> Twi's Magic Wand > by ghost buster > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Twi's Magic Wand > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight fidgeted nervously in the line. She was uncomfortable and for good reason. She was sure the grumpy mare behind her knew exactly what she was up to. The cold draught in the hardware store made Twilight aware of every inch of her body. She tried her best not to give anything away. She kept her tail down, and her wings tucked tightly in. Both were straining to be released and fly freely into the air. She looked down at the items in her basket and she started to sweat. ‘Nobody could know could they? It's just a bunch of normal shopping. Doesn’t look suspicious at all,’ she thought. She gritted her teeth slightly has she caught as whiff of the strange smell that clung to her. She could smell her hormones. Twilight tried to suppress the powerful feelings and think about anything else, but she was painfully aware of the swelling and dampening of the space under her tail. This was exactly why she never normally left her home when in heat. But desperate times called for desperate measures. Twilight looked around and strained a smile at the mare behind her. She had a blank stare, like she was half asleep. The excitement of what she was doing was beginning to get to Twilight. Aside from the nagging feeling from her fertile body, she felt a certain naughtiness, just being there. She was terrified someone would work out what she was doing, and it only added to the thumping of her heartbeat. The line moved painfully slowly, and Twilight subconsciously crossed her legs as she waited. Eventually the customers paid, and she was next in line. This broke her out of her trance, and she now focused on the checkout. She was suddenly stopped in her tracks. The cashier, he was hot… ‘No no no,’ Twilight thought. She couldn't act casual. Not in her state. Not with what she was doing. The tanned Earth Pony stallion looked at Twilight expectantly. His chiselled features popped out to her, and his toned shoulders could be seen under his orange uniform, clinging tightly to him. His dark eyes captivated her, although they wore a slight frown. Why was he looking at her? She was sure he was on to him. This would be so embarrassing. “Next!” the stallion repeated slightly grumpily. Twilight realised she had just been standing there blankly at the front of the line. She awkwardly walked up to the front of the counter. “Oh haha yes!” She stumbled nervously. “Really warm weather we're having today isn't it?” she blurted out. “Yeah, sweltering,” the stallion said sarcastically. He didn't even seem to notice the mare’s mad eyes. Twilight couldn't help the swoon at his voice though. She was really getting herself into a state. She couldn't stand to be around the stallion much longer. It was having a bad effect on her. Her heart skipped a beat as he began to scan the items. She was sure she could see him raise an eyebrow just a little and it caused her to subconsciously shrink back away from the counter. What would she do if he called her out? She would honestly never live it down. She thought about teleporting away, but knew her magic wouldn't work. Her horn was always funky at this time of the month. It never did quite what she wanted it too, especially with more complicated spells. She tried to breathe deeply. Twilight had no choice but to keep her cool. Easier said than done in heat. She clamped her tail down hard against her rear, but her marehood was shouting increasingly louder. It winked rhythmically, and Twilight tried hard to relax and subdue the involuntary contractions. However, her button continued to press into her tail. Her eyes went wide as she felt the first drip of fluid leave her entrance. She had to get out of here, fast! She shakily got out some bits to pay. Her levitation magic worked still, but she had to strain, and the coins looks like they were fluttering in the air like a butterfly. The stallion in front of her continued to draw her attention as she received a small amount of change. “Have a wonderful day,” the stallion said in the most forced corporate voice possible. Twilight was sure he sounded a little sultry in his tone and it exacerbated the dripping from her rear. She stuff the things in her saddle bags and backed away like a cowering animal. She turned to leave blushing profusely, making her way towards the exit. Twilight almost got away, when she heard a horrific sound. The middle aged mare who was behind her in the line placed an unfortunate hoof down in front of the cashier. It immediately slid and she lost her footing. She screamed as she hit the hard floor and flailed about. The cashier seeing this, immediately called for assistance. He got on the tannoy which blared out across the depot. “Assistance needed at the checkout. At the checkout, assistance neeeded.” He sounded strangely bored, as if he had seen it all before. Twilight’s jaw hung open as she watched the scene, and her eye twitch slightly as she processed it. The mare was slowly clambering to her feet and pondering at the sticky