> Anima Insecti > by Nakgulwepok > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 🕷 Chapter 0N3 - Rid me of the problem, do all that you can 🕷 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Twilight. Xjhz zu yq, Twilight. Xahq jxu qvwhwb, ungr jxu kdlu." With a strangled gasp, the alicorn shot awake, her coat matted with sweat and her body tangled up in the sheets of her bed. This was the fourth night in a row now where she had heard that voice in her dreams, speaking some sort of ancient and terrible tongue that she could not understand. While the words made no sense to her, the tone of the voice seemed to be entreating her, calling to her. It wanted her. She slipped out of bed, chest heaving, and did the calming exercise that Cadance had taught her all those moons ago. Gradually, the fright began to ebb away, leaving her calm but still mildly unsettled. Twilight swore at herself, for it was her eagerness for diving into any book that had brought this upon her. As she moved to the washroom to shower off the sweat, she recalled how several days before, she had been perusing the dusty shelves of an antiquated bookstore. She thought of herself not only as the Princess of Friendship, but also as the Princess of Books, and to her there was not a library or bookstore in Equestria that she did not know. That was until she found said bookstore, of which she was sure it had not been there before. And yet, by the state of it, it appeared to have been there for countless decades. This in itself was extremely curious, and it puzzled her, but she did not let that stop her from going inside. Now, for the first time in her bibliophilic life, she wished she hadn't. * * * The interior had been dim, almost bordering on dark, helped by the fact that the store was down a back-alley and out of the direct line of the sun. Motes of dust floated thickly in the air, making her cough. The state of the bookstore was awful, the whole thing feeling dilapidated, like it might collapse at a moment's notice. But there were books here, and if she found anything to add to her collection, she figured she could give it a dusting off when she got home. It definitely had not been a store to stock the latest releases; all the literature on offer was decidedly antiquarian. Some books she already had copies of, and thus moved on from those. Others she knew she didn't have, but something stayed her hoof. It felt like she was looking for a specific book. Or a specific book was looking for her. When she rounded a corner, she paused, eyes widening as she saw a book resting on a reading pedestal, standing out in the open like a signal beacon. The book was black. No, it was darker than black. It felt like the void given form. She ran her hoof over the cover, which was made of some substance she couldn't identify. There was a sort of leathery feel to it, but at the same time, she knew it wasn't leather. It made her shiver, and yet she found herself standing there, caressing it, feeling a strange sort of thrill come over her. "Ah, I see you have found the absolute jewel of my wares," said the owner, breaking Twilight out of her spell and making her yelp with surprise. "I apologize for startling you. Ever so sorry about that," she said in a low, husky voice. The owner of the store was a mare of indeterminate age who had introduced herself as Lost Words. Her coat was grey, her mane and tail as black as that book, and her eyes a deep, dark purple that nearly bordered on black. She was a dark mare, running a dark and dusty store, with a strange dark book that Twilight felt she needed. No, the feeling was more than that, it was like a craving, gnawing in her belly and whispering in her mind: You need this book. "That one is very special, and I won't let it go for cheap, not even for a princess." "H-how...how much?" Twilight asked, her eyes flitting back and forth between Lost and the book. "Everything." Lost Words said in an ominous voice, those abyssal eyes staring Twilight down. "Does that mean...all the bits I have on me?" Lost Words stared at her for a long moment, letting the silence become entirely awkward, before chuckling and shaking her head. "I don't want bits for it. I want someone who will read it, from start to finish. A book like this comes along once in a lifetime, and if you want it, you must read it. Every page, every character, every little bit of punctuation. You must give it your all. You must give it your undivided attention. You must give it...everything." "...I can do that." Twilight said, licking her lips, which had become incredibly dry from browsing the store. "So...you're serious? I can just...have it? No bits?" "Yes. I told you I wasn't letting it go for cheap, and I can tell that you will abide by those terms. You will give that book the attention it deserves, I know you will. I can see it in your eyes. You will read it, you will cherish it, you will love it. It will find pride of place in your collection. You won't ever regret acquiring it." * * * But she did regret it now, she thought to herself, letting the warm