A Diamond's Display

by Sunday102

First published

Rarity's exhibitionism lands her in a little more than just some hot water.

Plagued by the agony of her own arousal, Rarity gets some tickets for a train ride. Her perversions lead her down a mental rabbit hole, her little act catches the attention of a stallion aboard and she is left with a lovely present to take home.

A Diamond's Display

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Rarity trotted on her treadmill, the thumping of her hooves on the stiff material giving her step a nice spring as she worked up a sweat filled the air of her bedroom. The sun hadn’t risen as of yet, and the sky outside of the window she faced slowly grew more and more illuminated with gray morning dawn. The last forty minutes of her morning routine had slipped from her mind, that annoying fog of morning grogginess mixed with the total alert observation of the changing sky and the barely visible reflection of herself in the streaked glass of her window made her all but totally aware how peculiar the feeling was.

For weeks now she had been totally lost in these in-between moments, repetition felt like transportation through time. Thinking about how that made her feel made her belly tighten into knots. She stamped the button on her treadmill and it slowed to a placid walk, her legs suddenly feeling heavy and weary where they hadn’t the instant before the belt beneath her had decelerated.

“Dang it all–” She hissed as she walked, annoyingly aware of the weight her hind legs had, working through the effort of taking step after step, she was panting before but somehow now she was left huffing and gasping for air where she wasn’t before. The swatting of her tail as her hips jostled back and forth through the forced march she was pushing herself to do unfortunately exasperated the knotting in her belly.

Frustrated, she stamped her hoof angrily on the button to stop the machine and let the momentum of the machine roll her off back to the floor of her bedroom, her stance shaky, her legs a little tingly from running for longer than she had anticipated. A shaky inhale later and a moment to clear her mind she popped her cerulean eyes back open and looked around as if unfamiliar with the space she found herself in. She licked her lips, thirsty, and tended the unmade bed behind her as her mind, for once, was shockingly empty. She clenched her jaw as she fixed the sheets with her magic, taking the time to arrange the pillows just how she liked them. The room-temperature glass of water from the night before floated up to her lips as she drank from it, polishing the glass off all while forgetting to breathe between thirsty gulps, a little unladylike but the knots thankfully went away with that little distraction.

Looking in her bed-side Vanity she examined the unkempt version of herself, her mane tied back, face free of makeup, just her in a state that others wore so effortlessly she couldn’t help but detest, the fly-aways, the matted, sweaty fur coating of hers that was still in the horrid process of thinning as the spring rolled into the pleasant hills of her hometown. She inhaled and straightened her posture, puffing her chest out and trying to hold herself at least with a little sliver of grace. The facade fell as her mind flashed away, her shoulders ached and the puff of air she had built blew from her nose as her head lowered and posture receded, the knots returning in force making her whine with desperation. “Get a hold of yourself Rarity, you’re fine, you’re fine…” She reassured herself, straightening back up and breathing deeply as she forced her hooves from where they were rooted and marched out of her bedroom finally plodding downstairs to her kitchen to start working on breakfast for herself. Coffee and toast, what else would one need? Especially with her waistline.

Thankfully she was soon greeted by the songbirds on the other side of her window greeting the morning as the earliest of morning light streamed in and stabbed her tired eyes making her wince away and groan a mumbled complaint before continuing with her ritual. Again, she was subjected to watching herself move as she had done dozens of times before, making the same coffee, the same toast, only coming back as the first sip she mindlessly took burned her tongue and snapped her back to reality.

Setting herself at her kitchen table she took note of herself, the throbbing tightness in her abdomen was enough to make her back arch out as she sat, hunched. She would have to take a moment to fix her breathing, her diaphragm shuddering as she inhaled and not properly expelling the air in her lungs. The knot that was perpetually in her neck twinged discomfort down her spine and made her hind legs tingle down to her hooves. ‘Today was the day’ Rarity told herself part of her mind was relieved knowing what she was giving herself soon enough and the other half screaming at her to just give in to the sensations, let herself unleash her more carnal desires, and solve the problem right then.

Where was the fun in that?

A smile crossed her lips, the confusing squinting eyes of her little sister Sweetie Belle met her own eyes half-lidded lost in thought. “Morning?” the younger mare yawned and stretched as she walked into the kitchen and finagled herself a mug of coffee still hardly awake “What’s so funny?” she asked, making Rarity’s heart skip a beat with the question.