substance that caused her to slip. Twilight couldn't believe her bad luck. She powered up her horn and tried desperately to teleport to safety. She strained like her life depended on it, adrenaline coursing through her veins. However there was only a short crackle and pop before her horn fizzled out. Cursing under her breath she did the next best thing. She ran. She bolted out the door and down the street towards the centre of Ponyville. She needed to get away. She didn't hear anyone calling her or chasing after her, but Twilight was not taking any chances. She ran until she reached the town centre and blended in with the ponies milling about the market. She cursed that the castle was right on the other side of town, but was thankful for her near escape. She had completed her mission. She had acquired the parts she needed, and would soon put them to the test. Twilight wandered through Ponyville at a much slower rate than normal. She felt conspicuous and awkward. She always did this when it was her time of the month. Twilight was a shy mare at heart. A bookworm who didn't let others know her feelings. She was trying her best not to show the townsponies anything about what was going on in her mind. It made her feel naughty in a strange sort of way. Whenever she was out in public her body would rebel against her. She refused to admit she liked the idea of being aroused in public. In fact, it positively mortified her. However, her unconscious had other ideas. She raised her tail slightly into the air somewhat provocatively, and posed with her head held to the sky. Twilight didn't know what had come over her. Somepony would definitely notice, and she would never live it down. Her face turned a dark crimson, and her ears flattened back against her head, like her secret had already been outted. If any other ponies were paying close attention, they would have noticed Twilight trotting a little more elegantly than usual, and her princess wings straining under her saddlebags. They would have also seen the deep blush plastered across the mare’s face. Twilight couldn't help but think about how oblivious these ponies were. They had no idea what she was about to go and do with all the equipment she now carried. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself. She was still in public, and she was a princess for Celestia's sake! Twilight was in an internal world of conflict. On one hand the nervous mare wanted to sprint back home and lock herself away. She couldn't disgrace herself like this. The other wanted to flaunt herself to every townspony that passed. “Come on Twi, you just have to make it back to the Castle,” she said under her breath. There she'd be able to get on with her secret project, and maybe, finally, satisfy herself. Then the embarrassing incident in the hardware store would have totally been worth it. As Twilight thought of the incident. The possibility that they knew everything and we're out looking for her crossed her mind. A lump in her throat formed as she thought about having to apologise to the middle aged mare. A feeling of guilt surrounded her, but for some reason her body responded to the thought with a flush of raging heat through her loins. Her nethers raged like an inferno, and she tried her best not to leave a trail behind her. She was failing. The ponies milling about the marketplace mercifully took no notice of her at all. They were busy chatting with friends, or buying gifts and other produce from the stalls. They didn't have any reason to think the princess who just passed them was doing anything other than shopping. Twilight relaxed a little as she left the busy streets. She picked up the pace and hurried along. She now focused ahead of her. All that energy was being channelled into one goal. Her goal to satisfy herself. She arrived back at her crystal home, quickly slamming the door behind her. She breathed a long sigh of relief, and headed down to the basement. Twilight’s castle was huge and was outfitted with everything she could possibly need. It was almost like it knew what she needed before she did. Down in one of the rooms of the basement there was a workshop, outfitted with all kinds of tools. Anything imagination could conjure up. Right now her imagination was working overtime. She opened the door to said workshop, and was greeted with absolute silence. Twilight was relieved that she had been alone over the past few days. The table had sent Starlight on a friendship mission to the Dragon lands and she thankfully took spike as a guide. ‘The two were almost ecstatic about the opportunity’ Twilight thought. Those two had been enjoying each other's company a lot recently. ‘I wonder what sort of friendship problem is waiting for them?’ she mused as she started to get to work. She worked for hours building her machine. She machined and moulded and soldered, until the parts started to come together into a sleek alluring shape. All the while anticipation grew in her mind. What would this thing feel like? How well would it work? Would it work too well? Would she be destined to think every stallion was inadequate from now