> A Mare's song by Rain > by Little_Draco > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Rain and the Sisters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Mare’s song of Rain It was a beautiful and far away land that had enraptured both the former princesses of Equestria with such sights, it left them breathless. The sheer expansive and nearly seemingly endless horizons of fields and plains, both of them knew they had reached an almost untouched part of the lands that would feel like home in the ancestors' past. A deep inhale had both of them take in air that was far cleaner than anything in Equestria, mostly due to the agriculture and industrial advancements. Even that which laid outside of their touch, this was far more natural and elegant that no one dared change its horizons. The luggage on their backs is the only modern touch to be laid upon the lands. While it would be nice to be back to civilization, both knew that this was their new life and their choice to venture to the farthest reaches across the lands and oceans. This particular area was in of itself, a secluded and almost hidden area to ponies, for this was the land of the wildest of animals and of the last settlers of pony kind to adapt to modern times. Not far from them, nearly a few kilometers away, was a small village, not quite hidden, but not visible either. The only visible source from them was the bonfire that they held in its center. A bonfire only limited the number of times a day. Upon arriving closer to this secluded village, both princesses were greeted not far from its center, gatherers. Those who harvest plants, food and such and take it back. One thing that was to be noticed almost right away is that these were not ponies like the ones in Equestria, but they were actual horses. Tall, proud and true horses that stood on par and size to that of Luna and Celestia, some even taller. Their colors were not as bright and colorful as the ponies, mostly in whites, blacks, browns, and other coat variants, with few mixing in between them. Yet, because of their seclusions, one thing to bear in mind was their limited clothing. Limited in that they only wore bare essentials, like loincloths and coverings for bodies. Males and females here had large loincloths and breast wear woven by silk only found in these lands by trees, vegetation and even other ways only known to them. It wasn’t magic, but it was certainly something that was magical on its own.  But that was just their basic settings. Unlike her ponies, they were limited to the earth they were born from, held no magic grasp of known kind, no cutie marks on their flanks and were almost silent creatures. Though there were no problems with speech, few spoke a tongue dialect close to Equish, but their choice to speak was their own, hence why upon their arrival, waves and simple gestures were given.  Despite having set a hoof here once upon a time in the past with their ancestors, the duo princesses were easily recognized by their beautiful forms. Their tall figures, of both snow white and radiant navy blue. Folded wings of perfect feathers behind their backs still showed off their power in flight. A pointed horn on each head that held a gleam to their hidden and immense power that remained untouched. Lastly, was their grace, their forms, and the line which blended between beauty and godly, only beat by the one inhabitant in the village even they knew could be rivaled. Their approach had them guided by the young foals and gatherers who guided them to their village. While normally strangers were rare around these lands, it was no secret to who they were. Generations upon generations of their tales of who and what they are were sung, spoken and whispered. Of two sisters amongst the many-whom-control, they who walk the skies, and the many daughters of Queen Faust and Heavens. Their forms danced not just in eyes but in their tongues and ears, through stories, songs and more. Just gazing upon them sends many to unfathomable wild fantasies, mare and stallion alike. The young ones however were just happy to bask in their sights and wake. The stories of demi-gods coming to life as they walked to their village center, canters of beauty and grace, more akin to dancing on the earth and air itself.  Few dared to touch their beauty up close, yet wouldn’t in fear to cause wrath. However, it was an unsolicited fear that would go away the second they were within the village center. The homes and centers were made of tree logs and barks, giant leaves and straw hay, woven and held together with vines, weeds and mud earth. Strong against the raging winds, harsh weather and the heated suns. Few still use teepees and smaller sets like boulders for much more comfortable uses. Near the center was the bonfire, low and quaint compared to the night where it was at its brightest. The village held many horses, young and old, small and tall, mare, stallion, filly and colt alike. Mothers and stallions cooked, worked, cleaned or taught, in-different to the ponies back home, but in ways that were calmly primitive. Gathering, basic adding and subtracting, building, weaving, fire building, survival and more. While ponies haven’t done this in centuries, only for those who go camping or exploring, they have done it for thousands upon thousands of years, almost unchanged. Upon their arrival to the village center, they were in the attention of the village leader and a beautiful mare in her own right that rivaled that of their own.   