> Mythic Ink > by Calico64 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Call the Cat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Something wasn't right. He knew it the moment he opened his eyes. His body felt wrong. He was somehow light as a feather, yet solid as steel. Regal was usually very intuitive of his body, being not only a weightlifter and having the body mass of a brute, but also one with the ability to transform himself into any shape. Was he sick? Is that why his body felt so floaty? As he groaned a little and put his hand on his snout, something else was wrong! His voice, it was weird! It was so high in pitch.  He looked at his hand, it was slender, effeminate and downright gorgeous! He had large, bulbous tits! He was at least a D cup! There was no way he had transformed in his sleep, he couldn't detransform at all. This was his body, somehow. "Ummm, Swordknight?" Regal said, making his (her?) boyfriend stir. Judging by the bulge he saw from under their purple covers, the same thing did not happen to him. After his little stir and groan, though, he didn't move again. "Swordknight! Get up! Something's wrong!" Regal said, shaking his shoulder and patting his cheek. Swordknight cringed and waved his hand around. "Whaaaat, what?" Swordknight opened his eyes, realizing a mare was speaking to him. "Wait, who are…" He looked at a changeling mare sitting up, naked in their bed and his jaw dropped.  Her blue and blonde hair, her eyes and her shade of charcoal black were all the same. "Regal? Did you…" "No! This is me. I can't change back naturally. Something happened last night. I… damnit…" She tried to think for a moment, sighing. There was no way this was some petty magic at work. Switching sexes like this was like making someone into a whole new pony. It was obvious that she was going to need to make some house visits to figure this out. Hell, listen to her, she was already referring to herself in the feminine pronouns! She felt a pressure on her breast and looked down to feel the unicorn man's hand. He rubbed and felt around her newly enlarged areola and nipple. "What do you think you're doing?" Regal gave him a cross look and narrowed her eyes. "Oh, come on honey, you're still my… marefriend." He chuckled as his hand continued to rub, going into caresses. "Come on, Sword! This is serious. I need to--oooohhh!" He squeezed the large bulge of her firm breast and pinched the nipple. Instead of feeling her big green cock enlarge and harden, she felt her vaginal crevice twitch and lubricate. "You asshole." She whispered. Regal turned her head and met him in a deep, tongue filled kiss. He reached around her, grabbing both of her breasts in his hands. "I think someone likes it." Sword said as he began nibbling her neck, making her give a cute little moan with such a tiny voice. He chuckled a little, making her face turn blood red in embarrassment. She almost scolded him but this his hand slipped down to a spot she hadn't even checked yet. She let out a small cry of passion as his fingers brought a stimulation she'd never felt. Swordknight proved to have a great deal of skill in his fingers. He worked Regal's newly gained vagina in ways he'd never felt before. "Oh, God! Sword! Where did you learn to touch a mare like that?" She asked as his finger slipped into her honey hole, making her bite her lower lip. "Well, not that you remember or anything, but back at Ranch U, I had quite a few marefriends." He chuckled as he made her whimper with two fingers in her pussy, sliding them in and out of her. "That is, until a gigantic muscle bound changeling started using my ass as a cock sleeve." The mere mention of their first encounter made Regal spill juice all over Sword's fingers. She was getting revved up like a monster truck and her eyes rolled up as he started rubbing two fingers on either side of her clitoris. "Yeah, I think it's about time I became the dom for now." He slapped her ass on the side. "Get your ass up there, you whore."  "I swear," Regal breathed in and out in quickened heaves, "you'll pay for this ten fold!" Despite her words, her dripping green cunt was out as she got on her hands and knees.  "I'm sorry, what was that?" Swordknight grinned as his long, hard cock sank deep into her, filling her very tight pussy with horse sausage. She howled in sudden ecstasy as she felt him push all the way to her cervix.  "I said, more, daddy, please!" Regal whimpered as he started porking her hot pussy. She was already waterfalling with juices. Her little squirts were gathering as Sword started to bounce his big balls into her. "Yes! Oh my God! Yes!" Her voice reached the highest heights as she came for the first time as a biologically natural mare. It was glorious! All of these new sensations piled onto her as her boyfriend treated her like a plaything and she ate it up. "Maybe being a sub suits you better than you thought?" The soft spoken stallion chortled and this drew a glare from Regal. "Don't push your luck, Mr. Butt Slave." Regal cried out after saying this as Sword slammed into her hard! "I'm sorry, what was that?" He grinned at her as he started pounding her fast! "I said, yes daddy! Please, fuck your slut harder!" She howled as he started grinding his cock into her sheath and causing her to cum yet again, giving a high pitched, sudden cry as her pussy began to drool juice all over his cock. His humping progressively diminished her will to resist submission as she pressed her face into the pillow in front of her. This was nothing like having sex as a transformed mare. That was like having tricks and substitutions for sensations. In the end, it was very different from this. This was an all new, all beautiful experience that felt so natural. As the female Regal raked her way through a fourth climax, that was it. Semen rushed into her cunt and she cried out in a high pitched howl, muffled by the pillow in her face. The tired, sweaty couple lay draped in each other's arms in the bed. Regal nuzzled her snout against his neck as his big strong arms held her in a warm embrace. Before she knew it, an hour had passed and she awoke, feeling somewhat hung over. "Shit!" She shouted, startling him with a punch to his arm. "You dick! Could you not hold your cock for one day while I figure this out?!" She snarled at him and he held up his arms in defense. "S-sorry! You just look so good in your new form." Sword said as Regal got up and painfully popped her back as she stretched backward. This gave Regal pause and she looked back at him.  "You really think so?" She asked, clearly flattered. Then she shook her head. "No! No time." She sputtered and checked her phone, seeing Ceru was his last contact. Suddenly, there came an image in her mind's eye. It was a meadow, a bright shining meadow where she saw other stallions… mares? She remembered… Winter? She didn't remember many of them at all, but one stood out among them. Ceru sat in the center, smiling as his features changed. Behind her was… someone vague. It was a shadowy figure and the only thing she remembered was the figure's grin. Regal snapped out of the vision after a moment and pressed the button to call Ceru. —------------ "Voltage…" Fable had his unusually slender fingers pinched to his upper snout, just below his eyes. His figure was feminized, his chest was around a C cup and a thirteen inch appendage he'd had dangling between his legs was now gone. His voice was now four octaves up and he had to bite back a harsh moan as sensations shot up through his newly formed pussy lips. Voltage hummed her acknowledgement to this new red mare saying her name. That's all she could do as her face was full of Fable's vagina. Her tongue traveled up and down from her honey hole, up to her swelling clitoris. Every time Fable felt that warm, wet tongue cross over the little bump, she gave a whimper in the back of her throat. "When I told you not to panic when you saw me, I wasn't expecting a squee and–mmm for your mouth to attach to my female--fuck!... genitals." "I didn't panic, did I?" Voltage said before her lips began to suck Fable's lower lips. The unicorn went to town on the red mare. Soon, holding back her moans was absolutely impossible. Voltage's skill was palpable and her tongue edged into every crevice so easily. She so easily performed Fable's first cunnilingus. The orange mare caused her first female orgasm as if she were preparing a fine meal with the ease of a five star chef. Fable squealed in ecstasy as she felt the very curious sensation of a female climax.  "How?" Fable asked amidst a barrage of gasps and beading sweat pouring down her sweat. "You've eaten pussy plenty of times before. I thought you would have that figured out by now." Voltage laid on her side with her hand propping her head in her red and blue hair. She couldn't help but admire Fable's shapely form. She ran a finger over her hip to her bubble butt. "I must say, you make a really hot mare, Fable. How long do you think this will last?" "I don't know. That's something I should figure out. I need to talk to Ceru, but his line is busy." Fable said, causing her to give him a puzzled look. "Don't you think we should call Sky? When this happened to me and Spark, she fixed it up nicely." Voltage scooted up to the naked red mare and combed her beautiful black mane. That much hadn't changed, after all. "No, I'm sure I just need to get a hold of Ceru. He's in the middle of all of this. I'm guessing that's why his line is packed." Fable said before both of them popped up their heads as the door opened. Fable's eyes widened as he lied there, butt naked in front of a big, orange, hunky unicorn stallion in a thin fabric blue jumpsuit. Electric Spark stood there, stunned a bit as he gazed at Fable's new form. "No way…" Spark's jaw hung open as Fable's lips pressed into a line and her eyes got shifty. "You're serious? This isn't a prank?" He got a better look at the red mare. Fable had the instinct to cross her legs in front of her crotch and cross her arms over her smallish dark red nipples as the stallion's gaze violated her air space. "Nope, this is for real. I could hardly believe it myself!" Voltage pulled Fable's legs into the spread eagle position as her horn glowed with an orange aura and wrapped magical bonds around her ankles. Fable yelped in surprise as her entire face flushed red. "I mean, what are the odds this would happen for a second time in our lives?" "Well, magic is getting more powerful these days." Spark couldn't help but stare at Fable's sopping wet, pink labia folds with her legs still spread wide. "Wow, Fable, you make a hot mare." Fable scoffed and rolled her eyes as Voltage laughed. "I know! That's what I was telling her. But, Spark, I came up with a perfect name for her!" This drew odd looks from both of them. "Say hello to Fairy Tale!" She did jazz hands toward the red mare, who sputtered with an unamused expression. "Oh, nice to meet you, Fairy Tale." Spark said as he began to rub his own bulge in his crotch. He knelt down in front of the bed, looking closely at Fairy's inner labia folds as he used his thumbs to spread them. "Damnit, Spark! Your tactics won't work on someone whose--fuck!" Fairy Tale began to twitch her legs as Spark began to rub his finger tip up and down the sweet pink pussy. He traced the space between her fuck hole and clit very gently and the teasing motion was driving Fairy completely crazy! "Are you sure? The fact that you're pumping pussy juice with every rub says otherwise." Spark grinned. Voltage wasn't even holding Fairy's ankles anymore. She just remained spread eagle as her eyes glazed over. His sister went down beside Spark and watched to see that he was right. Everytime he moved his finger up and down, another trickle of juice exited that tight pussy hole. Fairy started to make the cutest whining noise. "I… suppose…" Fairy swallowed hard, sweat gleaming on her forehead. "You expect me to beg-mnn-for your cock now?" Trying and failing to hold back her moans, Fairy's legs could not stop twitching, even when Spark stopped rubbing her soaked, pink pussy. "Oh, what, this?" Spark grinned as he stood up, revealing that he was naked and his cock stood straight up. Fable had seen the stallion naked before, but never through the eyes of a mare in heat. Fairy's pussy began to waterfall. "Is this what you need?" "I… will not confirm… nor-" Fairy had her arms crossed, looking away with such forced defiance that both Spark and Voltage rolled their eyes at. "Or, you can just be a good bitch and take it like a champ." Voltage slapped Spark's ass and he obliged by pulling the red mare to him and she immediately felt his stiff member squeeze into her very tight womanhood. "Oh! Sweet mother! Ah!" Fairy cried out as her entire body twitched and she felt the most fullness she had ever felt in her life. That gigantic fuck stick worked its way to her cervix. Her whole body heated up and her head began to swim as that big studly male started to pump her full of hot cock. Each push was met with a sudden moan. "Wow, Fab-er-Fairy dropped into the role of mare rather easily." Spark grinned. Though, it was a strained smile as her pussy was an air tight vise on his cock as he pushed juice out of her with nearly every thrust. "F-f-fuck!" Fairy cried out suddenly as her round tits bounced and her cunt strangled Spark's dick. Another spurt of juice drenched Spark's cock and balls. Her second orgasm rocked her hard and she was sprawled out on the bed. "Yeah, she's having the time of her life." Voltage said with a small hint of whining in her voice. The visage of Fairy Tale's earth-shattering climax did a number on her. She climbed onto the bed and watched Spark's cock plunge back and forth into Fairy. The naked orange mare watched the big brown horse cock plunge into her depths.  "How's the view, sis?" Spark asked her as she practically drooled over the sight of Spark's huge appendage and Fairy Tale's fuck hole getting stretched. "Oh, it's beautiful." Voltage pressed two fingers onto her own soaked quim. "Let me taste some pussy juice." She pushed Spark out of Fairy's cunt and downed his cock deep into her mouth. Voltage ran her mouth all the way to his medial ring, licking and sucking Fairy’s pussy juice off of his gigantic dick that she loved so much. Then she bobbed her head a few more times on it and couldn’t stop herself from getting addicted to it all over again.  Fairy watched as Voltage sucked her brother’s cock in front of her and began to grow agitated as she began to sink his cock deeper into her throat. That’s when Fairy reached back between Voltage’s ass cheeks and began to rub her soaking outer pussylips.  “Voltage! I was getting fucked! Stop hogging your brother’s dick!” She stated in a firm, but somewhat playful manner. The orange unicorn’s cheeks began to redden more as Fairy began to press her fingers harder into her aching cunt. The harder she pressed, the harder Voltage sucked the tall, handsome stallion. She did, however, slide the erection out of her mouth and let it bob up and down in front of her as she looked back at Fairy. The two mares met in a kiss as Voltage climbed up on top of the red pegasus and purposely stacked their wet, open pussies for Spark to stare at.   “For someone who hasn’t been a mare for more than an hour, you sure act like a bitch.” Voltage whispered between kisses as their hands caressed one another and Fairy Tale giggled.  “I learned from the best.” She whispered back to her and explored the unicorn’s mouth with her tongue as she pinched and caressed her dark red nipples. Then Fairy’s eyes bulged and she squealed into the kiss as she felt that big studly cock slide all the way to her cervix and give it a kiss with the tip.  Voltage watched as Fairy’s face melted into absolute bliss at the feeling of getting fucked by a primo cock. Her eyes glazed over and she bobbed her body with each of Spark's thrusts. Voltage leaned upward and began to rub her tits into Fairy's faces as the red mare attempted to lick and suck them as they went by. All the while, she was distracted by the phallus stretching her vaginal walls. That was, until Spark switched pussy holes and pumped Voltage full of cock. Her entire body tingled and she immediately drank deep of all those lustful feelings and love she had for Spark. As Fairy recovered, she watched as Voltage's tits bounced in front of her. The unicorn mare's face went slack and she was having some issues keeping herself straddled over Fairy. Spark did not hold back on fucking his sister and her high pitched cries of lust reflected his efforts. "Wow, playing with Fairy Tale got you all worked up, didn't it?" Spark whispered to her as the square shaped goggles on the top of her head slid off the back of her head and she nodded.  Her moans compounded as Fairy reached down between her legs and started rubbing her clit. Voltage's eyes popped open and she let out a howl. Before he knew it, Spark's balls were covered in his twin's squirt juice and he only fucked deeper. "Oh, God! No! That's too- too much! Fuck!" Voltage cried out, her entire body breaking out in goosebumps as her post orgasm pussy was railed balls deep by that big meaty brown dick. "Yeah, don't pretend you're not loving it, you slut." Fairy whispered to her, only making her cry out harder. The two mares met in a sloppy, tongue filled kiss. Voltage felt the void within her as Spark pulled out of her well fucked cunt, and drilled inside Fairy one more time. She moaned heavily into the orange mare's mouth as she could feel his hot manhood was flared up. He was twitching inside of her and Fairy began to whimper pitifully as he banged her like a steam engine piston.  Then there was white as he doused the flame inside her with gouts of hot semen. His sperm flooded her insides and for the first time she found out what it was like to have millions upon millions of microscopic swimmers invade her womb. She was bred for the first time in her life and the orgasm that followed caused a cataclysmic reverberation through her system.  Fairy Tale was a slobbering, twitching mess for the next ten minutes as the twins laid on either side of her and spoke quietly about current events. "You two are horrible." Fairy said, still in a bite of a haze but she was starting to clear her head.  "That's not what you said a minute ago." Spark said as he put his hand on her cheek and Fairy nuzzled his palm. "So, why don't we go over to Ceru's house now and see what's up?" "How did you know…" Fairy asked and Voltage interjected. "You've been out for a cat nap, Fairy. Spark's up to speed. Come on, let's get on some clothes." Voltage got up and stretched, accentuating her large boobs. Fairy attached herself to Voltage and nuzzled her chest. "But I like getting fucked." Fairy whimpered in the most whiney, pathetic voice imaginable until Voltage started swatting her head like a mosquito. "Nope! Off! Come on! We need to solve this mystery before noon, I have a hoof treatment scheduled."  