> A Fiery Love Sparked From A Cheery Girl > by Chrysalesbian > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Cheerilee's Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I looked at the poster. It was hung up on the school bulletin board. “PROM NIGHT! IT’LL BE THE NIGHT OF YOUR LIFE SO YOU BETTER ATTEND! Must come with a partner.” I chuckled. I mean I knew a girl but, who would accept that? I kept brushing my hair, staring at the poster during the process. I mean I could take her, but I’d look weird. Going with another girl, I’d be made fun of for the rest of my life. “Hey move it braceface!” The colt standing behind me barked. “I was about to, jeez.” I said in reply as I walked to my next class. My trotting and the clicking of my hooves came to a sudden stop when I saw her though. My heart stopped with the movement of my hooves. Her mane was beautiful, her eyes sparkled in the sunshine, glittering like the purest gold you could find. Her smile was that of an angel’s, I couldn’t stop staring. I then fell over, a mare standing over me. She hissed, “What did you think you were doin’!? I was yellin’ and tellin’ at you over and over! It was like you were deafened or somethin’!” I looked at her and said, “I-I-I was just I-I… I g-got distracted at something.” She barked back, “Well you should pay more attention! What would even get you so distracted that you would just stop in your tracks and become a sittin’ duck!?” I rolled over and kept looking at the mare I was staring at earlier. “Oh, him? Weird dude. I barely even see him go to the bathroom and he always skips gym, he skips most classes really. He looks a bit… Y’know for a guy, right?” Does everypony else think she’s a guy? “Oh, yeah. That.” I said in response. “Why were you so interested in him? He’s like the nothin’ burger of guys. Two buns with nothin’ between em... Just a total bore in general.” I wanted to retaliate with why I loved her so much, but I hadn’t really had the courage to talk to her, so all I know is how beautiful she is appearance wise. I noticed the mare I was talking to walking away. “Wait! Where are you going?” I asked her. “To my next class. Your little fall made me late.” She snarled. “How about we hang out after today? I wanna talk to you more. Especially on the subject of he-him.” I said. She looked back at me and chuckled. “Fine, meet me after school, room 243.” I nodded and got up, the sound of her hooves clicking away indicating she’s made her exit already. I brushed myself off and trotted to class, being scolded for arriving late like I expected. Class passed by, and so did school. One thought was on my mind though, her beautiful smile, her twinkling eyes, and her well taken care of mane. Her beauty was on my mind. That was all which was on my mind for the school day. Until I remembered, I had that meeting with that other mare today. I quickly trotted to the second floor and to room 243. She glared at me when I entered the room, smirking afterwards. “Took ya long enough.” She snickered. She stood up from the desk she was sitting at and walked up to me. “The names Applejack.” She reached a hoof out to shake mine presumably. “Mine’s Cheerilee.” I shook her hoof with mine. The room was empty and silent, filling with our exchanges. “Why’d you choose this place anyway? It’s kinda lame for a meetup spot. Don’t you think?” I complained. “Well, it’s empty. That’s what matters, to me at least. Now let’s both sit down.” She grabbed my hoof after saying that her coat was soft and well taken care of, it felt silky smooth to the touch. Being distracted though, I fell into the desk, a sharp pain going through my stomach. “Y-You didn’t have to pull so hard.” I painfully groaned. “Well, you weren’t gonna get in the seat for a while, I could tell you were zoned out.” She snickered those words at me. “What even got you like that? That’s the second time today!” “O-Oh it’s nothing.” Those words came out of my mouth, but I knew I didn’t mean them. She chuckled. “You sure? I don’t think just nothin’ would get you like that.” “Y-Your hooves were just surprisingly soft. For somepony as rude as you come off as.” An expression of anger rushed through her face and her cheeks flared up. “Just so YOU know I ain’t that rude. I just don’t like pink mares who waste my time and wear silly bands.” A bead of sweat dropped down my head and I looked out the window, fiddling with my hooves. “S-Sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude if that’s what you thought. A-About the colt I’m interested in though, do you know he-his name?” Those last words I almost messed up. I don’t think she even looks like a colt, but that’s what everyone