“Nothing– I was, thinking of something Pinkie said to me yesterday, will you be okay for dinner tonight? I’m going out shortly but I won’t be back until late tonight.” She says turning in her seat toward her sister to confirm what she knew the answer would be.

“Yeah, of course, I will.” She says letting out a pleased audible “Ahhh…” as she tasted the dark brown drink. “Where are you going, anyways?” She asks, mindlessly digging through the cabinet where they kept their cereal.

“Just to meet with a client, nothing serious, business as one would call it. I’ll leave you some money, invite some colts over, and have a party, you know the rules when I’m gone.” She deftly changes the subject, her destination didn’t matter. The smile persisted, and the knotting that dragged her down moments before now was accompanied by excited butterflies tickling her belly.

Sweetie shrugged her sister’s comments off and Rarity discarded what little of her solid breakfast was left, taking her coffee with her as she went and got ready for her meeting with that special client of hers. It would be hours of brushing, washing, conditioning, hair, and makeup before the alabaster mare was gussied up for her ‘client’.

Preparation was key for an outing like this. The butterflies tickled her more and more as she went through her second most important ritual. You see, it wasn’t enough for Rarity to simply pleasure herself mindlessly like some sort of animal. She was sophisticated, a mare that stood above many in terms of her desires and needs. She examined herself again, in the mirror of her bathroom. Her hair was near flawless, her makeup drew the attention of even her eye, she was sure stallions would find it difficult to not at the very least catch a glance of her. All those eyes would be on her. As if they could see through her and see the dirty secrets she indulged in. “I would do me…” She said examining herself one last time before returning to her bedroom to pick out the perfect outfit, something grabbing, but reserved.

The mare slipped into a white dress, what could be more innocent? What then would one think of her knowing the secrets she hid just beneath the textured fabric and opaque layers of the thing? Watching herself, seeing herself as a simple object of desire she pushed in the clear glass mushroom into the tight, puckered, puffy entrance just beneath her tail. A rotation or two to slather her entrance and the toy itself and with an unladylike whinny she felt her hole close and pull the cool plaything into herself. All but panting like a mare in heat she changed her focus again, this time on two solid metallic balls that were strung with similarly red rope, spaced evenly.

Again she would sexualize herself, with her own gaze looking at her alluring eyes, and glossy lips as the cold metal slipped inside of her marehood, the weight alone enough to make movement all but impossible without the constant sensation of that toy threatening to slide out of her womanhood and exposing the ruse to those who will surely be focusing on her. That was the thrill after all, the risk of her having her secrets exposed– like before her muscle contracted out of habit and the cool metal, starting to warm from her body heat drew the second ball to her entrance– that’s why she did this.

A little magic encouraged the second ball on the string to her entrance and the cold metal again was contracted to greet the first ball. Designed to intentionally train her womanhood to clench down the ben wa balls were pulled as deep as her arousing sex would permit. She flexed her hip feeling them inside of her move ever so slightly making her nostrils flare as she worked to contain herself. The more she would fight to keep them from sliding to her entrance the more arousal would pull the weighty balls deeper inside of her and the harder she would have to work to keep them from sliding out. The negative feedback loop of arousal was a dangerous game, but how could she say no to such a lewd proposal?

That haze returned, this time, however, the determination that was boiling up inside of her put her consciousness at ease. No longer was she walking disconnected from her body, distinctly aware of that fact, but this time enjoying the ride she was taking herself on. She said goodbye to her sister, strangely hugging her and kissing on the cheek, strange to get from her sister, but it was too early to argue.

Before long she was trotting through town, eyes forward, but somehow watching. Perhaps it was her imagination, perhaps it was reality but all eyes were on her, her dress flowed in the gentle wind of the coming spring, the sky was overcast and the day was dim with an impending storm, and everyone all but stopped and stared at the local beauty.

Like the morning time slipped from her consciousness, a train ticket in her possession that would take her to the end of the line and back, hours spent in the coach, her hoof patiently tapped her saddlebag, a fashionable satin design of her own making, red, of course. Rarity would stir minutes later, initially from the distant rumble of thunder that drew her eyes up and to the horizon, miles away the sky grew dark, and rainfall soaked the earth beneath it, her head swiveled to the direction the tracks ran, the slowing chugging of the train was audible and there it was, her ride to paradise.