on? She connected the switch and the motor buzzed for the first time. The low rumbling sound sent a shiver up Twilight’s spine. She couldn't wait to test how it felt. Soon she might be able to satisfy herself. She had been frustrated since yesterday, and was angry at the way her estrus had humiliated her. As she waited for the glue to dry on her new device, she thought back to the events of yesterday evening. She had been irritable all day, and just couldn't understand why. She had been rude and short-tempered to her friends and it made her feel guilty. She was restless, and kept pacing the castle library before it dawned on her. Twilight was in heat. She hadn't noticed the sense of arousal slowly filling her mind throughout the day. It was a primal carnal desire. She had dealt with it many times before, but lately they’d just been getting out of control. Rarity had suggested that maybe she just needed to find herself a coltfriend, but Twilight scoffed at this. What did she know? It wasn’t like she was lonely at all. Absolutely not… She got up and headed for her bed chambers. She was planning on doing what she always did at this time of the month. She was going to have an evening all to herself… and she couldn’t wait. Twilight lay on her belly atop the luxurious bed in her chambers. The soft surroundings enveloped her weightlessly. She sensually rubbed down her stomach with her hooves, forcing them between herself and the soft bed sheets. She imagined a bold stallion towering over her, biting her on the neck as he had his way with her. Her breath caught as she went straight for the area in need. She pushed a hoof straight against her clit and rubbed it with abandon. She was hungry. Needy. She needed any sensation she could get. Her wide hoof rubbed against the soft flesh of her pussy. Her swollen lips were already engorged and sensitive to her touch, and they began to grow moist as the sensations ran through her. “Oh yes that's the spot right there,” she whispered quietly to herself. Twilight felt a pang of pleasure whip through her, as her pussy contracted against her clumsy appendage. Her clit winked against the flat surface and Twilight pushed harder and harder, trying to get more stimulation. She realised this is what she had been craving all day. “Mmmmmm,” she hummed as she spread her wings out wide. She rubbed up and down her slit, stifling little moans and squeaks that were trying to escape her. There was no one around, but she couldn't quite feel at ease enough to let out her unmoderated moans. Her rear legs twitched in pleasure as she masturbated, slowly ramping up the pace. She had a single minded goal. To keep going faster and faster. She pushed back and forth, her hips starting to rock with her rhythm. She couldn't keep her voice contained and she moaned out with laboured breath. She started to sweat as she was beginning to physically exert herself. “Come on. More I need more…” she moaned to herself There was desperation in her voice. It was driven by her heat and her lusty mood, as well as pent-up loneliness from being a single nerdy princess for so long. Her wings flapped as she rode her hoof with abandon. She cried out with frustration as it seemed she couldn't quite get there. She could feel her climax off in the distance but it felt like she was running through molasses towards it. Twilight flipped onto her back with her wings splayed out. She wasn't being gentle now. She tortured her clit with her hoof, punishing it by jack hammering up and down. It was becoming swollen and red, and was winking more and more frequently. Responding to the friction, her slit secreted more and more wetness which she smeared about her folds and inner thighs, creating a sticky mess. She thought about getting rutted violently over the bed. She thought about Flash Magnus the Pillar of Old Equestria, and of course Starswirl, who she had only just met in person. Her fantasy added to the build-up of emotions in her mind, and only heightened her arousal. “Come on so close so close,” she yelled in a feminine voice, now in her own little world. Her other hoof found one of her teats and gave it the same rough treatment. Twilight hoped this would combine with the pleasure from her pussy, but it was still not enough. Her face was going beat red and all her fur stood on end. She let out a ragged moan before holding her breath with one last effort to send herself over the edge. Her forelegs were a blur of purple. She shut her eyes tight and chased the feeling that was running from her. However, the poor mare could not cum. Her entire body started to quiver and exhaustion creeped in. She let out the breath she was holding with a distressed moan. She was defeated. The poor mare went limp on the bed. She panted heavily, covered in sweat, and pent up to the point of bursting. An uncontrolled wave of emotions spilled over her and she started to weep. It was slow at first but soon built up to a full-on sob. Her sore clit still winked defiantly out into the open air, which now felt cold and unwelcome. She was still so horny, but just could not carry on. She was exhausted. She