> Who's Your Daddy? > by Jest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Homecoming > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lightning Dust reclined on a comfortable leather chair, hooves kicked up on an ottoman. The woman puffed absently on a pipe and read a newspaper, gaze lazily crawling across the page. Sitting in the middle of a relatively nice living room in upper Cloudsdale, she looked completely and utterly relaxed. Wearing a slightly poor-fitting tweed suit jacket styled more for a masculine body type, her clothing seemed slightly off. Beneath the jacket was a greyish-brown vest, under which was a white dress shirt, all of which did not suit her slim physique. Where the clothing, including a pair of brown slacks, was bulky and intended for a male, she was anything but. With long, well-toned legs, large biceps, and two small, but perky breasts, it was clear that these weren't her clothes. The rest of her appearance confirmed this, as her wild gold hair fell down to her shoulders. Her wings were extended, and kept in immaculate condition, while beside her lay the woman’s neatly cut tail of golden hair. Even still, she sat there, grinning to herself as she read the paper, and puffed on a brown pipe. Though it was difficult to ignore the unpleasant scent of rather low-quality tobacco, Lightning Dust was used to it. The only sound was the occasional crackle of burning smokable or the radio that occasionally filtered in from the next room. It sounded like some old-timey big band music that Lightning Dust had come to enjoy, but she couldn't be certain. She could also hear the sound of humming in the distance, occasionally punctuated by the occasional clatter. The noise made Lightning Dust grin a little wider as she inhaled, eager to detect the sweet smell of cookies. Sure enough, the pleasant aroma traveled down the hallway, past the various pictures of Rainbow Dash, and into the living room. Where it entered Lightning Dust’s nose and made her pause, take the pipe in one hand, and lick her lips. The anticipation was delicious, though that wasn't the only thing that Lightning Dust was eagerly looking forward to. The entrance to the home suddenly clicked, the nob then turned, and the door swung open. “Hey mom, dad. I’m back from Saddle Arabia,” Rainbow Dash called. The woman stepped inside and dropped a large backpack next to the door. “There ya are sport. Good to see ya,” Lightning Dust called in a deep voice while folding up her newspaper. “How was the adventure?” “Oh, it was…” Rainbow Dash paused just as she was about to take off her leather wonderbolts jacket. “Lightning Dust, what the hell are you doing here?” “Now now. Is that any way to speak to your new stepfather?” Lightning Dust retorted. “I thought your mother raised you better than that.” “Step, what?” Rainbow Dash muttered, pinching the bridge of her nose. “One, you're a villain. Two, you are not my stepfather, and three. What the fuck are you doing wearing my dad’s clothes?” “Language, dear.” “Sorry, mom- wait,” Rainbow Dash turned to the kitchen. Where her mother stood in the doorway, a plate of cookies in her hands, and a smile on her pregnant face. Her clothing, much like Lightning Dust’s was clearly not intended to be worn in the way it had been donned. For one, the wonderbolt shirt Windy Whistles wore was so small that it only just barely contained the woman’s titanic bust. Heaving bosoms larger than Rainbow Dash remembered, stretched the simple teal fabric to its limits, making the logo nearly illegible. They also did nothing to hide the two very visible wet spots, or the woman’s perky nipples that jutted forward. The only thing covering the woman’s remarkably large stomach was a rather cute pink apron with the words ‘kiss the milf’ written on them in red. Beyond that Rainbow’s mom wore only a pair of old gym shorts that barely encompassed her incredibly wide, child-bearing hips. So wide in fact, was the woman that Rainbow Dash could see that sections of fabric were already starting to rip. Allowing for greyish-blue skin to become visible despite how much Rainbow Dash wished it wasn't. “Mom, what the fuck?” Rainbow Dash cursed. “Watch your language,” Lightning Dust commented. “Thank you, dear,” Windy Whistles offered. “It's no problem at all, love,” Lightning Dust replied, flashing Windy Whistles a wink. “Oh, you always know how to make me blush,” Windy Whistles shot back. “Mom, what the fuck is going on here? Since when were you pregnant? Weres dad?” Rainbow Dash demanded. “We don't talk about your father in this house,” Windy Whistles replied in a low tone. “We wouldn't want the new man of the house to feel unwelcome.” “That's quite alright, love. I know I’m number one in your heart and that nothing is ever going to change that,” Lightning Dust offered. “Well if you insist darling,” Windy Whistles declared, pausing to place the tray of cookies on the coffee table with considerable effort, her knees creaking audibly as she did so. “It all began after your father and I got divorced.” “Wait, what?” Rainbow Dash shouted. “Don't interrupt your mother,” Lightning Dust remarked. “Thank you, dear,” Windy Whistles continued before Rainbow Dash had a chance to speak. “You see our marriage had been on the rocks for years but after I found out he had been in a relationship with his personal trainer since last September we decided to break things off.” “Wait, mister Huge Gains?