> Of Fox tails and space trails > by Little_Draco > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Tails of Vixens from space! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of Fox tails and space trails "Mayday! Mayday! Ship has encountered an unknown electrical field in the upper atmosphere! Ship is unresponsive! I need -" Static ~ “Sta-” Static ~ “ox! ~ Static " Sta ~ wo~" Static  "-m going down! I repeat! Can anyone hear-” Impact was after, but the pain was strong. Vision focusing in and out. Blood around her eyes… Gasping, her chest… lots of blood… impalement. Her ship… damaged… destroyed… gone… Trying to get out of her cockpit. Distant cries of dismay followed by fear or anger. Many figures surrounded her, mind fuzzy, vision fading and lastly… odd shapes surrounding her. It felt like she should be scared but… she was not in trouble. Despite the pain and her vision turning to black, she knew she was safe, that she would be well… A few days later… A groan left her involuntary, her mouth dry, her face hard as if unmoved for a long time. Her vision slowed to come yet her eyes refused to open. Then a voice, "Oh, easy my dear. Are you waking up?" She shifted, trying to speak but her voice hoarse and dry. "Oh, you're thirsty, let me get you water." She heard shuffling with the sound of glass clinking before she felt a presence near her. "Here you go. A straw is near your mouth."  Feeling the soft texture against her lip, she pushed forward and tugged on the straw, sucking in through it and allowing the sweet essence of life to grace her tongue as cool, clean water, cascaded upon her dry tongue where it flowed gently down her throat. The effects immediately and the feeling of parchment quenching her thirst eased her mind. "Nice and easy, deary." Oh the voice was so kind, so gentle. Like a vocal blanket that eased the mind.  Once she drank every drop, she sighed in relief with the first words leaving her, "T-Than-k-k y-you." "Oh it's no problem at all." A pause as the glass was placed down. "How are you feeling? She felt… pain, but at the same odd. Something missing, but what? "Oh… you have some memory issues?" How could they know that? Her answer. "I… don't wish to intrude but I can feel the emotions of creatures around me. It's an… innate ability." Oh, well that made sense, right?  "W-Where…" "You are in Ponyville General Hospital. We brought you in after you landed here." A pause. "Do… Do you remember how you landed here?" Another pause. "Do you remember anything? Your name?" She tried to think about anything really. Her arrival, her past, her…  "...Kry-stal…" She managed to mutter, outloud. To herself, to the figure, to… anyone. "M-My n-name is-s Krystal a-and I-I-” -couldn’t remember anything. “W-What happened?” The figure paused then leaned in. “It's best to rest now. I will bring someone who can explain it to you better. For now, please recover a bit more. If you need anything, I will be close by.” Krystal didn’t say anything but the appreciative feeling she radiated was detected by her caretaker. While she didn’t fall asleep, her mind went blank as she tried to recover her memories back.  Pain, fear, shock, red, panic, life flashing… nothing.  Who is she? Krystal was her name but… nothing else. Basic things? Survival. Food, drink, sleep, move… all that were still in mind. Her life? Her memories? Family? Friends?  “Are you awake now?” A new voice spoke to her, not as warm but not as cold or dark. In fact, I was pretty worried. How long did she space out for? Why can’t she see yet? “I am sorry, we had to cover your eyes, deary.” Same wonderful voice returned. “We’ve had to keep your eyes shut due to the intense light that came from your…” A slow pause. Her what? “She is still confused, your highness, so it may be hard to remember anything right now.” There was a sigh. “Okay, lower the lights so we can remove her fold.” A few seconds later the room did seem darker and then she felt something around her head. “Okay Ms. Krystal, we will slowly remove your fold. As we do so, can you tell me anything about yourself? We are… trying to piece together what happened.” The fold around her began to pull softly and unfurl, slowly allowing some light to penetrate her eyes. “Pain,” There was a pause in the process. “I-I remember p-pain… my chest, m-my eyes… all over.” Slowly the unfurling continued. “I-I remember screams… b-but not on my own.” “Hmmm.” “My- My… I w-was flying?” She wasn’t sure. As the final layer was removed, the darkness slowly revealed the darkened area and blurred figures before her. At first her vision seemed way too hazy, but she did see a large purple figure in front of her, then a colorful small one next to her. She blinked many times to adjust her vision and she was met with large… horse in front of her. Violet as her theme with wings and a horn. A second, smaller horse was next to her but it had light pink coating, with bug-like features. Light blue bug eyes, yellow horn, light pink wings and tail. Both were staring at her with different looks. The large purple horse had a somewhat stoic look, though judging by the bug horse next to her, she was more worried about her then Krystal. Purple horse stood more forward. “And is that all you can remember?” Krystal paused, trying to search for anything but that was it. “Yes.” She should be more freaked out but her mind blank, her body sore and the world more confusing than what it should be, really was draining.  After moments of study, the purple horse turned to the smaller pink bug horse. “Can you please give us a few minutes, Nurse Heartshell?”  “Certainly Princess Twilight, I will be right outside the door if I’m needed.” A nod from ‘Princess Twilight’ and she stepped out of the room, though she gave a comforting smile towards Krystal on the way out. Once Nurse Heartshell left, Twilight sighed and sat down next to the bed of Krystal. Despite sitting, she was still pretty tall. “Ms. Krystal, from what we have gathered and seen, you are not… from our planet, are you?” A pause as Krystal squinted but her memory went only as far as not seeing these type of creatures before. “I… I-I am not…” An answer or a question, she knew not. Princess Twilight calmly spoke on. “You… arrived by some vessel and crashed landed here. I… am not sure if you tried to steer away or purposely did so, however if I am to believe the reports, you did try to aim away from the populace.” There were others here? More bug and giant horses? Wait… tried to? Seeing the question in her eyes, there was a delay in response. “You… You crash landed in town, hitting a few buildings on the way. A few… did get hurt but luckily no one actually was killed.” Sadness consumed her as she looked at her. “You on the other hoof have suffered a great deal of harm, I won’t go into details to resurface some bad memories but… I know it won’t be easy to deny what you went through.” It was at that moment that she really felt out of place and that… something was missing indeed. Slowly, she moved her right arm to touch her face and felt a few welts, probably some bruising or scratches on them. She had… both eyes. Moving up, both ears but one was injured badly, feeling like a piece of flesh was missing. She pulled her left arm and felt a heavy cast on it, most likely it was broken.  