was in purgatory. Her pussy felt empty and was crying out for a relief, but she knew she just wouldn't be able to get there. She let out a small whimper as the raw emotions subsided, and she rolled over to the other side of the bed. Her horny estrus ridden brain conjured other ways she might achieve that release. Twilight thought about getting the cucumber from the fridge and using that to aid her, however she had always been way too afraid to do anything like that. She was a very inexperienced mare really. She had never been with a stallion before, or even really experimented with herself to any extent. The thought of putting a foreign object inside her actually scared her. Although she didn't want to admit it this outweighed her lustful thoughts. She tried to content herself with hugging one of the pillows that had strayed too close to her, and fantasised about the ex-mythical Stallions on her mind. She drifted off into a restless, unhappy, and lustful sleep. Twilight awoke the next day to the cheerful chirping of birds, and a streak of bright sunshine coming from the crack between her curtains. It was a blissful moment. A moment where everything was right with the world. However, Twilight then felt her aching body, and the sticky sheets. She was uncomfortable, and suddenly too hot. There was something else as well. An unwelcome feeling which was getting stronger by the second. It was the deafening drums of horny. The memories of last night pushed their way to the front of her waking brain. She had been left ashamed, frustrated, and a little worried. She was thinking a little straighter now though, and her massive bookworm brain was churning. Twilight had never been the most athletic pony in the world. And she had just become exhausted before reaching orgasm. She thought that if she could just move her hoof faster and not get so out of breath, then she would be easily reach the climax she desired, and extinguish the heat within her. Her massive brain worked at a million miles an hour, and she concocted a plan for the day. “That's brilliant!” she choked out in a hoarse voice as she sat up from the bed. “I just need something to clop for me.” Soon Twilight was out and on a mission. She was a mare possessed. The power of lust in her brain combined with her interest in science, meant Twilight had a motivation no other pony could match. Snapping back to the present moment, Twilight giggled about how obsessive she could get. She was in a much more positive mood than this morning, and was sure that her time and energy would not be wasted. She was positively ecstatic to test out her new device, and her pussy, deciding it had fully recovered from yesterday’s onslaught, was starting to engorge and become sensitive under her tail. Twilight pranced over to the workbench to see the glue on her construction had dried. There was something about her mood that was different to the night before. She was not embarrassed, hiding the expression of her true feelings from ponies like she normally would. This was her Castle, and she was alone in it. She could do whatever she wanted. She trotted around the room with her tail held high and her wings fluttering out. It was a sight that would make any stallion’s draw drop. It was something to behold, Equestria’s newest princess acting so erotically. She swished her flagging tail in the air and waved her butt about to no one in particular. It was not very often that she felt like this. Twilight could never let herself go. That big brain of hers was always overthinking and generating self-conscious neurotic thoughts. She always kept herself restrained like a proper princess. Now though she was feeling sexy and free. She was completely in the moment, and she was going to make the most of it. Twilight picked up the new device to see the glue had dried. It was now complete. A sense of anticipation grew over her. She excitedly reached out with a hoof and pushed the purple switch on the side of her new toy. A great buzzing sound erupted from the head of the device as it bounced against the hard worktop. The toy shuffled itself along slowly, working its way towards the edge of the bench. Twilight’s eyes went wide at the power of her new invention. She didn't think the motor inside was that big. She had obviously miscalculated. The unicorn picked it up by the stem with shaky magic, and brought it closer to her. The buzzing entranced her, and caused butterflies of excitement that fluttered about within her. “Holy buck,” Twilight whispered under her breath. “That's on the lowest setting…” It was like Twilight had found the Ark of the Covenant. Her pupils dilated and her ears faced forward towards the buzzing head of her new weapon. There was a sense of awe and excitement in her eyes. This bubbled down through her body, and left as a trail of sticky excited juices running down her back legs. The thought of what she would do with this thing permeated her lustful mind. Her expression changed from awe to curiosity. She swished and flicked it about, feeling how well it was weighted in her magic. It felt like a weapon. Like a tool that would aid