else thinks. She tapped her chin with her hoof over and over. “Ah, his name’s escapin’ my grasp. I swear he’s told me it, it’s a weird one too. Weird for a colt specifically. Somethin’ along the lines of Spitter, FIresplit, somethin’ with fire in it..” I started pondering, but then I remembered a substitute calling somepony’s name. “Spitfire.” I blurted those words suddenly. Her eyes glowed up, “Well, yeah! That was his name! Weird name for a guy, right? He’s totally borin’ for a pegasus, right? Thought he would be in a magic school and not here.” Spitfire… Spitfire… Oh what a pretty name, her face with that well-kept mane, her beautiful yellow coat, and her sparkling orange eyes. Applejack suddenly bumped my muzzle with her hoof, “Are ya payin’ attention to what I’m sayin’?” She asked that with confusion in her voice. “O-Oh sorry, I zoned out.” I said. “You seem to do that a lot huh?” She snickered at me. I nodded. “Do you know anything else about h-him?” “He’s pretty fast. Otherwise, I don’t know jack about him. He always goes to that burger place after school though, is that all you wanted to know?” I nodded then started trotting away until she grabbed me. “Talk to me if ya need anythin’, alright sugarcube?” My cheeks flared up and I nodded. “Thank you, Applejack.” I trotted away to the burger place knowing I’ve made a new friend in a brutally honest country mare. I reached the restaurant, looking through the window, seeing her flame colored mane, being let down in a short bobcut. I walked in, the bell jingling and my hooves stepping on the checkered floor, the fluorescent lights shining down on my coat. My eyes focused on Spitifire until I bumped into the counter, rubbing my head to ease the pain. “Ya need anythin’ dearie?” The voice of an older mare, probably the cashier lady. “Oh, uh yeah. What’s pretty cheap here? I’m looking for a quick meal so then I can go.” She smirked at me. “Eager here, aren’t we? Your cheeks are red too dear, somepony in your mind?” She commented. My cheeks flared up even more and I covered my face with my hooves. “I’m guessin’ that’s a yes dear. Who’s the lucky colt?” “I-It’s a mare.” I squeaked. She patted my mane, “Then who’s the lucky mare?” It was weird for a random cashier mare to treat me like this but I didn’t mind. I really just wanted to tell someone else. I pointed my hoof at Spitfire, sitting down on the red cushioned chair in front of the table. “That’s a mare? Well, Celestia be. How’s about you talk to her?” Her country accent was nice until that comment startled me. “N-No! I d-don’t think I c-“ She started pushing me and the chair I was in suddenly towards Spitfire then pat my head and left me staring the mare I loved right in the eyes, my cheeks red and my mouth curled into an awkward smile. “You doin’ okay lady?” Her raspy voice spoke those words beautifully, I was in a trance, yet I was frozen in place because of the position I’m in. “Hello? Earth to pink mare?” “H-H-H-H-H-H-H-Hiiiii!” I murmured. “You doin’ okay? You seem really outta it.” She took a bite out of her burger, speaking with her mouth full. I nodded my head, unable to speak another word. “Are you gonna say anythin’ besides ‘Hi!’? Cause I’m abouta leave.” She got up from her chair till I shouted. “W-Wait! I-I’ll buy you another burger! I’ll buy you anything you want from here!” She smirked at me. “Alright braceface, whatever you say.” She sat down again, looking me in the eyes. “So why do you wanna talk to me so badly? A pretty mare like you shouldn’t be so interested in someone like me now should you.” “P-Pretty mare?” She nodded, signaling over to the waitress to come over to our table. Once the waitress came to our table Spitfire smugly said, “I’d like three more number 8s, she’s paying.” Pointing at me. The waitress nodded and trotted away. “I’m a pretty boring guy, I don’t know why you wanted to hang out with me so badly.” “Y-You’re not a guy though.” A look of astonishment came across her face. “H-H-H-WHO TOLD YOU THAT!?” She shouted those words at me with a fiery spirit, letting it all out. “I j-just kinda knew… B-Because I find you… Appealing?” “Oh. You’re into other mares too? So… You like me? Like, like like me?” She chuckled to herself. “Wh-Why would someone like… Like you, like ME of all mares!? I mean I ain’t put together like you are, and I’m barely at school. Shouldn’t you like a prettier mare? Like that Rarity girl.” She jeered those words towards me. “O-Oh n-no… I-I find your attitude p-pretty cool… Y-You’re pretty t-too!! I-I was wondering… C-Can you go to prom with me…?” I gulped, preparing for her to say no to my question. She looked at me, a brief moment of silence, her