> The House of Pie > by onekface > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > First Week > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- How did it get like this? That was the question Limestone Pie wanted to ask as she barricaded the door to her room, pushing everything and anything that wasn’t nailed down to keep whatever was on the other side out of her sanctuary. So frightened she was that she even pushed her bed up sideway, button down her window, and created a fortress out of pillows to make a safe space. And if that wasn’t enough to deter her intruders, then her pappy’s 12 gauge pointing at the door would definitely put new perspective in whoever wanted to do her harm. If you’re wondering why a cool mare like her was running scared, then you might as well ask her about it. Though I wouldn’t recommend a frontal approach. How in the world did it get this bad? The sounds, the creaking floor, the moans coming from her sisters’ room. They were the very things that would haunt her nightmares. She can only hope that it would pass, and leave her alone long enough for this terrible week to finally end. As to how it started? Well… it began roughly… as she thought earlier, a week before. Her dad got a request from Princess Celestia herself to come look at the construction of the new wing of the castle. It was an honored post, with the promise of a hefty and lucrative business proposition. A request so sweet that it would be criminal to decline. But the timing was rather bleak as rock season was coming in. Even with the whole family here, losing someone as strong as pop would set their rock farm behind for months. Pinkie was the one who offered to bring in help from outside instead. The help being that of an offshoot family – The Apples. Or to be more precise, the Big ‘Red’ Mac himself. It didn’t exactly take a lot of convincing either. Granny Smith was more than happy to loan one of her young ones to help out a family in need. It was a sweet deal if you asked her. The guy was built like a workhorse, and highly motivated too. They’d get a hard-working stallion, free of charge, dad gets a preem contract from royalty, and the rock farm’s harvest is on time. The eye-candy that came with it was simply a bonus. Say what you want about the Apples, but their breed was downright superior in the physical sense. With all that toned muscles, roaring six-pack, and a jawline that could crack a cliff? He was a sight to behold. Mares throughout Ponyville could stare at those pecks all day, slurping cold cocktail and still feel hot and bothered at the end. But that was… of course until the third night… when Limestone woke up for a trip to the bathroom. xxxxxxxxxx Limestone felt her neck snap to the side when she caught a glimpse of Pinkie. Passing through her room she noticed a crack by her door, which was just enough to see that pink mane catching the moonlight. For a second, she thought that the girl was up to one of her nightly shenanigans, with that constant giggling and such. But that all changed when she noted a big, burly red figure beside her. “Aww… you poor thing.” Pinkie crooned, giggling at the stallion as if she was just chatting the night away. “You’re all pent up inside, aren’t you?” Limestone couldn’t hear Big Mac reply, if he did at all. He simply stood there, unmoving. “Being in a house full of mares must be really tiring for you. I guess you need someone to take out that frustration on, don’tcha?” Is she having a one-sided conversation? Seriously, she’d seen plenty of guys with few words, but that Big Mac was something else. Pinkie followed up by putting her arms around the big guy’s neck. Face inching towards him. She let out a cute giggle and laugh before her expression turned naughty and sweet. Her eyes sharpened down before she eventually locked lips with the big red pony, savoring the taste like it was the sweetest bit of filling she’d ever had. Big Mac reacted instinctively, hands grabbing over Pinkie’s body, pulling her closer to his chest feeling it down like he was patting her for any hidden weapons. Eventually those fingers would come to her clothes, unbuttoning and unzipping everything like he had done it a thousand times before. “Oooh~~~. Someone’s getting in the mood.” Pinkie’s bouncy boobs were the most noticeable thing that poured out of those clothes. Her cheery laugh was only mistaken by that seductive tone as she continued to kiss the stallion, sucking and trading spit. It was only after she had her fill, did she decide to follow suit and undo his buttons. Going on her knees, her little sister motioned to his pants. And in one skillful move, she undid his belt and unfasten his belt and pulled down his boxers. The stallion’s thick bulge sprang out a moment later standing straight at attention like a soldier. Even from a distance you can see it swelling up, pulsing like a living creature. Pinkie wasted no time pressing her cheeks against the veiny meat rod, sniffing it like it was the tastiest lollipop in all of Equestria. “Well aren’t I just the luckiest pony.” She said with a giggle, licking it from side to side, lubricating the mighty rod before slowly opening her mouth wide to give it a taste. It was the tip at first, which barely even managed to fit through her jaw. She spat, kissed, and licked it all