> Essence > by Shakespearicles > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prelewd > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You can call them 'smells', but I call them Essence!" the mare behind the kiosk counter in Sire's Hollow explained. "Essence of what?" Sunburst asked. "You tell me!" she said. Stellar Flare watched her son get sprayed in the face. His reaction was all she needed to see. "I'll take your entire stock!" ~ "Compliance continues to be an issue," the town council pony said from behind her medical face mask. "If we are to stop this spread of Blue Flu, we need ponies to wear their masks. Mares and fillies seem to have no problem with it now that Miss Rarity has made them fashionable. But how do we get the defiant males to cooperate?" Stellar Flare stood up from her seat and presented the perfume bottle. "I have just the thing!" ~ Less than a month later, the spread of Blue Flu had ended. But it gave rise to a new plague... E S S E N C E "Come on, come on..." Button Mash cursed as he dug through the park trash cans. "Ah ha!" He grabbed that last couple of cans he needed and added them to the others in his bag. He brought them to the redemption center for the deposit. He added together the bits he had earned with the wages from his part-time job at the corner store. "Just barely enough!" Button trotted quickly to the large building at the edge of Ponyville. It's size was second only to Twilight's castle, and it appeared almost as suddenly, bumping Town Hall down to third place. On paper, the company's name was Sweet Scents. Emblazoned in massive signage above the door its retail outlet was §. Scents. But everypony pronounced Essence. Inside the shop, the mare behind the counter recognized Button Mash. "Welcome back, sir." She pulled the cantilever behind the counter and the shelves inside the glass counter lowered down and a different set rose up from behind them. Button Mash looked at all the different bottles. The cheapest one started at one hundred bits and it only went up from there. "The usual, sir?" she asked. He nodded sheepishly and gave her his accumulated pile of small denominations. She counted it quickly and placed a bottle into a bag with the iconic Sweet Scents double S logo on it. § Button Mash hurried home with his purchase and scurried up to his room. His mother wouldn't be home for at least another hour. He tied a silk handkerchief over his nose and mouth and lifted the perfume bottle out of the bag. He spritzed the face mask and inhaled. In moments, his head was swimming. He leaned back in his gaming chair and put something to watch on his computer screen. He was going to enjoy this. "You're firing me!?" Cream Heart asked. "No, no! It's not like that," Rose said as she and her sisters closed down their flower shop for the last time. "We have to let you go. Business has been down ever since Essence opened." "Ponies just aren't buying arrangements anymore. Because why buy real flowers when you can get fake flower essence in a bottle!?" Daisy angrily sarcassed. "My sisters and I cut our own pay to the point that we are more or less volunteering to be here. And even without paying your wages, we still wouldn't be able to stay afloat. So we're closing down as soon as we sell off the last of our inventory... or more likely, when it wilts," Lilly said with a frown. "But then what are you going to do?" Cream Heart asked with genuine concern. Rose shrugged. "Probably go to the only place that's hiring right now." She pointed at their giant competitor on the other side of town. "I suggest you do the same." Cream Heart frowned. It just felt wrong. But Rose was right. Sweet Scents was the only business in town that was actively hiring. And she had a family she needed to support. She decided that she would sleep on it and try to find some other work in the morning. But first, she needed to go home and tell her son the bad news. ~ Cream Heart opened the door to her home. "Button?" she called into the house to silence. She was sure that he'd be home from his corner store job by now. Perhaps he was putting in some overtime, she reasoned as she walked upstairs. He could use the extra pay. He seemed to always be strapped for cash for some reason. Upstairs, his bedroom door was closed. She knocked. "Button?" she called out to silence once again. Well, if he was going to be out of the house, he could at least leave the door open and let the room air out. It always smelled like funk in there. She pushed open the door. The back of Button's chair was to her and his computer had been left on. Hardcore porn silently played on the computer screen, an older mare straddled a young stallion's face while she clopped him off with her hoof. Cream Heart huffed in disgust and quickly walked forward to shut it off. She realized at the last second that his chair was occupied catching a glimpse of his elbow moving in a very specific, rhythmic pattern. She froze and was about to back away when he started to flare and stopped suddenly to reach back to grab his trash can to cum in, bumping his hoof into her. He spun around in frightened surprise. The hoof that wasn't clopping him off was holding the handkerchief over his mouth. He instantly yanked it away and yelped, "MOM!?" Dizzy and past the point of no return, he lost his balance and fell backwards out of his chair as he started to ejaculate. In falling, he pulled his headphones out of the computer and as he came all over himself the lewd porn audio came blasting out of the speakers: "YES! CUM FOR MOMMY!" "F-FUCK!" he screamed. "Oh my goodness!" Cream Heart shrieked and staggered backwards, unable to tear her eyes away from his veiny shaft throbbing and pulsing thick ropes of cum into his fur. He scrambled to his hooves as the mare on the screen started squirting all over the stallion's face. Button yanked to plug out of the wall, killing the power to his rig. "MOM! GET OUT!" he yelled at her. "S-Sorry!" she apologized and quickly ran out of the room, closing the door closed behind her inadvertently harder than she meant to. "I didn't mean to slam that," she said through the door. "KNOCK, MOM! WE'VE TALKED ABOUT THIS!" "I did! But you had headphones on." "I thought you would still be at work!" Button yelled less loudly. "Well, that's actually what I came to talk to you about..." she started to say, "You really shouldn't be watching those sort of things..." "I'm allowed to watch porn, Mom! I'm not a little foal!" "What would Sweetie Belle think?" "Can you just GO AWAY!?" he yelled. "I don't want to talk right now!" "Right. Right, sorry." Cream Heart walked back to her room to likewise compose herself. She should have just closed his door as soon as she saw the porn on the screen. Of course he was in there watching it. Even he wouldn't just leave that playing when he went out. The image of him on the floor flashed through her memory. The size of it. She had no idea when he had inherited that from. Certainly not his father. And his taste in porn was concerning. Though as she understood it, that genre was prevalent to the point of almost being cliché. She heard his bedroom door open. "Button, I-" "I need a shower," he snapped as quickly as he walked towards the bathroom. He was right about that. His fur was stained and his mane was matted down in patches. He zipped into the bathroom and closed the door. There was the sound of water running and the shower door. Cream Heart walked up to the bathroom door and tapped it with her hoof. "You know, I could give you a few pointers for getting... that stuff out of your mane." Button yelled from inside the shower, "Mom, I really don't want to hear about that piece of shit nutting in your mane!" Cream frowned. Button was of course referring to his absent father. He had a variety of ways of referring to him. If not 'that piece of shit', then it was 'the sperm donor' or at best, it was just 'him.' But never by his actual name, and certainly never calling him 'dad'. "It wasn't him," Cream said. "I definitely don't want to hear about some other stallion blasting ropes in my mother's mane either!" he yelled. Cream rolled her eyes. It wasn't like that either. It wasn't even all that long ago. She was cleaning Button's room and crawled under his desk to pick up all the tissues he had left from a 'very persistent cold'. Something dripped on her from the underside of his desk. At first she thought it was a booger, but on closer inspection it was unmistakable. That was when she realized that he had 'discovered' himself. And also when she learned what a nightmare it was to wash out. Speaking of room cleaning... She walked down the hall to his room and peered inside. The heavy musk was something she was all too familiar with by now. On the desk was the handkerchief he was holding from before. It was hanging from the edge of the paper bag with the Sweet Scents logo on it. She lifted the bottle out of the bag. The bottle was labeled Sunshine. Was this what he was huffing? She picked up the handkerchief and smelled it. She gagged and grimaced, tossing it away. It reeked like the funk of her high school locker room in the height of summer. She saw the receipt in the bottom of the bag. She picked it up an read it. Her jaw nearly hit the floor at the amount he had spent on it. She caught a glance of the empty one in his trash. No wonder he was always broke. The shower water stopped and she put everything back just as she had found it and left long before he exited the bathroom. ~ Dinner was awkward. Button ate slowly, mostly just pushing his food around his plate, unwilling to meet her eyes. "I'm sorry, again." "It's nothing. Just... knock." "I did." "Louder then!" "... Right." "..." "How has been saving for an apartment going?" she asked. Button shrugged. "It's going. I dunno. The economy. Ya know?" "That's not a number." "It's... going." "We need to be saving our money, Button. We can't be wasting it on frivolous... stuff." Button looked at her for the first time since he sat down. "We?" "... I lost my job at the flower shop today," Cream said. "I'm going to start looking around for a new job tomorrow but in the meantime I- we need to curb our spending." After stopping to apply at several other establishments, Cream Heart walked into the familiar general store on the corner of her block. The clerk behind the counter saw the door open and tucked his handkerchief into his saddlebag. "Good morning Ms. Heart," he greeted. "Is there something in particular I can help you find?" "Oh, I'm just passing though," Cream said. "Unless you're hiring? I just lost my job yesterday." "I wish I was," he said. "Things have been slow since the Blue Flu. And now most ponies are either working at Essence or huffing. Speaking of, if you're looking for him, Button if probably in the back." Cream Heart pursed her lips. "He's on commission. He should be out front trying to make sales!" she said to him. The indifferent expression on his face told her it was already plainly obvious to him. Cream Heart walked past the counter to go into the back room. The clerk took his handkerchief out of his bag and held it over his nose again. Cream Heart looked around in the small inventory space of the back room before she spotted the janitor's closet. She pushed the door open and found Button with his face in his handkerchief and his other hoof clopping himself silly. "BUTTON!" "MOM!?" He quickly shoved her away and slammed the door closed. "At your job!?" Cream scolded through the door. "You should be doing your work! Or else you're not going to get paid!" "There's nopony to even sell shit to!" "Language!" "Why are you even here? I thought you were job hunting!" "I am! Don't try to turn this around on me!" "..." "Well?" "Can you just go away? I'd really like to finish!" "Is this really how you would want Sweetie Belle to find you?" "Go away!" Button yelled. Cream Heart shook her head and walked out into the store. The clerk behind the counter saw the door open and tucked his handkerchief into his saddlebag. "Huffing, I take it?" he asked. "Huffing?" she asked in confusion. She heard the janitor closet open and a quick shuffling to the employee restroom. She doubled back to check the closet. Sure enough there was the handkerchief and an Essence bottle. The restroom door opened and Button finished toweling dry his washed hooves. He saw her and sprinted over, snarling at her, "Don't touch that, that's mine!" He snatched the tiny bottle away from her with wild, feral eyes. She had seen this before in other ponies in the past. This look, this behavior. The thing they clung to and shunned all others away for went by different names. But for the pony it affected, it made no difference. He was an addict. She wanted so much to intervene at once, to just fix him right then and there. But this was neither the time nor the place. "I'm sorry," she said. "We can talk about this tonight." "Yeah, fine, whatever." Cream Heart turned and left. She hadn't minced words. She did want to talk with him that evening. But there was somepony else she wanted much more to talk to first. She stormed back out into the store. The clerk behind the counter saw the door open and tucked his handkerchief into his saddlebag. This time Cream noticed it, but she said nothing and the quickly walked passed him and out of the store. Walking through town, now that she realized it, she saw it everywhere. Stallions holding handkerchiefs over their noses whenever they thought nopony was