> Bathroom Estrus Assault > by SpringyTwist > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Errands at dusk > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was getting chilly. Shivering in the darkening light, the lanky, off-cream Pegasus let out a sigh and kept on trudging. This was normal for Spring Twister, who threw back her half-shaved, pale green mane and sighed into the night air, mane-tip skipping mere inches from the road. There never was much to do on these trots home but muddle over the double-edged sword that was being a more nocturnal pony. It wasn’t her fault! Just, doing her shopping after closing shop was the best way to avoid as many other ponies as possible. It was nice being out here alone, even if it was getting cold…especially against the bits. ‘Brrrr..’ Probably should have undone the tail-bun before heading out for the evening. At least her saddlebags provided a bit of protection from the wind, covering up her wings and protecting the metal braces latched around them from the evening’s cold. Spring’s saddlebags blocked some of the wind, her body blocked the rest, spreading over her short fur before fucking off and carrying the lingering, fertile stench of mare musk off into the night. All this was lost on the grumpy Pegasus of course, focused intently on making her way home as quickly as possible. Maybe with a pit-stop though, cause oof she was only about halfway home and all the pickle juice and milk that made its way into her throughout the day was needing out! Ugh, annoying, but fine. There was a small public outhouse on the way she’d used a number of times, shouldn’t take long at all. Wink. The poor mare couldn’t help herself, shivering lightly as she reflexively flexed her clit at the world. Bucking estrus.. Honestly what could be more annoying than being in heat as an asexual; I mean who even has time for that?? The thought of letting someone ‘take care of it’ for her absolutely disgusted the unwillingly horny pony. It had been a few days now and was getting annoying, but hey it added one more to the pro column for being alone. Just how alone Spring was could be a matter of debate as the night wind carried her heat down the block and into a nearby alley. What was at first likely speculated as raccoons or some other innocent vermin was actually something bigger, bigger than the lanky Pegasus herself! “..hrm?” The head of a scraggly, coal-colored stallion popped his head out of the trash can it was rummaging around in and huffed at the air. A greasy smile leaked across his muzzle as the scent of reluctantly fertile mare cut through the garbage miasma like Cupid’s (shifty cousin’s) arrow. “Mrrnph! Mrph!” He huffed, he snuffled, sucking in every pussy particle like it was winked out just for him as his balls homed in on their next release. Oh she was close! “Rah!” Leaping out of the alley came a huge, dirty stallion, landing hard on all four hooves at once and snarling like a rabid dog. Bah, premature. All part of the game though! Standing tall, he shook his filthy shag of a mane out of his eyes and scanned the area, his equally-ragged tail flicking to and fro eagerly. It was an imposing sight; this guy looked like he’d been surviving in alleys for a good while now. He was buff, scarred, possibly twacked, and now his balls were leading the show. Sheltered cluelessly inside the small outhouse we now find our prey, finishing up over the ground-style toilet in as mundane an evening as every other she’d had. It wasn’t a glamorous pit stop but it was reliable. As Spring leaned down to re-saddle her bags though something was off. Was that…a dog? It sounded like something was snuffling at the doorframe. Spring shifted awkwardly on the spot for a bit and not really knowing what else to do, eventually knocked the back of her hoof against the door. “Er…almost done in here?” The sound stopped. ‘Abrupt’ thought Spring, but after waiting a few seconds and hearing nothing else - what else was there to do but try to leave? Fumbling with the simple wooden lock, the mare bit back her growing anxiety and opened the door enough to peek out into the night. WHAM! The door burst open like it’d been caught in a hurricane, whipping open hard enough to slam against the outer wall! Poor Spring nearly had a heart attack: shrieking, recoiling, nearly tripping back onto the toilet she’d just used. It was dark