cheeks turning a slight pink and she dropped the burger she was holding. She fixed herself up and nodded. “Wh-Why wouldn’t I? Y-You’ve been pretty n-nice and y-you’re pretty cute s-so let’s g-go!” I was about to speak until she muttered out a few more words, “On one condition. I get to keep pretendin’ to be a guy. I don’t want people to look at me… I don’t want people to think I’m a weirdo.” My stomach dropped. “Y-You think I-I’m weird…?” I sniffled those words out. “N-No! I-I j-j-just you know… M-Mares liking each other isn’t v-very common… L-Like at all. I don’t want your reputation ruined either… W-Wait. What’s your name exactly?” She asked. “I’m Cheerilee. I-I already knew your name, Applejack told me.” Spitfire chuckled. “Alright then, but do you agree to me showin’ up to prom as a guy?” I nodded, she had a smile on her face, she stood up to leave but I stopped her. “S-Same time tomorrow…?” A blush appeared on her face again, until it turned into a smirk and she nodded. She ran out of the restaurant and flew away with amazing speed. I trotted out too, leaving bits on the table to cover the bill. I then felt my heart beat faster and faster the more I realized what just happened. I’m going on a date with the coolest girl in school tomorrow. I ran home quickly, running as fast as I could. I went into my room and buried my face into my pillow, screaming as happily as I could. My mom came in and saw me. “Well what’s got you so excited Cheerilee?” she said those words with a smile on her face. “I-I-I’m gonna date the coolest gir-“ My mom didn’t know I like mares yet. “GUY in school!” Her smile grew on her face and she hugged me suddenly. “Aww my little girl is growin’ up so fast! I’m so proud of you!” My face got red from embarrassment. “Mom, y-you’re embarrassing me…” “Well, I can’t help but be proud of my little girl growin’ up into her own woman! What’s his name!?” “It’s Spitfire. I can’t wait to take he-him to prom.” I said. “Well, he sounds just wonderful! I’ll leave you to yourself now, goodnight sweetie.” She chatted. I fell asleep, just so excited to go on a date with Spitfire tomorrow, dreaming of her beautiful yellow coat, her orange mane, her fiery eyes, her everything… My alarm woke me up suddenly, I turned it off and went to school, not focusing on anything any of my teachers said, I was just focusing on my thoughts about spitfire, and how perfect she was to me. The day passed by and the final bell rung, I got up from the seat and galloped to the burger place, the sound of my hooves clicking on the ground being very audible. I got to the restaurant, panting and sitting in a seat, a waitress coming up to me. “Would you like anything right now ma’am?” She said. “O-Oh no, I’m waiting for somepony. We’ll order then.” After I said that she nodded and trotted away. Spitfire landed on the ground, dust flying around her. She walked in nonchalantly, wearing sunglasses and a navy-blue coat. Brushing her hooves off, it was like I was dreaming just looking at her. She walked in the restaurant, her eyes locked on me and she turned her face to me, a smug appearing on her face. Causing mine to be flushed a bright red, my cheeks warming up. She sat in front of me and leaned her arm on the table. “Hey Cheerilee. How was school.” “I-I-I-I-I-It w-w-was pretty g-g-good… H-H-How about y-yours…?” I murmured. “I skipped today, I didn’t really wanna go.” She said smugly. “W-Wow… You’re s-s-so cool.” She smirked at me and lowered her sunglasses, staring at me with her fiery eyes, making my heart flutter and covering my face in a bright pink blush. “What’s with the look Cheerilee? How about I pay today, you paid enough yesterday.” She exclaimed those words smugly. I nodded, unable to say any words after everything Spitfire has done even in a short amount of time. “You’re bein’ pretty cute. I can’t resist doin’ SOMETHIN’ for you.” I kept nodding, my blush going deeper and deeper. She pat my head and called over the waitress. “So what would you two like?” She asked. “We’d like 3 number eights and a salad please.” She said. I whispered to her, “How did you know I wanted that?” She smugly said, “I saw salad leaves in your braces yesterday.” Which caused me to be embarrassed and made my face flush even more. “I-I’m sorry…” I murmured. “Its okay.” She caressed my cheek. “I found it cute.” The waitress smiled at us. “Two lovebugs here huh? You two are good together!” “Thank you ma’am, but that’s all of our order, thank you.” Spitfire said. The waitress trotted off and Spitfire looked back at me. “You're very pretty, it really wasn’t a mistake to accept another date with you, how about we go to the movies tomorrow. 