They knew of her because she was much like them but unlike an alicorn or magic wielder on horn. She was a demi-goddess however and she has been with this group for as long as Luna and Celestia have been alive. Her name was the namesake of what was the most natural form of beauty to come about the land.  Rain… The mare who danced and sung to bring forth natural, uncontrolled weather here of wonderful portions. Unlike the pegasi, she could move and sing that would bring forth rain and weather as such, either today or the following days after. A land once ravaged by untamed deserts and dead lands, was graced by her presence a thousand years ago when her kin were on the verge of extinction, now flourished. The greens of plains, the scent of fresh air and the expanse of life grew in a short time deemed impossible. Impossible but yet, was done by divinity and her… Her back was turned but her focus was ever expansive and just, knowing full well who they were. Even without facing them, her mix of light earth brown and snow white splodges colors, still danced with beauty of the natural earth itself. On her ear tuft was a small feather to adjourn her head. Lastly, her mane of silk golden tint flowed in the wind, un aided by magic like their own but as if the actual skies themselves wish to keep it in motion. Moving closer, those within the village approached and took care of them. Slowly, their belongings were stripped from them. Starting with the heavy gear like backpacks and rolls, the locals slowly pried apart their excess weight. They were handled ceremoniously and with care, even if what they were wearing was foreign to them.  Luna and Celestia said nothing, only allowed their belongings to be removed to them by mare and stallion. Once their excessive load was lifted from their backs, both knew what came next, as they removed their upper layers. The actions themselves were slow, especially since they didn’t move a single digit nor used their magic to do so. The mares and stallions unbuttoned, unzipped and slowly pulled their upper clothing off. Unfazed the locals were, at their chances to grope and touch the demi-goddess. Luna’s hiking jacket was unzipped a black coated mare. After the jacket was removed, then came her buttoned shirt, which each pulled deliberate and precise until her bra was exposed. The mare held no quarrel with sampling and rubbing Luna’s wonderful and luscious breasts as she undressed her. Celestia was no different but undressed by a stallion instead.   They left their bras on, made of a natural silk material but unlike those before them, a weave they had of their own. Their garments match their fur colors. Then came off their hiking pants which were gracefully slid below them, legs parted and with gentle caress.  A different mare of light tan coat, slowly pulled Luna’s pants down, giving soft gliding hands to run across her rump and down her thighs, softly bringing in the scent of her nethers to her nose, noting the soft touches of lavender and night blossoms. Celestia had another stallion work on Celestia’s pants as well, but he didn’t hesitate to press his snout between her legs to drink in her scent, basking in the smell of lillies, sunflowers and vanilla.  Their hiking shoes, socks and other assorted items were withdrawn and handled with what seemed astute professionalism, both former princesses were now ready to be seen. They were not built as hardy as the horses here were with toned muscles like the stallions and mare, but neither were they plump with fat due to their divine nature, so their bodies were as perfect as perfect can be. From head to breasts, to belly and thighs. The mare, the dancer in water, the beauty of nature incarnate and the hope for those around her, slowly turned to them and with a smile that almost made even the most hardened individual melt, she saw former ‘sisters’ for the first time in ages. Celestia and Luna beamed with tears of joy and love as they quickly approached their divine ‘sister’. Rain opened her arms and brought them in for a large hug, with the tears of joy, love and reunion. She gave each sister a big kiss on their foreheads before bringing them in for a kiss on their lips, with a love that was still strong even a millennium later. Kisses and hugs were greatly exchanged with an eager  Without