> Fallen Star > by WingedGreatness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Search > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The map had never called all of them before. The first to be called had been Twilight and Rarity. The two of them faced with a quarrelling set of twins. Two pegasi that wanted to go separate paths in life but didn't want to actually leave each other. The second had been Pinkie and Rainbow Dash to Griffonstone. Where nothing but anger rotted in the streets. Followed by Applejack and Rarity in Manehatten, Fluttershy and Twilight in the Smokey Mountains. The map had even called a trio, a strange mashup of Spike, Fluttershy, and Rainbow to the deep wilds. Where they met up with creatures called the frogmen who looked like regular frogs that stood taller than ponies and walked on two legs. But never had all of their cutie marks hovered over a location on the expansive map. A place they had never heard of, buried deep within the countryside around various cities they had only dreamed of visiting. It had twisting trees of crystal leaves and a small river that seemed to glow. Twilight had scoured the books for the name and came up with nothing. A friendship problem was a friendship problem however and as Rainbow had said, they had no doubt faced worse than whatever this place held. So they had all packed their saddlebags and started on their journey. Taking the train for most of the journey and winding up walking the rest. Pinkie starting up a game of eye-spy that Fluttershy won. Being the only one to spy the rainbow furred squirrel like creature darting through the underbrush. It didn't take them long to spot the area. But unlike the map, it wasn't just a beautiful untamed wilderness in the middle of the grassland. It was fenced in, warnings posted all over with moss and vines intertwined in the cracks as though it hadn't been touched in years. The rust on it indicated the fence may have been there for decades. Maybe even centuries. The intricate drawings telling a story that had faded with time and overcome with graffiti. "Whoever drew this one...certainly had intimate details in regards to colts." Rarity muttered, her face twisted in disgust as she pushed back the heavy moss to hide the spray paint once more. Rainbow bursting into a laugh behind her. Applejack shook her head, rolling her eyes as she kept walking. Scanning every inch of the area for some sort of clue. "Where's the gate? Every fence has to have a gate or there ain't a point." "Unless of course, they want to keep something in." Fluttershy noted, ducking her head down with a soft whimper. "What...what if they're hiding a monster?" "Nonsense darling, if they were it certainly wouldn't have survived this long." "Tell that to the timberwolves of Everfree." They all exchanged looks, save for Twilight. The alicorn still stood in front of the one warning sign. The largest, obnoxiously bright yellow sign. Some of them were older and still etched in Olde Ponish, the wood rotted with the rain but the one she stared at was modern. Had to have been added within at least a decade. It warned of uncontrollable weather, just like Everfree, and magic that flowed through in a gaseous form. Stars patterns warped and changed, making mapping almost impossible and the ground gave way to intricate caves. It was such a strange warning. Everfree was terrifying, yes, but it wasn't so much so that they felt a need to ward it off. Putting up fences seemed like such an extreme measure. She dug a hoof down into the soft blue-green grass, humming in thought. "I FOUND AN ENTRANCE!" Pinkie's scream made all of them jump, whirling around to look in the direction of the pony. Her hair covered in a myriad of dirt and twigs. Her hooves five times as dirty. She pointed to a hole she had dug underneath the fence, less of a finding and more of a self-made entrance. Rarity immediately sputtered in horror, stumbling back away from it. "PINKIE! ARE YOU SERIOUS?! I just got my mane done!!!" "Before a friendship quest? Why in the blue blazes would ya do something like that?!" "I wanted to look my best! Make a good first impression! You know as well as I do, Aj, that first impressions can make all the difference to those in need! If we show up to a poor pony as swampy as a kelpie, whatever would that say?!" Twilight rolled her eyes slightly, though she smiled. Ignoring the bickering as she gladly took Pinkie's route in. Not afraid to get dirty for the sake of friendship even if it was a tight squeeze for her wings. Once out on the other side and able to see clearly where she would be teleporting them, safe of any danger, she let her magic bring the rest over. Rarity breathing a sigh of relief the moment she realized she didn't have to crawl. The area was just as beautiful as it was on the map, save for the looming walls of the fence. The trees glittering in the low afternoon sun and the river filled with gorgeous and colorful smooth rocks. The grass was high and tickled their flanks but it felt cool and fresh to the touch. As if it had never gone a day without rain before. Pinkie bounced through it, jumping up high enough to see ahead of them and Applejack retrieved a machete from her bag to cut away the grass as she followed. Leaving room for everyone but Rainbow who chose to fly. "See anything?" Twilight called after a bit into their journey. "Nope!" "Nah." "Surely there must be someone living here," Rarity muttered. "We can't have a friendship problem without a friendship!" "Maybe it's the woodland creatures?" Fluttershy sounded hopeful, her confidence coming back bit by bit as she smiled at the nature around her. "Oh I hope it involves bunnies. Wouldn't that be wonderful?" "What kind of friendship problems could bunnies have?! They're bunnies!" "Oh lots of them, Rainbow, sometimes bunny politics can get very aggressive." "I SEE SOMETHING, I SEE SOMETHING!" Pinkie yelled, wasting no time in running towards it. Rainbow quickly following after her with a yell to wait up. The two disappeared from view and all Applejack could do to follow was listen for Pinkie's bouncing. Eventually the grass cleared on its own, or rather it was trampled down as though roves of animals took this path normally. The edge of the river within sight, leading into a small pond that had cattails as tall as them. A tree with branches looming over its center dripping with dew. The group spotted quickly what Pinkie had seen. A cabin that had seen better days. Run down from the weather and nature reclaiming it. And then another, and another. A whole village that was abandoned ages ago sprouting up around the lake. Applejack put the machete back in her bag. "What in tarnation..." She muttered, warily glancing around. "Why board up a whole village? This place looks like it's part of history, you would think someone would wanna protect it or something." "Or at least modernize it." Rarity huffed, gently dusting off some of the leaves that covered a well. The rocks crumbling down and the bucket cast aside nearby. "It could be quite quaint, if it only had a bit of love. Vintage is always in style." "Well the forest here seems to be like Everfree," Fluttershy reminded them. Lifting off the ground briefly with her wings to get to gazebo on the other side of an upturned wagon. Smiling at the flowers that grew all over it. "It might be hard for anypony to live here." "Still, seems a shame to let it go to waste." Twilight was still looking around, spotting Pinkie and Rainbow exploring deeper into the village. Her eyes scanning over every house. Some things...seemed off. Like how the stone walls, which were typically built to last, crumbled with large holes in them. How the doors seemed to be blown off their hinges and the windows shattered. Everything was damaged from the inside out, rather than the outside in. She stumbled a bit when her hoof caught on a root and she caught herself with both of her front legs. Briefly forgetting she had wings which almost made her laugh. At least until she saw where her hooves had landed, her eyes widening. There, imprinted into the soft dirt, were hoofprints. She lifted one of her own legs, hovering her hoof over the print. It had no shoe, so it certainly wasn't Rarity's. It had no chips of the hard working Applejack or the dainty curve of Fluttershy's. Her own was swamped in size compared to it. Rainbow hadn't touched the ground since they arrived and Pinkie's tended to make heavier indents when she bounced. But there was something familiar in the way it was shaped. Similar to her own save for the size of it. With how the back of it hiked up just slightly with extra height. Either