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Yes. It seems as though your father is what they call a sub or a bottom and Huge Gains is the bear or top in this metaphor,” Windy Whistles explained. “I know what you mean,” Rainbow Dash dismissed. “But what does this have to do with why Lightning Dust is here or why you’re pregnant all of a sudden.” “Those two things are quite intimately connected,” Windy Whistles exclaimed. “Why don't you come to sit down while you explain? I know how how much your knees must be killing you,” Lightning Dust offered, patting her lap. “My aren't you just a charmer?” Windy Whistles whispered huskily. “Anything for you,” Lightning Dust replied. Windy Whistles then walked over and sat down on the other woman’s lap, easily fitting in snugly. The move was so practiced, so perfectly executed that Rainbow Dash knew that it had not been the first time they had done so. With that realization sliding into place, Rainbow Dash couldn't help but put the pieces together and begin to figure out what was going on. She didn't want it to be true and looked for anything to dissuade the notion that her brain was asserting as truth. What she found only served to reinforce that notion, namely how the pair were holding hands, and snuggling intimately. Rainbow Dash also noticed that Lightning Dust’s pants sported a large, noticeable, and throbbing bulge that ran down one leg. “Now where was I?” Windy Whistles muttered. “Oh, that's right. We were talking about how one of the worst days in my life turned into one of the absolute best!” “Mine too, love. Though something tells me that our best day ever is coming up soon,” Lightning dust teased, rubbing Windy Whistles’ massively pregnant belly. “Oh I know dear but one thing at a time,” Windy Whistles retorted. “Right, right. Of course,” Lightning Dust muttered. “Go on.” Rainbow Dash just stood there, her jaw hanging open slightly. “So, I was sitting there at the kitchen table after just sending away the divorce papers and was about to open a bottle of wine when the most wonderful woman in the world dropped in on me,” Windy Whistles proclaimed, turning to plant a wet kiss on Lightning Dust’s cheek. “You are too kind, love,” Lightning Dust replied. “I was just here to drop something off for Rainbow Dash that she had left at the academy.” “What? I didn't forget anything,” Rainbow Dash retorted. “Oh, so you didn't forget a diary there? It had your name on it and everything. Even a bunch of rather revealing things about you,” Lightning Dust asked in an exaggeratedly concerned tone of voice. “I didn't know you liked taking golden showers. How can you afford to do that?” Windy Whistles asked. “I do not! Augh. You're getting off-topic again,” Rainbow Dash accused. “Right. So after I brought back your diary that I definitely did not write myself, I noticed that your mother seemed rather distressed and I asked what was wrong,” Lightning Dust professed. “Oh, she was so dashing. So concerned for me, and so eager to help turn my terrible day around. Little did she know that she’d turn my whole year around,” Windy Whistles proclaimed. “That's not the only thing of yours I turned around,” Lightning Dust teased. Windy Whistles giggled, and lightly smacked the other woman on the leg. “Oh you, not around Rainbow. I’m already wet enough already.” “You know me. I don't mind getting a little… moist,” Lightning Dust whispered, leaning forward and slipping her hands beneath Windy’s apron and rubbing her belly. “Oh Lightning,” Windy murmured huskily. “Stop molesting my mother!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “Rainbow Dash. Don't yell!” Windy Whistles demanded. “Now love. She’s just a bit surprised is all,” Lightning Dust commented. “Why don't we go back a bit and tell her the whole story.” “Yes, I’m sure that will help Rainbow Dash adjust to her new home life quite well,” Windy Whistles stated. “Now then, where were we?” Lightning Dust crept up to the small, out-of-the-way cloud house at the edge of upper Cloudsdale. Two stories, and in a decent neighborhood, it was clearly the home of a small family, though all but one window was dark. Not like Lightning Dust was concerned, as she was busy creeping up to the edge of the structure while trying to figure out which room was Rainbow Dash’s. As the one-time wonderbolt hopeful was figuring out the fine details of her plan, and deciding how best to get the diary inside, she noticed something. The lone illuminated room was occupied by a rather attractive older woman who lacked any company whatsoever. Despite the lateness of the hour she had no husband nearby, nor was the porch light on, indicating that she wasn't expecting anyone. “Hmm, maybe it's time for a change of plan,” she muttered to herself. Creeping a little closer, and making sure not to step on the petunias, Lightning Dust made her way up to the window. Though late, the moon was bright in the sky, illuminating just enough to make sure Lightning Dust didn't step on anything important. Once at her target, Lightning Dust peeked around the corner and immediately felt something stir in her pants. Sitting at the table with a bottle of merlot and an empty wine glass, was the most milfiest milf to ever bear the label. With tits, each of which were nearly bigger than her head, the older mare was nearly as well endowed as Lightning Dust herself, though not in the same department. The curves didn't stop there, as she had childbearing hips so wide Lightning Dust guessed she’d be able to bear triplets with little issue. Her hair had seen better days, and she wore no makeup to speak of, but Lightning Dust cared little for those things. The natural look worked perfectly for this older pony, her cute white freckles at the corner of her eyes bringing out her inner beauty perfectly. Though a little chubby, with some flab around her midsection, Lightning Dust was utterly enchanted. Not even the ratty bathrobe and faded pajamas could hide the absolutely perfect sitting only a few feet away. Facing the window, the older pony didn't notice Lightning Dust’s presence, her gaze turned downward. From her point of view, Lightning Dust could just barely make out what was written therein, though the only thing she could clearly see was a single word. Divorce. “Dear diary. Jackpot,” Lightning Dust whispered to herself. Ducking under the window, Lightning Dust scampered up to the door and tucked the diary into the back of her track pants. Her loosely fitting zip-up sweater had its creases quickly removed and her black and gold undershirt was then tucked firmly in. She then took a moment to spit in her hand and run it through her slicked-back hair, ensuring that not a single stray strand was