over until every corner was moist. Big Mac seemed to be getting impatient as he whacked the massive thing on her nose making the girl giggle gleefully. And Pinkie was more than happy to respond, surprising everyone, swallowing the whole cock down. How in Celestia’s name did she do that? That thing must’ve been at least size of her arm, but she swallowed it all like was just a snack. The girl’s jaw expanded and her neck bulged from the sheer mass of that cock. She smiled lustfully as she looked up to Big Mac, eagerly anticipating his next move. And he did not disappoint. Who could possibly decline such an offer? Grabbing the girl by her fluffy mane, the stallion pushed in deeper, shoving whatever that was left into her throat. He began to move, pistoning her head in and out like a machine. Pinkie gracefully took it, choking and sucking like she had trained all her life for this moment. Her saliva splattered across the floorboard, creaking the old wooden frame. Limestone’s eyes locked onto the action like it was the best movie in the world. She knelt there, one eye peeking through the door, watching as her sister gave a deep throat blow job to another pony. It went on for another minute or two, with every second becoming more and more intense. Pinkie didn’t loosen her grip before his pace finally slowed. There was a change in Big Mac’s expression which only meant that he was coming. A little fast, if she had to say. Pinkie didn’t seem to mind though. In fact, you might even say that she was expecting it. Her hands held onto Mac’s moist shaft as she felt his balls slowly preparing to unleash its load. And it came none too soon either. The big red pony let out a satisfied moan as his cock burst forth. Pinkie chugged it down with a grateful hum as the goop flowed directly into her mouth. It must’ve been a bucket full because the little lady couldn’t swallow it all. Some leaked through her nose while a handful spilled around her cheeks. It took a good long while before she finally allowed the cock to dislodge from her throat. When the act was done, Pinkie opened her mouth, displaying what must’ve looked like a whole jug of cum before swallowing it whole. A few drips spilled from her lips, which only added to her sluttiness. “Hmm… taste like apple filling.” She cooed oh so sexily. “I don’t suppose you have more?” Big Mac must’ve taken that as a challenge because this time he looked motivated. He lifted Pinkie up like a sack of meat and tossed her onto her bed just as she giggled and laugh like it was all part of her seductive plan. The stallion pinned both her arms down as his tongue found its way to her body. He savored her taste, from the neck to her breast, down to her adorable belly button. “Eeep! That tickles!” Pinkie wiggled but found herself restrained by the big guy’s wholesome body. His hot steamy breath could be seen from a distance, hovering against her skin making the mane on her head stand up on ends. You could tell that the guy was getting ready for the big fight. His eyes gleaming with anticipation. “Ooooooh. Am I going to get punished?” His response came in the form of his cock, skillfully making its way to her spread out crotch. Even though it just fired a shot, the meat rod still looked rear and ready for a second round. “Oh my. That is quite… big.” Wait, are they seriously gonna do it without so much as a condom? Big Mac didn’t care. Moving his hands down her legs, he shoved himself in without so much as a warning. It sent out a shockwave throughout the room, making everything vibrate. Pinkie’s moan was loud and addictive. So much so that Limestone wondered if anyone else heard it. The act that followed, was like that of a carnal nightmare. Big Mac rode her sister, and he rode her hard. His waist pounded onto that bare fold like it was trying to dig for gold. Pinkie could do little but moan while her body surged with all manner of pleasure. She panted heavily, shifting her body aimlessly as if there was a more comfortable position, while each plunge sent her deeper and deeper into paradise. Limestone’s eyes were glued to that scene. She thought maybe she should look away, run to her room and pretended that this was all just a terrible dream. But she couldn’t… She would sit there, and watch as her loving little sister got her ass pounded like some cheap whore in midnight Manehattan. Big Mac’s mighty man thing would enjoy the feel of her soft, wet tunnels wrapping around his shaft. Every time he pushed in, a naughty squishy sound would ring, followed by Pinkie’s spasm, hands reaching to grab anything she could find. The pleasant friction of their bodies drove them onward, rewarding every thrust with a rush of adrenaline that only made him go faster. Either he was a natural at this or he’s had plenty of experience with other mares. Either way, he was a damn professional. They’d switch position again, and again, before finally brushing to the foot of the bed. Pinkie’s face was planted against her favorite pillow which was drenched in both her sweat and saliva. Heavy slaps on her ass where Big Mac’s balls were only made her expression go from blissful joy to a doped up drugged addict. “More… harder!” She begged with what little strength she had left, panting heavily as she was brought close to climax. Her breasts bounced madly, messing