Carve's Final Story

by AizakkuHorooee

First published

Queen Carve calls for a meeting with Patch, Aita, Cozy Glow and her star pupil, Kuma, who is having trouble in school understanding how Aita can contact Carve despite never living in the hive. Carve relates, sharing that through a story of her own.

Kuma is invited to a meeting in the throne room to explain their troubles with Queen Carve, Aita, Patch and Cozy Glow, as they are having trouble understanding how Aita can still contact the throne despite never once living in the changeling hive. Carve can relate to that, so she shares with Kuma how she felt similarly following her coronation.

Teaser/Cold Open

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Okay, so it’s been a while. As the ruler of the changeling kingdom, I have carried on Chrysalis’ legacy turnaround, her most important rules staying in place with me. As it turned out, Patch had inclined to be my advisor, and Areola recently moved to Silver Shoals like Membrane did thirty five years ago. Funny thing about my rule is that I ended up rebuilding the hallway Correal destroyed when she left us. I know, it kinda goes against everything Areola and Chrysalis set when they ruled, but nobody objected when I told them.

So now, Patch comes into the throne room. “Got here as soon as possible, Carve.”

“Great, now all we need is the princess of friendship and we’re all set.”

“So what’s the emergency?” he asks as he sits next to me on the throne.

“Maybe let’s wait for Aita and Cozy first. You know how they are with those pears.”

The throne room glows slightly with magic, before the ceiling shoots out tiny green beams to form a midair projection in front of me and Patch. On screen are of course Aita and Cozy Glow.

“Hi Carve!” they greet, waving.

I giggle. “I’m so glad you could make it, girls.”

“So what's the problem?” asks Aita.

“Ever since I rebuilt the hallway and started the education hive, I’ve been teaching everybody there about what I’ve learned, but it seems my star pupil is confused about changeling life in class.”

Cozy Glow looks confused. “What do you mean?”

“Let’s just say it’ll be good to have all of you here,” I answer.

Queen? I look to my left and see a fully armored Pharynx at one of the entrances to the throne room. “Kuma has arrived.”

I nod. “Send them in, Pharynx.”

Pharynx pushes Kuma into the throne room with his magic and leaves. Kuma then flies up onto the throne, which causes them to see the projection of Aita and Cozy.

“Ah, Aita. Nice to see you,” Kuma says, to which Aita nods. “But I-I’m confused. How can you still contact Queen Carve like this? You never lived here.”

“I see,” Aita replies.

“If that’s you’re problem, you’ve come to the right place,” says Cozy Glow.

“Well… it’s clear at least you all are friends,” Kuma continues. “But what about Mother Membrane, Amplitude and Thorax? Even Synth still? They all had established lives outside of the hive, and never came back just like you, Aita.”

“What made you come to the conclusion that we couldn’t?” asks Patch.

Kuma sighs. “You see, Prof. Patch, our history class has a unit on how changelings can strike out on their own. But it never mentioned anything about calling our queen. I just assumed that would be cut off if we went rogue.”

I listen carefully to what Kuma has to say about the matter, and I can only say one thing to them.

“You know what, Kuma? I think you have some good points.”

“WHAT?!?” exclaims Cozy, putting her hooves on her head.

Act 1

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Cozy Glow begins flying in the air in the projection.

“Communication cuts off upon leaving the hive?!? Did I miss somethin’?”

I shake my head. “I don’t think so, Cozy. Kuma probably just can’t wrap their head around because of the curriculum, which I understand if that was the case. I sure appreciate the feedback. For now, I think I got this. Aita, Cozy, I’ll get back in touch after talking with Kuma.”

Aita nods. “Wish you luck, Carve. We know you have this.”

And so, the holographic signal fizzles out, leaving me with Patch and Kuma.

“Alright, so Patch, I’ll come to you when our conversation is done. Think you got our classes covered for now?”

Patch nods as Kuma and I jump off the throne. “Yes, Carve. Will do.”

After a few quiet minutes, walking throughout the hive, I’m the first to break the silence.

“So, I was wondering, did you really feel that way?”

Kuma puts a hoof under their chin. “About what?”

“About the education hive…”

“That? Yeah, I think you were on the wings with that one. I like school and all, but the units seem to hyper-focus on one thing at a time a bit too much.”

“I see… Kuma… have you considered dedicating some time for one-on-one? With something like that, I could probably clear things up for you if that’s what you want.”