astray. “Hello, my name is Lightning Dust,” Lightning Dust whispered to herself. “Good enough.” With everything in place, Lightning Dust raised her right hand and wrapped her knuckles against the door three times. With that done, she took a step back and waited, the girl doing her best to look aloof, and like she was too cool for this place. A moment later the door opened to reveal a rather confused, and now slightly disappointed older woman. She recovered quickly and slapped on a wide if a bit fake, smile. “Hello, how may I help you this evening?” offered the older woman. “Hey I was just here to drop something Rainbow Dash left back at the academy,” Lightning Dust replied, pulling the book out and holding it up. “Seems to be a diary of some kind.” “Oh my, how nice of you. I’m her mother, Windy Whistles,” exclaimed the elder pegasus. “A beautiful name for a beautiful woman,” Lighting Dust offered. Windy Whistles blushed and waved a dismissive hand. “Oh, that’s very sweet of you.” She then plucked the book from Lightning Dust’s hand and took a step back inside. “I appreciate you doing this for her. I’ll be sure to mention that…” Windy Whistles waited expectantly. “Lightning Dust,” answered the younger woman. “Lightning Dust helped her out,” Windy Whistles replied. “Good night.” “Just a second,” Lightning Dust interjected, stepping forward and catching the edge of the door. “I know this may be intruding somewhat, but I couldn't help but notice you seemed to be expecting someone else.” Windy Whistles seemed ready to argue, to demand this stranger leave, but quickly caved, sighing deeply. “I was hoping you were my husband, or ex-husband I suppose,” Windy Whistles murmured. “He hasn't even come by to pick up his things. Just sent a letter to ship a box of a few things to some strange address and that was it.” “That's just ridiculous. Not only did he give up on an absolutely stunning woman like yourself, but he doesn't even have the decency to face you. I’m sorry to say this miss Whistles but you don't have the best taste in men,” Lightning Dust stated. Windy Whistles giggled, a hand going to her mouth while a blush sprung to her cheeks. “Oh that's nice of you to say, but he wasn't always quite so rude. There was a time when he was the most romantic man I’d ever met,” Windy Whistles declared. “But then the years went on and he lost sight of you. Insane, I’d never be able to take my eyes off of you if I were in his position,” Lightning Dust pressed, nearly pushing her way inside. “That's very sweet of you,” Windy Whistles replied. “I’m not being nice. Well, I am, but not just nice. I really do mean it. You are a gorgeous woman, with a wonderful heart,” Lightning Dust declared. “I know that may be a bit presumptuous but I am a really good judge of character.” “Really? Oh my…” Windy Whistles gasped. “It's been so long since anyone’s talked to me like that. I don't know what to say.” “How about this?” Lightning Dust began. “You invite me inside, and we have a little girl’s night huh? I got the feeling you got a few things you want to get off your chest.” Windy Whistles recoiled, a hand going to her heart. “I don't know,” murmured the older woman. “I just met you and-” “I know it's sudden,” Lightning Dust retorted, stepping forward and taking the milf’s hand in her own. “But I feel a connection to you, Windy. And I feel like you really need someone to talk to.” Slowly, Windy Whistles’ apprehension slowly melted away, and a grin spread across her face. “Oh what the heck? It would be good to talk to someone other than just myself,” Windy Whistles declared. “Atta girl,” Lightning Dust replied. Releasing the older woman’s hand, Lightning Dust stepped back and allowed Windy Whistles to open the door for her. “Come on in and make yourself at home. I’ll get the wine,” Windy Whistles offered. “Hopefully not too much. Wouldn't wanna get crazy,” Lightning Dust shot back. Windy Whistles giggled, the woman disappearing into the kitchen, only to reappear a moment later with a pair of glasses and a bottle. “Oh, I’m sure we won't get up too much mischief,” Windy Whistles stated. “Speaking of mischief, where did your little one end up? I haven't seen Crash in a while,” Lightning Dust inquired. “Oh she's off helping princess Twilight with some very important mission off in Saddle Arabia,” Windy Whistles replied. The older woman bent over, placing the glasses on the table and inadvertently giving Lightning Dust an amazing view. Miles of cleavage, along with a pair of breasts so big they could feed a dozen kids with ease captured her attention. Until they disappeared, falling beneath the aged pink pajama top Windy Whistles wore beneath her house coat. “She won't be back for several months apparently,” Windy Whistles, oblivious to the eye fucking her tits had just received. “Something to do with some prince or something threatening a rebellion.” “That's a real shame,” Lightning Dust muttered. “Leaving her mom alone in her time of need.” Windy Whistles waved a dismissive hand at her guest. “Oh, it's nothing like that. She doesn't even know about the divorce yet. Poor dear is rather oblivious when it comes to this type of thing.” “Fast as heck, but as thick as a brick,” Lightning Dust commented. “I wouldn't say that,” Windy Whistles murmured, only to wince. “Though you aren't too far off the mark.” Lightning Dust watched as her host poured her a glass of red wine, and pushed it over to her. The older woman then plopped down in a well-worn leather seat across from her, body jiggling for a moment before falling still. “Oh, that's not an insult, not really. Everyone is different you know? Rainbow Dash can be oblivious, you deserve someone better, and as for me…” Lightning Dust frowned. “I am a little lonely. I must admit.” “That's terrible, a pretty, kind girl like yourself shouldn't feel lonely. Well, I know it's only for tonight but consider yourself a guest in this house,” Windy Whistles stated earnestly. “I already feel better just being here with you,” Lightning Dust declared. “I feel the same way. I’m glad you stopped by