Anon is fond of AJ's mom

by The_Real_Hog18

First published

Anon comes to visit the Apple Farm to help harvest apples for the season, unbeknownst to him, it takes a surprising turn... not for the worst though.

Clopfic with Pear Butter.

Disclaimer: Anon is 18

Warning: Older Woman Kink, Milf, Implied Open Relationship, Large 'Assets', Handjob, Titjob, Blowjob, Buttjob, Footjob, Anal Sex, Vaginal Sex, Breastfeeding, Slight Fingering, Cunninglingus, Slight Cum Inflation, Cum Drenching, MMF Threesome, Will add more if I can

I only came to help

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Allow me to sum up what happened to our dear protagonist. He was living a not-so-special life on Earth… actually, let’s try something different.

The world of Equestria is filled with two smart creatures, humans and… anthropomorphic ponies, mostly the latter. Today we are focusing on one man in particular. This man is Anon, a basic human who’s just trying to get by.

He was currently in Ponyville for the week, residing in a small house he considered a vacation home for the time being. He made some friends that came from there and he figured it was a good time for a vacation anyway. Three of the few people or ponies he became friends with were Applejack, Apple Bloom, and Big Macintosh, AKA the three siblings of the Apple Family.

Speak of the devil, our little human was just finishing a shower, drying off, then getting dressed. Then he got a knock at his front door, gaining his attention. He headed over to the door and opened it, revealing the town’s best country girl.

“Howdy, partner!” Applejack says while tipping her hat.

“Hey, AJ.” Anon says. “I wasn’t expecting to see you.”

“Were ya expectin’ someone else?”

“No, I actually wasn’t expecting anyone at all… or anypony.”

“Well, Ah figure Ah’d just pop in. Ya busy?”

“Not really.”

“Alright, 'cause I could use some help.”

“Sure, what do ya need?”

“Ya ever hear of the Grand Galloping Gala?”

“I’ve heard of it, yes.”

“Well, me an’ mah family are working to harvest as many apples as we can sell there. Jus’ wonderin’ if ya’d like to help out.”

“Me? Don’t you have other friends?”

“Nah, they’re preparing to do their own thangs for this event… well except for Twilight. She’s with her boyfriend on their honeymoon at the moment.”


“So, Ah figured since yer in town, you wouldn’t mind helpin’ out a friend in need.”

Anon stared at her for a moment, thinking it over.

“Well, got nothing better to do.” He says.

“Great. Need time to get ready?”

“Nah, I’m good to go.”

“Ya sure? We’re gonna be at this fer a couple’a days.”

“Eh, I’m sure it’s no trouble. It’s just apple picking, right?”

“Ah mean, can ya kick hard enough to make apples fall?”

“... You got a ladder?”


“Then I’m good to go.”

“Alrigh’, don’ say Ah didn’t warn ya.”

And with that Anon followed the apple farmer through Ponyville on the way to her farm. Along the way though, he couldn’t help but take a glance at her in ‘certain’ areas every so often. Now Anon may be human, but to say he found the anthro ponies attractive would be an understatement, especially Applejack.

With her stetson hat, her long and beautiful blonde hair-like mane and tail with a tie at the end, her orange fur with three yellow freckles on each cheek, and of course her incredibly hot body. Well-rounded breasts covered by her white and green shirt, thick strong thighs used for apple bucking, and also her big round ass that could be seen even through her denim shorts. Only a fool wouldn’t think such was hot.

He quickly shook his head, giving himself a little slap as didn’t want to be caught staring for too long. If she had the power to kick a tree down, he wasn’t looking forward to what she might do to his spine if he wasn’t too careful. That logic could also apply to her big brother and her little sister was bound to follow in her footsteps.

So yeah, he’d be lucky to hit that, but he wasn’t willing to take the risks. Then again, he still wondered if maybe there was a shot since he had a cousin somewhere else who talked about dating a stallion.

Anywho, you were starting to see the farmlands known as the Sweet Apple Acres. While approaching, she took you around the barn and was greeted by rows upon rows of apple trees. Few were bare of the red fruit, most filled with a bunch. And he caught the sight of a tall red-furred, orange-maned, muscular stallion with a young yellow-furred, red-haired filly on his shoulders picking apples from one of them.

Those were her big brother and little sister.

“Hey, Big Mac, Apple Bloom!” AJ called, catching their attention. “How ya doin’ over there!?”

They turned to face her and her big brother smiled while her little sister looked excited. Big Mac let the younger filly down as she ran over to them.

“Mr. Anon!” She says while hugging the human.

“Hey, kiddo.” He says while bending down to return the hug. “Did you get taller?”

“Ah sure did!” She says happily while stepping back.

“Heh, don’t get too big now.” Anon looked up and saw the stallion coming over. “Hey, Big Mac. See you’re still keeping those muscles working.”

“Eyup.” He says while giving you a fist bump. “Good to see you back here.”

“Now what is goin’ on over here?” They all heard and turned and the man’s eyes widened.

Walking up to them was another muscular earth pony stallion that seemed slightly taller than Big Mac with yellow fur, a red mane and tail, and green eyes. He was only wearing cowboy boots and wearing ripped jeans while carrying a crate on one of his shoulders that had two more crates stacked on top, all three filled with apples and he was holding them up like it was nothing. The sight made Anon gulp, especially since he was taller than him.

“What in tarnation.=?” The stallion says in disbelief.

“Hi, papa!” Apple Bloom says happily while waving.

‘P-Papa?’ The man thought to himself in shock.

“Hi, Pa. Remember when Ah told ya Ah was bringing over help?” AJ spoke up.

The stallion took another look at the human and then burst out in hearty laughter before placing the crates.

“Oh, this is him ain’t it?” He says. “Ah’m sorry, partner. Ah didn’t mean to offend ya or nothin’.”

“Uh, it’s fine, Mr…” Anon trailed off.

“Ah, right. The name’s Bright Macintosh. Pleasure to meet ya.”

