> The Slash Of Truth: The Whispers From Under The Bed > by The_Darker_Fonts > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 - The Fruit Family Household. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 125# 8:16am. Coalstone Village. Dear Dairy. It’s time to move on from my time at Coalstone Village, it feels like the right time at the right place. The area is nice, and the people are lovely but, my desire belongs to my family’s history and mystery as there are things I wish to know about the Fruit Family. My wife is supportive of my idea to move away but, my daughter is not happy which I understand very clearly. My daughter and her friends are irreplaceable, in all her time at the village, there wasn’t a day you could see one without the other. The first day when they first entered the village, I knew my daughter would get along with the folk and their children. Does that make me a bad dad? I feel guilty for making her leave for my own selfishness but, I hope she can forgive me one day. She’s mad at me, Cherry was caught trying to sneak out this morning by my wife. She made it very clear that she wanted to stay but, there are things she doesn’t understand, things that are my fault in the first place. I’ve been a bad father as we’ve been on the move from place to place, keeping little Cherry in the dark about everything. Where we are going is a historic home that my ancestors had built up with their own hands called The Fruit Family Household, famous for its everlasting age and its youth look, it’s kind of out of the ordinary now that I think about it. I’ve seen pictures of the location, isolated in the woods but, not too far from civilisation. The grass from what he saw was neatly trimmed and healthy, the trees that surrounded the mansion was elegant and graceful, a perfect distance away from the building, the gravelly path that led to the rich home. Wildlife is not an issue with its peaceful nature and void of carnivorous predators. It’s a perfect home if you wanted quiet life for a big family. By the pictures I saw, the manor was almost as big as the pine, tall trees, looking rich and wise in design, standing strong and carrying four floors including the at attic and the basement in brick, holding 15 rooms and 51 windows in its glorious state, it’s a spectacle to behold and I plan to discover its secrets. The moment I read about The Fruit Family Household in the stories of old, I knew it was something I had to check out myself and read into its history. True or false, the stories I heard are something of fiction and yet, understandable with all the new magic that started that era. Ghosts, spirits, rituals, I’ve heard it all but, one stood out to me as it was reported several times in articles about multiple murders in The Fruit Family Household and I want to know more, after all, I am an archaeologist, it’s in my nature. Something does concern me however, almost all the families that have moved in have been mysteriously missing, went crazy or murdered. They were rumours of course but, I take rumours seriously, so, I went out of my way to top the house with more security, make it more secure with motion detectors and cameras, I’ve got it already in the trunk of my car. I even have a gun on me just in case. It may be wasted money in the end, the murder reports were years ago when technology wasn’t the greatest so maybe, it won’t be the same, maybe I’m overreacting. Like they say though, you can’t be too careful. Anyways, it’s time to go, my wife is restless. It was an uneventful drive on the highway, a small smile on his face as his finger tapped on the wheel, listening to a jazz tune on the radio. Arctic Fruit was bored out of his mind as it was quite a long trip, his red eyes on the road. 4 hours on the road and 2 more hours to go, it was an exhausting drive but, he felt it was going to be worth it. He will uncover his ancestor’s history, Cherry Fruit will find more friends and his wife, Helly would find a job as a bartender. Cherry Fruit, a pink teenage earthling who has blond hair and green eyes was glaring at the back of his head, wondering if she stared long enough that she could burn right threw the headrest and threw the back of his head. She hated him at the moment, plotting how she could make his life a living hell. Helly was unusually quiet the entire trip, she usually never shuts up, the child of the three and always have some gossip to tell. Arctic wondered why… “What’s up, hunny? You awfully seem quiet.” Arctic murmured, glancing over from time to time as he noticed a small frown. She didn’t respond, so lost in her thoughts she was. “Hun…” “Hmm?” She replied, her eyes looking forward. “Are you alright? You seem… quiet for my liking. I haven’t accidentally hit the mute button, have I?” Arctic said, trying to add a bit of humour but he failed miserably. Arctic was baffled. “I’m alright, just a bit… tired I guess.” Helly sighed, the unicorn feeling her sand yellow body sag in her seat, playing with her brown, long, ponytail hair as her amber eyes looked distant. Arctic has only seen Helly like this a few times, this must be bad. “Are you sure your just tired, you don’t seem yourself at all.” Arctic said, sounding worried. “Well… you wouldn’t understand.” Helly muttered, her hand in her chin. “What are you talking about? I would understand—sometimes.” Arctic said with offence… and apprehension at her unpredictable nature. “You said it yourself; you wouldn’t understand what I’m going through,” Helly said, getting a bit emotional as her eyes watered a bit. “What are you talking about?” “She is talking about her favourite boy band that is breaking up, duh.” Cheery said with an attitude, her arms crossed and with a face on. That was the last straw for Helly as she breaks into tears, hearing the news again about the band that was popular with the ladies was too much for her. “I can’t believe they are going to break up on tour, I just can’t believe it!” Helly cried out, making Arctic deadpan. We are on the run, and she is worried about a sleazy boy band… She’s right… I wouldn’t understand… “Now, now there, hun. I’m sure everything will work out in the end, maybe it’s a marketing tactic to gain more popularity. Many others have done it before.” Arctic suggested, trying to comfort his wife in this terrible, tragic, grieving, dreadful, ominous, heartbreaking news that will deeply scar her for the rest of her life. “Oh, it’s confirmed that the Sizzling Gents have broken up minutes ago,” Cherry murmured plainly, as she looked through her phone. That caused another wave of tears to fall and for Arctic to sigh as the rest of the trip consisted of babbling cries, angry remarks and a bunch of head-butting the wheel, Arctic had to turn up the radio just to blur it all out. The stuff I put up with… After an agonisingly slow drive, the small family finally arrived at the private path of their new, potential home. The oak wood tree, the flowers and the bristle grass had a friendly atmosphere as the run ray shined down through the gaps of leaves. It made Helly look around in awe at nature’s majestic gift. They stopped at a gate that Arctic nearly crashed into as he made the turn. Arctic started to question whether he took the right turn, he wasn’t informed about owning a gate. It was electric – remote control accessed as there was a buzzer beside the house number and gate. 140, Fruit Family Household… We are on the right track at least. “What the hell.” Arctic muttered, exiting the vehicle and walking over as the soul of his shoes crunched the gravel under his foot. Arctic pressed the red button that buzzed, letting him know that it reached the other end. No one answered at first but, there was a crackle that showed that someone was on the other side. Arctic spoke. “Hello—this is Arctic Fruit… Is anyone there?” Arctic asked through the netted speak. No one answered. Arctic’s mind started to race. What the hell is going on? He looked back to the car with a confused stare as Helly was oblivious, darting around the woods with an amazed look while Cherry was on her phone. He sighed. Doubt they know anything about this... Suddenly, a man’s voice came through the speaker, making Arctic immediately turn. “Hello, Arctic? Is that you?” This voice sounded familiar… Clutch Flit? “Clutch Flit, what are you still doing here?” Arctic asked with suspicion. “You said that you had left yesterday.” “I know what I said but, something has come up and I kinda—need your help.” Clutch replied, an undertone to his voice. “Help? What help?” Arctic said, feeling a bit infuriated by this setback. “I know this must irritate you but, I’ll let you in and we’ll take about this more in person.” Clutch said and like that, the gate started to open slowly, revealing more of the path, trees and a part of the left side of the mansion. Happy to be one step closer to his new home but, slightly annoyed by the former owner’s appearance, he got into his car and continued to drive. He hoped that this wouldn’t be a problem. The first thing he saw when he turned was the black-suited unicorn with brown skin and pale white, freshly cut, gelled hair, wearing a frown as he had his hands in his pockets. Clutch Flit is a multi-millionaire as he has ownership over a new, up-and-running car company, selling sports cars that are worth millions. Arctic parked next to Clutch and scrolled down his window. “What’s the problem, Clutch?” Arctic asked, sounding too earnest for he wished to care. Clutch didn’t have his smirk that Arctic was used to seeing, this must be bad. Clutch deeply huffed. “My son… He’s gone missing.” > Chapter 2 - Gone. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 126# 20:47pm. Fruit Family Household. Dear Dairy. I have arrived at The Fruit Family Household but, I haven’t settled down yet as I wished to. It’s been a long and worrying afternoon for the Flit family – the family that I bought the mansion from. His son, Feather Flit had gone missing today, and with the police involved, the Flit family is going nowhere. Me, Helly, Clutch and his wife, Dime Flit who was a unicorn have been looking around the woods and double-checking the mansion for any clues. We found nothing in that whole search. Although I am annoyed that I have put a stop to my research for this family, I did feel a pang of sympathy for them. I couldn’t imagine my daughter going missing suddenly, lost in the middle of nowhere. It would make me sick of the thought of it. It was my first-time meeting Dime Flit, and she didn’t disappoint me in how I thought I imagined her to be. Spotless, beautiful and fashionable but judgemental, high-and-mighty and not too friendly to those that rival her beauty, let’s just say Helly and Dime didn’t kick it off well. Bless my wife’s soul, she only wanted to make a friend. Clutch however was being too friendly for my liking, sticking to me everywhere and starting small talk, which is fine but, when he tries to bring up personal stuff, that’s where I cross the line. My family’s secrets and wealth are not meant to be shared. That makes me wonder, does he know? Maybe that’s something I might have to discuss with Clutch. We shall see. Unlike Helly, Cherry has found a new friend in Clutch’s eldest son, Fenton Flit, the earthling in the family. I don’t like him; I know his type when it comes to the opposite sex. Charming, flirty, and rich, when I saw them together, I then had another reason for the Flit family to leave as quickly as possible. I won’t let my daughter mess around with people like him. I trust her that she could look after herself and make the right decision but, if he tries anything, I would be more concerned for him, with all his expensive clothes and snooty look, I think he would be afraid to touch mud, never mind get in a fight. Other than the search for the missing lad, I have looked around my home, admiring every room I’ve walked into. Obviously, none of the furniture, paintings or accessories belonged to my ancestors, their stuff is in the attic, where they have stayed for generations, waiting to be discovered by me. For now, though, I think it’s time to settle down, it’s late and I think it's best to spend time with the family. It’s going to be a long night, especially with the Flit family around. It wasn’t a bad night for Arctic, he was expecting it to be worse but, he was surprised at how civil the night was. It was a calm night, but obviously, there was tension in the air about the missing child. Dime was alone in the kitchen, a telephone in front of her, forcing herself to not bite her own nails. Clutch was in the front, smoking a cigarette in the cold, listening to the crickets of the night that conversed loudly. He just stood there, at the bottom of the stairway of the front door, looking up at the sky with a passive look on his bearded face. Fenton was in his old room, doing his own thing as he talked to friends and posted on social media, using his brother's disappearance for more attention. Arctic and his family sat in the living room, watching an action movie while having snacks. Cherry still wasn’t happy with Arctic, evident as she sat on the other end of the couch, next to Helly who was absorbed in the movie, her eyes never leaving the screen as the bullets flew, didn’t take much for her to get over the boy band breaking up, all it took was some company and a movie. Arctic heard the sound of a door opening and closing, turning to see Clutch step into the living room with a trudge. “Ugh.” He moaned, standing at the doorway. “All this worrying has me stressed; I think it’s time for a few drinks.” Clutch murmured, that smirk that Arctic knew forming for the first time today. Arctic couldn’t lie, a cold one did sound good around about now. “Ooo, could I have one?” Helly perked up, her hand raised and a big grin. Clutch chuckled, seeing the bright reaction. “Sure, why not, anything for a beauty like you.” He winked before walking out of the room. Arctic now knew where Fenton got his charms from. Arctic sighed through his nose, his arm instinctively wrapping around Helly’s shoulder, pulling her in as she gladly leaned her head on his shoulder, humming softly as they continued to watch the movie. Cherry just rolled her eyes of the sudden affection. “Oh Arcty, you are adorable when you get jealous.” Helly giggled, looking up at the slightly blushing Arctic. “I-I have no idea what you’re talking about, hun.” Arctic stuttered, making Helly laugh softly. “Oh of course you don’t.” She murmured, pecking the bottom of his jaw. “I only have eyes for you, silly billy.” Arctic grinned at that, he knew she wouldn’t think of another man in such a way but, it baffles him why she wouldn’t, Arctic knew he was fugly, a nerd and a pushover. Till this day, he didn't know what a beautiful, energetic and optimistic girl like Helly saw in him the first time they met. The moment was ruined for Arctic as Clutch stepped in, a bottom of expensive red wine and carrying four jewelled glasses on a tray, handing a glass to Arctic, Helly and Cherry to Arctic’s disapproval. Cherry looked over to Helly with a wondering look. “Can I?” Cherry asked, a grin slowly rising. Instead of answering, she looked over to Arctic who wore a frown. She shrugged and turned back. “Sure, why not.” Helly said with a peachy smile, making Arctic sputter and for Cherry to beam. “H-hunny, don’t you think she’s a bit too young to be drinking alcohol.” Arctic chimed in, watching Clutch pour the wine into each glass with a smug grin. “Lighten up, babe. She’s 19, I’m sure it would be okay for her to drink while we are around.” Helly replied, a reassuring smile on her face. “Yeah, don’t be one of them fathers that are boring. I–personally think you need something stronger, how about whisky?” Clutch said with satisfaction, leaving his glass empty as he walked back out, making Cherry snigger. Arctic just huffed as he turned to the movie, a bothered look on his face. “Don’t listen to him, love. I like you the way you are.” Helly said, leaning back on his shoulder as she took a swig out of her glass. “It’s not what he said that bothers me, it’s how he says it. People like him drive me up the wall.” Arctic murmured, a tired look on his face as he watched the movie. “I know, trust me—I understand what you mean but, that’s who he is, he is a proud man and has a smile that I’d love to punch but—wear a smile until he is gone, can you do that for me?” Helly asked, wearing a small smile which Arctic replicated. “I’ll try.” “That’s all I ask.” Helly hummed, cuddling in closer. *knock, knock, knock!* A round of knocks made the family of three turn, wondering who was knocking at this time of night. Arctic got up carefully, Helly losing her smile at the look on Arcric’s face. “Stay here, I’ve got the door.” Arctic muttered, walking with prudent steps. His heart started to pound, and dangerous thoughts came to his mind. If he was right, he knew who was knocking. Stepping out of the room, Arctic closed the door behind him, cursing that there was no sort of lock. He turned to the door where he could see a figure behind the blurred-out windows. Slowly, he approaches the door, his hand in his back pocket as he felt his gun. He held the door handle firmly and started to twist as he tried to sike himself up. He opened the door eventually and was surprised by what he saw. There was a pegasus man in a grey drifter coat and jeans, wearing a tired smile that he quickly lost as soon as he saw Arctic. There was also a fairly toned woman earthling wearing an ocean blue, woolly waistcoat with a white jumper underneath, also wearing blue jeans. “Uhhh, who are you?” Asked Arctic, his brows narrowed in distrust. The pegasus looked at Arctic strangely, his hands in his pockets. “I should be asking the same thing, I’m Detective Shepard, and this is my partner, detective Sweetpea. Now, who the hell are you?” Detective Shepard said calculatingly, looking at the white earthling. Arctic’s eyes widened at their titles, regretting his rude attitude. “Don’t mind my moody friend, Shepard.” Clutch said from behind Arctic, a bottle of whisky in his hand. “Please, come on in, brother. We have drinks!” Clutch offered, shaking the bottle teasingly. Detective Shepard snorted. “I could do with a drink, to be honest. Sure, why not?” Shepard shrugged. “How about it, Sweetpea? Fancy a few drinks?” “No way, my trainer would kill me if he found out that I was drinking whisky of all things.” Sweetpea quickly waved off, making Clutch hum. “By all means then, please come on in and make yourself at home.” Clutch greeted, wrapping his arms around Arctic’s shoulder as he moved him out of the way. “Are you forgetting who owns this house now?” Arctic said through his teeth, watching as the two detectives walked in. Then Arctic felt Clutch’s arms tighten around him, the sudden pressure catching Arctic off guard. “He is my brother and working on the case of my missing son, I don’t care if it’s your property. Now, if you excuse me, I’m going to be the host tonight so, sit back and be a good guest or stay out of my way.” Clutch said threateningly, his grip on Arctic’s shoulder tightening, making Arctic feel anxious. “Do you understand?” said Clutch, making Arctic nod. “I understand.” Arctic said, letting go of the breath he never knew he held as Clutch’s grip loosened. “Good, now if you excuse me, I’ll be on my way,” Clutch said, tapping Arctic’s shoulder before leaving. As Clutch walked away, Arctic could only glare. That night was full of chatter that Arctic was a part of, despite his clear dislike between him and Clutch, he was fond of Detective Shepard and Sweetpea. Turns out, Detective Sweetpea was an MMA fighter and was taught multiple martial arts from a young age, Arctic was not happy when Clutch suggested using some moves on him, his arm still hurts from that armbar she did. Detective Shepard however is very successful in his line of work, catching the most wanted mobsters and drug lords in Baltimare and catching a serial killer that has been terrorising Las Pegasus. Arctic must admit that is some achievement, he must be a hero in the eyes of many for catching these criminals. The detective was personally asked by his brother to help find his missing son, and like that, Shepard dropped his case to someone else and started helping. Arctic admired that kinda dedication to the family. Despite a little insight into the life of the detectives, they didn’t come to chat, they came to update the Flit family about their missing child. Turns out that there is still no trace of the child anywhere, no one has seen the description of the child, and no footage of him on nearby security cameras. It’s odd though, the detective said that no cameras had spotted the child but, there is literally a camera by the gate. If there is no footage of the boy, then it’s like the boy has never left in the first place or whoever took him found a different way out. It was slightly concerning. Something did catch Arctic’s attention though, the last time the boy was seen was in his room at night, being tucked into bed by his mother. That same night, Clutch and Dime woke up to screaming from their youngest son’s room when they got there, the room was a mess, and the window was wide open. It couldn’t be an earthling, no tracks in the gravel or mud so, this could be the work of a pegasus or unicorn. Another thing, Clutch’s best friend and business partner, Tucker was around that night with other business partners that work for other car companies. It can’t be a coincidence that the boy was taken that same night. Why that night and not any other night for that matter? After a long talk on the case, Clutch offered his brother and Detective Sweatpea a room to stay in for tonight. Agreeing, everyone had gotten ready for bed. Arctic and Helly had a master bedroom to themselves, a massive room with a king-sized bed and a bathroom for themselves. Cherry wasn’t fussed about the room she was staying in, just as long as the earthling had a bed and a desk for her artwork but, the one thing that bugged Arctic about the room was the pictures hanging around the room. Some were odd to the point of just being ridiculous, who puts large picture frames on equally large letters… the art industry is crazy but, Arctic didn’t say anything as Cherry looked happy with the art oddly enough. Also, this was the exact room that Feather Flit was taken from so, that gave Arctic more reason to be paranoid. All in all though, the room was a decent size and even had its own bookshelf that covered an entire wall by itself, Arctic hoped that she would get bored enough to pick a book up for once instead of being on her phone all day. The details of the kidnapping were haunting as Arctic was wide awake, he had locked every door and window to the house but, nothing reassured him, just sat there in his underwear on top of the quilt as his mind raced of the hundreds of scenarios playing in his head. A flush of a toilet knocked him out of his troubling thoughts as a door opened up, revealing his super-hot wife wearing nothing but red panties and a bra, her hair breathing freely from the ponytail, every time Arctic could gawk in stupefied awe at her lovely, soft curves, her round butt and her breasts, he felt like a virgin all over again. Helly caught Arctic staring and giggled at his expression. “That face, you remind me of the first time we had sex. You’re so adorable.” Helly said sweetly, walking towards the end of the bet with a sway in her step. Arctic was hypnotized by her movement, her tantalizing eyes leaving him paralyzed on the stop as she got up on the bed and crawled with a predators look, slowly moving to Arctic who wore a dopey grin. Arctic felt his heart pound as she got closer, what did he ever do to deserve such a woman? Eventually, she slithered her way on top of him until she was centimetres away from his face. “How about I take you back to the night we made love for the first time?” Helly whispered, planting herself on his crotch as she thrusted needily, wrapping her arms around Arctic’s neck as their foreheads pressed together, looking at one another with lust. “I think I would love that.” Arctic said breathlessly, the two panting as their hearts rushed. Helly was the first to press forward as she captured Arctic’s lips with a tender peck, teasing him with each gentle peck as her slower half rubbed against his stiffening erection. Helly moaned in his mouth as she felt her panties soaked, feeling her excitement get the best of her. Arctic had enough of her teasing as he mashed his lips into hers, deepening the kiss as his hands groped her behind with desire. She broke the kiss and stared suggestively. “I remember when you were too scared to touch me, never mind kiss me the way you did. You’ve really grown on me.” Helly said excitedly, making a trail of kisses as she started with a peck on his nose, to his lips to his jaw. “You let me do whatever I wanted to you that night, and you still do.” She murmured, continuing her pecking at his neck, his chest, to his stomach. “But—your different, you’re not a boy anymore, you’re a man.” Helly said, leaning down and raising their rump in the air as she kissed the top of the ever-growing tent in Arctic’s underwear. His heart skipped a beat as she looked up at him. “May I?” She asked giddily, slowly licking the covered head of his cock with a smile. “By all means, it’s all yours.” Arctic said with a grin, brushing away the strands of brown hair from her face. She chuckled devilishly as she wasted no time in pulling his underwear up and over the thing she craved. His standing dick stood over her proudly, twitching as her panting breath touched it hungrily. she couldn’t help by take in a whiff of his scent, its smell was strong and alluring. She needed a taste. Taking hold of his shaft, Helly started to slowly lick the underside of the cock all the way up to the head, sending a spike of pleasure to Arctic as he held the back of her head, wearing a grin at the sexy sight of his wife worshipping his penis with passionate licks that would send pleasurable chills throughout his body as her other hand snaked in between her legs. It was amazing. “Boop.” She giggled like a child as she pressed her nose against his member, perking up with a playful smile and a strand of pre-cum on the end of her nose. Arctic laughed at her shenanigans, not even sex could stop Helly’s mischievous nature. “Sometimes, I wonder how a guy like me has a girl like you.” Arctic said with a loss of air, panting like a dog. “I don’t think you give yourself enough credit, love. All I ever wanted was a person that cared about me and my daughter, and I believe that you're that one person.” Helly said, softly jerking his rod. “Now, let me take care of you.” Helly said, looking back down at her prize and enveloping the top, making Arctic gasp and grab the sheets as Helly’s tongue danced around the sensitive helmet, cleaning it of the goo that came out. She felt his hand tighten on her hair, slightly hurting her but, she didn’t mind it, it only meant that she was pulling the right strings and for that, she was glad she was doing a good job. Gradually, she put more movement into her head as she started to move down his pole to the halfway point and back up again, listening to his groans of bliss as she did this on a loop, using her drool to loob him up. Helly’s moans added to the pleasure factor as she rubbed her covered slit, feeling her juices stain the fabric. She couldn’t wait to have her husband’s big, fat, meaty cock inside her love tunnel. She loved it when he held her head, gently stroking her with kindness made her heart flutter, it made her want to go further down for him, to show him how much she appreciates him. It was subtle at first as she passed the halfway line of Arctic’s dick but, after a few more sluggish bobs of her head, Arctic started to use his hips to thrust up and feel the walls of the back of her throat. He wanted to explore more. Firmly, Arctic pushed her head down, ruining Helly’s rhythm and gagged by the unexpected force as Arctic’s dick went deeper. Instantly, Arctic let go of her head and Helly got up, inhaling air and coughing violently. “Oh my gosh, I’m so—sorry, I didn’t mean to—” “Shhh…” Helly hushed, putting her finger to his lips, wiping the tears from her eyes. “It’s okay, babe. If you want me to go deeper, I can go deeper.” Helly said enticingly, wearing a smile that put his fears of hurting her at ease. As fast as she got up, she quickly went back down as her lips slid down his maleness, feeling the familiar poke and prod at the back of her throat. Suddenly, she slammed her lips down, gagging as she willingly let his spear penetrate as far as she would let it. Holding it there for a couple of seconds, she slowly raised back up with her tongue sticking out as she rested the head on the tip of her tongue, letting Arctic get a good view of her handy work as she smiled cheekily. Arctic wanted to blow his load there and then to top off the heated sight but, with his dick now rock hard and Helly’s pussy ready to go, the fun had just begun for the couple. “Did you enjoy that?” Helly asked, wiping her eyes and mouth of her tears and saliva. “It was amazing, babe.” Arctic replied, watching her make her way up. “Good, now, lay back and enjoy the rest of the show.” Helly said, undoing her bra and showing off her perfectly sized chest. Arctic shuffled his way down onto his back, resting his head on the pillow and taking his underwear completely off. Once that was done, Helly didn’t hesitate to straddle the laying man, moving her panties to the side and grinding her fanny against his erection with long, hard thrusts, Her face close to his. Helly looked into his half-lit eyes and all she saw was love that she has come to know these past years, love that she was filled with by a man she didn’t deserve. She was counting her lucky stars that he had a heart of gold. “Are you ready?” Helly asked, her heart pounding with delight. “I’m as ready as I’m going to be.” Arctic replied, his greedy hands wrapping around her plum ass tightly, feeling it giggle as he fondled it. She giggled, wiggling her back end and took hold of his cock, lining it up with her snatch. Before she could lower herself, her lips met his in a passionate kiss, moaning in his mouth in ecstasy as his knob was inside her. Halfway down she was practically screaming down his jugular as her fleshy walls hugged their thick friend. The only place she was in was heaven as her pussy was completely full, stuffed with her lover’s meat. It felt wonderful, it felt satisfying, it felt incredible. Helly broke the kiss with a warm look. “Arctic, your inside me, we are one again.” Helly said with relief, her smile as wide as ever as she panted. Slowly, she started moving up and down, up and down, up and down on repeat, feeling every inch of the length and girth of her husband’s soldier, sending her body in pure pleasure. More—she wanted more of him. “Nngh! Nnmm… Hahn—oh—my—gosh—Ah, AH! Fuck… You’re so big, Ahn.” Helly said, trying to keep her voice down as her whole body shook as she landed each time. “He-Helly—Your so-Haa, tight.” Arctic just about got out, feeling his cock being enveloped by her warmth, feeling her soft melons on his chest jiggle. Helly couldn’t control herself with this man, she started bouncing quicker with lax, panting faster and louder as she watched Arctic do the same. She could feel him buck up into her pussy, meeting halfway, his nails digging into her ass and the feral face he has, he is close and Helly smiled as she couldn’t wait for the finishing blow. “Oh—Hmm! Oh yes, baby~ your close ar—Ahn! Aren’t you? Arctic… Hnmm—Arctic, oh Arcty… You and—ah ha! Me, baby~. Come on, harder—ngha! Fuck me, Arcty.” Helly said like a mare in heat, love and passion oozing from her sultry voice. That was the tipping for Arctic, catching Helly off guard as he flipped her on her back, covering her mouth as screamed from the sudden pleasure of Arctic sticking his dick back in her rosy tunnel as far as he could, tears of joy spilling as he ranged his dick in and out, in and out, in and out, over and over and over again. She had no words to describe what her body was feeling, her mind a haze as all she could think about was the man on top of her as she wrapped her legs around him. “Fuck, fuck me—oh, Hahn, fuck me, Arcty. Arcty—Aha, you feel-hmm, so good inside me, Arcty~, Arcty~, Arcty~, fuck me, Arcty. Baby… You- AHH!” She quickly covered her mouth again as she dug her nails into Arctic’s bareback as her whole body convulsed in a tremendous orgasm that rocked her world, paralysed as she rode it out as Arctic sped up his stabbing. “Helly—Helly, I’m-I’m gonna…” His sentence was cut off as she pressed her hand against his chest, stopping his movement, she had a better idea. Pushing him out of her, she wanted to pounce back on him as she felt saddened by the emptiness, her dripping maw looking for the thing she wanted the most but, reluctantly she controlled her greedy pussy. She had her fun, now it’s time to finish things off. Before she could wrap her lips around his rod again, she brought her plum, perfect tits together and engulfed them around his veiny, moist dick. He moaned as she started to suckle on his tip, massaging his shaft with her melons. Arctic’s heart quavered at the sight, watching her pleasure him with her tits, watching the member pop out between them as she licked the underside all while staring up at him with a look of craving and thirst. It was too much for him. Then it happened. When Helly saw his face and felt the bulge grow ever so slightly, she knew what was about to come. As soon as it started to erupt, she slammed her lips down on his cock as he spasmed in bliss, feeling his hot, sticky cum painting the inside of her throat white with each squirt of his cock that pulsed. She has felt this feeling many times with different men before, gagging as they grabbed her hair, and forced her to swallow each and every drop of cum but, nothing compared to when Arctic choked her with his cock—and she loved it because it was him, she couldn't imagine her lips around another man's pole. Only Arctic’s, no one else. Helly slowly made her way up, trying to contain all of his love slime in her mouth. A popping sound was made when she sucked out the last bits of cum from his member, happily showing him where all his sperm went as she opened her mouth wide for him to see. She watched him breathe heavily and smile tiredly, sweat dripping from his skin. Helly could feel a trail of his semen pour out the side of her mouth as it was overflowing. As she took multiple gulps, she felt completely whole at that moment, full of the love that only her precious Arcty could give. “I love you, Arcty.” Helly whispered with a tremor, using her tongue to get the last bits of cum on the shaft, heart hammering over and over. “I-I love you too, Helly.” Arctic replied, trying to catch his breath. The couple didn’t know how long they lay there, Arctic on his back and Helly still in between his legs, worshipping her husband's cock with light pecks on his helmet, dick and balls, thanking him in her own way. Arctic just wanted to feel this pleasure forever, cosy as he slowly petted her head, driving his finger through her hair. Eventually, she joined him in bed with a happy smile. “Well… That was fun.” Helly sighed in bliss, laying her head on his shoulder as her hand was on his sweaty chest, her leg over his. “You really did a number on me.” Helly hummed with a giggle, a finger gently doing doughnuts on his chest. “You? What about me… I’m spent.” Arctic murmured with a grin, his arm sluggishly wrapping around her as his fingers ran through her hair venturously. She purred at his touch. They stayed like that onto the sheets, both their hearts pumping rapidly as they clung close together. The afterglow was heavenly for Helly as she lay there with the man she loved, listening to his healthy heartbeat. As for Arctic, his cloudy mind cleared, and his thoughts came back with force. He was still worried about the reports of the missing boy and what that means for his family. The one that took the kid is somewhere out there, and Arctic couldn’t sleep knowing that the bastard is still out there, watching and waiting for Arctic to drop his guard. He had to keep Helly and Cherry safe at all costs. “Arcty—are you okay?” Helly said softly, looking up to see her husband with a frown. “Is it about what we did? Did I hurt you? I guess I did overdo it.” Helly said, making Arctic look down at her worried face. “No no no, God no, hun. You didn’t hurt me, you were incredible but, I’m worried about the one that took Clutch’s and Dime’s son, I'm worried about him coming back to take someone else.” Arctic explained, watching Helly snuggle up closer, tucking her nose underneath the crook of his neck. “Whatever happens, Arcty. I know you will be there for us, just like every other time.” Helly hummed, her finger exploring his chest slowly making its way down. “You believe in me that much?” Arctic asked. “Why wouldn’t I? You saved us once before when me and Cherry didn’t have much of a life, why not now?” she said, her eyes fluttering closed and her body went still, light snores coming from her nose as she started to drool. Brilliant… Arctic didn’t go a sleep right away despite his fatigued body, he was happy to just lay there, his wife next to him, feeling the rise and fall of her chest. He didn’t know how long he just lay there, looking up at the ceiling with a passive stare. He wasn’t thinking about anything, just basking in the moment as he embraced Helly’s warmth. He enjoyed this moment of peace, in the dark, it was a moment when he could step back from his problems and just—do nothing. Eventually, he would fall asleep unconsciously. He closed his eyes on their own and his breathing became more fluid as the dreamland called. As he was about to fall asleep, he heard a scratching sound that stirred his eyes to open. What was that sound? Where was it coming from? Arctic huffed, bothered by this irritating sound. He wiggled himself from Helly’s grasp and leaned up, hearing something else that sent shivers down his spine. Is that—a whisper… It was distorted, faint, out of air, it was in agony as it continued its grating and ghoulish whispers. Where was it coming from? He scanned the room for the misdirected voice that mimicked a voice of a boy in the darkness of his room. It was so far away but yet, that distant voice was in his ear. When the scratching got louder, his heart jumped as only then could he pinpoint where it was coming from. Under the bed… Slowly, he moved himself to the side of the bed to not disturb whoever was under the bed. When his bare feet touched the floor, he immediately raised them as something touched them. It wasn’t a physical touch, something warm and damp that tickled the soul of his foot. He looked down and his eyes widened at what he saw. Blood… Arctic scattered back, lifting his feet back into the bed as he watches the pool of blood growing from below the bed, the gooey substance staining the floor like an infection. Could…Could this be the boy? Run~ “AHHHHHHHHHHH!” A haunting scream of a girl woke Arctic up immediately as the top half of his body leaned up with a jolt, his body sweating like crazy and panting heavily. That… that sounded like—CHERRY! He didn’t think, he just moved as he grabbed the gun from his bedside cabinet drawer and got off the bed, running to the hangers on the back of the bedroom door and wrapped himself with a housecoat. He heard Helly also get up but, he never wavered as he opened the door and ran to Cherry’s room. Arctic heard other doors open on his way passed with tired groans but, he never stopped his mad sprint. When he reached the door to her room, his stomach turned as the screaming had stopped. What had happened to her? Arctic didn’t stop to find out. “Cherry! Are you okay!?” Arctic screamed as he barged into the door, expecting to find Cherry in a struggle but, the door wouldn’t open, something was jamming it. She didn’t respond to his call. Expecting the worst, he barged again and again and again until the door managed to budge open a bit. “I’m coming, don’t