Then her arms checked to the lower chest, feeling a large bandaged area. “We… found you impaled,” The Princess explained. “Had we tried to remove it right away, you would have bled out.” Though sadness echoed soon after. “Though I am sorry to say, we could not save… all of you,” Krystal slowly leaned more forward and still felt her tail underneath her, though she noted that she had shaved areas. Then lower and… she felt one leg but not the other. The blue fox withheld a hiccup as her left leg was there but not her right. She felt the stump where it ended right before her knee should have been. “I-I am so sorry… Ms. Krystal.” While a tear or two was shed, Krystal took a deep, shaky inhale, and exhaled. “We’ll,” she finally managed to speak up. “A-At least I-I am still alive a-and… that no one has d-died because of m-me.” The attitude threw off the Princess, but a gentle enough smile that was there, helped her. “It is, Ms. Krystal. You are very lucky and as are those that were affected. Though perhaps through time, lots of healing and care, you can recover your memories and your life back. But for now, I ask that you rest and recover. I’ll have Nurse Shellheart come keep an eye out for you.” A small, shaky nod from Krystal as Twilight turned to leave. Just before she opened the door, Krystal called out. “Wait, before you go, can I ask? Where am I?” Twilight gave her a warm smile. “Your amongst friends now Ms. Krystal. Welcome to Equestria.” 6 weeks later… “Hmm, that s-should d-do the job-b, though don’t hold-d m-me to it,” A skittish Changedling responded. An almost metallic chrome covered most of his caparace, with teal wings and yellow eyes, though he had them covered with welder goggles.  Krystal gave a small huff and gave it a light shake. “It… feels stiff but I can move it better now, thanks.” “N-No Prob-blem though the m-magic g-gem inside should k-keep it g-going for a c-couple of weeks l-longer than-n before!” His excitement made him stutter more. “I really appreciate it, Shutterbug,” Krystal said sweetly as she leaned in, gave the changedling a nice, big kiss on his forehead, giving him the love he deserved. The changedling practically vibrated and glowed positively in place as he absorbed the love magic. She giggled at his glow-y response before motioning to let her sit up. As she did, she looked down to her new prosthetic leg that had a metallic sheen to it, much more than his own, with a few visible weird veins glowing a small blue was seen. She took a deep breath and slowly stood up from her bed. The changedling removed his goggles and stepped back for room, standing by just in case as he witnessed the fox girl stand up. It wasn’t her first time she was on a prosthetic, but this one was definitely an improvement, than the previous one. As she stood, she felt happier, grand and almost whole once more. Shutterbug could feel her happiness seep from her as she stood firmly and with ease on her new, reworked leg. It held her weight with ease and seemed to agree with her. She took a few steps around the room, moving naturally and with such grace that it made it look like it was a part of her from the moment she sat up. She bounces lightly, giving it a real go around and then in the limited space she had, did a short backflip, pushing the new prosthetic to its limit and… stuck the landing! She smiled gleefully and got a hoof stomping approval from Shutterbug. “I-I’d say t-that is-s an imp-proved d-design!” Krystal wholeheartedly agreed. “Yeah! And there is no late feedback!” She twirled on her leg, allowing her full weight on it, the flap of her skirt swirling with her, with her until she landed on her other leg. “And with that, I would say it is a success!”   Shutterbug glowed brightly and happy with the new design. “S-So, b-best b-buggy?” He asked. With a laugh, she approached him once more and hugged the bug pony around his neck. “Bestest smart buggy!” It was her term for them, especially those she knew personally, to the changelings. At feeling her love, he withdrew it in, allowing it to naturally satisfy his hunger or his needs for weeks on end. Ever since her arrival to Equestria, Krystal was quick to be part of the community like any other race. Due to the recent opening of its borders, Equestria had welcomed all sorts of sentient creatures to its cultures, especially ones never seen before. Her arrival didn’t startle anycreature, rather she was just seen as a better, smarter, and even attractive looking ‘Diamond Dog’ into Ponyville. Though she was labeled an alien due to her ship crashing near Ponyville, she was still seen as a better cousin to them. As for her crash, the natural magic that radiated from Equestria is what caused her ship to crash in the first place. She knew she was crashing and had steered her ship away, hitting a few buildings but landing outside of the actual town and hitting hard. Her impact was enough to shake the town but also enough to cause her severe damage to the ship and to her own body. Hence, waking up without memory of her past, losing her right leg, sprained arm, being impaled and perhaps now finding a way out of here. Yet, this crash landing happened to be in one of the most friendliest and pleasing places to land in the galaxy. Bright and colorful, nearly peaceful and almost enduring landscapes, with the most unique and friendliest creatures in her mind. Despite the damage, they recovered quickly from her damages on impact and repaired the town during her recovery time. She had learned from Princess Twilight, the Monarch of Equestria of everything she could. From ponies and magic, to harmony and friendship, to the many creatures that inhabit the lands, she was introduced to an ideal of what paradise could be. Of course it wasn’t without total strife and with a brief history of the last thousand years up to current present, this was the beginning of the entitled, ‘Age of Harmony’. First week had her healing with the nurses, with her impalement almost completely healed with magic, her leg was not as easy to fix. A prosthetic was given to her for the time being. Not two weeks after impact, she was visited by a changedling who was an engineer of sorts, having studied for many years in different academies, and was considered a grand marvel in his fields. Having to introduce himself as a creature who enjoyed love, but receiving it more by engineering things like prosthetics to those who needed, made him the most respected and loved changedling around. Unlike Nurse Heartshell, who absolutely loved helping those in need by bringing them comfort, Shutterbug was adamant on being the sole engineer in Ponyville that worked specifically on adding those with certain disabilities and perhaps, fixing her ship. While he did have help from the town’s own Doctor Whooves, he chose to work on that close to his chest along with the good doctor, due to its advanced capabilities.  