tonight,” Windy Whistles added. “How about a toast,” Lightning Dust offered, raising her glass. “To moving on, and to brighter tomorrows!” “A wonderful toast,” Windy Whistles agreed. The pair clinked their glasses together before tipping them back and taking a conservative gulp of the dry, earthy liquid. > Saucy Details > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I just can't believe it,” Windy Whistles gushed, extending an arm toward Lightning Dust. “A pretty little thing like you without some hunky guy. I assumed you’d have your pick of the litter with such a perfect body like yours.” Lightning Dust blinked, tearing her gaze from Windy Whistles' chest. “Oh, I guess. I just never really found myself drawn to them you know?” Lightning Dust replied. Windy Whistles gasped, slamming her freshly emptied wine glass on the coffee table. “Never?” she exclaimed in shock. “But the finely toned muscles, the sleek, yet powerful wings. Firm biceps, and slim yet powerful legs.” Lightning Dust raised an eyebrow as Windy Whistles looked down Lighting’s body, describing what she saw. “It sounds to me like you aren't interested in just guys, Miss Whistles,” Lightning Dust retorted. “Oh just call me Windy. Miss always makes me feel old,” Windy Whistles dismissed. “That doesn't answer my question,” Lightning Dust pressed. Windy Whistles blushed and leaned back in her seat, avoiding eye contact. “I have given it some thought over the years,” she admitted. “It's not like there haven't been a few women that have caught my eye, it's just…” “Just what, the fact they aren't guys or do you just really like dick?” Lightning Dust teased. “So vulgar,” Windy Whistles muttered half-heartedly. “I’m not hearing a no,” Lightning Dust shot back. “Oh fine,” Windy Whistles declared, throwing up her arms. “I admit it. I really like that particular part of a male’s anatomy.” “You do know that many women also have that part, right?” Lightning Dust continued. Windy Whistles blinked, clearly confused. “What do you mean?” “It's called being a futa, or intersex if you want to get more technical, but a lot of girls have dicks,” Lightning Dust explained. “Oh now your just teasing an old woman,” Windy Whistles retorted. “No, swear on Celestia’s name. It's true,” Lightning Dust replied. “I don't know. That doesn't sound like a real thing,” Windy Whistles muttered. “Want me to prove it?” Lightning Dust asked, a smirk forming. “Where are you going to find such a person at this hour…” Windy Whistles stopped, her jaw hanging open. Lightning Dust had stood up and robbed the older woman of the words she had been about to speak. For something large, and clearly penis shaped was protruding from her track pants, the appendage topping out at nearly twelve inches long. “See?” Lightning Dust teased. “That's just uh… the wine bottle,” Windy Whistles whispered.  Lightning Dust raised an eyebrow. “Want me to prove it?” Windy Whistles nodded meekly, her gaze remaining cemented on Lightning Dust’s crotch. “Alright then,” Lightning Dust muttered. With her thumbs hooked under the hem of her pants, Lightning Dust grinned, observing her host’s expression. Windy Whistles was gripping her right breast with her left hand, while the other held onto the chair like it was her lifeline. Her blushing face only grew even redder as Lightning Dust began to slowly pull down her pants. Inch by agonizing inch, she dropped her drawers, revealing her shaved, nearly hairless mound. That made Windy Whistles gulp, and squeeze her breast a little tighter, the woman staring intently. Her breathing only became shorter as Lightning Dust pushed on, showing off her thick, throbbing cock. Down she went, until finally the head of her dick was allowed to lurch free of its cloth prison, and nearly strike Windy Whistles in the nose. So close was the older woman that she was treated to a load of potent musk, the scent filling her nostrils. Unconsciously, she breathed the smell in, setting off a chain reaction of hormones, and sensations. All of which left her dazed, breathless, wet, and ruthlessly aroused. “Still don't believe me?” Lightning Dust replied. Windy Whistles shook her head. “Do you want me to put my pants back on?” Lightning Dust asked with a smirk. Windy Whistles didn't even need to think about it, the woman quickly shaking her head. “Would you like to suck it?” Lightning Dust asked, giving her hips a little wiggle. “Because it sure wants to be sucked.” “Well, I…” Windy Whistles began. “You, what?” Lightning Dust pressed, pushing her hips forward until her dick was nearly bumping against her host’s nose. “Want to suck my dick?” “I… do,” Windy Whistles muttered to herself. “Well then. Go ahead, but be warned. If you get me a bit too excited I may have to take the reigns,” Lightning Dust added. Windy Whistles leaned forward and grabbed hold of Lightning Dust’s cock right near the base. Her grip was a bit too tight at first, but she quickly adjusted it, pushing down the excitement which had taken hold of her. Though not gone, the almost frantic desire to pleasure that massive pillar of girl dick was simmering at a level that she could handle. With her lust now under slightly more control, Windy Whistles opened her mouth and extended her tongue. She then leaned forward until her nose was nearly against Lightning Dust’s crotch before beginning a long, sensual lick. Windy didn't know why, but the taste struck her immediately and made her even more aroused than before. It was the taste of a stud, a real stud, not the weakling she had been married to. This absolute alpha subject was everything she didn't know she wanted until that moment. She had to please her, had to do a good job so as to keep her, even if just for the night. Up and down she went, lathering a thick layer of spit across Lightning Dust’s slightly musky cock. An entire day spent crammed into the confines of her pants had left the woman’s cock with a scent that lingered in Windy’s nose. Though not the nicest of smells, it was intoxicating, and with each huff, she felt herself become even wetter. “Not bad. Now