way, someone else was here. This was surefire proof of it. And whoever lived here was here recently. Maybe within an hour or two. Twilight called out to her friends and they all quickly converged to the area she was at. Following her gaze and a few of them gasping in realization. Their eyes trailed up, following where the prints led. A trail that zigzagged through the village with ease, showing the pony had memorized the way to get about. Curving in a perfect manner around obstacles and no hesitation in their stride. They began to follow the trail, Rainbow taking the lead now and her face scrunched up in a fierce look. Ready to face whatever may lie ahead. Soon the grass began to grow again, save for the path the pony had made, and their sides tickled as they swam through it. Stones soon clicking underneath them and the woodland changing into a more rocky expanse. No homes greeted them the further they went in, the village ending and the wilds fully taking over once more. Then, the trail ended at the mouth of a cave. Fluttershy squeaking loudly and hiding behind Applejack at the sight of it. A large dark abyss with stalactites hanging down like razor sharp teeth. "It's just a cave, sugarcube. Don't you worry now. I bet there's plenty of cute bats waiting for us in there." "And perhaps a few rare gems!" "...and gems for Rarity, I guess." Twilight's horn lit up, providing enough light as they stepped through. Rainbow lowering herself to the ground to protect from the jagged protrusions. It was a typical cave, not much to be seen and they quickly lost any sign of the pony's trail as the rock hardened beneath. Luckily for them however, the tunnels of the cave were easy to navigate. Few of them even there to begin with and what choices they had to make led to dead ends or similar. The largest of them being their main guide. Every noise they made echoed around them and Pinkie's occasional giggle as she found a funny looking rock just seemed to up the creepy atmosphere. "Are...are cave ponies a thing?" Aj whispered at some point, her voice sounding twice as loud. "I can't imagine why anypony besides Pinkie's sister would WANT to live in a cave." "Well, it is pretty cool." "Was that a pun, Rainbow?" They exchanged smiles, letting out a bit of laughter. Their worries lessening some and their heads lifting higher in confidence. The age old lesson, laugh at what scares you. Giggle at the ghostie. Pinkie even humming some of the song now. Something in the distance reflected the light of Twilight's magic and she stopped dead in her tracks. Prepared to go on the attack as a few of her friends tensed behind her. Then Rarity let out a squeal and ran ahead. Her own horn lighting up to show that the object doing just that was a wall of glittering opal. Her hooves gently stroking across the beautiful stone as she admired every inch of it. "Look at it! Queen's Opal! Fully intact, I've never seen them this large before! Is this entire wall made of it?! Quick, someone get me a pickaxe! Applejack!" "What makes you think I got one?" "You're Applejack!" The earth pony sighed softly, reaching into her bag to grab the item. Making her way over towards Rarity and the unicorn immediately set to work to carefully excavate the opal. Twilight slipped past them, eyes widening as the tunnel opened up further to more glittering gems. She felt someone come up beside her, realizing belatedly it was Fluttershy who fluttered her wings slightly. "...I think we know why someone would want to live in a cave now." Twilight smiled and her friend smiled back. "It's beautiful." "It really is." Twilight took a few more steps forward. Her steps echoing around the cavern as she started heading towards the back. Where the jewels parted to a doorway like shape. Only pausing when she felt a sudden change in the flooring and she looked down, surprised to find a moldy cloth underneath. Damp and now that she got a good whiff of it, smelling awful as if it had never been washed. She ducked her head down, wings tensing and lighting up her horn a bit brighter. Preparing to use magic just in case. Every step met more cloths, more objects scattered about. Looking as though someone had raided the village for any supplies. Upturned boxes with jars shattered or opened, moldy food that left an awful stench. Stuffed dolls that were torn and parts hastily sewn back together. Lanterns, outdated technology struggled to burn their oils and books piled in a corner. Portraits leaned against the wall with slash marks through them, burned slightly. And in the back was a bed. Dipped in the middle as though someone had laid in it for years but it was just as ruined as everything else. Whoever slept in it seemed to have tried to take care of it for a while but ultimately failed. Someone did live here. Twilight stepped over the cloth and her hoofed crunched down on something. Pausing as she lifted up the hoof again and peered down at a feather. A large pale pink feather. She used her magic to lift it up, turning it around in the air to study it. It looked like a pegasus feather, longer and thinner but certainly belonging to a pony. It was thin, brittle, unhealthy and it was recently molted. Maybe pulled free by force in a preening session? "TWILIGHT, RUN!" She dropped the feather, her magic sparking and the air flicked the lanterns around her. Whirling to call out to her friends as she faced the entrance. She's not expecting to be greeted by a pony, by a pony that was none of her friends. A pony so tall, that only Celestia could match them in height. A pale pink in color, a dull purple and blue mane that trembled like it wanted to flow. Light purple eyes that had bags underneath them and glared down at Twilight. The large long horn protruding through their bangs scraped the ceiling. And...at their sides, fully expanded to intimidate and make Twilight stumble back away from them were wings. She tripped over the cloths on the floor and fell back. Gasping and sputtering as she tried to find the words. Because in front of her was an...alicorn. A fully grown alicorn. > The Findings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight should probably be panicking like her friends were. Yelling and begging for the pony to release them but all she can do is stare at the magic binding them. She recognized this spell of course. It was a very complicated, hard to master spell. That solidified magical energy into an intricate chain like form. This pony, no, the alicorn, had managed to do it as an afterthought once they had gathered everyone into the room. A mere blink of the eye and it shimmered and thrummed around them, tightly holding them in place. "This won't hold us!" Aj was yelling and Rainbow as struggling, kicking her legs and trying to get her wings free from them pressed back to back. "You're messing with the princess of Friendship and her friends! She's an expert at magic, y'know!" Right, right, Twilight had magic. She raised her head up, going to charge the first spell she could think of. A teleportation one that would at least get them to the other side of the room. She had barely a moment to think about it when suddenly a golden ring was placed on her horn. Another quickly being put on Rarity's as well. Both of their magics fizzled and sputtered, sparks going nowhere and Twilight could feel every ounce of her magic be suppressed. As though someone was smothering it with a pillow. "TWILIGHT! RARITY!" The group screamed out in alarm. "Are you okay?!" Applejack asked further and Rarity shook her head violently, trying to get the ring off. "What is that?!" The earth pony turned her attention to the alicorn who sat across from them. Staring like they weren't holding them captive. "What did ya do to them?!" "It's a magic nullifier." Twilight says softly, her eyes never leaving the one on Rarity's horn. Able to make out the runes just slightly and the material it was made out of. "Starswirl had been attempting to master it..." She trailed off and then her eyes narrowed. "But he never succeeded and Celestia declared the magic to be too destructive to continue his research! Why would you have it?! Who completed it?!" The alicorn gave a slow blink. Their head tilting as their eyes narrow. A deep raspy cough escaping them a few times as they slowly stood. Now, as they moved closer, their ribs were visible. Showing that they hadn't had a proper meal in ages. The smell told them they hadn't had a proper bath either. They got closer and closer. Until their nose almost touched Twilight's and she leaned her head back slightly. "Thou knows of-" The alicorn spoke, their voice harsh from a lack of speaking but feminine