Adventures in Stellaria

by CobalttheLunarGuard

First published

Follow the adventures of the ponies of Lum, the capital of the latex paradise of Stellaria

In an another world, one where the lunar princess; Lunaris, defeated her solar sister; Tiara, Equestria was reborn as the nation of Stellaria. One thousand years later and the nation thrives. Queen Lunaris is rejoined with her sister; Queen Tiara, but also her son, Prince Fireheart and together they rule Stellaria from the famed Lum Palace.
Stellaria is a nation reborn, however. Seeking to protect her son after a tragic injury, Queen Lunaris created the Lum Royal Dungeon. Here, ponies are wrapped in special latex suits and are free to play to all their kinky heart's desires in the many different play rooms. Outside the castle, the ponies of Stellaria follow their queen, and equine society flourishes in the wraps of tight, rubbery pleasure.
Follow the adventures of the ponies of Lum Castle. Even in this latex paradise, threats to the throne hide in the shadows, and the castle's inhabitants will need to prepared if they are to weather the storm.

Set in Fireheart76's "Prisoners of the Moon" AU. All characters and art used with permission.

Kinks include Latex, Bondage, MxM, MxF, FxM, breeding, hypnosis, mind control, and plenty of fun sex toys
Extra lewd kinks include Over-excited bat ponies, pones becoming friends, cuddling, sleepy ponies, and worst of all; the magic of friendship

Hehehe, Featured 2/9/23!

Prologue (T)

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Lunaris’ chest heaved as she stared the battered body of her sister. The flagstones beneath her hooves were blackened and warm with traces of magic, and moonlight filtered in through the hole-filled ceiling above them. The fight had been long, the damage done great, but it was coming to its natural conclusion now. Years of waste, of weak rule were coming to an end. Her sister had always been too soft, had never done what was necessary to make sure their ponies survived and thrived. All of her power, and not enough of it was used, especially not to protect their weakest subjects. No more, though, no more. It would end, and it would end now.

Taking a steadying breath, Lunaris straightened to her full height, her horn crackling with magic as a broken piece of her armor clattered to the ground.

“It’s over Tiara, submit. I will not ask twice.”

Tiara shouldered some of the castle rubble from her back and fixed Lunaris with a tired look, her armor long since destroyed.

“I will not,” she gasped, one of her wings bent at an awkward angle. “You are going too far sister, and I won’t let you. I can’t.”

Her horn flickered, but her magic failed for the moment, and she fell to a knee, her blood pattering to the floor. Lunaris’ snort was filled with contempt.

“You cannot keep hold of a nation and be this weak. How can you hope to defend your ponies when you can’t even defend yourself?”

She fired a beam of magic, and Tiara managed enough energy to roll to the side, letting the beam obliterate another section of wall. The room they found themselves in was filled with such holes. Lunaris imagined she’d have to rip it down, fill it’s place with something stronger. She would be doing quite a lot of that soon enough.

“Does this look like defense?” Tiara spat. “Do you think our ponies are happy with this fight? Do you think they feel safe?”

“What they feel is irrelevant to what they are!” Lunaris snapped, firing another beam.

Tiara again dodged, and a bookcase exploded, filling the air with burning pages.

“The words of a careless tyrant,” Tiara said, dodging again and again as Lunaris continued firing magic. “Did you learn nothing from our defeat of the Shadow King? Did you learn nothing from spending months repairing the minds of his drones?”

“I am not mad, nor am I a tyrant,” Lunaris snarled. “And unlike you, I did learn a lesson from the Shadow. I learned that danger lurks around every corner and will stop at nothing to take what is mine. Now I merely act with the force needed to make sure my son does not live in a world where he is afraid to step outside!”

She lessened the power of her attacks, but if Tiara noticed, she didn’t stop dodging. With the saved energy, Lunaris set a magical trap for her sister, and she sent out a sequence of beams, guiding her straight to her demise. As she rolled into the rune, Lunaris split her attack a dozen ways, sending all the beams to converge at once, forcing Tiara to use valuable time and magic to conjure a defense against the inescapable beams. Her magic sprang to life, and an amber shield absorbed the beams, but once again put Tiara on her knees. The shield shattered, and her magic sputtered away. Lunaris’ horn charged once more, but as Tiara tensed to roll away, a blue circle appeared around her.

Runes started to spin, and chains reached up, wrapping around and pinning the brown alicorn’s limbs. Lunaris stalked forward, a vicious grin splitting her muzzle.

“It ends,” she hissed. “No more, Tiara. I have bested you, and now you shall submit, or my first act as Queen shall be to punish you.”

Tiara tugged on the chains, but the more she resisted, the harder they pulled her down, until she was forced to lay down, panting as she stared up at Lunaris.

“I… won’t… submit.” Her eyes pleaded as she spoke. “Please Lulu, please don’t do this. There are better ways-”

“I don’t need your pet names and petty arguments.” Lunaris’ muzzle curled into a snarl. “A thousand times I have tried to convince you, and a thousand times you have refused to see the right path. If you won’t listen to sense, then perhaps you merely need time to think. A thousand years in your precious sun should suffice.”

Tiara paled.

“Lulu, you wouldn’t. The damage that spell would cause-”

“Your frailty and soft heart will do far more damage in the long term. Enough of this.” Lunaris took a deep breath as she summoned all of her remaining magic. It was nigh impossible to banish an alicorn without special artifacts, but her fury pushed her power to new heights, and even though the spell was unstable, she knew she could hold it long enough to cast it. She had but one focus now. One thousand years, and when she returned, Tiara would see an empire so mighty that nobody would dare even think of challenging it.

Lunaris leveled her horn at her sister, her teeth gritted as magic flared, threatening to obliterate the both of them. Arcs carved the stone beneath their hooves, and blew yet more holes in the walls of the tower.

“Goodbye, Sister. When you return, this shall be a paradise for all.”

Tiara let out a sad sigh and bowed her head.

“For your sake, I hope you are right. Goodbye, Sister.”

Lunaris started to release her spell, but a flicker of bright colored movement caught her eye. She looked behind Tiara to find a small, orange, thestral colt, peeking out from behind an overturned bookcase. His brilliant blue eyes were filled with tears as he looked to her for comfort.

“Momma?” he whimpered.

Lunaris’ eyes widened, and she reached out a hoof to him. In that moment of distraction, the already unwieldy magic pouring from her horn was freed from her steely focus.

The tower exploded.

Lunaris awoke quickly, a boon of her alicorn physique. She couldn’t say she’d been through worse, but the wounds she bore were those she could shake off. Just a little time in bed, some proper breakfast, and a nice story book to read with…

“Fireheart!” she screamed.

Lunaris bucked free of the stones that pinned her down, and though one of her eyes was swollen shut, the other darted around, desperately seeking her little flame amongst a tower of flaming rubble. Tiara was gone, the rune still glowing on the floor where she’d been standing, a sign that she’d been successfully banished to the sun. The wall that had been behind her, however, was gone. The bookcase that Fireheart had been hiding under was naught but ash, and Lunaris felt bile rise in her throat as she pictured the tiny orange bat sharing a similar fate.

“Fireheart!” she cried.

Her horn sputtered as she reached out to throw rubble aside, and she let out a feral scream of rage. Her composure failed as she set to digging the old fashioned way. Her hooves cracked as she threw stone after stone into the wind, uncaring of where it would land. She needed to find him. Nothing mattered more than finding her sweet, innocent little bat. How could she have been so careless? She’d left him asleep, but if he’d heard the sounds of battle, of course he’d come running for her. He’d always been a bit timid since his original parents…

She shook off that dark memory and ripped aside the sheet of timber and shingles that was the remains of the tower’s ceiling. Lying underneath, half-buried underneath some stones, was her adopted son’s tiny little body. His eyes were closed, his fur scorched. He didn’t move in the slightest.


She quickly dug away the last of the stones and pressed her ear to his chest, nearly falling to tears with relief as she heard a tiny heart beat. Her horn charged, then flickered, sputtering out useless sparks. Lunaris stared up at the burnt out bone, then back to Fireheart.

Her voice, formerly confident and proud, was now hoarse and terrified.

“Help!” she screamed. “Please, my son needs help!”

She looked back to Fireheart and gently stroked his cheek, brushing away some of the soot.

“Please wake up Fire, please wake up my beautiful son…”

He still didn’t move, and Lunaris felt tears stream down her cheeks as she again cried out for help. Looking back to Fireheart, she wept and laid her muzzle on his chest, trying to force magic through her horn.

“My dear son… Please wake up…”

Her horn continued to sputter, failing to fill him with the healing magic he needed. Lunaris threw her head back and let out a wail, screaming her pain to the night sky. As she ran out of breath, the tiny form beneath her shifted, and Lunaris immediately smiled, crying as his eyes cracked open. She stroked his cheek as he let out a whimper.

“Shhh, Momma’s here little flame, Momma’s right here.”

He let out another whimper, and tears carved trails down his soot covered cheeks.

“It hurts…”

Lunaris ran a hoof through his mane.

“Shhhh, help is coming. We’re going to get you all healed up, and then we can get a whole bushel of mangoes, then…”

She trailed off as he shivered, his eyes starting to close again.

“I’m scared,” he whispered.

He immediately fell limp again, and Lunaris felt her heartbreak. She stared at his battered body as she stroked his mane. Then she looked around the destroyed tower. Only one wall remained standing, allowing her an easy view into the night. Fires raged, and screams of pain and grief split the normal silence of a pristine night. She could see buildings leveled, great craters pockmarking the ground, evidence of their battle. Of her jealousy.

She flexed her wings. The motion brought her immense pain, but they bent and curled as much as they needed to. She could fly, and fly she would. Lunaris gently scooped Fireheart up and cradled him in her forelegs as she took flight. The orange bat pony slept, and Lunaris planted a soft kiss in his mane.

“I will fix this my little flame. When you awake, you will be healed, and the world will be right. That much I promise you.”

As she flew through her devastation, she thought back to how exposed her son was, how easily he had managed to find a place where he could get hurt. She looked down at his battered body, and she made one last promise.

“I will build you a place where this can never happen again, Fire. I will build you a world where nobody will get hurt.”

The New Guard: Introduction (M)

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Cobalt Flash did his best not to fidget as he sat in the waiting hall. His nose twitched with foreign smells and his large, fluffy ears flicked at every clop and squeak. His leathery wings fluttered and attempted to flap at his sides, but he brushed them down with a hoof. His throat felt all too dry, but that was most likely due to the fact that he hadn’t had anything to eat or drink since he’d entered the castle.

The blue bat pony had left home with pep in his step and full saddlebags as soon as the letter summoning him to the capital had arrived. While he was sad to leave his family mango farm behind, he’d known for years that his place had never been at the farm. His parents, both of his sisters, and even his younger, unmarked, brother all had a natural affinity with mangoes he could never quite match. While the average pony couldn’t tell all that much, he knew, and he knew as sure as the shield and swords on his flank that his place was in the royal guard, and that fact had helped to lead him from his home.

The journey to Lum Castle had taken him days, but once he’d arrived and provided his name to the gate guards, everything had leapt forward at lightning speeds as he was whirled from one room to the next, told to wait until a different guard had him move again. The place he currently sat, a bench opposite a window overlooking the royal gardens, had actually been his longest stop, and it was making him nervous. He’d thought a guard would be along to move him, or perhaps take him into a smaller room for an interview, but if that was going to happen, it should have happened ages ago. He’d watched dozens of ponies pass by, and still he waited. Had he been forgotten? Were the guards forming a perimeter around him? Had he done something wrong? Committed some crime, simply because he was some farm-pony rube?

No, he knew what it was. It was the fact that he was still bare, that had to be it. He’d noticed it once he entered the city, but everypony wore clothes. Not just any clothes either, latex clothes. He’d seen them but once in his hometown of Fruity Forests, and that had been when Queen Lunaris herself had come to visit on the winter solstice. He’d been just a colt then, but seeing her had been inspiring. She was so beautiful and pristine, her body glistening in the moonlight, and that wasn’t to mention her guards, sharp, eagle-eyed, always ready to act, yet still dressed in that clinging, wonderful looking material. Cobalt shivered at the memory. It had left a distinct impression in his mind, but even as he grew older and his attraction to latex developed, he’d been left without. Clothing wasn’t something his family often thought of, certainly wasn’t something they could throw bits at.

And so he’d traveled to Lum Castle with nothing more than his saddlebags, and now he sat, wearing nothing but his traditional bat pony fluff, waiting to be jumped by the real royal guards and tossed into the breeze. Cobalt covered his face with his hooves. He was such an idiot for even thinking he belonged in a place as wonderful as-

“Are you Cobalt Flash?”

Cobalt blinked, then lowered his hooves and looked up. Just in front of him was an orange thestral. His muzzle and cheeks were covered in freckles, and his mane was ablaze in red, orange, and yellow. His eyes, a sharp, intelligent blue, also held a kindness that demanded that he feel more comfortable.

Cobalt let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding, then froze as he realized that he’d been asked a question. A question he was not answering. A question that very well could cause the guards to leap out and drag him from the palace. He still had to answer, however, and he had to answer honestly. If he was going to be kicked out, he needed to do so with his head held high. He might not dress like the proper ponies of the castle, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t use his manners.

Unfortunately, any confident reply died on his tongue as his nerves forced a stuttering response out of him.

“Y-yes!” Cobalt answered, popping to his hooves and bobbing his head. He immediately paled. He didn’t know who this was. Was this an officer? Royalty? How could he not know? “I-I mean yes sir! I-I mean I just go by Cobalt, but-…” He sighed and rubbed the back of his head, his eyes falling to the floor. “Yes. I’m Cobalt Flash.”

“You’re cute,” the orange thestral giggled. “Follow me. I’ll show you the throne room.”

Cobalt blinked again as the pony turned away, wondering briefly if it was really that easy. He’d fumbled so much…

He then lurched forward, sprinting to catch up to the orange bat pony. The pony set an easy pace, and Cobalt fell in step beside him, trying his best to smile through his nervousness. The orange pony was probably somebody important, and was likely taking his measure even now. He just had to take a deep breath, keep calm, and say something smart. Cobalt took a breath, then let it out and looked at the orange pony, who grinned back. His confidence again vanished, and he managed to sputter out;

“S-so, how is your day going? Everything… good?”

He mentally cursed himself, even as the thestral laughed

“It’s been great!” the orange pony said. “Fresh mangoes for breakfast, and I got sent to meet a potential new friend! That’s always a treat.”