open up, and give me the real deal,” Lightning Dust declared. “Real deal?” Windy Whistles asked. “You know, sloppy dome, head, a blow job,” Lightning Dust replied. Windy Whistles blinked. “I thought this was a blow job.” “Lady that was just the appetizer. Did you never give your husband a blow job?” Lightning Dust inquired incredulously. “He was usually done after a minute of licks and he was really too small to suck,” Windy Whistles answered. “I… what?” Lightning Dust muttered. Looking down at the confused, strangely innocent face of the milf was enough to banish all doubt in Lightning Dust’s mind. “Damn your ex was a loser,” Lightning Dust stated. “Um, I guess,” Windy Whistles whispered. “Alright. Well, do you have a gag reflex? How long can you hold your breath?” Lightning Dust pressed on. “I don't have a gag reflex, and I hold the record at the local swimming pool at five minutes,” Windy Whistles answered with a hint of pride. “Really? Damn, that loser didn't deserve you,” Lightning Dust exclaimed. “What do you mean?” Windy Whistles replied. “I’ll explain later. Do you mind if I am a little rough? I really need to blow a load. Staring at your tits all night has left me backed up something fierce,” Lightning Dust stated, the woman bouncing on the balls of her feet, sending her immaculately groomed balls bouncing in the air. “Oh um sure,” Windy Whistles offered. “Cool, just take a deep breath, and if you want me to stop just tap my leg okay?” Lightning Dust offered. “Alright,” Windy Whistles agreed. “Sweet, get ready,” Lightning Dust warned. Windy Whistles did as she was asked, breathing deeply, opening her mouth wide, and waiting. She didn't have to hold that position for long, as Lightning Dust immediately grabbed Windy’s head and thrust forward. Her cock, long, musky, and reeking with virility, plunged deep into the other woman’s throat, pushing right past her uvula. The sudden shock of penetration was immediately washed away by the feeling of contentment that spread through Windy’s body. With the large, muscular, and dominant woman looming over her, she felt small in a good way. Such a raw loss of control was completely foreign to the mother of two, yet it was a sensation she instantly fell in love with. Lightning Dust meanwhile, hesitated for just a moment, cock having just begun to slide down Windy’s throat. When the older woman didn't gag or push her away, Lightning Dust grinned and readied herself to keep moving. Only to glance down at the utterly content expression on Windy’s face and pause for a second longer. Holy fuck this is hot. Lightning Dust thought to herself. Not wasting a moment longer, Lightning Dust dug her fingers into the older woman’s short hair and thrust forward. Burying her cock in the milf’s throat, Lightning Dust was dimly aware of the fact that this was virgin territory. Her ex had been too small to ever enter Windy Whistle’s throat, meaning this was something only they shared. The thought left Lightning Dust feeling oddly warm, though she quickly pushed that thought aside. She had a woman to put in her place, and a fat load to dump in her face. Grunting to herself, Lightning Dust pulled back, only to thrust forward the moment she exited her partner’s throat. This time she didn't stop until all twelve throbbing inches of girl cock were lodged in the older woman. With her pelvis pressed against Windy’s face, and her balls resting on her host’s chin, Lightning Dust paused to relish the moment. Windy Whistles could feel her head begin to grow light, not out of a need for air, but sheer awe. She never knew it would feel so good to get face fucked by a futa girl only half her age. Yet here she was, so sopping wet that she was dripping onto the floor. With fingers clenched tight around the back of Windy Whistle’s skull, Lightning Dust thrust forward repeatedly. Each time she bottomed out with such force that her balls slapped audibly against Windy Whistle’s chin. The older woman also groaned each time, clearly enjoying getting throat fucked by the futa woman. The pleasure was unreal, even if Windy Whistles wasn't really doing anything but sitting there limply. It wasn't perfect, but Lightning Dust was so turned on by all the time spent staring at Windy Whistle’s tits that it didn't matter. Already, after only a few seconds, Lightning Dust could feel her orgasm starting to edge closer. Normally this realization would cause panic, and herald a bout of self-talk, but not this time. She wanted to get to the main course as soon as possible, and that meant blowing her first load quicker than usual. Knowing full well that Windy Whistles wouldn't mind a shooter first round, Lightning Dust rushed forward, abandoning all tact. With nostrils flaring, and fingernails digging into the back of Windy Whistle’s head, Lightning Dust pounded away. Pulling nearly all the way out, only to slam back inside, the futa woman made sure to thoroughly ravage the milf’s throat. Windy Whistles barely even noticed, her mind too awash with feelings she had never felt before. Over and over her towering, well-endowed partner used her mouth and throat like they weren't even attached to a person. They were just a hole to be used and Windy Whistles fucking loved every last second. Even as her lungs began to burn, and she started to run out of air, Windy Whistles kept reveling in all the new sensations. It had only been a few minutes into the rough, face-pounding session when Lightning Dust felt her orgasm get closer. She didn't resist the siren song of release, and instead put on even more speed, her hips becoming a blur of motion. The wet, repeated slaps were near constant, serving as a perfect accompaniment for their shared breathy moans of pleasure. “Here it comes, I’m going to fill your fucking stomach!” Lightning Dust declared. Windy Whistles held onto her partner’s legs, unable to mutter a word of encouragement or nod, she hoped this was a clear enough sign. Lightning Dust didn't care either way and merely pushed herself forward a few more times before lurching to a stop. Her cock twitched