am?” Crash asked. “Or my butt?”

“They’re… one in the same,” Gallus said.

That caused both boys to start chuckling. Only now was the exhaustion of the long day starting to hit Gallus as he realized just how much he had tested his endurance with the two boys. He laid his head against the pillow and let out a long groan followed by a yawn.

There were still a few days left in this long weekend, and if this is how the first day went Gallus couldn’t help but find himself looking forward to what might come next.

Third Bird

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The following day felt strange for Gallus. Waking up on the couch still half-groggy and momentarily unaware of where he was was an experience for sure. His head ached just a bit from the booze Lost Way and Gilda had brought home last night, and for a moment he allowed himself to let out a groan and bury his head back underneath the pillow that Crash had given him the night before.

Lost Way and Crash had tried to convince Gallus to take their bed, but there was a point where the gryphon simply had to point out they were doing too much for him. Besides, he felt far more comfortable placing the pillows of the couch all around him and bundling up in the middle with a blanket like a makeshift nest than he ever would in a normal bed.

The scent of coffee was the only thing to bring Gallus out from under the pillow. It was overpowering, to be honest. Actually, it was so strong that he should have probably realized Gilda was standing right in front of him holding a mug a little sooner. Unfortunately for him the moment he pulled his head out from under the pillow and saw her eyes staring down at him it was too late to prepare himself, and he let out a caw like a startled bird and jumped in place.

“Ahaha!” Gilda laughed down at him. “Seriously? Jumpy, much?”

“Oh my gosh!” Gallus whined as he sat up. “How are you so quiet?”

“How are YOU so noisy?” Gilda asked. “You still snore, you know.”

“You still get up way too early, you know,” Gallus replied with a mild glare before falling back down onto the pillow and letting out a weary sigh. “Don’t you ever sleep in?”

“Pfft, no,” Gilda said. “I gotta get my morning fly in before the sun gets too high or else I’ll be scorched up there. Here you go, nerd bird.”

Gilda set down the mug of coffee right onto the table in front of Gallus. Upon closer inspection, the inside was a light shade of brown instead of the black he associated with Gilda’s drinking habits. He could smell the sugary cream.

“You still like it all gross and sugary?” Gilda asked.

“Um, yeah,” Gallus said as he reached out to take the mug and sipped at it. “Thanks, Gilds.”

It was strange to sit here and have Gilda do something outright nice for him. While he would never call Gilda outright mean their dynamic for most of his life had been an antagonizing one from her end. To have her do something for him without ulterior motives was strange. It seemed her time with Crash and Lost really had changed her.

“Want company?” Gallus asked. “On your fly, I mean.”

“Pfft, think you can keep up?” Gilda asked.

“Hey, I’m a royal guard now!” Gallus snapped. “Not some runt!”

“Then finish that coffee and show me what you got, nerd,” Gilda said before turning around and flicking her lion-like tail over his mouth with a quick whip. “I’ll be outside stretching.”

Gallus could feel himself blush at Gilda’s teasing, and had to hide his face by putting his beak to the mug and sipping his coffee. Once she turned away he felt a spark of competitiveness grow within him, and he was quick to down the rest of his cup and scurry to his feet. Suddenly the dull pain in his head didn’t seem to matter all that much now that he was determined.

Gilda had always been the competitive one, but even at a young age some of it had rubbed off on Gallus. When he was little she used to make him race her or get into silly competitions. It had been so long since this was the routine that Gallus had all but forgotten about it until he stepped outside to see Gilda stretching both her wings and her legs. She looked back with a cocky look on her face.

“Better stretch,” Gilda said. “Don’t wanna have to rescue your dumbass if you cramp up and start falling out of the sky.”

“You are NEVER gonna let that one go, are you?” Gallus asked.

“Heh, nope,” Gilda replied.

Once they were off in the sky it felt like Gallus could properly breathe. He had never been obsessed like Gilda was about speed or strength, but any gryphon worth their salt always felt the most at home when gliding through the clouds.