Kuma gasps in excitement. “One-on-one? Really?!?”

“Sure. Every changeling is different. Some could learn more through using their wings, others through interaction. From what I could gather, specialized information seems to be your forte. You do take interest in the times I reminisce after class.”

Kuma thinks about what I say pretty deeply. In fact, they haven’t thought this deeply since the last time they stayed after class. After a half minute, they blink, seemingly having an answer.

“Yeah, I think we could make this work, Carve.”

“Well, sounds like a plan.” I look behind and ahead to make sure there aren’t any changelings around us. “I think I see a bit of myself in you, Kuma.”

“You do?”

“Specifically the immediate week following of my coronation. Before becoming queen, I forgot all about the holographic spell connected to the throne when I lived in Equestria.”

Thinking back to the reception, I’m now used to seeing Chrysalis without a crown, but back then, that was a very new thing. By that point, the only other time I’d seen Chrysalis without a crown was when Carina and I were getting her hive back.

The coronation and reception also happened to take place where Chrysalis had hers. In between, the floor grew tables for us to sit at, and so at one table, I sat not only with Pane and Rusty, but also with Aita, Cervix and Brand.

Cervix was the first to speak. “So, you must feel pretty good about this, huh Carve?”

“Yeah. Especially after going to the real world to meet Aita so that she could help save Equestria. I-I was just on fire-” I stopped short as Cervix and Brand panted with excitement.

Aita giggled. “I know what you meant, and how it feels. Nothing better than a rush like that.”

“I guess both of us should actually expect that, since we’re both successors now,” I replied. “Of course, you’d have to display similar use of authority if you want that rush.”

I suddenly was hugged by Chrysalis, who had come over to the table with Areola behind her to say goodbye to her newly former subjects. “I always knew you were the perfect choice since you became my substitute. Whatever adversity you face, you’ll always find a way through. I know the changeling hive will be in the perfect hooves with you looking out for it, Carve. And while I’ll always be available, Aita and I must depart. Cozy and Kevin are waiting for us.”

I was surprised with Chrysalis’ announcement.

“Y-you’re leaving? I know I could just visit you at the castle of friendship, but what about you two? How’ll you get ahold of me?”

“Well, like I’ve always done,” answered Aita. “I remember Cervix and Brand even doing it once. Right, Chrysalis?”

Chrysalis nodded and blushed with Cervix and Brand. “I-It’s best we don’t go into detail about that one.” She looked to Areola, who was starting to realize how much things will be different with Chrysalis leaving for good. “I certainly will miss you all, but I realize as a former queen once again, you’ll all remember me fondly.”

I hovered in front of and hugged Chrysalis. “Of course. Thank you for everything.”

In response, the rest of my table, as well as Areola joined in on the hug.

Back in the present, now having told the foundation of my story, Kuma looks slightly confused after I tell them.

“So not only did you share the same table at the reception with Aita, but also two urbexers and two of your peers? Plus I guess Aita never really explained how that worked, did she?”

I shake my head. “Nope. I ended up having to find out for myself… I guess you could say I paid the price for it initially.”

Only a day after the coronation, I was already having trouble settling in. At the cliff leading to the changeling kingdom, I summoned four pears like I remembered from so many years prior, took the seeds out and lined them up.


I took a quick yawn, magically chucking the seeds in the process. “Why won’t this work?” I said to myself, exhausted from all the testing since the coronation.

I sighed, but then also dozed off in the standing position. It was only thanks to the ambience outside that I became alert again, my instincts scolding me for my sleepless night, prompting me to teleport back to the throne.

At that point, I realized my instincts were right, disappointed my effort had gone fruitless. “What am I doing?”

Without a dream, the next moment of consciousness began early the next morning as Patch was hovering over me. Seeing him out of the corner of my eye as I faced the backside of the throne made me gasp and immediately shift into a sitting position to face him.

“Carve, what were you doing out there?”

“Honestly, I don’t remember,” I told him. “All I know is it had something to do with pears.”

“You mean… calling the queen? But you are the queen.”

I facehoofed at that fact. “I know… just… muscle memory. Well, I guess I’ll just make a list of who was with Aita all the times she called Chrysalis.”

Powering a new spell I recently learned by that point, two sparks flared in front of us and materialized into a scroll and quill. I wrote aloud the list of all the ponies who witnessed the changelings calling Chrysalis.