in nature. They cut themselves off however, cleared their throat, and patted their hoof to their chest. "...you knows of...Starswirl." The words tumbled out like they didn't exactly know how to use them but had basic knowledge of language changing over the years. "You knows of magic." "Twilight loves magic! It's her favorite thing to learn about!" Pinkie piped up, still smiling despite their situation. One of her hooves somehow free from her binding which she just casually used to gesture with as she spoke. The alicorn straightened up a bit and then, with their head held high, looked over them. Inspecting their faces and their cutie marks. "Names?" "You first!" Rainbow bit back. The alicorn seemed to contemplate that. Her hoof pawing at the ground before she let loose a deep sigh. "Starlight...Glimmer?" She asked it, as if unsure of her own name. "Names." She repeated then, firmer. "...I've never heard of her..." Twilight muttered to herself before she lifted her head. "I am Princess Twilight Sparkle! Princess of Friendship. And these are my friends, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie." "Why hast thou-why hast...you...come forth? Here." "It's a bit of a long story but let's just say we're here on a bit of a quest. Where even is here though? Does this place have a name?" Starlight, which they were starting to assume was a female, stood there quietly. Tilting her head again and her wings briefly fluttered at her side. A nervous tic that Twilight knew she had started to do as she grew into her own wings. "Name has been lost." Starlight told them finally. "Forgotten. No importance as..." She huffed. "Only Starlight live here." The words slowly sunk into the group, who exchanged looks of concern. It winding up being Fluttershy who asked if they could be freed first. Extending that olive branch and reassuring Starlight that they meant no harm. That they hadn't meant to intrude on her home. The alicorn didn't seem to entirely trust them but she agreed, so long as Rarity and Twilight kept the nullifiers on. Soon the magical chains fell away and they were all free to stretch and stand. Applejack cracking her back and fixing her hat while Rainbow immediately shot up into the air as far as the cave would let her. Starlight watched her fly around with wary eyes. Twilight stepped up soon after the feeling returned to her wings and her friends flanked her sides. "Starlight Glimmer." She addressed and the alicorn looked to her. "My friends and I go around the world of Equestria, helping to solve friendship problems." She paused and Starlight stared down at her, not showing any reaction. "If you're the only pony here then...we may have been sent here to help you." The alicorn immediately snorted, the most emotion she's shown the entire time they were there. Her laugh more of a mix between an airy wheeze and a witch's cackle. Her wings flicked open and everyone flinched at the size of them. "No pony come for Starlight." She said simply. A tone of finality to her voice. "All pony leave." She then turned away, making her way back to her room and stepping over the fallen objects with ease. Not bothering to clean up. "Hey! We're talking to you!" "Rainbow!" Aj hissed through gritted teeth. "Now's not the time to be picking fights. I don't think our host here is the most agreeable." "She did just chain us up instead of saying hello!" Pinkie reminded, giggling. "But that might be a custom here! Maybe that's how friends say hello!" Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Come on Pinkie, this pony doesn't know the first thing about friends! Did you see how she reacted to us saying Twilight was the princess of friendship? Didn't even question it!" "I don't think she gets out much. Maybe she hasn't heard the news?" "Are we just ignoring the fact she's an alicorn?" Rarity cut in and all eyes turned to her. She huffed. "Really girls, I think that's our first issue here." She then looked to Twilight. "Have you ever heard of a 5th alicorn princess, Twilight?" Twilight shook her head. "No, the only alicorns I know of are Celestia, Luna, and Cadence!" "And yourself!" "...r-right, myself." Twilight couldn't help but smile at the reminder but that smile quickly turned back into a confused frown. "I would think somepony would've at least mentioned her once! No one would make an alicorn and then just...forget about them right?" "Welp! Time to go ask her how she got her wings!" Pinkie piped up, bouncing towards the room but Aj quickly grabbed her by her tail to stop her. Dragging her back and getting who knows what in her mane in the process. "Oh! Or horn! Princess Cadence got a horn instead of wings right?" "That ain't the issue we should address first, I reckon." Aj huffed, letting go once she was sure Pinkie wasn't going anywhere. She looked back at her friends. "I think maybe we should ease into the alicorn conversation." Fluttershy nodded. "She seems like she needs our help." "And a bath." Rarity gagged softly. "That poor dear must have the worst rat's nests in her mane! Goodness!" "We can get to know her. Maybe offer her some help and such. Get that room of hers all fixed up and see if she needs help outta here. Then maybe we ask her about how she ended up here. And y'know, a princess." They all shared a nod. "Alright girls," Twilight smiled. "Let's make a friend." That was easier said than done. Starlight had, as Aj liked to put it, the emotional receptiveness of a barn wall smeared in molasses. Staring blankly at them for the most part and answering any attempts to get to know her with short stunted answers. She didn't seem to have any hobbies, didn't even know her own age or what kind of things she liked. She didn't even know her favorite color and deemed it pretty unimportant much to Pinkie Pie's dismay. The only thing that seemed to make her slightly perk up was talk of magic. Though it was a brief change in her stoic behavior. Her eyes would light up with new vigor before quickly going dull again and her lips never twisted into a smile. They tried asking her for a tour of the cave at one point. She had responded by leading them a few steps out of her room, gesturing with one hoof, and simply saying "cave" before ending the tour. It felt like much of a lost cause. Even when they poked and prodded every angle they could. Growing frustration mounting up until Aj tore off her hat and slammed it to the ground with a yell. "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" She yelled, her voice echoing off the cavern walls. "DO YA LIKE ANYTHING?! ANYTHING AT ALL?! WOULD IT KILL YA TO SHOW EVEN A TINY BIT OF ENTHUSIASM?! IT'S LIKE YA NEVER TALKED TO A PONY EVER!" Twilight cringed, Rainbow nodding and Fluttershy quickly trying to apologize on the Earth pony's behalf. Rarity gently smacking her friend with a stern look. Trying to tell her just with her eyes that she crossed the line. Starlight sat there in her bed, quietly watching them before she stood again. Towering over them with her wings spread. She took a step closer and all of them collectively took a step back. "Surely thou fears me." She said, not bothering to modernize her language. "Would thee not? That in which the lamb come forth to dine alongside the lion?" Twilight's ears fall back, taking a step forward. "Starlight, why would we be afraid of you? Have...have ponies been afraid of you in the past?" Instead of answering, the alicorn's horn began to glow. Twilight blinked and she wasn't in the cave anymore. Instead...she floated in a blue bubble, a spinning in a slow circle above a gray pockmarked stone. The sky darker than it was when they entered the cave- No...that wasn't the sky of Equestria. Because Twilight was looking down at Equestria, a land in the middle of a beautiful planet. Looking smaller than ever in her place nestled on the moon itself. Her breath caught in her throat, the atmosphere thankfully preserved in the bubble and she didn't have to adjust to the sharp change. She kicked her hooves, causing herself to spin even faster in the bubble and when she flipped upside down she came face to face with Starlight. The alicorn stood outside on the moon as if nothing had changed. Staring at Twilight with these cold eyes that screamed distrust. And Twilight blinked again and she was back in that cave, her friends rushing towards her in a panic. Asking if she was alright as they checked over every inch of her. "What happened?! Are you okay?!" Twilight struggled to find her voice, still unable to tear her eyes away from Starlight's. The alicorn had just taken her to the moon and back. Without an ounce of straining on her part it seemed as she hadn't even broken