Then held a hand out. The human seemed less intimidated before taking his hand, and was shocked by how firm his handshake was. It felt like he could rip the man’s arm off if he wanted to.

“Heh, now Ah wasn’t expecting to see ya here of all places. Hey, Buttercup! Come over here!” Bright Mac called out.

“What is it, hon?!” An older female voice responded.

“Ya remember that friend Appjack was tellin’ us about?”

After a second, the sounds of footsteps in the grass could be heard, and out from the trees came something else that caught Anon’s eyes. It was another earth pony mare with bright blonde fur, poofy orange mane and tail, both with a tie at the end, and turquoise eyes. She seemed surprised when seeing the man.

“Oh my…” She says.

She appeared a foot taller than AJ and Anon, wore short jeans and boots similar to the aforementioned mare, and a smaller red plaid shirt that instead of being buttoned was tied, revealing cleavage and a lot of her slim stomach. Other than that, her body seemed to match the country mare in every way, though the much more revealing clothing made it harder not to turn red when looking at her.

“I-Is this…?” She asks in a not-as-strong accent while looking at Bright Mac who nods. “Oh, dear. Ah am so sorry, Ah did not mean to act so rudely.”

“I-It’s fine, really.” Anon tells her with his hands up.

“Ah just, when Ah heard Applejack made a friend with something called a human, Ah wasn’t expecting to see ya come here.”

“It’s fine, again, nothing to worry about.”

“Okay… ma name’s Pear Butter, but ma husband Bright Mac calls me Buttercup.”

“Okay, I see. Um… my name is Anon, it’s nice to meet you.”

So these were the parents of the Apple Siblings. Anon was surprised as he had seen them before, and from the word in Ponyville, he got the impression that they passed. Here though, they appeared young, healthy, and very much alive. In Bright Mac’s case, strong. If he were afraid of Applejack cracking his skull in half, your entire skeleton was likely to suffer worse.

“What in tarnation are y’all doin’ just standin’ ‘round out here?” Another mare came out, this one looking the oldest out of them all, and had a cane to help her walk. “I don’ remember tellin’ y’all you can start slackin’. Get back to it!” She says as she slowly makes it over to the group, then looks at the human. “Oh… uh…” She says trying to remember his name.

“Anon, the name is Anon. Nice to see you again, Granny Smith.” He says.

“Oh, yes. Good to see you, Anon. Ya here for some more apples?”

“Actually, I was coming by to help out with farming apples for the Grand Galloping Gala.”

“Aw, that is so sweet ya, ya little thang.” She says before slowly walking over and moving her hand up to his face to give him a few playful slaps. “Now if that’s out of the way, all ya whippersnappers, get back to it. Chop, chop!” She then says while clapping hard.

“Alright, alright. Hey, how bout’ you help me and ma wife over here?” Bright Mac says to the human.

“Sure thing.”

So, the human and the other apple farmers scattered while you followed the parents. Bright Mac was doing what Applejack does to farm, delivering a hard kick to the trunk that caused the apples to fall. Well, you can see where she got her methods… and possible strength. Pear Butter on the other hand was using a ladder to get them down.

Anon took her example and used a ladder to get the apples down. To say you weren’t jealous of Bright’s pecs and stronger form would be a lie, especially since having to climb up took longer while he was getting them down easily.

At one point while the man was collecting apples from one tree, he spotted Pear Butter bending over to pick up some apples and got a view of her ass from her shorts. Anon’s eyes widened and he almost dropped the apple he was holding while blushing hard. It was big, bubbly, and jiggly.

She stood up and turned as he quickly looked away so that he wouldn’t get caught. Then he mentally scolded himself for looking at AJ’s mother in that way. He was also thankful that her dad didn’t catch him acting up.

He could swear that at one point, she nearly fell from her ladder only for her husband to catch her. The two just laughed it off.

Bright Mac as a whole seemed like a nice guy despite his stature, and Pear Butter was kind and caring. The last thing he wanted was to ruin that.

Later that day, Anon was sitting at the table with the Apple family, having dinner with them. He was sitting between Big Mac and AJ while their parents sat across, her father putting on a short-sleeved white shirt after coming inside. He looked between them and decided to think of something to say.

“You know…” He started, but trailed off, not knowing what to say. “N-Nevermind.”

“What’s up, partner?” AJ asked, confused.

“Nothing just… I thought I had something to say, but nothing came to mind.”

“That happens a lot to me too.” Bright Mac laughed. “Sometimes ya wanna say somethin’ next thing you know… nothin’. Head empty.”

Anon laughed with him. “Uh… still… it’s nice to meet you. I just haven’t seen you around too often… I mean, I haven’t been to Ponyvile lately, but I didn’t see you when I last did.”

“Oh, that was probably when we were on our honeymoon.” Pear Butter spoke up.

“Aha, yeah… awful lot of those they’d been havin’ too.” Applejack says sarcastically.

“Eyup.” Big Mac pipes up.

“What can Ah say, sometimes me and your mother just need our time. Right, Buttercup?” Bright Mac says before pulling his wife against him with one arm.

“Stop it, you!” Pear Butter giggled.

Applejack and Big Mac looked away in embarrassment, Apple Bloom was more focused on her food, and Anon was cringing a bit.

“Alright, alright, cut it out ya two.” Granny Smith says as she just returned. “I don’ wanna see no foolin’ around at the table. Especially in front of Apple Bloom, much less, our guest.”

They quickly straightened up after that, but that didn’t stop them from each other slight glances. That gave the human some more proof that they were inseparable.

Later that night, Anon was set up in the guest bedroom in one of the other barn houses, fast asleep until the call of nature forced him awake. He had to be quick, originally planning to be quiet so that no one could hear, but then realized he was in a guest barn house and there was no one else there, so he quickly rushed downstairs.

As he closed the door, he wasn’t fond of this. He would’ve very much preferred to use the ones in Ponyville, but he couldn’t complain too much. It at least wasn’t as bad as public toilets, and they did have toilet paper and a sink.