“Alright… Aita’s witnesses: RD and her parents, Wonderbolts, Lightning Dust, Wind Rider, Svengallop, Fluttershy, Discord, Twilight and Spike… as for Cervix and Brand, I think Aita told me Starlight and Trixie were there.”

Patch arrived next to me to take a look at my list. “Hmm… Discord and Twilight likely had different experiences with that.”

“And Aita was taught Starlight’s version of Refulgo Publicus, who might be home with Sunburst. I have NO idea where Trixie could be though. The last time I saw her was when Chrysalis and Twilight befriended each other, so I wouldn’t remember her trail signature.”

“Sounds like Starlight might be the best option,” remarked Patch.

“I think… it is…”

With all the options weighed out, I decided to teleport to Sire’s Hollow to head to Sunburst and Starlight’s house. Starlight at the time was outside, so she quickly caught me.

“Carve!” she exclaimed, galloping over to me and giving me a bear hug. “How was the coronation?”

I grunted slightly from the tight embrace. “Great! Was a-able to-” I took a moment to catch my breath when released. “talk to Aita there.”

“So, you’re visiting for a bit, huh?”

“Actually, Starlight… there is something I came to talk to you about… Um, do you remember that one spell involving the pear seeds?”

Starlight seemed to feel a little awkward initially, but does answer. “Um, yeah… Aita’s done it in front of me at least once, so…”

“Huh, all she mentioned about your experience was the one you saw with Trixie.”

Starlight groaned with a hoof over her eyes. “I just can’t win with her regarding the past, can I?”

“You’re not the only one,” I chuckled. “Aita ended up embarrassing Chyrsails at the reception apparently. So, uh, you could just pick the later times if that’s alright with you. No big deal.”

Starlight gave a relieved sigh, then showed me a projection of Aita gathering her, Spike and Twilight in the throne room with four pears, lined up like I had them the day before. And unlike my attempt, Chrysalis actually showed up on screen.

“Well, that’s about everything I can provide,” Starlight said once the projection was over. “I hope that helped though.”

I frowned, having a feeling this would be the answer everyone would give me. “Note to self, swing by Sugar Cube Corner for hotsauce.”

Act 2

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In the present, after telling Kuma about my brief visit to Starlight’s new place, they start giggling.

“That sure sounds like something I would do if I was just crowned ruler of all the changeling kingdom, especially going home and finding the answer alone.”

“Oh, don’t be so sure,” I reply as we arrive at the education hive. “Even though we wish things were always the same, there is no guarantee you’ll act the same I once did.”

Kuma looks on, seeing what I mean. This very spot is where Crater Hall used to be. Instead of the chasm, the floor is all even again. The note has been scrubbed, and in its place is a wall that can now open up to one of the classrooms here.

“Right… I once learned about the former Crater Hall in class… was becoming queen all it took for you to go from losing Rolling Acres to establishing the education hive?”

I grin. “Well, you’ll see.”

Back during the story I tell Kuma, I really wasn’t too satisfied with Starlight’s answer. So, going around Sire’s Hollow, I looked for any sign of Trixie, since I have next to no memory of her trail signature since the last time we met at that point.

On the side of one of the stores in the commercial area, I spotted four children looking at… something. There was an earth pony, a changeling, a griffon and a yak. Clearly they were all interested, so it had to’ve been something. I remembered Starlight told me something about these four residents, at least their names anyway: Sandbar, Ocellus, Gallus and Yona respectively. Gallus was the first to notice me, and tapped Ocellus on the shoulder with his claw.

Ocellus gasped, then ran over to hug me. “Queen Carve! Oh, I am so sorry I missed the coronation! You wouldn’t believe how busy Operation Comics has been these days!”

“T-that’s okay,” I said, taken aback slightly by Ocellus’ apparent remorse. “Your job comes first, and if it means you have to miss something like that, I won’t be disappointed.”

Sandbar came over to Ocellus with Yona and patted her on the back. “See? I told ya she’d be fine with it. Hey, Carve.” Sandbar waved to me.

“What new queen doing here?” Yona chipperly asked.

“I thought I would pay Starlight Glimmer a visit. She did recently move here to live with Sunburst after all.”

“Starlight Glimmer, huh? I heard she’s going across Equestria pretty soon.” Gallus thumbed what he and his friends were looking at before they noticed me.

