> Stomach Bug > by tailsopony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > One Sick Bug > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ocellus watched Smolder and Gallus walk out claw in hoof. This was fine. This was good. She didn’t need to worry about it. They’d offered to take her with them, but she knew she’d be a third wheel. An awkward, shy, uncomfortable third wheel. She briefly worried that she might even turn into a wheel. Luckily, she’d come up with an easy way out. She'd lied. It wasn’t hard. Even reformed, changelings were wired for social engineering. And Ocellus was no different. When they’d asked her to come along, she hadn't even thought about her response. “Oh, no. You two have fun. I already have a date.” She’d smiled. They’d both stared in disbelief. Smolder had asked first, her voice screeching like claws being drug across a cave wall, “What? Who? When? How?” Ocellus had blushed, her voice dropping in embarrassment as she looked tot he floor. She hadn’t meant to draw any attention with her excuse, “Oh… it’s a secret.” Smolder wasn’t buying it, “No way! You’re lying.” Gallus had rolled his eyes and tugged on Smolder, “Come on Smoke-Breath. Drop it. She clearly doesn’t want to talk about it.” Ocellus just nodded quietly in agreement. Smolder growled, “She doesn’t get to just lie to us and get away with it! She isn’t seeing anybody, and you know it.” Gallus rolled his eyes, “And it’s none of our business either way.” Smolder stared at her closer, “Where’s the date then, Ocellus?” Ocellus frowned, muttering her response, “Why do you care?” It wasn’t like Smolder really cared about Ocellus’s love life. If she had, she might have picked up on the many awkward attempts that Ocellus had already made to go out with her. After months of hinting, she’d gotten nowhere—only for Gallus to swoop in and just directly ask Smolder out. Smolder had shrugged and said, “Sure.” without a moment’s hesitation. Ocellus had cried to herself that night. And the night after when Gallus and Smolder had gone to an ice-cream bar. Neither of them particularly liked ice cream, but apparently they’d had a blast. Finally, after a week of dating, they’d asked Smolder to come along with them to a movie. She had been tempted to turn into Gallus and, uh, borrow some of Smolder’s obvious affection. Something about that plan felt too much like being an old changeling, so she hadn’t done it. She thought about it, though. She thought about it a lot. Her temptation had hardened her heart. She couldn’t take the risk. She couldn’t get too close. So she’d turned down their offer. And now she was lying to Smolder about it. Smolder stared at her, surprisingly angry about Ocellus’s fake date. “Where is your date?” Ocellus stared at the floor, unable to lift her head, “I… can’t say.” Gallus cut in, getting more annoyed at Smolder, “Drop it, Smolder. She’s not interested right now.” Smolder narrowed her eyes in suspicion and growled. “I don’t like being lied to, Ocellus, but my griffon-friend and I have plans, and we’re going out.” Gallus practically drug Smolder out of the room as she kept glaring at Ocellus. At least he had the decency to quietly mouth, “Sorry,” on the way out. Ocellus heard them loudly arguing on the other side of the door, and nervously stepped as far away as she could when she heard Gallus loudly saying, “And that’s her decision!” He was a good griffon. Much nicer than he had been when they first met. Honestly, she liked Smolder for how aggressive she was, and Gallus for how kind he’d become. They were a good match for each other. As the sounds of arguing faded, she decided to head to her “date.” If she was still in the room when Smolder came back, it wouldn’t be a good look. Besides, her stomach hurt for some reason. Maybe she was hungry? The School of Friendship was empty. Ocellus wandered the quiet halls in contemplation. Would she ever fit in outside of changeling society? Probably not, she decided as her hoof falls echoed throughout the building. It was all so strange. The ponies almost made sense, but throw in dragons and griffons and her tummy rumblings and Ocellus couldn’t think straight. Why had she wanted to be with Smolder, anyways? Sure, the dragon was cool. And strong. And willing to stand up for her friends no matter what. And kind of cute. And her emotions were delicious. Ocellus frowned quietly. It was always about food for her. She must not really care