now, almost too dark to see the sooty shadow blocking her exit. The only thing darker than the stallion’s pelt was his mane and tail, oily black and looking as though it had been washed in substance. It was all so shaggy and just dark that it almost wasn’t recognizable as a pony, were it not for those piercing cyan eyes and maniacal grin. The two ponies stood there in the dull light of the bathroom, taking each other in. One of them was clearly having a better time than the other, with the stallion’s breathing getting audibly more excited the longer he stared, eyes and nostrils flaring hard as he took in Spring’s scent. It wasn’t too long before she’d decided she’d had enough of that and broke the silence with an indignant, “D-dude I was trying to piss in here! I’m done, o-ok?! I’m leaving!” Doing her best to not take her eyes off the guy, Spring started reaching for her saddlebags when she was interrupted by a sharp jab in the chest. “Do it again!” What the buck? Ow! Spring brought a foreleg up to hold her jabbed chest and looked her assailant up and down in disbelief after his command. Was this actually happening? He jabbed her again, this time hard enough to push her rump back against the wall. “Do it AGAIN!” “Ow dude what the hell-?!” A sharp crack to the side of the mare’s head cut her words off and before she could even tell what hit her that same strong hoof had her shoved up against the back wall by her neck, forcing her forelegs up off the floor a little. “PISS YOURSELF!” “I-I’m empty!” It just kind of blurted out of Spring as she half-dangled under the stallion’s dirty hoof grip. That answer just seemed to earn her a grunt of frustration from her assailant and suddenly the poor mare had a sharp, filthy hoof jammed up in her cunt. “BUCK-SHIT DUDE WHAT THE BUCK-!?!” The stallion was gouging at her tenderness like he was digging for gold! As the Pegasus threw all of her strength into shoving against him it became immediately clear she had no advantage here; the guy barely even seemed to notice her squealing or fighting back. For someone who never gets physical with ponies it’s easy to forget just how much stronger than her lanky, disabled flanks a stallion could get! Her shoulder collided with her assailant like a boxer hitting dead meat and it had about the same efficacy. The reality of what was happening to her finally dawned on Spring as the coal-colored stallion finally yanked his hoof out from between her flanks and shoved it up against his nose. Spring got to witness this psycho huff her juices like ether and could immediately smell how much he liked it. “MRRRPH! You’re a heated little slut!” Those words along with the sudden musk in the air made Spring’s stomach give out and she reflexively glanced down, down past the dirty red 211 that made up the stallion’s cutiemark, confirming his slick dipstick was already at half-mast. “No no NO NO NO NO!!” The sight triggered something primal in the rapidly-panicking Pegasus and she started shrieking and kicking wildly with all four legs. This couldn’t be happening! For a moment it seemed like Spring might break free as her flailing hooves caught a few tender spots on her attacker: a hit to the jaw, a slap to the eye, even a lucky kick to the dick! His grunts of pain grew more excited with each lucky hit, just seeming to love it no matter how solid a blow felt. Upon connecting with Coal Dust’s cock the Pegasus felt a gush of wetness on her hind leg before it was yanked into the air, held tight against the pulsing, grimy organ as he rammed her against the wall with his shoulder. Effectively pinned and winded, he started bucking against her. “B-bucking…foreplay! Heh..h-heated SLUT! Made me cum a little! HARDER!” He bit down sloppily on her shoulder wherever his caked teeth could clench, snarling through them now. “WHORE! BITCH! TAKE…IT!” Held up on one leg, pinned against the dingy bathroom wall, and feeling her shoulder being gnawed into burger meat was more of a nightmare than Spring ever dared to see herself in. Then it got worse. In one rough, practiced motion the scrawny mare found herself thrown back against the wall, slammed back again, then twisted around and shoved flat against it. It was an awkward pose, with her chest pressed up to the wood and forcing her to brace against it with her forehooves. Unfortunately, from behind, it looked a lot like an eager