Fairy groaned in disappointment and Spark chuckled as he got on his underwear. After they all got dressed and Fairy brushed her mane, they opened the door. There, a much younger looking Frozen Pop was about to knock on their door. There was a pause. Frozen Pop's face went slack as her jaw dropped and all of them stared at each other for a long moment. Her ice blue hair, that young, silky bright blue fur and that firm, lush, curvy body, all of it was at least twenty years younger. "F-Fable?!" She said, and it suddenly dawned on Fairy that her fur was a little too bright to be Frozen. "Winter?!" Fairy's jaw dropped and all of them stood, paused in time and flabbergasted. —------------ They rang the apartment doorbell. The day was getting a bit warmer, but it wasn't supposed to be more than a few degrees above fifty Fahrenheit. The chill was still in the air and the autumn was still in full effect, dropping temperatures fast. A white pegasus stallion opened the door and peered out at the four of them. He had blue and pink stripes in his mane and was quite the studly looker in his tank top and gym shorts. "Ceru!" Winter, now known as Snowy Equinox, came forward and hugged the beautiful man pony. "Are you okay? What-" "I'm not Ceru." He said with a blush on his face, looking off to the side in embarrassment. This drew a confused silence. "I'm Sierra." He explained. The fact that his twin sister looked exactly like him in male form resonated a little too much with Voltage and Spark. He motioned for them to come in.  As he opened the door for the four of them, they heard a small, high pitched voice singing softly. They found Ceru, sitting on the couch across from a female Regal and an unchanged Swordknight.  On the other side of the couch was a stallion that they'd not seen. He was a gray bat pony and he had an orange… mane… "Grem?!" Fairy, Snowy and Spark all said in unison. "Hey, guys." Grem waved at all of them in his muscly, masculine form. "Pretty cool stuff happening, right?" "That's one word for it." Fairy said as she looked at a very dreamy, delirious Ceru as she brushed her lovely hair. "Ceru? Honey? Are you feeling okay?" Fairy was a little surprised as they took the seats around the coffee table and looked in on her. "She was dancing around and hugging Sierra's teddy bear collection." Regal said as she leaned to the side, resting her head on her fist. "Seems like she got kind of tired and now she's down to this. So far, we haven't gotten much out of her."  "She sure seems happy, though." Grem said with a charming smile that wasn't lost on Fairy Tail, as he aimed it toward her. Spark couldn't help but feel a weird twinge of the surreal at Grem's new form. She actually made for a pretty handsome dude with a strong chin. "Well, I'm Fairy Tale now and Winter is Snowy Equinox." Fairy said, drawing confused looks from most others in the room. "Did you two come up with names?" "Regal." She said, plainly. "Grem." He said with a shrug. There was a pause in the room until Ceru lulled her head off to the side with a clueless smile and a childish giggle. "Oh my, Fairy, Snowy, you both look so lovely today." Ceru hummed, content and relaxed. "Such a nice feeling, isn't it, Regal?" She sighed and sat back in her chair. "Why, yes, Ceru. It's so wonderful and enchanting. I can't believe how alive I feel. Especially after a fresh helping of some hard cock." Fairy rubbed Spark's groin area, making him give Fairy an odd look. Fairy gave him a stare back and nodded toward Ceru, mouthing for him to play along.  "Oh my! That does sound delightful!" Ceru blushed and giggled like a school girl. "Yes, it certainly was." Fairy did a strangely good giggle, especially for someone who has barely been a girl for two and a half hours. "How ever did you do it, Ceru?" Fairy asked as Spark gave Fairy's hand a tiny slap away from the crotch of his pants. "How did I…" Ceru paused for a moment and thought for a moment. Her eyes became sober. "I did this." She said as it wasn't a question. "How did I do this?" There was a long pause as all of them leaned toward Ceru now that her senses were coming back to her. For a moment, it looked like she was trying to solve an especially troubling math question. That was when she got up from her seat and took off her long white shirt, revealing her slender, beautiful naked form. The drew a few wide eyes but also some curious ones as she turned around and showed them all her tattoo on her right lower back. It was a circle face with three thick stripes colored pink and purple. There was a pink and purple tail hanging down below it and in the middle of the circle was a wide, jagged tooth grin. It was a very fresh tattoo, as there was still redness all around its edges and the ink looked pristine. "You got a tattoo?" Grem asked, then thought for a moment. "Can ponies get tattoos?"  "There's something here… I don't know." Ceru said before sitting back down and dropping the shirt to the floor. Once again, there came a long moment of silence as she thought for a long while. Sierra looked over at Fairy Tale, mildly impressed, but still seeming worried.  "Has anyone else noticed that there seems to be a certain number of us that have transformed?" Regal observed as she took in the numbers. "What do we have in common with Ceru?" "We're all guy– oh…" Fairy tried her best to seem smart in this matter, but fell short. "We've all had sex with her recently." The male Sierra said and looked at all of them. "About as recently as two or three months ago. I don't know why all of this happened but that's one connection." This coming from Ceru's sibling was a bit strange, but no one commented on it. Instead, they looked at the white pegasus mare herself as she seemed to be working things out for herself. "Ceru? Are you alright?" Snowy asked as she got up from her seat and went to sit next to her. Their forms were much more slender now and they could both sit in the chair together rather easily. The cushion was quite nice and made it easy to pull Ceru to her for comfort. She wrapped her arms around the white pegasus and she easily reciprocated the affection. Ceru leaned her head onto Snowy's shoulder. "It's all a little blurry. It was like a dream. Only, I know it was real." Ceru closed her eyes, gathering her thought. "You all probably remember the meadow. Well, that did happen, but let me start from the beginning." > What is the Meadow? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ceru looked at the tattoo shop with the down scope of a mind unsettled. He wasn't sure what he wanted in this place, but anything was better than a night off full of boredom and regret. The less he had to do, the more it weighed on him. His sister was running the club that night and she knew he hadn't gotten a day off in forever. He did need rest but he couldn't sleep. It was all too complicated in his brain but he didn't want to admit it. The tattoo parlor looked clean enough from the window, but then he started looking at the choices. There were so many that were displayed in tiny little squares on a cork board inside the window. Above him was the Mythic Ink Mistress neon sign with the needle below. From the end of the needle spurted neon ink. Below that, in smaller letters was "Safe and Fur Friendly".  Inside was a mohawk unicorn stallion with thick black eyeshadow makeup. He wore a white plastic apron over black heavy metal band shirt and black jean shorts with holes ripped through parts of the legs. He was tattooing a middle aged mare in a tank top on her back left shoulder. Further back in the white and black tiled parlor was a young stallion. He looked like he was in the middle of college. At first, Ceru thought it was his imagination, but it looked like the green unicorn was looking at him and smiling. That's when the younger unicorn beckoned him in and Ceru looked at him, puzzled and pointed to himself. The tattoo artist nodded and swiveled his barborshop seat toward Ceru, patting the seat. The white pegasus thought for a moment. Then he walked in. The night was still going strong and he figured it was better than laying on the couch with a show he didn't want to watch.  "Welcome to Mim's, bro." The mohawk said in a strange 90's surfer dude voice. He nodded toward him, seeing he was tattooing a blue and white flame onto the lady's back shoulder as casually as he brushed his teeth. "Hey! I saw you eyeing that sign out there. Having a little trouble deciding?" The voice that came out of the tall bleach blonde stallion was strangely feminine and somewhat comforting.  "A little." Ceru admitted and fiddled his fingers a little. The bashful look on his face was beyond adorable. That's when the green unicorn reached out and grabbed Ceru's hand in a dainty manner and kissed the back of it. "Hey, no need to be shy. Tell me, what's bothering you?" He said as he led him into the chair with big butt cushions and a tiny, extendable back piece. "Feeling lonely tonight?"  "A little." Ceru said again, though in a more casual tone. "I'm just not feeling life tonight. Too much on my mind and not enough to distract me from it." "That's about as relatable as having a stomach." The artist said, then he leaned over to look at Ceru through the mirror. His eyes downward, his lips pursed and his hands drooped between his knees. "But there's something more to it than that. Come on, tell Flash what's troubling you."  "I just… feel… incomplete. I've always looked on the other side of the fence and wondered what it was like." Ceru was blushing, looking over toward the older mare, who was staring at her phone screen, looking at pictures of picture frames. "Oh, my sweet little stallion. I know what you're feeling. I've seen it. My friend, Snowflake went down the middle and he's been happy ever since. You may have seen his cam show if you're a dirty, naughty little colt like me." He chortled and started to imagine Ceru making the change. "Have you drank the potion? I've heard it's the closest you can get without a miracle."  "No, that can only make it worse. If I do that, I'll never want to change back. Plus, it's just… not real. Magic potions can only do so much." Ceru lamented. "Oh my. You've got it bad, don't you?" Flash said, the worry in his voice was only growing. He'd known some very flamboyant ponies and some who wanted to see the world through other eyes, but Ceru was walking in a dangerous headspace.  "Yeah, days like this are hard, but I'll get over it. I don't really know why I came here, so, just give me some recommendations." Ceru sighed, running his hand over his own mane. "Well, I mean, there is one answer. It's an old mare's tale, but I think you may like it. It's got pink and purple in it." He said, eyeing Ceru's very bright pink and blue hair and admiring it. "An answer? What do you mean?" He asked, not sure what he meant by pink and purple. It did sound cute, but also a little childish. "Well, you've seen magic, obviously, but have you seen…" He leaned in toward Ceru's ear and whispered. "Other worldly magic?" There was a pause as Ceru looked at him through the mirror, blinking. Flash shrugged. "I'm just saying that there are ways to do it. There have been real cases where a stallion has fully become a mare. No tricks, no smoke and mirrors. Experts have probed their DNA but found no traces of illegal magic on them. They are super rare and I've only heard of a single thing that may or may not have done it. It's not definite and both times I've heard it worked, it came with a price." "A price? What kind of price?" Ceru asked, and the worried look on his face was a bit alarming. Was the price his sanity or his friends? Something like this could claim his soul, maybe? Flash looked him in the eyes, trying to stay calm as he put his hand on Ceru's. His face was stern, serious and grim. "It'll be 55 bits. It's a 20% discount on small tattoos this week." Flash said in a deadpan manner, making Ceru scoff and begin to chuckle. The pegasus punched his shoulder lightly and they both began to laugh. "Alright, you talked me into it. Now, where should I put it?" Ceru asked.  "Your lower back is said to house your sexual spirit, around your waist." He got his colors ready, along with a picture he had saved in one of the binders. "Sounds good to me." Ceru smiled at Flash. He was definitely getting his number at the end of this. —-----------  It was only a little sore. Flash was nice enough to throw in the cleaning solutions and coverings for free. He even offered to tattoo his home phone number on Ceru's hand but he settled to enter it in his phone.  It was almost eleven, Sierra was still at the club and he was not even close to ready for bed. It would have been nice, but he figured he could watch a few episodes of his anime. Though, he could check on a good bit of sleep aid in the form of a nice muscly stallion. He wondered if Regal was up at this hour. He thought about it as he brought up his show on the television. That big brute had a wonderful dose of sleep medicine that normally knocked him out cold. For some reason, he was feeling kind of sexy. He didn't know if it was the new tattoo, the artist or the fact that he was just a plain old slut, but he just wanted to put on his banana hammock and slip into his comfy leggings. He got out his blue and pink striped thigh high leg warmers and slipped them over his hooved. Then he got out of his clothes and slipped his dick into a string thong with a piece of fabric that enveloped his big horse cock. With that done, he popped himself some crunchy oats and sat down for a few episodes of "Yamate, Uma-san!". The episode began with a housewife getting fucked three ways by a tentacle monster, but her husband comes in to find out it's his twin brother. As if Ceru didn't see that coming. Then Ceru reached for his phone and patted the couch beside him to see it was gone. He looked over for it and then looked over the edge of the couch. It wasn't there either. He could have sworn he put it there.  Then he started looking around for it under pillows or under the bowl of oats. It must have dropped between the cushions. He started to feel between them.  "Hey, Ceru! I've been trying to text you!" He heard a voice that sounded like Grem's. Was that her? She kept fairly odd hours with her triplet babies.  "Grem? Hold on, I can't find my phone! Keep talking!" Ceru said as he started to walk toward the sound. There was no way he brought it back into his bedroom, though. How did it end up back here? "Ceru? Are you there?" Now the voice was Winter's. What the hell was going on?  He walked into the main bedroom's bathroom, turned on the light and looked around. The wall-sized mirror above both sinks reflected him and he checked the bath tub. Then he looked over to check the shower. There was nothing in the closet, nothing in the toilet room. Nothing. Ceru scratched his mane, looking around and sighing. What the hell was going…  His eyes snapped to the mirror as he walked by. Was he crazy? Or was his hair a weird color as he walked by? From the corner of his eye, he could have sworn his hair was purple and a dark pink. Like, a darker pink than was his normal hair. When he looked now, it was back to normal. Then he took two steps back and there it was, purple and dark pink. His jaw dropped. It wasn't a terrible look, but shifting and bleeding color into his hair in a mirror usually meant someone was screwing with him.  Then the pink and purple stripes transformed, coming off of his head in the mirror and taking shape! It was a cat man! Ceru nearly tripped into the bathtub behind him!  There was a purple and pink abyssinian cat man with red hair on his head, a white mouth and cheeks and red eyes grinning at him. His teeth were razor sharp and his big fluffy tail flicked up and down as he laid on his side. His penis hung downward. It was soft and not especially formidable but he was inside the mirror! Ceru looked behind himself to make sure he wasn't there. "Oh, don't look so surprised, Mr. Pegasus. This is a world of magic, is it not? Isn't this a rather normall occurrence?" The cat man spoke in a rather deep voice and his wide grin stayed as it was when he spoke. Ceru shook his head. He was still taken aback by this strange entity in his mirror.  "Oh well," The cat man shrugged, still grinning, "just makes life more interesting, I suppose. Either that or it kills you…"  As he said this, his voice grew so deep, his eyes shaded down as the whites turned black and the irises stayed red. Blood began to dribble down the mirror from the inside as his deep sinister voice chortled a deep sinister laugh. Ceru's blood grew cold and his face turned blue with petrification. In the blink of an eye, the cat man turned back to normal and the blood rolled back up the mirror like a window shade. "Just kidding." Ceru drew out a breath of absolute dread, his heart thundering in his chest. This caused the cat to laugh a little harder.  "Just, what do you want?" He held his chest and leaned on the wall between his tub and shower.  "Oh, my dear furry brother, it is not what I want, but what you want. You summoned me, you see. The longing in your heart, it sung such a deep sorrowful song that it touched me to the core." The cat then floated out from the mirror and began to hover in the real plane of existence as if it were zero gravity. Ceru just watched with his jaw remaining open and his eyes bulged at the sight of a naked, floating cat man in his bathroom. "What? Song? What?" Ceru tried to listen and be amazed at the same time but he couldn't think properly.  "Your inner most desire, my dear child, the one you want more than anything. I heard it and now I have come." Then his eyes gazed down at Ceru's man thong and leg warmers. He immediately began to purr. "Oh, dearest me. Such shameless fashion sense. It's delicious. You probably feel more naked than me. That is the point, is it not?" Ceru blushed as he felt the cat's grin turn down and gaze at his slender, feminine male form. He felt his padded paw hand as he gripped his shoulder and floated downward, his hands rested on either side of his waist and he looked to see that he was not mistaken. There was no question to begin with but he loved to see the fresh ink of his symbol on the side of his lower back. "Excellent, now, we can do business." He came up face to face with the pony and grinned wide once more. "I am Ren, the Cheshire Cat, and you summoned me here through such aching desire. You know of what I speak?" "I… uhhh…" Ceru stammered his words and the cheshire tilted his head to the side. To the pony's surprise, the cat began to pet the back of his mane, holding the side of his face. "No need to be shy, my little pony. It was such a pure, beautiful wish. There is no shame in such a thing. You can speak freely without judgment from me. Say your wish and I shall give you the conditions." Ren grinned and began to cuddle his snout and muzzle. "I… I wish to be a mare… a real mare." Ceru said with a little hesitation.  "Mayor of which city?" Ren asked, drawing an awkward silence. After a moment, he grinned big. "As you wish, so it shall be." That's when a light shined from the mirror and caused Ceru to squint and shield his eyes with his hand. He looked toward the window, seeing that it was, in fact, a window now. The window on the mirror wall overlooked a meadow. In the meadow, the dandelions and the daisies were vast in numbers among the tall grass. They all blew in a cool, light breeze with the sun up high in the sky. Even though it was night, the sudden daytime didn't register with Ceru. The fact that there was a vast field  of vegetation and a clearing of lush green grass beyond his bathroom wall was enough to occupy his thoughts in that moment. The sight was breathtaking. Ceru had no trouble stepping onto his bathroom counter and stepping over the countertop to step into the field. The air was so clear and the weather was perfect as he stepped through the incorporeal screen. As he did, he stepped into the clearing. His body felt all of the wonderful weather against his fur. Within the small clearing within the tall grass, there were forms laying in the green. Ceru was a little startled to see he knew all of them. Regal was on his left and Grem was on his right. Fable, Winter and Sierra made a sleeping circle within the circle of short grass, all of them snoozing on their sides and their backs.  "What? What are they doing here?" Ceru asked as he looked at them all. Part of him already knew the answer, like someone else was whispering in his ear before the cheshire even spoke. "Sleeping." He grinned wide as his head peeked over his shoulder. The pegasus gave him an eye roll and sighed a little. "They're going to help you. After all, they are your friends and lovers, are they not?" "Well, yeah, they are." Ceru looked at his literal circle of friends once again. He felt both of the cat man's hands on his shoulders as the purple and pink cat floated upward in a sort of swimming motion.  Ren sat in a cross legged motion as he grinned down toward him. He put both his fists together in front of his chest and closed his eyes. Slowly, he began to glow a beautiful shade of pink. His eyes glowed a wavering color of purple as he looked down at Ceru. That's when the dream began to mix. The white pegasus started as the very large, muscular changeling stirred and rose his head up from the very soft ground.  "Whoa, where is this?" Regal asked as he popped various places on his body. "You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you." Ceru said as Regal's eyes darted to him in surprise.  "Ceru?! What? What happened?" He stood up tall, noticing he was stark naked and his large, bright green cock hung down toward his knees. "It's a long…" Ceru's eyes widened as he looked down toward Regal's penis to watch it grow very erect. "Long… long story. Are you alright?" Regal's hand was up to his forehead and he sighed, wiping a bit of sweat from his brow. Ceru started to worry a little as the brutish changeling began to take deep breaths. "Ummm, I really, really am not sure. I'm just getting a little hot around the collar." He waved his hand in front of his face and noticed his dick was iron clad in density and he was already dripping precum. "Oh, Ceru, I'm going to need to borrow you for just a moment." He spoke just above a whisper as he wielded his very dangerous weapon between his legs toward the pegasus, who blushed deeply. "Oh, well, I may have a momen-whoa!" Ceru was interrupted as the massively strong changeling grabbed him by both his sides and lifted him as if he were a life size teddy bear.  The adonis brought their chests together as Ceru held onto both of his very broad shoulders. That's when his thong pressed against his asshole. Regal's thick cock head made Ceru's eyes go very wide as the pressure was on. "Oh! Regal!" Ceru's eyes looked down at the meaty phallus as it pressed against his pucker. The big charcoal colored finger hooked over the hammock's thong and moved it out of the way. Ceru's asshole and balls were immediately exposed as the fabric snapped on Regal's haste. "This can't wait." Regal whispered to him and kissed Ceru on the lips, licking all over his tongue and causing the pegasus' dick to grow out of the torn banana hammock. It didn't have to wait. The dripping precum lubed the head of his green monster perfectly as Ceru felt the penetration. "Oh, God, Regal! Fuck me!" His tight sphincter clung to Regal's slick phallus and that's when he pushed his whole body up and down.  Ceru was stuffed with cock, filling every crevice of his ass. He was stretched so far, so quickly and felt the precum's slimy texture all inside him. He kissed the big brute so deeply as he groaned into his mouth. His ass strangled the massive manhood. It wasn't long at all before Regal's bestial cock began to twitch.  The changeling was definitely not one for premature ejaculations, but this was different. It was as if he took every pregame imaginable and they worked on nothing but his libido.  Cum spurted out from Ceru's ass and his cock, painting his own muzzle and Regal's face as he faced downward. The rush of sensations was breathtaking and both of their balls were wrung out. The pressure caused the big green penis to slip out of his anus and glaze his ass cheeks with hot, sticky spunk. Regal set him down on his hooves as the two of them were covered in sweat. Ceru's ass dripped white to the ground. The two of them sat down in the grass, panting hard. That's when the cheshire's light intensified and the glow became stronger upon all of them. That's when they all began to stir on the ground.  "Whoa," Winter rubbed his head as he got up. He squinted over at Fable, who was sitting up in the grass, studying his surroundings. "Did we have another bonfire?" Fable looked at Winter, saw that they were both naked and shrugged. "Only difference is, I don't feel hungover." They both strained in their faces after this and they both noticed their blue and red cocks growing harder. "I'm feeling something, but it's not hung over." Winter began to sweat and looked up to see the glowing cat man. Then he looked to see Grem getting up beside him. Her tits were magnificent. As she sat up, they wobbled from side to side, the gray bat pony displaying her dark gray nipples as she looked around at Sierra and all of the naked men. Suddenly, she felt a very harsh pressure on her pussy and her elbows buckled under the weight. It was so intense and her vagina made so much juice that she breathed the steam out of her lungs. "Oh, my goodness!" She gritted her teeth in absolute rapture as she pressed two fingers against her crotch. "What's going–" Sierra was similarly interrupted as it felt as if something were pressing against all of the sweet spots in her genitalia. It was amazing! Three fingers against her labia and she cried out. That's when all eyes turned to Ceru. The stallion was still wobbly at the legs and sweaty from the hard rutting he'd already received. He took one look at all of them and his eyes widened a bit.  Grem and Sierra both began to glow purple then. All eyes turned to them as both of them stood up straight and the glow engulfed their entire bodies. Then their glow extended to Ceru. The glow, the sexual energy, the heavily sensual feeling they all felt began to fluctuate until there was a triangular beam between the three of them. When the purple energy dissipated, it left all three of them in a state of awe. Something was different. It was hard to pen down exactly what until they looked at one another. Ceru sported a fairly large pair of tits. While Sierra and Grem sported male bodies, fully equipped with long, swinging dicks. It took no time at all for the cocks they possessed to grow long and erect. Ceru couldn't believe any of it! She looked around and realized that she was now officially the only mare on the field, facing down Fable, Winter, Regal, Grem and Sierra. All of them enchanted with super erect cocks and facing her down like a lamb among wolves. The only difference was, this lamb could have begged to be eaten. In no time flat, she was on her knees. Winter at her mouth, Fable up her ass and Grem throbbing inside her pussy. They pumped as if she were a well in a drought and her moans were muffled against a big blue penis that went down her throat with ease. It was amazing! None of them spoke, but their smug grins and warm caresses told her she was being fucked with love. Her hands found one big black dick along with a giant green one, still wet with cum.  She was so full! It was all so new and exciting. Having a wet, wild pussy literally opened up a whole new avenue of amazing sensations as Grem's enormous, bright, flesh colored cock poked her brand new cervix. Her womb felt the pressure and soon she was lulled into a state of pure lust as Grem was the first to burst inside of her. Whatever burning ache she felt was suddenly doused with fresh hot cum and Ceru lit up with an orgasm that shook her entire body. One after the other, she felt reverberating waves from such a powerful climax and it was only the beginning.  