speaking a word, she pulled away and waved her hand to them in front of the village. An almost harmonic tone left her with no real words, at least to any normal equine, and announced the return of her beloved sisters of the heavens. In their translation, welcoming back the demi-goddesses to one of their own. Cheers and stomps of joy echoed the village at the return as well as the warmth that radiated from the return. Every horse came to greet them, either in small short words of ‘Welcome’ or they brushed their hands on their bodies, a sign of adornment and worship. This was something never condoned nor allowed in Equestrian society, yet here… it felt natural. It felt like they were back in the past where this was as normal as it can be. And this was just the beginning… Both Luna and Celestia were treated as royally as they would be in Equestria. However they would contribute and aid those in the village, which was more accepting then the ponies back home. Unlike their ponies, who stumble on their own feet if the princesses do things outside of the norm or walk their own line, the horses here allowed them their tasks or errands. Gathering out in the fields, bringing water from a stream close by, lifting heavy objects(without magic) and teaching the young ones their lessons.  Luna was happy to interact with the young ones, teaching alongside with other instructors, though with a touch on being vigilant ‘Night watchers’ as well as which other plants, flowers, etc., could be used for food, herbs, and so on. She also had an affinity for bringing up new games for the foals, most inspired by Equestrian sports and such. Her task for the herbs also came with the added bonus to introducing teas and lavender to help calm down after a long day. While she knew not to bring many advancements from Equestria to here, she did enjoy teaching something new to the young ones.   Celestia on the other hand enjoyed the physical aspect of the work. Going out on the fields to gather food, long vines and wood for more homes to be built, and even water. In truth, this was a thousand years coming for her, since she knew she had been on her butt for most of the centuries and while she would never dare admit to Luna that she had gained weight… she most certainly had gained weight, especially on said posterior. Yet, even as she bent or lifted heavy items, the stallions that followed alongside her seemed to be enjoying the demi-goddess tag along, more so that she was as strong as them, despite her lithe frame compared to their own. She lifted logs, large bales of hay or baskets of water with ease. A tribute to be found in Rain as well. Speaking of, the mare was as happy as she could be, reunited with Luna and Celestia after thousands of years. She knew that both of them had a country to build, run and maintain, but it was saddening to know they couldn’t have visited. The last interaction was a year before Luna’s exile that had nearly broken their bond. She knew of what had happened and the pain both had to endure. But Rain was a mare to forgive and move on, especially since now… they were here once more. This time, they will be here longer! Both had retired and both were now free of their duties, making this day and the rest off these days worth celebrating! And that day, they did indeed celebrate. Rain had joined them in the helping of the village, where she picked up food from the fields with Celestia, to chase the foals along with Luna. It truly was a blessed day and that was just the start. Throughout the day, she was a teaser as well, much to the grin and silent enjoyment to both sisters. It was no secret that she was a flirtatious mare and one who had no boundaries when it came down to physical contact. She was very much like their niece Cadenza but with many lifetimes worth of experience. Simple passes on their breasts or the gentle grip of their lower cheeks, had them red cheeked while giggling like school fillies. In truth, it was her more enduring aspect and hence, why when one comes to the village, one is expected to be as bare as possible but leave enough to be modest for the foals sake, which is also why she never did it in the views of them as well. She was as playful as she was secretly devious, mindful but always quick, and lastly, she was beautiful and stunning when her eyes locked onto yours. As the days had gone in a past they wished could be forgotten of woes and troubles; both princesses retiring to return back to one of their first hearts, was worth knowing that this is whom they wished to spend their remaining days with. Something they have yet to share with her. Even now as the day had turned to a slow evening, Rain had them sitting at a nearby small hill that held a ledge with a view of the village and the great expanse to the beyond. She had one sister on each side of her and would compliment them with kisses and gropes. A tender but sweet gesture from her, that said much more than any word she could sing to them.  