> Trials of Travel > by Some Leech > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anon stared out the window, losing himself to the sight of the sun dipping past the horizon. The quiet cha-chunk cha-chunk cha-chunk from all around him had gradually faded, as he gradually acclimated to the journey. It was the first time he’d ever been on a train, let alone an old-timey, steam powered one, but those were the only ones Equestria afforded. A weight shifted on his side, bringing a smile to his face. Sky rested against him, quietly napping. He shifted and curled an arm around the comparably tiny stallion, holding the pony close, before he turned his attention back out the window. He’d visited Equestria on several occasions, yet this trip would be the longest he’d had in the land of magical, talking equines. Several months prior, shortly after Sky had moved in with him, he’d promised to make the journey to visit Sky’s family; it was only fair, especially since he’d reluctantly introduced the stallion to his parents and sibling, although he hadn’t been looking forward to the journey - not because he didn’t want to meet his coltfriend’s folks, but because he’d never been the biggest fan of travel. As the train entered a tunnel, darkening the cabin of his car and magnifying the sound of steel wheels against iron tracks, he suppressed a shiver. The ride wouldn’t have been as bad if he’d had someone to talk to - unfortunately, given Sky’s predominantly nocturnal nature, and since he’d been woken much earlier than usual, he’d been left with a snoozing coltfriend for the better part of two hours. He reflexively rubbed the stallion’s shoulder and looked over, comforted by the look on his lover’s face. While he never would have thought he’d end up falling for a pony, he couldn’t be happier with Sky. The adorable little stud was soft spoken, absolutely adorable, and affectionate to a fault - that said, he wasn’t as innocent as he appeared. Prone to bouts of playfulness, occasionally at rather inappropriate times, his coltfriend had a way of keeping him on his toes. Looking away and out the window, seeing the tunnel’s end ahead, he sighed. He wasn’t one to count his chickens before they hatched, but he really, really hoped he made an impression on Vesper and Yuzu - Sky’s father and mother respectively. The pair had apparently been a bit shocked to learn their son was not only dating but living with a human, a fact which had made him nervous for weeks on end - sure they couldn’t dictate who their child courted, seeing as he was grown and living on his own, yet Anon wanted to get along well with them. As the train car trundled along, its cabin getting bathed in the warm, afternoon light, he peeked over and saw a pair of crimson eyes peering up at him. “‘Morning - er - evening,” he chuckled, running his hand along the pony’s back. “Have a good nap?” “Mmmmmmn,” Sky hummed, fidgeting and curling on upon himself. “Cold…” Scrunching his nose, Anon straightened in his seat. He’d dressed a bit heavily for the trip, unsure of how well-heated the train cars would be, so he awkwardly wriggled in place and pulled his hoodie off. If he got cold later, he could always dig into his carry-on luggage to retrieve a jacket. As the article came clear of his head, he offered the sweater over to his coltfriend. “Lift your forelegs,” he instructed. Sky reclined and did as he was asked, yawning and revealing his fangs in the process. It was rare to see the stallion wearing much of anything, aside from a few dubious garments on special occasions, but he had no qualms about lending his hoodie to his lover - that and the pony looked adorable in the comparably oversized piece of clothing. Carefully pulling the cloth up his coltfriend’s legs, he smiled. Having successfully pulled the hood over Sky’s head, he smiled. “Better?” The pony turned and looked up at him, blinded by the fabric. “Still cold…” As he rolled his eyes, Anon’s grin broadened. He knew exactly what Sky was up to, having been coerced in similar ways on more occasions than he dared to count, but he couldn’t stop himself. Reaching over and slipping one arm around the stallion’s lower back, he carefully pulled the swaddled bat-pony up and onto his lap. “Now is that better?” he murmured, trying and failing not to snicker. Gyrating with his back against the man’s chest, Sky lifted his head and peered up at his mate. “A little bit…” Anon folded his arms over the stallion’s shoulders, comforted by the weight and warmth of his coltfriend. He’d come a long way in life, having gone to school and gotten a decent job for himself, although he wasn’t ashamed to admit that he hadn’t been happier since Sky had come into his life. While it was true that they occasionally butted heads, having disagreements over things that were typically of little consequence, it felt like they’d been made for another. “What’re you thinking about?” Sky softly asked, quirking a brow. “Hmm? Oh - nothing really,” Anon whispered, peering out the window as the landscape rolled by. “I’m just glad to have you.” “Same,” Sky cooed, reaching up to stroke his arm. “How’d I get this lucky?” “As if getting lost and asking for directions is lucky,” Anon chuckled, recalling how they’d crossed paths. Pursing his lips, the stallion stared up at him. “If I remember right, you’re the one who asked me if I wanted to get a cup of coffee.” “And as I recall, you’re the one who offered to make me dinner at your apartment,” Anon smoothly countered, grinning from ear to ear. The specifics of how they’d met were a small miracle in and of themselves. One afternoon, as he was leaving his office, he’d quite literally bumped into Sky on the sidewalk. It was rare enough to encounter a pony on their lonesome, especially in his relatively small town, so he’d politely excused himself and went about his business - that was until he saw the concerned look on the stallion’s face. Given that the little equine had been holding a map and seemed out of sorts, he’d stopped himself and checked to see if he could help. What began as giving directions to the bus station had resulted in him acting as a guide, walking Sky to his destination. They’d stopped for coffee after arriving, since they had nearly an hour to kill until the bus was set to arrive, and had a chat. Their talk turned into swapping stories, swapping stories shifted into asking questions about one another, and they’d ultimately agreed to meet one another the following day for breakfast - the rest, as they say, is history. Keeping his eyes on the horizon, he slowly exhaled. “Any advice for when we meet your parents?” “Same as I told you last time -” Sky quietly grumbled, withdrawing his head into the hoodie, “just be yourself.” He cocked his head and stared down at the pony. “What are you doing?” “It smells nice,” Sky breathed, his voice barely audible, “and it’s warm.” Able to control himself no longer, Anon leaned forward and kissed what he presumed was the top of Sky’s head. “Why are you so cute?” A snout appeared from the neck of the sweater. “I’m not cute…” “Are too,” he asserted, pecking his coltfriend’s nose. Attempting to get comfortable, or possibly flustered by the affection, Sky fidgeted against him. Even through the denim of his jeans, the warmth of the stallion’s tush felt amazing - so amazing that certain parts of himself began to react. Having a mind of its own, acting solely of its own volition, his manhood gradually began to swell. “Are they going to expect us to sleep in different rooms?” Anon inquired. Sky shrugged and continued to halfheartedly fight with the stifling garment. “Unless they ask one of us to sleep on the couch, no. My sister is still living with them, so there’s only one room, my old room, left to use.” “Ah,” Anon replied. “You don’t think - uh - they’ll give us any funny looks ~ do you?” Twisting and glancing up at him through the neck of the sweater, Sky softly nickered. “You don’t want them to think what my big, strong boyfriend does to me between the sheets?” “I mean, honestly…” he trailed off, his anxiety mingling with excitement. The plump, soft tush bearing against his groin was for more than just show. While intimately breaking the interspecies barrier had been a gradual process for both of them, learning and exploring one another, it hadn’t taken them long to fully appreciate the dichotomy of their sexual dynamic. At the end of the day, their amorous activities boiled down to two fundamental facts: he was a top and Sky was a bottom - the rest didn’t require rocket science. “Honestly what?” Sky pressed. Anon gave himself a moment to reply, hearing the impish tone in his coltfriend’s voice. Though he couldn’t see the pony, he could practically see a toothy smirk splitting the stallion’s muzzle. Sky was normally quiet and reserved, but he had a particular predatory streak that drove him wild. Suddenly keenly aware of his growing erection, he swallowed hard. “Worried my mom or sister would walk in on us cuddling one morning?” Sky tittered, rolling his hips forward and back. “No,” Anon croaked, averting his gaze. “Yes…” Unrelenting, smelling blood in the water, Sky continued his assault. “Or maybe you’re asking because you want them to know what we do,” he continued. “The walls are pretty thin, so you might need me to bite on a pillow, unless…” Fruitlessly waiting for the pony to keep talking, knowing he was about to walk face-first into a trap, he shifted his focus down to his lover. “Unless…?” “Unless you’d rather I bite you to keep quiet,” Sky concluded, drawing his tongue over his lips and glistening, pearly pearly fangs. The comment sent blood to all the places Anon didn’t want them to go. It was true, he’d developed a slight masochistic appreciation for love bites while in the throes of passion. The way a slight bit of pain could elevate pleasure to an unfathomable degree was staggering, but that was only one part of the appeal. There was no way his coworkers hadn’t noticed the pinpricks on his neck, and the idea that they knew where they’d come from, realizing he’d been dating a bat-pony for some time, gave him no small amount of amusement. Sky stiffened and went motionless, his giggling coming to an abrupt end. “So that’s what did it…” A cold bead of sweat rolled down Anon’s temple. He’d been caught, his lover had felt the erection straining in his pants, and he was totally screwed. Lowering his hands, he attempted to lift and place Sky onto the empty cushion beside himself - sadly, he was batted away when the stallion twisted to face him. He stared down into his coltfriend’s eyes, knowing full-well that the jig was up, and he anxiously smiled. “Huh -” Sky grunted, pushing himself up and pressing a forehoof to the man’s jaw, “I might need to take care of that?” “Take care of w…what?” Anon stammered, a cold pit forming in his stomach. Craning his neck, his head popping out of the top of the hoodie, Sky brought his snout to his lover’s collar. “I’m sure mom and dad wouldn’t say anything