> Betrothal Island > by zetasquadron94 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "We're going down!" The wind howled over the whirring of the turbines. The small rigid airship bucked and weaved through the storm, desperately riding the upper currents. Commander Tempest Shadow, pacing back and forth, stopped, "What?" "I'm calling it. We're going down!" Soarin looked back at the bridge talker. "All hands, abandon ship!" "All hands, abandon ship! All hands, abandon ship!" The talker's eyes widened, "Captain, we're cut off from the aft section!" "It must've been that last lightning strike!" His eyes widened, "The princess! The engineers!" He turned, "Commander, I need–" Tempest rolled her shoulders forward, "I'll find her! You get off the ship!" He paused, then nodded, "Someone has to keep it steady, anyway. Go! Tell everyone you can find! Ensign, you go with her!" One of the crew, pulling on a parachute, straightened up, "Ah, aye aye, sir!" She climbed up out of the gondola to the catwalk. The ship shook. The deck crackled and Tempest jumped over a gap. "Come on, sailor!" The ensign climbed up out of the gondola, "Commander, we need to watch our step, we–" Krackoom! There was a flash. The airship shuddered and groaned. It heeled over and Tempest was thrown against a support beam. The ensign screamed as he slid past her. "No!" She shouted, reaching to grab his hand and just barely missing it. He fell back through the fabric of the ship, through a torn open hole. The wind took his voice away. "Your chute! Pull your chute!" She cried. Tempest panted and leaned her head on the beam she'd fallen on. He had his chute. He'll be okay. He had his chute… As she straightened up, she barely noticed her uniform catching on a bolt and tearing. The ship straightened out. "One less sailor to save at least," She said aloud. She grabbed the safety lines and continued pulling herself back. The ship was lightweight, a jungle gym of metal and fabric. There was only a handful of crew. Even so, there was much more to it than the gondola. There were fuel tanks above the gondola, but further along, she passed crew quarters and ballast storage rooms. Tempest checked each one, finding no crew, thankfully. They would all be at their stations. And hopefully, off this ship. The ship was a wreck, it was no surprise the captain wanted to evacuate. She stopped at an intercom, "Bridge, this is amidships!" There was no answer. "Sweet Luna," She cursed, "it's breaking apart!" She found Princess Twilight Sparkle, hauling herself down from the engine room. "What's going on?" Twilight demanded, "The voice tubes are cut to the engine room!" Tempest grimaced, "Where are the engineers?" Twilight looked crestfallen, "That last lightning strike knocked them off. I think they got their parachutes open, but they're gone!" Tempest glowered. Seeing the princess's face though, she amended, "Well, at least they're alive. A stallion fell out of my section too. The captain gave the word to abandon ship." "What?" "We have to leave!" Tempest growled urgently. "Who else is left? We have to check!" Tempest gestured around, "The ship's coming apart! We have to get you out of here!" "The captain won't leave unless he knows–" There was another lightning strike and the ship shook. The mares were thrown off their feet. Tempest seized Twilight with both arms and shielded her from falling debris. They rolled and struck the wall. When the assault abated, Tempest realized she'd been biting her lip. She looked down and found Twilight on top of her. Twilight lifted her head and unwrapped herself from Tempest's protective embrace. "Are you alright, Princess?" "I'm fine, what about…?" She trailed off. Tempest followed her gaze. A dull red light came from down the catwalk. A fire extinguisher rolled down toward them, other debris slid along the deck. Twilight gasped, "The ship's off balance! That was the gondola!" "If they were still in there, they aren't any longer!" Tempest grunted and got to her feet. Twilight nodded, "The parachutes. And we need a life raft!" Tempest grabbed her arm and pulled her toward the nearest boarding hatch. Twilight yanked her arm out of the larger mare's grip, "We need those supplies!" "Can't you fly?" Tempest demanded. "Not in this weather!" Twilight snapped back. "Great," Tempest growled. She groped her way down the corridor, finding a door. She pointed across the way, "Check in there! There should be a box–" "Mark twenty-two inflatable life rafts! I know! Grab those crates from that room and tinned water!" Tempest cursed, she didn't know how she could have forgotten. "I didn't forget! Just go and do your stupid job!" "Do yours!" Twilight snapped over the howling wind. They rushed out, clad in life jackets and carrying supplies, and moved to the nearest hatch. A whirlwind met them, snatching papers from the interior. Tempest put up her hand, "The storm's getting worse! We can't go out in that!" "The ship is climbing! It should be easier up there!" "But we will freeze!" Tempest barked, "we have to go down, and we lost the control surfaces!" Twilight cursed and looked around. "There had to be a way out of this!" "I don't see one, princess!" Tempest snarled. "Stop calling me that!" Twilight looked around. Then her eyes lit up. "I have an idea!" Twilight's body lit up with purple energy. She held out her hands, "Hang onto me!" "What?!" "Put your arms around me and hang on tight! This is no time to get embarrassed!" Twilight exclaimed. The ship began to tear itself apart. Magical energy cut a barrier in the deck, ripping away the room they were in and several areas above them. "I'm…navigating us as a…free balloon…!" Twilight gasped. She gestured at the cells above them, still kept in place by the rigid airship hull. "Shut up and keep at it!" Tempest coughed, "You have to save your energy I mean! You can do it!" The makeshift balloon bucked and weaved. Tempest didn't know if she was securing herself or Twilight to the deck. The wind billowed around them. "What now?" Tempest cried. "Get me a compass! I saw an island to the north! I gotta stay on track!' "That way!" Tempest gestured, "I saw it too!" As if on cue, a bolt of lightning illuminated a large chunk of land. It seemed to stand out ominously like an ancient castle. "Brace yourself!" They came down with a heavy crash. Water surged across the platform. They found themselves on the edge of a reef. In front of them, the reef gave way to the dark water. Fire from the ship burned on the surface of the water as the debris slowly sank. Tempest pulled the life raft handle and threw the container into the water. "In the boat!" She shouted. They rushed to transfer their gear to the inflating raft as the rest of the airship crashed into the sea around them. With a mighty heave of her strong arms, she pushed the raft away from the makeshift balloon. The cells above them thankfully gave way behind them instead of on top of them. Splashing into the raft, she found Twilight gasping for breath as she finally turned off her horn. Tempest looked up and realized it hadn't been luck: Twilight had kept the debris off them. "Thanks," She gasped, "Now it's my turn!" She pushed the oars into the water and heaved. The raft pushed off the reef into the darkness. The rain continued to pour down. "Which way to land?" Twilight charged her horn, grimaced, then charged it again. She fired off a star flare. It flew high in the sky and exploded like fireworks. "Behind you." Tempest twisted around. In the distance, she could just barely make out the tall silhouette of land. In the dim light, it looked green but mountainous. It was almost bowl-shaped with a cone in the center. At this distance, it could have been small or large. Though the soldier would settle for land, period. As she rowed, there was an enormously strange feeling that sent a tingle up her spine. Twilight gave a start, then sighed in exasperation. "Did you feel that? It's like we passed through a barrier–" A piece of flaming debris came down behind them. Both mares let out exclamations and Twilight shook her head. She moved across the boat and grabbed an oar. "Let's get out of the line of fire!" "You don't have to tell me twice!" Tempest growled. She was surprised at how well Twilight was rowing. Even after seeing her in combat, her title of "princess" still made Tempest underestimate her. She reminded herself of Twilight's reminders: she didn't live in a gilded cage all her life. She was just a city mare. "The storm is passing. Was that a squall?" Twilight asked. "Dunno. Not a sailor," Tempest grunted. Twilight noted how close they were. She was fascinated sometimes with how big and strong a mare Tempest was. She was even bigger than Applejack! Her elbows jammed into Twilight's side every time she drew back for another stroke. Twilight grimaced in annoyance but didn't much care at the moment. She was just glad she didn't have to do this on her own. But as they moved, and the rowing grew less intense, she felt that shiver again. Tempest cursed and shook her shoulders. Suddenly they crashed into the beach. Another piece of debris landed, starting another fire. Twilight was knocked back against the hull and Tempest nearly fell on her. She shot to her feet and rolled out of the raft. "Come on!" Twilight got out and pulled. Together they hoisted it onto the beach. Twilight collapsed against the side of the boat again. She looked up and tilted her head. Tempest was sweaty, and glistening in the light of the fire. Her chest moved up and down as she panted. She flexed and stretched briefly to rest herself. As Tempest reached out a hand to the princess. she noted Twilight's shirt was torn around the top of her chest, almost proactively. She was panting too. Her hair was soaked in water and draped across her shoulders. Her skirt was askew, revealing her slim but muscular thighs. Both mares flushed and Tempest hauled her up. Twilight stumbled and fell against Tempest. The big mare caught her and for a moment they looked into each other's eyes. Twilight was nearly a head shorter than her friend. "Sorry, I think one of my shoes was broken or something," Twilight said quickly and leaned down to adjust them. "It's alright," Tempest said, putting one hand in her pocket and rubbing the back of her head. Both mares avoided eye contact. What's the matter with me? This is no time to get frisky! "We should find shelter," Twilight said, snapping her out of her thoughts. "Right," Tempest agreed. She grabbed a flashlight from the raft, while Twilight activated a light spell. "I prefer something that doesn't shut off when I can't concentrate," Tempest sneered slightly. Twilight rolled her eyes, "Just for that, you take the lead." "That was going to be my suggestion…princess," Tempest said, stepping ahead. To her surprise, Twilight found herself flushing. "W-well it makes sense, Commander!" To Tempest's surprise, she stopped. She turned and looked at her. "...let's just keep going." "Not going to argue? Thats a first from the Great Tempest Shadow…!" Twilight said, channeling Rainbow Dash. Tempest tightened her grip on her flashlight. What is wrong with me? Far from reducing her…urges, arguing had only seemed to encourage it. "What do you think happened to the rest of the crew?" Twilight asked. "We flew quite a while, so they're probably out at sea," Tempest grunted. "That's what I thought…" Twilight murmured. "They're probably alright, just…lost like we are." They moved along the beach, looking for shelter in the dim evening light. Ever since she came back from her expedition, Tempest had been living in the castle with Twilight. She wasn't quite ready to go out into Equestria again, even if she had a royal pardon. Tempest was good to have around the house, she was considerate, and neat, and they'd gotten on better than expected, but the last few weeks had been somewhat tense. Twilight stayed up all night until Tempest physically hauled her to bed, while Twilight had to keep Tempest from constantly closing all the windows and keeping light out. Twilight had been almost hoping for some time apart with the trip, but Tempest had insisted. And now, she was glad Tempest was here. Neither of them would have gotten out without the other. The weather forecast had been wrong, weather off the griffon coast was always so unpredictable. They had been caught in a storm and drifted dramatically off course, before their ship finally gave up. Now, with few provisions, the remains of a life raft, and the rest of the ship wrecked on a reef, they would have to make do on the island. Both mares looked up at the ominous island. It was a jungle-swamped piece of land with a circle of hills or mountains behind the dense forest. Twilight looked up at her friend silhouetted in the light. She wore a uniform similar to her old storm king one, but with Equestrian insignia. It was ragged and battered by the struggle to get to shore. She was above average height, nearly a head taller than Twilight. Her mohawk was a little frayed, and still damp with seawater. She had a beautiful face, her scars only accentuating it. Her shoulders were broad and dense, with powerful arms, and the legs of an olympic athlete. Twilight flushed and looked away before she could steal a gaze at Tempest's toned core and modest breasts. "That looks like a good spot," Tempest said, pointing. Twilight followed her direction to see the interior of the island. Behind the beach and a row of trees there was a small plain of grass."Could be worse," She snorted. "Could be the stone beach you grabbed me from," Twilight said with a small grin. For a second, she worried she crossed the line. But Tempest smirked, "Yes, it could be." Twilight breathed a sigh of relief. Something about Tempest's laugh always made Twilight happy. Most people said it was creepy, but something about it delighted her, a sort of positive tingling whenever she made her laugh. She could hear it all day. "So what do you think?" Twilight stood up and nodded, "I agree, it's a good spot. Shall we?" She picked up a crate of provisions from inside the raft. Tempest picked up the rest, tucking them under her arms. They moved their gear to the small grassy area, and Tempest went back for the raft. She returned to find Twilight grimacing at their food supplies. "Something wrong?" "Nothing, nothing," Twilight said dismissively, and scratched her head, "I wish I had a--" She turned her head, and recognized a nearby tree, "oh, how convenient!" Twilight walked toward one of the trees and immediately brought down some fruit. "Bananas!" "Well, we've got the food situation settled then," Tempest commented. "I'm glad I've got you to figure that out." "And I'm glad I've got you to help me carry things," Twilight said with a snort. "Usually that's Spike who does that." Tempest snorted as well. Her eyes lingered on Twilight for a long moment, then she broke eye contact. "I'll take inventory. Can you start the fire?" "Of course." She crouched and created a small stone circle. Tempest surreptitiously glanced at her friend. Twilight wore a practical t-shirt and skirt. She was at the edge of average height. From photos, she had been on the lower end before becoming a princess. Now, she was taller, more svelte, with her curves accentuated in an oddly natural way. Her face hadn't changed since her ascension, so soft and pleasant. Her hair hadn't changed much either. She used to keep it up in a ponytail, but she'd lost the scrunchie in the crash. Her breasts weren't enormous, unlike her alicorn compatriots, but they had certainly grown. Her shoulders were narrow, and her arms seemingly slender, but Tempest knew from experience that she held a power strong enough to challenge bigger opponents in a fight. Not that Tempest paid attention, of course not. Many said her attractiveness had been quadrupled, but Tempest didn't quite see it. She was pretty in her own way before and after being a princess. Twilight glanced back at her and Tempest looked away. She set up a tarp to keep the rain off them. They'd had a few arguments over the last few weeks, and the trip had been particularly taxing. Yet there was something about the way they fought. They were almost fun. She almost loved having the large mare in her face telling her she was wrong. Tempest almost loved being able to loom over Twilight. She felt like she loved it just for the excuse to get in her face. They were opposites but found themselves sticking together. Twilight was surprised Tempest wanted to go with her, and more than that, Tempest was surprised she didn't object more strongly. Tempest fixed the tent and thought for a moment. It had been the logical thing to do, Twilight got herself into trouble so much and someone had to be there to get her out. It was nothing more than cold logic. Nothing more, she repeated to herself. Besides, aside from their squabbles, they got on well intellectually. She had never met anyone as smart as Twilight. That evening, as they sat around the campfire, Twilight shivered. Tempest looked down at her suit. It was pretty ragged. "We should let these dry. We don't want to ruin our sleeping bags." "I don't have any other clothes," Twilight murmured. "Neither do I, Princess. We're both grown mares. We can sleep naked for one night." Twilight stood up and stepped just out of the firelight. Tempest stood up as well and stepped out. She pulled off her boots, unzipped her suit, and pushed it down without hesitation, hanging it on some branches. She turned to see Twilight staring in her general direction. Tempest stepped into the fire light casually and climbed into her sleeping bag. Twilight propped up her clothes on some sticks as well and dodged around the fire light to dive into her sleeping bag. They rolled away from one another. Tempest couldn’t get her out of her head. The princess was small, but she was so smart and so brave, there were few people she respected as much as she did her. Twilight couldn’t get her out of her head. The large mare was so jacked, so strong, and so smart. Twilight shivered, rolled over again, then a third time. Why am I so horny?! As they slept, the island began its magic. Tempest woke up. She stretched in her sleeping bag and sat up. The morning was already bright, with a blue sky overhead. Nearby, Twilight still slept soundly. Tempest moved to the branches where they set up their outfits. To her surprise, the rags that had been left of their clothing were gone. Tempest looked around. Perhaps the wind had carried them off. All she could find was a scrap of leather from her suit. But where did their shoes go? She sighed. or a wild animal had carried them off. Perhaps a bird. Tempest grimaced and looked around. She went into the forest a little and grabbed some large leaves, weeds, and vines. She realized she hadn't gathered enough material for both of them. Considering, she shrugged and took pieces from one to fit the other. Twilight awoke to find Tempest wearing a makeshift bra and skirt made of leaves and grass. Tempest covered her eyes, "Something took off with our clothes. I have yet to find them. So I uh...made some clothes for us." Twilight glanced down. "Oh wow." There was a simple but functional tunic laid out in the grass beside her. Twilight flushed, then picked up the tunic. She found it easily slipped on over her head. "So how do I look?" Tempest realized she may have made the outfit too tight(or just tight enough). She could almost see Twilight's nipples, and the way her hips and waist were accentuated was nauseatingly beautiful. "Fine." They explored the island. It was a warm and temperate climate. There was grass everywhere, and they seemed to form paths. "Perhaps ponies have been here before," Tempest commented. "Not for a while," Twilight replied, "This soil is well-packed but..." She frowned and stopped. "What is it?" "Don't you feel that? The magic field?" "What magic field?" "It was probably to help unicorns find their way in the dark. Can't you feel it?" She gestured in front of her, "It's right here." Tempest grimaced, and felt her horn, "I thought it was...well, never mind. So...some unicorns lived here?" "I suppose so," Twilight replied. They walked further and stopped again. "This...there must be magic here." "What makes you say that? Aside from the obvious," Tempest gestured. The path they were on was overgrown, but the intersection was too well-made to be convenient. There had to have been a signpost at some point. "I can feel it. This was formed with magical energy. See how it's beaten here?" Twilight patted the smooth ground with one of her bare feet, "That's classic." Tempest grimaced, "I wonder if we're not alone here." "Oh, probably. We would've seen it if we weren't!" "Hm." They moved through a pass in the initial barrier and found there were several mountains on the island. Between them were valleys and several idyllic rises, with jungle and trees stretching across the island, hiding much of it from view. It was a bigger island than they expected. "Nice place," Tempest commented. She put her hands on her hips. She felt the wind rippling through her mane. Twilight nodded. "Plenty of resources for us to survive without damaging the natural environment." "We're a little off the major shipping routes. it might be a while before they find us." Tempest turned to see Twilight twitch her gaze away. "Well, now that we've gotten our bearings, let's find fresh water." She patted Twilight on the shoulder, and both swore they felt a tinge of electricity. Neither commented. It had to be the magic field again. They found a source of water just nearby, in a sort of grotto. There was a spring on one of the idyllic rises, set against the side of a mountain in a grotto, surrounded by trees. A waterfall split off in several directions that fed into the pools below. It had a main large pool area, with several smaller water reservoirs off to the sides. There was a flat green around it, to the trees and the walls of rock and dirt. "Fresh water," Tempest breathed. "It's beautiful!" Twilight exclaimed. She walked forward to examine the pools. The grotto pool area descended like a crater, with the smaller pools at varying heights around it, each segmented from one another and a few meters deep. Some were deep enough to stand in up to Tempest's neck, while others were only deep enough to sit in. The main pool was centered around a round pool that stood up in the center. It was where the steam rose from, near where the main water stream came down. It was like a parabola, with a clear edge that dipped inward gently, before going straight down. Twilight reached her hand into the main pool, where it touched a bit of soil. It was cool, yet not bitterly so. The steam meant that the area in the center was technically heated, while the others would be more gentle. The reservoirs would provide drinking and cooking water. As she thought about that, her thoughts drifted toward how good it felt on her skin, how sweaty and salty she was. The jungle was so hot and steamy all of a sudden. Without thinking, Twilight lifted her tunic, threw it to the side, and jumped into the water. Tempest bit her lip as she watched her friend's naked purple form swimming through the water. She emerged and turned back toward Tempest. Covering herself with one arm, Twilight gestured, "Come on in! The water's great!" Without another thought, Tempest stripped down and dove into the water. When she came up Twilight was blushing furiously. Tempest flushed herself and turned away. Both had their backs to one another on either side of the pool. Had she seen it? Tempest cleared her throat. "Here's hoping we won't be here long." "Yeah. I want to see the girls again." "I just want to get you out of here alive. That's my mission," Tempest said, sloshing water over herself. Twilight looked at her guard's back. "And get home." "Of course." "Oh come on, you can't tell me you don't miss anyone." "Capper and Pharynx are out of town, as are your friends." "Oh-- no, I didn't mean friends period, or right now, I meant..." Tempest chuckled. "I know exactly what you meant. Apologies, I misspoke." Twilight inhaled sharply. Tempest's laugh was exciting her more than usual. Something about it sent a shiver up Twilight's spine, and her body tingled. "...Oh." Tempest glanced back over her shoulder at her. "For the princess of friendship, you are surprisingly awkward." "I didn't choose to be," Twilight murmured. There was an odd expression in her voice. Tempest's lips quirked, "Maybe you can be someone else." Twilight shrugged. "It's not up to me." "Perhaps it is. Aside from the physical changes, you do still have free will. You do have to remember you are just a pony. After all..." She trailed off, leaving the words dangling in the air. Twilight nodded numbly. After everything, despite all her victories, they still nearly lost the country. She sloshed over to the waterfall and drank some of the water. As it settled in her stomach, Tempest's words ran over and over in her head. She glanced back at Tempest, immersing her head in the water. She saw "Uh...Tell me, Tempest, do you have a special somepony?" "A partner? No. Not much time for that. Besides, who would dare think to ask me out? Much less now..." "Well, I became your friend," Twilight grinned, "There's hope for you yet." "Why, Princess, is that an invitation?" Tempest