Celestia's Story

by Iplemons

First published

The story of how the current Celestia rose to power over a few thousand years ago.

tl;dr how the current celestia rose to power , found the elements of harmony and defeated discord.

(This takes place over a thousand years back from current mlp canon)
The current Celestia is dying as does happen every couple thousand years. Equestria is in a state of civil unrest and war in eminent, thus Celestia knows she must pass on her title and begins a program for gifted Alicorns to help decide.

Dawn Everlight is an Alicorn who was just accepted into Celestia's program which is designated to chose the new ruler of Equestria as well as her two best friends Luna and Princess Mi Amoure Melody. Dawn isn't the most studious but she has great power and diplomatic skill which makes her desirable in the empire's current state.

She meets a colt named Vanishing Act who she falls deeply for. They plan to spend their lives together until Dawn is chosen to be the next Celestia and must choose between love and duty.

In an effort to stay with her forever and let her be Celestia, Vanishing dabbles in chaos magic attempting to tame its forbidden powers in order to become immortal. After a failed spell, he is transformed into a Draconequus which has not changed Dawn's love. He promises her he will stop however the addiction is too strong and the withdrawl drives him mad. He is banished by Celestia out the premonition of war. Separated from Dawn, and left imprisoned in his thoughts he becomes a monster and sieges war over Equestria with his army of disorder.

Now Dawn must rise up to fight the monster that has plagued her true love as well as save the kingdom which is destined to be hers.


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This story takes place well the foundation of Equestria by the three great pony nations. That is distant history by now. Through magic and harmony a new race was born, the Alicorns. Their duty was to keep harmony and bring balance to the three races. In these olden, almost forgotten, times there were many Alicorns. But the most famous and revered is Celestia, who is the pure essence of Harmony.

However, the famed Elements of Harmony have not yet been discovered. Equestria is in a state of civil unrest although the three races are peaceful. Wars with other nations have proven costly, driving ponies to divide into clans (whose homesteads later become famous cities). All hope is guided towards the princess as she is said to be their savior. But some ponies have since strayed from her guidance in these times of uncertainty, and with good reason. She is dying.

Every few thousand years, the reigning head of Equestria begins to diminish in power. Centuries of the empire’s burdens on her shoulders begin to take a toll on the immortal being. Now, this did not take effect on the celestial deity that lives within her, but on the physical body that hosts the spirit that has been protected with magic of the utmost power. The ever youthful, and shimmering, princess was now being chipped away at like a stone to a sculptor. She knows that a pony body, even with the best magic available, can only withstand so much time. Thus eventually, renewal is in order. Like the phoenix who dies and rises from the ashes, so too must the princess. However, since the body she is in was once a mortal pony, another host of great mind and spirit must come forth to become the one we know as Celestia.

And thus she was destined for greatness.

She was one of the many students of Celestia. She had studied dutifully under Starswirl the Bearded for many years before having the honor of studying under Celestia herself. They called her Dawn. She was one of the Alicorns, a race that is almost extinct in modern equestrian times. But here, there were as many alicorns as any other race of pony.

Dawn had a luminous white coat as pure as her heart, with a long, wavy pink mane. And like most Alicorns, she had not yet received her cutie mark, even though she was almost full grown. Alicorns attributed their late cutie marks to their having special talents in every field where most ponies only had it in one. With the extra work loads they had to bare, there was little time for one’s “purpose”. She was no exception.

Dawn had finally been accepted by Celestia herself as a student of magic after years of hard work. She was not a student with the best grades among her peers nor was she the most ambitious (not saying that she was apathetic to her work, not in the least) but she had a diplomatic sense to her that made her wise and able to fully solve complex issues. Celestia admired these traits in her, and only saw her lack of perfect scores as potential to put her knowledge to more practical use.

Celestia had called a meeting between all professors for her choices of her personal students as well as positions for those who has not made the cut. There were many sore flanks over the choice of Dawn as opposed to anypony else.

“Are you certain you’d not rather take Bella Enchated, my princess?” asked the struck professor unicorn known as Midnight Mist.

