A Magical Love Triangle

by Starlight Fan

First published

Trixie and Twilight are in love with Starlight Glimmer, and Starlight loves them both. Discord loves making game shows.

Twilight and Trixie are both in love with their best friend Starlight Glimmer. This would not be such a big problem if Starlight wasn’t in love with them both. Discord immediately makes a game show to take advantage of this. This can only end so well.

Prologue: Conflicting Feelings

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Starlight had a problem. A big problem.

Well, how big it was is debatable given the chaos she goes through frequently but her problems had to do with romance.

She was in love with two ponies, Twilight Sparkle and Trixie Lulamoon. The bigger problem was that they were both her best friends.

They both had so many great qualities about them, and both had a really big impact in her life, being her first friends to ease her into reforming and all.

As Starlight was wandering around the halls of the castle, she thought more about her feelings for the two mates and how different yet similar they made her feel so warm.

With Twilight, she was pretty much always there for Starlight. Even as she fell, Twilight always was able to pick her up again. They shared an interest in magic, books, and in general, just felt comfortable around each other. She honestly admired how openly caring Twilight would act around her and even if it annoyed her at times, the fact she was protective over her did make Starlight feel fuzzy inside. Starlight also respected Twilight’s determination to do the right thing when motivated, and overall, they were each other’s rock when they needed them to be.

Though there was also Trixie, and she had just as many great qualities as Twilight has. She was the first pony Starlight could genuinely relate to when it came to picking up the pieces of your dark past. Other than Twilight and Spike, it was hard to connect with other ponies back when she was still reforming in Ponyville due to her social anxiety and the overbearing guilt she was faced with. With Trixie, it felt easy to bond with her. No matter how many times Starlight and Trixie went through their rough patches, Trixie always stood besides her, that meant a lot to Starlight, it really did. Starlight really felt that their friendship was able to overcome almost anything.

Unfortunately, Starlight wasn’t sure how to approach this new situation. Having a crush on two of her best friends is probably super weird and she was sure Twilight and Trixie would feel a similar fashion if she told them.

She doubts they’ll leave her, but their friendship would definitely become a lot weirder if she tells them that she has a crush on not just one of them but BOTH.

As Starlight was lost in thought, she accidentally walked into a wall and fell on her butt. She grunted once she realized what she did, along with the fact that she bumped her muzzle. Suddenly she felt a shadow behind her and looked to see it was Twilight.

“You okay Starlight?” Twilight asked in concern as she helped the unicorn up with her hoof.

“I’m fine.” Starlight smiled sheepishly as she felt Twilight’s hoof in her own. She immediately blushed at the touch as she got up, though immediately tried to hide it with a grin.

“Are you sure? You seem a little misty eyed lately.” Twilight raised an eyebrow curiously.

Starlight’s eyes widened, she wondered how Twilight was able to read her so well, but then she realized that it was Twilight.

“Don’t worry. I was just thinking about some stuff.” Starlight chuckled nervously, “It’s nothing too serious so don’t worry.”

Twilight didn’t look convinced but she knew that Starlight needed to tell her at her own pace so she decided to let the subject go, “Okay, but you can always tell me if something’s bothering you.”

Starlight blushed more at that statement, Gosh darn it Twilight, why must you give me so many reasons to love you?

“Don’t worry, if I feel I need to tell you something I will.” Starlight smiled softly to which Twilight smiled back at.

“I better go wait for Trixie at the entrance. She said she wanted to surprise me with something.”Starlight told her friend before walking off, sporting a guilty look. She knew that the next time she spoke to Twilight, she would need to tell her what’s going on. The alicorn was already getting concerned. Starlight knew that she could not make the same mistake with Trixie when she showed up.

As Twilight watched Starlight walk off, she sighed sadly. She knew that Starlight was upset but she didn’t know how to help her.

Spike soon walked by and saw the saddened look on Twilight’s face and grew concerned, “You okay Twilight?”

“I’m worried about Starlight.” Twilight admits solemnly, “She’s been acting weird.”

“Starlight’s always weird. That’s what makes her who she is.” Spike reminds Twilight with a chuckle before he earned a glare, making him smile nervously.

“I’m serious. She’s not herself.” Twilight explained to Spike, “She’s more nervous and jumpy around me than usual. It’s pretty odd, especially since she seems to act normal with you.”

Spike raised an eyebrow and facepalmed, “Twilight. Have you seriously not figured it out yet?”

“Figured what out?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Maybe the fact that she has a giant crush on you.” Spike smirked teasingly, “Come on. The nervousness, the giggles, the blushing. Those are the signs of a major crush.”

“Oh come on Spike. Starlight having a crush on me is ridiculous. We’re just friends.” Twilight scoffed with a playful smirk, but there was a clear blush on her cheeks.

“Don’t deny it. We both know that you at least considered it.” Spike flew up to Twilight with a gem eating grin.

“Okay I have.” Twilight snapped, wanting Spike’s relentless teasing to end, “I just wasn’t sure if she would ever feel this way about me. I mean, I was her first friend after Sunburst. It doesn’t seem like she’d gain feelings for me.”