Gallus was feeling a little confident, and perhaps that was his first mistake. Part of Royal Guard training for those who could fly was to constantly test their speed and push it to the limits. Gallus had gotten his best flying mile down by minutes compared to where he started, but he had forgotten just how speedy Gilda could be. You’d think that with her body being larger and more muscular than his that it might slow her down, but Gilda had seemingly perfected speed throughout her entire life.

Within minutes Gallus was struggling to keep up. At first they had been neck and neck, but as Gallus’ wings began to ache Gilda actually pulled ahead of him. As she did so she looked behind and stuck out her tongue, which caused a childish rage to brew up inside of Gallus. Despite the fact that his body was reaching its limit he demanded it go faster. He ignored the aching pain in his wings and the way he could hardly see from the wind whipping so viciously at his eyes and focused purely on catching up to Gilda.

By the time they hit the end of their lap around the city Gallus nearly crashed into the ground upon landing. He had just barely managed to pull ahead of Gilda at the very last second and was already paying the price for it. He collapsed on the ground in a panting mess unable to move his legs due to them feeling like jelly.

“I… Finally… Won…” Gallus panted heavily between each word. His heart was pounding about a million miles a minute as he spoke.

“Congrats, Squirt,” Gilda said. She was standing over him looking down with a cocky smile. She was hardly even breathing hard, much less the collapsed wreck that Gallus was after pushing himself like that. “Guess the guards are worth something after all.”

“Ow…” Gallus whined as he tried to sit up but found that his legs wouldn’t obey him. His wings ached and it was starting to hit him just how badly he had pushed himself. “Well, that’s gonna suck in a few hours…”

“Idiot,” Gilda said before letting out a sigh and leaning down to grab one of Gallus’ hands to yank him up. She forced him to lean against her. “Let’s get back inside and drink some water, yeah? Probably shouldn’t have pushed yourself that hard just after drinking.”

“Now you tell me,” Gallus whined softly.

“I thought you were a big boy now,” Gilda said in a tone Gallus took to mean she was mocking him. He couldn’t help but blush as he was forced to lean against her and led back into the house.

“Hey you two!” Lost Way was quick to greet the two gryphons. The scent of hay bacon and coffee was even stronger than before. “Where have yo— woooooah, what happened?”

“Nothing, he’s fine,” Gilda said as she led Gallus back to the could and let him plop down. “He just tried to do something really dumb.”

“Oh yeah? Lost Way asked as he approached the two. “What’s that?”

“Try to beat Gilda,” Gallus whined. “Ugh, my wings hurt.”

“Big baby,” Gilda said with a roll of her eyes. “Hold on, I’ll get you some water.”

Gilda really was different. Back in the day she would simply mock him and leave him in pain if he pushed himself like this. However this time within a few moments he felt the cool press of an ice pack against his back right between his wings as well as the sensation of glass press up to his beak.

“Since when did you get so motherly?” Gallus asked.

“Probably when she asked Crash to call her ‘Mommy’ in bed that one time,” Lost Way said.

“Hey!” Gilda snapped. “You shut your mouth you damn zebra!”

Lost Way snickered before quickly darting out of the room to avoid Gilda’s swiping talons aimed directly at his face. She growled but gave up the idea of chasing him to instead sit there and act bitter.

“You sure you don’t wanna beat him up?” Gallus asked.

“Eh, he’s not worth it,” Gilda said.

Gilda sat down on the floor in front of the nest that Gallus had made and let out a long sigh as her body relaxed. She began to rub at her shoulder blades and crank her arm around in a circle.

“You seem really happy here,” Gallus said.

“I do?” Gilda asked.

“Yeah,” Gallus said. “Back with the other gryphons you always talked about never wanting to settle down anywhere for long. It’s weird to see you be so… not restless.”

“Don’t get me wrong,” Gilda said. “Canterlot’s full of a bunch of snobs and I can’t stand half the ponies here. It’s just… I guess the ones I like make up for it.”

“I’m glad you’re happy,” Gallus said.

“What about you?” Gilda asked before turning around with a coy grin. “Lost and Crash teach you good lessons for those friends of yours?”

Instantly Gallus felt his cheeks grow warm. He gave a brief nod of his head only to feel his blush worsen as Gilda laughed in response.