The pony smiled at him, and Cobalt blushed and looked away, not noticing as the pony eyed him up appraisingly. He was far too focused on trying to think of something else to say to keep the conversation flowing. The orange pony was definitely a kind soul to not immediately laugh him out of the royal halls, but he couldn’t rely on that kindness forever.

As he tried to take another calming breath, Cobalt noticed a soft squeaking sound emanating from his escort. Glancing over, he gulped, unsure as to how he had missed it the first time. From the neck down, the pony was covered with a black latex bodysuit. Orange accents traced the thestral’s body, and on his flank was emblazoned a barcode, above which was a symbol of a blue crescent, with three stars on the outer edge. He blinked at it, then realized where he recognized it; it was the royal seal, the same symbol was emblazoned on the many flags and banners decorating the castle.

He briefly had the urge to reach out and touch the rubbery material, its careful shine calling out to him like a moth to flame, but when he looked to his escort’s face, he found the pony still smiling at him, meeting his awed gaze with a knowing, almost pleased look. Cobalt felt his cheeks flush red and he looked away.

“S-sorry. We don’t see many-” he gulped “-suits, out on the mango farm.”

The thestral licked his lips.

“Mmmm mangoes, now those are delicious.” His ears flicked, and his head tilted slightly. “Would you like to touch it? My suit, I mean.”

Cobalt felt his face flush further, felt certain he was either purple, or pure crimson now with the amount of embarrassment he felt.

‘By the moon, I couldn’t keep it in my head for five minutes,’ he mentally groaned. ‘They’re going to throw me out for sure now.’

“N-no thanks,” he stuttered out. He immediately regretted his words. Of course he wanted to touch it, who wouldn’t? His curiosity, kept carefully in check for years, now so close to its goal, had to be satiated, and he asked; “I-Is it… comfortable?”

The pony’s smile became somewhat smug and he giggled again.

“Of course! Every suit is specially designed for the wearer. It’s practically a second skin for most ponies.” He shuddered, and his tail flicked happily. “My suit always makes me feel filled to the bursting with Momma’s love.”

Cobalt failed to notice as the orange pony began to blush. After a moment, the pony’s smile became sly, and his next step moved a touch to the side, bringing him closer to Cobalt.

“Are you sure you don’t want to touch it?” he asked, the tone of his voice telling anyone listening that he already knew the answer.

The pair stopped, with a red-faced Cobalt staring at the stallion next to him, or rather, the stallion’s alluring, latex covered, rump. Cobalt’s hoof shook as he reached out, but as it approached the alluring latex, he drew back. It was too far. He... He was going to get in trouble, and he should have just stayed home. Yes his cutie mark was a shield with two swords behind it, but he could make that mango related somehow! Yes, he just needed to make for a window, and then fly as hard as his wings could take him before he shamed himself any-

The orange thestral rolled his eyes, then side stepped again, bringing his flank in contact with Cobalt’s outstretched hoof. A shudder ran through the bat pony, and all traces of nervousness and self-doubt fled as he felt the rubbery material. Only one thought occupied his head; he needed to be in a latex suit. He didn’t much care what he had to do to get one, but he just needed to have that smooth, glossy latex pressing tightly around his entire body.

His hoof rubbed the pony’s flank slowly up and down.

“Wow,” he said breathlessly.

The pony giggled knowingly.

“First time?”

Cobalt nodded.

“I saw some from a distance just after I came of age, but I never got to experience any. Nothing can really survive picking mangoes all day, and I could never afford a set of… well, anything, for myself.” He chuckled. “You’d figure with how delicious mangoes are, we’d be swimming in money, but…” He shrugged. “We couldn’t save all that much. It’s hard to feed six bat ponies during the off season, and then there were all the bits for tree repair, and paying unicorns to make sure we didn’t have pests...”

He smiled sheepishly at the orange pony.

“Sorry, mango talk. The best fruit in all Stellaria is not easy to grow sometimes.”

The stallion looked like he’d been wounded by Cobalt’s words, and his hoof wrapped around Cobalt’s.

“That simply won’t do,” he said, staring deep into Cobalt’s eyes. “But don’t you worry. You’ve come to the right place.” His smile made a return and he winked, nodding in the direction they had been walking. “Come on, let’s make sure you get taken care of.”

Cobalt matched his smile and bowed his head slightly.

“Thank you…” He blinked, realizing that he had never asked for the pony’s name. “Ah… sir?”

With another giggle, the orange thestral moved forward, leaving Cobalt to once again stumble to catch up. Falling in step once more, Cobalt did his best to keep his eyes off the stallion at his side, a task that proved monumental as the squeaks of the pony’s suit seemed to fill his ears. Still, he managed to keep his eyes from straying too much, and eventually they came to a tall pair of doors flanked by a pair of blue-armored guards. Cobalt gulped as he stared at the pair. With their bodies covered in black rubber suits, and visors covering their eyes, they were almost indistinguishable from one another. Only their tails and manes poked out of their suits, giving any sign that it was truly a pony beneath the armor.

Cobalt glanced at the orange thestral at his side, who gave him a fanged grin and a knowing wink.

“That’s what you’re here for, right?”

Cobalt bobbed his head in answer.

“Y-yup. It… I don’t remember the guards being so... anonymous.” His eyes flicked back to the guard on his left, who didn’t seem to even twitch, merely stood, as if a statue. The sight sent a shiver down his spine, and he briefly wondered if all those rumors he’d heard about hypnosis were true.

“Outside the castle, the guards don’t wear the visors,” the orange pony explained. “That’s specifically an inside the castle feature.”

Cobalt nodded slowly, then felt his cheeks flush as he asked another question.

“And do you… know what’s on the visors?”

The thestral chuckled and shrugged.

“I think you’re going to have to tell me about it once your training is done.”

“If I get that far,” Cobalt mumbled, the doors opening before them. He automatically followed the orange pony as he walked forward, still lost in his self-deprecating thoughts. “I’m starting to think some mango farmer like me doesn’t belong here.”

“Well that is hardly the first thing I want to hear from one of my favored subjects.”

Cobalt shot to a panicked attention. He’d thought he’d been talking quietly, but a quick glance around found him in the center of a throne room, of the throne room. Massive stained-glass windows framed the great hall, depicting scenes that instantly brought a blush to his face. Blue banners hung from the ceiling, framing a purple statue of a crescent moon that sat behind the thrones. A deep purple carpet led to a slight set of stairs, setting the whole affair above ground level, making the alicorns appear even taller and more imposing. The speaker was a blue alicorn he recognized, and Cobalt stared slack jawed as Queen Lunaris smiled at him.

“Do come closer, Cobalt Flash,” she said. “I’ve been anticipating your arrival for some time now.” She chuckled and looked to the alicorn sitting at her right. “Tiara, this is that precious bat pony I told you about. The one that sent a letter requesting to be in the guard to me directly.”

As the pair shared a giggle, Cobalt felt his heart palpitate with nervousness.

“W-was I supposed to send it to someone else?” he squeaked.

Lunaris chuckled again and nodded, looking back to him.

“Commander Iron Glamour is usually the one who processes all of the royal guard applications, but do not fear Cobalt Flash, I appreciated your letter. It is why I summoned you here, after all.”

Cobalt continued to stare at her for a moment more, then his brain finally kicked into gear. He dropped to the floor in a low bow.

“T-thank you, your Majesty. It is my genuine honor to... be... here...”

Cobalt gaped as the orange pony that had led him to the throne room trotted forward without hesitation. He walked right up to the thrones, offering a nuzzle first to Lunaris, then Tiara, before settling down on a third throne that looked to be padded with more black rubber. Cobalt stared at the pony, earning him another chuckle from Lunaris. He looked to the alicorn, and she winked, nearly making him faint even as she turned and addressed the orange thestral.

“Fireheart, making new friends I see?”

“Yep!” Fireheart chirped. He looked at Cobalt with a broad smile. “I think Momma and Auntie like you.”

Cobalt felt his knees shake as the two alicorns once more looked at him. His eyes shot to the floor, and he prayed that he hadn’t made some offense by staring. How had he not known that the thestral was the prince? Yes, he’d never seen him before, and yes, descriptions were a bit hard to come by on the farm, but he was applying to be a guard! How was he supposed to guard ponies he couldn’t recognize on sight? He was going to be tossed out the door for s-

“Rise my dear,” Lunaris said, her voice silky smooth, and seemingly lacking in any sort of anger. “Although the view is appreciated, I’d much rather speak to your face than your backside.”

Cobalt nervously looked up, and when he found nothing but a genuine, almost motherly smile, he straightened slowly, doing his best not to fidget, even as the pounding in his chest began to slow.

“A-apologies your Majesty. I… um, today’s been a little overwhelming.”

Lunaris quirked an eyebrow.

“Oh? Do tell, Cobalt Flash.”

“It’s just Cobalt, actually,” he corrected instinctively. His ears pinned to the side of his head as he realized his error. “O-of c-course, if you’d like to call me something else-”

“Cobalt,” Lunaris soothed. “Take a deep breath. You are perfectly safe here, and whatever you fear is going to happen to you, I can assure that it won’t. Just breathe.”

She drew in a deep breath, motioning with her hoof for him to follow. Cobalt did as bid, drawing in a deep breath that caused the fluff on his chest to puff out. Lunaris smiled, then exhaled, with Cobalt doing so a moment behind.

“There,” she said. “Now, you said that you had an overwhelming day?”

“W-well, I guess I could start from the beginning,” he said slowly. “I…” He glanced at Fireheart, who gave him an encouraging nod. Feeling a little more bolstered by the prince’s support, Cobalt took another deep breath and met Lunaris’ gaze.

“I’ve wanted to join your guard for some time, your Majesty, and when I sent you that letter, I already thought it was a long shot.” He rubbed the back of his head with a hoof. “I’m the first pony in my family in generations to leave the mango farm, doing something like this took a lot of effort for us, but I guess I didn’t do enough, because coming here, seeing all of this…” He blushed and his tail tucked between his legs, again realizing that he was the only nude one in the room. Every single pony had on latex of some form or fashion. “It’s definitely outside my comfort zone.”

“Mmmm mangoes,” Fireheart moaned. “I forgot to ask, you didn’t happen to bring any, did you?”

Lunaris clicked her tongue.

“Fireheart, you had mangoes for breakfast.”

The prince whined and put on a pair of pouting eyes.

“But Mom…”

Cobalt fought between the urge to do nothing and side with the queen, or to reach for the mangoes in his saddlebags. Fireheart did look adorable with his pout, and he’d forgiven any accidental faux pas on his part, not to mention letting him get his first, wonderful taste of latex.

With that thought in mind, he gave in and turned, nosing open his saddlebags and gingerly biting the stems of what was supposed to have been his lunch; a freshly picked pair of mangoes. They’d been taken from the best tree in the orchard the day he’d left home, and with the love he knew his parents packed into every fruit, he knew they were some of the tastiest mangoes on the planet.

Cobalt turned forward again with a nervous smile.

“I have some mangoes I can spare,” he mumbled through gritted teeth.

Fireheart squealed with delight and sprang from his seat. In an orange blur he sprinted up to Cobalt, snatched the mangoes away, then trotted happily back to his throne, strutting with a puffed up chest and a big smile. He plopped down and a loud squish filled the air, chased by a moan as he devoured the first mango.

“Schooo good,” he moaned.

Cobalt let out a light chuckle.

“Freshly picked, your Highness.”

He glanced to Lunaris to find her still smiling at him, offering a subtle wink, even as she turned to chastise the orange stallion.

“You’ll ruin your appetite for lunch today, Fireheart.”

Another squish and another moan was her reply, and she shook her head, chuckling as she looked back to the blue bat pony before her.

“So, a mango farmer.” She gave the still moaning prince a side-glance. “I don’t need to say how valuable that skill set is. Where is your farm?”

“Fruity Fields, your Majesty,” Cobalt said.

“And what drew you away from your family business to ask to enter my service?” Lunaris hummed.

Cobalt gulped, and his eyes flicked to Fireheart’s suit again. He did his best not to sweat as he started his answer, thinking hard on how to not sound desperate.

“W-well, there are a couple of reasons, your Majesty. The first of which is;'' he turned and drew back his saddlebags, displaying the shield and crossed swords that were his cutiemark. “When I was a colt, you actually visited our village on the winter solstice to celebrate a record harvest. Seeing you, and then seeing your guards, decked out in armor, stoic and ready to protect…” He smiled faintly. “It really inspired me to more outside the farm. Mom and Dad have special talents in mangoes, and my sisters have never really wanted to leave. Even my little brother has an easier time picking out the freshest mangoes than I do, and I've worked for five more seasons than him.”

Cobalt rolled his shoulders and let his saddlebags fall back into place.

“When I got my cutie mark while saving my sister from timberwolves, I just knew that I had to at least try to join your guard. So when I came of age, I trained as best I could for a little while, then sent my letter.”

Lunaris nodded slowly, her eyes focused squarely on him, yet somehow still glazed in thought, as if combing over his every word. Eventually she said;

“I see.” She smiled and gave a firmer nod. “Yes, I think you would fit in nicely with my royal guards on that front.”

Cobalt puffed up with a touch of pride, but immediately deflated when she asked;

“And the other reason?”

“T-the other reason?” he squeaked.

Lunaris’ smile grew wider and became somewhat predatory as she leaned forward.

“Come now dear, I like honesty in my guards. Everypony knows how the royal family dresses these days, and my guards have been dressed similarly for some years now. So tell me, my adorable little bat pony, what is the other reason you are here?”

The fact that she knew exactly why he’d come to enter her service should have sent his nerves into overdrive, but given the look the lunar queen was giving him, he felt strangely… calm. He hadn’t heard a trace of disappointment or anger in her voice, could see no traces of such in any of the ponies he was facing. A warm feeling started in his hooves, slowly making its way up his body, easing his remaining anxiousness, and giving him a slight boost in confidence as he spoke.