worry!” Arctic exclaimed, starting to kick the door as he heard something snap from the other side. He heard chatter behind him but, he never veered around as he gave one final kick that broke whatever was behind the door and opened wide enough to enter. Scooting through, he had his gun raised the moment he was in but, it was too late. She was gone… > Chapter 2 - Gone. (Censored Clop) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 126# 20:47pm. Fruit Family Household. Dear Dairy. I have arrived at The Fruit Family Household but, I haven’t settled down yet as I wished to. It’s been a long and worrying afternoon for the Flit family – the family that I bought the mansion from. His son, Feather Flit had gone missing today, and with the police involved, the Flit family is going nowhere. Me, Helly, Clutch and his wife, Dime Flit who was a unicorn have been looking around the woods and double-checking the mansion for any clues. We found nothing in that whole search. Although I am annoyed that I have put a stop to my research for this family, I did feel a pang of sympathy for them. I couldn’t imagine my daughter going missing suddenly, lost in the middle of nowhere. It would make me sick of the thought of it. It was my first-time meeting Dime Flit, and she didn’t disappoint me in how I thought I imagined her to be. Spotless, beautiful and fashionable but judgemental, high-and-mighty and not too friendly to those that rival her beauty, let’s just say Helly and Dime didn’t kick it off well. Bless my wife’s soul, she only wanted to make a friend. Clutch however was being too friendly for my liking, sticking to me everywhere and starting small talk, which is fine but, when he tries to bring up personal stuff, that’s where I cross the line. My family’s secrets and wealth are not meant to be shared. That makes me wonder, does he know? Maybe that’s something I might have to discuss with Clutch. We shall see. Unlike Helly, Cherry has found a new friend in Clutch’s eldest son, Fenton Flit, the earthling in the family. I don’t like him; I know his type when it comes to the opposite sex. Charming, flirty, and rich, when I saw them together, I then had another reason for the Flit family to leave as quickly as possible. I won’t let my daughter mess around with people like him. I trust her that she could look after herself and make the right decision but, if he tries anything, I would be more concerned for him, with all his expensive clothes and snooty look, I think he would be afraid to touch mud, never mind get in a fight. Other than the search for the missing lad, I have looked around my home, admiring every room I’ve walked into. Obviously, none of the furniture, paintings or accessories belonged to my ancestors, their stuff is in the attic, where they have stayed for generations, waiting to be discovered by me. For now, though, I think it’s time to settle down, it’s late and I think it's best to spend time with the family. It’s going to be a long night, especially with the Flit family around. It wasn’t a bad night for Arctic, he was expecting it to be worse but, he was surprised at how civil the night was. It was a calm night, but obviously, there was tension in the air about the missing child. Dime was alone in the kitchen, a telephone in front of her, forcing herself to not bite her own nails. Clutch was in the front, smoking a cigarette in the cold, listening to the crickets of the night that conversed loudly. He just stood there, at the bottom of the stairway of the front door, looking up at the sky with a passive look on his bearded face. Fenton was in his old room, doing his own thing as he talked to friends and posted on social media, using his brother's disappearance for more attention. Arctic and his family sat in the living room, watching an action movie while having snacks. Cherry still wasn’t happy with Arctic, evident as she sat on the other end of the couch, next to Helly who was absorbed in the movie, her eyes never leaving the screen as the bullets flew, didn’t take much for her to get over the boy band breaking up, all it took was some company and a movie. Arctic heard the sound of a door opening and closing, turning to see Clutch step into the living room with a trudge. “Ugh.” He moaned, standing at the doorway. “All this worrying has me stressed; I think it’s time for a few drinks.” Clutch murmured, that smirk that Arctic knew forming for the first time today. Arctic couldn’t lie, a cold one did sound good around about now. “Ooo, could I have one?” Helly perked up, her hand raised and a big grin. Clutch chuckled, seeing the bright reaction. “Sure, why not, anything for a beauty like you.” He winked before walking out of the room. Arctic now knew where Fenton got his charms from. Arctic sighed through his nose, his arm instinctively wrapping around Helly’s shoulder, pulling her in as she gladly leaned her head on his shoulder, humming softly as they continued to watch the movie. Cherry just rolled her eyes of the sudden affection. “Oh Arcty, you are adorable when you get jealous.” Helly giggled, looking up at the slightly blushing Arctic. “I-I have no idea what you’re talking about, hun.” Arctic stuttered, making Helly laugh softly. “Oh of course you don’t.” She murmured, pecking the bottom of his jaw. “I only have eyes for you, silly billy.” Arctic grinned at that, he knew she wouldn’t think of another man in such a way but, it baffles him why she wouldn’t, Arctic knew he was fugly, a nerd and a pushover. Till this day, he didn't know what a beautiful, energetic and optimistic girl like Helly saw in him the first time they met. The moment was ruined for Arctic as Clutch stepped in, a bottom of expensive red wine and carrying four jewelled glasses on a tray, handing a glass to Arctic, Helly and Cherry to Arctic’s disapproval. Cherry looked over to Helly with a wondering look. “Can I?” Cherry asked, a grin slowly rising. Instead of answering, she looked over to Arctic who wore a frown. She shrugged and turned back. “Sure, why not.” Helly said with a peachy smile, making Arctic sputter and for Cherry to beam. “H-hunny, don’t you think she’s a bit too young to be drinking alcohol.” Arctic chimed in, watching Clutch pour the wine into each glass with a smug grin. “Lighten up, babe. She’s 19, I’m sure it would be okay for her to drink while we are around.” Helly replied, a reassuring smile on her face. “Yeah, don’t be one of them fathers that are boring. I–personally think you need something stronger, how about whisky?” Clutch said with satisfaction, leaving his glass empty as he walked back out, making Cherry snigger. Arctic just huffed as he turned to the movie, a bothered look on his face. “Don’t listen to him, love. I like you the way you are.” Helly said, leaning back on his shoulder as she took a swig out of her glass. “It’s not what he said that bothers me, it’s how he says it. People like him drive me up the wall.” Arctic murmured, a tired look on his face as he watched the movie. “I know, trust me—I understand what you mean but, that’s who he is, he is a proud man and has a smile that I’d love to punch but—wear a smile until he is gone, can you do that for me?” Helly asked, wearing a small smile which Arctic replicated. “I’ll try.” “That’s all I ask.” Helly hummed, cuddling in closer. *knock, knock, knock!* A round of knocks made the family of three turn, wondering who was knocking at this time of night. Arctic got up carefully, Helly losing her smile at the look on Arcric’s face. “Stay here, I’ve got the door.” Arctic muttered, walking with prudent steps. His heart started to pound, and dangerous thoughts came to his mind. If he was right, he knew who was knocking. Stepping out of the room, Arctic closed the door behind him, cursing that there was no sort of lock. He turned to the door where he could see a figure behind the blurred-out windows. Slowly, he approaches the door, his hand in his back pocket as he felt his gun. He held the door handle firmly and started to twist as he tried to sike himself up. He opened the door eventually and was surprised by what he saw. There was a pegasus man in a grey drifter coat and jeans, wearing a tired smile that he quickly lost as soon as he saw Arctic. There was also a fairly toned woman earthling wearing an ocean blue, woolly waistcoat with a white jumper underneath, also wearing blue jeans. “Uhhh, who are you?” Asked Arctic, his brows narrowed in distrust. The pegasus looked at Arctic strangely, his hands in his pockets. “I should be asking the same thing, I’m Detective Shepard, and this is my partner, detective Sweetpea. Now, who the hell are you?” Detective Shepard said calculatingly, looking at the white earthling. Arctic’s eyes widened at their titles, regretting his rude attitude. “Don’t mind my moody friend, Shepard.” Clutch said from behind Arctic, a bottle of whisky in his hand. “Please, come on in, brother. We have drinks!” Clutch offered, shaking the bottle teasingly. Detective Shepard snorted. “I could do with a drink, to be honest. Sure, why not?” Shepard shrugged. “How about it, Sweetpea? Fancy a few drinks?” “No way, my trainer would kill me if he found out that I was drinking whisky of all things.” Sweetpea quickly waved off, making Clutch hum. “By all means then, please come on in and make yourself at home.” Clutch greeted, wrapping his arms around Arctic’s shoulder as he moved him out of the way. “Are you forgetting who owns this house now?” Arctic said through his teeth, watching as the two detectives walked in. Then Arctic felt Clutch’s arms tighten around him, the sudden pressure catching Arctic off guard. “He is my brother and working on the case of my missing son, I don’t care if it’s your property. Now, if you excuse me, I’m going to be the host tonight so, sit back and be a good guest or stay out of my way.” Clutch said threateningly, his grip on Arctic’s shoulder tightening, making Arctic feel anxious. “Do you understand?” said Clutch, making Arctic nod. “I understand.” Arctic said, letting go of the breath he never knew he held as Clutch’s grip loosened. “Good, now if you excuse me, I’ll be on my way,” Clutch said, tapping Arctic’s shoulder before leaving. As Clutch walked away, Arctic could only glare. That night was full of chatter that Arctic was a part of, despite his clear dislike between him and Clutch, he was fond of Detective Shepard and Sweetpea. Turns out, Detective Sweetpea was an MMA fighter and was taught multiple martial arts from a young age, Arctic was not happy when Clutch suggested using some moves on him, his arm still hurts from that armbar she did. Detective Shepard however is very successful in his line of work, catching the most wanted mobsters and drug lords in Baltimare and catching a serial killer that has been terrorising Las Pegasus. Arctic must admit that is some achievement, he must be a hero in the eyes of many for catching these criminals. The detective was personally asked by his brother to help find his missing son, and like that, Shepard dropped his case to someone else and started helping. Arctic admired that kinda dedication to the family. Despite a little insight into the life of the detectives, they didn’t come to chat, they came to update the Flit family about their missing child. Turns out that there is still no trace of the child anywhere, no one has seen the description of the child, and no footage of him on nearby security cameras. It’s odd though, the detective said that no cameras had spotted the child but, there is literally a camera by the gate. If there is no footage of the boy, then it’s like the boy has never left in the first place or whoever took him found a different way out. It was slightly concerning. Something did catch Arctic’s attention though, the last time the boy was seen was in his room at night, being tucked into bed by his mother. That same night, Clutch and Dime woke up to screaming from their youngest son’s room when they got there, the room was a mess, and the window was wide open. It couldn’t be an earthling, no tracks in the gravel or mud so, this could be the work of a pegasus or unicorn. Another thing, Clutch’s best friend and business partner, Tucker was around that night with other business partners that work for other car companies. It can’t be a coincidence that the boy was taken that same night. Why that night and not any other night for that matter? After a long talk on the case, Clutch offered his brother and Detective Sweatpea a room to stay in for tonight. Agreeing, everyone had gotten ready for bed. Arctic and Helly had a master bedroom to themselves, a massive room with a king-sized bed and a bathroom for themselves. Cherry wasn’t fussed about the room she was staying in, just as long as the earthling had a bed and a desk for her artwork but, the one thing that bugged Arctic about the room was the pictures hanging around the room. Some were odd to the point of just being ridiculous, who puts large picture frames on equally large letters… the art industry is crazy but, Arctic didn’t say anything as Cherry looked happy with the art oddly enough. Also, this was the exact room that Feather Flit was taken from so, that gave Arctic more reason to be paranoid. All in all though, the room was a decent size and even had its own bookshelf that covered an entire wall by itself, Arctic hoped that she would get bored enough to pick a book up for once instead of being on her phone all day. The details of the kidnapping were haunting as Arctic was wide awake, he had locked every door and window to the house but, nothing reassured him, just sat there in his underwear on top of the quilt as his mind raced of the hundreds of scenarios playing in his head. A flush of a toilet knocked him out of his troubling thoughts as a door opened up, revealing his super-hot wife wearing nothing but red panties and a bra, her hair breathing freely from the ponytail, every time Arctic could gawk in stupefied awe at her lovely, soft curves, her round butt and her breasts, he felt like a virgin all over again. Helly caught Arctic staring and giggled at his expression. “That face, you remind me of the first time we had sex. You’re so adorable.” Helly said sweetly, walking towards the end of the bet with a sway in her step. Arctic was hypnotized by her movement, her tantalizing eyes leaving him paralyzed on the stop as she got up on the bed and crawled with a predators look, slowly moving to Arctic who wore a dopey grin. Arctic felt his heart pound as she got closer, what did he ever do to deserve such a woman? Eventually, she slithered her way on top of him until she was centimetres away from his face. “How about I take you back to the night we made love for the first time?” Helly whispered, planting herself on his crotch as she thrusted needily, wrapping her arms around Arctic’s neck as their foreheads pressed together, looking at one another with lust. “I think I would love that.” Arctic said breathlessly, the two panting as their hearts rushed. “Well… That was fun.” Helly sighed in bliss, laying her head on his shoulder as her hand was on his sweaty chest, her leg over his. “You really did a number on me.” Helly hummed with a giggle, a finger gently doing doughnuts on his chest. “You? What about me… I’m spent.” Arctic murmured with a grin, his arm sluggishly wrapping around her as his fingers ran through her hair venturously. She purred at his touch. They stayed like that onto the sheets, both their hearts pumping rapidly as they clung close together. The afterglow was heavenly for Helly as she lay there with the man she loved, listening to his healthy heartbeat. As for Arctic, his cloudy mind cleared, and his thoughts came back with force. He was still worried about the reports of the missing boy and what that means for his family. The one that took the kid is somewhere out there, and Arctic couldn’t sleep knowing that the bastard is still out there, watching and waiting for Arctic to drop his guard. He had to keep Helly and Cherry safe at all costs. “Arcty—are you okay?” Helly said softly, looking up to see her husband with a frown. “Is it about what we did? Did I hurt you? I guess I did overdo it.” Helly said, making Arctic look down at her worried face. “No no no, God no, hun. You didn’t hurt me, you were incredible but, I’m worried about the one that took Clutch’s and Dime’s son, I'm worried about him coming back to take someone else.” Arctic explained, watching Helly snuggle up closer, tucking her nose underneath the crook of his neck. “Whatever happens, Arcty. I know you will be there for us, just like every other time.” Helly hummed, her finger exploring his chest slowly making its way down. “You believe in me that much?” Arctic asked. “Why wouldn’t I? You saved us once before when me and Cherry didn’t have much of a life, why not now?” she said, her eyes fluttering closed and her body went still, light snores coming from her nose as she started to drool. Brilliant… Arctic didn’t go a sleep right away despite his fatigued body, he was happy to just lay there, his wife next to him, feeling the rise and fall of her chest. He didn’t know how long he just lay there, looking up at the ceiling with a passive stare. He wasn’t thinking about anything, just basking in the moment as he embraced Helly’s warmth. He enjoyed this moment of peace, in the dark, it was a moment when he could step back from his problems and just—do nothing. Eventually, he would fall asleep unconsciously. He closed his eyes on their own and his breathing became more fluid as the dreamland called. As he was about to fall asleep, he heard a scratching sound that stirred his eyes to open. What was that sound? Where was it coming from? Arctic huffed, bothered by this irritating sound. He wiggled himself from Helly’s grasp and leaned up, hearing something else that sent shivers down his spine. Is that—a whisper… It was distorted, faint, out of air, it was in agony as it continued its grating and ghoulish whispers. Where was it coming from? He scanned the room for the misdirected voice that mimicked a voice of a boy in the darkness of his room. It was so far away but yet, that distant voice was in his ear. When the scratching got louder, his heart jumped as only then could he pinpoint where it was coming from. Under the bed… Slowly, he moved himself to the side of the bed to not disturb whoever was under the bed. When his bare feet touched the floor, he immediately raised them as something touched them. It wasn’t a physical touch, something warm and damp that tickled the soul of his foot. He looked down and his eyes widened at what he saw. Blood… Arctic scattered back, lifting his feet back into the bed as he watches the pool of blood growing from below the bed, the gooey substance staining the floor like an infection. Could…Could this be the boy? Run~ “AHHHHHHHHHHH!” A haunting scream of a girl woke Arctic up immediately as the top half of his body leaned up with a jolt, his body sweating like crazy and panting heavily. That… that sounded like—CHERRY! He didn’t think, he just moved as he grabbed the gun from his bedside cabinet drawer and got off the bed, running to the hangers on the back of the bedroom door and wrapped himself with a housecoat. He heard Helly also get up but, he never wavered as he opened the door and ran to Cherry’s room. Arctic heard other doors open on his way passed with tired groans but, he never stopped his mad sprint. When he reached the door to her room, his stomach turned as the screaming had stopped. What had happened to her? Arctic didn’t stop to find out. “Cherry! Are you okay!?” Arctic screamed as he barged into the door, expecting to find Cherry in a struggle but, the door wouldn’t open, something was jamming it. She didn’t respond to his call. Expecting the worst, he barged again and again and again until the door managed to budge open a bit. “I’m coming, don’t worry!” Arctic exclaimed, starting to kick the door as he heard something snap from the other side. He heard chatter behind him but, he never veered around as he gave one final kick that broke whatever was behind the door and opened wide enough to enter. Scooting through, he had his gun raised the moment he was in but, it was too late. She was gone… > Chapter 3 - Top Hat. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 127# 06:52am. Fruit Family Household. Dear Dairy. Last night, I had my heart rushing with love one minute and the next I had it ripped out of me. My daughter has been taken and I have no idea where to start looking, so, I’ve just started looking. In every room on every floor, in the attic and basement, outside in the woods and beyond the gates as I waved my gun like a fucking lunatic. I never stopped, I didn’t want to stop, I couldn’t stop, and I wouldn’t let myself. The only reason I’m here writing in my diary now is because of Detective Sweetpea, holding me in that god-forsaken arm lock. Helly is as frantic as I am, going as far as slapping Clutch for trying to grab hold of her. She’s with me in our room, balling her eyes out in the shower. I haven’t slept, and neither has Helly. I wish I could console her, I wish I could make everything be alright with a snap of my fingers but, I know that’s not how things work. Detective Shepard and Detective Sweetpea were first to investigate while I ran around like a headless chicken. Once they did all they could, they reported their findings to me and Helly but, what they told us was terrifying. They told me it was like she just vanished, it was clear that there was a struggle but, in all of Shepard’s time being a detective, he has never felt so outplayed. With nothing suggesting that she had ever been taken, it was hard to find a lead. The windows were locked and untouched so the suspect must have entered through the door, with a wooden chair lodging the hand, it was obvious that whoever did this was trying to keep us out but, what baffled us all was how they escaped with Cherry. I was at the door before whoever was making my daughter scream could walk out, the windows were untouched, and there were no other doors in the room. I did think that it was a unicorn’s doing as they have the power to teleport themselves and others but, that was quickly shut down as Detective Shepard used a device to detect magical traces, there was a faint magical power in that room but, not enough for it to be a teleportation spell. It was like she truly vanished. As I’m writing this, something just popped in my head. I did find it odd that it was the same room that the Clutch’s son was taken in. I might be overthinking things but, why would the kidnapper go into the same room, knowing that there was no one inside? Unless someone knew she was in there, someone inside this house. This might be just me and the lack of sleep but, I believe someone in this house has taken Cherry, and I intend to find out with a low profile. I don’t trust anyone in this house except Helly but, I can’t let her get involved for her own protection but, at the same time I can’t leave her alone. What I’m about to do can go either way, I only hope it is the good way. “Do you have any enemies? Anyone that have a motive against you or your family?” Sweetpea asked across the table where Arctic and Helly sat dishevelled and exhausted as they both drank coffee from their mugs. Arctic has mostly been answering the questions as Helly was lost in her own miserable mind, gazing into the half full mug with a thousand yard stare. As for Arctic, he has been careful of what he has been saying to the detective and keeping an eye out, seeing everyone’s reactions. Detective Shepard was understandably exhausted as he has been working all morning, he sounds and looks like a genuine and nice guy but, over the years, Arctic has learned not to judge a book by its cover. He’s up there in Cherry’s room—alone… he has sent Detective Sweetpea down here to question himself and Helly while he was up there, covering up loose ends maybe? Taking evidence? Planting false evidence? Although he was the least likely to do the deed, Arctic couldn’t ignore that it could be him. Detective Sweetpea is partners with Detective Shepard, maybe she is part of Shepard’s scandal? Was she asking questions to distract Arctic? Was she asking questions to build a story that will sway him from believing the truth? To pin it on someone else? These two could be working together but why? Why would they take Cherry? He didn’t know but, despite the unanswered questions, he couldn’t ignore the fact that his daughter was taken a few hours after their arrival. That couldn’t be a coincidence… right? “Arctic…” Clutch didn’t look affected by last night’s events this morning; he looked like he didn’t care or was concerned for that matter. He just hopped out of bed, had his morning coffee and breakfast and drove off to work in a car that is large enough to shove a 19-year-old girl in, it made Arctic’s neck hairs stand on end. Everything about this man screamed psycho, the way he carries himself, his lack of empathy… He's the one, he has to be. People like him don’t need a reason, they just see what they like and take it. Dime Flit has been a moody bitch ever since Arctic, Helly and Cherry arrived but, she has also been emotional from the disappearance of her youngest son. From that fact alone, Arctic thought she was the least unlikely suspect in this group but, Arctic knew he couldn’t write anyone off just yet. “Arctic… you’re dozing off.” Then there was Fenton, he was the first to lay eyes on her in interest. That look in his eye, he has seen it many times when he was in school. Power, lust and want, those emotions can lead to unspeakable actions if they don’t get what they want. Fenton is that type of kid. Yet again, it could be none of them, I might be playing myself, thinking too much to the point of madness… but, whoever it may be, I will find her. “Arctic… Heloooo!” Detective Sweetpea yelled, snapping her fingers in the face of Arctic as he snapped out of his thoughts, spasming back to life. “Huh?” Arctic murmured, jumping in his seat. Sweetpea rolled her eyes, taking a swig of her coffee. “Do you have any enemies or anyone that has a motive against you or your family?” The detective said again. “Oh…uh, no.” Arctic muttered, rubbing his eyes as he couldn’t keep them open. That was a lie, he was on the run after all from an extremest cult of people that wanted his ass for stealing an artefact that belonged to his family. Sweetpea sighed and softly banged her head on the table, muttering to herself. “Ugh… I’m too tired.” Sweetpea mumbled to herself, feeling her whole body drain with each minute of talking to Arctic. “Maybe you should take a break, detective. You won’t figure out anything with no sleep.” Arctic said, trying to get her off his case so he could start. “Me? A break? I wouldn’t hear the end of it if Detective Shepard seen me take a break! My work here is done when his work is done.” She said, gradually lifting herself up and tried to stop herself from yawning as she covered her mouth. “No offence, detective but, what is the point of this?” Helly stepped in, not looking so happy. “Aren’t you meant to be out there, looking for my missing daughter instead of playing 20 questions.” “With all due respect, ma’am. We are merely just trying to gather intel to find us a lead but, at the moment, there is none, that’s why I’m here, talking to you two for more information.” Sweetpea said, rubbing her temple. Helly just scoffed, getting up from her seat and abruptly leaving the table as she stormed off. Arctic’s frown deepened, after her sobbing the shower, she’s been hot-headed, restless, snappy to everyone that came her way, even Arctic to her shame. Arctic sighed. “Please don’t mind her, I’ve never seen her like this myself.” Arctic responded. “It’s fine, I’ve dealt with emotional mothers before, I’m just glad you're more cooperative.” Sweetpea said, sprawling over the table. “Why can’t Shepard ask the questions?” She moaned. “So… How long have you known Shepard?” Arctic questioned, tilting his head slightly as he put in an inquisitive look. “Shepard… I’ve met him ever since the police academy, he had a thing for me but, I’m more into women myself, so, he had that awkward moment of realisation and ever since, we’ve been close as friends.” She said, chuckling at the memory of Shepard’s dumfounded face. “So, you would go to hell and back for him?” Arctic asked, making Sweetpea lift her head slightly. “What’s with the sudden interest?” She asked, putting Arctic on the spot. “No reason, I just want to know the ones that are looking for my daughter is all.” Arctic quickly said. “Uh-huh…” She murmured, not quite convinced but, didn’t say anything. “But yeah, we have had our fair share of shootouts, we have watched each other’s backs so... Yeah, I’d like to say I would.” The detective said, a proud smile on her face. “Even if he broke the law?” Arctic said with a smile, trying to play it off as a joke but, Sweetpea didn’t like the comment. “What are you trying to say?” she asked, her brows furrowing. “Hypothetically, of course.” Arctic quickly added, raising both his hands with a sheepish smile. Sweetpea just rolled her eyes and got up. “We are not here to cause trouble; we are here to help despite what you think.” She said with an irritated tone, making Arctic slowly frown and stare with a firm look. “I just want to know who I’m talking to.” “You’re talking to a Detective that wants to help, and I’m sure Shepard is here for you too. You can trust us.” She said, a genuine look on her face. “I promise you; we will find your daughter.” It was hard for Arctic to find a lie in her words and body language. From the first moment they had met, Arctic knew she was a hard-working, willing person from the little time they had spoken but, was it enough to trust her? Maybe. “Thank you.” Arctic muttered, standing up too and walking away. “Don’t thank me just yet.” As tired as Arctic was, it didn’t stop him from walking to his car and taking out the boxes of cameras and other security devices. He should have put these up the moment he arrived instead of looking for Clutch’s fucking son, why did he have to go out and look for a kid that wasn’t his? Now, he had to take things into his own hands, not just to find her but, so the same thing won’t happen to Helly. If he was right, it was someone in this house. If they try again, he’ll have them on tape. Arctic was four cameras in when saw something he shouldn’t have. He was upstairs down the east hallway of the mansion, standing on an unlevelled ladder he found in the shed as he screwed in the last bit of the camera into the ceiling, facing down the hallway. He tried to get up higher on his tip toes for the last bit but, thanks to the ladder being old and unsteady, both the ladder and Arctic had collapsed to one side, making a loud crash and for Arctic to huff, as he got the wind knocked out of him. As he moaned in pain, a door opened next to him, revealing a pissed-off Dime Flit. Seeing Arctic on the floor, she just scoffed. “Do you mind? I’m on the phone!” Dime exclaimed, slamming the door shut. Before the door had shut however, he caught a glimpse of what or who she was on the phone with. David… A human name… Not even that, he saw a small blood stain on her necklace that was partly covered up by her business-like blazer. All of a sudden, Mrs Flit wasn’t looking too innocent. He couldn’t confront her now, that would be stupid of him, he didn’t want to scare her off, he still had questions to answer. Why take Cherry? Where was she taken? Was she the one responsible for her own son's disappearance? Why? He didn’t know but, the least he could do is go in and see what he could find and point Detective Sweetpea – and only Detective Sweetpea in the right direction, he hoped she was here to help. For now, he could only finish setting things up. Drip… Drip… Drip was all that Cherry heard, the first thing she felt was coldness as her skin was riddled with goosebumps, and her head pounding as she groaned. Her hand felt the floor beneath her, feeling the wet dust and rubble as she dragged her hand across. Slowly, she fluttered her eyes open to see absolute darkness, a funky and reeking odour in the air as she took a whiff of her surroundings. Where was she? What happened? What was that thing last night? It… It took her… Why? How? When she leaned up from the floor, she felt the migraine on the side of her pulse faster. When she touched the pulse instinctively, she noticed that the side of her hair and face were humid and stale. Was she… Bleeding? Was that the intense pain on the side of her head? “Hello… Is anyone there?” She asked with a raspy voice, her throat cold and dry. “Hello?” She spoke again, hoping for someone to reply. No one did, and that terrified her more than it should have. She went to stand, her whole body shaking at the freezing cold temperature that her black bra and sky-blue denim shorts did very little to warm her up. She tried to feel her surroundings, seeing if there was some sort of door or window but, when she went from wall to wall, her heart skipped a beat as one of the four walls wasn’t a wall but rusty, iron bars. Not only that, but she also heard inaudible breathing that wasn’t her own. She wasn’t alone… Slowly, she backed away from the bars, feeling her skin crawl. Who is that? Why didn’t they answer my calls? “Hello?” She called out again with more conviction in her tone. The person didn’t reply but, shuffling was heard and before Cherry could say anything, the dying light bulb above her barely lit up the room, flickering often but, that light was enough for Cherry to see the prison she was in, and Cherry was too petrified to even scream. Blood was all around her, new and old as it nearly painted the walls and floors completely, engravings scratched into the walls that Cherry could not read, an old bucket in the corner of the room, multiple rusty chains hung side by side on each wall, and one of them was in use as a boy hung lifelessly from the shackles. He didn’t move, as he levitated from the ground by his wrists that were badly bruised, dried-up blood running down his lip, nose and body and slashes were imprinted on his skin. Was this… the boy that was taken? Is this pegasus Feather Flit? Suddenly her thoughts scattered, and her arms were wrapped around her exposed bra as in the corner of her eyes she spotted an outline of a figure from behind the bars. It sat there on an old wooden chair, unmoving as with each breath the figure took, it exhaled fog from the chill. It sat there with masculinity, his right leg resting on the other as his arms were crossed, holding something in one of his hands. He was wearing a wool, black rich but oddly unkempt trench coat for its size, a red scarf sticking out, modest black pants and black shiny shoes. He also wore a top hat as he was staring directly at her, the light above him shadowing his face. Cherry was too scared to speak first, to move, to look away as this man had full power over her. What does he want? Why is he just sitting there? This must be some twisted joke, there is no way this is happening—right? Slowly tears spilled from her cheeks as she trembled, waiting for something to happen but, nothing did happen. He just sat there, still, watching and waiting expectingly. Building up the courage to move, she slowly made her way to the boy, looking over her shoulder a few times to see if the man had moved but, all he did was move his head slightly to where she was walking, shamelessly staring. When she was in reaching distance, she froze. “He’s dead.” A low, deep tone uttered from the man, making Cherry jump slightly and snap her neck to him. “W-what?” Cherry muttered, feeling her teeth jitter. Then, he rose from his seat with agonising slowness, only then did she know what was in his hand as it fell limply. A whip. Each step he took towards the barred door, she stepped backwards into the wall. He pushed it open with effortless ease; the door being unlocked this whole time. her heart pounded in her chest as he walked in, the whip trailing behind him. All she could do is curl up in the corner of the room and pray for mercy. “Please don’t hurt me, please. I’ll—” The rest of her words were cut off as with force, she was lifted by her hair, making her heart jump and for her to thrash. “No! let go of me! Please! Don’t hurt me!” she screamed as she was dragged to the other side of the cell, feeling her hair being ragged carelessly. She was yanked up to the wall, facing the wall with horror as the shackles snaked around her wrist on command. Her eyes widened as she couldn’t free herself. Was… was she about to get violated? “NO! STOP! PLEASE!” She screamed at the top of her lungs as she felt the hands of the man fiddle with the straps of her bra. “YOU DON’T HAVE TO DO THIS! PLEASE DON’T DO THIS!” She cried, tears falling freely, tucking on the chains. “Shut—up!” The man said darkly, the pause in his words making Cherry squirm in fear. Cherry could only stand there in silence as she felt the bra loosen and tossed away. Nothing happened for a few seconds as she didn’t dare turn her head, move or speak. “Rule 1: Don’t talk. Each word you speak is a lash, you uttered 29 words, 29 lashes as punishment.” The gruff man said with a disappointed tone that made Cherry’s eyes widen in terror. “Wait, no! please, I—" Cherry instantly stopped as she left her mouth wide open in realisation. I spoke… “33 lashes…” The man muttered, making Cherry’s heart freeze. She opened her mouth to plead instinctively but quickly closed her mouth, feeling her whole world crumble as all she could was close her eyes tightly and wait. Wuh-psssh! A blood-curdling cry echoed off the walls as Cherry felt an intense pain erupt right in the middle of her back, her back arching in from the blow. Wuh-psssh! She screamed at the top of her lungs as another struck her slightly higher from the first strike, feeling her legs give out at the burning pain. Wuh-psssh! He struck a third time that sent her reeling in discomfort, trying to pull her hands out of the tight shackles with quick and violent thrashes. She needed to escape, she needed to get out, she needed her mom, she needed her dad. 7th Wuh-psssh! She couldn’t hold herself up anymore as she hung limply, sobbing in agony as he struck every part of her body that wasn’t marked. 18th Wuh-psssh! She couldn’t scream anymore as she slowly lost her voice, feeling her back melt away as her back was on fire, her eyes burning from crying her eyes out. 25th Wuh-psssh! She couldn’t take it anymore as she went limp from the chains. She just wanted to die, just to get it all from her suffering as blacking out from the unbearable lashes. > Chapter 4 - Riddles. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 128# 17:32pm. Fruit Family Household. Dear Dairy. I’ve finished setting up the cameras around the mansion, three upstairs, five downstairs and two for the front and back of the house. I know there are already cameras set up before I came but, these are my cameras, no one can tamper with these because they are remotely controlled by my phone so if anything does pop up on the cameras at night, a notification will pop up on my phone letting me know which camera. I should have set them up as soon as I got there, I knew the history with this mansion but, I let my guard down. All I can do is hope that Cherry is okay. As for Dime, I’ve had my suspicions about her but, this morning has only just confirmed them. I caught her talking to someone called David on the phone and having blood on her necklace. It doesn’t mean anything just yet but, I think it could lead to her. I’m not too sure. Detective Sweetpea did make a good point about Dime Flit however, in the bedroom where Cherry had slept, there was no blood whatsoever, not one spot of it. As for the human on her phone, Sweetpea pointed out that she was a lawyer and David could be her client. It did make sense but, what was that blood? The blood was old and dry. She has to know something; I just have to figure out what. Helly hasn’t come out of our room after that little squabble with Detective Sweetpea, I haven’t checked up on her yet, but I will as soon as I check out Dime’s room with Sweetpea. She is still reluctant about Dime being the one behind the disappearances but, I have convinced her to keep things between us two for now. Now that I think of it, I have barely seen Fenton all day. The only time I have seen him was at breakfast and when we bumped into each other as I was heading up the stairs. He looked like he had a right cob on, I wonder why. I did hear him on the phone when I walked past his room, he wasn’t happy with whoever he was on the phone with. Other than that, I have nothing else to report on. I hope I can look back in these notes and make a connection somehow, it has worked for me before, I only hope it works again. For my daughter’s sake. Arctic and Sweetpea were waiting in the living room as they watch the news instead of Dime leaving however, it was Detective Shepard who wore a bland look. When asked where he was going by Detective Sweetpea, his answer was ‘out.’ Arctic didn’t like that answer one bit. Eventually, Mrs Flit did leave while she was on her phone, talking in a passive-aggressive tone. Now it was their time to move. “I can’t believe we are doing this.” Detective Sweetpea muttered, following Arctic up the stairs. “What’s so unbelievable about checking out a suspect's room.” Arctic replied, reaching the top and looking back. “The fact that I’m looking at Dime Flit as a possible suspect, you know… My boss’s brother’s wife. Shepard would have a fit if he ever caught me sniffing in Dime’s room.” Sweetpea said as if it wasn’t obvious, Arctic narrowed his eyes at that. “That’s oddly unprofessional of him, isn’t he meant to treat everyone as a suspect that was at a crime scene? Why is that?” Arctic asked, crossing his arms and leaning against the railing expectingly. “It’s how Shepard is, he’s defensive about the people he cares about, he loves his family and friends, and a crime scene won’t stop that.” She shrugged, reaching the top and looking back with a firm look. “But he won’t deny the truth if it was someone he cared about, even me. He takes his job seriously, it’s just… The truth hurts sometimes.” “What do you mean by that?” Arctic tilted his head, finding what she said riveting. Sweetpea sighed. “Nothing, I can’t go into his personal life like a fairy tale story, he has demons that I don’t want to get into.” The detective said, walking passed him. Arctic wanted to comment on that but, Arctic could relate. Arctic had many secrets that he has still yet to tell his wife, dark secrets that time and himself only know. He hoped that Shepard's demonswouldn’t blind him to finding his daughter. Entering her room without a fuss, the two noticed how tidy the room was. It wasn’t unusual but, what was unusual was the amount of stuff that was in there. “Detective… This is an awful lot of stuff for someone that was supposed to leave yesterday. Doesn’t look like she was going to leave at all.” Arctic muttered, looking around with confusion. “I’ll give you that, it is unusual that they haven't packed in advance for the move away unless they planned to leave it all behind but, knowing the Flit Family, there is probably over a million dollars worth of stuff in here.” Detective said with apprehension, looking around as she saw the jewellery, clothes and accessories from both Clutch and Dime. As they looked around, Arctic noticed a slightly open draw from a desk. He pulled the draw from the desk and saw something that actually excited him for a change. The tawny, aged wrinkles, the tilted handwriting that joined up together neatly; a note, a note that was possibly from Arctic’s past family. Wait… What was a note doing in their room? He pulled it out gently, careful to not to rip this treasure but, squinted in confusion as he read it. What English word has three consecutive double letters? What disappears as soon as you say its name? What is found in every corner and two in every room? I am long and hard, and you will happily spend money on me. After getting me, you feel a huge feeling of relief. What am I? What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs? John noticed that the amount he was paying for his lunch was a rearrangement of the digits of the amount of money he had in his pocket, and that the money he had left over was yet another rearrangement of the same three digits! How much money did John start with? Double my number, I’m less than a score, Half of my number is less than four. Add one to my double when bakers are near, Days of the week are still greater, I fear. This is it, my last test to you all. This is no ordinary test; however, this test will lead you to my dark secrets that the most cunning will only know. If you are not prepared; run and never tell a soul about this place but, if you fight this, just know that his name is Shasha. Forgive me for I did not know what I brought upon this mansion. From Tangerine Fruit. Arctic didn’t know what to say or do as he just gawked at this note. This was a note from his ancestor, his genius great, great, great, great grandfather. He wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. What did all this mean? What test is this? What dark secret? Who is Shasha? His astonishment was knocked away as he felt Sweetpea looking over his shoulder. “What you got there?” The detective asked, her brows rising by the aging paper. “This—this is a note from the great Tangerine.” Arctic muttered, his eyes never leaving the riddles. “Uhh—who?” She asked, making Arctic snap his neck to her. “Who? What do you mean who? One of the most successful archaeologists of all time! He explored the Zaru’s Tribe Tombs, he discovered The Lost City in the up-north gulley of the Glacial Ocean, he even discovered—” “Yeah, yeah, I get it, he’s travelled the world, whoopty do, doesn’t mean I know who he is, I’m not into my history.” She deadpanned, interrupting his ranting. Arctic would have been offended but, since she was helping him, he would let it slide. “Whatever, did you find anything on your end?” Arctic asked, folding the piece of paper carefully and placing it into his pocket. “No, nothing out of the ordinary. As for the blood on her necklace, I found blood-stained tissues in the bin, she must have had a nosebleed.” Sweetpea said, making Arctic frown a bit. Back to square one it is then. “I understand you want to take things into your own hands but, I’m sure Shepard is onto something, he doesn’t leave a crime scene unless he has found something.” Or unless he is the one that has taken her… Arctic sighed, feeling his whole body sag. “I hope so…” When Arctic walked into the room, he didn’t have the energy to speak to his wife as he flopped onto the bed, feeling his head pulse. Helly looked like she didn’t even notice him either as she just looked out the window, her hand brushing the blinds out the way slightly. Seeing her in the corner of his eye, he groaned. “Are you okay, hun?” Arctic murmured, feeling his eyes droop. Helly didn’t answer straight away, she was so lost in her mind that his words went into one ear and out the other. “Hun?” “No, love. I’m not okay. My daughter has been taken and I have no idea what to do, you’ve been working your ass of all day and here I am, stuck in my own room as I just wait. I’m so worried about my daughter, I just want her back.” Helly whimpered, feeling wet streams fall down her cheeks. She felt so pathetic, so useless in her tired state. Suddenly, she felt Arctic’s arms wrap around her stomach, his chin resting on her shoulder. “I know how you feel, I’m worried too. I promise, I won’t give up, I won’t stop until I find her and find the one who took her, I promise.” Arctic said tiredly in her ear, making Helly sniff in guilt. She turned in his arms, facing him as she shocked him slightly by planting her lips on his for a peck. “Sleep, Arcty. You’ve done so much already, you’re trying your hardest to find Cherry and I’m here, hoping that she would just appear out of nowhere. So please, rest and hope the detectives find her before it’s too late.” Helly said, wrapping her arms around him in a shaky hug. “Helly, I can’t stop, I can’t—” He was silenced once again with a peck on his lips. “Please rest, darling.” She whispered which was enticing in his ear. Arctic didn’t know when he had fallen back on the bed, Helly beside him as she stroke his hair softly and snuggled against him, her head in his chest, all he did know was that slowly his eyes were closing. “Sleep, hun… Sleep~” And just like that, his mind fell into darkness. Arctic’s body shook alive when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, groggily opening his eyes as he wasn’t ready to wake up, but he heard shuffling on the bed. He looked to the side to see Helly, sitting up against the bed as she narrowed her eyes at a familiar piece of paper, tapping a pen against her lip. “Uh—hun… What are you doing with that?” Arctic said, catching Helly’s attention as she looked over at Him. “Oh, well… when I got up. I noticed that there was a folded-up piece of paper on the bed. Just in curiosity, I had a look and well… I’ve been trying to answer these riddles.” She murmured, showing him the paper. “I’ve got a few of the riddle answers but, I’m struggling.” “Oh… Let’s have a look.” Arctic said, crawling his way over to her on the bed, and sitting next to her. She handed it over to him wordlessly and leaned on his shoulder. His heart skipped a beat and his eyes widened as he saw fresh writing under the riddles on the ancient piece of history of his ancestors. He turned to Helly slowly, his brow raised and with an unamused look on his face. “What?” she asked, oblivious to why Arctic was looking at her like that. “Babe, you don’t just write on this old, ancient piece of history like this. You’ve just ruined a dead man’s work.” Arctic scolded, making Helly smile sheepishly. “Oops… My bad.” She said, giggling like she was caught with her hand in the cookie jar. He just rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm around her. Arctic just sighed deeply, gutted about this craftwork being wasted history. No museum would want this now. “It’s fine… it’s probably not worth that much anyway.” That was a lie, this piece of history is probably worth millions to the right customer, but Arctic didn’t wish for Helly to feel guilty. “Let’s see what you’ve done then.” “The first riddle was meh, I figured it out easily enough. What English word has three consecutive double letters? The answer to that would be a bookkeeper! You know, because there are three double letters in the word.” She exclaimed a proud smile on her face. Arctic’s brows shot up in surprise, it would have taken him some time to figure that out. “I’m impressed, how long have you been working on this?” He asked. “Around half an hour. Why?” “Nothing, I’m just surprised.” He replied, making her smile. “It was a hobby of mine to try and solve riddles in school, it always gets me going,” Helly said, rubbing the back of her neck as she felt her cheeks heat up. “Oh, so is that why I saw you in the school library all of them years ago? Back then, I always wondered what you were doing at the end of school but, me being a complete nerd, I was always too scared to confront you.” Arctic snickered, making Helly giggle too. “Yes, other than having a lot of sex back in high school, I was always head down in the book of riddles, waiting for my ex to get out of detention.” She frowned as she remembered her ex-boyfriend and Arctic noticed it. “You want to talk about it?” Arctic asked, watching as a tear fell down her cheek. She shook her head however, curling up close to Arctic. “No need to talk about that fucker that left me high and dry when I was pregnant, I’ve got an intelligent, hard-working, caring husband that had stepped up when I needed someone the most. I’m just counting my lucky stars at this point.” She said, planting a kiss on his cheek, making Arctic’s heart flutter. “Your lucky stars? What about me? If I told my high school, nerdy me that I was married to a beautiful wife such as you, he’d laugh in my face before reporting me to the authorities for trespassing on school grounds.” Arctic said, making Helly chuckle. “You know, I still can’t believe it myself,” he said, looking at the ring that rested on his finger. Her warm smile grew as she entangled her own ringed hand with his, humming softly. Arctic gently smiled too at the warm gesture. “Truth be told, there was one night when I wasn't in the mood for sex but, he was hooounding me for it.” Helly said, her wondering hands creeping down to his pants, an all-too-well smile on her face. “Babe… What you up to?” Arctic said nervously as she chuckled menacingly, climbing on top of him. “So… I let him but, while he was having his way with me, I was headfirst in that book of riddles.” She whispered, feeling her body getting hot as she rubbed herself against the growing lump in Arctic’s pants. “He was so mad at me when I wasn’t moaning like a bitch, I couldn’t help but laugh. I asked him for some help at one point, and that pissed him right off.” Helly chuckled, panting slightly in arousal. “Babe—I don’t think now—uhm… Is the best time.” Arctic said, feeling the bulge in his pants hurt as his jeans had gotten tight.. “Come on, Arcty. We could both relieve some stress of our shoulders. Besides, it’ll be way better to solve riddles while you're inside me, don’t you think?” She said seductively, undoing her jeans button and taking them off all the way, kicking them off the bed, her panties following seconds later. “Well… I-I guess if we are—uhm, solving the riddles at the same time, I guess it’s okay.” Arctic said, feeling his arousal grow as she started to take off his pants. “Exactly, I find it more pleasurable to fuck and solve puzzles at the same time but, with you—something tells me that this will be fun.” She whispered in his ear, biting his earlobe enticingly, feeling her hips moving on their own as her wet lady parts massaged against Arctic’s contain manhood. “Shall we move on to the second question?” Helly said, moving his underwear down and moistening the rod as she continued to rub against him. “O-okay, uh… The second q—ah, question. What, aha… Disappears as soon as yoooou… say its name?” Arctic finally said, feeling his wife slowly stab herself with his erect cock, making her way down his shaft, listening to her breath shudder in bliss. With him fully inside her tight, fleshy walls, she fell onto him. She didn’t move right away, she rotated her pelvis around, getting a good long feel of him inside her. “I—I’m having trouble with, uff—that one, d-do you have, aha, any ideas?” She asked, biting her lip as she rested her head on his chest. He thought for a moment, slightly distracted by his wife’s pussy but, he eventually figures it out. “Well, hun… Ha ah, think about it. When you say the, ahm… the word, hm, you make a sound soooo, what do you break by saying it?” Arctic huffed, his hands sneaking around to her firm cheeks. It was like a light bulb flicking alive as her features brightened. “Silence! The, ahn~ answer is silence! H-ah, how did you get that, hmm~ so quickly?” She huffed in satisfaction, feeling the urge to put more movement into her hips. “I’m an archaeologist… I–I don’t just explore, urgm, puzzles are also my—ah, speciality.” Arctic said, feeling her right walls grip him for maximum pleasure. She chuckled, kissing his neck softly. “I should have known; you are my smart man after all.” She hissed in delight, her body twitching as she started to steadily twerk on him. “Right—the next one is, hmm… What-what is found in every corner-aha, and two in every room?” Arctic said, looking away momentarily from the mesmerising of seeing Helly’s sexy-shaped ass rise and fall to read the note. “Hmm~ that one was, hahn—easy… the answer is in the question, its o. T-there is only one, ahn~ of it in the word ‘corner’ and, Humh~ two in the word ‘room’… its simple wordplay.” She moaned, her body trembling with desire and lust. “Clever girl, uf… I didn’t think you would get that one.” Arctic admitted, feeling himself buck up instinctively. “Ah, ah, ah, babe… no moving. Let me do all the work.” Helly said teasingly, stopping him by slamming her snatch down with in one forceful thrust, stopping her movement. “We don’t want this to end, now do we. Let’s make this last and just go on to the next riddle.” “Right, okay then.” He quickly said, looking back to the note as he wished to feel her slit once again move. “I am long and hard, and you will happily spend money on me. After getting me, you feel a huge feeling of relief. What am I?” Arctic said carefully, moaning back in pleasure as he felt her once again slide her way up and down slightly at an agonisingly slow pace. “Hmm… now that-hahn~ is a tricky one… My-my guess is as, ah ha~ as good as yours, babe… wh-mmah~ When I seen ‘long and haaaard’… I thought a-about you. What do you think?” Helly hummed, enjoying herself as she teased him with her painfully gentle squeezing of her inner walls, she loved seeing him squirm. Helly just watched as she saw his gears turn in thought, working his magic as he muttered to himself. Occasionally, she would raise her hips and slam down on his cock, sending heavenly joy through her body and catching him off guard. She giggled like a child as she saw his flushed face. After some time, his eyes lit up. “Education!” He blurted out, making Helly stop moving in surprise. “Education… Education! That’s it! I-I would have-Hmm~ never thought of that, you’re a-oooh~ fucking genius! I am-Ah AH!—Long and hard, and you—Hng~ will happily spend money on me. After getting-uhu… me, you feel a huge feeling of relieeef… What am I? Education! Your right. Just-AH! for that, I think I’ll reward-AHH!... you for your intelligence.” She murmured with a devilish giggle, gasping in delight as she started to move quicker and taking more of his soldier with each bounce. She locked lips with him, the lust she’s been craving taking over her as their tongues danced. “Fuck-Fuhh.. you feel so-ah~ so fucking good, Arcty. W-what is the ne-OOH! Next riddle?” Helly writhed breathlessly, feeling her whole system shiver in thrill. Arctic looked to the next riddle, and he couldn’t help but deadpanned. “What-nhg… has a face and two-Ah!… hands but no arms or legs?” “A clock.” Both Arctic and Helly muttered, making each other laugh at the old but gold riddle. At this point, Helly didn’t care about making it last, she didn’t hold back as she wanted to enjoy the full package he brings. Each smack of her hips against his would send a spark of electricity down her spine, her heavy, hot breath tickling Arctic’s neck. It felt like hours had gone by as this incredible dick made her wail like a bitch. “Fuck, Arcty~ you feel-Aha!... Feel so good inside me~.” Helly said in a low, moaning voice, her mind going crazy at the increase in bliss as she collided her pussy down, over and over and over again. Fuck the riddles, Helly just wanted to put his babies inside of her, and by the looks of things, Arctic was thinking the same thing as he let go of the old paper and gripped her ass cheeks, feeling the jiggle it carries. “Arcty~ I’m so-Aha Ah!... So close… Fuck me, babe-AH! Fuck me, Arcty! Put your babies inside me-ah ha~. Let’s surprise Cherry with a new sibling when weee~ find her… OoOH, Arcty~ I’m—I-I am about tooo~ AHH!” Helly’s mind was broken as she panted her dripping muff down his long, hard cock, her pussy walls clamping tightly around his shaft as she felt her whole body explode in chaotic spasm. The pleasure doesn’t stop there however as Arctic fucked her senselessly with quick, long thrusts, riding out her orgasm as she covered her mouth, her mouth opening in a silent scream. A tear of joy came out when he stopped battering her labia, the two a panting mess as her sweaty body lay on top of him. Slowly, her face slowly made her way to his face, her eyes half-lidded and a smile of happiness on her face. Softly, she pecked his lips over and over again, thanking him for the enjoyable ride. “Nicely done, champ… you know… You’re the—Only person to—make me cum like that… ha~ everyone—everyone else that I had-oooh~ sex with would just cum and—leave… But you… And you cock-huw~ makes me go crazy... I think I’m-ah~ addicted.” Helly said breathlessly, kissing his neck lovingly as she started to move again, her sensitive cunt moving all the way to the top of his member and back down to the rim slowly. “I-I am happy to be your drug but… Is all that true? Do you really want—you know, a baby with-” She interrupted him by kissing him, her tongue fighting his passionately. When she broke the kiss, she got up from his chest and rotated on his dick teasingly. Playfully, she slowly started to take of her shirt, her bra falling loose until she was wearing nothing but her white socks. She was beautiful on top of him but, the image was ruined as she wore a small frown. “I know I said I wasn’t ready for another kid when we started having sex, with what happened to me when the whole school found out that I was pregnant, I didn’t want to go through that again but, now it’s different… I’ve been ready for a long time now but, every time we did it, I got scared, and I backed out last minute. It's not because of you but, it’s mostly because of me, I-I don’t think I’ve been a good mom to Cherry, I feel I weigh you down, I feel like I bore you out by my willy-nilly shenanigans sometimes. I know I don’t help out a lot and I’m not the smartest in this family, if anything, I’m the biggest child between you and Cherry. I guess, I was afraid you’d run away but, you never did. You stuck with us until the end, you put up with my silliness every day and you always give 110% back. So… How about it? Do you want to cum inside me? Because I want to bare your child, Arcty.” Helly said, leaving a ray of emotions running through Arctic. He was understanding, he was saddened by her low self-esteem, and he was over the moon about her wanting to have a child with him. Arctic only responded with a thrust up in her fanny, watching Helly’s breast jump and fit her gasp with a smile back on her face. “I'll take that as a yes~.” She said, taking his hands of her back end and into her round melon, moaning at his groping hands that squeezed needfully. “Let’s do iiiiit- then… Let’s build on this family, I want you to-ah… I want you to be the one to raise my child with me.” Arctic said, full of emotion as he met her cooze halfway in wet slaps. “Cum inside meee, Arcty!~ Fuck me-aha ha~ harder, baby! P-put your love-oh fuck~ put your love milk inside my-AH!... Pussy, Arcty~. Nh~ make me yours, put a-a baby in me.” Helly wailed in unruly lust, tears running down her cheeks as the ecstasy was too great. Each time his penis met her pussy, it hit her G-spot every time, her nipples were rock solid and sensitive as he pinched and squeezed. “OH FUCK, Arcty~! Your gonna—you're gonna make me—” Helly was lost for words as a second orgasm rocked her world, falling backwards as an electric current fried Helly’s body. Arctic waited a few seconds to catch his breath, who needs the gym when you have a wife like his? When he looked back over to Helly, he noticed that she was back on her knees, this time she was facing away from him, her back arched as her upper body laid limply, her legs open and her ass up in a doggy-style position, her two-finger spreading her moist, red lips for him. “Come on, big boy~ did you know that doggy style is the only way to reproduce…” Helly said, shaking her bum suggestively. Arctic rolled his eyes before getting up on his knees. With one quick and hard thrust into her hole, she moaned into her hand. “You really have to stop reading fake articles.” Arctic said with each slam into her cunt but, Helly wasn’t listening as she was a blubbering mess on the sheets, feeling nothing but her abused twat getting fucked over and over and over again roughly, all gentleness out the window as all he wanted to do was cum inside his wife, using her to release this growing pressure. “Fuck~ fuck~ fuck me, A-Arcty~ f-fucking fuck me, A-Arcty~ Ahmn—c-cum inside me, Arcty… Arcty~ Arcty~ Arcty~ ARCTY!” she screamed in her hand, the third and final orgasm as Arctic buried his cock deep inside her for the final time, an animalistic grunt signalling the release robe and robe of cum inside her. Helly felt completely and truly full as she felt his warm liquid filling her up to the rim, feeling it trickle out and hearing it land on the sheets. She didn’t want to move, she didn’t want Arctic to pull out as she wanted to keep his meat inside her forever, squeezing her inner walls. When Arctic pulled out of her, he sat back and watched the blobs of cum leak out of her worn-out pussy, hearing Helly drunkenly laugh with a goofy smile on her face. The two were exhausted, Arctic taking a breather as Helly seemed to be in shock at the pleasure, unmoving as the cum that spilt from her snatch formed a pond underneath her. “T-that… Was… Amazing.” Helly huffed, trying to get up on sweaty, wobbly arms. I-I’ve... Never... Been fucked... Like that… Before. I-I didn’t know you had that in you.” “Neither did I, I just couldn’t control myself.” Arctic replied, his hardness turning flaccid. Helly managed to get on her hands and knees shakily, giggling as she turned to see her husband spread-eagle on the bed. Slowly, she made her way in between his legs, looking to clean up a job well done. Planting herself belly first in between his legs, she started by using her tongue to slide up the length steadily, collecting all of his and her slime that dripped. Arctic observed with a satisfied smile, running his hand throw her hair as she cleaned his floppy dick and swallowed the goo. He chuckled when she was finished, being silly and patting the head appreciatively. “Good boy.” She said to it, kissing it lovingly as she let it flop down to rest. Taking her eyes of his manhood, she crawled over to Arctic, planting her body on top of him as she wrapping him in a humid hug, the last bits of cum in her hole spilling on his stomach. She hummed as she laid her head just under his chin. “Your spunk feels so good inside me~… how does it feel that I’m going to pop out your child out in 9 mouths?” “I feel like the happiest man alive.” Arctic said, kissing the top of her head as he stroked her. Helly didn’t know how long she lay there, listening to his heartbeat as hers fluttered with joy. But, her joy turned to worry as Cherry popped up in her mind. “I hope Cherry is okay.” Helly muttered out of know where, holding him tightly as if he was going to disappear too. Arctic grimaced at that comment. “Yeah… me too.” Arctic added in, resting his chin on the side of her head. “I’ve been wondering all day how whoever took her managed to disappear out of thin air, there was a magic essence in the room but, not enough to be an advanced spell. How is this even possible?” He thought out loud, frustrated by the physics breaking problem that made no sense. “I don’t know but, if there is anyone that I believe can figure this out… it’s you.” Helly said, continuously kissing Arctic’s neck, hoping that with a simple kiss will make him string up with all the answers. “I know you’ve got this, you’re the most intelligent person I know, just think. The windows were closed, there was a bit of magic left in the room, and there is no footage of the kidnapper or proof that they had ever left. It's like the mansion itself just… swallowed her whole.” Helly said calmly, her words bringing more questions than answers. But… What she said about the mansion swallowing Cherry up did spike up a thought. Ever since he first stepped into this mansion, he had this—odd feeling. Before he could continue that thought, he was rudely interrupted by a certain detective barging her way through the door. “Yo! So Arctic, I know you’re a smart fella, I was wondering if—you—could—” Detective Sweetpea didn’t finish her sentence as she gawked at the two naked couple who froze up by the sudden intruder. Sweetpea could see everything. The cum stained sheets, the cum leaking out of Helly’s snatch, Arctic’s shrunken dick, making her whole face turn red. Arctic was no better as his eyes were wide and frozen on the spot as he was caught with his pants all the way down and off him. Helly however, took the awkward situation in stride as she wore a smug grin, blowing a raspy at the detective and shaking her ass, her hand sneaking in between her legs as she parted her slit’s lips with two-fingers, showing exactly what went down. For a moment, Sweetpea just ogled at the body of the shameless Helly, feeling herself heat up in arousal until she saw Arctic, staring motherfuckerily at her. She quickly turned around and faced the wall, her body straight at attention. “Aaaanyway… I was wondering if you could answer this last crossword question.” Sweetpea said nervously, raising the newspaper behind her with the crossword game on it. Arctic deadpanned and facepalmed, sighing into his hand. “Sure… Why not. What’s the question and tell me how many letters it is.” Arctic said, annoyance dripping from his tone. “Sweety~.” Helly said sweetly, making the detective turn slightly, her cheeks glowing rosier as she saw Helly slowly jerking Arctic’s meat with a smirk, suckling and licking his member. She couldn’t rip her eyes away, the way she gently stroked the shaft, the way her tongue played with the tip. Arctic couldn’t believe what was going on. His sex fiend of a wife was messing around with his half flaccid dick, right in front of the detective!... AND SHE WAS WATCHING! Arctic could groan in embarrassment as he planted both his hands on his face and rub his eyes. “Detective!” Arctic barked, making the woman jump and snap her head back towards the wall. “AH, yes, uhm… let me find it again.” She said quickly, sheepishly laughing. “Ah, here it is… I’m a black and white predator but, I lead the prey, it’s also an 8-letter word.” She said, shuffling nervously as she tried to keep her face forward. It was hard for Arctic to think as all the blood was starting to rush to a particular limb in his body, growing into a dehydrated, painful erection. Helly didn’t help at all as she turned her body around until she was straddling once again, lining up his knob with her fanny once again and slowly lowering herself down on him… once again, sighing in pleasure. “Sweety~.” Helly said again, looking over her shoulder as her already cum-filled muff slowly moved, watching Sweetpea peaking slyly over. “SHEPHERD! THERE! NOW GET OUT!” Arctic shouted in embarrassment, making the detective jump once again and without a word, ran out and slammed the door behind her. Helly stopped moving as soon as Sweetpea left, her giggling turning to full-blown laughter as she fell onto Arctic’s body, his erection still inside her. “Did you see her face? Her face was completely red.” Helly chortled lightly. “Why on gods name gave you the thought that jerking me off and having sex in front of the detective was a good idea?” Arctic deadpanned. “What? She was checking you out, I had to show her who you belonged to.” Helly smirked, wiggling her butt. “Helly… Detective Sweetpea is a lesbian, she wasn’t checking me out, she was checking you out.” Arctic muttered, watching her smug grin turn into a face of realisation, her face comedically turning red from the neck up. “Oh………… Oops.” > Chapter 4 - Riddles. (Censored Clop) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 128# 17:32pm. Fruit Family Household. Dear Dairy. I’ve finished setting up the cameras around the mansion, three upstairs, five downstairs and two for the front and back of the house. I know there are already cameras set up before I came but, these are my cameras, no one can tamper with these because they are remotely controlled by my phone so if anything does pop up on the cameras at night, a notification will pop up on my phone letting me know which camera. I should have set them up as soon as I got there, I knew the history with this mansion but, I let my guard down. All I can do is hope that Cherry is okay. As for Dime, I’ve had my suspicions about her but, this morning has only just confirmed them. I caught her talking to someone called David on the phone and having blood on her necklace. It doesn’t mean anything just yet but, I think it could lead to her. I’m not too sure. Detective Sweetpea did make a good point about Dime Flit however, in the bedroom where Cherry had slept, there was no blood whatsoever, not one spot of it. As for the human on her phone, Sweetpea pointed out that she was a lawyer and David could be her client. It did make sense but, what was that blood? The blood was old and dry. She has to know something; I just have to figure out what. Helly hasn’t come out of our room after that little squabble with Detective Sweetpea, I haven’t checked up on her yet, but I will as soon as I check out Dime’s room with Sweetpea. She is still reluctant about Dime being the one behind the disappearances but, I have convinced her to keep things between us two for now. Now that I think of it, I have barely seen Fenton all day. The only time I have seen him was at breakfast and when we bumped into each other as I was heading up the stairs. He looked like he had a right cob on, I wonder why. I did hear him on the phone when I walked past his room, he wasn’t happy with whoever he was on the phone with. Other than that, I have nothing else to report on. I hope I can look back in these notes and make a connection somehow, it has worked for me before, I only hope it works again. For my daughter’s sake. Arctic and Sweetpea were waiting in the living room as they watch the news instead of Dime leaving however, it was Detective Shepard who wore a bland look. When asked where he was going by Detective Sweetpea, his answer was ‘out.’ Arctic didn’t like that answer one bit. Eventually, Mrs Flit did leave while she was on her phone, talking in a passive-aggressive tone. Now it was their time to move. “I can’t believe we are doing this.” Detective Sweetpea muttered, following Arctic up the stairs. “What’s so unbelievable about checking out a suspect's room.” Arctic replied, reaching the top and looking back. “The fact that I’m looking at Dime Flit as a possible suspect, you know… My boss’s brother’s wife. Shepard would have a fit if he ever caught me sniffing in Dime’s room.” Sweetpea said as if it wasn’t obvious, Arctic narrowed his eyes at that. “That’s oddly unprofessional of him, isn’t he meant to treat everyone as a suspect that was at a crime scene? Why is that?” Arctic asked, crossing his arms and leaning against the railing expectingly. “It’s how Shepard is, he’s defensive about the people he cares about, he loves his family and friends, and a crime scene won’t stop that.” She shrugged, reaching the top and looking back with a firm look. “But he won’t deny the truth if it was someone he cared about, even me. He takes his job seriously, it’s just… The truth hurts sometimes.” “What do you mean by that?” Arctic tilted his head, finding what she said riveting. Sweetpea sighed. “Nothing, I can’t go into his personal life like a fairy tale story, he has demons that I don’t want to get into.” The detective said, walking passed him. Arctic wanted to comment on that but, Arctic could relate. Arctic had many secrets that he has still yet to tell his wife, dark secrets that time and himself only know. He hoped that Shepard's demonswouldn’t blind him to finding his daughter. Entering her room without a fuss, the two noticed how tidy the room was. It wasn’t unusual but, what was unusual was the amount of stuff that was in there. “Detective… This is an awful lot of stuff for someone that was supposed to leave yesterday. Doesn’t look like she was going to leave at all.” Arctic muttered, looking around with confusion. “I’ll give you that, it is unusual that they haven't packed in advance for the move away unless they planned to leave it all behind but, knowing the Flit Family, there is probably over a million dollars worth of stuff in here.” Detective said with apprehension, looking around as she saw the jewellery, clothes and accessories from both Clutch and Dime. As they looked around, Arctic noticed a slightly open draw from a desk. He pulled the draw from the desk and saw something that actually excited him for a change. The tawny, aged wrinkles, the tilted handwriting that joined up together neatly; a note, a note that was possibly from Arctic’s past family. Wait… What was a note doing in their room? He pulled it out gently, careful to not to rip this treasure but, squinted in confusion as he read it. What English word has three consecutive double letters? What disappears as soon as you say its name? What is found in every corner and two in every room? I am long and hard, and you will happily spend money on me. After getting me, you feel a huge feeling of relief. What am I? What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs? John noticed that the amount he was paying for his lunch was a rearrangement of the digits of the amount of money he had in his pocket, and that the money he had left over was yet another rearrangement of the same three digits! How much money did John start with? Double my number, I’m less than a score, Half of my number is less than four. Add one to my double when bakers are near, Days of the week are still greater, I fear. This is it, my last test to you all. This is no ordinary test; however, this test will lead you to my dark secrets that the most cunning will only know. If you are not prepared; run and never tell a soul about this place but, if you fight this, just know that his name is Shasha. Forgive me for I did not know what I brought upon this mansion. From Tangerine Fruit. Arctic didn’t know what to say or do as he just gawked at this note. This was a note from his ancestor, his genius great, great, great, great grandfather. He wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. What did all this mean? What test is this? What dark secret? Who is Shasha? His astonishment was knocked away as he felt Sweetpea looking over his shoulder. “What you got there?” The detective asked, her brows rising by the aging paper. “This—this is a note from the great Tangerine.” Arctic muttered, his eyes never leaving the riddles. “Uhh—who?” She asked, making Arctic snap his neck to her. “Who? What do you mean who? One of the most successful archaeologists of all time! He explored the Zaru’s Tribe Tombs, he discovered The Lost City in the up-north gulley of the Glacial Ocean, he even discovered—” “Yeah, yeah, I get it, he’s travelled the world, whoopty do, doesn’t mean I know who he is, I’m not into my history.” She deadpanned, interrupting his ranting. Arctic would have been offended but, since she was helping him, he would let it slide. “Whatever, did you find anything on your end?” Arctic asked, folding the piece of paper carefully and placing it into his pocket. “No, nothing out of the ordinary. As for the blood on her necklace, I found blood-stained tissues in the bin, she must have had a nosebleed.” Sweetpea said, making Arctic frown a bit. Back to square one it is then. “I understand you want to take things into your own hands but, I’m sure Shepard is onto something, he doesn’t leave a crime scene unless he has found something.” Or unless he is the one that has taken her… Arctic sighed, feeling his whole body sag. “I hope so…” When Arctic walked into the room, he didn’t have the energy to speak to his wife as he flopped onto the bed, feeling his head pulse. Helly looked like she didn’t even notice him either as she just looked out the window, her hand brushing the blinds out the way slightly. Seeing her in the corner of his eye, he groaned. “Are you okay, hun?” Arctic murmured, feeling his eyes droop. Helly didn’t answer straight away, she was so lost in her mind that his words went into one ear and out the other. “Hun?” “No, love. I’m not okay. My daughter has been taken and I have no idea what to do, you’ve been working your ass of all day and here I am, stuck in my own room as I just wait. I’m so worried about my daughter, I just want her back.” Helly whimpered, feeling wet streams fall down her cheeks. She felt so pathetic, so useless in her tired state. Suddenly, she felt Arctic’s arms wrap around her stomach, his