if you showed up with a hickey…” Anon watched the stallion’s jaw open, eyeing the pronounced canines and extending tongue for a split second before he leapt into action. His hands shot to Sky’s shoulders and pushed his coltfriend back down. He only had one chance to make a first impression with Vesper and Yuzu, and there was no way in hell that impression was going to involve a fresh bite mark on his neck. Pouting to himself, Sky was undeterred. He shuffled back, bringing his tush onto Anon’s knees, and drew a forehoof down the man’s chest. “Or…” Seeing and feeling the hoof wander down to his crotch, settling just on the button of his pants, Anon’s eyes widened. “You can’t do that,” he insisted, reflexively turning his head and scanning the train car. “What if someone sees us?” Sky paused and awkwardly rose to his hind legs, peering out over the seats. “I don’t see anyone.” “There’s an old lady - er - mare near the front of the cabin,” Anon whispered, pointing in the direction of the sleeping, elderly pony. With an insidious smirk creeping across his muzzle, Sky seated himself and brought a forehoof to his cheek. “Oh no -” he loudly lamented, “I hope nopony sees me pull my boyfriend’s cock out of his - Mmmmph!” “Sssssssssssssh!” Anon hissed, clamping a hand over the pony’s muzzle. “Someone will hear you.” Sky writhed free and relented, easing himself onto the vacant seat beside the man. “Then you better keep quiet.” Anon could have stopped him, brought an end to the hijinks right then and there, but he hesitated. Given the late hour and their remote destination, there weren’t all that many passengers onboard - add to that the fact that they were in the rearmost section of the train, away from the more crowded cars, and they could potentially fool around without getting caught. A hoof lazily crept up his thigh and to his nethers, grabbed the zipper of his fly and began drawing it down. On one hand, he desperately wanted it to end, fearing what may happen - on the other, he really, really wanted to see where Sky was going with all this. Considering there was an all too real chance that he’d be going through a dry spell for the better part of a week, understanding that crashing at his coltfriend’s parents’ house may not allow him to have any alone time with his lover, getting a bit of relief before they arrived wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing. As his manhood sprang free and into the cool air, he glanced up to the far end of the carriage. “Just tell me if somepony’s getting close,” Sky noted, his eyes never leaving the turgid length of flesh. Giving a small nod, Anon looked down and watched the stallion. Reaching out, pressing a warm, tender frog to the base of his length, Sky steadily inched closer to his exposed goods. He’d be lying if he said his coltfriend didn’t give the best blowjobs ever, having a snout and tongue that were far more skilled than any human could ever dream to be, getting him worked up at the thought. “Just gotta…” Sky whispered, stopping with his face just above his lover’s cock to pull the hood over his head. As much as Anon would have liked to watch the obscenely stealthy display, there was something deliciously naughty about his mate trying to be sneaky - even if it was a bit silly. The stallion dipped his head, practically making his shaft disappear, as something exquisitely warm embraced the tip of his length. Left to envision the spectacle beneath the hood, he shuddered and put his focus back to the only other passenger. He sure as heck hadn’t planned on doing anything even remotely naughty while onboard the train, so the unexpected and scandalous turn of events left him conflicted. The blowjob felt incredible, and the surreptitious nature of it heightened his arousal, yet his enjoyment was tinged with worry. What if they hit a bump and Sky nicked his manhood with a tooth? What if someone walked in and interrupted their spontaneous bit of fun? What if neither of them ended up satisfied with oral alone? Before he fully realized what he was doing, he was stroking the back of his lover’s hooded head. While there was nothing wrong with letting Sky get him off, his domineering instincts begged him to up the ante. Both he and his coltfriend liked it when he got rough, so he was absolutely sure that the mischievous little stallion wouldn’t mind if he… “Ah ah -” Sky tutted, rearing back as a hand closed around the back of skull, “no touching.” Anon knit his brow. “Why not?” “Because I said so,” the stallion purred, pushing himself up. At a loss, seeing his coltfriend get to his hooves, Anon understood all too late why Sky had stopped. The pony stepped over his legs and turned away, momentarily giving him a sublime view of his cushiony backside before lowering his hips. Unlike when he’d been used as a chair moments before, the sensation of his dick gliding between his mate’s buns, grinding against the silken pucker which rested there, drove him wild. Gingerly running his hands up his mate’s waist, he leaned forward and brought his mouth to Sky’s ear. “Someone’s feeling frisky…” Sky looked over his shoulder and flashed his fangs. “Not my fault - besides, I don’t hear you complaining any.” The pair shifted, staring into one another’s eyes before their lips met. Though they were both sexual creatures in their own right, taking no small amount of joy with tending to one another’s more bestial needs, the affection between them was unparalleled. Sky rolled his hips, Anon lightly thrust upwards, and their tongues entwined, as the fires of their passion grew. No matter where they were, it was hard for either of them to resist the other’s advances. “Awwww - there’s no caboose,” an unfamiliar voice called, shattering the paramour’s moment. The lovers broke their kiss and looked to the opposite end of the train car, seeing a family of ponies trot into the carriage. Just like that, all but literally in the blink of an eye, they were reminded of just how risky their teasing was - to make matters worse, a pair of foals rushed to the back of the railcar and stopped mere feet from where they sat. Unmoving, caught in a very compromising situation, the lovers shared a nervous look. “Hush,” the older stallion in the group softly admonished, “we don’t want to make a scene ~ do we?” Looking up to what was presumably their father, the foals shook their heads before turning their attention back to the landscape they trundled past. “Sorry,” they replied in unison. “Hope we’re not bothering you,” the stallion sighed, smiling over at the petrified couple. “Not at all,” Sky smoothly responded. Anon tensely nodded and forced a smile. “We were going to try and take a nap, but it’s fine.” Though he lied through his teeth, he didn’t feel a touch of shame. He could understand that the foals probably wanted to stretch their legs and explore the train, but their timing couldn’t have been more disastrous. Trapped with his cock sandwiched between Sky’s buns, he’d be unable to move until the trio of ponies left. One of the foals, a young colt, turned and looked up at the pair. “What’re your names?” “I’m Sky and this,” Sky began, nodding back at Anon, “is Anon.” The other colt, a slightly older filly, stared over at the couple. “Why’re you sitting on him?” Making a show of getting comfortable, wiggling and rubbing himself against Anon, Sky beamed. “Because he’s warm, comfy, and my boyfriend.” The siblings stepped back, burst into laughter, and scampered down the aisle and back to the far end of the cabin. Smiling and shaking his head, the foal’s father nodded at the couple and unhurriedly trotted after his kids. Though the entire encounter had only lasted a minute or two, Sky and Anon exhaled when the family saw themselves out. “That was too close,” Anon quietly groaned. Sky kissed the man’s neck, tickling the flesh with his fangs, and hummed to himself. “Want me to keep going?” Opening his mouth to reply, Anon kept silent. The thrill of nearly being caught had done nothing to address his hard-on - if anything, it had made his erection even more unruly. Without waiting for a reply, his coltfriend eased himself up and off of him, leaving his manhood to spring back into the open, relatively cool air. As he lowered a hand to stuff his dick back into his pants, a hoof shot out and caught his wrist. “Is that a no?” Sky inquired, smirking up at his boyfriend’s face. “I…” Anon faltered, his raging libido warring with his better judgment. “Going once…” Sky began, sidling his lower half over and onto the vacant. “Going twice…” As the pony counted, gradually easing himself down, Anon’s thoughts raced. It probably wouldn’t take much to push him over the edge, although even a few minutes could make the difference between a very risque climax and utter disaster. While he wasn’t sure what the penalty was for doing lewd stuff on a train, he’d bet his bottom bit that it wouldn’t be good. He trembled when a hot breath blew on the head of his cock, and came to a conclusion. He didn’t say a word, not wanting to give Sky the satisfaction, but he did let his actions speak for himself. Reaching down, he clutched the back of his lover’s head and pushed it downward. The little stallion didn’t resist in the slightest, closing his eyes and allowing the throbbing dick into his snout. The small bit of initiative was all the inspiration Sky needed to pick up where they’d left off, though this time was different. Unlike several minutes prior, when he’d slowly bobbed his head, he moved with a purpose. His lips mopped his lover’s manhood, his tongue bathed the fleshy length, and he moaned ever so slightly, as he rolled to his side and began bobbing his head. Anon looked over and spotted a bulge from within his sweater, instantly comprehending that he wasn’t the only one turned on. Sky’s underbelly was relatively hidden from view, with his tush facing the aisle and belly toward the chairs, which gave him the perfect opportunity to return the favor. Releasing his lover’s head, he shifted his hand over and pulled at the hoodie. “H…hey!” Sky bleated, his face going crimson. As his fingers curled around his coltfriend’s stallionhood, Anon started jacking the pony off. “Be quiet ~ remember?” Sky’s eyelids fluttered and his hips twitched, before he filled his snout with cock to silence himself. While he’d never thought he’d end up dating a pony, he didn’t think he could ever go back to being with a human again. His coltfriend was downright adorable, almost always lifted his spirits, and was everything he could have asked for in a mate. Adjusting his arm and putting his fingers to work, he stroked the sensitive underside of Sky’s flare. He couldn’t speak for every guy or stallion out there, but getting his lover off while receiving a blowjob really got him worked up. Hearing Sky’s muted groan of pleasure, feeling the cock twitch in his grasp, and seeing the little stud’s hips jerk brought a smile to his face. Heaven help him - he wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to go back to humans after dating a pony. As he fixated on the pleasure Sky afforded him, he eventually closed his eyes. He’d always heard that muzzles were incredible for oral sex, but the tales hadn’t done them justice. Able to embrace the entirety of his length, and replete with a large, powerful tongue, a pony’s snout simply couldn’t be beat for sucking him off - at least Sky’s couldn’t. He had no way to know if other equines were as skillful as his lover, nor did he have any intention of finding out, but he was practically addicted to it. His movements gradually slowed, unable to focus on continuing his hand-job, while his pleasure steadily mounted. Each breath came slightly harder than the last, his pulse raced, and the familiar sensation of an impending climax welled within him. If Sky didn’t stop soon, he was going to pass the point of no return. A hushed chuckle caused him to peek downward. Sky stared up at his face while blowing him, telling him everything he needed to know. Even when they were at home, away from prying eyes or the possibility of being interrupted, their bouts of oral typically ended one particular way. His hand shot over, grasped his lover’s head, and pulled, as he bucked his hips and buried his pulsing length down the stallion's gullet. It took everything he had to stay quiet, a task which was far, far harder than he would have presumed. He set his jaw and winced, hissing air through clenched teeth and staving off the impulse to curse or grunt. Even if there was only one other passenger in the car, he wasn’t going to risk drawing attention to himself at such an inopportune time.  