water cascade down her form, cleaning and refreshing her. If only the water could wash away the dread as well. First thing tomorrow, she would go back to Lost Words' bookstore and return the book. She wanted nothing at all anymore to do with it. It was an accursed book, a book of arcane knowledge that should have remained unknown, a book whose influence was ruining her sleep and slowly driving her mad. Turning off the tap, she stepped out of the shower and began towelling herself off. She could do it in an instant with magic, but there was something soothing about rubbing those towels all over. Levitating the towels into the hamper, she returned to her bedroom and settled in somewhat nervously, hoping to get back to sleep, and this time with no voices calling out to her. *** Thankfully, she had had a dreamless sleep after that, and woke up feeling rather refreshed. In a sense, it was as if the events of last night had not happened. But she knew full well that they had, and that today was the day for action. Though her schedule that day would be a full one, she knew she could fit in a quick visit to that bookstore before tackling her to-do list. And so, letting a yawning Spike know where she was going, and that she wouldn't be long, she was off. With a flash of magic, she teleported herself to that same spot, its location fresh in her memory. She walked down the back-alley and found...nothing. The store was gone. All that was there was the cobblestone wall of the alley, looking completely undisturbed. It was as if the store had never existed at all. "No, that...it can't be." She said quietly, staring in disbelief at where that store had undeniably been just days before. The black book suddenly felt so much heavier in her saddlebag, as if it were a burden that she had to accept and carry hence forth. > 🕷 Chapter TW0 - The Book That Bugs 🕷 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The voice, the voice again. She couldn't tell whether it was male or female. It just was. It spoke to her, speaking so soft and sweet in its alien tongue, and she didn't know whether to be scared or comforted. Could one be both? The more it spoke, the hotter she felt. The words felt like warm digits of fire crawling all over her. It was odd. It was...arousing. She couldn't see her body in this dark dream, but she could feel it, and she felt herself bucking frantically into the touch as it wormed down between her hindlegs. Yes. Yes. Yesyesyes! Yes! Don't stop! "KQE!" Twilight shouted, awaking to her body climaxing and making a mess of her sheets. She writhed and thrashed about, moaning and huffing, undergoing the strongest orgasm she'd ever felt in her life. It just seemed to keep on going, and she feared she was going to pass out, but eventually it let go of her and she collapsed, all weak and limp in her bed. "What...what the buck was that..." She whispered, sitting up and leaning against the headboard, slowly catching her breath. It was that wretched voice again. The one that filled her with dread, with unease, with terror...and now, apparently, desire. She was stuck with it, just as she was stuck with the book. That awful, awful book. That awful book she now found herself cradling against her chest like it was the most precious thing in the world. When she realized what she was doing, she gasped in horror and threw it across the room, letting it skitter across the floor. "Y-you...you stay away from me!" Twilight shouted at the book, pointing a hoof at it as menacingly as she could. She had no knowledge of bringing it to bed with her. Indeed, as far as she could recall, she had locked it away, well out of sight. And yet here it was, in her bedroom. Had the book somehow teleported itself? Or...or an equally unsettling thought: had she unknowingly brought it to her bedroom? Twilight searched frantically through her recollections, and found nothing. Something strange was going on here, and she didn't like it one bit. Reading the book had obviously released some sort of entity, and it was intent on getting...something from her. What exactly that was, she still couldn't say. Feeling utterly defiled, she leapt off her bed and strode quickly out of her bedroom, pretending as if that book wasn't lying there, as if it didn't exist. She made her way to the kitchen and, standing in the moonlight, put on the kettle. A cup of chamomile sounded good right about now. Yes, some nice relaxing herbal tea was definitely in order. As Twilight stood there, staring at the chrome-plated kettle, she noticed something odd in her distorted reflection. At first she thought it might just be the way everything was stretched by the curvature of the metal, but then she moved her tongue and prodded her...fangs. "Oh Celestia no!" She frantically backpedalled away from the kettle and crashed into the table behind her. She felt with her tongue again, and they were definitely there. Fangs. Aside from certain hybrid young, ponies didn't have fangs. But now, somehow, she did. The fear and dread came back in full measure. "Please let this be a dream, please