She was soon guzzling Winter's hot semen as he shot his wads down her tight throat. With all the excitement going on, Ceru's asshole tightened onto Fable's steely dick. Her anal cavity felt that familiar, wondrous sensation of horse sperm invading every crevice, as Fable's tended to do. Primed and ready, Sierra and Regal moved to her ass and pussy respectively. Grem was no slouch in length and girth, but the changeling was in a whole other league. He stretched her brand new vagina to its very limits. Being no stranger to pleasurable pain, Ceru came once again! This time, the reverberating sensations caused another orgasm that rocked her. She screamed into the male Grem's big peach penis. The orange haired bat pony could do little more than hold onto Ceru's head as he came in a hurry. Grem, being new with a cock, pulled back from the sensation and his semen painted Ceru's outer muzzle and the bridge of her snout. As it happened, Ceru's cries of ecstasy seemed to brighten the purple aura of the cheshire cat in the sky.  It stank of hot cum all around them. Sierra couldn't hold onto the sensation of a tight asshole squeezing his new dick. Three spurts inside Ceru's ass and he pulled out. Five large wads of hot milk splatted across Ceru's ass cheeks. The best was yet to cum, though, as Regal forced her body into yet another orgasm with a squirting geyser of semen out of her tight hole. With a face covered in white, she kissed Regal with sloppy, lustful sucking of his tongue. The big, strong changeling rubbed his muscular hands all over her filthy body as his cock dripped from their connected sexes.  "Mmmmmm, such delicious lust." A voice said, making both of them give pause. They both looked toward the cat man who stood before them. His purple and pink stripes glowed, accentuating them by sight. "I believe that should be enough energy for the price." Regal helped Ceru to her feet, but then acted as her crutch as her legs began to bend on their own. It wasn't long before Ceru felt what it was like to have a sore pussy. "P-price?" Ceru looked a little worried. "What is the price?" She bit her lower lip. Already, she was expecting a pony sacrifice or something along those terrifying lines. "Oh, did no one warn you about Cheshire cats?" Ren grinned wide and looked at all of them. "We are most fond of mischief." "Are you an Abyssinian?" Fable asked, never having seen one with such a pattern. That's when Ren turned his attention toward Fable, looking down at his dripping horse penis. The cat man licked his lips. Without a word, he began to glow that purple aura again. —------------ "Aaaand then the stallions turned into mares while the mares stayed stallions." Ceru said to a flabbergasted audience.  Well, most of them were encapsulated by the story. Fairy Tale was so turned on by the double penetration story that she had to jump onto Grem's super hard cock. The red pegasus mare bounced atop the big, meaty stallion as they faced each other and the others tried their best to stay on subject and not stare. As Fairy began to slow down, giving them all a solid view of Grem's rock solid dick penetrating her hot cunt. "Do you two really need to do that now?" Ceru gave them a stare that was a little bit of a scowl, but also a bit of a longing gaze. "Sorry, C-Ceru," Fairy gasped as Grem grabbed her hips and started pulling her down into her upward thrusts. "You tell a-aahh!- reeeally really good story!" “I wasn’t leaving until I felt Fairy’s pussy.” Grem said in a male voice many of them still found very strange. This whole thing was rather strange, they noticed.  “So, what happens now?” Voltage asked, still admiring Ceru’s beautiful body. She couldn’t get over how curvy her new body was. Hell, even her sister/brother was a well built machine of a stallion’s body. “How do we turn all of them back to normal? Do you still want to be in this form?” She asked Ceru, who raised two eyebrows.  The white pegasus mare blinked at this. She thought for a moment as she looked at all of them. That was the question, wasn’t it? It was everything she ever wanted and more.  Was it, though? She was feeling things very differently now. It was a wonderful sensation and it was ever so different from when she was a stallion, but was it truly better? Then one more thought occurred to her and she looked downward with a hard gaze. There was a long moment of silence. She looked around at them and smiled.  “Well, that’s another matter. Right now, we just need to find out how to reverse it for the rest of–”  Fairy suddenly cried out as she began to twitch and hold onto Grem’s manly shoulders. “Fuck! Yes! Fill me!” She bit her lower lip and the rest of them looked at her with low brows.  “Spark and I had something similar to this happen to us.” Voltage said as she looked at all of them and they gave her their undivided attention.  “Yeah, but I don’t know,” Spark scratched the back of his neck. “That may be a lot to ask Sky. It seemed like she had a lot of trouble with us, let alone all of them.” “No, I don’t think that’s the answer.” Sierra said and rubbed her head. “I think we need to find out how to get the Cheshire cat to change us all back to normal.” “Why don’t you say please?” All of them suddenly turned to see the strange, red haired, stripe furred Cheshire cat laying on his side on the back of Ceru’s chair. He grinned at all of them with his large, jagged teeth and chortled a bit. “Well? I’m waiting.” > Mirror/Mirror > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- They stood around the chair. Ceru stood up and backed away when she saw the Cheshire cat was somehow balanced on his side on the back of her chair. He seemed weightless, like he could lean either which way and not fall because he literally did not exist in the corporeal plane. The cat man propped up his head with his elbow on nothing and his big fluffy tail swished back and forth behind him. He was completely naked, his cock hung downward and his fur looked pristinely groomed with a sheen that was otherworldly. “Holy shit!” Swordknight said with his jaw on the floor. “H-he’s real?” He couldn’t stop staring, even when Ren passed him a puzzled look.  “Did you think she was lying to you or something?” Ren chortled once again as he rolled over onto the chair and stood like a ballet dancer, his arms out, his leg pointed back with him leaned over in the first arabesque position. This was a little awkward, as his cock was still hanging downward between his legs.  “So why in the hell did you turn all of the stallions into mares?” Voltage asked, scowling toward Ren. “Did you need to be such an asshole?”  “You didn’t seem too angry about it when your face was planted firmly between Fairy Tale’s legs.” Ren gently jumped down to the floor without changing his position even a little bit other than to grin toward Voltage, whose eyes widened. “Now then! It is time for you to decide, my lady.” He said as he stood before Ceru and held his hands behind his back, completely comfortable with showing his naked body toward them.  Ceru could only stare at Ren with pursed lips and a low brow. She bit her lower lip and looked downward as she ground her hoof into the carpeted floor. Then she suddenly looked back up at him as he began to laugh a little bit under his breath.  “Am I really that pretty to you?” Ren asked, but before Ceru could ask what he meant, it was clear that he wasn’t talking to her.  His eyes slowly turned toward Swordknight, whose eyes widened as all gazes turned toward him. The younger stallion recoiled a little bit and then crossed his arms in front of his chest.  “What uuhh… what do you mean?” Knight asked as he looked off in another direction. The Cheshire cat casually floated into a cartwheel toward him and pressed up against him with his hand going to Swordknight’s crotch. His palm touched a very hard surface and his fingers clutched the shaft in a nice and firm grip.  “As much as I love the pony realm, sadly, I cannot stay for very long, darling.” Ren said as he brought the nice big pony cock out of Swordknight’s pants and Regal watched with a pair of legs crossed as hard as they could go. The lady changeling watched as the cat sucked her boyfriend’s cock in long, deep strokes. His feline mouth surprisingly able to engulf the entire first half and over the medial ring. Swordknight felt his tight throat and the warm, wet inside of his mouth.  Ceru watched this and lamented. After such a short time of being female, this decision seemed downright impossible to make. Watching the cat man giving the pony a luxurious blowjob also wasn't helping matters.  Some eyes stared at Ren, still in some disbelief of the situation. Some of them waited and watched Ceru while trying not to stare. She was already under enough pleasure. Still, there was so much; too much. That's when the thought occurred to her once again. She closed her eyes and her mind wandered. "The poor dear." Ren said as his hand began to skillfully jerk the stallion off, making him buckle a bit. The Cheshire cat did not take his eyes off of Swordknight.  "Oh God! Wait! I'm gonna–" Sword almost said before Ceru blurted out. "I wish to remain a woman!" Ceru said this and the world literally stopped around them.  