looking. She made a bee line to the S. Scents building. Inside the small retail shop in the front of the building, the mare behind the counter welcomed her and just smiled politely as Cream Heart scanned over all the fragrance names. There were even sample bottles on the counter with little paper chips. Benign scents like Vanilla, Mint, or Citrus. "I'm looking for one called Sunshine," Cream Heart said. "I'm afraid we don't carry anything by that name, ma'am," the clerk said. Cream Heart furrowed her eyebrows. "No, I know you do! I caught my son huffing it!" she said. The mare behind the counter pursed her lips. "If you have any questions, comments or concerns, I could direct you to our customer support department..." She reached under the counter and slid a clipboard towards Cream with a form on it. "Unless of course you are interested in a position of employment here." "What's this?" Cream asked. "A job application. And it's a standard non-disclosure contract. The same one that I had to sign, you understand?" she said with an implying tone. "I have to sign a contract just to apply or even ask questions!?" Cream asked. "What kind of a business is this?" "Fully accredited by the Equestrian department of Food And Potions!" the clerk said, motioning to the certificates adorning the wall. "I can freely tell you that there is nothing being done or made here that isn't one hundred percent legal and safe for consumers. However, if you have any questions beyond that pertaining to the proprietary company process, then..." she tapped the clipboard with a wink. Cream Heart skimmed over the form. "Blah blah blah, unauthorized disclosure... financially liable... jail time!?" The clerk nodded. "If you sell or give away company secrets, they will sue you. So, you know... don't." Cream Heart chewed her lip. She did want answers, and she did need a job... An impatient stallion leaned inside the store entrance, "Lady, you're holding up the line!" "Right, sorry!" Cream Heart said with a fluster. She picked up the pen and signed the form. The clerk smiled and she opened the store's back door. "This way please. I need to mind the store front," the clerk said as she passed Cream Heart off to two of her coworkers, a pink mare with a blue mane and a blue mare with a pink mane. "Miss Aloe and Lotus will see to your orientation." Aloe took the clipboard from the other mare and doublechecked the form. "There is no need to be nervous Miss... Heart," Aloe assured her. "Now that you've signed the form, we can answer all of your questions! As long as you understand that the answers can not leave this building." "Right," Cream Heart said. "So, what bring you here today?" Lotus asked. "Well, I caught my son using the product from this place. Sunshine." "Your son is a... foal?" Aloe asked with genuine concern. "Sunshine is regulated the same as cider." "No, he is an adult," Cream Heart said. "Ah, no problem then," Aloe said. "No, it IS a problem, because he's abusing it. Huffing it!" Lotus tilted her head. "And?" "What do you mean, and?" "That is its intended use," Aloe explained. "Okay, but what even is it?" Cream asked. Lotus told her. "That's what it is!?" Cream Heart asked incredulously. Aloe nodded. "Yes. That's all. Completely natural." "All those stallions... and my son! That's what they're huffing!?"Cream asked. Lotus nodded. "But I saw what he spent! If its just that... why is it so expensive!?" "It's our most popular product line. We can barely keep up with demand!" Aloe explained. "Which is why we've been actively hiring more ponies to join our staff." She held out the job application to Cream Heart. "I can assure you, you would be very well compensated for your work." Cream Heart raised her eyebrow. "What exactly is involved with this kind of... work?" > Wet Work > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aloe and Lotus gave Cream Heart a brief run-down of the whole process, and then lead her to the new-hire evaluation booth. "There's no need to be worried," Aloe assured her. "The whole process has been fully tested as safe," Lotus added, giving Cream her accessories bag. "Everything gets thoroughly cleaned every night." Aloe led her inside the booth. "The system will let us know once you complete the process and we will come to collect you." "Have fun!" Lotus said with a smile before they closed the door. The evaluation booth looked like a large, modified bathroom. The most immediate difference was the large, black screen where the mirror would otherwise be. She pressed the button to start the automated process. The screen lit up and the company owner, a rust-orange mare appeared on it. "Welcome, new employee, to Sweet Scents!" the pre-recorded message greeted Cream Heart. "By now, you should have been briefed on the juicing process. If you'll look behind you, you'll see two large basin. Start by sitting on the pink basin on the left." Cream Heart nervously sat on the padded rim of the large, pink bowl. It sensed her body weight and a green indicator lit up. The recording resumed. "Stand by for sanitation!" her voice said overly cheerfully from the screen. Cream Heart yelped as a jet of warm water shot up from the bottom of the bowl. The nozzle angled back and forth giving her anus and genitals a thorough rinse. The water then foamed with a specialized soap mixed in and then a conditioner before a second, even more thorough rinsing. Cream squirmed as it seemed to especially focus on blasting water at, and into, her anus. "For goodness sake, it's clean!" Cream whined. The bell dinged and the water stopped. The nozzle lifted further up, bumping against her marehood. "Next, press the button to proceed, and guide the probe inside," her cheerful voice said from the screen. Cream Heart did so and the soft, rounded tip of the nozzle slid up inside her vagina several inches before coming to a stop. "Stand by for your Zesper!" A different pump underneath the bidet whirred and the tip of the probe inflated slightly in girth as a seal. She felt a warm liquid being spurted deeply up inside her vagina. Cream could feel a warm, tingling sensation radiating from her loins out throughout her body. She had taken Zesper before orally as a potion. It was meant to induce estrus effects in mares, similar to Neighagra for stallions. But the direct application so deep inside her vagina made the effect much more immediate and intense. The seconds on the display timer ticked down agonizingly slowly. Once it reached zero, the bell dinged again and the probe deflated, letting the excess drip out as it retracted and changed angle. "Okay now, here comes everypony's favorite part," the mare said facetiously, "Take a deep breath and relax." The probe moved upwards again against Cream's anus. She clenched in reflex at first, but tried to relax as instructed. The probe was no thicker than a simple garden hose and the rounded tip was able to push inside her without much trouble. Again, it went several inches inside before it started pumping. Cream shifted uncomfortably and she could hear her guts gurgling. The potent Zesper enema absorbed quickly into her intestinal lining. "I know it might feel like a gallon, but I promise, it's only a pint." It stopped pumping a moment later. "Stand by for the pull-out. Remember, no spilling!" she chided, waving her hoof at her. The probe pulled out and Cream clenched her O-ring. "Take a moment to insert your identity plug at this time!" Cream Heart got up from the basin and opened her employee bag and pulled out the moderately-sized butt plug she had been issued with a barcode on the base. She reached behind herself and with just a bit of effort, she was able to get it to fit perfectly snug in her plothole. She shuffled her hind legs in mild discomfort, getting used to the new sensation inside her anus before she sat back down. A laminar stream of warm air blew at her underside for a few minutes until she wasn't dripping wet anymore. The indicator lit green with another ding. "You are now ready to begin your evaluation! Move on over to the other chair with the clear basin underneath it. Be sure to affix your tool. If you have been issued a rental, a fee will be deducted from your pay until you can secure a permanent tool of your own." Cream Heart opened her bag and took out two oblong boxes. One was a the rental tool, and the other was a kit to make a permanent one at home. She opened the rental box and, despite being called such, it looked brand new. She affixed it inside the clear basin. Knowing that she was a mother, Aloe has issued her a B-tool, rather than the usual A to start with. She could always change it at a later date. "Now step into your harness, and you'll be ready to begin!" The harness was more of a garter belt. There was a strap that went under her tail, across the base of the butt plug for extra security. The front of the belt had a low-hanging pouch for a wired vibrator egg. There were two buckles on either side of her hips. The seat itself was more of a proper chair than a toilet bowl. The seat was padded and soft with arm rests at either side. The hole in the middle of the padded seat was actually quite small, less than a foot across. Sticking up from the middle of it was where she attached the tool as it was called, trying to maintain some sense of class. But it was really just a dildo. Most of it was recessed down into the seat, leaving only a couple inches sticking up. "It looks like a flower doesn't it?" the recording said. "A flower for your flower to sit on." Next came the moment of truth. Cream Heart sat down on the chair, shifting to line up the tip of the dildo with her vagina. Though she was nervous, the Zesper coursing through her body urged her onward with increasing haste. She lowered her weight onto it, letting the first couple of inches slip inside her. She made herself as comfortable as she could on the seat and connected the buckles of the harness and plugged in the egg. She lowered the lap bar across the front of her, much like a roller coaster, giving her something to lean on while she waited. Once everything was connected, the seat hummed to life and scanned her butt-plug bar code. Cream Heart's name flashed across the screen, loading her profile. Most of the metrics were blank. "Stand by for first time calibration," her voice said. "You may feel butterflies in your stomach for a moment." The piston extended, slowly pushing the dildo up inside her. Her pussy was already thoroughly lubricated by that point, so there was little resistance. Inch after inch pushed inside her as the base of the dildo approached her marehood. "Oof!" Cream Heart grunted as the wind was quite literally knocked out of her when the tip of the dildo pressed against her cervix. The piston immediately backed away and then stopped. Several numbers flashed across the screen as the machine calibrated itself. Then it retracted until it reached the bottom of its range, pausing again with just the tip inside her. It moved up again, but this time stopping before hitting her cervix and reversing direction. The motor under the chair whirred in low frequencies as the piston moved in and out of her very slowly, two full seconds to go in, two slow seconds to pull out. Despite getting deep-fucked by a machine, Cream Heart was actually getting bored. Some new numbers populated the screen and the machine started going a little faster as it started to cycle through the different settings. The tone of another motor changed and so did the angle of the penetration. Instead of just going in straight up and down, it slowly moved to go in at a slight angle towards her back, and then it cycled the other direction until it was thrusting up towards her belly, making a small bulge appear each time it went all the way in. It changed the range of the strokes, going from the full length to shorter thrusts, and then moving the range of those shorted thrusts in and out. Cream Heart was definitely not feeling bored anymore. But it still wasn't getting her the way she would have liked. As though reading her mind, the mare's image appeared on the screen again. "The calibration process takes some time, but rest assured, the adaptive learning software will figure out exactly what you like!" The dildo started hitting her G-spot and making her whole pussy quiver. The lines on the displayed monitoring graph started to jump around. She had completely forgotten about it but the vibrator strapped against her clitoris inside her harness buzzed to life, and joined in the symphony of pleasure of her marehood. Her pussy flexed and squeezed on reflex. The motors strained and whirred harder against the sudden resistance. The sensors on, and inside her, took note of the effects. The numbers in the top left corner of the screen started to rise. She realized it was her breathing rate, pulse and blood pressure. She felt a pressure building up in her tummy. She felt that same excited anxiety that she did the first time she successfully masturbated, or the first time she had sex with a stallion. She thought she knew what to expect, but the sensation was so new and alien to her. She felt like she was going to explode. The speed of the machine quickly died back into an agonizingly slow pace, leaving her in the lurch at the edge of... whatever was about to happen to her. It was relief in only the word of it. Though the tension on it was gone, that knot was still tangled up inside her, begging, screaming to snap free. The machine started to go