let this be a dream, please-" "Twilight?" Spike asked sleepily, stepping into the kitchen and yawning. "What's the m...oh. OH." Suddenly he was wide awake, staring at his big sister, seeing the alicorn sporting two very obvious fangs on either side of her muzzle. "That explains the shouting." "Sp-Spike!" She hissed, then clapped her hooves over her mouth. Hissing? She didn't hiss. What in the name of Equestria was going on here? "The book, it's the book, it's changing me, help me, Spike, help me, h-help..." Twilight whimpered and curled up on the kitchen floor, rocking back and forth and muttering to herself. "Hooooo boy, Celestia's gonna have a field day with this one." *** Several hours later, with the sun now up, Twilight found herself in Celestia's chambers. Being there was always a comfort to her, for they were chambers she had spent a goodly portion of her youth in, whether it be reading, having tea, or cuddling with the princess. And whilst Twilight was a princess in her own right now, the mare who sat across the tea table from Celestia looked like a frightened young filly. A filly with fangs. "So...this book..." Celestia began, gesturing to the dark tome that lay beside her, "this is what you believe started all of this?" "Yes, Pr-...yes, Celestia, ever since I read it, there's been this voice in my dreams, speaking to me in a language I can't understand, and then...and then I woke up last night after...um...another one of those dreams," she said, blushing furiously, remembering the rather pleasurable wake-up call. "And when I woke up, I had these fangs." "Hmm..." Celestia reached forward and gently took Twilight by the chin, tilting her head back and forth. "Well, they don't look half bad on you." "Celestia!" The older alicorn laughed. "I mean it, Twilight. They frame your muzzle quite well." Celestia let go of Twilight's chin and sat back. "They're not thestral fangs, I can tell that much. No sudden, strong cravings for mangoes?" "Uh, n-no." "So you're not going to be joining the Lunar Guard anytime soon, then." Celestia said with a smirk. "I'm just trying to bring a little levity to the situation, Twilight. You're practically my daughter, and I know you all too well. You have a tendency to...freak out." Twilight looked at the floor, rubbing a foreleg. She couldn't deny that. "Until we know more about what's going on, you need to do your best to keep a level head about this." "Easy to say, Celestia, but you're not the one undergoing a strange transformation." "Fair," Celestia replied, and took a sip of her jasmine tea. "But you know what I mean, don't you? Approach this as you would any of your other research. Flip on that logical, analytical switch in your mind. Approach it not with fear but with the scientific method." "That's...actually a good idea," Twilight said, sitting up straight. Science! That was something she knew like the back of her hoof. Turning a cold, analytical eye on the situation would help separate her from the fear and uncertainty she was experiencing. And even if nothing came of it, it would be a well-needed distraction. "Thank you, mom! Err, Celestia!" Twilight had come around the table and embraced her warmly. In response, Celestia nuzzled into Twilight's mane and surrounded her with her warm, downy-soft wings. "Anytime, Twilight. I am always here for you." > 🕷 Chapter THR33 - All my tubes and wires and careful notes 🕷 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight paced back and forth in her bedroom, not for a moment taking her eyes off of the catalyst of this whole situation. The book sat on a reading pedestal, bound tightly shut (as she did not for a moment trust it not to open of its own accord). Tonight was a time for action. Tonight was a time...for science! At her bedside sat two curious contraptions: The first looked something like a seisomograph; its needle sat poised and waiting to begin taking measure of her brainwaves. The other was somewhat more arcane, something she'd jury-rigged together with thaumatic equipment and carefully honed spells. It was what she called a 'dream recorder', and she hoped it would record the visitation of that strange entity so that she could peruse it in a fully conscious state (and provide it as evidence for this curious case). Last but certainly not least, Twilight had conferred with Princess Luna about the situation, and Luna had promised to enter her dreamspace to see if she could divine what this thing was. The sun had now set, and Twilight, tired from getting very little sleep the night before, headed for her bed. She didn't relish further visitations from the entity, but she knew it would be back. And she knew she had to figure out what in Tartarus was going on. So, with a withering glance at the offending book, she got herself wired up to her devices, turned them on, and lay back against the welcoming embrace of her bed. *** "Nkrru, yk xahq." There was the voice again, crooning in her ear. Twilight wanted to move, but she couldn't. Her body felt restrained in the dream, as if bound. Cocooned. "What do you want