“That one dragon girl you like,” Gilda said. “You said she was kinda… I dunno, spunky?”

“You could say that,” Gallus said. “She reminds me of you a little, actually. She never takes any crap but I can tell she cares a lot about the creatures around her.”

“Wow, way to ruin my self image of a cool collected heartless badass,” Gilda said with a playful smirk. “Still, I dunno how good the lessons those two boys would be if she’s actually like me.”

“I thought you liked doing… it with them,” Gallus said. It felt strange to say the word ‘sex’ out loud despite it being so common the past few days.

“Obviously I do,” Gilda said. “Just… I had to push Crash a little to get him up to a speed I like a bit more. Lost is a little closer to what you should be aiming for, but from what heeee told me you weren’t the one doing the giving when it was his turn, hmm?”

“You talked about that?” Gallus whined.

“Of course,” Gilda said. “Lost said you were REALLY cute, by the way.”

“Uuggghhhh,” Gallus whined before turning away from Gilda. He let out a sharp hiss as the ice pack shifted on his back and fell on one of his wings. Gilda was quick to reach up and readjust it and quickly chastise him.

“Oh don’t be such a prude,” Gilda said. “Course my boys are gonna tell me how it was. We wouldn’t be a herd if we weren’t open.”

“I guess,” Gallus said. He was frowning now as he felt Gilda begin to gently rub the base of his wings. “Do you really think Smolder would be disappointed?”

“Now hang on, I didn’t say that,” Gilda said. “I just said it might just take some time to match her speed. That’s normal in relationships.”

“Yeah, but…” Gallus began then trailed off.

Gilda let out another long winded sigh.

“Do you even know what it’s like to be with a girl?” Gilda asked. “Didn’t you say you hadn’t even done stuff with boys till a few days ago?”

“Nothing serious, no,” Gallus said. “Is it that different? Can’t I just treat her like a stallion?”

“Oh, jeez,” Gilda said. “Okay, I see how it is. I need to step in here, don’t I?”

“Whaddya mean?” Gallus asked.

“I don’t know any girls who wanna be treated like boys unless they have some SERIOUS self-examination they need to do about themselves,” Gilda said. “Even the rougher girls.”

“I don’t think Smolder wants to be treated like a lady,” Gallus said.

“Not like a LADY,” Gilda said, and made a noise on the last word as if it were some awful thing to say. “Just… You don’t want her to feel like she’s one of the guys when you’re going at it. Nothing kills the mood faster than having some guy try to give you a high five mid-sex.”

“Did that happen to you?” Gallus asked.

“Not the point,” Gilda said with a slight huff. “Just… You’re supposed to be friends with who you love, but it’s not like friendship at the same time. It’s…”

Gilda trailed off and had a mildly frustrated look on her face as though her train of thought had just derailed itself, or she couldn’t figure out how to put it exactly.

“So I… shouldn’t act like I’m friends with her?” Gallus asked.

“No, ugh, this sucks,” Gilda whined with a slight shake of her head. “I don’t know if I can really explain it without just showing you.”

That phrase instantly made Gallus’ eyes widen as well as the heat in his cheeks to return. Gilda caught his eye because instantly she mimicked his expression as if realizing what she had just said. Given how the rest of the weekend had gone, Gallus expected this to happen at some point. The thing he didn’t expect was for her to just say it bluntly.

“I-I mean… You know,” Gilda said. “The boys had a turn and all. Plus I don’t want to send you out only to have you come back crying with your tail between your legs cause you upset a feisty kinda girl.”

“You want to?” Gallus asked, and then his voice grew much quieter. “Now?”

“Not now, dummy!” Gilda snapped before reaching over and flicking Gallus right on his forehead. This caused him to flinch and whine a little. “I do NOT get guys’ obsession with having sex right after a workout. I need a damn shower if I’m gonna be able to get into it.”

“R-Right,” Gallus responded sheepishly. “So don’t say something like that to Smolder, got it.”

“You gotta let her initiate it, too,” Gilda said. “At least at first. Nothing makes a girl wanna run more than feeling like they’re pressured into it.”