a sweat. Stoic and calm as can be. She knew how much magical power it took to send one single pony to the moon. She had heard the tales from Celestia's own mouth as her mentor confided in her after Luna's return. Tears shed as she told of her days spent in bed after, the elements doing most of the work but still leaving her drained. She didn't want to say it, didn't want to admit it but...she was afraid. A pony this powerful was simply unheard of. A figment of their imaginations. Even with all of the princesses power combined, it felt like a fraction of what was happening here. This was big, bigger than all of them. Starlight huffed softly. "See? Thou art afraid." Twilight took a deep breath, stumbling forward on shaking legs. Coming close enough that she could offer out her hoof. "I am afraid." She finally said, biting back the bitterness of what that meant to her. "But I still want to be your friend." There's obvious hesitation in Starlight now. Who stares down at Twilight's hoof as if it was on fire. Looking between it and the purple alicorn's face in question. After what feels like forever, she takes a step back. "Why?" "Because everypony deserves a friend and...and I think you and I would get along!" Twilight smiled. "You seem to enjoy magic and that's one of my favorite things in the whole world! I think we'd have a lot to talk about and I want to get to know you more." She took a deep breath, "Please don't hide away here, Starlight. There's so much in this beautiful world for you to see." Fluttershy stepped forward, her wings fluttering. "So many magical creatures." "Lots of good food!" "You must simply try a spa, dear. It will do wonders for your complexion!" "Do you even know what wonderbolts are?! What about Daring Do?!" "WE CAN THROW A PARTY!" Pinkie flings her hooves up, confetti and balloons erupting around her. "A big welcome party! The biggest ever! Everypony at Ponyville would love to meet you!" Rainbow landed then, huffing. "...actually, when was the last time you even left this forest?" The strange alicorn tilted her head, looking between the other ponies before she glanced back at Twilight's hoof. Her eyes lingering on the nullifiers she had placed on their horns. Her own horn glowed briefly and she removed the rings, setting them nearby before she finally placed her own hoof atop of that offered one. Everyone seemed to relax immediately and Twilight opened her mouth to speak. Starlight cut her off however. "A trial." The alicorn said. "Test. If thou fails...if you fails..." She glanced between them once more and her ears laid back. Her wings fluttering and a single feather falling to the ground. The rest of her sentence needn't be said. "I promise you, we will not fail you." > The Beginning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of the very few things the alicorn owned, she only chose one thing to bring with her when the girls offered to help her pack. A journal, which had some sort of symbol on the front of it. Which she simply teleported to some unknown location and declared herself ready. Though ready may not have been the best word for it. The moment she stepped free of the cave, it was as if she was taking her first breath of fresh air in decades. Though her hoofprints were still fresh from the path she made back and forth in the village she looked about as if she had never seen anything like it. No shift in her expression, deadpan as ever, but her posture was more guarded. Her gaze drifted over plants with an expectation that they would attack her or something. It put the rest of the ponies in the group on edge as they retraced their steps back to the wall. Pinkie Pie had tried to make conversation along the way. Even started an argument with Rainbow Dash about the color of one of Rarity's dresses but the awkward tone remained heavy and hard to ignore. "You'll have to show us the way out of here," Aj pointed out as they got closer to the fence. "We couldn't find a gate or nothing." Starlight didn't falter in her poised manner of walking. Head held up high and footsteps light. However she did give the Earth pony a look that could be best described as condescending. "No such exit exists." "W-what?! Whattaya mean?! How did ponies get in and out of here then?!" "The barrier was erected by Starlight Glimmer." The alicorn stopped just in front of the fence. Her wings splaying out briefly before folding back at her sides. Though she spoke about herself in the third person it wasn't in a haughty manner. She wasn't proud of the fence. Twilight exchanged looks with her friends before she saddled up beside Starlight. Awkwardly clearing her throat. "Well, it is a lovely fence." The compliment was forced and made a few of the others groan. "But...why did you make it?" Starlight didn't answer, her ears flicking to show she was listening however. Twilight tried again, "Did you want to be left alone? You said ponies feared you but..." She trailed off, pawing at the grass with her hoof. "This is such a beautiful place, wouldn't you want to share it?" At that, the alicorn finally looked at her. An almost puzzled expression on her face before she glanced out over the land once more. "Thou finds beauty in such a land?" "Of course! I've never seen anything like it before!" It wasn't much but it was a conversation, finally! Something that got the alicorn a little more out of her shell. Twilight smiled as she gestured out at the nearby glistening river. "This looks right out of a fairytale!" "...it does not strike fear?" Twilight glanced back at her friends, confused and all Rainbow could do is shrug. The pegasus flying forward to hover in front of Starlight. "Uh...why would it? It's just a bunch of nature! Sure it's wild and all but we've faced worse! At least it isn't a changeling army!" "Or a shadow pony." Fluttershy muttered. "Or Discord!" The yellow pegasus shot Aj a look. Earning an apologetic smile back. "Sorry sugarcube, I know he's your friend now. But ya gotta admit, he was a hassle." Starlight watched the exchange, tilting her head slightly at their words. Then before any of them could ask any further questions she made her way over to the river. Placing one hoof in it and they all watched as the water began to change hue. They all gasped, some delighted at the beautiful color, but that noise quickly turned to shouts of alarm as the water began to crackle with electricity. The color shifting to the vibrant blue of Starlight's magic and the water churned like rapids. When she eventually lifted her hoof, it settled once more though now with a fading glow. "That was so...awesome!" Rainbow laughed, rushing forward. Almost daring to touch the water but not quite that brave. "How did you do that?! What spell was that?!" "Tis not a spell." Starlight huffed, rolling her eyes. "Tis excess." Twilight's stomach dropped in realization. Glancing around at the scenery once more and now noticing the glow on literally everything. Subtle for the most part, blink and you miss it kind of deal, but once you concentrated...it was everywhere. The glittering leaves, the glowing river, the grass that grew so high. Everything around them was charged with magic. "...you've been using the world as a battery." Starlight tilted her head. "A battery is unknown to us." Right, Starlight hadn't been outside in a really long time. Twilight gave an apologetic smile. "When you have too much magic built up, you put it in the ground don't you?" The other alicorn nodded. "That can happen?" Rarity asked and Twilight nodded to her. "Darling, I've never seen you do that." "I use a lot of spells, so my magic doesn't normally build up. Most ponies use enough in their daily routines to be able to release it naturally." She brought up one hoof to her mouth, gently tapping it in thought. "I guess if Princess Celestia and Princess Luna didn't raise the sun and moon too, they would experience something similar." She looked back at Starlight, frowning. It made sense that the powerful alicorn was generating a lot of magic and not using it. There wasn't really anything to do around here. So Starlight must've just been waiting until she couldn't take it anymore and then releasing it all into the ground. It sounded so lonely... And she had seemed so interested in magic when it was brought up so surely she must've loved to do spells regardless. How long had she been practicing random spells before she gave up? Twilight shook her head of her thoughts, focusing back on the here and now. She couldn't change the past but she could build a better future. "Well, we'll have plenty for you to use your magic on now Starlight!" She turned back to the wall and prepared