from me?!" She demanded. At least she had found her voice this time. All the previous visitations she couldn't utter a syllable. "Q hlye ndj." It replied, and then Twilight felt something like a long, slick tongue trailing up her neck. It made her squirm. It made her moan. It made her wet. "I d-don't understand," she sobbed, hating that she was getting aroused. Hating that a part of her liked this, whatever this was. "Ahh..." The invisible tongue lapped at her neck, then began to trace its way down her body, matting her coat with its slimy saliva. It went lower. And lower. Part of her wished she could move so she could get away from it, to stop this eldritch seduction. But as sharp, unseen teeth began nibbling teasingly at her inner thighs, she found herself wanting it. Whining and whimpering for it. The entity just wanted to bring her pleasure. She should just...just let it...let it happen. She threw her head back and moaned whorishly as it began to devour her marehood, her needy clit winking against the wriggling tongue that she couldn't see but could certainly feel. It felt wonderful. It ate her out like a passionate lover, lapping hungrily as if it couldn't get enough of her. A dim recollection came to her: Luna was supposed to intervene, right? Where was she? But then that tongue slid deep inside of her and she was bucking her hips, crying out in delight. All of a sudden it felt like her bindings had been removed, and she reached down, running her hooves lovingly through a gossamer mane, encouraging the entity, wanting it. Buck, she wanted this so badly. Twilight could feel the pressure building in her belly, all that wonderful pleasure coiling in a mad spiral, begging for release. All of a sudden, it stopped. "N-no! Please! You can't leave me like this!" She begged, trying to move her hoof to finish herself off, but finding her limbs frozen in place. "Please...please..." "Ias lux yq, Twilight. Qvobus lux yq." The voice whispered, and she could feel hot breath washing over her sex. "Q hlye ndj zu qvobus." Again, that strange tongue that she could not understand...but the tone. It was asking something of her. Demanding something. She didn't know what it wanted, but as it began teasing her once more, she gave in. "Yes! Whatever you want, yes!" She shouted, and immediately that tongue was writhing deep inside of her. "I'll do it! J-just don't stop! Oh b-buck...I'm...oh Celestia I'm...ahh...ahh!" It was too much for Twilight, who let out a keening cry and came all over the entity's muzzle. It kept licking, lapping up all her juices, sending the alicorn into a paroxysm of pleasure she'd never felt before. Lovers for Twilight had been few, and this...this was leagues better than her hoof or a toy. *** "Lux ndj! Kqe! Q qvobus!" Twilight again awoke with strange words on her tongue, words fed to her in the dream. She didn't understand them, and yet, some deep, dark, primal part of her did. Something inside of her told her that it was an ancient language, older than Celestia, older than the hills. Whatever it was, it felt like it flowed so nicely on her tongue, despite the clicking, the hissing, the chittering... She shook her head, sitting up and trying to reorient herself. She removed the headband sensor and the electrodes on her leg, then turned to see what sort of results the machines had recorded. And what she saw absolutely baffled her. It defied all logic. The brainwaves recorded on the graphing paper showed not a series of peaks and valleys that would accompany sleep cycles, but instead it showed brainwaves that suggested she had been anything but asleep. The brainwaves showed her mind had been in a state that was beyond hypergamma waves. "That...no, that doesn't make any sense." Likewise, the dream recorder had not recorded anything, as it was primed to do so during periods of delta brainwaves. "No, I was definitely asleep. I'm sure of it." Frantic, she went to find Spike so she could send a letter to Princess Luna, wanting to know why she hadn't shown up. As she did so, she caught a glimpse of something in the mirror as she passed by the washroom, something that made her pause. She backed up and stepped in, looking at herself in the mirror, and gasped in horror. Fangs? Check. But now the rest of her teeth were sharp, carnivorous. And not only that, but her mane and tail were no longer the horsehair that she knew, but instead made of limp, gossamer strands. She'd only seen that kind of hair once before, and it belonged to one of her sworn enemies. "No. No. I'm...I'm turning into..." She began, only to have her eyes roll back as she fainted, collapsing onto the bathroom floor. > 🕷 Chapter F0UR - Beyond Hyper-Gamma 🕷 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I'm sorry, Twilight, but it appeared as if you were neither asleep nor dreaming when I checked," Luna said with a shrug, taking a bite of her waffles. "I promised I'd keep an eye out, and I did." Twilight slumped in her chair. "Then that matches with what my machines recorded. I know what I felt, it felt like a very vivid dream. And