After he was done, he stepped out and began to head for the guest house to return to sleep. However, he heard something that turned his head. It sounded like giggling. Curiosity got the better of him and he decided to investigate. He started to walk around the guest house, leaning against the wall, sliding across it as quietly as he could, and then peeked around the corner.

“Oh, Brighty. ~”

He almost jumped from what he was seeing. Pear Butter was against the wall, Bright Mac’s muzzle under her chin, nuzzling against her collar while his hands squeezed her ass while she hugged with one leg around his waist while giggling.

At first, he didn’t think anything of it, but then his eyes widened as he looked down and saw that the stallion’s pants and mare’s shorts were lying on the ground, leaving their lower halves naked. Then he watched as Bright pulled back and stared into her eyes.

“Ya ready for me, Buttercup?” He asked her with a dirty smile.

“Yes, Ah’m ready.” She says, matching his smile with her own.

Then straightened himself up, holding the leg that was around up, and pulled back before bucking his hips into hers, and then continued to repeatedly do so. Seeing this, Anon quickly hid, back against the wall. He slowly started to sneak away and as soon as he figured he was far enough, jogged back inside and into bed to hopefully sleep it off. However, that seemed unlikely.

As he tried to go to sleep, he, unfortunately, couldn’t. The muffled sounds of banging against the barn walls, the wet slapping of what the married couple was doing outside, and the sound of the wife moaning were all too much for him.

He had the pillow on top of his head, and it seemed to work, but even so, he couldn’t sleep. He groaned while throwing off the pillow and flipped to lay on his belly… only to feel something weird as he did so. As he flipped back again to see the problem, he saw it and couldn’t believe it. He had grown a boner.

Did he really get hard from watching them get down and dirty? Apparently so. So that was a problem. Great.

“Rise an’ shine, partner!” Applejack called out as she walked inside the barn house and headed up for the guest bedroom. “Time for another day of apple pickin’-OH MA CELESTIA!” She suddenly shouted as she saw him laying in bed, eyes open and bags under them. “What in tarnation happened to ya?”

“...” He slowly turned to her. “Uh… e-everything is fine… Big Mac!” He says.

“... Uh… I’m Applejack.” She tells him.

He squinted his eyes as he looked at her. “Y-Yeah…” He says with a weak laugh.

She seemed a little skeptical and it was clear that she knew he was lying.

Later that day, Anon was out in the fields helping Apple Bloom pick from the trees with her on his shoulders. His eyes were shuddering a bit as he struggled to keep them open.

“Alright, next.” Apple Bloom says while dropping the last apple into the basket, then rose a brow as he didn’t move. “Hey, Ah said next.” She says while lightly smacking him.

Only to hear a snore in response. She seemed dumbfounded and lightly slapped him some more. Then you became wobbly as she yelled in shock before he started to fall.

“Woah!” Applejack says while catching him as Big Mac caught their little sister. “You sure you’re okay, partner? You don’t seem to be… Well…”

“I…” Anon muttered while looking at her. “Uh…” He quickly slapped himself and pushed himself to his feet. “Yeah, all good…” He says with a slight eye twitch. “Well… maybe I lost some sleep last night.”

“Alright, Ah think that’s enough for a bit. You go get some rest, we’ll call ya back later.”

“Eyup.” Big Mac chimed in.

“Alright, alright… I’ll… see you in a bit.” Anon gave in and began to make his way to the barn.

Applejack watched while slightly shaking her head. As he was walking, his legs started to wobble a bit, then stumble for a second, before tripping, about to fall.

“Woah! Hey!” He hears right before he was caught and held up. “Ya good there, bud?” He turned his head and saw it was Bright Mac who caught him.

“I… ugh.” He responded as best as he could, but couldn’t put words together.

“Did something happen, hon?” Pear Butter asked while coming over.

“I… just… had a bit of a hard time sleeping last night.” The man answered as best as he could.

“What happened?”

“Well… uh…” He rubbed his face a bit. “Heard some… weird noises outside. Think it might be an animal or something?”

After he said that, the couple’s eyes widened and they nervously looked at each other. The man didn’t seem to catch on, still rubbing his face.

“Uh… d-don’t worry about it. Let’s just, get ya to a bed.” Bright says while picking him up and slinging him over his shoulder before going for the guest barn house.

Anon did end up getting up later and helping with the rest of the harvesting. Later that night, he lay awake in bed. His head was mixed up after what happened last night. He didn’t blame AJ’s parents for still being so active in their sex life, but he wasn’t expecting to be seeing them actually do it.

He tried to take his mind off the event, but he couldn’t get the thought of it out of his head. The sounds, the sight, he couldn’t stop thinking about it.

Then there was the other problem it was causing. The boner in his pants. It would struggle, pressing against the fabric of his pants, begging to be free.

Then he thought of something… did he want them to do it again? It didn’t make any sense. Sure seeing two ponies doing it with each other would be eye-catching, but this was his friend’s parents. He couldn’t do that to AJ of all people, much less ruin the image of her parents.

After this, he sat up from the bed, looking at the bulge in his pants. He had to get rid of it. He got up and went to the entrance of the guest barn, looking out into the outhouse. He believed it was his only shot and he was about to head for it, but stopped moments after setting a foot outside.

He saw the aforementioned couple walking to the woods just shy of the farm. He knew why. They were gonna do it again. He ran to the outhouse, ready to relieve himself. Before he did though, he looked back at the woods, wondering if he should. He was about to protest against his thoughts, but… he decided to go around the outhouse and run for the woods where they went.

They're into what?

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“Ah completely forgot that he was up in the barnhouse. Probably should’a checked first.” Bright says as Anon looked around a tree, seeing the two standing next to a hay wagon.

“Good thing we didn’t go up to the bedroom. Ah, feel really bad for the poor boy.” Pear says while rubbing her arm.

“Ah’m sure he won’t be able to hear us from out here.” The stallion says before unbuckling his pants.