I flew over and landed next to Gallus to see what he was talking about. It was a poster for “the Great and Powerful Trixie’s Autumnal Nationwide Tour”, an annual event Starlight mentioned to me in passing before that she partook in.

“Oh yeah, the ANT. Good thing I got here when I did,” I remarked. “She’ll know where Trixie is.”

Pretty much as soon as I mentioned the tour, Discord teleported in by visually materializing like he went through a wormhole to get here.

“Did someone say ANT? My, what dedication of you to visit my good friend, Starlight Glimmer, before she leaves. I am sure everyone back home would be proud to stand by you, Queen Carve… congratulations on the promotion, by the way.”

Yona was surprised by Discord’s behavior. “Wait. Dragon-pony know new queen? And Starlight?”

As Discord responded, he summoned a light bulb that turned on without the need for a current. “Well, of course I do. Name any creature and without a doubt, I have them in that little current of mine.”

Ocellus grinned deviously. “You’re on… How about Wavelength?”

“Mother of former Queen Areola,” Discord answered as his forelimbs separated, the paw and claw resting behind his head. “Even she was a queen herself while caring for her daughter.”

I shrugged. “Amplitude?”

“Your best friend’s original name before One Thirteen,” replied Discord, briefly summoning a changeling plush before tossing it aside with his paw. “She was renamed once by Chrysalis and another time when she lost her memory in the real world.”

His vast knowledge left even me shocked. “I didn’t know that was Carina’s original name. I was just trying another sound-based name… what about Sawto-”

Upon beginning to hear another name, Discord’s eyes bulged, as if red flags were mentally going off, before he impulsively teleported his arms to reattach them to his body, waving at me with both and averting his gaze. “No further test. I know who you were going to say. I just would like to know what you were doing, visiting Starlight Glimmer.”

“Well, I was going to talk to her again to direct me to Trixie,” I explained to him. “But since you’re here seemingly knowing Trixie too, not only do I not have to do that anymore, maybe I could get your experience with Aita instead… you said you were framed once, right? How was that resolved?”

“You have no idea, do you?”

Discord promptly floated me up to his lion arm, magicking up a copy Pharynx’s version of Starswirl’s time spell and swallowing it whole before he snapped us to the point in time I asked up him. Looking at us, I saw a blue glow coming from Discord and me. Looking at the scene he was presenting me, I spotted him again with Fluttershy, Lightning Dust and Aita, standing off with Wind Rider and Svengallop at one of the bedrooms of the Canterlot Castle suite.

In this showing of Discord’s, Wind Rider was the first to speak. Aw come on, kid. We learn all the time. Otherwise we wouldn’t be able to come up with the ideas we have in our heads.

Wanna bet? I heard Aita retort, at least I thought it was who said it. It was REALLY weird hearing her old voice after finally getting used to the one I heard once she went through vocal training.

As current Discord and I looked at the scene, Aita teleported in four pears, past Discord peeling off the edible part to reveal the seeds. She placed those seeds the same way she did in the projection Starlight showed. Instead of just Chrysalis though, I also saw Areola with her.

Young Aita, you called at the right time. I’ve been having my teacher visit regularly in case this would happen. Are you in Canterlot?

Why yes I am. I have these two in hot water. Aita nodded as she answered Chrysalis’ question, then pointed to Svengallop and Wind Rider.

Areola playfully beamed. Alright, what did they do?

Wind Rider and Svengallop posed by letter as the moving company I used to begin life in Ponyville, then framed Discord for it, Lightning Dust explained.

Chrysalis and Areola’s jaws hung low in response, the former’s horn beginning to glow as she began to wink in in the flesh, which caused the signal behind her to fizzle out as she started cornering Wind Rider and Svengallop.

Before we can see Chrysalis say anything, Discord snapped me back to the present with Yona, Sandbar, Ocellus, and Gallus in front of us. “So, was that all you needed to see?” he inquired to me.

I tilted my head and rubbed my horn. “Well, from what you experienced, I think so. I at least know what happens when I’m off the throne. The spell won’t work right this minute then… Thanks for the help, Discord. You all know where to look if you need me, right?” Everyone nodded yes and waved farewell as I began taking off. “Bye everyone!”

