> Doctor Q’s Portal Emporium (and Massage Parlour) > by Kodeake > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One; Sign on the Dotted Line > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doctor Q’s Portal Emporium (and Massage Parlour) Chapter One: Sign on the Dotted Line Contains: Straight, vanilla sex via portal. Also, contracts.  Rainbow Dash grunted as her hooves hit the ground and she skidded to a stop along a cobbled road. Ordinarily her touch downs were a fair bit more graceful, but right now she had other, more pressing concerns on her mind. Like how the hay she was going to pay for her Wonderbolts application.  Apparently, “I’ll pay you back when I get my first paycheque as a Wonderbolt,” was not an acceptable alternative. Even when she offered to pay interest. Well, their loss as far as she was concerned. It’s not like there was any doubt of her passing with flying colours. She passed everything with flying colours. A side effect of her mane. And her speed. However, despite her own self-assurance and confidence that she’d succeed, she still did have to pay the fee. “I can’t believe they charge for this,” Dash muttered to herself as she trudged along down the street. “It’s just a test. What if you fail? Pay again to do it again? It’s a scam!” Shaking her head - partly from the absurdity of it all, but mostly to dislodge the lingering thoughts of her possible failure. As if that would ever happen.  Well, if it did - and that was a very big if - she’d just have to cough up another 250 bits. 250 freaking bits! She wasn’t a poor pony by any stretch, but working weather duty in such a small town as Ponyville didn’t leave her with much disposable income.  Neither did her fast-food habits. It wasn’t her fault cooking was slow, and boring, and lame. And it certainly wasn’t her fault that her bank account was more-or-less empty until the next time she got paid. In 2 weeks. Test applications closed in 12 days.This was the crux of her problems.  “Why won’t they take an I.O.U. like everywhere else? They should know I’m good for it!" Twilight Sparkle had a list of unpaid debts that would very much have disagreed with that statement.  Rainbow sighed to herself quietly, her indignation fizzling out as she turned her eyes down the trees she'd landed on. It was there, on the edge of Ponyville, that her salvation lied. At least, she thought so. Hoped so. The other mares on the weather team had been oddly cagey about what, exactly, she would be doing. But after a round of asking for personal loans (and a round of rejections) they had pointed her here.  It was… a regular shop, as far as she could tell. Built in the same, plain, thatched-roof style of most of the buildings in Ponyville. Almost like it was deliberately trying to blend in. The front door was flanked on either side by large glass windows displaying the interior of the shop. It looked almost like a jewelry store, with glass cases filled with all manner of little trinkets, mostly disc-shaped, some attached to chains or straps, some just on their own.  It was only the sign above the door that dispelled the illusion: Doctor Q's Portal Emporium (and Massage Parlour).  The odd combination of services didn't really spark much of a thought for Rainbow Dash - Quills and Sofas was a staple of the Ponyville community, after all. The portal part of the sign did catch her eye. She wasn't entirely sure what a Portal Emporium was, or what it would sell. Or how exactly she was going to be making money from it. Which left only the massage parlour part of the sign, tacked onto the bottom of the sign in much smaller text almost as an afterthought.  "Even for the Wonderbolts, I am not giving random ponies a massage," she muttered under her breath. Already starting to turn away from the downright offensive proposition, Rainbow paused, her eyes lingering on the sign.  There was nothing to say that was actually what she'd be doing, and the mares on her weather had made this sound like an easy way to earn a quick buck. "No effort required" had been Flitter's exact words. Massaging certainly seemed like a lot of effort, so maybe it was the portal side of the shop? "No harm in at least asking," Rainbow reasoned to herself.  And even if she was wrong, a few massages in exchange for a chance to become a Wonderbolt didn't sound like that bad of a deal. Just so long as no one expected a happy ending from her. They could go to the spa and ask Aloe or Lotus for that.  Unless they paid extra. Shaking the thought from her head, Rainbow furrowed her brow and stepped up to the shop. The jingle of a small bell announced her as she passed through the door, her eyes scanning the front room. It was empty, possibly due to the time of day, save for the display cases. Not even a clerk stood behind the counter at the back wall. Behind the counter was a staircase leading up, the few of the top floor blocked off by a heavy black curtain that filled the stairwell. The massage parlor, perhaps? "Hello?" Rainbow called walking through the aisle formed by the cabinets, filled with more disc-shaped jewelry. Different colours and sizes, some ornate and some simple.  "Just a moment!" Came a call from somewhere deeper in the shop. It was followed by a rough grunt, and after a moment, a sigh.  A few seconds later a stallion emerged from beyond the curtain covering the top of the stairs. His coat was a pure, sterile white that contrasted the frosty blue of his short mane and tail. A tall horn spiraled out from his head, and a black bow tie around his neck broke up the otherwise perfect white of his coat.  "Haaah. Okay then." He took a moment to catch his breath, wiping away a visible speckling of sweat from his brow. "Sorry about that, ma'am. Welcome to Doctor Q's Portal Emporium. I'm Doctor Q." Rainbow blinked slowly at the stallion. "Rainbow Dash," she said slowly. "Um… a friend pointed me to your shop." "A reference?" He asked, turning and motioning to the stairs. "Well then, come with me to the massage parlor and-" "I'm not here for a massage," Rainbow corrected quickly, her eyes lingering on the stallion's cutie mark. It was an orange and blue swirl pattern, like water running down a drain. "I'm, um, actually kinda… tight on cash for something. They said I could make some here?" He stopped mid-step, turning back to face her. "So you're looking to sell?" "S-sell?" Rainbow stuttered, a sudden pit forming in her stomach at the tone in his voice. "I don't really have anything to sell you, um-" "Oh." He sighed, shaking his head. "They didn't tell you anything about my shop, did they?" Rainbow rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly. "Not really? Look, if you can't help me, I'll just-" "I can help you," the stallion said quickly. "But you should be familiar with my business first." "Alright…" Rainbow trailed off, eyeing the unicorn skeptically as he lit his horn and brought out two of the disc's from a nearby display case with his magic.  "As you may have guessed, my shop is all about portals." As he spoke, a small, almost invisible button was pressed on the disc, and a magical thrum filled the air as it activated. The face of the disc, previously a flat, blank surface, was now a purple, swirling vortex that led into an impossibly black void.  "If we link two together…"  Another burst of magic energy, sounded off as he activated the second disk, and after a moment, both sounds faded out into a dull, background hum that was barely louder than a gentle breeze. Rainbow leaned in close to the counter top. Where previously there was a black void, now looked like a window looking up at the shop's roof.  "Whoa…" Rainbow stared wide-eyed at the glossy surface of the portal. She held out a hoof, hovering it over one, and almost fell backwards as she saw it in the other.  "It's not just visual, either." A coin floated over in the stallion's telekinetic grasp, hovering over one of the portals. He dropped it, and Rainbow watched in awe as it fell through one and flew up out of the other. "I'm sure you can think of the possibilities of such magic. Unfortunately, the size is limited by the amount of power the portal takes. Even a true magical prodigy could only create a Portal the size of a watermelon, and even that would be exhausting after only a few seconds. Thankfully, we've found no such limitations on range. Once the portals are linked one could be on the other side of the world and it would work just the same." Rainbow took the chance while he was explaining boring technicalities to pick her jaw up off the floor. She'd seen Twilight teleport before, sure, but somehow this felt different. There was just one problem. "And… how exactly do I make money using this?" "Ah." Doctor Q nodded, turning off the two portals with a slick, suctioning sound and stashing them away. "Well, for that, you'll have to come with me to the massage parlor." Once more he motioned to the stairs, and Rainbow hesitantly followed him up, past the black curtain. As soon as she passed it her senses were assaulted. The air was thick with the scent of sex, and her ears rang with the humming of magic. Like the portals from before but several times louder. "Oh, sorry, I should have warned you. It's a bit… thick up here." "No kidding," Rainbow coughed, covering her nose with a wing. Not that it helped much, as every breath she took filled her lungs with the musky odour of what smelled like a dozen ponies. Was there some kind of orgy happening up here? It was almost unbearably pungent, and it was already starting to have an effect on her. By the time she reached the top of the stairs she was consciously holding her tail down to prevent it from flagging. "Massage parlour is a bit of a euphemism," Q explained as he led her into a room at the top of the stairs. "A little old fashioned, but I can't exactly advertise our actual services where there are children around." Rainbow stepped into the room, glancing around at the walls. "Oh," she said casually, "you're a sex shop." The room was relatively small, but the walls were lined with wooden shelves upon which sat a plethora of sex toys. One one side, dildos of varying sizes stood upright, though some of them weren't even that, just models of sheaths, which made her raise an eyebrow. On the other side was a row of flashlight-shaped tubes, the large end of which displayed a wide spectrum of vaginas, each a different colour and even unique shape. Custom models, maybe? There were a few anuses mixed in, and even a fake muzzle.  Or… Rainbow has assumed it was fake, until out of the corner of her eyes she could have sworn she saw it lick its lips. And… and did one of those pussies just wink at her? Now that she was thinking about it, at the base of the dildos, and attached to the front of the flashlight tube, were those familiar disks. Just like the… portals… "We aren't your average sex shop." Rainbow swallowed thickly, her eyes locking on to a familiar dark-gray stallion hood standing at full attention on the shelf. She saw it throb, and the realization set in fully.  "They're… they're all real. The portals…" "Why settle for a silicone facsimile when you can have the real thing instead? Our services include a 'private show' of up to thirty minutes." The stallion frowned, though Rainbow was too focused on other things to notice. "I'm not a fan of the language adopted from strip clubs, but it gets the message across. But we also offer rental services to take the equipment of your choosing home with you. Much more expensive." Rainbow struggled to shake herself from her stupor, suddenly finding it very difficult to look at anything other than a stranger's private parts. Which, to be fair, was mostly because the walls were covered with them. "Wait. Wait wait wait. So when you asked me if I was here to 'sell'..." "We have a very generous profit share in place. The store keeps twenty percent as a service fee and for the rental of the portal device. You get the rest."  "That… that's… I'm  not selling my body! This is just prostitution with extra steps! If I wanted to do that I'd go hang out in a back alley in Cloudsdale!" Rainbow shouted indignantly. “Who even uses this 'service' of yours!?" The stallion looked entirely unphased by her tirade. "We serve on average over a hundred customers a day at this location alone. Our store in Canterlot does almost triple. Who am I to judge who uses our services and why? Everyone consents, and everyone is fairly compensated." "Hundred?" Rainbow echoed weakly.  "There are various factors that play into it, such as the onymity bonus, but on average mares can make a hundred to three hundred bits a day. Stallions are in higher demand here given the gender discrepancy in the town, but their refractory periods hinder how many times they can be of service. Thankfully, because there's no range limit on the portals we've brought in extra stock from Canterlot to keep up with demand. Our more… prodigious providers make up to five hundred a night. More if they're rented out for an extended period." Rainbow felt like she was choking on nothing. If the claims were true, there was a lot of money to be made here. If she got lucky, even just one or two days and she'd have more than enough for her entrance exam. And all she had to do was give a few random stallions a ‘massage’.  "W-will they… know it's me?" She asked shakily, swallowing a thick lump down her throat. Was she actually thinking about going through with this? "That's up to you," the stallion said. "If you'd like, you can remain completely anonymous. For a fee I can even have your portal sent to Canterlot just in case you're worried about someone recognizing you. But we do offer an onymity bonus." "A what now?" "Onymity bonus," he repeated, as though saying it again would make it obvious. When it didn't, he reached out to grab one of the portal pussies on the wall. Flipping it around, he showed her the back end of it. There was a cutie mark displayed there, as well as a name. "Cloud Chaser…" Rainbow read aloud, blushing as she thought of the mare in question, her eyes trailing down to the labial lips on the front of the device. "We offer an extra ten percent cut if you choose to have yourself named. It also helps you to advertise yourself if you so choose. Sending more customers my way is always appreciated, and the more ponies that pick you, the more money you make." Rainbow chewed her lip anxiously. The idea seemed absurd on the surface, but she was beginning to warm up to it. Maybe it was the ever-present musk that permeated the room from the dozens of genitals everywhere, but the thought of offering herself up to be used like a literal sex toy was strangely arousing. And getting paid on top of it, what may be her only way of getting the money she needed in time, was starting to sound more tempting by the second.  She could stay anonymous. No one would have to know. And as soon as she had the money, she could pull the plug and end the whole thing.  "Um… I… think I want to… s-sell." "Excellent! You'll be a fine addition to our team. Please, come this way and we'll get you fitted." The stallion was off, leading Rainbow through to the back of the room and past another curtain, into a hallway lined on either side by wooden doors. He stopped at the last door and opened it, ushering her through. Inside was a room even smaller than the last, though more furnished. With a couch, a coffee table, and a lamp. The walls were dotted with pin-up posters, and a rack against the wall held magazines that were not appropriate for children. It didn't take a particularly clever pony to figure out what the room was usually used for.  "First things first," the stallion started, his previously even and professional tone cracking slightly to show his excitement. "What are we selling today?" "Um…" Rainbow suddenly found herself stuttering. There were options? "Vaginas are the most common and practical. But for the anal enthusiasts we can do the anus as well. Lower supply and a fairly high demand on that, so we charge a bit more. Last, and most rare, you can sell your mouth. I don't recommend that unless you know what you're doing. But it is the most lucrative, as we only have a handful in stock at any given time." Rainbow blushed, weighing her options. She still had work, so her mouth was right out. That left her with two choices.  "W-what if they, um, finish… inside?" "Not to worry. There's an additional enchantment on all the portals. Any sperm that passes through will be rendered completely sterile. 99.98% effective." Rainbow frowned. "That's not 100." "Neither are condoms, contraceptive spells, or potions. But it's the best we have." "Then… I guess my… um… p-pussy," Rainbow said slowly, a shiver of anticipation running down her spine. The unicorn nodded. "A perfectly fine choice. Now, if you could stand still for me a moment," he said, his horn glowing and summoning a measuring tape from places unknown to Rainbow Dash. He circled around her and, before she could react, her tail was lifted in a similar magical glow. "Hey! What the hell!?" Rainbow shouted as she whirled around, snapping her tail from his grasp and forcing it back down to cover herself. "Apologies, but I need some measurements to get you the right portal base. I assure you an ill-fitting one would become uncomfortable quite quickly." Rainbow glared daggers at the unicorn, keeping her eyes on him even as she turned away. "You should warn a girl before you go lifting tails. That's a good way to get bucked in the face." "It's a habit I'm trying to shake," he admitted as he once again lifted Rainbow's tail, more gently this time.  She heard his measuring tape unspool itself, and she tried not to shift even as she felt herself blushing, painfully aware of the fact that her time spent among the scent and the idea of what she was doing had left her more than a little aroused. Thankfully, if he noticed at all, he didn't say anything, and she felt him press the cool metal tip of the tape to the inside of her thigh. Closing her eyes, she tried to pretend it was Rarity measuring her for some stupid dress or another. It worked for a moment, until that cold metal suddenly pressed against the top of her pussy, the fabric measure running down her lips. Her clit winked involuntarily and a strangled gasp escaped her mouth before she could stop it. "W-watch it!" She hissed through gritted teeth. The stallion paid her little mind, waiting for her clit to retreat before finishing his measurement and continuing on.  Rainbow grimaced, second guessing what she was even signing up for. It was already awkward enough just having herself measured, but just giving herself over to random stallions? Put on display like the other mares in that room? The shame if someone found out it was her… The thoughts did nothing to temper her arousal, much to her chagrin. She was dangerously close to being turned on by them rather than disgusted. As if she was some kind of pervert who liked showing herself off to strangers. Well… actually she did. But only her flying! Not… not like this. This definitely did not turn her on. The bead of liquid arousal she felt rolling down her hind leg meant nothing. "Hurry up back there." "Hmm? Oh. You're done," Q said absentmindedly. Rainbow turned and saw him hunched over the coffee table, one of the portal devices sitting there as he tinkered with it. Rainbow growled as she snapped her tail back down, only now realizing it was no longer being held up. "Tell me that next time!" "Hopefully there won't be a next time if I got your measurements right," he said as he stood up straight, presenting the small, light blue disk. It was plain, unlike the ornate ones in the shop's displays, and more oval shaped. "If you'll lie on your back, I'll show you how to use it." He motioned to the couch. "Oh sure, because I want to be even more exposed than I already am," Rainbow muttered sarcastically. When the unicorn didn't give her a reaction, she just snorted and jumped into the air, flopping onto the couch on her back. She didn't even try to cover herself with her tail, knowing full well she'd just have to move it. "Okay, the device on your end is simple. This button," he said, holding it up to show her, "activates the portal. Press it again to deactivate. This switch over here attaches the device."  "Attaches?" Rainbow asked warily. "It has to hold on to you somehow. Here, may I?" He asked, nodding towards her bottom half. Rainbow sighed. "Yeah, go ahead. At least you asked this time." She muttered as she laid back, spreading her legs to allow Q access to her embarrassingly wet pussy. The portal disk was brought down towards the pegasus's nethers, the flat blue disk hovering over her pussy for a moment before being gently lowered into place. She gasped, expecting it to be cold, but instead found it strangely warm against her sensitive folds. Then Q flipped the switch, and the metal felt as though it suctioned onto her, pressing firmly against her and holding there, completely sealing her pussy from top to bottom. "It should position itself correctly, but if it doesn't just take it off and put it back on. Once it's attached, turn on the portal…" The same magic thrum from before filled the room, this time vibrating right against rainbow's moistened slit and sending a pleasurable tingle up her body. It faded suddenly, and the unicorn presented her with one of the flashlight tubes she'd seen earlier, with her own pussy staring at her from its opening. "Link it to another portal, and you're all set to go." Rainbow took the offered device in her hoof, moving it around and examining it from all angles. She wasn't exactly unfamiliar with her own body, but never before had she seen herself from an outside perspective.  Her eyes widened slightly as she saw herself wink at… herself. The sight only served to turn her on more, visible beads of moisture beginning to leak out of the pussy in front of her. She licked her lips. "If you're all set, I'll go get the paperwork for you to sign, and we'll be official partners." "Yeah, sure," Rainbow muttered distractedly, still mesmerized by the inflamed, puffy lips in front of her. She vaguely heard the door click shut, leaving her alone with herself. It only took a moment for her to bring the pussy portal closer to her face, her nose twitching as she inhaled her own scent, fogging her mind further with lust. A small part of her questioned if she was really about to do this, but it was drowned out as she watched - and felt - her clit bulge out again. She realized she could feel her own breath against the sensitive nub of flesh, and the last traces of hesitancy began to fade. Her other hoof reached out and touched flesh right next to her labia, a shudder running up and down her body as she felt the touch, both from her hoof and from her nethers. Spreading herself open, she stared in rapt fascination at the inside of her folds, light pink flesh contrasting with her blue coat. A wing reached around to feel while the hoof kept her spread open. The tips of her feathers were dampened by her juices as she shivered at the slightly ticklish sensation. She pulled back, examining her feathers for a moment before sticking one in her mouth, running her tongue over it. Her hoof, meanwhile, started running up and down her folds, gently at first, then more firmly as the taste of her arousal hit her tongue. A moan reverberated in her throat as she gave in, gently biting on the feather in her mouth but finding the flavour had faded. Craving more, she started to move her wing back, only to pause as she realized what she was doing.  Pulling her rubbing hoof away from her folds, she felt her heartbeat quicken. The idea forming in her mind left her face burning brightly. It was just so… dirty. But as she inhaled her own scent, she found herself licking her lips anyway. Slowly, hesitantly, Rainbow brought her own pussy closer to her face, at the same time her tongue reached out from behind her lips. When they met in the middle, a shock of confused sensation lit up her mind. Before she even realized it she ran a slow, heavy lick from the bottom of her folds to the top, collecting the now freely-flowing juices and allowing them to pool in her mouth. She's tasted herself on her hooves and wings plenty of times, but it was so much stronger straight from the source. Tangy and acrid flavours surrounded her tongue from all sides, assaulting her senses. That, combined with feeling a tongue - her own tongue! - against her pussy lips, sent her ecstasy rocketing skyward.  It wasn't long before she went back for another taste, her tongue reaching deeper than before. Feeling it inside herself, feeling her walls clenching down on herself, it was a conflict of senses that left her mind spinning. Her throaty moans sent vibrations straight to her gushing snatch, rewarding her thirsty tongue with more of her slick juices. She knew better than anyone where the most sensitive parts of her were, and she used that knowledge to the best of her ability, rubbing and pressing her nimble muscle into every weak spot she knew of. Her other hoof came up to grasp the device as she leaned forward, practically mashing her entire muzzle into her pussy. Her clit would wink out, and she'd flick her tongue down to lash at it, suckling gently and sending her eyes rolling back in her head. The room filled with the sloppy sounds of her oral masturbation, but she didn't care. She could feel her orgasm building, her pussy clamping down in rhythmic waves, a veritable waterfall of arousal pouring into her maw.  The door opened. "Alright, I've got the paperwork here, there's just a few things we need to go over." Rainbow almost yelped as she ripped the portal away from her mouth, stashing it behind her back like a filly caught red hooked drinking their parent's wine. Similarly, her attempt to hide her actions was pointless, the dampness on her muzzle and the fluids leaking around the sides of the portal pressed against her crotch betrayed her activities. Without missing a beat, the stallion continued, "Making use of your own portal is free of charge, of course, you just can't remove it from the premises." A stack of papers was floated over and placed on the coffee table, one of them held up for him to read from. "First, will you be remaining anonymous?" Rainbow tried to stealthy deposit her pussy back onto the counter, wiping her lips with a wing. "Uh, yeah, obviously." "Alright. Which makes it an 80/20 profit split. Your identity will remain anonymous and strictly confidential. Doctor Q's Portal Emporium will not share or sell your information to any third party without your consent. Oh, and speaking of consent, we should go over the rules here." A paper and quill were placed in front of Rainbow. "By signing this document you give our clients permission to make use of your services, which are defined in section 2.a of the agreement." "Basically they're allowed to fuck me," Rainbow stated flatly, grabbing the offered quill.  "All forms of contact via the portal, sexual or otherwise, is permitted. However, you reserve full rights to deny service to any individual for any reason." Rainbow blinked, looking at the unicorn with a brow raised. "How the hay am I supposed to do that? They won't exactly be in bucking distance." "You are able to disable the portal connection at any time if you feel your client has gone too far. There are safeties in place so there won't be any… dismemberment. In the incredibly unlikely scenario that someone harms you via the portal device, please report the time and date the incident occurred to us. We keep a log of our customers - again, strictly confidential - and they will be permanently banned from our services and, if necessary, reported to law enforcement agents. "As for Doctor Q's responsibilities to both the service provider and recipient, we guarantee…" Rainbow Dash zoned out as the unicorn continued into his boring legal jargon. Part of her knew she should probably pay attention, given the 'service' she was supplying, but the rest of her was feeling incredibly annoyed at being interrupted when she was so close to cumming. Even as he tried to bore the horniness out of her, she could feel her pussy pulsing in time with her heartbeat,craving the release she'd been denied. She glanced at the portal device on the table out of the corner of her eye, somewhat seriously considering just continuing where she'd left off even with the other pony in the room. It was his fault she was in this state, anyway.  "As for your responsibilities and payment conditions…" Her ears perked up at that, suddenly reminded why she was even doing this in the first place. "You are obviously entitled to full control over the availability of your services via disabling and removing the portal device, however to remain eligible for our program we require a minimum up-time of six hours a day, and at least one continuous window of two hours. Failure to meet these requirements will result in non-payment for any services rendered on the day of failure. Continued behavior will result in your contract being nullified, at which point you will be forced to return the portal device and you will be blacklisted from becoming a service provider in future. Reasonable accommodations can be made for extraneous circumstances, please reach out to us if there are any problems in meeting your obligated hours." "Six hours every day?" Rainbow asked almost indignantly. "I've already got a job!" The unicorn shrugged. "The portal technology isn't cheap, and we're renting it to you free of charge. We need to make sure we get our money's worth. How you decide to handle the required uptime is up to you. You are allotted two rest days per calendar week, during which no uptime is required." "Ridiculous…" Rainbow grumbled, but didn't protest much more. Though she'd never admit it, the thought of being used all day every day was oddly appealing, though that might have been how horny she was. "Indeed. As I was saying, either party may exit the contract at any time, at which point any unpaid earnings will be transferred at the earliest reasonable date." "So I don't get paid till I'm done?" "You are entitled to collect accrued payment owed as soon as 24 hours after a service is rendered. Most choose to collect every fourth day, as this is also when the portal device needs to be recharged. Speaking of which - portal device care and maintenance." Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Let me guess: I need to come get it recharged every four days?" "Precisely," the stallion answered, totally unaffected by her sarcastic tone. "Though just an estimate based on a twelve-hour uptime, it's best to stay ahead of the curve. After all, if the portal device dies you won't exactly be making any money, nor will you be meeting your required uptime." "Gotcha, four days, get some extra juice. Anything else you wanna bore me with or can I go now?" Once more unphased by her dismissive attitude, the unicorn shook his head. "That's everything. Sign here," he deposited another paper before her, "And you're done." Rainbow eyed the dotted line at the bottom skeptically. That was it, then? Just sign her name, and her pussy would be put on display, rented out and used by random stallions whenever and however they pleased.  She took the quill once more and brought it to the page. Some small part of her stilled her hoof, second guessing if this was really what she wanted. Surely, she could just budget better and apply next year, right? But that was a whole year away. Out of the corner of her eye she watched the portal device on the counter, still proudly displaying her puffy blue lips. Still leaking. Still unsatisfied.  She watched her clit wink. With a flick of her hoof almost too fast for her to think about, her name was on the paper, and it was done. "Just until I have enough for the Wonderbolts," she muttered under her breath. Her heart thumped a little harder in her chest as she watched the ink try. Anxiety? Excitement? Arousal? She didn't know. She didn't want to know. For fear of not liking the answer. "That's that," Q said as he collected the stack of papers together again. "Pleasure doing business with you." "Yeah, whatever. I just need the money,” Rainbow grumbled as she stood up from the couch.  "Yes, well, as previously mentioned you are entitled to avail yourself of your own services free of charge, so if you'd like some time to, ah, finish up what you were doing, you're welcome to use the room." A fire blush ignited in Rainbow's cheeks, and she turned her head aside indignantly to hide it. "Whatever. I've got better things to do," she said quickly. As tempting as the offer was, her pride refused to let her acknowledge just how turned on she was from the situation. "Very well." The unicorn collected the portal in his magic and levitated it alongside him as he left the room. Rainbow watched it go, a weird sense of loss forming in her gut. She looked back over her shoulder, unable to see it but knowing that her pussy wasn't really there anymore, instead covered by a smooth metal plate that matched the colour of her coat. A wing reached back to feel it, feathers teasing over what was supposed to be her sensitive lips, but she felt nothing at all. Except a slight breeze as her mound was carried through the air. Realizing she was just standing there, she shook herself from her stupor and hurried out into the hall. After all, it’s not like she’s really lost anything. All she had to do was take off the portal, and she’d be in control of herself again. Not that she should - how was she supposed to make any money from this if she kept taking the damn thing off? No, for now it was best to leave it on and wait for her first ‘customer’. It definitely wasn’t because she didn’t want to take it off. As Rainbow came into the room she’d first seen, with the shelves lined with all the other ponies who had signed their anatomy away, she watched as the unicorn deposited her own portal on the shelf with the other pussies. On display for any potential customers to examine, just one in a line up of similar toys to be used and then discarded. “Your number is twenty-one, by the way.” “Huh?” The unicorn glanced over his shoulder at her. “Since you’re anonymous, customers won’t be able to request you directly. But if you want to send customers your way, tell them to pick number twenty-one. Repeat customers will also be able to ask for your number again.” Trying hard not to think about the implications in the stallion’s words, Rainbow quickly brushed past him towards the stairs. “Yeah, sure, whatever. Not like I’m gonna be telling anyone about this.” “Very well. Thank you for your business,” he called after her as she hurried down the stairs.  Rainbow didn’t look back as she rushed through the shop front and back out onto the street, feeling the sun on her wings. She took a deep breath of fresh air, glad to be free of the musk that permeated the upper floor of the store. Looking around herself, she saw only a few ponies scattered around the street, and did her best to act natural as she started walking away from the shop, her tail pinned down through sheer force of will. Her body was still painfully aware of the orgasm that had been denied, but now was hardly the time to worry about it.  Once she was a more inconspicuous distance away, Rainbow spread her wings and took to the air, quickly taking off towards her home. The thought she was leaving a part of herself behind was never far from her mind.  The last thing she wanted to do was get caught out in public when she got a customer. How she was going to meet the six hour requirement without risking such a situation was a problem for tomorrow’s Rainbow Dash. Today’s Rainbow Dash needed to get somewhere private. Thankfully, her home wasn’t far off, and in only a minute or two she had dived inside and shut the door behind her. For a moment she stood there in her entry way, unsure what to do. Surely, with how good her pussy looked on that shelf, it wouldn’t be long before she had a client. She just needed to kill time until then, and hope they lasted long enough for her to get off too. The idea of removing the portal and doing the job herself was only briefly entertained. It would be any minute now that some desperate, horny stallion chose her, and she didn’t want to lose out on the chance to make some money.  Any minute now… Her nose wrinkled as she caught a whiff of the pungent scent of sex that clung to her fur, no doubt from her time spent in the shop. It definitely wasn’t her own arousal she was smelling.  She probably had time for a shower, she reasoned. And even if she didn’t, it would make cleaning up after easier anyway. With that thought in mind, she set off for her bathroom, her tail swishing back and forth unconsciously. One shower later, Rainbow Dash was left with a wet mane and no customers. SHe’d even taken an extra long one, until the water started running cold. Maybe it was a slow day for the store? She hadn’t seen anypony else when she was there, after all. Well, either way, she had a bit more time to kill. Just until someone went in for a ‘massage’, and spotted her amazing cunt sitting there. It probably looked like it would feel amazing - any stallion would jump at the chance to use it.  Hell, they’d probably pay extra for the chance. Which would be good, because the sooner she made the money she needed, this could be over and she could call this whole thing off. But for now, she needed to find another way to distract herself from the burning need in her loins. Just a little while longer before she was chosen. Maybe it was finally time to read that new Daring Do book she’d borrowed from Twilight. Just until she got a customer. Not that she was looking forward to it, or anything, just that she really needed the money as soon as possible, and being able to get off would be nice. So, she made her way to her bedroom, flopped onto her back - sparing a glance down at the metal disk covering her nethers - and settled in with her book. Two hours later, she was drawn out of the story by the rumbling of her stomach. A glance out the window told her how long it had been, and she groaned. Her arousal had faded slightly, but the need to cum was still very much at the front of her thoughts. “Seriously? No one? Come on! Don’t you see how hot I am!?” Rainbow sighed, setting her book aside, once more looking down her barrel. Maybe she should just bite the bullet and hoof herself off. Sure, she’d miss out on the client that was just about to choose her… … Nothing.  Maybe the owner had accidentally taken her off display? That must be it - anyone who saw her wouldn’t have been practically salivating over her perfect pony pussy, so obviously no one had seen her yet. How was she supposed to make any money this way? It wasn’t like she actually wanted to be used, or anything. SHe just needed the money. She’d have to have a word with him about that. But for now, she needed to eat. Thankfully, for once her fridge wasn’t empty, as last night’s leftovers waited for her. Afterwards, she’d finally take this dump portal thing off and take care of herself properly.  A few minutes later she sat before a bowl of cold salad. Before she could take a bite, though, her back went stiff as she felt… something touch her. Rainbow gasped as something pressed against her pussy. It was warm, and smooth, and - and did it just breathe on her? Was someone sniffing her cunt!? Then it drew back, and she definitely didn’t whimper at the thought she would be denied again. For a few moments, nothing happened, and she was worried she’d been turned down. Was something wrong with how she smelled? To her delight, that seemed not to be the case, and the feeling returned to her, the pony on the other end of the portal pressing their muzzle up against her folds. She moaned as a warm, wet tongue ran over her lips, up and down, leaving behind a thin film of saliva she could feel colling against the air.  Rainbow felt her clit wink, and the thought that the stranger would have had to have seen it brought a shameful hue to her cheeks, but it didn’t temper her need at all. However, if they had seen it, they didn’t seem to care, as they withdrew their muzzle.  “No, no! Come back, damn it!” Rainbow shouted, slamming her hoove angrily on the table. A part of her realized how embarrassing it was, but the rest of her was sick and tired of being blue balled. Luckily, that wasn’t the case as all, as she quickly realized why, exactly, they had pulled away. The broad, flat head of a horse cock pressed against her entrance, hot to the touch and throbbing with need. Rainbow felt herself grinding down into her chair, as though to coax the cock inside herself, only for the futility of such an action to be made painfully clear. She had absolutely no control over the situation.  Her clit bulged desperately against the member. Finally, she felt the stallion press into her - or maybe, he was pressing her down onto him? - and she relaxed herself to allow him entry. Gradually, her lips parted around his flare, and he sank inside her. “Oooooh yeeeaaahhhh,” Rainbow sighed happily, food all but forgotten as her hind legs rubbed together.  It wasn’t the thickest dick she’d ever taken, but it was large enough to fill her nicely, and as the stallion sunk deeper into her, a low, thin moan echoed out of her throat. Then she felt something thicker bump into her entrance, and she knew she was half way down his length. “O-okay, ease up so I can- hurk!” The air was forced from her lungs as she was slammed down past his medial ring, the stallion’s member forcefully hilted inside her in one swift stroke. Once more, she realized how entirely helpless she was. The stallion on the other end of the portal paid her no mind as he started stroking himself with her pussy, up and down, full, quick strokes that normally she’d prefer to work up to more slowly. But then, she wasn’t really having sex. She was being used, only, explicitly, for his pleasure.  A shiver ran down her spine. His pace picked up, but he wasn’t quite as forceful, and Rainbow found herself trying to clench around the invading member in time with his thrusts. If she was to be used as a toy, she’d be the best damn toy this stallion had ever experienced. Maybe she’d even get a repeat customer. Keep the money rolling in faster. With that excuse in mind, Rainbow focused on making herself feel as good as possible for the stallion using her. Flexing and relaxing to the rhythm of his thrusting - or his stroking, she couldn’t tell. Didn’t care.  With nothing to do her hooves roamed over her body, rubbing every sensitive spot she knew of, before one ventured down. She couldn't reach her clit, but her teats were sensitive enough, especially the perky nipples that had grown stiff.  The dick hammered into her all the while, uncaring of her pleasure, but that in itself was enough for Rainbow to feel her orgasm building once more. She could feel as his member became slick with her juices, making his thrusts easier, and in turn, faster. The flared head scraped along her walls with every stroke, spreading her open as she was filled and leaving a gaping void that made her ache for more as it pulled out. “Fu-uu-uck y-es,” Rainbow groaned, her voice forced into staccato from the increasing force of  the pounding. Suddenly, the stallion changed rhythm, slowly down but becoming harder. Every in-stroke slamming his length into the hilt and grinding a moment before pulling out and slamming back in just as fast. A cry of pleasure filled the house, and Rainbow’s upper half momentarily lost its strength, her face falling forward straight into her salad. Before she could pick herself up, she felt the stallion using her misjudge a stroke, his member slipping out of her entirely. A full, true whimper escaped her muzzle, until, as he tried to get himself back in, he missed and ended up mashing his flared head against her bulging clit. A white hot flash of pleasure was sent through her mind that forced her muscles to slacken, her tongue lolling out of her gaping, panting maw. She wasn’t able to collect herself before he managed to find her gaping entrance and resume the assault, his cock throbbing harder now as he drew near his release. The pace drastically increased now, every thrust just as hard as the last but coming faster now. Each and every one reached as deep as possible, and Rainbow felt the stallion’s balls slapping against her clit on every stroke, little sparks of mind-numbing pleasure pressing her ever-closer to the edge. Then she felt his dick twist inside her, and a wordless scream ripped out of her throat as she came. She could feel herself gushing around his pistoning, twisting dick. Her walls contracting in squeezing waver over his shaft, rainbow’s mind went blank as wave after wave of orgasmic bliss washed over her. Whatever shame she may have felt at cumming in front of a stranger was lost, every slap of his balls against her clit like a bolt of lightning that short circuited whatever thought she’d managed to form.  And he just kept going. “Oooohhhh,” Rainbow moaned mindlessly, drooling into her salad as her muscles twitched at random, aftershocks of orgasm dancing along her nerves randomly.  