> Aristocratic Amory > by Some Leech > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Very Mature Masquerade > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Staring out the window, carried along by the trundling passenger car in which he sat, Anon eyed the silhouette of Canterlot in the distance. It was rare for him to take vacations, abandoning his inn to take time for himself, but he figured he’d earned a break. After all the wild shit he’d been through, discovering his mysterious virility had sired Celestia knows how many foals with lusty, typically older mares, having some time away from Ponyville definitely wouldn’t hurt anything. The train ride had been long, taking a sizable bite out of his day, though he wasn’t bothered in the slightest. Ordinarily speaking, had he wanted to take a small vacation, he would have gone somewhere secluded and away from ponies, but his trip had been spurred by an unusual twist of fate. Nearly a week prior, after he’d had a particularly wild dream about Chrysalis breaking into his house, he’d received an invitation. Slipping a hand into his pocket, he pulled out an envelope. He was so used to getting bills and junk in his mail that he’d nearly thrown the letter out without reading it - thankfully, having noticed the ornate, presumably hoofwritten lettering on the piece of correspondence, he’d managed to save the thing before tossing it in the bin. He’d only ever met Spoiled Rich a few times in passing at Rich’s Barnyard Bargains, so he’d been stunned to find out she’d invited him to some sort of party in the capital. While he had been to Canterlot before, his last visit had been less than ideal. Getting dragged to a metropolis by a bounty hunting ex-war criminal would have been bad enough, yet being flung to a pair of exceedingly lustful, quasi-incestuous demigods had nearly ended him. Shuddering at the thought of what Celestia and Luna had done with him - to him, sent a rapturous chill up his spine. It wasn’t like he had anything against the Princesses of the land, but their penchant for depravity and seemingly endless libidos would make even the most hedonistic whore blush. He shook his head and carefully unfolded the letter, reading its contents for the umpteenth time. Free food, drinks, a room, and entertainment - shit, who in their right mind would turn down something like that? Fuck if he knew what he’d done to deserve getting to go to some swaggy party, but he wasn’t going to question it. Smiling to himself, looking forward to whatever extravagant snacks and booze the bourgeoisie saw fit for themselves, he watched Canterlot grow closer and closer. By the time he’d arrived in the capital, he was ready and raring to go - still, he maintained his composure. If he was going to be rubbing elbows with well-off ponies, he needed to play it cool. He only stood after most of the passengers had departed, brushing off his suit and adjusting his tie. It wasn’t like he enjoyed wearing a monkey suit, but he didn’t want to show up in his usual attire of slacks, a polo, and sneakers. After grabbing his suitcase from under his seat, he strutted down the aisle and to the exit. While he had no idea exactly where the party was, he wasn’t worried about finding his destination. There were plenty of ponies in town who he felt certain would be willing to help give him directions to the address he was headed to, so he saw himself off the train, through the station, and into the city proper. In no time at all, having stopped to ask a taxi-cart driver where to go, he was briskly trotting through the sprawling town. Canterlot really was a scenic city, much prettier than the sprawling urban jungles on earth, and he could see why so many ponies chose to live there. With all sorts of shops and services within arm’s reach, not to mention the sprawling vista of valley below the castle, the capital was the crown jewel of the Equestrian Empire. He moved at a steady pace, enjoying the sights along the way, and eventually found himself standing before an obscenely huge mansion. Staring up at the baroque edifice, he swallowed hard. Not only was the building massive, likely having cost a small fortune, but there were a number of ponies in tuxedos or extravagant dresses lingering by the entrance. He’d been excited to go to the shindig, but the sudden realization that he was going to be totally and completely out of his element gave him a moment for pause. Excluding the royals he’d had the lecherous misfortune of canoodling, he’d never had any experience with high society stuff. With his anxiety suddenly grappling with his enthusiasm, he noticed a particular mare waving at him. “Anon - Anon, is that you?” she called, briskly trotting over to the man. “The one and only,” he nervously chuckled, almost instantly recognizing Spoiled Rich.  