My next stop was Aita’s castle. Since I had learned how contact with the throne worked, I wanted to hear what it was like on the throne. I could’ve gone back home, since Areola was a queen once herself, but Membrane experienced that too. I would’ve gone to Silver Shoals, but Patch sent a letter before I left Sire’s Hollow, saying his grandmother was visiting Chrysalis, Cozy Glow and Aita.

Near the dining room, hearty laughter from Cozy and Chrysalis erupted, so I opened the door, only to see them getting up off the floor while Membrane was stifling a laugh of her own on a chair at the table. Seeing them share this moment together certainly brightened my mood. That’s for sure.

Membrane was the first to see me. “Oh! Carve! What brings you here?”

“Hi, Membrane,” I greeted, but then noticed someone absent as I looked around me. “Where’s Aita? I figured since you were visiting, she’d like to stay to see you.”

“Oh she went home for a while to celebrate her coronation,” Cozy answered. “She should be back by tonight though.”

“So, here for a visit already?” asked Chrysalis.

“Kinda… Patch directed me here to talk to Membrane.”

When Membrane heard my explanation, she put on a subtle-looking grin, got up off her chair, and started for the door, gesturing me to follow her. Once we were alone in the halls, Membrane was the first to break the silence between us.

“So, I imagine this was the environment you wanted to talk to me in?” I was left dumbfounded how she figured that out, getting a chuckle out of her. “I think I know what this is about, dear Carve. That pear spell? Eighty years don’t mean I don’t take clues.”

“And I thought Aita’s deductive skills were impressive. I didn’t even need to tell you anything once we got out here!”

“So, would you like my experience?” offered Membrane, to which I nodded. “You see, when Chrysalis was working to make amends with her son, I took her offer to join her in the throne room to see her duties in action. When Aita, Spike and Twilight called, it was like the top of the spire itself was glowing. Powered from up above, at the very center of that room was a projection of the backside of Donut Joe’s with Aita front and center, and her friends visible to her sides.”

“Huh…” After listening to Membrane’s description, the information left me a bit stunned, but satisfied. I gave her a hug. “Mother Membrane, I have to thank you for your help. When I took the trip to Sire’s Hollow earlier today, I had no idea how any of that worked. Thanks to Discord and you, I know exactly what to expect… but I also know other changelings will feel the same way I did. Since I lived with Rusty Flashlight, even as a sub, I didn’t bother finding out for myself because I didn’t need to yet.”

Membrane elbows me lightly, making me realize what I did. “Guess I wasn’t the only one, Carve. You seem to have the empathy fit for the queen you have become. I could never have imagined you’d ever reach this height when I first retired. If you think common knowledge should be expanded, then you and your royal team can teach your kingdom, that way your successor will be more prepared.”

Another pause happened before I could answer, but in that time, Membrane’s suggestion was something that rang true to me.

“That’s a great idea,” I replied with a confident strut. “Gathering my peers around to teach a new generation of subjects sounds like something I could get behind. Thanks again, Membrane.”

Finally back in the present, Kuma and I have now returned to the hall leading to the throne room. The former of us two particularly paid attention to Discord’s part as that was the part they were confused about the most.

“So, what you’re saying is… it doesn’t matter which changeling contacts the throne. You just have to be on it?” they say, interpreting what I’ve told them.

“What do you think the crown is for?” When Kuma and I reach the throne, Patch is no longer there; it’s empty. “One of our classes is probably in session right now. I’ll go get Patch. My other peers should be here any minute. Sound okay, Kuma?”

Kuma nods yes as I head back out of the throne room to trail Patch so he can return with me.

Act 3

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Back in the throne room, Kuma perks up and sees me and Patch enter.

“Sorry it took so long,” Patch casually apologizes. “I was in the middle of teaching when Carve got me.”

“That’s fine. Classes come first,” replies Kuma. “So Carve, is it just you and him?”

“Not exactly…” I admit, numerous other peers of mine - Cervix, Brand, Cilia and Seta - appearing behind me, ushered in by Pharynx. “Lectures would all be finished, which was why I decided to bring the whole gang.”

Kuma smiles sheepishly and blushes green, realizing they forgot what I said earlier. They also appear to buzz their wings to mimic a popular squeaky sound from the real world.

With all of us sitting, the throne becomes a little crowded, but nothing I couldn’t handle. As soon as I take a seat, the room does the same thing it did before when it was just me and Patch.