a teleportation spell. "Wait until you see all of the advancements we've made! There's so much more to learn!" Before she could finish the spell however, they were suddenly on the other side of the wall. It startled her enough that her magic crackled around her horn and her feathers puffed up in surprise. Glancing back at the other alicorn who hadn't even blinked when she teleported all of them. She didn't even need to see the other side of the wall to do it either! It was going to take a really long time for Twilight to get used to just how powerful Starlight really was. "Let's head to the train station! And then, Canterlot!" "No!" Rarity's protest made them all pause. Looking to her as the unicorn actually looked flabbergasted at their surprise. "Girls, I must insist! We must make a stop at Ponyville first! I cannot have Starlight meet Princess Celestia looking like...this!" She gestured dramatically to Starlight who merely stared down at her with that same blank expression. "Split ends! Chipped hooves! When was the last time she had a proper bath?! No I won't stand for it! She deserves to look her best meeting the Princess!" "I hate to agree with Rarity-" "Applejack!" "-but she has a point." One pitstop then and then they'll meet with the princesses! That was the plan at least. But Twilight had quickly forgotten that Starlight was a bit outdated compared to the rest of them. The walk to the train station had been uneventful. A few attempts to get Starlight to talk again but she brushed off each conversation with silence. Merely looking at their surroundings. They tried to tell her stories about Ponyville and their own friendship quests but none of them were entirely sure she was listening. It was when the station and subsequently the tracks came into view that Twilight was oh so reminded that of the issue at hand. Starlight stopped dead in the middle of walking, eyes widening slightly and they all paused to look back at her. Her eyes then narrowed and her wings puffed up. Ears laying back as she took on a more guarded stance. Nearly hissing like a changeling and glaring down at the tracks they were walking alongside. "What has become of these rocks?!" "She's older than trains?!" Rainbow yelled, throwing her hooves in the air. "How can she be older than trains?! Weren't they invented centuries ago?!" Aj rolled her eyes. "Now, this don't mean she's older than them. Just means she hasn't seen any. She lived in that village and never left it! There weren't any trains there that we saw." Fluttershy took a few cautious steps forward. Startling as Starlight flared her wings out in a threat to stay away. "Oh-um...Starlight? These...these won't hurt you." She tried to explain and even reached out a hoof to tap the sleeper closest to her. "They're just..." She trailed off, trying to think of a comparison. "Paths!" She smiled, a wide nervous smile as Starlight looked to her skeptically. "They're paths for a big moving house that will take us back home!" "A super fun moving house!" Pinkie added as she jumped back and forth over the railroad. "You get to meet all sorts of ponies on a train and there's really good snacks! Oh, oh! You'll have to try an éclair!" "Pinkie, she needs real food first!" "What?! But an éclair is a real food! A really really real good food!" Starlight reached out a hoof, touching the same spot that Fluttershy had. Drawing back her leg almost immediately like it had been burned before she repeated the process. Eventually working up the courage to jump over it just like Pinkie. Once on the other side, her eyes narrowed. "Tis indeed a path." She lifted her head then to look at the other ponies. "A moving house?" Pinkie landed on her side of the tracks, reaching up without a care for personal space and wrapping a leg around Starlight's neck. Drawing her down more to her level and pointing with the other down the tracks. "Yep and here it comes!" The train blew the whistle shortly after her words. And Starlight immediately lit up her horn, charging a laser beam that had all of them scrambling and yelling for her to stop. "Tis a beast!" "No! No! It's a machine! A machine!" By the time they convinced her to get on said "beast", the entire group was exhausted. Thanking the patient train conductor and sinking into their booths with loud groans and sighs. Rainbow half hanging off the edge of one seat. Starlight had taken residence on the floor, much to the other passenger's confusion. Thankfully only being two other ponies. No one else taking the trip this far out here. Now the alicorn rested her chin in the window, still clearly on guard but more interested in watching the scenery move. "Who knew reintroducing an all powerful alicorn into society would be this hard?!" Pinkie whined. "And we haven't even left the area yet." Rarity added in afterthought, eliciting more groans. When Starlight looked back at them, she forced a smile and waved her hoof. "Not to worry darling, we're still excited to have you! It's just...there's a lot we have to catch you up on it seems." Starlight looked back out the window and Twilight assumed she would remain quiet. So she was a bit surprised when the older alicorn started talking. Her own feathers ruffling in shock. "Starlight has attempted to learn of the new world." She didn't elaborate. Pinkie jumping up and waving her hooves in front of Starlight's face. "Annnnnnnnnnnd?" She prompted. "Starlight has failed." The alicorn huffed, as if that was the obvious conclusion. Twilight frowned. "Well no, not entirely. You seem to have picked up on some of the changes in languages! And you updated your signs really well! I think you're doing amazing despite everything!" "Sides, maybe you just picked the wrong way to study." Rainbow sat up then, stretching out her wings before folding them back at her sides. "What did you try learning?" The alicorn hesitated for a moment. A brief flicker of a sheepish and nervous look on her face as her hoof pawed at the floor of the train car. "...Starlight obtained...a gazette...when a young colt traversed the outskirts selling such." "What in tarnation is a gazette?" "An old form of a newspaper!" Twilight smiled, her tail wagging some in excitement. "That's amazing, Starlight! Can you tell us more?" They all jumped when in the blink of an eye a fragile small stack of newspaper appeared floating in front of them. The paper was yellowing and torn in several places, brittle as can be, and the text was small and almost impossible to read. It hovered in the air a moment more before Twilight gingerly reached out with her own magic to pull it closer. She took one look at the date and bit back a startled gasp. Rainbow hovered over her shoulder to look at it and groaned. "Ugh that's so much boring text! It doesn't have any kind of pictures or breaks in it either! How can you read that?!" Pinkie jumped up from her seat, racing over to the other passengers who were still watching them all. Occasionally whispering to each other in no doubt gossip about the strange group. "Excuse me, can I borrow your paper?" The nearest pony to her gladly slid it over and she gave a thanks before bouncing back to Starlight. Holding open the newspaper to show the alicorn. "This is what they look like now!" Starlight tilted her head, taking the paper with her magic. Examining every inch of it with a discerning eye. Pinkie pointing out stuff she thought was interesting. "Look here's the Appleloosa's Buckball scores! And oh, oh! Here's an article about seaponies! OH! And here's the comics section!" She burst into laughter as she read one of the comics. "Isn't that one great?!" "...Starlight does not understand." "Well, if I explain the joke to you-it won't be funny anymore!" "Tis a fallacy." Grumbled the alicorn but folded up the newspaper back to its original state and placed it atop the Earth pony's curls. She moved to place her chin back on the windowsill and heaved a soft sigh. Aj gently pushed Pinkie away. "Why don't you get some rest, Starlight? This is probably pretty overwhelming right? Your entire life is changing in a single day!" She smiled when the alicorn looked to her. "I was once in your shoes, I once went all the way to the big city and tried something really new!" "Yet, thou art here." "Well yeah, turns out the big city wasn't for me..." Aj awkwardly laughed. "But the important thing is...if I hadn't tried it, I never would've known where the best part of me was. Where home was." "I think it's real brave of ya, Starlight, to try this with us. Even if you just end up going back home in the end." The alicorn stared at Aj for a little longer. Then turned her attention back to the