His grinning face turned toward her and his red eyes began to glow. He stood up, his strange, mushroom headed penis was very hard and stayed straight upward.  The others were frozen in place. None of them moved a muscle and everything stayed in its place. Even Swordknight's spurting semen was mere inches away from his huge cock, which was caught mid twitch. "As you wish, so it will be." The Cheshire cat walked over to her and as he did, he held his hand out to her. There was a glow from the television screen. As the glow accentuated and became brighter, he began to walk with the mare over to it. As they, once again, crossed over through the incorporeal, reflective surface, things looked completely different. It was the tall grass, the clearing and the windy wilderness, but everything was discolored. The grass was a scarlet red and the sky was a very dark purple with a solid orange crescent moon. In the center of the circle of short grass, there stood Fable, Regal, Sierra, Grem and Winter  All of them were in their normal forms, but standing and staring blankly forward.  Behind them was a hooded, cloaked figure with all of their features hidden from sight. Behind that figure was another one, laying sideways on a luxurious loveseat. Their features were obscured as well, though by darkness and blurry features. When Ceru tried to look at them, it felt like her eyes began to cross. Ren continued to hold her hand and walk her toward the center of the circle near the hooded figure. Ceru saw everything, but it was through a filter of hypnagogic film. Everything looked as if it were flowing at fourteen frames per second, as if it were through a turn crank camera. As they stopped in front of the hooded figure, she pulled off the hood and cloak, throwing it over to her side where it hung over something, draped down like a curtain. She was another Cheshire cat, a cyan color with dark blue stripes. Her body was naked, shapely and her long hair was a lush blue while her nipples were a perky pink. Both she and Ren grinned toward Ceru as Ren stood beside his female counterpart. They both just stared at her for a moment, Ren with red eyes and his female partner with bright green. "As you wish, so it will be." They said together. She bowed before Ceru, sweeping one hand over toward the covered object beside her. She then reached both hands over toward the cloak and pulled it off in a flap. That strange, grainy visage gave it all an unnatural movement speed. It was a tall mirror. The frame was a bright gold while the reflection she saw staring back at her from the pane was not her own. It was Ceru the stallion. He wore the same expression but he was also trying to reach toward her. All of the stallions behind her were mares in the mirror. While the Cheshire cats were next to her on either side, they had no reflection. As her reflection stallion tried to reach toward her, they both wore the same worried expression. That's when the figure on the strange, red glowing loveseat stood. Ceru noticed that she was a female pegasus, much like her. That was all she could decipher until her wings began to glow a very hot pink. She lifted her hands toward the sky as her wings shined throughout the entire clearing, through the tall grass, even reflecting from the orange moon above. As she gazed, the shining became too much. The image in her reflection changed. No more did it try to reach, the world began to change around him, though. The mirror's clearing brightened with the sun, the grass became green, the sky became blue and Ceru's stallion form mimicked her movements exactly. Ceru felt two arms hook into her arms and both Cheshire cats, male and female leaned their faces closer to hers. It looked so strange with her arms hooped at the sides of her waist and her cheeks being squished between two nonreflective, anthropomorphic cats. "Thank you for playing." They both said, in synced. They licked both of her cheeks at the same time, then forcefully threw her into the mirror. Night turned to day, good turned to bad and the time moved on. —----------- Ceru opened her eyes. What was all of that? "Unf!" She heard in the living room. A male voice sounded like he was in a great deal of pain as he cried out. Though, with the other female voice letting out a cry of lust, the male's voice suddenly didn't sound so painful.  "Whoa! Nice load, dude." She heard Winter's voice say as the original male voice began to breathe sporadically. "Damn, you're bathing her in it!" "Fuck! That's so hot!" Grem moaned as Ceru got out of her bed to see that she was, in fact, still a mare. She went into the living room, and as she opened the door, Swordknight was cumming on a female Sierra, who took his hot semen on her face and tits. Grem was bouncing up and down on Fable's cock while Winter and Regal were jerking their cocks to the amazing show.  Voltage and Spark were gone. Wait, were they here?  "Mmmm, good boy. Now, who's next, boys?" Sierra asked as both Regal and Winter raised their hands. "Good morning, Ceru, how about…" Sierra stopped as she looked over at her brother who was now her exact twin sister. All activity suddenly stopped as all of them saw a naked, female Ceru who looked at all of them as if the world were upside down and in the shape of a cube. "Ummmm, Sierra, you're not triplets, are you?" Regal asked as he looked from Sierra to Ceru. She shook her head, hot sperm still dripping from her face. "I… I don't suppose any of you remember a purple cat man, do you?" Ceru asked in a timid voice. "Call the psyche ward." Swordknight said before Sierra slapped his cock, making him yelp! —------------ The media wasn't in a frenzy, but Ceru did get calls from several interested outlets. The newspaper ran a long interview article, written by Jet Stream. Ponies asked her how in Equestria this could have possibly happened. To which, she had no answer. Grem had no choice but to have her undergo a test to make sure no illegal magic was used. Of course, she came back negative. After about three days, Ceru saw that things were calming down between the club and the outside world. Sierra, though initially weirded out, immediately started to buy the same clothes she already had, or buy clothes in doubles. She became so excited to have a twin sister and even brought a few lucky guys into the club's VIP room for real VIP treatment. They started with Spark and worked their way around their circle. Ceru walked into the tattoo parlor on her next day off. She wore a light jacket and skin tight, red sweatpants. She saw Flash cleaning off his equipment and replacing his ink back in their designated places around his work area. The green stallion took one look toward her, then did a double take.  The white fur, bright blue and pink mane and the knowing smile she gave him clued him in on who she was.  "What?" Flash asked, eyeing her up and down in disbelief. "You're not his twin sister, are you?" He asked, and Ceru giggled. She held up her phone and showed him a picture of herself and Sierra back to back together with what Sierra called their "twinsy clothes". Flash stood, flabbergasted. "Okay, the fact that you have a twin sister is a little amazing in this instance, but is this for real?" Flash asked, making Ceru nod with a tiny smile. "You saw him?" "And not a single soul believes me." She chortled. Ceru stepped up to him with a dreamy smile on her face and kissed him on the lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him in the kiss for a good long while as her tongue lavished his with affection. He took a deep breath as the kiss finally broke. His face was flushed and his arms were around her while he caught his breath. She wiped her mouth on the back of her hand. She glanced behind her to see the other tattoo artist wasn't paying attention to them.  That's when she grabbed the front of his pants and squeezed. With her other hand, she pulled a folded red piece of paper. Tense from his cock being squeezed and throbbing in his pants at her grip, he took the paper. He unfolded it in three places to see it was a coupon for a free night in the Neon Tail Night Club VIP room. Flash's eyes bulged as he saw this and he looked at her. On the corner, she sharpied her personal address with hearts scribbled around it. "There's more where that came from." Ceru winked at him before releasing his cock. "Have a good night." Ceru blew him a kiss and turned toward the exit. He stood there, head spinning in ten different directions, cock erect and a coupon worth around 400 bits in his left hand. The former male exited the store and he began to question whether reality was real or a state of intense drugs and alcohol. What was he doing again? —----------- Ceru still had trouble deciphering between her reflection and Sierra. The mirror was a strange, otherworldly object now and part of her no longer trusted it. Even the television was subject to ambiguity now. Part of her wanted to cover the mirrors, but the other part told her she was being stupid. She got into her nightie and brushed her light blue and pink mane a few more times before setting the brush on the counter. She didn't feel like watching a movie, nor did she feel like going anywhere that night.  