yet my brainwaves were not in delta. So if I was not asleep..." "A sort of trance, perhaps?" asked Celestia. "No...that would be in the theta range." Twilight said, shooting the idea down. "The brainwaves were extremely fast, beyond gamma, beyond hypergamma, falling in...wait, could it be?" For a moment, there was just the sound of the two elder alicorns eating their breakfast, chewing thoughtfully as they stared at Twilight, waiting for her to continue. It didn't take too long. "Lambda brain waves!" She said, pounding her hoof on the table. "And what are these lambda waves?" Luna asked. "It's an extremely rare brain wave. Hardly any pony gets near it, though I know it is possible if one has the intent of reaching it, usually by intense meditation. It's associated with mystical and out-of-body experiences." She says, her eyes widening. "They're not dreams! The entity is pulling me into a state of higher consciousness!" "...so...now what?" "I...I'm not sure." Twilight deflated once again, running a hoof through her new mane. "Whatever it is, it doesn't want to hurt me, I can tell that much. But it seems intent on turning me into a changeling, whether I want it or not." She exhaled and tapped the table with her hooves. "I guess...the next course of action would be to talk to a changeling." "Like Thorax?" "Mmm, possibly." She replied, biting her lip. "I was thinking more along the lines of...Chrysalis." Thankfully Luna had just finished swallowing her last bite of her waffles, or else she would have choked on the syrupy bread. "Her?! Need we remind you of her past actions, Twilight?" Luna scoffed. "This is insanity." "Lulu, hush." Celestia spoke up, giving her sister a pointed look before addressing Twilight. "Twilight, while I will admit to my own misgivings about seeking out Chrysalis, she...she might well be the one with answers, much as I hate to admit it." "What if Chrysalis is behind this?" Luna countered. "That...is also a very real possibility." Celestia conceded. "I don't like it, but I'm not going to stop you, Twilight. Go on and find her. Hopefully she is willing to help. And if she is behind this, then by Solaris will she have some explaining to do." *** At first, Twilight wasn't sure how to go about finding a changeling queen in hiding. Would she be tucked away somewhere in the furthest reaches of the Badlands? Hmm, maybe. Or, given her desire for fresh emotional energy, was she in one of the populous Equestrian cities, blending in with a disguise? Sounds promising... "Why don't you just ask to meet her?" "I'm sorry, what?" Twilight turned to regard Spike with utter disbelief. He'd been watching her pondering over the problem for some time now, sitting on a stool and kicking his feet. "Run that by me again." "Just ask to meet her?" "Do you know how ridiculous that sounds, Spike?" "But you were the one that told me that it never hurt to ask. Maybe ask, but uh...phrase it in a certain way to get her attention?" Twilight opened her mouth, then slowly clamped it shut, the cogs turning in her head. "That...actually, that could work, Spike. I apologize." She levitated over a piece of parchment and her writing quill. "It certainly couldn't hurt, you're right. And if it doesn't work out, well...at least we can say we tried it. But now...what to say?" Spike leaned on his fist, matching the furrowed brow of his sister. Then his eyes lit up and snapped his fingers. "I got it! What if you do a personal ad, and you say you're looking for someone with knowledge of rare and arcane books, and specifically a black book of possible changeling origin?" "Spike...that...that's brilliant!" She shouted, and pulled him into a warm hug, teasing his headfrills with her newly acquired fangs. *** And so the personal ad went out, expedited into the next edition of The Equestrian Times (one of those perks of being royalty). It read thus: Seeking an expert in arcane tomes, specifically in reference to an abyssal black tome of possible(?) changeling origin. I will meet at a place of your choosing. If you feel you can help, then please reach out to me ASAP. - Dusk Shine. Twilight knew that putting her actual name would draw too much attention, and likely much of it unwanted, so she used the pseudonym 'Dusk Shine'. Hopefully that would fly over everypony's heads and be caught by the one creature she was looking for: Chrysalis. Chrysalis may have been many things, but Twilight knew she wasn't stupid. And by letting Chrysalis decide the location of the meeting, it would give the changeling queen the control she desired and make her more amenable to the request. Now, all she had to do was wait. The evening edition of the paper went out, and she sat up with Spike, drinking cocoa, eating snacks, and watching a Power Ponies movie with him. Though she much preferred the magic of her imagination combined with a good book, she had to admit that the film was entertaining in its own way. Besides, it was worth it, seeing her little brother so enthusiastic and almost unable to sit still, moving about as if he was a character in the film