window. Seemingly ignoring the sentiment but her ears remained a little bit more perked than they had before. Hours passed and Starlight began to grow restless as the scenery outside changed from sloping mountains to more towns. Her posture growing tense with every pause at a station and a few more ponies boarding. Confused glances sent her way more often and she drew herself closer to the window like she was prepared to jump out of it. "We're almost to Ponyville, Starlight. I promise." Twilight tried to reassure her. "Yours ponies look at Starlight with anger." "No, no! They're not angry! Just surprised!" Twilight frowned, her wings fluttering. "I'm not sure how much you know, Starlight but...alicorns are considered very important. So they're surprised to see two of us on the train!" "Starlight is aware of alicorns." Starlight's ears laid back at the word alicorn like she had uttered a curse. "Unwelcome." Several of the girls exchanged looks at that, confused. "What?" Rarity asked, "Whatever do you mean, darling? The princesses are beloved by all! Twilight herself struggles to go out and about most days without a few fillies asking her a million questions!" Starlight glared down at the floor. Fluttershy reached out with a hoof, gently placing it over Starlight's. Her eyes showing all of the sadness she felt, "Starlight, no pony should feel unwelcome. No matter what. You did nothing wrong. Do...would you like to talk about it?" Before the alicorn could answer however, a loud voice rang out, "NEXT STOP PONYVILLE!" "Welcome home!" "Welcome back, Princess Twilight!" "Rarity, I'm so glad you're back-I have this hole in my jacket and-" "PINKIE!!!" Starlight was clearly unnerved by the reaction everypony received the moment they stepped into Ponyville. No one seeming to really notice the tall alicorn in the middle of the group, too focused on the individuals. Ponies approached without any sign of hesitance. All smiles and laughter as they chatted about whatever came to mind. All shapes, sizes, and ages. The alicorn having to lift up her front leg to allow a colt to run through as he happily laughed and was chased by a few other children. Her eyes tracking over the various buildings of the town and the shopkeepers who waved to them excitedly. It was overwhelming, a stark contrast to her own village. Rarity had taken the lead soon enough, guiding them back to her boutique with an excited ramble about getting Starlight into a dress. Some of the group laughing, knowing she can't be stopped. Twilight spent the entire time watching Starlight, studying her every expression. Looking for more hints about what they didn't get to talk about on the train. She really wanted answers to all of her burning questions but she wasn't about to force the poor pony to spit them out. Starlight had clearly been through enough trouble as it was. She had to duck her head in through the doorway, which proved she was taller than Princess Celestia. Straightening up back to her full height inside the boutique but now far more guarded as she examined the place. Her face twisting into mild confusion over the hanging outfits and the decor. "Come, come! My bath is luxurious, you'll love it!" Starlight didn't follow, making Rarity pause at the bottom of her stairs. "Starlight Glimmer? Is everything alright?" "...Rarity is royalty?" That got a startled laugh out of the unicorn. Flipping her mane back with a smile. "Well! I wouldn't go so far as to say that but I certainly look the part! Whatever do you mean?" Starlight gestured out a wing to the surrounding room and they all looked around. Rarity tilted her head. "Yes? Is there something about the shop?" "Extravagant." "Oh! You mean the decor! Yes well, I strive to bring the best to Ponyville! And that includes my own interior decorating! Why, I just had these curtains imported from Saddle Arabia and aren't they just divine! And they only cost me 3 gems each!" Rarity waved a hoof then, beckoning Starlight forward once more. "Now! Really! Come along! We must do all we can to save your mane, darling! You'll feel so much better after a proper bath!" Finally, Starlight moved to follow and the two of them disappeared upstairs. The moment they were out of sight, the remaining ponies all slumped to the floor. "Shoot, we ain't even in Canterlot and I'm tired. Does Starlight got some sort of energy sucking magic going on? Even talking to her feels exhausting." "Pretty sure she's just exhausting to talk to." Rainbow grumbled, crossing her legs over her chest. "She doesn't laugh at any of our jokes! She thinks everyone is out to get her! She can't even get sentences right half the time!" "And she wouldn't even try the éclair!" Pinkie whined, "WHO TURNS DOWN AN ECLAIR?!" "I'm more worried about what she said on the train..." Fluttershy muttered, one leg rubbing her other. "...she spoke like she was hated for being a princess but oh that can't be right?" Her ears fell and her wings tucked closer to her body. "There's no way someone would mistreat a princess right?" "Well now, we don't know how she became a princess." Aj pointed out. "We ain't got no record of her or anything." "I'm sure Princess Celestia will." Twilight cut in. "She has to! There's no way a princess just magically appeared and went under the radar this entire time!" "What if she was born an alicorn?!" "Pinkie, that's ridiculous!" Twilight shook her head at the notion, laughing a little. Her friends starting up a playful argument about how a baby alicorn would work. Claiming ridiculous things like them having giant wings and big eyes. She stood up, shaking out her wings. "Girls, I'm going to run home and have Spike send Princess Celestia a letter. Just to warn her ahead of time!" "Take your time, sugarcube. Rarity's probably not going to be done for a while." Twilight nodded and bolted from the boutique. Racing past the flower vendors with a quick wave of her wing in hello. Slowing only when she got close to the castle and gently pushing the door open. In the empty echoing crystal hallways she could hear Spike humming a song loudly in the library. No doubt dusting as he liked to do when bored. She made her way there and he spun around to greet her with a smile. "Twilight!" He jumped off the stool he was using to race over and hug her leg. Her hugging him back with her wing. "Welcome back, how did the friendship quest go?!" "Oh Spike, you won't believe what we found!" One explanation later and the baby dragon was staring at her over a cup of cocoa, eyes wide in disbelief. "You're right, I don't believe it. A fifth princess?! Really?!" Twilight nodded. "A fifth princess who has been alive for centuries, has power beyond comprehension, and no one has even heard of! Spike, I've read the History of Equine Eminence back to front to back to front a thousand times and nothing even hinted at her!" The dragon took an extra long sip from his mug. When he drew it back, he had a melting mustache still lingering on his lips. Twilight heaved an amuse sigh. "That's why we're taking her to Princess Celestia. If anyone can help figure this out, it's her. So, I need you to write a letter!" Spike hastily set down his cup and grabbed a scroll and quill. "Dear Princess Celestia..." Twilight pushed open the door to the boutique, Spike nestled between her wings on her back. The dragon eagerly looking around for any sign of Rarity but quickly zeroing in on the strange new face in the room. Because Starlight stood atop the pedestal by the mirrors, looking herself over in them. Her coat looked so much cleaner, her hair still damp and several combs were being brushed through it still by Rarity's magic but it looked far healthier. Her hooves smoothed out and polished as well. Her wings, though still weak, had had the feathers righted in place with a proper preening and it was like looking at a completely different pony. But strangest of all was now they could get a clear look at her cutie mark. Twilight would best describe it as a falling star. "Wow..." Spike muttered and Twilight nodded in agreement before venturing closer. Her friends lined up around the pedestal and watching as Starlight turned this way and that. Making it a bit of a hassle for Rarity to brush her hair but she seemed fascinated by her reflection. "You look amazing, Starlight!" "...Starlight feels good." Admitted the alicorn, "Tis strange, to not feel the dirt within fur." "I should say!" Rarity scoffed. "I had to drain the tub three times with how dark the water got! It was like you had an entire swamp stored in your mane!" She lowered the combs, sighing. "Please dear, do not go so long without a bath again." Starlight looked down at