Sky’s eyes rolled back, and a light gag escaped him, as wave after wave of hot, virile seed was pumped into his snout. Anon had been reluctant to do anything too rough after they’d first become intimate, but that hadn’t lasted for long. As long as he wasn’t too heavy handed, his mate loved when he was forceful. Glancing up and seeing that the car was still relatively empty, he looked down to his coltfriend’s stallionhood. Sure enough, the dark length of pony meat was as hard as ever, leaking pre-cum while it slapped against Sky’s belly. It was a bit of a shame that they couldn’t finish together, but he knew he’d make it up to his lover. Heaving air into his chest, he released his mate. “That was amazing,” he wheezed. Gradually lifting his head, Sky took care to wipe every drop of spunk from his boyfriend’s shaft with his pouting lips. As the manhood exited his muzzle, he lifted his head, opened his mouth, and displayed the well-earned contents of his maw. Writhing within the small sea of creamy white, his tongue rolled through the thick spunk for a moment before he swallowed down the entire load. “See,” he clucked, lifting and dabbing his muzzle with the borrowed hoodie, “and you were scared to do anything.” “I was not,” Anon sulked, defiantly crossing his arms. Sky righted himself and pointed to his softening length, prompting him to stuff his cock back into his pants. “Do you want me to - um…” He let the question hang, staring over at his lover’s erection. Sky shook his head and carefully reclaimed his perch on the man’s lap. “You can do that later.” A bit surprised by the glib response, Anon rubbed his neck. “I mean, I wouldn’t mind,” he added, slipping a hand around the pony’s waist. Slapping his boyfriend’s arm away, Sky snorted. “No means no - besides, it’s not often I get to hold something like this over your head.” Anon would have argued, but he saw little point in doing so. Sky was right, it was rare to have something held over him - heck, more often than not, it went the other way around. He was usually the one who got his coltfriend all worked up, taunting him or occasionally edging him to the point of begging, so it was only fair to let the tables be turned on him. Biting back a smile, he watched the stallion hop down and onto the floor. “I’m gonna go get something to drink. Do you want anything?” Sky asked, peering back as he trotted out and into the aisle. While he was tempted to joke about having just given the pony something to drink, Anon bit his tongue. “A bottle of pop would be nice - oh and maybe a snack.” “In that case…” Sky sighed. Leaning forward, practically pressing his chest to the floor, he arched his back and flagged his tail. “If you’re feeling peckish, I have something you could snack on right here.” The sight of the pony’s immaculately presented rump, in spite of having just had a climax, caused Anon’s cock to excitedly jerk within his jeans. No matter how many times he got to look at Sky, he didn’t think it would ever get old. The dark, soft pucker, the coin purse, and the pony’s sultry smirk were beyond reproach, reigniting his passion in a heartbeat. For a moment, the briefest instant, he was tempted to get up and carry his lover off to a bathroom, somewhere they could properly get some relief, although that wouldn’t be ideal. He was fully aware that doing anything too raunchy at Sky’s parents’ house might be a trial, but it would be far from impossible. If they were lucky, they’d get some time while his coltfriend’s folks were out - if not, they’d get to practice being stealthy about having some fun together. He waved a hand and eased himself into his chair, attempting to play off the provocative invitation. “I’ll save that for dessert,” he mused. With a small, petulant huff, Sky straightened up, flicked a bang of mane from his face, and strutted away. “Suit yourself, stud.” This was how things went; it was like a game of cat and mouse, them playing off one another until someone folded, and it was his time to play it cool. As his mate disappeared through the doorway leading to the next cabin, making his way to the dining car, his thoughts wandered on what awaited him. He really did hope he’d be able to share a bed with Sky, having grown quite fond of cuddling against his lover, but he wasn’t going to hold his breath - regardless of the exact circumstances, he was looking forward to getting some shuteye. He’d worked a full shift that morning, gotten home, and then set off for the interdimensional train station with Sky in tow. They wouldn’t reach their destination for another two hours or so, and he was sure he’d be beyond exhausted by then, but that wasn’t what concerned him. Being nocturnal, his little lover would be wide awake by the time they got where they were going and settled in, which meant one thing - in spite of having had some fun on the train, there was a very real risk that he’d end up getting more teasing before he could get any sleep… > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Mmmmm,” Anon hummed, slipping from the comforting darkness of slumber and back into the waking world. His arm curled around a warm, furred figure pressing against him, bringing a smile to his face. Though the room he was in was unfamiliar, and the bed he rested on was small, he was content - not because he liked being away from home, but because regardless of where he was, he was happy simply to be with his lover. He shifted in place and kissed the unkempt mop of mahogany mane beneath his chin, causing the little stallion to stir. “Morning,” he grunted. The pony wriggled free and yawned, displaying the fangs resting in his muzzle, before peering up at the man with his glimmering, cat-like eyes. “Morning.” Staring at one another, each smiling, the pair drifted close and kissed. They’d safely arrived at Sky’s family home the night prior, after a long, relatively uninteresting train ride, and promptly crashed shortly thereafter. While it was unfortunate that they were too tired to properly visit for long, only having socialized briefly before retiring, neither were too concerned about spending time with the little bat-pony’s family - after all, they had several days to lounge around, chat, and relax. “Sleep alright?” Sky softly asked. Anon nodded and pulled the stallion close. “Sure did ~ you?” “Maybe we should get a smaller bed when we get home,” the pony noted, twisting his head and looking down at the relatively tiny mattress upon which they lie. Quirking a brow, Anon reared back slightly. “You don’t like the king size bed we have?” Sky shook his head and turned his attention back to the man, a devilish smirk playing across his snout. “A smaller bed just feels more intimate.” Anon started, feeling a soft, leathery wing glide down his bare back and to his hip. He was immensely thankful that Vesper and Yuzu took no umbrage with them sleeping in the same bed, likely realizing that their protracted relationship had wandered into intimate waters some time ago, but he hadn’t expected his mate to get frisky so early in the morning. Under ordinary circumstances, Sky was much more of a night owl, staying up into the wee hours of the night and preferring to sleep late in the day, but that wasn’t the case this particular morning. Happy to reciprocate, he slid a hand down the pony’s side and to his lover’s soft, shapely flank. “Someone’s feeling energetic…” “Not my fault,” Sky murmured, surreptitiously tugging at the man’s boxers. “And how is it not your fault?” Anon pressed, his fingers wandering into the cleft of the stallion’s ass. With a heavy sigh, Sky kissed his way up his mate’s neck and to his collar. “You smell nice…” Lifting his hips, Anon allowed the pony to draw his underwear down his legs. Darned if he’d expected things to take a heated turn so early, but he was hardly going to complain. He leaned over and went to push the stallion onto his back, intent to pin his mate beneath him, but Sky had other plans. Using a wing and a forehoof, the stallion shoved him away. “No,” Sky grumbled, “none of that…” The man looked down at the chiropteran-equine in shock. “No?” “No,” the stallion affirmed, giving a stern nod. “My room - my rules.” Intrigued and more amused than he had any right to be, Anon relented. Outside of the odd fit of pique, Sky was the definition of a submissive bottom. The tiny stallion often made him order their food, deal with phone calls, and was rarely forward with what he wanted, yet those were hardly bad things. While it had taken him some time, patience, and perseverance to learn the ins and outs of his quadrupedal lover, the benefits had vastly outstripped the costs. “And I’m just supposed to sit here?” Anon chuckled, stretching his arms then resting his head on his hands. Giving a second small nod, Sky squirmed in reverse and disappeared beneath the blanket covering them. “My room - my rules…” Left with the cryptic declaration, it didn’t take Anon long to figure out what the little minx was planning. Though he couldn’t see what Sky was up to, he felt his mate’s full, pouting lips pecking their way down his chest, over his abdomen, and come to a halt on his left hip. He was tempted to lift the sheet so he could see the pony’s reaction to his morning wood, but the sight of the stallion’s wiggling rump was good enough to tide him over - at least for the time being. “Having fun down