> Sweetie Belle's Special Someponies > by doomie-22 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Showing Sweetie Some Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie Belle didn’t think she would ever get tired of this. If she could, she would stay in this position forever, the position that she currently found herself in: surrounded by the warmth and comfort of her friends as they joined together in a group hug. Her vision was completely obstructed by her friends. She didn’t care at the moment. All that mattered to her was that she had her friends by her side. While today may have been a complete disaster, it had indeed been fun trying to find her secret admirer. Even if she hadn’t accomplished her goal of finding said secret admirer, she had indeed found out that she had two special someponies in her life: her best friends Scootaloo and Apple Bloom. She wasn’t entirely sure for how long they stayed like that, huddled up together, hugging each other, enjoying the warmth of the body they were holding onto it. Had Sweetie Belle had things her way, she would’ve stayed in the group hug for as long as she could. However, something caused her to open her eyes in surprise when she felt something wet touch either one of her cheeks. She turned her head to see both of her friends blushing. “S-sorry . . .” Scootaloo quickly said. “Y-yeah,” Apple Bloom agreed, looking anywhere but at Sweetie Belle. “I just . . . got caught up in the moment, is all.” Sweetie blinked. “What . . . what did you guys just do?” “Oh, um . . .” If possible, Scootaloo’s face became even redder, her eyes darting around, doing everything she could to avoid making eye contact with Sweetie Belle. She rubbed at her neck sheepishly. “You see, the thing is . . .” “You called us your special someponies and . . . we kinda let our feelings get away from us,” Apple Bloom said, looking down at the ground. “Did . . . did you guys just . . . kiss me?” Sweetie asked. She blinked again. “Y-yeah,” Apple Bloom said. “Sorry,” Scootaloo said again. Sweetie giggled. ‘Oh, girls, don’t be sorry. Here . . .” She stepped forward. She grabbed Apple Bloom’s shoulders and kissed her squarely on the lips. Then, turning to Scootaloo, she did the same thing. “There,” she said with a giggle. “Now we’re even.” Apple Bloom couldn’t help but giggle herself. “Y’know,” she said, her cheeks turning red, “I think I like kissing.” Despite herself, Scootaloo couldn’t help but agree with her friend. “Me too.” “I was always afraid that if I kissed anypony, I’d be bad at it,” Sweetie said. “I thought . . . maybe if we practiced with each other . . . I’d get better at it.” “Well, it is Hearts and Hooves Day,” Scootaloo said, bouncing up and down. “No better day to practice kissing than today.” “And you did call us your special someponies,” Apple Bloom added, giving the unicorn a sultry look. Sweetie knew what was coming this time and she fully embraced it, closing her eyes and closing the gap between her and Apple Bloom, their lips coming together in a kiss. Sweetie closed her eyes in an effort to fully take in the moment, her hooves slowly rising to embrace Apple Bloom in a hug. Due to her eyes being closed, she couldn’t see Scootaloo approaching them, but she could certainly hear and feel her approach. Within seconds, she felt Scootaloo’s breath on her neck, the pegasus beginning to plant little kisses along her neck. Sweetie giggled and turned her head to return the favor, planting several kisses along Scootaloo’s collarbone. The three pulled away from each other, staring at each other for several moments before breaking out into a fit of laughter that seemed to go on forever. Eventually, the laughter died down. “Come on,” Apple Bloom said, turning. “Let’s continue this in the clubhouse.” The three friends made their way inside the clubhouse, quickly resuming their little make out session with each other. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom seemed intent on giving Sweetie Belle as much love as they could. The two simply couldn’t keep their hooves off her. As they kissed her, their hooves roamed all across her body. Scootaloo would kiss her cheeks and fondle her chest, whereas Apple Bloom would kiss her chest and belly while groping her rear. Sweetie couldn’t help herself and laughed as the contact of Apple Bloom’s lips on her belly tickled her. Sweetie was more than happy to let them do as they wished. It was Hearts and Hooves Day, after all. It wasn’t every day that she got this kind of affection, especially not from her friends. As such, she was perfectly content to let herself drown in it. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo moved back up, continuing their oral assault on their friend’s body. Apple Bloom went back to kissing her on the lips. Scootaloo, meanwhile, moved up Sweetie’s back, kissing her here and there until she finally reached Sweetie’s head, where she lovingly kissed and licked at Sweetie’s ear. Just like before, the contact prompted Sweetie to laugh out loud in merriment. As Scootaloo seemed preoccupied with playing with her ears, she began to return Apple Bloom’s affection, pecking the farm filly on the mouth and nose. It was only as she felt something wet probing at her lips that made her stop. Her gaze went down and she saw that Apple Bloom was trying to pry her mouth open with her tongue. Apple Bloom gave Sweetie a pleading look. “May I?” Nodding her head, Sweetie opened her mouth, gasping in surprise when she felt Apple Bloom’s tongue darting into her mouth. Desperate for something to grab onto to keep herself from tumbling over, Sweetie grabbed onto the nearest thing she could reach, which just so happened to be Apple Bloom’s ass. Now it was Apple Bloom’s turn to gasp, the unexpected grope causing her to open her mouth even wider. Sweetie saw her chance and took it; her own tongue darted out to invade Apple Bloom’s mouth, and soon the pair were happily seeing which one of them could get their tongue deeper into the other’s mouth. Scootaloo seemed to be perfectly happy with kissing Sweetie’s ears and neck. What was especially stimulating was when Scootaloo would take Sweetie’s ear in her mouth and nibble on it or lick it. It was an odd feeling, having another filly’s tongue in her ear, but Sweetie couldn’t deny the fact that it felt enjoyable. However, it soon became apparent that Scootaloo was growing bored with the routine, as evidenced by the fact that her kisses began to get lower and lower and lower. Sweetie’s eyes widened when she felt a hoof grab the base of her tail and lift it up. She extracted her tongue from Apple Bloom’s mouth and looked over her shoulder to see what Scootaloo was doing. The filly was on her stomach on the floor, her nose twitching against her rump as Scootaloo playfully ran her tongue around the unicorn’s untouched vaginal lips. While not unpleasant, the feeling did seem a bit odd to Sweetie, as she hadn’t been touched there before. Regardless of that fact, however, she allowed Scootaloo to do as she wished, her body shivering whenever that tongue would glide over her cunny. Thankfully, Sweetie had something to distract her from whatever it was Scootaloo was doing down below. Her attention was brought back to Apple Bloom, who was once again pressing her lips against Sweetie’s. Not only that, but she was pressing a hoof against Sweetie’s chest. Sweetie willingly allowed herself to be pushed down to the floor, which unfortunately meant that Scootaloo had to maneuver to keep Sweetie from landing on top of her. Out of the corner of her eye, Sweetie saw Scootaloo make her way to where Apple Bloom was. Sweetie found herself reaching up to wrap her hooves around Apple Bloom’s neck, the filly laying down on top of her as the two friends continued to kiss. Scootaloo didn’t move from her spot, the pegasus seeming to be content with just watching the pair invade each other’s mouths with their tongues, leaving Sweetie to concentrate solely on everything that Apple Bloom was doing. The filly rested her hooves on Sweetie’s chest, moving away from her friend’s mouth and instead began applying her mouth and tongue to other areas of her friend’s anatomy. Just like Scootaloo, Apple Bloom began by pressing soft, gentle kisses against the unicorn’s neck before moving down to her chest, then her belly, until finally . . . For the third time in only a few minutes, Sweetie felt some air escape her throat, the filly taken aback by what Apple Bloom was doing. She lifted her head, her gaze meeting the bow that sat atop her friend’s head, watching in shock as Apple Bloom began applying her tongue to her friend’s vagina, trying in vain to use her tongue to separate the lips so that she could get her tongue inside. Sweetie’s back arched, her breath coming out sporadically while Apple Bloom continued her oral assault on her privates. It seemed she wasn’t the only one enjoying this. Looking over to her right she saw that Scootaloo had decided to begin pleasuring herself to the scene that was currently playing out before her. “Scoots,” Sweetie said, her chest heaving, “mind if I ––” “No way,” Scootaloo said with a shake of her head. Apple Bloom lifted her head from Sweetie’s privates. “Today is all about you, Sweetie Belle, so you just lay back and let me and Scoots take care of everything.” Grinning, she turned to Scootaloo and added, “Mind helping me out here?” “Sure.” Scootaloo leaned over, now planting her mouth over Sweetie’s pussy and plunging her tongue in. “Oh, Scootaloo,” Sweetie moaned, reaching down to caress Scootaloo’s head. “But what about you?” Scootaloo asked, looking at Apple Bloom in concern. “What are you gonna do?” Apple Bloom smirked. “Oh, you’ll see.” She dipped her head. From this position she had a great view of what Scootaloo was doing. Reaching her, she tapped Sweetie’s thigh. “Hey, Sweets, raise your butt up a little bit.” Sweetie was a little taken aback by the request, but nevertheless did as she was told. She raised her legs, elevating her hips, taking Scootaloo along with her. “Apple Bloom, what are you gonna – oh, my . . .” Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, feeling her friend grab hold of her plump, thick ass cheeks and dive down to plunge her tongue into her tight pucker. While Scootaloo eating her out was pleasurable, having Apple Bloom’s tongue invading her butthole was something else entirely. Panting, Sweetie squirmed, kicking her legs. Apple Bloom maintained a strong hold on her backside, seeming to be determined to get her tongue inside her friend’s shitter. Sure, the kisses on her belly had tickled, but the feeling of Apple Bloom’s tongue wiggling around on her asshole was causing Sweetie to have a laughing fit, the filly unable to stop herself from rolling back and forth on the floor while she laughed. “S-stop it, Apple Bloom! Ha ha ha! That tickles!” “Just relax, Sweetie Belle,” Scootaloo advised. Sweetie struggled to get her breathing under control due to her laughter. She heard Apple Bloom whine. Her laughing and rolling around must’ve been making it hard for her to get her tongue inside her other hole. Scootaloo’s tongue, which was wiggling around within the confines of her pussy, felt amazing. Figuring that there wouldn’t be any harm in at least trying whatever it was that Apple Bloom had in mind, she allowed her body to relax. Gradually, the muscles in her butt relaxed, granting Apple Bloom the chance to get her tongue inside. It was definitely weird having her friend’s tongue inside her ass, but it was far from being unpleasant. While strange, it did feel nice, so Sweetie was content with letting Apple Bloom do as she wished. The filly’s hooves continued to caress and squeeze her buttocks while she made out with Sweetie’s ass, very much like how Scootaloo was doing with her cunt, the two ponies working together to bring their friend as much pleasure as they could on Hearts and Hooves Day. It was hard to say whether or not they would do this ever again. As such, Sweetie let herself relax and lose herself in the moment. They didn’t want her doing anything; right now their only concern was her. She was the center of their attention. Granted, Sweetie Belle usually didn’t go out of her way to be the center of attention, but if it led to more things like this, she was starting to consider that maybe she should make an effort to become the center of attention more often. Her back arched and her thighs squeezed together, feeling Scootaloo move from her vaginal lips to a little bump just above them. She knocked her head, letting out a guttural groan. Her pleasure seemed to skyrocket when she felt the tip of Scootaloo’s tongue sweep across her clit. Naturally, being slightly older now that they’d gotten their cutie marks, the girls had of course been given the talk regarding anatomy and sex. Even so, Sweetie wasn’t aware of just how good it could make her feel. Her breathing came out in short gasps, her hooves trembling as they reached down to lovingly comb through Scootaloo’s mane as the filly swept her tongue back and forth against her friend’s nub. “Oh, Scootaloo . . .” she moaned, her hoof running across the filly’s back, causing her wings to snap open at full attention. “That feels nice!” Scootaloo chuckled, making even more of an effort to get her togue deeper and deeper inside the confines of her friend’s vagina, much as Apple Bloom was doing just below her. The farm filly was pressing harder against the filly’s sizable buttocks, lovingly running her tongue all across the unicorn’s pucker, trying her best to get the entirety of her tongue inside. Alas, it was a lost cause, but Apple Bloom was determined to keep trying. If nothing else, it was at least making Sweetie feel good, and that was her only concern right now. After all, after the disastrous day the poor filly had had, she deserved it. If for no other reason, Sweetie would certainly remember this Hearts and Hooves Day for years to come! Sweetie was enjoying herself, no doubt, but it still felt selfish of her to relish in the pleasure her friends were giving to her while they themselves were left with no way to deal with the pleasure they were undoubtedly feeling due to pleasuring her with her tongues. Opening