Without the slightest bit of hesitation, as soon as she reached him, she reared onto her hind legs and hugged his waist. “I’m so glad you’re here! Since I didn’t receive an RSVP from you, I was worried you wouldn’t come!” He knit his brow. Not only had Spoiled’s letter failed to mention anything about RSVPing, whatever that meant, but her face was dangerously close to his crotch. Feeling her body heat through his dress pants, he placed his hands on her shoulders and took a small step back. He was just here to have a good time, meet a few ponies, and maybe, if he was really lucky, make a few influential connections - nothing more. “Come on,” she urged, patting his leg and turning away, “let’s get you ready.” Following along behind her, trying not to look at her bare, curvy cheeks gliding past one another, he cocked his head to the side. “Am I not dressed for the occasion?” Peeking back at him, she grinned. “Of course you are, but there’s still much to be done. I have to show you to your room, give you a tour, and we have to get you your mask!” “Mas - oh…” he trailed off, stepping foot into the building and seeing ponies sporting masquerade masks. He’d heard of masquerades before, but he’d never been to one in person - hell, he’d only ever seen the masks sold in cheap halloween stores on earth. As he was all but guided through the foyer, waving to the ponies who looked in his direction, he smiled from the absurdity of it all. While the partygoers would have some modicum of anonymity, having their faces covered, their colorful coats and cutie marks would make it all too easy to identify them. Moving to and up a stairwell, staying just ahead of her bipedal guest, Spoiled waved him closer. “Don’t tell anypony, but I gave you our finest room for the night - well finest compared to mine.” “Uh - thanks, that was really sweet of you,” he muttered, climbing the stairs up to the second floor. The interior of the manor was just as luxurious as the exterior, sporting tapestries, paintings, and even a few busts of what he presumed to be important ponies. He’d known the Rich family was well off, but he couldn’t have fathomed they were that loaded! As his host wandered down a hallway and stopped by a closed door, he noticed something. “Going to the party au naturel?” he inquired, somewhat surprised that Spoiled was, unlike a great many of the party’s attendees, in the buff. Waving a hoof, she giggled to herself. “Why wouldn’t I? Considering this is my house, I’d like to be comfortable,” she explained, standing tall and flicking her mane back. “I’ll don my mask soon enough, but I see no reason why my guest’s can’t enjoy my natural beauty.” He glanced into what was apparently his room as she pushed the door open. “Honestly, I’m with you on that one. If it was up to me, I wouldn’t be wearing something as snazzy as this,” he sighed, waving at his suit. “Perhaps we’ll both get a chance to relax before the night is out,” she hummed, wheeling around and trotting away. “Anyways, your mask is on your bed. Do come down before too long. I’m sure the other guests are dying to meet you.” “I - uh - sure. Just give me a few minutes,” he murmured, smiling at her before he stepped into his room. He wasn’t sure what the other guests were expecting of him, but knowing they were looking forward to seeing him put his nerves on edge. After being paraded around by Twilight, shown off like some exotic specimen after he’d wound up in Equestria, he was used to being shown off, but this felt different. Though he couldn’t put his finger on it, something told him that the ponies downstairs didn’t just want him there as a novelty. Shaking his head, he attempted to clear his thoughts. He was going to enjoy himself, load up on sumptuous finger food, and eventually head back to Ponyville feeling refreshed. After all the adventures he’d had, fleeing across the continent from passionate creatures of almost every kind, he’d be able to manage a simple, albeit classy party - he just knew it. Flicking the light switch beside the entryway of his suite, he marveled at the lap of luxury he’d be sleeping in. There was no other way to put it - his room was incredible. There was a jacuzzi tub in the bathroom, the bed was easily big enough to fit at least a half-dozen ponies, and the place was fully furnished. He knew he’d only be there for a single night, but he had no doubt he’d be sleeping like a baby after the party wound down. Quickly placing his suitcase on the mattress, he turned his eyes to the mound of pillows under the headboard. The mask Spoiled had gotten him had to be custom made, crafted to fit a human, and he wondered how much she’d spent on the thing. He placed the covering over his face, turned toward the vanity, and gave himself a final once-over. His suit, a gift from Ms. Rarity, was well fitted, his hair was neatly combed, and he’d gone the extra mile by buying some cologne for himself - all in all, he was as ready to mingle as he’d ever be. Walking out of the room, he pulled the door closed behind himself and headed downstairs. The way he saw it, one of two things was going to happen - either he was going to bumble his way through the evening and get drunk to self-soothe or he was going to get along well, make some new friends, and possibly get some future customers for his inn. “Ah - there he is!” Spoiled exclaimed, spotting the man when he was halfway down the stairs. Rushing up to him, she took his hand in her hoof