Their bug-like nature had her calling them buggy, with only a few seeing it as a light decorative term, he found it enjoyable and caring since there was no malice behind the word. And so the weeks went by that he would come, visit her, create and establish a way for her to walk again. Going from prototypes one through five, this being his sixth and hopefully final iteration, with an infused crystal gem that needed only charges from small power sources. During the off times of her walking and exploring this corner of the galaxy’s hidden paradise gem, she learned of Ponyville and the wonderful, almost blissful quaint town that she crashed in. The air was crisp and fresh, the smell of green and countryside almost like breathing in the planet’s life itself. Sunlike unlike other planets was an untainted and magical warmth to the body that felt like the days would get better and better. The night cycle, where sleep was to be partaken, held an elegant and glitter-like atmosphere, where the stars danced around the skies and sparkled like living lights. The darkness, no longer your enemy but now a peaceful part of you that welcomes natural rest. And that was just the environment. The creatures that lived here were even more expensive than what she could even imagine. Ponies, being the majority of this continents’ main inhabitants, came in many shapes, sizes, colors and personalities. From the unicorns, to the pegasi, to the earth ponies, and then their unity formed, Alicorn! Then came all the divergent species from them. Zebras, changedlings(though they considered themselves different then ponies), actual tall horses, kirins(ancient cross breeds of dragon and pony) and sea ponies, though they were off-shoots of the Hippogriffs and distant cousins of griffins. The other species that came here from yak, to dragons, diamond dogs, abyssinians, buffalos, and so many more. While she did not understand magic complications and such, she did understand that the world held its own beauty that she could express with, as well as create magic of her own! She became a sort of sensual icon for those of the changedling community but a downright visual and sexual icon amongst the Diamond dogs. The few that did peacefully reside in Ponyville to learn and study amongst them, saw her as the most beautiful and attractive canid in all the lands. Even a dragon or two has taken notice of her wonderful form. Hence, why as soon as the hug separated, did she notice a certain… extra anatomy from here appear. She gave a blushing giggle. “I see some buggy is wanting something more than just a simple kiss as payment!” Said bug-horse bashfully failed to cover his growing erection, but Krystal unabashed, sat back down on the bed. She laid back half-way and spread her legs. Knowing what she wanted immediately, the skittish bug had no hesitation with pushing his head in between her legs and pressing his snout directly onto the base of the white loincloth she always wore. Her scent was clean and alien to his own senses, but so delightful. Just inhaling her scent through the silk fabric, was as taking in a daisy up close. Krystal didn’t deny him anymore to her precious flower, allowing him to indulge himself. The feeling of his breath even through the barrier of her legs had her squirm, though not enough to be wet. Instead, she allowed him to be the one to make her moist enough to start. And he did so with deliberate and amazing attention. He brushed his snout against where he knew her labia was located at, feeling the small split against his nose, taking in another inhale of her aroma. Her daisy scent was mixed in with the lotions and fur care that she bathed with. Lavenders, blossoms with a touch of light vanilla, blended in with her natural body scent as a touch of primal inner musk filled his lungs that sparked something stronger. He rubbed her labia up and down, not too aggressively but enough to start her fire quicker. He moved her inner loincloth aside that acted as the actual undergarments of her body to gain easier access to her flower. And despite having fur, the area near her privates was almost smooth and nearly barren of it. This added to her flare as the area was sensitive and feeling his smooth bug like caparace against her sent a wave of shivers up her spine. His thin changeling tongue came out and pressed against her lips, tasting her texture against his tongue. A shock of pleasure shot up again in her body that this time, had her moaning aloud. Hearing this, Shutterbug was encouraged to continue his assault on her nethers, pressing the lips aside and digging into her core. She almost wrapped her legs around him and brought him in close, but made enough caution not to crush him with her new, stronger prosthetics. As she laid further down, Shutterbug wrapped his upper hooves around her legs and stood up on his hind legs, further pushing down on her.  By then, her sweet natural nectar put his taste buds into a frenzy, as it was her natural love fluids along with her emotional bliss and physical aspect that continued to fill his love sacs to the brim. His ovipositor had long slipped out of its slit and was quaking with need. His organ was almost up to his chest and the neon pink color was glowing with the amount of love he was receiving from her. At his continuous oral assault on her nethers, the changeling felt he had reached the point of his assault to warrant enough lubrication to enter her in a different way. He was slick with his tongue continuously though as he left her labia trailing upwards against her belly, her moans turning to giggles as he tickled with his tongue. The wetness never left him though he did shift his tongue to be more canid, flattening out and smooth. As he moved upwards, his ovipositor lined up between her legs, the small pointed tip ready to spread her open. As Krystal welcomed him up to her chest, he pressed his wet tongue on her cleavage, which still had her breast covered with her bra, noting that changelings really never cared for this part of the anatomy, he did give the side of them a few licks since she enjoyed that. Up until his face met her, did he finally align himself with her. Krystal was not really one for delays, at least, as far as she knew. So she lifted her legs around his waist and wrapped them around him. He pushed in, spreading her lips apart as his pink organ sank into her. A moan left her as soon as he did, sinking into her depths and allowing his smooth organ to glide right in. The thinness was no issue to her, however while he was thin, what came from the changelings that others could not do was- “Y-You w-wanna t-try d-dragon-n t-this t-time?” He asked as he buried his natural organ inside of her.  