“I... While training to join up, I did happen to see some of your guards, from a distance of course." He blushed. "And I loved how they looked, how powerful, and attractive they were. I was attracted to the suits of your guards, of all of you really,” he answered honestly. He looked around, blushing as he took in all of the glossy latex suits around him. “Until today, I’ve never been around so much latex. My family doesn’t have any. The farm always had foals for the longest time, but as we grew up, we simply... didn't get any latex. Farm work isn’t safe for it, and I didn’t want to get anything for myself that would be easily damaged by a day’s work.” He shuddered and smiled dreamily. “But after that day seeing your guards, the thought of being wrapped head to tail in latex, feeling it press on my body, seeping into every hole, even hypnotizing me…” He coughed and looked away, thinking that perhaps his thoughts said aloud were too much. Glancing at the royals, however, he found Queen Tiara and Fireheart smiling knowingly. Cobalt blushed, but met Lunaris’ eyes. “I very much would like to join your service, to be put in one of your suits. Nothing would make me happier, and even if I’m not a guard, I would accept any opportunity to join you.”

He was surprised when he found a frown on the lunar queen’s muzzle. She tapped her hoof in thought before she spoke again.

“Cobalt, you said that your family has no latex? None whatsoever?”

Cobalt blinked, then nodded.

“None, your Majesty. As I said, it wouldn’t survive farm work, and while we’re not by any means struggling, investing in something like latex for everyone?” He shook his head. “Somepony would be left out, so we simply… don’t have anything.”

He again felt surprised as a flash of anger flickered through Lunaris’ eyes.

“I thank you for bringing this to my intention Cobalt. I have evidently been spending too much time at home and I have failed to recognize the plight of my subjects. I can assure you that we will have this remedied.”

Her horn charged and a small bell floated out from the side of her throne. With a single ring, a door on her left opened, and a mare in a maid’s suit trotted out and up to the throne. Lunaris leaned over and whispered something in the maid’s ear, and with a nod, the maid was gone, trotting briskly through the door she had entered from.

Lunaris let out a deep breath as the door closed behind the maid. She turned to face Cobalt once more, and her smile made a return.

“I offer you my deepest apologies my dear. After my maids pay a visit to gather your family’s measurements, I will have some of Miss Ocean Breeze’s finest farm fetish gear sent to your home.”

Cobalt felt his jaw slowly lower in awe, then he sprang forward into a bow.

“Thank you Queen Lunaris! Oh, they’re going to be so excited, especially Mountain Climber. She’s always been self-conscious about her bad wing and wants to wear something to make it rest comfortably and cover up the scars…” He trailed off, then frowned. His eyes traced the floor in thought, then rose to meet Lunaris’ gaze. “I don’t mean to complain about a gift… but will the latex last? We usually worked all hours of the day to make sure we always gathered mangoes at exactly the right time, and sometimes that involved leaping out of bed and into the orchards.”

Lunaris giggled.

“As you will come to know very soon, Miss Ocean’s latex is woven with magic. I think that your family will find that it won’t wear, tear, or lose its shine. It will just need a wash every few days, and that can be done easily with soap and water.”

Cobalt’s awed smile returned.

“Wow, to think that survivable latex was so close at hoof…” He shook himself and his tail waggled as did a little dance in place. “Thank you, your Majesty! My family is going to be so surprised. Is there anything I can do to thank you?”

“Your gratitude is more than enough Cobalt.” She chuckled. “In fact, I should be thanking you for not marching in here yelling for my head. It is my oversight that left your family isolated from one of the pleasures of Stellaria, and I am simply glad to see that oversight remedied.”

She tapped a rubber-clad hoof on her chin.

“However, if you truly want to repay me…”

Cobalt bobbed his head.

“Of course, your Majesty, anything at all! I can’t express in words how much this means to me.”

Lunaris hummed.

“Excellent.” She straightened on her throne, as did Tiara and Fireheart. “Cobalt Flash, I have found you adequate for a place in my royal guard. If there are no objections, we can begin your training.”

“N-now?” Cobalt asked, breathless.

Lunaris grinned.

“Now, little bat. The guard needs new members, and I think you will fit in perfectly.”

She stomped her right hoof, and a door to the right of the throne opened. A tall maroon stallion strode forth, the black and purple guard suit hugging his curves as he moved. The pegasus stopped before the throne, staring at Cobalt with an even frown for a moment before turning to Lunaris and bowing.

“My Queen.”

Lunaris offered the guardspony a smile.

“Strong Hoof, this is your new recruit; Cobalt. Please see him fitted and begin his indoctrination immediately.” She glanced at the blue bat pony from the corner of her eye, and her smile widened. “I think he’s going to enjoy that in particular, so feel free to let Nurse Grey Horn know that she can use some advanced indoctrination methods on him. I believe that he will impress,” she chuckled and shrugged, “or break, but perhaps that is his true goal.”

Strong Hoof looked at Cobalt again with a visible look of disbelief.

“Really, this little thing? He looks like he’ll faint if one more pony talks to him. Are you sure he isn’t one of Prince Fireheart’s playmates?”

“That remains to be seen,” Lunaris said. “I shall send additional training instructions along shortly, but regardless, I have approved his guard application. He starts today.”

Strong Hoof eyed Cobalt up and down a moment longer, then bowed to the blue alicorn.

“Of course, my Queen.” He looked toward Cobalt and nodded toward the door he had entered the throne room from. “Follow me then recruit. We’ve got plenty to do.”

Cobalt skipped to a start at his words, moving toward the stallion before the full grasp of what had just occurred dawned on him. He was in. He was going to be a royal guard, and was going to be fitted for his own suit. Soon he’d just be another face in the castle, another body wrapped in smooth, glossy rubber. He shivered in fantasy, then felt a shock as he remembered his manners. He slid to a stop and turned, bowing to the queens.

“Thank you very much, your Majesties. I won’t waste this opportunity, I promise!”

Queen Tiara giggled and looked to her sister.

“It seems this one likes his bowing.”

“Or he’s trying to present early,” Lunaris replied, sharing the chuckle. “You’re very much welcome, Cobalt. I expect great things from you.” A wolfish grin spread on her muzzle. “Do feel free to bow plenty once you’ve been suited properly.”

Cobalt rose with a blush on his cheeks, but a smile on his muzzle.

“I’ll try, your Majesty.”

He again started to move toward Strong Hoof, but again paused as his path brought him closer to Fireheart. It had been a few brief moments, yet he felt as if he owed the prince the world. If nothing else, he had to thank him for being such a gracious host.

“Thank you, my Prince…” Cobalt flushed redder, but pressed on, keeping his voice steady. “...for my first touch.”

The orange thestral slipped off his throne and chuckled, booping Cobalt’s nose with his hoof.

“You’re still cute, soon to be cuter, my rubber pony.” Cobalt held back a moan as the stallion brushed against his side, giving him another taste of the rubber soon to be covering him. “And you’re welcome. Enjoy your second touch. The next time we meet, we’re going to be touching rubber to rubber.” He giggled. “I hope you’re ready.”

Lost in the sensation of the rubber pressing against his side, Cobalt briefly considered asking what he meant, but a loud grunt drew his eyes. Strong Hoof stared at him, though this time, the stallion had a slight smile on his muzzle. He nodded again toward the door.

“Come on, recruit. You can play with the prince later.”

“If he’s good,” Fireheart giggled.

Cobalt yelped and skipped forward into a trot as a rubber covered wing slapped across his ass. The sound of laughter followed both sets of his reddening cheeks as he walked side by side with Strong Hoof into a dark hallway.

The New Guard: Induction (M)

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Cobalt walked quietly beside Strong Hoof, doing his best not to glance back at his suddenly sore rump. It was more surprise than pain, but he found that, the more he thought about the prince’s little tease, the more blood rushed to his face. His tail swished back and forth, and he had to look toward the walls to hide the goofy smile spread across his muzzle.

As they continued down the hall, the large stallion at his side finally spoke up.

“So, I see the cutie mark, but you seem like a nervous type.” Strong Hoof glanced down at him. “So why the guard? You look more like a playmate to the prince than a guard.”

“Sorry,” Cobalt said, wilting slightly. “I just stayed on the farm most of the time at home, you know? There was always work to do, and if we went to town it was to sell, so I didn’t spend a lot of time socializing. Now I’m in the capital, among the royals, and finally achieving my dream… it just makes me nervous.” He let out a deep breath and did his best to straighten up. “I’ll do my best to firm up.” He looked to the pegasus. “Will proper guard persona be in the training?”

“Indoctrination,” Strong Hoof corrected, “and you’re partially right, I think. You’re close to a lot of new ponies, that much is just fact.” He grinned, and his eyes took on a hungry light. “What I think though, is that it’s drawing out a certain something in you. Would you mind if I ran a little test to confirm my theory?”

Cobalt shook his head.

“Not at—eep!”

He found himself on his back and the stallion towering over him. Hooves rested on either side of his head, and warm latex pressed against him from above, drawing out a moan as it rubbed against his stallionhood, drawing it from its sheath. Strong Hoof glanced down and chuckled.

“That didn’t take long.” One of his hooves rose and made a circular motion. “Turn over for me, recruit. Show me that bowing you’re so fond of.”

He eased up just enough for Cobalt to roll onto his belly, and the bat pony felt a certain thrill as he wordlessly obeyed the larger stallion’s order. He pushed his rump up and glanced back at Strong Hoof. He moaned as the pegasus’ muzzle pressed against his neck. Strong Hoof took a deep breath, savoring his scent, then his grin took on a wicked look as he brushed Cobalt’s tail aside. Cobalt squeaked as a gentle pressure ground into his tail-hole, and he moaned again, his mind alight with pleasure. He… It was going to happen. He was about to be taken by a stud of a stallion, practically a stranger, yet at the same time, somehow familiar. It was the latex, so warm, pressing down on him from above. It made him feel so much closer to his new companion, so much more akin to Strong Hoof than he’d been with anyone in his life. He let out a whimper of need as glanced back with pleading eyes toward the dominant pegasus.

Strong Hoof chuckled in his ear.

“I thought as much; you’re a natural bottom, not even suited and already begging to be played with. I think you’re going to fit in with the guard just fine Cobalt, or rather, we’re going to be fitting in you.” He nibbled Cobalt’s ear, causing the bat pony to shiver with delight. “So, just for my own curiosity, first time with a stallion?”

“Y-Yes!” Cobalt gasped, trying vainly to press back against what he could only imagine was the stallion’s rubber covered cock teasing his tail-hole. His body was alight with little pleasures and was all but screaming at him for more. The scent of the stallion above him was slowly filling his nose, and he couldn’t help but savor the scent as it mixed with the rubber of the stallion’s suit. Was this how all the guards were, or was he just lucky to have one that was so strong? Either way, he couldn’t help but whine again with desperate need as he squirmed and tried to press back. “Please…”

“Definitely a bottom,” Strong Hoof chuckled, keeping him firmly in place. He rocked back and forth just enough to continue teasing him, drawing out more needy whines and squeaks from the bat pony beneath him. “Now, have you been with a mare before, or are you just a desperate little toy, begging to be rutted by every stallion and strap-on in sight?”

“I-I’ve been with a mare!” Cobalt sputtered. “I… I just…”

Further words failed him as a rubber clad hoof stroked his mane.

“Shhh, don’t worry, I’m not trying to humiliate you, I’m just asking.” Strong Hoof nuzzled his neck and took another whiff of his scent. “Queen Lunaris assigned you to be my partner for a reason, and I want to know how much I’m going to have to share you.”

“H-how much? Not if?”

Strong Hoof chuckled, and Cobalt felt himself relax even more as his hoof continued to run through his mane.

“All the guards are toys at the whims of the Queens, Princesses, and Prince, save for the odd exception or two. Adorable little bat like you? I’m surprised they didn’t scoop you up as soon as you walked in.” He chuckled again. “They do like their bats.”

Strong Hoof leaned on him more, slowly pressing him down so that his cheek rested against the floor. Cobalt started to ask why, then let out a sharp gasp as the pegasus’ other hoof gently touched the head of his cock. Strong Hoof hummed and made light circles with his rubber-clad hoof, slowly following Cobalt’s cock as it grew to its full length.

“There is one warning I’d like to give you before we move on,” Strong Hoof said, slowly beginning to stroke. Cobalt felt his hind legs shake as the pressure on his tail-hole slowly increased, and he let out another, far louder, moan. As much as he wanted to, he couldn’t move at all, and was forced to simply submit to the larger stallion’s teasing as he continued to speak. “Your nurse is going to know what I just confirmed, and she’s going to ask you questions about just what kind of suit you’d like to wear. In particular, she’s going to assume certain access…” Cobalt moaned as his tail-hole began to stretch to allow its new guest, only for Strong Hoof to chuckle and pull back. “and she’s going to ask about this toy down here…” Strong Hoof slowly traced a line down Cobalt’s cock, forcing the bat pony to buck in reply, dripping pre-cum on the floor. “I’ll bet the mare you were with before loved spending the night with you, so if you don’t mind, I’d like to make a suggestion.”

Cobalt whimpered and nodded, his brain too hazy to conjure words. He felt so close, yet so far from cumming. Strong Hoof was a master at teasing, and some isolated part of his mind wondered if he’d made a mistake, if he was going to be teased and tortured forever. Still, if it felt even half as good as the lust he was lost in now, it was worth it. All of it was worth it.

“Yes…” he finally managed to hiss out.

“I think Queen Lunaris intends to keep you as a playmate for the prince in your off time, so for that, I’d recommend making every piece of you available,” Strong Hoof said, continuing to stroke softly. “Including this hole-stretcher you’re hiding down here. For me though, I’d like a little something different in my adorable little bat pony partner.” His breath warmed Cobalt’s ear as he spoke at a whisper. “For my little bottom bat, I’d like your guard suit to be fitted with a null bulge. You’ll grind, and whine, and beg for release, but the only way you’ll get it is with service.” Cobalt felt his cheeks flush lightly as the pegasus planted a kiss in his mane. “I’ll make sure to use you every single day, just like I know you want.”

He hummed and withdrew slightly.

“But then again, I don’t want to impose, and I’ve been doing an awful lot of the talking. So let’s hear what you want, my adorable little bat.” Cobalt looked back and noticed the wide grin on the stallion’s muzzle. “Let’s hear you say; “I want to be a rubber slave”. You came to be a guard, but are you ready to be a servant? To be wrapped in rubber, teased and tortured endlessly with no control over when you get release? If that’s what you want, then you’re going to have to say it for me. I won’t give you a thing if you don’t want it.”

Cobalt’s eyes widened with panic as the stallion slowly started to pull away, and his muzzle flapped open, spilling out his words all-too-desperately.