Her right hand was in between the legs of Celestia, rubbing her nethers with her lower underwear moved to the side. The white princess softly murmured as she kissed the sweet cheeks of Rain while her left arm was around the back of Luna, groping her left breast, as the night princess sucked on her own breasts. It was an arousing sight for sure, but it was also something that reminded them of the past. A time when their lives were free and burdens were a passing phase. Where they had the endless horizons to run forever, take her with them on their wings to soar in the skies and find locations to sleep under the stars and make love passionately to one another. Neither sister had any quarrel with sharing her nor did she with them. She was as free and as Spirited as anyone could be, as long as a heart can remain open and true. Their mad passionate days of love could be echoed only in modern pony erotica of preposterous proportions, yet no pony in Equestria would ever truly know of how lusty and ravishing their princesses really were. This was made apparent by how simply exposed and close they were to Rain. Celestia’s delightful moans as the finger penetrated her, were only echoed by Luna as the hands kneaded her breasts. While it was minimal effort, the mare’s almost magic fingers had a way to bring to an astonishing quick but wonderful climax to them both. She remembered their buttons, their twitches, their little triggers on their body that brought them that much closer.  The secretions of the white princess flowed like droplets of ever flowing water off a plant, coating the finger. Celestia was quick to become aroused with an orgasm fast to approach, while her sister preferred longer takes to achieve her climax. Though the lunar princess was wet as well, dripping onto her own garments just from the effort and caress of Rain’s groping, she was enjoying her continuous suckling of her breast. As they continued their own private session, Rain sang to them softly. While it was a hum or tone that would be associated with singing to the uninitiated, but to the sisters, it was a normal means of speech and form of communication. This was… a sort of tune of that amped up the arousal for those around her, usually used during the mating seasons. Hums and coos, moans and ‘ahs’ blended into the voice of the song, never swaying and never faltering even as she was in the throes of her own bliss. Celestia and Luna felt her voice fill their ears and tickle the part of the brain that triggered the endorphins to quicken their bliss. The sisters moaned and swayed to the tune, feeling their states of pleasure rising without her touches ever changing. It was her nature to cause pleasure and bliss, through means unknown to the mortals but grace to the demi-gods. Her music would make vengeful gods weep, make hurricane force winds turn to gentle breezes and she could stop an army on its tracks as they dropped their arms and cry for peace. Her words of none, made lasting impression for eons, her touches could make mountains shiver and her form can make the wildest of male, tame and drop to their knees before her. That was just the start… Luna was graced with warm milk in her mouth, as Rain altered her body to produce it. That alone sent a warm shiver down her throat, through her spine and down to her belly. The waking depths of her lower nethers quivered and quenched as a growing orgasm was waiting. Clestia was no different for the finger that was within her barely moved but the music itself was enough to vibrate her frame.  Rain continued her song, the voice strong but with melodic pitch no mortal could produce. A level achievable but understandable in every language. From her throat, she hummed, a tone of sweet dedication to love, bliss and beyond. Her sisters heard of it before, many times like this but it always worked. It always made them feel loved and cherished, that no word could come close to saying.  The unrestrained havoc of blissful tones that ran up and down their own divinity made them feel like mortals on the tips of her fingers. And yet, as she continued to be milked by Luna and finger Celestia, she was just as Equine as those that followed her, and those that followed the princesses. She loved, she cared and she had needs and those needs would only be quelled by these two beside her. As her song began to come to an end, Luna felt her body quake as her breasts were fondled to a point before the hand that belonged to Rain, finally reached down and barely touched the upper brim of her nethers. As the finger made contact, she moaned into the breasts that she fed and quivered as her juices came and matted the only pair of clothing she had on. The finger barely made contact with her upper clit and Luna released. Celestia was just as quick to climax as Luna, her mouth moaning into the