A smile crossed her lips as she hopped up from the bench she sat upon, things readjusting inside of her making her shiver a little as she prepared herself. Other ponies stood on the platform, waiting for the train to arrive, the audience to her private show. She bit her lip as her cheeks tightened a little, everyone slowly making their way closer to the edge of the platform readying themselves to board.

Only a couple of specimens, a gentlecolt, taller but visibly older, his posture and eyes alone read as stressed and uninterested. A mare, a bit more rotund than she probably should’ve been who didn’t seem to take interest in anything besides the condition of her hooves. And finally, perhaps the thing she was looking for. A younger colt, perhaps a couple of years her junior, not that she was so old nor he so young to exclude each other from their prospective pool of partners, but enough to tickle her mind.

He looked well-worked, bulky, and strong, his head turned up toward the sky watching the storm in the distance. His navy mane blew in the growing winds, as did her own, her swirling purple mane framed her face as she eyed the colt, his own lightly blowing behind him. She turned her face away from him. Her eyes couldn’t help but linger at his form, obvious if he was paying any attention to the beautiful mare standing on the platform a couple of bodies away. He was likely getting off whatever shift he worked, still dirty from a hard day’s work, a line where his toolbelt must’ve sat, matted down and cleaner than the rest of his sandy coat.

Her chest quivered as she forcibly exhaled and covered any sound she might’ve accidentally made with a clearing of her throat. Those guilty, perverted thoughts tickled her brain like they often had at liminal times like these. He (hopefully) would never find out about the perversions her mind would play for her for the coming train ride. She was discrete, rarely ever getting herself into any sort of trouble with these little trips of hers, but even though she knew he wouldn’t, her chest tightened as if plagued with guilt. But that was half of the rush. Knowing if they found out the reactions they may have,

‘Would he be disgusted?’ she thought to herself, her eyes finally looking away as her tummy tightened with piqued arousal, right on the station she felt a gush of her fluids starts to make its way to the entrance of her womanhood.

She inhaled. Slowing her breath and letting those burning thoughts disappear into mental ash. Damn stallions like him. Totally oblivious to the woman just beside him.

The screeching of the wheels on the track jerked her head forward once again as the doors opened and some more familiar faces disembarked, no one she knew personally, all of them all but disinterested in her aside from her looks, casual glances, maybe a glace a moment later over their shoulder

The conductor shouted and Rarity waited a minute to watch the stallion board, she’d take a quick look around then followed behind, never getting too close, as the last to board she had her ticket stamped and took her seat. A seat in the corner of the cabin, by the window. The stallion that so tickled the carnal parts of her mind sat on the opposite side, in the next row toward the center of the train car. She raised her foreleg and rested her chin on her ankle, her hoof turned toward herself as her head faced out of the window, her eyes on her unsuspecting star.

Like on the platform, the oblivious stallion watched the storm in the distance before the car lurched, the pressure on Rarity’s haunches from her body weight reminded her of the insertions that were pressuring her insides. Her breath was a controlled act. ‘In and out… In and out…” she repeated in her clouded mind, the words almost echoing as those guilty questions started back up, shaming the mare for her desires.

Rarity's fantasies were all she was here for, she was terrified of getting caught, and that seemed to be the other half of the charm of these outings. ‘He would be disgusted in you.’ her mind echoed– the train jostled over one of the many connection points of the rail, her breathing paused as she inhaled sharp, that train of thought getting snuffed as quickly as it came.

It was a matter of time, wasn’t it?

The train chugged more and more as they accelerated up to speed, the stiff suspension jerking her body as she sat watching the distracted colt.

‘He’d see her, if he didn’t he’d hear her, surely.’ She thought to herself. Rarity wasn’t quiet about it, she knew that for a fact, she wasn’t totally inexperienced, how was she going to cover it up?

The cabin bounced… bounced… bounced. Bounced. Faster and faster. She was disgusted in herself as she blew hot air into the ankle of her leg, her stomach knotting tight like earlier, though this time it brought attention to the warmth her loins had garnered.