up the bed even further “Yes! YES! That’s it!” Pinkie scissored her legs around the stallion, begging him to stay. And Big Mac was more than happy to comply. His pace quickened once more as they locked lips, his hands grabbing onto those balloon sized breasts, gripping hard enough to leave a mark. They were in the zone. It was as if these two were in a state of ecstasy, all with the sole desire to consume one another. To breed like the world was going to end tomorrow. Big Mac then followed, grabbing the pink mare by the waist and pulling her in, holding that position as he unloaded a second round into her most private parts. You could practically hear his cock pumping and chugging from a distance, filling every room to the brim with his baby batter. Pinkie’s body twitched before slumping down to catch her breath. She bit the thick side of her pillow to keep herself from screaming. “That… was… awesome.” She managed to say just barely coherent to a sentence. “We should totally do this again.” The red stallion simply huffed and pulled her back in, startling her. “Or… are you up for another…?” He answered by shoving himself back into her cunt making the gal’s spine tingle. “Well… it looks like I ain’t getting any sleep tonight.” Her giggling voice would echo in the hallway long after Limestone was gone. The elder of the Pie sisters would make a mental note to plug her ears next time she goes to the bathroom in the middle of the night. > Week Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2: The following morning came without so much as an incident. Though Limestone had some difficulties mining the larger rocks from the farm. In fact, you could even say that she was kind of… groggy… or out of it. And who could blame her? Last night’s venture to the bathroom left her brain addled. Even now she can still clearly see Pinkie going at it with the big red, gleefully allowing herself to be ploughed like some kind of cheap whore off the streets. It didn’t help when she could visibly see how the two of them were connected. Her bare crotch and that big, massive, veiny, rock-hard cock of his, being shoved in there like a piston. There wasn’t enough pixie dust or alcohol in the house to wipe the memories of that steamy event. It became even more steamy when Pinkie started acted all clingy to the certain red skinned stallion. That girl became all droopy eyed, giggling childishly while tracing one finger down his chest. It got so bad when she openly grabbed the bulge on his pants and whispered sweet things to his ears at the dining table. Things that were undoubted not meant for innocent ears. Limestone practically had enough and decided to put those two on separate fields. There was only so much smoot she was willing to deal with before snapping like a twig. Besides, those two were bound to skip work entirely and buck all afternoon in the barn. At first, she entertained the idea of asking what Pinkie’s relationship was, but then decided that it was best to keep that night to herself. No need to add fuel to powder keg that already about to blow. So what if her sister had a more active sexual life than her? It’s not like she was prancing around Ponyville swinging that thick butt of hers, bucking every stallion that came her way. She should be happy that Pinkie found someone to be with. A sister should be supportive. Just like she said so with Maud and Mudbriar. A geode. Yeah. No need to be jealous. No need to be jealous at all. That was of course, until… the afternoon rolled around. It was right around after lunch when Limestone decided to see the progress of Big Mac. He was put in charge of smashing the larger rocks at the west field so that they can put them all in the east field. Maud insisted in helping saying that two ponies can work faster than one. A rare thing seeing how Maud was more inactive than most of the family here. Unsurprisingly, she found his work done faster than she anticipated and all the large boulders were chipped to smaller pieces, ready to be transported later. Say what you want about Big Mac. He was definitely thorough, and efficient. Normally it would take the sisters a whole weekend just to get these stones chipped down to size. And yet he was able to do it one afternoon, alone. The only thing missing was Maud, who was responsible for moving the dang rocks in the first place. She’s supposed to bring the carriage over and have every little pebble up and about. The first guess Limestone made was that she was duped. That Maud must’ve known that Big Mac would’ve done the whole thing all by himself and joined him at the pretense to help. Instead, she decided to skip work entirely and spend the afternoon reading. That girl was probably sticking her snout in a book somewhere, drinking a nice cup of tea while the rest of them were working their cutie marks off. Ever since she got her rocktorate, she’s been more of a bookworm than ever. Even more so when she moved to Ponyville. A rough guess would say that she was sitting that Pa’s study room, reading another lame grimoire. Well not today. If she was gonna stay in this farm, she was gonna have to work like the rest of’em. Or at least that’s what Limestone thought till she arrived at the study room. xxxxxxxxxx Limestone swallowed hard as she took a peek at the room from that slight opening