Krystal still moaning, hugged his whole frame managed to hungrily whisper, “Yessssss,’ WIthout effort, he shifted his organ to that of a dragon’s spire and the effect was immediate as the blue fox-kin creature moaned louder. The barbs of a dragon were designed to target every other inch of a dragoness’s walls. But with his long organ, every part of her was touched by the barbs of it, which unlike a feline’s, dragons were flexible and had the advantage of bending with ease when it was pumping in and out. She hugged the bug-horse with all effort to keep that pleasure going, as he began his trusting. The barbs began to flex against her walls, making her arch her back into him more as each one ran through her body. Shutterbug wrapped his forehooves around her frame to get better grip as he began a steady pace of humping her. The slaps of their bodies colliding echoed through the room as he mated with the fox-kin with vigor and energy. Krystal, long knowing that she was a noisy one, pressed her mouth against the side of his neck and nipped the soft textured shell to muffle her moans. Sure this was her temporary lodging for the time being but she was aware of how thin these walls are and how easy it was for those outside in Ponyville to hear her. Let alone those species that have super hearing like the dragons, Diamond Dogs and griffins. Still, the fact that the buggy had a nice cock that could adjust or change to make her more of a quivering mess. Said mess, she was leaking like a faucet at this point with the sheets below them drenched. His own slowly began to contribute as he pounded into her. His fluids were that of a heavy creamy white that layered with her own.  The duo continued their session with ease and with passionate care. He made sure that every thrust into her body was deliberate and strong, but with every intent of trying to make her cum. While his orgasm was just as needed, her was imperative. A successful session here and now, would allow future returns, hence why he was always pushing for her pleasure. Knowing that he already tried other members on her, he switched his organ to now become smooth and thin but with a flexible muscle that he could swirl inside of her. The sudden change within her had her nearly squeal out as she felt that tip end swirl and touch a deeper core of walls. He had the tip now pressing or rubbing up near the breach of her womb. Her legs squeezed tighter around him, driving that further insanity of hot pleasure to surge more and more into her body. Krystal was on cloud nine as the endorphins that fired in her brain were triggered with every thrust of the changeling’s altered cock. Then he switched it again, this time to be like an actual canid with a thin front, slightly pointed tip with a bulbous base.  He switched again to a generic horse one, then a screw shaped one, then avian, then seapony, then other mixes. Each one having the blue fox squealing and moaning loudly, no longer with care of who heard. Her walls clenched each cock to try and contain whichever one it was currently in the form of. A hard moan came from her as she finally came hard, her juices spraying in between them and coating their lower half in her love juices. She squeezed her body around him tightly as he continued to pound through her orgasm, trying to prolong the feeling. An echo of the squelching could be heard in the room, no care if anyone else heard.  The changeling mewled cutely as he was also approaching a quick climax. As he felt the pressure build, he switched his organ back to his normal one, where the tip of his ovipositor opened in a split of four like a flower. With a groan he slammed himself hard with three powerful thrusts as he spilled his hot changeling cum deep into the womb of the female below him. Normally, when the ovipositor, eggs would come out, but since it wasn’t normally breeding season, it was just a thicker amount of seedless fluids, flooding her faster and to the brim. Krystal cried out as he filled her, the mid area of her belly swelling lightly with the amount he pumped out. For a moment, her time on this planet was non-existence as she was in the heavens with her mind blank and pleasure only present within. It was a fleeting moment but one that she treasured with him and a few others. They remained in bed content with settling on the post-orgasm bliss and the mess between their legs.  After ten minutes, the duo opted to get out and get cleaned with a quick shower. She held no shame on walking abroad in the open the way she was but due to rules and laws that prevented that, especially young ones, she cleaned up in the shower. Shutterbug joined her, though he did tease her as he tried to press against her form. She playfully shoved him to stop, which made the shower last a lot longer than needed from them. Once done, she hoped out and set out a dress created by the town’s own duo working at the Carousel Boutique. It was designed to fit her frame, since there were not a lot of bi-pedal creatures that wore dresses outside a few dragons, minotaurs, abyssinians and diamond dogs. A simple white tone with a blue bra and panties to match her fur and she was ready. Shutterbug and her were created by the warm and fresh air of a beautiful day in Equestria. The day was nice, the locals friendly and the atmosphere just perfect. Hence, they immediately made their way to the edge of town where the plains were and a large shed-like structure had been set. It was a small, quick build one, but it was big enough to house her crashed ship where it was hidden from viewers and unwanted eyes.  Few scientists had heard of the crashed ship and came flying over to dissect and dismantle the craft from the stars but Krystal had laid claim on it. Along with that was a brief intervention from Twilight that they knew nothing of the ship and had to wait for Krystal’s memory to recover to be allowed further study. Speaking of her memory, she had gained some of it back, though it felt like a haze. Her past of dog fighting in space, battling enemies in hand to hand combat and… a great leader worth dying for… came up, though no faces came to mind. briefly a dumb toad jogged her memory though.  