once, twice, then exploded with jizz, shooting a torrent of seed straight down Windy Whistle’s stomach. Limp, with her eyes, rolled into the back of her head, Windy Whistles knelt there, face pressed firmly against her partner’s crotch. The powerful virile scent was not completely overwhelming, along with the weird pleasure that came with submission and having her mouth claimed. She knew, knew that there was no going back now, the brief taste of ecstasy was enough to hook the mother of two. “Fuck yeah, drink it all up,” Lightning Dust muttered between grit teeth. And Windy Whistles did, gulping down load after load of cum, each shot of which eclipsed her husband’s entire miserable output. Then, just as she was beginning to think she was running out of air, Lightning Dust pulled back. Retrieving her cock from Windy Whistle’s mouth, the futa woman stood before her partner, a grin on her face. “Damn. I really did a number on you,” Lightning Dust muttered. “Bwuh?” Windy Whistles murmured back. Lightning Dust pointed to the window nearby. Windy Whistles followed her gaze and found herself looking into her own reflection. One which was very different from what she expected. What little makeup she wore was completely ruined due to a mixture of tears, sweat, and slobber. Not only that, but she also wore a goofy, lopsided grin that Windy Whistles hadn't even been aware of until that moment. Then the older woman’s gaze fell downward, and she noticed something else that was off. “Oh my,” Windy Whistles muttered. A hand went down to her belly, touching the small, but very noticeable bulge visible in her midsection. It looked like she had eaten a large meal, and fairly recently too. A finger poked the bump, causing it to slosh slightly, the noise just barely audible. “Wow,” Windy Whistles whispered to herself. “I suppose you’ll probably want a nap now. Don't worry, I can make up the spare bed.” “Take a…” Lightning Dust blinked. “Damn girl, you really haven't had a good lay before.” “I don't understand,” Windy Whistles replied, standing up shakily, a hand going to the coffee table. “I don't need a nap, nor a break,” Lightning Dust replied. “In fact, I want to get right on to the main event.” Lightning Dust paused, and took a step closer, wrapping an arm around Windy Whistle’s midsection. “That is if you are up for it,” added the futa woman. “Oh, I…” Windy Whistles glanced down, to where her lover’s thick, hard cock was poking up at her, the thing slick with her own spit. “Someone sure is up for it.” “But is that person you?” Lightning Dust pressed. “Because I think you’re just getting started.” “I wouldn't be opposed. I just assumed that you would need a few hours or maybe a day before you were um, ready,” Windy Whistles remarked. Lightning Dust Sighed. “I have so much to teach you. But that can wait, now bend over.” “What, here?” Windy Whistles asked, glancing around the room. “Can I at least close the blinds?” “No,” Lightning Dust replied. “I need that ass of yours right now.” “Well okay,” Windy Whistles murmured. The older woman walked over to the window and braced herself against the sill, sticking out her backside. She then glanced at Lightning Dust over her shoulder, a confused look on Windy Whistle’s face. “Like this?” she asked. “Exactly like that,” Lightning Dust replied. “But my pajamas are- oh my,” Windy Whistles murmured, her thoughts interrupted by having her pants pulled down by her more dominant lover. “So forward.” “I’m not the weak, limp dicked loser that you married. Now beg for it,” Lightning Dust demanded. Windy Whistles was about to ask what she meant when Lightning Dust stepped forward and grabbed the older woman by the hips. She then shifted her own hips forward, nestling herself between Windy Whistle’s legs, cock squished between a pair of thick thighs. Lightning Dust then thrust forward, brushing the head of her dick over Windy Whistle’s slit and nearly entering her. “Go on now, I want to know just how badly you want it,” Lightning Dust whispered in her lover’s ear. “I um, well,” Windy Whistles gulped. “Want it.” “What's that?” Lightning Dust pressed, punctuating her question with another thrust of her hips. “I couldn't hear you over all that mumbling.” “I want it,” Windy Whistles replied, this time a little firmer. “Louder!” Lightning Dust demanded. “I want your cock!” Windy Whistles exclaimed. “Where do you want it?” Lightning Dust continued. “I want your thick cock inside of my pussy, I want to get fucked by a real stud!” Windy Whistles all but shouted. “Atta girl,” Lightning Dust remarked. “Now that I know you want it, we can get onto the fun part.” “Mmm yes, please. I don't think I’ve ever been this wet before,” Windy Whistles murmured. “That's not a surprise. A warning though, this first round is gonna be quick. After that, though, well let's just say you are going to have a very long, very exhausting night,” Lightning Dust whispered. Windy Whistles shuddered. “Take me, you big beautiful woman.” That was all the encouragement WIndy Whistles needed, and the futa woman lined up her cock, and pushed forward. The resistance she expected to feel was there, but it was in such a small amount that it was a bit surprising. Windy had clearly never taken anything nearly as big as Lightning Dust, yet her cunt still accepted several inches in a single go. “Oooooh wow,” Windy Whistles murmured. “Your so big.” “Lady that's only a third of what I’ve got,” Lightning Dust replied. “What, really? But your so deep inside of me!” Windy Whistles declared. “You have so much to learn,” Lightning Dust muttered. Lightning Dust tightened her grip on Windy Whistles' sides, digging her fingers into the soft flesh of the older woman’s backside. The softness was exquisite, and Lightning Dust wanted to enjoy it a little more but pushed that thought aside. Even after cumming only a few seconds earlier she was still burning for more, with a potent load already waiting to be unleashed. With a grunt, she threw herself forward, the thrust carrying enough force to make Windy Whistles gasp in surprise. It also pushed