for Smolder. Not in the way she wanted to care. Smolder wasn’t family, so she couldn’t think about Smolder like family. Smolder wasn’t just food, though. She was something more. A friend, for sure, but what were these other feelings? Something about Smolder just made Ocellus feel safe. Her aggressiveness, and her strength made Ocellus almost feel like she was being protected by the hive. And now that thought made her stomach ache. Her mind drifted to Gallus as she passed another empty lecture hall. Gallus was strong as well. He was confident, but unlike Smolder he was kind. He always took her thoughts into consideration, and was very aware of her insecurities. Plus, he had wings. Come to think of it, Smolder had wings as well. Ocellus paused her walk to think about that. She imagined them spreading their wings wide, covering her. Gallus on one side, Smolder on the other, each draping a wing over her to keep her dry from the rain. Or if she was cold, they could wrap their wings around her like she was in a cocoon. She’d be safe. She’d be warm. She’d be happy. She frowned as her stomach hurt again, and this time she was sad. She didn’t like this feeling. It made her feel alone and cold. A lost changeling, all by herself and starving in the night. Maybe she was dying? It would be an appropriate way to go. A changeling dying of a broken… A noise distracted her from her melancholy. Somebody was humming quietly to themselves in one of the classrooms. Nervously, she poked her head into the classroom and spied Professor Fluttershy working away at some papers while a couple of mice slept in a little mouse cage next to her. Ocellus stared as Fluttershy worked, watching as Fluttershy stretched her wings out. Professor Fluttershy’s wings were wide. Very wide. As Ocellus watched, she thought about her kindly Professor. Fluttershy always stood up for her friends. She was innately kind. She was also strong—Fluttershy had fought monsters with Princess Twilight. She must be fearless—the real kind of fearless. Ocellus Stomach grumbled, and Fluttershy looked up from her work. Their eyes met, and they both froze. Fluttershy’s gorgeous yellow wings only half re-furled as she stopped breathing and stared back at Ocellus. Ocellus didn’t blink. She didn’t say anything. She briefly considered turning into a real bug and crawling away. Moments passed. Then seconds. Soon, Professor Fluttershy took a long, slow breath. Neither of them blinked. Professor Fluttershy’s wings fully furled in, resting tightly on her back. Her eyes widened further and her nostrils flared. Her ears were splayed forward, focused on Ocellus. Ocellus couldn’t move. Something about Professor Fluttershy’s eyes had her frozen. She wanted to run, to buzz away, but her legs and wings wouldn’t move. So instead, they stared. The only sound was the quiet snoring of the mice. Minutes had now passed. Ocellus wasn’t aware of how many. Fluttershy’s eyes slowly softened. She took a breath, a real one that wasn’t a stilted gasp as she carefully stood up from her chair, “Ocellus?” She whispered. Ocellus blushed. Once she’d been caught, she’d been too terrified to move. She didn’t answer, but she nodded. Professor Fluttershy took a deep breath as her ears swiveled back to neutral. She didn’t say anything, but she patted the ground next to her. Awkwardly, Ocellus stepped forward. She didn’t know what to say, so she didn’t say anything. Fluttershy smiled warmly as Ocellus approached, and patted the ground next to her again. Still not entirely sure what her Professor was getting at, but far too timid to ask, Ocellus walked to the spot and sat down. She looked questioningly at Fluttershy as Fluttershy settled next to her. Neither of them said anything, and Ocellus was terrified. Then it happened. Something warm settled on Ocellus’s back, something that made her feel safe. Something that made her happy. Ocellus happily buzzed as Fluttershy’s wing draped over her, and her stomach finally settled. Maybe she had been hungry after all. She closed her eyes and finally started to relax. Professor Fluttershy didn’t say anything as Ocellus lay next to her. Her stomach was full, her body was warm, she felt safe, and somehow she was happy. Ocellus was surprisingly content. Fluttershy had nabbed some papers with her other wing, and was quietly marking them as they lay next to each other. It was soothing, and the steady sound of the marker reminded Ocellus of the