itself. Seeing him like that reminded her that she needed to spend more time with him; family was important, and she couldn't let it fall completely to the wayside because of her royal duties (or her current situation). All the stress and worrying had her on the verge of nodding off, when a polite knock came from the castle's front door. She zoomed to the entrance, leaving a snoozing young dragon curled up on the couch. Twilight practically ripped the door open in her haste, startling the pony on the other side. "Yes?" She asked, eyes sparkling. "A reply came to your ad, 'Dusk'." The messenger pony, a thestral mare with a grey coat and a wine-coloured mane and tail, gave her a knowing wink, handing her the message. "Don't worry, princess, your secret is safe with me. Oh, and nice fangs, by the way." With that, the thestral was off, leaving a blushing Twilight standing in the open door of her castle. Closing the door behind her, she retreated back inside, and made her way back to the couch, gently sitting down on her side so as not to stir Spike from his sleep. She unfolded the message, and this is what it said: I believe I have some answers to your questions, Dusk. Meet me at midnight in Whitetail Woods. Yours truly, Madame Butterfly. > 🕷 Chapter F1V3 - Voulez-vous rencontre avec moi, ce soir? 🕷 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After carefully levitating Spike to his bed, Twilight ventured out into the night, the book in her saddlebags and a cloak covering most of her body. As shady as it might have made her look, she'd rather anypony about or looking out see a mysterious figure head to the woods rather than wondering why their princess was skulking that way at such an hour. She was thankful that it was the Whitetail Woods and not the Everfree Woods; even despite her abilities, the Everfree at night was something she dare not tackle if absolutely necessary. The Whitetail Woods, on the other hoof, was so very tranquil in comparison. While she didn't go there often, she remembered the few years that she'd competed in the Running of the Leaves, the path winding through those woods. She would like to participate again as a competitor, but as an alicorn she had a bit of an unfair advantage, apparently. That, and she was a princess, so she was more of a figurehead and sponsor of the event now. At least she got to hand out the medals, that was nice. The note hadn't specified a particular part of the woods, but she had a good idea where she could meet Chrysalis. At a turn in the path, there was a rather large and prominent tree, one that stood out from the rest. What better a landmark than that? It was exactly as she had thought. As she approached that tree, a figure stepped out from behind it. Tall and regal, smooth dark chitin peppered with holes, green eyes and fanged mouth filled with amusement. "Ah, Dusk Shine," she purred, stepping toward Twilight. Twilight threw the hood of her cloak back, and gave a polite bow. "Madame Butterfly," she said. "I quite like that pseudonym, actually." "Glad you like it, Twilight. Dusk Shine is not so bad either, simple but effective." The changeling queen moved closer, and the sheer glee on her face increased. "Oh my, look at you! What lovely fangs! And your mane, why, it could almost rival mine! Now I see what has you so spooked." Chrysalis gestured to Twilight's saddlebags. "It's in there, isn't it?" "Yes." Twilight removed the book, and handed it to Chrysalis. The changeling appraised it with quiet awe, stroking the cover. "Please tell me you know what it is, and why this is happening to me. Please, Chrysalis, you have to know I'm desperate if I'm putting myself entirely in your hooves." That smug expression returned to Chrysalis' face. "Well, since you're putting yourself into my hooves, I will answer your questions. But first, I want to hear you say it." "Please?" "Mmm, yes, but it's missing something. Two delicious little words to follow that." "...you have got to be kidding me." Twilight groused. "Oh, I'm quite serious, my little pony. You're a smart girl, you know what I want to hear." Twilight did know. She gulped softly, then swallowed her pride and bowed low to the ground. "Please help me, my...m-my...my queen." "There you go, that's a good girl, Twilight. It pleases me to hear you say that. Very well, I shall help you." Chrysalis says, making it sound as if she was being magnanimous rather than mildly manipulative. "So. This book?" She held it up. "This is the Chitinomicon. How did you come by this? This is the one and only copy." Twilight briefly told the tale of the curious disappearing bookstore, and of the strange mare who ran it, Lost Words. Chrysalis snorted with laughter at the suggestion that she might have been behind it. "I'm flattered, truly. A devious plan indeed. I like it. But I had nothing to do with this, Twilight." "I believe you." Twilight replied, and she meant it. With that demeaning request out of the way, Chrysalis was speaking plainly and honestly with her. "But tell me, what is this Chitinomicon? I've never heard of it