“I do!” he cried. “I-I want to be your rubber slave!” As he spoke, he could feel the panic burning away under a tidal wave of renewed lust. He’d said the words aloud and now he needed to go further, to make his exact thoughts known. “I don’t just want to be your slave, I crave it, need it!” He pressed back, trying to feel the warm latex pressing down on his back once again.

Luckily for him, Strong Hoof was more than willing to accommodate, once again settling his weight on Cobalt’s back, driving him to the floor. Cobalt moaned as he felt the rubber once again through his fur. He almost came as a squeak sounded in his ears. Strong Hoof took one of the fluffy appendages in his teeth and nibbled on it.

“Good bat, I can tell you’re being honest.”

Cobalt smiled, ready for the pressure against his rear to return, only to let out a squeak of alarm as Strong Hoof pulled away entirely. His cock twitched with desperate need, continuing to drip hot pre-cum on the stone floor, and he let out a whine that matched it. Strong Hoof met his pleading eyes with a smile and let out a chuckle.

“Adorable. Come on recruit, let’s not make you wait anymore. Your proper position waits.”

He moved forward, leaving Cobalt still panting, rump in the air and waiting in a pool of his own pre-cum. The blue bat pony stared after his new partner for a long moment, then did his best to stand on shaky legs. He stumbled after Strong Hoof, managing to catch up, but stumbling into the pegasus in the effort. Strong Hoof let out a chuckle, steadying him by throwing a hoof over his withers and pulling him close.

“Careful there little bat. Don’t want you to have to report to the infirmary before you even get dressed.”

Cobalt blushed and stared at the floor as he tried to will his knees to stop shaking. With the amount of lust filling him from head to tail, he wasn’t entirely sure it was possible, especially since his new partner felt and smelled so wonderful. It took everything in his power not to simply fall onto the pegasus and get lost in the sensations his rubbery bodysuit offered him.

“S-sorry,” he managed to mumble.

Strong Hoof took notice and nudged his chin with his muzzle.

“Eyes up, recruit, and don’t be nervous. If you made it this far, it means that the prince likes you, and the queens like you.” His encouraging smile held a touch of lust as he chuckled again. “And I hope it brings you some comfort to hear that, as your assigned partner, I definitely like you.”

The last words were purred in his ear, and Cobalt found that he did relax slightly at the words, leaning into the larger stallion.

“Thanks, I, um, like you too?”

Strong Hoof let out a snort and shook his head, smiling.

“We’ll need to work on your confidence and flirting, but you’re lucky you're a cute little bat.”

They came to a door, which easily opened to reveal a small, circular room. On one wall was a large screen, while on the opposite was a large wooden x with leather straps on it. At the center of the room was a table and chair, at which sat a lavender bat pony in a purple and red bodysuit. A pink cross with a crown at its center sat emblazoned on her flank, and on the rubber nurse's hat resting in her mane. Her golden eyes flicked up as they entered, and a warm, yet somewhat mischievous smile spread on her muzzle.

“Why Guardspony Strong Hoof? What a pleasure it is to see you. It’s been awhile.”

A squeak came from his left, and Cobalt glanced over to find Strong Hoof frozen in place, his eyes straight ahead. Pressed against his side, Cobalt could feel the reddish pegasus shaking in place, but if that was from fear, or from something else, he couldn’t tell. He looked back to the lavender bat pony to find her grinning at him. Something in her eyes made him shy away nervously, causing her to chuckle.

“Guardspony, don’t be rude. Cobalt is the guest of honor today and you’re ruining his entrance.”

“O-of course Nurse Lavender,” Strong Hoof sputtered.

He quickly stepped deeper into the room, pulling Cobalt with him. The blue bat pony felt suddenly exposed as the welcoming wing left as Strong Hoof spun around, closing the door behind them, before he moved off to the side, and again resuming his straight-backed, quivering posture. Cobalt stared at his suddenly tight-lipped companion, then looked to the apparent source, unable to hide his own nervousness. He was nothing without his manners, however, and he trotted forward, extending his hoof.

“Hi, I’m Cobalt, but I guess you already knew that.”

Cobalt felt momentarily proud of himself for not stuttering. Nurse Lavender smiled and shook his hoof with her rubber clad one.

“As I’m sure you’ve heard mine as well, but I am Nurse Lavender Blossom, or Nurse Lavender to most, and since Nurse Grey Horn fell ill this evening, I will be taking care of your training.” She clicked her tongue and glanced in Strong Hoof’s direction. “You spoiled our introduction, Guardspony. That’s one punishment.”

Strong Hoof closed his eyes and shuddered, though to Cobalt, it didn’t look like the pegasus was all that displeased with the news. He looked questioningly to Lavender, who winked.

“Don’t worry about him, he just gets like this because I was the nurse during his induction as well. I was, and am still certain he’s a switch like you; just dominant leaning instead of sub.” She sighed. “He falsely believes he’s a dominant only though.” She tilted her head as she again looked toward the pegasus. “I’ve been meaning to spend some time re-educating him, but he’s a crafty one, and I have other duties, for the moment at least.” Her fangs shined and she chuckled. “He can’t run forever, and technically speaking, I could involve him in your indoctrination, train the pair of you up just right…”

Strong Hood whined and ever so slightly shook his head. Lavender scoffed and rolled her eyes, smiling as she looked back at Cobalt.

“He’s far too easy to tease,” she whispered. She strutted forward, flicking Cobalt’s nose with her tail as she took his saddlebags in her teeth. They flew through the air, and Strong Hoof grunted as they smacked into his face.

“Please stow these in your partner’s locker and get him a latex pair,” Lavender ordered. “Just because the latex is magical, doesn’t mean I will tolerate burlap on her Majesty’s guardsponies.” She shuddered. “It’s just wrong on so many levels.”

Strong Hoof let out a sigh of relief and snatched the saddlebags from his muzzle.

“Of course Nurse Lavender. Was there anything else?”

Lavender threw a small pouch to him as well. Cobalt faintly heard the rustling of bits as the pouch smacked into Strong Hoof’s nose.

“Cobalt’s first month of pay up front, but seeing as he will be busy, you get to spend it. Get him some nice things for his room, make sure it’s homey.” She looked at Cobalt as she spread out some papers on the table. “You’re from a mango farm, right? What colors do you like?”

Cobalt blinked, then looked to the ceiling in thought, noticing a large crystal suspended from an iron bar.

“Well blue, obviously, but I guess… green, red, orange, and… yellow.”

Strong Hoof blinked.

“That’s a pretty wide spread.”

Lavender sighed and pinched her brow with a hoof.

“It’s the color of a mango, Guardspony. If he wasn’t from a mango farm, I’d punish him for being too stereotypical.” Shaking her head, she looked at the forms. “There are a few shops in the old town that are bat pony themed, you can’t go wrong. Now out, or I start making two toys tonight.”

Strong Hoof turned to leave, but Lavender clicked her tongue again, freezing him in place.

“Before you go, congratulations are in order Guardspony. I can tell her Majesty’s hunch was right, and you’ve needed a good bottom slave for months now.”

Strong Hoof finally recovered some measure of his confidence and he half-turned, his muzzle curling in a smile.

“I wouldn’t count that chicken too early Nurse Lavender. You’re assuming Cobalt here hasn’t just been playing with me, hiding some dominance away for later. He’s packing more than a little heat, and he’s been with mares.”

“Are you implying a mare can’t be dominant?” Lavender asked, one eyebrow raising.

Strong Hoof quickly shook his head.

“No, Nurse. No I am not.”

“Good, I was about to lock the door and teach you a proper lesson.” She looked to Cobalt, eyeing him up and down. “As for our newest bat… maybe a little switch, but mostly bottom.” She moved toward Cobalt. “You’re going to be a good little slave for your new master, aren’t you?”

Cobalt blushed and looked down, still feeling a tad nervous about his answer.

“I… I don’t-”

A rubber clad hoof touched under his chin and forced him to look up. Meeting the nurse’s eyes, he found them to be hypnotic, and he couldn’t help but sway slightly as he lost himself in those golden depths.

“You’re going to be a good little slave, aren’t you?” Lavender repeated, her voice quiet, yet firm, all but ordering an answer.

“Yes, Mistress,” Cobalt mumbled.

She smiled and kissed his nose, sending a jolt of joy down his spine.

“Good bat.” She looked over his shoulder. “Run along Strong Hoof. He’s more than ready to start.”

Strong Hoof let out a chuckle, drawing Cobalt’s dazed eyes. The reddish pegasus gave him a wink as he opened the door.

“Have fun Cobalt. I’ll be back for you when you’re done.”

Cobalt blinked at the pegasus, vaguely aware that he was supposed to say something.

“Thank you,” he mumbled.

He heard the disappointed click of a tongue and he turned, immediately dropping further in Nurse Lavender’s eyes again. She smiled and stroked his cheek.

“What else do we say?”

Cobalt simply stared at her, what little of his brain function stuck spinning in circles, unsure of what he was missing. The nurse noticed his confusion and giggled.

“Good bats say; ‘thank you Master,’ or ‘thank you Mistress,’ when addressing their dominant.” She nodded toward Strong Hoof. “Now go on. Thank him properly.”

Cobalt looked to Strong Hoof.

“Thank you, Master.”

Strong Hoof snorted and shook his head.

“Please don’t break him. He’s already fun to toy with and he’s going to make guard shifts so much more enjoyable.”

“No promises,” Lavender sang. “The dungeon always needs more mindbroken rubber slaves, but don’t worry. I think Cobalt won’t disappoint.”

Spending a moment without staring into Lavender’s eyes, Cobalt recovered his faculties somewhat. He closed his eyes and suppressed a moan of delight at being hypnotized so easily. It was every dream come true… He noticed that something felt different in his head. Like something small had been added, an urge almost. On impulse, he decided to act on it.

“T-thank you for the compliment, Mistress.” He looked shyly at Lavender. “I hope to not disappoint.”

Her hoof again nudged his chin up, and she again caused him to sway in place, hypnotized by her gaze.

“Take your time shopping. I’m going to enjoy training this one.”

The door closed with a soft swoosh, leaving the pair alone. Lavender brushed Cobalt’s cheek, moving so that they were nose to nose.

“Such a cute little bat,” she said, towering over him. Cobalt faintly recognized that he was nearly a head shorter than the mare. “Go lay on the table so I can get your measurements.”

“Yes, Mistress,” he dutifully replied.

“Crafting your suits will take some time, which we shall spend making sure you are fully trained up and ready to participate in the dungeon,” Lavender said as he climbed onto the table and laid on his back. “The process should take a few days at minimum, so plenty of time to get you just right.”

“D-days?” Cobalt stuttered, his wings flapping as he settled down. “Will there be breaks?”

Lavender seized one of his wings in her hooves and spread it wide, taking a measuring tape from beneath the table.

“Keep your wings out, we need to make sure the binders will fit,” she said. “If you’re concerned about safety and health, don’t be. I will be right here the entire time monitoring both your training, and your vitals. There is nothing in this world that can interrupt us aside from the queens themselves, and I have indoctrinated plenty of ponies before you without issue.” She smiled and patted his head as she moved around the table, measuring his other wing. “Just relax and enjoy yourself. You’re going to make a fine guard, and an excellent partner to Strong Hoof.”

She moved down to his legs, then slowly made her way up, measuring every limb on the way. Cobalt squeaked as she seized his cock and stroked it, bringing it to its full length. It didn’t take much, the mere touch of latex enough to make him moan. Lavender nodded approvingly as she measured it, then continued on, leaving Cobalt once again without any satisfaction.

“So, are you excited?” she asked, wrapping the measuring tape around his neck. “Hoping for anything in particular?”

“I’m really excited about combat training,” Cobalt said. He grinned sheepishly as embarrassing memories filtered through his brain. “I’m afraid practicing with a stick against a sack of grain just made me look silly more than actually teaching me to fight.”

He snorted as a pencil smacked his nose, and he looked to find Lavender grinning and shaking her head at him.

“I could not have been any more clearly asking about what will occur in this room you silly little bat.”

Cobalt blushed and looked away.

“Oh, well, I’m really excited about getting my own suit, and…” He looked up at the crystal hanging from the ceiling. “Does the training involve hypnotism? That…” he shuddered as her hoof returned to his cock, massaging it lightly. “That would be nice,” he squeaked.

“Be nice he says,” she chuckled. “I will definitely need to add some dirty talk to you, and to answer your question, we call it indoctrination for a reason. Large parts of your training include different alarm codes, suit meanings, and room locations, all of which will be installed in that pretty little head of yours using our various hypnotic methods. Things such as combat training will be covered with Strong Hoof after you leave my care.”

Lavender combed over her measurement sheet for a moment as she idly stroked his cock, causing him to quiver on the table, putty in her hooves. Humming in satisfaction, she set the page beneath the table and stopped stroking him, using her muzzle to nudge him to his feet.

“Alright Cobalt, let’s get started.

She moved to one of the walls and pressed, revealing a hidden compartment, from which she dragged out a crate. She pulled the box to the center of the room and opened it, pulling out a shiny black suit. She laid it on the table and nudged Cobalt toward it.

“Get dressed. You’ll get your full suit once you’re done with training.”

Cobalt nervously approached the latex suit, prodding it with a hoof. It came away slick, a sign that the suit was pre-lubricated. Gulping, Cobalt tried not to stress himself out with over-anticipation, and instead adjusted the suit so that he could slide his legs in. He settled his hind hooves in the rubber soles of the suit first, then his fore-hooves. Just as he turned to begin pulling the suit up his legs, Lavender was there. He let out a yelp as she smoothly pulled the latex up his rump, then moaned as she smoothed it out. She let out a chuckle, and as she finished with his rear, she moved to his front, pulling the suit up to his neck. Cobalt panted softly as she adjusted and settled the latex around his barrel.

Lavender withdrew and pulled his tail through a hole in the rear of the suit, drawing another moan from him as his cock and balls were naturally pulled through a hole in the bottom of the suit as it grew tighter around his body. She massaged his flanks again, seeming to enjoy his little moans and squeaks.

“Mmmm, you really are meant to be here, aren’t you Cobalt?” she hummed. “Just a little rubber slave pony, ready to be wrapped in latex forever.”