there?” he inquired. The blanket shifted and something hot and wet engulfed the tip of his length, making his heart skip a beat. Being unable to watch what the promiscuous pony was doing, paired with the jarringly sensual start to the day, made keeping still a herculean task. Watching what had to be Sky’s head bobbing, relishing the sensation of a skillful tongue caressing the underside of his shaft, he shudderingly exhaled. His hips jerked, spasming as the stallion’s lips slid down his shaft to kiss the very base of his length. The pony remained where he was for a moment, his airway stuffed, before he silently withdrew. He waited mutely, hoping his lover would continue sucking him off, yet the affection didn’t continue. It wasn’t until he fidgeted, trying to make himself comfortable, did the stallion make a sound. “Hey,” Sky whispered. Taking a risk, Anon lifted the end of the blanket and peered down his frame. “Yeah?” The sight of Sky’s eyes, glowing in the darkness, was a haunting combination of alarming and arousing. Using his wings to hold the blanket over himself, ensuring he could be easily seen, Sky opened his maw, turned his head, and gently bit the side of his cock. He didn’t budge a muscle and held his breath, seeing and feeling the pair of fangs against his skin. “Careful,” Sky purred, lifting his head and dragging his pronounced canines over the delicate flesh. “Wouldn’t want me to leave a mark…” Anon swallowed hard, his heart racing. “What’s gotten into you?” Sky gave the tiniest shrug. “Not sure, but I’d like this to get into me very, very -” Knock knock knock As his eyes flew to the closed door, Anon froze. “Yeah?” “Breakfast is almost ready, you two!” a masculine voice called out. “Come on downstairs.” “We’ll be down in a minute, Dad!” Sky chirped, having pushed himself up. The pair waited and listened to the sound of retreating footfalls, before looking back to one another. It should have been obvious that fooling around wasn’t the best idea, but they couldn’t help themselves. Staying right where he was, Anon watched Sky lower himself back down and continue the impromptu blowjob. He knew it was wrong, that doing something so risky could end catastrophically, but he couldn’t help himself. Having only woken up a handful of minutes ago, and being thrust into a startlingly passionate exchange, his willpower was beyond salvaging. Slipping one arm beneath the covers, while he held up the blanket in his free hand, he gingerly grasped the back of the stallion’s head and pushed Sky downward. Though he’d violated the no touching rule, Sky didn’t seem to mind in the slightest. Rhythmically lifting and lowering his head, his coltfriend mopped his cock with his lips. It felt as amazing as ever, reminding him of the stallion’s unparalleled oral skills, and he quickly forgot all about what could have been an extremely awkward situation. He lifted his legs and planted his feet, sandwiching his lover’s head between his thighs, and lightly bucked his hips. Sky moaned and rolled his hips to the side, more than happy to let the man take the lead. Obscenely splaying his hind legs, he reached for his groin and began stroking himself off. It may have been a pure coincidence that Anon was able to clearly see him masturbating while getting his throat swabbed, but his boyfriend approvingly grunted at the sight. Without a care in the world, the pair continued their spontaneous little tryst. As shameful as it was to say, it wasn’t the first time they’d been stricken quite suddenly by their more lecherous compulsions. Only a few weeks ago, while out seeing a movie, they’d nearly been caught while playing with each other while in the back of the theater. Knock Knock Knock-Knock Knock “Colts?” a feminine voice called out. “Colts, are you up?” The call would have been terrifying enough, but the sound of a hoof trying the doorknob sent both Anon and Sky into a panic. Rearing back and shooting up the bed, dragging his turgid, drooling stallionhood over the bed sheet, Sky popped his head out from under the cover and pulled the blanket tightly over himself and his boyfriend. “Colts?” Yuzu repeated, opening the door and poking her head inside. “Mooooooooom,” Sky pouted, petulantly kicking his legs under the covers, “I’m not a colt anymore!” She smiled but didn’t move, peering over at her son. “You’re not, but you’re always going to be my colt. I’m not interrupting anything ~ am I?” “N…nah,” Anon uneasily croaked, brushing his coltfriend’s mane. “He just doesn’t want to get up yet.” Rolling her eyes, Yuzu lowered her base and cast her head from side to side. “Some things never change - anyways, if you want hot pancakes, I’d say you two should hurry up and join us at the table.” “We’ll be down in just a minute, I promise,” Sky bleated. Apparently pleased with the reply, Yuzu stepped back into the hallway and pulled the door closed behind herself. To his credit, Sky played off the encounter flawlessly - so flawlessly that Anon was given a moment for pause. Propping himself up on one arm, the man glowered down at the chipper little thespian. “What?” Sky huffed, slipping from the bed and getting to his hooves. Anon followed suit, swinging his legs off the bed to stand. “Nothing - just didn’t know you were that good of an actor.” “I’m a natural,” Sky tittered, unzipping their shared duffel bag.  As the stallion pulled out a fresh pair of slacks and a t-shirt, leaning forward and while slowly swaying his ass, Anon’s cock jerked. In spite of the second close call, he was so hard that it nearly hurt. He glanced to the door, musing if he had time to play around just the tiniest bit more, and kissed the pony’s tush. Without skipping a beat, moments after his rump had been pecked, Sky wheeled around to face his mate. “Ahem - I think somepony already forgot the rules…” “Your room - your rules?” Anon quipped. “Darn tootin’,” the stallion confirmed, giving a small, defiant snort. “Now come on - mom and dad are gonna get mad if we miss our first meal with them - plus I haven’t had her pancakes in over a year.” Just like that, as quickly as he’d been all but assaulted, Anon was left denied. Sky turned, flicked his tail, and saw himself out, leaving him alone in the suddenly cold, vacant room. Yeah - something was definitely up. It was one thing to be casually teased here or there, even while they were in public, but his coltfriend had suddenly upped the ante. Rising to his full height, he got dressed, slipped on his shoes, and seated himself on the side of the bed. He’d go downstairs shortly, but first he had to give himself a minute to cool off. While he’d like to spend some time getting to know Yuzu and Vesper, doing so with a boner would not be an ideal way to introduce himself. It was only after he brushed his teeth and combed his hair, making himself presentable while allowing his erection to abate, did he go downstairs. Sky’s family home was quaint, just large enough to accommodate a quartet of ponies with a bit of room to spare, but there was a problem. Like most older structures in Equestria, the house’s doorways hadn’t been designed for creatures of his stature - meaning he had to be mindful of bumping his head. As he moved down the stairs and into view of the dining room, he noticed Sky waving over at him. “Took you long enough!” the stallion tittered, waving the man over and to an open seat beside himself. Anon circled round the table, keenly aware that Vesper and Yuzu were keenly eyeing him, and seated himself next to his coltfriend. “Morning.” “And a good morning to you too!” Yuzu cheerfully replied. “Did you two sleep well?” “Like a log,” Anon laughed. “Lovely house, by the way.” “Mmmph,” Vesper grunted through a mouthful of food, extending and waving a wing at the couple. Reaching over and shoving her husband, Yuzu scrunched her snout. “Honey, don’t be rude. You could have waited to start until they’d gotten here,” she groused, turning her attention from her spouse over to the man. “So I’ve heard all sorts of things about you, Anon!” “Hopefully nothing bad,” Anon weakly chuckled. She dismissively batted a hoof over at him. “Of course not! My little bright sky has had nothing but good things to say about you!” “Mmmhmm,” Sky hummed through a mouthful of pancakes. Swallowing his bite, he slid his chair right next to the man. “I would never say anything bad about him.” “We know - we know, he’s the sweetest human you’ve ever met,” Vesper mused, pausing while eating his meal. Undeterred, beaming over at his mother, Sky stealthily lifted a hind leg and rested it atop Anon’s thigh. “You should tell them about your job.” Looking from his lap to Sky’s parents, wondering if the couple could see what their son was doing, rolled his eyes. “Come on - it’s not that interesting…” “Well I think it is,” Sky insisted, running his fetlock up and down the man’s inner leg. The coy smirk on his coltfriend’s face said more than words ever could. Retaining his composure, ignoring the sultry little pony playing with a fork beside him, Anon shifted his focus over to the husband and wife sitting at the other side of the table. As he opened his mouth to speak, moments from reluctantly explaining the finer nuances of manual labor, the sound of a metallic clatter caught his ear. Sky pushed himself back and stared beneath the table at the utensil he’d been fiddling with. “Darn it.” Anon didn’t give the development any thought. “So yeah - my job isn’t anything to talk about. I…” He fell silent when something warm ran up his calf and to his knee. It was a terrifying concept to consider, but he couldn’t think of any reasonable explanation for what was happening; Sky hadn’t been finished with taunting him in the bedroom - not by a long shot. His eyes swept from Yuzu to Vesper, he slowly exhaled, and he forced his expression to remain impassive, while the little stallion beneath the tabletop, not three feet from his own parents, boldly rubbed a forehoof to his groin. It took a monumental amount of willpower not to look down or show any sign that anything was off, but he managed - if only just. “I’m a contractor,” he began, carefully carving his flapjacks. “That would explain that build of yours,” Yuzu giggled, her eyes dancing over his shoulders. “So what kind of contracting do you do?” Smiling over at her, Anon forked a slice of pancake. “Well I specialize in foundations and laying reinforced concrete.” Vesper smiled over at the man, wholly ignorant to what was going on under the table. “So you’re a construction worker?” “Technically,” Anon sighed, “but it’s a little more complicated than that. How about you two ~ what do you do for a living?” “I’m a homemaker,” Yuzu proudly stated, holding a forehoof to her chest, “and my dearest Vesper works as an investigator for the Royal Guard - specifically the nocturnal division.” Anon started when the hoof on his leg wandered upward and gave his package a squeeze. “Sounds interesting.” Letting Yuzu prattle on, he stuffed a forkful of food into his mouth and