> Scaley Dreams > by Alphamon_Ouryuken > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Planting the Seeds of Lust > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Princess Luna, I wish I didn't have to distract you from your Canterlot duties. However, a local filly has been plagued with what appeared to be recurring nightmares as of late. At first, we thought these nightmares would cease after some time. However, it has gotten to the point where she is suffering from sleep deprivation. As such, I would like to humbly request assistance in the form of your dream-walking abilities to find the source of the problem. The filly in question is Apple Bloom: the younger sister of one of my best friends. -Sincerely, Twilight Sparkle. Princess Luna read through the letter a few more times with a furrowed brow as she carefully raised the Moon, the celestial object joining the stars in the night sky to signify that the day had passed. Then, with a sigh of irritation, she made her way down the castle halls, giving some of the guards that passed her a simple nod of acknowledgment before returning her attention to the letter. While assisting those who suffered from horrific nightmares was her sworn duty, one she carried out with pride, it still struck a chord with her whenever the youth were explicitly targeted by these dreams. "Whatever is causing this nightmare… it surely will try to fight to justify its existence. To keep itself alive by feeding off of her fear." Luna mused to herself, and she entered her bed chambers. "And for it to go after a sibling of an element bearer... it must be attended to at once." With her mind set, she rolled up the parchment and set it aside. Then, taking a deep breath, Moon Princess' horn began to glow as she summoned what magic she could… and soon cast her dream walking spell. As she entered the realm of dreams, Princess Luna was greeted by the site of what appeared to be a swirling nebula of various colors, each tiny orb of light within it representing someone, somewhere, dreaming. Spreading her wings, Luna quickly flew deeper into the nebula, passing by various dreams. Many were of family and friends, some focused on aspirations or riches beyond their wildest imagination, some were simple childlike fantasies, and others focused on…more private aspects of their lives that Luna dared not to delve into. Ignoring the tinge of red on her cheeks, the Alicorn focused on the task at hand, and she turned her attention to a cluster of orbs that seemed more connected than others. Quickly recognizing some of them as residents of Ponyville, she quickly flew towards it. She carefully and gently floated between each orb, trying her best to not disturb them in their slumber. She soon got closer to the Apple Family group and landed near them. It was relatively easy to find Apple Bloom's orb… and yet something was off… a misty green magic surrounded it… almost slithering around it like a Serpent. "So this is the cause… worry not, child, I shall see to this matter personally." The Alicorn declared before engulfing herself in a bright sun glow before diving into the orb and entering Apple Bloom's dream… The moment Luna entered, she found herself in what looked like Sweet Apple Acres… however there were several major differences in the landscape. Ponyville was much farther away and smaller. The apple trees were a lot taller to the point where the orchard almost resembled a jungle, with some of the trees even reaching into the clouds themselves, and the farm itself had seemingly been replaced by some sort of… ancient temple? "How peculiar… why change the landscape this drastically…?" Luna mused out loud as she took a good look around the orchard… and then heard a scream. "Apple Bloom!" Luna shouted as she raced towards the sound, hoping against Harmony she wasn't too late. She flew towards the temple and darted up the stairs. But once she was near the top, she saw something… rather bizarre. "What… in the name of Faust…?" Luna whispered as she took in the sight before her. At the center of the room was a massive deep green serpent. It had a hood with diamond markings on the back, long, razor-sharp fangs that glistened with venom, and a rattle at the end of its tail. The snake let out a menacing hiss as it loomed over a quivering young mare. As Luna turned her attention to the mare in question, she soon found herself staring at Apple Bloom, albeit an older version of her. She was actually as tall as the Princess herself, her mane and tail had grown much longer, and to Luna's surprise… she even had a horn and wings. "P-Please… s-s-stay back!!" Apple Bloom pleaded, her large wings wrapped around her body as she quivered in fear. "STAY BACK, FOUL BEAST!" Luna roared with the fury of a goddess, her horn quickly charging up with energy as she blasted the serpent right in its left eye. The creature shrieked in pain, showing that it could at least be hurt in some capacity. "Young Apple, join me! You need not face this horror alone!" "B-but it's too strong!" Bloom yelped as she backed away