by the door. From that little corner she saw something… unnerving. At first she thought that Maud was busy going through pop’s old collection of ye’old timey rock tomes. Something that she frequently did even when she was still a filly. But today… it seems like she was into something much more… adult oriented. “Thanks for your help, Big Mac.” Maud said in her usual stoic voice. “I really needed a subject to compare with my research.” The big guy didn’t answer. Instead he just stood there, or sat in this case at the comfy seat pa bought for himself some months ago. “I understand that this is a bit unorthodox, but I needed someone who I can trust and won’t speak of anything.” Big Mac blinked uncaringly, though he seemed focused on her words. “Mudbriar and I… are… having some trouble.” Limestone’s eyes widened at the mere mention of the guy. “We’ve made some attempt in… bucking… several times this year. But things… aren’t working out so well. As you can guess… he’s not experienced when it comes to… sex.” Huh… strangely enough Limestone wasn’t surprised. The guy’s thing was about as tall as a twig with the girth to match. “We haven’t been able to satisfy each other.” Maud continued. No surprise there. Hard to imagine him being able to please anypony other than himself. “That’s why I’ve been taking lessons from… this.” She pulled out a porn mag which was sold in the obscure corners of Ponyville. The image of winking Princess Cadance in a scandalous bikini being apparent on the cover. “I’ve tried all the positions dictated on this book. The agility required isn’t too taxing. But I’m not completely confident about how it would work in actual scenarios. So… if you’re up to it… maybe we can try them out.” Performing sexual intercourse advised by the very Princess of Love herself? Limestone wasn’t sure how to react to that. But Big Mac on the other hand, knew exactly how to react, and reacted upon it rather quickly. With a simple rush, he stood from the seat, grabbing Maud and pressing her towards him like a living wall. The girl gave out a quick yelp but calmed down after she realized he meant no harm. At least not yet. And from there on, it became a dance. The two ponies traded small kisses on the face, with the big guy’s snout trailing from her hair down to her neck, taking a whiff off her scent. He embraced her from behind, his big muscular arms wrapping around Maud like a pair of chains. One hand made its way to her breast, gripping it firmly but not too tight. More than enough to make the gray mare moan. The other hand slip down her pants, which he paused for a second. “Those are the new lingerie from Rarity’s boutique.” Maud explained, arms extended to hold the man by the neck. “It was highly recommended on the magazine.” Big Mac accepted the reason, and with a skillful maneuver he undid the panties underneath and slid two fingers into her private slit, letting the girl feel him. His hands would trace every bit of her body, sliding into places, making her twist and wiggle like a new born foal. If sex was an art, Big Mac was a damn good artist. He massaged every folds on Maud like a sculpture, removing one piece of clothing at regular intervals and taking his sweet time getting used to her shape. “You’re… you’re really good at this.” She muttered just as his tongue traced her neck. And Maud wasn’t kidding when she said that those lingerie were highly recommended. With that near see-through fabric, there was hardly any need for imagination. The soft fiber, and adorable/sexy pattern made it both beautiful and alluring. Each piece was held together by a single knot which was easily undone by an unskillful hand. A rough guess would say that this nightwear was made for the explicit purpose to be removed. The clothes were scattered around, with little care where they fell. Maud was bare as the day she was born. Her frame just barely even matching Big Mac’s stature, with only her legs were visible from his back. “The book says that I should undress first to give the male a sense of dominance.” She recited plainly much to both their confusion. “Afterward I should push the other person down to assert my own.” And with a little bit of strength, she pushed Big Mac back to his seat, hovering her body over his like a predator capturing its prey. “Now sit down and relax. While I handle the rest.” With a small smile, Maud knelt to his level and slowly undid the buttons of his shirt. His massive pecks flourished, sweat and heat steaming out of him after a long day’s work. She then went to his pants, and like before, his massive cock stood out, standing strong like before. Maud tried to remain calm, but she was clearly caught off guard with the sudden size. She most likely never imagined that a stallion’s cock would grow to such a length. The thing was probably heavier than both her arms combined. No surprise seeing as she’s been handling Mudbriar for some time now. But comparing these two was like picking between a toothpick and a meaty monster sausage. There just wasn’t any contest. You could smell the cock from a distance. It throbbed and moved, puffing out a naughty, manly odor. Sweat covering it with a thick must. A mare can undoubtedly go mad sniffing that thing alone. “Wow…” She said in a monotoned voice, with a clear hint of awe hiding between her