Cobalt breathlessly nodded, groaning as she took hold of his wings. She fed them through the wing holes, and prodded him silently to flap them, to make sure they fit comfortably. Satisfied, she again set to smoothing out the latex, leaving him at the mercy of the new sensations. It was just as he imagined. The smooth, squeaky rubber wrapped around him in a tight, ever present and wholly erotic hug, squeezing him in all the right places. He couldn’t help but squirm as Lavender drew the zipper up his back, slowly sealing him inside. He could feel himself pant as the zipper clicked closed, and Lavender locked it. She draped herself over his back and her hooves felt over his latex covered body, rubbing and teasing his new erogenous zones, which was to say; everywhere. It felt as if his fur had been replaced by rubber, and he squirmed as she nibbled on his ear and giggled.

“Such a handsome little rubber bat, what do we say?”

Her hoof teased the head of his cock and he jerked, leaking a spurt of pre-cum on the padded floor.

“T-thank you, Mistress!” Cobalt squealed.

Nurse Lavender dangled something from her wingtips in front of his eyes. It was a simple black latex collar with a crescent-shaped tag on it. On the tag read a simple; Rubber Slave in Training. Cobalt felt his cock twitch again at the sight of it.

“Now, my new rubber bat,” Lavender breathed in his ear. “This is your very last chance to leave. Once this is around your neck, you belong to her Majesty. As far as the law and the rest of the world is considered, you are hers and hers alone to do with as she wishes. I ask you one more time; is this what you want? Do you want to serve the Queen of the Night as her loyal guard and servant?”

Cobalt managed to have a clear thought pierce his haze of lust and desperation, but even that clear thought had only one word it wanted him to say.

“Yes!” Cobalt cried. “I want to be a rubber pony, I want to be a rubber slave!”

“As you wish,” Lavender purred.

She slowly pulled the collar tight around his throat, then a click that seemed to fill the room hit his ears. The sound of his destiny being sealed was too much for him to bear, and Cobalt couldn’t hold himself back anymore. He came, and he came hard. Cum splashed his belly as the force of his load splashed onto the floor, spreading rapidly in a sticky white puddle as his orgasm blitzed onward. Lavender bit her lip and moaned lightly in his ear as the scent of his cum filled the air, and she helped him along, slowly jerking him off.

Cobalt came harder than he had ever before in his life, and by the time he was finished, he was gasping and panting hard. Every nerve in his body felt as if it had been used, and despite the nirvana he found himself in, he also couldn’t help but feel exhausted. His legs shook as he slumped to the padded floor, uncaring that he was resting in his own fluids. Lavender chuckled and gave his cheek a kiss before pulling away.

“Welcome to the Lum Castle Dungeon, my little rubber bat. From now on, you will obey me and you will refer to me only as ‘mistress’, is that clear?”

“Yes Mistress,” he moaned, closing his eyes as he basked in the afterglow of his orgasm. His fangs peaked out as he grinned, idly aware that his rump was still stuck in the air, presenting an inviting sight to anyone standing behind him. “Thank you, Mistress.”

“You’re very welcome, pet,” Nurse Lavender said. “And you are forgiven for cumming without permission. I understand that this is your first time in latex, and well-” she bit her lip “truly you are a natural slave to cum at being put inside your suit and collar.”

She gave his rubbery ass a slap, drawing a moan from the blue bat pony.

“Savor this pet, it’s the last orgasm you’ll have until you see your master again. Now up! We need to start your training.”

Cobalt remained presenting in pure bliss for a moment longer, savoring the newfound pleasure of the stinging in his rump. He then slowly pushed himself up, his knees still shaking. He watched with fascination as the cum covering his chest and belly, as well as the cum on the floor, slowly seemed to stream away toward a drain in the center of the room. He faintly wondered if there was some sort of clean-up spell on the room. He didn’t spend much time on the thought however, as when he looked up and met Lavender’s eyes, he quickly found himself lost in her hypnotic gaze once more.

She chuckled and stroked his cheek.

“Enjoying yourself, pet?”

“Yes, Mistress,” he replied lovingly.

“Good bat.” She nodded toward the ‘X’. “Up. I will strap you in.”

Cobalt wandered dreamily over to the cross, feeling as if he was dancing on clouds. He stepped onto the raised platform and turned around at the nurse’s instruction. Lavender pulled a belt from the center of the cross and dragged it forward, strapping it around his stomach. She then moved to the back of the cross, a mischievous grin touching her freckled muzzle.

Cobalt let out a yelp as he was suddenly yanked backward. He squirmed slightly, looking down to find himself suspended by the leather band around his middle. His ears turned at a giggle from Nurse Lavender, who pulled gently on one of his forelegs. Trusting her completely, he simply let the limb be limp, watching as she raised it to one of the cuffs above him. Another strap tightened the limb in place, and she moved over to do the same with the other leg. While she did so, Cobalt tested his new restraint, trying to pull his hoof free. It didn’t budge in the slightest. Quickly his second foreleg was secured, then Lavender pulled his legs apart. As she moved across, she brushed his clock. Cobalt let out a needy moan as it bobbed, begging for attention. Lavender giggled and secured his hind legs.

“Sorry slave, but you won’t be using that for awhile yet. In fact-” she turned away, coming back with a black rubber sleeve “-you don’t get to use it at all during training. The only time you cum is at your Queen’s request, or if any of your playmates request it.” She patted his head. “Thank you for the reminder pet.”

Lavender turned the sleeve inside out, drawing a nervous gulp from Cobalt. Inside was a long tube, and the end of which were several black beads that got larger as they neared the head. As lust stricken as he was though, he couldn’t feel anything other than curious. Lavender watched his eyes carefully, and seeing no traces of panic, she smiled and stroked his cock.

“Good pet, deep breath now.”

Cobalt let out a whine as she guided the well-lubed catheter into his dick hole. The lavender bat pony was slow and methodical, taking great care not to go too quickly. Cobalt, for his part, whined and tried to squirm as his urethra was stretched. It was a new, strange pressure that only became more focused as the catheter was pushed deeper and deeper. Lavender paused as the first bead pressed against his cockhead, and she continued to stroke his cock gently.

“Tell me if this hurts too much,” she murmured.

Cobalt gulped, but watched as she slowly applied pressure to the bead. He felt a slightly unpleasant stretch as his cock struggled to accommodate the bead, then all at once, it popped in. Cobalt moaned and bucked in his bindings, the urge to cum and shove out the foreign intruder suddenly filling his body. Lavender smiled and slowly pulled the bead out, then drove it back in again. Over and over she pulled the bead in and out, gradually stretching his dick hole so that it could accommodate the larger beads. Cobalt moaned, whined, and humped as she did so, doing his best to try and cum. He couldn’t help it. He’d never even thought of experimenting with his cock in such a manner, and once she was plunging the beads in and out in earnest, it felt so good.

“Mmmm, I do love those noises Cobalt,” Nurse Lavender said, driving the second bead in, then the third. “I’m going to need to give my Queen a special thank you for this. It’s been awhile since I last had my own two hooves on a new guard, and I must say, I missed how intimate it can be.” She drove the sleeve a bead deeper, nearing the last, and largest two.

Cobalt whined as she drew it out again, then slowly plunged down to the very last bead.

“W-what is this for?” he asked.

“Are you not enjoying yourself?” Lavender questioned, her golden eyes flicking up to meet his with a knowing look.

“I-” he let out a squeak as she slowly pressed the last bead against his cock hole “-I’m just curious.”

Lavender chuckled and looked back to the sleeve.

“This sleeve will prevent you from cumming at all, sort of like the null bulge on your proper guard suit.” She drew out all of the beads one last time, then slowly pushed them all back in. “You’ll feel everything, as I’m sure you can tell.”

The last bead stopped against his dick hole, and Cobalt bucked, desperately wanting it to slide inside, to lock his orgasm away. The edging, teasing pleasure was more than he could have ever dreamed, and if it made him a better rubber pony, he was more than willing to lose himself in it. With the pressure from Lavender and his bucking, the bead slid into his cock with a pop.

Lavender grinned wickedly up at him as he let out a cry and continued to squirm.

“Heh, what a horny little bat, so desperate to lock all of his orgasms away.” She massaged the sleeve onto his cock, then around his balls. Once everything was properly sealed away, she took a tube from the crate and applied it all around the sleeve, gluing it in place. “There, all ready to be teased into the perfect slave.” She tapped her chin in thought, then stomped her hoof. “Of course, I almost forgot!”

Cobalt doubted that, especially given how brightly she was smiling, but his thoughts were sent spinning away as the beads in his cock started to vibrate. He cried out and writhed in his bindings. Lavender hummed appreciatively and checked the leather straps, ensuring that he was still locked in place, unable to move.

“Did you like that my little bat? I forgot to mention that the beads vibrate.” She placed a hoof on his cock. “I think a nice medium is perfect for you. Just a constant wave of pleasure, edging you up and up with no release until you’re nice and trained. Not to mention letting me ensure everything is healthy while we work.”

Her words described his thoughts exactly. The pressure had been a foreign, but welcome pleasure, but now that the sleeve was vibrating, it was close to maddening. Arcs of pleasure raced up his body, filling his brain with so much lust that he could barely see clearly. His moaning fell away to mere squeaks as his head slumped forward, his muzzle opened and drooling. He couldn’t think, couldn’t do anything other than be lost in the pleasure. Few things could jarr him from his daze.

Lavender giggled and wiped away the drool running down his chin.

“Well, we can’t let you make a mess of yourself...”

Cobalt was shocked from his stupor and let out an audible gulp as she revealed a massive horsecock gag.

“I… think I need a smaller one,” he managed to whisper.

“Not if you wish to sever the castle royalty,” Nurse Lavender said. “This is a true-to-size recreation of Queen Lunaris’ favored strap-ons, and she loves testing it on the guards, usually publicly. Just remember to breathe through your nose…”

The false cock dripped as she moved closer, and Cobalt gulped again.

“A-are you sure?”

He yelped when her hoof cracked against his flank, this time without the teasing mercy she’d been using earlier. Lavender clicked her tongue and shook her head.

“Second guessing and not addressing your mistress properly? Please don’t disappoint me again Cobalt. Your training is going to be fun, and you’re a natural. That pesky self-doubt is getting in your way, however, and I don’t like it.”

Cobalt winced, more at the mare’s tone than the actual strike to his flank. He hated when ponies were disappointed in him, and maybe that was why he was a sub; he had an inescapable need to please. With how kind she had been so far, it felt doubly so worse that he had let Nurse Lavender down. His ears pinned to the sides of his head and he looked down in shame.

“Sorry, Mistress. I… I’m just nervous is all.”

A hoof touched his chin and brought his eyes up. Lavender met his pitiful gaze with a smile, and she kissed his nose.

“You are a genuine, good pet, and your apology is accepted, my adorable little bat.” Her smile became sly. “There is one condition of course.”

Cobalt felt his heart soar, even as a touch of his nervousness reared its ugly head. He squashed it though, more than eager to please his new mistress.

“Please command me, Mistress. I will obey.”

Lavender smiled and raised the gag.


With one last gulp, Cobalt opened his mouth as wide as he could. Lavender held his lower jaw with one hoof, then slowly pushed the gag in with the other. The lube on the dildo was sweet, and more than did its job, helping the massive silicone cock slide across his tongue and toward the back of his throat. As the fat cockhead stuck at the entrance to his throat, he felt his eyes tear up, and his chest heaved slightly.

Lavender cooed softly and her hoof shifted to stroke his throat.

“Swallow, Cobalt. You can do this.”

Cobalt did as instructed, closing his eyes and doing his best to swallow. In a loud gulp, the clock slid deep into his throat, suddenly cutting off his air supply. He gurgled mildly in alarm, trying not to panic as he looked to Lavender for guidance. She continued to stroke his throat.

“Breath through your nose, Cobalt. You’re doing so well. Just take a nice, deep breath through your nose.”

Cobalt relaxed under her comforting words and did as she instructed, forcefully drawing air in through his nose. He relaxed further as his lungs filled with sweet, rubbery scented air.

“Good slave.” Nurse Lavender slowly pushed the rest of the gag into his throat, then buckled the straps around his head. Her hoof rubbed the bulge in his throat softly, and she smiled. “Now, that was a touch easier than the real thing will be, but I couldn’t tell you that, because you need to learn to automatically trust your master. There’s a numbing agent in the lube, as I’m sure you’ve noticed since you aren’t gagging.”

Cobalt found that he did. There was a comfortable pressure of the cock filling his throat, but no pain, no itches or urges to cough or drive the wonderful thing out. He nodded stiffly, and Lavender giggled, patting his cheek.

“Good slave. You are capable of so much, so trust in your mistress to bring it out. Now!” she chirped, spinning away. “We have two more items, and then your indoctrination can begin in earnest. To start…”

She lifted a section of the padding on the floor beneath his cross to reveal another massive horsecock. She cranked the machine up until the head of the well lubed cock rested against his tail hole. Cobalt’s moan was muffled by the cock in his throat, but Lavender seemed to pick up that he was more eager to try and fit this cock in than he had been with the one plugging his mouth.

“Thought you’d like this one,” she giggled, watching him squirm. “We’ll start on low, then work our way up to a proper speed once you’re properly warmed up.”

Cobalt huffed and nodded, then moaned and once more strained against his restraints as the cock slowly moved forward, its fat head pressing against his anus, forcing it to stretch open. Lavender watched him with a smile, cranking the dial until it was at the lowest setting. The horsecock drove itself slowly upward with mechanical impetuous until it was fully buried in his ass, crushing his prostate with its girth. It then slowly began its long withdrawal. Cobalt cried out as the source of pleasure slowly left his rear, only to moan in pleasure as it was slowly returned. The vibrators in his cock buzzed to life, and he screamed through the dick in his throat, the sound little more than a muffled whimper. He could feel the pressure building in his crotch, spiraling up and up and up toward an orgasm… and then it simply kept going. And going. Cobalt couldn’t escape the towering spiral of pleasure, couldn’t budge his restraints in the slightest. His lust filled eyes locked onto Nurse Lavender, pleading for release.

The purple and red clad nurse kissed his nose and chuckled knowingly.

“No slave, no release. This is what you have in store for the rest of your life here.” She ran a hoof down his panting chest. “You are here to serve, not be served, but I think you know that, and I know you love it.” Her hoof traced the head of his cock, then slowly slid down his shaft, fondling his rubber-covered balls. “You want exactly what I’m about to do to you, and you can’t wait to be so well trained that you only cum when somebody else wants you to.” Her golden eyes caught his and her fangs glinted as she stuck her tongue out, slowly dragging it up his cock. “You want to be nothing more than a cute little rubber pony, protecting and playing with all the rest, always craving for the day some stallion or mare drags you away to have their way with you.”