“I know that,” Gallus responded.

“Well, that’s one thing you have right,” Gilda said with a small smirk. She got up from the couch and let out a groan as she stretched her wings and then her legs. “Look, I’m gonna go shower. Lost and Gallus like to go out for a walk around noon so if you’re up for it…”

Gilda raised her eyebrow at Gallus before turning and flicking her tail against his cheek. This left him sitting there a little stunned and still blushing as he watched Gilda walk away. It was only when he was left alone did he realize the beating in his chest was rather intense.

“Jeez,” Gallus said softly. “What have I gotten myself into?”


Gallus stepped out of the shower a little over an hour later to a quiet and empty house. His feathers were still damp as he ran the towel over the top of his head and glanced around. Crash and Lost Way had gone out, just like Gilda said they would.

“Gilds?” Gallus called out as he wandered down the hall. “You still here?”

“Over here, birdy boy!”

Gallus couldn’t help but feel his chest tighten at the sound of Gilda’s voice. She sounded teasy already and the poor gryphon was fighting the urge to blush as he wandered down the hall before eventually reaching a cracked door where Gilda’s room was.

“You in here?” Gallus asked.

“Come on in,” Gilda said.

Gallus did as he was told only to push the door open and instantly feel like he was frozen solid at the sight of Gilda. His eyes widened and his cheeks flushed instantly as he stared at Gilda’s mess of a nest and saw her laying there. Her legs were spread wide open, and two of her talons were currently between her legs gently slipping in and out of her pussy. She was facing Gallus with a cocky smile on her face and no shame in her eyes.

“G-Gilda!” Gallus snapped.

“What?” Gilda asked. “You seemed eager when you asked earlier. Figured I’d not waste time beating around the bush. Now come here so I can show you how a real woman fucks, would you?”

There was something demanding yet firm about the way Gilda spoke that made Gallus want to listen to her. Despite his pounding chest and his eyes fighting not to stare too long between Gilda’s legs Gallus stepped forward and made sure to shut the door behind him despite knowing nobody else was home.

“Jeez, you said after I showered,” Gallus said. “I didn’t think it’d be this soon.”

“You don’t wanna anymore?” Gilda asked.

“I didn’t say that…” Gallus replied with a meek-sounding tone that made Gilda snicker. “Is this you initiating?”

“No, this is me just fingering myself for the hell of it in front of you,” Gilda said. “Yes it’s me initiating, now get on the nest, bird brain!”

Gallus couldn’t help but feel a sudden rush at the way Gilda was pushing him around. He obeyed her commands yet again as he crawled onto the bed. Even after all of these years, she was still bigger than him.

“Okay,” Gallus said. “What do I do now?”

“Well, first of all,” Gilda said with a toying smirk of her own. “How about you put that beak of yours to some good use?”

As Gilda spoke she lowered her talons to her pussy yet again and spread apart the lips slightly. Gallus blushed as he looked down, but that sense of embarrassment grew even bigger as Gilda’s other hand went to the back of his head and he was suddenly pulled down closer to her crotch. He let out a yelp of panic before stopping just inches away from her pussy. The warmth from both it and her thighs around his head made Gallus want to whine.

“O-Oh gosh,” Gallus said. “You’re still pushy even when it comes to this, huh?”

“What’d you say?” Gilda asked, and pushed Gallus’ head a little closer to her crotch. Gallus yelped again, but at the same time he did he was very aware of the fact that he could feel a stir of life between his own legs.

Did he… like being pushed around by a girl like this?

“You wanna make the girl feel good,” Gilda said as she gently pet the back of Gallus’ head. “If this Smolder is anything like me then they won’t say that at first. But trust me, if the first thing you do is offer to go down on her then she’ll fall for you instantly.”

“Mmm…” Gallus whined softly. He was squirming a bit now. It was hard to process Gilda’s words when he was so close to her crotch.

“Gilda?” Gallus asked softly.

“What is it, nerd?”

“I really wanna eat you out, I think,” Gallus said.

“Heh,” Gilda responded with a sort of confident chuckle. “What’s taking you so long then? You’ll need some practice for this Smolder girl, after all.”