and descended with him. “I was just talking about you!” He forced a smile, dreading that he’d already become the topic of conversation. “Heh - nothing bad, I hope.” Shaking her head, Spoiled led him to a large group of ponies. “Anon, I would never speak ill of you! Mares and gentlecolts,” she continued, addressing the crowd, “this is Anon.” “Nice to meet you,” he softly said, lifting a hand and smiling to each of the ponies in turn. Regardless of the masks they wore, he didn’t recognize any of the attendees - at least he didn’t think he did. His fellow guests, an assortment of mares and stallions, slowly gathered around and greeted him. He sank to a knee and shook several offered hooves, hearing names and titles he more than likely wouldn’t remember, before Spoiled plastered herself to his side. “As charming as always - anyways, as I was saying, he’s quite the entrepreneur! Tell them about that charming little inn of yours!” she chirped, reaching over and rubbing his back. “Oh - um - yeah, it’s a sweet little place,” he began, remaining kneeling if only to prevent making more of a spectacle of himself. “My bed and breakfast isn’t that big, but everypony who’s stayed there seemed pretty happy with it.” With her forehoof wandering lower, coming just shy of his waistband, Spoiled laughed. “Come now, don’t be so humble! The mares I’ve talked to positively raved about the accommodations, but they were most impressed with your services.” He turned and stared dead at her, seeing her heavily lidded eyes beneath the mask she wore, as he struggled to keep his smile from wavering. A cold comprehension settled on him. She knew - somehow, at some point in time, somepony had spilled the beans to her about the amorous happenings within his business. Clearing his throat, he adjusted his tie. “I do offer breakfast and either tea or coffee to all my customers,” he stated. “It may not be up to these standards,” he paused, waving at his lavish surroundings, “but I do try my best.” Taking a step back and trotting behind him, giving his tush a small pinch as she went, Spoiled snickered. “And your best never fails to satisfy - or so I’ve heard. Would you like a drink?” “Yes please,” he croaked, feeling suddenly parched. As he halfheartedly listened to one of the stallions start talking about some chalet he owned in the Crystal Empire, Anon’s thoughts raced. Maybe staying the night was a bad idea - maybe coming at all had been a bad idea. He knew Spoiled was married, but it was one of the worst kept secrets in Ponyville that both she and her husband were adulterous. Scanning the crowd, glancing from one group of ponies to the next, he pursed his lips. Filthy Rich was nowhere to be found, which lent more weight to his growing suspicion. This was a trap - it had to be. He’d been lured away from Ponyville with promises of good food and a fun time by a harlot - an attractive, totally loaded harlot, but a harlot all the same. He started when one of the ponies nearby asked him something and snapped him from his thoughts. “Sorry, what was that?” he asked. “I was asking if you’d given any thought to expanding your business - you know, if you happen to prosper in Ponyville,” the nameless, masked mare explained. “I - huh,” he grunted, taken aback by the question. “Honestly, I hadn’t really thought about it much. I guess I could open a second inn eventually.” “I’m sure my husband and I could give you a few pointers,” the mare mirthfully remarked. “It’s never easy starting a new business - trust me, I’d know.” “Tell me about it,” a random stallion lamented. “When I first opened my haberdashery, I was on pins and needles for months on end!” The group of ponies laughed, and Anon’s smile returned. To his profound relief, after the fanfare of his entrance subsided, he found himself chatting amiably with the small group. Spoiled returned before too long, offering him a cocktail and a plate of little hors d'oeuvres, but she wasn’t nearly as forward as she’d been when he first came downstairs. Jumping into the conversation, positioning herself at his side, she kept her hooves to herself and even cracked a few good jokes. As minutes stretched into an hour or more, with drinks flowing and plenty of snacks to be had, Anon actually started enjoying himself from his seat in the great hall. It may have been the cocktails, the remarkably friendly company, the masks, or some combination of the three, but his evening was shaping up better than he could have imagined! He smirked over at Spoiled after she made a rather cheeky comment about the size of Celestia’s hindquarters, staving off the temptation to speak too poorly of the cake-indulging Princess. “Don’t you give me that look,” she mused, shooting him a wink. “You know which royal backside is the biggest of the four - that said, I do wonder if it’s intentional.” Giving a small shrug, he sipped his beverage. “Hard to say. Mares tend to put on a bit of weight with age.” “Anon, you cad,” she tittered, playfully shoving him with a hoof. “I didn’t say that was a bad thing ~ did I? I actually have a soft spot for older mares,” he softly countered, slipping a hand over