In the rejuvenated projection, it’s not just Aita and Cozy Glow on screen, but also Chrysalis as well, whose age appears to be catching up with her now. Her mane is now grey and in a bun, her eyes have dimmed some, and her wings are starting to split at the edges. And due to her dimmer eyes, she is now wearing glasses.

“Hello, everyone. It’s great to see you all again,” Chrysalis greets.

“Hi, Chrysalis!” Kuma replies, prompting everyone on screen to wave.

“So, what’s the verdict, Carve?” asks Aita. “What do you have planned for the school you run?”

“Well, as it turns out, my guess was spot-on. I helped Kuma out by telling them about my first week on the throne, and they are proving to be a great learner with information tailored specifically for them.” I now turn to Kuma, who now looks just like I did when Chrysalis sung me her song from so long ago when I was a sub. “Now, I’ll have to change the teaching style in the education hive, but this will only be in effect starting next semester. If you need the help right away, Kuma, I’m more than willing take you in as a personal student of mine. Would you mind?”

Kuma looks around and puts a hoof under their chin.

“Who knows; maybe you will rule one day if you take this offer, Kuma,” boasts Chrysalis. “It would be really interesting seeing you there.”

“Hmm… Monarch Kuma,” they ponder. “And all it takes is to learn from you?” I nod at them. “I think you’ve enticed me enough now. I’m in.”

“Great. Now, before we continue, there is something I would like to ask you.” Kuma promptly listens to me rather carefully to hear out my next question. “Since now you know you could always talk to me, even from Equestria and possibly beyond, do you have any place in mind you would like to move to? Or do you still wanna stay here to keep things a little simpler?”

“I-I don’t know,” answers Kuma, once again reminding me of myself that week I’ve been telling them about.

“Don’t worry about it too much, Kuma. Believe it or not, I didn’t know where to establish the education hive at first.”

In one last flashback, not a lot of time passed between talking to Mother Membrane and returning home, but I was met by Patch on the throne. I was still not quite used to that.

“So, what’d Grandma have to say?” he asked me.

“Ah, that. Well, Patch, she proposed the idea that we start educating the changelings, soooo… where do we put that branch of the hive?”

Patch started thinking and looking up when the throne room began to glow just as Membrane described. A quartet of beams shot from up above and together, they formed a projection of Chrysalis, Cozy Glow and Aita in the throne room.

“Hey guys,” said Aita as she waved. “I heard I missed you and Membrane coming over, Carve.”

“Hi, Aita. Hi, Mom,” Patch greeted back, then noticed Cozy Glow and pointed to her. “Um… who’s this again?”

“Right! You two never met! Patch, this is my organizer, Cozy Glow.” Aita wrapped her hoof around Cozy as she introduced her.

“So Carve, what did you and Mother discuss?” asked Chrysalis.

“Membrane came up with the idea of me and my peers basically running a school, but I have no idea where to put it within the hive. I know we can’t put in that abandoned hallway. It’s an important part of changeling history and I-”

“Yes, you can.” Chrysalis’ interruption had me a bit surprised. I was not expecting her to say that. “You are the queen now, Carve. The changelings are not my subjects anymore; they’re yours. Even barring that, having transformed momentarily during the battle with CHS Spitfire, Svengallop and the sirens has gotten me to understand what Thorax was going through the moment he transformed, and I have since found the will to forgive him. If you’d like to replace Crater Hall, you can, and I won’t object.”

When Chrysalis explained her reasoning, I could see Aita and Cozy Glow hugging each other with tears in their eyes. It must’ve been tough for them, since they partook in that battle too. But me and Patch, we were amazed, Patch because of the fact his own mother of all changelings managed to undergo the same transformation Thorax revolutionized, and me because forgiving Thorax was the last thing I thought Chrysalis would do. I guess as a queen it was true, but still.

“We know you have this, Carve. Whatever you decide, you have our full support.”

“Thanks, Chrysalis,” I humbly replied. “I won’t let you down.” The signal fizzled out once we were done talking, so as my personal royal advisor, Patch offered me a hoofbump to boost my confidence, which I kindly accepted.

“Ah, I remember that call as if it were yesterday…” With me telling everyone the last of my story, Chrysalis becomes nostalgic about her first time calling me. “I really wish Mother were here to see the fruits of her proposal today. With the right environment, you, Kuma, can blossom into one of the greatest changelings of your generation, just as Carve is for hers.”