her in her conquests. She brought its round bulbous head in front of her, slowly bringing it closer and closer. She crossed her eyes as it touched the end of the curious mare’s snout. She held it therefore only a second. The buzzing sent tingles through her nose and she could not comprehend it. She pulled it away and blinked rapidly, scrunching up her nose and shaking her head. The vibrations passed all the way through her body and collected in another region. She couldn't wait to use it a little bit lower. “It’s so powerful! Twilight you naughty little filly what have you done?” She murmured to herself in awe. By now there was a dribble of mare juices running down her back legs, and little drips were falling off her vulva as it winked. Her lust was shouting louder and louder. Not wasting any time, Twilight span around and left the workshop, almost slipping on the puddle she had created. She held her new toy in front of her as she frolicked forth up the stairs of the Castle. She was heading for a special place. A place only she knew about. A place she felt safe. If anyone else had been in the Castle, they could have easily tracked where Twilight went by following the trail of clear slippery exotic smelling fluid. Twilight knew there was no danger of that though. She had locked every entrance to the Castle, and nopony was getting in. She arrived at an unassuming corner of the library. A place with all the old boring books no one would ever read. With urgency, she pulled a particular book out of the shelf, and the entire thing slid backwards. It was a secret room. Twilight walked inside and immediately felt at ease. Her surroundings were enough to make her take in the sight for just a second. In this large room of her crystal castle she had been working in secret. She had created as best she could remember, a replica of her Old Tree House Library. There was more than enough space in the crystal castle for it to go unnoticed, and Twilight had been distraught at the destruction of her old home. The reconstruction was almost perfect, but there were some differences. There were no windows for one thing. They were just painted on, and it smelled like new wood, instead of the ancient smell of the original. Not wanting to make a puddle again, Twilight moved into the room. She trotted up the stairs to her old bed, which had a blue sheet with white stars on it. This was the perfect location for her ‘test’. Twilight flicked her invention around like a magic wand before jumping on the bed. She laid down on her back with her legs kicking in the air. She gingerly spread them wide, exposing a deeply personal area to the outside world. She had a bright blush on her face, and to be honest was a little intimidated by the machine she had created. She never turned the thing off while prancing through the Castle, and the buzzing sound was ringing in her ears. She felt like a little filly about to touch herself for the first time again. Twilight wanted to start out slowly, to get used to the feeling of the vibrations on her skin. She wriggled into the soft sheets some more, getting herself comfortable, and spread her wings out onto the bed. Being wingless for most of her life, Twilight had only just got used to the new appendages. She had heard whispers from pegasi that sometimes ponies would find them sensitive, and actually receive pleasure from their wings. She made a mental note of that for the next time she saw Fluttershy. That timid mare was always pestering her for a magical wing massage, and Twilight was growing suspicious to say the least. They would have to have a talk. Clearing the thought of the pegasus from her mind, Twilight’s curiosity grew. Was wing pleasure really possible? Twilight, being a nerd, just had to find out. Slowly she moved her magic wand towards her left spread wing. She bit her lip in anticipation, and had to strain with her magic to hold the vibrator steady. Estrus and magic did not mix well, and she had to really concentrate to keep it levitated. After what seemed like a painful amount of time, the head of the toy finally made contact with her wing. Strangely the feeling seemed soothing to Twilight. It was like an intense masseuse, who had drank too much coffee beforehand. She pushed a little harder and could actually feel the knots in her muscles work themselves out. “Hhmmmm,” Twilight hummed as she ran it to the tip of her wing and back again. This was amazing, but not what she needed. Twilight thought the feathered erotic zone may well be a myth after all, however as she came to the joint at the base of her wing, strange sensations suddenly shot through her. Her eyes went wide as her wings suddenly started to twitch at the strange sensation. She pushed a little harder into that particular spot and massaged around. She had never felt like this before. She supposed pegasi had their whole life to discover this about their wings, but Twilight had only had them for a comparatively short while, and the feelings they were producing still felt foreign to her. It was amazing. Twilight's look of amazement was replaced by a devilish grin. She closed