Rarity, an emotionless expression on her face. "For what purpose?" "For yourself! Yourself! You don't need to impress anypony but surely you should spoil yourself a few times! Now...let me get you a nice frock! Something to compliment your eyes!" Rarity was about to head for the nearest clothes rack when suddenly Spike was burping. A bright green flame bursting from him as a scroll appeared. Twilight quickly caught it with her magic while Starlight tilted her head at them. Her gaze raking over Spike with mild interest. Unfurling the letter, Twilight quickly read it. Her face twisting into a grimace. "Oh dear, Princess Celestia wants us at the castle right away! Rarity, I don't think we have time for a fashion show!" The unicorn behind her sputtered loudly. Hanging back up the dress she was holding with a sigh. "Thank Celestia." Rainbow muttered. > The Meeting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While the majority of Ponyville hadn't really noticed Starlight's presence, Canterlot was a whole other story. Twilight had cooked up a teleportation for all of them instead of taking the train. Mostly doing so for Starlight's comfort as the alicorn clearly wasn't a fan of the ride. Once having arrived however, everypony in the area locked eyes on the ground making their way to the castle. First they looked to Twilight, gossiping amongst themselves and waving to get her attention. Then they'd let their gazes travel over her friends and eventually land on the tall imposing figure in the back. Their eyes would widen and the gossip would increase tenfold. More and more obvious until it became obnoxious. Applejack muttering the entire time about how no one around here seemed to have manners. Starlight herself seemed almost resigned to this. Her ears laid back and her posture tense but she didn't protest or complain. Just kept her gaze forward as the girls guided her up to the castle. And once at the entrance, they were met by several guards. "Sorry about this, Starlight Glimmer." Twilight had apologized immediately. "But it is a policy to be escorted by guards for every newcomer to meet the princesses." "Tis a useless venture." Starlight huffed but followed with the guards surrounding her. Not giving them any glances and keeping her head held high. "Starlight could instantly kill all of those around Starlight." The guards tensed, some of them looking nervous and almost ill at her words. Twilight and her friends cringing. "Maaaaaaaaaaaybe don't say stuff like that." "The truth." The alicorn simply said back to Rainbow and it was awkward silence after that all the way into the palace and down the winding halls towards the throne room. Two of the guards stationed outside the large doors opened them for the group and there they were in all of their glory. Princess Celestia was sitting down in her throne, Princess Luna having been pacing beside her. Yet when the doors opened, the moon raiser quickly stopped. Turning to face the group with almost a scowl on her features. Clearly untrusting of the new guest. Princess Celestia stood a moment later and Twilight quickly raced forward to bow at the throne's steps. Her friends echoing the sentiment after her. Starlight however, remained standing still, her eyes trained on the princesses. No, not both of them. Just Luna. "Ah, so it would seem that your letter was not a practical joke." Twilight immediately snapped her head back up. "What?! You thought my letter was a joke?! Princess, I would never!" Celestia heaved a soft snort, slowly making her way down the steps. "Forgive me Twilight, I know you take such things very seriously but you must agree your claim about another alicorn was..." She trailed off, her eyes roaming over Starlight's form. "...unheard of." Starlight's eyes briefly looked over at Celestia only then before turning back to Luna. The latter of which was glaring back at her. Eyes narrowing and wings flared slightly. A silent promise that she was ready to fight at a moment's notice. Starlight's posture held zero aggression in return but her eyes burrowed deep into Luna. As if trying to see inside of her. "Allow me to introduce myself," Princess Celestia continued then. One hoof raised up and a smile on her face. She wasn't oblivious to the looks the two alicorns were exchanging but she had a job to do first. "I am Princess Celestia. It is a...pleasure...to make your acquaintance, Starlight Glimmer." Then she extended a wing in the direction of her sister. "And this is-" "Nightmare Moon." Starlight interrupted her and the room seemed to drop several degrees in temperature at her words. Her ears laying back now in the most emotion she's shown since entering. Luna flinched back as if she had been slapped, eyes widening. It became so silent you could hear a piece of hay hit the floor. At least until Rainbow let out a scream of frustration. "OH COME ON!" The pegasus threw her hooves up, hovering in the air above everypony. "HOW OLD ARE YOU?! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT A TRAIN IS BUT YOU KNOW WHO NIGHTMARE MOON IS?!" Twilight quickly jumped in front of Starlight. Putting herself between her and the princesses. "Wait! Starlight, this isn't who you think it is!" Luna, having finally recovered from her shock, took a step forward. Raising her chin up with a soft sigh. "Tis true, we are no longer a creature of nightmares. What I may have once been I am freed from its shackles." She looked to her sister and Celestia gave a sad smile. Quickly flying up to stand beside her and wrap a wing around her in comfort. The younger sister leaning into the embrace. "Now...we are simply, Princess Luna." "Yes, yes!" Twilight waved her hooves. "Luna is our friend! She's no longer Nightmare Moon and is of no danger! You have nothing to fear, Starlight!" Starlight finally tore her gaze away from Luna, glancing down at Twilight. "Fear?" She questioned and now several of the mane 6 looked to her in confusion. "What fear dost thou speak of?" Instead of waiting for an answer, she looked back at Luna. The blue alicorn looking at her with her own mixture of concern and confusion. "Starlight care not for yours name. Who thou is now means nothing." Then her eyes narrowed and her wings fluttered. "But thou has made thy mark!" She barked her words and Luna flinched again. The princess hanging her head in shame. "Enough." Celestia stepped in front of her sister. "I will not have you speak this way to my sister any longer. She has served her punishment and has lived life to the fullest since. Starlight Glimmer, whatever may have happened to have resent my sister I ask you to please reconsider and seek forgiveness!" "Forgiveness?" Starlight tilted her head slightly. She took a step back, nearly trampling over Fluttershy who quickly dove out of the way. Then another, before she turned her back to the princesses and started to leave the room. Her voice echoing across the chambers. "Tis unforgiveable." Her magic burst the doors open with such force that they cracked as they slammed against the walls. The guards crying out in alarm and prepared for an attack but she simply walked past them. Slamming them behind her once more soon after. She left the ponies stunned into silence. It took Twilight a moment to recover and she leapt forward. "I'll go after her and-" "Now wait a minute!" Aj cut her off, putting out a hoof to stop her. "You leave that to us, Twilight." She drew that hoof back to adjust her hat. "We'll talk her down and see if she's willing to return and you just focus on everything with the Princesses ya hear?" "Yes darling, there is the whole matter of what to do with her and her history!" Rarity nodded. "We've handled plenty of friendship problems, we can certainly help a pony out with their complicated emotions!" "We better hurry before she teleports to Manehattan or something!" Pinkie was already bouncing towards the door, quickly followed by the rest. Twilight smiling after her friends. Resisting a chuckle when they struggled to get the broken doors open even with a few guards helping. They managed and left and she turned to face the princesses once more. "I'm so sorry about that Luna..." Luna looked aside. The barely there start of tears in her eyes that she wiped away with a wing. "It...it is not unreasonable but...we had gotten used to the lack of distrust in many ponies." She sighed softly, lifting her head again. "...surely I will weather it." "There are more important matters to attend to." "Yes, about that." Twilight began and folded her wings to her sides. Spike nervously rocking on his feet beside her. "Is there any record of Starlight? At all?" Celestia and Luna exchanged