neck of Rain as she finished her song, swirling the finger still within Celestia as the mare came just as hard onto it with ease like Luna. Her hips trusted on the finger as each quake wracked her body and spilled forth her juices on the digit, the panties to the side and the earth below. Rain sighed as she happily allowed the sisters to rest on her. Celestia on her shoulder with Luna on her breasts, still reveling on their orgasmic bliss. She gave both of them a kiss on their heads and sat with them until they recovered. Once content and settled, did the sister kiss either side of her in ‘thanks’. The kisses being a treasure of their own, both happily stayed with their ‘divine sister’ as they overlooked the village not far below. They spoke no words and said nothing, just happily embraced and with each other a millennium of being away. A long time of not having one another, of not having these amazing moments, gone and so long ago. Rain understood what they went through, of what pain they held for one another and to this day, perhaps still carry, though when they returned, she hoped that it would be better. “Rain?” Celestia was the first to speak after the first time. The mare turned to her, a look that simply said ‘yes?’ “We wish to tell you something, something wonderful!” The silent mare cocked her head in question and turned it to Luna who held her hand close. “Indeed and it is one I think that you and I and Celestia would love.” Slowly but surely, her eyes went wide, her heart beat faster and hope stirred into her divine soul as both sisters grasped her hands and pulled close.  With beaming smiles and eyes of new found joy that seemed to be without end, both answered simultaneously. “Luna and I have officially… retired!” The heart stopped, not because of fear or pain, but because of reality and truth coming from both of them. “Indeed, our duties are fulfilled with our days and nights, forever ours!” Moisture formed at the corners of her eyes, her heart began to beat once more with rapid pace as she heard them speak. Was… was this a dream? “This is no dream, I assure.” Luna stated with firm confirmation. “We are here-” “And we own no one else our time to-” “Except you and each other-” “I still hold the day-” “And I the night-” “But we will hold each other-” “Day and Night-” “For the remainder of our lives-” “If you allow us once more to your home and village once more.” The straw broke and so did Rain. For a thousand years, she waited. For a thousand years, she hoped and prayed for their return. For one thousand years, she sang and hoped that her heart would be whole once more. She openly wept in front of them, not caring as she hugged them both and cried happily once more for them. This time, she didn’t let go. The two sisters also shed tears of joy and love, hugging and kissing her in turn, happy to hear the news. Her weeps of joy and happiness were musical tones of rainfall that signaled new beginnings. A river clearing away blockage to allow water for those in need. A choir of storms that said that the once barren and vacant heart of the land, would cover it with endless water to flood the lands with live and love. And days and nights of endless tears of pleasure, love and hope would consume them, bleeding long after and many, many days after, forever perpetual in their hearts as the world now belonged to them and them alone. That night, a feast was held and the bonfire was grand. Seen for many miles around, but none bothered them, the horses in the village partook in the biggest of celebrations in many generations. Not since the flock had regained its number from a terrible winter that nearly ended them and not since the cycles of days and nights were disturbed. At the forefront, the stallions, mares and foals all cheered, danced and joined in the absolute most festive of nights. Food was plentiful, water was abundant and joy was everywhere. The young ones playing the new games Luna introduced while Celestia partook in sweets that she crafted with them. The bonfire burned brightly and with intent, as the world blended with endless laughter and love.  Days and nights, the horses in the village would be blessed with the three demi-goddesses before them.  From Celestia, she would bring forth warm days and blissful summers. With Luna, she guarded their dreams and their nights, ever vigilant by their graces. Rain remains as she always had, a singer, a dancer and a maker of showers, storms and change. But now that she had them back, each day would be different and each night would be different. She would be awakened to a mare in both arms, either side and never leaving. They would hold her, please her, kiss her, love her, for as long as their immortality allowed it, bringing endless brightness to her heart. As she sang at the bonfire, she announced it to them all, not just as her ‘sisters divine’ return but that they would stay with them permanently, a cheer echoing for miles on end and the joys of their pleasure flooding their ears. By the end, Rain brought both of them back into her own grand tent, made to accommodate her divinity. A bed fluffiest of hays, made with softest of cottons and blended in with shaven wool. Wax of trees to keep light within and even a hammock for relaxing. They all ignored that and went straight for the bed.  