faster, hitting her G-spot in just the right way. Cream Heart started to hyperventilate. She knew what was coming and she knew it was going to be a big one. She braced herself and... the machine slowed down again. She groaned in frustration. The machine wasn't just going through different cycle speed, it was doing cycles within cycles, driving her right to the brink of climax before deftly backing away each time. Cream Heart was nearly in tears, begging the machine to just stay going the way it was before. It sped up again, driving her back to the edge. Cream Heart held on and waited to the machine to slow down again. But instead of just slowing down, the angle suddenly shifted and it pressed firmly against her G-spot in long firm strokes and the vibrator against her clit buzzed in synchronized waves. "Wai- WAIT! No, I- I'm gonna- NO!" Cream Heart let out a throaty groan and her whole body shook. The chair shook where her legs were strapped to it and she clutched the lap rest bar and just held-the-fuck-on as she came. She even over the din of the machinery, she could hear each thick, syrupy jet of her maregasm gushing into the clear basin. The mare appeared on the screen. "Our sensors are indicating that you are having an orgasm! I hope this isn't your first one, but if it is, congratulation! Either way, you can look forward to many more while working here at Sweet Scents!" Cream Heart could barely focus her eyes on the orange blue in front of her as she moaned loudly through her grit teeth. Sweat poured down her forehead. Every muscle in her abdomen clenched and the harness snugged itself tighter around her in rhythmic, milking squeezes. Her ponut flexed and pushed, but her plug stayed firmly lodged inside her thanks to the harness straps. The form-fitting rim of the basin pressed up against her marehood and applied a light suction, making her cum even harder with each successive jet of her squirting. The dildo inside her didn't stop. It kept thrusting against her G-spot in perfect timing with her orgasm, milking more and more out each time until her gushing was just squirting, and then slowed to a dribble down the shaft of the tool. And, just as soon as she stopped producing, everything else stopped. The vibrator stopped and the dildo gently retracted until just the tip remained. A spinning hourglass animated on the screen before it turned into a green checkmark. "Your profile calibration and assessment is now complete! An associate will be with you shortly to collect you." A couple minutes later the door opened and Lotus walked over to the exhausted mare strapped to the fuck-machine with her wheelchair. Looking through the clear basin, she could see Cream Heart's pussy was still winking from her orgasmic aftershocks, dribbling what little juice she had left, down along she shaft and into the clear basin. Lotus's face lit up, "Oh my goodness!" She quickly scurried under Cream's chair to collect the jar and sealed it. "So prodigious!" she exclaimed, holding up the jar to show her that it was filled nearly to the rim with a more than a quart of swirly-clear marecum. "Mistress will be very proud!" Cream Heart just blinked slowly at her. "Are you alright, Miss Heart?" "I can't feel my legs," she whimpered. "I don't think I can walk." Lotus gave her a sympathetic smile. "You'll be alright Miss." She set the jar into a padded lockbox on the back of the wheelchair and then carefully undid the fasteners and clasps. She helped Cream up and off the tip of the dildo and then guided her to sit in the wheelchair. Inside one of the booth's cabinet was a refrigerator. She grabbed a large bottle of water and an electrolyte tonic. "You must be quite dehydrated. Please drink these." Cream Heart weakly lifted the tonic to her lips to drink it as Lotus wheeled her back out to the employment lobby. Aloe perked up from behind her desk. "Mistress said that she wanted to see the new hire." Lotus nodded and wheeled Cream Heart forward, through the hallway to the large double doors at the end. The doors led to a large, executive office. Despite being so, like the rest of the building, there were no windows. There was only a large, mahogany desk, behind which sat the rust orange mare that Cream had seen in all the recordings. The placard on the desk read: Stellar Flare. "Mistress," Lotus greeted with a polite bow. Stellar Flare tapped her desk with the tip of her hoof. Lotus obediently placed the jar of Cream Heart's marecum on the desk. "Are you enjoying your first day of work here?" Stellar asked, before she looked at the filled jar again. "It certainly looks like you did." Cream Heart just sipped her tonic. Stellar's horn glowed and the jar slid towards her and she unscrewed the lid. She leaned over it and with a light waved of her hoof, wafted the scent to her nose. "Hmm, well... you've definitely had a foal," Stellar said, examining the scent. "I can tell you don't smoke, which is good. You... rarely drink alcohol. You have a fairly good diet though you prefer sweets when you can get them." Cream Heart looked at her in amazement. "You can tell all that just from smelling my pee?" she asked. "No. I got all that from your application questionnaire that you filled out earlier," Stellar said. "Oh, right." "And secondly..." She tapped the rim of the jar with her hoof. "This is NOT pee! This is nothing short of a biological superpower graced upon mares by the goddess. This is liquid gold!" Cream Heart have her a dubious look. "You don't believe me? It matters not. Besides, it's time for your quality assurance evaluation anyway." Stellar Flare took a small eye-dropper and pulled barely a few drops of Cream's marecum and squeezed them into a perfume atomizer. Then she sealed the lid of the jar again. "Oh Sunburst..." Stellar called out. From the next room, a stallion obediently walked in and stood beside her desk. Stellar held up a stopwatch and then spritzed his nose with the atomizer. He groaned and Cream Heart could see the bulge in his sheath rapidly grow and his shaft extended down and out of it before just as rapidly growing hard and swinging back up to audibly smack against his belly. Stellar stopped the watch. She glared at him. "That was almost a record!" "I'm sorry!" he apologized. She grabbed him by his goatee. "Nopony breaks my record!" Stellar reminded him. "You and I are going to talk about this later, mister!" He nodded and she shooed him away. "Did I do something wrong?" Cream Heart asked. Stellar's smile returned. "Not at all! You're my new silver medal!" She placed her hoof on top of the jar. "This is going to become our new flagship product! We can easily start at one hundred bits per ounce! And I'm sure it will only go up from there once demand increases. And you have well over thirty ounces in here! I am impressed! Naturally, in pursuant to your contract terms, you are entitled to ten percent. So you do the math. Not bad for thirty minutes of 'work'," she said with a wink. Cream Heart did. At that rate she would be making around six hundred bits per hour of 'work'. "Now, we just need a label..." "A label?" Cream Heart asked. "Yes. We certainly can't just slap your name on there. The health and safety of our beloved employees here is paramount! And naturally, that extends to employee anonymity. That, more than anything, is the reason for your non-disclosure agreement." "And it's not to keep customers from knowing that they're huffing mare piss- uh, liquid gold?" Stellar smirked at her. "You've known stallions your whole life. Do you think that would deter them in the slightest?" Cream Heart pursed her lips. "Now as for your label..." She leaned back in her chair and tapped her chin with her hoof. "Believe me when I tell you, you are among the best of the best with both your quality and quantity. The crème de la crème." Stellar grinned excitedly. She had found her label. "De La Crème!" She wringed her hooves together. "You and I are going to make a lot of money. Now, are you ready to get back to it?" Cream Heart finished her bottle of water and looked at her with wide eyes. "What, right now?" Stellar Flare nodded. "You'll be paid for this, of course. But you are welcome, and encouraged to stay and 'work' for as long as you feel you can safely produce." Cream Heart did feel significantly better after a short rest, especially after rehydrating and having an electrolyte tonic. "I- I suppose I could." "Excellent! That's what we like to hear! A team player!" Stellar said. She waved for Lotus. "Show her to the production floor." "Yes Mistress!" Lotus said, pushing Cream Heart's wheelchair out of the office. > Crème > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clutching her personal bag, Cream Heart wasn't sure what to expect as Lotus wheeled her chair through the building hallway. What she did not expect was what looked like a casino floor with drink bars and every variety of entertainment she could imagine. There were table dancers, and card games, and there were even theaters, both a movie screen and a live performance stage. And all of it was permeated by the din of industrial machinery and the moaning of mares in pleasure. "What would you like to try first?" Lotus asked Cream, just loud enough to be heard over the ambient noise. "Shall we see what movie is playing?" Lotus nudged the theater door open for them to look inside. On the screen was hardcore porn of a unicorn mare getting gangbanged by an entire tribe of zebras. "Ooh, it's Striped 2: The Restriping!" Lotus said. Cream Heart looked at the rest of the theater. All of the theater chairs were plush comfortable thrones with the same clear basin in the seat. There were many free spots available, as the theater was only about two-thirds filled. The ones that were occupied were reclined slightly for ergonomic comfort. From where she was standing, Cream could see that every mare was watching the movie while being actively fucked by their individual machines, all at personalized settings of speed, depth, and rhythm. "Or we could see what play they are putting on," Lotus said, wheeling her next door to the stage theater. As before the theater sets were filled with mares getting machine fucked while they watched the show. On the stage, a sharp-dressed mare with a strap-on was fucking another mare while several other actresses watched. The mare getting fucked started to cum and squirt onto the stage. One of the other actresses leaped forward and pointed at her. There! Right There! Look at that spray, those dripping spurts! Look at that force that she exerts! Look at those slightly milky squirts! Oh please, it's cum, totally cum! I'm not about to celebrate, every trait could indicate the totally clear ejaculate. It's not marecum, she did not cum! That is the question of the week. That every mare who hits a peak, and then proceeds to leak, it's automatically matically cum? But look at her winking clitoris! Look at her eye roll back in bliss! There's the eternal paradox. Look what we're seeing. What are we seeing? Is it marecum? Of course it's cum! Or is she peeing!? ~ Cream Heart looked at Lotus. "Mares clop to this?" Lotus shrugged. "Actually, I saw a bar out there. I think I'm still thirsty. So how about I start there?" "Certainly." Lotus wheeled her back out to the main room, over to the large bar. The seats at the bar were just like all the rest; padded and comfortable, with the clear basin built into the seat. From down low where she was sitting in her wheelchair, she could see that most of the seats were occupied. The machines were all busy, thrusting away up into the mares sitting on them. The insides of the basins were all splattered with wet droplets, with many getting intermittent spurts and others getting continuous dribbles trickling down to the collection funnels leading to their individual jars. One of the chairs chimed with a green indicator light and it slowed to a stop. "Ugh, finally!" the mare sitting in it said as she slowly dismounted and climbed down. She detached her tool from the basin and placed it in her personal bag. She collected her jar from underneath. She seemed pleased to find it about a third full with her marecum. "Now that's a day's work!" she said as she limped towards the exit to cash out. As soon as she left, one of the numerous cleaning crews came over to her vacant seat and with the efficiency of a race pit crew, they replaced it with a new, clean one. Lotus motioned to the vacant seat. Cream Heart got out of the wheelchair, finding that she could walk just fine. "It's just like the training," Lotus coached. The two mares on either side of the empty chair glanced over. "Ah, first day?" the mauve earth pony asked. Cream Heart blushed and nodded. "Don't be shy. Come on up." Cream Heart attached her rented tool to the piston inside the clear basin. "A rental, huh? Yeah, you're gonna want to get your own as soon as possible. Those rental fees add up quick." Cream stepped up onto the seat's hoof-step to steady herself as she lowered herself down onto the dildo again. She settled into place and shifted in her seat to get comfortable before she buckled the connections on her harness. The seat scanned her butt plug bar code and loaded her personal profile. After a moment it dinged and the piston whirred to life along with the vibrator against her clit inside her harness. "Whoa-oh!" Cream Heart moaned and clutched the edge of the bar. "Oh yeah, after getting calibrated, that thing knows exactly how to get you! You just need