chin resting on her shoulder. “I know how you feel, I’m worried too. I promise, I won’t give up, I won’t stop until I find her and find the one who took her, I promise.” Arctic said tiredly in her ear, making Helly sniff in guilt. She turned in his arms, facing him as she shocked him slightly by planting her lips on his for a peck. “Sleep, Arcty. You’ve done so much already, you’re trying your hardest to find Cherry and I’m here, hoping that she would just appear out of nowhere. So please, rest and hope the detectives find her before it’s too late.” Helly said, wrapping her arms around him in a shaky hug. “Helly, I can’t stop, I can’t—” He was silenced once again with a peck on his lips. “Please rest, darling.” She whispered which was enticing in his ear. Arctic didn’t know when he had fallen back on the bed, Helly beside him as she stroke his hair softly and snuggled against him, her head in his chest, all he did know was that slowly his eyes were closing. “Sleep, hun… Sleep~” And just like that, his mind fell into darkness. Arctic’s body shook alive when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, groggily opening his eyes as he wasn’t ready to wake up, but he heard shuffling on the bed. He looked to the side to see Helly, sitting up against the bed as she narrowed her eyes at a familiar piece of paper, tapping a pen against her lip. “Uh—hun… What are you doing with that?” Arctic said, catching Helly’s attention as she looked over at Him. “Oh, well… when I got up. I noticed that there was a folded-up piece of paper on the bed. Just in curiosity, I had a look and well… I’ve been trying to answer these riddles.” She murmured, showing him the paper. “I’ve got a few of the riddle answers but, I’m struggling.” “Oh… Let’s have a look.” Arctic said, crawling his way over to her on the bed, and sitting next to her. She handed it over to him wordlessly and leaned on his shoulder. His heart skipped a beat and his eyes widened as he saw fresh writing under the riddles on the ancient piece of history of his ancestors. He turned to Helly slowly, his brow raised and with an unamused look on his face. “What?” she asked, oblivious to why Arctic was looking at her like that. “Babe, you don’t just write on this old, ancient piece of history like this. You’ve just ruined a dead man’s work.” Arctic scolded, making Helly smile sheepishly. “Oops… My bad.” She said, giggling like she was caught with her hand in the cookie jar. He just rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm around her. Arctic just sighed deeply, gutted about this craftwork being wasted history. No museum would want this now. “It’s fine… it’s probably not worth that much anyway.” That was a lie, this piece of history is probably worth millions to the right customer, but Arctic didn’t wish for Helly to feel guilty. “Let’s see what you’ve done then.” “The first riddle was meh, I figured it out easily enough. What English word has three consecutive double letters? The answer to that would be a bookkeeper! You know, because there are three double letters in the word.” She exclaimed a proud smile on her face. Arctic’s brows shot up in surprise, it would have taken him some time to figure that out. “I’m impressed, how long have you been working on this?” He asked. “Around half an hour. Why?” “Nothing, I’m just surprised.” He replied, making her smile. “It was a hobby of mine to try and solve riddles in school, it always gets me going,” Helly said, rubbing the back of her neck as she felt her cheeks heat up. “Oh, so is that why I saw you in the school library all of them years ago? Back then, I always wondered what you were doing at the end of school but, me being a complete nerd, I was always too scared to confront you.” Arctic snickered, making Helly giggle too. “Yes, other than having a lot of sex back in high school, I was always head down in the book of riddles, waiting for my ex to get out of detention.” She frowned as she remembered her ex-boyfriend and Arctic noticed it. “You want to talk about it?” Arctic asked, watching as a tear fell down her cheek. She shook her head however, curling up close to Arctic. “No need to talk about that fucker that left me high and dry when I was pregnant, I’ve got an intelligent, hard-working, caring husband that had stepped up when I needed someone the most. I’m just counting my lucky stars at this point.” She said, planting a kiss on his cheek, making Arctic’s heart flutter. “Your lucky stars? What about me? If I told my high school, nerdy me that I was married to a beautiful wife such as you, he’d laugh in my face before reporting me to the authorities for trespassing on school grounds.” Arctic said, making Helly chuckle. “You know, I still can’t believe it myself,” he said, looking at the ring that rested on his finger. Her warm smile grew as she entangled her own ringed hand with his, humming softly. Arctic gently smiled too at the warm gesture. “Come on, babe. What’s the next riddle?” Helly murmured, snuggling in closer as he felt his balmy body. Scrolling down the paper, smirking as he knew this riddle. “What disappears as soon as you say its name? Do you know this one?” Arctic asked, watching as Helly puffed out her cheeks adorably. “No…” she muttered. Arctic chuckled at her sulking face. “No worries, babe. The answer to this question is—silence.” Arctic said, watching Helly’s gears turn until she looked up with understanding. “Oooooh! I get it, when you say ‘silence’ it is no longer silent. Clever boy.” Helly praised, giving him a few sloppy kisses on his cheek, giggling as he wiped away her saliva. “Right, on to the next one!” She declared. Arctic looked at the other riddle. “What is found in every corner and two in every room? Hmm… Do you know this one? Because I don’t.” Arctic said inquisitively, his hand brushing his chin in thought. Now it was Helly’s time to smirk. “What’s wrong, Arcty~… Is Mr Archaeologist struggling with a riddle?” Helly mocked, watching Arctic deadpan and sneer. “I’m guessing you know this question, huh?” Arctic grumbled, making her snigger. “The answer is—o!” She exclaimed, making him raise a brow. “And how did you come to that answer?” He asked. “It’s simple word play, the answer is in the riddle. There is one ‘o’ in corner and there is two ‘o’s’ in room. It’s easy when you think outside the box.” She explained, blowing a raspberry at him as he had a look of realisation on his face. “Fair enough, you’re a lot smarter than I took you for.” Arctic said, giving a jab of his own as he knew she wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. She just playfully nudged him, that being the end of that. “The next riddle is—I am long and hard, and you will happily spend money on me. After getting me, you feel a huge feeling of relief. What am I? Hmm, this is a tough one… Any ideas, hun?” Arctic murmured, looking down to Helly who looked just as confused as he was. “No—not a clue. Drugs maybe?” She pointed out but, Arctic wasn't too sure about that answer. “No… I can’t think of any drugs being long and hard.” Arctic replied, narrowing his eyes in concentration. “How about your long, har—” “No, the answer isn’t my genitalia. Get your head out of the gutter.” Arctic quickly said, making Helly giggle at his reaction. They lay there for quite some time, thinking and guessing answers that fit this riddle but, it got to the point where Helly’s eyes fluttered shut, breathing softly as she enjoyed their togetherness. “Education?... Education!” Arctic exclaimed, making Helly spasm by the sudden cheer. “The answer is education, I am long and hard, and you will happily spend money on me. After getting me, you feel a huge feeling of relief. What am I? It’s education.” Arctic said with a smile. Helly hummed, nodding at the answer. “Yeah, I can see that. Good job.” Helly said, her eyes drooping a bit as she got comfy. “Next one!” “What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs?” The two didn’t answer right away, the two just looking at each other with a deadpan. “Clock.” They said at the same time, the two chuckling at the old but gold riddle. When things got quiet once again, Helly just felt his chest as her hand roamed but, wearing a small frown. “I hope Cherry is okay.” Helly muttered out of know where, holding him tightly as if he was going to disappear too. Arctic grimaced at that comment. “Yeah… me too.” Arctic added in, resting his chin on the side of her head. “I’ve been wondering all day how whoever took her managed to disappear out of thin air, there was a magic essence in the room but, not enough to be an advanced spell. How is this even possible?” He thought out loud, frustrated by the physics breaking problem that made no sense. “I don’t know but, if there is anyone that I believe can figure this out… it’s you.” Helly said, continuously kissing Arctic’s neck, hoping that with a simple kiss will make him string up with all the answers. “I know you’ve got this, you’re the most intelligent person I know, just think. The windows were closed, there was a bit of magic left in the room, there is no footage of the kidnapper or proof that they had ever left. It’s like the mansion itself just… swallowed her whole.” Helly said calmly, her words bringing more questions than answers. But… What she said about the mansion swallowing Cherry up did spike up a thought. Ever since he first stepped into this mansion, he had this—odd feeling. Before he could continue that thought, he was rudely interrupted by a certain detective barging her way through the door. “Yo! I have dinner ready for you two if you want any.” Sweetpea said, leaving just as quickly as she came in. The couple just looked at one another before they shrugged, getting up and heading down the stairs. > Chapter 5 - Wake Up. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 129# 23:32pm. Fruit Family Household. Dear Diary. I can’t sleep. Despite Helly’s enticing suggestion to get in bed with her, I can’t after what happened last night. I want to sleep, I need to sleep but, I can’t. I’m at my desk, writing in my diary as I look over the sleeping form of my wife, wondering if she is next to be taken under his nose. I won’t let that happen, not while I’m still awake. I’ve got my coffee machine plugged in, a fresh cup of it next to me. Hopefully, this will keep me up all night, keeping my mind busy writing in this diary. During lunch when Detective Shepard, Clutch, and Dime came back and finally saw Fenton for what felt like the first time today, things seemed normal oddly enough. Fenton had an odd interest in me when he found out I was a part of the Fruit family, asking me personal questions like what my mother’s name was, where he came from, what he knew about the Fruit Family Household, Tangerine’s history. It was awfully strange that a brat like him would be interested in my family’s past. Now that I think about it, how does he know Tangerine? I know it wouldn’t be hard considering Fenton lives in his mansion but, Fenton doesn’t look like the kid to do his research on this house. I could be wrong, I could be just overreacting, he might actually have an interest in the rich history of the Fruit family. It wasn’t suspicious but, it was odd. As for Detective Shepard, he looked worried, skittish about something as he looked over to Clutch as few times, confliction? Guilt? Sadness? He didn’t look like himself. I would have gone over to him but, as I said, I’m trying to keep a low profile on my own investigation of them. I would have looked suspicious if I pulled him to the side. I’ll just keep an eye on him. Dime wasn’t all too happy when she got in either. Turns out, she had lost the case as her client (David) was convicted of murder and sentenced to 23 years. It’s amazing how a lawyer’s mood is determined by if they win or lose a case, it doesn’t matter if their guilty or innocent, just as long as they win and get their respected pay, so it amazed me how a woman such as Dime can get so pissed off by a missing knife, I mean, it’s just a knife. I guess it’s true what they say. A great lawyer is one with no heart. Unlike the rest that came home miserable, Clutch came back home chipper as apparently, his employees had broken the companies record of selling cars in a day, making him that little bit richer. I find it ironic that is son is missing and there he is, smiling like a kid with sweets. Honestly, I would have loved to soccer punch him in the face, and I would of but, I knew I would be in an arm bar again by the detective and trust me, I wouldn’t wish her arm bars on my worst enemy. A few hours ago, after lunch, I worked more on the riddles in the library. I swear, it was like walking into a different era when I walked in, the books of old, their own brand of quietness, riddling with cobwebs with year’s old spiders shrivelled up in them. The library hasn’t been touched in years as dust piled up on one another, the creaking floorboards and the lack of technology in this room. It baffles me how such a rich family have neglected such a gold mine. Tangerine Fruit is legendary for his tales of his adventures, his discoveries of the ancient past and relics that resembled history. Everything he experienced, every dangerous tomb, and every life that was lost in his travels was jotted down in books, books that are all around me. This is worth more than any amount of cash I am given. As tempting as staying there all day and night, I had riddles to finish off. Now, I’m not great at numbers myself and these last two were a pain in my ass. I would have asked for help but, I admit, I’m prideful and I always want to do things by myself so, I let my overcharged brain cool off a bit and I started to explore the library. In my wandering around the library, I did find it odd that in my minutes of roaming the lanes of bookshelves, there was only one table and a chair in the entire room. There was a book that was dusty, and my heart skipped a beat at what it was. It was Tangerine’s diary. I swear, I don’t squeal like a little girl often but, I had to make an exception for that moment. In his diary, he went more in-depth about his feelings and thoughts during his adventures. He even confirmed the prices he got from selling certain artefacts to museums and wealthy families across the world. You could say I was blushing with envy at the millions he had collected across the years. What did catch my attention was when he talked about his family. He talked about his wife, his two daughters and his son in many of his pages. Tangerine writes how he had fallen in love with a striped woman (Zorku) on his adventures, he talked about how she was struggling to survive in Zebrica. Her tribe was slowly dying out as they were being constantly attacked by hostile tribes that put fear in the hearts of many. So, he took Zorku with him, back home. Tangerine knew the population of Equestria, his noble family and friends would disapprove of the equestrian and zebra relation going further beyond friends so, he planned to hide them away, build up a mansion in the middle of The Goodison Forest, deep enough so that no one will find them. After months of him and his team building it, he tipped the construction firm extra to keep the build private. They called their new home The Fruit Family Household. After 5 years of adventuring and taking care of his now-wedded wife, Tangerine had settled down with his wife, his two daughters and his son. It was his time to retire from his journeys and live the rest of his life with his family. His daughter’s names are Sunny Fruit and Strawberry Fruit, they were both unicorns and both twins, being the eldest to their youngest brother, Zoro. He was a zebra with Arctic jolted awake, a strand of drool hanging from his lip as he raised his head from his desk in a daze. What happened? Where was he? Wait… He slept! He nearly snapped his neck at the pace he looked over at the bed, seeing the bulge form of his wife in the quilt. He sighed deeply, never being more thankful to see his wife in all his life. He slept, he put his wife at risk by sleeping, Arctic promised himself that he wasn’t going to sleep. Instinctively, his hand reached for the cold cup of coffee, drinking it all in one go despite the bitter coldness. Gasping after the icy coffee, Arctic brought his arm around to check his watch but, he couldn’t see thanks to the lack of light. Reaching into his pocket for his phone, he pulled it out and pressed the home button, see that the time was… 23:35pm? Squinting in confusion, he turned his phone around and shined the light on his diary, seeing the time he the wrote when he started writing in his diary. 23:32pm… Did he really sleep for a few minutes? If that’s the case… What woke him up? Looking back to his phone, he also got a few notifications on his lock screen. There were notifications from his cameras informing him that movement was seen. Arctic’s brow raised. Typing in his password, he went straight to the app that controls the cameras and records movement from the start till the end. He clicked on the tab with three new recordings labelled above each one and one more recording that is pending. He clicked on the first video, turning his phone into landscape mode to see much better. The first video was recorded upstairs in in the west corridor where four doors were in plain sight, two on each side of the two walls opposite each other, perfectly symmetrical with paintings for ornaments. The video itself is minor, just Clutch heading to the bathroom to do his business. The second video being him just leaving the bathroom and back in his room. But the third video… The third video confused him greatly. It was 5 seconds of the recording bugging out in the south corridor upstairs where Cherry’s room was. Was the camera glitching? Has someone tampered with it? Other than the slight static, nothing happened, nothing he could see anyway. No movement, no signs of life, just 5 seconds of static. Arctic had to check this out for himself. Getting up from his desk quietly, he turned towards the door that was slightly open… Open? Arctic was sure he had closed the door. He knew it couldn’t have been Helly since she’s a heavy sleeper and if she needs the bathroom, she could have gone to this room’s bathroom. Unless… The reason he woke up was by the door creaking open. Someone was about to enter. Slowly, he reached for his pistol that was next to the coffee cup without his eyes leaving the open door. As he approached it with awareness, his phone buzzed in his hand as a new notification popped up. It was the pending recording. Halting in his step, he quickly checked out who he was dealing with. When the video started in the east corridor, where his and Helly’s door room was seen, he was confused when he saw nothing again. The video was fine, with no static but, the door opened by itself. It baffled Arctic so much because his room’s door swung outwards and the windows in his room were shut so—how did his door open? Weirded out by the video, he shrugged it off for now as he continued to walk to the door. Opening the door warily, he stepped out and scanned his surroundings, seeing nothing out of the ordinary, he continued to the south upstairs hallway camera to see what was bugging it. When he saw it, it looked fine to him. He checked his phone again, connecting his phone to the camera. Watching the live feed and it turns out, the camera is now fine, seeing himself clearly through the camera as he looked at himself, looking down at his phone. Arctic squinted in confusion. What the hell is going on? Suddenly, a chill ran up Arctic’s spine as a door creaked open behind him and it wasn’t just any door, it was to Cherry’s room. Arctic slowly turned with his gun raised, his hand shaky as he walked forward, leaving his phone on the floor for anyone to pick up if he doesn’t come back out of the room. He pushed the door wide, his heart racing as he stepped inside. The room was in the same state it was when Cherry was taken, splinters and chunks of wood everywhere, the blanket on the floor, the desk dishevelled, windows still locked, nothing has changed the last time Arctic barged in to see Cherry missing but… Something felt off, that same feeling when he first walked into this mansion but, it was stronger, it was cold, it was eerily drowning, what was this feeling? Was someone watching him? Then… he saw it. Under the side of the bed, a valley’s river of blood oozed out, breaking away into little streams that filled the gaps in the planks. Arctic could only freeze up in fear as he could hear faint muttering, the same demonic, distorted muttering he had in his dream last night. Stop him~ Save him~ He has her~ Arctic’s mouth dropped with a blighted look, watching a small hand reach from under the bed, crimson matting its white and black, blistered skin, the rotten flesh carved off, bone visible and the index finger missing as blood squirted out. The riddles~ Solve them~ Find her~ Leave~ Arctic couldn’t stop shaking in fear as another hand raised from the darkness under the bed. It pulled itself leisurely, hearing it slide across the floor. As Arctic stepped back, he lost balance of his footing and fell to the ground, his eyes wide and he couldn’t process what he was seeing as a form started to show. His heart dropped at the sight of a dismantled face, riddled with burns and the black eye socket and the other being a bloodshot red eye stared back with as much fear as Arctic had. Shasha is coming~ “S-shasha?” Arctic stuttered, feeling a cold sweat on his skin. He’s here~ And just like that, the boy screamed as a force dragged the eyeless boy back into the void that was under the bed, making Arctic jump up and for his heart to skyrocket as the gargling cries rang in his ear with each second that passed. Arctic didn’t have time to ask any questions as his whole body swivelled around rapidly, the door behind him slamming shut. When he turned, his whole body stiffened as in front of him was something of nightmares. It was a tall black figure, looking at eye level at Arctic in the shadow of his top hat. The intimidating figure loomed over him, a glimmer of a knife in the behemoth’s grasp. Arctic couldn’t move as it stepped forward, his gun trembling in his hand. He didn’t know why he hasn’t fired his pistol but, none of that mattered as with one swift movement of the giant’s arm, the knife was plunged deep into his gut. Arctic couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t think, move or feel as he slowly looked down at the blood-covered knife plunged into his stomach from the hilt. He felt his legs give out as he went to one knee, the knife being forcefully pulled out as he gone down. His breathing turned to wheezers, feeling the blood splurge onto his hand as he covered the massive hole in his belly. He felt so cold, so weak as he fell backwards, flat on his back, looking up at the shadowy figure that only looked back down shamelessly at him, it was getting hard to breathe as he felt his body weaken as more and more blood poured out. The last thing he felt was his muscles relaxing, his vision going in and out of blur, a tear running down his cheek as he realised that he was going to die. Slowly, life left his body as his whole world turned to darkness. Arctic was killed… Then he woke up in a sweat… > Chapter 6 - Punishment. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 130# 6:12am. Fruit Family Household. Dear diary. Last night, I had a very disturbing, vivid nightmare that made my skin crawl. I woke up like a sweating pig, waking Helly in the process. I died in my nightmare by some character, wearing a trench coat, a top hat and a red scarf, he stabbed me with a knife and watched me die. I thought I was really going to die, I thought I wasn’t going to see my wife and my daughter ever again. When I woke up and I saw the concerned face of my beautiful wife, I hugged her like it was my last. Understandably, she was confused about the sudden affection but, she hugged me back, I was glad for that hug. When I woke up, I was in my bed oddly enough, I had thought I was at my desk writing in my diary. Did I get in bed? I don’t know now, and if so, my wife or I could have been taken but, we didn’t. Does that mean someone else was taken? Clutch? Dime? Fenton? Sweetpea? Shepard? If so, that narrows it down. I checked my phone, and the videos in my dream were also in this reality too. Why? How? Did I fall asleep midway walking down the corridors for someone to put me back in bed? That’s the only reasonable explanation in my head, magic could have come into play but, I don’t think that’s what it is. How is it that the videos in my nightmare are in this reality? It doesn’t make any sense, they are the exact same footage, even the third video with all the static was just there, on his phone, waiting to be played. What baffles me more is that my phone says that I’ve already watched it as the first thing that popped up was the live video in the south corridor. So, what I’m thinking is, last night did happen but, I must have been hallucinating the part when I walked into Cherry’s room, I don’t know, I guess it is something that I’ll have to think about. The boy from under the bed however, he is all I can think about even as I write. Going over to the room where he was under the bed was one of many things I have done this morning but, when I entered, he was nowhere to be found. No boy, no blood from under the bed and no blood of mine. It must have been a hallucination, right? I can’t stop thinking about the injuries the boy had, his skin was decaying and scorched, eyeless and with chunks of his body and flesh cut out to the point of bone. His movement was stiff, limb to the point of near death, his voice the epitome of death. When he spoke to me, I remember touching my own throat by the thought of sounding that raspy. What he did say has me thinking. Stop him. Save him. He as her. What does that mean? I know this is coming from a hallucination or a nightmare but, if it’s coming from my mind, it must have made sense to me at the time but, it doesn’t. who’s him? How do you stop someone and save them at the same time? He has her. I have a theory of who ‘her’ is because, the next thing the boy said was: The riddles. Solve them. Find her. Leave. I think I’m telling myself to find my daughter by solving the riddles. It must be me and my desperate mind scraping every solution to find Cherry, I know the riddles won’t help me in finding Cherry, the riddles are just a distraction at this point as I hope for the detectives to show up with hopefully good news. I have not given up on finding her just yet but, I’ve accepted that Sweetpea and Shepard are the only ones to find her despite how much I distrust Shepard, I trust Detective Sweepea’s judgement on her partner, I can only hope that she isn’t being used in some sort of way. However, that wasn’t the last thing the boy said to me. He said: Shasha is coming. He is here. That’s when I died. Shasha was the name in Tangerine’s note, who is Shasha? Is he the one that stabbed me? It must be otherwise why would the boy say that Shasha was coming. What’s the significance of this character? Why did Tangerine mention him? I guess this is something that I would have to look into, this is a test after all but, a test of what? intelligence? Wit? I don’t understand. Tangerine has always been one to be so cryptic in his work and words. Anyway, I’ll continue my investigation and hopefully find out where Cherry is. Wish me luck. Agony is all Cherry felt as her eyes fluttered open, her back on fire as her body was slumped on the floor. All she could see was black, all she could feel was pain and the coldness in the air. She grunted as she tried to push herself up but, she whimpered under the lashes she had retrieved. Through the discomfort, she did manage to stand on her feet, her wobbly legs straining as she still felt weak. She looked around aimlessly, the dark being all she could see, holding herself as she shivered. Why was it so cold? When she felt herself, she then realised that her bra was off still and was happy to see that it was still on the floor, however it did not help with warming herself up. If anything, it only brings her more discomfort as it was wrapped around her back. With each step, she stumbled. With each touch of the wall, floor and bars, she started to lose hope of escape. As she hoped to find something, that mysterious figure lingered in her mind, scarring her as she was constantly looking over her shoulder despite the darkness, she felt like she was being watched closely, being analysed by her tormentor. She jumped in fear as the light turned on suddenly, making Cherry swirl around and collapse on the floor in fright as he saw the same man she was dreading of seeing again, the man that made her feel the worst pain she had ever felt. He stood there, unmoving as his face was still covered by the shadows. She didn’t dare speak as she gazed at the whip in his hand, remembering every single lash she got until she blacked out. So, she kept her mouth shut as she crawled back into the back wall in a foetal position, looking at him as he only looked back. Nothing happened at first, they just stared at one another, the trench coat guy just sitting there on his oak chair, sitting in the same way he did last time. A tear ran down her cheek as she waited, shivering quietly. “Are you hungry?” He asked, his head slightly tilting. Now that he mentioned it, her stomach felt like it was devouring itself, feeling it rumble. Her thirst for water was on a whole other level however, her lips and throat being dry and sore, it felt like it was deserted of moisture. She didn’t know how to answer that question, of course she was hungry but, what’s his twisted game? What’s he getting out of this? Entertainment? Reluctantly, she nodded, too afraid to speak. Not moving from his seat, he reached into his inner coat and pulled out something that made her heart jump. A large, stainless kitchen knife that glistened from the light above. He brandished it, looking it over as he felt the sharpness and length. He didn’t flinch as blood leaked from his fingertip. Her tears ran freely as he looked over at her, stopping momentarily in thought. To her surprise however, he threw the knife in between the bars, the knife landing right in front of Cherry. She quickly picked it up in her grasp. “Then eat.” He said coldly, elegantly raising his arm up and towards the boy that hung from the chains. Cherry’s heart was twisted and pulled out of her chest at the sickening realisation of what the man meant. The knife in her hand trembled, she started to hyperventilate as she started at the unflinching boy, light sobs coming from her maw. “Eat.” He said demandingly, his voice as steely and unwavering as the crying girl. She didn’t want to do it, she felt sick of the thought of eating a little boy’s remains like this but, she also didn’t want to be lashed like last time, her back still burning from the intense pain. Slowly, she got up on her feet, her heart racing as she shuffled over to the boy, delaying the inevitable. She hated how she couldn’t speak, she wanted to cry for help, she wanted to plead with the man, she wanted forgiveness from the boy, and she wanted her mom and dad. She didn’t know where to start, she didn’t want to start as she just stared at the hanging boy. She didn’t know how long she stood there, the knife’s tip inches away from Feather’s skin. An abrupt sound of a chair moving backwards, and footsteps made Cherry plunge the knife into the boy’s chest accidentally, her whole body freezing up as the man entered. She stumbled back into the corner, watching as he fast-walked towards Feather’s corpse which still had the knife in his chest. He didn’t waste a second as he pulled out the bloodied knife and sunk it in the child’s gut, cutting away at his flesh as eventually, his intestines sprawled out onto the floor, other organs falling out with a squelch as the madman reached up from the inside and started fishing out more organs, blood, bones, he went as far as pulling out the poor boy‘s lungs and tearing his eyes out, throwing them on the pile of gore. Cherry’s face went pale at what she saw, she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She started to gag at the smell of death in the room, feeling her stomach in a knot. He just stood there, looking at Cherry expecting with the knife in his hand. She knew what he wanted her to do but, she was repulsed by the sight of the mangled meat and blood, her stomach refused to go anywhere near it. “Eat—it.” He said through his teeth, the command making Cherry curl up in a ball and weep. Cherry heard him stomp over and her heart went through the roof as she was dragged once again by the hair, holding her screams back in terror of being punished. With a painful yank of her hair, she was thrown forward and felt her face and chest come into contact with the mush that was the guts and grime, frozen as the blood coated her. She felt the eyes of the man crouching over her, hearing and feeling the cold breath on the back of her neck. Slowly, she shoved her hands into the mix of gooey crimson, holding what looked to be a part of the intestine that dangled, the pancreas and spleen, blood dripping from between her fingers. Her mind was breaking at the sight, kneeling at the remains of what was Feather Flit, her whole body quivering and not from the freezing temperature. Wuh-psssh! Suddenly, a titanic rush of pain ran through her back, her back arching as a fantom of a scream escaped her open mouth, feeling her entire world crumble into nothing but pain. She slumped into the pile, her throat on fire as all she could muster is as ghoulish, faint scream. She thought she knew pain but, never has she ever felt pain on top of pain like this, it felt like thousands of knifes digging into her back, condensed into one spot. “Rule 2: don’t disobey me.” He said in a disappointed tone, watching as her hand covered the freshly bleeding wound. “You said you were hungry, so eat up, don’t disobey your master again.” All Cherry could do is nod weakly, catching her breath as tears ran down her cheeks. With her trembling hands, she dug into the flesh and pulled out a hand full of meat, gagging once again at the sight and smell. Closing her eyes and holding her breath, she didn’t think as she moved inches forward. She felt revolted as she opened her mouth, feeling blood and meat touch her quivering lip, digging her teeth into the chewy flesh and blood. Her body revolted by the texture it had, the raw nutrients squelching, the blood pouring mouth and dripping down her chin, her jaw hurting by the force she had to by just to get a chunk of this organ. When she eventually ripped a chunk off, she instantly wanted to throw up the disgusting taste of iron, her throat convulsing in nausea but, she managed to keep it in. She hated how chewy it was, she grinded it in between the back of her teeth, stabbing it with her front teeth, she hated every minute she spent grazing apart the meat. When it was just mush, she had to count to three in preparation to swallow but, it was easier said than done as her taste buds rejected the food but, a reminder of who was behind her, she swallowed. As soon as the meat slivered down her throat, she immediately gagged in disgust, coughing up a storm as it echoed. Slowly, she looked up over her shoulder, seeing the man looking down at her. He didn’t say nothing but, he did walk away with the knife and whip in hand, closing the cage door and sitting back in his seat. it was clear that her torment had just began. It felt like hours of devouring meat and vomiting it back up for Cherry, her mind is woozy and completely exhausted as she lay in her own vomit. The monster was gone and now, she was back in the darkness that was her cell. What did she do to deserve this? Who was that sadistic figure and why is he doing this to her? Her mind was shattered, heartbroken, and her will destroyed by the oppressor that has controlled and used her for his amusement. That smile under the shadow, she hated it with every fibre of her being. The smugness, the carefree body language, she hated how she couldn’t do anything about it, she was utterly and completely powerless, a child believing the stories about the monster under the bed, waiting for mom and dad to usher her back to sleep. Her mind went to her mother, the biggest child in the family, Helly. She wished she was here, giving Cherry the obnoxious hugs that she secretly liked despite her struggles to get away. She would never admit to Helly but, she had always enjoyed her time with her, Helly was never the smartest or coolest but, she is fun. Cherry is also thankful for all the times Helly was there for her through the good and bad, she would never say this in front of her but, she couldn’t have asked for a better mom. Her mind soon wandered to her dad, Arctic. She never liked him when she got old and she wasn’t shy about it either, always frustrated when things don’t go her way for a change. She hated the fact that Helly let him walk into our lives and started bossing Cherry around, telling her what she should and shouldn’t do, telling her what she can and can’t have when she was younger, like he was her real dad, acting like a good dad when he would try and explain himself to her. She never gets to sit down, they are constantly on the move because of his strange fascination with his family tree that she never understands, what was so important about his family? Either way, she couldn’t make any lifelong friends or relationships because of him… But she would forgive him, she would apologies for making his life hell, she would let him order her around, go anywhere he likes if he gets her out of this hellhole, away from him. Another round of vomit exited her mouth, her eyes watery and the smell made her gag more in disgust. She pushed herself up on her knees, nausea slurring in her moans. Getting on one knee then standing was harder than expected as her head was lightheaded, spinning in a sprawl. At first, she didn’t move as she just stood there in a daze, looking around as her eyes adjusted to the darkness. She looked for the third, fourth and fifth time at the same three walls, seeing no way of escape. Then, she saw the barred door. Her eyes widened as the barred door was slightly open. Did-did he forget to lock the door? Clumsily, she made her way to the door, pressing her hand against it in disbelief and pushed it widely, making sure that she wasn’t seeing things. Hope rose within her as she took her first step out of her prison, looking around franticly. To her relief, no one was there, and she saw another door at the far end where more cells lined each other. Careful to not make a noise, she couldn’t help but stare into the other cages, seeing bones of all shapes and sizes, some young and old. Are these more of his victims? How long has he been doing this? When she reached the end, she went to touch the handle of the door but, she froze at what she heard behind her. “Don’t open the door~.” A voice said behind her, it being soft but ghostly. She turned and her mouth was open in shock, she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. A boy no older than 7 was standing behind her, a sad look on his face. Dry blood marked his face, a deep slice on his cheek and throat being visible but, it looked like he couldn’t feel it however. They stood there for the longest time, just staring at one another with mixed reactions. She finally broke the silence. “W-why not?” Cherry asked, unnerved about this boy. “It’s a trap~.” He said, an urgent tone to his voice. “Who are you?” She asked, stepping closer to the boy, when she did, she felt cold to the touch as she went to inspect his cut but, her hand… it phased right through him. She gasped in shock and stepped back, her hand slightly colder now. The boy looked away slightly, conflict in his eyes. “I-I don’t know my name~.” The mysterious boy looking back at her with sorrow. “Do… Not… Open the door~.” “Why? What’s he doing?” Cherry said, rubbing her hand for warmth, processing the fact that her hand just went right through him. “He’s waiting… On the other side with that fucking whip... He left it open… So he could try—and punish you... He’ll whip you until you pass out… It hurts… It hurts real bad... You’ll cry… You’d want to beg him to stop but… If you did… You’d be breaking rule number 1… But you already know that… You have already been punished… Haven’t you~.” He said, walking backwards back to her cell and with reluctance, she followed, looking over her shoulder at the door to freedom once or twice. The ghostly boy stopped by the door of her prison, taking no pleasure in doing this. “We begged him to stop… We all did… But... He just keeps whipping you~.” He said solemnly as Cherry walked back into the cell, hearing the cell door close. “We’ve all written the rules on the wall… You just have to look carefully~.” The boy said with reassurance. “Stay strong… You can get through this~.” When Cherry turned to speak, her mouth was left open as the boy was nowhere to be seen. Without a doubt, Cherry knew she was talking to a victim but, not just any victim, a ghost that has gone through it all and had felt everything and more. She didn’t know if she should feel pity for the boy or be thankful that she wasn’t truly alone and clueless. Arctic was on the couch, doing nothing but thinking about last night’s events. Shasha… Shasha… Shasha… It’s a unique name that isn’t from equestrian, it’s an old Zebrican name that had died down, making it a rare name thanks to its bad reputation of being a cruel name. So… what’s its name doing in the likes of Tangerine’s note? Better yet, why was it mentioned yet again in his dream/nightmare/hallucination? It was teasing him, what was with that name? Arctic scratched his head vigorously, his mind scattered and heated. “Arctic, your head looks like it’s going to explode. Just sit back and calm down.” Clutch said with his annoying voice, his hands panting on the back of Arctic’s shoulders and started to rub. “Let Shepard and Sweetpea do their thing. They are good at what they do.” “Not good enough, it’s been a few days since your child has gone missing, aren’t you concerned yourself?” Arctic muttered, his entangled fist pressed against his chin, his foot tapping like crazy. “Sure, I worry about his well-being but, if it’s what I think it is, there is nothing to worry about.” Clutch replied, making Arctic’s brow rise and look over his shoulder at Clutch. “What do you mean?” Arctic said with an inquisitive look. “I mean I’m a multimillionaire, people take risks for money, and that includes taking my son and holding him hostage for money. All I have to do is wait for a call from the bastards demanding money.” Clutch murmured, walking round and sitting next him. “Those are the type of things you have to think about when you have money. As for you, I have no idea what happen to your daughter.” Arctic narrowed his eyes. “Is that so…” “What’s that look for?” “Nothing… Just the fact that you said you was looking for your son, not waiting for a call. Kinda ironic that there was no reason for you or your family to be here at the time when my daughter was taken. After all, all you have to do is wait, right?” Arctic said with a demeaning glare, his eyes digging into Clutches. Clutch’s smile turned into a disappointed frown, his eyes showing unamused anger. “What are you trying to imply?” Clutch said dangerously, a dark look on his face. Arctic matched his with his own. “I’m not implying anything yet but, you—you, I don’t trust you one bit.” Arctic replied, pointing his finger at him. Clutched just scoffed. “Why? Because I have a theory of could’ve happened to my son? Listen, I don’t know what happened to my son, I’m just saying that my boy being taken for ransom is the best-case scenario.” Clutch said calmly, his passive-aggressive glare never wavering. “So what? Are you saying that someone is going to call my phone any time soon? Demanding money for my daughter?” Arctic mocked, rolling his eyes. “No, actually… I don’t know what could have possibly happened to your girl. It’s like she genuinely disappeared. When my son disappeared, the bastards entered and left threw through the window but remember, when your daughter was taken, the windows were locked.” “What are you trying to say? That a second party is involved?” Arctic quickly interjected. “That’s what my brother thinks anyway, and to be honest, it makes sense if you think about it.” Clutched said, making Arctic think. As much as he hated to say it, Clutch was right. Not only did Clutch’s son go missing on a separate occasion but, there was a reason to being taken. As for Cherry, it was out of the blue and without explanation. This doesn’t make him less of a suspect however, it doesn’t change the fact that it was someone in this house. “This doesn’t change anything; this just means that you and I are looking for two different people.” Arctic sighed, standing up and walking away from the eyeing Clutch. Clutch’s eyes watched Arctic all the way out the door, a grimace on his face as he picked up his phone and dialled a number. > Chapter 7 - Shasha. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 131# 18:24pm. The Fruit Family Household. Dear Diary. I can’t trust Clutch. I don’t like the look of him, I don’t like his attitude towards his missing son, it angers me how much empathy he lacks, he’s a sociopath. Yet, despite my dislike of him, I can’t definitely say he was the one who has taken Cherry but, he’s up there at the top. Yet, I think I’m over hating a bit. He’s a father too, I’m sure under that unfazed look on his face is stress upon stress. Dime however didn’t hide her distress or miserable state. Helly hasn’t left her alone no matter how many times she was told to leave her alone. Eventually, Dime started to open up to Helly, I don’t know what they were talking about but, seeing them chuckle did bring a smile on my face. They are not friends yet but, they are on talking terms. It’s good to see Helly hasn’t changed, always trying to brighten up people’s moods regardless of her pain. I think it is benefiting Helly too more than anything. Talking to me is good and all but, she is easily bored when I ramble on about literally anything, so it’s good that she has someone else to talk to in these dark times. I’ve been thinking about the absence of Cherry, asking myself question over and over again as if the answer would fly in my head and solve everything. It’s stupid but, the more I did, the more I asked myself different questions. Why was it my daughter of all people? What was the point of taking her? It could be completely coincidental or was it deliberate? The begs the question, who would want to take my daughter? Of course, I have enemies, enemies who would love to see me suffer. There’s the ESORG (Equestrian Society of Overseas Research Group.) An organisation that I was a part of but, thanks to my curiosity they planned to be removed with discrimination and efficiently – in other words, dead. The Zikr Tribe, a tribe that live on a forgotten island, so forgotten that the island wasn’t renamed back in the human era. The Sentinelese Island. I highly doubt that they are responsible considering they have never left the island but, it took me back to a trip of memory lane, I wonder if they still want to rip out my organs and sacrifice me in honour of their god. It’s a shame, I thought we had a good thing going. Then, there’s the Iloxisy Cult, the one I fear the most and could be responsible with there bloody voo-doo magic stuff. I think my time of running has caught up to me, I took something of theirs and now, they have something of mine. What scares me more is that they are an extremist group, they don’t care if it is a man, woman or child, they do severe things to recruit – even torture among other gruesome methods. I hope that is not the case, as dark as it may sound, with all the stories I heard about this sadistic group, I’d rather my own daughter to have a quick death than suffer the things they would do to her. That’s it really, everyone that wants me dead. Well, there is my high school bully, Iron Bar, a right twat with an ego as big as Manehattan’s radio tower and an ex-boyfriend to my wife, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out why he wants me dead but, I really doubt it is him. I haven’t seen him in years. Plus, he’s not the type to kidnap someone, he’s a coward like that. Something still bugs me about the disappearance, how did he or she escape with Cherry? The only answer here is magic I can imagine but, with very little of it, that can’t be the case, could it? There is no explanation for it other than magic, I was literally at the door when her screams faded drastically. It’s rather that they teleported – which is impossible – or she never left. Is there more to this house that I don’t know about? is this house carrying secrets that I don’t know about? and if that’s the case, it would have to be someone or a certain family that have stayed here for years and knows the lay out and its secrets. The note, it was in Dime’s and Clutch’s room. Do they know? If that’s the case, the boy in my hallucination was right. Solve the riddles and find my daughter. Is that what that boy from under the bed meant? If that’s so, should I be concerned about Shasha? the man that killed me in my hallucination? If that’s so, I better be prepared for anything. “I remember when little Feather Flit was a menace, the energetic little devil would always play pranks on Clutch and me, smiling sweetly as if he was innocent.” Dime chuckled under her breath, trying to keep her professionalism in front of Helly. Helly chuckled along too. Dime and Helly were getting along in the mansion’s built-in bar sitting next to each other with a glass of wine in front of them. “I know what that’s like, mostly because I’m the biggest kid in my family. If I’m not annoying my husband or daughter, I’m pulling jokes on them.” Helly replied, scratching the back of her head with a sheepish smile. Dime took a sip of her beverage. “A fun mother you are then, my son would have enjoyed your company. If you are as energetic as he is, I would be growing grey hairs.” Dime sighed, rubbing her face slightly at the thought of Helly and Feather together. “I hope he is okay.” She murmured. Helly frowned at that. “I’m sure both Cherry and Feather are safe and sound wherever they are. We just need to keep the faith and hope that they both come back soon.” Helly chimed in, her hand wrapped around Dime’s shoulder. “Everything will be fine.” “How can you be so sure?” Dime looked over to Helly, the bags under her eyes saying it all. “I don’t know for sure but, losing hope just means that you’ve given up. I’ve not given up, not in the slightest, not until I have my baby girl in a big hug.” Helly said with determination, Dime listening closely. “Arctic is working his ass off looking for Cherry, he’ll never give up, he's not a give-up type, he’s not one to sit around and wait for someone else to do the job. He’s too prideful to do nothing.” Helly chuckled, taking a sip of her red wine. “You think he’ll find her?” Dime asked. “Without a shadow of a doubt.” “Helly!” A certain earthling asked, the two turning to see Arctic walking quickly over to Helly. “Oh, babe, what’s up?” Helly managed to get out before he leaned down to her ear. “Find out what the last two riddles are.” Arctic whispered, passing over the riddled note secretly. “I’m onto something.” Arctic said before leaving just as quickly as he arrived, leaving Helly and Dime baffled. Why couldn’t Arctic say that out loud? Doesn’t he trust Dime? “What was that about?” Dime asked, not seeing the note that was given to Helly. “Nothing—listen, I’ve got to take care of something, thank you for the wine and I’ll see you soon.” Helly said with a smile, standing up and leaning to give Dime a hug that took her off guard. Before Dime could speak, Helly walked away up the stairs. In the room that Helly walked in, she didn’t waste any time as she headed straight towards the desk with the coffee machine on top. Planting her behind down in the seat, she unfolded the note and laid it flat on the desk. Immediately, her hand balled into a fist and her chin rested on it, looking at the first riddle. John noticed that the amount he was paying for his lunch was a rearrangement of the digits of the amount of money he had in his pocket, and that the money he had left over was yet another rearrangement of the same three digits! How much money did John start with? Helly’s mind was melting just at the looks of this riddle, she sighed at the realisation that it was numbers. How do you solve a riddle of numbers when there are no numbers in the riddle? Knowing Arctic, he saw it was a number riddle and passed it on to Helly, Arctic was never good with numbers no matter how smart he is. Helly had a better chance of getting a higher mark on a math test. It’s that bad. Helly shuck her head at her husband’s bad spell in math and mulled over the riddle inside her head. This maybe a math problem but, she excels in puzzles like this, this shouldn’t be any different than another other hard riddle, all she had to do is put her mind to it. Yeah, no biggie… A half an hour and a cup of coffee later… Helly was fucking losing her mind over this god-forsaken riddle. She knew she wasn’t the best with numbers but, she just couldn’t wrap her head around this riddle. All she knew was that the answer was a three-digit number and the person’s name is John. Helly rubbed her temple with force, feeling a strong urge to finish this note off once and for all. Helly now knew why he pinned this onto Her. She got up in a huff, she needed to get some air. Walking over to the room’s window, she pushed open the window with effortless ease, feeling the breeze waft against her heated face. She leaned against the windowsill, taking in the cold air with a deep inhale as she felt her eyes droop. She has done nothing all day but stressing over her daughter constantly is testing her mentally, not to mention the riddle that Arctic asked her to solve. Why was it all of a sudden important? What did he mean by ‘he’s onto something?’ Does he know what happened to Cherry? She hoped that was the case. Her thoughts were interrupted by a door opening, she turned expecting to see Arcty but, her brow raised when she saw Detective Shepard standing in the doorway. “Sorry to bother you… Helly is it?” Shepard asked, making Helly smile slightly. “Yes, that’s me.” Helly answered, turning her whole body to face him. “What’s up, Detective? Is there anything I can help you with?” “Yes actually, do you know where Detective Sweetpea is? I can’t find her and she’s not picking up her phone.” Shepard said, his eyes looking around for detail. Helly frowned slightly. “No… The only time I have seen her today was this morning at breakfast, other than that, I can’t help you.” Helly said, making Shepard sigh. “Okay… thank you for your time anyway.” Shepard murmured, turning to leave but, Helly quickly stopped him. “Wait!” Helly called out, making Shepard look over his shoulder with an inquisitive look. “I was wondering if you could help me out with something?” Helly said, walking over to the desk and showing him the note of old. Shepard’s brows raised in surprise, seeing the old note. “What’s this?” He asked, quickly scanning through the note with a glance, taking the questions into consideration. He looked up Helly with an inquisitive look. “Nothing too special, just a bunch of riddles and I can’t figure out the last two.” Helly murmured with a winning smile. Shepard looked at his watch and hummed for a second. “Sure, let’s make this quick, I still have a case to solve.” Shepard said, sitting on the side of the bed and narrowing his brows slightly. He read over the question a few times, trying to get an understanding of what this question wanted. Bringing out his notebook, he started jotting down some three-digit numbers. “What are you doing?” Helly asked, looking over his shoulder at the numbers being written down with interest. “Well, it says that John started with a three-digit number, so the money can be written with just three digits — so it must be between $1.01 and $9.99. It also says that the number he has and what he has to pay for only being same numbers but readjusted, however, the money he had left is another readjustment of the money he had and the price. So, with trial and error, all I have to do is add the price to the money John had left and that would give me the answer to how much John had in the first place. Did you get that.” Shepard asked, looking over to Helly. She didn’t answer, her eyes were wide and drool running down the side of her lip. Shaking her head as she realised that Shepard was staring, she rubbed the back of her head. “Sorry, big words and complicated sentences fly over my head. Next time, just say it’s too complicated and I’ll forget I ever asked. Being a nerd isn’t my thing, you see.” She laughed nervously. “What’s your pretty little head doing solving riddles then?” Shepard raised a brow. “Anything to take my mind of the fact that my daughter is gone with bad people that could be doing anything to her. I’m terrified that I’m not going to see her again, y’know.” Helly sighed, her face downtrodden. “We’ll find your daughter, its only a matter of time until I find something.” Shepard reassured as he continued writing numbers down. It was silent after that, all conversation was lost to the sound of pen on paper. Helly got a piece of paper and a pen of her own and started doing what he was doing. Thanks to the extra support, Shepard eventually got it in a short amount of time. $9.54 = $4.59 + $4.95. “Finally, thank god that’s finally done. I thought I would never see the day.” Helly joked, flopping backwards on the bed. “Shall we move on?” “Lets…” Shepard replied, his coat off and a ciggy in one hand. Double my number, I’m less than a score, Half of my number is less than four. Add one to my double when bakers are near, Days of the week are still greater, I fear. “That—makes—no sense.” Helly deadpanned, feeling her head pulse from just saying the rhyme in her head. “Aye, it’s a bit of a handful to make sense of it but, I can narrow the answer down being 6, 4 or 2.” The detective murmured with his hand on his chin. “And how did you figure that out? Helly asked, generally confused. Pulling the notebook closer, she took a look. “Well, when it says ‘double my number, I’m less than a score’ it just means that the number is less than 20. 20=score, don’t ask me why, it just is. Also, ‘half my number is less than four,’ you don’t need to be a genius to figure that out. As for the rest… I’m still trying to figure that out.” Shepard muttered, scratching the end of his pen at the end of his bearded chin. “That’s—wait… I got it!” Helly stood up, a bright smile on her face. “It’s 6!” “And what makes you say that?” Shepard said, raising a brow at the sudden outburst. “Well, as you said, it's rather 6, 4 or 2 and when you said that 20=score, that got me thinking on that next part. ‘Add one to my double when bakers are near.’ Bakers… when I was young, my mammy would always use confusing stuff like a brace, half a dozen, a score, a gross, and a baker to represent numbers. I never understood what she was saying until I asked her one day. A baker dozen is 13, take one off it, you get 12, half that and you get 6! I’m a fucking genius!” Helly squealed, getting giddy from this stroke of luck. She mentally thanked her mam. “Thank you for the help, Shepard. I owe you one.” Helly said, taking Shepard by surprise with a tight hug, almost breaking his back. Helly left the room, leaving a flushed Shepard sitting there. He couldn’t remember a time he was hugged like that; it was nice. After passing on the cursed riddles to Helly, (Sorry Helly) he planned to go straight towards the library. There has to be more about this Shasha figure and Tangerine’s secrets in the library, it would be illogical not to have more information. Tangerine isn’t the type to leave an unknown name in the so-called ‘Last Test’ note, there has to be more to that name, more to Tangerine and if he was right about Cherry not leaving in the first place, this could lead to her. “Yo, Arctic. Whoa, what’s got you in a hurry?” Detective Sweetpea asked, walking the opposite way to Arctic. “I think I’m onto something, come with and I’ll fill you in.” Arctic said, walking passed in stride, taking Sweetpea off guard. Curiously, Sweetpea followed with a questioning gaze. “Sooo, where are we going?” Sweetpea asked, matching his fast stride down the corridor. “The library, I need to do a bit of research on this mansion, I just need to check something out.” Arctic murmured, seeing the door to the oak, decaying door to the library. Opening it, Arctic stepped aside for Sweetpea to step in. “Ladies first.” Arctic said, watching as Sweetpea looked at him like he had ten heads. “Uhm, what are you doing?” She asked, tilting her head with a raised brow. “I was going to let you in first but, you missed your chance.” Arctic shrugged, walking into the unkempt room. As soon as he walked in, he got that feeling again, feeling the cold temperature rise and feeling the air get heavier. Is this the feeling of magic? “Whoa, whoa, whoa, Arctic! Where did you go!?” A frantic Sweetpea exclaimed, looking through the doorway but with great confusion. “Come on, detective. We haven’t got all day.” Arctic called out, making Sweetpea step backwards by his voice. Why was she acting so strange? “Hurry up, just walk in.” Arctic said with annoyance, walking back out and making her jump in surprise. “Why are you so jumpy?” Arctic asked, crossing his arms. “Arctic… You walked through a solid wall… How did you do that?” She blurted out, flailing her arms at the wide-open door hysterically. Arctic narrowed his eyes, looking back towards the door and her with questioning glances. “Are you okay, detective? The door is literally right there.” Arctic said, flipping the thumb behind him. “No there isn’t, it’s just a wall.” “Wait, a wall? You can’t see the door?” Arctic asked, giving her a sceptical look. What is going on here? Is this magic? If that’s the case, why can I see the door? That explains why the library is a shambles. Huffing slightly, Arctic grabbed her hand. “Come on, I’ll show you.” When the detective was forced through the rippling wall, she gasped as coldness enveloped her body, looking around in awe at the multiple, tall bookshelves. “Jesus… This mansion has been hiding a library this big?” She murmured, taking in the rows on rows of books with dust and webs all over them. “It wouldn’t be Tangerine’s mansion if he didn’t have a library.” Arctic added, walking deeper in. “So, this Tangerine fella… why are you so interested in him? Is he your idol or something?” Sweetpea asked, following him. “Yeah, I guess you could say that to be specific, he’s my ancestor with my secrets and wealth tucked away somewhere. What’s not to idolise?” Arctic replied, taking a turn down an alley of books. “Is that why you’re here? To dig out his secrets and wealth? What makes you think that the Flit Family hasn’t got it already?” She asked, running her fingers on the rows of books, making dust and webs fly off, leaving lines on her fingers. “If they had hold of that wealth, they wouldn’t be here, they would probably be owning their own island right now.” Arctic said nonchalantly, making Sweatpea stop and stare, her eye twitching a bit. “That much, huh.” She said with slight amazement and a hint of envy. “I’m sure you could spare some change once you find it, you know, enough to live the rest of my life comfortably.” “Find my daughter and you name the price, that’s all I ask for,” Arctic replied, brushing off the filth to read the book’s names on the shelves, feeling the leathery texture. “That reminds me, what makes you think that Cherry never left?” The detective asked, crossing her arms. “Well, do you have a better theory? Shepard said that there is no way that Cherry could have been taken without leaving or being spotted by security cameras so… What if she never left?” Arctic explained simply, making Sweetpea hum. “So you're on the same track as Shepard, he immediately knew that your daughter couldn’t have possibly left from the time that you arrived at the scene. As you said, the windows were locked, and the cameras had caught nothing. The only real explanation is that she never left.” Sweetpea said, eyes narrowing. “Why didn’t you say anything earlier?” Arctic scolded. “Because we didn’t want the person that actually did this to overhear us. As much as Shepard hates to say it, he thinks it’s either Clutch or Dime.” She explained, making Arctic nod slightly. “Okay but, if that’s what he thinks, why haven't they been under arrest?” Arctic said, turning to look at her with a serious look. “To keep a low profile on the investigation. It’s risky but, Clutch and Dime is rich as you should know and have powerful connections in the police and in politics. He’d be out before you could even say blueballs. We’ve done it a few times in the past so, we need proof before anything.” Sweet explained, making Arctic nod and proceed to walk. “Makes sense, what is Shepard up to now then?” Arctic asked, turning the corner to see a familiar table and chair. “That’s classified. As much as you are a victim of your daughter being taken, we can’t tell you everything but, we will find her. That reminds me, what are we researching?” “To find where my daughter is of course. If there is some sort of secret passageway or clue to where she is, I’ll find it here.” Arctic responded, sitting in his seat. He picked up the logbook he was reading last night, he picked up where he started. “Why am I here then? I’m more of a meathead than a reader.” Sweetpea chuckled, leaning against the table. “Don’t read then, just look around the room for books that might lead to his secrets.” Arctic replied, making her huff. “You’re sounding more and more like Shepard by each day.” She said before wondering off. It was quiet after that, no talking between Arctic or Sweetpea as Arctic was headfirst in the book and Sweetpea wonder off every minute before passing a that looked interesting to her. After an hour, Sweetpea go bored and started reading books to Arctic’s amusement. Everyone claims to not be much of a reader until they get bored. Its ironically funny to him. With time flying by, Arctic had continued when he left off. Turns out, after Tangerine’s retirement, his happy family was discovered somehow. It was unknown who found out but, that’s when things started to go down hill for him. Death threats, windows being stoned, the verbal abuse when Tangerine went into town. It only goes worse as pictures of Tangerine, Zorku, Zoro, Sunny, Strawberry all together as a family was presented in the media, discriminating the archaeologist for bedding a zebra woman. The last page in his diary went on to say that there was an attempt on his life after the tragedy that fell upon his family. He came home one day to see the house ablaze, fire raging out of every window and door, smog twirling out of control. Tangerine ran in only to see three bodies hanging from the mansion’s banister. His last words in this diary were odd however, who say ‘1342’ at the end? What does these numbers even mean? It’s so bizarre but, knowing Tangerine, it has to mean something. “UGHH! This is so boring~. Have you found anything yet?” Sweetpea groaned, leaning against the table once again. Suddenly, Arctic felt the table tilt slightly, hearing it creek. “Wait, detective, get off the—” Before Sweetpea could get the message, one of the legs of the table gave out and came tumbling down with Sweetpea, creating a dust cloud on impact. Both Arctic and Sweetpea coughed up their lungs as the cloud started to fade. “…table.” Arctic finished off, letting out a few more coughs before staring at Sweatpea who lay on the remains of what was the table that Tangerine use to read at. It was irreplaceable… And now… It’s nothing but timber.” “Fuck tables.” Sweetpea groaned, her back sore as she rolled off the debry. “You know, I could have sold that at an auction. Wave Tangerine’s name around and bids would have been flying left, right and centre.” Arctic sighed. “I stand by my word… Fuck tables.” She muttered before standing up, brushing herself off. Before Arctic could scold her more, he noticed something in the wreckage. Another note? No… it was a news article taped to the underside of the table. Arctic didn’t waist anytime as he picked it up, reading the bold title being the first thing he saw. FIRED UP CULTURE CLASH! At dusk, there have been major reports of a fire in the Goodison Forest area where a mansion has been set ablaze by a group of locals that have been taken by the authorities and detained for questioning. During the slowly spreading fire, it is believed that Tangerine, his zebra and their offspring have passed away due to this fire. As it stands, the criminals will be in trial and sentenced for their crimes. These criminals being Jordan, Jack and Charlie that are a part of a gang. Humans that had allegedly stole from the noble’s home and killed Tangerine’s family to not be discover, burning The Fruit Family Household to erase any evidence. With the investigation still active but, no where near finished as Detective Rupture describe this case as ‘complicated in more ways than one.’ With the illegally immigrated zebra being another investigation all together, the work keeps piling up for the HPD— “Damn… your ancestor had it rough.” Sweetpea said, looking over Arctic’s shoulder with an interested look. “Wait… If the fire had killed Tangerine and his family. How the hell is the article here? In fact, who brought it here?... Arctic?” Arctic didn’t respond or hear what she said, he couldn’t tear his eyes away from the picture on the newspaper. It was a picture of the family but, the only person he looked at was Tangerine. Slowly, he started to grip the article tightly and started to shake at the unforgiving sight. Tangerine… He was wearing a black trench coat, a red scarf and a top hat… He was the one that stabbed me… was that—Tangerine? “Arctic!” Sweetpea exclaimed, giving him a smack around the head. “Don’t make me put you in an armbar!” She warned and immediately, he stood up, not because of the threat but because he heard a book fall down one of the lanes of bookshelves which Sweetpea heard too. “Who’s there?” Sweetpea barked, looking down the airy, dark lane. Arctic however could only freeze up on the spot as he looked in the direction of the sound of the falling book to see the last thing he thought he would see. Suddenly, the room had just gotten colder. It was that boy from under the bed… He was peaking around the corner, his red eye looking back at him with as much fear as Arctic had. A ghost, that’s the most reasonable explanation Arctic could come up with in his time of being paralysed. Sweetpea was losing her patience however, her hand resting on her concealed weapon. “Stay here, I’ll check this out.” Sweetpea murmured, being the first to step forward but, she was quickly stopped by a hand on her shoulder. “Wait, he’s right there.” Arctic said, Sweetpea noticing his shaky voice as his eyes never left the direction he looked. She squinted her eyes but, she couldn’t see anything. “Where?” She asked, looking down the same lane he was. Arctic looked at her. “There, he’s down there.” He pointed, making the ghost shy away a bit. “Arctic, no one is there.” “She can’t see me~.” A familiar faint voice spoke, sounding as if he was whispering in his ear yet, he was so far away. His blood went cold at the childish voice. He looked between the dead boy and Sweetpea with fear. “She can’t see you… Why?” Arctic asked, making the detective turn to him. “Huh?” She muttered questioningly. “I don’t know… but you are the only person to hear my warnings… You can see me~.” He whispered, sending shivers down his spine. “Arctic, what’s going on? You’re weirding me out here.” Sweetpea said, uneasy by Arctic's strange reaction. Why was he sweating? “I-I think I can see ghosts.” Arctic replied, earning Sweetpea to look back with scrutiny. “Really… Now’s not the time for games.” “I’m being deadly serious. There is a little zebra boy peaking around the corner of the shelf.” Arctic said with all seriousness, keeping his hand on her shoulder. “Solve the riddles… find that boy… Save him… Please~.” The hollow voice of the boy said, slowly coming out from behind the bookshelf to show more of his gruesome body. His clothes were burnt, barely concealing the blistered skin, coming out in his decaying feet that made no sound on the wooden floors, the zombie-ish sight making Arctic gulp. “He has your daughter~.” That made him stiffen, his theory was right, she was still here but where exactly? “Where can I find her?” Arctic blurted out, making the creeped-out Sweetpea jump at the sudden shout. The claims of seeing a ghost only put her nerves on end. Sweetpea didn’t know if Arctic was slowly losing it or if there is something down there that she can’t see… Just like she couldn’t see the door. “Okay… I’m gonna leave you two to talk… I’m-I’m just gonna—you know, get some fresh air.” Sweetpea said carefully, stepping back from the situation at hand. “Solve the riddle… it will lead you to her~.” The ghost said, taking little steps towards Arctic. What the ghostly figure did say brought another question up. “What do you know about Shas—” “Don’t speak its name~!” The ghost of the boy said quickly. “Never say its name… it can hear you~.” Arctic quickly zipped his gob, feeling a lump at the back of his throat. What would have happened if he did utter that name? “You keep saying ‘it’ as if it is some sort of monster that had my daughter. The last time we met, you said that ‘it’ was here but, when I turned, it was just Tangerine. Is he… it?” Arctic asked, feeling his skin crawl at the revolution. “No… My father is dead… What roams this mansion is much, much worse… it isn’t a being… It is a spirit that can take hold of a being body and manipulate it at will~.” The boy said, picking up the book the book that had fell. “My father has written about all the artefacts he had taken in this book… read… it will tell you everything my father knows about the artefact that the spirit lives in… it responds to your—” the boy’s body went still mid step, his face scarred face moulding into a face of terror. “It’s here~.” *BANG!* Suddenly, Arctic spun around as a shot rang out somewhere in the library, followed by a grunt of pain. Quickly, Arctic looked back to the ghost but, he was gone, leaving the book by his feet. Quickly picking it up, Arctic didn’t waste any more time and ran towards the struggle. His heart raced faster and faster with each bend he turned, hearing the detective’s pained groans. When he turned the final corner, Arctic’s heart skipped a beat at what he saw. A black trench coat form was on top of Sweetpea, a knife pointed at the eye of the detective as she tried with all her strength to push back against it, her hand being impaled, blood dripping down. Arctic didn’t waste any time pulling out his pistol but, his hands shook slightly under the intense scene. “Stop!” Arctic barked, hoping to catch Its Attention but, it didn’t waver as the knife slowly sunk lower towards Sweetpea’s wide eye. “I said stop! Where is my daughter!?” “Shoot!” Sweetpea cried out, feeling her strength weaken. “I can’t hold him much longer!” She exclaimed, grunting in pain. That was all the encouragement Arctic needed before firing his gun twice, the first one hitting home in his shoulder and the other striking the knife-welding arm, weakening his grip. That was all Sweetpea needed to push him up with her feet and using his arm with her two hands, she twisted his body off of her, dislocating his arm in the process. Arctic rushed over and helped the detective to her feet. “Are you okay?” Arctic asked, grimacing at the new, lengthy hole in her hand, covered in blood. “Yeah, I’m fine, let’s just—” Her sentence stopped as she looked over to where the man with the top hat was but, he was gone. “Where did he go?” Sweetpea said carefully, looking around her for her attacker. “I don’t know but, you are in no shape to fight. Let’s get you out of here before he comes back.” Arctic murmured, his pistol at the ready and book held tightly. The detective felt like she could keep fighting but, she knew if she kept fighting the blood loss would be her downfall so, reluctantly she followed. Each step they took was slow and thorough, focused on their surroundings, feeling the heavy, cold air drown them in tension. Arctic had never used a gun before, he never had the guts to bring one on his adventures or quests, it seemed too extreme for his tastes but, when his family was involved, he didn’t have a problem using it. He couldn’t waver, not now while his daughter is still somewhere in this mansion and his wife being vulnerable. Sweetpea was slowly feeling the pain in her hand as her adrenaline tank was running low, small blood splatters leaving a trail behind her. This is bad, with a maniac running around this library, she knew they were lost, sitting ducks, slowly making their way out. In that little fight, she noticed two things about her attacker. One was that he had to be a male earthling as he nearly equalled her strength, she could only thank her past self for her martial arts and time in the gym. The second thing she noticed was his eyes. They were black… Without warning, Arctic and Sweetpea noticed the giant shelf started to creek and tilt slightly, making them hold their breath. “Run!” The detective commanded, running right passed Arctic. Arctic had to slide in a last-ditch attempt to not be crushed by the bookshelves, escaping the death trap by inches which caused a domino effect as the rest of the selves in its way collapsed with it, dust and debris flying everywhere, blurring their vision. “This is bad.” Arctic huffed holding the book against his chest while he pointed his gun everywhere nervously. “Just calm down, stick together and we’ll get through this. Just follow my lead.” Sweetpea said calmly, pressing her back against his as she was seemingly confident on the outside but on edge on the inside. They stood there, listening carefully as the last of the falling bookshelves fell with a crack of its wood. After that, silence… Arctic couldn’t hear anything other than the ringing in his ears, and see nothing but the ashy cloud in front of him, it was terrifying to him to be blinded and deafened while a murderous spirit thing is after us. A crack of wood was heard beside them and instantly both Arctic’s and Sweetpea’s pistols whipped around in the direction, sweat dripping from their heads. A footstep behind Arctic made him turn and readjust his aim. Shasha was circling them, toying with them, feeding the fear factor tremendously as Sweetpea wasn’t too sure of herself anymore, panting more and more with each dreadful second that passed. “Arctic… where the hell is the exit to the place.” Sweetpea said breathlessly, her mind racing as she tried to track the movements of her tormentor, his outline vanishing with each second of spotting him. “I-I don’t bloody know.” Arctic replied, disoriented by this chain of events that had him shook to his core. Suddenly, Arctic’s heart dropped as the pressure on Sweetpea’s back was gone, a crashing sound of wood behind a second later. He turned to see the detective on the floor, groaning in pain as she was slumped but, the black form of Shasha was nowhere to be seen. Arctic rushed over to Sweetpea, crouching down to see her scrunched face. Shit, she is badly hurt. I need to get her out of here… Arctic barely reacted in time as he saw in the corner of his eye a swinging kick heading straight for his head. His arm cushioned the blow but, he blocked it with his armed arm, making Arctic drop his pistol as the damage that was done was great, Arctic flew back, skidding backwards on his back. Quickly, Arctic made his way back up, shaking his arm of the pain that slowly grew. Arctic only stared at the black form of Shasha, hearing his own heart race in his ear as he stood there, slumped slightly, his breathing untamed. The same could be said for the trench-coated figure as one side of his arm was slumped, blood pooling out of his shoulder and arm, his arm and hand limp. The two just stood there, gazing at one another, analysing each other. “You took my daughter, didn’t you.” Arctic spoke first, slowly getting his breath back. Shasha didn’t speak, he just stared passively as he slowly looked down towards Arctic’s gun. Arctic’s eyes widened in realisation. Arctic ran at the possessed body of the spirit as it went to pick it up, when Arctic was in punching distance, only then did Arctic realise his mistake as he wasn’t going for the gun, he was baiting Arctic to get closer as the Shasha’s arm moved into an uppercut motion, the knife in his hand. Arctic was paralysed as he could taste iron, feeling the prick of the knife poke the top of his inside mouth. Arctic couldn’t believe the pain he felt as the kitchen knife struck home under his chin and out through his mouth, his mouth wide open by the foreign object inside his maw, gagging as blood poured down his throat. Arctic was scared to move as he stared into the eyes of Shasha, them black eyes that knew no mercy or kindness, watching Arctic slowly choke on his own blood as he tried to lift himself off of the knife. Shasha smiled in amusement of the pathetic attempt, inhaling the fear that radiated of Arctic. Arctic tried to speak but, all that came out was gargling and pained groans. “I do have your daughter.” The rough, dark voice of Shasha muttered, letting that fact linger over Arctic’s head as Arctic swallowed his blood, pain pulsing as blood slowly filled his mouth. “Your daughter will be a good slave.” He continued, tears falling from Arctic’s eyes as all he could do is survive as long as possible, drinking his own blood as he was on his tip toes. “I will break her, I’ll make her suffer, she will bend to my will for my entertainment and hunger.” Shasha said, watching Arctic struggle for his life. “She will die alone.” “Fuckin bastard!” A sudden roar came from behind Shasha, sending both Arctic and Shasha sprawling to the floor as the detective tackled Shasha from the waist, making the knife go deep in but, making Shasha let go of it in the process. Sweetpea was beyond pissed now. She was a professional MMA fighter and she let some punk take her down so easily… She wasn’t messing around anymore. Getting in a low stance, she watched as Shasha slowly got up on his feet, brushing himself off with one hand. She hated the arrogance he let off, she was going to wipe it right off him and show him who the lightweight female champion in her division was. Taking a calming deep breath, she didn’t waste any time or a moment to let him breathe as she lunged forward, catching him of guard by her lowered form’s speed, snatching him up by the waist and smashing his form down on his back with all her weight and power, hearing his air get knocked out of him. She didn’t waste a moment of his weakness as she straddled the downed man, her fist vibrating with strength as it came crashing down to the side of his head, then she did it with her left fist as the loop continued in a fury of punches. Left and right and left and right and left and right, over and over and over again. Sweetpea was going to land another punch but a low, dark chuckle rised deep within this manic man’s throat. It made Sweetpea grit her teeth. She had handled many mentally unstable people before but, this guy takes the cake. Who laughs off her punches? “That’s it, keep all your focus on me. Don’t you realise that your friend is slowly dying?” He said, making Sweetpea squint her eyes. “What the hell are you even talking about, he fi-” When the detective turned around to Arctic’s slumped form, she was slightly confused why he hadn’t gotten up yet but, when she saw the knife sticking from his chin and blood dripping down slowly, only did her heart skip a beat. Sweetpea cursed as she didn’t have her handcuffs on her as she felt around her pants pockets. Huffing, she put all her power into one strike stunning him. It wouldn’t enough to keep him there but, for what he did to Arctic, it felt right. As he groaned, Sweetpea took off his top hat but, before she could see his face, his whole body faded through the floorboards, leaving her baffled to his whereabouts. A pained croak snapped her out of her state, looking over to see Arctic in a bad way he tried to cover the wound while the knife was still up his chin. “Don’t worry, Arctic. I got you.” The detective said quickly, picking him up on his feet while his arm was around her shoulder. Arctic tried to speak but, with the knife obstruction poking the top of his inner mouth, all he could get out was some babbles and whines. “Don’t speak, save your energy. I’m going to get you out of here.” Arctic wasn’t too sure about that as he was having trouble standing, the blood loss slowly taking its toll on Arctic’s strength and vision as he was in and out of the blur. Arctic wanted to rip the knife out to cool off this burning pain but, he knew if he did that, he wouldn’t have a chance of surviving. Sweetpea started to worry as she tried to retrace her steps back to the exit of the library but, with every turn she took, she only felt more lost than she was. Even worse, Arctic was feeling heavier as he slumped his weight on his body, blood dripping from his chin as he looked so tired. “Don’t close your eyes, Arctic! I need you awake!” Sweetpea exclaimed, slapping his face slightly. Arctic could only hear mumbling from the detective, the world around him being nothing but a blur of anguish and pain. He felt—so tired… So tired that he needed to rest his eyes. > Chapter 8 - Buzzing. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 132# 5:49am. Fruit Family Household. Dear Diary. This is Helly, I know I’m not supposed to be in his diary but, I need someone to rant to, and besides, I can’t sleep, not after I saw my husband fighting for his life. I remember the moment as if it was a few seconds ago. It was when I was seeing if Arctic was in the kitchen is when I heard that gut-wrenching scream that haunts me, I remember my heart skipping a beat from the muffled scream. I remember running with the folded note in my hand, the only time of slowing was when I had to turn to the next hallway. I remember the sick look on Clutch’s face, I remember Shepard on his phone to someone, I remember Dime and Sweetpea running in a hurry towards me with panicky looks but most of all, I remember freezing, my heart shutting down, my world crumble as I saw Arctic being carried on Sweetpea’s back, a knife sticking up his chin and sticking out his mouth, blood trickling down as everything under him was stained red. I remember just standing there even when they passed me, all I could remember was being so alone and afraid, I thought I was going to be left alone again. I didn’t know how long I stood there, it felt like forever until Clutch came over, wrapping me in a hug without a word. That little contact broke the dam for me, I was truly alone at that moment as my daughter was gone and my husband on the brink of death, useless to prevent it. I owe Dime everything, thanks to her and basic skills of first aid, she had done enough to keep him alive long enough for the paramedics to come nurse him back to a stable state. When I was allowed to see him, all I could really do is fall to my knee and cry in relief to see the small rise and fall of his chest, seeing the knife gone and the wound stitched up, void of blood, sleeping soundly under the sheets on the bed. The doctors said he was lucky to live; if the knife was a few millimetres to the right, it would have cut an artery, and he would have died in seconds if that was the case. The rest of the night, I wouldn’t leave his side, I was happy to just listen to his heartbeat, happy that he was still alive. After some time of being alone with him, Dime came to see if I was okay. Of course, I wasn’t okay but, I wasn’t going to tell her that. I don’t know how long we sat there, just talking to keep our minds off these past few days of stress and pain, it helped a little but, it never stopped the questions of how it came to this. The questions never lasted long as Detective Sweetpea and Detective Shepard came in. Sweetpea told me everything from the moment Arctic brought her along and the moment she found her way out of the library with Arctic. I was worried about this man that attacked both Arctic and Sweetpea. Sweetpea said that he was strong, mysterious and devious, taking pleasure in watching Arctic hang by the the hilt. Not only that, but he also had the ability to faze through walls and floors like it was air, disappearing just like that. It makes me look over my shoulder in the dark at the thought of him appearing out of nowhere to finish him off. The thought terrifies me even now, that’s probably why I haven’t slept last night. Sweetpea did mention a few odd things before the attack, like how Arctic was speaking towards someone she couldn’t see, passing through a door only he could see. What does this mean for Arctic? His family did make this mansion after all, are there things that only Arctic could see? If so, does there more secret passageways in this mansion that we can’t see? Maybe but, only Arctic could tell us that but, he needs his rest. As much as I am worried for Arcty, my mind keeps wandering over to my daughter. I hope she is okay; I hope nothing bad has happened to her, I wouldn’t forgive myself if anything bad had happened to her. I feel responsible in a way a mother could only feel, I feel like it's my fault that she was taken from me, I feel like I should have known what would have happened considering what happened to Dime’s youngest son, I should have known something bad would have happened but, because everyone was having a good time last night, I didn’t say anything, I thought I was just me being an overprotective mother but clearly, I was right to be. I feel useless. All I’ve done this whole time was relieve Arctic of stress and solve some riddles, is that all I have to contribute to finding my little girl? I feel so out of place, I feel like the dumbest person in this mansion which wouldn’t affect me normally but, now that my daughter is gone, I don’t know what to do, I don’t know where to start, all I know is that there is someone hiding in the walls, and he has our daughter. The detectives are going down each hallway, each room, especially the room that both Feather and Cherry went missing in for any magical passageways but, they still found nothing. Call me crazy but, I think Arctic is the key to finding Cherry. With him seeing things that we can’t and his intelligent mind, it’s only a matter of time till we find Cherry. For now, I can only wait until Arctic is ready. For now, I’ll try and make myself useful in my own way. Cherry sat back at the far end of the cell, her legs tucked into her chest and her head down, trying to keep the warmth in her core contained. She couldn’t feel her feet or hands as they were numb. Cherry couldn’t remember a time in her life been this thirsty for water, she was so thirsty that the blood on the floor was looking tempting as sickening as that may sound. She wanted out, she wanted to eat normal food with water with her mum and dad, that’s all she wanted ever since she woke up with the lashes. She could leave her cell but, she knew if she was caught, she would receive 10 lashes as punishment, she knew this because of the scratched writings on the wall and floor by previous people that were taken by the man. She now knew the rules, all of them being chalked in faintly. Don’t talk, don’t disobey him, don’t escape, don’t fight back, don’t try and escape punishment. Those were the five rules Cherry knows so far, she couldn’t find any other rules written across the room so, she guessed that were all the rules she was given. She didn’t see that little boy again; he was just gone without a word. As odd as it may sound, she wished he came back to keep her company, to keep her mind of what comes next, but he never came back. She was thankful for the warning he gave about the man waiting for Cherry to try and leave but, surely now he’s gone… right? There is no way he is still on the other side of the door, right? Right? “Go~…” A pale voice said beside her, making her jump and kick away at the sudden voice. Looking over, she saw a unicorn girl the same size as her sitting there next to where she was sitting. Cherry’s mouth hung wide at the sight of the other ghostly figure, looking to be more broken than the last. She looked to be the same age as Cherry with dirty short hair and yellow skin, her autumn eyes looking over at Cherry with pity. She would have looked like every other girl she had seen if it wasn’t for the fact that her arms were severed from the shoulders, blood covering the side of her tank shirt and pants. “W-who are you?” Cherry asked, passing the ghost’s question for her own. “I-I don’t know who I am… everything went hazy after I died~…” The ghost grimaced, tucking her knees closer to her chest. Cherry was starting to see a pattern with the ghosts. “But… There is no time… If you want to escape… The time is now~…” She spoke, her voice said hurriedly. “What do you mean? What’s going on?” Cherry said with alarm, standing up quickly. “He is hurt… He is vulnerable… This is your chance to escape~…” She the ghostly figure pressed, making Cherry’s heart stagger from the sudden hope and yet dread of the thought of being caught regardless. “How do you know? What happened?” “Hurry up~!” A boy’s voice shouted beyond her cell, the aggressive tone making her head swirl towards the echoing voice. Just as quickly as she glanced away, she looked back to the ghostly girl just to find that she was no longer there, not even the blood that dripped. “Come on… We haven’t got all day~!” The impatient boy shouted again, making Cherry huff with a chill. Cherry took her time walking towards her cell door, unnerved greatly by the idea of leaving. What is she so worried about? She should be running at this point but, what he did to her, what he’s going to do to her when he catches her out of her prison terrifies her to her core. Opening the door to her cell, she glanced down the bottom of the row of other cells, seeing another boy leaning his back against the wall, his arms crossed as he looked back with a scowl. When she built up enough courage, she stepped out of her cell. When she got closer, Cherry noticed that he was wearing a black leather jacket and gloves, a scar running down his right eye, the slash slicing his eyeball in two. Looking down at his white shirt under his jacket, she saw multiple stab wounds in his gut, the shirt stained in blood. “Can you take any longer? Fucking get a move on~!” The teen barked, the biker's frown turning into a scowl that make Cherry walk a little faster towards him. Usually, Cherry wouldn’t have taken any of his attitude but, considering he is a ghost and the situation she was in, she couldn’t afford to get him more pissed off than he already is. “R-right.” Cherry said, not looking him in the eye. The boy just sneered, looking Cherry up and down judgingly. “Fucking pathetic… I’m surprised you have made it this far… If I didn’t make it… What chance do you have~…” He scoffed, uncrossing his arms and pushing himself off the wall, opening the door forcefully, not caring if the man was behind the door. “Come on… This is your lucky fucking day~!” He muttered, disappearing as he turned the corner. Reluctantly, she followed, looking every which way for any sign of her tormentor. The moment she walked into the room, the moment the atmosphere changed from a dungeon to a mortuary graveyard as rows of metal coffin doors lined both sides of the walls, barely showing any of the white, crusted concrete, one of the doors opened wide. The squared slabs on the floor had seen war as scars and blood riddled the ground, never to be erased. Further down the hallway, the ghostly figure of the moody thug waited, a light raying down on him as it made him see through. He looked down at the chair in the middle of the flickering light, his fist clenched in fury. When he heard Cherry walk towards him, he didn’t look back as he turned right into another passageway, a much darker passageway. When she got closer towards the wooden chair, she noticed a folded-up article, the title reading ‘Fruit’s Family Son Found Alive But Scarred!’ in bold writing. Fruit Family’s son? Does it mean Arctic? No, this date on this new paper was centuries ago but… Why is it here of all places, it looks like it belongs to a museum. “Stop dilly-dallying… We’ve got places to be~…” The boy said from the murky, dark hallway, seeing outlines of different shaped forms that stood still. She gulped before stepping forward, her teeth jittering as her coldness took over her body and fog left her mouth, just as see-through as the boy she followed. Cherry couldn’t tell if she was halfway through the hallway by now as she shuffled, her bare feet kicking something fleshy she wished she didn’t touch. When the lights suddenly turned on, only then did she see that her foot was in the ripped-open chest cavity of a long-deceased girl, the arms completely gone… Just like the girl she saw sitting next to her. Her heart raced as she hyperventilated, her eyes stuck on the corpse's lifeless eyes. She wanted to scream, cry and run away but, she was frozen on the spot as if he was behind her, waiting for her to talk, to run away. Was he behind her? She turned just to see blood stains, a wheelchair, a hospital bed and many more bodies that she had passed, all of them being young, all of them being mangled to the point of scars being used as art. How sick must this bastard be to do all this? “Girl… Don’t make me tell you again… I will leave you to die~…” The boy growled, Cherry snapping her head to see him at a double door. That was the signal for Cherry to move on, she didn’t want to be left alone in this demented place, not while she had no idea where she is. Cherry caught up to the teen, his presence alone radiating chilliness that a ghost could only give. “So, eh—where are we?” Cherry said just when he fazed through the doors, making Cherry blink for a second. She knew he was a ghost but, it was so weird seeing someone faze through a solid object, she shouldn’t be surprised but, it was the first time seeing any ghost do that. Opening one of the doors, she poked her head in with slight nervousness. Yet again, the atmosphere changed into an underground bunker, pipes riding the roof toward the end of another hallway, machinery lining both sides of the room, safety railing in front of them, grids on the floor and the smell of gas filled the room, she quickly covered her nose just in case. As she walked, she noticed that rust dominated every metal object in the room like a rash, a bad one. At the end of the hallway, she stood by the boy as now there was three options. Left, right and centre. “This is where we part ways… I can’t go any further~…” The boy said, looking down the left passageway, more machinery and lights above but, down that lane was another body, a body with a leather jacket and gloves. “I-Is that you?” Cherry asked, regret saying it as he huffed in anger. “Yeah… So what~!” He muttered, crossing his arms as he snarled. “Listen… You’re on your own on this… I can’t go any further since I have no memory anywhere else in this place~…” He said, looking down at Cherry with a frown. “What, no—no you can’t leave me here, I don’t know where I’m going. What if he comes, what if—” “Look… If he finds you… You fight… If you don’t… You will only die either way… There is no time to be afraid… There is no time to be pathetic… to be a coward… to be a pushover… This is your last chance… Don’t fuck it up or you will end up like us~…” He ordered, looking down at Cherry with that familiar glare but, this time it was a slightly softened glare. Cherry nodded but, there was nothing he could say to calm Cherry down. He was right though, she couldn’t be pathetic now, not now. Taking a deep breath, she looked down the corridor, her heart racing but, she knew she had no choice. So… she took the first step. Beep… Beep… Beep… That’s all Helly could hear as she sat next to Arctic, the heart monitor calming letting her know that Arctic was in a stable condition. She was glad to hear it but yet, annoyed as it played on repeat, it was enough for her to think about crushing the unbearable machine and with the lack of sleep she has, she just might. She rubbed her face, her eyes as heavy as ever. She hadn’t left the room ever since he was treated, Dime had been bringing up a few snacks and drinks of champagne, she has been helpful in her own way, keeping an eye on Helly with each hour that passed. She was grateful for that. Helly hasn’t seen anyone else other than Dime, she guessed the detectives were busy with finding Cherry and Clutch is… doing whatever he does. As for Fenton, she guessed that he was probably in his room doing whatever kids do. He did say he had schoolwork to practice before the exams apparently. Would make sense, Cherry did say she had her exams coming up in her former school. Even so, she has barely seen him. Typical teenager, could she blame him? Absolutely not. After everything that has happened to his little brother and a mysterious figure hiding in this mansion, he would stay with himself. Maybe she should check up on him in a bit. The person that attacked Arctic… When she has his hands on him, she doesn’t know what she would do to him. Kick him in the balls for taking Cherry and hurting Arctic… No, that would be just a slap on the wrist for him. Put him in an armbar? Nah, she would let Sweetpea do that to him. Break his spine… Sounds fitting. Still, Sweetpea said he has this power to faze through walls and floors at will, even though he has no horn and yet has the strength of an earthling, it’s baffling and deeply concerning. What madman is hiding in these walls and why? “Hey, Helly.” Dime said from the doorway, a bottle of wine and a plate with a sandwich on top. Helly smiled at her new friend. “Hey, Dime. What’s up?” Helly replied, getting up from sitting on the side of the bed and walking over to Dime, taking the sandwich as her stomach growled. She was starving, when was the last time she had eaten? Breakfast? “Nothing really, darling. Just trying to do everything but think about my son and what previously happened. It’s shocking what happened to Arctic.” Dime said, looking over at the unconscious Arctic with pity. She instinctively touched her chin at the thought of feeling his pain. Helly did the same, frowning as she looked over to Arctic. “I know what you mean…” Helly said blandly, Dime noticing the mood in the room. “Anyway, how is everyone? Surely they are doing better than you and I.” Helly said with a brighter mood, smiling as she gesture to sit next to her on the bed. Dime gladly did just that. “They are okay, I guess… Clutch is a bit off however, he’s complaining about his shoulder for some reason. The detectives are about in that library, looking for that bastard that hurt Arctic and Fenton… Well, he’s just in his room as always.” She sighed, taking a quick sip out of the bottle. “Listen, I’ve got work soon… I won’t be around for a while so; will you be okay without me.” Dime said, placing her hand on Helly’s shoulder. Helly huffed before taking a bite of her sandwich. “Yeah, I should be okay. I’ll just be here until Arctic wakes up anyway.” Helly murmured, taking the bottle of wine from Dime, taking a swig of her own, her lips slapping in satisfaction. “Me and this bottle of wine will look after him.” “Right, that’s all I wanted to say before I go. I’ll see you around. Take care.” Dime said as she stood up, walking towards the exit but was quickly stopped. “Hey, I never did thank you properly for helping him. Thank you.” Helly said, getting up and surprising Dime with the strength of her hug. When Helly let go, only then could Dime breathe. “Anyways, take care of yourself too.” Helly said, smiling happily as Dime left. Helly finished off her sandwich, she went straight to her desk where she has been sitting this whole time, waiting for Arctic to wake. On the desk was that damned note with the riddles that has been playing with her mind ever since she got the answers. What do these riddles base around? Why these riddles in particular? Why is this referred to as a test? Who the hell is Shasha and why did Arctic want her to solve them? Does all this lead to something? Sweetpea and Shepard both said that they have theorised that Cherry had never really left but, how is that possible? Them secret passageways? Maybe but, if so, does that mean that the man has got her daughter then? After what happened to Arctic, she didn’t want to think about what he could possible be doing to Cherry. Helly took a swig of her bottle, all this thinking is making her head pulse. She wished Arctic was awake, so she didn’t have to think this hard. She looked over to the answers again. Bookkeeper… Silence… O… Education… Clock… $9.54… 6… Helly has all the answers… Now what? The test is done, what’s supposed to happen now? Does money fall from the sky? is she granted immortality? does she have one wish? Helly doubts that. Besides, in the note it says that this will lead her to his dark secrets. What dark secrets? Tangerine’s secrets? This is all types of confusing, it made Helly rub her eyes furiously and sigh deeply. Wake up soon, Arcty… It was an intense moment for Sweetpea as she walked the lanes of bookshelves and dust, Shepard not too far behind her with his pistol out and wings slightly raised in alert. They had went the place where the man with the top hat got shot but, the decaying wooden planks had absorbed the blood before they could take a sample but, no matter… they hadn’t lost hope just yet. They have an ace up there sleeves. “Hey, Sweetpea. What was the man’s description again?” Shepard murmured when they arrived at the place where Arctic was stabbed, the same place where the remains of the table and newspaper were laying in a pile of debry. “5’11, top hat—well, no longer wearing a top hat, black trench coat and red scarf, you can’t miss him.” Sweetpea replied, looking around at the now-cleared room for any sign of the man. “I think we have a copycat on our hands.” Shepard said, looking down at the newspaper in his hands and showing Sweetpea the picture in the article. Sweetpea got a closer look and her eyes widened. “Holy shit, that’s him but… Bigger? You might be right on this.” She said, taking the newspaper off him and getting a closer look. “He looks the exact same as the man in this picture.” “That begs the question, who on earth would take up the appearance of—” A buzzing sound in his pocket went off, cutting him off from his train of thought. He pulled out his phone and seen the message that popped up. His eyes widened and Sweetpea noticed that small detail. “What’s up?” She asked, looking over her shoulder. “I know who took Helly’s and Arctic’s daughter.” > Chapter 9 - Haircut. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your daughter has escaped… Im doing all I can to guide her… But… Shasha will find her… And when he does… He will punish her… I’m doing my best to miss guide him… But even then… He knows we are here… Look where It all started… Where you first met Shasha… Only then does the riddles make sense… I’ll be waiting… I can guide you to your daughter… Just… Be quick… Shasha Is ruthless… He will kill her In the most brutal way… then he will move on to his next victim… So… hurry up and wake up… Read the book of artefacts and find a way to end this madness… Slowly, Arctic opened his eyes in a cold sweat, breathing heavily as his whole body was drenched in sweat, warmth wrapping his body under the blanket. What’s going on? Where is he? Why is it so dark? He didn’t move however as he felt someone next to him, snoring gently, feeling inhales and exhales on his neck, a warm hand against his chest. There was only one person that could be. He went to move to wake her up but, suddenly felt wires tugging on the machine next to him with an HIV bag hung close with blood inside. Only then did his memories of what happened come to him. The agonising pain of hanging by the hilt of a blade, waiting to die as blood slowly spilled, listening to what he was going to do to Cherry. That was true torture for him. Then he was saved by Detective Sweetpea, and the last moment he remembered was when she finally found the way out, fading into the void of unconsciousness moments later. What had happened? How long has he been out? Have they finally found Cherry? Arctic hoped that was the case. Shuffling and soft groans came from Helly as she got closer, her leg coming in between his two in an attempt to collect more of his warmth. Arctic couldn’t see her thanks to the switched-off lights and closed curtains, it was pitch black but, a yawn and a sniff from her told him that she was at least half asleep. “Are you awake?” Helly said in a sleepy, small voice, a hint a sadness in her tone. Arctic smiled at hearing her voice, his heart fluttering as he thought he wouldn’t hear from her again. She gasped in shock when Arctic wrapped his arm around her shoulder, bringing her closer to him. “Yeah, I’m up.” Arctic said in a raspy voice, feeling a bit of pain when he spoke. Helly quickly leaned up and flipped the room lamp beside her side of the bed, looking down to see Arctic’s amazing grey eyes looking back up at her, a tired smile on his face. Helly’s heart raced as she felt overwhelmed with relief and joy. She wasn’t expecting him to be awake but she hoped he would, that’s why she asked. Before Arctic could say another word, Helly came crashing down on him, muffling her whimpers and hiding her tears in the pillow beside his head, wrapping him in a hug that she so desperately needed. Arctic didn’t waste a second as he spoke as softly as a sore throat could get, singing sweetness in her ear as he stroked her hair softly, kissing her head for comfort. Eventually, she pushed herself up as she straddled him, whipping her tears away. “I’m so happy you're awake, Arcty. For some time now, I thought you were never going to wake up. You had lost so much blood, I thought—I thought you had just—” “Shhh~” Arctic hushed, pressing his finger against her quivering lip. “It’s okay. I’m awake, I’m alive, I’m okay.” He said, holding her head as he wiped her tears away with his thumb, making Helly lean into his hand, happy to feel his touch once again. Calming down significantly, she looked down with a smile. “You’re a real piece of work you know that, don’t make me worry about you ever again.” She said, slowly bringing her face down to meet his lips in a long passionate kiss that Helly has been waiting for. They separated for a moment but, just a moment to get air until they went back to kissing, feeling her naked frame on his hands exploded her body with need. After a few minutes of kissing, Helly just fell on top of him, humming with satisfaction. This is what she needed, this moment of embracing him just like this was the missing piece of her puzzle, the only time she could relax like this. She missed this and it only had been a couple of hours. “Sorry for making you worry but, I have to get up. I need to keep looking.” Arctic said, lifting Helly up with him. Helly could only chuckle at that, she knew he would say something along them words. “You need to rest, hun. Recover your strength, and let the detectives do what they do best, I’ll be here with you, to satisfy your every need.” She whispered in his ear, using her body to push him back down on the bed but, Arctic didn’t budge, instead, he pushed her backwards with a kiss, Helly being under him. Arctic broke the kiss and looked down at her dumbfound features. “As much as that sounds tempting, I can’t rest knowing Cherry is with a madman. I can’t rest, not now.” He said, getting up with determination, the heart monitor flat-lining as the wires were ripped off his body, not finding a pulse. The first thing he did was feel his chin, feeling a bandage wrapped around his chin to his head, Cotton underneath the bandage to put pressure on the wound. The inside of his mouth felt weird, it felt like his low gum was being stretched, the wound being pulled together. Stitches? Has to be. “Be careful, okay?” Helly murmured, pressing her naked breast and body against his back and wrapping arms around him. “I know there is nothing I can say to stop you so, to make sure you are safe, I’ll be coming with you. I want to help.” “But, Helly, it is—” “I know it’s dangerous but, I won’t sit by and watch as you get yourself killed, you idiot. Do you have any idea how I felt as I watched you being carried away, fighting for your life? I won’t let that happen again, over my dead body, do you hear me?” She said, feeling her body shake from the thought of him dying. It made her sick to her stomach. “Babe, please don’t make this difficult. I don’t want to put you in danger, please just—stay safe. Let me and the detectives handle this.” Arctic pleaded, turning in Helly’s grasp until they were face to face. “Nope, not happening. I’ve stayed safe for way too long. It’s time for me to step in.” Helly interjected, pressing her forehead against his. “Helly, you don’t have to—” “Shut up, Arctic. Your wasting your breath, I’ve made my mind up and there is nothing you can do it stop it.” Helly quickly said, making it clear that there is nothing he could do to change her mind on the subject. Arctic huffed and closed his eyes. “Fine but, you don’t do anything unless I say, you stick to me everywhere I go and when things get out of hand, you run. Do all that and I’ll let you help.” Arctic said, looking deep into her eyes, eyes that held determination and courage. “Okay.” When Arctic got washed and changed, and for Helly to get into clothing, they both stepped out of the room together. The first person that saw Arctic up and ready was Detective Sweetpea, the first thing she did when he saw him was run up and she wasn’t shy to hug him in front of Helly, let’s just say Helly wasn’t happy with the sudden show of affection. The hug didn’t last long thankfully as the earthling let go of him, a smile on her face. “I’m glad you are okay, big man. I thought we lost you for a minute there. You are one tough cookie.” Sweetpea said, nudging hum with her elbow. “Aye but, I wouldn’t have made it out alive without you, you saved my life.” Arctic replied, nudging his elbow playfully. “Thanks for that.” “Pfft, no worries, I wasn’t going to leave a friend behind.” She waved off. “Just consider my debt paid for you saving my life.” “We are both equal then.” Arctic said, holding out his hand which she met in reply. Arctic was starting to like the detective. “Okay, I know you two are having a moment but, now is not the time.” Helly butted in, a look of envy on her face. “Helly is right. We can’t waste another second sitting around like this, besides… Shepard wants to have a meeting with everyone in the living room as soon as Dime and Clutch get home.” Sweetpea said with all seriousness, turning to walk the opposite way of where she was walking when she saw Helly and Arctic. “For now though, I wanted to check out the library again, that place doesn’t sit right with me, there has to be more to that area than books, another secret passageway or something.” “What about Cherry’s room? Did you find anything there? Another passageway?” Asked Arctic, quickly following up behind her. She shook her head with annoyance. “No, we thought the same thing when we discovered the hidden room, we looked everywhere but, we couldn’t find anything.” Sweetpea answered, sighing as questions ran wild in her mind. She wished she had more answers than questions. “Then how the hell did Cherry just disappear like that?” Helly questioned with irritation, the mystery of her daughter’s disappearance greatly frustrating the worried mother. “I think it was his abnormal ability to faze through walls and floors that took her, maybe that ability could be used to take others with him. It sounds far-fetched but, it's the best I got. Honestly, I’m just guessing at this point, this whole thing is one big riddle.” Sweetpea theorised, the answer making sense to Arctic. Then the voice in the back of his mind spike to him. Solve the riddles… It will lead you to her~ “Listen, I’ll meet you two at the library, there is something I have to get.” Arctic stopped in his tracks, his eyes wide in realisation as he turned back around and ran back down the hallway, leaving the two girls confused. Arctic chewed himself out for not realising it sooner. The answer is in the riddles, to find Tangerine’s secrets, to find where Cherry truly is. That ghost has been telling him this whole time, why didn’t he listen the first time? When Arctic slowed down to open the door, the first thing he noticed was the open book of his diary and seeing handwriting that didn’t belong to him. Your daughter has escaped… I'm doing all I can to guide her… But… Shasha will find her… And when he does… He will punish her… I’m doing my best to miss guide him… But even then… He knows we are here… Look where It all started… Where you first met Shasha… Only then do the riddles make sense… I’ll be waiting… I can guide you to your daughter… Just… Be quick… Shasha Is ruthless… He will kill her In the most brutal way… then he will move on to his next victim… So… hurry up and wake up… Read the book of artefacts and find a way to end this madness… Arctic had mixed reactions to this sudden news. He was thankful that Cherry was okay and that ghostly boy was looking over her but, he was worried about the idea of Shasha finding wherever she is. Look where it all started, where you first met Shasha? That would be in the library, where he almost die. Is that where he should start? Yes… That’s right. Is that the last missing piece of the puzzle? The library? It has to be. Now that he looked at it, the riddles were literally leading him to the library. Bookkeeper… Silence… O… Education… Clock… $9.54… 6… Although the numbers are a bit odd seeing them for the first time, and the third riddle is a bit off, he was sure that it would all make sense when he got to the library. It had to, he said so. Before Arctic could rush back with the riddles, the room suddenly turned cold and the air heavy once again. This feeling… He felt this when he first met that mangled boy and Shasha. He turned slowly, hoping to see the little kid instead of his attacker. As much as the blood poured out from under the bed and the mangled corpse of that boy came crawling out, the death filling the air, Arctic huffed with relief. “Time is running out… There is no time for mistakes~…” The ghostly figure of the boy said, alarm in his tone as he pulled out the book of artefacts. “He’s recovering fast and when he seesthat your daughter is missing... He will find her… Take the book and read~…” Of course, the books of artiefacts... He needed to research this Shasha and his artefact, that’s exactly what he needs. When he stepped closer, the boy shied away back under the bed, saying his last words “Hurry~…” And just like that, the blood was gone and the chilly air went back to normal but, Arctic didn’t waver to pick up and walk away. The boy was right, Arctic needed to hurry before it is too late. So with that, he opened the book and started to read the last page of the book. What he read was interesting and yet, terrifying. Tangerine had noted down every anomaly and affects it had. From evidence and stories for the Habra Village, The Cursed Sword Of Shasha is a sentient being that actively corrupts the welder and his/her goals. Often functionally a character in its own right and channels its negative personality, blending it with the welders. It is subtle but, I managed to see the effects and differences on the subject on 1 day-to-day basis, I would know, the subject is my best friend. He picked up the cursed sword before I could warn him. Subject 1 said when he first held the sword, his hand went below normal temperature, feeling a painful numbness that slowly raised up to his arm. Although he wanted to let go, his body wouldn’t allow it or the curse wouldn’t allow it. He was cold to the touch as he complained of a pins and needles sensation pricking his limbs, chest and torso as if all the blood was replaced by the curse but, he still has full control of his movement. This may be an effect in the short term but, I’m worried about the long-term situation. 