more, tremendous tears threatening to erupt from her eyes. "It's always been too strong! That's why it always drags me here, that's why it always… why it always eats me!" Hearing this, Luna glared at the beast. It had convinced a young filly she was too weak to do anything… for that alone, it would suffer a thousand deaths! Letting out a menacing hiss, the massive serpent lunged at the Princess with the express intent of impaling her with its fangs, only for Luna to quickly flare her wings, summoning a spherical shield around herself and Apple Bloom. The snake slammed into it hard enough to make a noticeable crack across the shield's surface but was left disoriented by the sudden impact. "There it is." Luna sneered, noticing a weakness in the snake she'd missed. Taking advantage of the momentary distraction, she lowered her shield and fired a magical bolt at the beast, hitting it dead center of the jeweled spot of its neck! The serpent was momentarily stunned and glared at the Princess, but before it could attempt to lunge at them again, several cracks started to spread from the very spot sheet hit and immediately began spreading across its body. The snake arrived in agony for a few seconds before letting out a screech of anguish before it shattered into pieces, with its remains evaporating into smoke. "Is... is it dead?" Apple Bloom whispered from behind the Alicorn, nervously peeking out from behind her wings. "I think… I think so… but I do not think it is the source of this nightmare." Luna huffed… right before she felt a sudden wave of exhaustion hit her, much to her confusion. 'What… the few moments I'd spent fighting it shouldn't have exhausted me this much… so why do I feel so tired?' She thought as she staggered her hooves. Behind Luna, Apple Bloom smirked as her horn was surrounded by a lime-green aura, slowly manipulating aspects of the dream realm to her advantage. Getting Luna's attention and luring her into her dream had been the easiest part, but now it was time to make sure the Princess couldn't leave until she was done with her. "Oh, thank yah! Thank yah sooo much, Princess Luna!" The farm pony cheered, rushing up to the Princess and wrapping her hooves around her. "It was all so terrifying! Every time Ah woke up in this forest, that horrible snake would hunt me down!" She whimpered, nuzzling up against the Princess as she hugged her tightly. As the mare nuzzled against her, Luna couldn't help but feel a sudden rush of emotions she couldn't immediately understand and had no idea how to react. She felt… excited? The Princess honestly didn't understand this strange new feeling but quickly brushed it aside to tend to the foal before her. "You need not worry, little one," She began as she pulled away and gently stroked Apple Bloom's mane. "I don't know who or what exactly sent that creature after you, but I shall not rest until the culprit is brought to justice." The Princess smiled, doing her best to ignore her sudden sense of fatigue… while remaining completely unaware of the trap she had just fallen into. "Ah don't think Ah can thank yah enough, Princess…." Apple Bloom replied as she glided towards Luna with a strange glint in her eyes that the Princess failed to pick up on, the mare ensuring that they were looking directly into each other's eyes. "In fact, ah think ya've helped me plenty… by being here for me~" The mare continued, her voice taking on a more seductive tone as she leaned in close, not stopping until she was mere inches away from Luna's face. "So now, let me show yah mah utmost gratitude~" She cooed as her pupils shrank into tiny pin-pricks before blossoming into a shining display of colors, endless rings flowing through her eyes in a captivating, enticing show. Luna's eyes widened as Apple Bloom's spell slowly took hold of her mind, the Alicorn's gaze being drawn in by the hypnotic colors and her expression softening as all the tension was rapidly drained from her mind, quickly replaced by an odd yet calming wave of relaxation spreading through her body. "Ah… Apple Bloom…? W-What are you… d-d-doing?" She stammered as she tried to pull back, or at the very least turn her head away from the tempting spirals. But to her utmost confusion, her body refused to obey, with her eyes now practically glued to Apple Bloom's as she unconsciously leaned in closer, trying to get as close to the colors as possible. "Shhh, relax, Luna… just embrace the blissful colors and relax~" Apple Bloom softly replied, the spirals pulsating a bit faster as she unleashed a stronger dose of the blooming colors. This, combined with magic surrounding their very dream realm, made the spell's effects on the Alicorn even stronger than in the waking world. "Just relax… and listen to my voice, don't try to resist~" "Ahh… Apple… Bluh… Bloom…? But I… I…" The Princess stammered, trying her hardest to pull away, keep her thoughts straight, and resist the mare's hypnotic gaze… but the effect was so… overwhelming, any possible dangers the Princess had been wary of were quickly forgotten as she fell deeper