“Belle is a fine student, with her knowledge of neolithic magical history she would be better placed as a curator of Canterlot’s museum.” Celestia replied with a warm smile. Midnight Mist smiled back politely but her heart still sank.

“But what of MY student? The knight? Sir Valiant?” inquired Silver Steel, who was in charge of educating the royal guard.

“I intend him to be a fine general. Did you not see my letter I sent to you?” Celestia said, tilting her head slightly forward.

The professor sheepishly tucked his ears back before digging through his saddle bag to read the note that he had ignored earlier before silently folding it back up and staying perfectly quiet.

“Princess...” began a middle aged male unicorn with a long beard “… not that I object to your judgment, but I must enquire as to why you think Dawn over these other perfect candidates? I can easily see why you accepted her friend Luna, and this colt Vanishing Act, and her lady Mi Amore Melody as well as…..” He began to trail on as he often did when deeply invested in a topic.

“I would think you more confident in your own student’s abilities, Starswirl.” Celestia said in a joking laugh.

The stallion was taken aback by her highnesses comments and stammered “Well of course I believe in her fully…but I just was wondering-“

Celestia shook her gilded hoof in the air, “No need, I was just poking fun at you! But to answer your question, and from the look on everypony’s face, ALL of your questions, I see great potential in each and every student I pick. They need not be the strongest like Sir Valiant, or the smartest like Bella Enchanted, but they must be able to show the flexibility to grow and change harmoniously with our world.”

Everypony sat quietly, although in disagreement, they pondered her response out of respect for the princess’s words and her eternal knowledge.

“Now, if you excuse me, we all have students to attend to,” she said with a smile, nodding her head gracefully to the erudite equines, who, in return, bowed graciously to their wise princess.
Dawn walked the halls of Canterlot castle as was her custom when she was deep in thought. Despite the castle’s wandering, and oftentimes indiscernible passageways, she was never lost and often felt at ease among the tapestries and stain-glass windows. Yet this time was different; the calmness she sought was not there. The ponies that adorned the tapestries and windows, who were so familiar to her that they were almost friends, now seemed to watch her with scrutiny. The living were much worse. The eyes of other students bore into her like diamond dogs in a mine. Whispers of jealousy floated through the air, sometimes with a purposeful lack of subtlety. Dawn worked her ways through this unpleasant crowd until she found sanctuary at the large double doors that housed items vital to Celestia. This door was sealed with the strongest of magical spells and could only be opened by Celestia herself.

Waiting there, much to her relief, was her best friend Luna. She was a gentle shade of blue and smaller than dawn although she was equal in talent. Ponies joked that they were meant to be sisters due to the matching nature of their names and their close companionship. With Luna were some of the other students, though she only recognized one, her cousin, the lady Mi Amore Melody, a pink pony with a vibrantly colored mane who had somehow by a strange flaw of nature already earned her cutie mark for “unity”.

“I was ecstatic about the news!” said Melody as she ran to greet her, with Luna trailing at her side.

“I was really shocked...umfh!” said Luna as she was promptly given a stern, yet gentle, kick by Melody.

Dawn gave a nervous chuckle, knowing her best friend had some merit to what she was saying.

“I did not expect it, but am pleased...I hope to prove myself worthy to the princess.” Dawn stated in her usual diplomatic way.

“Well said!” Melody beamed at her cousin, “Have you met any other ponies who are to be the princess’s student’s yet?”

“No, you and Luna are the only familiar faces I see here,” she said shaking her head.

She looked around the castle watching ponies stare at her and her companions.

“I thought there were going to be more…” she began out loud before an older unicorn opened the door to greet them.

“Princess?!?!” said Luna in a shock looking at the bearded colt.

“No! That’s Starswirl the Bearded,” said Dawn rolling her eyes, laughing.

“I thought only Celestia could open that door....” began Luna

“No the door was really just open all along, we didn’t want nosy ponies coming to this wing!” said Starswirl. “It only requires a simple spell that you learn in magic kindergarten.”

The ponies stood a bit dumbstruck.

He chuckled and began stroking his beard with his hoof as he was prone to do. “Please! Do follow…” he said using his magic to open the door wider allowing them inside. “..and do stay close as you’re not familiar with this part of the castle and I don’t want any pony getting eaten by dragons.”