Cobalt felt no hesitation as he bobbed his head, moaning as the cock in his ass bottomed out once more. Lavender chuckled.

“Good slave. That leaves only one thing to start your training.” She held up a fully enclosed helmet with a black visor. “This will close you off from everything and will force you to watch the screen where all your duties, every command your queen may give will be installed in your pretty little head.” She purred. “There’s also a few little loops in there to make you crave being more submissive, to make you burn with your love of being covered in rubber from head to hoof.” She raised his chin and opened the bottom of the helmet. “Now, I remember you mentioning something about wanting to be hypnotized?”

Looking at the helmet, Cobalt could already see a spiral with words flicking across it. This was it. There would be no turning back from this. That very fact sent a jolt of excitement through his body. He gave the nurse a nod, ready for his new life to begin.

“Goodbye Cobalt Flash,” Nurse Lavender said, lowering the helmet onto his head “When you’re done, you will be Cobalt of the Royal Guard.”

Cobalt felt the helmet lock onto his collar, then felt latex flow from the helmet to surround his face, sealing everything besides his nose and eyes underneath a mask of rubber. Latex flowed into his ears, and he heard a faint whisper that quickly grew into a constant, soothing voice. It told him what his name was, what his purpose was. Though it was unintelligible to his conscious mind, hidden under the primary voice were layers of softer voices telling his subconscious to sink, to feel his love for latex and servitude deepen as his arousal rose. Cut off from the outside world, the voices brought into focus every little thrust and vibration that only served to drive him wild with lust.

“Hello pet,” the primary voice said. “You’re here today because you want to live in latex. You want to be a rubber slave, is that right?”

Cobalt moaned in reply, his eyes compelled to remain open and staring at the pretty twirling lights before him. The voice giggled, as if it knew his answer.

“Good slave. Feel the latex on your body, feel the pleasure streaming through every little nerve. Remember who gave you this wonderful pleasure.” Words flashed in the spiral, and the voice echoed them. “Your queen gave you this pleasure. You serve Queen Lunaris, and you are going to be one of her rubber guards. Doesn’t that sound wonderful? Wrapped in rubber, bound to serve the most beautiful queen of latex? Say it slave. Say you want to serve your queen.”

I want to serve my queen, Cobalt’s thoughts automatically replied. He jerked as the cock beneath him plunged faster and deeper into his ass, as if to reward his answer.

The voice giggled again.

“Good slave, now repeat after me. You are a member of your queen’s rubber guard, and you love it.”

His eyes could do nothing but stare forward at the spiral, and he began a long, continuous moan as his mind repeated the words automatically again. Even if he wanted to, there was no escape, nothing for him but endless mind-numbing pleasure, all encompassing rubber, and the spiral that slowly installed his new purpose.

The New Guard; Initiation (M)

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Strong Hoof trotted into the dungeon with an eager smile on his muzzle and a brand new pair of latex saddlebags on his back. They were stuffed full of presents for his new partner, including news articles from the bat pony’s hometown, as well as a selection of the freshly picked mangoes that had started arriving daily to the castle. Evidently Cobalt’s family had been so inspired by their new latex work-wear that they’d managed to double their production. They were slated for a visit to the new guardspony in the upcoming days, after he was cleared for regular duty at least.

The bat pony’s room was set up in a proper mango theme, and it had only taken him a week and a half. Strong Hoof hoped Cobalt liked it. It had taken a lot of counseling both from the shopkeepers, as well as some of the bats around the castle to get it just right. His hooves were crossed that the room made a good impression, he really wanted to impress his new partner.

As he pushed open the door to the circular room, he was immediately met with the loud sound of moaning, as well as the sound of rubber squeaking and squelching. His eyes immediately fell on Cobalt, who was hanging from the wall, his head covered with a rubber mask and hypno visor. Lube dripped out of his asshole, the result of the black horsecock pounding him, plunging in and out.

It was clearly only half the source of the stallion’s pleasure, as his cock twitched in a rubbery black sleeve. Strong Hoof felt his own cock twitch in memory of the torturous pleasure sleeve. He’d had a similar one locking away his orgasms during indoctrination, and while it had been incredibly effective, he didn’t particularly miss the devilish device.

Nurse Lavender glanced up from her monitors of Cobalt’s vitals and smiled.

“Come to check in Guardspony? We were just doing a little extra hypnotism.” She giggled and looked toward the wall as Cobalt let out a particularly loud grunt. “He really likes his hypno. I’ve had to incorporate it into his other training exercises just to get him to stop begging for more. But-” she clapped her hooves together “-he should be ready. His suits certainly are.”

She nodded toward a box on the table, and Strong Hoof moved over, peeking inside. He frowned when he noticed a body suit with green and blue lines on it.

“A playsuit? I thought he’s going to be a guard, my partner.”

Lavender chuckled.

“Don’t be greedy, Cobalt is just making friends. Besides, it’s per Queen Lunaris’ request. Evidently your partner made a good impression and will be a playmate for the prince in his off time. You’ll have to share.”

Strong Hoof let out a sigh of relief and withdrew from the box.

“Thank the moon, I thought I was going to lose him.” He eyed the writhing bat pony, feeling his cock twitch again as his eyes traced Cobalt’s latex covered body. “He’s made an impression on me too, you know.”

“I do,” Lavender replied with a wink. “That’s why you get to play with him first.”

She pushed back from the table and trotted over to the cross. She switched off the dildo first, earning a moan from Cobalt as she wiped it clean, then slipped it beneath the floor’s padding. Next she pulled the hood from Cobalt’s face. Hazy, swirling eyes met hers, the bat pony barely seeming conscious as he let out another needy moan. Lavender chuckled and glanced back at Strong Hoof.

“He might have had a little too much.” She gave the orange pegasus another wink. “Or maybe he’s just waiting for his master. Go on, call to him.”

She undid the clasp of Cobalt’s gag and slowly drew the horsecock from his throat. Cobalt coughed and choked before taking a shaky breath. Strong Hoof moved forward and touched his cheek.

“Cobalt? Are you still in there? I hope my rubber bat is ready to serve his master.” He chuckled nervously as the bat pony failed to respond. “I really hope Nurse Lavender didn’t break you. It’s far more fun when you submit to me consciously.”

A snort drew his attention to his rear, and Strong Hoof looked back with a questioning gaze. Lavender smiled and booped his nose.

“Silly guard, you should know he’s waiting to be triggered back to life. He needs setting up after our thorough indoctrination.”

She nudged him aside, then kissed Cobalt’s muzzle.

“Wake up Slave 04043.”

Cobalt’s head shot up and he met Lavender’s eyes.

“Slave 04043 awaiting orders, Mistress.”

She smiled and stroked his cheek.

“Good slave. What is your name?”

“Cobalt, member of the royal guard in service of Queen Lunaris.”

“Good slave,” Lavender purred. “And your purpose?”

“To serve my Queen, my Prince,” a blush filled his cheeks, “and my new master.”

“Very good slave. I have your master right here. Are you ready to suit and serve him?”

Strong Hoof’s ears perked up as Cobalt’s blush deepened. The bat pony’s smile took a sheepish look as his slowly clearing eyes glanced at him.

“I-if he still wants me.”

Lavender let out a groan and her hoof smacked into her face while Strong Hoof let out a chuckle.

“Nearly two weeks we’ve been working, how do you still have any nervousness in you?”

“No, no,” Strong Hoof assured, patting the nurse’s back. “It’s fine, I like it. It’s cute.” He leaned in and took one of Cobalt’s ears in his teeth, nibbling it softly. “And it’s attractive in a cute little sub like him. He just needs some love and care from his master.”

Cobalt let out a moan as Strong Hoof’s breath warmed his neck.

“Please Master. Use this slave.”

Lavender matched Strong Hoof’s chuckle, shaking her head.

“I suppose that’s better. Go ahead and get him down, I’ll get his suit ready.”

As Strong Hoof undid Cobalt’s binds, Cobalt’s blush deepened, and his smile grew broader. As the belt around his middle came undone, Cobalt sprang forward, pressing his muzzle against Strong Hoof’s. The large stallion stepped back in surprise, then pressed forward into the kiss, quickly dominating the blue bat pony. He tasted a familiar lubricant, as well as, somehow, mango. They pulled apart, and Cobalt giggled.

“I like that Master. I liked that a lot.”

Strong Hoof smiled and pressed a hoof against the black latex that covered Cobalt’s chest.

“You look good in rubber Cobalt.” Glancing at the bat pony’s undercarriage, he noticed the sleeve still in place, a faint humming emanating from it. “Are the vibrators bothering you? I can take the sleeve off-”

He stopped as Cobalt brushed against him. The bat pony nuzzled his neck, his green eyes flickering with open lust as he gave a fanged grin.

“I’m not here for my pleasure,” Cobalt purred. “I’m here to serve.” He licked his lips, his eyes momentarily flicking down. “So please Master, let this slave serve you.”

Strong Hoof felt his cock twitch, and his smile became somewhat goofy as he continued to rub his partner’s chest. He’d been without a proper partner since he’d joined the guard, and now… There was very little stopping him from taking the horny little bat back to his room and using him on every available service, especially with those ‘fuck-me’ eyes Cobalt was giving him all but demanding a proper rutting. A glint of light drew his eye, however, and he looked down at the tag hanging from the pony’s collar.

“I’m afraid not,” he said, reading the tag. “I can’t use a rubber slave in training.” A whine immediately touched his ears, and he smiled as he met Cobalt’s needy gaze. “But that little tease? My little slave, there is nothing in training about you.” Cobalt’s tail waggled as he continued. “You’re going to need to be in proper uniform so I can show you your proper place here.”

He nodded toward where Nurse Lavender was waiting with his new bodysuit.

“Get dressed, then you can come serve me.”

Cobalt smiled and nodded, trotting over to Nurse Lavender. The purple mare rolled her eyes at his puffed up chest and motioned for him to lay on the table. She removed the sleeve first, taking great care to slowly withdraw the beads and catheter from his cock. Cobalt whimpered slightly, but he remained still as she drew the whole array free. As the last bit of the tube left his cock, his body instinctively bucked, trying to release all the pent up pressure, but he was a good slave now, and though it was a struggle, he held back. He panted as Lavender stroked his mane.

“Good slave, very good. Keep holding, I think your master is going to fuck the cum out of you very soon,” she cooed. “Now up. Let’s get you dressed in some proper rubber.”

As the bat pony shakily got to his feet, Lavender moved around his back, hopping up so that she could seize the zipper in her teeth. Strong Hoof moved around Cobalt’s front and removed his collar, setting it on the table. The bat pony nuzzled his chest, his eyes somehow even more filled with lust as Lavender opened his temporary suit. Strong Hoof brushed his cheek, hoping his eyes conveyed the thoughts that were rushing through his heads, especially his lower one.

Lavender caught his gaze with a snort as she eased the temporary suit open.

“Remember, he still needs to pass Queen Lunaris’ review, as well as his guard exams to make sure the hypnotism took, not to mention starting combat training.” Her face twitched into a smirk as Strong Hoof pouted. “Don’t worry, you can plow him until he blacks out, after he’s fully accepted into the guard.”

Cobalt again pressed against Strong Hoof’s chest as Lavender freed his hind legs. Strong Hoof rested his chin in the blue bat pony’s mane and hummed appreciatively as he took in his partner’s scent.

“I think that’s going to be up to him,” he chuckled.

Lavender rolled her eyes and pushed her way between them. Cobalt’s tail wagged as she slid his temporary suit off, and the bat pony flexed his wings. Strong Hoof eyed his wingspan appreciatively, a slight blush touching his cheeks as he eyed the tall, leathery things. He wondered briefly if Cobalt would want to share a room for more than play. The castle did get cold on occasion.

Lavender tossed the temporary suit into the center of the room, then flapped up and took the crystal suspended in the center in her hooves, dragging it down to floor level. Cobalt watched with fascination as the iron bar bent easily in her grasp and she pointed the crystal at him.

“Eyes and mouth closed,” she said. “I don’t need you blinded with a numb tongue.”

Cobalt tilted his head.

“I thought that was a projecting crystal, Mistress.”

“This array has multiple crystals with different spells installed,” Lavender explained. “One is a projector, but another is a cleaning spell. Now, eyes and mouth closed.”

She cocked an eyebrow at him, daring him to ignore the order again. His curiosity satiated, Cobalt straightened his posture and stood statue still, closing his eyes and muzzle. Lavender flipped a switch on the back of the crystal array and it rotated to a blue crystal, which quickly hummed to life. It shot a beam at Cobalt, washing the bat pony with light. Strong Hoof watched as the weeks worth of sweat and other fluids pulled off the bat pony, running down to the floor and toward the drain at the center of the room. Within seconds Cobalt looked fluffy and clean, and Lavender turned the beam off, resetting the rotation and letting the array rise toward the ceiling.

Cobalt cracked open his eyes, then smiled once he saw the process was finished. He shuddered and flapped his wings.

“Wow,” he said, stretching. “That’s one of the best bathes I’ve ever had. Do you think our Queen would let my family buy one of those for the farm? It’d make cleaning after work so much easier.”

“I’m afraid that’s a little different from making sure you’re family is properly dressed in latex Cobalt,” she chuckled.

Lavender patted his back, guiding him to the new guard suit. Cobalt stepped into the black, rubbery hooves without hesitation, letting out a moan of relief as his hooves settled in their new, padded home. Strong Hoof, watching the display, decided to help his new partner along, moving behind Cobalt and pulling up the hind legs of the suit while Lavender pulled up the front. Strong Hoof fed the pony’s tail through the hole in the rear of the suit, then stepped away.

“Would you like to introduce the null bulge, Nurse Lavender?”

The mare’s golden gaze met his and she chuckled. She settled the front of the suit over Cobalt’s withers, then moved around. She took Cobalt’s cock in her hoof and fed it into the suit’s sheathe.

“He already knows,” she said, taking time to savor Cobalt’s every squeak and whimper. “He knows that he can rub and vibe and whine all he wants, but the only way he can ever cum again while he’s in uniform is if he’s being used.”

She kissed Cobalt’s nose as she seated his cock into the bulge, the lock symbol on his suit shifting to closed. Strong Hoof fed his wings into their binders and started to sip the suit closed while Cobalt simply panted with excitement. He nuzzled Lavender’s face, and she giggled.