Kuma responds as they begin hovering in the air in front of the projection, “But that’s the thing… I just don’t know where to start and set up camp. You’ve gone all over Equestria. What more of it is there to see?”

Their question briefly gets my gears turning. Originally the name, Kuma, was going to go to Aita’s younger brother. She comes from the real world because an old friend of mine that’s been gone for decades now happened to be her mother, and had her in Wisconsin.

“It’s alright, Kuma. After hearing Chrysalis’ will to forgive Thorax of all beings, I think I know exactly where to send you. It just seems right.”

As I announce my final answer, I start buzzing my wings to mimic the strumming of an acoustic guitar, a bass, and a drum set.

If it’s study you’re looking for, but the moments seem dull,
I am willing to have a few strings to pull.
Go and live in the real world, and have some fun;
no matter where you go, you can come back to everyone.

As I begin singing, Aita, Cozy Glow and Chrysalis teleport into the throne room, causing the signal to fizzle out. The four changelings Patch and I brought with me to the throne room jump off the throne and wave goodbye. In between stanzas, I teleport everyone else sans Patch to the site of the former Headrest Centre. The building is now gone, and replaced by several new houses.

Aita is the next to sing. Meanwhile, she, Cozy Glow, Chrysalis and I lead Kuma to a furniture store to get their nest materials. We also pick up a bag of pear tree seeds at a department store’s garden center for Kuma to plant so they can call me in the future.

There are times you will find some room to grow,
so by taking them in stride, your path to good will show.
You can visit your homeworld, and there we’ll be;
with the humans by your side, they will help you see…

When Aita has reached the chorus, I join to harmonize her while we open the door to Sophie’s house. Kuma will be living there at Aita’s request, since she and Sophie now maintain their friendship after Chrysalis put the past behind her. When Kuma and Sophie hug, the former returns to us with a hoofbump.

When the magic of friendship spreads around the world,
it reaches places you’d never know.
And it all started with a changeling girl,
when an urban explorer, had a place to go.

As Aita and I finish singing the chorus, a little acoustic guitar riff plays in the audio my wings produce. This riff is similar enough to a certain leitmotif to get Cozy Glow to sing next as we stop by a convention hall to spectate on long-standing competitions regarding different NES games. When Kuma leads us back to Sophie’s house, they plant one of the seeds in the bag in the backyard.

It has taken a lot of time, for me to learn
all the nuance a gift may have, but this is one you’ve earned.
And with you in the real world, an opportunity
has come into our land, for all can see…

When Aita and I start the chorus a second time, Cozy Glow joins in, having just done her verse. Our next stop while we sing is an opera house, where a play depicts what likely would’ve been the result of Chrysalis’ research before getting her hive back way back when, that is if Carina and I never survived. The final place before Kuma is home is a local museum, where we spot a replica of a thirty-year-old remote control helicopter. In front of it, Kuma wraps their hooves around me and Chrysalis and pull us into a hug.

When we arrive at Kuma and Sophie’s, the former takes a quick moment to set up their nest, right where Aita had hers when she lived with Sophie. There, they sing a half verse the instrumentation winds down momentarily.

It was study I was looking for, and now I’ve found
the experience I need, so I can fly around.

When Kuma finishes their nest, they come outside to the front yard to see me, Chrysalis, Aita and Cozy. I sing and the instrumentation starts to pick back up. After the experience in the museum, I return the hug back to Kuma now.

I look forward to your time with family.
By the time you rule my hive, we’ll clearly see…

All of us who’ve sung so far sing the chorus one more time, Sophie leading us to her living room and pulling out a DVD that when played contains a picture of Carina and a nymph Aita wrapping one hoof each around each other and smiling at the camera, which fades into a picture of the old Headrest Centre.

By the time we finish singing, the DVD finishes and is slid out of the player when Sophie presses the eject button. As the instrumentation winds down a second time, this time also slowing down in tempo, all of us look up except for Sophie, who puts away the DVD in its case, imagining what Carina might’ve been thinking if she were here right now. It’s possible her pride in Aita is so strong that us changelings can almost taste it.

As queen, I have a relatively limited time on the throne, so Kuma’s life here in the real world should prepare them for when they succeed me. But for now, Aita and I have nothing left to learn now, as if our book has finally closed. Kuma’s book has opened now in our place; it’s their turn now.