her shoulder. Cozying up next to him, she drew a hoof up to his chin. “Oh I bet you do, my sweet little thing. What’s better than a mare with a bit of experience - knowing how to treat a lover, willing to take what they want when they want it. They say age before beauty, but I think they’re wrong.” “Oh -” he quipped as her muzzle drifted closer to his face, “and why’s that?” “Because,” she purred, her full, pouting lips a hair’s breadth from him, “I manage to have both ~ wouldn’t you say?” He breathed in her perfume, his fingers sliding back to her flank, as he gazed into her eyes. Fuck - had she always been so pretty? Shifting ever so slightly, she adjusted her tush. The humid heat of her marehood against his digits was almost scalding, sending blood rushing to his groin. He leaned toward her and ran his free hand through her soft, luxurious mane. Rubbing her cheek against him, humming contentedly, she brought her snout to his ear. “I lied before, you know…” “H…how?” he whispered, the soft din of the party all but lost. “That room you’re in, it’s mine,” she cooed. “And I have every intention of sharing my bed with you…” All but jumping to his feet, he loomed over her. The party wasn’t that important, nor was the promise he’d made to himself about plowing mares on a whim. His manhood struggled against its cloth confines, tenting his pants and drawing hushed gasps or reverent murmurs from the ponies around him, but he didn’t care about the looks he drew. Soon enough, he was going to give the deliciously plump little cougar just what she wanted. Spoiled batted his hand away as he went to pick her up. “Before we do that, come with me.” He tracked her with his eyes and numbly obeyed, trailing behind her as she cut a path through the crowd. Moving to a platform at the end of the cavernous chamber, one likely used for performers or special events, she came to a halt and motioned him over. Without a second thought, staring at her slavering, meaty pussy all the while, he came up behind her. “Ladies and gentlecolts, welcome,” she announced, bringing the party to a standstill and drawing every eye in attendance to herself. “I’m sure you’re all ready for the real festivities to begin ~ aren’t you?” Anon barely registered the whoops and cheers from the throng, too transfixed by the sight of Spoiled’s winking, positively drenched cunt. The mauve lips of her entrance rhythmically parted, exposing her bulging clit and pink, succulent depths, doing nothing to quell his unfettered arousal. Fighting the urge to unzip his pants to plow her right then and there, he snapped out of his trance when she looked back at him. “Let’s show them how it’s done ~ shall we?” she breathed, drawing her tongue over her lips. Only then, watching her lower her chest to the polished wooden floor, did he understand what was going on. He peered out over the audience and was met with a veritable sea of depravity. Ponies of all shapes and sizes were beginning to indulge their hedonistic desires with one another. Things were starting slow, mostly with heavy petting or the odd bout of oral, but he knew where things were headed. This wasn’t just some aristocratic party - no, this was a fucking orgy! With her cheek pressed to the floor, Spoiled reached between her hind legs and stroked her sex. “Would you like an engraved invitation or are you going to come over here, whip out that fat cock of yours, and pump a foal into me?” Barely able to form a coherent thought, Anon caved like a house of cards. When it pony Rome, do as the pony romans do - or something like that. Practically ripping his pants off, nearly falling in the process, he stripped out of his slacks with blinding speed. Screw it - well, no, screw her. If she wanted to get railed in front of an audience of her friends and colleagues, far be it for him to refuse her. He fell to his knees behind her, fiercely grabbed her hips, and pulled her to himself. She’d lured him for this, she wanted him to give her the dicking of a lifetime, and that’s exactly what she was going to get. Bringing one hand to her dock, he pulled on her tail and hilted her in one smooth, savage thrust. “Sweet Celestia - y…you’re - Mmmmph - huge!” she groaned, gushing around his cock. Flattered by her compliment, he gave his thanks by withdrawing a portion of his shaft, steadying himself, and hammering into her. Though she was far from the tightest creature he’d sank his dick into, she felt heavenly. Hot, a bit loose, and exquisitely wet, her interior accommodated his manhood like only a seasoned mare could - at least, that was his initial impression. After only a handful of plunges, she sighed and constricted around him. “You didn’t think I’d let you have all the fun ~ did you?” she teased, bucking back against him. Her suddenly vice-like canal and vehemence caught him off guard. She’d gone from submissive and very breedable to predatory in the blink of an eye, something only a mare of her standing could do, but he wasn’t going to let her show him up. Shifting tactics, content to let her fuck herself on him for the moment, he reached around her waist and fumbled for her teats. A