her eyes and laid her head back, rubbing the sensitive spots on each of her Alicorn wings. They shivered and twitched as she did so, and it was also having a great effect on the rest of her body. She started to pant lightly and her tail swished about erratically. Her heat ridden folds were calling louder and louder to be serviced by this exotic sensation. In time, Twilight would fulfil that desire. Not quite in control of herself anymore, Twilight started to sensually trail the toy down her body. Her belly twitched and she couldn't help but giggle a little at the ticklish sensation. She continued to run it down her painfully slowly, and then withdraw it back up her belly. She was teasing herself, and was slowly losing herself in the moment. She finally pushed it lower, and it grazed over a small hairless mound on one side of her. She flinched as the vibrator made contact with one of her teats. The sensation was so strong that she reflexively pulled the toy away, before staring in awe down towards her nethers. It crossed her mind for a second that she might even be able to cum just from nipple stimulation alone. The vibrations were electric. Her nipple responded instantly by stiffening up, becoming erect and hard. She moaned quietly as she resumed her playful nipple teasing. She delicately rubbed the tip, and her perky nipple rolled around under her toy like an analogue stick. The other teat was finally catching up and standing out of her soft delicate purple fur. She switch between them and started to press a little bit harder. “Ohh Celestia that's amazing,” she breathed with a little bit of disbelief. She had to resist the instinctive temptation to close her legs and hide her teats away from the incoming onslaught. She momentarily rested by trailing the toy up the inside of her legs. This teased her greatly, but it also collected the lubricant which earlier had been running down them. Her mare precum was now matted into her fur, and there was ample to coat the head of the magic wand. She returned to her teats and was now able to glide over the nipple with less friction. They became slick with her juices, and Twilight couldn't help but moan softly, as she received the best nipple play of her life. Her aroused heat ridden mind was entirely focused on her ministrations. The sensations from her perky teats were teasing her to the point of desperation. Anticipation was only growing in her mind. If nipple play was this much better than normal, what would full on clopping be like? Her pussy was now weeping arousal onto the bed and was demanding attention. Twilight had no power to deny herself. Her breath quickened, as she was a little intimidated by the device, worried that it may be too much for her. But she needed to try. She needed to know. She needed to rut herself! Twilight inched her way down between her legs. She let the head of the toy trail down the inside of her thighs. The soft flesh of her inner thighs felt a little ticklish. Twilight found this only added to the pleasure. She lifted her head up and intensely looked down towards her nethers. She could actually feel the vibrations in her pussy already as they proliferated through her flesh. Her entire rear end was tremoring in time with the wand. It was a little too much for the nervous unicorn, and at the last second before contacting her hood, she pulled the toy away. Instead she hovered it over her clit, contemplating shoving the two bulbs together as hard as she could. Courage had left Twilight at this moment though, and she decided she wanted to build up to it slowly. She lowered it out of her view, and the vibrator came into contact with her tail dock. Twilight gasped at the sensation and her tail tried to flag as high as possible. Of course it was stopped by the bed sheets. She quickly moved on to her small little asshole. Being the awfully inexperienced nerd she was, Twilight had never done much in the way of exploration. In fact she thought butt stuff was a bit gross. But now the sensation coming from her new friend was all she could think about. The rapid thumping against her asshole travelled all the way up into her stomach, causing her breath to catch in her throat. Her small hole involuntarily puckered shut as she circled it with the wand. Her leaking pussy above made it slick, and this only enhanced the sensation. Twilight bathed in the sensation for a few moments. She couldn’t believe she liked this so much. Twilight made a note that she needed to be less of a prude and explore her body more. Painfully slowly, she dragged it up her engorged slit. The puffy flesh wobbled at the ministrations and Twilight finally let out an unrestrained cry. It was like nothing she had ever felt. It felt like she might cum instantly right there. It was being forced out of her. But she couldn't. There was still something holding her back. That barrier was still in place. She was getting close but something was stopping her from going all the way. The energy pent up inside her was building to extreme levels. She needed release. Twilight ever so gently grazed over her clit with the magic wand. Immediately