‘We’re not even at speed yet.’ Rarity thought again, her lip bit as her nostrils flared with huffing, hot breath. She closed her eyes as the train brought itself up to speed and the bouncing steadied out to a constant rumble under her bottom. She felt her thigh clench and draw her legs together tight. ‘What is wrong with you.’ she thought to herself, her eyes peeking back open at the stud that sat just a seat away.

His eyes met with hers. The sudden recognition of her being made her jerk to sitting upright.

Did she make a noise and not realize it? Did he know? Oh, Goddess’ does everyone know?

The oblivious stallion gave an equally embarrassed jerk of his posture in return to hers, his head flicked back to staring out of the window, his eyes darting at her to make sure she wasn’t upset with him staring at a beautiful mare, even if she was out of his league, somehow scared that what he was doing was uncouth.

Rarity, felt her chest tighten as she took note of the others on the train with her, a different stallion, gaunt and uninterestedly scanning over the news through glasses at the back of the cabin, and a mare deep in the midst of knitting in the seat on the other side of the seat directly in front of hers.

Her heartbeat in her ears she stared out of the window a smirk on her lips as she watched him out of the corner of her eye. It was just part of the game she played. She tightened her legs together and felt the balls move inside her, kneading her inner walls. Tightening her kegel muscles the ball currently in contact with her cervix teased it further, no threat obviously, but the sensation of something pushing inside of her teased her body.

Her breathing steadily rose as the landscape passed by. The storm fast approached, aided by the winds and their direction of travel the cabin soon grew dark, the dim light casting the passengers into partial darkness. Those reading dejectedly put down the paper or squinted harder than they were before.

Rarity could hear her heartbeat in her ears as she untensed her leg muscles for a moment, looking around the others in the cabin. A nervous hoof slid between her thighs, her saddlebag being draped over her lap as her gaze swung back to the interior of the cabin. Her conscious thoughts of getting caught exposed for her perversion soon started to slip away with the constant pitter-patter of the rain, thunder rumbling above them as the storm intensified. Her chest rose and fell with an uneasy steadiness as she watched the stallion who would glance at her. Each time letting their gazes meet before sheepishly looking away.

‘Would he instead be aroused?” Rarity would ask herself as her ankle flexed gently and the imprecise instrument of her hoof moved and ground over the slick lips of her marehood. She gasped, timing it so the stallion would be looking away while she did so, facing out of the cabin still her eyes made no secrets of where they wanted to look.

‘Of course, he would.’ she then thought to herself. He was big and shy, what a strange set of traits, If she were him she’d be making every mare like hers’ day. If he had half a mind to come over and ravaged her the last thing she would do is object. Who would she be to deny herself the pleasure?

He stared at her, mouth partially agape her hoof slowly starting to slicken with her leaking arousal as she flexed her behind, being quickly reminded of the plug that made her sit uncomfortably on the hardly-cushioned seat. She silently panted as the kept her gaze on the stranger. He must’ve known at this point. She was being all but obvious, how couldn’t he? If the storm wasn’t so cacophonous she was sure the whole train car could hear the little moans she was whimpering out as her mind ran amuck with flashes of fantasies.

The car lurched as the brake came on and the sign above the doors switched to the next stop. Her hoof stopped its gentle rotations and she gathered her senses for a moment. Attention to her was paid no mind besides that nervous colt who took his attention from her to examine the sign and then take in his surroundings.

Some of the scant few passengers moved to gather their things as the wheels hissed and the constant bathump of the rails slowed more and more. Her stallion stood, nervously observing who was staying and who was leaving, and tentatively, his gaze still locked, he moved to sit in the seat diagonal from her in her section.

Rarity’s heart all but jumped out of her chest. As a few other ponies climbed aboard the cabin, the few who were making their way onto the train on such an off day like this and such an unpopular time, seeing only a few faces wasn’t uncommon.

“Evenin’” He would start, the flustered mare smiling back in response examining him closely. He was younger, but the little flecks of grey in his mane and beard were a fortunate case of making him look much older.

“Afternoon.” She would respond, as the conductor would call from the platform before reboarding himself, walking by the new magnanimous pair.

A brief pause would be spent the two simply looking at one another, their eyes examining each other in greater detail as the train lurched again. “I’m Emerald Wood, m-my friends call me Emmy.” He said taking a pause and exhaling nervously as he searched for the right words.