“Well, just to be safe-” The mare says while undoing her top. “Let’s try to keep it down for his sake.”

The stallion nodded before dropping his pants, not only revealing his cutie-mark, he was not wearing any underwear, revealing his large horse-shaped cock limply sticking out of its sheath. Seeing this, Anon was shocked and was going to look away until the mare took off her top, letting her bust jiggle free which caught his attention.

As she tossed her top away she walked up to her husband who bent down to her level and they nuzzled their noses with smiles before they wrapped their arms around each other and started kissing. It started passionately, then slowly started to get more heated as their tongues began ravaging each other’s mouths with their tongues.

Seeing it and hearing the moaning did spark something in the human as his face was turning red. Pear moved her hand down to Bright’s shaft and started stroking it, causing it to slowly stick up, making it look even bigger while revealing his sack.

Then he felt his own pants tighten, making him look down at the bulge. It was simply freaking out, begging to be released.

Looking back, the two stopped kissing, saliva strings connecting their lips. Making his decision, he pulled down his pants and his underwear, revealing his member which stuck up hard. It did hurt to see that his shaft was unfortunately not as big as the stallion’s but he shook his head, trying not to focus on that.

Looking back, he watched as Pear went to the back of the wagon, bending over while putting her hands on the cart, causing her bust to sway a bit. Her husband took hold of the waistband of her shorts and began pulling them down, which revealed her cutie-mark and made her ass jiggle, and revealed her surprisingly human-looking pussy and asshole. That sight nearly made the human’s nose bleed.

“Already got yourself ready for me, huh Buttercup?” Bright chuckled.

“Ya know Ah’m always for ya, hon.” Pear tells him.

The stallion moved his hand down to her folds and started rubbing them as his wife hummed in delight. He reached around and started massaging one of her breasts making her moan in delight. The man could swear that he saw her tail wag a bit.

At that point, Anon reached down and started pumping his shaft while watching the two in the middle of foreplay. At that point, the husband then pushed his fingers into his wife’s pussy and started pumping them in and out of her before letting go of her breast and giving her ass a good smack before returning it where it was.

Anon looked away as he continued to jerk off to the sounds. Turning back, Bright had stopped what he was doing and knelt to face his wife’s ass, grabbing two handfuls of her asscheeks, spreading them, revealing both her anus and pussy, both of which also looked less animal-like and more human-like.

It did make the man question the logic of why a stallion had more horse-looking genitalia than a mare, but ultimately pushed that to the back of his head as he watched the stallion start licking Pear’s entrance, increasing her moans. His long equine tongue brushed against her folds before inserting it between them.

Anon could only imagine what it must taste like. He kinda wanted a taste of it, to be in the earth pony’s place, licking the mare’s entrance as her juices covered his tongue. The thought made him start stroking his shaft faster.

He gasped, quickly covering his mouth to keep quiet. He was getting lost in the feeling. His member stiffened as he could feel himself draw closer and closer to his orgasm. Looking back at the couple, europhoria continued to cloud his mind, especially as he saw the mare lift her foot and start rubbing her husband’s still erect shaft.

Anon's legs became wobbly, causing him to stumble a bit, stepping on a twig that made a snap loud enough for all three of them to break out of their trance.

He looked down at the twig he had just stepped on, stepping back while gasping as he fell on his butt, making even more noise. Looking back with wide eyes, he saw the earth pony couple stare back at him in shock, getting a full view of his pants down and his tower standing straight up.

He quickly tried to cover himself, but it was useless as his hands weren’t big enough to hide his dong. He looked left and right before back to the couple, then frantically began trying to pull his pants up.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I didn’t-!” He looked at them, then attempted to get up. “I’m sorry!” As he tried to get up, he slipped and fell face-first into the dirt.

The two ponies looked at each other, then backed at the human. Anon just pulled himself to his feet, ready to take off before feeling the stallion’s hand on his shoulder. He closed his eyes and braced for the worst.

It would’ve been bad enough if he had just been caught looking at the mare while she was naked, but being caught doing that, and seeing them get it on while jacking off to it was a death wish on its own, especially considering the stallion’s frame. So, he was readying himself for his skull to possibly be caved in or worse.

“Calm down there, bud. No need to freak out.” He hears before slowly turning and facing the stallion.

Rather than looking rage-filled, he had a more somber expression. This made the human raise a brow. He was expecting to be beaten to a bloody pulp, but this came as a shock to him.

“Hey, I get that ya are worried bout’ being caught in all this, but there’s nothin’ to worry about.” Bright continued to say.

“It is partially our fault. We forgot that you were staying over at the other barnhouse.” Pear Butter says as she walked up next to her husband.

“Wha… I…” Anon was at a loss for words at what she just said. “Y-you’re… you’re not mad? Not in the slightest?”

“Nah, not at all. You’re young and all, we understand if ya couldn’t help yerself.” Bright explains.

“B-but I was… y-you saw what…” Then a thought came to mind. “D-do you… like being watched while doing that?”

“Eh, kinda. Not by strangers, but some ponies we’d give exceptions.” The stallion says as his wife nodded in agreement.

This took a second to process in the human’s mind from what he just heard. Appjack’s very own parents standing right in front of him, buck naked, were telling him that they basically were into being watched while having sex and so blatantly too. While he was relieved to know that his face wouldn’t be rearranged, he was still caught off guard by learning this info.

“Oh my.” Pear Butter says while looking down.

Anon looked down, then looked embarrassed. He still had his dong out and still sticking up straight right before their eyes. His mind was going through all the things he should say at that moment. Should he keep it out and let them do it and continue jerking off or pull up his pants and leave them to their fun?

“Is that what a human penis looks like?” Bright then asks. “Looks much different from a stallion’s.”

“Uh… w-well…” Anon says before gasping as he suddenly felt something touch him.

“It is quite a unique shape, Ah must say.” Pear Butter says while she was feeling up his member. “Especially this part.” She then says as she rubbed his tip a bit.

“W-wh-what are you doing!?” He sputters out.