and deeper under Apple Bloom's power, unable to even think straight as she gazed into the mare's eyes. "I-I… n-nooo… ye-yes… r-relax… "She mumbled as she felt more of Apple Bloom's influence seeping into her mind, her fear being replaced with relaxation and lust as the blooming colors amplified her desires, her worried expression shifting to a dreamy smile as the spell enticed and seduced her mind to the point where the Princess subconsciously wondered why she had bothered to struggle against these lovely feelings. After all, there was no way something that felt so blissfully good could be a bad thing… right? Apple Bloom couldn't help but chuckle in amusement as she watched the Princess of the Night slowly succumb to the Lamia's spell, the entire temple losing its light as the torches flickered out, leaving them alone in a dark room. While Apple Bloom wanted nothing more than to fully hypnotize her right now, Luna's status as an Alicorn made such an attempt extremely risky, especially in the dream domain. Unlike Twilight, who had not only been worn down mentally but also infected with her venom, Luna ran the risk of breaking free of her spell the moment she woke up or raising suspicion if Celestia caught on. 'No, if Ah'm gonna do this, Ah gotta be more subtle….' She thought, pouring a little more magic into the very dreamscape around her in an attempt to wear her down even further, hoping it would be enough to properly bring down Luna's mental defenses… Luna continued gazing into Apple Bloom's eyes in lustful curiosity as her mind was assaulted by various conflicting emotions, the hypnotic colors rapidly speeding up with every passing second, consuming her mind and signifying the Princess' quickly declining free will. "I-I'm… I need…" She mumbled, a small part of her mind still fighting to hold on to what little free will she had left as best as she could... "Shhhh..." Apple Bloom cooed as she gently caressed Luna's cheek, leaning in closer as her long forked tongue slipped out and pressed against the Alicorn's lips. "There's no need tah resist, just relax and open yer mind tah me~" The Princess flinched as she felt the mate caressing her cheek before letting out a content and relaxed sigh, her delirium leaving her unable to fully comprehend what was happening. The moment she felt something slippery lapping against her lips, she unconsciously, yet submissively, opened her mouth and allowed it to enter. "Mmmmm…" Luna moaned as she relaxed into the kiss, unaware that her pupils had shrunk down just as Apple Bloom's had, now blooming with the very same colors that proceeded to dominate her mind. 'Yesss… good girl...' Apple Bloom thought as she felt the Princess starting to relax, the spirals pulsating slowly while increasing the Lamia's power over her mind. Deciding that now was the time to make her move, Apple Bloom wrapped her hooves around Luna's back, deepening the kiss as she slowly transformed into her natural form. Her hind legs began to fuse and elongate into one long serpent tail with pale yellow scales, an underbelly with a slightly lighter hue, and red patterns along the back. The tail continued growing longer and longer, stretching about five feet behind her as she unwinded her tongue from around the Alicorn's and broke the kiss, her eyes still spiraling and her fangs becoming visible as she pulled back. "That's it, Luna. This feels great, doesn't it? To just relax and follow my words, to be guided by my voice?" She cooed more encouragingly as the tip of her tail moved towards Luna. "N-N-No… n-yesss…" The Moon Princess mumbled as she instinctively leaned forward, not wanting to lose sight of the beautiful colors. They made her feel so happy… so relaxed… so… excited… so- 'S-Stop… this is… not righ-ooohh~' For a split second, there was a small voice in the back of her head, but it was quickly drowned out as the Lamia's tail slithered up between her hind legs and lodged itself between her softened, tender cheeks. The smooth, scaly texture sent chills up her spine as it slid over her sensitive marehood and anus before continuing upwards. This caused all the coils that would pass through there later to slide gloriously over her now defenseless folds while banishing any feelings of discomfort and uncertainty from her mind while replacing them with soothing warmth. The Alicorn's lips curved up into a slight grin as the Lamia's tail continued its journey by maneuvering past her tail and wrapping around her body. "Uhhhh yeeeesss…" The Alicorn trembled, shivering in orgasmic bliss. The pulsating colors in Luna's eyes dulled her mind to the danger she was in as the Lamia's warm, smooth coils slithered across her marehood and wrapped around her hips at least twice, ensnaring more of her body in its warm embrace. Next, the Lamia's tail slithered around Luna's wings, making several loops and pinning them to her sides. As they slid and rubbed up against her exposed pussy and ass, the coils got thicker, and it wasn't long before her entire body began melting into the Lamia's embrace, lovingly gazing