9PM.” “R-Really!? Y-You wanna go on another date with me!?” She nodded. “Th-Then I accept!” I exclaimed. “Alright, it’s a date then. Let’s finish up here though, then we can both go home.” I nodded and the waitress came back with our lunches, after we ate Spitfire put a bunch of bits on the table and trotted off. “Seeya tomorrow sweet cheeks.” She chatted, flying away after. I went home and saw my mom again. “Mom I just came back from my date Spitfire is amazing! The date was wonderful!” I exclaimed. She hugged me and said, “That’s wonderful dear! I’m so proud of you!” I trotted to my room, I did my homework with the TV on, till I fell asleep. I woke up the next day, it was Wednesday, two days still prom. School went by, and I was getting ready in my room. I put on my checkered bandana, put on my large bright blue top, then my hot pink skirt, putting on my socks and hair clips. Once it was 8:30PM I started going downstairs, till my mom stopped me. “Where do you think you’re goin’ missy?” She asked. “I’m going to the movies! Spitfires coming with me!” I exclaimed. “Awwe! I’m so happy for you! Good luck honey!” She hugged me then I left, trotting to the theater, arriving with Spitfire at the door waiting for me. “Took you long enough! Let’s go in so we don’t miss the movie!” She said. “What are we watching?” I asked her. “Oh, just some horror movie.” She said nonchalantly. “H-H-H-Horror m-movie…?” I shivered. “Oh yeah! They’re awesome!” I nodded and followed her despite my fear. She got us a bunch of snacks and sat me down in the seat next to her. “Are you ready Cheerilee?” I nodded, still shivering. “Awesome! Now be quiet!” The movie passed on, eventually the music started building up, and a jumpscare happened, causing me to scream and I hung onto Spitfire, hugging her tightly. “Ch-Cheerilee?” She whispered my name, and I only whimpered in reply. She saw I was afraid though, so she smiled and went on watching the movie. The movie kept going and I clung on tighter with each scare. Once the movie ended Spitfire stood up and got me off her face. “You shoulda told me you didn’t wanna watch it.” She sternly said to me. “I-I didn’t wanna seem uncool to you…” I sobbed, then she caressed my cheek. “I’d never think that about you, you’re adorable and I wouldn’t hate ya for sayin’ no to a horror movie. How about I walk you home Cheers?” She wiped the tear from my eye and I nodded, She held my hoof and we trotted home, she held my hoof but then my mom opened the door, and saw me with Spitfire. A strange look crept across her face. “This is what your… Boyfriend looks like? He’s a bit… Feminine don’t you think?” Spitfire looked surprised but I cut her off from retaliating. “It’s just what sh-he’s wearing mom. Don’t say insensitive things please.” My mom scoffed and leaded me in. Afterwards I looked through the window and saw my mom and Spitfire talking with each other and Spitfire flying away. “Is that really a colt? You mess up whenever you refer to Spitfire by he. You just did right now.” “I-I-I-I-I w-w-w-well… I-I…” My mom suddenly hugged me. Pulling me into a tight and warm embrace. “It’s okay Cheerilee. I-I’ll love you no matter what. Even if I don’t fully understand you.” Tears went down my face, along with a smile creeping across. “Th-Thank y-you mom.” I went to my room. Satisfied with my night. I fell asleep in my bed, falling asleep with tears of happiness going down my cheeks. I woke up the next day, Thursday, tomorrow was the day of prom. I trotted to school after getting ready, walking into school excited to tell Spitfire my plan for today. The day passed by and I went to the restaurant and saw Spitfire through the window. I ran up to her and put bits on the table. “Huh…? Cheerilee we didn’t make any pla-“ “Come with me Spitfire! Come on!” “B-But I haven’t even finished my burger.” She said. “I don’t care! Let’s go!” I held her hoof and led us to a dress and suit shop. “Why are we here…?” She said. “So, we can get clothes for prom!” I led her into the shop, and I picked out a dress I liked, looking at the price and putting it back. “N-Nevermind I-I don’t… I don’t think we can go… This is out of our budget.” Spitfire looked at the price tag and gasped. “O-Oh yeah. You’re right.” I walked out the store, looking down at the ground, disappointed I couldn’t go with Spitfire to prom. She hugged me and patted the back of my head. “Come on Cheers, it ain’t over yet, we can find a solution to this!” She exclaimed. “What solution. That’s the only dress shop I know. It’s hopeless, we can’t go through with my plan. I-It’s…” I started sobbing. “I-It’s over Sp-Spitfire… We can’t go to pro-“ “YES WE CAN! CHEERILEE, YOU MET ME