furtively swatted away at Sky. Mercifully for him, his lover took the hint, shied away, and crawled from under the table to retake his seat. He couldn’t say what the couple would do if they found out that their son was effectively playing grab-ass right under their noses, and he had no intention of finding out. “Pass the syrup please,” Sky muttered, leaning across the table toward the bottle. Glancing over, having a very compelling view of his coltfriend’s behind, Anon staved off the temptation to reach over and cop a feel. If they’d been by themselves, he had no doubt that they’d have already abandoned the breakfast in lieu of more erotic pursuits - then again, that may have been precisely why Sky was behaving the way he was. Shoveling a second forkful of pancake into his mouth, he grabbed his glass of orange juice. Barring the small, lustfully motivated hiccup, the breakfast and subsequent conversation went remarkably well. He, Yuzu, and Sky casually chatted about whatever came to mind, with the subject meandering randomly as they talked, though the topic of he and his coltfriend’s relationship didn’t come up one. As their meal concluded, with Yuzu clearing the table and offering to get them all a cup of coffee, Vesper leered over at his son. The patriarch reclined in his chair and stretched his wings over his head. “Well I’m glad you two are getting along so well.” Sky leaned over and hooked a foreleg around his lover’s arm. “Me too - couldn’t be happier.” Remaining still, Vesper’s eyes swept over to the man’s face. “Well I’m happy to hear that you’re treating him well!” Anon clasped a hand to his chest and bowed his head. “I wouldn’t dream of doing otherwise.” “That’s what I wanted to hear,” Vesper hummed, glancing over at his son. “Dad, how many times do I have to go over this, he’s fine,” Sky groaned. “You don’t have to be so judgemental all the time!” Astonishingly enough, the older bat-pony’s expression softened. “It’s just because I worry about you ~ is that so bad?” “Trust me, there’s nothing to worry about,” Sky sighed. Standing on his chair, he stepped onto Anon’s lap, eased himself down, and cheerfully wiggled his rump. “He’s only ever treated me like gold, he spoils me, and I don’t think we’ve ever had any fights ~ isn’t that right?” Seeing his coltfriend crane his neck and peer up at him, Anon smiled. “Aside from stupid stuff, like where the TV remote went or who ate the last of the potato chips, that’s pretty true.” “See!” Sky insisted, smugly grinning over at his father. Vesper gave a cryptic grunt, reaching over to grab a cup of coffee his wife sat before himself. “Well you tell me if that ever changes.” “Don’t you mind him,” Yuzu clucked, trotting around to give her guests their java, “he’s always been like that - goodness, he’s more protective over Sky than he is Stella!” “Speaking of,” Vesper grouched. “You’re late for breakfast.” “Says the one who’s normally going to sleep at this hour,”  Stella countered, jumping into her seat beside Sky. Peeking over at her brother and the man, she waved a wing. “Sup.” Having taken a sip of her coffee, Yuzu added a touch more sugar to her drink. “So you colts have any plans for today?” “Other than relaxing and maybe taking Anon for a walk through town, not really,” Sky remarked. “You and Dad have anything going on?” “Vesper and I have to go pick up some groceries and pay a bill this morning, but that shouldn’t take too terribly long. Since you’re here, I thought I’d make your favorite meal tonight,” she replied. Sky’s face instantly lit up, and his wings flicked out to his sides. “You mean…?” “Yup - goulash, three-bean salad, and fresh rolls for dinner followed by rhubarb pie and blueberry cobbler for dessert,” she exclaimed. “She makes the best goulash and cobbler,” Sky noted, peering up at Anon. Setting down his coffee mug, Vesper stared over at his son. “Just watch the portions. Wouldn’t want you to lose that marish figure for your boyfriend.” Rocking his hips from side to side, doubtlessly feeling the growing erection prodding his ass, Sky snickered to himself. “I don’t think he’d mind…” “Gross,” Stella disinterestedly snorted. Having devoured her cooled pancakes, she jumped from her chair and carried her plate into the kitchen. “Just wake me up whenever. I’m going back to bed.” “Sleep well,” Anon cheerfully stated, waving goodbye to the retreating mare. Motioning over to the kitchen, he gently lifted Sky from off himself. “You need any help cleaning up, Mrs. Yuzu?” “Please,” she laughed, waving a wing at him, “just call me Yuzu. Thanks for the offer, but it’s my husband’s job to take care of the dishes. If I cook, he cleans - if he cooks, I clean; it’s the fair way to do things.” “That’s actually how Sky and I do it,” Anon chuckled, standing and setting Sky in the empty seat. “I’ll be back in a bit - gonna use the little colt’s room,” Sky said, prancing out of the dining room. “Just wait for me in the living room.” With Yuzu and Vesper heading into the kitchen, and his coltfriend trotting away, Anon was left to his own devices. He turned, having nothing to do, and wandered into the adjoined living room to dither away some time. Truth be told, he and Sky hadn’t really discussed what they’d be doing on the visit, but the notion of getting a tour of the town struck him as a pleasant way to spend the day. Crossing the small, comfy den, he noticed a few family photos resting beside the fireplace. The corners of his lips turned up, seeing several pictures of his lover as a colt. He’d been regaled with tales of the bat-pony family, having heard all about Yuzu, Vesper, and Stella, so it was nice to actually get to see them. While he’d braced himself for Vesper in particular, having been warned that the stallion was the broody sort, he was going to keep his fingers crossed that they’d eventually get along well. Several minutes passed while he browsed the quaint little den, before he heard hooves trotting up behind him. Seeing Sky flitting up and onto the couch, he turned and walked over. Everything had been off to a decent start, even with the titillating harassment he’d endured, and he was already looking for the much-acclaimed goulash that Yuzu had mentioned. As he seated himself at one end of the sofa, Sky shuffled over and hugged him. “So you wanna go for a walk?” “In a bit,” Sky responded, rubbing his face on the man’s side. “You two have fun,” Yuzu asked, poking her head into the room. “It shouldn’t take us long to get back.” Looking over at his mother, Sky shook his head. “Will do, Mom.” She trotted to the front door with Vesper and left, giving the couple some privacy - privacy that Sky instantaneously took advantage of. Springing to his hooves, he leaned in and kissed his mate - not an affectionate peck on the cheek, but a deep, passionate kiss on the lips. Anon stiffened in more ways than one, unprepared for the assault, and it took him a moment to softly push the stallion away. “Still trying to get me riled up ~ eh?” the man chuckled. “I’d say I’m doing more than trying,” Sky giggled, peering down at the tent in his mate’s pants. Moments from replying, Anon was hit with an insidious idea. Sky had mentioned they could fool around later, and it wasn’t like either had gotten any relief since departing the train, but there was no way they were going to do anything in the middle of his family living room ~ was there? Purely out of curiosity, acting on a hunch, he slipped a hand around the pony’s hindquarters and felt something warm and slick on his coltfriend’s ass. “You didn’t…” he muttered in disbelief. Sky’s heavily lidded gaze never left the man’s face. “I totally did…” Anon could scarcely believe it. His coltfriend’s trip to the restroom hadn’t been to use the toilet - it had been to make sinful preparations. As one digit ran around Sky’s soft, slick pucker, feeling blood surge into his manhood, he had to fight himself to keep from outright fingering his mate right then and there. “Won’t we get caught?” he breathed. “We might,” Sky cooed, “which is why you’re going to need to keep it down. It’s going to take mom and dad at least half an hour to get back, and Stella is a heavy sleeper, which means we should have just enough time to…” With a dextrous wingtip, letting the statement hang, Sky unzipped Anon’s pants. His manhood sprang free, ready and raring to go - still, the prospect of screwing out in the open, and in a living room no less, tinged his excitement with apprehension. Feeling very, very torn, he left himself wide open. Sky stepped over his waist, grabbed his head, and began hotly making out with him. He had a number of lecherous weaknesses, but kissing had to be one of the most profound. With his willpower crumbling, he clutched the stallion’s tush and contentedly groaned into his coltfriend’s mouth. He wasn’t sure what was hotter, the spontaneous makeout session or the fact that he could feel Sky’s backdoor against the tip of his length. Continuing to deeply french him, Sky lowered his waist and gradually impaled himself. The oral from that morning and the day before had been great, but the hot, velvety sensation of his mate’s ass was phenominal. His grasp tightened and he pulled the pony downward, drawing a small whimper from the stallion which only elevated his arousal. Sharing one another’s breath, they gave each other a moment to adjust to the intrusion before starting to move. Sky flexed his hind legs and bounced in place, as Anon drove his hips upward to meet the stallion’s descents. It was a dance they’d done many times before, and they’d doubtlessly do it many times yet to come, yet the passion they felt for one another had only grown stronger as their relationship had grown. Their bodies moved in concert, mirroring each other to perfection. Though the first few times they’d done it had been awkward, that felt like it had been a lifetime ago. Each move was calculated, from the smallest little squeezes to firmer slaps, and each was done to please the other. A gyration here, a change of pace there, altering their movements to hit all the most sensitive spots - they varied their technique to keep things interesting. Having a quickie would have been fine, and honestly the most prudent option given the circumstances, but old habits died hard. Lost to the moment, they fall back to the tried and true methods they’d adopted for more amorous affairs. “Sweet Luna - I missed this,” Sky moaned, pulling away to lick Anon’s neck. Anon nodded and lightly tugged the stallion’s tail, earning himself a stifled whimper of delight. “I just hope - Mmmm…” The kissing on his neck grew intense, feeling the pair of fangs pricking at his flesh. He didn’t slow, continuing to thrust into the stallion and mutely wishing Sky would fully commit. With a slow, steady exhale of breath, his lover lovingly bit down. The trace of pain mingled with his pleasure. He wasn’t a masochist - at least he didn’t think he was a masochist, but he wouldn’t deny having grown fond of the little love bites his