Finally, after what felt like years and just seconds of endless pleasure, Rainbow felt the stallion hilt himself in her pussy, cock pulsing, and a sudden wave of scalding warmth flooded her insides. Pump and pump of seed filled her, and Rainbow’s mouth hung open in a silent scream as she came again around his dick. She could feel herself squirting against the stallion’s balls, felt her inner walls milking his dick for every last drop of jizz they could get. By time it was over, Rainbow’s pussy was dripping a steady stream of marecum, not a single thought left in her head. Then, she felt him pull out of her, a trickle of warmth following him out, and it was over. Nothing else came after, and some part of her realized she’d been discarded like the used toy she was. She almost came again. After a while - maybe seconds, maybe minutes, maybe even an hour - she had no way to know - she recovered enough to lift her face out of her dinner, a few bits of lettuce sticking to her drool-soaked cheek. She looked down at her bowl, a pool of saliva at the bottom, and blinked blearily at it. Then her eyes trailed down further, to the portal device attached to her crotch, concealing the mess she knew she’d become from view. Knew that her freshly-used pussy was once more on display for the next customer. Rainbow groaned as she stood up, dinner all but forgotten, and staggered to her bed. She barely had the presence of mind to reach down with a wing and turn off the portal before she collapsed onto her blanket. “Holy Celestia,” she gasped, finding her voice rough and scratchy.  “I hope that guy left a tip.” She didn’t have time to form much more of a thought as she drifted off to sleep, kept warm by the fresh load of jizz still inside her. She could have sworn she heard it slosh as she rolled onto her side. > Chapter Two; On the Edge, Part I > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Two: On the Edge, Part 1 Contains: Straight, vanilla sex via portal, discreet sex in public, edging/orgasm denial Rainbow Dash groaned as she was rudely forced awake by the unwanted intrusion of sunlight through her bedroom window.  She rolled away from the seering brightness, but the damage was already done. Slowly, her eyes cracked open. Laying on her side, she stared out across her bedroom, glaring at the calendar that hung on the wall. It wasn’t filled with meticulous notes like Twilight’s, nor were the days crossed out as they passed. Hell, it wasn’t even turned to the right month. It just hung there, uselessly, confounding her attempts to remember whether or not she had work. She rolled her head further towards the edge of the bed until she could see her nightstand, and the paper atop it. Scribbled dates and times were scattered haphazardly about the paper, and it took her a moment to find today. Thankfully, she had the afternoon shift, so she could probably squeeze another hour or two of sleep. Or three, and just show up late. It wouldn’t be the first time, the last, or even particularly uncommon. With the plan set, she shifted herself deeper into her mattress, and closed her eyes, ready to fall back asleep and trusting her internal clock to wake up on time. Until her stomach growled. Loudly. With another long, defeated groan, Rainbow rolled herself out of bed, landing on her hooves, and finding her hind legs shakier than usual. Oh. Right. “Well, at least I’m actually gonna get something out of this,” she muttered, reaching back with a wing and feeling along the smooth metal surface covering her marehood. Her feathers quickly found a small switch, and with a flick, the device detached itself from her rear end with an audible pop. It fell to the ground, and Rainbow looked down between her legs as a long string of jizz mixed with her own marecum followed it down, a small off-white pool quickly forming on her floor. She grimaced. “Great. Couldn’t even clean up after himself. Typical.” Food would have to wait, a shower was far more important. Hobbling towards the bathroom, Rainbow scooped up the portal device with a wing, the other reached back to catch the fluids leaking from her, cringing as the luke-warm slime coated her feathers. At least they could be washed, dripping all over the floor would be an even bigger headache. Quickly jumping into her shower, Rainbow didn’t hesitate to turn it on, wincing as cold water drenched her in an instant, only gradually warming up. When it did, she wasted no time washing off her wings, discarding the metal disk to the side where it would get rinsed off. With her feathers clean, she changed focus to the source of the mess. Several minutes of soapy scrubbing later, and she finally felt like she was clean again. The thought struck her that if she had to clean herself up every time, she’d never meet the required two hours if she had multiple customers in a row.  “Hope they like sloppy seconds,” she muttered with a slight chuckle. Yesterday it had only been once, but if she got picked multiple times, there was no way she’d waste the entire day jumping in and out of the shower. The thought brought with it another, and from the corner of her eye she looked to the device in question. “Six hours total, huh?” She asked no one in particular. When the shower didn’t respond beyond the sound of running water, she shrugged. “May as well get started early.” After all, the sooner she put it on, the sooner she could take it off after her ‘shift’. It wasn’t like she enjoyed wearing it. Making sure the metal had been thoroughly hosed down, she first tried placing it with her wings, but found the angle too awkward to feel out where it needed to go. A frustrated grunt slipped out between her teeth, and Rainbow finally gave up and rolled onto her back, holding the metal plate in position with her hoof while her wing reached down and flipped the switch. Like before, it suctioned itself on, sealing firmly against her skin. She reached for the button to turn it on, hesitating for only a moment as she wiped away the smile that had crept onto her face. Keeping her face pressed into a neutral line, the portal was activated, its dull magical hum entirely drowned out by the shower. She’d have wondered if it was turned on at all were it not for the distinctly cooler, dryer air she now felt against her nethers, in stark contrast to the warm humidity of the shower.  “Open for business, I guess,” she said, the same lopsided smile as before sneaking back across her lips. Knowing that it could still be a while before her first customer, she tried not to think about it too hard, focusing instead on finishing her shower. Though it always remained on the edge of her mind. The knowledge that she could be chosen at any minute, that anticipation of it, sent a shiver down her spine. Every time a soapy hoof brushed against the metallic device, or when she could have sworn she felt someone breathe on her folds. She could practically feel the eyes on her. It wasn’t for another several minutes that Rainbow Dash managed to step out of the shower into her steam-filled bathroom. She quickly toweled herself off, taking care to dry the portal device covering her marehood before tossing the towel aside. From the corner of her eyes she caught her image in the foggy mirror and smirked, wiping away the condensation to get a better look at herself. Her mane and tale were still damp, giving her a more sultry look than normal.  Turning to the side, she gave the mirror a flirty smile as she admired herself. From the tips of her wings to the bottoms of her hooves, she was a fine looking mare, and she knew it. And everyone who saw her would know it too. Turning a bit more, she stole a glance under her own tail. Where her pussy should be, there was instead nothing at all, and it was really only now that she realized just how well the metal portal device matched her coat. If she didn't know it was there, she probably wouldn't notice it at all unless she was really looking for it. She could probably wear it out in public, and no one would be the wiser. Hell, she could be getting fucked in the middle of the market and not a single soul would know it. She shook the thoughts from her mind, forcing herself away from the mirror and out of the bathroom.  "As if I'd ever do that," she muttered to herself, stalking her way to the kitchen. A bowl sat on the table from the previous night, forgotten and, most important to her rumbling stomach, uneaten. Rainbow examined the limp, luke-warm lettuce with a frown, before quickly tossing it in the garbage and moving to her fridge. The very empty fridge. Her stomach growled. "Great." She glanced out the window. Judging by the height of the sun in the sky, Rainbow guessed that it wasn’t even noon yet - Sugarcube Corner wouldn’t be too busy right now. She had plenty of time to grab a quick breakfast before her shift started, and Pinkie always gave her a discount, so it wouldn't bite into her application funds too badly. There was only one last thing giving her pause, preventing her from just jumping out the window and flying over to her friend's bakery. Her hind legs shifted, and she felt her cheeks flush. She should just take it off and put it back on when she got back. She knew that was the smart thing to do. But… for some reason, she didn't really want to take it off. It wasn't like it was the first time she'd been 'available' while outside - she'd worn it home from the shop, after all. Granted, that lasted all of two minutes while she flew home as fast as she could, but it counted. Besides, she had to meet her hours for today, and there was no way she'd be wearing it at work. Which left the few hours before her shift, and the evening after. Plus, she reasoned, if the last night was any indication, it could be hours before and between customers. What kind of weirdo would be out getting their rocks off at this time of day, anyway? She probably had plenty of time before anyone chose her.  So there was no reason to take the portal off just for the few minutes it would take her to get some breakfast. She needed to hit two hours, and breaking it already didn't make sense. Rainbow's wings unfurled, and she eyed the open window to gauge her jump. A quick flight to Sugarcube Corner, she'd pick up some food to go, and a quick flight back. Five minutes, tops. There was no way she'd have a customer in that short a time. And if she was wrong… Rainbow Dash launched herself out the window, wings beating hard against the air as she shot off towards the center of Ponyville. If she was wrong, she'd just have to deal with it until she got home. Easy enough. Right? Taking a deep breath of the fresh air buffeting her face, Rainbow felt herself relaxing. The wind in her feathers felt as amazing as always, and it reminded her why, exactly, she was going through all this in the first place. Her dream of flying with the Wonderbolts was finally in reach, and she'd do almost anything to make that a reality, even if it meant suffering the shame of being used by unknown stallions. Not that it even particularly bothered her. Her thoughts drifted back to her first customer, remembering how it had felt being used by him. It sent a shudder down her spine, but even more intoxicating was the thought of her unknown customer getting off to her. He picked her over all the other mares in that lineup, and his reward was what must have been the greatest pussy of his life. She had no doubt he'd be coming back for more at some point. In truth, rather than being embarrassed or ashamed of the situation, Rainbow felt only an ego-stroking pride. And no small amount of arousal, as she felt herself wink into the warm air beyond the portal. Her thoughts were forcefully pulled back as she landed in front of her destination, the bakery thankfully rather quiet, in the lull between the breakfast and lunch crowds. A few ponies were enjoying a late brunch, but the shop was otherwise empty. The perfect situation to slip in and out without drawing attention or taking too long. The happy jingle of a bell announced her arrival, and she knew it wouldn't be long before- "Heya Dashie!" Rainbow's ears pressed themselves flat against her head at the sudden shout right next to her, she turned her head, a weak smile on her lips. "Hey, Pinkie" The exuberant pink mare bounced on the tips of her hooves, a grin stretched from ear to ear. "What can I get ya’ today? Danish? Strudel? Doughnuts? Ooh, we've got a new cupcake that's to die for, how about that?" "Just the usual, ‘Pinks, I've gotta eat and run. Work, y'know?" Pinkie nodded almost sagely. "Woooork, right, gotcha. Two croissants and a cherry strudel coming up!"  With that the mare disappeared, not so much in a cloud of smoke as in a puff of confetti, and Rainbow was left wondering over the way she'd said 'work'. It's not like she could have known, right? Well, actually, she could know. Pinkie's sense for things was famous around town, and often defied comprehension. Rainbow just hoped she would be subtle about it. For that matter, she also hoped she'd be quick about it. The longer this took, the higher the chance Rainbow would get a customer before she could escape back to her home to deal with it in privacy. Luckily, of all the words ponies had used to describe Pinkie Pie, 'slow' had never been used, and only a moment later Rainbow spotted the mare in question bounding out of the kitchen, a paper bag between her teeth.  "Orfer urp!" She shouted around her cargo, holding it up proudly. Rainbow chuckled as she accepted the package with a wing. "Thanks." "No problemo, friendo. Hey, while you're here though, wanna sample a new fudge recipe? Princess Luna gave it to me, apparently it was her favorite from before the whole 'turn into a big ol' meanie' thing happened." "You know I'd love to, but I've really gotta get going-" "It'll just take a second," Pinkie promised. Rainbow groaned, eyes switching between the pink menace and the door to her freedom. Her hind legs shifted, and she sighed. "Fine… just make it quick," she said, realizing only after that Pinkie hadn't waited to hear her answer anyway, already hopping towards the kitchen.  Her hoof was tapping against the floor impatiently before she realized it. Only partially because of her desire to get out, mostly because the smells of the bakery had kicked her hunger into overdrive and her stomach was churning angrily. She eyed the bag tucked under her wing, licking her lips. Maybe she could have just one while she was here. After all, she was standing around waiting for Pinkie, anyway, and what were the odds she'd- Suddenly, without warning or a warm up to speak of, Rainbow Dash felt herself get forcefully penetrated by a hard, hot rod of flesh. It wasn't quite large enough for such an abrupt insertion to be painful, but it was just enough to send her hind legs quivering and a startled yelp slipping out from between her lips. She quickly covered the noise with a fake cough, and scanned the restraint to find only a few uninterested gaze tossed her way. For now, nobody noticed anything out of the ordinary. It wouldn’t last for long. Just as quickly as he'd thrust into her, the stallion pulled out and then slammed back in, hilting himself balls-deep in her snatch without regard for her current situation. Her wings sprang open on their own, an audible whimper boiling up from the back of her throat at the viscous pace the stallion was already setting. She took a few, staggering steps forward, her knees threatening to buckle as her painfully erect wings bumped into a nearby table. Unsurprisingly, her proudly displayed wingboner managed to turn several heads, and Rainbow frantically realized that she couldn’t do this. She couldn’t just take a dicking in public like it was no big deal. "Okay, Dashie, here's your-" "Hold this!" Rainbow shouted, her voice cracking as she was filled mid-sentence. She tossed her bag at Pinkie unceremoniously, quickly hobbling to the only place she could think of for some semblance of privacy. "Where are you-" "Bathroom!" She squealed out, not waiting for an answer as she all but dove through the door, having to balance with her spread wings as every thrust sent a tremor through her legs that threatened to give out from under her.  