tone. She quietly reached for the magazine, comparing the image with the physical object in front of her. “Umm… the book stated that it could be… big. But I don’t think they expected it to be… this big.” Big Mac simply looked at her face split by his cock and curled a small grin in response. A genuine glee of pride lingering on his face. Not wanting to let her momentum go to waste, Maud followed her book and moved in for the attack. Her hands grappled against the thick meaty shaft, her fingers barely able to wrap themselves around it. There was a brief moment of hesitation as she gaze upon the meat. Thoughts and regrets curled into mumbles. She then moved in with her head, tongue dragging across its strong frame. It reacted sweetly at her touch, signaling her to continue. It was amateur work at best. Clearly, Maud had little to no experience dealing with such a massive chunk. Her sexual relationship with Mudbriar clearly gave the girl quite the restriction in imagination which prompted her to ‘Wing it’ or ‘Go with the flow’. From licks turned to kisses, and kisses turned to spits. The little mare tried her best to lube the mighty rod, going as far as using her pussy juice to help. But sadly it was simply too much effort for a small pony. Even she could sense that the time it was taking to lick the whole thing was making the owner impatient. And so out of desperation she again went for the Hail Celestia maneuver. She chugged the whole thing in her mouth – or at the very least she tried. Unlike Pinkie, who can probably swallow her own family whole, Maud had little experience and little in the way of stretching out her body into ridiculous proportions. Heck, she barely even made it to the halfway mark. Big Mac soon recovered from the previous surprise attack but decided to wait it out and see what she was capable of. His arms cradled his head as he watched patiently at Maud’s admirable attempt of asserting herself. The girl’s head bobbed up and down from the tip to the shaft, tongue going over his balls lubing the whole thing. It was hard to tell what it tasted like, but Maud was certain she liked it. It was like a lollipop that never melts, but saltier, and heavier… like a jawbreaker. The big red stallion then grunted a bit, signaling the first of many comings. Maud noticed and tried to back out but soon found her head locked in by his muscular hands. Her expression ranged from panic to furious in mere seconds before she recalled that this whole process was totally natural for men. Big Mac’s fingers pressed her down and she felt the cock in her mouth slowly enlarge in her mouth. He demanded more and she complied if only for a moment. And then afterwards, it came. Big Mac pushed her deeper as he unleashed his seed down her throat. You could even hear his cock splurting down its contents, chugging what sounded like gallons. Maud was definitely surprised of the amount she had to swallow. The torrent came in so quickly that she could barely keep up with the flow. It spilled from her nose and her mouth, dripping onto her father’s favorite chair. It took about a whole twelve seconds before Big Mac was able to finish, slumping back to the soft comfort of his pillow before sighing with pleasure. Maud on the other hand felt relief as she was released from his hold, coughing loudly, spilling much of his seed to the floorboard. That was gonna be a bitch to clean up later. “That… that was… a lot more than what Mudbriar could make. And… thicker too.” She was able to say through pants. Her tone remained stoic, but even she couldn’t hide her amazement. There were some gunk splattered all over her face and chest giving her that sexy afterglow. The stench of his cock was immense, filling her nostrils to the brim with its scent. She licked the remaining contents with her fingers, savoring the taste. Limestone was even sure that she saw her smile genuinely just by analyzing the taste. “This is good. The amount of data I got from this experiment has been enlightening. Thank you for your help Big Mac. You must be tired. You can go and rest. We can pick up on this tomorrow.” But Big Mac had other plans. As if acting on those words, he grabbed Maud by the arm and pulled her in onto his lap, startling the poor girl. Maud let out a yelp, looking rather confused. She glanced at the big guy’s face noticing that cheeky grin before turning her eyes down to his cock, which was, again, fully erect. “Wait… how’s that possible?” Maud asked as if looking at an alien. “Your body poured out over a gallon of sperm just a minute ago. How can you produce so much in so little time? Mudbriar gets tired after a single shot. Are… are stallions capable of doing more than one?” She was going to find out soon enough. “Wait… wait wait wait wait…!” Suddenly Maud’s voice croaked. All semblance of calm stoicism vanished, replaced with a beady red blush as she was pulled closer and closer. “The… the book states that there should be foreplay before… ahh~.” Her legs unconsciously spread as she was held up to the air with the stallion’s bare hands. The tip of his cock touched her clit sending an unnatural shock through her spine. “W… wait. Shouldn’t we use protection? Just in case? I think… I think there’s one in Pinkie’s room.” Big Mac glanced at her with a boring look. A sly grin showing