“And you wanted to make sure you were confident Starlight did before you told her you had feelings for her.” Spike finished with a smug smile, which left Twilight shocked.

“How did you-“ Twilight began before Spike laughed.

“Oh please Twilight. I’ve seen how much you care about Starlight. It became pretty obvious after a while.” Spike rolled his eyes with a smile making Twilight gain a sheepish look.

Soon Spike gained a softer look and spoke seriously, “Come on Twilight, just go tell Starlight how you feel about her so you can at least get it off your chest.”

“Maybe you’re right.” Twilight softly smiled, “I should tell Starlight that I have feelings for her.”

“Wait what?!” They heard a high-pitched voice from the broom closet, which then opened making a bunch of brooms fall out one by one, but that wasn’t the big shocker.

“Trixie?!” Spike asked incredulously before glaring at the showboat, “I just organized those!”

“Never mind that.” Twilight said, breaking up a potential argument that would just waste valuable time, “Why were you even in the broom closet in the first place?!”

“I was TRYING,” Trixie began as she left the closet and walked towards Twilight, “to teleport to the castle entrance and surprise Starlight with this!”

Trixie then used her magic to pull a rose from under her hat much to Twilight’s shock and worry.

“Trixie wanted to make it known that I am making an effort to take her lessons on magic seriously.” Trixie explained with a hardened tone, “I also planned to tell her that I was in love with her but apparently you’re trying to come between us.”

“Come between you?” Twilight raised an eyebrow.

“Oh puh-lease.” Trixie rolled her eyes in annoyance, “Any creature with eyes could see that Starlight has a crush on me, after all, I am her favorite.”

Twilight glared angrily at that statement, she may not know if that was true or not but Trixie’s ego and narcissism were really agitating her, especially since Starlight was already going through some trouble.

“Bold of you to make such a claim.” Twilight narrowed her eyes at Trixie, “She could very well have feelings for me too.”

“Oh please. You practically restrict her from having any real fun.” Trixie scoffed, “Plus you are a princess so you’re not exactly a safe dating choice.”

“My bond with Starlight is very strong.” Twilight argued, increasingly getting more angry, “She likes me outside of my title.”

“Oh yes, your bond was so strong that you ditched her the moment your idol came around.” Trixie glared back causing Twilight to shrink back.

“She told you about that?” Twilight looked away, clearly upset at the memory.

“She told me how you and Sunburst left her out to dry when she and Starswirl argued about the Stygian situation. What is wrong with you?! I would never do that to her.” Trixie said, clearly spiteful about that incident she heard about.

“Hold on. Didn’t Starlight forgive Twilight for that?” Spike raised an eyebrow suspiciously.

“Well of course she did, but Trixie knew she had some lingering doubts about what happened that day.” Trixie answered making Twilight gain a shameful look on her face.

Starlight soon walked in and looked confused, “What’s going on in here?”

Trixie and Twilight both looked at each other and realized they couldn’t deny what’s going on.

“Starlight. I have to tell you something… I have feelings for you.” Twilight confessed, causing Starlight to widen her eyes.

“And… I do too.” Trixie said awkwardly, which shocked Starlight even more.

“The both of us were having an argument over which one of us you loved more and it kinda got out of hoof since we were making assumptions.” Twilight explained.

“Though we should probably have asked you about how you feel about us first.” Trixie admits, putting her head low.

Starlight sighs, taking all this information in before speaking neutrally, “Okay. You two are probably going to be shocked by this, but I love both of you equally.”

“Wait what?!” Twilight and Trixie widened their eyes.

“Darn it, I owe Pinkie Pie ten bits.” Spike crossed his arms, which earned him a glare from all three mares.

“Too soon?” Spike asked with an awkward smile.

“I’m so sorry, but I’m not sure how I can choose between the two of you.” Starlight apologizes, not knowing how to solve this problem.

“Perhaps I can help.” A familiar mischievous voice was heard much to the group’s annoyance.

Lo and behold, Discord had appeared, rising dramatically from the floor, phasing through it all the way up.

“Discord, we’re having a serious issue right now. We do not have time for your antics right now.” Twilight said angrily.

“Oh worry not Princess. I popped by to actually solve your little problem.” Discord said as he lowered down to pinch Starlight’s cheeks, which she moved away from, clearly weirded out.

“And how are you supposed to help us?” Trixie asked, annoyed that her frenemy was here.

“Well, it’s really quite simple.” Discord smirked before snapping his fingers.

Starlight soon found herself in a gold throne in a large studio, when she turned to her right, she saw Twilight and Trixie sitting on two separate chairs.

“Welcome one and all, today we’re on the exciting event of: Discord’s Dating Drama.” Discord said happily, much to the confusion of the three mares.

Discord grunted before turning to the audience, “You’re supposed to clap.”

However, only Spike was in the audience, “I can’t clap when I don’t even know what’s happening.”

“Ugh. You’re no fun.” Discord rolled his eyes, “The theme of this show is that we will be doing a game show with romantic elements to see who will be the best match for the esteemed former villain Starlight Glimmer. Once this ends, she will choose who she truly loves. Twilight Sparkle or Trixie Lulamoon!”

Starlight widened her eyes at this prospect, something told her she was in for a wild ride.