up at Apple Bloom while unconsciously following her movements as the Lamia swayed back and forth. "Uuuhhhnn… s-s-so… mmm…" Pleased that the Alicorn was giving in, Apple Bloom wrapped her tail around her back, giving Luna's shoulders a gentle massage and giggling at the sight of the Princess' adorably happy expression. "So cute. This is probably the most relaxed yah've felt in a while, ain't it?" She hissed as she continued swaying her head side to side, forcing her prey to follow every movement and tire herself out as more of her body fell victim to the Lamia's seductive touch. "But now yah don't have tah feel so stressed anymore." "Mmmph… yeesss… thuh… thank… you…" Luna sighed, her smile widening ever so slightly as she swayed her head along with Apple Bloom's, the Alicorn's eyes growing heavier with each sway as she enjoyed the warmth and pleasure from the additional coils now squeezing and massaging her from every angle. As the Lamia's power over her grew, the thicker coils below began to work their magic by sliding against her supple, dripping-wet pussy lips, stirring up excitement and anticipation with every movement. "Ahh… mmmmhmhmhm~" The Alicorn giggled as the tail tip approached her, pinning her hooves helplessly to her sides. Not that Luna minded. The feeling of those slick, smooth scales running across her most sensitive and private parts drove her wild with lust, and the colors pulsating through her mind assisted in mentally conditioning her to love everything the coils were doing to her. "Now just put yer mind at ease, mah Princess…." Apple Bloom hissed, smiling in elation as she watched the Princess succumb to her whims. She then tightened another loop around Luna's shoulders as her tail tip continued to coil up and around the mare's long neck, the thicker coils below smoothly rubbing against her ass and pussy. "…and give yer mind to me…." She cooed, licking her lips as she took in the sight of the Princess's body quivering in arousal, the sound of her heavy, labored breathing, and the rather cute way her hips squirmed and fidgeted under the coils, proof that the Alicorn was getting hornier by the second. "…yah, see? Everything's just fine now." As the Lamia's coils extended their massage from her shoulders and up her long neck, Luna could only sigh as she sank deeper into the coil cocoon, relishing the feeling of the smooth texture of the coils engulfing her. The Lamia's tail continued upwards to complete the Alicorn's ensnarement, sensually serenading her body while erotically teasing her marehood, keeping her nice and relaxed as Apple Bloom's hold over her neared completion. "Mmmm… haaahh…" She could feel her marehood practically burning for release with the intensity of her sister's sun, her mind being forced into the mental state of an obedient Princess as the thicker coils spread her butt cheeks and slid across her sensitive holes. Due to the sensations, Luna's eyes fluttered as she swayed her head around and around to match Apple Bloom's movements, softly moaning as the coils embraced her warmly as if they were a warm, protective blanket guiding her to new heights of pleasure… leaving her hungry for more. "Hah… hah… h-h-haaaaah!" Luna breathed heavily, her body practically drunk on the sexual stimulations from Apple Bloom's coils constantly grinding against her quivering marehood, her heartbeat quickening in excitement as the tail tip wound its way up her neck. The constant stimulations were becoming too much for the Alicorn to bear, to the point where she felt something even more intense building up within her loins… the telltale sign her climax was mere seconds away. In that very moment of impending bliss and pleasure, she couldn't do anything else but let out a moan of absolute ecstasy, her eyes widening in complete vulnerability as the Lamia's tail tip circled her neck one last time. "Pluh… Please… h-harder... f-f-faster… please A-Apple… Bluh-Bloo-GULP!" She gasped as Apple Bloom's tail tightened itself mercilessly around the Alicorn's throat, smiling in delight as the mare's eyes widened with shock. This was the final straw for Luna as her whole body shuddered, the coils between her hind legs pulling away mere seconds before her orgasm, leaving her with a sudden feeling of longing and emptiness, quickly eclipsed by the wonderful spirals. *PING* That "ping" within Luna's mind caused everything within her to freeze up and shut down for only a second, and yet that mere second was more than enough time for the Lamia to implant something deep within the depths of her subconscious, something that hadn't been there before, something to Princess would never notice until Apple Bloom allowed it… The colors in Luna's eyes now bloomed at a dizzying pace, and a wide, silly smile of sexual bliss and satisfaction spread across her face as Apple Bloom continued to alter her psyche. Any and all thoughts of resisting were long gone. Even if Luna had the mental fortitude to comprehend her current situation, there wouldn't be a single reason within the melted mess of mush that her mind