AND ASKED ME A FEW MINUTES AFTER! I DIDN’T SEE YA CHICKEN OUT THEN! WHY ARE YOU GIVIN’ UP NOW!?” I looked up at her, sniffling and sobbing, right as I was just about to speak Spitfire interrupted me. “I LOVE YOU CHEERS! THAT AIN’T GONNA CHANGE EVEN IF WE CANT AFFORD SOME STUPID DRESS!” She lifted me up onto her back and started flying, I was clinging onto Spitfire’s torso. “Wh-Where are we going…?” The tears that were streaming down my face were now flying through the air, trailing behind me and spitfire. “Let’s just say I know a girl who can fix up something for both of us.” She said. “Y-You do?” Spitfire nodded and started slowly lowering down to the ground. In front of a house I recognized. “R-Rarity’s place…?” “Yep, I remembered she owed me a favor or two for helpin’ her meet somepony.” She knocked on the door and Rarity opened, her purple mane and blue eyes sparkling. “Yes darling? Oh! Hello Spitfire! Hello Cheerilee! What a nice surprise for you both to be here! What would you both like?” We walked in and I sat down next to Spitfire on a couch. “Rarity you know those favors I’ve done for you? You ready to return them…?” Rarity nodded. “Can you make a suit for me and a dress for Cheerilee? We’re going to prom.” She said. “Awwe! You both are going to look so cute together! I know exactly what to make for both of you! Now let me take your measurements and I’ll make them and have them finished by tonight! You both can stay here if you’d like.” “Really, thank you Rarity. We really appreciate this.” I stood up and Rarity got measuring tape out and started wrapping it around me, writing them down, then doing the same thing to Spitfire. I sat on the couch and drifted off to sleep, Spitfire looking surprised before I closed my eyes. I woke up to Spitfire hugging me and cuddling me, snoring loudly. “H-How long has sh-he been doing this Rarity…?” I asked. “A few hours darling, she seems to really like you.” She said, wearing red rimmed glasses. “She?” I said, trying to play off that I didn’t know. “Oh shush darling, I know you know she’s a girl, don’t try to hide it from me please darling.” I nodded. “How long till the dress and suit are made Rarity?” I asked. “Oh don’t worry darling, I’m just about to finish the dress right now, the suit has been made.” She finished the dress and hoofed it to me, it was a deep pink dress, with embroidered patterns all around it, and dashes of lighter and pastel pinks. “What do you think darling?” “I-I love it! Thank you, Rarity! I love the work you’ve done! Thank you so much!” I exclaimed. “No need to darling! I love making ponies happy!” She handed me the suit she made for Spitfire. “Keep it a surprise darling, take her home with the dress and suit, free of charge!” “Th-Thank you Rarity, really, I owe you one.” She nodded and I carried Spitfire home on my back, with the newly made dress and suit as well. When I got home my mom smiled seeing me carry Spitfire, I laid her on my bed and I laid next to her, putting the dress and suit on a chair. I fell asleep with my arms surrounding Spitfire, having her in my embrace. I woke up on prom day, Spitfire waking up soon after and she blushed heavily seeing me. “CH-CHEERILEE!? WH-WHY AM I CUDDLING WITH YOU!? WHERE ARE WE!?” “Calm down, we’re just at my house Spitfire. You passed out in Rarity’s house. Let’s go to school now.” Spitfire looked around then nodded. We walked to school together, some ponies staring at us, but it wasn’t important. The day went by, and I was just thinking of how Spitfire would look in her suit. My imagination running wild. The day passed and I went home, sitting on my bed till prom was an hour away. I put on my dress; it was a perfect fit. I couldn’t have asked for more. I heard a crash outside and my mom’s voice echoed through the room. “It’s your little girlfriend Cheerilee!” I blushed heavily and carried the suit downstairs. “M-Mom don’t embarrass me in front of her…” She smiled then nodded at me. Spitfire came inside and I handed her her suit. “Oh yeah! Rarity made me a suit! I kinda forgot…” She rubbed the back of her head, blushing while doing it. “Lemme go into your room and change into it.” She climbed up the stairs with her suit. “My little girl has her own girlfriend. I’m so proud of you Cheerilee.” I blushed heavily and hugged my mom. “Th-Thanks for accepting me mom.” I said. “No need to honey.” Spitfire walked down the stairs, my eyes locked onto her, the suit was made for her, the red going with her yellow coat, the orange accents matching her hair and eyes. She looked beautiful. “Y-Y-You’re stunning Spitfire…” I said. “Likewise to you Cheers, you look beautiful in that dress." I blushed and