constant clicking of the hive. Smack. Click. Shhhhhhh. Smack. Click. Shhhhhhh. Each scribble or mark left a warm tingle on Ocellus’s brain, and she was content to listen to the sound. She didn’t notice as a new sound appeared. A quiet hush, a scraping, a soft rhythmic padding, and then sudden silence. Ocellus opened her eyes, the silence deafening, and she saw that Professor Fluttershy was frozen again. Curiously, Ocellus’s eyes were drawn to the door. Smolder and Gallus were peeking from around the corner. Gallus was wide eyed. Smolder glared, seemingly angrily. Her voice was low and throaty. “So…. This is why you couldn’t talk about it.” Ocellus blinked, wanting to hide under Fluttershy’s wing. Gallus swerved his glare to Smolder as his angry comment caught up, “I told you we shouldn’t have followed her! She wanted to be alone.” Smolder raised one eye as she kept looking at Ocellus, “I wouldn’t call this alone.” Ocellus began to shake, nestling into Fluttershy’s side without thinking about it. Professor Fluttershy cleared her throat as her wing slightly squeezed Ocellus, “Can I help you two?” Smolder’s eyes whipped angrily to Fluttershy, “I think you’re helping enough already, Professor.” Gallus grabbed Smolder by her wing, “We were just leaving. I’m sorry! We didn’t see anything!” Fluttershy didn’t say anything, and Smolder froze as Gallus drug her away. As they rounded the corner, Smolder’s voice could be heard in complaint, “What the heck was that?” Gallus’s whispered voice matched hers and faded as they walked away, “I should be asking you that! Why were you ready to bite off some…” Slowly, Fluttershy’s wing relaxed around Ocellus. Fluttershy’s voice was quiet. “Oh my… do you want to talk about this?” Ocellus whispered her answer, “Not really…” They were quiet for a while before Fluttershy spoke up, “This must still be strange for you. I’m sorry.” Ocellus sighed, “Yeah. Strange is one way to put it.” Fluttershy’s voice was slow, and she gave Ocellus a comforting squeeze, “I think they were only worried about you.” Ocellus mumbled, “Yeah.” She knew that. She knew they were friends and they were worried. But seeing them so happy, so close, and so intimate made her stomach churn. Something about Smolder’s anger even made Ocellus happy. That was not a normal reaction to anger, and Ocellus knew it. Gallus’s concern made her nervous. Together, they made her feel like she was a wet towel getting all the water wrung out of her. Of course she didn’t want to be around them! Especially when compared to Professor Fluttershy, who Ocellus just discovered made it feel like she was a warm teacup slowly getting filled. Ocellus liked that feeling. She liked it a lot. Ocellus spoke up, quietly, “I, uh, told them I was meeting somebody for a date.” Fluttershy’s breathing stopped as Ocellus nervously continued, “I said it was a secret…” “Oh my…” Fluttershy’s wing slowly rose off of Ocellus. Ocellus looked at her curiously. Fluttershy’s answer was slow and careful, “I can’t date you, Ocellus. I’m much older than you. And I’m your teacher. That would be an inappropriate relationship.” Ocellus shrugged, “I’m a changeling, Professor. That doesn’t matter to us. Before King Thorax, we only ever tricked ponies for love. Age never mattered, and we’d use any relationship to get what we wanted.” Fluttershy looked down at Ocellus curiously, “Oh. But not you, right? You’ve always been a sweet changeling.” Ocellus tilted her head, remembering pretending to be a stallion. She’d fed off his wife, all the ways one would expect. “Me, too, Professor Fluttershy.” Fluttershy raised her wing higher off Ocellus. “I see. Well, um, we can’t date.” Ocellus frowned. She wasn’t good enough. Fluttershy was too perfect to waste her love on a little changeling. “I understand, Professor.” Ocellus stomach suddenly felt like it did around Gallus and Smolder. She looked around the room in frustration, hating the sensation. She couldn’t be hungry. She had been full just a few seconds ago. The love hadn’t been burned. Fluttershy was watching her carefully, and seemed uncomfortable. Guiltily, Ocellus reached out with a hoof, “I’m sorry.” Fluttershy recoiled slightly, and Ocellus dropped the hoof in shame. Why had she tried that? Of course Professor Fluttershy wouldn’t actually love her. No one would. At least, not as she was. Ocellus stood up as Fluttershy fully folded her wings and leaned slightly away from her. Her stomach