“Oh, Ah am so sorry dear. Ah, didn’t mean to get all handsy.” She says while letting go. “Still, Ah must say. You are a rather big one.” She says with a slight giggle.

“U-uh…” Anon says while looking at the stallion.

He seemed to catch on before patting his wife on the shoulder, then they stepped away. They started whispering to each other, making the human wonder just what they were talking about. It didn’t take long before they turned and looked at him.

“Hey, if you want, you could come over here and join us.” Bright Mac then asked.

“WHAT!?” Anon just about screamed, causing some birds to fly off.

“Well, we figured that we did rob ya of your sleep last night. We figured it’s the least we could do to make it up for you.” Pear says nonchalantly.

“W-w-w-wait, hold on. What? I-I thought you only liked being watched doing this.” He says, still in shock.

“Yeah, we do.” Bright says. “Me an’ mah Buttercup are also in an open relationship in a way.”

That was another thing the human had to process. “I-is this a joke?”

“Not at all. Sometimes we like ta have some fun with others. Plus, ya seem like a nice colt… young man, so we wouldn’t mind.”

Now he was lost. First, he learned that they were alright with him just watching them, then they catch him in the act, then they tell him that they’re in an open relationship and would let him join them? Someone who was the same age as their daughter? This was hard to comprehend.

What wasn’t hard to understand was seeing Pear walk over with her breasts shaking a bit. It was hard to look away from such before she stood right in front of him before she leaned down to his ear.

“If you’d like, we could keep this between the three of us. No one else has to know.” She whispered.

That made him gulp and his shaft hardened further. Whether or not this might be right, they did technically give consent plus… a chance to get freaky with a pony milf. That was hard to pass up. Also, his member was aching for more ‘proper’ attention than just his hand.

“O-okay.” He says, his face flushed with red.

“Don’t worry, hon. ~” Pear then says in a seductive tone before putting a hand on his shoulder. “We’ll take good care of you. ~”

Then she took his member back into her hand, making him gasp a bit as she proceeded to give him a handjob. He almost lost his balance as he felt her soft hand slowly work its magic on his member. She helped lean him against the tree for balance, not losing rhythm in her hand movements.

That’s a milf for ya. Already plenty experienced enough to make him nearly fall on the ground. He was taking heavy breaths as his face was heating up and he was redder than a tomato or in this case, an apple.

“Does that feel good?” She asked.

“Y-yeah.” Anon murmured.

“Then you’ll love this part.”

As she says that, she gave him a peck on the cheek before moving down, her hands trailing down his torso before she was on his knees facing his member. Her hand didn’t move away or stop what it was doing as she stared up at him with a lustful gaze. Bringing out her tongue, she gave it a long lick up to the tip which made him shiver.

She kissed the tip, then continued to lick it. Her equine tongue made it feel like he was in absolute heaven. Anon had to hand it to the stallion, he knew how to pick’em. The human almost lost his footing again because of how good it felt, and the couple seemed to have noticed. She stopped what she was doing and stood up, much to his confusion.

“Ah think somepony’s enjoying this a little too much.” She whispered into his ear.

Before he could say anything, she took him by the arm and led him to the wagon, her husband behind ushering him by patting him on the back. Anon didn’t understand until she made him sit on the back of the wagon with his legs hanging off. Before doing anything, she looked back at her husband.

“Brighty. ~” She says before bending over with her hands on the wagon, on the other side of the human. “Ah think you need to finish up what ya started.” She then shook her hips.

“Hehe, say no more.” Bright says before he got on his knees.

He took hold of her ass, spreading her cheeks before he went back to licking her entrance. She moaned as he did so, making her bend down a bit, causing her bust to lay on the human’s thighs. She then smiled before moving up until her face was inches away from the tip of his member before she started to stroke his member once again.

“Are ya feelin’ good, dear?” She asked him.

Anon had a few mixed feelings about this. On one hand, he felt a little awkward to be getting a handjob from Applejack’s mother while her father was eating her out. On the other, it was turning him on immensely to be doing it with a hot mare that he seemed to be forgetting the existence of the stallion a little bit.

“Don’t worry. Just sit back and enjoy. ~” She says in a seductive tone.

She kept stroking his member before she took it up a notch and enveloped her mouth around it entirely, which made him jump a bit and moan. Without a second thought, she started bobbing her head on his member while still moaning into it, the vibrations causing him to lean back. His fingers curled as he gripped the edge of the wagon.

Her warm mouth easily added to the pressure of not cumming, that and the sound of her husband’s licks on her pussy. He could only stare up at the trees and gasp for air while trying to hold himself together. But he was starting to feel his end nearing.

“M-Mrs… Mrs. Butter, I…” Anon muttered out through his pants. “I-I’m gonna…”

She didn’t need him to finish, already knowing what he meant. She bobbed her head faster on his member, causing him to put a hand on his mouth. The sounds of the wagon squeaking went completely unnoticed much less Bright pressing his face into his wife’s folds while still licking.

This continued for another minute before Anon let out a loud moan into his hands as he climaxed, filling the mare’s maw with his cum. His moan slowly became quieter while listening to her swallow his load while her husband continued to eat her out. Just before he thought he was done, she then moaned into his shaft as she climaxed on Bright’s face causing the human to release more.

He was sitting there with his eyes closed for a minute before she pulled off of him, gasping for air. After gaining his breath, he pushed himself up and looked down. His member had softened, much to his relief, and hoped that it was over.

“Aw, soft already? Ah was hoping you still had more in ya.” Pear says, disappointed.

“A-actually, I-I think I should get going anyway.” Anon says while hopping off the wagon.

“Ya already done?” Bright asked with a raised brow.

“Yep, uh, t-thank you, but… I-I’m gonna head back and get some shut-eye.” The human quickly jogged off, picking up his pants.

“Alright, you get a good rest now, hon.” Pear called.

“N-no problem.”

Anon quickly ran back to the guest barnhouse, hoping that this night was finally over for the better. He needed the sleep and while he’d love to stay longer, the last thing he needed was another night of no sleep. Plus he could hear them starting to get at it already.