“Such an appreciative little pet. You’re lucky Strong Hoof.”

“Don’t I know it,” Strong Hoof growled, possessively grabbing Cobalt’s latex covered rump.

The bat pony moaned and looked back lustfully at his new master, his tongue flopping out of his mouth. It was exactly as he’d imagined, no, better. Light vibrations started in his crotch, trying to drag his trapped cock to erection, torturing him slowly, wonderfully.

The zipper to his suit closed just below the base of his head, and Lavender walked around him to scoop up his collar.

“Does it fit well?” she asked. “How does it feel?”

Cobalt closed his eyes, feeling a fresh shiver run down his body. He took a deep breath, and savored the scent of rubber that filled his nostrils. It seemed like an old friend now, like he’d always been wrapped in rubber, and he was simply going through another joy filled day. As his lungs filled with the sweet taste of rubber, his suit expanded, and as he let the breath out, it tightened, squeezing and clinging to his chest. Shifting his legs filled the air with little squeaks that were pure music to his ears, and his hooves sank just slightly into the rubber padding covering his hooves. Tight as the rubber was, though, it didn’t restrict his movement at all, if anything, it seemed to enhance it. Every move sent lightning through his body, filling him with energy, keeping his senses heightened. The feeling was balanced by the now perpetual lust he felt as his rubbery suit kept him trapped. He smiled and opened his eyes. It was in a word-


Lavender dangled the collar in front of his eyes tantalizingly.

“New collar, Guardspony Cobalt.” She smiled knowingly as he moaned at his new title. “Focus now, is everything on your tag accurate?”

Cobalt forced himself partially out of his lustful haze at the order, and his green eyes scanned the words on the tag carefully. On the back of the tag was all of his emergency medical information. His new, unique, barcode was imprinted on his flank and on the side of the collar, showing all of his kinky ‘dos’ and ‘dont’s’. On the front though, that sight easily sent a delighted shiver down his spine. It told the world exactly what he was, and it was a pleasure to let his eyes trace the official words.

‘Cobalt. Rubber Slave. Royal Guard. Partner to Master Strong Hoof.’

Cobalt shuddered again at the sight of his master’s name, and he glanced over his shoulder to find Strong Hoof touching his own collar tag.

“Updated to include you, slave,” he chuckled. He tilted his head, clearly taunting the blue bat pony. “Unless, of course, you don’t want me?”

Cobalt let out a snort and looked to Lavender, flicking Strong Hoof’s muzzle with tail.

“Please collar me, Mistress. I’m ready.”

“Then it’s my pleasure to welcome you to her Majesty’s guard,” she said, fitting the collar around his neck, locking it in place. She winked as she straightened his tag. “You’re going to be a popular cutie, don’t forget who trained you.”

Cobalt giggled and offered her a nuzzle, which she returned happily, nuzzling his cheek.

“Good slave. So cute.”

She nodded to the collar sitting on his other suit.

“And don’t worry, Guardspony, you have a different tag for your play suit.”

Cobalt looked over at it as she bent over, taking something from beneath the table. His cheeks filled with a blush as he noticed a particular feature on the tag.

“Did Prince Fireheart request that?” he squeaked, pointing a hoof at where the tag read;

‘Prince Fireheart’s Playmate’

“Who’s to say?” Lavender chuckled as she turned around, brandishing a helmet similar to the hypno visor he’d been wearing during his training. Just the sight of it caused thoughts of bowing and begging for a breeding to fill his head. The tight rubber around his body seemed to squeeze with his lustful thoughts, sending pleasurable tingles across his skin. Lavender stroked his muzzle.

“We just need to fit your helmet, then you can play. It does have a gag, that’s optional…”

Cobalt didn’t wait for her question, already knew what his answer would be. He opened his mouth wide. He hoped the strings of drool offered an inviting hole to fill.

“I thought so,” Lavender giggled. “Suit 04043, enable full size gag.”

A horse cock made of black rubber flopped out of the helmet in response, lubed and ready for use. As he prepared to take the wonderful gag deep in his throat, Cobalt felt a touch of surprise as a heavy weight settled on his back, letting out a rubber squeak. Strong Hoof chuckled in his ear.

“I was right about you, slave. Now take a breath…”

Cobalt happily did as instructed, and Lavender guided the cock into his throat. It slid in far easier this time, the familiar, filling weight stretching his throat pleasantly. Rubber covered his mane as she secured the helmet to his collar, and once more Cobalt found himself surrounded in the sweet scent of rubber. Strong Hoof chuckled and pressed his cock into the blue bat pony’s ready rear. Cobalt moaned as Strong Hoof’s cockhead popped into his ass. It drove in several inches, and it was hot. He could feel every little twitch of his master’s cock, and he loved it. He tried to push back, to have that cock buried completely inside him, but Strong Hoof held him in place, taking his time to drive his cock in achingly slow.

“There’s no rush slave,” he chuckled. “And it doesn’t matter how hard you fuck yourself on me. I control when you cum.” He nuzzled Cobalt’s rubbery head. “So relax. Relax and let your master show you all the benefits of servitude.”

Cobalt felt a low pleasure burning deep in his belly as the stallion mounting him hilted, then slowly started to pull out. Before him, Lavender giggled and started to clean the indoctrination room. Cobalt faintly heard the sound of a vibrator start up in her pussy, and she let out a moan, glancing back and winking at him as she continued to work.

Strong Hoof’s cock slammed home, and the stallion truly started fucking him, plunging his cock in and out, faster and faster. Cobalt moaned and smiled around the cock in his throat. His nostrils were filled with the scents of rubber, the powerful musk of his stallion, as well as the juices of the lovely mare before him. Every cell of his body was wrapped in pleasurable, smooth latex, and around his neck was a tight collar, a gift of being in his Queen’s service. Rubber was all around, inescapable, and he was set to be used or teased for the rest of his life. He closed his eyes and sent out a mental note of thanks, his body rocking as Strong Hoof brought him closer and closer to cumming. Each plunge of the stallion’s cock slammed into his prostate, and the well-used organ was now hyper-sensitive, a result of the aphrodisiacs in the lube. This time though, his legs were well braced, and he was able to take every single stroke with ease. His master’s pleasure was his, and he could feel Strong Hoof’s cock twitch faster as he continued to plow him into the padding.

He tried vainly to press back, but the efforts of his partner were too much, and he settled contentedly for being used like a big rubber toy. He tightened his asshole every time Strong Hoof withdrew, trying to coax the cum from him. Strong Hoof grunted appreciatively, and responded by pressing Cobalt’s head to the ground, giving him a better angle to deep-dick the bat pony. The plowing turned into a proper breeding as Strong Hoof used jackhammer slams to claim every inch of Cobalt’s ass. The bat pony lost himself in the pleasure as he felt his climax approach, then fade away, the pressure in his cock always mounting, never releasing. He whined desperately, and Strong Hoof, already close himself, smiled. He leaned over and siezed Cobalt’s ear in his teeth, the slapping of their hips filling the air.

“Cum, Cobalt,” he growled. “Cum with your master.” He continued to hammer Cobalt’s ass without mercy, then, as his orgasm swelled his cock, he buried every inch of stallion meat in his new partner, locking them together. “You… are… mine!”

Cobalt squealed as an explosion of hot cum filled his insides. Spurt after spurt of white hot semen poured into his ass, not a drop escaping as Strong Hoof bit his tongue and humped, his balls taut as they emptied themselves into his favorite new toy. His master clearly satisfied, Cobalt felt the bulge on his cock release, and his own load spurted onto the floor, filling the air with the scent of cum. His cock pulsed in time with Strong Hoof’s, and he panted around the cock in his throat.

If he’d thought being fucked was an experience, being bred was something entirely different, and he knew that no other sensation would compare. As their orgasms tapered off, Strong Hoof rose, pulling his cock from Cobalt’s used hole with an obscene pop. Strong Hoof took a step back and admired his handiwork with a chuckle.

“That…” he panted softly and shook his head, smiling. “We’re doing that again.”

Lavender moved around the still presenting bat and pushed a large butt plug into his ass, earning a moan as she zipped up the rear of his suit. She then clipped a leash to his collar and offered it to Strong Hoof.

“After inspection. No buts,” she nodded toward Cobalt. “And no cumming in his until after, or I have him use you, got it?”

Strong Hoof snorted, but still smiled as he took the leash, giving it a tug that forced Cobalt to stand.

“Maybe later, but thank you Nurse. He’s perfect.”

Lavender hummed and giggled.

“Of course he is, I trained him.” She slapped Strong Hoof’s ass, causing him to yelp. “Now out! There’s plenty of ponies who want to use the new guard.”

Strong Hoof chuckled and tugged Cobalt’s leash again, pulling him toward the door. Cobalt stumbled happily after, bathing in the afterglow, and savoring the sensation of the cum still warming his belly as he was pulled out into the hallway and into his new life.

The New Guard; Teased (M)

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Cobalt stood at attention at his post opposite the entrance to the breeding stalls. He was dressed in his full guard suit, with his visor covering his eyes and a silicone cock filling his throat. Though he couldn’t wear it most shifts since he needed to be able to speak, he still found the little add-on his favorite. Every swallow sent a shiver down his spine as his throat tightened around the cock, keeping him ready for when the real deal wandered by. With Strong Hoof as his partner, that was a very frequent occurrence. Still, with the pegasus patrolling the interior of the breeding stalls, he was to watch the entrance, and luckily for him, that didn’t require an awful lot of speaking. Most ponies he recognized on sight alone anyway, so he was free to enjoy all the pleasures of his uniform.

His ears twirled as hoofsteps approached from his left. To maintain his statuesque guard posture, he was trained not to turn his head unless necessary, and given the slight squeaks filling the air, he was able to simply watch from the corner of his eyes.

Cobalt immediately began to sweat as Queen Lunaris and Prince Fireheart came around the corner. She’d been busy the day of his testing, and had only a cursory moment to congratulate him for making it into the guard before darting off on other duties. Fireheart he hadn’t seen at all since he’d become a guard. Not on purpose of course, he’d just been too busy getting his brains fucked out by Strong Hoof. The reddish pegasus had apparently been very pent up from not having a partner, and the days following his entry to the guard had been a wonderful exercise in “team-building”. Cobalt was glad that cleaning spells were so easily available.

Cobalt kept his head facing forward as the pair of royalty moved toward the doors to the breeding stalls. As they neared him, Cobalt felt his bulge vibrate to life, and he couldn’t help but close his eyes and let out a moan. The sound, muffled by his gag, was more than enough to draw the attention of the royals, and he opened his eyes to find both stopped, smiling at him. He felt blush fill his cheeks, but he did nothing. He certainly couldn’t speak, and tapping his helmet to retract the gag would only tell them that he had one in the first place. He could get through a conversation with only nodding. He was sure of it.

“Hmmm, judging by the mane color, I would say this is my new guard Cobalt,” Lunaris said, turning away from the breeding stalls to face him directly. “And are you liking your new position, Guardspony?”

Cobalt nodded his head once, trying to sell his silence as staying in proper persona. He was just being a stoned faced guard. He certainly wasn’t savoring the feeling of having his throat filled with a cock that was shaped after the orange bat pony right in front of him.

Lunaris giggled, her eyes somehow locking onto his through the visor. Her gaze narrowed slightly, and her smile became mischievous. Cobalt started to sweat. She knew.

“Very good, Guardspony, I’m glad to hear it.” She took a step closer and straightened, eyeing him up and down. “I still owe you a proper inspection, but perhaps later, once you’re off duty.” She looked over her shoulder to Fireheart. “I’m going to head inside to get ready dear, feel free to chat with Cobalt for a few moments.”

She flicked Cobalt’s nose with her tail, giving him a wink as she sauntered away, her rubber-clad hips swaying alluringly. Cobalt couldn’t afford to watch the wonderful sight though, he still had one half of a conversation to get through without speaking, and he could already tell that he wasn’t going to make it. Fireheart had a beaming smile on his muzzle as moved closer, then closer. Cobalt moaned as Fireheart brushed against his chest, their suits squeaking as they rubbed against each other. Fireheart giggled, looking back with teasing eyes.

“I told you we’d be touching rubber to rubber next time, cutie. Do you like your suit?”

Cobalt nodded, this time far slower. He was weak to teasing, and the squeaking of the rubber… He shivered. It didn’t help that Fireheart faintly smelled like the aphrodisiacs used on him during training. He wondered briefly if all the rumors about the stallion’s cum being used in the potions was true…

Fireheart took a step back and eyed him up and down.

“You’re looking great though Cobalt, latex really suits you.” He crouched and looked at Cobalt’s undercarriage, and the blue bat pony couldn’t help but close his eyes as Fireheart noticed something, and a teasing look entered his eyes. “A null bulge huh? That’s usually saved for the kinkier bottom guards…”

He rose and put a hoof on Cobalt’s throat, meeting his eyes and waiting. His smile widened as Cobalt was forced to swallow, and the orange prince got a good feel of the cock buried in his throat.

“Hehehe, just like the dick gags.” He booped Cobalt’s nose. “You’re lucky you’re cute, cause otherwise I might be hurt that you’ve been avoiding me. Rumor has it that a certain bat has been busy with his new partner.” He giggled again nuzzled Cobalt’s cheek until his muzzle rested next to the bat pony’s ear. “Don’t make me wait too long, or I’m going to have to order you to spend some intimate time with your prince.”

Cobalt squeaked as the orange bat pony nibbled his ear, then he pulled away. Fireheart gave him a wink and looked to the breeding stalls, then back to Cobalt. He giggled.

“Or maybe my cute little bat has already spent some quality time with his prince.” He shrugged. “If not, feel free to set up a stall cutie. I’ll visit.”

Cobalt let out another moan, his cock desperately wanting to escape the null bulge. Fireheart let out one last giggle, then entered the breeding stalls, leaving the now well-teased and desperate Cobalt to whine and shudder in place. The vibrations on his cock only seemed to increase the more aroused he became and he knew that as soon as they were off shift, he and Strong Hoof were going to be “team-building” until the sun rose. Then he was going to have to speak to a nurse about making an appointment for inspection. It wouldn’t do for his Queen and Prince not to make sure he was ready to serve them after all...