hurt. She decided that if Fluttershy wouldn’t give her love, she could get something else. Maybe that would fill her stomach. Sadly, she looked at Fluttershy and cast a simple changeling spell. She hadn’t used it in a while, but it was hard to forget. She saw the image of a pegasus. He was tall, taller than the professor. He had a golden mane, a little scruff, an aloof attitude. Yeah, she could do this. Fluttershy covered her face and squeaked in surprise while Ocellus turned into the Stallion she’d seen. The Stallion that Fluttershy loved the most. As she changed, she got the information she needed. His name was Zephyr Breeze, and he’d known her since they were little. Fluttershy would do anything for him. Ocellus felt the weight in her stomach sink as she determined to use Zephyr to make Fluttershy love her. Fluttershy uncovered her eyes to see Zephyr standing there. A slight bout of confusion clouded her vision while the spell did its work. After a moment, she relaxed slightly. “Zephyr? What are you doing here?” Ocellus smiled a fake smile, “Looking for you, Sis.” Fluttershy frowned, looking around her brother, “I was talking to Ocellus. Did you see where she went? I need to discuss something with her.” Ocellus felt a pang of guilt drop into her stomach, weighing it down further. Was she feeling sick? “The little buggy girl? She ran out when I was coming in.” Fluttershy pushed past Ocellus, moving to the door, “I have to talk to her. I’m worried about her.” There was that guilt again. Heavy and gnawing. It seemed to coil in Ocellus’s stomach, but she fought to ignore it. Smolder wouldn’t let a little guilt stop her. Smolder did what Smolder wanted. So did Zephyr, she realized. Desperately, Ocellus put her hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulder, holding her firmly, “She’ll be fine. I’m sure she’s going back to her dorm room.” Fluttershy paused, forcibly held by Ocellus as she angrily looked over her shoulder, “Yes, but I need to talk to her. I need to make sure that she doesn’t get the wrong idea.” Ocellus stepped closed to Fluttershy, using Zephyr’s strength to hold the yellow pegasus in place as her struggling increased. “And what would the wrong idea be, sis?” Fluttershy’s struggling stopped as she thought. “I… she… we…” Ocellus used the opportunity to step closer and slide her arm over Fluttershy’s shoulder. They were side to side, with Ocellus’s arm slid all the way over Fluttershy’s shoulder. She nuzzled her nose up next to Fluttershy’s ear, “Was it about love?” Fluttershy’s mumbling stopped, and she shivered. “Yes.” Something felt sick in Ocellus stomach. “Then I’m sure she already knows, doesn’t she.” The answer was timid, almost afraid. “I guess she does.” Ocellus put her face into Fluttershy’s pink hair. It smelled wonderful. The warm sensation made her feel like home. “Then you don’t need to find her. Instead, why don’t you show me how much you love me.” Ocellus nibbled on Fluttershy’s ear. Fluttershy froze. “Excuse me?” Ocellus tried again, running her lips hotly from Fluttershy’s ear to her stiff neck. Fluttershy wouldn’t do it for her, but she’d do it for him. “I mean, sis, I’m in a mood and I know you can help me out.” Fluttershy shifted underneath him as she tried to push away, “I’m not… we don’t…” Ocellus snorted. The spell never lied. Fluttershy would do it; that’s why it picked Zephyr. She held Fluttershy in place while she worked a leg over Fluttershy’s back. Fluttershy’s wings were pressed tightly to her side, and she had started slightly shaking. Ocellus had a bit of Fluttershy’s mane in her mouth, but she spoke around it, “Yes, we do.” Fluttershy whimpered as Ocellus settled on top. She didn’t say anything as Ocellus moved her mouth from the mane to Fluttershy’s neck. A nibble. A kiss. A bite. A lick. Soon, Fluttershy was shaking in an altogether different way. A way that Ocellus understood completely. Ocellus’s stomach ached. She had to do this quick. She needed this now; her stomach was in pain for some reason. Fluttershy’s wings started to spread underneath Ocellus, and Ocellus dipped her wings down to touch the tip. She’d learned that from an old pegasus couple she’d infiltrated. The tips were incredibly sensitive, and a light tip touch was intimate. Especially now. Fluttershy’s whole body shivered, and she eeped, but she didn’t force her wings down. Ocellus chuckled as she lewdly massaged Professor Fluttershy’s wingtips with her