Stuck in his nerves she cleared her throat and swallowed “My name is Violet Diamond.” She lied, her confidence and quick response took control of the conversation, “Apologies for staring, I couldn’t help it.” She said bringing her voice back down to the intimate space they now shared, his eyes darted from hers for a moment at the saddlebag over her legs clearly hiding something.

A nervous little chortle escaped him as she looked over his shoulder at the others, an action getting ever so tenderly chided for by an audible “tsk-tsk” from Rarity. His attention was brought back to her she threw a glare at him “It’s rude not to look a lady in the eyes when she talks to you.”

The combination of being told what to do and the verbal command she domineered with such a stranger eliciting a response from him. He huffed and felt flush in a moment as he examined her again, this time feeling a little emasculated or demeaned but her looks alone grabbed him. “Sorry. I just came over here to say that y-you really are…” he paused and looked her over again, looking away as if ashamed, “...something.” he finished a huff of recognition of her beauty, the attention she so adored.

‘What are you doing? He’s too close.’ Part of Rarity’s mind screamed at her, a thought that was as loud as a whisper compared to the overwhelming lurid and lewd thoughts that pervaded the spaces that weren’t taken up with remembering to breathe. Her foreleg, whose hoof was being pinned between her thighs started to tease the now leaking lips of her sex. “Oh…” Rarity started a smile gracing her lips and a moan boiled up out of her as she bit her lip, a lady-like chuckle masking what would be an obvious and audible sign of arousal. “Consider me flattered then, Emmy. I’ll admit you grab my attention in much the same way.” She replied looking past him, scanning the faces she hadn’t registered before.

“Oh?” He smiled his ears tilting back either flustered or too shy to accept the compliment. He broke their intensifying eye contact to look at her lap again. “What erm–” He would turn his head to face the windows looking toward the landscape but his eyes would scan the car. “What kinda attention are we talkin’ here Miss Violet?” He asked quite shamelessly exposing himself to her, a spread of his powerful thighs and the stiffening hardon he was sporting sprang up to the delighted eyes of an aroused mare just mere feet from him. His brief appearance of confidence peeled away as he retracted himself to sitting properly and subsequently hid his arousal from those who would be passing by, but the awkward position and clearly hidden length would make it obvious even at a coarsery glance at him.

Panting raggedly Rarity’s heartrate all but doubled to her, her ears throbbed with the pulsing of her heart as her hoof intensified under the bad splayed haphazardly over her lap and very visibly moving at this point as she masturbated before the lurid gaze of a stallion she had never talked to just mere minutes ago.

The wheels screeched again and their audience would prepare to leave as the train performed its routine, the conductor getting on the platform and checking visitors in as the two eagerly awaited their privacy and for their little charade to continue, neither wanted to stop, but neither was sure where this was leading.

The train continued and the conductor made his way through the cabin that the two who were seated across from each other, to the elderly stallion, the pair were lost in each other’s eyes.

The door closed and the trained lurched from the platform. Were they really going to go through with this? Both of their eyes broke from one another as they took in their surroundings. An empty train car greeted them, dim light obscured the finer details of their forms, and the now barrage of rain on the metal roof of the cabin made it difficult to hear even standard volume conversation.

“Damn.” Rarity said, the last words before the tension broke, the two ill-fated lovers couldn’t resist whatever bond they had formed. He all but jumped from his position across from her as his lips met hers, His kiss was rough but tentative like he knew what he was doing and waited for her to participate back properly. Rarity obliged the mysterious stallion kissing back intense with her passion in their brief moment of thoughtless ecstasy. She’d never gone this far, why would she have, she’d never gotten caught like this. Was this what she was missing the whole time?

The kiss broke and the clumsy rough hooves of the stallion tossed the bag aside and against the wall as he put his hooves on either side of her shoulders, his erection standing stiff and flaring proudly as precum leaked from him, his turgid erection dangling over her exposed stomach as he looked down at the prize his intuition had so graciously given him. He saw the very clear mark of the toys she had hidden within her, Either frustrated or overly eager, he bent his head down, awkwardly maneuvering to fish the string of the Ben Wa balls into his teeth, an act that all but snipped a chunk out of Rarity’s flower before she was able to push him back with a hind hoof of hers and with a pull of her magic freed her entrance for his use.