an electric sensation flooded her mind. It was overpowering. She instinctively took the pressure off, but as soon as the contact was gone, she felt empty and hollow, and she wanted more. Twilight tried again. She booped it gently against her clit and overwhelming sensations shot through her again. She couldn’t help but flinch away. It took five goes before she was able to keep the toy on her sensitive button. It winked against it madly, and she had never felt anything like it. Twilight let out unrestrained moans and she began to get a glossy look in her eyes. The intelligent mare had been reduced to a primal creature. Her only thoughts were pleasure, and how to get more of it. She pushed harder and harder against her pussy, and rubbed against her clit with evermore vigour. Twilight wanted more. The one last working bit of her brain came up with a genius idea to get more. The machine was still on its lowest power setting. It still had more to give. She fumbled with the switch, and could not believe the change in pitch and volume she heard. She could feel its power through the air. She was getting more confident with her new toy now, and whipped it immediately back against her clit. However her body instinctually flinched away. It was so intense. She had to get used to it all over again. Every time she was getting used to it her pussy would wink against the pounding toy, causing shocks of overwhelming pleasure to impact her mind. Twilight started to sweat, as she forced herself to ride through the assault. Her back arched, and she squirmed as the full power of the toy pressed into her. Twilight could feel the intense sensation break through that barrier, which had been holding her back all this time. She could feel the pressure rising within her and could not contain her cute little moans anymore. Her cries became erratic as her pussy began to spasm. She was on the edge of release. “Yes yes yes!” she cried between feminine whimpers. Her slit leaked lubricating juices with every wink of her pussy. Twilight smeared them around with the toy, creating wet shlicking sounds. She pushed harder and harder. The head of the magic wand slid over her slick folds, creating a loud rumble. She assaulted her winking clit, pushing into it and causing the head of the toy to bend back. It was on the brink of overwhelming her, and releasing the pressure that had built up to bursting within her. She was mere seconds away. Her legs twitched and she bucked into the toy to get more. She grabbed hold of a pillow and hugged it tightly with her forelegs, strangling the life out of it. Her wings started to flap and twitch violently, and mare precum flowed freely from her vulva. She was at her edge. Then something in her mind broke. It was not the dam of pleasure she had hoped for though. Instead her horn crackled and produced a little puff of smoke. Her levitation spell failed completely, and her toy fell softly onto the bed. She whined like a lost puppy. The incredible sensations she felt were now gone. “No no no no!” Twilight pleaded in desperation. She was so close. She tried to pick up the toy again, but it was no use. Her magic had failed her. However, the mare was single-minded. She needed to cum. Grabbing another pillow, she flipped over onto her belly and positioned the toy between them. The vibrator was covered in her juices, and she could taste the salty metallic fluid on her tongue. She cursed having to use her mouth to move things, but she was desperate. The taste of her own arousal clouded her mind, and caused the blush on her cheeks to darken. She was a depraved animal. The buzzing toy now stuck up from between two pillows, and continued to vibrate loudly. Twilight straddled the makeshift Sybian and plonked her rear firmly down onto it. The return of the vibrations was all she craved. Twilight started to grind into the head of the toy. Her forelegs collapsed and she now lay prone on the bed. She wrapped her forelegs around the pillows and gripped them tightly. She rocked her hips back onto the toy, pushing it against her folds once more. Her clit was becoming swollen and red raw, but she didn't care anymore. She could feel her nipples tweaking against the linen, and the magic wand push against her clit, sending electric sensations up her spine. Everything was completely slick and slippery. The pillows were darkened with wetness, and a squelching sound came from her inner thighs as she primally slid back and forth. The magic wand ground into her sensitive button again and again and again, sending shocks through her. Her tail flagged up and draped over her lower back in a big arch, exposing her rear end to the elements. It flicked and twitched above her as her instinctive desires took over. She rocked back and forth in a depraved manner, and a flurry of desperate moans escaped her lips. She started to feel hot, and both her face and genitals flustered a deep red. She was in a delirious world of pleasure as she climbed back up to the peak she fell from moments before. Her orgasm welled up within her. She could feel her stomach turn and an immense pressure suddenly