to-" her speaking was paused and she bit her lip to stifle a few guttural grunts as her pussy spurted fresh juices into her basin. "You, ah, you just need to find your, whew, your rhythm," she said with a shaky voice through her orgasm. "Spoiled, by the way. Spoiled Rich." Cream Heart just panted and held onto the bar as she looked over at the other mare with unfocused eyes. "It's okay. Take your time." Spoiled waved to the bartender. "Can I get a Zesper cocktail for our new friend here?" she asked. "I...don't...drink..." Cream panted. "Oh, no, don't worry. They don't serve alcohol here," Spoiled assured her. "It... sours the flavor of our product," she recited, shivering for a moment as her pussy spurted some more. The bartender placed a small fruity drink in front of Cream Heart, along with a tall glass of water and another electrolyte tonic. Cream looked at the three glasses with mild concern. "Drink up! It's all complementary! You need to stay hydrated. Drink like it's your mission!" She nudged the cocktail towards her. Cream Heart held it deliberately with both of her hooves and drank in quick, short gulps between her panting. She could feel the effects of the Zesper already in her system intensify. The machine under her cycled through its settings, keeping her from getting used to it for too long. "It's nice, huh?" Spoiled asked. "My husband is usually done after about thirty seconds, a minute at most. That's stallions for you. What about you? Married?" Cream Heart shook her head. "Well that's smart on your part. Stallions are nothing but trouble. The only good things mine ever gave me was his bank account and a daughter. What about you? Do you have any foals? A filly...? Or some strapping young colt?" Cream Heart gripped the edge of the bar and let out a throaty moan as she came hard. "Nggh! Grrh!" The machine under her whirred against the resistance of her vaginal muscles. Her legs shook and strained against the harness straps kept her firmly seated as the dildo kept hitting her G-spot relentlessly with perfect precision. The harness squeezed her belly and the vibrator hummed harder against her winking clit. "HNNGH!" Her pussy flexed and squirted thick jets of marecum in long pulses as she grunted and groaned, nearly filling the bowl before the suction had a chance to drain it. "NGaAH!" "Whew! We've got a gusher over here!!" Spoiled teased. "Easy there! It's not a sprint!" Cream Hearts nose was running and drool dripped from the edge of her mouth. She could barely see straight, let alone even think as her pussy continued to squirt torrents of marecum. After several agonizing seconds, she stopped squirting. The harness stopped squeezing, machine basin stopped sucking, and the dildo returned to its idling pace of slow, deep thrusts. "Damn girl, it sounded like you were deep frying potatoes!" Spoiled teased. "Seriously though, you squirt loud as fuck. I think that's pretty cool." "Oh, for goodness sake darling, leave the poor mare alone!" the white unicorn on the other side of Cream Heart finally spoke up. "You know as well as I do that she has no control over it! These brutish machines are specifically designed to make her ejaculate as much and as often as possible!" The unicorn grabbed a drinking straw with her magic and put it into Cream Heart's electrolyte tonic. "But she is right, you need to keep up on your fluids. These wretched things will milk your poor flower dry if you don't." She held the cup closer to Cream, guiding the straw to her lips. "Rarity, by the way." Cream Heart finished the tonic and she moved the straw to the glass of water, drinking that quickly too. Cream looked over at the unicorn, who looked rather composed for a mare getting what looked to be a rather deep, if slow, dicking from her machine. Rather than abrupt bouts of squirting or gushing, her pussy gave a little consistent spurt of marecum on each thrust. The bartender brought over two more waters for her and Cream as she made her way along refreshing everypony's drinks. "Could somepony please pass the gimp?" Spoiled asked. The 'gimp' was a cage hanging from a chain connected to a track in the ceiling. One of the mares sitting several seats away pushed the cage down along the track towards Spoiled Rich. Rarity leaned back and pushed the cage along with her magic, passing it along to Cream Heart. Cream Heart looked up at the cage, bumping her snout into the balls of the stallion inside. The blindfolded stallion said nothing, not that the grey pegasus could, bound and gagged as he was. Although he was sitting inside a hanging cage, he didn't look like he was in any particular discomfort, aside from his genitals hanging out of the cage, currently draped onto Cream's forehead. Cream felt that familiar pressure building in her tummy again. The machine under her could sense it, and started speeding up again at an oblique angle, milking her G-spot again. "You know the rules," Spoiled said. "Sniff, sniff, pass!" Cream Heart snapped back to her senses and quickly pushed the cage along the track over to Spoiled Rich. Cream quickly finished the rest of her water, watching as Spoiled wasted no time pressing in her nose into the stallion's scrotum, taking a deep whiff. Spoiled's body trembled and her pussy spurted into her basin. She ran her tongue along his shaft, making it throb harder. He was given his standard Neighagra before his shift, not that he needed it. Though he was gagged, he could still breath fine through his nostrils, which were fully flared as he panted, utterly flooded by the pheromones of all the marecum around him. Spoiled was just that latest in a long line of mares that had been sniffing his ball musk and teasing his cock all morning, and he had reached his breaking point. He grunted into his gag and the tip of his cock flared. "He's gonna pop!" one of the other mares said as she watched. "Yes, that's it, cum for mommy!" Spoiled moaned. Not that the stallion could hear her with his ears plugged. She pointed his flared tip at her open mouth. Cream Heart watched the stallion in the cage flex and jerked against his bindings as his veiny cock throbbed and pulsed, firing thick ropes of cum into Spoiled's mouth. He wasn't the only one that popped. Cream Heart came again. And again her entire seat worked together, vibrating, squeezing, sucking and fucking and her muscles flexed and squeezed squirting even harder than the stallion was. The dildo struggled against her powerful vaginal muscles, but it didn't stop. The motor whined in time with her squirting, Wrrr Wrrr Wrrr, spurt spurt spurt. Spoiled didn't even notice Cream Heart gushing into her basin. She was too preoccupied with the stallion filling her mouth with thick semen by the time he finished. She closed her mouth and swallowed the whole load with a smile. "Lucky!" one of the other mares jeered at Spoiled. Spoiled licked the last dribble of cum off his tip and gave it a polite kiss before it started to wilt. "Such a good boy!" she cooed. He whimpered from being overstimulated. "Alright alright, leave the poor thing alone!" the bartender said as she walked over and grabbed the cage to pull it along the track, into the back room for a shift change and the next stallion to swap in. The indicator on Cream Heart's chair lit green with a ding. "Already, darling?" Rarity asked. The dildo finally stopped moving and it pulled most of the way out, until only the tip was still inside. Cream Heart just sat there and panted. Her legs were still twitching as the last few dribbles of her orgasm spurted into the basin. Rarity leaned back in her seat, looking at the filled jar underneath Cream Heart. "Oh my goodness! The Mistress is sure to be pleased with that!" Cream Heart felt light-headed and slumped against the bar. "Easy now, Darling. That machine quite literally took a lot out of you!" She steadied Cream and held her cup for her until she drank two more glasses of liquid. "I... I think I'm done for the day..." Cream mumbled. "I should say so, Darling! You had better stay put until you're well enough to walk." It was sound advice. Cream Heart waited until was feeling better and then disconnected her harness from the chair. Her muscles were exhausted, but she was still able to lift herself up and off the tip of the dildo and get down from the chair. She turned to retrieve her tool. Spoiled shooed her away. "Oh, don't fuss with that dear, the cleaning crew will get the rental," Just be sure to get one of your own for tomorrow." Cream Heart nodded and started to shuffle towards the exit. "Darling!" Rarity shouted after her. "Don't forget your product! You won't be paid otherwise!" "Right..." Cream Heart removed the jar from the bottom of the collection funnel and secured the lid on it tightly. The other mares looked on in awe at the liquid sloshing around inside the mares full jar before Cream put it in her bag. "And don't think you're done rehydrating, either," Rarity said. "When you get home, you better be sipping a drink for the rest of the evening!" Cream Heart nodded and walked to the exit. Outside the production room was the cash-out counter. She placed the filled jar on the scale. The incredulous mare behind the counter stared at her. "Is this all from just you!?" Cream Heart nodded. "Okay. Let's get you scanned out." The other mare made a twirling motion with her hoof. Cream Heart was confused at first, but realized what she meant. She turned around and lifted her tail. The clerk scanned the barcode on Cream's butt plug. "Miss Cream Heart!?" she asked in surprise. "Yeah?" "Uh, ah, first of all, your base pay for this and the... you- you produced another thirty two ounces this morning!?" Cream Heart sighed, "Is that a lot or something?" "How are you still alive!?" "I... I'm not actually sure," Cream mumbled. "Your Skenes glands must be the size of tangerines!" "Okay? Sure, why not." "Okay, so, based on the Mistress's evaluation estimate of your product's market value, multiplied by... wow... sixty ounces, your percentage pay is..." Cream Heart looked a the number on the display. "Oh." "Yeah, not bad for a full day of work." "Actually, I just got hired this afternoon." "What!?" She looked at Cream Heart's initial log-in time. "You just made six hundred Bits in two hours!" Cream's eyes focused sharply on the large pouch of bits at the clerk pushed it across the counter. "Now that I do understand." She picked up her money and turned to leave. "Wait, there was something else. Mistress asked to see you before you leave." "Oh? What for?" The clerk looked at the filled jar. "Probably to make you Employee of the Month by the looks of it." ~~~ Cream Heart knocked on the door to Stellar Flare's office. "You wanted to see me?" "Yes, please!" Stellar waved her over to her desk. "I heard that you filled two jars in two hours, that's got to be a company record! You certainly know how to make a splash on your first day!" Stellar grinned. Cream Heart pursed her lips. "Hmm." "But you really should try to pace yourself. A career here is a marathon, not a sprint. We can't have you passing out on us." "I didn't do anything! It's that machine of yours..." "Did you get a kit by the way?" Stellar asked. "Yes." Cream lifted the Clone-A-Willy kit out of her bag. "Okay, good. See about getting that done as soon as possible. I think having one better suited to your personal... figure will ease any sort of discomfort you might be experiencing. Oh, and one more thing..!" Stellar Flare turned around in her seat and grabbed something off the shelf behind her. "Free for all new hires, a little something for your special somepony." Stellar Flare placed the small perfume bottle on the desk. The front had a newly-minted label: De La Crème "I hope we can look forward to seeing you again tomorrow, yes?" Stellar asked. Cream Heart felt the weight of the bits in her bag. She nodded. "Excellent! Until then..." she motioned to the door. Cream Heart turned and left to go home. Once she got home, Cream Heart placed her bag on the kitchen table but brought her bag of bits up to her bedroom. It would sure put a dent in the bills. She'd have to bring it to the bank in the morning... before she went back to work. As she looked at the money, she felt a strange mixture of pride and shame. It was more than she would have made in a week at the flower shop. But it still made her feel dirty and uncomfortable. Either that or it was the butt plug. She had practically forgotten about it, but now she was hyper aware of it. She waddled into the restroom to gingerly pull it from her sore bottom and wash it, and herself, thoroughly. Stepping out of the bathroom some time later, she heard the front door open downstairs. "Dude, I'm telling you, forget that job!" Cream Heart recognized the voice of her son's friend, Rumble. "You should come apply where I work!" "It does sound like a pretty good gig," Button agreed. "And I don't want any gaps in my resume." "Ha! Yeah, right, that's why you want to work there!?" Rumble joked. "I gotta get going. I'll see you later." "Kay. See ya." Once she heard the door close again, Cream Heart walked downstairs. "Button? You're home early." "Oh, well, yeah, the boss said I was doing such a good job, that I could take the rest of the afternoon off," Button said before quickly trotting into the kitchen. Cream Heart could always tell when her son was lying because he was never any good at it. "Oh. Okay then." "Whoa, what's this!?" Button asked. Cream Heart quickly trotted into the