own. The touching sensation was divine. She missed being wrapped in those wings, but holding them at tip length while she suckled on the back of Fluttershy’s neck was also quite satisfying. Her stomach had a surge of pain, so she decided to hurry it up. She spoke quietly, but directly to Fluttershy’s ear in a deep, commanding voice. “Now flag that tail for your beautiful big brother.” Fluttershy moaned underneath Ocellus, and Ocellus smiled as she felt Fluttershy’s long, pink tail swish to the side and brush Ocellus’s inner thighs. Fluttershy tilted her head backward and glared at Ocellus from the top of her eyes momentarily. She complained in a breathy voice, “I’m older than you.” The surprise eye contact was thrilling for Ocellus. Fluttershy was slightly angry, but she was flushed red with embarrassment and something else. Something that Ocellus could feed on. Something that wasn’t quite love, but was close enough. Ocellus just needed her Professor to give it to her. She felt like she was going to throw up. Slowly, she pressed her hips forward. The thrust missed as Zephyr’s dick (Actually her ovipositor) slid underneath Fluttershy’s body. Ocellus smiled as she slowly drew back, tracing the dick slowly up the center of Fluttershy’s backside as she lined herself up. Ocellus had done this enough in her infiltrator days that she knew a few tricks. Fluttershy closed her eyes and tilted her head back forward so she wasn’t looking at Ocellus. Her voice was quiet. “Please don’t hurt me.” Ocellus felt a twinge of compassion and confusion. Why would she hurt Fluttershy? Zephyr, and her, loved Fluttershy. She nibbled on Fluttershy’s ear, breathing hotly as she answered, “Of course, sis. I’ll be extra gentle, just for you.” Fluttershy shivered, swallowing. Ocellus firmly bit the back of Fluttershy’s neck, using her body weight to plant both of them firmly in place for what was coming next. She molested Fluttershy’s wingtips with her own, ruffling Fluttershy’s delicate feathers. She used her hooves to brace Fluttershy from the front, keeping her secured. As she slid forward, she felt Fluttershy’s hot, quivering lower lips kissing the tip of her ovipositor. Fluttershy was warm. She was safe. She would make Ocellus happy. Ocellus found joy in Fluttershy’s warmth. As she slid her ovipositor fully inside, something resisted her slightly. She momentarily slowed, only slightly curious as she held Fluttershy still and slid forward. Fluttershy whimpered, then something spread around the tip of her ovipositor. Ocellus groaned as she slid all the way in. Fluttershy let out a breath as Ocellus settled inside her. They both stilled for a moment while Ocellus luxuriated in Fluttershy’s depths. Fluttershy’s wingtips were shaking against her, and the base of her tail flicked against Ocellus’s abdomen. She whispered in Zephyr’s voice, “You might be older, but I’m bigger, Sis.” Fluttershy only made a soft squealing noise in response. Ocellus started to fuck her. She thrust into the soft mare, using her ovipositor to stretch Fluttershy just right. Ocellus was having fun. She was ignoring the searing pain in her stomach. It wasn’t so bad. It felt like a hole was tearing through her. She ignored it as she plunged into Fluttershy’s hole. Fluttershy weakly flapped her wings in response, and tried to lurch forward once or twice when Ocellus’s ovipositor started finding the good spots. It didn’t take much for her to stop lurching forward, and the squeals quickly turned to moans. Ocellus let her fangs sink in slightly. Not enough to break Fluttershy’s skin, but enough to remind her. She was a predator. Ocellus shook the thought back as the pain in her stomach started to burn. It wouldn’t take long. Soon, Fluttershy would give it all up. Ocellus had found a spot that would work, and was massaging it. Relentlessly. Fluttershy’s moan grew deeper as Ocellus started to growl. She was growing frantic in her motions, something strange was happening. Her ovipositor was swelling, bulging at the base. It felt good, but with it came a new need. She didn’t just need Fluttershy’s release, she needed to make sure this bulge went inside Fluttershy’s pussy. It needed to be deep. Deeper than Zephyr could reach. Ocellus slammed herself into Fluttershy, pressing the bulge against the already tightly stretched lips of the smaller mare. Fluttershy’s moans grew more strained. “Hurts!” Fluttershy moaned. Ocellus ignored her, opening