There was a pause.

“Oh come on! You’re not fillies anymore. You shouldn’t still fall for that one!” Starswirl said laughing in his hearty way. “That’s twice today...”

The girls still looked unsure. Starswirl gave a cheeky smile that did little to assuage their concerns.

“Anyhow come with me!” He said abruptly turning and trotting in the opposite direction.
The girls followed suit as the large doors slowly closed shut with a solid thud behind them.

There was a study area behind that door with vaulted ceilings stretching high above the ponies and stained glass windows depicting important Equestrian history such as the foundation of Equestria and the birth of the first Celestia. The curtains were a quaint romantic purple and the floor made from a flawless white marble.

They continued down the hallway into a large courtyard where they could hear exotic birds singing to their mates. As the four walked along a covered walkway, the girls craned their necks to view the lush flora landscape that was manicured by magic into a quaint yet grandiose garden. There were a few ponds that had paths across them via stepping stones.

It was quite a vast area, as beautiful as the other parts of the castle, yet different since it was so tranquil. To think they were only scratching the surface of their new living space! There were few ponies to be spotted that were reading or walking in the garden.

“Now, as you are Celestia’s finest you and the others are left with this entire part of the castle entirely to yourselves. No more cramped quarters or community stalls! These other ponies are researchers at this university or are aspiring professors, or, as in my case, actually are professors!” He rambled on laughing to himself.

Dawn and the others followed with their necks stretching every direction in awe of this entire portion of the castle that was to be shared with maybe a few hoof full of ponies as opposed to thousands of aspiring Alicorns.

They left the large courtyard into a large hall with polished granite floors and many ornate doors. On the wall Canterlot banners hung, as did large tapestries and portraits of famous pony folk, some of which were peeling or nearly faded with age. Dawn herself instantly recognized Sir Gawmane and Princess Platinum from the two nearest portraits. The room was illuminated by large windows that let princess’s sunlight beam in, however large golden chandeliers hung from the ceiling, ready for use at night. Long tables of a deep, rich brown, almost black, were lined up into columns. Their furnish was spotless; one could have used them as a mirror if need be. One odd aspect of the tables were just how many of them there were.

“Professor,” inquired Luna sharply, “why are there so many tables in here if this wing of the castle is only for select ponies?”

Starswirl turned back towards the alicorns and gestured to the room. “Good observation, Luna. You see, we are in the heart of Canterlot Castle. This room was built to hold as many citizens of Canterlot as possible in the event of an attack. Fortunately we have never needed it for it’s original purpose, so we make use of it as we can.”

The grandeur of the room finally allowed the reality of the moment to catch up to the three, as the were left practically breathless.

“Now in case you haven’t figured it out by now, this is the dining hall. This here is a broom closet, that door to the right leads to our alchemy labs, and these large ones to the Canterlot library,” said Starswirl, pointing his hoof at each door as he called it out. “This is where all the juicy magic books are, oh do I have a story for you girls about that….”

“This is going to be so much fun!” Luna claimed joyfully.

“Think of all the new material,” followed Melody.

“The new books,” Luna said with a grin.

“The juicy Canterlot Secrets!” Melody chuckled.

“Our own private rooms!” Luna said gleefully.

“The hot stallions...” Melody sighed as the troop was stopped by a dashing grey colt. Melody blushed and giggled to Luna as they elbowed one another.

“….which concludes why I wrote about time traveling even though it’s only temporary….” Starswirl continued, oblivious that his followers had found something much more interesting than one hundred year old spells.

Dawn gave him a firm nudge.

“What? Oh….OH! Hello there, Vanishing Act! Yes yes these are the last three, you must be here to take them the rest of the way, hrm?” he said chuckling.

“Yes,” he said, turning his gaze to the three ponies, two which could barely hold back their enthusiastic smiles that this dashing young colt was going to be their escort.

They were facing a silvery stallion with a jet black mane. He had large powerful looking wings with crisp feathers and polished black hooves. As he stood before them you could see he had lots of lean muscle on him. His horn was almost metallic in color and strangely a light blue. He had a small tuft of hair from his chin and golden eyes.