chuckled. Twilight blushed furiously. "I..." She furrowed her brow as a warm feeling rose in her chest, and lower body. "I didn't mean it like that!" "I didn't mean..." Twilight sighed in annoyance, "Sorry, sorry, I just...I don't know, I'm tired I guess." She rubbed her eyes, "It's fine, I'm flattered. I know how attracted people are to the princesses." Tempest turned to look at her, heedless of her divine nudity. Twilight kept her eyes on her face. "Princess--Twilight, it's not about that. I mean...no, I didn't mean it like that. It's not just because you rescued me either, I find your intellect stimulating." She grinned wryly, "Despite the library incident." "You're never going to let that go, are you?" "Any more than you will let go of the windows." Twilight chuckled, and Tempest smiled. It was a warm, kind smile. "You're your own pony under there, pri-- Twilight. Anypony would be lucky to be in a relationship with you." "Oh...thank you." Twilight blushed and turned away. After a moment to recover, she said, "I think anyone would be lucky to... be with you, as well." Tempest blushed a little and went back to one of the waterfalls. "Here's hoping I find someone then." As they emerged from the water, blushing, Twilight noticed that her tunic had torn in half. It was now more of a bikini than anything else but had no lower cord. "Here, let me help you with that," Tempest said. She stepped forward and threaded a cord into the torn lower half. Without thinking, she put her hands around the princess's waist to tie it. Her skin was warm to the touch. Twilight gently moved her hands down to touch Tempest's. They were larger than hers, tough with some calluses. "Tempest...?" Tempest flushed furiously as she realized how long her hands were on Twilight's waist. "Sorry," Tempest quickly tied it off. She kept her eyes off Twilight's alluring rear as they walked back to their camp. That evening, back at the beach, they ate dinner and prepared to bed down for the night. Putting aside one of the books that survived the crash, Tempest cleared her throat. "Twilight, I'm sorry about earlier, I was trying to make a joke," she said. "I know, thank you," Twilight replied. "I'm sorry, I'm pretty awkward." "I did mean what I said though. You're your own pony. I know how much this job means to you, but I see how much it pains you, and how much it demands of you." Twilight nodded, "There's not much else I can do." "You can quit, I meant that too." "I'm not sure I can." "Do you want to quit?" Tempest asked honestly. "Believe me, I know what it's like to keep telling yourself you're doing the right thing." "I...I don't know." Twilight gazed into the fire. "What do you want, Twilight?" Twilight looked up at Tempest. She had started using her name. She liked that. Though she liked when Tempest said her title, too, for some reason. She didn't like anyone else to say it. "I didn't think I'd be getting good advice from you," She said, smiling a little, "After last time." Tempest snorted sadly. "We all make mistakes." Twilight scratched the back of her head. Her eyes wandered around, and for some reason kept falling back on her friend. They roamed her body, taking in her form in the shadow of the fire. Tempest felt her gaze and looked up. Neither broke away. Something seemed different this time, ever since they woke up. Now here they were, all alone on a beach. "What do you think happened to our clothes?" "Wild animal, probably. Maybe it figured our gear was easier to take." "But they didn't take anything else, not even the food." Tempest grimaced. She rubbed her chin and looked around. "Have you been feeling funny at all?" "Funny how?" "Have you been sensing any more magic? Like by the grotto?" "No, not exactly." Tempest quirked her eyebrow, then shrugged. "I was thinking we should move our camp up there. We might not be found as quickly, but I don't like the looks of the waves. Plus we'd be close to fresh water. I'd prefer a longer stay here with us both getting out alive rather than only one of us." "You're the expert," Twilight said. She squirmed a little under Tempest's gaze. Despite her best efforts, just for a second, her eyes shifted ever so slightly down to Tempest's chest. Immediately she whipped her head away. Tempest breathed a sigh and leaned back on her palms. "It's okay, Twilight." "No, I'm sorry, I--" Twilight painfully turned her head back. "Sorry, I...you're very pretty, and that's a horrible excuse sorry no I meant-- I didn't mean--" She huffed in exasperation, "You are very beautiful and smart, and I must be tired or something, I didn't want to use an excuse, I just--!" She sighed, "You are very attractive." Tempest blinked. Well, someone as awkward as Twilight might also be quite blunt. She could work with that. "So are you." Twilight smiled a little. Tempest smiled out of the corner of her mouth. Seeing the princess smile was always so pleasant to see, it lit up the night. "So you don't have anyone?" "No, I don't. I..." Twilight grimaced, "No." "Would you be interested in seeing anyone?" The words were out of Tempest's mouth before she could stop them. She reached up a hand and covered her mouth. Twilight blinked, "I...uh...I don't know." She paused. There was silence for a long time. Eventually, Tempest got up, "I gotta change..." She stepped out of the light and bent to take off her outfit. "Tempest!" "Yes?" "I...C-Can I see you?" Twilight mumbled. Tempest blinked. "I...I want to...I want to see you." She thought over Twilight's words for a moment. "Of course." and stepped back into the firelight without hesitation. "Oh my..." Twilight muttered under her breath, in a Fluttershy-esque tone. She hoped Tempest hadn't heard her. Tempest was big for a mare. She had distinct muscles, washboard abs, and a moderately sized pair of breasts. Her arms looked extremely strong, yet sleek with taut muscles underneath. Her purple skin was fresh, with old battle scars. Her face was soft yet firm, and her wide shoulders gave a distinct impression of size. She had wondrous and sturdy legs and thighs. Her mohawk was still well-kept despite everything. "Now, may I see you, then, Twilight?" "Huh? Oh!" Twilight stood up. She undid her bra and let it fall to the ground. She unhooked her bottom. She ran a hand through her sandy hair, then stepped into the light with shaking feet. She was above average size, after her ascension to royalty. Her breasts were larger than Tempest's, something the large mare had to ignore. Her shoulders were narrower, her purple skin was smooth and well taken care of. Her face was gentle with the capacity for a big smile. Her legs betrayed the muscle of a physical scholar, more like a ballet dancer instead of a more dainty being. Something about her beauty was mesmerizing. As if reading Tempest's mind, Twilight covered her breasts, "One of the changes from being an alicorn." "Yes, of course." They studied one another in the light. "You're very beautiful, Twilight." "So are you." Twilight stepped closer. She was red in the face as she studied the larger mare. She made no move to cover herself, unlike Twilight. After some time, they moved their sleeping bags from either side of the fire to beside one another. As they lay there beside one another, looking up at the stars, Twilight looked over. "Have...you ever kissed anyone?" "Of course. Have you?" "Certainly," Twilight said, her flush hidden in the dark. She could feel Tempest's eyes on her. The larger mare propped her head up on her hand. "Are you sure about that?" She whispered playfully. Twilight flushed and squirmed a little. "Are you?" "Ooh, princess..." Tempest teased. Twilight had enough. Screwing up her courage, she leaned forward and kissed Tempest on the lips. "There. Now you'll never know." Tempest froze, her mouth slightly open in shock. Twilight inhaled sharply, then rolled over, "Let's get some sleep." "...Right." As they slept, the island's magic began to work on their bodies. "I can dig out a shelter here. It's an elaborate technique, it might take a few days, but--" There was a flash of energy. Instantly a beam of light dug a neat square in the grass around the grotto. Holding out her arms to aid her magic, Twilight carved out a large chunk of ground, lifting the soil up and out, and distributing it around the hollow. In its place was a nice and neatly-carved pit perhaps five meters long, and three meters wide. Stairs led down. There was a rise in the center that formed a table, with two chairs, and on the floor below the wall opposite the one they stood on, was a swimming pool-like area. There were alcoves for storage all around. On the left was a fire pit, with a chimney, or the beginnings of one, for smoke. Tempest turned around to find a separate hole behind them. It formed a sleeping area, with a doorway connecting the two spots. There were chairs and a large bed carved right out of the dirt, "...oh." "Sorry about that," Twilight gasped. She wiped her head from the exertion, and panted, "But don't worry! There's plenty for you to do! I don't know how to do all the sealants and stuff." She leaned against a nearby tree, "We need to put up a roof, and..." Seeing her all sweaty like that...Tempest fanned herself. She didn't usually get like this easily. But the mystery would have to wait. Any mare would react the same, seeing their friend in that sort of outfit. Tempest went to work digging out the interior of their little house. She made them two fireplaces, one in the sleeping area, and one in the main lobby. They spent the day assembling a framework that would fit over the pit, to protect it from the rain. They overlaid it with loose dirt to stop any leaks. It hid the structure, but their smoke would give it away immediately. Twilight gathered a few crystals using skills she learned from Rarity, and imbued them with light, making them much more effective than torches. Tempest found an abandoned anthill deeper in the jungle and crushed the framework to make a material that would work as a sealant, so their locally-made tubs and containers were sealed against leakage like the ones at home. It was only when making the bed, putting down leaves to support their sleeping bags, that Tempest realized there was only one. She paused, then shrugged. Twilight was forgetful sometimes. It was the size of a master bed, anyway. There was plenty of space for them to be apart. They spent the day finishing up the new camp, setting up everything with the hopes of moving in by the dark. As they made dinner, something occurred to Twilight. She looked down at her outfit, then over at Tempest. Tempest's hips shifted as she worked some of their food over the fire, and Twilight caught herself looking at her shapely rear. When Tempest thought she wasn't looking, she caught a glimpse of Twilight's pliable yet firm ass. It was nearly heart-shaped. At the table, when they were about done, the thought occurred to Twilight again. They finished up their food, then went topside for a last dip. It was sweaty work, and they wanted to cool their little hut down. "Say... why is mine a tunic while yours is a bikini?" She looked down at herself, "Or why was mine a tunic?" Tempest flushed and pulled off her top. "Let us bathe then, shall we?" She dropped her bottom and stepped into the water. She wiped away at the dirt and grime, breathing a sigh of pleasure and relief. Twilight splashed in nearby, and Tempest turned away, walking into the waterfall to wash her mohawk. When she cleared her eyes, she realized Twilight was watching her. Both mares flushed and turned away. Tempest swam out of the waterfall to allow her friend a chance. She fidgeted a bit then turned around. Twilight tossed her head back under the water, rubbing the dirt out of her mane. Somehow she seemed more shapely. The alicorn magic was strong in her, Tempest couldn't help but stare. After some time, Twilight turned around. She had her hand in her hair, running it through her long mane. There, dripping with water, she looked so pretty. They looked at each other across the pool. They had been watching each other both while bathing. Twilight looked down at herself, then up at Tempest. Somehow, in the light, the amazonian mare seemed different. Almost taller. They stepped forward, sloshing in the water, putting their arms around one another. Tempest looked down at her friend. Then, on an impulse, dipped her head down and kissed her. Twilight's eyes went as wide as dinner plates. "Tem..." Tempest took the opportunity to push her tongue into Twilight's open mouth, exploring the inside. Twilight melted into the embrace, putting her arms around the larger mare and closing her eyes, pushing her tongue back. They finally broke their kiss at each other, panting. "I...uh..." Tempest smiled a little nervously, for the first time her confidence was challenged. "I can stop if you..." Twilight grabbed her broken horn and yanked her back into another kiss. They stumbled their way back to the muddy edge of the pool. It felt like it had been made to lean against comfortably. Tempest twisted them around, putting her back against the edge of the pool. She pulled Twilight onto her with a yelp, then shushed her with another kiss. Twilight reached down to stroke Tempest's clit. The larger mare groaned and grabbed Twilight's breasts. Twilight pushed a finger into Tempest, who growled and used one hand to pull Twilight closer. She moved down and with one hand still tweaking Twilight's nipples, pushed her fingers into her pussy. Twilight gasped but didn't stop. Each mare thrust their hands into the other, moaning aloud. They pushed against one another as they reached their peaks. Both gasped. Twilight felt Tempest spray fluid across her hand, then yelled aloud. Tempest brought her hands up, "You were pent up, weren't you?" "That was...I don't even know what that was!" Tempest sat up on one elbow, "You were great, Twi." "No, I mean...I'm not...I..." Tempest raised an eyebrow, "First time?" "I--! Y-...yeah." "Then there's nothing to be worried about. It happens. Tartarus, you were great for a first-timer!" Twilight flushed. "Thank you." Tempest leaned forward and kissed her. Twilight flushed further and touched her lips. Then moved forward for another. Tempest was pleasantly surprised by the force, knocking her back to the ground. She pulled her close, and Twilight stuck her tongue into Tempest's mouth. They made out for a surprising amount of time, they were so filled with lust and pleasure for one another. They broke, and Tempest rubbed her hands over her lover's majestic shoulders. She reached up and stroked Tempest's mohawk. Tempest gently moved her hand onto Twilight's chest. "You're beautiful..." "You're stunning," Twilight said, "This is alicorn luck, but you...you're so strong and powerful, and..." "Twilight, you're drooling." "What?!" "I'm kidding," Tempest giggled. Twilight flushed like a tomato and giggled too. She'd never heard her laugh like that. A strange feeling went over them. They looked up at their pile of makeshift clothing. Twilight looked down at her new marefriend. Tempest grimaced up at her. Both looked down at themselves. They gathered themselves up, then moved down to the exit of the clearing, pointedly leaving their clothes behind. They brought their bedding and supplies up, unrolling only one bedroll in the bedroom. Then, they threw their makeshift clothing into the fire. Naked as the day they were born, they cuddled watching the fire. Soon, Tempest crawled into her sleeping bag, and unzipped it, holding it open. Twilight, shivering with anticipation, crawled inside. Tempest embraced her tightly, spooning her. She reached down and inserted her fingers into Twilight's snatch. Twilight did the same to her. As they slept, the island continued its work, altering their minds and bodies. Twilight awoke in a warm embrace. Her eyes widened a little. She woke up in Tempest's thick arms. Tempest had a small smile and cuddled Twilight closer. The mare blinked, and a shudder ran through her as she ground her body against the larger Tempest. She looked down. They were both completely naked. She was naked in Tempest's sleeping bag. They had sex. She had just lost her virginity to Tempest Shadow and was now lying naked in her sleeping bag. Twilight flushed heavily. She thought the world of Tempest, but she didn't think of her that way...did she? Flushing more, Twilight edged up onto all fours slowly, careful to keep her lover's grip on her body. Twilight felt the muscles on her arms, feeling her majestic form. Then she noted something. Tempest's head was higher than it should have been. Tempest's eyes opened. She smirked at her lover, "What is it?" "Did you get taller?" Tempest looked down, "Perhaps," She ran her hands along Twilight's sides, "But you have not lost any of your beauty." "Oh, Tempest-- OH!" Tempest reached down to Twilight's snatch and immediately began to finger her. Within seconds she had jammed several fingers into her pussy. "My, my, princess, you are eager..." Tempest murmured. She rubbed and stroked her until she could get a finger into Twilight. The princess gasped and shuddered. Tempest turned them on their side and lifted Twilight's leg, allowing her to get her leg in. They rubbed their clits together. Almost too soon, both exploded. "New rule, no sex in the sleeping bag." "And lose the morning routine?" "Do you masturbate every morning?" Twilight demanded. "Joking, sorry." Tempest furrowed her brow, "Hey, you okay?" Twilight laid down on her lover, resting her head between her breasts. "I'm just...confused. I...I've never been with anyone before." "Oh." "I'm sorry, it's embarrassing--" "No, it's not. Everyone's ready at different times." Tempest stroked her head, then halted, "Do you mind if I do this?" Twilight's ears flicked, "It's okay." "If I pushed any boundaries--" Tempest shifted to try and get out from under her, worried she had done something wrong. "No! It's okay," Twilight forced her back down with surprising force. She looked up at her and smiled a little, "I'm just surprised." She sighed, "And I'm upset I can't get us off this island." Tempest hugged her close, hauling her up to eye level and embracing Twilight in a warm grasp. "Hey, it's okay. You're okay. Oh, uh...do you mind if I hug you?" Twilight sniffed. She returned the embrace, "Thank you." Tempest furrowed her brow. "Hey, uh...are your breasts bigger?" Twilight looked down. "They have been feeling rather sore..." Tempest shrugged, "Probably from me. A trick of the light." She unzipped the sleeping bag and picked Twilight up in a bridal lift, "Come on, let's get up. We gotta figure out what's causing this magic. Morning bath?" Twilight responded by flushing, then grabbing the back of Tempest's head with one hand and kissing her. Tempest carried them both out of the room and up the stairs. It was awkward getting through the trap door, but she got them out and got them to the crater pool. Bathing gave way to sex, then another shower to clean that off. Later, as they lay there drying in the sun, Twilight ran her hands over Tempest's majestic frame. It seemed tougher than usual. She frowned, "Are YOUR breasts bigger?" Tempest looked down. "Well I mean, it makes sense, we did just..." She smirked, "See something you like?" "Only my...marefriend," Twilight spoke hesitantly, looking at Tempest with longing eyes. Tempest smiled gently, "If you're willing." Twilight smiled back, "Only if you are." "Then...yes." They stood there in each other's arms. "Where did we put our...? Oh." Twilight blinked at the smoke rising from the chimney. "We can make more." Tempest made their outfits, again shortchanging the materials. This time, both mares wore bikinis. Twilight noted hers seemed tighter despite using the same measurements, especially around the chest. She blamed Tempest's eyes. Both mares wondered what they saw in the other, and what the other saw in them. They kept these observations to themselves, but there were many confusing emotions in their heads. They explored the island that day, finding more hills and gullies, valleys, and trees. It was breathtaking. There seemed to be little animal life aside from some small creatures and birds. Once they gathered some supplies from the day, Tempest approached Twilight. The other mare looked up from her inventory work. Tempest's eyes flicked down, then back up. "I thought we'd try for that mountain," She pointed at the tallest one that was visible from their grotto. "It's close to the pass into the island, we might be able to see the biggest one from there." "Certainly!" Twilight stood up, walked up to the large muscular mare, and planted a kiss on her cheek, "I'd love to." They walked down to the beach to get a better path. As they climbed, Twilight tried to keep her eyes off Tempest's firm ass. Tempest turned to help her up and flushed to see Twilight's breast slide out of her top. Twilight looked down and adjusted it. A mischievous look crossed her face. "You can ask if you want to see," Twilight said. Her earlier hesitation seemed to vanish. "What is this, some cheap porno?" Tempest almost stammered. She glared at Twilight when she grinned. They reached the top. They could see the mountain was one of the lower ones. There were no ships either. "It's getting late, we should get back to the beach." As she tried to walk past, Tempest grabbed her and spun in place, dipping her, "And just where are you off to?" "Tempest!" Twilight giggled. "I think we deserve some reward for our work, don't you think?" Tempest ripped off Twilight's bra. She blinked, and her eyes widened, "They ARE bigger!" Twilight looked down and felt them herself. Her breasts were bigger since ascending to alicornhood, but now they were almost handfuls. "I...uh...guess it must be the food." Tempest shrugged. They were both too horny to care. Twilight yanked her hand through Tempest's waistband and hurriedly reached up to rip off her bra. They settled in for another afternoon of passionate lovemaking. As Twilight tweaked her lover's clit, she noted it seemed to be bigger than usual. She shrugged, and they kept going at it. They came quickly, several times in a row each, and collapsed against one another. Both felt some aches, but neither noticed their bodies subtly changing, and getting bigger. The wind felt glorious on Twilight's bare skin. She hugged herself and moaned as she and Tempest scissored and came explosively. Eventually, the sun began to go down. They walked back utterly naked. The rain was cool, but only a drizzle. Twilight's breasts bounced. Tempest's muscular front flexed. They both found themselves hypnotized by the other's body. They returned to their grotto and got ready to make another set of outfits, somehow even more revealing than the bikinis. But they took the process leisurely and stayed naked, remaining so all through making dinner. Afterward, Twilight went over to their little pool, lit by the glow of her crystals, to assemble her outfit. What was it about Tempest that was so...? As she finished up, she heard the pitter-patter of bare feet behind her. "Tempest did you...?" She Tempest came out wearing nothing but a loincloth. She smirked predatorily as she approached Twilight. Twilight shot to her feet, her mouth hanging open, and she felt herself getting so wet. She smirked up at Tempest, "Ooo...!" She said mischievously. Tempest backed Twilight up against the wall, and put a hand against it above the smaller unicorn, looking down at her. "I couldn't make a top." "Tempest..." Twilight giggled, flushing. Tempest's breasts were hanging down in front of her. Twilight looked up at her to see her face. She was taller, she had to look a little higher up. Then she grinned with a blush. Tempest grinned back, "Here's an idea...all alone on this island, temperate weather, shelter..." She smirked that predatory grin again. Twilight felt like she was dripping wet. She reached up to grasp her lover's breasts, "We can't keep our hands off each other..." "Right, so...I don't think clothes are necessary any longer, do you?" "Tempest!" "What? We'll see any visitors coming from a long way off, and after a few laps around the island...not to mention your voice, since no one came running, I'm guessing there's no one here." She grinned, a little nervously, "If you don't want to..." Twilight flushed and shook her head, "Are you kidding?" She made to pull off her top, struggling for a moment in her haste. Tempest grabbed it and pulled it off with a snap. She reached down and pulled apart her bottom with both hands and pushed Twilight down. They examined one another's naked bodies. "Princess..." Tempest breathed, hovering over her. She lowered herself over Twilight's face, breathing deeply. Twilight grinned and moaned into her marefriend's lips. She reached up to grab her shoulders and squeaked. Tempest was stronger. She was sure of it. Her muscles were bigger and denser. The next morning, Twilight's breasts were even bigger, noticeably so. She felt them in her hands as they showered. They were full-on handfuls now. "Tempest, we are getting bigger." Tempest grimaced. She checked a few lines she'd made in a tree with a machete from their survival kits. "Yeah, sure looks like it." She felt her arms, "I'm pretty strong, but this is different." She frowned, then dragged Twilight over to the tree. "You're taller