paramour dispensed. As the lips parted from his neck and the teeth slipped from his skin, he reared back and felt his neck. He looked over to his fingers, seeing the tiniest trace of blood, and he smirked. The little incubus definitely knew how to get his motor running - a fact which Sky took great pride in. Peering down at his coltfriend’s face, seeing the mischievous expression, wickedly smug and alluring to a fault, sent him into a frenzy. “You think that’s cute?” he rumbled, smiling in spite of himself. Slipping one hand to the stallion’s lower back, he gave a particularly harsh thrust. “Better hope your mom doesn’t notice you walking funny…” “And you - Aaaahn - better hope you can hide that bite from my dad,” Sky mewled, meeting every ounce of the man’s zeal. What had started as some relatively tame cowgirl metamorphosed into something all the more primal. Though they tried to keep their voices down, the sound of heavy breaths, dull groans, and effeminate gasps of bliss rang through the air - paired with the drumbeat of their bodies meeting one another and they crafted a depraved symphony. Anon shot forward and returned the favor, biting Sky’s neck while they continued making wild, impassioned love. On and on they went, moving harder and faster with every fleeting second, until things inevitably came to a head. All the temptation and denial from the past twenty-four hours had withered their endurance and reduced made them particularly lustful. As Sky leaned back, allowing his swaying, turgid stallionhood to drool over the man’s shirt, he panted. “I…I’m close,” the pony rasped. Knowing just what to do, teetering on the brink himself, Anon lowered a hand and stroked his lover off. The two-fold combination of a hand-job and prostate pummeling did the trick, casting his coltfriend over the brink. With a loud, marish howl, his entire body tensing, Sky painted his chest with thick, hot seed. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect. A heartbeat after his mate peaked, he came. With one final, triumphant thrust, his manhood erupted. He buried his face in the stallion’s collar, holding his coltfriend close, while he rode out the waves of ecstasy crashing over him - regrettably, the magical moment came to an abrupt, horrifying end. In the midst of their euphoria, the front door clicked and steadily swung open. If it wasn’t for Sky’s quick thinking and even quicker wings, they would have been done for. Pulling a shawl over their bodies, covering any trace of their perverse and wholly inappropriate living room hijinks, the little pony quite literally saved the day. “I thought you two were going to go for a walk?” Yuzu chirped, plucking her purse from beside the door. “I…I think all the carbs from the pancakes did him in,” Anon wheezed, praying to whatever higher power would listen that she wouldn’t get suspicious. “We’ll be headed out shortly.” As her eyes lowered from his face, a knowing grin split her muzzle. “Maybe Vesper and I will take the long way to the grocery store…” And with that, she backed out of the room. Anon wasn’t sure what to think - that was until the twinge of pain on his neck reminded him of what Sky had done. If she had noticed the bite, she’d at least been courteous enough not to say anything or make a stink - if she hadn’t seen it, all the better for him. Holding his mate’s tush in his hands, he sighed and rolled his head back. “Don’t worry, mom’s cool,” Sky whispered, clenching around the softening length in his backside. Anon ponderously stood, taking care to hold his lover and the blanket firmly in place. “Remind me to ask why you know about that…” Though he didn’t regret doing the deed in the den, he had a sinking feeling that their vacation was going to be much, much more interesting than he’d originally thought - especially if Sky made a game of trying to stoke the fires of his already robust libido. Carrying Sky upstairs and to their room, he felt the pony shift in his grasp. As he looked down, the stallion’s twinkling eyes met his. “Love you…” Sky breathed, holding the man tightly. Returning the affection, unable to keep himself from smiling, Anon chuckled. “Love you too…” > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walking up to his house, eyeing his front door, Anon sighed. The trip to visit Sky’s family had been fun, more fun than it had any right to be, but he was happy to be home. Regardless of how relaxed one was while out and about, nothing quite beats sleeping in your own bed - especially when that bed was also occupied by your lover. He turned his head and smiled down at Sky. “What?” the pony chirped, smirking up at him. Anon stopped by the door, set his suitcase down, and pulled his keys from his pocket. “Nothing - just glad we’re home.” “Awwwww ~” Sky playfully groaned, a fanged smirk splitting his muzzle. “Tired of all the teasing already?” “I - Ahem - that might have been part of it,” Anon hesitantly admitted. While he had enjoyed staying under Vesper and Yuzu’s roof, the trip did have a problem - a small, flirtatious, sinful little problem. He loved Sky with all his heart, but the impish little femcolt had teased him mercilessly for almost the entire duration of their vacation. Day after day, from sunup to sundown, he’d been subjected to amorous advances, sinful promises, and taunting glimpses of what his mate had to offer. All the temptation wouldn’t have been a problem, had it not been for the fact that, after the first passionate morning, he’d been left blue-balled for the duration. Opening the front door and setting his luggage inside, he concealed a grin. Sky may have had the upper hoof on him while they were in Equestria, but they weren’t in Equestria now. He had plans for the impish little minx, big plans, and he wasn’t going to waste any time implementing them. As soon as the stallion trotted by and placed his duffle bag down, he struck. “So what do you want to do about - Gah!” Sky yelped as the man stooped down and scooped him up. Caught in Anon’s arms, effectively finding himself in a princess carry, he looked around in confusion before his eyes swept up to his lover’s face. “Oh I see - somepony’s got ants in their pants.” “More than just ants,” Anon countered, trundling his mate through the living room. Lifting the stallion and dipping his head, navigating his way toward the bedroom, he leaned in and locked lips with his mate. There was only so much a man could endure, and Sky had pushed him to his limit. If the little femcolt thought he was going to get away with driving him up a wall without consequences, he was wrong - dead wrong. As he entered their room and flung the pony onto the bed, hearing the equine land with a resounding Pomf, he reached down and loosened his belt. Rolling to his side, Sky seductively drew a wing over his flank. “What are we gonna do on the bed?” Letting his pants fall to the floor, Anon kicked the garment away and crossed to his dresser. “You’re gonna find out…” He and Sky were vastly different, the embodiment of the age old adage of opposites attracting, and he’d become intimately aware of how to get the pony riled up. Unlike his lover, his approach for bedroom affairs weren’t quite as subtle - not like he ever got any complaints though. Opening his underwear drawer and reaching inside, he produced a neatly bundled length of soft, thick rope. “Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way,” he began, stretching a length of the cord between his hands as he turned to face the bed. “For your sake, I hope you say -” “The hard way,” Sky purred, cutting the man off. No sooner had the words left the femcolt’s mouth than Anon pounced. Tackling the stallion, he put his boy scout skills to very dubious work. As a kid, he never would have thought that ropework and knot tying would have such a scandalous use, but adulthood had opened his eyes to the talent. In all but the blink of an eye, he had his lover trussed up like a holiday turkey. As he wriggled atop the mattress, finding himself completely immobilized, Sky’s heart began to race. He would never admit it, but this was what he’d been hoping for - unfortunately, seeing the man go back to the dresser, he realized he may have miscalculated. With his hind legs bound to his forehooves, only able to move his head, he swallowed hard when he watched Anon retrieve a drool ball and a blindfold. “W…what are those for?” he stammered. “Oh these?” Anon hummed, lifting and inspecting the items. “Don’t act like you don’t know - after all, you did just say you wanted it the hard way…” Casually seeing himself up and onto the bed, he loomed over the stallion. He had plans, big plans for his lover, but they could wait for just a bit longer. He closed his eyes and lowered his head, keeping his hands beside Sky’s shoulders, and drove his tongue into the pony’s muzzle. Sweet and spicy were as tried and true of a combination for cuisines as they were for lovemaking, and he couldn’t help but start with the former. His mate moaned into his mouth as their tongues entwined. A kiss - if there was something better to start or conclude a heated exchange, he couldn’t think of a better thing than a kiss. Hotly making out with Sky, he nearly forgot about where his intentions lay - that was until he went to embrace the stallion. He withdrew when he felt the gag in his hand and peered into his mate’s eyes. “You trust me ~ right?” he whispered. Giving a resolute nod, Sky stared up at the man’s face. “More than anypony in your world or mine…” Rising on his knees, Anon presented the padded leather blindfold. “Good…” Sky fidgeted, feeling his stallionhood slip from its sheath as Anon shifted onto the bed beside him. He didn’t struggle as the blindfold slipped over his face, robbing him of his sight, and he obediently opened his muzzle for the gag - nevertheless, he was genuinely surprised with the turn of events. Being tied up was a rare treat, but the drool ball and the blindfold were both new - likely acquired in secret by his big, suddenly very domineering lover. “Mmmmph mph nnnf?” he incoherently grumbled, feeling a bead of saliva creeping down to his chin. “Sorry, I couldn’t understand you,” Anon chuckled, running his fingers up the stallion’s back and earning himself a stifled groan. “You want to try that again?” He’d been looking for an excuse to test his new toys on his mate, so he was actually thankful for the opportunity. Rechecking the bonds, making sure that the rope and knots were tight enough to keep his plaything from escaping but not too uncomfortable, he shifted his focus to Sky’s splayed legs. At long last, after days of being on his best behavior, he was about to get his sweet revenge. Resting one hand on the pony’s flank, tenderly kneading the doughy flesh against his palm, he glided the fingers of his free hand up Sky’s thigh. “Now where should I begin?” He gingerly fondled the stallion’s plump balls and gave them a light squeeze before running his digit’s down his lover’s rapidly hardening length. As much