“Splendid! Splendid! Well then goodbye girls! I’ll finish my story later alright?” said Starswirl as he trotted in a spry manner in the other direction. The bells on the end of his robe jingling in a spry manner.

“Hello there, I’m Dawn.” Dawn greeted politely, Luna still too jittery to do anything but smile. “This is my friend Luna. And this is…”

Melody gained composure walking in front of Dawn tossing her turquoise and peachy mane behind her in a sensual manner. She stepped with her usual royal grace and curtsied.

“I am Princess Mi Amore Melody. It is a pleasure.”

The grey alicorn smiled and nodded his head in a half bow as he scanned the girls. “A pleasure! Well I’m….” He turned his gaze towards Dawn and stopped.

Dawn felt her cheeks become hot.

“You’re what?” Said Melody semi disappointed who could tell she was not the center of his attention.

“I’m….Vanishing Act” he said before clearing his throat not taking his eyes off of her. “Well now I need to take you ladies through the rest of the tour don’t I?” He said clearing his throat and turning to walk only slightly in front of them.

Luna looked at Dawn giving her the biggest, stupidest looking smile possible. Dawn shot her back a stern look before following him. Melody and Luna then exchanged sinister looking smiles before returning their attention to the new colt who seemed to take a particular interest in Dawn.

“So are you also in this program, Vanishing Act?” Melody began in her forthright way.

Before he could speak Melody interrupted.

“Dawn is very close with the princess.” She said nudging her friend up next to him.

“A pleasure! a pleasure! I’m sure we'll be friends!” He said with a smile and a laugh.

Dawn’s white cheeks now were white hot. It wasn’t like her to be speechless. Melody and Luna exchanged menacing glances knowing that they now had a job to do, Vanishing Act not yet noticing anything but his own heartbeat.

“So why do they call you Vanishing Act?” Asked the princess

“Because....” he began. He then disappeared.They looked around in confusion. They heard a voice from behind them and almost jumped out of their fur.

“I am the absolute best at teleportation spells. I even invented a few myself!” He chuckled as the girls abruptly turned to see him again making noises of admiration.

They continued the tour down the hall as they were directed to quiet study areas and shown Celestia’s private wing of the castle, which was guarded by a white army of Alicorns who stood statue-esque only to nod to Vanishing and the girls as they passed.

Melody and Luna caught wind of Vanishing and Dawn sneaking looks at one another. She also could have sworn she saw him looking at her flank. Luna nodded to her and Melody cleared her throat in a royal manner.

“Oh well will you look at that? Tis our lunch hour and we haven’t even seen our rooms yet or the princess! And I’m growing ever so hungry!” Melody feigned a dramatic gesticulation

“Ah! I am sorry my princess, please, the dining hall will be ready for lunch soon. The kitchen is behind those large doors and they will be serving us in a few. Please allow me to show you your rooms.” Vanishing Act said hastily

“Where are they?” Melody said with a hint of feigned impatience in her voice tapping her pink hoof against the marble.

“Up the stairs down the hall to your left, they’re labeled and...”

“Very well then, Luna and I shall go. She’s been having a mare issues. Time of the season and all you know!” Melody said with a smile as she caught Luna giving her a look of great distaste look before being pushed along to walk with Melody. In the distance, Dawn could hear Luna and Melody arguing in a loud whisper.


“Because I’m a lady and a lady never says such things about herself!”

They soon vanished up the marble stairs

Vanishing Act was left standing with Dawn who had her ears flattened at such a move. She knew what they were up to. They were her mare friends and they had always insisted on her pursuing stallions.

“.....Don’t mind them.” said Dawn regaining her voice

Vanishing wasn’t convinced as he gave her a raised eyebrow.

“I..... hear there’s a hedge maze around here...could you show me?” Dawn said with a smile

“Of course! It is marvelously spinny. Like a rollercoaster for walking!” said Vanishing Act laughing while wiggling his flank.

His laugh was mighty infectious. Dawn eased up. Perhaps they would be friends.