had been dissolved into that could give her even the slightest reason to rebel. Her mind was now nothing but putty in Apple Bloom's grasp. "Whew, that took a lot out of me…" The Lamia sighed, loosening her coils ever so slightly as she massaged her head. Despite successfully hypnotizing the Princess, she couldn't help but feel a bit of a headache coming on. There was also a small pang of disappointment as she gazed at the soaked spot on her coils right underneath Luna's marehood. Had she had enough time and strength, she would have allowed the Princess to experience the climax she's so desperately craved and even gone out of her way to pleasure her to the point where the most erotic wet dreams would pale in comparison… But she couldn't risk too much, not here, not now. Especially when they had only completed one part of their plan. 'Okay, that hypnotic trigger should be enough tah keep her from remembering this dream… and leave her longing for more… of me~' She mused to herself before planting the Princess firmly on the ground and positioning her head up above the Alicorn's, licking her lips in anticipation. "And now, all yah have to do… is long for me, desire me, and come tah find me, Princess~" The Lamia cooed as she began to unhinge her jaw, opening far wider than ever before, to the point where the Alicorn's entire head could slip in easily without any trouble. Luna, helpless to protect herself, simply smiled blissfully as she gazed into the depths of the Lamia's throat, eagerly awaiting and accepting her fate as the top of her head entered Apple Bloom's maw, pressing into the tight opening of her throat, the warm saliva dripping down her mane and face and she was forced even deeper, slowly disappearing into her throat- "-una? Princess Luna!?" The sudden sound of her Royal Guards knocking on the door and calling her name startled her awake. Groaning, she pulled herself out of bed, sugar head and annoyance, feeling as though she had just lost something… something important… something… precious to her. The Alicorn groaned, trying to hold on to the fleeting memories of the dream she'd entered, but sadly there was nothing, just a blur of colors… 'What... happened last night...?' "Princess Luna, is everything okay?!" Her guard asked frantically, her continued silence causing them to panic more and start banging on the door. "I-I am fine! Fear not!" Luna replied, though her headache suggested otherwise. After taking a moment to, at the very least, look somewhat presentable to her guards, she pulled the doors open, prompting both bat ponies to stand at attention immediately. "Both of you, ready, my chariot. There's a matter I need to see to, immediately." "Yes, Ma'am!" Both guards exclaimed before flying off without another word. The Alicorn let out a somewhat irritated sigh as she made her way down the halls again, desperately trying to remember the events of that dream. But sadly, no matter how deep she tried to pry, every attempt ended with the same bizarre blur… "Sister?" A familiar and calming voice called out to her. Looking over her shoulder, Luna saw none other than the Princess of the Sun walking towards Luna with nothing, but worry etched on her face. "Is something wrong? Your guards say that you requested your chariot. What happened?" Luna looked down in shame, refusing to meet her sister's gaze. "That's the thing…I honestly don't know. I attempted to look into the dreams of that foal Twilight told me about, but… that's just it. I don't remember anything after that. It's all a blur…." Groaning, she rubbed her forehead a little before looking out the window, her gaze focusing on Ponyville in the distance. "I'm not sure what's happened, but I need to set things right before whatever gave that child a nightmare begins to spread…." "She's made her decision... she'll come to us," Twilight said with a wry smile caressing her face. "Good. That makes this part much easier, then. Is it almost ready… Apple Bloom?" "It went much better than expected, Twilight." Apple Bloom replied as she let out a tired yawn, stretched a little, and carefully slithered off the altar in her Lamia form. The altar, in turn, had several candles flickering with emerald flames and small cups of lime green liquid surrounding her, their respective scents wafting into the air and feeling the chamber with a unique spell… one that could alter and somewhat control the dreams of whoever slept in the spell circle. "It was a little touch and go there for a moment, but the hypnotic trigger was planted within the depths of her subconscious, ready to go off when the timing is right…." "Perfect. Once she belongs to us, the great essence of our empire shall be spread freely… unopposed… and no one shall be able to stifle it this time." Twilight chuckled, licking her lips with a rather excitable moan. "Poor sweet Luna... you have no idea how important you really are~." And thus, the duo prepared for the inevitable arrival of Princess Luna and her Royal guards, with their "visitors" utterly unaware of the trap they were being led into…