To her relief, the bathroom was empty, and she threw herself into one of the stalls, locking the door behind her.  Finally somewhat-private, Rainbow let the moan she'd been holding back echo through the empty bathroom, leaning against the wall of the stall for support and she rode out the waves of pleasure assaulting her. The stallion was merciless, pounding her faster and harder than her previous customer had even come close to, and showed absolutely no signs of slowing down. Instead, the brutal pace somehow managed to increase, to the point Rainbow wondered if someone wasn't just using an actual jackhammer on her. The way she felt his flared head pulsing against her walls on every thrust dispelled the thought, but made it no less of an apt comparison.  "Haaa-haaa-holy fuu-uuck," Rainbow panted, her tongue lolling out of her mouth. Every thrust imparted enough force to actually send her body rocking forward, and if it wasn't for the fact she was braced against the wall she'd have fallen over from the vigorous pounding. "C-come on," she mumbled, licking her lips and setting her brow into a determined glare. "Th-that's the b-best you got?"  She knew he couldn't hear her, but that wasn't really the point. Taunting him made her feel like she was still in control, not just some toy for him to get off with. As much of a part of her was turned on by that thought, the rest of her wasn't about to give up without a fight. "Harder!" Rainbow shouted, forgetting for a moment where she was. "Fuck me harder, you-" The door opened. Rainbow slapped a hoof over her mouth. A whimper escaped her lips before she could stop it as the stallion seemingly responded to her demand, the speed slowly slightly to account for harder, heavier thrusts. "Huh? What was that?" A mare's voice asked, and Rainbow heard the sound of hooves coming closer.  "N-nothing!" Rainbow shouted in the momentary calm between thrusts, just as quickly returning the hoof over her mouth again and bracing for the next body-shaking slam. "Oh, sorry," the mare said, continuing along to another stall. Rainbow heard another stall door latch shut, and allowed herself a small breath. One that was quickly stolen from her as the rough fucking continued without pause. She felt herself clenching down on him, her neglected clit bulging outward in a desperate plea to be touched. Even ignored as it was, Rainbow still felt an orgasm building slowly in her core. Whimpers and whines threatened to spill past the hoof holding her lips shut, and she was forced to grit her teeth and try to ride it out. The last thing she needed was to start moaning like a two bit whore while another pony was in the washroom with her. Thankfully, the other occupant didn't take long, and not even a minute later Rainbow heard the other stall click open, and the mare walked over to the sinks across the room. Rainbow's chest heaved with gasping breaths, thankfully inaudible over the flowing water, and she started to wonder if she would last long enough for the mare to leave before she came. As it happened, she wouldn't get the chance. Without warning, Rainbow's user slammed himself as deep as he could reach, and Rainbow's eyes widened as she felt the head of his cock flare deep inside her, the familiar warmth of a fresh load of jizz splashing against her inner walls. A long, low whine leaked from the corners of her lips as she was filled with his cum, locked inside by the head of his cock as he emptied his balls inside her. Rainbow was helpless to do anything but stand there and take it, having to hold her breath to avoid making any noise. Just as the other mare finally turned and left the bathroom, the stallion's orgasm ended, and with a rough jerk he pulled his slickened cock free of her clenching snatch, leaving her painfully empty, and without an orgasm of her own. She could feel the warm cum leaking from her abused lips, dripping over her clit as it winked out, desperate for the final little bit of stimulation she needed to reach the edge. But she was left denied. Panting, Rainbow straightened herself out, a growl rumbling in the back of her throat. "Are you kidding me!?" No one responded to her indignant shout.  "After all of that you don't even make me cum!? Get back here and finish the job!" Again there was no retort, and Rainbow huffed. "Useless stallions and their useless dicks," she grumbled, leaving her stall once she was sure her customer wouldn't be taking a surprise second round. Instead, she knew she'd been used and tossed aside, her client utterly disinterested in her pleasure. The thought would have been hot, but she was too frustrated to properly appreciate it. She considered taking off the portal and finishing herself off, but that would break her two hour uptime, making the entire situation pointless. Instead, cheeks still slightly flushed, Rainbow emerged from the bathroom, a scowl on her face. She scanned the room, focus quickly landing on the pink mare standing in exactly the same place as she had been, a paper bag between her teeth and a far-off look in her eyes. Rainbow’s stomach growled loudly as she walked over. Great. Now she was hungry and horny. “Wrrfrum bek, Daffie,” Pinkie said around the bag in her mouth, doing an impressive job of getting the meaning across. “Thanks,” Rainbow muttered shortly, snatching her breakfast with a wing. She didn’t even think as she sat herself down at a booth and opened it, letting the smell of fresh-baked pastry fill her nose, only serving to make her stomach growl louder.  “I thought you had to get to work?” “Work can wait," she growled, tearing into one of her croissants. Pinkie wisely chose the moment to back off, leaving a small plate of fudge on the table like an offering to an angry deity. Rainbow eyed the dark brown treat, her withering glare gradually melting away as she devoured the first of her pastries. By time it was gone a significant portion of her frustration had gone with it, and she managed to take a slow, even breath to collect herself.  Which may have been a mistake, as her unquenched arousal was brought roaring back to the forefront of her mind. She shifted in her seat, face growing a few shades closer to purple as reality caught up to her. The mixture of stallion spunk and her own juices could be felt trickling out of her slightly-gaped folds. She felt like she should be sitting in a puddle of sexual fluids, but the booth was dry under her flanks, and the disconnect had a disorienting effect. Rainbow knew, logically, that she should take the rest of her breakfast and make a hasty retreat back to the privacy of her house before she had another customer. But she was still hungry, and hiding out in the bathroom had worked just fine the first time, hadn’t it? Besides, even she couldn't deny the slight thrill she got just from knowing she could be used at any moment.  Her clit winked out, and she felt the mix of juices leaking from her slit get splattered outward. What were the odds she'd be chosen again before she finished her food, anyway? Rainbow's mind lingered on the thought as she started on her second croissant, wondering when her 'services' would be chosen again. If she'd make it back home before then, or if she'd be caught out in the open once more. Forced to find some semi-private corner to hide in while she was used. It took her much longer to finish her second pastry than the first.  As she started on her strudel, Rainbow jerked slightly as she felt some stroke along her labia. For a moment she thought it was a tongue, and she braced for what was about to happen. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she noticed she wasn't making a mad dash for the bathroom. As the object made another pass, however, she realized it was too cold and rough to be a tongue. Still slightly wet, it pressed against her folds gently, and as she felt it wipe away the sticky residue of her earlier customer, she realized it was a cloth. She was being cleaned. Rainbow relaxed back into her seat, taking a bite out of the strudel as the cloth continued to clean her lower lips. Whoever it was was both gentle and thorough, she quickly found herself sighing happily under their careful ministrations. She felt like royalty being taken care of by a servant, and that was something Rainbow Dash could wholeheartedly get behind.  The cloth pressed a little deeper into her folds, and she hummed happily, taking her time and enjoying both the treatment and her remaining breakfast, uncaring that she was basically being pleasured in full view of all the other customers. It wasn't really enough stimulation to get her anywhere, but that didn't stop the occasional tingle from feeling good, as her unknown cleaner brushed gently over her clit as it bulged out at them. She was so caught up in it, she didn't notice a pink ball of energy bounding up to her table. "Heya, Dashie!" Pinkie almost shouted, snapping Rainbow out of her reverie. "You sure are enjoying that strudel, even if you aren't all here." Rainbow raised an eyebrow, suppressing a shudder. "What are you talking about?" “I dunno, it just seems like a part of you is somewhere else. It’d be like if I left home without my party cannon - I’m not really all there,” Pinkie explained quickly, before seemingly dismissing the thought entirely with a shrug. “How’s the fudge?” Pointedly ignoring how spot-on Pinkie’s intuition was, Rainbow cleared her throat awkwardly, turning her attention to the plate she’d hardly even noticed. She set her strudel aside and reached for the chocolate treats, popping one into her mouth without giving it a second thought. “Ah!” Rainbow gasped out suddenly, as whoever was cleaning her spread her pussy lips open to reach deeper inside.  “Wow, that good huh?” Pinkie asked with a giggle. Quickly nodding her head, Rainbow snapped her mouth shut and quickly finished chewing. “Uh, y-yeah, they’re good. Um, maybe a bit bitter?” She asked, hastily throwing another in her mouth, if only to distract herself from what was happening between her legs. It was starting to feel less like cleaning and more like someone was just playing with her. Surely she was clean enough? “Luna said they wouldn’t be super sweet. Something about sugar being harder to get back then. I’m just glad I live now, where I have all the sugar I can eat. Well, all the sugar I can find, anyway. I don’t know why, but there might be some hidden sugar out there. Could you imagine? Hiding sugar, from me? I’ll find it, though. This here sniffer's better than a bloodhound when it comes to sweet stuff,” Pinkie rambled, mostly to herself, tapping her nose for emphasis. “If there’s any secret sugar out there, it won’t be secret for long.” “Mmmmmm,” Rainbow quickly cut off her moan, covering it by humming appreciatively. Whoever was doing the ‘cleaning’ was only managing to get her just as wet as she’d been at the start. “Th-that’s um, yeah. G-good fudge,” she said, pushing the plate towards her friend. “B-but I think I’m done, so-” Pinkie grabbed the plate in her teeth, flicking her head back and launching the fudge into the air. The plate was stashed in her mane, and she tilted her head up and opened her jaw to catch the little chocolate squares as they fell. She licked her lips happily. “Okie dokie lokie. Thanks for taste testing for me, I’ll try making them a bit sweeter next time. Oh, and you should go find whatever piece you’re missing. It must be weird being in two different places at once.” “Uh, sure.” Before she left, Pinkie’s eyes grew wide for a moment. “Oh my gosh, I just got the best idea. It’s gonna take some time to set up though. Check back in a few chapters.” Rainbow blinked, and when her eyes opened, the pink mare was gone. “What?” The only answer she received was a stray hoof grazing her clit that sent a shock of tingling pleasure racing up her spine. “Ooooooo-kay, time to go,” she muttered to herself, already feeling the orgasm she’d previously been denied building back up, and the last thing she wanted to do was cum in front of a bunch of random ponies.  Tossing the last of her strudel into her mouth, Rainbow stood on shaky legs and hurried out of the shop before anyone could notice her uneven gait. With a flap of her wings she took to the air, making it only a few dozen feet away before her wings faltered as she felt a hoof deliberately press against her sensitive nub, her sharp, squealing gasp ripped away by the wind as she flew.  Whoever it was had fully given up any pretense of cleaning, and seemed to be intent to make her cum, his hoof grinding in quick circles against her clit. “Oh, fuck!” Rainbow moaned out, dropping a few feet as her wings went rigid before she managed to catch herself. A few uneasy flaps managed to get her to the closest cloud before she outright fell from the sky, and the pegasus flopped onto her back, chest heaving. She’d already been close from her first customer, and with how this new pony was treating her it took hardly any time to build her back up to the edge.  “Come on,” Rainbow gasped, her hooves reaching down to play with her stiff nipples under her belly, anything to help her cum. “Just… a bit more… ahhh-” Then it stopped all at once, and Rainbow’s pussy throbbed, clamping down on nothing, begging for that last little bit of stimulation she needed. “No, no!” She cried, desperately rubbing her teats, but it wasn’t enough, and she felt herself falling away from the edge.  Just as she thought it was over, she felt something else brush against her clit, this time warm and soft, and her heart swelled with hope… Then crashed down to reality as the stranger kissed her clit and pulled away once more, leaving Rainbow Dash once more to her fate. “Fuck!”  