the tip of her ovipositor to suckle on the supple inner flesh of Fluttershy’s delicate G-spot. Fluttershy was wet. Deliciously wet. Ocellus stomach didn’t hurt anymore, but it felt thick and gooey, and not in a good way. Some of that goo was dripping, flowing though her body. Ocellus was warm and safe, but something didn’t feel right. She was happy, but not how she intended. She didn’t feel like a warm, full teacup. She felt like a cup of rotten milk that had started to curdle. Something told her that this was wrong. Fluttershy shouted as Ocellus’s ovipositor thrust into her, thoroughly stirring her insides. Ocellus ignored the shouts, even as the tone changed and Fluttershy began to violently shake, “Hurts...hur… h… ooh… Oh. OOH! Zephyyyyyyyyyrrr” It was time to feed. The bulge moved forward, splitting Fluttershy during her moment of ecstasy, and Ocellus knew this was the moment to draw out the almost love. Ocellus funneled it from Fluttershy, sucking the green, dizzy energy from her neck. Her fangs drew blood, but Fluttershy didn’t notice. She was locked in, stuck in a blinding euphoria while Ocellus’s magic finished the job. Her stomach didn’t want it. It pushed. It liquefied. The goo pressed down, forcing into her gut. Leaving a hole where her stomach was—a hole that she immediately filled with Fluttershy. Ocellus hissed as her ovipositer pressed deep into Fluttershy and the disguise came off. Her skin felt hard, her hooves looked black. She sighed in ecstasy as her daughter implanted deep into Fluttershy, nestling up far beyond where any stallion’s dick could possibly reach. Fluttershy stared, open eyed and open mouthed, silent and drooling as Ocellus sucked all the remaining love. She knew this wouldn’t work if she didn’t regurgitate some. A new instinct was compelling her. Her stomach was hungry again. She filtered back some emotion to Fluttershy. Pure lust, a little devotion, and a strong dose of need. A need for one particular stallion. A stallion that would be around more often lately. Ocellus shivered, enjoying Fluttershy’s euphoric and paralyzed body to the fullest, letting her ovipositor linger and tease to her content. Eventually, she pulled out, stretching her hooves and letting Fluttershy fall limply to the ground while her now exhausted ovipositor dangled loosely and obscenely underneath her. Ocellus smiled. She was warm, happy and safe. She was queen of a new hive, after all. Ocellus opened her eyes. Fluttershy was sitting next to her, her wing still draped over her back. Had she fallen asleep? The room was warm, and smelled musty, but dry. The sound of Fluttershy’s pen was making Ocellus’s brain tingle again. Smack. Click. Shhhhhhh. Smack. Click. Shhhhhhh. It was nice. Like being in her own personal hive. Fluttershy startled, looking down at Ocellus. “Oh, dear. I didn’t mean to wake you. Are you feeling any better?” Ocellus nodded, too timid to actually answer her Professor. Fluttershy smiled warmly, “I was a little worried when you stumbled in. I don’t know much about changelings, but you seemed be feeling sick.” Ocellus quietly answered, “I think I had a stomach bug…” Fluttershy frowned and put a wing on Ocellus’s forehead to feel her temperature. “You seem fine… I think…” Ocellus smiled, “I feel much better, I think.” Fluttershy smiled warmly back, “Good. Because I was hoping you could turn into my brother and fuck me until I’m catatonic.” Smolder and Gallus continued to peek around the doorway with wide eyes. Smolder whispered to Gallus, “We shouldn’t be watching anymore, birdbrain.” Gallus continued to stare unabated, and mumbled, “This is so hot, but so fucked up…” Smolder grabbed him and covered his eyes, “Let’s go! Give them privacy!” He pushed her claws off his face, “You’re the one who wanted to invite her to be a thruple with us.” She groaned, “And now I see that she clearly has a mare-friend. I obviously misread the signs. What do you expect? I’m a dragon! I’d usually just capture a mate and keep them in a cave until I pop out a few eggs. I might not be able to read changeling body language, but I know what that is.” Gallus shrugged, “I’m not sure I know what that is. Can you explain it to me?” She sighed. “Well that’s Professor Fluttershy. And that’s Ocellus or, uh, Fluttershy’s brother. And that’s some kind of… goo… and, uh, I don’t think that’s a dick, exactly…” Gallus mumbled as he continued to watch. “So, how would you feel about a quadruple?”