She walked into her living room and thought about trying on a new g-string and putting on her comfy leg warmers. She plopped down onto her couch and sighed. She was tired but knew that sleep was probably pretty far off. The knock at the door startled her and she looked toward it with a furrowed brow. No one texted her and no one said they were coming over that she could remember. She got up from her couch and walked toward her front door. "Yes?" She called toward the door. "Hey, I wanted to talk to you." A voice that could only be Regal said through the door. "Oh! God!" Ceru immediately opened the door with a huge sigh of relief. "Regal! What's with the pretenses? You couldn't call first or anything?" "Oh, yeah," Regal scratched the back of his mane. She motioned for him to come in and he did. He basically had to come in sideways with his broad shoulders. He was just tall enough to not have to duck below the doorway. "Sorry, I was just in the neighborhood and I thought I'd stop by." "You've stopped by a million times in a million different ways. What's wrong?" She asked, noting he wasn't his normal, cool and confident self. He looked at the floor a lot and seemed to be avoiding eye contact. "Well, it's just that, I've been thinking a lot these past few days and this change has put a few things in perspective for me. I just wanted to discuss some of the… things it could… do for us." Regal rubbed his hands together and still looked as if he were talking to his elementary school principal.  Ceru tilted her head to look at him in complete perplexion. There was a very long silence in between them. She continued to look at his bashful demeanor, which came completely out of nowhere, and see him shuffling his hooves on the floor. He still could not make eye contact with her with those solid, changeling orbs looking every which way. “Regal, you do understand that I am still Ceru, right?” She stepped up to him and grabbed his head, letting the side of it press against her breasts. This made him physically relax some as she pet his long, blue and blonde mane. He nodded, knowing very well she was still the Ceru he knew and she wrapped her arms around his head and face and leaned toward him. “Is this about that one talk we had?” She asked him quietly. She smiled when he nodded once again.  Out of all of the talks they had when they were just doing their normal friend routines, there was one that truly cemented their friendship. They’d just got done getting a good fuck on and laid in bed for a good two hours talking. The male Ceru was draped over his abs, kissing on them with little mind to it, and they discussed the pegasus’ aching desire to be a mare. “I was wondering if you–” Regal started before Ceru cut in. “Yes.” Ceru said without a single second of hesitation, catching him off guard. She stroked his mane and kissed the little black horn on his head, giving him chills down his spine. "I wasn't lying and I never changed my mind." Her hand reached down and pressed against his crotch, beginning to rub nice and hard. Regal's member was alive within just a few rubs. His gym shorts were suddenly having a hard time containing his growing member. "We can go back into my room, if you want." Ceru suggested, but Regal looked up toward her and met her lips with his. His hands suddenly began exploring her body and rubbing between her legs and both her breasts. She suddenly found it hard to stand as he rose to his hooves. "Right here is fine." He whispered as his tongue invaded her mouth and she immediately surrendered. Her bare pussy oozed over his fingers as he rubbed under her night skirt. His lips went over her mouth, down to her neck, kissing all the way there. Ceru's lust was starting to reach a boiling point and her will to stay clothed was withering straight down. Her nightie did very little to cover her bare body and her bright green cover on her breasts exposed her areolas and nipples completely. Her eyes nearly rolled to the back of her head as she gasped and moaned aloud.  In no time at all, her hands pulled the big brute's hem down to expose his massive, long green cock. He was dripping precum and she helped herself to it. She dropped to her knees, putting the top into the back of her mouth, licking down his shaft to his flared medial ring. The feel of his cock in her mouth made her spread another sheet of juices from her twitching pussy down the inside of her thighs. He got his hand on the back of her head and went deep into her throat. Her muffled moan intensified as he fucked her face good and deep as her teary eyes gazed up at him. His girth was a lot to handle but she had no gag reflex and she could gobble his cock like none other. "So, now I can breed you?" He asked and she confirmed with an eager hum. "Can I fill your womb up?" She hummed with much more intensity as he spoke before he pulled out of her mouth and gave her a breather. She barely was able to manage any movement to her hooves before he picked her up off the floor and swooped her onto the couch in a smooth motion. Ceru was taken by surprise, and she landed with her legs spread eagle.  He wasted zero time. His cock was embedded in her before she even opened her eyes. His girth stretched her pussy to its utmost and her eyes went completely wide as she gazed at the penetration. His cock kissed her cervix and all of her other senses went haywire! "Oh! Fuck!" She squeaked. "So full!" He pummeled her pussy with each hip thrust, pounding her wide opening. She could do nothing but take it and gush all over his dick as he shoved the glans down to prod her womb with each push. She howled in ecstasy with every thrust. His dick was so huge! "You ready to be a mother?" Regal asked between Ceru's cries of passion! "Yes! Breed me! Give me a baby! Two babies! Just never stop fucking me!" As she said this, she pushed her face into his and screamed into his mouth as she came like a bulldozer! The sensation racked her entire body and she began to shake. "Fuck!" At the same time, her vaginal sleeve began to tighten around him, strangling his member as he forced his way through. He could hold on no longer, though. His orgasm filled her up full in three spurts, the rest of his cum ran down from her pussy to her asshole. There was a thin sheet covering the length of his mammoth sized cock as well. She spurted all over his shaft and his balls with a second climax that only added an edge to her trembling. Ceru laid back on the couch cushion and began to sweat all over. She was taken completely off guard with his sudden rutting and couldn't get over how hard she came. The sensation of his seed simmering within her was a beautiful feeling. He pulled out of Ceru to give his cock a rest from her tightness, but he was still very sturdy and rigid. "That's a good way to get me a foal, Mr. Regal." She said as the wings on her back twitched and she felt her body tingle all over. He sat down beside her on the couch, his big wet cock sticking up and looking over at her as she cupped a hand over her drenched sex. She leaned her head over onto his shoulder. "But… what about Swordknight?" She asked and Regal sighed.  This issue had already come up when Ceru revealed herself to be a mare. He'd seen Regal's contemplation and he knew how they were. While there had yet to be a confrontation, it was clear what was happening.  "I guess he'll just have to understand." Regal shook his head and shrugged. It was one of those things that didn't have a real answer and Regal had no clue what to do.  "Yeah, I hope he does." Ceru felt his arm around her, comforting her. After a long moment of contemplation, she looked over to see he was down to a semi erect state. "That won't do." He hummed his puzzlement as she got up, stood on the couch, straddling him. His eyes widened as she began to smear their juice all over his cock and grind against his now hardening shaft. "Don't look so surprised. You're the one who had to fuck me almost crosseyed." She huffed as his throbbing, hardening genitalia put more pressure on her cunt and she gave a soft moan. "I want to make sure I'm good and knocked up!" "Oh! God! What's gotten into you?" He asked and she had a devious grin on her face. "Your sweet, hot cum, you doofus!" She planted a long, hard kiss against his lips and finally lifted her ass up. "Like this!" She sat directly down and let his gigantic dick fill her up. "Let's get some more!" She cried out as he filled her every crevice within her tunnel. He started to heave for breath as she started bouncing on his knob. "Oh God! Your cock is huge!" Regal slowly began to realize, as she bounced those tremendous knockers in front of his face, he had created a monster. —----------------- Regal opened the door to his gym and noticed, as he touched the lights, they were already on. He looked around to see all of the lights were on, so were the TV sets and he could even smell coffee from the breakroom.  Regal's heart sank a little, knowing what was coming next. It was obvious who made the coffee between them. As soon as he opened the breakroom door, there was Swordknight, sitting at one of the two tables. He had a stoic, unamused face as he looked at Regal. "So, I take it, since you got out of bed in the middle of the night, you went to see her?" He asked, as if he actually needed an answer to hear it, more than confirm it. Regal, after some hesitation, nodded. As he did, Swordknight pushed the chair in front of him out with his hoof. As he pushed it away from the table, he brought his coffee mug up to his lips and drank.  "We need to talk…" He set the mug down.