Gallus nodded his head in response. Truth be told Gilda’s bossiness and the fact she kept calling him names was sort of getting to him, but not in the way it did when he was still young. He could feel Gilda’s hand press on the back of his head as he went down and pressed his beak right up to her pussy. The first thing he did was stick his tongue out and nibble ever so gently on the top part right on the clit.

“Nnngh, shit!” Gilda whined softly.

As soon as Gallus’ face was stuffed with Gilda’s pussy he felt a wave of calm wash over him. It was far different from sucking a cock, but also slightly different from how it felt to eat out the boys’ asses. As he worked his tongue up and down the lips of the pussy he could feel Gilda rub the back of his head and hear her slight tenseness whenever he drug his tongue over a spot that seemed to make her feel good.

“Ahh!” Gilda whined softly. “N-Not bad, kid.”

Gilda’s thighs briefly squeezed around Gallus’ head. They were so strong and muscular. Crash had been pretty big, but he wasn’t built as solidly as Gilda. He was more a mix of chub and muscle while Gilda was pure muscle.

Gallus backed off from her crotch slightly and instantly felt himself become awash with embarrassment.

“Gilda?” Gallus asked.

“Heh, why’d you stop?” Gilda asked. “What is it?”

Gallus swallowed a lump in his throat before squeezing his eyes shut. He took a moment to work up his nerves before sitting up and placing it so that his cock was sitting right on top of Gilda’s pussy with the head pointed up toward her belly. As soon as he did that he pulled her thighs together so they would squeeze around it.

Much to his surprise, Gilda chuckled.

“Ehehe, naughty bird,” Gilda said.

Gallus let out an embarrassed-sounding whine as he hugged both of Gilda’s legs to keep them firmly together. Right now his cockhead was poking out the other side of Gilda’s thighs and was fully visible to her. He began to thrust forward ever so slowly and could feel his shaft run along both her pussy and her clit.

“Nnngh…” Gilda whined slightly and pushed her thighs to help guide Crash. The bumps on the gryphon’s cock no doubt had some sort of sensation along her clit the more he grinded, and judging by the way she stifled the occasional gasp it had to be a good feeling.

“Nnngh, good boy,” Gilda said with a playful and breathy giggle.

Gallus struggled not to whine more the more he humped, but it was getting hard. His mind was a little hazy from just how good it felt to thrust his hips in and out between her thighs. He could feel Gilda’s pussy begin to grow damp and slick the underside of his cock, which only felt better. As his cockhead slid in and out of visibility between Gilda’s thighs it began to leave little droplets of pre right along her belly. Gallus squeezed her legs tighter as he whined and lowered his head until his forehead was touching her thighs. He began to speed up, and it wasn’t until he began to breathe with more raggedness that he realized how mindlessly he had started to move.

“Woah there, cowboy,” Gilda said with a laugh as she pulled her legs apart to release Gallus’ throbbing cock. The gryphon whined, but only then realized how close he had gotten to cumming before even going inside of Gilda.

“Sorry,” Gallus said sheepishly.

“Don’t be,” Gilda said as she rolled over and crawled closer to Gallus. The boy was still on his knees, which made him the perfect height for Gilda to reach out and grab his cock. Gallus whined softly as he felt her grip it and give it a few slow strokes.

“Ahhh!” Gallus had to reach up a talon and bite his beak down over one of the knuckles just to keep himself from squirming away. Gilda pushed hard on his cock until she was firmly gripping the base. With her other talon, she reached to the side under some of the pillows making up the nest and…

Gilda pulled out a blue square and brought it to her beak before tearing the side off. Out came a little rubber circle.

“You just have condoms in your nest?” Gallus asked.

“Hey, I don’t wanna get pregnant yet,” Gilda said. “You have any idea how many times Crash has snuck in here in the dead of night?”

Gallus couldn’t help but chuckle at that. He couldn’t help but feel a bit childish at the simple sight of a condom making him blush after all he had experienced this weekend, but most of those feelings faded quickly from his mind as Gilda’s talons squeezed around the base of his cock. Once the rubber began to go over his member it felt as though his cock was being squeezed in tight latex.