itself. “Nope.” And with that word of denial, he plunged himself in. The first of many thrusts sent an electric sensation throughout Maud’s body making her spasm in all directions. What was supposed to be a scream turned into a delicious moan. Her body stretching outward. “What… was… that?” She managed to slur her words out just as the big guy resumed his motion. “Wait… I’m not… I’m not ready.” Ready or not, Big Mac didn’t care. He was already in the mood and there was little she could do to resist, if at all. Slowly but surely, he continued his thrust, making the poor mare go through all kinds of emotions. Her hands reached out for anything she could grab on. She tried to push away but found it futile against the rigged chiseled body of that stallion. The girl felt like she was floating in mid-air, with a mighty rod plunging into her deepest depths. The man’s cock was filling everything inside. Even places where Mudbriar couldn’t even reach. The magazine to which she was so meticulously studying fluttered heavily before finally falling off into the pile of books. Soon enough she resigned to her fate, grabbing onto Big Mac’s toned muscles as if they were her only lifelines in an ocean of chaos. Big Mac took this well and hastened his pace. The sound of their crotches slapping against one another echoed throughout the whole room, enough to make Limestone get heated up with envy. “Big Mac… I’m going to… I’m going to…” Maud never got to finish that sentence as the stallion’s grip on her tightened. He planted his lips upon hers, silencing whatever protest she had. All that were left were her tantalizing moans. His massive arms, which were about as big as her head, grabbed her back and her ass, caressing them in their stern embrace, pulling her even closer as if he wanted to meld her body with his. Maud came a moment later, her body spasming for a second time, legs stretched apart. It must’ve been a pretty good one because the girl was panting so heavily that saliva was dripping down her tongue. “That…… rocked.” She said at last. Her expression clearly satisfied to the brim. “The book certainly… didn’t describe this experience to be… so… intense. We should do this… again.” “Hmph…” And Big Mac took that personally. “W… wait. What are you doing?” Maud’s eyes widened a bit when she suddenly came to the realization that she was the only one who was satisfied. The Big Red guy on the other hand… didn’t even reach his climax. “H… hold on. I’m a little… my body is fragile right now. The… the book states that there should be a… 15 minutes break between each climax for maximum enjoyment.” Whether that was a lie or he simply didn’t care, Big Mac was a stallion on a mission. Grabbing her, he pinned Maud to the wall and lifted her ass up, putting her flank and cutie mark at the mercy of his cock. Without waiting, he shoved his manhood back in, making the girl squeal with such delight that she almost fainted. Maud wanted to run, but found her legs lifted above the floor. Her whole body pressed between the wall, and those six-packs behind her. Big Mac was without mercy, thrusting his sword into her crotch feeling the walls expand at his every attack. His fingers followed suit, digging into her ass, massaging the soft meat within. The girl on the receiving end could do little but endure… and moan even louder. The slapping and pounding got more and more intense with every passing second. The whole room shook at their lovemaking, sending books and shelves scattering in all directions. Anything that wasn’t nailed down trembled and rocked, turning the whole place into a trash pile. “Big… Big Mac.” Maud was able to say, her tongue dangling from her mouth as she finally gave in to the pleasure. With the amount of pressure she was being given, she was sure that the wall on the other end would give in first, crumbling to a hundred pieces. “I’m gonna… come… again.” And this time, the big guy wasn’t going to be left hanging. His pace once more increased. The pounding getting faster, shorter. You could even see his cock growing even larger. Its size bulging from her stomach. His expression then suddenly became pained and intoxicated, giving the signs that he was just about reaching his limit too. He pushed himself deeper, locking his position like a gunner taking aim. It all came crashing down a minute later when his cock pumped into her like a hose. Maud felt like she was being filled. The man’s baby batter flowing in like a hot magma marking every inch of her insides, claiming every fiber of her being as his own. So much of it came, that her stomach began to swell in size. It was only when she could no longer stomach anymore did the big guy release her from his grip. Maud’s body slumped to the floor with an audible thud, her ass sticking upward with thick creamy cum spewing from her crotch. Big Mac’s cock spat a load more, spattering across her mane and her back, much of it marking her face. The expression the girl had was unlike anything Limestone has ever seen before. It was as if the girl had just snorted a hoof-full of pixie dust and drank a whole bottle of gin in the process, leaving her in a state of euphoria. To say that she was a mess was an understatement. “That…… rocked.” She repeated in a tone drifting from dreamy to dopey. “C… can we… do this… again?” Big Mac smiled.