He was just getting his pants on as he made it to the door of the barnhouse and went inside. Without another thought, he got to the bedroom and went in, going under the covers and laying his head on the pillow. Unlike last night, he didn’t have to worry about hearing any noise outside, much less was he having trouble and was out like a light.

The next day, Anon woke up fully refreshed and was doing better harvesting with the family. He was collecting some apples off the ground that were kicked down by AJ. She was happy to see he seemed to be back and better and he was glad to see it.

He looked at her parents, her father lifting her mother to collect some apples from the trees. They were acting like last night never happened. He was starting to wonder if last night was a dream. It wouldn’t be that far-fetched, him believing that a couple that loving would never be in an open relationship or even think of it.

So, Anon started going back to collecting apples after a bit. As he was, the two passed by him and as they did, Pear gave him a wink. That caused him to freeze in place before slowly turning back to see them walking away. That had to be his imagination, right? That had to be it. He shook his head and went back to work. Though, a part of him was thinking that it might not be over just yet.

Only one night, right?

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“Yeehaw! Look at this load!” Applejack says while dropping a basket next to a group of them, all filled to the brim with apples. “At the rate we’re goin’, we’re gonna have more than enough for the Gala.”

“Eeyup!” Big Mac says before patting Anon on the back, nearly causing him to fly off his feet.

It had been at least two days after… well after our human discovered something about the farmer’s parents that he probably shouldn’t have. For the time, he spent it avoiding talking to the couple, making sure he wasn’t alone with them, and well, focusing more on picking apples and helping out for the family.

The other family members were a bit confused but didn’t think too much about it, which Anon was glad that wasn’t the cause, though was afraid that at least one might catch on. However, some things started happening to him.

For one thing, every time he’d look in Pear Butter’s direction, he couldn’t help but look down at her bust which was begging to be free from their prison, or her ass at other times. Either of which would cause his pants to feel tighter between his legs. He quickly adjusted before anyone… anypony noticed.

It didn’t make things easy and the fact that his friend downstairs would even act up at random times at night. He knew that she and her husband were probably sneaking away in the dead of night to get freaky and struggled to hold himself. He started to wonder if maybe she was doing this on purpose, but he’d even catch himself looking at her daughter’s body occasionally.

Later that evening after dinner, Anon had finished up helping AJ with a few more baskets. The sky had turned orange as the sun was starting to set and the man huffed while placing a basket into the wagon.

“Hey, partner. How bout’ ya let me do the rest and you head in for the night.” The apple bucker tells him.

“Yeah, think I’m gonna take you up on that offer.”

He left her to it, heading for the barn house he was staying in. It may have been early, but the sun was going down so he might as well be an early riser, might be good for him anyway. As he entered, he was pulled to one of the walls, out of sight. Shocked and worried, he looked up and found that Pear Butter was pinning him to the wall.

“Hi, hon. How’ve ya been? ~” She says, her face just mere inches from his as he was still processing what was happening. “Ah saw ya starin’ at me. Need me to help ya with somethin’?”

Anon was at a loss for words, her bust pressing against his chest while he could feel the blood run down to one place in his body. Her breath against his face didn’t help.

“Mah husband’s a bit tuckered out, so, Ah figured maybe you could take care of me for the night. Ya don’t mind do ya?” She asked in a quiet tone. He couldn’t give her any response other than a slight shake of the head. “Good. Now, quit stallin’ and give this ol’ mare some lovin’.”

Without another word, she pressed her lips against his, taking him by surprise. He was shocked, but soon he began to melt into it. She took his hands and placed them under her shirt, on her breasts. He didn’t know what to say, only giving them light squeezes while rubbing them, feeling her furless nipples rub into his palm.

Her tongue slithered into his mouth and overtook his own, marking her territory. She also moved her hands down and under his shirt, feeling up his stomach and chest. This pony milf seemed to know how to hit every mark. It went on for a bit before she pulled back, saliva connected and slipping down their chins.

She licked her lips before looking at him with a seductive gaze. “Not bad, hon. You’re a natural.” She says which makes the human blush before she pulls back, undoing and taking off her shirt, allowing her bust to bounce and jiggle. “Do ya wanna try ‘em?”

Anon swallowed a heavy bit of saliva. “Uh… y-yeah.”

“Then go ahead. Treat ‘em kindly, dear.”

He nervously reached up, hesitating at first before taking them each in hand. Without her shirt in the way, he could now get a proper feel. They were a bit heavy which shouldn’t come as a surprise from how big they were. They were soft, yet firm. His fingers brushed over her nipples, pressing into them, causing them to harden from doing so.

Anon looked back up at Pear who continued smiling at him, nodding for reassurance. He blushed harder before lowering his head until he was face to face with them and started licking one of her nipples. She giggled and started caressing his cheek before pulling him closer, allowing him to take a nipple into his mouth.

He sucked on it like a baby being breastfed who was hoping for milk as she rubbed his head. While he was distracted, she reached down, slipping her hand into his pants and rubbing his semi-erect cock. A tingling feeling was going through the younger human’s body as he could feel himself getting harder.

Pear stopped and pulled her other hand away, moving it down and undoing his pants, moving it back to Anon’s head. She struggled a bit with his pants using one hand, but eventually got them to fall down and for his now fully erect member to spring out.

“Oh, ya poor thing. Have you been havin’ trouble lately?” She asked in a motherly tone.

“I… I just… this is still kinda new to me.” Anon says after pulling away.

“So, this is only your second time doing this with mare?”

“... second time, period.”

“Oh, well, Ah’ll help ya.”

She then gave him a peck on the lips before moving down, leaving a trail of kisses going down his neck, stopping at his shirt before she was kneeling in front of him. He thought she was gonna give him a blowjob like yesterday, but instead, she wrapped her breasts around his shaft which made him jump a bit.