walked out with Spitfire, holding our hooves together. “Have a good night you lovebugs!” My mom yelled. We trotted to the school, the clicking of our hooves in unison filling the air, till we arrived right on time. We showed our school IDs to the person at the entrance and Spitfire put bits on the payment rack, smirking at me, causing me to blush. We went in, a disco ball in the middle of the ceiling and couples dancing with each other. “Well here we are Cheers, prom. What you wanted this entire time, is it as good as you expected?” I looked up at Spitfire, “It’s even better than I ever could imagine with you by my side.” She smiled and hugged me. “Same here Cheers. Same here.” We walked to the dance floor and danced together, until I led her to the punch bowl and we both got cups of punch. “So, you two are datin’ huh? Unexpected couple.” The mare at the punch bowl said. Spitfire smirked at her and said, “Ya jealous I got with a pretty mare? Unlike you?” The mare got a mad look on her face. “Why would I even want a mare, I’m a mare myself.” She said. “W-Well I-I-I… Gotta go!” Spitfire dragged me back to the dance floor, leaving our punch cups at the table. I pouted, “Spitfire… I wanted that punch I was thirsty.” “Aw don’t worry Cheers. We can get some after we leave!” Right after Spitfire said that the lights dimmed, and the music calmed down. “It’s about time for the slow dance.” The principal said. Spitfire smirked and held me close to her, moving slowly and turning slowly. “Y-You know how to slow dance, Spitfire…?” I asked. She nodded, “A girl’s gotta learn someday. Especially for the love of her life.” I blushed and she took me closer to her, my head resting on her shoulder, my hind hooves following hers, her soft wings wrapped around my body. “This is wonderful. I love you Cheerilee.” “I-I love you too Spitfire. Y-You’re amazing. This really is the night of my life. It’s all thanks to you too Spitfire. Without you, I’d probably be home eating ice cream.” I said. Spitfire smirked again, “We can eat ice cream at your house after this Cheers, if that’s what you want.” She snickered. “I’d like that I think.” I smiled and held Spitfire in my hooves as well. “I knew you would Cheers. Cause I know you now, and I love the mare I’ve gotten to known over the week.” She said. “I’ve loved you for more than this week, probably since I saw you. Love at first sight I guess.” I replied. Suddenly a light came down on Spitfire and I. I looked up and it was a spotlight. “Look at these two love birds! Aren’t they just adorable toge-“ The principal was interrupted by a student, it sounded like the mare at the punch bowl. “YEAH WELL IT TURNS OUT THOSE ‘LOVE BIRDS’ ARE BOTH MARES! THEY’RE UNNATURAL! THEY’RE… THEY’RE FREAKS! THEY’RE FREAKS! THEY SHOULDN’T EVEN BE IN THIS SCHOOL!” She yelled into the microphone, causing Spitfire to run out. “Sp-Spitfire wait!!” I yelled, trotting after her. I saw a trail of tears leading to somewhere. Tears streaming down my face too. I ran, following the tears till I saw Spitfire, crying on a curb. “Sh-She’s right Ch-Cheerilee. W-We’re freaks. We’re freaks… W-We’re unnatural.” I wiped the tears from her eyes and stood her up. “Y-You told me something. Y-You told me why should I chicken out wh-when we were right at the finish line. W-We’re at the finish line right now! No chickening out at this point! C-Cause we love each other Spitfire! It doesn’t matter what she thinks! She couldn’t even get a mare to go with! But you did! S-So we’re not freaks! We’re… WE’RE IN LOVE! I LOVE YOU.” She looked up at me trying to speak before I interrupted her. “I LOVE YOU WITH MY ENTIRE BEING SPITFIRE. I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH. NOPONY COULD KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU! Besides you.” A smile grew on Spitfire’s face, and she cried again, they were tears of happiness. “Th-Thank you Cheerilee… I love you too. L-Let’s go back into there a-and show them our love!” I nodded and we galloped into the school, and then into the gym. Everypony looking at us upon our entrance. The spotlight focused on us while we walked into the center, it followed us and we stood, then faced each other. “Wow look at the WEIRDOS. THEY’RE BACK AND READY TO BE FREAKS AGAIN! SO SHOW US HOW WEIRD YOU AREE!” Spitfire looked at me, then suddenly kissed me on the lips. She closed her eyes and held it, then I did the same as she caressed the back of my head. My first kiss ever, with the girl I adore so much. We leaned back and everypony stared, till we walked out together, going to my house. “Ready to eat that ice cream Cheers?” Spitfire said to me. “I-I’d like that I think.” I said.