As the flaps of the tent fell to a close, so did the lights but the atmosphere rose thricefold. The clothing that remained hit the floors before they even made it to the bed.  The touches of hands across one another was fast and deliberate. Kisses shared and lustful moans were just the start. Tonight, there was no holding back for them. A thousand years each of them had waited and they dare not wait a moment longer. Both Luna and Celestia cast their first spell since they got here inside the tent, silencing the world both outside and within. None would hear them and the world would not dare disturb them. Rain kissed them both quickly on the lips, no longer supporting them, bringing them down onto the soft bed pile with cushioned landings. As they landed, they instantly assaulted her in every imaginable way possible, trying to give and take what was deserved.  Luna ran kisses up and down her neck, trying to find her sweet spot like she remembered long ago. Her hand groped and kneaded on breast, feeling the warm milk spill from her almost immediately and smearing it all over. Celestia reached lower and began kissing her belly, running her lips up and down that godly body. As she descended, her target was in view and she inhaled the scent of the mare. Raindew in the morning, with an earthly tone after it, followed by lillies and spring flowers. Rain moaned for the first time in a thousand years. For the first time in a thousand years, she felt the love she had earned. Many stallions and mares have shared the bed with her over the eon, but none could ever compare to them. None would be able to please her like them. Luna’s groping and kisses on her neck were like the winds tickling your senses while Celestia breathing down on her own godly nethers was like a brush of summer grass against her lips. Both remembered what she liked and both knew that this was her time. This she had earned after a thousand years. Luna reached down and once more took her nipple into her mouth, sucking in that milk into her mouth. She gave a small nipple at the base of her breasts before pulling out only to have the nipple between her teeth. Small nipples cause Rain to gasp, short soft bursts of musical tones leaving mouth as pleasure flowed from her body. Celestia sank ever lower, blowing warm breath on the mare’s nethers, noting the small natural bush she had and allowed her nose to brush against it. It tickled her, but she continued her soft assault on the nethers, making sure to take her time. As the sisters tackled her body, Rain sang once more. Her pleasure morphing into a song, a beautiful and wondrous tune that told her indescribable feeling of euphoria that encompassed her by the two sisters. The way they touched and held her, pressed their bodies against her. The way their heavenly forms clashed against her own, unmatched by mortals in any way. Her song morphed into low hums like a lullaby of the millennium without feeling the full release of her body. The ache of countless and fruitless orgasms that she went without for so long. Celestia touched the mare for the first time in a thousand years by gently brushing her lips against Rain’s. It was a kiss, a gentle kiss. Then another kiss, followed by another and another, with more to come.  Her legs quivered and shook with each kiss, followed by a moan added to her song. Luna drank her milk like a foal, tears leaving her face as she remembered this wonderful taste. A mother’s milk that was not from a mother, but like nothing else. So sweet but natural to it, thick and creamy but smooth to swallow and lastly the warmth that filled her stomach of a hunger she thought she forgot of. Her other hand moved to her other breast and squeezed that one too. Rain’s song continued with more volume, now no longer with fear of the young ones hearing. She hummed louder feeling the amazing pleasure consume her body, as the sisters continued to please her. By now, Celestia stopped kissing her and started to lick her lower lips, pressing her flat tongue against and lightly penetrating her. Luna’s grips became harder while she continued to suckle the seemingly endless milk straight from her nipples.  