Her scream rang out through the sky, probably turning a few curious heads from the ground far below, but she couldn’t care less. Her hooves came up to cover her eyes as she caught her breath. In the darkness she focused on the pulsing need radiating from her pussy, no doubt dripping an endless stream of her arousal down whatever surface she was displayed on. “If I ever find you, you’re going to regret this,” Rainbow muttered under her breath, her hind leg twitching as her clit winked out. “And I will find you if you don’t get back here and make me cum.” Her threats fell on deaf ears, or no ears at all, and she was forced to accept that her ‘cleaner’ had left her unsatisfied once again. “Celestia damn it,” she sighed, moving her hooves to look down her body. “Are you kidding me? You do all that work, just to stop before the best part? Why the hell-” Her question was answered right as she asked it by the sensation of the flared head of a cock pressing against her outer lips. Apparently, her cleaner had been cut short by a customer. Rainbow groaned happily, relaxing herself to make his entry as easy as possible - she was plenty wet already. To her delight, her newest client slid into her snatch without difficulty, his cock large enough to fill her nicely. “Finally,” she mumbled, closing her eyes and laying back. Even if he didn’t have much stamina, she was plenty close already. He only had to last long enough to push her over the edge, and with the previous assault on her clit, that would hardly be a challenge. The stallion pulled himself all the way out, then thrust all the way back in, and Rainbow couldn’t help but moan, uncaring if any passing pegasi heard her. Or saw her, for that matter. Just as long as she finally got to cum, she’d deal with everything else after, with her head clear. Another thrust brought her attention back to the matter at hoof, and Rainbow grinned as she clenched hard around her customer’s cock, feeling him throb in response. She gripped him as tight as she could as he pulled out, enjoying the extra friction as his flared head rubbed along her inner walls, then relaxed as he pushed in as deep as he could. She felt him hilt himself inside her, his balls slapping gently against her clit. Another few thrusts like that and she’d finally- Rainbow’s train of thought was derailed as she grunted, the stallion suddenly giving a couple short, shallow thrusts as his cock throbbed, his flared head bulging, and-  Her eyes grew wide as she felt the tell-tale warmth of someone blowing their load inside her. Her eye twitched. “Are you fucking kidding me!? I had to get the quickshot now?” Rainbow yelled glaring up at the sky as though the heavens themselves were the two-pump-chump that had just failed to make her cum. Again. She hardly even noticed as he pulled out, a tiny dribble of his pathetically small load dripping down her lips. “Fuck it,” she grunted, reaching down to disable the portal. Clearly none of her clients were up to the task, and she wasn’t about to wait around just to be disappointed over and over. It was time she took matters into her own hooves. Literally. “Rainbow Dash, is that you?” Before she'd even realized it, Rainbow had rolled onto her stomach, pressing her tail down tightly to conceal herself as Flitter popped up over the edge of the cloud, a displeased frown written plainly across her face.  "There you are. I've been looking for you," she said, crossing her hooves over her chest. "You don't have time to be out napping." Rainbow raised a single eyebrow at the clearly irate mare. "What crawled up your butt? My shift doesn't start for another hour, and if I'm not on the clock I can do whatever I want." "Like being on the clock ever stopped you before," Flitter muttered, before physically shaking the thought. "You seriously forgot?" "Forgot… what?" Rainbow asked skeptically, running back through her mind to try and remember whatever it was Flitter was talking about. "It's inspection day," she deadpanned, her brow furrowing further.  Rainbow's blood ran cold enough to almost entirely extinguish the burning in her loins. "Oh fuck." “Yeah.” > Chapter Three; On the Edge, Part II > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Three: On the Edge, Part 2 Contains: Surfer bros, SPH (Small Penis Humiliation), edging/orgasm denial, discreet sex in public, exhibitionism “Did you-” “Yes, I had Thunderlane and Wind Slash inventory the clouds.” “What about the-” “I cleaned out the locker room already.” “There were a lot of-” “Cloud Chaser handled the weather records and schedules, everything should be filled in.” Rainbow scowled over at the mare flying alongside her. “Then why the hay do I have to be in early? They’re not supposed to be here for another couple hours, right?” “Because you’re supposed to be the team lead, which means things need your signature on them, not mine,” Flitter grumbled with a roll of her eyes. “Trust me, I didn’t want to spend an hour looking for your lazy flank when there’s enough to get done as it is.” “Hey! Who are you calling lazy?" Rainbow asked indignantly. "Literally the laziest pegasus I know," Flitter answered shortly. "Look, as usual, I did your damn job for you, so you can sit at your desk and sign the shit you were supposed to sign last week while I continue preparing for inspection." Rainbow felt her teeth grinding together as they landed out front of the Ponyville Weather Department building. "I would have time to do the dumb paperwork if the rest of you did your jobs! How many times have I had to clean up after Thunderlane or Blossomforth messing up the weather schedule?" "Not as many times as I've had to fill in the shift schedules when you 'forget'," Flitter shot back, though she knew she didn't have as much ground to stand on. Paperwork and organization were never Dash's strong point, but there was a reason she was Team Lead. Even if that appointment left Flitter acting as a de facto secretary at times. "Schedules are boring," Rainbow said with a shrug. "It's way more fun dealing with the Everfree storms." Flitter sighed as she opened the front door and guided them both inside. "Yeah well the Weather Bureau doesn't care about how fast you can clear a thunderstorm. They only care about how much money we spend and how nice the place looks when they visit." "Typical. I'd like to see them manage this place for a week without us," Rainbow said, her tone growing sour as she spied her desk - and the mountainous stack of papers atop it. Flitter chuckled. "Without you, maybe a week. I give them two days without me." "You saying you do more than me?" "I'm saying someone had to keep this place running while you were out racing a tornado to get your rocks off, and it sure as shit wasnt Thunderlane." Rainbow glared at the side of Flitter's head. "It was one time!" "Twice, actually," Flitter corrected. Before Rainbow could respond she grabbed a pen from a nearby desk and flicked it at her. "Now get signing. I have more cleaning to do." Just barely catching the pen with her wing, Rainbow blew a raspberry at the other mare as she walked away. "I have more cleaning to do," she echoed mockingly. Flitter either didn't hear her or didn't care to respond, disappearing around a corner, and Rainbow sighed as she stepped up to her desk. There was a slight metallic clank as she sat down, and she remembered her current availability. She hadn’t had any customers while she was flying, thankfully, and the sudden rush of panic from Flitter showing up had flushed her system of the desperation she’d been left with. Only some of the arousal had faded though, and she shifted in her seat as she debated turning the portal off. On one hoof, she’d more than satisfied her two hour requirement, and the rest of the time could be taken care of after inspection. On the other, the chance for a small distraction from her looming paperwork - and the possibility of finally getting off - were incentives all on their own, nevermind the money from any more clients. Rainbow chewed her lip, glancing around. The office space was empty - most of the squad was either out dealing with the actual weather or preparing for inspection with Flitter. She had at least two more hours before the pencil pushers showed up, probably three given their habit of spending as much time as possible not doing their jobs. The afternoon shift would arrive in an hour, but they’d probably be put to work by Flitter just as soon as they stepped in the door. Which meant she was alone. There was no reason to take it off until it was time for inspection. Rainbow grabbed the first paper, skimmed it, and signed her name at the bottom. She shifted in her seat again, feeling the portal device hugging tight to her skin. Her heart beat just a little bit harder as she pulled another form.  “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” she muttered under her breath. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. She never thought she’d be caught dead wearing it at work. But, then, she’d never considered getting railed in public, either, and that notion had gone out the window that very morning. Besides, it was kind of hot. Already she was getting horny again. She’d been kept on the edge almost all day - even if the next client was a hair trigger like the last, she still had a good chance of finally cumming. She just needed a customer already! As if a god had heard her prayer, she felt something on her nethers. A slight breeze, which in the stagnant air of the shop meant she was being moved. Carried. Hopefully to a private room.. She felt her clit bulge out. “Come on,” Rainbow whispered, signing her name again. Slightly sloppier this time. “Show me what you’ve got.” The breeze stopped. Wherever they were taking her, they’d arrived. She jerked as something rough and cold touched her lips, and realized with a disappointed sigh that it was the same cloth as before. She was being cleaned again. The disappointment faded quickly. Sure, it wasn’t the dicking she’d been hoping for, but maybe this time they’d finish the job. Just as quickly as it started, though, it stopped, having only mopped up the worst of her leaking fluids and the remaining jizz of her previous user.  Before she could voice a complaint, though, the warm, spongy flesh of a cockhead pressed against her opening. Something was strange, though. It was- Rainbow’s eyes grew wide. “No. No way. You’re kidding me!” Whatever god answered her prayer had played some kind of cruel joke on her.. The stallion hilted himself in her, and she groaned. “Fuck!” She sighed as he started thrusting rhythmically. Sure, it felt nice, but that was it. He wasn’t working with much, after all… “Fucking twig-dicked asshole,” Rainbow growled out as what felt like a marker was repeatedly slammed into her pussy. After the fucking she’d received that morning there was basically no resistance, and even less sensation. He wasn’t long enough to reach anywhere particularly sensitive, nor was he thick enough to provide a satisfying stretch. Even when she clenched down on him as hard as she could, it didn't help. Grumbling obscenities to herself, Rainbow's focus returned to her work. His meager package couldn't hold her attention for more than a moment or two. "Whatever. Not like you'll last long anyway," she said with a sigh, another document emblazoned with her name. "Hurry up and finish so I can get a real stallion." Her shrimpy customer didn't seem to acknowledge her request, his pace showing no sense of urgency. Rainbow cast her eyes over to the clock, hooves working on autopilot through the pile of paper. The longer he took to pop the less chance she had of getting another customer before the pencil pushers showed up. "Come on, tic-tac, I don't have all day." Her hoof tapped on the ground impatiently as she watched the second hand. "With a dick like that I have to be the best pussy you've ever had. So be a good loser and cum already." Still he kept thrusting away, his puny package only barely providing enough stimulation to keep Dash's arousal from fading, but nowhere near enough to get her off. Her throbbing, needy nub went ignored as usual, only occasionally brushing against his similarly-sized sack. "Of course," Rainbow sighed, accepting her fate and settling into her work. "The guy with the glorified clit has more stamina than half the stallions in Ponyville." She paused mid-signature, looking at the pen in her hoof. Holding it up, squinting at it, measuring its length between her two hooves, she nodded. "Someone's fucking with me, right? There's no way that's a dick, you've just shoved a pen in there to screw with me." If she was being honest, the pen was a little bit longer than the pint-sized prick fucking her, and slightly thinner - though not by much. But, no; she knew that warmth could only come from a living stallion, and she could just about make out the feeling of his medial ring passing through her lips on every stroke. It almost felt good if she focused on that and the flared head that would press against her inner walls when she clenched down on it. Gradually Rainbow fell into his rhythm, squeezing down as he hilted himself and enjoying the slight scraping as he pulled himself out. Even her signing fell into step, the lines and curves of her signature matching his strokes. She hardly noticed the minutes ticking by, the occasional hum of pleasure vibrating up her throat into the empty office. Somewhere in the distance she could occasionally hear the muffled sound of Flitter yelling at some poor weather pony that wasn’t doing their job right, but that gradually faded into mere background noise. The stack of papers became two, one shrinking and one growing as she worked through the pile. All the while her compact client continued to plunder what little he could reach of her depths. Though even Rainbow had to admit his stamina was impressive. She was even starting to get into it, subconsciously rolling her hips as though to grind against him. To her surprise, the orgasm she'd been denied had started to build up once again, every small tap against her clit adding to her pleasure just a little bit at a time. Her signatures grew less and less legible the closer she got, and she'd stopped working entirely by time the first proper moan escaped her muzzle. “Okay, Twinkie," she panted, her wings sticking out stiffly behind her. "Make me cum and I'll let you shoot your load inside me." Not that she had a say in the matter, but it was nice to pretend. Her hopes for release faded quickly as she felt his pace speed up. His thrusts, no more filling or pleasurable than before, came faster, and harder, and Rainbow whined desperately as she realized he wasn’t going to last long enough. “No, don’t you dare!” She shouted, throwing her hooves down under the table to play roughly with her teats. Her perky nipples were flicked, pinched, and pulled in a last-ditch effort to reach the edge before the miniature stallion did. “Don’t you fucking dare,” she groaned, her head rolling back and eyes closing as she tried to focus on the pleasure. Tried to ignore the way his fun-sized flare grew just a little bit larger inside her. “You worthless, pindicked asshole! Don’t you dare finish yet.” It still wasn’t enough. Her clit throbbed and burned with need, and instinctually her wing reached around to rub it, only for her feathers to meet bare, cold metal. She could feel him throbbing, pulsing against her walls, the medial ring bulging out just enough for her to actually feel something, but by then it was too late, as he slammed himself home one, last time. “No, no!” Rainbow cried, actual tears forming in her eyes as another orgasm was cruelly ripped away from her grasp. Her head fell forward as a truly pathetic amount of watery jizz drippled weakly from his tip, forehead resting on her desk. Her jaw hung open in a silent scream and for a moment, Rainbow felt her breath catch in her lungs as the ghost of a word formed on her lips. “P… Please,” she whispered, the plea almost inaudible even in the quiet office. “Please.” Again, louder this time. “Please just… just let-... just make me cum already. Please. I can’t take it anymore, I-” He pulled out, and for a moment, for the barest, slimmest moment, Rainbow hoped that he would somehow hear her and finish the job. Nothing