kitchen after him. He was standing by the table holding the Clone-A-Willy kit. Cream Heart turned bright red. "Oh, uh, that- that uh..." Cream Heart's mind raced quickly to come up with an explanation. Something other than 'your mother is a whorse that sells her marecum' "That was left here, by... Sweetie Belle!" she said. "She left it here. For you." "Oh, wow!" Button lifted the perfume bottle out of the bag. "She got the new release that Rumble was talking about!" Button Mash spritzed himself in the face with De La Crème. He groaned and his whole body trembled. His sheath bulged and his shaft started to quickly emerge, growing stiff and smacked against his belly. Button suddenly became aware of himself and looked at his mother. She averted her eyes to make it seem like she hadn't just seen him get instantly hard from his own mother's scent getting sprayed in his face. "I, uh, need to- homework!" Button stammered as he quickly went upstairs to his room with the rest of the perfume and the kit. The sound of his hooves on the stairs was accompanied by the slapping of his dick against his belly as he trotted. His bedroom door closed a bit harder than he likely meant. It took no stretch of her imagination to guess what he would be doing. > De La Crème > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Foals didn't sleep this well. Cream Heart woke up feeling relaxed and well-rested. She felt... younger even. She yawned and stretched her hooves and slowly climbed out of bed. It was still a workday, after all. And though she didn't have a specific time to clock in, she was still a mother. She walked down the hallway to wake up the groggy young stallion who usually loved to sleep in... "Oh?" Cream Heart glanced in the empty bedroom. She hadn't slept in that late. He must have actually woken up early to go out. The oblong box of the kit in his trash can caught her eye. The tube with the molding plaster in it was standing upright on the corner of his desk, next to the half-empty bottle of De La Crème. The mold was filled with silicone that had cured overnight. "Button!?" she called out into the house to see if she was indeed home alone. No response came. She upturned the tube and grasped the base of the silicone, pulling it out of the mold with an audible suction sound as the air filled the void. The silicone phallus flopped in her hooves, rigid, but flexible, and very familiar looking. She put it into her bag next to the butt plug. "Right, time to go to work." As per her directions, she went to the employee entrance. It was an unassuming spa across the street from the main building, away from jonesing stallions lined up impatiently outside the retail outlet. The back of the spa had a stairwell that led to the employee tunnel that crossed under the street and led to the company locker room. In addition to lockers, there was two rows of stalls for "prepping". Each stall had a bidet for a thorough washing and 'deep cleanse' douching, gaining a yelp from Cream, similar to the others echoing from the other stalls as the other mares prepped for their shift. She finished with a fresh Zesper enema before Cream slipped her identification butt-plug in, and strapped on her harness. Although is was her second day and she was more familiar with the layout, she was still somewhat nervous as she looked around for a suitable seat. She had been assured that any unoccupied seat had gotten cleaned thoroughly, but she felt better actually seeing the cleaning crew finishing up on one at a round table near the bar where she sat at the day before. She walked over to the seat and the maroon earth pony sitting next to it looked at her. "You're the new girl that started yesterday, right?" she asked. Cream Heart nodded. From where she was standing in the walkway down below, she could plainly see the mare's clear basin, and the others sitting at the table. Each of their pussies were squirting, spurting, or dribbling at various rates into the funnels leading down to the individual jars under them. The other mare waved for Cream Heart to step up to the vacant spot. "Don't be shy. It's like a family here. I'm Cheerilee." Cream Heart steeled her resolve and stepped up onto the ledge in front of her seat and she opened her bag to pull out her tool. Cheerilee whistled at the dong flopping in Cream Heart's hooves. "Did your special somepony make that for you last night? You're one lucky gal!" "Um, thanks?" Cream Heart replied as she affixed the dildo to the piston mount in the bottom of the basin. "If that's your first time using it here, make sure you recalibrate your machine settings," Cheerilee said, showing her how to reset the settings. "There. You should be good to go." "Thank you." Cream Heart bit her lip and looked at the silicone replica of her son's penis sticking up from the bottom of the basin. It almost looked menacing. She poised herself over the seat and took an extra moment to carefully work the thick tip inside her, finding the Zesper treatment already had her plenty wet. She plugged in her harness connections and started up the setup cycle. The scanner read the barcode on her butt plug and began calibrating. The piston slowly extended and pushed the dildo up into her. The first thing that she immediately noticed was that it felt thicker than the rental, with a lot more authentic texture. She took a deep breath before it was literally knocked out of her when she felt butterflies in her belly. Fully extended, the base of the dildo was just barely at the stretched entrance of her vagina and the tip just barely kissed her cervix, filling her completely in a perfect fit. It slowly pulled out and went through the range of motion again before it started to cycle the other parameters of depth, speed, and angle. Cream Heart just held the edge of the table as a familiar pressure started to build in her lower tummy. The waitress came by and placed the compulsory water and electrolyte tonics in front of everypony at the table. "Zesper cocktails, anypony?" she asked. Cream Heart was barely paying attention, but all the other mares nodded. "A round for the whole table," Cheerilee assumed. Cream Heart reached out and took her glass of water to start drinking before she ended up getting dizzy again. One of the other mares pushed a pile of playing chips in front of her. "Oh, I don't gamble," Cream said. "I didn't even bring any money." "Don't worry," Cheerilee assured her, "It's just for funsies." "The winner gets a facial," one of the other mares said with a giggle as she tussled her mane, streaked with white stains that went unnoticed to Cream, barely able to look straight as the machine under her whirred a bit faster. "The game is Appleoosan Hold'em," Cheerilee said. "Do you know how to play?" Cream Heart nodded. "Y-yeah." She shifted a bit in her plush seat, but the harness kept her from moving too much from where she was strapped down. It wasn't the mind-blowing experience she had gone through the day before. But even so, it was hard to carry on a casual conversation at a card table while getting deep-drilled by the full length of her son's replica dick. Cheerilee dealt out the cards. "Ante up." Cream Heart reached out to toss a chip into the pot but her calibration cycle leaned her seat back while the dildo angled forward as it fucked slowly, but deeply. Her hooves grabbed the rests on either side of her. The sensors in her harness read her biometrics as the dildo found and targeted her g-spot with mechanical precision. The other mares looked at the bulge of the dildo moving in and out of Cream Heart's abdomen. Cheerilee reached over to put a chip in the pot for Cream and gave her a sympathetic smile. "Let me just get that for you. You look busy." Cream Heart could barely mouth the words. "You're welcome. Though make sure you get a chance to look at your cards before you start betting. Don't worry, we'll wait." Cheerilee looked at her own harness strapped to her seat's basin. "It's not like we're- Nggh, going anywhere," she said with a particularly strong spurt. The seat on the other side of Cream Heart chimed. "I've gotta tap out," the seated mare said as the fucking machine under her slowed to a stop. "I need to pick up my foals from Buckball practice." She unbuckled herself and extricated herself from the seat. She lifted herself up off the dildo and disconnecting it from the base before she removed her jar from the bottom of the collection funnel to go cash out. "Fun as always. See you tomorrow morning." The other mares at the table waved farewell as the cleaning crew passed by to sanitize the seat for the next mare. "Oh, I know her!" Spoiled Rich said as she sauntered over to the vacant spot next to Cream, seeing that her jar was still empty. Did you start yet? Deal me in! Ooh, and I'm just in time for the show!" "Don't be crass," Cheerilee admonished as she dealt her two cards. "But your haven't seen this this girl go off. It's quite the spectacle!" Spoiled said as she set up her own tool in her seat. "You know it's not polite to draw attention to it," Cheerilee said. Spoiled sat down on her seat's dildo and scanned in with her butt-plug. The machine whirred to life as it started fucking her. "It's not like its some secret," she said, raising her voice above the din of all the fuck-machines in the room. "And- whoa! That is definitely not the rental you had yesterday!" Spoiled gasped, gawking at the bulge being made in Cream Heart's abdomen. Cream Heart's seat finished calibrating and seat sat level again. The bulge in her abdomen became less pronounced and her machine settled into a slow, steady pace with a dull whir, whir, whir muffled underneath her flanks. She reached forward and checked her cards. As soon as she put them back down she immediately forgot them, simply checking and calling when prompted to. The pile of chips in front of her got a little taller. "That's quite the poker face," Cheerilee said. "I'm surprised she has any face other than an O-face with her machine settings," Spoiled said before she took her turn to deal. "Ante up." Cream's shaky hoof nudged a couple of her chips into the middle of the table and she glanced at her cards, barely able to even read them. It came to her turn to bet. She tapped the table with minimal participation in the game. "Checking is lame," Spoiled said, raising. "Especially when there's nothing at stake." "Well, I wouldn't say that," Cheerilee said as a fresh gimp cage was pulled along on the ceiling track towards their table. "Ooh, he looks new!" Spoiled said, pulling the cage over to her first. Cream Heart glanced over at Spoiled lifting her snout up to the bottom of the cage to nuzzle the dark brown, hanging coin purse of the young stallion. Cream did a double take, immediately recognizing Button Mash, sitting in the cage, gagged and blindfolded, but otherwise not looking even slightly distressed as Spoiled Rich inhaled his musk. Button's nostrils flared amid the miasma of feminine pheromones. A muffled groan came through his gag and his shaft started to emerge from his sheath. "There's a good boy," Spoiled cooed. Instinctively, Cream tried to move to her helpless son's defense from the molesting mare, but the straps of her harness kept her firmly seated on the thrusting dildo under her. Her blood pressure and pulse jumped. The machine read the sudden spike in her biometrics as arousal and everything increased, speed, depth, and vibration. What strength she'd had in her limbs was sapped away. Looking at her son, she could see that, although he was gagged, the upturn at the corners of his mouth were unmistakable a grin. "Excited?" Spoiled teased Cream. "Don't worry, you'll get your turn with him," she said as she passed him along the circular track in the ceiling to the mare in the opposite direction around the table, making Cream wait last. "You're so wicked," Cheerilee faux admonished as she placed her chips in the middle. "The call is fifteen," she told Cream. Cream struggled to do even basic math amid the hurricane of feelings rushing through her. All of it was warped by the confusing stimulation the chair was giving her. Cream Heart couldn't help but stare at the cage as she waited for her turn in the card game. Hanging in front of the next mare nuzzling his balls, the full length of his shaft had sprouted out and draped across her face before rising into a rigid pole. Spoiled sighed wistfully. "I miss the days when my stallion could rise to the occasion like that." Several others murmured in agreement. "Call." They flipped their cards over. "Wow, seriously?" The pot of chips got shoved over to Cream Heart again. She looked at her mismatched three and five, finding herself to have a winning straight with the rest of the low cards. "Okay, that was pure luck!" Spoiled huffed as the next mare started to deal the cards. Button's cage made his way along to the other side of the table. "Ah, I recognize this one now," Cheerilee said. "He used to be a student of mine a few years ago. A real troublemaker this one. I'm pretty sure he had a crush on me at one point." "Oh please..." Spoiled rolled her eyes. "What colt wasn't hot for teacher?" Cheerilee grinned, tracing her hoof down along the curves of her body. "Well who can blame him?" The cage was passed over to in front of her. She looked up at him. "I bet he'd be thrilled to know who was sitting under him right now. But alas..." She gently licked his balls. Cream Heart watched hers son's former school teacher gently licking