“How’s it feel?” Gilda asked. She looked up with a teasing smirk. “Too big?”

“No,” Gallus said, his blush continuing. Though he supposed if Crash truly had been the one using these condoms that it wasn’t an unreasonable sort of thing to ask given the pegasus’ size.

“Alright, alright,” Gilda said with a chuckle. Once the condom was properly on she leaned back and spread apart her legs. “C’mon, this position is pretty easy to get it in.”

“Um, okay,” Gallus said. Now that the moment had come to properly get it on he could feel his heart pound like a drum in his chest. He got closer to Gilda, and it reminded him of how he had first entered Crash. He positioned his cock and pressed his head right against the hole while his eyes locked on Gilda’s own, which is why he felt confused when Gilda began to look as though she were holding back a laugh.

“What is it?” Gallus asked.

“I think you’ve been spending too much time with the boys,” Gilda said. “Wrong hole, Gallus.”

Gallus looked down to realize his cockhead was right up against Gilda’s ass, and not her pussy. He adjusted himself quickly, but the embarrassment already left him stuttering and whining softly as he struggled to look Gilda in the eye again.

“I-I’m sorry, I-I just…”

“Hey, c’mon,” Gilda said. “Shut up and put it in!”

“Um, Y-Yes, Ma’am,” Gallus said. He blushed harder. Never in his life had he called Gilda ‘Ma’am’ but she was just so demanding and the situation so foreign that it just slipped out. Without thinking further about his own nerves he thrust his hips forward.

Unlike with Crash and Lost Way there didn’t seem to be a moment where Gallus had to pause to worry about pain as much. Clearly Gilda was used to this and even surprised Gallus by wrapping her hind legs around his back and yanking him down, thus forcing his cock deeper into her until he was fully thrust in. Suddenly she reached up to grab him by the chin and forced him to look into her eyes yet again. She had a lustful sort of hungry expression as she licked her beak. She only had to say two words for Gallus to have her full attention.

“Fuck me.”

“Okay,” Gallus squeaked out.

The gryphon didn’t need to be told twice, especially with the fear of what Gilda might do if he didn’t start pounding her. There was something exciting about being ordered around while technically being the one to give and not receive. Near instantly Gilda made Gallus feel as though he were doing an amazing job.

“Oooh, gosh,” Gilda groaned. She threw her head back a bit and let out a long-winded moan of her own. She began to use the muscles in her hind legs to tug Gallus’ body into her with each and every thrust he made, which only encouraged him to go harder on her than he planned to.

Having a condom on certainly was a new feeling compared to going raw inside both Lost Way and Crash, but it didn’t detract from the experience as Gallus feared it might. Though it could have easily just been the way Gilda was getting into it that compensated for the fact, but Gallus didn’t mind regardless.

A pussy didn’t feel the same as an asshole, Gallus found out. There was a sensation of tightness throughout his entire cock instead of just at the entrance. Plus, Gilda seemed to be enjoying it the entire time instead of a spike every time the furthest point inside was hit much as the boys had. Gallus couldn’t say he preferred one over the other; especially with an attractive gryphon lady grunting and groaning from every movement he made.

Regardless of how different the sensations felt the end result seemed to be the same. Gallus felt the pleasurable sensation in his cock grow with every thrust he made, and Gilda encouraging him only seemed to make that sensation come quicker.

At some point, Gilda put her hand on the back of Gallus’ head and began rubbing the feathers back there. It was a calming sensation, a touch he would have never associated with Gilda. That only made Gallus become more enraptured with her. He started to pant with every thrust he made, and if he was a bit drunker on the horniness no doubt he would start drooling like some sort of mutt.

“Mmm, good boy,” Gilda said with a few grunts of her own at every thrust. The whole nest seemed to shake with every movement they made. All the pillows and the carefully crafted blankets began to unravel into a mess that resembled a pile of cloth instead of a proper bed, but neither gryphon seemed to care.

“Ahhh! I’m… I’m close!” Gallus whined.