Upon approach, right outside of the shop was a dragon who acted as both guard to the ship and her heavy lifter. He was about two feet taller than her, scales red as lava with splashes of orange and yellow line that made it look more real, two large wings to his back, and a pointed snout with two horns curved back and up on his head. He also carried a sash that crossed his chest certifying him as a guard by Princess Twilight. While he was intimidating to look at, he was quite tame and easy to talk to once you get to know him. Upon approach, he saw both Krystal and Shutterbug and gave both a fanged smile. “Back to work already?” He asked both of them. Krystal nodded as they patted his arm on the way which had him follow. “Yeah Molten, ain’t no rest for the wicked, I guess. Not to mention Shutterbug fixed me a better leg, so hopefully I can do more.” The skittish changeling nodded. ‘A-And-d hopeful-lly we c-can get-t her f-flying ag-gain soon!” “Nothing beats being in the skies when you're grounded for a long time,” he affirmed.  Inside lay her ship that she crashed in. The ship itself was remarkable, but laid in two pieces, with one large portion of the wing broken off and the rest of her ship off. The cockpit had been heavily damaged and a broken tail as well. Luckily however, there had been no leak or major damage to the gravity diffusion fuel cells or G.D.F cells. They were made extremely durable to take a lot of damage. Perhaps in her crashing haze, she put her shields or something over them to prevent catastrophic damage. Everytime she came to work on her ship, new memories of her past would surface but so would painful ones. Her crash would become more vivid and at one point, she would suffer phantom pains and resurge to the moment of impalement and her missing leg. Shutterbug and Molten would be there to provide aid or calm her down when she had an episode.  Because of this wonderful planet and most of its inhabitants being friendly, she knew that she would one day return to the stars and hopefully, go back home. With a nod to both males, she spoke with confidence. “Alright, let's get back to work.” And so the hours would drain for the trio. Krystal would try to remember what went where, what part possibly led to another part. Overall, the ship was being magically refitted with Shutterbug’s engineering prowess and the heavy lifting of Molten’s strength. He also provides the heat to weld anything into place. So far, the ship was held in place and precisely welded together at this point. The six weeks had been slow due to her memory recovery but the changeling and dragon helping with repairs, also seem to help recover some parts of her past. Mostly due to the fact they were her stress relieves. Shutterbug’s ability to transform and ability to read emotions helped her adapt and overcome stressful situations. Because he was an expert in engineering and tinkering, she absolutely loved that he could help with her ship and build her a proper prosthetic leg. She bed bugged the buggy when her second prosthetic allowed her to walk easily. He was her first friend here. Molten helped her deal with her anger, mostly taking her punches and kicks with ease, and her heat. Yeah, three weeks in, she went into heat and the dragon, who was a local, smelled her heat from far away, just as other diamond dogs in the area did as well. She was surrounded by them at first, but when the dragon came to scare off the rag tag of them, she was thankful, but horny. The dragon wasn’t sure what would happen if he tried to fuck her, but she manage to take him… well, almost all of him. After that, she secured her second friend and muscle. They became the odd group of Ponyville as they hung out with each other and interacted only for supplies, food, housing and so on. A genius skittish changeling engineer, a muscle bound soft dragon, and a space vixen.  Though the few diamond dogs that have been nice, dubbed her the ‘Hound of Heaven’, since she came from the stars. She truly was the best looking canid amongst the diamond dogs, beating out even the most beautiful of Diamond Dogs in their standards. Plus, unlike ponies and other creatures, she didn’t carry a scent marker that she claimed nor wore any ‘nasty pony products’. She had interpreted this as colons and fragrances that they covered their coats with. Her scent was as natural as can be. It was hard at first to take it as a compliment from them, but they treated her more of a divine figure then a piece of flesh to chase after. Not to mention that after her heat was sated by Molten for that week, they more or less chose to respect her out of sheer fact that she could fuck them just like er friends here. They also feared that she was surrounded by a changeling and a dragon, so she was left alone for the most part. They took a brief break for lunch, which Krystal had brought ham sandwiches from a griffin deli nearby. With known meat eaters such as dragons, diamond dogs, griffins and so on, it would make sense to have meat meals, though it wasn’t as widely advertised since Ponyville was still mostly ponies. Princess Twilight did tell any meat vendors to personally deliver them to known carnivores and to use only non-sentient livestock.   And speaking of, not to be surprised but the Princess herself had stopped by to check on the progress that afternoon. The alicorn in violet and multi hues of that, appeared right outside the shed, followed by her guard, a griffin and a kirin.  She knocked on the doorframe right outside. “Hello? Krystal? Anyone here?” For a moment, she heard scrambling to make a dash towards the door. Then from said door, Krystal, Molten and Shutterbug came out, the trio bowing almost immediately. “Afternoon Princess Twilight,” They said in near unison. The princess gave a nod in acknowledgement with a gentle smile.  “Afternoon everyone. How is everything so far?” She was greeted with a few nods with Krystal speaking out. “So far no issues princess, though I can’t imagine the budget for helping us working in your favor.” “Nonsense Krystal,” The princess chirped happily. “What scans and what few bits of technology you can show us, has been a heaven sent,” She chuckled at her own joke. “Literally in your case. No but seriously, it is not a problem. Though I still ask that you do not cause any issues if you plan on firing it up.” Krystal gave a slow nod. “If I can remember how everything, and I mean everything works, then yeah, but for now, I am still a bit jarred.” Twilight hummed. “And… you sure you don’t want any more therapy sessions? I am sure Luna can still-” “I think I am a content princess,” Krystal answered with a small smile. “And while I was happy she could help me with what she could, I think it would be better if I continued to work on my ship and recover them manually.” Twilight smiled. “Well if you are sure, then please continue. Though if you need any more help, please ask. I would send whoever I can,” She sighed with a weary smile. “I have a list of scientists and engineers who want to personally come and ‘assist’ you.” Krystal gave a shake of her head but with a smile. “I am fine Princess Twilight, thank you. Besides,” She pulled Molten and Shutterbug close for