more came, and her drooling slit was left denied. She could feel her heartbeat thrumming in her engorged lips, clitorus winking desperately, begging for attention. But she was ignored. Rainbow slammed her hooves into the table. “Dammit! You sorry, pathetic excuse for a stallion! I hope you know how fucking lucky you are that your worthless excuse for a dick even got to touch a mare like me! Hell, with a clit like that I’m surprised you can even get it up at all! I bet the only time you even get to smell pussy is when you pay for it. Did your first girlfriend laugh at you when she saw what you were working with? Huh? Did she!?” Rainbow’s aggravated shout echoed around the office before fading back into a silence broken only by her panting as she caught her breath. She snorted a dry, callous chuckle, shaking her head. “Who am I kidding, with a tiny thing like that between your legs you probably don’t have balls big enough to ask a mare out. Hope you enjoy being single forever, loser.” Rainbow sighed, picking herself up and, metaphorically, dusting herself off. “There’ll be another one soon,” she said to herself. Her eyes wandered over to the clock - the next shift was due to arrive any minute now, and she had an hour before the inspection team from Cloudsdale arrived. “Soon,” she repeated, a sliver of worry creeping into her voice. If only to keep her mind off the burning heat between her legs, Rainbow Dash turned her focus back onto the papers before her. A deep frustration lingering in the back of her mind manifested as particularly aggressive strokes of her pen, and the finished sheets being callously flicked aside. It wasn't long before she heard the front door open, and she looked up, only to realize she couldn't actually see the door from her desk around the great mound of work. She leaned around it, almost tipping out of her chair as her eyes fell on a light gray coated pegasus. "'Sup, Cloudy?" Cloudy Skies jumped slightly at the voice, glancing around until her eyes fell on the tuft on Rainbow mane sticking out around a pile of parchment. "Rainbow Dash," she greeted fondly. "I see you're getting ready for inspection." "Living the dream," Rainbow responded. "You might wanna lay low, though. If Flitter finds you-" "I'll make her do her job," Flitter cut it, appearing from seemingly nowhere and wrapped a hoof around Cloudy's neck. She shot a glare at Rainbow. "Hurry up, we still have to file all that away before they show up.” Her attention turned as fast as her demeanor, a sickeningly sweet smile plastered onto her lips. “Cloudy~” she sang, “Don’t pay attention to our resident slacker. How would you like to go through the rain seeds to get rid of the expired ones?” “Ah, um, i-isn’t that normally Nimbus’s job?”  Flitter was already dragging her down the hall. “Nimbus isn’t here yet, and you are, and it needs to be done. So…” She trailed off expectantly, gripping the other mare a little tighter to her side. Sighing, Cloudy hung her head. “So I’ll do it.” “Great! While you do that, I’ll…” her voice trailed off as they disappeared out of sight, and Rainbow chuckled to herself, returning to her own assignment. Which was, thankfully, almost done, as the outgoing stack was now significantly larger than the incoming. In only a few short minutes, she finished the at-first imposing task, and allowed herself a moment to breathe, relaxing back into her chair and checking the time again, chewing her lip slightly as she realized she was very quickly running out of time without another customer. The door opened again, this time a pair of hoofsteps perking her ears.  “Yeah man, I know what you’re saying. Totally bogus,” a male voice said, and Rainbow rolled her eyes as she recognized it as belonging to Sandy Shores, easily the most irritating pegasus on her team. “Right? I’m telling you, having a Princess in town is more of a headache than it’s worth,” another voice, this time one Swift Nimbus, responded. “Absolutely, man. And that dumb shiny tree just showed up out of nowhere, it’s so tall it’s messing with the clouds.” “I’ve almost crashed into it twice!” “Oh hey, speaking of things popping up around town…” Sandy trailed off a moment, and when he spoke again his voice was hushed. “Did you check out that shop I told you about? Y’know, the, uh… portal place?” Rainbow’s eyes widened slightly, and she shifted in her seat. “Oh, dude, yes!” Nimbus exclaimed, and she could hear the grin in his voice. “Dude you were not kidding, were you? In fact…” again, when his voice returned, it was quieter than it had been. “I stopped there this morning before work.” “Dude no way!” “What? It’s inspection day! I’ve been stressed about this all week. I needed to relax.” “Nah, man, it’s not that,” Sandy chuckled. “I was there this morning too! Same reason. Can’t believe I didn’t see you.” “Bro seriously?” “No lie, man.” Rainbow felt her heart rate increasing. Both of them were in the shop that very morning. Had they seen her there, on display? Had they recognized her? Had they… “Who’d you choose?” Nimbus asked in an excited whisper. “Did you go for Cloud Chaser again?” Sandy hummed thoughtfully. “I was gonna. Hell, I went there for her, but… another mare caught my eye. Something about her spoke to me, man. Like I heard a voice, calling out to me, begging me to show her a good time.” “Haha, knock it off, dude.” “What? It’s true! I looked at her and I could tell she was desperate for it. She winked at me, and I knew. Chose her on the spot and took her to the booth to rock her world.” Nimbus groaned. “Enough with the mystery schtick, dude, just tell me who you picked.” “Don’t know her name,” Sandy said, carefree as a lazy tide. “Just her number. Twenty-one.” Rainbow’s breath caught in her throat so hard she thought she was choking. Only barely stopping herself from coughing and announcing her presence. She’d known - somewhere, in the darkest, furthest reaches of her mind - that it was possible for someone she knew personally to find her there. Hell, it was probably likely given Ponyville’s relatively small size. But she’d never considered that not only would they use her, but that she’d find out they had used her. Her thoughts swirled in her head at the revelation, some mix of horror at having to face the stallion after finding out, and a strange curiosity. She’d had three customers that morning, after all. “Bro wait, wait,” Nimbus said, his voice growing in excitement. “You chose number twenty-one? Like the light-blue pussy? Super wet and needy, kinda looked like a certain Team Lead that’s always napping? That twenty-one?” “Dude don’t tell me-” “That’s who I picked too!” Nimbus squealed excitedly. Rainbow felt like she was going to pass out. What were the odds? And they’d even recognized her! Oh, Celestia, her life was over. She’d have to move to a different town - a different country, maybe! She’d have to change her name and dye her mane and- “Hah, I wish it was Rainbow Dash,” Nimbus said with a sigh. “No way she’d be caught dead doing that stuff though.” “Yeah, no kidding,” Sandy agreed. “Still, I’d love to pump my load inside her.” “Dude, gross!” Nimbus said, even as his words carried his laughter. “She wouldn’t let someone like you anywhere near her, anyway.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” “I’m just saying, mare like that has her pick of stallions. You and me? We aren’t even on her radar. Thunderlane barely managed to bed her, and that was during heat week. You think you can compare to Thunderlane?” Sandy audibly sighed. “Man, you don’t gotta be that honest.” “It’s what friends are for,” Nimbus said comfortingly. “Hey, at least we’re in the same boat, you know?” Sandy’s chuckle broke the suddenly somber mood. “And apparently in the same pussy.” “Dude!” “Ow, hey!” Rainbow didn’t even realize she was smirking to herself as the pair of stallions laughed together. Just moments ago she was worried she’d been found out, but now she was riding high on their inadvertent praise. Not only did they not think it was her, they wished it was her. They wished they were deserving of her. She’d done them the favor of gracing them with her body, and they didn’t even know it! It was almost too much.  “Still, even if it wasn’t her, Twenty-One felt good,” Sandy said wistfully, obviously recalling his time in the shop. “Way better than Cloud Chaser.” “Oh yeah?” Nimbus asked. “I didn’t get a chance to try Cloud yet, but man Twenty-One was great. Did you- oh, dude, wait, if we were both there this morning, and we both chose the same girl…” “Yeah?” “Which one of us got the other’s sloppy seconds?” There was a long, pregnant pause between the pair, and Rainbow slapped a hoof over her mouth before she could start laughing. “Let’s never find out?” “Agreed,” Sandy said, very professionally. Rainbow almost pouted - she really wanted to know which one was the quick shot and which was the pin dick (She had ruled out either of them being the proper stallion that was her first customer). “Okay, but, real talk,” Nimbus started conspiratorially. “Did you make her cum?” “No!” Rainbow mentally cried. “Dude, you kidding?” Sandy laughed. “By time I was done I had her gushing around my dick. Bitch couldn’t get enough of me! You?” “Bro don’t even. You know I made her see stars.” “Right on, dude.” Rolling her eyes so hard she thought they might fall right out of her head, Rainbow wondered if it was worth giving herself away to burst their bubbles. “But man, Twenty-One sure is a squirter, huh dude?” Nimbus asked. “She must have creamed herself on my dick four or five times before I finally finished. Was basically sitting in a puddle at the end. I feel sorry for the janitor.” “Oh bro you aren’t kidding,” Sandy agreed boastfully. “She was clenching on me like mad on the first thrust! I thought the poor girl was gonna cum just from that, and it didn’t take much more.” Just as she was about to clear her throat - loudly - Rainbow was stopped by the sound of flapping wings coming down the hall. “Hey, you two!” Flitter yelled, skidding to a halt. “How kind of you to finally show up, get to work! We have a code red.” “Yo, what’s up, Flit’s? What’s the commotion?” Sandy asked in his usual, care-free way that made Flitter’s blood boil. “It’s inspection day, you dolt!” She yelled. “And Thunderlane just reported that he saw them on the edge of Ponyville - ahead of schedule! Rainbow Dash!” She yelled, wheeling around to face the pile of work.  Rainbow leaned out, a shit-eating grin on her face as both stallion’s realized she’d been there the whole time. “Yeah, what’s up?” “Are you done yet?” “Signed, initialed, and stamped,” Rainbow confirmed with a nod, standing from her chair and stretching out her back. “How’s the rest of the place?” “Perfect, no thanks to you,” Flitter growled. “We’ve got ten minutes or less before they knock on that door. These two idiots can handle filing it away, I need you outside at least pretending to be the boss when they walk up so we can delay them.” Sauntering out into the room, Rainbow waved a hoof. “Sure, sure, I’ll be there in a sec.” She turned, shooting a venomously sweet smile at the stallions. “Just a heads up, boys, if you’re going to make up stories, make them believable. It’s obvious just from listening to that horse shit that neither of you even got close to finishing the job.” The pair of braggarts sputtered wordlessly at her, and Rainbow felt her chest swell with pride. Her heart beat faster at the realization of what she was saying - what she was admitting, whether they realized it or not - but at this point, it was just her frustration spilling over. She needed these two losers to know how bad they sucked at fucking. “If I were you,” she continued, “I’d go back to that shop, find Twenty-One again, and make it up to her. And this time, put your mouths to work doing something other than bragging or fantasizing about your boss. Wouldn't want to get written up now, would we?” With that, Rainbow walked past them, flipping up her tail to brush under each of their chins in turn as she followed Flitter out the front door. Stepping out into the sunlight, she glanced over her shoulder to see Nimbus and Sandy standing still as statues just as the door closed. “What was that about?” “Oh, nothing,” Rainbow said innocently. “Just giving my team members some advice.” Maybe, if they listened, she’d actually get to cum the next time they- Rainbow froze mid-step. She’d been enjoying messing with the stallions so much she’d glossed over what Flitter had said, and it all came rushing back to her. Along with the knowledge that she hadn’t so much as turned the portal off, never mind taken it off. “Uh, Flitter, I gotta-” “They’re here!” Flitter yelled, frantically straightening her mane as a half-dozen pegasi began descending from the sky towards them. “Okay, you-” “Flitter can you handle them for a sec I need to run to the bathroom and-” “Hold it!” Flitter hissed angrily. “They’re going to want to talk to you, not me.” Rainbow’s tail flicked anxiously. “No you don’t understand, I-” “Hello ladies!” Came a greeting as the first suit-and-tie clad pegasus touched down in front of them. He was quickly joined by the rest, the group stepping up to shake hooves. “Rainbow Dash, I presume?” “Uh, yeah, that’s me,” Rainbow answered, shakily accepting his hoof on her own.  “Excellent. I’m Quill Strife, here on behalf of the Cloudsdale Weather Bureau to perform this inspection. As Team Lead for Ponyville, why don’t you show us around the facility?” Swallowing thickly, Rainbow nodded. “You got it.” “Clouds are all accounted for?” Quil asked, pulling a pair of glasses from his suit pocket and balancing them on the end of his muzzle. He squinted at a stack of parchment held in his wing. “Yep,” Rainbow answered quickly. “Inventoried and organized according to protocol.” Her hind legs shifted. She’d wound up leading the group around the weather office - which left several of the suits behind her. She could feel their eyes on the back of her head, and made sure to take extra special care in keeping her tail pressed down against her backside. Thankfully, the portal device was a near-perfect match for her coat, but the last thing she needed was one of them spotting it. “Seems to be in order,” Quill said, setting the papers back down. “For this month. Bring me last month’s.” Rainbow brightened up. “O-oh, those are in the other room, um, I-I’ll go get them, and-” “No, you stay here,” Flitter cut in. “Please. I’ll get them.” She scampered out of the room without waiting for a response, and Rainbow had to bite her tongue to keep from cursing. All she needed was a single moment alone, without any eyes on her, to reach back and turn off the portal. As it was, there was no way for her to disable it without someone noticing her sticking her wing under her tail. She just hoped she could find a moment before the worst-case scenario happened. “Rainbow Dash?” “Huh?” Quill frowned at her. “I said Flitter seems to be a very capable team member.” “O-oh, yeah, she’s good.” “Are you alright? You’ve seemed distracted since we got here, and you’re looking a little flushed” Quill said, and Rainbow was surprised to hear what sounded like genuine concern in his voice. She forced a fake smile at him. “No, I’m just… feeling a little under the weather today, is all.” “Sorry to hear that. Well, we’ll make this as quick as we can so you can get some rest.” “Last month’s cloud inventory!” Flitter decried as she ran back into the room, another stack of papers held in her wing. Quill Strife accepted them with a polite nod and smile, quickly flipping through them. “Everything seems to be in order,” he said. “Shall we move on? I believe the rain seeds are stored next door, right?” Rainbow nodded. “Yeah, next room over.” “Please,” Quill said, making a chivalrous ‘after you’ gesture. “Lead the way.” Begrudgingly, Rainbow led the way. She tried to ignore her situation. Focus on the problem in front of her rather than the problem behind her. But she was constantly aware of all the various sets of eyes on her. Constantly aware of what could happen at any moment. Constantly aware of how fucking horny she was. All day she’d been kept on edge and denied. And now, with so many ponies around watching her, all she could think about was the possibility of a hard, fat cock ramming her in front of all of them. The shame of it, even imagined, burned her cheeks a permanent scarlet hue. She tried to tell herself that she didn’t want it to happen, that she was worried. Tried to convince herself the arousal she could feel dripping from her snatch wasn’t from the mental image of getting railed in front of everyone. It was just the lingering effects of her unsatisfying clients. That was all. Rainbow caught her tail trying to flag and forced it back down. “Here’s where the rain, hail, and snow seeds are kept,” Rainbow said as she led them into a darker room. The air was notably cooler inside, and the walls were lined with shelves covered in small wooden boxes. From the corner of her eye she spotted Cloudy Sky hiding in a dark back corner, several boxes of expired seeds held in her wings and a panicked look on her face. Thinking fast, Rainbow pushed forward into the room to the shelf on the back wall, glancing at the tags on the boxes to orient herself. “These are, uh, where we keep the oldest that are about to expire,” she said, wincing as she saw a few that already were out of date. Quill Strife stepped up to the shelf, squinting to read the tags in the dim light. His group of pencil pushers followed him in, and Flitter held the door open with her hind hoof for Cloudy to slip out. “Some of them have already gone off,” Quill said, scribbling a note on a clipboard in his wing. “But not more than a week. I can presume those will be gone by the end of the month?” “Second Friday of every month is when we clean out,” Rainbow answered.  Quill raised an eyebrow at her. “That was last week.” “The team member assigned was out sick last week,” Flitter filled in while Rainbow tripped over her tongue. “And we didn’t have the extra staff to do it and the weather, so it was delayed to this Friday.” “Ah, I see. There does seem to be an illness going around,” Quill said, shooting a glance over at Rainbow. “Take care of yourselves.” Chuckling awkwardly, Rainbow Dash just nodded, and Quill returned to his inspection, checking takes and opening a few boxes to verify their accuracy. A few more marks and notes were added, and then they were off to the next room. Thankfully, Flitter was good at her job, and Rainbow made a mental note to thank her. Every area was cleaned and organized - even the locker room looked spotless as the day the building was first erected, and Quill made several notes about the accuracy of their document keeping.  All through it, Rainbow did her best to keep up a calm front even as her tension grew. There was never an opportunity for her to sneak away or discreetly feel around for the portal’s off switch, and by time they were half way done she’d basically given up escaping the situation. All she could hope for was the end of the inspection would come before her next client.  And, for a moment, she thought she might make it. “Well, Rainbow Dash,” Quill started as they circled around from the back of the building towards the front door, having come from the small cloud storage area. “I must say, you run a fine weather office here.” “Heh, you know it,” Rainbow said, puffing out her chest. “Finest around.” Quill made a note on his clipboard. “Yes, quite.” “She means ‘thank you’,” Flitter said, discreetly shoving her elbow into Rainbow’s ribs. “We’re just a small town, so the team is very close. We work well together.” “Yeah, right,” Rainbow grumbled, massaging her side with a hoof. “We’re a real close team…” she trailed off, thinking of two members in particular that she’d inadvertently gotten especially ‘close’ with that morning. Hell, their loads were probably still inside her. She really hoped that the sterilizing spell worked. The last thing she needed was to have to tell Sandy Shores of all ponies that he’d knocked her up. Or others, for that matter. Maybe she should ask Twilight to double check… “Ah, but I believe our time together has just about come to an end,” Quill said abruptly, nodding to one of his companions that was motioning to his watch.  Rainbow had to bite her tongue before the word ‘finally’ could leave her lips. Just a few more seconds, and she’d- “Ah!” Rainbow yelped as a tongue, wide and warm, licked along her labia, starting from the top and running down to flick over her clit. “Rainbow Dash?” Quil asked, frowning. “Are you alright?” Why now? Why not just a few moments later when she would be able to run and hide somewhere? “I-I’m fine,” she said shakily, as her customer went back for another lick, this time stopping to curl his tongue around her sensitive nub. “S-s-stubbed my h-hoof.” her voice quaked with a shudder of pleasure racing up her spine. It took every last ounce of control she had not to moan. “Right. Well, as I was saying, my time is about up. I’ll need to write up my report in full, so you can expect a copy in a few days by mail.” “Sounds good!” Rainbow gasped, feeling the stallion’s tongue dip into her honey pot. Pressing against the spongy walls that reflexively flexed and rippled around it. “Before I go, though.” He looked to Flitter. “Would you gather the team for me in the main office? I’d like to talk with them for a moment.” Rainbow’s eyes shot open wide. No! Now isn’t the time for a stupid speech! Get out of here! “C-could I go and-” “I know you’re feeling unwell, so I’ll make it quick,” Quill assured her with a gentle smile. “But please, accompany me inside for a moment so we can address your team together.” Choking back a whimper, Rainbow nodded, allowing herself to be led back inside. She could feel her eager pussy drooling into her customer’s mouth, and felt him lapping up her juices happily. In other circumstances, she would have loved the treatment, the attention, the pleasure. But right now she wanted nothing more than for it to stop. She got her wish, as the tongue was removed from her snatch, and Rainbow realized that no, she didn’t want it to stop at all. Her cunt burned for more, clenching down on the emptiness inside her. Begging to be filled, even as she took an indicated spot next to Quill Strife. In front of her was her entire weather squad, behind and around her was the group of higher-ups from Cloudsdale. All of them were looking at her. And she knew. She knew what was coming next. Because no one would pay just to lick her slit a few times. “Hello, everyone,” Quill started. “I’ve met some of you during my inspection, but for those I haven’t seen yet or in case you’ve forgotten, my name is Quill Strife. I had Flitter gather you all so that myself and your Team Lead can say a few words regarding the inspection today.” Oh, why did he have to bring attention to her? She was already shaking, slightly. Nervous, excited, all at once. There was nothing she could do, now. Not in front of so many ponies. Not now that he’d started his speech. Any minute now, she’d- Rainbow’s eyes bugged out as a fat cockhead pressed against her folds. Quite unlike her last customer, he was big. Not quite the largest she’d taken - that honor still went to Thunderlane - but large enough that she’d have trouble taking him without a warmup.  Luckily for him, she’d been warmed up all day, and with only a slight amount of resistance, that thick, bulbous head popped inside. Rainbow sucked in a breath through her nose. Lips pinched tightly closed for fear of letting out a sound and giving away what was happening. Inch by agonizingly pleasurable inch was pushed into her tunnel, aided by her copious lubrication.  “First of all, amazing job, honestly,” Quill said. “Ponyville has always been a shining star at the Weather Bureau for your excellent schedule accuracy and expert budget management - thanks in no small part to your team’s efforts.” Rainbow’s wings flared out as her customer unexpectedly pulled back an inch before thrusting in deeper, his medial ring bumping against her entrance. She could feel the eyes on her, the weird looks. She straightened herself out and puffed out her chest, striking a pose as though to bask in Quill’s praise. It was a common enough sight that most didn’t pay it any mind, but she didn’t know that. She could only hope they brushed it off and didn’t think too hard about why she spread her hind legs a little wider apart. “On my inspection today I saw why this office runs so smoothly. You are organized, clean, and efficient in all aspects of the job. I am happy to tell you that you are one of the finest running weather departments I’ve had the honour of visiting.” He was still talking. How was he still talking? Rainbow didn’t know. Could barely keep herself standing upright as that thick, bulging ring of flesh battered at her lips. Every thrust made her legs quake, made her bite her tongue to keep quiet. But the pleasure kept building, kept wearing down her defenses, both physical and mental. Little gasps flared her nostrils. A few of her team were looking at her instead of Quill. She scanned the crowd, wondering which of them had noticed. Which of them knew what was happening. Cloudy was oblivious. Thunderlane was smirking at her, but he was always smirking at her ever since she’d used him to get through heat week. Light Streak had his eyebrow raised at her - he’d realized something, but a sharp glare from her made him turn his attention away. No one else seemed to pay attention.  Then, the physical barrier fell, and she was stretched wide around her client’s engorged ring. She could feel his heartbeat pulsing, pressing against her walls that clenched and flexed in time with her own. The tiniest whine slipped through her sealed lips, and Rainbow braced herself. Surely they had heard. Surely they knew. They must! “I’m sure, if you all keep working together, you’ll continue to set extraordinary standards for the entire Weather Bureau. Teamwork is the foundation of what we do.” But no, he was still talking. Hadn’t missed a beat. Rainbow choked on her own breath as the entirety of the stallion’s length was buried inside her, his balls coming to rest against her. He held there, and for a moment, nothing happened. “I’d like to take a moment to give a special ‘thank you’ to your wonderful Team Lead, Rainbow Dash!” Quill said, and Rainbow’s pupils shrunk to pinpricks as every last pony in that room turned to her. Right as her customer pulled out, and began fucking her in earnest. She just had to smile. She tried to stand tall and accept the praise, but all she managed was a small whimper and a nod. "Would you like to say a few words?" Oh, Celestia, he was asking her to speak. This had to have been a cruel joke. If she opened her mouth there would be nothing to stop the whorish moans fighting to escape her. But they all were looking at her expectantly, and the cock was still pounding her mercilessly, setting her nerves of fire and covering her mind with a fog that made everything seem a little less bad. A little more erotic. Here she was, standing in front of almost two dozen ponies, getting fucked like a bitch in heat. A twisted kind of pride bubbled up in her. They were watching her, looking at her. Maybe they already knew. Maybe they knew what was happening. They were getting off on it themselves, weren't they? Jealous it wasn't them making her legs shake, forcing the air from her lungs with every stroke. "Ah!" Rainbow gasped the moment she opened her mouth, and there was no stopping it. "Th-thaaaaaaaa~nk you f-for your h-hard work," she said, her voice pitching wildly up and down in time with the thrusts that threatened to send her front half to the floor. Little gasps and moans punctuated every word. Their gazes shifted to confusion, maybe concern, but Rainbow hardly took the time to notice. Who cared if they knew? It just made it hotter. Just made her come closer to the point of no return. To her release. She wanted it. She wanted so badly to cum. And if being here, being watched, would make that happen, then she'd put on a show for every last one of them. "W-w-we're the b-best team a-arooouuuuuund. Lets- oh Celestia!" She cried, eyes rolling back for a moment as she felt his flared head reach deeper than before, his tip kissing the entrance to her womb. "Rainbow Dash?" Quill asked concernedly. "Are you-" "Fine!" Rainbow shouted, forcing her eyes to focus back on the crowd. "I'm close," she panted, before shaking her head. "C-close to finishing. F-finishing this speech!" she corrected hastily. "Just l-let me… ooooooh fuck." She wasn’t the only one close. The flared head inside her was flaring wider, battering her cervix as he switched from full strokes to shallow, rabid strokes. Her eyes locked with Sandy Shore, then to Nimbus, and she smirked. This is what a mare looks like when she cums, she thought. "Good work, everyone!" Quill cleared his throat. Loudly. "Right, well, it seems you really aren't well, so let's wrap this up. Could we get a round of applause for all of your hard work, and of course for your Team Lead, Rainbow Dash!" Quill Strife led the applause, which slowly spread through the room, most ponies visibly confused about what was happening even as they started clapping. Rainbow lost the mental battle, her front half dropping to the floor and her tail flagging, flashing the portal device at the suit standing behind her. She didn't care. She heard their applause, felt the eyes on her. Her body quaked as an orgasm that had been building all day teetered oin the edge of bursting. The last push she needed was looking up and seeing the knowing look on Cloud Chaser's face. The only one there who seemed knew exactly what was happening. To the sound of applause, Rainbow Dash finally, finally came, her mouth opened in a wordless cry of pleasure that came out as a strangled squeal. Her pussy spasmed, clenching down on her customer as a stream of marecum squirted against his balls.  That was enough to push him over the edge, and his bulbous head expanded further, locking him in place as a torrent of hot jizz blasted against her cervix. It was all too much, and a second, stronger orgasm ripped through Rainbow's mind and body, blanking out her thoughts and making her vision fade to white as she screamed her pleasure for her audience. The last thing Rainbow heard before she passed out was the applause of her team.