“That’s what the condom’s for, big boy,” Gilda said. Her legs seemed to squeeze even tighter around Gallus’ body which trapped him inside Gilda’s pussy. “Now cum in me.”

That demanding tone again made Gallus’ whole body tingle. As though it were the trigger word itself to make him reach the point of no return Gallus felt the orgasm building up in his race to obey her commands. He let out a sharp cry and one final thrust as he finally hit his limit. The way Gilda’s legs squeezed around him seemed to suck the cum right out of him, and as such the orgasm seemed to feel more intense than the ones he had with the boys. Gallus ended up letting out a loud cry that embarrassed him enough to blush.

The sensation of knotting inside of Gilda was also different; as was the cumming inside of the condom. He could feel it balloon up near the tip of his cock as he shot load after a load of cum into it. He tried to pull out only to realize he had become stuck with his knot when Gilda let out a sharp gasp.

“S-Sorry!” Gallus said quickly and fell down on top of Gilda’s body to lay down.

“Heh, it’s alright,” Gilda said. She wrapped an arm around Gallus’ back and ended up pinning his face. “Don’t squirm too much or the condom’ll break.”

Gilda was actually holding him. She was surprisingly tender and ran her talons up and down his back. When he was little she used to give him noogies until he cried for help. This side of Gilda continued to surprise him.

After a minute Gallus was able to slip out of Gilda. The ballooned condom came with him, and when he pulled out it slipped off and made a mess right on the blankets.

“Ah, crap!” Gallus said.

“Don’t worry about it,” Gilda said before pulling Gallus back down into a hug to cuddle him on top of the blankets. “I’ll wash them later. Just come here and cuddle me.”

Gallus listened to Gilda as he settled down. He wondered briefly if this desire to lay in silence was a woman thing, or just a Gilda thing. He figured for the sake of his feathers not to ask that and to just enjoy the moment.

“Hey, Gilds?” Gallus asked.

“Yeah, nerd?” Gilda replied before letting out a little yawn. “What is it?”

“This has been a fun weekend,” Gallus said. “Thanks.”

“Heh, tell the boys that,” Gilda said. “Better yet, don’t disappoint that Smolder girl. I did not just let you cum in me like that only to blow it with her.”

“Hehe,” Gallus couldn’t help but giggle. “Yes, Ma’am.”


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“Do you think that I’m ready?” Gallus asked.

It was the first thing any creature had said in quite some time. It was late into the evening, and the air in the house had been calm and blissful. It was Gallus’ last night at the home of the herd.

“Ready?” Gilda asked. She had been sprawling on the fluffy rug on the floor and only now twisted her body around to look at Gallus. She looked impossibly twisted like that of a cat. “What, for bed? Uh, are you regressing to a hatchling or something?”

“I didn’t mean that!” Gallus snapped.

Lost Way and Crash had been silently cuddling on the far end of the couch, and only now raised their heads in curiosity upon realizing that Gallus was trying to speak in general.

“What’s going on?” Crash asked.

“Are you talking about those two?” Lost Way asked.

“Uh-Huh,” Gallus said.

“Those two?” Gilda asked, and fully turned over to look a bit more natural. “Huh?”

“Smolder and Sandbar,” Gallus said. “I just… I’m still worried about them.”

It felt silly to admit it out loud. So much of this weekend had been dedicated to making sure Gallus was no longer self-conscious, yet here he had been for the past hour sitting in silence just worrying about it. After he had been with both boys as well as Gilda he thought that the nerves would simply go away, yet they remained firmly inside of him when he so much as thought about the faces of the dragon and stallion.

“I think that’s normal,” Crash said, and then after a moment of silence he added a bit more gingerly. “Do you regret… having fun with us three? Do you think that’ll ruin it if they find out?”

“No,” Gallus said. He was quick and firm with his words. “They wouldn’t care. I KNOW they wouldn’t care. I’m worried that… that I’m…”

“That you aren’t ready for a relationship?” Lost Way asked with a tilt of his head.

Gallus grew quiet. It seemed Lost Way had managed to hit the nail right on the head.

“I don’t want to hurt them,” Gallus said. “What if I’m not good at being their boyfriend? What if I just… suck?”