her eyes and lifting her head, she could see that Scootaloo was soaking wet, her fluids dripping from her vaginal lips, creating a puddle on the floor. Without realizing it, Sweetie found herself licking her lips. She wanted a taste. She tried sitting up, but quickly found that doing so was next to impossible due to the fact that Scootaloo’s upper body was still lying on top of her belly. Thus, she resigned herself to laying back and taking joy in all of the ways her friends were making her feel good, even if part of her felt like she should be returning the favor. “You guys sure you – ah! - don’t want me – ooh! – doing any – oh! – thing?” she asked. “Nope, we’re good,” Scootaloo told her, before diving back down to her friend’s muff to continue servicing it. “Maybe you can return the favor next time,” Apple Bloom added, then went right back to licking at Sweetie’s pucker. “Next time?” Sweetie echoed. “Well, sure,” Scootaloo replied. “You’re having fun, right?” “Mm-hmm.” Sweetie nodded her head. “So why not make this a regular thing?” Scootaloo said. “Seeing as how none of us have special someponies, maybe we could be each other’s special someponies, like you said.” Sweetie grinned. “I’d like that.” She knocked her head back, her eyes seeing stars when she felt Scootaloo return her tongue to her nub and begin sucking on it. Her back arched, her chest heaved. She was having trouble breathing. Something was happening to her down below. A pressure was building, quickly. With the more and more that her friends worked, with the better she felt, the pressure continued to climb higher and higher. What was especially doing it for her was the tip of Scootaloo’s tongue against her clit, not to mention how good it felt having Apple Bloom’s tongue buried in her ass. “Oh, Scootaloo,” she moaned, “keep doing that!” She grabbed the back of Scootaloo’s down and pushed her down, forcing her tongue even deeper into her vagina. She reared back her head and wailed. “Oh, Celestia! Something’s coming!” Apple Bloom giggled. “Just let it out, Sweetie Belle!” She dug her hooves into her firend’s ass, now more determined than ever to get her tongue inside. “Mm, yeah!” “Hey, why don’t we switch?” Scootaloo asked suddenly. “Mm-mm!” Apple Bloom vehemently shook her head. “No doing!” Scootaloo didn’t seem to be in the mood to argue. She got up, plopped down next to Apple Bloom, and shoved her tongue inside Sweetie’s ass alongside the filly’s. Both fillies lifted their hooves and began running them up and down Sweetie’s vaginal lips. The unicorn was left with no other options other than to fling her head back and scream at the top of her lungs, the pleasure becoming too much for her as, with a grunt, she finally came. Instantly, both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo dove in, sealing their mouths over Sweetie’s pussy, drinking down everything their friend had to give them, their tongues working furiously to get every drop and caress every fold. Sweetie wildly bucked her hips against them, desperate to make sure that they drained her of every drop she could give them. She reached down, roughly pressing their heads down against her clit. She screamed, even louder this time, her pleasure increasing tenfold while her friends lovingly caressed her pussy with their tongues, the fur of their muzzles becoming matted down with cum. They didn’t appear to care. Their tongues continued to run up and down the length of their friend’s cunny, collecting up as much of her cum as they possibly could. They finally stopped when their cheeks were full to bursting, then lovingly kissed each other, swapping Sweetie’s cum between each other’s mouths before they finally swallowed. Still having trouble breathing, Sweetie sat up, giggling to herself when she saw the mess she had made of her friends’ faces. “Mind if I . . .” “You can do anything you want,” Apple Bloom said. “It’s your special day.” Grinning, Sweetie craned her neck and started lapping up the cum that still adorned her friends’ faces. It was surprisingly sweet, even if it did have a salty taste to it. She licked and licked until she had a mouthful. Smiling at her friends, she drank the load down, then collapsed on the floor in a heap, sighing happily. She wrapped her hooves around her friends as they cuddled on either side of her, the three of them exchanging kisses and affectionate licks as they let the silence surround them. “Hey, Sweetie Belle?” Apple Bloom said. “Yeah?” “Mwah!” both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo said in unison as one kissed her on the nose and the other kissed her on the neck. “Happy Hearts and Hooves Day!” Sweetie giggled and gripped her friends even tighter. “Happy Hearts and Hooves Day to you guys, too!”