over half of her dick into the older woman, reaching depths no cock had ever managed before. The effect was immediate, with Windy Whistles shuddering so hard Lightning Dust wondered if she was orgasming already. The truth wasn't far off, Windy Whistles was nearly there, the shock of penetration, and intense stretching putting her on the very edge. The next thrust was enough to push her over that lip though, the titanic thump of Lightning Dust’s hips jamming every last inch she had into the older woman. Breathless, Windy Whistles stood there, fingers digging into the sill as her entire body shook with an intensity that was almost worrying. “W-what is this? I feel so goood!” Windy Whistles cried. “You're having an orgasm. The first of many, let me tell you,” Lightning Dust smacked the older woman’s ass, sending her large cheeks jiggling. “Now get ready, because I’m about to start moving.” “Already? Oh my!” Windy Whistles cried. Lightning Dust pulled back, only to thrust forward a moment later, burying herself once more in Windy Whistle’s cunt. The force added more jiggling to her backside and forced the older woman to unconsciously arch her back. Desperate to feel more of the biggest, thickest cock she had ever even seen, Windy Whistles pushed back against her lover’s thrust. Feeling this, Lightning Dust grinned, excited at the growing eagerness emerging from the older woman. Further pushing of that particular boundary would take time and effort though, for now, she wanted one thing and one thing only. To dump a fat fucking load in the milf’s tight as hell cunt. With a wild, almost manic grin on her face, Lightning Dust thrust forward, only to immediately pull back and start again. Her natural athleticism and considerable speed allowed her to move faster than most, impressing Windy Whistles. Who could barely keep up with the rapid-fire impact of her lover’s hips against her own. Steady, rhythmic, and punctuated by loud slaps, the sound quickly filled the room. Leaving little room for Windy Whistles' constant high-pitched moans, or the occasional grunt that came from Lightning Dust’s lips. Neither cared, nor seemed to notice just how loud they had become, with both utterly lost in the depravity. Lightning Dust had forgotten all about her anger, her revenge, and Rainbow Dash entirely. All she wanted, all she thought about was plowing the hell out of this thick as fuck milf ass. Windy Whistles knew nothing of her partner’s motives, she was just thrilled to be having the best sex of her life. Over and over Lightning Dust drove herself forward, making sure to get as much of her dick into Windy Whistles as possible. Almost painfully tight at times, Windy Whistle’s cunt was being forced to adapt to something far larger than anything it had taken. The foreign feeling of having her insides stretched was erotic and intimidating, the woman wondering how deep Lightning Dust was going to get. The answer to that question was deep enough to cause it to fill, but not so deep that she caused any pain. There was only the endless pleasure of being made subservient, mixed with the more physical sensations of getting fucked by someone half her age. Virile, strong, and fast, Lightning Dust was everything Windy Whistle’s ex was not, and she loved it. “Oh my gosh, I think I’m going to cum again,” Windy Whistles muttered in shock. “Can that even happen?” “Why don't you wait and see for yourself?” Lightning Dust teased. “I-oh stars above!” cried the older woman. Lightning Dust lurched forward, and grabbed hold of the well-worn pajama top with both hands. She then tore it straight down the middle, allowing Windy Whistle’s massive mammaries to dangle free. The massive pendulous orbs jiggled out in the open, only to get scooped up by the eager hands of Windy’s futa lover. “Such big, fat tits. I bet you could feed a small army with these girls,” Lightning Dust teased. Windy Whistles shuddered, the thought of getting pregnant again making her pussy ache and a heat to erupt deep within her. Worse still, the idea was made even more pressing, more urgent by the virile stud currently pounding her cunt like a wild animal. Such considerations vanished a moment later when Lightning Dust began to squeeze and kneed at her lover’s boobs. Her small fingers dug deep, into the bounty of tit flesh just waiting for her to enjoy. Though the angle meant that she couldn't quite put as much power into her thrusts, Lightning Dust didn't care. These were the fattest fucking boobs she had ever felt and nothing was going to stop her from feeling them up. “Yes, be as rough as you like dear. I’m all yours,” Windy Whistles exclaimed. Lightning Dust grinned, and began to speed up, pouring on as much power as her lithe frame could muster. Each thrust was deep, relentless, and never pulled out far, partially due to the position, partially because Lightning Dust simply didn't want to. The incredible tightness of the milf’s pussy simply drew her in and refused to let her go, all but demanding that she stay buried inside of Windy. Her orgasm, already close at hand was drawing nearer still, but Lightning Dust wasn't done yet. While she continued to squeeze and kneed at Windy Whistle’s tits, the futa woman leaned forward and kissed her lover’s neck. That kiss didn't last long, as it quickly morphed into a gentle but firm bite. “Sun and moon!” Windy Whistles shouted in surprise. Lightning Dust grinned, and moved her head to the other side of the older woman’s neck where she planted another kiss. The sensation drew a shudder of anticipation from Windy Whistles, the mother of two turning her head to expose more of her neck to her partner. After licking her lips, Lightning Dust took another gentle bite, firmly planting her mark on the older woman. “I’m close,” Lightning Dust whispered. “Where do you want it?” “Inside!” Windy Whistles immediately replied. “Are you sure? I might end up knocking you up,” Lightning Dust pressed. “I don't care. I never want you to pull out of me, ever!” Windy Whistles shouted. Lightning Dust grinned. “As you wish, slut, but first I want you to tell me just how much a loser your ex was.” “He was a loser, and a coward and… and a bad cook!” Windy Whistles declared. “More! Tell me how I compare to him,” Lightning Dust pushed. “Your bigger, stronger, thicker, and a better lay than he could ever hope to be!” Windy Whistles answered. “He was a fool to ever let you go, but that doesn't matter anymore because now you’re mine. Isn't that right, my little whore?” Lightning Dust prompted, two fingers going down between her lover’s legs, and immediately attacking the older woman’s clit. “Y-yes! I’m all yours! Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!” Windy Whistles yelled at the top of her lungs. Lightning Dust grinned, and poured on every bit of speed and strength she had left. With one hand squeezing Windy Whistle’s right tit, and the other still savagely assaulting her clit, Lightning Dust couldn't pull out far. Not like she wanted to, the futa making absolutely no effort to do anything but give Windy Whistles the deepest dicking of her life. Even as the futa woman began to feel her orgasm edge closer, and alarm bells begin to sound in her mind, she didn't dare take a step back. Damn the consequences, damn the plan, and damn everything that didn't involve pumping this fat milf cunt full of virile futa spunk. That overriding urge completely took over Lightning Dust’s mind, leaving her with no other choice but to do just that. “Here it comes, take it all you milf slut!” Lightning Dust shouted. The moment she uttered those salacious words, Windy Whistles came, the woman standing on the tips of her hooves while holding onto the window for dear life. She didn't care that others may be watching her right now, that she was on display, all that she felt was pleasure. Pleasure that was only heightened when she felt the first torrent of seed shoot inside of her, unleashed by the twitching firehose that was Lightning Dust’s cock. Her jaw hung open, her tongue dangling past her lips, mind too overwhelmed to enforce even a modicum of decency. Already Windy Whistles felt like her insides were flooded with seed, yet Lightning Dust had only begun to orgasm. Still her hands continued to move, teasing the older woman’s clit, while squeezing her boobs, launching Windy’s orgasm into the stratosphere. “Yes, yes, yes!” Windy Whistles shouted, her vision swimming as she struggled to even hold onto consciousness. Lightning Dust grinned, and bit down on the older woman’s neck, riding out her own orgasm in relative silence. She wanted to groan, to add some dirty words to it, but she focused on just pushing Windy Whistles as hard as possible. She got that and then some, as just when Lightning Dust’s orgasm was waning, Windy Whistles suddenly collapsed. She didn't make it more than an inch before Lightning Dust quickly grabbed hold of her, keeping the older woman from hitting the ground. “Woah, are you okay?” Lightning Dust asked, her cock still twitching, and shooting the last remnant of her load inside Windy Whistle’s overfull cunt. “I… I think I blacked out for a second there,” Windy Whistles murmured, a hand going to her head. “I’m okay now.” “Still, how about we take this to the bed, hmm?” Lightning Dust inquired. “Wouldn't want you hurting yourself.” “That would be great. Perhaps we could even break into the good wine I was saving,” Windy Whistles offered. “That sounds wonderful, but for now let's just stay here,” Lightning Dust whispered. “I want to enjoy this.” Windy Whistles shuddered as her partner gripped her hand, and kissed her cheek. “That sounds divine.” > -And Thats How I met Your mother. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “-and then we spent the rest of the night fucking, drinking, and getting to know each other,” Lightning Dust proclaimed, pausing to take a puff of her pipe. “Probably ended up conceiving your siblings that very night.” “It may have been a bit irresponsible to move so quickly but I just had a feeling it was right,” Windy Whistles proclaimed. Lightning Dust grinned and wrapped an arm around the older woman. “And right you were, love.” Windy Whistles giggled. “I… you… augh, I think I need to drink some bleach,” Rainbow Dash muttered. “Now I don't know if you heard about that from one of those tickey tockeys but bleach doesn't actually taste good,” Windy Whistles warned. “I didn't mean actually. I-” Rainbow Dash paused and threw up her hands. “Nope. Not going to deal with this right now.” “You can't run from your family Rainbow Dash,” Lightning Dust countered. “You are not family, this is not over,” Rainbow Dash declared while backpedaling towards the door, glaring at Lightning Dust all the while. “If you want to go have sex with my mother go on ahead! She’d probably love the opportunity to bed another of my friends,” Lightning Dust offered. “That's not what I meant at all!” Rainbow Dash shouted. The prismatic pegasus then slammed the door and disappeared in a rainbow flash. “That certainly could have gone better,” Lightning Dust remarked. “Oh, I’m sure she’ll be back. Rainbow Dash just needs time to adapt,” Windy Whistles countered. “Yeah, that's probably true,” Lightning Dust muttered, only to perk up a moment later. “Say, wanna squeeze in a quickie or two before she gets back? It was safe to have sex now, right?” “It is, but I still think it would be better if you fuck my ass,” Windy Whistles countered. “I certainly won't complain about that. You turn off the oven, and I’ll grab the lube,” Lightning Dust ordered. “Mmm, your so commanding today,” Windy Whistles purred. “That's because I know you love it,” Lightning Dust replied. Lightning pulled the older woman in by grabbing her by the neck, her grip loose and gentle despite the domineering act. She then planted a wet, firm kiss on the pregnant milf’s lips, the embrace lingering for several seconds. Before suddenly ending, with Windy Whistles turning around only to get a hand across her ass. “And hurry it up. I wanna stuff you so full of cum that belly of yours gets even bigger,” Lightning Dust ordered. “Yes, my master,” purred Windy Whistles.