before." "You wouldn't have, unless you were a changeling. As soon as I saw that ad in the paper, I knew immediately what it was." She paused, and flashed a toothy grin. "Although, you're well on your way to becoming one of us, from the looks of it. And all thanks to the book." Twilight huffed and pawed self-consciously at her fanged muzzle. "The Chitinomicon, it is said, was written by the very first changeling matriarch, Jyvmxeksqrilivysyx, as a way to ensure the changeling race would continue to prosper. The magic woven into it is turning you into a changeling queen like myself. It won't be long until your egg-cravings start and you will want to start your own hive." "But...no offense, Chry-" "Ah ah ah, don't forget the proper deference." "Gah! No offense, my queen, but I'm not particularly in any hurry to join the changeling race. Also, what about this entity that's been hounding me in my sleep? I have no idea what it's saying, but it's...um...I think it's what is moving the transformation along. If this is the work of an ancient changeling matriarch, then I guess it's some sort of changeling tongue it's speaking?" "Naturally. And I'm pretty sure the 'entity' you speak of is the matriarch herself. It is also said that she put part of herself into the book. She is coaxing you to become a queen. No doubt she's been pleasuring you as well." "Wait, I...how did you know that?" Twilight squeaked, her face feeling hot with embarrassment. "Pleasure moves the transformation along. When you give in to it, your body relaxes and the magic works at your body more easily." Chrysalis licked her lips and moved in close, nipping at Twilight's ear and speaking in a soft, husky tone. "I could always help, if you'd like. You're such a pretty thing, Twilight, and you're becoming even more beautiful." In any other situation, Twilight would have immediately backed away and rejected such an offer. As it was, she found herself locked in place, her pupils dilating with excitement at the idea. "I...that is...um...very kind of you, my queen, b-but...I'm...oh Celestia..." She murmured, shaking her head, trying to cast away the traitorous thoughts. This was Chrysalis, her enemy! The malicious creature that had plotted against Equestria multiple times, and put the lives of Shining Armor and Cadance in jeopardy whilst doing so! And yet. And yet. She looked at the changeling queen as if for the first time, and...she couldn't deny that she was beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous. "Thank you, but I'm trying to st-stop this. How do I stop it?" Chrysalis sucked in a breath, looking at the book again. "Unfortunately, that...that I can't answer, Twilight. I've told you all that I know about it. Though changelingkind has always been aware of the existence of the Chitinomicon, we've only ever known the basics. The details went to the grave along with Jyvmxeksqrilivysyx." "You mean there's no way to stop the transformation?" Twilight's eyes glistened with fresh tears, and she slumped back onto her rump. "I didn't say that." Twilight looked up at Chrysalis hopefully. "There may be a way to fix this." Chrysalis flipped open the book, making Twilight flinch. "Oh don't worry, it won't do anything to a changeling like me. How about this: you leave the book with me, and I will read through it and see if I can unlock its secrets. But!" She could see the joy in Twilight's expression, and went to quickly temper it. "I give no guarantee that I will find a solution. This is powerful, primeval changeling magic, long before my time. I may not be able to unravel it. But I will give it a shot." "Oh thank you, thank you!" Twilight cried, throwing herself at Chrysalis and hugging her tight. The changeling snickered and softly stroked the alicorn's mane. "I have two conditions, though." > 🕷 Chapter S1X - It's Time to Go to Bed (with a Changeling) 🕷 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Must you be so close?" Twilight asked, the little spoon to Chrysalis' big spoon. "Of course! I need to be as close as possible so I can enter the 'dream' and interact with the matriarch when she comes to you." "Are you sure this isn't just a ploy to cuddle with me?" "...It's not my fault you're so soft and warm," Chrysalis muttered under her breath. Twilight sighed and rolled her eyes. For a creature with deceptive wiles, Chrysalis seemed very transparent at times. At least being cuddled by your enemy was a lot nicer than fighting them. This was the first of Chrysalis' conditions...not the cuddling specifically, dear reader! Though I dare say cuddling should always be a condition of any treaty. Ah, but where was I? Oh yes, Chrysalis' first condition was eminently practical, namely, to be put up at Twilight's castle for the duration of her research and assistance. Twilight, being already desperate, agreed to this condition without batting an eye. The second condition had been a little more sticky. "You want what?" "A royal pardon, and this bounty off of my head." "Even if I did agree to that, you know I'd have to run it by the other princesses