too!" Twilight looked down at herself, then looked Tempest up and down, "This is fascinating! Utterly fascinating! We're...transforming!" "Could it be the food?" "No, I don't think so. It has to be some spell." Tempest looked at herself, "Well, I'm not complaining so far." Her eyes lingered on Twilight. Twilight did the same. she bit her lip and turned aside. "We still need to find answers. I want to find out who cast this spell!" That day they decided to scout out the island in greater detail, to try and find the magic they sensed. This was the first time Twilight had gone outside like this in the nude, in broad daylight. She felt so vulnerable. "Hey, you okay?" Tempest put a muscular arm around Twilight as they walked. "Just...just a little embarrassed, I suppose," Twilight chuckled nervously. She was very conscious of her nudity and extremely conscious of her marefriend's strong body, her burly muscular frame. They held hands as they walked through the valley. Twilight idly noted that her breasts didn't seem to need as much support as they used to, even before they started swelling. But she also noted that Tempest was getting bigger. Much bigger. She had gained several inches on Twilight, and her musculature was getting thicker all the time. "I don't know what this magic is doing to us, but for the moment, I'm not complaining." Tempest looked at her, confused and amused, "Neither am I?" Twilight's eyes went wide, "I said that out loud?" They found another spring. They decided to take advantage of it. Tempest turned and palmed Twilight's breasts. "Eep!" Twilight returned the gesture and could swear Tempest's breasts were bigger. Then Tempest leaned down and kissed her. The scholarly princess returned the gesture and they made out hungrily, ravenously. she pushed her larger lover down and rubbed at her pussy. Tempest returned the favor. Soon, after several orgasms, they found themselves scissoring again. Both of them soon came very quickly and almost unexpectedly. They cried out in pleasure, and as they did so, Tempest squished Twilight's breasts. "Ah!" Both looked down to find a spray of white fluid across Tempest's chest. "M-milk?" Twilight moaned, "Why am I lactating? I'm not pregnant!" Tempest licked her lips, too horny to care. She lifted Twilight slightly and sipped some of the milk. "Ah! Tempest!" Tempest leered at her playfully, "What? It tastes good!" "Tempest...!" She whined. "Ssh..." Tempest soothed, "I'll take care of you," She laid her down in the grass and began to suckle at one of her nipples. "Temmy, I...oh..." Twilight's words trailed off as the feeling of the warm milk leaving her body fed deep into her lower body. She reached down and fingered Tempest, who nearly yelped, then switched breasts. "Temmy?" Tempest repeated, wiping her mouth. Twilight groaned and orgasmed explosively. That helped bring Tempest to climax. As they came down, panting, Twilight felt her larger breasts. She winced as a dribble of white goo came from one of her nipples. "I...should we be worried about this?" Tempest's smile faded. She looked down. "Hm." Twilight looked more frightened, "I...what's happening to us? Getting bigger is one thing..." Tempest kissed her. "Whatever it is, we'll figure it out. We're together. So long as we're together, we'll be alright." Twilight kissed her back. "It's fascinating if nothing else. It's a powerful spell, I've barely managed such things. I'm just worried." They returned to their base, somewhat shaken up by the experience. They cradled one another as they watched the fire. They drew strength from one another; not merely from the loneliness of the island, but the other's presence. That was more confusing than anything else this island had to offer. The island continued its work on their new bodies, recreating the mares and altering their forms. And unaware, the mares continued trying to puzzle out these strange emotions they were feeling. The next morning, Twilight's breasts were even bigger. And so was Tempest. Twilight looked up at her lover and whimpered. Tempest sat her up and kissed her, "It's okay...we'll be okay...We're together." Twilight nodded. Tempest lifted her and began to suckle. To her shock, a blast like a wide straw came out. "There's more?" Twilight moaned. Tempest knew it was insane, but she wondered if perhaps draining it would help. She switched her breast and drank from the other one. Twilight moaned and held Tempest's head. The shared experience was enough to make both of them cum. They went to the pool again, and Twilight held her breasts in the waterfall. "Nothing's changed, why hasn't it changed?" she mumbled. They hadn't changed at all, even after she ran dry. They were still the same size. Tempest came up behind her and embraced her, both drenched by the waterfall. "We're okay, Twilight. We're still alive." Twilight embraced the larger mare. Their breasts rubbed together. "Tempest, I think you grew again." Tempest looked at her, then held her hand up and measured the distance, "Did I...?" "Yes, you're taller than that spot on the waterfall," She gestured at the rock for emphasis. "And your muscles…" She reached up and ran a hand across her marefriend's shoulder, then blushed. Tempest nodded idly, "No, I see that..." She put her hands on her marefriend's shoulders, "I think you're growing too." Twilight looked down at herself, "Oh, Celestia..." indeed, she was taller. Tempest furrowed her brow, then her eyes widened. For some reason, this was so intensely adorable to Twilight. Her big strong marefriend with the big round eyes. "I think when each of us...could our fluids be changing us?" Twilight idly reached up to touch her horn, "Possibly." She flushed, "Did...did you start growing when you started...ehm...drinking my milk?" Tempest flushed, "Maybe...a little. I'm not sure." She rubbed her chin thoughtfully, "I think...I think that just intensifies it." "I wonder if this place is making us different...or it's my alicorn magic." Tempest looked down at herself. "That might explain a few things." She flexed her arms, "I'm big, and we've been eating a lot of calories, but this is...different." Twilight looked down at her body. Her hair clung to her shoulders and her chest. She looked Tempest up and down, taking in her firmer musculature. "can you be in a relationship with a mare like that?" Tempest looked down at her. She ran her hands up and down her bare arms lovingly, "The mare who saved my life? What else can I say?" Twilight flushed, "But I'm mutating you, turning you into--" Tempest pulled her close. "No, you're not. You wouldn't do anything to harm me. We'll fix this, sweetheart, I promise. We'll find whatever is causing this." Twilight relaxed into her marefriend's embrace, feeling her strong body against hers. The feeling of a mare who could just pick her up and carry her off made her so...excited. Tempest embraced the smaller mare. A smaller mare who could kick her ass and with the brains to boot was a Celestia-sent miracle. "So what else can we expect?" "Our deepest kinks, I guess." Tempest tilted her head at her. "I'm kidding!" > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, they had to gather more supplies, food, and building material to maintain their base and existing stores, so Tempest went back to the second spring alone. She brought some gear from the emergency kits, water bags mostly, to store them for their next trip. After filling the bags, she drank from the spring. It was delicious after all. She sat back on her haunches. She could feel the water settling in her stomach. Then she felt it, a strange sensation in the pit of her stomach. She grunted in annoyance and rubbed her belly, feeling her muscles as she did so. Suddenly it intensified, and her stomach twisted. She furrowed her brow and sat back on her rear. A shiver ran all over her body, and her groin itched. She looked down in shock as another strange sensation overtook her. Her vagina began to tremble. "What the--?" She watched in bewilderment as her pussy folded together with the flaps out, as they leaned against one another in a line under her clit. A shiver ran over her as her clit bowed and connected to the line. She shuddered deep within her chest as she felt her pussy seal up. Then something sprang loose. She looked down to feel it pop up, then moaned as something else slid out. She looked down in bafflement at the penis that had unfolded. She had a penis. She wrapped a hand around the shaft and moaned. It was real, and it was full of pleasure. She groaned as her lower body gurgled, then spat out a gasp as something loose and weighty came out. She reached down and her eyes went wide. And now she had a pair of dangling testicles. There was a gurgle, and a feeling of tightness as her slit sealed up behind them. She felt around, then lay back. It was real, she could feel it. Her vagina was gone. Immediately she seized her cock. It was like a compulsion. She ran her hand over her new member, feeling its curves. She was a lesbian through and through, she couldn't have less interest in stallions. But this… "Oh, Twilight..." She moaned, as her member became harder and harder. She felt her testicles and grimaced. They were barely full. She thought of everything to make her aroused, but nothing seemed to work. She wondered briefly if her sexuality had been tied to Twilight, and if she couldn't masturbate anymore. "Twilight..." She moaned again. Suddenly she could hear and feel it spray several loads. The goop climbed up her penis and shot out in dribs and drabs. She waddled her way back, holding her large member. She stopped to lean against a rock and look down at herself. Was she...? She couldn't think about her muscles now, she had to get back to her marefriend. As she rushed back, she tried to ignore the feeling of her new limb bouncing between her legs. She had to pause again, panting. But was it with exhaustion or anticipation? She felt her testicles. They were bulging and clung to her body. Was she ready to go again? She felt her foreskin pulling back as she thought of Twilight and groaned in annoyance, fear, and frustration. She thought of Twilight bending over, Twilight pulling the raft ashore, her sleek body slick with sweat, Twilight's firm enormous breasts bouncing as she climbed into her sleeping bag. Twilight's tongue as she licked Tempest's snatch. She tried to kill these feelings by remembering her guilt, remembering how she had her trapped in a cage, but in this state, all she could think about was Twilight in that bikini she'd made, with a sly grin instead of a defiant frown or a face of fear. "Take me, Tempest." "Guh!" She felt her cock expand and gout of cum shot up and out. She looked down, her hand covered in semen. She had been masturbating this whole time. It felt so good. For a moment she felt so relaxed. She looked at the goop covering her hand. For a moment, she wanted to taste it. She looked down at her new penis, and her rising and falling chest. Her nipples felt sore. I have to get back to Twilight. To get help or to fuck her was the question. Maybe both. She returned to their spring. She stood to her full height. She almost expected– no, hoped– Twilight would suddenly break her habits and take a shower early. No such luck. The punctuality she loved her marefriend for was not doing any favors for her hormones. Tempest looked down at her cock and grimaced, just a little longer. She didn't think to cover up. Twilight, ever the prude and closet freak in the sheets, would have worried, but Tempest had never had much modesty even before they went nudist. She climbed down into their little home and saw her. Twilight was at the counter, experimenting with something. Her beautiful sleek arms moved back and forth as she lifted ingredients into a steel bowl. Tempest could see her naked behind. Her beautiful mane went down to above it, Tempest found her hand working her cock again. She fought and managed to take her hand away. "uh…Twilight?" Twilight's humming stopped, and she turned around, holding the bowl. "Tempest? What are you–" As she saw Twilight's naked front come around, Tempest's erection immediately rose, so fast and so hard that she gasped. "Ah!" The bowl fell to the ground. "Tempest?" Twilight practically drooled at the sight of her marefriend. "I, um...Whuh--whuh..." Tempest groaned as she leaned against the table, holding her new member, "Twilight…!" She couldn't take her eyes off the sway of her lady's waist, the smooth silkiness of her skin. Her eyes widened at the way her breasts bounced as she rushed over in concern. She put her hand on Tempest's free shoulder. "What happened?!" "I-- I don't know! It just happened!" Tempest exclaimed. "I drank some water from the other spring, and I–" Twilight crouched down to inspect it. "Well, we have to test this! We…have to…" "Twilight?" The princess looked up at Tempest. She put on a sly grin. The same one in her fantasy. "We have to test this." Tempest's heart stopped. "Twi-- Twi-- I...I..." Twilight moved Tempest's hand out of the way and grabbed her cock. It was rock-hard. Before she knew what she was doing, she was cupping her testicles and lifting her penis into her mouth. Tempest groaned, "Oh..." Twilight's tongue played with the underside, running her hand up and down the length. Twilight bobbed her head up and down. It was so long, she couldn't fit it all in her mouth. She suckled and her eyes went wide as Tempest felt her balls churning. Twilight pushed on, holding them up and tingling the area around them. "Twilight I'm going to cum." Twilight looked up at her, then took a deep breath. "Twili--oh, oh...!" Twilight pushed her head down the length as far as it would go just as Tempest began to ejaculate. Both mares whined and moaned as the white fluid splattered against the back of Twilight's throat. Both mares collapsed backward. Tempest squirted one last blast onto Twilight's tits. They lay back in the grass, propped up on their arms, their legs spread, panting heavily. "Tastes good," Twilight said, licking some of it off her lips. Tempest looked at her breathlessly, then laughed. "You've got some on your tits." Twilight looked down and flushed, "I...uh, sorry. I don't know what came over me!" She silently reached down and picked up the cum with her hand. She considered it for a second, then slurped it up. She flushed again. "Uh...so...how'd you become a futanari? What happened?" Tempest looked down. She felt her crotch. Her vagina was still gone. "I...I don't know. I was out walking, then my vagina just...vanished. It transformed into this." Twilight furrowed her brow, "Fascinating, I've never heard of..." As they watched, Tempest's member became hard very quickly. Tempest felt her new testicles churn, and reached down, she didn't know if she was trying to stop it or what. Twilight's mouth fell open. "Tempest?" "Yes, Twi?" "I uh..." Twilight spread her legs further, "I need you. I need that in me." Tempest crawled over her. "Twilight..." She breathed. Having the large, domineering, and powerful mare over her instantly made Twilight wet. She squirmed at Tempest's muscular frame, her tough strapping body. She looked down and shuffled impatiently at Tempest's member. She dragged her member down Twilight's belly, then looked down. She took her new body part and guided it into her lover. Twilight shouted aloud. Tempest cried out as well, shocked by the sensitivity. She pushed further in, moving slowly. Much to their surprise, despite Tempest's size, the insertion was much easier than they thought. She slid in slowly, Twilight's vagina maintaining its tightness but giving way. It was like they'd had sex a thousand times. If this was what it feels like, we are going to, Twilight thought. Finally Tempest hilted. She drew out halfway, then thrust again. Again and again, she drove herself strongly, but carefully into her marefriend. "Harder!" Twilight cried out in frustration, wiggling around the impossible organ. "I don't want to--" "Harder!" Twilight shouted. Tempest did as her lady demanded, and began thrusting harder. Twilight's breasts bounced around and she alternated between holding Tempest's shoulders and keeping her breasts steady. Tempest paused suddenly and leaned down to drink from her tits. Twilight moaned at the brief reprieve and wrapped her legs around her lover. Tempest continued thrusting, "Twi--oh you're so good..." "T-Thank you..." Twilight garbled, "I love you..." The wonderful sensations going up Tempest's body set her going harder. There was a rushing feeling in her loins. "Wait...wait..." Tempest intoned, relaxing slightly, trying to hold off as long as possible. She slowed, then started thrusting even faster. Tempest felt her third orgasm with a penis. She felt the warm feeling over her body, then a powerful rushing sensation in her cock. She made to pull out, but Twilight wrapped her legs around her and pulled her close. "Twilight I'm going to--" "I don't care!" Twilight screamed, "Don't you dare stop!" "Twilight I'm gonna--" Tempest roared in Twilight's face, thrusting hard into her, each thrust sending a huge spurt of semen into her body. Twilight shrieked, feeling each strike her womb. Both gasped in the suddenly sensory silence. Tempest pulled out, "Well, I've never done that before." Twilight tilted her head back, "No...kidding," She panted, "But sweet Celestia you're a natural!" Cum dripped out of Twilight's snatch. She groaned and lifted her head, "That was amazing." “Yeah…” Tempest gasped. They finally calmed down, “But what happened? What is it? Is the island changing me into a stallion?” Twilight sat cross-legged. Tempest had to avert her eyes from her dripping snatch. “If it were, our breasts wouldn’t be getting bigger. It’s almost like we’re transforming into…better versions of ourselves–ah I mean, a better version of mares. That someone else defined. Not us.” “Uh…right,” Tempest said doubtfully. “I’m not sure it means any harm.” Twilight frowned, “But I’m not sure if it’s messing with our heads.” Tempest nodded, “Good enough for me. We need to find the source of this magic. Wherever it is.” Twilight nodded back. Her eyes flicked to Tempest’s cock, then back to her face. “Right.” They were silent for a long time. "I…I think I love you," Tempest said. "I love you too..." Twilight murmured. Tempest sat down beside her. Unconsciously she extended her arm, and Twilight naturally rolled into it, resting her head on Tempest's arm and shoulder. "Really, I think..." Tempest mumbled. "What?" "I think I might..." Tempest coughed. "I think I might love you." Twilight flushed. She felt beet red, or like a tomato. Her heart soared. The confusing emotions she'd been feeling since they showed up...was there more than lust here? "I...Tempest...I mean we’re marefriends…" Tempest grinned sheepishly, "I know. Weird thing to confess like this. I didn't mean to surprise you...if the feeling isn’t mutual...we can just be friends with benefits…" "Oh, no, no! I just--" She wanted to scream and shout from the treetops. "I...I'm worried." "Worried about what?" Fear ran through Twilight. "What if we don't? What if...wait..." She looked at Tempest's shrinking member. "Did I do this? Did I cause this alteration?" "I don't think you did. At least not on purpose. It happened after I drank the water." "But I drank some too! What if it's my magic..." She squeezed her breast, and a squirt of white fluid came out, "There's more of it. I'm fascinated, but--! I'm worried! You just confessed your love for me, and I want to do the same!" "What?" "I love you too! But I'm not sure it's real!" Twilight shouted. "I want it to be real, but I don't know if it’s real!" "Ssh..." Tempest soothed, embracing her, "The island may be doing things to us, but it can't take our souls. There's no love poison here." "How do you know?" Twilight whimpered. Tempest paused. She looked down at the mare in her arms, the one she realized she would tear the world apart for. "Because...because...ever since you saved me...well..." She scratched her chin and blushed, "Well, ever since we met you've been kind of cute." She looked away, "But frankly I thought you were with Dash." "Rainbow Dash?" Twilight frowned. "I don't know what my feelings are for her. But you and I...well, even if we're not that in love..." Tempest smiled a little, "Even if we're not that in love, there is a bit of love between us." She spread her hands, "And what's a little sex between friends?" "A little?" She saw something moving out of the corner of her eye. Tempest looked down, then up at her, lustfully. "Yeah, a little," She said dryly. They climbed up to the green around the spring, ostensibly to shower. As they walked, Twilight suddenly grabbed Tempest’s midsection and pulled her down into a kiss. She pushed her tongue inside. Tempest tried to resist, but her tongue’s size was no match for her marefriend’s skills. Two can play that game. She squeezed one of Twilight's enormous breasts. Twilight shuddered and brought them both to a sitting position. She leaned back. Her marefriend's hands were suitably large, pawing her perky tits. Tempest leaned forward and played with her nipple with her tongue. Twilight pulled her head against her. Tempest's eyes widened, but she began to suckle. As she felt Twilight's warm milk fill her mouth, she reached down and flicked Twilight's clit. The unicorn gasped, and her legs clamped shut. She felt Tempest’s member touching her thighs. Tempest grinned. Still pinned against her, she put her arms under Twilight and rolled, putting her up on her lap. She continued suckling as she rubbed at Twilight's snatch with her free hand. Almost too soon she felt ooze dripping onto her cock. She switched to Twilight's other breast. Twilight moaned and opened her legs. Tempest's rock-hard erection slid between her legs into her vagina. She clamped down hard, desperately squeezing it. Tempest groaned and straightened up, Twilight's milk finally dried. Twilight tweaked her lover's nipples and leaned against her with a sigh. She began to move up and down. "Gyaah!" Twilight cried suddenly as Tempest came far too soon, splattering her inner thigh and vagina with fluids. Tempest flushed pink, the color standing out against her purple skin, highlighting her beautiful opal eyes. "Sorry, I'm not used to this," Tempest gasped. Twilight giggled and leaned against her tall, muscular goddess. “What is it you love about me?” She mumbled. “You’re so smart, so beautiful, you…” Tempest smirked, “You’re fun to argue with. And…” Her smirk grew bigger, “I think I love anyone who can kick my ass.” Twilight straightened up, looking into her lover’s eyes. “You’re so huge, and you’re so strong yet you have such a sensitive side. That little orphan girl you helped…” She launched into an infodumping recount of the little one Tempest helped on her second day after the Storm King’s defeat. Tempest could only sit there and watch, enraptured by her marefriend’s passion. They showered and got dinner. They got the formerly soiled sleeping bag and climbed into it. Twilight snuggled into the loving embrace of her lover. Their breasts rubbed against one another. Tempest reached down to cup her ass, and Twilight flushed to feel the unicorn’s erection against her thigh. Pity we can’t go another round. During the night, their growth accelerated. Their muscles developed and their breasts jumped up several sizes. The next morning, Twilight awoke next to Tempest. She was on her back, while Tempest was on her side facing her. Twilight felt something digging into her side. She felt around, wondering if it was a stick, then remembered what they did last night. Tempest stirred, and Twilight sat up. Tempest rolled onto her back and sat her head up. Her morning wood stuck straight up in the light. She took her penis in her hand, and sighed, "So that's still there." Twilight nodded. Tempest looked at her. "You alright?" "Sorta? I mean we just... can't we control ourselves for a few minutes?" Tempest sat up a little. "Of course, we can. No matter what this crazy island does to us." Her morning erection began to droop. Twilight grimaced. "We're changing." Tempest nodded grimly. "We still don't know where this thing came from." "Nope." Beat. Twilight pushed her marefriend back and straddled her. She pumped Tempest's penis, the foreskin practically snapping down as she did so. She put her mouth over it, sucking and slurping. It felt bigger for some reason. After too short a time, Tempest lifted Twilight and speared her on herself. "Aah!" Twilight hissed out, "Oh...it feels bigger!" Tempest screwed up her face in bewilderment, "It does, doesn't it...?" Twilight skewered herself on Tempest, working her way down. Tempest thrust herself up into her, groaning. Twilight let out a small sound in time with each thrust. She looked down in bewilderment as she finally bottomed out on top of her marefriend. Tempest grinned at her and began to speed up. They screamed together as they came. Twilight could feel her insides filling up with warm cum, like hot lava. Tempest grunted and groaned as she kept thrusting, feeling like her cock had to deflate to get so much cum out. There was so much more this time. Twilight felt so full. "Oooh..." She glanced down, "Did...did we get all of it inside?" Tempest looked down, panting, "I think we did! Wow." Twilight looked down at herself. Tempest