> Mistaken > by JM4N245 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: A New Beginning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors note: Thank you for taking the time to read this. Keep in mind i am not very good at being descriptive so it may be hard for you to picture this in your head. I hope to have more stories up and hopefully more readers thanks for reading and Enjoy! It was a bright day in the town of Ponyville. In the town of Ponyville were ponies hard at work, farming, building, teaching, or just doing nothing. At the front entrance of the town stood a proud looking pony by the name of Zak Smith. His body color was a light'ish looking orange and his mane was a dark blue, similar to Spitfire's look, only opposite. His eyes were the same color as his mane, dark blue. His cutie mark was a PS3 controller, therefore his special talent involved Video Games but what video game and of what to do we will never know. "Well this is it" he said. "Time to begin my new life!" he said with a bit of excitment. Soon after saying those words he started to walk past the front sign and enter Ponyville. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Oh my Celestia this town is amazing!" he said. While walking through the town of Ponyville he saw a School, Farmhouse, and even a park! After noticing all of those places he saw some random ponies waving at him. He did not want to be rude so of course, waved back. As he was waving he did not realize a pink poofy haired pony was standing right in front of him. When he turned back he jumped and backed up a little. "Hi! my names Pinkie Pie and I noticed your new here!" she said. "Um...yes I am....how did you know?" he said. "Well i've never seen you around town, silly filly!" she said. "Oh yeah....right." he said. "Wanna help me make some cupcakes?!" she said now jumping a bit. In Zak's mind he was deciding if he should or should not. "I don't wanna be rude, but I just met her so I cant really trust her, NO you will be nice and make cupcakes with her you are in a new town after all." he thought in his own mind. "All right, lead the way." he said. "GREAT!" she said now jumping up and down. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When they got there Zak noticed the sign above the door said Sugarcube Corner. "Weird name." he thought to himself. As he entered through the front door he noticed almost everything is pink. "Nice place." he said sarcastically. While Pinkie Pie did hear the sarcasm she did not care for she was to excited about making cupcakes. "All right lets get started!" she said jumping up and down like the floor was hot lava. > Chapter 2: Pain > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- READ: PLEASE READ CHAPTER 1 OF THIS STORY IF YOU HAVE NOT SO YOU MAY BE CAUGHT UP "So what do I do first?" somehow saying those words gave Zak a chill down his spine. "Well we first need our recipe book silly filly!" she said. "Why?" he said. "Well how else are we going to be able to make our cupcakes?!" she said. "Oh right! I forgot." he said. "Sooooo wheres the recipe book?" he said. "Oh, its in my bedroom, just head up the stairs to the first door on your left!" she said. After hearing the directions he shot up stairs and opened the first on his left like Pinkie said. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Ok recipe book, recipe book, now if I was a recipe book where would I be?" he said. 2 minutes passed looking the book when he heard a loud CRASH. He thought for a minute what was going on down there. As curious as he was he was determined to find that book! 5 minutes passed looking for the book when he finally found it. "I FOUND IT!" he shouted to Pinkie. Just like the way he got up the stairs he shot down them as fast as he could. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Not looking where he was going he slipped and landed on his back. "Owww....what happened?" he said. While rubbing his head he noticed something on his hoof. It was red and sort of thick. "What the hay is this stuff?" he said. He then noticed a knife covered in the same stuff next to him. "What the?" he said. He then thought in his mind "Maybe Pinkie was trying to get a frosting bag open and she spilled it." he thought. Then finally noticing a red stuff covered pink pony. Then a final thought shot threw his mind "This isn't frosting....THIS IS BLOOD!" he thought. He then dropped the knife and screamed then ran out the front door of Sugarcube Corner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As soon as he got far enough from Sugarcube Corner he then hid behind a tree and sat down and started to think. In his mind he thought "OH CELESTIA WHAT THE HAY HAPPENED!" he thought. "ITS OK ITS OK ITS OK ITS ok its ok." he thought. He then took a deep breath. When he was done taking a deep breath he then realized he was covered in blood. "Oh god I got to get this blood off me!" he thought. Not long after thinking that he heard someone say "OVER HERE!" the pony who said that was Twilight Sparkle and behind her were Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, and leading was Applejack. They then stood in front of the pony who was looking confused about who they were but before he could explain what had happened Applejack yelled "HE DID DO IT LOOK HES COVERED IN HER BLOOD!" she yelled. Zak then quickly thought "Oh no, THEY THINK I KILLED PINKIE PIE!" he thought quickly. Rarity then shouted "HOW COULD YOU!" Applejack turned around and bucked Zak in the nose. As soon as that happened blood came rushing out of his nose. He then put one of his blood covered hooves on his nose to try and stop the bleeding. After that Applejack ran off and up next was Rarity. Rarity then punched Zak in the side of his jaw. After that Fluttershy came up and repeatedly hit Zak in face spreading the blood that was coming out of his nose all over his face, making him taste his own blood. After Fluttershy flew off next up was Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash gave Zak a guilty sort of look and then suddenly kicked him the stomach. Like Fluttershy, Rainbow flew off leaving only Twilight Sparkle left. By the time Twilight was ready, Zak was sitting there covered in blood, crying silently, and in pain ready for the next attack. Twilight then stood there rethinking about doing this then remembered why she was doing this, Pinkie Pie. Now angry as ever, Twilight then grabbed Zak's mane and banged the back of his head against the tree as hard as she could for about a full minute. Twilight then let go and left but before leaving Twilight said one final thing "May Celestia have mercy on you." then ran off. Then finally after all that Zak was alone but in pain, crying, wishing that he never came to this town. > Chapter 3: Descussion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- READ CHAPTER 1 AND 2 FIRST BEFORE READING THIS CHAPTER Zak then got up and walked over to the fountain to wash the blood away. As he was walking he saw tons of ponies give him dirty looks, even the group of random ponies he waved at earlier couldn't even look in his direction. He then dunked his head in the water and shook the water off like a diamond dog. "Well great going Zak, you start a new life and now people think your a murderer, JUST GREAT!" he said. While looking around he noticed a hotel. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It wasn't great but he had no house so he had to deal with it. He then started walking off in the direction of the hotel. He then entered through the hotel door and as soon as he got to the front desk he asked a white pony behind the desk "1 room please?" he said to the pony. The white pony then took the bits Zak gave him and said with an angry sort of southern voice "We don't serve your kind here NOW GIT!" he yelled. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zak then ran out the hotel door into the street where other ponies were walking by, still giving him dirty looks, Zak didn't even care he took his money. Then out of nowhere a chariot being driven by 2 pegasus landed right in front of him. One of the pegasus said "The princess demands to see you right now." he said. Zak cringed right after those words were spoken to him. As much as he hated doing this he climbed into the chariot and was driven off to the castle where Princess Celestia lives. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As soon as they got to the castle Zak almost teared up at the thought of Celestia yelling at him. He then snapped back into reality and entered the castle. As soon as he entered he saw how big it was but somehow ignored it and focused on the main problem. Zak then walked up to where the Princess was sitting and stood in fear waiting for the princess to say something. The Princess then said "I have been told by faithful student Twilight Sparkle that you are the one that attacked Pinkameda Diane Pie, Just to let you know she is alive but, did you attack her?" she said. Zak was full of so much fear and sadness he got choked up and just stood there shaking. The princess then said "I will ask one more time, did you hurt Pinkie Pie?" she said in a more stern tone. Zak then got enough courage to say "No, your highness." he said. The Princess then said "Well if you did not do it mind telling me what happened?" she said. "I was helping her make cupcakes so i went to go grab the recipe book but, when I got down stairs I found her covered in blood and not breathing so, I ran out and hid behind a tree then, the 5 remaining ponies beat me up then I came here." he said. The Princess then said "I hate to ask you this but, how did they hurt you?" she said. Zak then started crying a little but still somehow continued talking. "The brown one bucked me in the nose, the white one punched me in the jaw, the blue one kicked me in my stomach, and your Twilight Sparkle grabbed my mane then made the back of my head hit the tree for a full minute." he said while crying silently. The princess then started to cry at not only the thought of the ways he got beaten up but that the remaining 5 elements of harmony beat this innocent pony up. The princess then said while crying "All right, you may go. GUARD!" she yelled while crying. The guard then said "Yes your majesty?" he said. "BRING ME THE 5 ELEMENTS OF HARMONY! NOW!" she yelled. > Chapter 4: Culprit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE READ CHAPTERS 1 2 AND 3 TO BE CAUGHT WITH THIS STORY Zak then walked out of the castle and climbed back into the chariot, still crying over what he had to the princess and was driven back to Ponyville. When he got out of the chariot he then thought about visting Pinkie Pie. With no hesitation he ran as fast as he could straight to the hospital. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When he got there he asked "Is it all right if I see Pinkie Pie?" he said expecting Nurse Redheart to say no. "All right." she said calmly. Zak then went inside the room and sat down right next to Pinkie Pie's bed. "Hey Pinkie, how you holding up?" he said worried. "Im all right." she said very softly. "Listen, Pinkie Pie, I got called down to Princess Celestia's castle and was asked if I attacked you, I told them I didnt but, who did attack you?" he said still worried. "It was Rainbow Dash." she said crying a little. All of a sudden, thoughts and events that happened today raced though his mind and the only thing he could think clearly was "Thats the reason why she gave me that look, she did this to her." he thought clearly. "I will be back, I need to do something very important." he said to Pinkie Pie. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zak then rushed out of the hospital and then stood in the street wondering "How am I going to get to Celestia's castle?" he thought. Zak then saw a chariot driven by the same pegusaus land in front of him, again. Zak took no time to think about it and hopped right in to the chariot like last time. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As soon as they got there Zak then jumped out of the chariot and busted the door open saying "I KNOW WHO DID IT!" he yelled. "Who?" the princess said. Zak then raised his hoof and pointed at the rainbow mane pony and shouted "RAINBOW DASH." he yelled. Everypony in the room then gasped at Zak's answer. Then Rainbow Dash spoke up while crying "All right, yes I did it but-but I have been having nightmares about Pinkie Pie killing me for a week and-and IT JUST HAPPENED SO FAST! I DIDNT MEAN TO HARM HER BUT NEXT THING I KNEW SHE WAS LYING THERE COVERED IN HER OWN BLOOD AND THE KNIFE WAS IN MY HOOF!" she said crying a bit loud. Twilight and Fluttershy then put 1 of their front hooves on Rainbow's back rubbing up and down to calm her down. The princess then said "Zak, where did you get this thought?" she said. "Pinkie Pie herself." he said. "Well, you can all go I must have to think." the princess said. > Chapter 5: The End > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE READ ALL THE PAST CHAPTERS BEFORE READING THIS ONE Zak didnt realize it but he and the 5 remaining Elements of Harmony were all in 1 chariot talking about what just happened while being driven home. "I N-N-NEVER MEANT TO HURT PINKIE!" rainbow dash said while crying her hooves. "You do realize what you have to do?" zak said. "w-w-w-what?" rainbow said still crying. "You have to apologize to Pinkie Pie." he said. "n-n-n-no I cant! s-s-she would hate me forever!" she said. "Look, I talked to Pinkie, she is a pretty nice pony. By the way she said your name it look like she still considered you her best friend." he said. "r-r-r-really?" she said. "Sure! I bet by the time you enter her room she will be saying repeatedly I FORGIVE YOU I FORGIVE YOU." he said. "w-w-w-well when you put that way." she said. Before they knew they were already at Ponyville. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Um before we go to the hospital, me, rarity, rainbow dash, applejack, and fluttershy wanna say were sorry for beating you up. We should have asked you if you actually did it first." twilight said. "Pfffff! Forgive and forget that's what I always say." he said. "So your not mad?" twilight said. "Well, maybe a little, but! I know you guys never meant to hurt me and just did the old judge a book by its cover mistake. Now, we have a pink pony to visit Allonys!" he said. "What does allonys mean?" twilight said. "It means lets go in french." he said. "Where did you learn that?" fluttershy said. "My friend, The Doctor taught it to me." "Doctor who?" applejack said. "Exactly." he said. After that little conversation pretty soon they arrived at the hospital. The minutes felt like hours to Zak while waiting in the waiting room for Rainbow Dash to finish up apologizing to Pinkie. (read Rocket To Insanity Altenate Ending here for apologie) After what felt like 2 hours Rainbow Dash finally appeared in the waiting room. "Well Nurse Redheart said she would be released in 3 days." she said. "So what do we do till then?" fluttershy said. "Well, first we have to clear Zak's name. We cant have him going around Ponyville being hated for something he didnt do." twilight said. "Oh yeah...I forgot about that. rainbow said sad like. "Dont you worry rainbow, were not gonna give out your name." applejack said. "So, you guys still consider me as a friend?" rainbow said. "Well course we do!" applejack said. Rainbow then smiled after hearing those words. "Well comon yall, we got someone's name to clear!" applejack said. The 5 ponies then got up and headed for the door. Twilight then said "Arn't you coming?" she said. "Why?" zak said. "Well who elses name are we gonna clear? the air?" twilight said. Zak then chuckled a bit after hearing those words. He then got up and followed them out the door to go clear his name. The End.