slut presenting, and who was this modest hobo to look a gift horse in the puss? “Hah! Kinky!” Oof! Before she had a chance to move he was on top of her, mounting low and popping his hips up to make his cock slap up between the mare’s subtle teats. One of his grody hooves pinned her to the wall by her head, tangling itself in her mane and anchoring hard. His other hoof pressed sharply into her lower back, keeping it arched like a good slut should. From here he started bucking, pulling his shaft up between her bony flanks and hot-dogging against her back-end bits, pretty easy to get up in there with her tail tied up the way it was. Wink! In response to her assault Spring’s body did basically the worst thing it could, and boy did Coal notice the kiss of her peeking clit against his aggressively rubbing shaft. It was quite the alien touch for someone like here, eliciting a yelp of disgust and terror from the poor mare. “N-NO! PLEASE! I have bits! JUST TAKE MY BITS!” Oh he was gonna. “WHORE!” The stallion’s breath hissed as much up her nose as it did her ears. “I want the MERCHANDISE!” What? That actually threw Spring off for a moment. “..m-my groceries?!” “NO!” He shrieked in her ear, shoving her head more firmly against the wall. “YOU! Whore!” Poor Spring was sobbing by this point, mind still struggling to understand her assault. “STOP! I’M NOT-AH!” Seems like dude was having none of it, angrily crunching her skull against the wall until she shut up. As the stallion held her in place Spring felt his other hoof on the move, crying out when she suddenly felt it yanking on her braced wing. “Kinky whore! Think you’re too good for me?!” It took a moment for it to even dawn on Spring what his issue was but a few rough tugs got the point across. Her wing braces. In this guy’s twisted mind he seemed to have mistaken the homemade contraption of thin bars and tight straps for something far less wholesome than a disabled pony’s accessibility tools. Before the mare could try to enlighten him somehow she felt both his hooves punch right through her both her braces, off her head and body now to forcibly snake between slats of her braces. Crushing her wings against her body was miserable for the broken Pegasus, blinding her with pain when he suddenly ripped his forelegs away from her. Entangled in her braces the stallion forced her wings out as wide as he could and slammed them against the wall. From here it was game over; Spring’s wing-joints were a massive weakpoint and the tiniest little pull was absolutely excruciating. “SHUT UP! SHUT UP!” It was about now that Spring realized she’d been screeching like a terrified filly. It only cut off when her muzzle hit the wall, apparently headbutted from behind. That one left her dizzy, sniveling, and tasting blood. “STUPID. BUCKING. WHORE.” Her assailant made sure to remind her exactly what she was to him as he awkwardly repositioned himself with a series of hip-bucks, lewdly slapping his shaft against her again, again, and clearly homing in. “...I-I’m not….please don’t..” Her voice was a lot more subdued this time; seems she was losing hope about making it home unviolated, if at all. Buck. “LIAR!” Buck. “WHORE!” And BUCK! The two ponies cried out together as that fat, foreign, filthy fuckstick speared its way into its unwilling victim. The sound Spring made was alien to her, raking with pain and horror in a piercing sound she didn’t know she could make. This time the stallion didn’t give a shit as he recklessly pounded her marehood. Estrus again betraying her, Spring’s body seemed to welcome her rapist; the for(c)e(d)play certainly hadn’t done her any favors! Perhaps her body was getting back at her for all those years of self-denial? Didn’t really matter. There’s no way this guy was going to not fuck hard enough to force in every last inch. “HrrrrrrmmmmmMMMNNNGG!!” With a sickening groan of satisfaction Spring felt a hefty pair of sweaty balls slap against her rump and their owner ground his heels into the floor to anchor to brace himself and lock in place. All Spring could do was try and hold herself steady as the stallion laid himself over her like melted cheese and not feeling almost as greasy. The poor mare was treated to a brief moment of respite, letting her really take everything in. His cock pulsed against her cervix. His breath drowned her, becoming her whole world. His sweat soaked