Both sisters were wet as well, the songs stirring up their loins and making them drool down their legs and onto the bed. A needless mess but none of them carrying. Rain almost cried out in mid song as Celestia finally sank her tongue into her depths, wordless cry of joy leaving her. Celestia tasting her depths which contain a flavor on the sweet grass outside. Trying to make this as pleasurable as possible, Celestia sank in a finger too, bringing that pleasure to a higher form. Luna by now had her fill but still milked her, going after the other breast now and switching hands. She felt a hand on her head to encourage her to go on and on. By now, she was dripping and her own nethers ached with need. She glided her hand down her own form and to her lips, rubbing them in session with Rain’s song. Celestia also did the same, trying to bring her own pleasure as well. By now, the mare of nature, was singing with joy and euphoric pleasure, an impossible tune by any creature alive save her, as her body swayed to and fro with the sisters. Her legs quaked as her fluids finally flowed from her depths while her breasts became tender and draining. One hand on Luna’s head with the other on Celestia’s, she continued her music to bring them all to a climax together. Increase in speed, a touch of love in her tone with a mixture of pleasure, she put forth her own magic to make it happen. Both sisters moaned, feeling the pleasure coming soon, with the early sessions a mere appetizer compared to what will happen now. As their bodies continued to spill forth their fluids, it became apparent that they were coming with her and they would have it no other way. Doubling their efforts, Luna now let her milk spill from the tips and slide down her mounds to her sides while Celestia buried her tongue deeper into the mare, making her a withering mess.  The dem-goddesses rode on and on, their love for one another to bring the other to a climax was unending. Thousands of years with the eventual and restrainment that would normally come, was abandoned. Each mare wanted to make the other feel special and to bring back that love that held once more.  The taste of her milk and her juices was just the extra bits of hearing her song and holding her close. Boundless seas of plains of them running after one another was just a caveat to what held them to their endless love for one another. And the warmth of waking up every day and sleeping every night with her, was a heaven that would follow them in this life and the next. Rain had her song end, with a high pitched musical tone and burned into their ears, a wonderful and heavenly choir that angels weep and echo after. Clouds would form in the skies above and cast gentle showers over head, as she finally released. Celestia took it as much as she could, as she was sprayed by the delightful juices of the mare she loved. What didn’t make it into her mouth, covered her face. Luna was blessed with both nipples squirting milk as well, warm and sticky but delightful to the tongue. As the mare climaxed, her song breached the ears of the sisters, causing them as well to climax. Luna moaned against the breasts of Rain, her body quaking with a strong burst of secretions from nethers. Celestia sighed against Rain’s nethers as her own orgasm left her body, and spilled to the floor below. The trio moaned in harmonic unison and blissful joys consumed the tent. The scent was pungent with only them to bask in it and be encompassed by their own. Rain climaxed harder than she has ever had in a thousand years, allowing her to enjoy the first one since before they left. An endless stream of fluids leaving her body, continued on with Celestia fingering her to prolong it. Her hips thrusted up and down, shaking with the power behind it. Her nipples were like geysers, allowing them to shoot milk over her body and covering her, Luna and a bit of Celestia in white. For a solid minute, both sisters tried to keep her orgasm going, to make up for that lost time. It was one they knew she needed and one of many more to come. Finally, after she was done, Rain wept in orgasmic bliss and pleasure. Waves of relief washed over her as it was done by the two parts of her heart. The beautiful toll of it made her hazy and warm, letting her mind go blank. As she settled, Luna and Celestia pulled up towards her sides. Luna to her left and Celestia to her right. Despite the haze, her arms wrapped around their heads. Her soft cries were music to their ears, allowing her to enjoy this moment. Both gave kisses to her cheeks, with soft whispers of their love for her and each other. Those also came with promises of never ending love and how they are with her here forever. On her recovery, she kissed them both on the lips, tears running down her face as she enjoyed those loving words of theirs. A promise of eternal paradise here down in the mortal realm. Sleep took them not long after, with the sound of gentle rain hitting overhead and basking the world into a light darkness of bliss and haze. Yet, the bonfire remained burning despite, just like their hearts would for many years to come. The magic was there, held and stayed strong as long as the song of pleasure and love remained, by the mare named Rain…