placed a hand over the small of her back, holding her steady. Tempest scooched them back so she was seated against the wall, with her flaccid member against Twilight's snatch, while the scholar was in her lap, facing her, with her massive breasts brushing up against Tempest’s moderately enormous breasts. Twilight flushed. Here she was, seated in Tempest's lap, her large satisfying muscular lap. Tempest ran her hands down her bare purple arms reassuringly, and Twilight made a gurgling embarrassed sound. "You're beautiful," Tempest murmured. She moved her hands up and down, feeling Twilight's thighs, running her hands up her sides, and feeling her curves. She noted they seemed different, but shook it off. She ran her hands up to Twilight's face. She leaned into her hand. Twilight leaned forward and gave her a peck on the lips. Tempest smiled. Her hands moved down to Twilight's breasts and cupped them in each hand. She squeezed slightly, and a tiny glob of white milk appeared. She shifted and slid awkwardly, so Tempest suddenly clamped down hard on one of her tits. “Oh, sorry!” Suddenly Twilight moaned in ecstasy, far more than she expected. As Tempest ran her hands down her belly, Twilight's moans intensified, in a very curious manner. She squeezed the other breast hard. It squirted milk onto Tempest’s face, and Twilight looked down in confusion. “That…oh, Celestia, whatever you’re doing…oh my!” Tempest suddenly smirked as she quickly deduced something. She pawed at Twilight's breasts again, a teeny bit roughly. The alicorn groaned and her grip on Tempest's body tightened. She felt juices pouring out of her snatch. "Do you like this?" Tempest said with a sneer to it. "I..." Twilight flushed. Tempest straightened up, and spoke in a more husky tone, "Did you like it when I spoke to you like this on the ship?" Twilight whimpered in embarrassment. "Princess..." Tempest said, her voice dripping with a sneer as she leaned in close. She felt up her backside, squeezing it. Twilight squealed, "Open up your eyes, Princess..." "Oooh, don't-- wait keep-- agh!" She moaned softly. Tempest leaned back and leered at her, cupping her head in her hands, "Oh, Princess, daring to give me orders?" "I--" Twilight shook her head, "No, a prisoner doesn't give orders...other than to let me go." "Well, we can't have that, now can we?" She put her hand on the small of Twilight's back and leaned her backward over the bed, kissing her in a strong, domineering kiss. Her tongue forced down Twilight’s, gaining control of her mouth. She reached down with her other hand to support Twilight's belly, then to finger her pussy. She was dripping wet already. No sooner had she reached a few fingers in than Twilight orgasmed. "Oh!" Twilight splattered across her thighs. Tempest looked down, then narrowed her gaze at Twilight. "Tsk tsk, Princess. You're going to have to be trained properly." She leaned down to whisper in Twilight's ear. Her sheer presence and her strength made Twilight shiver. "Safeword is quesadilla," She muttered, then when Twilight nodded, she sat up over her. "You're my prisoner, Princess, to do with as I like." She ran her hands roughly, but gently over Twilight's body, feeling it with a sense of ownership. "You will be taught the strength of Tempest Shadow." "Oh, but I already do...surely a mare such as yourself can see that we are equals." "Equals, yes, thus I must teach you who is superior." Tempest took her lover's hand and put it on her iron rod between her legs. Twilight's eyes bugged out, and she looked down at it. When she looked back at Tempest though, all she saw was a layer of lust over affection. Her eyes went wider as Tempest swung her leg over her, and sat on her chest. She took her member, and Twilight's hand slowly jerked it off, as she put it between Twilight's breasts. The princess gasped in shock, she'd never considered this. She looked at the head staring up at her. Tempest swung her hips back and forth, working her cock between her breasts. Twilight writhed and twisted, but no matter what, she couldn’t dislodge the rod of pleasure from between her tits. “Come on, princess!” “Oh!” Twilight squeezed her breasts together. Tempest tossed her head back, her mohawk flapping in the sudden breeze. The tip of her penis brushed against Twilight's lips. She licked up her precum. She felt Tempest's thick legs over her, she felt the intense power. She felt owned, and dominated, yet loved by her partner in their game. Tempest looked down and leered at her, "You will learn, princess." She began to massage Twilight's breasts against one another, slapping her hands away. Twilight moaned in pleasure, arching her back and her neck as the pleasure shot through her body. Tempest put her knees in Twilight’s armpits and Twilight felt up her mighty thighs. They seemed bigger. "Mmm...I won't give in," Twilight said in mock defiance. Tempest leaned forward, rolling herself forward on Twilight's chest. Her breasts bounced, and Tempest felt hers shaking back and forth. Twilight couldn't tell where she was to keep her eyes, her marefriend's intense gaze, or her stunning, gyrating breasts, "You will, Princess. You will be my maiden, not my equal." She grabbed her breasts roughly and squeezed them. Milk squirted all over her front. Tempest grinned, "already your body seeks motherhood." Her words excited Twilight; she reached down to her snatch and began to finger herself, even as she kept jerking off Tempest. Tempest grabbed her wrist, and Twilight’s eyes went wide. She inhaled sharply. Tempest’s eyes were a typhoon, peering down at her. “I–” “Not yet, my pet.” Just as Tempest was about to lift off, she felt a churning sensation in her testicles. They were still so new, it was a bewildering sensation, and she realized too late she was about to cum. "You are my maiden," She groaned. Suddenly she came. Blasts of white-hot semen erupted from her penis and splattered across Twilight's face and open mouth. Both mares cried out as they erupted in pleasure together. Twilight ran through another orgasm, and Tempest felt like she ran through several as she came. “Whoops…” she gasped. Twilight’s face was half covered in goop. She wiped a stray strand from above her eyebrow and popped it into her mouth. She furrowed her brow quizzically, then her face lit up. “Delicious!” “Huh?” “Your cum, it’s delicious!” Twilight said. Tempest frowned and furrowed her brow, “But…” “It feels thicker too, ooh…” Twilight groaned and felt her belly. She used her entire hand this time to sweep some of it off her face and licked her hand. Finally coming down, Tempest leaned down, "You are mine, Princess." Twilight's eyes were wide and meek; she squealed and orgasmed again. "That was...that was...whoo, that was a great role-play, Tempest!" Tempest leaned back. Twilight, catching her breath, watched as her slick sweat-covered skin caught the light. "I aim to please. A shame I couldn't hold it in longer." Twilight felt her belly and smiled, "Well, you gave as well as you could. Could you let me up?" As she stood up, she licked her lips and frowned in surprise. She took a bit of the white goop off her chin and slurped it up. "That's still good." Tempest meanwhile looked down at her cock. She was surprised to find herself already growing erect again. She was drooping a bit more now that she wasn't facing Twilight, but... Do I have my usual rejuvenation period? She looked back at Twilight, wiping off her face, and turned away. A look at her modest, but attractive and shapely curves made her erection stand tall. She noted how firm yet squishable Twilight's ass was. But she also saw her hips were wider. Her thoughts now slightly less erotic, she cleared her throat. "I think we're both getting bigger. You're taller than you were yesterday." Twilight frowned. She seemed less upset than before, as she looked over herself, "It's fascinating. The change is so slow, yet so powerful." Twilight noticed Tempest, and pointed, “You’re wider too. Your muscles are thicker, and your biceps are larger.” Tempest looked down at herself. Indeed, they were. Her firm muscles were already at the peak of fitness before landing here, but she seemed to be moving past that point. Suddenly, she had a lewd idea. She flexed, “See anything you like? Princess?” Twilight sighed as they settled in for another session of passionate lovemaking. But she loved being dominated by Tempest. They searched during the day for the source of the magic, but the island had so many nooks and crannies, there was only so much they could explore without getting lost. Twilight resolved to make a map. After dinner, in the setting sun, on a ridge overlooking the horizon, they sat together. "After all we've done, I'd like to do something for you." As they took in each other, they noted the differences that had been made already since coming to the island. Twilight’s alicorn beauty had been dramatically intensified. She was curvier than ever, not too wide and not too thin. Her breasts had doubled in size, and her hips had widened noticeably. Tempest had grown several centimeters. Her breasts had been moderate beforehand, but despite her increasing musculature, they seemed to be trying to catch up to Twilight. It was a losing battle, but a losing battle with her was enough for any sports magazine cover. Both of them had gotten taller and wider, but Twilight was falling behind rapidly. They stopped leering and began kissing. Twilight straddled her marefriend. She ran her hand over her body, exploring every nook and cranny. She felt her broken horn gently, felt the fuzz of her mohawk. She put her hands on her cheeks and stared into her eyes for a long time, before running her hands down her neck and across her majestic shoulders. Tempest giggled a little as she touched her armpits. Twilight smirked, then moved her hands down to her sides. She put a hand on her distinct iron-clad stomach, all muscles. She felt her breasts, making Tempest groan in surprised pleasure, and let out an eep! As she felt movement behind her. "That thing just has a mind of its own, doesn't it?" Twilight mused. She slid down Tempest's body and took her erection in her hand. It came from her clitoris but looked like a regular stallionhood to her. Not that she had many occasions to refer to. Tempest gritted her teeth and grasped the ground with one hand. Twilight smirked and cupped her marefriend's testicles. They felt normal to her, as far as she knew. Tempest bit her lip, and held a finger to her mouth, "Are you done?" "Not quite." Twilight leaned down and put her lips over the member. Tempest groaned, and immediately put her hands on Twilight's head, not forcefully, just an acknowledgment. Twilight thought for a moment it was larger than before, but shrugged and kept going. "That was..." Twilight's eyes widened. Tempest grinned sheepishly as before their very eyes, the member grew more and more erect, rising back up to its original hardness. Twilight wiped away some drool. She clambered atop her marefriend, as if she was emerging from the cold, and immediately plunged herself onto her. Tempest roared aloud and grabbed Twilight's hips. She lifted herself up and down again. "Mmm!" Tempest grunted, her eyes clamped shut. She moved her hands up Twilight's upper sides, then to her shoulders as she began to thrust. Twilight put her hands on either side of Tempest's head as she threw her head back, and continued to hump into her. Tempest thrust back up into her, returning the favor. It was like a seesaw, they were caught in this rhythm as they learned each other's speeds and preferences. Each time they made love it felt like a whole new adventure again. Tempest didn't know where to put her hands. She squeezed Twilight's breasts, making her purple-skinned lover above her cry out. Milk splattered across Tempest's upper chest and breasts. Twilight's hair was loose, and dangling over Tempest. She pulled Twilight down into a kiss, mushing their breasts together as they pounded away at each other. "Oh...oh...oh..." "Twilight, I'm gonna--" Twilight slammed herself down with three massive thrusts, and Tempest groaned out as she began to ejaculate. Twilight screamed with pleasure as she was filled, clamping down on Tempest's cock and spraying her with her juices as she orgasmed. She collapsed onto her, fighting for breath. Tempest wrapped her up in her big strong arms and kissed her. Twilight shoved her tongue inside and they mashed with one another for space. Tempest's flaccid member fell out of her marefriend as they lay there, just holding one another. As they dozed off, watching the sun go down, the island intensified its work. Their bodies continued to be monitored and transformed. Both mares shimmered and began to grow. Both of them increased their dimensions by exactly one size. The next day, they went back to the house for a shower. They dove into the spring. Tempest rested her chin on her marefriend's head. She noticed Twilight was taller again. She was back up to under Tempest's chin. Twilight felt her breasts. They were practically overflowing now. "They're bigger..." "So are you," Tempest commented. She put her chin on Twilight's head, "As frightening as it may be...I still love you." Twilight turned and kissed her. Tempest reached up and pawed at her breasts. Twilight moaned into her mouth and shoved her tongue in. But Tempest pushed back. She squeezed Twilight's breast and squirted milk out. "Oh, you're making a mess, pet," She sneered and pulled Twilight against her. Twilight gasped in delight, "I didn't mean to, mistress!" "You're going to make one anyway!" Tempest squeezed her breasts and milk covered Twilight's front. She pushed her back against the wall of the pool. She shoved her tongue deeper and deeper into Twilight's mouth, continuing to squeeze her breasts. She mashed their breasts together and felt an odd sensation in her nipples, but she was too excited to care. Twilight's eyes went wide as Tempest lifted her shapely buttocks and began to push her member inside her. She rolled her over and bent her over the edge. "You are mine, princess!" She marveled at Twilight's supple back, and her smooth purple skin. Then shoved her member inside. Twilight arched her back leaning into Tempest. Tempest pulled her close and squeezed her tits, "Come on, make a mess!" Twilight screamed and squished her tits herself. She felt each of Tempest's thrusts, bouncing up and down and squirting white liquid from her sharp nipples. "I am!" "Not enough!" Tempest gave a hard thrust and shoved her forward into the grass. She screamed out and grabbed at the grass for stability. Tempest thrust her hips upward and gasped, "Prepare for it!" She shuddered as she came. An hour later, they were out walking again, this time Tempest was a bit nervous. But Twilight was still nervous too. "You know what the perfect cure for this is?" Tempest asked. Tempest twitched her new member. She lifted Twilight up and put her against the rock. She lifted her member and pushed it into Twilight. They groaned aloud as Twilight wrapped her arms around Tempest, seeking purchase. "Oh, Celestia..." Twilight murmured. Tempest began to move, driving her hips into her marefriend, "Indeed..." Tempest's breasts jiggled slightly, but the forward and back motion kept Twilight's bobbing. They kept moving and moving, the passionate feelings rising as they found the right rhythm. As time wore on, they kept growing. Their muscles and bodies transformed. But they were too caught up to notice. Tempest panted, thrusting her cock deep inside her mate, "Come on, almost there..." "Tempest ah! Tempest, Tempest..." Twilight moaned. She held her massive breasts, milk squirting everywhere. There was more of it than ever. "I'm...I'm gonna...!" "Inside!" Twilight shrieked, "Inside!" Tempest thrust and could hear the spurts, feeling them enter Twilight's womb. The nerd screamed aloud, throwing her head back as she orgasmed. Suddenly both shouted as a feeling like fire ran over them, and both orgasmed once again. "Tempest, what...?" Tempest's muscles had developed. She looked down in bewilderment at herself, feeling her taut and toned abs. They'd rounded out far more. Her breasts were bigger. She was more than a bodybuilder, she was becoming larger. She squinted at Twilight. The smaller mare was even curvier than ever. Her waist had drawn in. Her rear was bigger and more shapely. Her boobs had inflated again. "I..." Still, inside Twilight, she began to grow more erect. They worried about what the island was doing to them. Their explorations continued to reveal nothing. And despite their changes, they only seemed to make them hornier and not less. As they changed, they found it increasingly difficult to stay away from each other. Twilight would find herself going out to find Tempest whenever she went off to find materials. Tempest would more often than not meet her coming back the other way. They made out quite often and made love every time they had one of these exchanges. That evening, while making dinner, Tempest walked up and grabbed her around her waist. She shoved Twilight over the table and lifted her generous ass. She rolled her over and felt her breasts. "These are huge!" "Aah--I know!" Twilight looked up at her, "So are yours!" She pinched and pawed at the massive breasts above her, around Tempest's arms. Tempest grabbed her hips and leaned her head back, thrusting in over and over. She pawed at her breasts as she thrust. Twilight lifted her hands, "Oh no, princess," She pinned her hands above the unicorn, "You are mine." Twilight should have felt in danger but her arousal just skyrocketed. "Tempest–– Ah!" Suddenly, Tempest rolled her over. They both fell to their knees beside the table, but now Twilight was on all fours. “What are you doing–?!” Twilight’s words cut off into an incoherent wail as Tempest thrust firmly into Twilight's third hole for the first time. Her eyes went wide, "Tempest! Oh– oh– Celestia!" "Twilight!" Tempest groaned, "Oh Twilight, ugh, you're so tight..." Twilight had never had anything this big before, let alone anything back there. Carnal desires and possibilities filled her mind as Tempest shoved her member deep inside. She rolled her own body back against Tempest, driving her deeper and deeper into her anal cavity. They established an equilibrium, painfully stretching one another out. She was so tight, so pleasurable, Tempest came very rapidly. She erupted into Twilight's ass, filling it up with cream. Twilight collapsed on the floor while Tempest stumbled back against the wall, falling on her bare muscular rear. Twilight rolled around on all fours, crawling to her marefriend. She grabbed her penis and stroked it, "I need you inside me again, that was amazing!" Tempest was surprised by the forwardness, even after all this time, and was forced into a kiss. She felt her erection rubbing against Twilight's belly. "Ah, finally!" Twilight straddled her hips and impaled herself on Tempest. "Aah!" Tempest shouted and weakly began to respond to Twilight's rough thrusts. "Come on, Tempest, you've got another, don't you?" Tempest grinned, "Of course I do!" Their horns charged with energy as they pounded one another, coursing through their bodies almost unnoticed. In their collective orgasm, the pleasure was multiplied tenfold. Tempest's cock was squeezed like it was in a vice as it splattered Twilight with what felt like gallons of cum. "Aah!" Twilight screamed as she felt her stomach seeming to fill up. She swore her hand on her belly moved. “What the–?” Tempest groaned through pleasure. Both of them looked down to see a large light-purple bulge between them. “Aah!” Twilight screamed again, as her belly literally inflated with cum. She looked several months pregnant by the time Tempest was finished. They finally collapsed apart. As they took in air, and the sight of their sweat-stained counterparts, their eyes fell on Twilight's belly. She'd been filled up so much that her stomach was bulging out. She groaned and held her stomach, "Wow, feels like...I don't know what!" They looked at her bulging gut in disbelief. Tempest gaped, "You…you look pregnant!" Her erection wanted to grow again, and she noted it seemed to be bigger. It had to be a trick of the light though, it was finally spent. "I..." Twilight gasped. She felt her stomach again, "I felt it expand! What is this?" "I don't know! You're the magician!" Tempest gasped, and touched her horn, "Our magic! We were casting!" Twilight lit up her horn, and after a few tries, managed to get a spell out. "Phew...I'm not pregnant!" Tempest sighed with relief. "That's--" "I'm just filled with your...seed." Tempest had never felt her erection rise so fast. She put her hands over it and winced, "Celestia, I'm sorry..." "That is the strangest turn-on..." Twilight mumbled. "Oh, get over yourself, princess!" Tempest snarled. It was almost painfully erect. Twilight's eyes widened, then the words processed. She grinned flirtatiously, yet nervously, "Make me." Tempest's eyes widened. She looked down at her belly. "Should we...?" "It's just cum, I mean...I'm not pregnant, my spells should work. It should work itself out." Twilight leered, a little more confidently, "So. Make me get over myself." Tempest hesitated, then crawled over and patted her belly. "Consider yourself dominated." Twilight grinned mischievously, "Or, the commander should consider herself...taken." She leaned forward and kissed her. She pinned her down on the table. “How about both?” The next day, Twilight’s stomach was back to normal. And she was several centimeters taller and still more attractive. With little else to do, Twilight was studying the spring. She thought she could get a hot tub made from the heat source in the center. She’d already carved out a hole, she just needed to figure out how to get the water… She heard a noise behind her, and saw Tempest, returned from an expedition, wearing a loincloth. “Did the weather change?” Twilight asked, trying to avoid checking out her crotch. Tempest folded her hands behind her back formally. There was no smile. "Do you remember when we were on the Storm King's ship?" “Yes…” Twilight said. “Speak when spoken to, princess,” Tempest said. A crack appeared, “...Same safe word.” “Oh! Oh.” Twilight put down what she was doing and put up her hands, “Yes, of course, commander!” She paused, breaking character, "I wish you still had your suit." "Well, when we get home, we're going to have fun." Tempest grinned predatorily, “I had another change today. She snapped the loincloth line. Twilight's jaw dropped. Her member must've doubled in size. "That...how will that fit?" Tempest looked down, "We'll figure it out. And if it's too much, just let me know." Twilight nodded, and Tempest's softer voice vanished. "Princess...I've taken your kingdom. Now I will take you." She felt a sudden urge and pushed Twilight to her hands and knees. "Service me, princess." As Twilight suckled on her lover’s member, Tempest gripped her horn, using the table for support. She felt an odd buzzing in her hand, and noticed in the back of her mind, Twilight’s horn vibrating. When she came, Tempest groaned and lifted Twilight up. Twilight put her arms around her girlfriend and kissed her. Twilight forced her mouth open with her tongue, and Tempest's eyes shot open as her own cum poured into her open jaws. She cried out, muffled, her eyes going wide. She swallowed. She wasn’t kidding about how good it was! “Just for that…!” She pushed Twilight down onto the soft grass and aggressively forced her into a kiss. “I’m going to fuck you into the next lifetime!” “Oh, commander, please–egh!” Tempest was already bringing her enormous length to bear. As she thrust into her lover, Tempest's horn was arching and sparking. Twilight could almost see lightning traveling down her muscles. Another thrust. She realized Tempest's cock was widening her, reshaping her! "Tempest, you're...you're changing me!" "What?" "Our magic," She groaned, and whimpered when Tempest stopped, "Our magic! Something to do with our magic is changing us!" Tempest made to pull out, "I--" She hit her shoulder, "I don't care! Keep going!" She pounded into Twilight. The changes weren't subtle now, they could feel their bodies rearranging themselves, redesigned only for each other. And they loved every second of it. Tempest was molding Twilight just as Twilight molding Tempest, changing her to fit her needs. Their hips and waist were altering, shrinking, or widening to just the right size and depth for Twilight to wrap her legs around Tempest, and Twilight for Tempest to feel like her cock was made specifically for the beautiful princess. "You're mine," Tempest hissed, thrusting into her. "Your body is mine, can't you feel it changing?" "Yes...oh, yes, Tempest!" Twilight cried out. She could feel her pussy being molded to Tempest's shape. "Yes, and you're mine!" Either the game was turning her on that much or Tempest was way too good at it. Tempest kept pushing. Her length was so immense and so powerful. "Do it, Tempest!" Twilight cried. Tempest thrust into her, slamming with all her might with gritted teeth. Tempest hissed with exertion, then felt the long grinding feeling of her cum. She sprayed into Twilight's womb, giving her an immense feeling of delight. The sheer amount felt like it was bulging out