looks. "Wait up!" Rainbow called out but Starlight didn't slow at all. Not showing any sign that she had heard the ponies that were racing to catch up to her long strides. She zoomed in front of the alicorn and was nearly headbutted in the process. "We need to talk!" Starlight huffed, rolling her eyes. "Starlight does not wish to!" "Well tough luck!" Aj called out, the next to come to her side. Pinkie bouncing along on the other. "You were real rude to the Princess, and I think ya owe us an explanation as to why!" Starlight suddenly stopped and poor Rarity crashed into her back legs. Her gaze turning sour as she glared down at the Earth pony. Applejack audibly and nervously swallowed a lump in her throat at that look. "Starlight does not!" The alicorn snapped, stomping one hoof. "Starlight does not owe thee anything! Starlight did not wish to leave! Starlight did not wish to seek that which tortures Starlight so!" Rarity, who was rubbing her sore nose, looked upward. "Whatever do you mean, Starlight? Torture? Good heavens, I hope you aren't being literal!" "Thou should not pretend to care!" "But...we aren't pretending." Fluttershy pointed out. "Starlight, we do care about why you're upset! We care about you." "Thou not knows of Starlight!" "We know enough." Rainbow huffed, crossing her hooves over her chest. "We've been friends with ponies for less reasons! Look, you clearly got it all messed up in your head-" "Rainbow! Don't say such things!" "-that everypony hates you! Well we don't! We wouldn't have brought you all the way to Canterlot if we did!" Starlight gave the pegasus a deadpan look. "Thou specifically says of Starlight that Starlight is exhausting." Rainbow's face flushed a little, her friends giving her a look. Drawing back before letting out a big dramatic sigh. "Okay look, you are!" "Rainbow!" Several voices chorused at once. "I'm not going to lie to her! Applejack come on! Agree with me on that at least! Look Starlight, you aren't a great conversationalist but you're still new to all of this!" The pegasus gestured outward with her hooves. "You'll get better! And then I bet you'll be really fun to talk to!" Rainbow then dropped to the floor beside her friends. Half-smiling in an awkward way as she shrugged. "Just because somepony doesn't think you're perfect doesn't mean you're hated! I bet you don't like every bit of me! Do you hate me?" Starlight stared down at her, seemingly thinking on it. The silence stretching on for too long and Rainbow's ears flattened. Opening her mouth to protest but then the alicorn sighed. "No, Starlight does not." "See?! So uh-y'know! Stop putting words in our mouths! We care! We want to listen!" The other ponies nodded and Starlight looked around at them. Studying each of them for a moment and then sighing, starting to walk again. Slow enough for them to keep up. "Starlight will...speaketh of some trials. Not all." "That's all we ask, darling." "I can't believe it." Twilight muttered, staring at the scroll in front of her. Every alicorn in history was written on it. Even her own name scrawled at the bottom in what looked to be Luna's hornwriting. It was very impressive cursive but it was a little hard to read. It marked Twilight as the most recent addition however and before her was Cadence and before her was Luna and then Celestia. Even in the small list that came before them, no pony by the name of Starlight Glimmer or anything close to that name was on this scroll. The oldest alicorn ever recorded was simply known as Queen Mother Harmony. "How does an alicorn go unnoticed?!" Spike asked, looking to the sisters for the answer. Celestia started to roll the scroll back up with her magic, sighing softly before tucking it away back in the archive. "I'm afraid I don't have an answer to that." She said, turning back to face the group. "Aside from Queen Mother, every alicorn ever recorded in history has been made." "We do not fully understand the process." Luna admitted from where she sat in a nearby chair. "But it is a magic as old as time itself. In our lifetimes, we've seen only the creation of Cadence and of course, you, Twilight Sparkle." "You forget us as well, Luna." Luna brought a hoof to her mouth, chuckling. "Ah yes, we were there too." Her and her sister shared a laugh. "In all those instances, however," Celestia continued on, moving to leave the archive and the other three followed, "the future alicorns were sought out by teachers. Luna and I were raised with the concept. We were told from the very beginning of who we would one day become." "Our teachers were alicorns before Starswirl and were the ones to give us our wings." "You were both unicorns before this?" Twilight asked, always curious to learn more about history. "Indeed, it is rare for an alicorn to start off as another type of pony." "Why's that?" "A unicorn, being born with magic, can handle the transfer of power that comes with the transformation better than an Earth pony or Pegasus." "I do recall Cadence's illness lasted quite a few days after she received her magic." "What makes a pony qualify for being an alicorn?" Celestia looked down at her student with a smile. "Usually, we look into ponies with tremendous potential. Such as you." Twilight blushed, ducking her head. "Cadence without magic was able to perform incredible tasks with ease as well." Luna nodded. "Her cutiemark also was the symbol for the Crystal Empire. We knew to keep an eye on her right away and what we saw impressed us." Twilight seemed to think on it, gently plucking up Spike from the ground to put on her back when his walking slowed. Then she tilted her head up. "Princess Celestia, is it possible that one of the older alicorns sought Starlight out?" "I too had this theory but I'm afraid that's impossible." "Why's that?" "Simply, there are no other alicorns aside from us." Celestia opened up the door to the throne room. Newly repaired thanks to some simple spells. "The only alicorns that remain are Myself, my sister, Cadence, Queen Mother, and you." She paused. "And now Starlight." "Queen Mother then perhaps?" Twilight asked and Celestia shook her head. "Queen Mother Harmony has been retired for quite some time." Luna explained, making her way to her chair. "She would not come out of retirement simply to make a successor and then abandon her." "So unless Princess Cadence got really bored..." Spike muttered. "...then we have no clue where Starlight Glimmer came from." Twilight concluded with a sigh. "Can you not simply ask?" Luna sat down. "While I do find this Starlight Glimmer rather..." She made a face, not finishing her thought. "Surely she must have the answers to her own existence." Twilight cringed, her wings fluttering. "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeelll..." Spike huffed a laugh. "Talking to her is like talking to a brick wall, you aren't getting any answers out of her!" Just then, the door burst open and Twilight's friends rushed in. "Twilight!" They yelled in unison and she lifted her head to smile at them. Pinkie skidded to a halt right in front her, almost crashing. "We got some answers!" She sang and Spike immediately facepalmed. "Wait, really?!" Twilight jumped to her hooves, dancing in place. "That's amazing! How did you do it?!" "Friendship!" They all sang together and Twilight couldn't help the radiant smile on her face. Drawing everypony closest to her in a hug. They all giggled and smiled, hugging her back. Then Rarity cleared her throat, "But I am afraid there is some bad news, darling." Twilight let them go, concern returning to her features. "Oh no." "Oh yes." Rainbow replied, shaking her head. "Turns out uh-there's a big reason why Starlight isn't too happy with Princess Luna. A big big big reason!" Twilight glanced back at the princess, who slowly got to her feet. The sisters on the edge of their throne as they waited with baited breath. Twilight looked back to her friends. "We're ready to hear it." Only to pause and tilt her head, "Uh...where is Starlight?" "We gave her time to cool off. She was pretty upset and talking brought up a lot of bad memories." Aj explained. "Not to worry though, Fluttershy asked some of the palace birds to keep an eye on her." Then the Earth pony took off her hat, holding it close to her chest. "Y'all might wanna sit down for this." Spike put his hands on his hips. "It can't be that bad right? We faced worse! We can take it." Aj cringed, glancing to the other ponies before she spoke. "Well, ya see...Nightmare Moon is the reason why Starlight's whole village is gone." Everypony's gaze immediately snapped to Luna, who stood frozen in place. Her eyes wide and horrified. "W-what?"