and sucking his balls with a mixture of contempt, disgust, and... jealousy? His shaft throbbed and twitched above her, begging desperately for attention as it stood neglected in the cool air of the open room. Cream could see every detailed texture that she was currently feeling from the replica thrusting inside her. That tight feeling in her tummy neared its breaking point. Cheerilee finally stopped and looked over at Cream Heart. "What about you?" she asked. "Do you have any foals?" Cream Heart keeled forward and gripped the edge of the table as she orgasmed. The harness squeezed in time with the pulses of the clit vibrator and the slight suction of the basin seal. The powerful muscles of her pussy squeezed and audibly squirted thick gushes of marecum against the basin. "Woo! There she goes!" Spoiled cheered. "Like a geyser!" Cream Heart grunted in exertion as she kept squirting hard. "Easy girl, you don't need to force it to impress us. Just let the machine do all the work." Spoiled silently waved to Cheerilee to pass the gimp cage across Cream to skip her while she was busy. By the time Cream Heart could see straight again, Spoiled had already taken her turn for her and sent the cage on for another lap around the table. Cream Heart won the next hoof with pocket aces. "I'm calling shenanigans," Spoiled complained as the next round was dealt. "You got yours yesterday. I've been sitting here playing all morning, I'm not missing out on my facial this week. I'm all in." Cheerilee said, pushing the rest of her chips in. "You're on!" Spoiled said, doing the same. "It's fine-" Cream panted. "You can... I don't want..." "You're out? Really?" Spoiled asked. Cream nodded. "Alright, this is for the whole enchilada then!" Cream Heart looked at Button's penis, glistening with a dribble of pre-cum. "And the river..." The last card hit the table. "Dammit! It's a split pot!" "I don't think you'll have time for a rematch," one of the other mares said. "He's about to pop!" "Fine, we'll share!" Cheerilee said as the cage stopped in front of her. She reached up and stroked his dick, getting him to flare quickly. "Oh yeah, here we go!" Button grunted into the gag as his balls tightened and his shaft throbbed and pulsed. The first two thick ropes of his cum splashed across Cheerilee's face, on her nose, cheeks and chin. "Pass! Pass!" Spoiled demanded quickly. Cheerilee shoved the cage over. It stopped in front of a surprised Cream Heart as her son blasted the next ropes of his cum in her shocked face, most of it into the back of her gaped mouth. "PASS!" Spoiled yelled, reaching over to grab the cage herself. She put her mouth over his tip getting what little was left as it dribbled out. Meanwhile, Cream Heart was forced to swallow her son's semen to keep from choking on it. The raw testosterone of it set her off again, sending her into another fit of cumming and squirting even harder than before. The fucking machine milked her for every last drop of mare cum before it finally slowed and stopped with a ding of the bell. Cheerilee looked under Cream's seat in amazement at the filled jar. "Already?" Spoiled pulled her mouth off Button's dick. "I told you. She's like the squirting champion of Equestria." Cream Heart panted with her cheek on the table as an attendant came along to pull Button's cage along the track to the back room to be 'freshened up'. She sat up a minute later to slump back in her chair. She finished the rest of her water and her electrolyte tonic to stay hydrated. She disconnected her harness from the seat and carefully lifted herself off the dildo before she turned to disconnect it from the piston in bottom of the basin. She put it in her personal bag and then did the same with her jar after she sealed it with her lid. She slowly shuffled out to the cash-out counter. "Another very productive day I see, Miss Cream!" the clerk said, placing the full jar on the scale to tally her pay. "How long do the... the gimps work here?" Cream Heart asked, disliking the word. The clerk shrugged. "Depends on the stallion. Most are 'one and done'. Others can go a few rounds with some complementary Neighagra. Obviously they get compensated more." "Do they get paid well?" Cream asked. "Relatively speaking." "Relative to...?" "It's one of the best paying jobs in town. But it's nowhere near what the ladies make. Unless it's store credit." "Store credit?" Cream asked. "This is Essence. What do you think those horndogs spend their paychecks on?" Cream Heart took her pay and looked away. "Right." At home, Cream Heart went through her routine of removing her bar code butt plug to wash it, and herself, thoroughly. And then she waited. Button Mash came home a while after her, looking like he had just run a marathon. And in a lot of ways, he had. He muttered something about being tired from work and shuffled past her in the kitchen to go up to his room. A few minutes later she could hear the shower running. She was not proud of it, but she took the opportunity to snoop. Not that she needed to expend much effort. His bag sat in plain sight on his desk, emblazoned with Essence's logo. § She opened the bag. In the bottom was barely pocket change left from his pay, and a receipt. He had been payed well enough, but he had used it to buy the bottle of Essence in the bag. The label read: De La Crème The seal on it was broken. He had used it, and recently. Likely why he was going to be a while in the shower. He was clopping himself to her scent in his nose. Cream frowned at how much he was spending to do so. On the one hoof it was flattering that her scent was among the most expensive in the lineup. But it was heartbreaking to see him wasting his money on this. Especially when... A knock came from the front door. Cream Heart trotted downstairs to open it. It was Button's marefriend, Sweetie Belle. "Oh, hello Mrs. Heart. Is Button home?" she asked. "Yes," Cream answered. "He's upstairs. But I think he's in the shower at the moment." "Oh. I just need to talk to him." Cream Heart smirked. "Well, if you want to go 'talk' to him in the shower, I can step out for... about an hour?" Sweetie Belle blushed. "No, I actually just want to talk to him." "Alright, alright..." Cream Heart waved her inside. Sweetie Belle trotted through the familiar house up to the bathroom door. Cream Heart didn't mean to eavesdrop, but the house wasn't especially large to avoid it. "Button?" Sweetie Belle said through the door. "Busy," came Button's terse response. "Button, can we please talk? I feel like you're avoiding me." "I'm the one avoiding you!?" Button said incredulously. The water stopped and he opened the door a moment later. "I haven't seen you in like a month!" "It's spring! It's unsafe for me right now!" Sweetie said. "But you've been avoiding my messages too. I figured you were busy, but you weren't at the store." "I got a new job. A better job. And besides, you got what you wanted." "What-" "The dildo I made for you. You took that without so much as a thank you!" "I have no idea what you're talking about! Don't gaslight me!" "Gaslighting isn't a real thing. You made it up because you're a crazy bitch!" "I... I... grr, FORGET THIS! YOU CARE MORE ABOUT HUFFING THAN US! WE'RE THROUGH!" Sweetie Belle screamed and stormed out of the house. Cream Heart trotted up the stairs. "Button Mash!" "No!" was all he shouted from inside his bedroom. Cream eschewed courtesy and pushed open his bedroom door. There he sat on his bed, his cock in his clopping hoof, the other holding his bottle of De La Crème in the other, spraying it directly into his mouth. Her first reaction was revulsion, knowing that is was his own mother's bottled mare cum that he was spraying into his mouth. But seeing his long, thick dick in his hoof reminded her that just earlier that very same morning, she had swallowed his load herself. She pushed the thought away. She lunged forward and slapped the bottle out of his hoof, sending it spilling onto his floor. "Mom!? What the fuck!?" he yelled at her face. She could smell her product heavy on his breath. He shoved her away as he tried to get up from the bed and save the bottle. "You watch your mouth!" she scolded. She shoved him back onto the bed harder. "I am your mother!" On even ground he young stallion was surely stronger than her, but pinning him down from on top, she had all the leverage. "I paid a lot for that!" "You're gonna give that shit up!" Cream said. "And you're gonna get a new job-" "I have a new job! I work at Essence now!" "A different job! Somewhere where you're not going to get abused." "I like my job! I get paid well! You can't make me quit!" Cream Heart fumed. "You need to at least stop wasting your money on this! Do you even know what it is!?" Cream asked. "I need it!" "No you don't! There's nothing in that bottle that you can't get from Sweetie Belle, or some other nice mare." "Mares are more trouble than they're worth!" "Oh, you sound just like your father right now!" Cream scowled. "Yeah, well, at least Dad got something out of it with you instead of waiting for marriage like that fucking tease, Sweetie Belle!" "How dare you! She's a nice filly!" she scolded him. His nostrils flared as he snorted and huffed. He tried to shove her away again, but she held him down firmly. "Now you are going to march right over to her house and apolo-" she looked down at where his erection was poking her in the belly. That same beast that she had a model of in her bag downstairs. That same veiny, throbbing monster that blasted her in the mouth only just that very morning. In that moment, she became acutely aware of just how much the room smelled, how much it reeked of her arousal. They were both practically swimming in her pheromones. She could feel the dampness spreading down her inner thighs. Her flagged tail letting the cool air buffet against her hot, wet loins. If anypony were to ask her why she did what she did that day, she would blame it on the leftover Zesper still coursing through her system. That it was a confluence of extenuating circumstances that came together to this strange moment. She would tell herself that she had no choice, because that made it easier to sleep. But part of her, deep down in a place she would never talk about, she knew that was a lie. There were so many points along this journey where she could have stopped, said no, or found some other way. But she didn't. She chose this, consciously or not, because she wanted it. Because it excited her. Cream Heart smirked. "You know what, Button? You're right. You don't need Sweetie." He opened his mouth to say something but she cut him off. "But I'm also right. You're going to stop wasting your money on that stuff!" "But I need it!" he pleaded. "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?" she asked with a sly grin. He looked confused. "Wha-?" "Shh..." she hushed him and climbed up onto the bed with him. "I think it's time you learn a little company secret." She straddled his belly and pressed her hot marehood against the side of his shaft, grinding herself against it. "Mom!" he yelped. She put her her hoof to his lips, shushing him again as she kept going, moving slowly. She glanced at the Essence bottle on the floor and the bottle of lube on his desk. "I'm sorry about... interrupting you. Let Mommy make it up to you." "Mom?" Button Mash was confused. He has seen enough porn to know what was happening. But looking up and seeing his actual mother created a weird dissonance in his head. At least she didn't seem mad anymore. That was good, right? She slid her pussy forward and back along the length of his dick the way Sweetie Belle did with that same teasing outercourse. He knew how this would go. He'd end up cumming all over himself and then struggle in the shower to get it all out of his chest fur. Cream Heart had no intention of teasing him, or herself. What she wanted, what she needed, was that thick stallion cock inside her right now. She lifted her hips off his dick, much to his chagrin that she has come to her sense and was about to leave him in the lurch. But much to the contrary, she grasped his dick with her hoof and aimed it upright at her marehood. Before he even realized what was happening she lowered herself down against his tip, giving it just a bit of pressure before she was able to get it inside her stretched pussy. He ample lubrication had her sliding most of the way down with only a modest amount of effort. Button Mash looked like his soul had just exited his body. His eyes had rolled back to get a good look at his brain which was presently being scrambled by the feeling of her marehood's warm, velvety embrace. It had escaped her notice until she had taken him to the medial ring. "Oh, goodness! I suppose this your first time?" she asked. Button made some vague, guttural noise as his tongue lolled out of his mouth. But his head nodded to the affirmative. She leaned over and touched his cheek with her hoof. "Oh, I'm sorry dear! I suppose this is a big deal. This is something that you should have done with somepony your own age, like Sweetie Belle. Or at least, I should have taken this slower..." she paused and gave him a moment to recover. "But Mommy needs this real bad." She sat upright and sat the rest of the way down on his shaft, taking his medial ring and all. Her moan of pleasure harmonized with her son's. She felt the tip of his dick lightly kiss her cervix as he hilted her, fitting her perfectly like lock and key, as though their