into her pelt until she smelled more like him than herself. Their labored breathing made a duet to the anticipation of a memorable night. And beneath it all the taste of blood grounded her, cementing that this was real. This was happening. Then he really got started. With no build up the stallion jerked his hips back and started mating. Spring’s cries devolved into miserable sobs as he pounded into her like he was trying to teach her a lesson. Maybe if the whore just did some charity work without whining we wouldn’t be in this situation! That’s probably how he justified it. Thoughts that deep weren’t coming anytime soon though as he just fucked and fucked.. Who knew how often he actually got a mare? Suddenly his hooves tore outward hard enough to fully extend Spring’s braces, making them lock up, and continued out until his hooves pulled free of the slats with a burst of bent feathers. Locking up was a feature of the Pegasus’ braces mainly used for gliding, but now it just left her wingspan awkwardly stuck between the narrow bathroom walls. Grabbing hold of her hips the dark horse cackled with delight, spitting out words as best he could through his panting. “H-HAH!....WINGS!....Y-YOU LOVE IT!....WHORE!” His hips kept slapping the poor mare’s rear, forcing a choked sob from her each time and steadily battering at her womb. “YOU BUCKING LOVE IT! HEATED! WHORE! BUCK!” There were no more words after that point as the villain took his prize. By that point Spring wasn’t even trying anything, out of strength and will, eyes closed as she cried and sniffled. All she could do was take it, focus on not slipping, and do her best to stop counting the strokes.. Good thing Spring stopped counting cause it would have been a lot to keep track of! Her rapist seemed to be wanting his money’s worth, thrusting again and again with the gusto of the last man on earth. “Rrrrr….RRRRNNG…RAH-!” He started growling and grunting as his shaft swelled up inside the (ex)celibate mare, suddenly pounding with more aggression as he built up to climax. The extra force was slamming into her cervix with the desperate, primal need that only breeding brought out of ponies. The same instinct told the battered mare what was coming next and she let out a wailing moan. “N-NO! NO! D-DON’T DO IT…YOU C-CAN’T…CAN’T DO THIS-!!” Who really can stand up to nature? With a few final, decisive thrusts, that swollen, heated, fat horsecock broke its way through into Spring’s deepest depths. “HRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH TAKE IT WHORE!!!” Spring wailed as she felt the head of her rapist’s stallionhood swell up and lock itself behind her cervix before soiling her womb with thick blasts of eager seed. Shot after shot. Every orgasmic spasm made his whole shaft swell and she could feel every toxic drop that hosed down her insides. It webbed and pooled inside her, every last part of her. It was awful. It was evil. It was poison. Spring told herself this was just a nightmare, couldn’t really be happening, that she wasn’t just turned into breeding stock. “N-no…no…..no……” Poor Spring, broken Spring, in denial Spring. “....no………." Every part of her felt cold. The only heat in her body came from the noxious cum in her belly. “RRRRAH!!! YEEESSSSSSSSssssss….” Finally getting what he wanted, the panting stallion peeeeled off his whore and popped his rapidly-deflating cock out of her with a sharp pull, hard enough to earn himself one last pained yelp. “Mmmmm.. Hehe, see whore~?” The satisfied stallion sucked in a full lungful of sex-stink, stumbled off to the side, pointed away from his conquest, and KICKED a hind leg into the Pegasus as hard as he could under her wing. “STUPID BITCH! DON’T WASTE SO MUCH BUCKING TIME NEXT TIME!” The kick came too fast for Spring to react and she both felt and heard her ribs crunch, making her crumple to the dirty floor with a winded cry of pain, curling up in a wet mess of sweat and extended wings. As she curled up and struggled to breathe she could feel a thick dribble of slime leak out of her and down her flank, consecrating the grounds with a permanent stain of defeat. That was it for Spring Twister in this dirty hobo’s life as he casually took a leak and sauntered off into the night. The last thing she heard of him was a soft, sinister chuckle and the rumble of his stomach. One need taken care of! Time for a late dinner~