She then started squeezing them together, rubbing them against it which made the human gasp and lightly moan. He looked out in worry of possibly any of the Apple siblings showing up at that time. That worry faded after a bit, replaced with pleasure. After a bit, Pear licked the tip before giggling.

“Seems you’re enjoying yourself here.” She whispered.

“That’s… an understatement.”

“There’s no need ta hide it, hon.”

Pear then opened her maw and took his whole member right into her mouth which made him jump as she started to bob her head on it before he took a deep breath and let it out, easing himself as he started to feel the mare’s warm and wet mouth around his shaft. He just leaned back while breathing slightly more heavily while his face stayed red.

Anon would slowly grow a goofy smile on his face as his mind was starting to get lost in the feeling. All he could think about was how good it felt to get sucked off by this older mare.

After a few minutes, he felt his climax come near.

“M-Mrs. Butter, I’m… I’m about to…” He said before she pulled back at first.

“Don’ be afraid to let it out, hon.” She says before she continued sucking.

A bit longer and he covered his mouth before letting out a loud moan into it as he busted his load right into her mouth. Just like before, she swallowed every last drop, not wasting a single one. He removed his hand and leaned against the wall while exhaling before looking down and seeing Pear pull her head off of his shaft, licking it clean before looking back up at him.

“Still feel good?” She asked as the human slowly nodded. “Good, then let’s get a move on, shall we?”

Before Anon could answer, she stood up and grabbed his shirt, pulling it over his head before dropping it on the floor. She looked intrigued before touching and brushing her hands up his abdomen to his chest, up to his collarbone, massaging his neck. She followed up with sensual kisses that got his member sticking up and ready for another round.

She looked down before licking his neck, then stepped back before turning around and bending over showing off her ass in her shorts. He gulped when he saw it.

“Mind helpin’ with these? ~” She asked.

He nodded before getting on his knees and pulling them down, seeing her cutie mark now out in the open along with her pussy. He eagerly grabbed her asscheeks and started squeezing them, his fingers disappearing into her fur and flesh. She let out light moans as he fondled her flank to his delight. Now seeing it from up close, her ass seemed a bit bigger than her breasts.

Wanting more, he pulled her lower cheeks away, revealing her full vagina and anus to him in their glory. He moved his face between her asscheeks and started licking her vulva, which made her shiver at first but giggled afterward.

“Yeah, that’s it. ~”

The sweetness of her juices on his tongue was amazing to him. He kept fondling the milf’s asscheeks, squishing both against his face while still licking her entrance which made her moan in delight. The young human had started to forget that this was his friend’s mother and lost himself in lust.

After a bit, as much as he wanted to taste more, he wanted to get to the main event. He stopped and stood up before taking his member and aligning it with her entrance. Then he looked up at her surprised face and some realization managed to get into his head about what he was doing. Though just as he was having second thoughts, Pear decided to reach back and take ahold of his member before moving it up to her anus.

“Start there first, hon.”

Without another word, she moved her hips back a bit with a smile. Anon inhaled and exhaled, the shame fading before taking her by the hips and pushing his forward as he inserted his shaft into her tight ass, gritting his teeth as the mare moaned while he slowly pushed further inside.

Once fully in, her ass felt as tight around his member. To him, it felt like it could be ripped off if he tried to pull out and he was lucky her sucking him earlier made for some kind of lube.

“Fuck!” Anon yelled before huffing.

“Great Celestia, you are even bigger than Ah thought.” Pear moaned as she hardly broke a sweat. “Almost as big as Brighty. Ah can only imagine what y’all be like when you’re older.” Anon blushed even harder from what she said about him before she pushed her hips back against the human’s, pushing him against the wall almost knocking the air out of him. “Now give this old mare all you got.”

Taking a second to regain his stance, Anon straightened up before puffing a bit. He looked down, taking in the sight for a moment, seeing her ‘cake’ pressed against his crotch. Gathering up the confidence, he grabbed both of her asscheeks and started bucking his hips into hers, his member sliding in and out of her anus with some restraint.

He breathed through his teeth as the mare lightly moaned. She glanced back, giving him a reassuring smile while turning her hips a bit to make it better for him to thrust. The human turned his head up to the ceiling as he continued to fuck her tail hole, again letting his lustful urges take over.

Part of him was still worried about the idea that maybe her older daughter was still around, or perhaps her son was coming around and would sock him in an instant. The bigger part of him didn’t care and even got off on the thought of the risk, the coldness of the night becoming warm, or perhaps it was just his body doing the work.

After a second, Pear started to slowly take over and buck her hips back into Anon’s. Her moaning became louder as it became harder for the human to keep his voice down. After a few more minutes of thrusting, he slowly started moving faster before he blew his load, spraying it into her ass, causing both of them to stop.

The mare bit her lip as her tail twitched. It went on for under half a minute before the human felt his climax stop, and then they started to separate. The semen made it easier to pull his member out, a bit of the aforementioned semen trickled out.

“Mmm, not bad.” Pear says before looking back and seeing the human leaning against the wall for support. “Oh my gosh, are you okay?”

“Yeah… I…” Anon gulped before inhaling and exhaling. “Yeah.”

“Well, your little friend looks like it wants more.”

He looked back down and saw his member still sticking up while covered in his load. He looked back up at the mare who turned around and put her hands on his shoulders.

“Why don’ ya take a break, hon? Let me take it from here.” She asked.

Anon only nodded before she took him by the hand and pulled him further inside as he took one more glance into the night sky. She laid him on the ground, then knelt until she was above his erect member, placing her hands on his chest.

“Ready?” She asked.

“Y-yes… yes, I’m ready.”


She slowly lowered herself down, her entrance enveloping around the human’s member. It made him groan, not feeling as tight as her tail hole, but definitely still tight. She kept going until she had his shaft fully inside of her and she looked down with a smile.

“Is this yer first time?” She asked, to which he was too embarrassed to answer. “Oh, don’t worry. There’s no shame in admitting it. Just take this as a lesson for when you do this with your future marefriend.”