before granting it, right?" "Mmm...would you though? You'd be pardoning a single criminal: moi. Does that really sound like it needs the hoofmarks of every princess?" "Well, no, but...you're not just any old criminal." "How sweet of you to say! Are you sure you're not taking a shine to me, hmm?" Twilight snorted and shook her head, recalling the conversation that happened barely an hour before. But, she had agreed to the condition all the same. She only hoped that Chrysalis would take this gesture on her part seriously and turn over a new leaf. Despite the gripes she'd had with the changeling in the past, Twilight could see herself getting used to having Chrysalis around. Especially if she continued to be this snuggly. Twilight didn't want to say it aloud, but that chitin pressing against and around her was not only comfortable but also incredibly comforting. "All right, one more time, let's go over the plan." "Twilight, we've already gone over it twice. You fall asleep, I watch for the signs of changeling magic acting on you, and I jump in to confront the matriarch. Am I missing something? No, didn't think so." She said, not giving the alicorn a chance to respond. "Hush up, relax, and go to sleep." Changeling hooves began to gently stroke in slow circles on Twilight's side, and she closed her eyes, her body gradually relaxing and her breath becoming soft and even. *** "Twilight, yk sluuzex znyxvn." Twilight didn't have to wait long. There was the voice again. Only this time, armed with what she knew, the voice was undeniably female. "Jyvmxeksqrilivysyx, nkrru. Wxst jyxi, lhawoa." Twilight replied. She and Chrysalis had practiced this phrase before committing to the mission. Calling the matriarch by name would surely throw her off a bit, they figured. The rest meant 'Hello. Stop this, please.' Hopefully this bought her enough time to let Chrysalis enter this dreamspace. There was a long, long silence. Twilight wondered if the matriarch had gone away, but then she was speaking again, her tone sounding almost wounded. "Iba mxo?" "Because she doesn't want it." Twilight whipped her head around, and there she was: Chrysalis, stepping into view, her horn glowing to banish the darkness. The darkness began to bleed away, and there, for the first time, did Twilight see the entity that had been toying with her. That she was a changeling queen, there was no doubt. But this was the queen of queens, the matriarch, and it showed. She stood a head taller than Chrysalis, with iridescent, colour-changing hair, not unlike the royal mane of Princess Celestia. Everything about her just seemed a bit more: longer fangs, sharper teeth, a smoother, brighter carapace. "And I know you can speak Equestrian, so cut the act." "Oh, but it is only right that she is trained in our tongue, daughter, seeing as she is becoming one of us." The Matriarch replied, looking down her nose at Chrysalis. "Whose side are you on, anyway?" "For once? Hers." Chrysalis said, giving Twilight a reassuring wink. "I'm all for more changelings, Matriarch, but Twilight doesn't want this. I do think she'd make a great queen, but again, she just wants to be what she is, an alicorn princess." "You disappoint me, daughter. Have the ponies made you so soft that you're making deals with them now? Tsk, tsk." The Matriarch shook her head, then cast her gaze towards Twilight. "The change has already begun, my queen-to-be. Who better to transform than Equestrian royalty?" The imposing changeling chuckled darkly. "No, this won't be stopped. And she won't be the last." *** The dream ended abruptly, and both Twilight and Chrysalis shot up in bed. "Well, diplomacy seems to be out of the question." Chrysalis mused. "Buck!" Twilight swore, and smacked her pillow. "Now now, if you want some pillow pounding, I can give you that." Chrysalis crooned. "Not. Now." The alicorn said through clenched teeth, and Chrysalis wisely backed down. "Now what?" "Now I guess I read through the Chitinomicon and look for...oh no. Twilight, look!" Chrysalis looked at the pedestal where the book had been sitting, and it was gone. "The book's gone. She's gone." "Gone? How can it be gone?" Twilight asked in a panicked voice, leaping out of bed and checking frantically around the pedestal, hoping that maybe it had just fallen somewhere nearby. But it was indeed gone. "Nononono, this isn't good, we've got a rogue changeling spirit who wants to forcefully change...oh horseapples!" "What?" "'Who better to transform than Equestrian royalty? And she won't be the last.' She started with me, b-but...I think she's going to go after the rest of the princesses! Chrysalis, please, you have to help me stop her!" "Hmm...sweeten the deal a little, and I'll consider it." "Argghh! I can't believe you're bargaining again, now of all times! Be serious here! Your ancestor is threatening the security of Equestria, and..." Twilight trailed off, a sudden dizziness overtaking her. "Twilight!" Chrysalis rushed to her side. "What's the matter?" "I don't...don't feel so good..." She muttered. And then everything went black.