‘That’s right, HIS, use. You did this to yourself Rarity, you’re a pervert. Sleeping with a stranger on a train in public and giving in to HIM. Just some stud. You’re a filthy whorse and you are loving it.’ Her mind ridiculed, as he took his position over her again and pushed himself in, unprotected and, as she had guessed, quite handsomely sized.

The mare moaned throatily beneath him as his head dropped and his hips bucked, jabbing her innards with a harsh stab from the flare his length was sporting, throbbing inside of her even at what appeared to be her maximum depth he wasn’t fullly inserted. A fact that only served to encourage him further down this depraved rabbit hole he so carelessly pushed inside of. If it weren’t for the storm raging outside of the cabin The damn forest outside of their car would know what was going on.

His neck craned and his teeth bit her neck and smelled her hair as his hips started to find their pacing, the awkward angle, the tight spacing, he struggled to properly get a hoofhold and rut her like she wanted. Rarity could only look up and moan helplessly as the powerful stallion took her, submitting herself to where she wanted to be, beneath a stud, her body stuffed with what she desired. She stammered for a moment before his hooves turned her over, her rear falling off of the seat as her face was stuffed into the corner, her dress hiked up over her haunches as he mounted her proper.

Her eyes went wide in the dark corner of the cabin the musty seat along with a slick streak of arousal left on the seat by her face filled her senses as the stallion behind her took point and pushed their bodies together, clumsily at first, their hips slapping together, his length pushing too hard, her cervix getting forced out of the way rolling over his head as he pushed her inner walls to their limits. He wasn’t cruel nor overly anxious but clearly, knew what she desired, his thrusting refined quickly, full-length strokes creating a vacuous void where the impressive length once made her stomach feel full before sinking itself back into her cervix where his precum would coat her vulnerable entrance.

“Slutty– whorse” he panted out over her kissing her neck in the heat of passion his thrusting stopping for a brief moment as his pelvic muscles clench his length flaring from base to tip making her whimper and moan helplessly to his wishes “Re-ready to carry my foals?” He asked, Rarity’s head turning to the side to watch her stud pick the pace up to please himself.

Rarity’s chest tightened in fear, eyes widened, and body clenched down over the length now threatening her womb, her mouth would stammer but the instant she could form a word his cock stabbed itself into her body, and in a loud moan of tantric pleasure was lost in the messy cacophony of bare-back-breeding. The shy stallion from before would smile devilishly down at her before dropping away in an instant as the first spurt of semen shot into her helpless womb.

Rarity panicked whimpering and struggling against his weight that pinned her effortlessly, the second splurt was practically a stream of his jizz filling her, a long groan escaping her lips as her body bloated full before the third pump of seed, emphasized with a harsh thrust against her concluded his degradation of her body from a beautiful mare of divine sex to nothing more than a common whorse to walk the streets. His length pulled out of her with an unceremonious splash of his cum on the dirty floor of the train car.

A moment later the trained lurched, the wheels hissed like they always do and he dismounted her, quickly leaving the scene of what had just transpired. The mare was ravaged, her mane a mess, her makeup ruined, and her body soiled, she blindly searched for the saddlebag she had taken with her. Pulling out a shawl she wrapped her head and adorned very untimely sunglasses as she composed herself. The car would lurch again as it came to a complete stop, her things gathered she disembarked, tail pressed firmly down as she watched her mysterious stranger scamper off of the platform amidst the pouring rain back to whatever life he lived before that chance encounter.

Panting, she’d find cover at the station and watch as the conductor called for any last-minute commuters, tipping his hat to the disheveled Miss Rarity before embarking himself again. The train left, and in a few more minutes another would take its place going the opposite direction. Rarity, taking a deep breath sat back down at the station, cold and exasperated a smile of overwhelming pleasure graced her lips as the ecstasy of her perversions continued to wrack her body.

“I have to write him…” She says putting her head on a swivel finding the name of the station before leaning her head back against the brick wall behind her as she waited on the bench, looking down the track out at the storm that was slowly subsiding.

“Sweetie Belle better not have had any boys over…” She thought out loud in a sudden moment of clarity. “Oh, well, I’m not in a position to judge.”