27/8/1888 Subject 1 felt nauseous, high temperature, and complained about his stomach churning, throwing up every hour or so in response to the sudden illness. Fever? Gastroenteritis? Stomach Flu? Either way, it has to be from the cursed sword. Also, I’ve been seeing things that don't add up with the Subject’s usual routine and habits. Paranoia, looking over his shoulder, flinching away from thin air. The subject isn’t telling me anything, he’d rather walk away or change the subject. Is he seeing Shasha? The curse? 4/9/1888. The subject has been witnessing blackouts frequently, falling to the ground and shaking violently after minutes. Physically he’s out of control, mentally the subject is suffering. Waking up at night screaming and drenched in sweat, mumbling something about dying. The subject wouldn’t tell me anything about the nightmare. He is being distant from his friends and family, the conversations are short, and his body language is negative. The complete opposite of what Subject 1 is. Is his personality starting to change? Or is it already too late? It’s too early to tell. 13/9/1888. The Subject has become violent and aggressive to his daughter, getting irritated over small things and overreacting. This isn’t like the Subject at all, I know he has anger issues at the time but, not on the same level to strike his own daughter, not that hard. When that happened, I couldn’t help but notice his whole eyes seem to change from his olive colour to jet black, is this curse getting a hold of him? 15/9/1888. The Subject’s wife is dead, found on her bed, with her own blood, stabbed a dozen times in the stomach. Even worse, the Subject and his daughter are missing with the cursed sword gone too. With everything I heard and witnessed about the Subject's behaviour in these recent weeks, I believe with certainty it was the Subjects doing. His aggressive impulses, his violent tendencies and that look of untameable rage. I hate to say it but, the curse has taken my best friend away from me. Could I have done more to help him? To slow down this change? I have to stop him, but how? I don’t know how but, I will find a way, there is always a weakness to curses, I just have to find it. 16/9/1888. The Subject has been found but, not alive unfortunately. He was found dead in an abandoned building, the sword impaled through his stomach and out his back. His daughter was thankfully alive but very distressed as she witnessed everything that happened. She told me everything. The subject was muttering to himself, speaking to someone that isn’t actually there. Mutterings turned to talking, then talking turned to shouting as his sanity took over. He was begging for mercy as he had the sword in his hand, breathing heavily as his sword arm started to shake. The next thing, a voice not his own started to speak from the Subject’s mouth, a deep, owning tone that must have belonged to the curse. ‘Let yourself go.’ It would say and for a moment, he did. With the curse speaking in his ear, the Subject almost struck his daughter but, at the last second stopped. The Subject’s other arm stopped the curse as he held it back. The next second, the cursed killed the Subject and itself? No, the curse is not gone yet. If the cursed killed its host without hesitation, would that mean… The sword is gone, someone has taken it. Does that mean someone else has the curse? No… this is bad, very bad. 27/10/1888. I haven’t given up, my anger and fury won’t let me. What that curse did to my friend is unacceptable. I will end this curse and its rampage if it’s the last thing I do. Reports of missing children are everywhere, only to find them dead mangled and torn to pieces. I’ve learned an awful lot about this curse over the months and so. I’ve learned that it can’t die or perish, it can only be trapped. I destroyed the sword, thinking it would kill the curse but, it only transferred itself into another suitable object, a weapon of sorts. The only thing I can do is bury it and hope it never gets dug up by anyone that’s unfortunate to bypass it. I know curses, I have witnessed many on my adventures with and without my mentor. I can definitively say that this curse is feeding off the fear of its victims, killing them only when they are in despair to get the most out of its victim. Young adults and children being the curse’s easy targets, it’s rare for the curse to go for adults unless they have some form of PTSD or are mentally unstable and weak. There is a lot more I need to learn but, with the knowledge of what I already know, I’m confident that I can beat Shasha and stop this madness. 1/11/1888. It’s over but, a sacrifice has been made in doing so. My family is dead, burnt to the ground with my home. I know who did it, I know why they did it. The curse knows that I’m a threat now, he will — and has destroyed me but, for the wrong reasons. I killed one of them that did it with his own blade. That was a mistake. The weapon I used to kill the man was the curse, Shasha has tricked me. He won. I can feel the numbness, the voice in my head, no… this isn’t a curse. I was wrong… So wrong. I thought I knew, turns out I didn’t have a clue what I was getting myself into. Shasha isn’t a curse, it’s a demon. There is nothing I can do but wait now to be manipulated, and taken over by this demon. No… I’ve decided to end this now, for my best friend, for my wife, for my kids, for myself. I know I’ve said suicide isn’t the way but, in my case, it’s the only way to shove the demon back into this blade and hopefully keep it hidden from this world as this house burns to the ground. Arctic was disturbed by what he was reading. Manipulation, demons, voices? Someone in this mansion has a demon inside them, being manipulated as it whispers in the host’s ear. Tangerine was a victim of this manipulation. Did he really kill himself with the cursed blade to trap it? Where is his body? Even worse, who has the demon within them now? So many questions and yet, no answers but, this is massive in turns of knowing how to stop Shasha temporarily. As Tangerine said, he couldn’t kill it, only trap it and hide it away. The knife… The missing kitchen knife that we have. Is that the cursed blade? How? Was the blade that Tangerine killed himself with destroyed? Or… Could the demon transfer himself regardless if the blade was destroyed? So many questions, it was starting to hurt Arctic’s head. He did know however that he is one step closer to finding Cherry and he was only going to get closer when he finds where she actually is. Not only that, he knew how to defeat the demon, and he had the tools to do so but, could he bring himself to kill someone innocent to bring an end to Shasha’s killing? He didn’t know, Arctic would have to try though, for his daughter’s sake. When he reached the library, he noticed that Helly and Sweetpea weren’t by the library door. Had they gone in? Suddenly, a buzzing rang out in his pocket, letting him know of a message being sent. Pulling out his phone, there was a message sent by Helly. Come to the living room, it’s important.😘 Living room? What could be more important than finding their daughter? Was it about the meeting? Does that mean Dime and Clutch are back? Does this mean that Shepard knows who it is? Arctic didn’t like wasting precious seconds and he couldn’t afford to waste them. Finding Cherry is the most important thing at the moment, Helly can inform him about it later. Helly perked up at the sound of her phone buzzing on the arm of the chair she was sitting on, knocked out of the boredom she was in of the silence in the room. She picked it up and seen the message that was sent by Arctic. Don’t wait for me, just tell me everything that happens when it’s done, plz babe. Helly growl at his message. They were supposed to be find Cherry together, not leaving her behind to see what Shepard wanted. This better be important… “Is everything okay, Helly?” Dime asked, concerned for her new friend as Helly sighed. “I’m fine, it’s just that Arctic isn’t coming. He’s just got back from a serious injury and he is still working his ass off trying to find Cherry. I wish he could take it easy and let someone else take charge for once, not to mention that the guy that nearly killed him is still out there. He’s the smartest person I know but, he’s also the dumbest at times.” Helly huffed. “Stupid indeed but, you have to admire his dedication and courage to get his daughter back. Not many men out there would do that, especially while coming back from almost being killed.” Clutched added, holding a glass of wine in his hand, smelling the flavour as he spun the liquid around. “Aye, he is one tough cookie I’ll give him that, but he is also an idiot. Can’t believe he’s up and at it already. He needs to rest.” Detective Sweetpea said, laying back with her head resting on the arm of the couch and her legs resting on Shepard’s lap. “If Arctic isn’t coming, I think I should start explaining my reasoning for this little meeting.” Detective Shepard murmured, his eyes downcast and a frown stitched to his face. Helly hasn’t seen Shepard look so tired in her life. What happened to him? “What about Fenton? Shouldn’t he be here?” Dime asked, she hasn’t seen him all day. “I think it’s best if he doesn’t.” Shepard said ominously, making everyone nervous as they sat still in silence, waiting for the detective to start talking. Helly watched as Shepard clenched his jaw a few times, biting the inside of his cheek with a conflicted look on his face. What’s going on? Why is he so pale? “As you all know, Helly’s and Arctic’s daughter was taken mysteriously a few nights ago. The truth is, I had a feeling of who was behind the capture of Cherry this whole time but, I had to make sure that I was right.” Shepard paused again, suspense in the air as they all clung to every word of what the Detective was saying. Suddenly, he looked up and over to Helly with a serious look. Why had the attention swerved to her? “I must apologise to you and Arctic in particular. That night when your daughter was taken, I told you we had found nothing which was incorrect. I did find something which could have found the person a lot sooner than intended.” The detective announced, making Helly raise a brow. What is he talking about? Helly watched as he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small plastic back that made everyone but, Sweetpea and Shepard’s eyes widened. It was a cut, a bundle of white hair. Clutch’s white hair. Helly’s blood started to boil as she snapped her neck towards Clutch, standing up with her fist clenched. “You.” Helly said lowly, her whole body tense as she walked over. Seeing this course of action, Sweetpea swiftly got up and blocked the path of Helly. “Calm down, Helly! Let’s not do anything stupid.” Sweetpea said but Helly didn’t listen, she was busy burning a hole through the guilty-looking Clutch. “What! No. that’s impossible! How could it be me! I was in my room! Ask my wife!” Clutch Said with panic, looking around at the group that stared at him with judging eyes. “Dime, hunny. Please tell them it wasn’t me!” He looks over to his wife, sweat dripping from his head. However, Dime was in shock as all she could do was stare at her beloved in a different light now that she thought about it. When the screaming woke Dime up, Clutch wasn’t in the room. “Dime… Say something! I didn’t do it, right…? Right?” “That’s enough! Clutch, calm down and start talking! Explain yourself.” Shepard said, trying to calm the room down, hoping that his brother could enlighten him on his side of the story, hoping that the chunk of hair could be explained and all this was one big, freak coincidence. “Look, I have no idea how a bit of my hair was in that room. Maybe it’s an old strand of hair when I was looking for my son, it could have been anything. All I remember is hearing screaming when I was in the bathroom and I came out to see a crowd at the bedroom, that’s all I know. I’m not the one who took her, I would never do that.” Clutch explained, looking around at the faces, trying to get his side of the story across but, it fell on deaf ears as they all looked with scrutiny. “You just said that you were in the room with Dime! Now you're in the bathroom! Get real you bastard! Where is my daughter!” Helly barked, pressing against Sweetpea who held her back from the sweating Clutch. Clutch cursed under his breath. “I know how it sounds but, I was in the room then, I went out of my room to go the bathroom to do my business, I do it every night. That’s when I heard the screaming, you have to believe me, I have no part in this.” Clutch said in a much calmer tone but, still on edge from the glares, even his own wife looked at him with fear. “Wait a minute, there is a bathroom in every bedroom, even yours. So why did you leave your room when there is a toilet in your room? That doesn’t even make sense.” Sweetpea added in, knowing for a fact that there was one in his and Dime’s room. “No, no, you have it all wrong. Dime never lets me use the toilet in our room. Tell them Dime.” He said, looking over to Dime. “It’s true, I never let him use the toilet in my bathroom. I’ll let him have a shower and brush his teeth but, use the toilet… No way.” Dime said, confirming what Clutch was saying. “Fine but, how the hell did hair get in her room then? The detectives must have cleared the room out when your son went missing before, so how the fuck—“ Shepard looked down at the contained piece of hair in thought, blocking out the noise in front of him. There was still something off and a thought popped into his head. Why had the hair he found in the room come in chucks? It wasn’t a strand of hair but, a pile, as if it was cut by scissors. Did Arctic’s daughter manage to cut a piece of his hair? No, in a fighting situation, you would use scissors like a knife instead of using them for their normal function but, there was no blood at the scene so, this piece of hair naturally shouldn’t be there in the first place… unless… Shepard looked up at Clutch for a second, then back down at the hair in his hand a couple of times, then it hit him like thunder. “I got it.” He whispered to himself, his eyes wide and his mind racing as all the pieces of the puzzle started to come together, this piece of hair being the final slot to find the kidnapper. “I got it!” Shepard said more loudly, catching everyone's attention before Helly could bite Clutch’s head off more. “You figured it out?” Sweetpea asked with a breath, holding Helly back. Everyone stopped and stared at Shepard, looking for his response. “Yes, this hair, it was planted in the room at the time of Cherry’s disappearance,” Shepard uttered, showing of the hair once again. “The hair is short and cut off, there was a pair of scissors in the room next to the white hair but, no one in their right mind would put their fingers through the holes of scissors and defend themselves like that, you use the scissors as a knife, so it’s impossible that his hair could have been cut. Besides, if the scissors were used, there would have been blood on it which there was none. I’m guessing the scissors were planted there too to make it look obvious that Cherry had cut Clutch’s hair in the struggle.” Shepard said, making Helly nod in thought, her temper cooling down. “If that is true, who was the one who put it there then?” Helly muttered, looking to Shepard for the answer. Shepard didn’t answer straight away but, he did look over to Clutch with a serious look. “That’s a nice haircut, Clutch. Who went with you to get your haircut?” Shepherd asked, making the whole room look over to Clutch, Dime’s eyes going wide as realisation hit her. “Who went with me? My son of course, Fenton… Wait… You don’t mean that…” Clutch muttered in shock, his mouth hanging loosely. “No… It can’t be…” Clutch said, standing up from his seat and marching his way out of the room, everyone following him as he climbed the stairs. Clutch didn’t knock as he barged his way into Fenton’s room, finding the room empty but the sound of the shower caught Clutch’s attention as he stormed over. He went to open the door to the shower but it was locked. “Open up this instant, boy! You're in deep shit now!” Clutch roared, twisting the knob forcefully, but it was locked. No answer. Everyone just made it in just in time to see Clutch kicking the door with all his unicorn might. Sweetpea didn’t hesitate to step forward. “Move.” The detective ordered, hovering Clutch out of the way as she placed all her earth power strength into a single kick that splintered the door open, the lock hanging limply by the tremendous kick. Dime and Clutch were the first to hurry in but, when they entered, all they could see is the steam of the roasting hot shower, the shower curtain shut but, no Fenton inside. He is gone. > Chapter 10 - 6. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 134# 12:37pm. The Fruit Family Household. Dear Diary. It’s been a few hours since my awaking after the fight with the demon called Shasha. I was outplayed, beaten and almost killed for my stupidity. What was I doing running at him like a headless chicken? I owe my life to the detective, she saved my life when she could have easily run away. I owe her more than a drink or two when this is all over. It’s the least I can do. I have learnt new things about Shasha thanks to the ghost from under my bed, giving me enough knowledge to see through the curse for what it actually is. A demon, ripping fear out of one's soul and devouring it to quench its hunger. It makes me sick what Shasha has done to Cherry, I can only hope she is okay as she is on the run. I’m trying everything I can to find this secret passageway. I’ve looked everywhere in this library for some sort of blatant symbolism or sign in the right direction to this secret entrance that leads down to my daughter's location but, I’ve come out empty-handed again. Am I doing something wrong? Am I looking in the wrong place? No, the boy told me to search where I first met Shasha, this has to be the place. Am I overlooking something? I can’t be, unless, the ghost meant the time I hallucinated being stabbed by Shasha. No way, it was just a hallucination. Right? There is no way the boy could have known. Yet again, the boy in the hallucination looked the exact same as the boy in the library, and the description of Shasha in the hallucination was perfect to a tee. Could it have been a hallucination? If not, what happened that night? Why am I still alive? Was it some sort of vision into the future? No, the ghost from under the bed told me to solve the riddles that I and Helly have already done. A nightmare? Is it possible for the ghost of the boy and Shasha to invade my dreams? No, that's not it either. The footage from the cameras I placed around the mansion was the same when I was dreaming/hallucinating as when I woke up in the morning. Either way, it doesn’t matter how I’m still alive or what happened that night. I think it’s time to have a look around Cherry’s room for the last time. The silence was deafening as the mild sound of water leaking and steam spraying from the many pipes that lead across the ceiling and walls of this never-ending tunnel. Where was she? How did she get here? How can she get out of here were a few of many mediocre questions that crossed her mind with every aimless turn she made, making a choice to pick a path when there is more than one. She has seen many disturbing sights on her walk, feeling blood mixed with the smooth, gridded ground, hearing voices of children all around her and seeing the grime that once was a small, living being. This place was a graveyard for the unfortunate. How many kids and teens has this monster slaughtered, butchered, maimed? It’s like he has no soul. She came across another familiar double door, doors that are frequent in this hell hole. She entered without hesitation, getting more and more confident with each turn or door she came across but, she regretted entering through this door. Hundreds of hooked chains hung from the ceiling, rotten flesh of many bodies impaled by the hook, dangling meat that once was a child. Skins were carved off, and many missing limbs were marked by the crimson ointment that covered the floor. That smell – that god-awful smell made Cherry gag, the smell of death too much for the little, lost girl. The stainless steel tables lay waiting to the side and centre of the room, waiting to be used for the sick mind of a man, blood dried up and unmoving as it sits soundly. The instruments of the madman’s craft laid still, the shallow blood of their last sufferer fresh on the mind of each and every tool, chain and furniture in this suffocating room. The flickering lights taunted Cherry as she stepped in, shuddering as she looked over every cadaver with pity. This could be her, a dangling ornament for the next boy or girl to see. Cherry paled from just the thought of it. “What would have to happen to a man to make him do all this?” Cherry spoke to herself as fog left her mouth, the blistering silence intolerable to Cherry. “Who you refer to is no man… But a demon~.” A cold, calculating voice said behind her, a voice that she wasn’t familiar with. She turned on the spot and she was surprised to see a new face. His skin was moulded tremendously, and his right eye was gone, only leaving his bloodshot red eye looking back at her. Scars painted his body, the ugly picture ending as the cut and burnt clothes covered up the rest of his deep scars. “A-a demon?” Cherry shuddered, the appearance of this boy making the temperature of the room refrigerate. The boy nodded and slowly walked carefully over to Cherry. “Yes… A demon… I don’t know much… I don’t remember everything about my past but... I’m trying to guide your father in the right direction… He’s been looking for you~.” The hollow boy said, standing in front of her and being a few inches short. Her dad… Arctic does he mean? She was mildly surprised to hear that her dad is looking for her from the lips of a ghost. Is this boy and Arctic working together? Does Dad know where she is? How to get to her? “Is he close to finding me? How is he? How is Mum doing? Is she okay?” Cherry inquired, her face distorting as fresh tears hung at the side of her eyes, threatening to spill at any moment. As much as she hated to admit it to herself, she wished that her dad was here. “They are fine… You just need to keep moving until your dad finds you~.” The boy said turning and looking over to the table that held the tools. His complexion had a frown dawn on his face for a moment until he shook himself with determination. Looking back with a flicker of fire in his eye, he pointed at the murderous tools. “I know what I’m going to say is going to sound crazy but… You must be prepared to fight... Once you are caught… There is nowhere you can run…” “Fight… No, there is no way I can fight, I’m just a girl.” Cherry said in shock, looking over the madman’s toys. “It’s rather you fight and die or… You just… Die… There is nothing more you can do~.” He said with pity, seeing her shivering form fall onto her knees with dread as she wrapped herself in her freezing arms. She wished she was back home in the Coalstone Village where life was simple and friends were all around her. She wished Mom was here, giving her all the warmth a hug could give. She wished her dad was here in her time of need, to tell her everything was okay, to get her out of this hell hole. “I know it’s hard… I’ve been where you were... I've cried the same tears you have... I know this loneliness you are feeling… I know… So trust me when I say you’ll regret running… You’ll regret not fighting when you get the chance... Please… Trust me with this~.” The ghost pleaded, a flash of seeing his mom and sister hanging from a rope as the world around him was blazing, smouldered by the black cloud. He has seen it countless times, he remembers every kid’s face that the demon took down, playing at their soul, driving them into despair. He hated it, he doesn’t want it to happen again, not again. “You have to fight… No matter what~.” Cherry watched as a little blood-stain tear rolled down the cheek, an act the boy hasn’t done in centuries. “You have to live… You have to survive… I don’t want to see another person die… Not again~.” He whimpered, his face down in shame as he rubbed away the blood spilling from his face. Cherry was stunned to see a ghost cry in front of her, her heart breaking at the lost essence of a boy that has seen the ins and outs of this evil. She went to through herself at the weeping boy but, all she could feel is the freezing air around him as her arms fazed right through him. She felt terrible for this boy. How long has he been here as a hopeless soul? How long has he watched children his age die in front of his eye? How long has this been going on? There is no time to be afraid… There is no time to be pathetic… to be a coward… to be a pushover… This is your last chance… Don’t fuck it up or you will end up like us~… Slowly, she made her way to her feet, her mind clear, more clear than it has been for days. She understood what they meant, the regret of running, the regret of not facing him with courage despite the certainty of death. She is afraid without a doubt but, she mustn’t run, she knew what she had to do. “Thanks… I understand what you mean.” Cherry said, walking over to the table of sharp tools, and moving the frozen bodies out of her way. “Fighting is all I have left, I can’t hide or run in this marathon, I'll simply lose. That’s why I have to stand my ground and fight.” Cherry saw a weapon that caught her eye, a simple hatchet that was as long as her forearm, she picked it up and inspected it. “But… I can’t do this alone. Will—will you help me?” She asked, turning to see the boy's wide eyes. She is so calm, so still as her features softened. She had this aura about her that the little fantom hasn’t seen in a very long time. How did she find this sudden confidence? Is she not scared? No, she is but, is this because she is backed into a corner? Even so, there is much more he could see within them eyes. Arctic entered the dishevelled Cherry’s room, looking around at all the damage that was made. Nothing has moved, everything was at a standstill from the last time Arctic was in the room. He honestly didn’t know what he was looking for or what he was doing here. He was told to come here, to the place where he first met Shasha. He’s here now so… Now what? Arctic knew he was supposed to find some sort of clue but, this room was smaller than the rest of the rooms oddly enough. All it had was a bed, a desk, a bookshelf, a window and a door, a simple room. A quiet room. A room that is far away from the rest. That’s odd. Arctic never really thought about the location of the room. What was this room before Arctic’s time anyway? A closet? A study area? A bedroom? No, it couldn’t be a bedroom… That wouldn’t make sense. The mansion should have 4 bedrooms originally, the master bedroom that he and Helly are staying in was originally Tangerines and Zorku’s, the bedroom Clutch and Dime sleep in was meant for Zoro, the bedroom Fenton was in was for Strawberry and the detectives were sleeping in Sunny’s bedroom. That’s all the bedrooms for the Fruit Family… So what’s this room? It’s so random, so out of place, it’s practically the elephant in this mansion. Why hadn’t he seen this before? How odd. Arctic’s train of thought was interrupted as he heard running coming from outside the room, multiple by the many steps that creaked the floorboards. It sounded like everyone was in a hurry for whatever reason. Arctic popped his head outside, just in time to see Sweetpea run passed. “Hey! What’s going on?” Arctic shouted, making Sweetpea stop in her tracks, looking over her shoulder. “We know who took your daughter, it’s Fenton!” Sweetpea shouted back, making his eyes widen slightly. That’s right, they don’t know that Fenton is being controlled by Shasha. Arctic cursed, they have to know the truth. Without a word, Arctic waved Sweetpea over, heading back inside. Sweetpea knew she should stay focused on finding Fenton but… God damn it, he knows how to peak her curiosity. She walked over to the room Arctic was in and entered to see a shuffling Arctic, a diary, a folded note and a book in hand. “Okay, what the hell is going on?” Sweetpea murmured, crossing her arms. “Do you remember the time we were attacked by that man?” Arctic said, making Sweetpea deadpan. “That was a day ago, it’s still fresh on my mind.” The detective rolled her eyes. “What about him?” “It wasn’t Fenton.” He said bluntly, making her brows raise at the bold claim. “And you know this how…?” Sweetpea said with scepticism but, interest in his answer to this. He was confident with his words. “I mean… It was Fenton but, it isn’t his fault. He’s being manipulated by…” Arctic tutted in frustration. How can he explain to someone that a supernatural being has taken over the body of Fenton? The book… Placing the note on the desk, he flipped the book to the last page. “I know it’s going to sound crazy but… A demon has taken control of Fenton.” Arctic said, passing the book over to Sweetpea with urgency, standing silently as he waited for her reply. She didn’t answer at first, Arctic could see the detective’s eyes scan through the words, squinting as her eyes slowly elevated down the page. It was clear that she was doubting the claims of a demon taking control of Fenton but, her silence made it clear that she was open-minded about this suggestion. It wasn’t the weirdest thing she has heard after all. “In the library, before we were attacked. Do you remember when I could see something that you couldn’t… Truth is, I saw a ghost. He gave me this book, he showed me where to look and what to do. I know what I’m saying is nuts but, it’s the truth.” Arctic said with desperation, hoping that she was understanding. “Okay… Let’s just say your right. Fenton was taken over by a demon, how do we stop him? Are you and your ghost friends going to stop him? Are you going to cast a spell on the demon to cast it away? Play a little melody?” Sweetpea murmured. Arctic frowned, she wasn’t taking this seriously at all. That’s fine, all he needed was her help, he didn’t need her to understand anything. He could handle Shasha by himself. “Forget it… it was a far-fetched theory and maybe I’m losing it a bit.” Arctic muttered, sounding like he was in pain as he sighed, rubbing his face. “I understand, Arctic. Anxiety and stress can play with you mentally, making you believe stuff that sounds ridiculous to others but, making perfect sense to you at the time. It happens and it’s hard to realise at the time so, take it easy, would you.” Sweetpea said reassuringly, placing her hand on his shoulder. Arctic must admit the gesture was comforting but, what she said is false. It has to be the demon’s doing. After everything has gone through these past days, it couldn’t be all chalked down to my stress… Right? Right? “Anyway, what are you doing in here? You do know this room is still a crime scene, right?” Sweetpea asked, making Arctic rub the back of his head. “ah, well… I thought I would check out the room for myself, see if I can see something you and Detective Shepard can’t considering you and everyone else can’t see the door to the library. Maybe there is illusion magic somewhere.” Arctic suggested, looking around the room for any obvious illusions. “Maybe… I guess it’s worth a shot but, make it quick. I’m supposed to be with Shepard.” With that, Sweetpea and Arctic rummaged the room vicariously, trying to find that one thing that was off. Arctic did find something but, it was nothing special, just a 10-dollar bill with the corner ripped off underneath a loose floorboard. Even stranger, this bill was out of date. Wait a minute… This bill was out of date even before Tangerine’s time. Pawn shops would pay good money for this. Why is it underneath a floorboard? Knowing Tangerine, that probably means something, maybe a symbolism that he wasn’t getting. “Hey, what you got there?” Sweetpea asked, looking over the shoulder of the crouched Arctic. When she saw the bill, her eyes widened. “Holy shit! Do you know what that is? That’s a John Bailey 10-dollar bill! Money before magic! People would kill to get stuff like that!” Sweetpea exclaimed, feeling her heart skip a beat from the beautiful sight. The urge to snatch it and run was great but, she quickly remembered that she was a detective of the law. “I know but, why is it here? 10-dollars… 10-dollars… Wait a minute…” Arctic said, a stroke of genius crossing his mind. He picked up the note of riddles and scanned down to see the correct riddle. $9.54… $10.00… Could they be related in a way? Wait… The corner of the bill, it’s ripped off. This is it, this 10-dollar bill is $9.54, the ripped-off corner just being a metaphor for taking away money. This is the place Arctic is meant to be. Bookkeeper… Well, there is a bookshelf in the room. Silence… This place must have been a study area for Tangerine maybe? Is that why this room is furthest away from the rest? So there would be very little sound? That would make sense. O… Little bit shady but, it has to make sense in the future. Education… Other than school, there is no better place to educate yourself than in a quiet room all to yourself. Clock… Oh, look, a clock. $9.54… He had just found that. 6… Not sure what that means just yet but, he was sure it will come to him. “These pictures are something else, I’ll give the artist that.” Sweetpea whistled in admiration, looking at the framed art on the walls. Arctic raised a brow, what is so artistic about letters… Wait a minute… “Detective, what art do you see?” Arctic asked warily, checking something before mindlessly assuming. “Huh? You mean you can’t see the old presidents of Equestria?” Sweetpea asked, befuddled by that question. Arctic smiled at that answer. So it’s true, he’s the only one that can see through Tangerine’s illusion magic. Why though? The only thing that Arctic and Tangerine have in common is that they are both archaeologists and Arctic is in his bloodline. Bloodline… could that really be enough to see through his mastered magic? No… not magic. If it was magic, the illusions would have died along with Tangerine. Without a word, Arctic pulled down the framed picture and flipped it around and sure enough, Arctic saw what he was expecting. A magic circle was marked on the back, a fingerprint of blood in the middle. Tangerine… You never cease to amaze me… “It’s a magic circle based on illusion. I knew these couldn’t be just art.” Arctic said with a genuine chuckle. “Wait, are you saying that this is also an illusion? If that’s the case, what do you see?” Sweetpea asked. “Letters… Letters on all 9 of these pictures on the walls.” Arctic said, looking around at all the pictures with letters in them. “And two of them have 2 O’s… just like ‘O’ in the riddle.” “What are the letters?” Sweetpea quickly said, pulling out her notebook and pen. “O,K,E,O,S,B,F,H,L. It’s just a jumble of letters.” Arctic said, starting from left to right as he said each letter with awe, Sweetpea keeping pace as she jotted each letter down. “Looks like we have to make a word out of it.” She said as she sighed. “I think I would rather go back to playing crosswords.” Arctic didn’t respond to her whining. He stood there, in the middle of the room, his beady eye looking at all the pictures as his mouth moved slightly, wordlessly speaking to himself in thought. Arctic knew the word had to be relevant to something in this room, it wouldn't make sense otherwise. It’s an easy word to figure out only because he knew what to look for. The word had 2 O’s in the word, narrowing the word down significantly. Look? Hook? Book? That’s it, book, that has to be the first bit of the word. Now it’s just E, S, F, H, L. Thanks to the first part of the word being book, Arctic smiled as the answer was now clear as day. “Bookshelf.” Arctic said with victory, turning his head towards the adjusted, large bookshelf. “Huh?” Sweetpea said, raising a brow at the out-of-context word. “That’s the answer – bookshelf, which means that there is something we are overlooking about this bookshelf. What is it?” As Arctic was analysing the rows among rows of books, Sweetpea snapped her head back down to her book with the written letters. Putting the letters together, she was astonished that he was right. How did he get that so quickly? Truthfully, she shouldn’t be surprised. Arctic is a genius in his own right, he doesn’t have to put effort into puzzles like this. His intelligence far surpasses her own in a way that made his knowledge limitless. With his daughter missing, she shouldn’t be doubting this guy at all, he knows what he’s doing. So, without question, she followed his lead and started to search. “Look for the number 6, it has to be on this bookshelf somewhere.” Arctic muttered with frustration, the number driving him crazy. The number 6 was the last thing on the list of riddles, it has to be here. “I found a 6.” Sweetpea said, looking at the spine of a book. Arctic instantly popped on over with interest, excitement more than anything appearing on his smile. When he looked over, sure enough, a book that was three layers over their heads had a dirty, golden 6 circled on the spine of the book. That was it, that last piece of the puzzle. What was going to happen now? Is he going to try and pull the book out just for a secret door to open up behind the bookshelf? No, there was nothing behind the bookshelf, he and Sweetpea made sure of that. Is there something inside the book that will lead him to Cherry? Possibly. There is only one way to find out. Before Arctic did take the book in his hand, he cleared around the book, seeing if there was any type of contraption behind the book, looking for any magical circles marked on each side of the book. Once he was satisfied, he looked over to the detective as she wore an unsure look. Arctic was unsure himself. What will he find? The note says this will lead him to Tangerine’s dark secrets, and that dark secret must be Shasha. Without any time to waste, Arctic knew what he had to do as he took hold of the book and pulled it out. Arctic’s heart dropped as the gravitation of the situation hit him in an instant. His body suddenly felt so light as the floor shifted from under his feet, Arctic didn’t react in time as gravity took hold of him as he fell into the secret entrance where Shasha lurks. > Chapter 11 - Fight. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 135# Fruit Family Household. Dear Diary. I don’t want to write much, I’m a sitting duck down here. I’m just hoping Sweetpea hurries and get the others. I briefly remember what happened. I fell through the floor, the floor moved when I pulled on the book then, My mind must have gone black upon the impact with the floor. I’ve sprained my ankle and I’m pretty sure I have a concussion from the impact. I can’t sit here much longer so, I’m going ahead to see if I can find Cherry. I’m leaving my diary here on this page to let you all know that Fenton is not the one responsible for his actions. A demon called Shasha has taken over him. There is no way of getting the demon out of him. The only way you can do that is by killing him which I don’t want to do. I’ll try and find a way to prevent that, it’s not gonna be easy but, I have an idea when the worst comes to worst. I don’t have to say that this demon is dangerous so stick together as a group. I hope you all find my daughter before I do. Stay safe. The frigid air only got colder as her body was numb to the bone, shaking violently as if her body was being possessed. She was dying from starvation and her thirst was driving her crazy; she briefly wondered what the flesh on the hooks tasted like before snapping herself out of it. She didn’t care for her body as she waited, her mind was elsewhere. How long had she sat there waiting for her capture? She didn’t know but, she was ready when the time came. Was she scared? Absolutely but, she couldn’t afford to keep running like this. If she wanted to live, to take another breath of fresh air, to see her mom and dad again, she had to fight, that she knew with certainty. She didn’t know what she was feeling as she sat in the middle of the room, bodies hanging from the ceiling all around her. She was scared, she wasn’t afraid to admit that but, there was more to what she was feeling. She was suppressing her anger with a cool calmness, accepting that she might not live to tell the tale. As memories of the past ran rampant in her mind, she was sad that this could be her last memory, fighting to the death but, she was also happy. Looking back at the memories she had, she was happy with the time she had spent with her mom and dad, friends and family. It was a rollercoaster of a ride. Cherry had a few regrets but only one stood out the most. She wished she gave Arctic a chance, given him the opportunity to be a dad. She thought about it a lot as she sat here and realised she was quite a nuisance to him. When she discovered that he wasn’t her real dad, she felt betrayed and angry. Why did she have to live with a stranger? Why did it have to be someone so uncool? Why did it have to be some nerd? So, Cherry neglected him and distanced herself from him in the hopes to drive him away. She thought Helly didn’t need him, Cherry didn’t need him, and they could live by themselves, just Helly and Cherry, mother and daughter. That’s what she thought. Now, she could see the ignorance she had in her past self. She ignored his love, his advice, and the money he spends on her because she was blinded by hate and envy. He tried his best but, she continuously shuts him down every time. Honestly, she was surprised that he never gave up on her after trying to make his life miserable. She wished she could have a moment with him, to sit right in front of him right now and let her heart speak. She knew he would listen, she knew he would hug her tightly, and she knew he would come up with an answer to her problems. She wished she could have that moment just to get through all of this. “It’s nearly time… He’s heading our way~.” A faint voice said behind her, knocking her out of her thoughts. “Are you ready?” “I’m as ready as I’m going to get.” Cherry said with no energy, standing up from her seat with her hatchet in her hand. “I’m sorry this happened to you… You don’t deserve this~.” The ghostly boy said, his face downtrodden. Cherry didn’t answer straight away, the comment feeling unrealistic. As bad as it may sound, she felt like she deserved this in a way she could only understand. This is probably the wake-up call she needed. “Nothing we can do about it now, all we can do now is fight.” Cherry said after some time, turning to the boy that has helped her prepare. “Right?” The boy saw it again, that spirit within her showed once again. It was fascinating how a young girl like her could stay optimistic in the situation she is in. For so long he has only seen terror and anguish on the victim’s face, seeing that small smile on her face was oddly refreshing, it was amazing to him. If only she was around back then, maybe, just maybe he would have had the power to fight back. Would he still be alive? Would his papa, mama and sisters be alive too? It’s a scary thought that if he had just turned instead of running and fought back, all this wouldn’t have happened in the first place. Suddenly, distant echoing footsteps broke his train of thought, that blemishing sound haunting the ghost as he trembled. The ghost felt his enormous river magic, his black aura that crawled up and to the side of the door, turning this room as black as the void despite the light bulb’s flicking above him. All of a sudden, the boy remembered why he ran as he saw him in the distance, striding with power and intent. This evil the ghost felt suffocated him, driving him crazy of this insane power. He glanced over to Cherry who stood there, unmoved by the appearance of the figure and his godlike power. How… How can a mortal like her stand in the presence of this higher being? He knew he told her to fight but, can’t she feel his tremendous strength? No… She can. Her knees are wobbling and he could hear her heart race but, still, she wears a smile on her face. Has she given up? Has she fallen into despair? No, that’s not it either. She is terrified but, she’s facing it head-on. Is this what facing your fears looks like? When the man was at the wide open doorframe, Cherry’s eyes widened slightly as the top hat was gone, his whole face on for show. She gripped the handle of her hatchet tightly. “Fenton…” She growled, surprised to see the pompous boy being the one behind all this, it actually made her cold blood boil from seeing his face but, something was different about him. His eyes are as black as his magical ambience, it was like it wasn’t him looking back at her, but more like something darker within himself was glaring back with a steely stare. That’s right, this wasn’t Fenton she was dealing with. It was the demon. Fenton didn’t respond to Cherry, opting to stare at the ghostly figure of his old victim, he could still smell the fear of him even when he was dead. “You hold barely any fear and yet, you are far from despair. You are strong-willed and yet, not strong enough for me. Breaking you will be fun.” A demonic voice croaked from Fenton’s throat, creeping Cherry out for a second. “Break me?” Cherry smirked. “More like you’ll have to break a sweat to catch me.” Cherry mocked, making the demonised Fenton scoff. Cherry didn’t waste a second as she ran the opposite way from Fenton, through another door leading her deeper. The ghostly boy however just stood there, still frozen in fear. He wanted to move, to run, to do anything but stand here. Nothing, he did nothing just like when he died. Fenton didn’t even look down at him as he walked passed the ghost, knowing for a fact that he will run away like every other time he tried to help a lost soul. The demon within Fenton knew this underground bunker well, knowing what room was what, what to expect in each region, knowing that there is no escape. It didn’t matter what the childish girl did or do, her little games are only going to put her in a loop of misery and eventually death. It’s laughable that she thinks she is in control of the situation. The next room he stepped into was dark and gloomy but, he knew what this room was. It’s not even a room, it was just an old gangway bridge above 4 massive circular economies that contain sulphuric acid, nitric acid, hydrofluoric acid and perchloric acid, a body hanging over the railing. Huh? Did he forget to push him over into the acid? Strange, that’s not like him. The demon never understood what the foolish Tangerine was doing at the time with all these acids but, it amused the demons very much when he tossed his victim into them. However, he had to be careful, the toxin of these acids are quite dangerous, even for him. So, the demon didn’t sit around long as he passed the body, pushing it off the side of the catwalk. Little did he know, that little shove of the body coursed a chain reaction to happen in that instant. The demon didn’t see the rope around the wrist of the corpse. Cherry smiled as her little trap was set into motion. She knew a demented killer like him couldn’t resist throwing over a corpse into acid so, she took advantage of that and set up a trap for his hopeful demise. It was a trap that Arctic had once told her before on his adventures. A simple trap that involves an anchor, a rope and a very heavy object. Once the corpse was pushed off, the crate that was dangling over the top of the bridge would fall on top of him and collapse the bridge in the process, Cherry made sure to loosen the screws on it. None of this wouldn’t have been possible without her new friend, he was the one that made this trap possible. When she saw the speeding outline of the crate crumble Fenton to the ground and fall below, making him stagger to one knee and grunt, she cursed to see that the bridge held the weight of the sudden pressure. The bridge falling was meant to be the finishing blow. A low grumbled chuckle reached Cherry’s ears, a haunting deep sound that made Cherry step back. No… That crate weighed over 50kg, he should be at least unconscious but, here he is, laughing as if it tickled him. “I must admit, you caught me of guard. For that, I will end your life swiftly.” Fenton chortled, standing straight back up with an outlandish smile on his joyful face. Is this it? The way she dies? To a plan that failed? To the hands of this murderer? No, not yet. Cherry wasn’t going to give up with her life and her family’s life on the line. He has to be hurt from that hit and previous wounds that she was told about. Here. This is where she holds the line, this is the room she lives or dies, running wasn’t an option anymore. She was weak, hurt, freezing and beyond ready to fight but, she took her first step forward towards Fenton with her hatchet in her hand, a motion that wiped the smile off the demon’s face. Never in his ageless years has he come against a mortal who dared to approach him. Everyone that has crossed his path has rather run away or given themselves up to him. The nerve of this puny girl. The things he would do to this girl if he had his knife. Meeting in the centre, the height difference was major but, it was to her advantage as it was in a small, closed-in area where she could manoeuvre around easily. Fenton wasn’t shy of making the first move as he shot his hand out towards her neck, intending to end this quickly and shatter her spirit completely but, he was slightly taken by surprise as she directed his arm away from her free hand and lunged up with her hatchet, aiming for the side of his neck. Fenton’s eyes widen at this fearless little girl, a little girl who easily guided his arm to the side and created an opening for herself skillfully. Did he underestimate this child’s combat capabilities? He certainly did. He ducked just in time to evade the swinging but, she was prepared for that as she grabbed him by the collar, using his momentum and the position of her leg to drag him down on his back with all her earthling strength, giving her another opportunity to strike. Again, he was in shock at how easily she controlled his body as if she was the one possessing him – a demon. A two-voiced roar escaped Fenton’s throat as the hatchet struck the collarbone, fracturing it in two as raven blood splatted out and onto her face. Yanking the hatchet out roughly, her next target now was his neck as he was disoriented but, with force, she was pushed off of him, making distance for himself as he had time to stand back up, his icky black blood spilling as his shoulder was slumped down. Cherry stood back up almost instantly from his push, her ribs feeling the pain of the quick and forceful shove. Cherry knew he was strong from his aura alone but, feeling the pain only confirmed it. “You insolent rat! You’ll regret that.” Fenton said darkly, rushing forward with speed that Cherry was ready for. Fenton started to slowly realise what this martial art was with each kick and blow that was evaded. Karate, a martial art that he has seen, and by the blocks and strikes, this little girl has knowledge of a black belt and with a hatchet at her side, she is not one to take likely. The ghost was in awe of the fight in front of him. Never has he ever seen someone fight back with the odds stacked against them and hold their own against a superior being. It was like a lion fighting a rabbit but, the lion couldn’t land a blow on the small figure of the rabbit as it avoided every throw. It was incredible, it was awe-inspiring and it brought hope that he yearned for but, the real question was, how long can she last in the lion’s jaws? Cherry’s arms felt like they could break at any moment trying to block these strikes from Fenton. They were so heavy and fast, but his injuries didn’t look like they affected him much as she couldn’t keep up with them, all she did was just block and wait. Suddenly, her breath was knocked out of her as her chest felt like it was hit by a bulldozer, feeling and hearing her ribs buckle and break from the punch she received, a punch so powerful that it send her flying into the room with all the hooks. She found it impossible to breathe as her mouth was wide open, freezing as she couldn’t stop shaking, an astronaut in the black spare with no suit on. She wanted to stand back up, she wanted to keep fighting, and she wanted to live but, her body wouldn’t let her. Where was her hatchet? She couldn’t feel it in her hand, she must have dropped it from that blow, that’s fine, she could fight without it. She tried to get up on her hands and knees but, a heavy kick to her gut sent her flying to many of the hooked bodies from above, whelping in pain when she hit the ground, coughing up blood and wheezing in agony. She was in immense pain but, she knew she could stand up, she had to stand in order to keep fighting. She wasn’t going to let herself be beaten laying down. She wasn’t going to give up, not just yet. “I must admit, no child has even fought me before – never mind land a blow on me so, I won’t let you suffer no more pain than you already should. Are there any last words you wish to speak before I end your life?” Fenton murmured, administration in his tone as he stood in front of the struggling Cherry. There is no time to be afraid… There is no time to be pathetic… to be a coward… to be a pushover… This is your last chance… Don’t fuck it up or you will end up like us~… You have to fight… No matter what~… He is hurt… He is vulnerable… This is your chance to escape~… Stay strong… You can get through this~… From the start… From the very start they were there for Cherry, rooting for her to be the one to finally escape, to end it all. These kids who had lived just like hers are counting on her; to free their souls, to find her freedom, to find their revenge. She could feel them, their eyes on her, every single victim of this bastard quietly cheering her on. She has to stand, she just has to. “I’m-I’m not—done yet… I can keep fighting.” Cherry said, managing to to get up on her feet but, her knees were wobbly and she couldn’t manage to catch her breath. Fenton chuckled at her claim. “Don’t be foolish, you gave it your best shot, that’s more than any of the little runts did. Give up, you lost.” Fenton declared, arms wide in victory. “I-I am not done yet.” Cherry said again, standing in a stance similar to before but, more sloppy. Fenton huffed and went for the girl's neck once again but, like last time it was guided away readily, Cherry was ready to strike with her other fist but, Fenton wasn’t going to fall for the same trick as he went to Cherry’s striking fist but, Cherry wasn’t stupid or desperate in that moment. Fenton caught thin air as the strike was nothing more than a faint, the real strike was in her other fist as she used the boney part of her palm to slam upward to his chin, sending him off the floor. With a blood-curdling war cry, she used that velocity of his vulnerable state as she slammed his head down on the concrete floor with the strength that a demon would be wary of, cracking the concrete under his head. “I. Am. Not. Done. Yet!” Then she felt it… A flash of numbness in her arm. > Chapter 12 - Sorry. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arctic grunted in pain. He couldn’t put much pressure on his right foot anymore as the growing pains were getting unbearable. His head was no better too. He was nauseous and dizzy, seeing double as he followed a blood trail — an old one thankfully. He had no idea which path to choose as he was given multiple options. Arctic was hoping he was picking the right path. When Arctic turned a corner once again, he was surprised to see a figure standing at the end of the hallway. Arctic brandished the kitchen knife he was stabbed with and approached the figure carefully, not saying a word to draw any attention to it. Once he got closer, he realised that this figure was transparent, wearing a leather jacket, his white shirt bloodied as numerous stab wounds were apparent and wearing a glare. It was another ghost. Suddenly, the ghost's arm raised its arm to the side, pointing down a tunnel to his right. “Hurry up… The girl is in danger~.” The boy huffed, making Arctic freeze. A girl? Does he mean… Arctic didn’t ask as his movement was frantic and his mind raced with possible, alarming thoughts. He went down the tunnel that the ghost was pointing down with panic. The girl is in danger? Does that mean Cherry has been caught? Is Shasha catching up to her? Is it already too late? These thoughts terrified the earthling as he hobbled along the crimson corridor. He turned down another hallway to see another ghost but this time it was a girl Cherry’s age, he cringed at the gruesome sight of her missing arms but, he didn’t stop, he didn’t dare to stop. The girl nodded in the direction, a worried look on her face. “Please hurry~.” She pleaded, sounding just as desperate as he was. Who are these people? Are these the people that went missing? The children? How long have they been down here? How long have they been suffering like this? “I. Am. Not. Done. Yet!” A girl's voice echoed, making Arctic widen his eyes. Cherry… That was Cherry! Arctic ignored every ghost that he spotted, only looking to see where they were pointing at. Hurry~… She doesn’t have much time~… Keep going~… The voices of the dead kept telling him, encouraging him to keep moving forward. They didn’t have to tell him twice, he ran as fast as his ankle would let him. When he stumbled into the next corridor where he grunted in pain, closing his eyes tightly from the jolt of discomfort shooting up his legs. Damn ankle, why did he have to strain his ankle of all times. When he opened his eyes, he thought his dizziness was making him see things as down the straight tunnel to the next room, to the next, then the next was a slumped form, kneeling over a body. The slumped form was confused as it looked at her shaky hands. He concentrated all his focus on his vision, trying to match his double vision together. Once he saw the familiar colours of the pink-skinned girl with dirty blond hair, his eyes could only widen. A ray of emotions sprung up as he got up on his two feet, feeling the overwhelming stress leave his body as he hobbled faster and faster, clearing the rooms in record time. “Cherry!” He shouted out, making Cherry freeze and slowly veer around with a look of shock on her tarred face. She couldn’t believe who she saw as Arctic limping as fast as she could, the bottom of his chin bandaged up tightly and a knife in his hand. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Is that really her dad? Why is he hurt? Is he here to get her out of here? A tear slowly rolled down her cheek as she slowly got up, her whole body jerking out of shock. One by one the tears came, her heart racing quicker and quicker with every step he took closer to her. Her body moved on her own as a step forward turned into a full-blown sprint, ignoring the aching pain in her back and the numbness in her body, ignoring the humidity of being half naked, ignoring everything around her as she saw the light at the end of the tunnel, the light that was her father. Arctic opened his arms as Cherry smashed into him, sending Arctic backwards with a sobbing Cherry on top, crying her heart out into his shirt. Arctic couldn’t believe how cold she was as he wrapped his arms around her, making him flinch from the sub-zero temperature but, nevertheless, he wrapped his arms around her tightly, giving every ounce of warmth that he radiated. It broke his heart hearing her cry tears of pain, shuddering into his chest. He has never heard Cherry cry before, she was always hot-headed around him and never really got another emotion from her but, now that he has heard her jittering cries, he would take that hot-headed girl over her cries, it broke his heart just listening to it. A tear ran down his face as she hissed in pain, his hand feeling her back as thousands of rough trenches were marked deeply, he felt the agony she went through from just touching it. “Shhh~, it’s okay, it’s okay, I got you hunny. There is no reason to cry. Everything is going to be okay.” Arctic whispered down in her ear, the soft words feeling so surreal to Cherry. She hoped this wasn’t some twisted dream, she wished this was it, the last second of the last day for all this to be over. She hoped with all her aching heart. Slowly, Arctic leaned up with his daughter pressed against him, her hand tightly gripping his shirt, hiding her face. He rocked her gently, holding her head against his chest as she continued sniffing and wailing. He couldn’t remember a day in his life when he and Cherry were this close, this is something he has yearned for this whole time, to be embraced by his daughter. That's only something a father could dream of. “Dad… I’m—I’m so cold.” Cherry said with jittery teeth, squeezing him tighter to gather more warmth. Arctic didn’t waste a second to lift off his shirt in reply, feeling the chilly air touch his skin. “Here, take this. It has your snot on it and it might stink but, it’s all I got.” He said, hoping to see her smile. Even better, he got a sad laugh out of her as she slipped on his shirt. She sniffed it. “Your right, it smells like shit.” She said, making Arctic's smile widen. He would have scolded her for swearing but, she could swear all she wanted if it meant Cherry could get along with him. It felt like minutes had gone by until Cherry’s sobbing calmed down, her breathing stable and her tears all dried up. She pushed away from him and stood up, wiping the last bits of tears off her cheek. “Thanks for coming to get me.” Cherry said, sniffing with a smile on her face. Arctic was going to respond but, a sound of muttering was heard from further down the hallway. Looking to see what it was, he saw a crowd of ghosts, ghosts he has seen before in his little journey down here and one boy that he was well acquainted with. Noticing Arctic’s direction, she quickly looked away in shame. “Come on, Dad. Let's just go.” She said, tugging at his arm but, Arctic could see passed the ghosts, they were all looking down at the figure on the floor. Who was it? Why were they standing over it? Instead of listening to Cherry, he started to limp over to the crowd that got louder with each step forward. “Where is it…” “It’s gone…” “I can’t sense its power…” “Does this mean it’s dead…” “Impossible… It never dies…” When Arctic was close enough to see over the children of the dead, he gasped in terror. His eyes went down to pinpricks as he saw Fenton’s still body, pooling massive amounts of blood at the back of his caved-in head. Dead… Fenton is dead… If Fenton is dead… Where’s Shasha? a slumped form, kneeling over a body. The slumped form was confused as it looked at her shaky hands… he saw the familiar colours of the pink-skinned girl with dirty blond hair… Slowly, he turned to see the saddened expression Cherry had, rubbing her other arm comfortingly as she looked down at a spot on the floor. Arctic couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t utter anything. It wasn’t the fact that she killed Fenton, it was self-defence but, she didn’t know that there was a demon inside him that transferred to the other person that kills the host. She has Shasha inside her. Subject 1 said when he first held the sword, his hand went below normal temperature, feeling a painful numbness that slowly raised up to his arm. “Cherry… D-do you feel a numbing sensation in your arms?” Arctic said with dread, scaring Cherry as all the ghost’s eyes were on her. “No… No that can’t be true… The demon can only transfer when its body is killed by its own weapon or picked up when the demon goes back in its weapon... There is no other way~…” The ghostly boy said, eyes wide and frightful. “Do you mean this weapon?” Arctic muttered, holding out the knife that Shasha stabbed him with. The boy's eyes widened. “W-whats going on?” Cherry said nervously, backing up as the wide, stares left her on edge. “Are your arms numb, Cherry?” Arctic asked again, a pleading look on his face. “Y-yes. Right after—you know, that happened.” She said, nodding towards the body of Fenton. “He was going to kill me, the demon inside his was going to kill me.” Arctic felt sick to his stomach, his mind and body shut themselves down as he fell to his knees, defeated as his body went limp, looking down at the floor in shock and horror. Why… Why is this happening to me... “What-whats going on… Why does it matter if my arms are numb?” Cherry shouted. Suddenly, Cherry growled in pain, falling to her knees as an unbearable amount of pain shot through Cherry’s arm like a rocket. “What’s—happening—to—me.” Cherry growled through her teeth, falling back as the torture continued. All the ghosts gathered around Cherry, panicked and worried for Cherry as the pain only intensified. However, Arctic was still, emotionless, his mouth moving slightly as he mumbled unintelligently but, his mind was working overtime. Every thought he had ended with a brick wall in his way, all resulting in the death of his daughter. “How… How… How… How… How… How… How… How… How… How… How… How… How… How… How… How… How… How… How… How… How… How… How… How…” “Dad!” Cherry wailed, looking over at him with a desperate look. I’m sorry, Cherry… I’m sorry, Helly… I’m so sorry… Slowly, Arctic raised himself from his knees, his head low and his hand quivering as he held the knife tightly. He knew what he had to do. “Don’t~!” The boy from under the bed said, standing in front of him and catching everyone's attention. He knew what Arctic was about to do. Arctic didn’t waver as he looked down at the ghost with a miserable glare. “What do you suggest, huh? Let her be controlled by Shasha… Let this demon do what he wants with her body… I’d rather kill her.” Arctic said coldly, making Cherry’s eyes slowly widen at his words. Kill her… What is he talking about? Something controlling her? Does he mean the demon? What the hell is going on? “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?” Cherry screamed, the pain and the confusion too much for the little girl in distress. “A demon is taking control of your body, Cherry. Fenton had a demon inside him but, when you killed him, that demon transferred into you. The demon will kill—using your body for its own need.” Arctic said with no emotion, terrifying her even further. “I have to kill you so that won’t happen.” “You're not thinking straight… If you kill her… Then the demon will be in you~!” Responded the ghost with no arms, her eyes narrow. “So be it… I refuse to let this monster use my daughter as it wishes.” Arctic spat, gritting his teeth as he glared at the girl, making her shy away. All the ghosts stood in the way of Arctic, terrified of what he is about to do to her. “Dad… I don’t want to die.” Cherry said, slowly crawling back but, the pain in her arm intensified as the numbness rose up to her shoulder. Arctic walked right through the ghosts, the air around them freezing to him, but he didn’t care. My daughter is suffering… I have to end her suffering… I have no other choice… “I’m sorry, Cherry but… I don’t know what else to do?” Arctic muttered, looking down at her with a dead look. He straddled her, pinning her down by the waist. Cherry’s heart raced and she started to hyperventilate excessively as she saw the knife in his hand, rising over her head. “No, Dad please… please don’t do this! I don’t want to die! I DON’T WANT TO DIE!” She screamed, squirming underneath Arctic, making a tear spill from his face. He hated this, he hated this so much, seeing her like this, he never wants to see this again but, he knew what to do, he could only wish Cherry and Helly could forgive him. “Drop the knife!” Demanded a familiar voice, making Arctic freeze. Slowly, he looked up and saw the end of a barrel, held by the last person he hoped would show at this moment. Detective Sweetpea. “I said drop the knife, Arctic.” She shouted again, looking around at all the mutilated hooked bodies in the room, looking unnerved at this scene. “Detective, you don’t understand… The demon, it is inside—” “I said drop the fucking knife!” Sweetpea roared, her hands shaking. Suddenly, footsteps in the distance appeared, echoing and yelling getting louder and louder. Arctic had no choice, it was now or never. Actually… This might end perfectly if this goes right. Slowly, he looked down at his daughter, crying intensely and looking back at him with horror. “Close your eyes.” He said softly to Cherry, making her heart race. “Dad… Please don’t—” “Drop the knife, Arctic! I will shoot!” “Close your eyes, Cherry. It will only hurt for a second.” “Dad, don’t!” “Arctic… Don’t…” “I’m sorry, Cherry. I’m so sorry.” “DAAAD!” *BANG!* Numbness… His arm was cold-blooded, his mind broken as the room was silent, the echoing sound of the pistol going off ringing in everyone’s ear. Arctic let go of the knife as he stood up, feeling something trickling down the centre of his chest. He looked down to see blood pouring out of a fresh new hole at an alarming rate. Suddenly, he spluttered out thick blood from his mouth explosively as he fell to his knees, his whole body feeling so fragile. Arctic’s breathing became slow, wheezing being the only thing that came from him. Sweetpea was having trouble breathing as she watched Arctic fall onto her knees. Everything happen too quickly, she didn’t want to shoot him in the chest, she wanted to aim for his shoulder but, with her shaky hand all over the place, she couldn’t aim properly. She fell on her own knees, a face of shock on her face. She tried to speak but, she couldn’t find the right words. How do you say sorry to someone that has just murdered their own daughter right in front of her? The footsteps got closer, the concerned shouting got louder as one stood out the most — Helly. Helly was distressed the moment when she first entered the tunnel, seeing the blood and bodies scattered on the floor, left to rot on the floor making her feel doubtful. It only got worse when she saw Arctic’s diary on the floor on a certain page and started hearing shouting in the distance, she ran so fast in her life but, the sound of the gunshot was the last straw for her. Tears rolled down her face and her heart was beating out of her chest. But… When she reached a prone Sweetpea, her heart, her life, her whole world crumbled all around her. Arctic — her best friend, her beloved, her everything kneeled lifelessly, a red hole in his chest as red wine exited, blood pouring from his lips. “No… no, no, NO!” Helly screamed at the top of her lungs, running passed Sweetpea, Cherry and all the ghosts as she slid into Arctic, applying pressure on his wound with nothing but her bare hand. “It’s okay, Arcty. It’s okay, we’ll get a doctor again, you’ll make it, you—SOMEBODY GET A DOCTOR!” Helly screamed, turning to the now-arriving Shepard, Clutch, Dime and a traumatised Sweetpea. Clutch and Dime ignored Helly’s screams as they only had eyes for their son who lay in a puddle of his own blood. Dime immediately burst into tears as Clutch could only stare in utter shock. “What the hell happened!” Shepard barked, taking the gun from Sweetpea’s weak grip. “I-I… H-he—he was gonna stab her… I—” Sweetpea couldn’t speak anymore as her heart dropped. She looked over to Cherry’s body only to see her leaning up, a river of blood a trailing down her head, down to her nose, down to her chin, dripping off onto her shirt. She—she was alive… how… I saw her die… “Why did you shoot him!” Helly roared at her, dagger eyes stabbing right through Sweetpea’s soul. Sweetpea stuttered, guilt slurring in her tone. “D-don’t blame her.” Arctic let out, making him cough up more blood. “Please don’t speak, please just rest.” Helly said softly, slowly pushing him down on his back. “We are going to get you a doctor.” “Dad…” a small voice said, making Arctic and Helly turn to see a teary-eyed cherry. Arctic smiled weakly, lifting his hand up towards her. Cherry took his hand into hers, his hand being just as cold as hers was. “Are you okay? Is the numbness in your arm gone?” He asked, watching as Cherry kneeled in front of him. Cherry just nodded as she was too overwhelmed to speak. Arctic sighed with relief, resting his head on the floor. “Then my plan worked.” Arctic said, closing his eyes with a smile. “Worked… Your plan worked? Did your plan involve getting fucking shot!” Sweetpea shouted in rage, her hand still trembling. “No but, I was going to sacrifice my life anyway to get rid of the demon.” Arctic responded, baffling everyone but Cherry who widened her eyes in realisation. “Demon? You mentioned a demon in your diary, something called Shasha. What does that mean?” She asked, confused about everything that has happened. Everything was happening too quickly to process. “Fenton… He had a demon inside of him. C-Cherry killed him which transferred the demon into her. I-I had a theory on how to transfer the demon within Cherry without killing her. I-It involved Cherry closing her eyes so the demon couldn’t see and me pretending to kill Cherry, making the demon think I killed her when I scratched the top of Cherry’s head. N-now the demon is inside of me, slowly taking control.” Arctic explained, making Cherry stare with shock and for Helly to sob into his chest. “I was going to… Kill myself as soon as the demon was inside of me, trapping it in the knife but, Sweetpea shot me before I could. That's a good thing, now the demon is trapped inside the bullet. As long as no one takes this bullet out of me, the demon will be trapped inside me forever.” “Why… Why does it have to be like this? Why did it have to be you!” Helly said in her sobs, balling her eyes out as all Arctic could do was comfort Helly by stroking her hair. “I’m sorry, Helly… I-I wish there was another way, I wish this didn’t happen… I’m just glad that Cherry is okay.” He said, his eyes feeling heavy and the agonising pain in his chest going cold. “Why, Dad? Why did you save me? After everything I did to you. Giving you the cold shoulder, arguing with you in every conversation we had, treating you like shit, I wanted nothing to do with you, I wanted you to just drop dead and die. Why… WHY!?” Cherry screamed in his face, tears falling freely as she looked angrily. She was surprised when she heard a broken chuckle escape his lips, a tear rolling down his cheek. He knew he didn’t have long to live as his breathing was becoming impossible, his vision blurring and his body failing as his grip on Cherry’s hand was going limp. It was now or never to say what he wanted to get of his chest for a long time now. “Cherry… I… Love… You… I’ve… Always… Have.” Helly and Cherry started to panic as Arctic slurred his words and his breathing started to wither. Arctic has lost too much blood and putting pressure on the wound has done very little to stop it. “Please, somebody get a doctor.” Helly sobbed but, seeing Dime and Clutch mourning the death of their son and Sweetpea looking down in shame and guilt, Shepard was the only person responsive but, even he was helpless as he looked down at all around him, at all the bodies hooks, and Fenton’s dead body. It was all too much for him. He had failed. “Dad… Dad!” Cherry suddenly exclaimed, feeling his grip on her hand go weak and the muscles in his face went soft, lifeless as his eyes looked up at the ceiling. “DAD!” Arctic died with a smile on his face… > Epilogue. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 136# 16:26pm. Coalstone Village. Dear Dad. Hi Dad. I hope you don’t mind if I write in your diary, I have been visiting your grave once a month but, when I talk, I feel like you’re not listening so, I have been lonely when I speak to you. I hope you are reading this where ever you are. Me and Mom miss you, the village residence misses you too. It’s been dull and lonely without you here, I’ve forgotten what you sound like after all these years without you. I kinda miss all the fights we have as bad as that sounds. Mom hasn’t been the same without you. She looks lost, and drained, not her childish self anymore. The day you died was the day she left a piece of herself to you. She’s trying to be strong, and more responsible as she has gone back to school but, she has been drinking and crying herself to sleep with all the stress piling up on her. It scares me how much she has changed. Mom is doing fine though. She is working a part-time job in the same bar in the village, the manager was happy to bring her back. Clutch and Dime finally got their youngest son back — Feather Flit. Turns out, he was taken for ransom by a gang of Humans. Clutch and Dime gave them what they wanted, they didn’t want another Fenton on their hands so, they played it safe. Thankfully, the gang was subdued and the money was given back but, after Fenton’s death, the two had retired early and lived off the money they had, happy to just have Feather with them. As for Sweetpea, I’ve seen her a few times walking out of therapy right after I walk in. We don’t speak, we barely look at each other. I feel sorry for her but, how can I comfort someone that kill you? I know it’s not her fault but, I can’t help but blame her. I want to blame her because, if I don’t, I’ll only just blame myself. In a way, I still do. Anyway, enough of me being moody. Your 2-year-old son is doing okay. Arctic Jr. I’ve tried my best to help Mom out by looking after him, feeding him, and changing his diaper. It’s funny how fast I have grown attached to him, I think I was hooked the moment I look at his eyes. He has grey eyes, just like you. I wish you were here to see him, he’s so adorable but, he can be a cheeky boy. You should hear his laugh. Another good thing I forgot to mention was the fact that all the ghosts had gone into the afterlife. Their finished business was done thanks to you. You ended their suffering and now they can lay to rest. I listen to you when you told me to follow my dreams years ago. Well, I did and now I’m a graphic designer for a fashion company. I know I said I wanted to be an artist but, being a graphic designer is the next big thing for me. Besides, it’s good pay and I’m happy there, I’ve made good friends and I think I’m falling for one of them. His name is Render, a pegasus that got the job the same day I was hired so, we’ve practically done everything ever since. He might be the one, I don’t know yet but, only time will tell I guess. I need to get some things off my chest. I never really did say sorry for making your life miserable, it’s been eating at me ever since you passed away. I don’t know where to start, I’m sorry for not giving you the proper chance of being a father, when I heard that you weren't my real dad, I didn’t know how to feel, I guess I just needed an outlet for my anger and you were the one that got it all. I’m sorry for giving you a hard time, even when I needed you the most, I kept pushing and pushing and pushing you away, it wasn’t fair of me when all you wanted was to help me. I’m sorry for all the cruel words I said to you. I wish I take it all back, I wish you could forgive me for everything. But, you weren't perfect yourself. We were constantly on the move, you didn’t give me a chance to live properly. So many friends I had left behind and many I barely remember but, I forgive you. You were too protective of me, forcing me to take karate lessons while on the move when I didn’t want to, you never did let me drink liquor even when I was 19. But, after everything that happened, I’m happy you did. I’ve been drinking too much lately, maybe I could cut it down a bit. Anyways, I forgive you. Lastly, I want to thank you for giving me and my mom a better life from the very start, I want to thank you for not giving up on me and my mom, I want to thank you for being a good dad and I want to thank you for saving me that day. You're my hero, Dad. Love you. ~Cherry. I love you more. ~Arctic