a hug. “I have all the help I can get from these two.” Her tail wagged happily behind her. “They help me in more ways that I can ask for, both physically and mentally!” The changeling blushed at the compliment while the dragon snorted with smug at being held like this, both knowing the meaning behind her words. This warmed the princess as she witnessed the alien vixen hold them with fondness, despite her extra-interstellar origins. The dragon and changeling held no quarrel and actually have bonded to her in ways she would never understand. Her guards however knew what was up, but remained silent. Smiling, the princess nodded with approval. “And I am happy that you can make friends, despite everything Krystal. With that, I leave you to it and if anything, please let me know.” “Will do princess, thank you again.” With that, she gave a bow, echoed by her two companions. Twilight nodded, turned and headed back into town followed by her guards. Once gone, both changeling and dragon turned to their vixen companion. “You know, if I didn’t know any better, I would say that she is blind to what you actually do to us.” Molten commented with a smirk. “A-And t-that L-Luna-a h-hasn’t t-told-d her ev-everything.” Finished Shutterbug. Krystal gave them a wink and turned to them, flagging her tail. “Come on, I still feel like we can work out a few more kinks before the day ends. After that, dinner is on me.” The changeling and dragon followed, both with a smirk as she said kinks.  More hours passed and Kyrstal started to remember buttons, controls and more. A spark that caused a memory of lengthy battles, the screech of metal of a distant battle cry, and the brief flashes of images on the screen showing… a face. Canid, rugged, and strong, nothing like her but one that looked so familiar. A face she hoped that one day would return to her mind and reignite her past. A sharp spark followed by a yelp of terror echoed, coming from Shutterbug. Molten and Krystal were on him in seconds. “Shutter! You okay?” She asked in panic, worried for the buggy. Said changeling came from behind the back of the ship where part of his face was slightly burnt though he remained mostly intact. “S-Sorry!” He apologized, which was not needed. “I-I-I c-crossed-d the w-wrong w-wires-s!” Krystal checked him over and saw no real damage to his chintin other than the small char. “You wanna go get checked out by the hospital?” He shook his head in denial. “N-No I-I’m f-fine, r-really! I-I w-will need t-to g-go get some n-new w-wires from D-Doctor-r W-Whoves however! H-He h-has g-good knowledge a-about y-your ships-s w-wiring.” Krystal gave him a once over, making sure he was really fine before giving a slow nod. “Well, if you are sure, then go ahead. Though if you need any help in recovering,” She leaned in and gave him a brief kiss on his head, giving him a bit of love into it that would hopefully help. The bug instantly lit up and the scorch marks all but disappeared, leaving the bug clean once more. He was blissfully healed and recovered. “T-Thank y-you, K-Krystal!” He beamed, hugging her. She returned the hug.  “Anytime, though, don't make it a habit. I will start charging!” She playfully teased.  He got bashful but nodded. “O-Of cours-se! B-But I-I do need-d to g-go to the g-good d-doctor! I-I’ll get t-those w-wires f-fixed s-soon!” He held said wire in his magical grasp. “I-It s-should o-only t-take a c-couple of h-hours!” “No problem, buggy! Take your time, I know you and the Doctor love to be good techno buddies. Be back by dinner though!” ‘W-Will do! S-see y-you two l-later!” With that, the skittish bug walked out of the shop. Molten, who has been quiet this whole time, moved towards Krystal.  “You ever wonder what got him so… jumpy?” He asked, as he held up a few tools for her. Pulling one from him, she gave a small shake of his head. “No, and I don't ask. It’s best to let them explain themselves then guess.” “Hmm, and you still know where you come from?” She turned a bolt, tightening it on the frame of her ship and spoke. “Right now… no. Fragments, pieces, and old images come to mind but, I have looked past it and hope that maybe when I start this engine, it will start my memories.” The dragon gave her a once over as her head was under the wing. “And when you recover the ship and your memories, will you leave us?” Krystal paused in her work and pulled out under.  She looked up at the drake and saw his expression. To the untrained eyes, he was as stoic as a rock, but to someone who had a subconscious knack for understanding creatures, she was able to see his true emotion. She was no changeling but she knew that if and when she was ready, she would leave. “I do have too, you know? I need to remember. I mean, for all I know, I’ve got family, I’ve got a life or something out there.” He gave a small turn of his head. “And… will you return, once you find it all?” Krystal smiled, her tail flicking. “Of course, I will. I may not have been here for long, but I will come visit the friends I've made here in six weeks.” He pulled her close til they were touching. “Especially your favorite dragon and bug horse?” She giggled and wrapped her arm around his frame. “Especially my favorite hot dragon and love bug.” He reached down, grasping her butt with one arm and hoisting her up. The vixen wrapped her legs around his waist right above his hips. “And will you bring some of your other… and possibly just as attractive friends and family here too?” He was starting to get aroused, knowing that this was their current break time. He could even smell her own unique scent too and he groped her tail. Her eyes went half lidded and she pulled close to his head. “Perv,” She growled. “What do you think I might have someone better looking than me that might come to you?”  He leaned his head down, near her neck to intake her scent once more. “No…” He paused as his other claw reached over to her breasts, playing with her soft mammaries. “-But what if you are mated or have someone already? Perhaps if you know of any extra kin who may need… love or lust that could only be quelled by a dragon,” His words left as a growl as he pressed against her neck, sending those words to vibrate against her form. She shuddered as the humm ran down her spine, sparking her own arousal. Just below the hem of the loincloth, his own spire had poked out of his slit and was growing in mass. Unlike the copy made by Shutterbug, this one was real, big and hotter than the changeling.  “If you think that I will let you mount anyone that is like me, you are sadly mistaken!” She growled as she locked focus onto his eyes. “The only vixen you are ever touching is me! And even if I am already mated or have someone, I don’t mind sharing!” “And what if they mind?” He challenged. His tail swung with agitated arousal. By now, his organ was fully erected and he pressed it right at her nethers, shielded by the piece of clothing. A gasp left her and she squeezed her arms around his neck, feeling him press hard against her. The heat of his spire easily warmed through the layers and pressed hotly on her delicate flower. A mass of warmth spread through her lower body as he kept it tightly on it, rubbing the tip just at the spread of her lower lips. It only took a few passes of him to get her to warm up quickly and get wet. Huffing, she struggled against him, his other claw squeezing her right breasts through the bra she had. His thick claw grasped it with ease, flicking her nipple even with it covered. “I-I will make them understand! Grr!” Her back arched, as he pressed his organ hard on her nethers, his pre-smearing the undergarment while her own fluids moistened it further. “I-I need me -my friends here! Ugh! That wonderful… and stupidly brilliant changeling!” He sent another wave of shutters down her spine as he growled against her neck, jaws open as if ready to bite. “And for me?” He gently nibbled the area between her neck and shoulder. A loud moan left her, tail wracking furiously behind her, nethers trying to grasp his shaft through her cloth.  She dug into his hard scales on his back, squeezing her legs harder on his waist. Her hips grinded on the tip of his pride, trying to further stir herself. By then, both his pre and her fluids long matted the underside, creating a small mixture both on her thighs and the floor below them.  Krystal managed to gasp out in the heat of the moment. “And you! You, you fucking, hot firey, overgrown salamander who teases me way to much!”  His eyes met hers. “Tell me you want it then.” “I want it!” “And will you want it when you leave us?” “Yes!” She was panting now. She reached down to move her loincloth aside and allowed her nethers to breathe, only for his spire to instantly pressed against her folds. A moan leaving her mouth. “And will you try to spend as much time as you can with us before you leave? Being bent over and over again until the last moments before you go?” “P-Please!” She begged. “Please do it right before I go!” He readied himself with his other claw moving down and grasping her hips. “Then, I hope this is not the last you and I are together and that you remember the wonderful bliss we have for one another.” She smiled weekly and pressed her mouth to his. “For as long as I Live. I will always treasure you all!” Hearing that as a form of promise, he pressed his mouth on her own and treated it as a kiss. No lips for him, but the sentiment was the same. She moaned into their attempted ‘kiss’ and was rewarded with him sinking into her depth, his spire with barbs, striking her hood on the outside first before plunging into her. She squeezed her whole frame tightly as he bypassed the cloth and her lips easily, sinking his large shaft into her. Her practices with Shutterbug had helped but unlike his version, this one was a hot piece of flesh that heated her higher and higher. Her own fluids couldn’t quell his heat, only make it easier for him to slide into her. He was big since he was a dragon, meaning he could only three-quarters of himself in her, but it was all enough for both of them. Reaching only near his base, Krystal was bottomed out and left with a bump on her belly as the dragon sighed, enjoying her tight confines. While they have done it before, each time was just as amazing as their first time, feeling each other against their body and knowing that they can both feed off each other’s bliss. Once properly accumulated and adjusted, he lifted her from her waist, bringing her halfway up his spire, leaving a portion in. Then he slowly lowered her down, his barbs flexing against her wall and scrapping almost every inch of her tunnel. He was slow to start, a habit that he enjoyed since her walls felt different to a dragoness. She was smaller, more fragile and she could easily come in under a minute without much effort. He also knew that she enjoyed that warmth that radiated off of every inch of his body. It was like a blanket around her and in her.  His wings wrapped around her, as if to shield her from the world but really, it was so she wouldn’t fall back and her warmth was around her. She was still wrapped around him as he raised and lowered her, his movement deliberate and precise, a soft growl of pleasure leaving him.  Krystal was a moaning mess but she enjoyed how slow he was, careful and minding her body. His right claw held her hips while his left claw held her by her tail. The only noise in the shop being their voices of pleasures and the slow increasing sounds of their fluids squelching together. By then, her loincloth had long been wet, with the flap catching any drippings as he bounced her up and down. He still remained standing, which astonished her since he held no support, other than his tail he used to brace against the floor. His head pressed against her own, soft mutters of care, of growls and licking her face. That was another secret desire that they enjoyed. His tongue was hot, thick and whatever he ate before was no longer present since the fire in his core burned it off. The feeling of hot wet saliva on her face was a dirty pleasure but one she only enjoyed from him. By now a comfortable rhythm had formed with him pistoning in and out of her with ease while she just sat and enjoyed the ride. His tongue reached lower to her breasts where he slid under the clothing and tickled her nipples, earning more moans from her. And for his final trick, he slid the back of her loincloth aside and pressed a digit on her back door. He managed to soak it briefly in their fluids and then ran it with the intent of making her squirm hard against him. As soon as the claw pressed against her tight cheeks, she clenched briefly, but then relaxed and allowed that digit to sink into her anus.  That was enough to bring her to her first quick climax. She whimpered hard as she pressed her head against him, feeling her walls quench on him hard and spill onto him. Her flap did get stained more, by now a sticky mess of wet cloth that was heavy. He continued his efforts knowing this was just one of many but he still had a bit ways to go. He ramped up his thrusting, not really allowing her to recover. Krystal felt a slight drain yet granted him to keep going. This euphoric feeling was unlike anything she could ever have and perhaps in her life in the past, she has never had it, but that would not stop her. She was going to enjoy this, enjoy him and Shutterbug and she would make these a part of her new memories. The dragon stuck his tongue into her mouth, filling it with his own, almost tasting what they had earlier. The vixen didn’t fight back, rather allowed his oral organ to violate her, though he only kept it within a depth as to not gag her.  