Tempest's penis. Then another came, and another. Twilight rubbed her stomach, "Oh, so full...!" Tempest kept coming, and cumming. Her eyes widened as she noticed Twilight's stomach begin to inflate. Both were shocked, "I...can't...stop...!" Tempest cried. She pulled out and covered Twilight in cum. Still, she came. She glanced around, then noted the hot tub area she'd dug, waiting to be filled. She aimed her member at it and sighed with relief, grunting as she kept cumming. She didn't know how long it was until she finally came to a halt. They had a steaming tub of cum. “What the–?” Tempest demanded. “Wow!” Twilight exclaimed. She crouched near the pool, “Guess we’re digging another, then.” Tempest crouched by it, expecting a stench. But as it tasted good, it also smelled good. “Celestia, how did I produce that much?!” Tempest demanded. "I'm almost disappointed I couldn't take it all," Twilight commented. "I'm not looking forward to clearing out that stink come morning," Tempest muttered. Twilight hummed, then her horn glowed. The white fluid sparkled. "Now it'll stay fresh until it evaporates. We can rotate it if..." She smirked and reached down to stroke her marefriend's member, "you're willing." Tempest grinned and rubbed her marefriend's belly, "Only if you are." They fell asleep spooning, with Tempest's member safely within Twilight's snatch. All the while, the island continued to change their bodies. They didn't notice the dimensions of the cum bath deepening, or widening. The spell over the tub changed as well. The fluid inside changed from cum to something else, mixing together. They were prepared for the final transformations. dinner Tempest awoke to feel a jet of pleasure on her chest. She had grown in her sleep again. Her breasts still weren't Twilight-level, but they were still voluminous. That wasn’t the most shocking thing. The shocking thing was that Twilight was suckling from them. And milk was coming out. She groaned as another jet of milk erupted. "I'm lactating...?" Tempest muttered. Twilight looked up at her, "I...uh..." "I'm lactating?" Tempest repeated. She sat up quickly. Twilight squeezed her other breast, and a small squirt of milk erupted. “How is that possible?” Twilight stopped. “I don’t know.” Tempest sighed, then looked at Twilight. "You know what happens to naughty prisoners." Twilight blinked, then nodded, "Oh yes, Tempest, I do." "Then prepare for your liquid breakfast." "Yes, Tempest." Twilight climbed off the bed onto all fours. Tempest's morning wood rapidly hardened into a proper erection. An idea overtook her. She drove it straight into Twilight’s mouth. She could feel her throat widening as Tempest thrust into her, slowly but surely widening her. But she went further than usual. Her jaw cracked and she let out a whine of pleasure. Tempest pulled her further onto her enormous member, stretching and widening her. "Let's test alicorn endurance..." Twilight's eyes widened as she was pulled on further. Her esophagus stretched and expanded. Jets of white hot cum shot into her stomach. She was perfectly stretchy and accommodating. Her body was already quite accommodating with alicorn magic, but it wasn't often that she could see it like this. Her eyes widened and rolled back in her head as she could hear the cum pumping down her throat in her ears. Each one made her throat bulge slightly. She kept swallowing and swallowing, closing her eyes. She was able to take more and more of Tempest's cum even as the quantity kept increasing. Finally, the mare tapered off, and she fell to her knees. Twilight fell on her haunches and looked down. Her eyes were wide in bewilderment at her stomach. Just past her enormous breasts, her belly bulged out. She clambered forward into her arms, and Tempest leaned against the bed. Twilight lay against her, Tempest's cock between their legs. "That was the most I was able to take so far," Twilight murmured. “And soon you’ll take much more.” She yelped when Tempest lifted her and pushed her off the bed. She pushed her onto all fours, and Twilight quivered in anticipation. Then she felt it come into a hole she had fantasized about but hadn’t anticipated her third whole. Twilight screamed Twilight shouted in shock as she slid in. It felt like she had molded Twilight's anal cavity to fit her cock. “You’re molding me again…” She moaned. "All the better for you to be my fuckdoll, my dear," Tempest said as if reading her mind. She leaned back. Twilight let out a series of yelps as she thrust in and out. Finally, she screamed as her anal cavity expanded. As they came apart, Tempest noticed something. “Did…did your ass just get bigger?” Tempest asked. Twilight felt her rump. Indeed it had. “I blame you.” XXXXX That evening they looked at the pool of cum. "So...why'd we make that?" Twilight asked. Tempest shrugged, "I'm not sure." Twilight flushed heavily. She stepped over to the steaming cum, still hot from the spring, and dipped her toe into it. "What are you--?" Twilight crouched down, put her legs into the cum, then lowered herself into it. "OOOHHH..." She moaned, "This...!" She was splattered up to her breasts in cum. "This is amazing!" It was a wide pool, wider than Tempest thought. What was going on? Tempest walked over and crouched beside it. Twilight smirked, then took a deep breath and sank into the liquid. Tempest stuck her finger into the goo. It had the viscosity of toothpaste and the consistency of something thicker than water. It was almost like dough, weirdly, but looser. "This isn't semen...at least, not exactly," She muttered to herself. It felt nice, like hand ointment. She rubbed her fingers together. The goop stuck to her fingertips and didn't seem to come off. Just then, Twilight reemerged just in front of her. She whipped her head back, splattering Tempest's front with goo, and wiped off her eyes. "Tempest, this stuff is amazing." She pulled her hair back behind her. Tempest tilted her head a little, noting there were droplets on Twilight's naked skin, but something seemed strange... She flushed herself. "That's...um..." "Sexy?" Twilight guessed. "I was going to say gross--" Twilight grabbed her marefriend's arm and hauled her down into the cum. Tempest's open mouth caught a full dose of the goo. The pool was deeper than she expected. She stood up, coughing up goo, and painted entirely white. Her mohawk was squashed with the weight of the goop. She tried to wipe off her eyes and looked down at herself, "What is this stuff? This isn't normal cum!" She tried to wipe it off, "I hope it washes out!" Twilight kissed her. They licked each other's mouths as any thoughts beyond each other washed away. They broke, and Twilight reached up to dab at some goop on Tempest's forehead with her finger. She sucked it off, "It's fine, we've got a spring!" Tempest sighed, "Alright, it doesn't seem dang...erous..." She trailed off as Twilight took her finger out of her mouth. "What?" Her finger was completely white. Tempest reached out and held it. She felt her erection under the surface at the feeling of her marefriend's saliva but rubbed at Twilight's finger. "It's...it's been bleached." "What?" Twilight looked down at herself. She rubbed at her arm, wiping off the white goo. Underneath lay nothing but white skin. They looked at each other. They reached out and felt the other's faces, to make sure they weren't seeing things. "It's completely dry!" Tempest murmured. The only color between them was their eyes. "Twi, what's happening?" "I don't know! I didn't cast any additional spells! It has to be the island!" She felt Tempest's mohawk, "Even your hair roots have been bleached!" "Yours too! Otherwise, you look like Rarity." It was like the cum had simply caked itself onto their bodies wherever it touched. Twilight felt her hair roots and looked at Tempest. "I'm sorry, this is my fault." Tempest pulled Twilight close, putting her hands around her waist and looking down at her ivory face. She kissed her, tasting a berry flavor of her own cum. "It's alright, Twi. I'm here, you don't need to worry about protecting me." She tried to smile, "Besides, this one is on me." "Tempest...the inside of your mouth is white." "So's yours." Tempest looked around, "And this pool is a lot larger than I dug. There's magic here. It's swirling around us." "Yeah, I can't identify it..." Twilight felt the waves disturbed and felt something brush against her leg. She looked up at Tempest. She flushed, even through the white. All worries about the pool being poisonous vanished as she felt her juices mix with the pond's goop. She pulled herself up and kissed Tempest. Tempest kissed back very eagerly. As they made out, the outline of their bodies seemed to become more defined. Tempest's hair straightened out. Twilight's shoulder muscles became more visible. Twilight pulled her down further, both stepping down into the pool on steps they didn't know were there. They went up to their necks in cum. They finally broke, gasping. The paper-white mares looked at each other. They felt their arms moving under the cum. "Want to cum in my cum?" Tempest breathed, "Or whatever the hell this is?" "Oh, sweet Celestia yes." She levered Twilight up slightly and pushed her penis into her. She grunted with the exertion and had to push the pool's liquid out of the way. Twilight grabbed her arms and threw her head back. Tempest thrust up into her plaster-white lover, making their breasts bounce. Twilight could see Tempest's ab muscles outlined in white, every angle of their bodies was outlined. Their manes had turned white. Their entire bodies had been bleached white, seemingly permanently. Somehow though, this didn't worry them as much as it should have. Tempest's penis felt larger than it had ever been, and Twilight arched her back and moaned aloud. It felt like her body was contorting to fit Tempest's shape, now more than ever. Both their bodies felt so bouncy and they loved every minute of it. They were getting bigger, their assets inflating. With every thrust Tempest unintentionally fed more goo into Twilight's body. The large mare's frame felt a tingling sensation at her rear, and the tip of her penis, but she was too distracted to notice. Their thrusts sloshed the waves back and forth, and each time, the goo seemed to thicken on their bodies. They lost their definition again. They were harder than usual, even with Twilight's preferences, Tempest put her powerful hips into the job. Just as Twilight began to feel the pulse of cum, Tempest pulled out and sprayed her with cum. The jizz sprayed out from under the waves like a water cannon as Twilight moaned with pleasure and bewilderment, riding her orgasm. Tempest leaned her arms against the dirt on either side of her lover and watched the white goo lapping at their waists, their genitals under the waves. "Tempest...something...I feel strange." Tempest and Twilight looked at each other. They were caked in cum, Twilight looked like she'd been hit with a can of paint on top of her bleached skin, and Tempest looked like she was wearing a set of snow pants. Suddenly a force tugged at Tempest, making her lose her balance. Twilight grabbed her hand, and they both fell into the goop again. Both inhaled a ton of goop. Tempest contorted as it felt like something was prodding at the tip of her penis and her backdoor. Twilight felt the goop at her various holes as well. Their mouths opened and it forced its way into their bodies like snakes despite their resistance, pumping into them and filling the pair inside and out with goop. Their horns arced under the liquid as magic swirled around them. Something moved around inside as more cum was pumped into them. It felt like they were inflating, bulging out with slime. They felt like they gained several pounds. They were being stretched beyond belief. Instead of pain, they were filled with a sensation of shock and pleasure. their ears were muffled, they couldn't hear their own moans. Both struggled under the waves, then got their feet under them. Twilight pulled Tempest out of the goo as they coughed and sputtered. As they emerged they felt a sensation shoot up their bodies like flash paper. Thick layers of white sticky goo clung to them, weighing them down. They looked like white balloons. But at first glance, their bodies seemed to show no sign of inflating. They looked seemingly normal. They climbed out of the pool. Twilight put up a field to keep it off the grass, and together the mares jumped into the water of one of the hot springs. Instantly, the white goo hissed, leaving a wide pattern of dust in the water. Streaks of purple color appeared on their bodies as they sloshed toward the waterfall. Patterns appeared all over their skin as they exposed their ivory-white bodies to the water. Twilight scraped at her hand, and grinned with relief as her purple skin was revealed under the cracks. The cum came off with the water, Splintering off like an eggshell, or ice. She rubbed at her whole body, seeing her purple skin appear through the cracks. "It washes off!" "Twi...?" Tempest muttered. "I'm so happy, thank Celestia," Twilight breathed as she saw her arm come out of its shell, perfectly intact, "There's no burns or anything." "Twi..." "It was so strange." She pulled her hair back with both hands, "I'm glad we're back to normal! Or as normal as it gets around here." "Twilight!" Tempest barked. "What?" Twilight demanded. Her eyes went wide with shock as she took in Tempest's body. She looked at her reflection in the water and gasped. They scrambled out of the water, and their new bodies were revealed. They were like goddesses. They had both gained nearly a foot in height. Tempest was at least Celestia's height, if not more, seven feet tall. Their curves were accentuated, they were so much...brighter in a weird sort of way. They were so lustrous. They looked down at themselves, "W...what happened?" Tempest felt her hair and looked at her reflection in the water. Their hair was so much more vibrant and bouncy. Tempest's mohawk had been straightened back to its mainland perfection, and then some. It was taller, with a brilliant shape almost like fire with a few attractive frays splitting off to either side. Twilight felt her hair and looked at it in the water. It maintained its traditional appearance but was as smooth and conditioned and as perfect as Rarity's. She twisted a lock of it, and it didn't tangle, it moved so perfectly. She studied a lock of it, then moved on to explore the rest of her body. "Uh...wow." Her shoulders were sharp but descended smoothly. Twilight couldn't see past her new massive breasts. She hefted them, each seemed like the size of a watermelon, yet they stood out firmly without a need for support, and put little weight on her back. They were almost as big as Celestia's and just as attractive. each squeeze sent a wave of pleasure across her body. She looked at her arms and gasped. When she flexed, a powerful muscle emerged from her upper arm, but when relaxed, her arm was as sleek and smooth as it had ever been. Tempest's frame was huge and lustrous, strong and hardened. She was astounded by her broad muscular shoulders and her taut sinewy arms. She was jacked and sleek. Her chest was toned and tough and bore a pair of enormous breasts that were smaller than Twilight's but still would make her the envy of anyone. Tempest felt her breasts too. They were soft, yet firm, jiggly yet didn't require much support when she moved. She squeezed them and gasped. They were entirely natural. Even if it was magic, her new breasts didn't have anything inside them. As she squeezed, a squirt of white milk sprayed out, giving her intense pleasure. They were filled with something, then. Twilight heard her marefriend gasp and saw the white fluid. Curious, she squeezed her own humungous breasts. They also felt completely natural. She shuddered as a pressure like a firehose erupted from her nipples. She released her grip. Twilight twisted in place, running her hands down her body. She was incredibly curvy, with a powerful hourglass shape. Her waist was drawn in, and her hips were quite wide, with an enormously satisfying bubble butt to match. Her stomach muscles pleasantly outlined her belly attractively with a cute belly button. Her whole body was muscular and slender, but smooth and sleek, hiding her strength. Tempest was a contrast. She had dense well-defined musculature. She had an enormous six-pack. Her waist went in less than Twilight's, making less of an hourglass shape, but still with a dense and shapely rear. Her hips went out to meet her thick and chiseled thighs, the well-defined muscles standing out and making distinct lines down to her knees. And between her legs was her new penis. Her testicles had doubled in size, and her cock must've been a foot long. She reached down to feel her cock. It went erect almost immediately. She began to stroke it with an overwhelming urge. Twilight ran a hand down her rear, feeling her smooth dense thighs. A shudder ran over her. She twisted and put a hand on her side, slowly turning in place as she studied herself. She realized she was putting on a show for Tempest's throbbing erection. She felt herself practically flooding at the sight of her marefriend's new body. They were like goddesses, challenging the royal sisters for their beauty. Their skin was luscious and smooth. And their muscles were so defined. Their hips went out, their waists were drawn in. Twilight's breasts were nearly the size of Celestia's, while Tempest's were Luna's size. Twilight had some muscles, but her belly was accentuated more than her muscles, standing out attractively with a cute belly button. Despite their size increase, they were both still so sleek, they weren't overly plump. They were perfectly proportional. Twilight smiled and swayed her new wide hips. She brought her hands up and moved them down from her chest, running her hands down her waist, across her hips, and back down to her thighs. She turned in place again, then winked at Tempest. "Oh god..." Tempest's eyes shot open as she began to ejaculate. Two shots of cum painted her face and shoulders, blinding her. The next salvo covered Twilight's entire upper body, and Twilight could hear more bolts sailing past her. Tempest groaned as she felt her body levering up more cum for her. She fell to her knees in shock, still pumping even after it was gone. When Twilight cleared the cum from her eyes, she noticed Tempest's erection hadn't gone down. If anything, it had gotten harder. She licked her lips and moved forward. She bent down to get ready to suck Tempest off, but the larger mare grabbed her hips. She looked up at her and grinned. "Allow me, Princess." She pushed Twilight back, earning a yelp, and she rolled back onto the grass. Tempest pulled herself forward and before Twilight could even get settled, dragged her tongue over her snatch. Twilight shouted aloud and grabbed Tempest's head, putting her heels in the backs of Tempest's shoulders. She could feel the amazon's intense power, her majestic frame in her back muscles. Tempest licked her clit, and moved her tongue to her lower lips. Twilight sprayed her lover with her cum as she orgasmed, "Temp--Temp--Temp-- I-- Ah!" She shrieked as Tempest kept up the pressure through another orgasm. Tempest licked and blinked in surprise at the taste of the juices. It wasn't like anything she'd had before, Twilight had a unique taste but this was amazing. She kept at it, drinking it in. "You're so good, Twilight." Finally, Twilight collapsed back, utterly exhausted. Then she felt goosebumps as Tempest crawled over her. She felt like a wild animal, yet totally civilized. Tempest was like a war that way as she loomed over Twilight. Twilight took in her overwhelmingly powerful body, her new lustful shape. She could feel Tempest's cock running along her legs. She was so big, so immense, they weren't at equal height. She felt Tempest breathing over her and looked up into her new beautiful face. Her mohawk was illuminated in the light from the fire and the crystals, giving off an impression of power. "My love..." she breathed. Twilight impatiently wiggled her pelvis. She wanted to be pounded, dominated, completely and utterly filled. "Please..." Tempest leered at her, "Not yet. Princess..." Tempest lowered her head and squeezed one of Twilight's breasts ever so gently. a squirt of milk jumped out of her nipple in an arc. Twilight gasped. Tempest looked at her, "Sensitive, are we?" She lowered her head further and squeezed again. It sprayed into her open mouth. "Ah!" Tempest cried, and looked up, "Princess, your milk is divine." She leaned down and wrapped her lips around her nipple. She began to suckle. It was sweet and warm, the best milk she had ever tasted. Twilight groaned, moaning and whining at the pleasant sensation of the milk flowing out into her lover. Tempest switched to the other. Twilight came against her thigh. The princess gasped, was she always this easy to please? Their sensitivity had increased just that dramatically. Tempest could drink this all day. But Twilight had had enough teasing. Tempest raised her head and lifted herself over Twilight. She put her hands on her arms, gently pinning her to the ground. She straddled Twilight's thighs, feeling their soft and firm muscles underneath. Twilight felt the weight of her partner above her. "I am going to destroy you, princess," Tempest growled. Twilight gasped in surprise Tempest took her cock in her right hand and dragged it down Twilight's groin. The head caught on her clit briefly then slid by, going down over Twilight's pussy. Twilight struggled in her grip. "Princess, so needy," Tempest sneered. Both felt a wet liquid sliding down Twilight's front; Tempest's new penis and new body now had more precum than the amount of cum she had when she first grew the organ. Tempest's domineering grin grew. Then very gently, she slid her member into her pussy. "Ah!" Both shouted out in ecstasy as the two organs joined. It was like lock and key, or yin and yang. Tempest pushed her wide long member into her marefriend, aided by the copious amount of fluid she'd already generated, but it was somehow easier than either of them had expected. "Tempest--I-- Oh--" Twilight moaned. Her pussy lips moved apart as if this were their only purpose, to move aside only for Tempest's cock. Tempest gritted her teeth in astoundment. She was as pleasantly tight as could be, absolutely perfect. it was practically sucking her in. It was like they had been made for each other, and for once, both mares honestly believed it. But it was like moving into a brand new house, it was new, needed to be tested out, and have all the kinks worked out. They groaned as Tempest's member pushed into Twilight's tunnel, hitting new depths it had never hit before. Twilight's eyes widened as she felt the foot-long member reshape her vagina. Tempest threw her head back as Twilight's tunnel reshaped her cock. Finally, Tempest hilted, she grabbed Twilight's shoulders, and she began to thrust. Twilight's breasts bounced uncontrollably, "Harder, Tempest! Harder!" Tempest gritted her teeth and thrust harder. Twilight's hair flailed around, and she held her breasts, squirting milk. She wrapped her legs around Tempest, trying to get some measure of control. She could feel her thick back muscles, her robust musculature. Her mighty pounding hips thrust into the smaller divine mare, the hulking woman excited by her lover's words. They were both in a cloud of pleasure, reaching orgasm together. "Twilight, I'm..." Tempest groaned, "Be ready prince-- aaah!" Finally, Tempest came. Twilight could hear the squelching of her Tempest's cock as it began to shoot straight up into her womb. Tempest roared as she thrust rapidly into her lover, each time spraying enormous shots of cum into her. Each one seemed accompanied by an orgasm. Twilight's eyes went wide then rolled back in her head. How much was there? She looked down to see her stomach ballooning out. "Temp--Tempest--" Tempest grinned and pulled her to her, still thrusting, "I'm not stopping. You're mine." The words sent shivers down Twilight's entire torso, ending at her hips. Tempest kept thrusting and thrusting. "Tempest, I'm so full, please--" "Princess..." Tempest breathed through gritted teeth. Twilight felt three orgasms come in conjunction with those words. She lay back as she felt her body fill with semen. Her toes curled. Finally, Tempest came to a halt. She relaxed, panting, and looking down at her destroyed lover. She was still inside Tempest. Her eyes widened as she looked at Twilight's bloated stomach. "Twilight, I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me, I--" Twilight grabbed her by the horn and pulled her down for a kiss, the large amazonian mare groaning in surprise. Twilight released her and looked down. "It's alright, I'm here. And now I guess I can take it." She grunted in pain as she shifted, and glanced down again, "...Maybe not every time, though." Tempest chuckled, "You look pregnant." Indeed, Twilight looked down to see her new belly stretched taught. She looked more than nine months pregnant. Tempest looked down and pulled her foot-long cock out. Both mares groaned in pleasure. A faucet practically turned on as Twilight lost much of the cum. Under the spray of cum, Tempest realized she was finally flaccid. "Well, that's one way to handle that." "But what about this?" Twilight asked, running a hand over her belly. As she did so, both mares felt a tingle of magic. Twilight's belly rapidly deflated, returning to her perfected shape. It felt like she'd eaten a huge meal. "...Well that's convenient," Tempest finally said. They both snickered at that and caught each other's eyes. Twilight sat up, her breasts jiggling. Tempest's eyes flickered down, then back up. As if reading each other's minds, they stood up to study each other. They looked at each other. They had literally been reconfigured for sex. Tempest had Celestia's height, but she had Luna's curves and breasts. She was an amazonian sex goddess. Twilight looked down at herself. Her physique had soft supple curves, arguably a feminine physique, but she was still so strong underneath. She was more of a nerdy sex goddess. "What's happened to us?" Tempest asked, looking at her forearms. Twilight turned in place, looking down at herself, "I'm not sure. You were right, that pool isn't semen. I don't know what it is." Tempest scratched her head, "What do you think this place might be doing to us? Aside from the obvious." Twilight gave her a sidelong glance. "I...I don't know." They felt the urge to kiss just then. But the sticky ground at their feet made them wonder. They separated to gather supplies for dinner. They lay in bed side by side, thinking. Levered up on a cushion of moss and pillows, Twilight looked down at her new body. She ran a hand over her new skin, across her soft belly. "What am I?" She murmured. “You’re my marefriend,” Tempest said and kissed her. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning, Twilight awoke first. The sun entered through the open doorway. Tempest snored gently beside her, one arm hanging off the bed. The other had wrapped around Twilight in the night, as the princess rested her head against one of her cushiony breasts. Twilight yawned and shifted. She looked down, considering their new bodies. She felt her heart beating. She felt her form shifting as she moved in place to get more comfortable. It was an astounding transformation. So it was real. She looked at Tempest for support. Her marefriend had her eyes closed and breathed softly. Despite being wedged against a pillow, Tempest's mane was striking, beautiful, perfect. Twilight felt her own hair. It went down to the small of her back in length, and she gripped it. It twisted and didn't tangle, perfectly straight, perfectly groomed, perfectly… everything. She had a feeling it would remain that way. Twilight looked down at herself. She cupped one of her enormous breasts. It felt so strange, so sensitive. She let out a small gasp, and let it go. It bobbed up and down, then stood straight and pert. She ran her hands down her sides, then considered her appendages themselves. Her pores were clear. Her skin was so smooth. She sat up a little to try and see past her bust. She felt her smooth round stomach. It stood out a little, just a tiny bit, enough to frame the center of her body. Her cute belly button seemed different somehow from her old one and wasn't that a strange thought? She felt her waist, her hips, and her thighs. Her waist drew in, perfectly smooth, as though it were made of glass, while her hips went out to create a heart-shaped butt. Her thighs were plump enough with muscle and fat to support it all. The princess smiled a little. She had envied Celestia once upon a time. Now they were equal. Equal? Twilight grinned slightly. Celestia might envy her! Well, maybe not. It felt like they were almost twins. Though despite how tall she and Tempest were, they were both still shorter than the queen. Twilight rubbed her eyes and considered Tempest. She lay there drooling. It was so beautiful to watch her while she slept. Twilight noted her breasts had the same structure as hers did. They were magically enhanced, they looked like they had permanent intangible pushup bras. Yet despite her boob size, Tempest's musculature was amazing. She was built like a sleek tank. She could lift a carriage, or run for the Olympics. She wouldn't win, of course, but she'd be considered. She didn't quite have an hourglass figure, but her ass was delectable. Her skin was smooth and stretched. The sheer quantity of muscle mass made Twilight sweat. Her gut muscles were utterly ripped, and… Twilight blushed at seeing Tempest's literal foot-long morning boner. It stood straight up, fully erect. Twilight considered something then crawled down the bed toward her lover's member. She knew she wouldn't be able to take it fully, but it would be an interesting way to wake up. Twilight licked her lips and then opened her mouth. She lowered her head over the appendage and moved down. Further. And further. Her skin tingled. Her eyes widened. Her jaw opened wider than should have been possible. Then she felt it hit the back of her throat. As if by magic, it tried to push down her esophagus. Twilight snapped her head back. Her skin stopped tingling. She panted heavily, then wondered why. She felt her horn. Twilight realized she had been somehow able to breathe. Steeling herself she tried again. It hit the back of her throat, and, mustering up her courage, she pushed forward. Her eyes shot open. Her esophagus widened like it was a pussy itself. She felt her throat bulge out as she took more and more of her lover's cock. She moaned in surprise, even as she found the strength to keep going. She felt magic swirling around them, and she whimpered as she felt it begin to alter them once again. This is the power we've been given? Are we imbued with these spells? Alicorn bodies were powerful, and she knew they could adapt to their partners. Her throat shifted and widened to accept the intruder. Tempest's cock bent at an angle. Twilight's eyes popped open, then rolled back in her head. She felt a thrill wash over her body, running from her mouth to her nethers. She screamed silently around her lover’s cock as her throat bent impossibly to let the member reach inside her. Finally, and impossibly, she hit something. she opened her eyes and felt her lower lips brush against Tempest's testicles. They churned with batter. Twilight's eyes were wide in shock. Somehow she was able to breathe, and she panted through her nose. She worked her tongue over it as best she could, sucking and slurping. Finally, Tempest stirred. "Mm...Twi?" Tempest lifted her head and pushed aside her breasts to see her marefriend hilted on her penis, her face beet-red. Twilight inhaled and Tempest's eyes went wide, then she laid her head back in pleasure. It felt like her cock was immersed in Twilight's vagina, only different. It maintained perfect tightness. She grabbed her head. “Oh my…! That feels amazing!” But with a great deal of effort, she used one hand to reach down and tried to lift Twilight off her penis. The motion sent a shiver through both of them. “Gah!” Tempest released her and the fall sent both of them into cries of satisfaction. She lifted her head back up, and Twilight looked up to shake her head, still blushing. She began to bob up and down on Tempest's foot-long cock. Tempest held her head, "I'll...I'll...you tell me when to stop if you want...oh Celestia..." Hell of a way to wake up in the morning. In that moment Tempest came, shooting her load directly into her lover's stomach. Twilight shrieked as it felt like a bucket of water was unloaded inside her. There were more. She felt so full, her stomach was on fire. She felt it with her hand and her eyes went wide as she realized it was inflating once again. Tempest gritted her teeth, “Hang on!” she knew Twilight couldn't take the whole thing, despite last night, and pulled her off it. Another load caught Twilight in the face, and two more in the chest. Tempest wrapped her hands around it and pulled it back. Another two loads splattered her in the face and the bottom of her chin. She glowered at Twilight, both looking like they had been smashed in the face with pie. "I...uh..." Twilight grinned nervously through the cum. She licked her lips, "Oh, it tastes good." Tempest sat up and pulled Twilight close. She glared at her. Then her tongue snaked out, and she licked at it. Her eyes widened and her glare disappeared. Both still dripping with cum, Tempest crawled forward and kissed her. She tasted her cum dribbling off her marefriend's face, and furrowed her brow. She took some of it from her face and slurped it up. "...Why does that taste so good?" "Good question!" Tempest reached out and scooped some up, clearing Twilight's face to reveal her eyes. She licked it off her fingers, "We're going to have to clean this up." With that, she pulled Twilight close and kissed her, trailing her mouth across her body. She ran her lips up Twilight's arm, then She smeared her fluids across Twilight’s chest and licked it off, making her moan and giggle. “Sweet C, this is good!” Twilight scooped some off her, “Hey, that’s my job!” “Your job? Since when has that been it?” Tempest pushed her over, "Last I checked, it was my job to pleasure you." Twilight arched her back in joy as Tempest twisted around, bent down, and jammed her tongue in her snatch. She felt it deep inside her, writhing and twisting, even as she squeezed it in return, "Mmph! Right there, right– ah!" Twilight arced her back, holding Tempest's head steady. Tempest was a wonder, playing with her clit as much as the hole itself. Her tongue had a unique texture, and her hands were delicate despite their size. All too soon, Twilight felt a tingling sensation that surprised and bewildered her. Tempest dove in even deeper, then was met by a massive burst of fluid. Twilight came once, then twice, and a third time. Tempest's face was coated in two kinds of jizz. Tempest twisted around again, wiping her mouth, then leaned in to kiss her. They swapped one another's fluids, sloppily and messily. They couldn't keep their hands off each other, they kept kissing. Twilight's eyes widened, “My fluids are delicious too!” Eventually, they had to break apart, for oxygen if nothing else. They were covered in dried saliva, cum, and sweat. “We…gotta get…gotta get up at some point,” Tempest said. Twilight whined, and embraced her lover, “Who says?” “I do.” Tempest grimaced and stood up, without using her arms. Twilight had to cling to her as she went up. She pressed herself tightly against her lover. Tempest smiled down at her, hands on her hips. She slid her hands down, gripping Twilight's legs, and worked them up around her waist. Twilight moaned softly as she felt up her plump, squishy ass. “You’re a goddess, you know that?” She whispered in Twilight's ear. Twilight flushed and embraced her tighter. Tempest's hands crept around her rear, squeezing it tightly with both hands. It wasn't just lustful though. “It may seem like a curse being here, but I couldn't imagine anyone else I would rather be with.” Twilight leaned back. “I… I feel the same way.” The moment changed. She felt an iron curtain rod riding up against her rear. She grinned wryly, “Though I can see some bonuses for you.” “You're the one who gets so much use out of it,” Tempest sneered. She carried her upstairs. . They went to the pool upstairs, carefully avoiding the white goo pool. Twilight went into the water, while Tempest went to fix a bit of vine on the edge of their perimeter and make another notch for how long they'd been here. As she washed, Twilight turned furtive looks on Tempest. How did she describe her marefriend? She was beautiful. The pool, whatever it was, had taken her best aspects and improved upon them tenfold, a best of both worlds of Twilight and Tempest's preferences. Tempest straightened up, wiping the sweat from her brow. Her sweat glistened in the sunlight off her perfect skin. Her mohawk was conditioned as if stepping out of a salon, as it always seemed to be these days. As she leaned forward to pull on the vine, her bountiful and generous breasts slipped out. Her arms flexed, and her biceps expanded. She gritted her teeth and her hulking form tensed up, using her athletic body to pull the offending branch down. She caught it easily, and she walked with a generous sway. Her rear was attractive, yet strong, like her thighs. Twilight snuck a glance at her member between her legs, enormous and relatively compact at the same time. Tempest turned toward her and walked forward. She had a natural sway to her body that showed off her assets, sending them jiggling and rolling. Her cock moved back and forth. She jumped into the water. Twilight quickly went to her. They held each other's arms and kissed. "Now for a proper good morning," Tempest said. She looked over her marefriend. Twilight was like a ballerina now, but sexier. Her feet were smooth, yet powerful. Her thighs were sleek, yet dense and strong. Further up, she had a beautiful hourglass form that swayed sensually. She had a smooth and curvaceous body. Her waist was quite thin, with wide hips and a heart-shaped rear. Her buttocks were supple and firm, yet pliable. Her stomach had a hint of abs, but most of her muscles were concealed under attractive layers. Her smooth purple skin led up to her enormous breasts, nearly the size of her head, that defied gravity and bounced with every step of her swaying hips. Yet they didn't seem to need any support. Her long hair, even when soaked, looked like it was being treated at a spa. Tempest took her hips and bent her over backward against the side of the pool. Twilight waited for her to charge in, only to tilt her head as Tempest bowed to her. Then she licked her snatch. "I've been so dominant over you, let me do something for you…" Twilight squirmed and held Tempest's head. Her tongue, like everything else, was perfectly adapted for this. It was unusually long, it snaked inside. Twilight arched her back and held Tempest’s head to her pelvis. “Keep doing that! Your princess demands it!” She squealed as Tempest thrust her tongue inside. The jacked ultra-strong mare was just as good in bed as she looked. Tempest ran her hands up and down Twilight's legs. Twilight trembled and shook, “Yes…now take your reward!” She came, squirting huge amounts of marecum across her. Tempest sat up, grinning and licking her lips. “Every part of you is delicious, my lady.” Twilight grinned and stood up. She grabbed Tempest and spun them around. She pushed the larger mare down. Tempest's erection was painfully large. Her eyes were wide. Twilight hopped up and sat on her chest. She bent down over the enormous mare. “You are within my power, Tempest Shadow.” She shoved her face forward and sought out a kiss. “Mmph!” Tempest felt Twilight squeeze her breasts. Twilight squirted milk across her chest. She released her. Tempest lay back, her huge form rising up and down as she laid her hands back. Twilight smirked. Her horn lit up. Dirt rose on either side of Tempest, locking her wrists in place. Underwater, her legs still in the pool, two more locked her ankles. Tempest looked at Twilight, her eyes wide. “You're in my power, Tempest Shadow,” The princess sneered. Twilight stroked Tempest's member. “Now, it's my turn.” “I will have my revenge,” Tempest snarled. “Oh, will you? Not once you're done here.” Twilight summoned a chunk of soil. It transformed into a solid ball, dirt pouring off. It contorted, squeezed, and polished itself, before finally revealing itself to be a long slender object. “It's a gift from my friend Rarity,” Twilight sneered. “Just a little something to go with our…negotiation.” Magically, she lifted it and placed it on the soil under Tempest's backside. “Nngh,” Tempest moaned, her pelvis rising up. Restraints appeared and forced her down. “Agh!” She felt it slide in. “Relax,” Twilight said. Despite Tempest's clenching, to both of their astonishment, it slid in with ease. Tempest whimpered as she felt the device slide into her rear. She felt it enter more and more. She panted like she was hyperventilating. Her cock was so hard she felt every single breeze, every tiny motion of it. Twilight crouched over it and slid down. Instantly, all her bravado disappeared. Tempest thrust upward and exploded. Her cum shot into Twilight's body with a force like a gun. She recoiled in shock and Tempest felt that second thrust from her rear only bringing more. Again and again, Tempest thrust, each time bringing Twilight further and further down her member, widening and widening her stomach, and building and building her cries. And with every thrust, Twilight’s magic dildo thrust into her rear. It was glorious. Twilight screamed and moaned as she slid down, hilted. Tempest let out a scream, and so did Twilight. Birds took off. They both came. Cum squirted everywhere. Milk scattered in little droplets. Twilight collapsed over Tempest, falling onto her chest. Instantly Tempest's hands wrapped around her, meeting at the center of her back. They were breathless. “Even…our new…bodies need…time…” Twilight gasped. “Yeah,” Tempest groaned. “Can you get this thing out of me, please? I feel so full.” Twilight sat up, “And me with all your cum?” She wheezed. Her stomach lit up purple, and she looked down. The bulging mass of cum in her womb glowed and began to disappear. “No excuses now…” Tempest grinned. “I hate you.” They chuckled at that. But all at once, they went silent. “So what do we do now, Twi’?” Tempest asked. She spread a hand to gesture, “We've been completely reshaped by this island.” Twilight nodded. She looked down at the body she had just been using to such effect. “I don't know. We can't stop it. But it doesn't seem to be having any negative effects…” Tempest pecked her on the lips, “Except maybe arousal.” Twilight felt herself getting wet even at that. “Tempest, I…” Tempest put up her hands, “Oh! I'm sorry, I…” “No, I know we're together now, but–!” “I'm sorry, I–” They both started stammering, then stopped. They burst out laughing. “We have more in common than ever, it seems,” Tempest laughed. She scratched her head. “Twilight, if you don't want to…” Twilight shook her head, “No, I…” She looked down at herself, at her new sleek attractive body. “I…” Her eyes went to Tempest. “I think I loved you even before this. But…” “Well, hey,” Tempest scooted closer, speaking in a soothing tone, “It's an experiment, right? If the island is controlling us, well, we'll find out. Together.” “And if it is?” Twilight whimpered. “Then I'll kick its ass,” Tempest breathed, “Marefriend or not, whether or not any of…this,” She gestured at her enormous amazonian physique, “Is real or means anything, nobody gets away with hurting those I care about.” Twilight smiled. They gave one another a peck on the cheek. But despite their intimacy, something seemed off. “Why don't we see if we can keep our hands off each other?” Twilight asked. “As an experiment?” Tempest blinked. “That sounds…” She felt motion from her lower half. she grinned nervously, “...possible.” They went about their day. Tempest showed off by lifting their raft and bringing it back to their forest house by herself. She heaved it up on her shoulder, folded it up on one side, and trotted up the hill along the path they had carved. Her muscles bulged and she let out groans of satisfaction as she walked. What a workout! When she returned, she put it down. Twilight tried to lift it. She crouched properly, set her arms, and lifted. Tempest's erection materialized and her face grew very red. Her hands leaped down and she rubbed at it. Twilight turned with a swish of her hair and walked the raft over to a corner of their settlement with an overhang for protection. She hopped in place to throw some sheets she'd made out of leaves over the framework. Her whole body seemed to jiggle. “Oh, Celestia…” Tempest moaned. She fell to her knees. She felt a distinct corner of the head itching like crazy and continued to stroke. Twilight leaned over. “Aah…!” Tempest saw the love of her life present herself unintentionally and exploded. White hot rivulets of semen splattered across the grass. Twilight looked back and grinned. “Somepony is excited!” Tempest half grinned and half glared at her. “You did that on purpose.” “You'll get me back,” Twilight winked. Tempest scowled, then departed. Tempest's duties in their situation were to gather materials, while Twilight made use of them. She expanded the interior of their little home. This had become their life. Soon though, Tempest returned, moving logs. “We can use these to cover up the roof,” She said. Twilight drooled as she watched Tempest lift the logs. One at a time, Tempest picked them up, and used a saw to cut a notch in each one so she could put them over the roof of their underground hole. Her muscles flexed as she lifted. Sweat covered her. Her slick body shone in the sunlight. She grinned through her teeth, casually leaning against one tree and showing off her body. Twilight felt her hands enter her pussy. She touched one nipple, toying with it as she moaned. The former air commander then picked the logs up, one at a time, and walked them to the underground roof. One at a time, she put them down. With each one Twilight could see her exertion, could see her face puffing. And She felt her fingers in her snatch rubbing furiously. “My Celestia…” “What's that?” Tempest asked, wiping sweat from her brow. “Sweet Celestia…” Twilight groaned. She fell to her knees. Tempest grinned. Then she stood with her feet splayed out. Her massive member hung between her legs. “I've got a little more to do, my sweet,” She sneered, “And then you can do whatever you want to me.” Twilight fell backward, “Oh, anything! Anything–” She exploded. Fluids sprayed across the grass and she let out a sigh of relief. “Then my work here is done,” Tempest said. Practically every occasion culminated in this. Tempest moved logs to help add some walls to their little forest house. Her muscles bulged and she puffed with exertion. Twilight did her work to expand and upgrade the house. She gave little flashes of attention toward the larger mare. They made dinner with only a few kisses exchanged. They exchanged furtive glances over their meals and their leaf-wrapped meals, but nothing else. That evening, they lay down together in the soft grass beside the pools. They hadn't had this little sex in a month. Not since their arrival. "Do you ever miss your...uh...parts?" Twilight asked. Tempest rolled over, propping her head up on her elbow. She cupped her penis, then tweaked one of Twilight's nipples, "I don't know. I've kinda gotten used to it." "Do you...do you want to get it fixed?" Tempest looked at her marefriend. She ran a hand over her new sleek muscles, then moved one down to grip her cock. She sat up and rolled onto Twilight. She slowly crept up and put her member between Twilight's breasts. She put her knees in their rightful place, where Twilight's arms were subtly reshaped to accommodate them. Twilight thought nothing more of the conversation. She lifted her head and sucked on her lover's cock. Twilight pushed her breasts against one another, and Tempest reached back to push her fingers into Twilight's snatch. Twilight's mouth practically unhinged, her throat perfectly accommodating of her cock. Her neck bulged, but easily fit the cock, maintaining the tightness. Her face had been made to give Tempest amazing oral sex. “Mm…ah…” Tempest said softly. Twilight slurped at her head. She felt Tempest flex with every reaction. Their genitals had unique spells, they would adapt their partner's body to fit. Their bodies had been made for each other, and theirs had little need, but the adaptability still made it uniquely pleasurable. Magically, Twilight's mouth and throat contorted to conform to Tempest's shape, but would otherwise appear normal. Tempest's cock linked up with her marefriend's biology to do the same. “Mmm…” Tempest moaned, just as she felt her balls churning. Instantly a burst of white fluid erupted from her cock into Twilight's mouth. She slurped it up as best she could. She climbed up Tempest, and they kissed. Tempest forced her mouth open with her tongue, and her eyes went wide as Twilight released a mouthful of cum and saliva into her mouth. Tempest was forced to swallow, then swiftly grabbed Twilight's hips. "You are so good," She giggled affectionately. With a yelp from Twilight, she rolled them over. Tempest leaned over her lover, straddling her with her arms on her shoulders. She grinned down at her as she shifted her larger body, moving her lower half against Twilight's. She rubbed her hands against Twilight's soft divine skin, feeling the taut muscles underneath. They kissed. Their tongues danced inside their mouths, moving like yin and yang. As Tempest moved into Twilight's snatch, it was like hand in glove. It hadn't been reshaped, her vagina had been recast to fit Tempest's equally-recast penis. They had been made for each other. Their bodies had been remade from the drafts they'd made over the last few weeks into the finished model. Now they had been perfected. She thrust her hardened hips into Twilight, slowly at first then picking up speed like a train. Her hugely powerful muscular frame loomed over her, her grin alone enough to make her insides melt as she rocked back and forth. "Oh, Tempest!" Twilight moaned. Suddenly, Tempest pulled out. She rolled Twilight over. “Revenge, little princess,” She