The zebra frowned as he crawled off of the cuddling embrace of Crash and over toward Gallus. He lifted a hoof and touched it down to Gallus’ shoulder before giving a warm smile.

“That’s normal,” Lost Way said. “When you really care about somepony you obsess over if every little choice you make next with them will be right. You're not wanting to hurt them shows me you care about them a lot.”

“Just because I care doesn’t mean I’m perfect,” Gallus said.

“Who cares about perfect?” Gilda asked before pointing a thumb over toward Crash and Lost. “You think these two dorks are perfect? Or that I am? It was a mess when the three of us had our first date. Nothing is ever going to go right all the time in relationships, Gallus. What’s important is being there when it matters and showing the person all the love you can give them.”

“Wow,” Gallus said as he glanced over at Gilda. “When’d you grow up?”

“Rude,” Gilda said with a slight huff.

“She’s right,” Crash pressed. “Nobody’s perfect. What matters is that you care about the other creature and just… try. You be there for them.”

“That’s kind of scary,” Gallus admitted. “I… I just want to be with them forever. Even if this herd thing doesn’t work out I don’t want them out of that life and that scares me a lot. How did you two decide it was worth it to risk your friendship like that?”

“Us?” Lost Way asked. “That’s pretty easy.”

“We promised not to let us splitting up from this make us… well, split up,” Crash said. “If I fell out of love with Lost Way today I’d still want him in my life until the day I die. I don’t need to love him only like that to know that I love him.”

“Sappy,” Gilda said.

Crash blushed a little, but in response, Lost Way snuggled closer toward the big pegasus and giggled softly.

“I know it’s not the best answer since we’re still together, so we don’t know how well it’d go if we really did split,” Crash said sheepishly before wrapping his arms around Lost Way. “But me loving him didn’t make him any less of my best friend. Love and friendship can be in the same relationship but you don’t need both.”

“Heh, who’d’ve thought you never even got kissed till a little over a year ago,” Lost Way teased. “Look at you giving all that advice.”

“Qu-Quiet down,” Crash said sheepishly as he glanced away from the group.

“Is it supposed to still feel so scary?” Gallus asked as he put a hand over his belly and clenched gently. “Even though I think I really want this I feel like passing out when I think about telling those two.”

“It always feels scary,” Lost Way said. “That just means you care about them. It’s a big commitment but you gotta remember that you aren’t alone once they say yes. It’s up to all three of you to make it work, not just you.”

“Yeah,” Gallus said with a slight nod. “I think I get it.”

“Do you?” Gilda said. “Or are you just trying to sound smart?”

“D-Don’t tease me!” Gallus said. “A-As soon as the three of us get together I’m gonna freaking ask them, dammit! I’m gonna ask Sandbar and Smolder to be my boyfriend and girlfriend!”

It was a declaration from the gryphon who instantly realized he had been shouting and quieted down upon noticing all eyes had fallen on him.

“I will,” Gallus said again with a firm tone of voice. “I don’t wanna run from this anymore… I-I’ll do it!”

“Well in that case,” Lost Way said as he got up off of Crash’s body and began to slip around the couch toward the kitchen. “Let’s all have a drink.”

“Seriously?” Gilda asked.

“What?” Lost Way said. “It’s our boy’s last night as a single birdie!”

“L-Last?” Gallus asked as Lost Way began to walk away. “Wait, I was thinking like a week! M-Maybe two! You want me to tell them TOMORROW?”

“He’s just teasing, Gallus,” Crash said with a chuckle. “But now that you said that he’s gonna ask you EVERY day after work, I hope you know.”

“Oh you bet your ass I will,” Lost Way said as he returned with four beers for all of them. “I normally hate this crap but it’s all we got! Everybody toast to Gallus’ new herd.”

“Can you toast with beers?” Gilda asked. “I thought it needed to be a fancy glass.”

“I’m not in a herd yet,” Gallus said softly.

“Oh just shut up and lift your bottles!” Lost Way said. “C’mon, this is the last night with Gallus here stop trying to kill the mood!”

After a short laugh, everybody lifted their bottles into the air and clinked them all together.