fun as it would have been to go for the throat, administering a hand-job or jumping straight into the serious foreplay, that could wait - for the time being, like being served a fine cognac, he wanted to savor it. His fingers danced away from the pony’s loins, leaving them virtually unmolested, while he shifted up the bed and toward his lover’s face. “How’s it feel?” he breathed hotly into Sky’s ear. “You don’t have any idea of what I have in store for you…” There were a number of erogenous zones on Sky, with some being a bit more sensitive than others, but one of his favorites was the stallion’s ears. Lifting his head, he lovingly lipped and gently bit on the soft, fluffy tips of flesh. His efforts were instantly rewarded with a whimper that made his smile broaden. Yeah - yeah, this was going to be too much fun. Though they were covered, Sky’s eyelids fluttered. He’d had no doubt that Anon could be quite controlling in the bedroom, having learned of the man’s penchant for domination, but this - this was on an entirely different level. While he’d gotten used to being plowed into the bed or thrown around like a rag doll, both of which he positively adored, being hemmed up and played was an entirely novel experience. Paradoxically, both the best and worst thing about being bound was that there was nothing he could do to stop his lover. His heart fluttered in his chest, a tremble crept into his thighs, and he could already tell he was leaking pre-cum like a broken faucet, while Anon put his dexterous digits to work. No part of him was sacred, from his supple underbelly to the ticklish bit between his wings, leaving him to helplessly squirm and drool all over himself. It was only after what felt like an eternity of torture, being caressed, rubbed, and kissed from his hooves to the top of his head, did things take a turn. Feeling a hand slip around his waist and to his groin, he stiffened as fingers slowly closed around the base of his throbbing stallionhood. He fruitlessly bucked his hips, trying desperately to hump into the man’s hand - alas, the rope wound around him only allowed the slightest movement. “So needy,” Anon snickered. “Does someone want to get off already?” “Mmmph-Hmmph!” Sky hastily responded, twisting his head to blindly peer in the man’s direction. Tightening his grip, the man languidly stroked the stallion off. “Who’s my good little pony?” “M…mmmn nnnf,” Sky moaned through the soft, porous ball in his snout. Anon moved slightly faster, his fingers massaging the sensitive underside of stallionhood just beneath its crown. “That’s right, you’re my good little pony - mine and no one else’s…” One moment he was affectionately massaging the stallion’s back - the next he was delicately running his fingers through the tuft of fur on the pony’s chest. He’d never considered himself much of a sadist, but he could certainly see the appeal of such a notion. The power and control he was afforded was intoxicating, getting him as or more aroused than his captive paramour. Sky may not have been able to see it, but his manhood had sprung from his open boxers and was bobbing in the cool air. Moving as slowly as possible, situated on his knees, he pulled his underwear down his legs. The way he saw it, with the way things were headed, there was no point in keeping his clothes on. He carefully, cautiously removed his boxers and shirt, all while continuing to jack off his shivering mate. While he was tempted to touch himself, he left his dick untouched. The very least he could do was control himself, given what he was putting Sky through, so he did just that and focused on the task at hand. Moving his palm and clutching his lover’s cock-head, he chuckled as the stallion bucked his hips. “I wonder how long you’d last doing this,” he wondered aloud, using his fingers to stimulate the bloated tip of stallionhood. Sky’s nostrils flared, he grunted uncontrollably, and he nearly tipped himself over trying to get off. What had started as a playful bout of heavy petting had gradually metamorphosed into torture - exquisite, heavenly torture, but torture nonetheless. As his stallionhood started to flare, pulsing in tune with his wildly beating heart, the hand holding his dick withdrew and abandoned his pitiable efforts to achieve release. In a word, the frustration was maddening. There was nothing wrong with a bit of edging, but this was too much to bear. He didn’t even consider using his wings to remove the blindfold until they were pinned against his back. He’d been powerless before, but now - now there wasn’t a single thing he could do to help himself. Flexing his pelvic muscles and slapping his stallionhood against his belly, smearing his abdomen with pre-cum, he came to a shuddering halt when a pair of hands closed around his hips. His ears, one of the few parts of him that he could move, swiveled back. Anon was moving behind him - which meant only one thing… “Feel that?” Anon purred, prodding the tip of his length to the pony’s winking pucker. Feverishly nodding, Sky rocked himself back - at least he tried to rock himself back. With the way he was tied up, the most he could manage was to kiss his entrance to the man’s dick. Mewling through the drool ball, feeling like he was going to go mad, he started when a hand lifted from his waist and shot to the back of his head. “If you want it,” Anon continued, unfastening the gag’s strap, “then beg me for it.” Sky spit the infernal orb from his maw. “Please!” he beseeched. “Please rut me!” Refusing to do more than tease the pony’s hole, the man laughed. “Why should I? After everything you put me through at your parents’ place, what makes you think you don’t deserve all this teasing? Don’t like getting a taste of your own medicine?” “I…I…” Sky stammered, licking his lips. “I’m sorry for everything I put you through! Please - please plow me like I’m the needy little stallion that I am!” It was a long shot, telling his lover what he wanted to hear, but it was the only card he had to play. Waiting for a reply, staving off the urge to beg more than he already had, he forced himself to remain still. He was utterly at the man’s mercy, unable to do anything whatsoever, so he clung to his faith that his mate would bring his torment to an end. The pressure on his backdoor eased, instantly breaking his heart, before Anon drove his hips forward and impaled him. Instead of a hard, sharp thrust, filling him in an instant, the penetration was slow and methodical, evoking a whorish, guttural groan to escape past his lips. This was what he’d wanted, what he’d earned from enduring the amorous anguish he’d been subjected to, and he relished every glorious inch of manhood gradually filling him. “Thank you,” he rasped, his sanity on the brink of shattering. “Thank you thankyouthankyou.” There was something undeniably sumptuous about being used in such a way - the denial, the frustration of being impotent, all leading to the cathartic, divine moment of reward. Every detail of his lover’s length, from the gradual upward curve to the veins along its shaft, sent tingles up his spine, but the physical sensations were only one facet of the experience. He’d heard stories about how being blind could heighten one’s senses, but he’d never given it much thought until that moment. Anon’s sonorous breaths, the scent of sweat hanging in the air, and the taste of the man’s saliva on his tongue were incredible beyond words, transcending the moment from a mere sexual tryst to something all the more nirvanic. Feeling his lover’s heavy, cum-laiden balls come to rest against his coin purse, having fully sheathed the entirety of the bipedal stud’s cock, he tightened his hole. Even though he couldn’t budge, even though he couldn’t see, there was one thing he definitely could do - milk Anon’s cock for all his worth. The man gradually withdrew, drawing out his clenched pucker, and steadied himself. If he was going to get turned into a living, breathing fleshlight, he’d be darned if he wasn’t going to be the best fleshlight this side of Equestria. Try as he might, Anon couldn’t look away from the pony’s ass. There was something profoundly arousing about watching his long, lightly colored manhood contrasted against the dark, silken flesh of Sky’s backdoor, and the sight chipped away at what little composure he had left. Securing his grasp on the femcolt’s ample, foal-bearing hips, after freeing most of his length, he gave his first real thrust. Sky lurched forward, smeared the bed sheets with saliva, and unleashed a long, effeminate moan. Hot damn, it didn’t get any better than this. After days without being able to cut loose, all while being relentlessly titillated, he was finally able to give some sweet, sweet payback. He adjusted his positioning and gave a second, slightly harder plunge, driving his cock straight against his lover’s tender prostate. Enthralled by the spectacle and the sensations accosting him, he unwittingly moved faster and faster. He tried - oh how he tried to pace himself, but it was a fool’s errand. Each thrust came faster than the last, his thoughts were lost to a blissful haze, and his fingers sank into the soft, yielding hips of his mate. Before he knew it, he was pounding the pony’s ass like a horny teen getting lucky on prom night. His hands wandered up Sky’s back and to the base of the bat-pony’s wings. It had taken him a while to figure it out, but there was an especially delicate area right at the base of the leathery appendages. As he pressed his thumbs into his coltfriend’s fur, drawing a hushed murmur from the stallion, he grinned from ear to ear. The rhythmic Plap Plap Plap of his hips beating against his mate’s backside, the marish whimpers, the way his pistoning manhood was squeezed - they were perfect. Falling for Sky had been the best thing he’d done with his life, their companionship had brought him more joy than he’d had in a long, long time, and he genuinely adored the cute little femcolt, but the sex - the sex was the icing on the debaucherous cake. While he could have had a happy relationship without having his carnal needs tended to, finding out that his quadrupedal lover was an absolute demon in the sack had been like winning the lottery. With his eyes rolling to the back of his head, Sky’s attempts to please the man faltered. He’d always thought of himself as a relatively adept bottom, able to bounce between being exceptionally submissive and assertive at the drop of a hat, yet all his experience was, like his prostate, ground to dust in startling speed. With the telltale signs of an impending climax growing stronger and stronger with every plunge of Anon’s big, sublimely thick cock, it was all he could do to hold himself steady. Ordinarily speaking, he would have given as good as he got, swinging his ass forward and back to meet his lover, but this was far from an ordinary exchange. Immobilized, barely able to form a coherent thought, he was consumed by the raw, bestial passion of the man. Sweet merciful Celestia - he figured Anon would be a bit worked up by the time they got home, but he’d underestimated the guy’s raging libido by an order of magnitude. As a hand slid up and to his cheek, he turned his head and blindly suckled on his mate’s fingers. Even though he couldn’t see a darn thing, his oral fixation was not to be denied - a trait he had that he knew Anon appreciated. Sure enough, while he swirled his tongue around the pair of digits between his lips, he felt the man increase speed. Seconds from reaching his peak, with his untouched stallionhood beginning to flare, he was brought right to the brink when things took an abrupt, gut-wrenching turn. Without any warning whatsoever, the man ground to a halt. Teetering on the very edge of release, panic struck him. He’d been so close - so infuriatingly close to having the cum fucked out of him that he could taste the relief, but it had been ripped away. He threw his head back, cleared his muzzle, and whined as he looked over his shoulder. “W…why’d you…” he trailed off as the blindfold was undone and slipped from his face. Anon inched back, stooped over, and started undoing the knots binding Sky’s legs. He was well aware that his coltfriend had been about to blow his load, having been snapped from his blissful stupor by the pony’s shivering, so he had to act quickly. While he wouldn’t have minded bringing his lover to an orgasm - heck, it wouldn’t have been the first time, he had a better way to finish things in mind. Placing one hand on the Sky’s side, he gently pushed the pony over and onto his back. There were plenty of things they both enjoyed, from simple date nights to cuddling in bed on blustery mornings, yet there was one which they both absolutely loved - being able to see one another while they did the deed. He kept his hands on the stallion’s fetlocks, slid forward, and got into position, smiling all the while. “You ready for this, hot stuff?” he sweetly murmured. Giving a single nod, Sky gnawed his bottom lip. “Uh-huh…” With the pony’s hind legs to either side of his waist, he rested his manhood against Sky’s package. From everything he’d heard, his lover wasn’t poorly endowed in the slightest, having a stallionhood that was actually slightly above average, which made the sight of his cock resting on the little equine’s tool all the more impressive. He knew there was no comparison between Equestrian equines and the horses of earth, but it was still thrilling to see how much bigger he was than his mate. He rocked his hips back, kissed the head of his cock to the pony’s slickened pucker and plunged in. Despite having made love to his coltfriend more times than he could count, he swore he’d never tire of the experience. Not only did Sky have a higher natural body temperature than himself, but the velvety embrace his mate afforded was better than anything any human could possibly offer. As he started bucking his hips, falling into a steady rhythm, he leaned forward and wormed one hand around Sky’s back. They’d done it in all manner of positions, having gone so far as to screw on nearly every surface of his apartment, but nothing quite beat the intimacy of missionary - sure it may be bland by some people’s or ponies’ standards, yet it was the only position that allowed them to comfortably kiss and look at one another. His tongue sank into his lover’s open, awaiting snout, while his eyes drifted shut. The moment Anon started plowing him, Sky snapped his fetlocks around the man’s waist. Nothing - nothing quite beats moments like these. Being under his lover, the tongue in his muzzle, being driven forward and back with each thrust - honestly, it was better than anything any stallion could deliver. He groaned into his lover’s mouth, his eyes rolled back, and his wings folded around Anon’s back, as he lost himself to his bliss. Had somepony told him he’d end up falling for a human, back before he’d come to Earth, he would have laughed and thought they were joking. Humans were big, intimidating creatures that walked around on two legs; there was no way he would have ever gotten into a romantic relationship with one of them! Though he still occasionally wondered exactly how things had lined up the way they had, there wasn’t a day that passed when he didn’t thank his lucky stars for meeting Anon. He broke their kiss, brought his snout to the side of Anon’s head, and lipped the man’s ear. “H…harder…” His request was instantaneously obliged. Draped atop him, holding him tightly, Anon plowed him like a field in spring. While he was no longer tied up, the disparity of their sizes and physical strengths made his fur stand on end. The man was just so big, able to carry him around as though he weighed nothing, but that was only part of the appeal. While he had no reservations about being a bottom, having always hoped to find a lover who was on the large side, he never would have guessed the stallion of his dreams wouldn’t be a stallion at all. Burying his face in Anon’s collar, panting and grunting with each thrust, he felt himself getting close. Getting off by having his stallionhood played with was all well and good, and his lover never shied away from giving him a hand-job, but there was something special about having a climax from anal only. He relaxed with each plunge and tensed with each backstroke of the man’s divine cock, inching closer and closer to his limit. “G…getting close, babe?” Anon growled, feeling his abdomen being smeared with pre-cum. “Nnnph - Uh - Oh buck - Uh-huh,” Sky sputtered, barely able to speak. Anon brought one hand under Sky’s tush and lifted it ever so slightly, allowing him to demolish the tiny pony’s p-spot. After only a handful of thrusts, he drove the femcolt past the brink. Shaking like a leaf, his coltfriend brayed to the heavens. Hot foal-batter shot all the way up to his chin, coating the entire front of his torso, but he wasn’t bothered in the slightest - on the contrary, the baptism pushed him to the point of no return. His relationship with Sky was like a game of cat and mouse; sometimes he outlasted his lover in bed, while other times he wasn’t quite as lucky - either way, the small competitive element never failed to keep things interesting in the bedroom. With the stallion going limp in his arms, he pulled out all the stops and made a mad dash to the finish line. There was no need to hold back anymore - regrettably, in his enthusiasm, he didn’t feel his lover shift. Fighting through the rapturous haze, running on sheer willpower alone, Sky turned his head to the side, swung open his jaw, and bit Anon’s neck. His fangs were like needles, so sharp that the skin yielded no resistance, and the man instantly stiffened. While he wasn’t the biggest fan of meat, much preferring fruit, he wasn’t one to miss the chance for a little nibble of his lover every now and again. The man tried to resist, setting his jaw and keeping his eyes clamped shut, but it was no use. With an unstoppable plunge, burying every inch of his incredible length, Anon came moments after him. It would have been cute - adorable even, if it wasn’t for the fact that he was hit with a second, devastating climax when his insides were flooded with his mate’s thick, virile seed. He threw his head back and howled, his soft, marish voice contrasting to his boyfriend’s deep, masculine grunts, as they held one another. Their bodies grew still, their ecstasy gradually faded, and they pulled away from one another. Neither said a word, but they knew - knew how much they meant to each other. They closed for another, final kiss, before Anon rolled to his side and wrapped his arms around the slender stallion. “What am I going to do with you?” Anon weakly chuckled, drawing his hands over the pony’s back. Returning the favor, rubbing a wing over the man’s shoulder, Sky contentedly hummed. “Whatever you want, as long as it doesn’t involve leaving me…” Glancing to the side, Anon reached toward his nightstand. There’d been something he’d been sitting on for months, but he’d yet to act on it - that was until that moment. He pulled open the drawer, thrust his hand inside, and wrapped his fingers around a tiny wooden box. There was only one thing that he truly did wish to do with Sky, though he prayed it wouldn’t backfire in his face. “What are you…” Sky fell silent as his eyes settled on the miniature chest in the man’s grasp. “Sky,” Anon began, opening the box with his thumb, “I have an important question for you. Will you - Mmmph?!?” The second Sky spied the glint of gold, he shot forward and frenched the man. “Yes!” he bleated, withdrawing with tears in his eyes. “Yes of course I will!” Anon shook his head and beamed. “You don’t even know what I was going to ask! Maybe I…” Seeing the stallion’s smiling, tear-streaked face, he held his lover and sniffled. As much as he tried to make light of the situation, having tried to make a joke, he couldn’t hold back the waterworks. Sky meant the world to him, to the point where he couldn’t picture life without the little guy, so he wanted - no, needed to make it official. Seconds passed and their hushed sobbing subsided, leading them to pull back and stare into one another’s eyes. Of all the things they’d done, few were more pivotal than this moment. No longer boyfriend and coltfriend, they would soon be something more. “Come on,” Anon whispered, softly wiping the stallion’s cheek, “you’re gonna make me cry.” “S…says - Sniff - the man who just p…proposed,” Sky blubbered. He couldn’t have asked for a better lover, and he still didn’t know what he’d done to deserve the man, but he’d been unprepared for such a momentous occasion. He’d hoped - hoped that something like this would happen someday, yet he’d never dared to expect it. After a lifetime of trying to find his special somepony, his wish had finally been granted. Regaining his composure, if only just, he pecked the man’s cheek. “What did I do to deserve you?” “Funny you should say that,” Anon grunted, carefully swinging his legs off the bed while holding the pony against himself, “because I ask myself the same thing every morning when I wake up to your beautiful face.” “Now you’re trying to butter me up,” Sky whimpered as his mate carried him to and into the bathroom. “I do have one more question though,” Anon continued, stooping over and setting the shower to warm. Looking down and seeing a quizzical look on the pony’s face, he smirked. “You don’t mind if I call you honey ~ do you?” Sky pressed his cheek to his lover’s chest, smiling all the while. “Not in the slightest…” What they’d cultivated, nurtured and cared for for months on end was the epitome of love being blind. They’d often looked after one another, always doing their best to improve their relationship, and now it had paid off. As they stepped into the basin and under the warm flow of water, each instinctively reaching for the soap, they giggled uncontrollably. If there was one thing they were both completely certain of, it was that they were two parts of a whole…