deep, guttural groan escaped her, and her movements faltered, as he twisted and pulled on her nipples. She may have been older than him - hell, she may have had her way with more ponies than he had, but he was a man, damn it, and he was going to show her what he was capable of. Wrestling control from her, plunging into her harder than ever, he sent ripples through her ass. “Yes,” she moaned, throwing her head back, “rut me like - Glk?!” “Shut up, slut,” he growled, draping himself over her and jamming two fingers into her snout. Where in the hell was all this coming from? His words, much like his actions, had simply happened! With his chest pressed to her back, jackhammering her from behind like it was the last day of his cursed life, he shifted his head and bit down on her collar. Every part of her tensed, she threw her head back and howled, and his waist and upper legs were bathed in her climactic juices. Her orgasmic wail would have been a beautiful thing, the sort of sound horny teens dreamed about making a girl do, but it was nearly drowned out by the sin surrounding him. Though his pistoning hips didn’t slow in the slightest, he looked out onto the perverse party all around him. He’d seen lecherous acts, things most people could only imagine in their wildest dreams, but the sight which he beheld was on an entirely different level of degeneracy. Everywhere he looked, ponies were getting it on without a care in the world. Blowjobs, pussy eating, rimming, anal, vaginal, double-penetration - all these licentious acts and more. Sensing Spoiled pushing herself up, lifting his torso with ease, he looked to her face and was promptly kissed by the affluent hussy. As she caught a second wind, her tongue drove past his lips and into his mouth. He reciprocated the affectionate gesture without question, clutching the back of her head as he made out with her. Their banter from earlier, when he’d confessed to having a weakness for older mares, was cemented in that moment. Young females were fine, being nubile and energetic, but the ones with some age simply couldn’t be beat. “I may buy that little inn of yours and hire you as a personal servant,” she snarled, pulling back and biting his lip. The tinge of pain brought with it a trace of reason. Buy his inn? Hell no - there was no way he was going to let her do that! Even if her proposition came with a limitless supply of damn good pussy, he wasn’t going to give up on his shitty little business! As she gave as good as she got, mirroring every ounce of his zeal, he brought his hands down to her fetlocks. She may have been as strong as an ox, a trait shared by most earth ponies, but he had a solution for that. He dug his heels into the floor, flexed every muscle in his body, and rose to his full height while lifting her into the air. Suddenly powerless, with her hind legs pinning her forelegs to his chest, she was robbed of any advantage she had. With a look of abject awe plastered on her face, she twisted her head to peer up and back at him. “Wha…what are you -” “If we’re the - Hmmmph - main event, we need to - Nnnnf - put on a show,” he grunted, turning to face the audience. The position he held her in wasn’t the most comfortable, nor was it easy to pull off, but it gave everyone in the room an unfettered view of his manhood absolutely destroying her cunt. Her hind legs were spread, a fetlock in each of his hands, and he rhythmically lowered her while thrusting his hips. He didn’t know if there was a name for what he was doing, but the closest thing he could equate it to was a very obscene wrestling hold. Little by little, pony after pony slowed and observed the spectacle he’d created. He and Spoiled, whether she’d intended on it or not, had become the very centerpiece of the gathering. Dozens upon dozens of eyes settled on him, marveling at his power and unquestionable carnal status, as he used the prosperous, promiscuous pony like a sex-toy. The sensation of plowing her was great, but the attention - heaven help him, the attention was intoxicating. In spite of being manhandled like a rag doll, unable to move her limbs in the slightest, Spoiled put up a fight. Clenching her marehood on his withdrawals, virtually fighting to keep him inside her, she relaxed her sex with his every plunge. Her rapturous wails and mewling was almost musical, accentuating the vulgar cacophony all around them. What had once been a stately, well-kept mare was reduced to a whimpering, drooling plaything for the comparably titanic man. Sweat glistened on her coat, saliva dangled from her chin, and her bosoms swayed upon her abdomen. It could be easy for anyone to mistake her for a common whore, yet that was far from the case. Though he hadn’t planned on putting on a show, his bestial desires were an exotic exhibitionism for the voyeurs. Like a primal, alien titan, he railed out his host with reckless abandon and drove himself closer and closer to his limit. He’d bedded creatures of all kinds, yet this was the first time he’d done so for an audience. His mind slowly slipped away, lost to a haze of immoral thoughts, as he grew closer and closer to