made itself known in the very deepest part of her. She was possessed. She humped violently, causing the bed to creak. Twilight shut her eyes tight, as all her pent up energy exploded in her mind. She came. Hard. She let out a ragged scream and pushed her pussy into the toy with her entire weight. Her empty tunnel clamped shut rhythmically and her clit winked out against the slick head of the powerful buzzing toy. Her wings tensed rigid above her, and quivered as the intense feeling racked her. Twilight’s horn sparked slightly as high-pitched squeals escaped her mouth. Her back arched, and she threw her head back as she moaned. The dam inside her had burst. Her pussy contracted, and a string of sticky mare juices erupted out of her slit. They were thicker and cloudier than before, and quickly made sticky strings between her and the bed as she ground instinctively into the pillows. They drenched the bed and the wand. Huge waves of pleasure flooded through Twilight's mind. All the pent up energy that had built within her was being released. Every part of her shook and her eyes rolled back in her head. She couldn't think at all. She could only feel the waves the orgasm hit her again and again as her pussy convulsed. After screaming to the heavens Twilight shoved her head into the pillow she straddled. She let out a series of high pitched squeaks as her chest rose and fell. Pleasure rocked her brain as the toy continued to hammer her. All she could think about was her sensitive clitoris against the rampaging bulbous head of her magic wand. Pleasurable aftershocks continued to rack her, and she mumbled deliriously about how great she felt. Her dumb brain couldn't put any words together. She continued to breathe heavily and verbally express the wonderful feeling coursing through her, although it was not understandable. Twilight had finally found the release she was looking for. Her body shivered, as the blissful sense of relief overtook her. Her heat was dampened. She was finally satisfied. But her bubble was now popped. The wand now felt rough on her large sensitive clit. Although the pleasure was amazing, her pussy felt brutalised, and was red and swollen. The poor thing continued to twitch and wink weakly as her aftershocks ran through her, but she was oversensitive. She didn’t want too, but Twilight finally had to back away from the wand. She released the death grip she had on her poor pillows and finally relaxed. The unicorn had a stupid grin on her face, and tears of joy slowly wept from the corners of her eyes. She was at peace for the first time in days. Her chest rose and fell heavily as she slowly gained her breath. She basked in the relief she now felt. Her ears twitched as she noticed sound coming from behind her. The buzzing was as strong as ever. She finally opened her eyes, and weakly rolled off the pillows she had been riding. Try as she might, her horn just wouldn’t comply, so she shuffled round to turn the wand off. She was a little agape at the mess she had created. Her sheets were absolutely sodden with sticky cum, and the linen had a dark saturated colour to it. The toy was also covered. Twilight fumbled with her hooves, trying to pick up the slippery device. She cursed that she made the switch so small. She could not turn it off with her hooves. Blood filled her cheeks as she bent down with her mouth. She gently licked down it, until she could feel the small switch on the side. She could taste the saltiness of herself, and it made her feel a little naughty. The depravity of it, mixed with the pleasure in her brain, caused her to giggle. She found the switch, and the machine was finally put to rest. A comforting silence filled the room. It was perfect for Twilight. She moved herself to the driest part of the bed, and laid her still spinning head to rest. Within seconds she had entered a calm satisfied sleep. Twilight's bleary eyes opened, as she slowly returned to the land of reality. There was a stillness. A sense of peace that made everything right with the world. She lifted her head slowly off the pillow, her mind slowly starting to function after her deep sleep. She took a moment to realise she was not in her old library, but her fake replica. She still found it comforting, but something else was not right. Twilight winced at how cold and clammy she felt. Her rear thighs were crusty and the bed sheets clung to her in a gross way. “Eww…” she complained under her breath. This was being overridden by another feeling though. An intense sense of emptiness had presented itself in the back of her mind, and was now pressing forward. It was coming from her marehood. Her pussy still felt empty, and was as hungry as ever. She could feel a growing heat from her loins well up inside her, and fight for control of her mind. The memories of the night before came back to her, and whilst it was amazing, Twilight came to a horrific conclusion. She was unsatisfied. It hadn't worked. She was still horny. Still in heat. She knew one thing. More drastic measures would be needed. Twilight leapt out of bed. First she needed a shower. Then she was on a mission.