bodies were made for one another. His hooves weakly tried to grasp her hips as his own made little thrusting attempt under her. Cream Heart smiled softly. "That's sweet of you. But be a good colt and just lay still while Mommy rides you this time." She held his hooves with her own and pinned them to the mattress to support herself as she lifted her hips just barely enough for his medial ring to pop out before she dropped back down again. Cream Heart moaned and sighed. "The real thing is so much better!" He assumed she was telling him this, rather than her musing to herself. He grunted and groaned from the pleasure. "Hold on a bit longer now, Mommy has a surprise for you..." She closed her eyes and leaned back a bit to take him at a more oblique angle. She focused on the feeling of him hitting her g-spot as her hoof started to play with her clit. She opened her eyes and looked at his. They fluttered for a moment but their focus returned as she felt him start to flare inside her. She followed his gaze to the bulge he was making in her abdomen. "Not yet!" Her hoof moved faster on her clit and her thighs shuddered at either side of him as she came. She arched her back and her marecum jetted out in front of her in thick spurts into his gaped mouth, and splashing onto his nose. Button's every sense was saturated with her pure, unadulterated nectar. His dick throbbed harder inside her as her legs gave out, letting her hips meet his. His shaft only swelled harder, thicker, and longer, pressing firmly against her cervix as he went past the point of no return. The width of his flare stretched her depths, parting her cervix opening slightly, already lined up perfectly with him. Cream Heart's strength left her in the midst of her orgasm. She could feel him start to throb and pulse inside her, but she was powerless to stop it or extricate herself from him. She could feel his thick ropes of hot cum pumping straight into her uterus. She could feel his powerful stallion hormones dousing the flames of her estrus with each spurt of his virile seed flooding her fertile womb to the absolute brim. She flopped forward onto him and panted just as hard as he was under her. Button Mash licked her marecum off his lips and he grinned as he looked at the empty perfume bottle on the floor. "Oh, I get it now... get the milk for free." Cream Heart's post-orgasmic clarity washed over her. "I'm sorry," she breathed. "We... I shouldn't have done that!" She braced her hooves against the mattress and lifted herself up off him. She felt his wide flare tugging at her, still firmly lodged deep inside her. "No!" he whimpered and wrapped his hooves around her quickly to pull her back down against his body in t tight embrace. His hips flexed and pushed up into her just a bit harder. Cream Heart bit her lip, feeling the pressure of his dick pressed against her cervix with each tiny thrust he made. "Stay, please?" "Button, no, let me go," she said, trying to extricate herself from his hooves. She could practically hear his heart breaking as his whimpers turned to plaintive whines. It also made his erection wilt inside her. She lifted herself harder out of his embrace and his shaft slid out of her with an audible 'plop' and a wet slap as it flopped against his belly before it retreated into his sheath. With how bloated her womb felt, Cream braced herself for a deluge of his cum to pour out of her, but barely any trickled from her marehood. Without his flare stretching her depths, the strong muscles of her cervix held it tightly shut. She could feel his massive load sloshing around inside her sealed uterus as she moved. "Oh, not good." She felt light-headed and rolled to her side to flop over next to him on the mattress. "We are going to talk about this later..." she said in a stern tone. She closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead. "But for now I just... I just need a minute to... to think about this." Cream Heart woke up some time later. The clock on the nightstand said it was seven, but she didn't know if it was morning or evening. All she knew was how wet her marehood felt from the cool breeze. And then the warm breeze. And then the cool breeze again. She lifted her head to look down at herself. Button Mash was laying on her lap with his face buried in her crotch. By buried, it meant that she couldn't see anything forward of his cheeks as he happily snored into her pussy. "Button!" she yelped. He stirred a bit in his sleep, smacking his lips with a lick, and then hers. His hooves wrapped around her waist and he pulled himself into her harder, giving her a few more idle licks. Her breath hitched from the sensation and it took all of her willpower to not let him continue. "Button, stop it!" Her surge of adrenaline let her easily shove the half-asleep pony away. He rolled away onto his back and his fresh erection swung like a heavy club after him, smacking against his belly. He blinked awake and looked at her with the irritated frown of a toddler that had just had its dessert taken away. He squirmed closer, but she squirmed away faster. "Stop it right now, mister. We need to talk about this!" He groaned the same way he did when she told him he was late for school before he sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. "First of all, boundaries!" Button snorted. "Ha! That's rich coming from the mare that just jumped my bones." "And that was wrong of me, but that doesn't excuse you from-" "Oh, don't act like you didn't enjoy it, too," he quipped. "That is entirely beside the point!" "Which is..?" "It's wrong." Button rolled his eyes and slid off the edge of bed to pick up the empty perfume bottle. "I don't think you really have the moral high ground here, Mom. Or should I say, De La Crème?" Cream Heart blushed. "Honestly, I don't know how I didn't recognize it sooner. And if you're working there..." "Yes. I've seen you there," Cream said. "Whose mouth do you think you came in this morning?" "Wait, really!?" She nodded. "It wasn't on purpose. I was... a bystander next to the other mares." "Oh. I'm sorry?" he tried. She shrugged. "You didn't know. How could you?" "Yeah, no, I had no idea! I'm blindfolded with ear plugs and everything." "I know." "Hey Mom?" "What?" "You..." he trailed off and looked at the bottle. "You make good stuff. Like really good!" She sighed. "So I've been told." "No I mean it! I've tried a few others and... and there is a reason why yours costs so much!" "That's... strangely flattering." Button touched his mane, plastered and sticky from her spraying him with several hundred bits worth of her product. "So are you still going to... you know, work there?" he asked. She shrugged again. "It's good money," she said. "It's... it's actually an embarrassing amount of money." "How much?" he asked. She told him. "Holy shit," he balked. "What about you?" she asked. He told her. "That's... not nearly as much," she said. "It's more than working at the general store," he said. "And to be honest, I'm not doing it just for the money." She snorted. "I'm sure," she sarcassed, remembering the whole table of mares sniffing, licking, kissing and sucking his dick. "So I assume you intend to keep working there too?" she asked. He nodded with certainty. "So how is that going to work out? We can't very well commute there together. Ponies will start to talk." "Okay." "And then once we're in there, we're bound to cross paths. What am I to do then?" Button thought about it. "Could you... um... give it three quick kisses so I know that it's you?" Cream Heart blanched. "EXCUSE ME!? You actually want me to..." "Yeah, but I want to know that it's you so I don't have to hold back. It's hard not to cum. And I'd want to try to save it for you." Cream Heart looked at his stiff erection and bit her lip. She forced herself to look away. "I... I will consider it," she said. She glared at the perfume bottle. "But you need to stop wasting your paycheck on this stuff, you hear me!?" He smiled. "Well, yeah, of course! Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?" He tossed the bottle into the trash and climbed back into the bed with her. "Or rather... the Cream." He lowered his face between her thighs tp lick her some more. This time... she let him. > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cream Heart put her barcode butt plug in, and sat in the mares locker room to wait. She watched the clock on the wall, counting out the minutes until it was time for her to walk into the main production room. She strode across the floor towards a very specific table, hoping that there would be a vacant seat. She frowned where there was not. But alas... "I've gotta tap out," one of the mares said, turning off her chair. She dismounted herself and her equipment before slinking down to the floor to retrieve her jar. Cream Heart watched and waited insistently for the custodial crew to come by to clean and sterilize the chair for her. In the meantime, a cage rolled along its track towards the table with a fresh gimp. She watched it make a full lap around the table and started a second lap by the time her seat was ready. She quickly attached the replica dildo of Button's penis into her seat basin and sat on it to strap in her harness connections. It scanned the barcode on her butt plug and started her profile cycle. Over the past couple of weeks, she had become accustomed to it and was able to relax and sip her Zesper cocktail in relative comfort as the machine started to milk her of her marecum. She anxiously watched the gimp cage move along the ceiling track, making its way around the table. She bristled with a twinge of jealousy as each of the other mares took turns sniffing his musk or licking his balls for a dose of his pheromones. His erection leaned out with a slight bow. "He doesn't really seem like he's into it today..." one of the mares mused after licking his shaft didn't get him any closer to cumming for her. Cream Heart tried to conceal her smirk as the cage got closer to her. She could feel her own excitement rising in her lower abdomen, and so did the chair's sensors, increasing its haptic feedback. By the time her turn with the gimp was next, it was thrusting faster and deeper, targeting her g-spot and vibrating harder on her clitoris. Cream Heart looked up at her blindfolded son in the cage. His thick cock hung at a turgid half-mast in front of her. She leaned forward just enough to gently cradle his scrotum in her hoof, and she surreptitiously gave the tip of his dick three quick kisses. Button Mash tensed and squirmed against his bindings inside the cage. His cock stiffened as hard as steel rebar. The other mares at the table glared at her. "Fucking Della Kremm with the magic touch again," one muttered, addressing her by her acquired callsign from De La Crème. Cream Heart gave him just a tiny, teasing lick before pushing him along the track. The gimp cage rattled slightly as the agitated stallion moaned into his gag. Though he was blindfolded, he turned to look at where he knew Cream Heart was sitting and let out a frustrated snort. Cream Heart smirked harder. If flared nostrils could kill... She watched and waited to see if he could make it all the way around the table now, knowing that she was watching. The other mares took full advantage of his heightened arousal and each tried their best. His breathing became ragged snorts as though he were practicing Lamaze. By the time he had gone around the table, he was no longer sure which way he was facing. His head turned from side to side, blindly trying to look at where she was sitting. But he did make it around again. He felt that same, familiar gentleness of her warm hoof holding his heavy balls. Achingly-full from his pre-shift Neighagra potion. Again, Cream Heart gave his dick three tiny kisses, and he knew for sure it was her. He moaned into his gag and his tip flared. She grasped his shaft and planted her lips over his tip. She felt his shaft throb and pulse in her hooves and heavy ropes of his thick cum pumped into her waiting, eager mouth. As soon as his first rope splashed against the back of her throat, it sent her over the edge. Her pussy quivered and trembled as she came, spraying her basin with powerful gushes of her marecum. She maintained her focus and controlled her breathing through her climax. She sucked and swallowed her son's cum just as fast as he could give it to her until she left him completely drained. The tip of his dick audibly popped out of her mouth. She panted and caught her breath as his flare shrank. The other mares groaned in disappointment as his shaft and started to droop and retreat back into his sheath. Cream Heart's smug grin didn't help. She wiped a small dribble of his cum from her lips as she watched a staff pony move his gage along the midway track to return him to the stallions recovery room. "How do you do that every time?" her neighbor asked. Cream Heart just smiled and tapped the side of her nose. "Secret." She picked up her electrolyte tonic and took a deep sip. She glanced at the clock and noted the time. Even with Neighagra tonics, he would need at least forty five minutes to recover and be ready for another round. She wasn't about to move from her seat. But she needed to pace herself. The next gimp cage rolled out along the track. A young, light-grey pegasus. As his cage made its way along the table's track, Cream Heart leaned back with zero interest and passed him along. It was only fair to the other mares after all. At least, that was what she would tell them. That evening, Cream Heart shuffled to the cash-out counter and placed her two full jars on the counter. No matter how many times she saw it, the clerk was still amazed by her sheer volume. An alert popped up on her monitor. "Oh? Uh, the mistress needs to speak with you," she told Cream Heart. "Apparently it's urgent." "Oh?" The clerk nodded. Cream Heart walked with some hesitation towards Stellar Flare's office. Had she found out about Button's relation to her? He had his father's surname and she had kept her maiden name. And he wouldn't have told her. Unless one of those other, jealous mares figured it out and snitched on her... Cream Heart's anxiety only rose as she got closer to the office door. Would she fire her? Report them to the authorities? She sighed. There was only one way to find out. She knocked on the door. "Enter!" Stellar Flare answered tersely. Cream Heart walked nervously into the large office. "Ah, Della," she greeted. "Please, come, sit down." Cream Heart sat in the chair opposite the desk from Stellar. "Am I in some kind of trouble?" "I should say so!" Stellar Flare said, opening a file folder. "It seems you've been keeping a secret from me." Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. Stellar Flare pulled out a sheet of paper and looked at it. "As you know, we sample test every every single batch of product that we produce here. A comprehensive panel for any contaminants that might compromise the product for our consumers. Things like UTIs or STDs. And of course..." Stellar Flare trailed off as she slid the paper across the desk. Cream Heart looked at the highlighted, underlined, and circled, result. She felt the color drain from her face. "I'm pregnant?" she asked with barely a whisper. "Are you sure?" Stellar Flare nodded. "We had the lab double check it. Twice. You need to tell me about these things!" "I'm sorry... I... I'll go to a clinic right away for a contraceptive potion!" "Don't you DARE!" Stellar Flare shouted, leaping out of her chair. Cream Heart's eyes went wide. Stellar composed herself and took a deep breath. "Pardon me. I can not... force you... to keep it. But..." she cleared her throat. "I will offer you double your usual production rate for the duration of your pregnancy. The... Essence of a pregnant mare is an incredibly hot commodity. We mustn't squander this opportunity." "But... this kind of work... would it even be safe?" "Absolutely! As always, your safety, and the safety of your foal is paramount! We've already developed a custom profile for pregnant mares. It will adjust along with your body over the next several months. I guarantee there will be no risk! However, I would advise that you take these in your last trimester." Stellar Flare turned around in her desk and opened the cabinet behind her to grab a bottle of tablets. "What are those?" Cream asked. "It's a medication prescribed to mares with a history of premature labor. Considering your line of work, we don't want your water breaking before it should." "I don't know..." Cream Heart waivered. "I don't think I want to have another foal. I don't have a husband to-" "Free foal care while you work!" Stellar offered. "As well as all your pre and post natal medical care. Completely covered!" Cream Heart still looked very unsure. "I can offer you gimp preference!" "What?" "Well, according to your profile, you respond very strongly to gimp... number eleven. Now, I can't promise you exclusive usage of him, but you would certainly have priority for his shift." "Really?" Stellar smiled. "You're my superstar. What ever gets you gushing, I will get it for you." Even with all that, Cream Heart seemed to still be on the fence. Stellar spoke quickly before Cream could object again. "Triple rates!" Stellar said. "For the next eleven months." Cream Heart gasped. With that kind of money after a year, she could practically buy a whole private school for her new foal. "Well... I can't very well say no to that..." "Excellent!" Stellar looked at her daily report. "That means you need an adjustment to your compensation for todays production. She counted out the money and pushed two more large sacks of bits across the table. "May I offer you an escort to the bank?" Cream Heart could barely look over the pile of money. "Yes, I think so." The newly constructed Essence maternity lounge was decadence incarnate. The padded seats on the main production floor were plenty comfortable for extended sitting. But the plush, velvet-lined, down pillows of her own private maternity throne was on another level. Aloe and Lotus escorted the heavily-pregnant Cream Heart in her V.I.P. chariot across the production floor to the lounge. They helped her up out of the chariot onto her hooves. A unicorn assistant helped to levitate Cream Heart up to her personal throne where Button's Dildo stayed installed for the duration of her pregnancy. "And here we go..." she coached Cream Heart as she very gently lowered her down onto the tip of the dildo. "Is everything comfortable?" she asked. "Yes," Cream Heart answered. "Is there anything we can get from you from the buffet?" Aloe asked, motioning to the table of food nearby. "Yes, I'd like some watermelon..." Cream said. "And I've been craving some chop suey!" "I can order some right away!" Lotus said, writing it down before trotting away in a hurry. Aloe placed several slices of watermelon in a plate on the table beside Cream's throne, next to the glasses of water, tonic, and pregnancy-safe Zesper. "Thank you, Aloe." Cream Heart picked up her remote control and selected a setting. Her throne reclined and her hooves were lifted slightly in a pair of stirrups as the dildo started to slowly thrust. A steady stream trickled into the basin funnel down into the jar labeled: Crème de la Gravida "Ooh, you are quite productive already!" Aloe remarked, looking at Cream's squirting pussy. "Excited about the big day?" "Mhmm," Cream Heart nodded chewing on her slice of watermelon. "I'm looking forward to my gimp, as well." "Yes, of course. He is being delivered at once!" "Oof," Cream grunted and cradled her gravid belly with her hoof. "Don't say delivered." "Apologies." The door to the suite opened. "How's my superstar?" Stellar Flare greeted as she walked in. A couple of other assistants followed after, one with a cart and the other towing the gimp cage along the track. However, the stallion showed no sign of arousal. "Are you ready for the big day? It sure looks like it," she said, glancing at the size of her belly and the fluid level in the jar. "I am going to miss this. Are you sure this is going to be your last foal?" "Yeah," Cream wheezed before she winced. "Ooh, ooh! Gimmie! Gimmie gimme!" she demanded, waving the gimp cage over to her. Stellar rolled it along the ceiling track to the special mounting. Cream Heart's remote control lowered the cage and she gasped one of his legs, holding his hoof against her belly, letting him feel the foal kicking inside. Blindfolded inside the gimp cage, Button Mash smiled around his gag. "She's definitely ready to come out," Cream said. "Shall we begin then?" Stellar asked. Cream nodded. Stellar waved in the rest of the mid-wife team of nurses and doctors. Stellar herself stepped forward and placed a small potion vial on her table. She swapped out the half-full jar under Cream for the a new, much larger one. "Whenever you're ready." Cream Heart took the potion and everypony waited. After a few tense minute, she felt the effects start. It was so subtle at first. A light fluttering in her belly, a tingle, and then a- "WHOA!" Cream Heart groaned as she felt her contractions start. She lifted the safety cover off the red button on the remote control and pressed it. The slow, gentle dildo thrusts changed as the profile switched from Idle... to Induce. It advanced until she felt it bump against her cervix. It paused and then backed off about a half inch, just enough to not be pressing against it and then it advanced again to its previous position. And then it repeated that at about three hundred cycles per minute. Cream Heart's entire body vibrated with the low frequency of the dildo against her cervix. She winced. It was hardly what she would call comfortable, let alone pleasurable. "I... I don't know about this..." "Remember, you're getting ten times your rate for this! It will all go much faster once you cum!" Stellar shouted over the whirring of the machine. She pointed at the gimp cage. Cream Heart looked at Button in the cage. He held his hoof again to her belly. He could feel the vibration and knew it had started. He groaned against his gag and rocked in his cage in agitation, making it shake. She placed her hoof against his sheath, telling him what she needed. Her touch over rode whatever anxiety he'd had for the day, and his shaft sprouted quickly into her waiting hooves. She moved the cage closer and she planted three quick kisses along his hardening shaft. He could feel the warmth of her labored breathing between each kiss. They had rehearsed this day. He knew what she she needed and promised to oblige her. Her technique was sloppy and erratic and he knew perfectly well why. He willed himself to be expedient, just this one time for her. For his mother. Cream Heart looked up at her son in the cage as she sucked his dick. Her vision blurred as sweat dripped into her eyes Please sweetie, Mommy needs this real bad! Button grunted into his gag as his cock flared in her mouth. Her hooves stroked his shaft faster, milking him for all he had. Cream Heart closed her eyes and would have hummed with satisfaction if her throat weren't obstructed. As soon as his first load splashed into her mouth her body trembled and shook entirely without the machine's help. The rush of his pheromones rushed through her like a bolt of lightning. She had to pull herself off of his dick to gasp for air even as he kept cumming, splattering her face and dribbling down her chin and chest. She let out a throaty moan with her next contraction and felt... a rush, like she was cumming harder than she ever had before in her life. The machine stopped instantly and completely retracted itself all the way out of her to remove any possible obstruction as she orgasmed, and her water broke. "Yes! YES!" Stellar Flare cheered, watching the deluge pouring out of Cream's vagina into the funnel to the large, specially labeled jar. Cream Heart panted and wheezed as the gushes slowed to a stream and then a dribble until at last Stellar was certain that she had gotten every last precious drop. She scurried forward and very carefully sealed the precious jar with a lid and put it into the locked cart for secure transportation to the bottling room. Cream Heart let out another throaty groan with her next contraction. "Go on, go!" Stellar waved the midwives forward. They quickly moved the machine basin and funnel out of the way for the doctor to be ready to deliver the foal. Cream Heart grunted and groaned and pushed. In the short reprieve between contraction, her hoof fumbled for the remote to bring the gimp cage closer. She reached out and held his hoof. He held her hoof just as hard. Breathing. Groaning. Pushing. Contractions. Blindfolded with plugged ears, Button Mash had only the vaguest idea of what was happening. Loud shouts were muffled. The moving of equipment and the clatter of hooves were barely audible. Behind all of it, he could hear his mother's moans, her screams, and cries. But the earnest grip of her hoof in his told him everything he needed to know. Until it went limp and let go. Mom? Are you okay!? "Hmmf!? HHMFF!" Button panicked and rattled his cage. His hoof reached out grasping at the empty air. He started to hyper-ventalate through his gag. Muffled though it was, he could hear yelling. And then louder yelling. And then very insistent, much, louder, yelling. "For fuck's sake his ear plugs!" Cream Heart demanded. Button Mash felt the slight tingle of magic pull the plugs out of his ears. "Hey, it's okay," she assured him. He calmed down and the room fell quite, but only for a moment. The cry of a newborn foal in Cream Heart's hooves echoed into the room. By the time they all left, his blindfold was soaked through with tears of joy. Cream Heart sat in her luxurious chair in her new, beautiful home. She cradled her newborn daughter in her hooves. Button Mash sat across from her in the living room. "Hey, Mom?" "Yes dear?" "I uh... I got something for you." "Oh?" "Yeah, I, uh, I saved up and I... well..." He reached into his bag and pulled out a small box. He held it out in front of himself and got down on one knee as he opened it. Cream Heart looked at it and glared at him. "I hope you realize how incredibly irresponsible this is of you," she scolded. "It'll be fine!" he assured her. "We can afford it now!" "But still! That has to have been what, a thousand bits!?" "And... I almost got into a brawl with all the other stallions trying to get it. But I wanted something to remember the occasion by," he said. "We have one," Cream said, lifting the baby foal in her hooves. He shrugged. "Yeah. That's true..." He looked at the box on the table. "Do you want me to return it?" She rolled her eyes. "You can keep it, since I know you want to." He smiled and leaned over to kiss her. She kissed him back. There on the table, a tiny bottle no bigger than a thimble sat in a velvet-padded box marked with gold leaf lettering. Crème de la Amnio Limited Edition