release. Several ponies crawled onto the stage and gathered around him, with a few particularly advantageous ones joining the act. Sinful whispers and promises sailed to his ears as the partygoers begged him to ruin them next, bloating his ego beyond comprehension. As he smiled down at each of the little equines, seeing the desperation in their eyes, a thought occurred - he wasn’t going to stop fucking until he couldn’t move. At some point or another, though he couldn’t say when, he eventually reached his limit. Slamming every inch of his length into Spoiled, his cock sinking into her womb, he baptized her depths with his seed. Even on the astronomically slim chance that she ever got to sleep with another human, he was and would always be her first man. Riding a wave of ecstasy, he lowered her back to the floor, pulled his still rigid dick from her quivering, gushing confines, and looked over at a particularly cute pony next to him. “Clean it…” ~ Anon cracked an eye and shifted in place, though he wished he hadn’t. His head hurt, every part of his body ached, and he felt like death warmed over. The smell of sex and sweat flooded his nostrils, causing him to stifle a groan. Spoiled was just beside him, her head resting on a pillow while she slept contentedly, though that didn’t help the worst hangover he’d ever had. Feeling something shift against his leg, he wearily lifted his head and peered downward. Ponies - there were at least five ponies littering on the mattress all around him, with three or four more snoozing soundly on the floor. There was no way he’d screwed all of them ~ had he? His eyes widened in horror as a particularly cute pegasus resting on his thigh yawned, shifted, and revealed a small, almost dainty coin purse between their legs. “Oh no…” he moaned. In a way, he was fortunate he’d had a few drinks at the party - if he hadn’t, he may not have been able to live with himself for all the things he’d done. Like an onslaught of bygone sins, the memories came flooding back. He couldn’t remember everything he’d done the night before, but flashes and brief images gave some clues as to what had transpired. He knew for a fact that he’d taken a break and let ponies worship him, laying on the stage while the equines on him all vied for attention. Their tongues and lips had lavished his loins, kissing, licking, and gently suckling his package until it was absolutely spotless. They had adored him, each vying for his favor, and he’d gleefully obliged him. No fewer than four ponies had sat on his face, allowing him to feast on their loins while their companions rode or choked themselves on his cock, yet that was only the tip of the iceberg. When his hands weren’t busy fingering velvety puckers or succulent marehoods, they’d been gripping flanks, collars, or hips. He’d become a slayer, leaving quivering, ravished equines in his wake, and he’d made good on his promise - he truly hadn’t stopped until his body had given out. Stricken with the recollection of something flopping on one unicorn’s groin, he shuddered. There was no way for him to be sure, and he had no intentions of finding out, but he was reasonably certain he’d had his way with a stallion or two. While the details were mercifully hazy, he could swear there’d been at least one advantageous femcolt who he’d claimed. Worst of all, regardless of the murky specifics, was that he may very well have sired several bastard foals throughout the orgy. He’d creampied Spoiled at least once, filling her baby-bakery with a pristine load, but there were untold numbers of others he’d claimed. Torn between regret and pride, he stared up at the ceiling and sighed. “Mmmmm,” a hum drew his attention over. Turning his head, he found himself gazing into Spoiled’s eyes. Even disheveled and sullied as she was, she was still quite gorgeous. With a spryness and beauty that mares half her age would envy, she tenderly caressed his chest and pulled herself onto his chest. Married or not, she was a marvelous mare, and he’d be lying if he said a part of himself wasn’t jealous of Filthy, her husband. “Do you think our foal will have your eyes, handsome?” she breathed, running her frog up his jaw. He stared down at her, at a total loss for words, as she crawled up and locked lips with him. There was nothing he could do to change the past, so he submitted to her wiles and savored the moment. She’d known what she’d wanted, she’d taken what she’d wanted, and he’d been powerless to stop her. Lifting his arms and holding her close, ignoring the ponies sleeping all around him, he deeply kissed her. It was just another day and another wild story he had to tell, but it wasn’t all bad. If Spoiled was like Stellar, Ms. Harshwhinny, Mayor Mare, and even Mrs. Cake, he wouldn’t have much to worry about, aside from more mares who sought his exceptional services. He slid one hand down to her soft, pillowy ass, giving her rump a squeeze before rearing back. “Next time, if there is a next time, please put a bed on the stage,” he whispered, pecking her nose. With a smile splitting her muzzle, she shot forward and buried her face in his neck. “Will do, stud…”