hissed. She grabbed Twilight's hair and yanked it back. Twilight screamed. She slid into Twilight's ass with ease and both nearly shouted. "W--what?" Twilight moaned. Her eyes went wide. She was a sex goddess. Her anal passage had become another dedicated sex organ. "What?!" She demanded rhetorically, as Tempest began to thrust. Her insides easily adapted, leaking lubricant to make her way easier. Finally, she came, like a cannon inside her marefriend. As Tempest continued to come, Twilight felt a rising sensation in her throat. She felt like she was going to throw up for a second. Instead out came a white and sticky fluid. Tempest had cum so much it came out the other end. "It...it went through me?" Tempest leaned to see. She chuckled nervously, "That's...is it weird I find that incredibly hot?" She thrust one more time, as if on cue, and Twilight felt it rise in her chest. She felt her cheeks burst and opened her mouth to discharge it onto the grass. Twilight panted, “Whoa…” Tempest pulled out of her. “So, we can eat our cum, drink our milk, and your digestive system has been restructured so you can projectile barf cum.” She gestured to Twilight's enormous ass, “And if I inflate you, it goes away. So what do I get?” Twilight coughed and looked back at her. Then she leered. “I don't like that look, Twilight.” Twilight crept over and pushed Tempest down into the grass. She held her breasts hovering over Tempest's face. “Wanna find out if you can also make it go away?” She suckled Twilight's milk, first one breast, then the other. “Mmph!” She looked down and could see her purple six-pack disappearing. But even as she drank, she could see a purple glow. Twilight lifted to look. “Experiment successful!” Tempest was back to her normal Amazonian shape. When they were done, they looked at each other again. "Would you change back if you could?" Twilight asked. Tempest thought. "Would you?" Their lips met sloppily. over the next few days, they studied their transformation the best ways they had under the circumstances. They found magic around the cum pool; transformation spells, obviously, far in advance of anything they’d seen. They also found sanitation spells, the reason the place didn't stink. In the evening, they lay out on the beach together, watching the sun go down. The muscular women, two sex goddesses, had gotten used to life on the island. Their minds and bodies had been transformed into these new forms, they accepted that. Every meal of fruit and vegetables was supplemented by the other's milk, and Tempest's cum. They walked through the island together, trying to figure out what the source of its magic was, utterly naked. Their feet were tough and soft. Their breasts didn't need any support, though they were still so bouncy. Perhaps they were being mind-controlled. They had to be, with how often they had sex. They would enjoy it while it lasted, and stop once they figured it out. Somehow, Twilight wasn't pregnant. She didn't have a microscope at hand, but she guessed Tempest had to be incredibly fertile. So why wasn't she pregnant? It had to be related to whatever entity had changed them and was controlling their minds. "How do you feel about this?" Tempest asked. "I'm nervous, but I…it's thrilling. In a weird way. I never thought…" Twilight looked Tempest up and down, "I never thought I could get this aroused." "Are you happy?" "For now. I'm not sure about my body, but I'll keep it for now." "Not that we have much choice." "Shut up and kiss me." XXXXX One day they had returned to the spring that had first changed Tempest into a futanari. It wasn't long before they went from filling up water bottles to fucking. With Tempest's hands on her hips, it was hard for Twilight not to cum. "Ha…almost there, your highness …" Tempest gasped. "Oh yes, fill me up…" Twilight moaned. She braced herself against the rocks, feeling her marefriend move in and out of her. They were slick with sweat, their bodies moving and muscles shifting. “You must serve your ladyship!” “Yes, I will do my duty…” "What's that?" She mumbled. Both mares shrieked as Tempest came. The practical goddesses never got tired of it. Twilight slumped over the edge of the pool, cum dribbling out of her into the fresh water. Tempest sighed and collapsed beside her, squeezing her breasts. Twilight looked up and lifted herself onto the grass, then gently suckled Tempest's right breast. "Mmph...what were you talking about before?" Tempest grunted. Twilight lifted her head and kissed Tempest. She forced her mouth open and let a mouthful of the larger mare's milk inside. They swished it around between them. Tempest swallowed hard. "What...?" "Oh, I thought I saw something shiny over there," Twilight pointed down through the jungle, toward one of the ridges. Then she went back to her lover's chest. Tempest frowned and shaded her eyes. "Hey...I think I see it too.” Drying themselves in the midmorning sun, they walked along the ridge to where they found another one of the old paths. By the looks of things, whatever was reflecting off the sun was in a hidden bay. The grassy floor of the forest felt good on their feet. "You think it was made by whoever made these paths, and the spell?" Tempest asked. "I can't think of anyone else." "Hm." Tempest frowned as she climbed over a log. "Twilight, if...when we make it home, what will you tell your friends about us?" Twilight stopped. "I hadn't given it much thought." "What about Rainbow Dash?" Twilight looked back at her, "Dash is a very good-looking mare-- and she's a very good person. She..." She sighed, and turned away, "She'll be fine." "What will she think?" "If she wanted me she would've said something..." Twilight grumbled. Tempest had been with Twilight long enough to know when she was anxious and upset. She put a hand on her shoulder. "Hey..." "Let's keep moving." As they went through the forest, they could see light, and blue water peeking through the trees. They exited onto a sandy beach and found an idyllic hidden bay, very easy to miss. There was an angle a small boat would have trouble navigating, and it seemed like it made a zig-zag toward the ocean. And there, in the very center of the end of the bay opposite the entrance, was a manor building. The two mares gaped in shock. It was a modern and smooth building, with no Romare influence at all. Just smooth wooden sides, and broad windows. They looked at each other. Their nudity didn't even occur to them. They grabbed the other's hand and marched along the beach toward the structure. As they walked, they realized the place was clean, but there weren't any footprints in the sand, no sign anyone had landed a ship there in a while. The dock was well-maintained, but there was no equipment laid out. They found a boathouse nearby, finding a pinnace and a few small rowboats inside, but all were lifted out of the water. The Amazonian pair inspected the outside of the building, finding several entrances, a nice terrace, and a balcony ringing the structure. They found sliding glass doors at the front, behind two wooden doors in case of storms. Preparing herself for anything, Tempest entered first. The building was modern and well-lit. The inside opened on a large living room, centered around a fireplace. It had furniture of couches, chairs, and tables made of the smoothest materials, perfect for people coming in to dry off and keep the sand out of everything. The floor was made of smooth tiles. There was a kitchen behind it intended for a lot of service, with ultra-modern gas ovens and what looked like the new refrigerator invention. Above the entrance to the wide area was a balcony, that looked like it split off into other rooms, and to the third floor. Stairs rose to either side of the room to meet the balcony. Twilight realized that between the kitchen and the fireplace area was almost a ballroom floor. Yet what drew their attention was a banner hung over the balcony. "Welcome Twilight and Tempest". "Does someone know we're here?" Twilight demanded, covering herself. Tempest had never really had a sense of modesty, and didn't bother. She looked around, searching for...wait. she could sense magic behind her. She turned around, her fists at the ready, when she saw at the door, tiles had lifted and were sweeping their tracks of sand out of sight. It was cleaning up after them. "No, there isn't anyone here!" Twilight exclaimed, "At least, I don't think so! Don't you sense that magic?" "Yeah, you're right, perhaps it is some sort of welcoming spell," Tempest suggested. They moved deeper into the building. As they crossed the glossy floor, there was another burst of magic. bookshelves appeared on the walls. Food from the island was appearing in the kitchen and filling up the shelves, which then closed by themselves. "It's responding to our presence," Tempest pointed out. There were what looked like sitting rooms, a few utility rooms off the kitchen, and another communal area beyond. "Let's check out what else is in here!" Twilight said excitedly, dragging her marefriend along toward the stairs. They found the second floor to have entertainment areas, and what looked like stores. There were life jackets, oars, and equipment for going fishing, while there was other gear for hiking and the like. They found other services; Tempest was impressed by the gym, and both enjoyed the library. There were shops for maintenance, to customize tools and surfboards, and the like. There were rooms full of machines and apparatuses they could not identify. There was even what appeared to be a tailoring shop. "All my friends would like this," Twilight said with a smile. She frowned, "Hang on…" Tempest stepped inside the tailoring shop. "Huh." There was something odd about the room. The third floor was residential. There were several large fancy rooms for guests, with bathrooms, hot tubs, and the like, but arrows materialized on the wall, egging them on. They found the biggest room, at the very top. It was a big room with a king-sized bed, a hot tub, a shower, and conspicuously, four packages on the bed. They opened them to find Tempest's suit and Twilight's outfit, along with both pairs of boots from when they first arrived. They were completely intact, with no sign of damage from the crash. More than that, they were tailored to fit their new physiques. At least, in size. Twilight blushed furiously and immediately pulled on her bra and underwear. They seemed a bit tight, but she didn't care. Having proper clothes was all that mattered. As she grabbed her shirt, she caught sight of Tempest pulling on her outfit. She went even redder. It was so incredibly tight around Tempest's body, much tighter than it should have been. The sleeves clung to her biceps; her Amazonian goddess only had to flex and she felt wet. There was an uncomfortable bulge in the crotch area, and her pants seemed so tight. Likewise, Twilight looked down and realized her body looked about to burst from her outfit. Her skirt strained at her new hips and muscular thighs. She had a new bra, but her massive breasts strained at the reins of both it and her shirt. "Tempest…?" She murmured, then looked up and realized her marefriend had completely turned her back. Twilight chuckled. There was a click, and she noted a door opening in the corner. Twilight looked in to see panels materialize on the walls, forming drawers. They were full of other outfits. Practical outfits, casualwear, and of course, very attractive dresses, suits, and sexywear. Twilight inspected a pad at the center of the walk-in closet. Mechanical arms reached out in preparation and she drew back. They retracted. Her horn lit up, and she inspected the area. A panel unfolded, revealing hairstyle options, clothing setups, and even an option for an arm to zip up the back of a dress. "Interesting…" Twilight mused. "This must be some sort of highly automated resort!" "Yes, but built by whom? And for what?" Tempest wondered. Twilight glanced back at her. Her eyes went up and down, and she blushed again. "So modest, Twilight? After all this time?" Tempest asked with a grin. "It's nothing! It's just…" She squeezed her eyes shut. Tempest walked up to her and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Well, it doesn't look like we're going to get rescued any time soon, even with this place. Just seems like we'll be more comfortable." Twilight nodded, "I know, I just…I'm anxious. I don't want to find out we've been having relations and someone has been spying on us. Being back in civilization, even if we're still cut off, has me falling back into," She smiled, "Old habits, I guess." Tempest laughed, "I know the feeling. But we'll be okay." "We've got books, food, equipment, I think we're going to make it!" Twilight exclaimed. "And each other," Tempest grinned. Twilight felt the need to smile whenever Tempest did. She stood on her tippy toes and kissed her. "Yes, and each other." Tempest returned the kiss. The kiss went deeper. Twilight put a hand on her shoulder. Tempest rested both arms on the smaller mare's shoulders, gently wrapping her arms around her. Twilight forced her tongue into Tempest's mouth. She ran her tongue over the other mare's teeth: they were perfect, perfectly straight, she felt the ridges on the tip of her tongue. Both sets of teeth could've come from magazines, they had noted. They were perfect brand-new adult teeth. They broke apart, gasping. "I love you," Twilight said. "I love you too," Tempest said. She looked around and got a mischievous look in her eyes. "Why don't we break in that master bed, my dear?" She murmured. "My clothes are feeling so...constrictive." She gripped Twilight's arm. "Tem– mistress!" Twilight laughed. "That's right, you're learning princess." She squeezed her pliable sizable ass, then leaned down to kiss her again. She felt up Twilight's chest, squeezing it. "Oh, Tempest–" Tempest's fingers tore open her shirt and she began pawing at her breasts. Twilight reached down and forced open her suit, exposing her cock. Tempest's nostrils flared, "You dare?" Twilight giggled, then shrieked as her lover lifted her. She picked up Twilight with one arm, forcing her to throw her arms around her neck and cling to her. Twilight felt so aroused; she wrapped her legs around Tempest's waist. She felt their slick skin rubbing against one another, Tempest's muscles barely working as they carried the princess. She was helpless, clinging to her lover lest she fell, forced against her broad muscular chest, her lustful sneering face fully in hers, unable to escape. With her free hand, Tempest worked the alicorn's body upward, making room for her cock. She hiked up her skirt, lifted her sizable member, and forced it into Twilight's pussy with a gasp. She thrust upward as she moved them up the bed. Twilight pulled herself against Tempest, moaning out. Tempest thrusted constantly, bringing Twilight to orgasm. She paused to take a breath, then yanked off the top of her suit. Her bouncing breasts and huge frame made Twilight squeal and juices spray. Twilight was forced against the headboard, and Tempest loomed over her, "you're mine, princess," She growled. Twilight came again. Now Tempest could unleash her full strength. With one hand on her lover's waist and one on her shoulder, one goddess forcefully pushed herself into another. Twilight moaned, her back arching. She gripped Tempest's breasts, making milk spray between them. Already Tempest was about to come. "Tempest– aah!" With a roar, Tempest exploded. Frothing blasts of cum filled up Twilight's womb. Her stomach bulged, then shimmered and returned to her smooth belly as her body assimilated it. They kicked the remains of their clothes off the bed and moved to the shower. The hot water was delightful after so long with only hot springs. Tempest stood under the nozzle and ran her hands through her hair. Twilight climbed in after her. Their bodies were pressed close together as Twilight handed her soap. She rubbed it into Twilight's back, "accidentally" feeling her up as she went low. Twilight turned around, "My turn." Her grip on Tempest's rear was shockingly strong. She hugged her lover's back, her breasts pushing against her. "Weird question. How much have you eaten of your own…" "Cum?" Tempest asked, "I tried some, but…" Twilight did her best to rest her chin on her shoulder. Her bicep was close enough. She ran her hand up and down Tempest's member, "It tastes good." "I'll take your word for it." She'd tried it before, but… Twilight unfolded the seat and set Tempest down. "Your princess commands it!" Tempest felt downright flustered. "Oh, I love it when you take command," She sighed lustfully. She ran her hands up and down Twilight's purple body, feeling her curves and flanks. Twilight straddled her, sitting on her lap. She pulled Tempest's penis up between them. It was enormous and thick. She began to massage it, "You have lost, commander! It's my turn now!" "Not while I– oh…oh…Twilight!" Twilight grabbed the back of Tempest's head and forced it forward. Unexpectedly, she exploded. Gouts of white cum spewed from her tip, covering Tempest's face, her neck, and her chest. A burst caught her in the mouth, and she clamped it shut, whipping her head back. A few bursts splattered Twilight's face, and the rest hit the ceiling. Tempest laughed. Twilight grinned, wiping her face. Their hair was sticky and gooey. Tempest's entire purple head was painted white. She swished the goo around in her mouth, then, at Twilight's gaze, swallowed. "My…that is good!" Twilight kissed her. Tempest opened her mouth to share tongues, but to her shock, Twilight's mouth was full of cum. They shared the gooey, creamy substance, so different in texture from normal stallion fluid. Not that either knew what that was like. Twilight bent down and latched herself onto Tempest's nipple. She sucked and swallowed creamy white milk. She drank and drank, making Tempest's eyes roll up in her head. Her breasts didn't change shape or size at all, even when one ran dry and Twilight had to switch. All she could feel was the jets of pleasure with each slurp. They soon finished up in the shower, and they stepped out to see their bed cleaned; well, it was still a mess, but there was no more sweat and fluid. They made dinner before they went to bed. The mysterious house fell asleep around them. They were still stranded, but it was a bit more modern. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tempest woke up first. She silently made her way off the bed, when she noticed the four clothing packages from the previous day had been replaced. Tempest opened one and found her uniform. She stepped into her suit and pulled it up. With a frown of curiosity, the unicorn noted it was less constrictive than it had been. It was exactly the way she preferred it. She opened the other packages to find their shoes and Twilight's dress had also been resized. Tempest zipped up her suit, then noticed Twilight was sleeping with her mouth open. She paused, then unzipped it again, and let it pool at her feet. Naked, she climbed onto the bed and straddled Twilight's chest. Twilight awoke with a gasp, and meekly lay there as Tempest fed her cock between her lips. She sheathed her cock in her lover's throat, hitting inside as she began to roll her hips. She rotated, making Twilight moan, and leaned down to stick her tongue in Twilight's snatch. She ran her tongue across her clit, then dove it into Twilight's snatch. Both moaned as they worked their magic on one another, literally and figuratively. Tempest fed her tongue into Twilight, feeling her insides as Twilight ran her tongue around the tip of her penis. They drove their hips into each other. Both came in a matter of minutes, feeding their juices into one another. She touched her head to Twilight's, "Thought I'd start you off with something better than coffee." Twilight licked her lips then pecked Tempest on the snout. Then she shifted down and squeezed Tempest's nipple, eliciting a drop of white fluid. "Weren't there bottles in the fridge?" "You want to save this?" "Save it? I want to make milkshakes!" "How lewd for a princess," Tempest teased. "How curious for my lover, so comfortable in debauchery." “Takes one to know one,” Tempest retorted. Twilight kissed her again. "As payment for that, I have another idea." She gripped Tempest's penis, already growing again. "Cumshakes." Tempest laughed. "Sweet Celestia, Twilight!" "Hey, you agreed it tastes good!" For that, Tempest pushed her down. "My coffee now." She squeezed Twilight's breasts together. White milk leaked all over her. "Somebody's primed for me." She sucked her milk with generous slurps, creating long drawn-out moans. "Can you imagine if I was pregnant?" Twilight grunted. "It…oh, Celestia…would mean I might be even more…prodigious…" Tempest's head snapped up. Caught in the moment of hormones, she mused, "Perhaps I should put a baby in you, then." Twilight chuckled, "Easy there, we're not even married!" "No big deal. I've seen plenty of unwed parents." Twilight's laugh trailed off. "I'd…rather think about that when we get home." The sad look on her face made Tempest feel worse. She forgot sometimes how many roots she had back home. For Tempest, there were few bonds by comparison. She resolved to distract her with another sip. They went to the shower and climbed in one after the other. Twilight grabbed the soap, only for Tempest to grab her wrist. "Not this time, princess," She sneered. She whipped Twilight around, shoving her up against the wall. Her breasts rubbed against the steam-soaked clear window. Tempest nudged either foot to the side and thrust into her ass. When they were finished, Twilight was quite bottom-heavy, and her stomach looked pregnant. After a few minutes, her body absorbed it. Tempest frowned. “You look different than usual. And I mean that. You look like you've gained a pound or two.” Twilight cast a spell and frowned, “I'm still the same weight. I think.” She pinched her side, “With how much I've been absorbing I swear I'm going to get bigger.” Tempest squeezed her nipples. “With this, so am I.” Tempest wanted to check out the boats, but as much as Twilight loved to see her show off, she needed to check out the other facilities. The library was well-stocked. The pantries were primarily filled with food from the island. The workshops were fascinating, filled with all sorts of machinery. Twilight spent hours exploring them all. She inspected the clothing available. A lot of it was more like what Rarity preferred, but there were plenty of practical outfits. Twilight tried on several. One was an enormous Victorian dress with a hoop skirt. It had a clear mesh over the tops of her shoulders. She also found a nice velvet dress. It was formfitting and sleek, with a skirt longer than that of a ballerina, with spaghetti string shoulders. She twirled a bit. It showed an impressive amount of cleavage. To be honest it was more like sexy wear than actual clothing. "Enjoying yourself?" Twilight turned to see Tempest leaning against the doorframe. Her suit was soaked in water, and her mane was slick. It still somehow retained its bounce despite the moisture, though it was slicked down. "Maybe.” Twilight turned red and pushed the skirt down, not that it had far to go. “What happened to you?" "Oh, had an accident with the boats and decided to come in." Tempest slowly crept into the room. "Yes, I've noticed I've been bumping into things more." Twilight held up one arm and showed a few bruises. "How does that connect?" Tempest asked, raising her eyebrow and putting her hands behind her back. "Our centers of gravity have changed. We've grown a lot. We're both a lot bigger than we used to be. So we're still getting used to where our bodies are. It's like a second puberty." "Ah. Fascinating connection. I love your ADHD brain…" Tempest breathed. She stepped around Twilight, running a large hand around her. Twilight flushed as her eyes went to her cleavage and didn't go away. She stepped behind her and leaned in, "A second puberty, eh?" Twilight leaned back and put a hand up to stroke the side of her head. She grinned sheepishly, "Yeah. Sounds right, doesn't it? It's rather fascinating. I've kept notes as best I could." "What kind of notes?" Tempest pressed herself against her back, running her hands up her sides. She rubbed her thighs and then slid up her silk dress. "Mm…the scientific kind." "You kept track of exactly how we're acting like horny teenagers?" "Wouldn't you like to know," Twilight crooned. Tempest kissed her cheek, "I think I would." She reached up and cupped the bottom of Twilight's breasts. Twilight let out a small mew as she bounced them up and down. She felt Tempest's hands with her own. "Such wide cleavage…" Twilight whirled about, "Would it surprise you to say I don't know?" With that, she kissed her full on the lips. Her tongue went into her lover's mouth. She pushed down Tempest's massive tongue and held dominance. They felt each other's new and perfect teeth. Tempest unzipped her suit, pulling it off her broad purple shoulders. Her breasts came bobbing out. Twilight pushed the suit down and dropped to her knees. Tempest's erection nearly hit her in the face, until she caught it. She immediately did her best to jam it down her throat. "Oh, keep doing that..." Tempest moaned. She came all across