His digit that had probed her anus now was half way into her rectum and wiggling it within while increasing his speed of his thrust. The knowledge of her approaching another quick orgasm was coming and the fact that she could only handle three or four at best was to increase his timing. Her moans grew louder as he sped up, no longer thinking comprehensively. Her mind going away and succumbing to the unbelievable pleasure that wracked her body. The assault he laid on her was unwavering and her body was in terminal bliss with seemingly limitless need to breed her. His eyes were focused on her closed ones, seeing her twitching and unfocused as he continued his assault on her body. The bouncing was stronger now, strong enough that her breasts that had been bouncing up and down through her bra finally bounced up and down with freedom.  Her quenching body around his organ had long grown accustomed to his shaft, but still dripping a near endless supply of juices down his shaft and onto the floor. A puddle had formed and tainted it with their scent, only permanent if left dry.  The digit that had been buried in her anus continued to wiggle and hit parts of the most sensitive of her nature. As he continued to plunge into her, she already shivered and wracked as another orgasm hit her hard, causing more juices to be expelled by her. A hard moan left her which also drained her body further, now behind held by his arms and wings. Her mind was shutting down as waves of endorphins filled her mind and her state of pleasure beyond what she could normally handle. The dragon knowing she wouldn’t last her next one, sped his thrusting into her to bring his own climax quicker. The slaps of his body against her own echoed the shed and would now be the most audible noise from them. He held her against him to bring more force down on her, repeated stabs of his spear into her womb. His veracity not wearing and his will to go on would be longer if not for the vixen he was currently trying to breed. His claw that had been buried in her anus, stayed as an anchor to keep her pressed against him, lodged deep within with just enough room to wiggle the tip claw within. He let go of her mouth so she could breathe, a relief of gasps leaving her on what breathes she could. Her breasts now pressing against his hard scales, scraping on them and aggravating their further sensitive nature. By now, she was gone in a state of perpetual bliss, her sensitive nethers now oozing with most of his fluids, globs of his white pre-seed flowing what space it could with his large organ in the way. Fear of cross-breeding tested and failed with no results during her heat week with both partners but even if some miracle were to happen… “If you return,” He managed to growl out, his climax approaching. Her mind was gone and couldn’t comprehend enough but was still listening. “-with no mate or claim, I wish us to claim you!” He pressed his mouth on her neck, tasting her salty and odd fur on his tongue. “To make you ours!” Enough of those words registered into her with her managing to moan out a blissful… “Yes!” Hearing this triggered the dragon and he made a double effort to finish. He pounded on her harder and faster, the swelling at the base and feeling his member twitching aggressively in the tight confines of her walls. Despite being worlds apart, despite their alien nature to one another and no matter what the future held, they would treasure this and what memories they could hold together. With a muffled growl on her neck, he slammed into her, triggering himself hard on her.  Krystal twitched hard, moaning one last time as she felt the dragon’s tip firing thick, powerful shots of liquid hot seed deep within her womb, flooding it in seconds with how much he held. She shuddered as another, powerful orgasm tore through her body, clenching his member and digit hard before going limp as he came within her. He filled her quickly, almost expanding her belly with it before pulling out and squeezing himself in between her legs to prolong the orgasm, firing behind her and into the floors of the shed. He continued his growl and thrusting, firing into the air with an arch of seed, staining almost all of her loincloth with it. The fruitful of his orgasm lasted a whole 30 seconds of shooting between her legs. While the idea of wasting his seed was tasteless, he didn’t dare harm her of which she could not handle. Their blissful climaxes were burned into their minds, forever burning at the moments of total pleasure. The dragon stopped coming not long after, with his seed dripping from his tip in small dribbles while Krystal leaked like a faucet of his seed from her used hole. She continued to twitch and moan as pos orgasmic slowly settled in. The loincloth she wore was long drenched in seed and juices, much like her lower thighs and feet. In her blissed out mind, she didn’t care, nor that her top off, nipples exposed. Something that the dragon took advantage of as he laid her back a bit and flicked them with his tongue. He also slowly pulled out the digit of her anus, still wet and somewhat surprised at how tight she managed to squeeze him. The drake was still standing strong, his member residing back into his slit and him laying her across his arms, bridle style.  Krystal was lucid enough to smile weekly, looking up at the drake. “T-That-t w-was a-amazing…” Her body is now tiring at the ride she just got. He chuckled and licked her face. “Shutterbug rubbing off on you?” He gently mocked. Her eyes fluttered but she gave a small chuckle. “N-No j-just… h-happy.” He smiled and pressed his head against her. “And… Do you remember what I told you?” She reached out to weakly hold his neck. “Yes.” He stared at her beautiful eyes and she stared back. “And yes… again.” His heart throbbed with those words. “While I am hoping you find your past, I pray even more for your return.” With that, he walked her out of the shed. “We should get you cleaned up,  Shutterbug might not be done. So we can meet him over there and get some dinner too.” She happily allowed the drake to take her to her home to clean. “Just make sure everyone doesn’t notice how dirty you made me,” She teased, as more of his seed dropped from her nethers. He smirked and slid the garment back to cover it and the flap on top, making it less obvious. “I'll try not to embarrass our local alien vixen from the stars.” “Best not, the last thing I need is for everyone to think they have an easy shot with this Fox Tail!” “No, but when you do leave, we will make sure that we fill you up so much, it will leave Space trails!” They both laughed and headed out, leaving her ship behind. Had both waited a bit longer, they would have noticed the cockpit light up in the front. A distorted voice coming through. “Krystal! ~Static~ “Are you there? Do you -” ~Static~ “-is Star-” ~Static~ “-you copy? Krystal?” The ship went dark as did the voice.