After taking a moment to adjust, she raised her hips and dropped them back down. Anon laid back as the milf started riding him there while moaning. He didn’t show it, but she knew he was enjoying it as much as she did.

Her juices lathered his member, soaking it along with his crotch. He leaned his head back, the same goofy smile reappearing as before. He loved it, he couldn’t keep it hidden and Pear liked seeing it. She took his hands and pulled them up, placing them on her breasts and he didn’t hesitate to start playing with them while he started moving his hips.

He would continue fondling her boobs and thrusting into her, moving his head up to suck on one of her nipples, throwing all caution out the window. After all, they were far enough away from the other barn house where the rest of her family were. No one and no pony would hear them doing it. He continued to enjoy his spoilers while he still could.

After a while, he started to feel his climax approaching. He pulled back to say something, but Pear quickly pulled him against her other boob before he could utter a word. She gave him a sultry stare that said all he needed to know.

His hips sped up before one last thrust and he came, his shaft letting out his load into her awaiting womb. He let out a muffled sigh of bliss as his mouth was still attached to her breast, still cumming while she held him.

“Oh, that’s good.” Pear moaned before finally letting him go to breathe.

It took a bit longer before he was finally done, by then there was a slight bulge in her belly. Once done, she lifted herself off of him, his seed drizzling out of her entrance once free.

“Ooh, ya have a lot more than Ah thought. You humans are really something else.” She said as Anon had caught his breath before she lifted his face to look at her. “Hey now, are you good enough to keep going? ~” She asked, much to his surprise.

A few hours passed by that night, and the human and the mare spent them still going. They did it doggy style, reverse cowgirl, and one more time in the bed where the human was on top this time, making out with the milf. One more thrust and he filled her one last time before he was out of stamina.

“Ah, oh that is good.” She says after pulling away. “Ya know, maybe we could do this again sometime. Maybe next time when ma husband…” She stopped before looking down and seeing Anon had passed out before smiling and kissing him on the forehead. “Sleep well dear.”

“Alright, here we go.” Applejack says before getting a crate full of apples onto a wagon with others. “Come on, y’all. The Gala ain’t gon’ be much longer.”

“Comin’!” Apple Bloom says while struggling to hold up a big crate.

“Hey, how about I get that for you?” Anon says while picking up the crate for her.

“Thanks, Mr. Anon.”

“C’mon, Bloom. Let’s get you a smaller one.” AJ says while taking her little sister and big brother back to get another.

Anon struggled a bit but managed to keep his balance until a small stump in the road caused him to stumble before falling into the arms of a familiar mare.

“Careful with that, hon. Don’t do too much now.” Pear says before taking the other side of the crate.

“Thanks, Mrs. Butter.” He says back.

She helped him carry the crate to the wagon and lifted it onto the back. Anon huffed for a second before suddenly feeling the mare kiss him on the cheek and nearly jumping. She then gave him a smile before going off to get another one. He blushed as he watched her go by before nearly falling.

“Ha, she’s a beauty ain’t she?” Bright Mac laughed as the human looked at him in a bit of annoyance and before he could go to get another crate the stallion stopped him and pulled him back. “So, how’d it go? Have fun last night?”

Anon froze in place. He knew that he slept with his wife and he wasn’t afraid to say it.

“Ya know, we’re gon’ be havin’ separate rooms due to how many of us er comin’. Maybe ya can stay with us.” He then says before he left for a crate.

The human stared for a moment, then sighed while covering his face. Well, not like he wasn’t gonna enjoy it. A chance to see the Grand Galloping Gala and have a threesome that includes a hot mare milf? He definitely wasn’t gonna pass that up.

Epilogue (Bonus)

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Anon heard a knock coming from his front door and headed downstairs and answered. To his surprise, he found a familiar stallion standing at his doorway.

“Howdy, partner.” Big Mac says happily.

“Big Mac, what brings you here?” Anon asked.

“Jus’ figured you’d like to come and visit the family. Our parents are back.”

“They are?”

“Eyup. Also, Apple Bloom wanted to see ya too. Maybe ya can help gather zap apples this time.”

“Zap apples… that sounds interesting. I’ll be down in a bit.”

It’s been a few months since he last saw the parents of the Apple family and he had been wondering what they’ve been up to. However, he was a little concerned as to how they’d react to seeing him again and what they might pull him into considering last time. He brushed those thoughts off, not wanting to think about the two like that.

Although, he has held off on anything sexual for a while and kinda was still hoping he could get some kind of relief. Again though, he brushed those thoughts off the best they could for the time being as he followed the eldest of the Apple siblings to Sweet Apple Acres.

“Mr. Anon!” Apple Bloom says while running up to the human.

“Hey, kiddo.” Anon says while kneeling to hug her. “See you’re getting bigger.”

“Howdy! Been a while since Ah’ve seen you.” Bright Mac says as he comes up and pats the human on the back, still almost knocking him over. “Haha, still holdin’ up there.”

“Yeah, it’s good to see you too, Mr. Bright Mac.” Anon says while standing up.

“Please, ya can drop the formalities. We’re long past that.”

“I just think it might sound weird to call you otherwise.”

“You should go see Buttercup. She and Applejack could use some help.” The stallion says while pointing his thumb back, revealing his daughter taking a crate of zap apples out of his wife’s arms.

Anon first smiled upon seeing them, but then stopped when he took another look. As Applejack was walking away, he saw that Pear Butter looked almost no different from when he first saw her, that aside from one difference. The difference was her belly which bulged out and her navel popped.

“Oh, brother.” He says with eyes wide.

“Isn’t it amazing! Ah’m gonna be a big sister!” Apple Bloom says while happily bouncing.

“Yeah, our family’s gettin’ bigger alright. Can’t wait to see if it’ll be a colt or filly.” Bright Mac also says, happily.

Pear Butter then spotted the human and waved happily while cradling her belly. Anon gulped to himself upon seeing it. But it couldn’t be, right? It had to be from her husband surely. Well, that remained to be seen.