Twilight's face. She marched it down Twilight's entire body, utterly coating her in semen. Twilight wiped off her face, and her purple eyes narrowed through the goop. She shoved Tempest back against the wall and kissed her. She rubbed herself against Tempest, coating her front in goop. she fumbled for her dress and there was a loud rip. Tempest reached down and tore down, exposing Twilight's breast. One squeeze made her shudder and allowed Tempest to turn the tables. She hiked up Twilight's skirt. She lifted Twilight by her large ass and the smaller mare wrapped her arms and legs around her. Tempest lifted her slightly and speared her on her erection. "Ah!" “Mm…” Tempest sighed, smiling and closing her eyes. “You feel nice.” “Ah…” Twilight embraced her, “So do you.” Tempest rocked her hips back and forth. “You feel really nice.” “Eh!” Twilight gasped, “Keep going!” “In that dress of yours, I can just sneak up on you. I can just flip up that skirt and…” She looked around, “Oh, why bother?” She gripped both sides of her dress and ripped it open. Twilight screamed as she was rendered completely naked. “Ngh… you'd think one of us would get tired of…” “Who would, with a mare like you?” Tempest exclaimed as she thrust harder and faster. “You feel so nice, you look so nice, and you are nice…” “Oh, my Celestia!” Twilight shouted. “In fact…” Tempest stopped. She leaned in close. “I might just put a foal in you.” “Oh, Celestia–!” Twilight leaned back and came. Tempest roared and thrust again, instantly spewing cum inside her lover. They coated each other in juices, glorious love shared between them. Twilight screamed as her stomach began to bloat. She felt her stomach. “Come on! Take it! You're going to have my children!” “Yes! Make me a mother…” Twilight's throat wore down. Tempest slumped against the wall. “This was great." “So were you,” Twilight grinned. “Can you put me down?” “You want out of my arms? I'm hurt.” “The dress pieces are riding up.” They settled into a new routine. Every minute was seemingly marked with some erotic idea, now that they had such modern equipment. They put on outfits just to undress each other. The house magically repaired their outfits, and it made it easy to play over and over. One morning, Tempest woke up to a flicking on her neck. She turned over to see Twilight grinning at her. "Your princess demands that you service her." "My, aren't we bold, today?" Tempest crawled up and put her hands on Twilight's shoulders, rubbing the place between her shoulders and her neck. She stuck her tongue in her snatch. Twilight held her head there, "Yes! Yes…!" They exploded over one another and were up in seconds. They went downstairs for one of their latest kinks. Tempest got a huge bowl out of a cabinet. She jerked herself off. A huge gout of white goo filled up the bowl. Both of them moaned as they pressed their nipples and poured the milk into the bowl. They mixed them together, then poured them out into a large glass with a pair of straws. They smiled at each other as they drank from the same glass. “This is great,” Twilight said. “Mmm… almost as good as getting it direct from the source,” Tempest sneered, leering at Twilight's tits. Twilight rolled her eyes playfully and leaned back. Her breasts bounced a bit as she moved. Twilight paused, “Tempest…with all this equipment…I was wondering… Maybe we should have some fun. Some role-play. Perhaps…what’s that story, Beauty…” “Beauty and the temptress more like,” Tempest said with a sly grin, “I think we can do that. Though perhaps without the first half. Just the ballroom, I take it?” “Yes! Exactly.” That evening, after setting up the main room, Twilight and Tempest split off to either side of the main stairway. They each found automatic walk-in closets. "What to wear, what to wear…" Twilight mumbled. There was a hum of magical energy. Arms suddenly came out of the walls. They took her gently by the wrists and ankles and brought her to the center of the pad in the center of the closet. It was as if she had a dozen attendants. It felt so nice. First, they stripped her, gently removing her shirt and her skirt. She found herself surrounded by mirrors. She could see herself now, her arms pointed out to either side. Her long purple hair hung down to the small of her back. She took in once again her new body. Her large breasts, her sleek and lithe form, her muscles under her purple skin. She was a head taller than she had been so many days ago. She gave a bit of a wiggle of her wide hips and thin waist. No wonder Tempest likes this. She certainly has a type. Powerful yet different. I wonder if she had a crush on Princess Celestia… Then, a shower began. Less of a downpour and more of a mist. She was instantly drenched. She tried to lift her hair out of her eyes, only for her wrists to be restrained again. Her long, beautiful, and tidy hair was lifted without tangling or upsetting itself. Arms with sponges ran themselves up and down her body, roughly pushing against her. "Aah!" She cried out, feeling her skin shimmer in ecstasy. She felt sponges running up and down her sides and giggled as they crossed her belly. The machinery seemed to take the most erotic maneuvers possible. She gasped as one slid down from her vagina up her rear to the base of her spine. Then more rubbed her breasts together as a third ran between them. She struggled in their grip as they took her into a seating position. She felt herself immersed in liquid and opened her eyes to find herself in the hot tub, with foamy bubbles. Gently the arms pushed her down, setting both her limbs out to either side, and made her lean back. They draped her hair over a rack which she rested her head against. Arms rubbed her all over as they went to work styling her hair. Her hair was like that of a goddess. It didn't flow like the one she had worshiped all her life, but in the material it was identical. They did her hair slowly and carefully, combing it, massaging it, grooming it. They put her through a bath. Her body was massaged, her hair carefully spread out, combed, and conditioned. She was naked and it felt so good. "Mm," She moaned. Her hair was tied up carefully in a bun. A single large needle was put in place to hold the entire thing together. Soon, her arms were pulled up tightly against one another, leaving her dangling above a hole in the dais. It opened and a dress was pulled onto her. Slowly it slid up, up, up, over her wide hips, over her belly, and up to her breasts. Then it stopped. "Is there a glitch…?" She wondered aloud, then yelped as it tightened near the top. She looked behind her, "A bow?" Sure enough, there was a massive bow being tied around her waist. The mirrors returned, and she gasped. She wore a strapless dress. It supported her breasts, showing a vast valley of cleavage, and went no higher. Her shoulders and arms were completely bare. Everything from the small of her back on upwards was bare. A nice bow above her waist and rear completed the ensemble, as Rarity would say. Her hair was tied back in a bun. She looked herself over in the mirror, and nodding with approval, stepped out of her room. She gasped with shock at seeing her partner. Tempest's hair was combed down to one side. She had a nice tie and a sharp black suit. It was loose around her body, concealing her muscles, but just tight enough to show off her massive frame. She stood tall and proud, ever the part of the military commander. She inhaled sharply on seeing Tempest. The officer's purple face reddened and she coughed into her fist. Twilight smiled, and extended an arm, "Commander?" Tempest nearly squeaked. She coughed again, "My lady." They walked down the stairs together. The ballroom was empty, but there was no sense of loneliness. There was a sound on the edge of their hearing, and a sort of muffled vibe to the atmosphere. It was as if there were dozens of people just out of sight, but who had cleared the floor for the lovers to dance. As soon as their feet touched the floor, music began. The pair looked at a phonograph they had set up for this purpose. Violins and string instruments began to play, with the occasional crash of drums. Twilight's horn lit up. "You can sense it too, right?" Tempest furrowed her brow, "It seems the house does more than just clean up. It even picked a correct song." Twilight looked up at her. "You didn't know that? I was surprised by the music, but the house helped me get dressed!" Tempest looked surprised, "I did this myself!" Twilight smirked, "Well, I like it." She wrapped her arms around Tempest's neck, at arm's length. Tempest put her hands on her waist. Both mares flushed like crazy. The music was a classic Equestrian ballroom dance. They waltzed through the ballroom together. Twilight's dress swirled around her. Her hands stroked Tempest's suit, feeling the warm fabric. Tempest lifted her arms. She ran her hands up and down Twilight's bare biceps and bare shoulders. She stroked the princess' bare back, making her shiver. Twilight reached up and stroked her hair, and Tempest smiled. "My hair hasn't been the same. It feels so strange." "I know what you mean," Twilight said, "You've felt mine. I feel like I got a treatment from whoever does Rarity's hair." "Well, you've got more to work with," Tempest said. She leaned her head in, "I think you look better with your hair tied up." "Only because you like to take it down," Twilight teased. They moved around the room, simply dancing together. The music rose and fell. They could hear whistles and violins. The 1812 Hoofature was a wondrous piece, equal parts beauty, and violence, with their use of cannons as percussion instruments. Tempest picked up and twirled the princess as the dance required, and Twilight took the lead as determined by the next step. She dipped the larger mare, then brought them around to hold her at arm's length. Tempest yanked her close, clasping their hands together with their fingers interlocked. They put their other hands on one another's waists. "Nice work," Tempest said. "It's funny, I've never really danced like this before," Twilight said. "You could've fooled me," Tempest replied. Twilight blushed, "Well, I did read about how to do it." "Of course you did." Twilight was about to bluster something, then looked down at their feet. She gave her lover a knowing glance, "So did you." They continued their dance. It was like no one else in the world existed. More than usual, that is. They were within their own sphere of love and affection. There was more than lust in their eyes, and deep down they both knew it. The music went low, a sweet sound tinged by horns that made it feel like they were traveling the countryside. "This is nice." "We've got to do this when we get home. The Grand Galloping Gala may be terrible but we could certainly dance." "And how do you know about the gala?" Twilight asked. Tempest smirked, "I've been through my fair share of galas. I know when one is of poor quality." Twilight laughed. “It’s funny, I never expected this." She blinked then hurriedly added, "Our bodies have been completely changed, and I feel…so good.” “That helps when you’re being mind-controlled.” “If you think you’re being mind controlled…perhaps you’re not?” Twilight asked. They froze in their waltz, still looking into each other’s eyes. A bright crimson began to glow on both of their faces. “No, obviously…” “Of course we’re…” “Otherwise we wouldn’t be…” Their mumblings trailed off as they quickly stepped back into time with the music. The music was building. The violins were getting louder, drums were lightly pounding. "Here we go," Tempest said. They spun around as the music got louder, more frantic. They spun and twirled, Tempest lifting her mare into the air and bringing her down again. Then, the legendary percussion began. A thunderous thoom filled the hall, followed by two more. They swung back and forth as the horns and trumpets blared happily. Then the final percussion began. Thoom. Twilight swung her partner around. Thoom. Tempest lifted her into the air and rotated. Thoom. She dipped her low. Thoom. Tempest kissed her. Thoom. Twilight kissed her back, wrapping her arms around her neck. “How about we skip to the end?” Tempest breathed. Twilight nodded. Tempest lowered her to the ground. She forced her dress down, heedless of the snapping sounds. She ripped the front of the dress open and draped it across the floor. Twilight arched her back in anticipation, laying back. Tempest sat back on her haunches and unzipped her pants. She yanked out her belt and tossed it aside. She pushed her pants, boxers, and everything down. She yanked off her boots and threw everything aside, or used it as a cushion. Twilight gave a ragged exhale as Tempest massaged her breasts, making milk spill out of them as usual. She glanced down and tittered a tiny bit. Tempest looked down and realized there were two dark stains on either side of her chest. Tempest growled then grabbed her collar. She ripped the jacket open, then her vest, then her undershirt. She bared her purple chest, letting either side of her shirt dangle. She leaned in and forced her breast into Twilight's mouth. She suckled, feeling energized as she pulled the fluid from Tempest's body. Tempest moved back down and kissed her. Twilight pushed her tongue up, forcing her own milk back into Tempest's mouth. It was a unique flavor, not as good as Twilight's, but good enough. As they made out, their hands roamed one another's bodies. Tempest felt her love's bountiful curves and voluptuous hips, Twilight enjoyed her muscular sides and smooth rear. Despite her muscles, Tempest felt so soft at times. She was so smooth yet firm to the touch, her skin stretched over magically enhanced muscles, a body recreated for strength and endurance, an Amazonian goddess. She towered over Twilight yet made her feel so safe. She had those piercing eyes, that distinct scar even in her new body, and hair that lit up the night. The imperfections of her horn only added to her beauty. Twilight wondered why she hadn't seen it before. Then, her hands fell on Tempest's member. Twilight held it in her palm, feeling the ridges, and the head at the bottom of her hand. It was enormous. Tempest opened one eye. Their tongues didn't separate but she reached down to Twilight's hand. She felt the smooth contours of her librarian's hands. They weren't smooth as she expected of a princess, they were modestly tough. A mare who earned her place in the world. Her thoughts vanished into ecstasy as the impatient princess guided her member inside. The next song seemed to mirror their love. Horns blew as Tempest leaned back, putting her hand on Twilight's shoulders and pulling her against her. The force lifted Twilight's generous rear, and she let out an "Oh!" Tempest pulled out, then thrust again, "Ngh!" Twilight's toes curled, her knees bent to either side. She could feel herself leaking all over the remains of her dress. She felt moisture leaking from Tempest's member. Tempest thrust again, and again, as they fell into the new dance. It was an indescribable itch only satiated by contact, that only grew worse the instant a thrust completed. "Oh, yes…" Tempest hissed. Their motions grew more frantic, more energized, almost keeping in time with the music. They gasped and wheezed, their hips rolling into one another like cymbals. Horns and percussion timed with Twilight's orgasm. And her next one. Then she felt it, deep inside. "Twilight, Twilight…" Tempest moaned. Then she exploded. Gushes of white-hot fluid fed into Twilight. She clung to Tempest as she was filled, each thrust and burst like a shotgun inside her. Both felt her stomach inflating, her womb filling up with cum. They embraced one another as they came down. A little glow and tingle of magic signaled Twilight's stomach to absorb the cum and return to normal. Twilight felt her belly, still with Tempest's member safely within her. She furrowed her brow. Tempest hoisted the naked mare into her arms, then let one arm dangle by her side. Twilight was forced to hold herself up by holding onto Tempest's neck. She groaned as Tempest's member moved around inside her. She sneered predatorily at her. "I'm gonna see how much cum I can cram into you. After I'm the perfect gentleman of course.” She laid her down on the bed and slid out. Her hand slid along Twilight's pussy. Her middle finger opened her gash and four fingers slipped inside. Twilight threw her head back, as Tempest went down on her. XXXXX The next day, they went about their usual morning activities and decided to get dressed. There was a bit of a breeze outside. Twilight wore a skirt and a tank top. Tempest wore a t-shirt tied across her breasts and a miniskirt. After breakfast, Tempest went to read on the balcony. It wasn't long before Twilight plucked the book out of her hands and ripped the bra open. She casually ripped the tank top with a finger as she straddled Tempest. "The savage look fits you better." "It fits you, my darling." "No, that's you." Twilight flipped up her skirt a bit, revealing no panties, and speared herself on her lover. She slowly slid down with a sigh of pleasure. Tempest groaned and pulled off Twilight's skirt. She held her hips and began to thrust upward. A lance of pleasure went through her pelvis, growing with every push. Twilight put her hands on Tempest's shoulders, grunting as she bounced against her marefriend's hips. “Oh…oh…oh!” Tempest threw her head back. With every thrust, she sent cum into Twilight. They lay back in the lawn chair. Tempest stroked Twilight's hair. The princess sighed happily as she laid her hands across her lover's chest, and her head on her shoulder. “Mm, I was thinking today we should go and get our stuff from the woods.” Tempest looked down at her. “that sounds like a good idea. We left a lot of gear out there.” They had to get their gear from their shelter. They gathered up some jungle clothes they found in the house. Tempest had shorts that went to her knees, and a tank top. Twilight took a jungle-weight jacket, a dark skirt, and a pair of leggings. As they passed through the trees, something happened. There were hissing and whirling sounds, too fast to track. Twilight threw up her hands, and her clothes suddenly felt a lot more breezing. Suddenly, their jungle clothes had been cut down to size, and transformed to bikinis that barely covered anything. Twilight’s hands leaped up to cover herself, “Whoa!” “It seems the island doesn’t like us wearing clothes,” Tempest said with an amused smirk at Twilight’s reaction. She looked down at her skimpy outfit and shrugged. She ripped off her shredded panties and her bra, leaving her naked body visible once again. “How can you blush?” Tempest asked as Twilight went beet red. “We’ve been living like this for weeks.” Twilight flushed more, “I…I…” “Oh…did I find another kink in the fair princess?” Tempest asked. She put a sway into her hips as she approached, swinging her arms gently like she was on a runway. Twilight looked up as she stopped in front of her. She touched Twilight’s chin, “Well, it’s going to have to wait a bit.” “Eh!” Twilight squeaked in despair as Tempest smirked, and turned away. They made it to their former base. Even as Tempest lifted a box, Twilight cast a spell to transport their belongings without having to carry them. She sighed in exasperation, but shrugged, “Well, one fewer moment for you to admire the view.” “Ah!” Twilight yelped, as Tempest walked past and groped her rear playfully. "I think I liked it better when we were naked all the time." “It did have its moments,” Twilight admitted. "Wow, first bad weather since we got here. Aside from the rain of course." “Let’s use that cave over there until the rain stops,” Twilight pointed. Tempest peered into the gloom, “Use it for what?” She winked. “Anything you wish,” Twilight said, flirting back. They put Twilight’s clothes up to dry on some branches in the shelter of the tree. Twilight climbed into it while Tempest arranged the bikini to dry. “Whoa!” “Twilight!” Tempest dove into the grotto, and was met face-first with the grotto’s secret; it was filled waist-deep with mud. On their old bodies, it would be even deeper. On Tempest, it just came halfway up to her wide shapely rear. "Oh, this feels so good on the skin!" Twilight said, "And its so warm…" "It must be heated from the same source as the other ones," Tempest said, checking around for animals. She realized Twilight’s eyes were on her. “Well, well, well, looks like we’re caught in here.” Twilight worked a sway of her hips, imitating Tempest. She walked up to her through the boggy muck and kissed her. She forced her tongue into Tempest’s mouth, and the larger mare held her close. Their tongues dueled for supremacy until Twilight felt her marefriend’s member hardening against her thigh. It didn’t take much. Too horny to care, Twilight bent down, neck deep in the mud, and licked her lips. Her jaw opened and she went down on Tempest’s cock only to find it…”Chocolate?” Tempest looked down, “What?” Twilight licked the mud again, “It’s chocolate! We’re waist-deep in chocolate!” Tempest channeled energy into her horn, “There’s a sanitation spell in here.” "And…something else…" Twilight mumbled. Tempest leaned back on the inclined plane as Twilight crawled on top of her. Despite how thick and rich the goop was, it didn’t stick to their hair, but it clung to their bodies like no one's business. She suckled at her nipples. Tempest felt her boner rising up out of the chocolate and massaged Twilight's rear. Twilight sucked on Tempest's breasts before a sweet taste filled her mouth. Sweeter than any milk so far. She leaned back and gasped. Tempest looked down and sat up. Whatever was coming out of her was brown. Twilight stabbed at it with a finger then sipped it again. "This is chocolate too!" Tempest looked down and squeezed Twilight's nipples. A river of hot chocolate spilled out to join the rivulets at her waist. "Oh Celestia…" "I'm lactating hot chocolate!" Twilight squeezed her marefriend's more modest bust. Tempest inhaled sharply, as dark fluid squirted out across Twilight's face and chest. "So am I!" "I love hot chocolate!" Tempest held Twilight's head as the smaller mare leaned forward. Rivulets of milk poured down her face. Twilight slithered up and kissed Tempest, forcing her tongue inside. They shared Tempest's milky hot chocolate between them. The implications of these changes vanished from their minds. The hot wet delicious fluid poured out of their bodies as a river, joining the chocolate below. They were soon coated in the stuff. Twilight ran her hands up and down Tempest's flanks, rubbing chocolate across them. She leaned back onto the bank, helped up by Tempest's eager hands. She felt up her backside, squeezing the bubbly flesh. Their muscular bodies moved back and forth, an erotic dance they'd done dozens of times and counting. Tempest's hand ran up and down her erection. Twilight grabbed it and started giving her a handjob. Tempest groaned, and shoved her hands aside, "Move, I'm gonna…" "Ooh, so soon?" Twilight tittered and batted her large paws aside. "Mmph!" She pulled on Tempest's waist and impaled herself on her. They rocked back and forth, at a much higher tempo than usual. Tempest's eyes widened. She pulled out, intent on going for one massive push. Twilight squealed gently in annoyance. "Errgh!" Both squeezed their eyes shut. Her massive bolts of cum coated Twilight with the force of cannonballs. "S…sorry…" Tempest mumbled. The cum-coated white-stained alicorn wiped her eyes free, "We gotta learn to pace ourselves!" Tempest rolled her eyes, "You're not the one toting this thing around." Twilight smirked, "Don't blame it on your equipment. You're the one who can't keep it in your pants." Tempest reached down and felt the liquid sliding out of her marefriend. She simply raised her eyebrow. As they got outside, they realized Twilight's clothes were missing. Again. Twilight looked into the chocolate hollow. Her horn glowed. “Discord, this has to be his fault.” Tempest frowned. “Twi, I don’t know. This doesn’t seem like him. Mind controlling lovers? Even that’s a little far for him. He’s a bastard, but he at least gets consent for certain things.” “But it’s chaos magic!” Twilight gestured. “I can feel it!” Tempest nodded. She directed her magic field at the hollow. “There's definitely a signature in there that matches him.” “Maybe it's an old experiment, maybe it's something else. I don't know. The point is, this has to be his fault!” Twilight squeezed her nipples for emphasis. She blinked and realized milk was coming out again. Ordinary white milk. "Huh…" Tempest muttered. "Well, good to know." “Yeah.” Tempest nodded and looked around again. “So someone used Discord's chaos magic to build this island, or at least change it,” Twilight said. “So why would it give us all these clothes if it was going to tear them up?” Tempest asked. “It may have something to do with intent. The machines can dress us up after all...” She trailed off. Tempest looked at her. Her boner was back. They walked back to their base naked, covered in mud and chocolate, and a lot of their own fluids. They brought their equipment back, now with all the comforts of home. They showered and headed to bed. Neither noticed a blue streak far off in the distance, under the moon.