Royal Inspection (M)

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Cobalt gritted his teeth and rolled as a pair of hoofblades lashed out at him. Strong Hoof pursued him hotly, his face hidden away by his helmet and visor, his expression unreadable. They’d been going at it for the better part of the morning, making sure that every little bit of his training was installed in his head and ready for use. Given how many compliments he received from the nurses, however, he wasn’t worried about that. He loved being hypnotized, and they loved hypnotizing him. They said he made a perfect little hypno-slave, and that the only reason they kept him for longer was because it was simply so much fun for everyone involved. He certainly came out of every session with a dazed smile.

He rolled to his feet and lashed out with his wingblades, cutting the air and forcing Strong Hoof to take a step back. The seasoned pegasus quickly side-stepped the attack and again lashed out, putting Cobalt once more on the defensive. His first week as a guard had been exhausting, but it had been everything he had dreamed of and more. Every night he spent on duty, keeping the castle denizens happy and safe with his new partner, who used every opportunity to make that position known. Had the repeated experiences not been so wonderful, he might have even noticed a slight soreness in his tail hole. He had not yet gotten the chance to truly play in the dungeon, however. Technically speaking he was still a “probationary” guard until he passed royal inspection, which meant he was required to check in with a nurse at the end of every shift to see if he needed more hypnosis or more of certain types of training.

Today’s extra duty was combat training, something he clearly needed more of as Strong Hoof’s blade grazed his throat, cutting a thin red line in his fur. Cobalt slapped the blade aside and punched at the pegasus, aiming for his cheek. Strong Hoof accepted the hit, something that told Cobalt he’d made a mistake. Letting out a grunt, the reddish pegasus pushed forward and latched onto Cobalt, dragging him to the ground. Cobalt bared his teeth and tried to bite him, his teeth clamping down on one of Strong Hoof’s wings as they rolled across the ground, wrestling for control. As had happened the last four times they’d dueled, Strong Hoof’s larger size made it easy for him to slam Cobalt into the ground over and over until he was too dazed to keep his jaw clamped shut.

One last roll found Strong Hoof on top of him once more, his hooves on either side of Cobalt’s head as the pair panted and stared into each other’s eyes. Strong Hoof and grinned, booping their noses together.

“I know you like the view, my adorable little bat, but you do need to win a couple of these. You are a guard after all.”

Cobalt’s muzzle scrunched and he looked away, blushing with embarrassment at being so easily beaten again.

“It’s not my fault you’re so big,” he blushed harder “and s-strong. Just pinning me to the ground and…”

Strong Hoof chuckled and drew back, pulling Cobalt to his hooves, cutting off his thought.

“Sorry snuggle bat, no plowing for you until we get you in proper shape. You’re doing great so far, you just have a little more to go, and you’ll be ready.”

A scoff came from the sidelines of the training room, and the pair of guardsponies looked to where Nurse Lavender was waiting with water bottles and towels. They trotted over to the newly arrived mare, and while the pair re-hydrated, she set to checking Cobalt’s injuries. Her hoof cupped his cheeks and she clicked her tongue, shooting a glare toward Strong Hoof.

“You’re pushing him too hard, look at this!” She waved at the cut on his throat. “How is he going to wear a collar comfortably with this?”

Strong Hoof dismissively waved a hoof as he pulled off his helmet, the latex covering his ears and muzzle pulling away into his collar. Using one of the towels, he wiped the sweat from his mane.

“We don’t have a shift today, just training, and then I was gonna take him to the spa to relax, so no collars. Besides, why do you care? I thought you were back on royal harem duties now that Nurse Grey Horn is feeling better.”

Lavender shook her head and sighed, prodding gently at the cut before reaching for her medical bags, dragging out a jar of salve.

“First off, I indoctrinated Cobalt, which means he’s mine now, duty or no.” Cobalt smiled at that, his heart fluttering slightly, and she matched his expression, sticking out her tongue as she pressed her salve covered hoof to the cut. “Everyone knows about my soft spot for bats, and this cutie is too much fun to not look after.” Her golden eyes flicked over to Strong Hoof. “And secondly, I am on royal harem duty. Queen Lunaris and Prince Fireheart have the afternoon free, and have decided to conduct the royal inspection of Cobalt. They’ll be here shortly.”

Strong Hoof’s jaw dropped.

“B-but I’m supposed to have another week! We haven’t even started combat in flight, combat in pitch black.” He sputtered, his eyes flicking back in thought before seizing on something and blurting it out. “What to do if you get stuck while inspecting the breeding stalls!”

Lavender raised an eyebrow.

“Cobalt is a bat pony and can see in the dark, that’s one off the list. As for the others, you’re pushing him too hard! He hasn’t even been here a month and he can already fight as well as some of the guards who’ve been here for a year.”

Strong Hoof scoffed.

“That’s not good enough. I don’t need to tell you how much potential Cobalt has, he just needs time practicing, and he’ll be even better than me.”

The reddish pegasus dropped his water bottle and nodded for Cobalt to move back to the center of the room.

“Come on, we can run a few more rounds to get you prepped before-”

“That won’t be necessary, Guardspony,” Queen Lunaris said as she strode into the training room.

Strong Hoof immediately fell into a bow before the alicorn, and though Cobalt attempted to do the same, Lavender kept him in place with the hoof on his throat as she drew out another jar. His eyes flicked toward Lunaris, then to Fireheart as the orange bat pony followed behind his mother. Cobalt let out a whine and looked toward Lavender, who chuckled and inclined her head for a moment toward the pair of royals.

“My Queen-”

“Hi Lavi!” Fireheart called, waving his hoof.

Lavender blew him a kiss, putting a blush on his cheeks.

“-and my Prince.”

The pair giggled, and Lunaris smiled, giving the nurse a nod of permission to continue her work. As Lavender continued dressing the cut, Lunaris’ eyes settled on Cobalt, and she chuckled.

“Guardspony, so bold to not bow for your queen.” She winked. “But don’t worry, I’m sure we’ll see plenty of that soon enough.”

Cobalt smiled meekly, his eyes flicking from Lunaris to Fireheart. The orange pony’s grin was filled with lust, and he chuckled, winking at Cobalt.

“Heya cutie.”

Cobalt eeped and blushed, his eyes darting to the floor. The pair of royals chuckled, and Lunaris beckoned Strong Hoof to rise.

“We have been watching Cobalt’s progress, and I believe he is ready for his royal inspection.” She eyed him up and down, then glanced at Cobalt. “He is not wearing his collar, however. Might I ask why?”

Strong Hoof gulped.

“I had him remove it so that he could learn to protect his throat. Our collars offer plenty of protection, but I wanted him to learn how to fight without it so he didn’t get lazy. You never know when you might get called to fight, and we aren’t always wearing our uniforms.”

“That is a wise course, Strong Hoof,” Lunaris said, nodding slowly. “Cobalt is in good hooves for future training.” Her eyes settled on Cobalt’s neck as Lavender turned to take a bandage from her saddlebags. “It seems he will need more lessons, but I have every confidence you will make him one of my best fighters.”

Strong Hoof bowed his head, his tail flicking with delight.

“Thank you my Queen. I’ll do my best.”

“Indeed.” She moved toward Cobalt, waving Lavender off as she started to open the bandage. “I want my guard collared Nurse Blossom, and I want him wearing it happily.” She placed her hoof on Lavender’s withers. “I will give you magic, please direct it.”

Lavender nodded and she pressed a rubber-clad hoof to Cobalt’s wound. The bat pony winced in pain, but he didn’t shy away, instead watching with wide eyes as Lunaris’ horn started to glow. The magic quickly flowed to the freckles gracing her cheeks. Lavender’s cheeks started glowing as well, and the magic traveled through her hoof to his neck. After a few seconds of glowing, Lavender pulled her hoof away, and she snatched up a towel.

“There,” she said. “Like it never happened.”

She wiped the salve from his fur, and Cobalt felt no pain whatsoever. He gaped for a moment, then looked at Lunaris as she backed away.

“What was that?” he asked. “I knew some unicorns knew healing magic, but that seemed… different.”

Lunaris smiled at him as Lavender cleaned her hoof of salve.

“Good eye, Cobalt. Yes, I merely provided the power for the spell, while Nurse Lavender directed it into a proper healing spell.”

“But why?” he asked. “I thought you knew healing magic. Mom and Dad always told me stories about how powerful you are.”

Lavender slid from the bench and trotted over to where he and Strong Hoof had left their equipment, snatching up his collar and trotting back, nudging for him to raise his chin. Lunaris watched the purple nurse re-dress him with a smile.

“I am powerful, yes, but even an alicorn has her limits, and my healing magic, while effective, can also be draining. It is much better to simply let a moon-touched mare like Nurse Lavender form the spell and use precious little magic, where I would waste an abundance that could be better used for other things, like the wards for the castle.”

“Moon-touched?” Cobalt echoed.

Lavender pulled his collar tight, then locked it. Lunaris looked to Fireheart, who happily trotted forward, clicking a lead to the blue bat pony’s collar and giving it a test tug. Cobalt immediately popped to his feet and moved closer to his prince, then blushed, his ears pinning to the sides of his head as he looked away. Fireheart giggled and saddled up beside him, bumping butts with him.

“Good bat,” he purred.

Cobalt blushed harder, but leaned into the slightly larger stallion, earning him more giggles, as well as a nuzzle. Lunaris chuckled and gave Lavender a nod.

“Fireheart will not need his normal stall tomorrow, and our breakfast will need another setting.”

Lavender chuckled knowingly, eyeing Cobalt up.

“I’ll make sure the maids are notified.”

Strong Hoof moved to stand beside the purple bat pony, his eyes remaining on Cobalt for a long, lust-filled second before he looked to Lunaris.

“Is there anything you’d like me to do, my Queen?”

“Take the afternoon and relax, perhaps work with Nurse Lavender and Maid Plum Pudding to develop a training plan that allows Cobalt to spend some more intimate time with us.”

Cobalt let out a moan as Fireheart took one of his ears in his teeth, nibbling on it. He met the prince’s brilliant blue eyes, and was met by another wink that started a burning fire in his entrapped cock. The orange bat pony giggled and continued to nibble, sending pleasurable tingles through his ear. Strong Hoof’s ears flicked at his moans, and the reddish pegasus grinned his way.

“I’ll see it done, my Queen. Just please don’t break him. He’s a really good partner.”

“So I’ve heard,” Lunaris giggled. “And have no fears, we’ll return him in one piece.”

Her magic seized the end of his leash and Lunaris gave it a gentle tug. Cobalt stumbled toward her, his knees shaking, both from her lust-filled eyes, and Fireheart’s teasing. She giggled and nodded to Strong Hoof and Lavender.

“We shall see you all tomorrow.”

She moved toward the training room’s door, pulling Cobalt along behind her. The bat pony easily matched her pace, and Fireheart remained beside him, his fangs bright and shining in a beaming smile. Lunaris’ steps were slow and methodical, and it took him no time at all to realize that she was intentionally going through all of the populated sections of the castle. His cheeks flushed crimson, and his ears pinned to the sides of his head as the eyes of every single pony they passed settled on the leash guiding him along. Knowing smiles and jealous gazes followed their passing. Cobalt gulped as he spotted more than a few ponies eyeing his backside hungrily.

He squeaked as Fireheart slapped his ass, sending a loud crack through the halls, drawing what few eyes weren’t already focused on him. Fireheart leaned in, nipping at his ear and chuckling, his warm breath tickling the already sensitive organ.

“They all know what’s about to happen to my cute little guard.” Fireheart ran his tongue up Cobalt’s ear, drawing out a shudder that caused his tail to raise slightly. “Are you excited?”

“Yes,” Cobalt said without hesitation. He immediately quivered as Fireheart’s tail traced his flank. “Hnnngf…”

Fireheart chuckled and pulled away, giving Cobalt a parting wink before speeding up to trot beside Lunaris, leaving the blue bat exposed on the end of his lead. He once again looked around, and found all eyes on him. One of his fellow guards had a blush on her cheeks as they passed, and she gave him a wink and a nod. The next pony, a maid, simply giggled, while the pair of the dungeon’s residents in their play-suits merely watched in gagged awe, visibly envious that he was going to be used by his queen and prince.

That thought seemed to spark his null bulge into action, and it started to vibrate. He did his best not to moan and lag behind, his steps skipping for a moment to catch up. Glancing up, he found Lunaris glancing back and smiling. He let out a short squeak, and she chuckled.

“So, I believe you were curious about the moon-touch?” she said.

It vaguely surprised him that she wasn’t simply going to tease him more, but desperate for anything that distracted him from the raging, boundless pleasure now starting its slow climb in his rear half, Cobalt nodded.

“I d-did,” he said, stuttering as a particularly strong vibration raced up his trapped cock. “What is it?”

“That would depend on who you ask, dear. It can be a blessing, a mere mark of favor, or a sign that a pony belongs to me and me alone.” She looked toward Fireheart, who beamed back up at her. “As I’m sure you have noticed, some of the castle’s ponies have freckles.”

“Mostly the royalty,” Cobalt said. “But I noticed Nurse Lavender had them as well.”

Lunaris smiled, and Cobalt felt his lust fade slightly under a touch of pride as she praised him.

“Very observant! Yes, Nurse Lavender has been bestowed my gift, and so she bears freckles similar to my own. Any pony you see with freckles has been moon-touched.”

“And that allows you to share magic with them?” Cobalt asked.

“Indeed,” Lunaris said, giving a slight nod to a pair of guards as they passed into a portion of the castle he had never seen before. Cobalt gulped and shrank slightly as his fellow guards stared hard at him as he was led through the doorway. “The process of moon-touching connects a pony to the Light, the source of my power, and as such, binds them to me.”

Cobalt looked around as they moved into a common area. The main area was a simple living room with latex covered chairs and sofas, with a large television to one side above a fireplace, a projection crystal hanging from the ceiling. Doors sat on all sides of the room, leading to who knows where, but as Lunaris continued leading him along, he caught a glimpse of a rather spacious kitchen.

She and Fireheart moved toward a large set of double doors, and for some strange reason he couldn’t quite place, Cobalt immediately felt like he wasn’t welcome. He whined and pulled back against the lead, causing the pair of royals to pause. Fireheart looked to Lunaris with visible confusion, but the alicorn smiled, her eyes lighting up with understanding.

“Of course, apologies Cobalt, I forgot to apply a temporary blessing.” She winked as her horn charged with magic. “Though I think you’ll understand when I say that I’m quite excited. You’ve escaped your inspection for too long, but it’s far past time to remedy that little mistake.”

Cobalt purred as her magic washed over his body, and he let slack re-enter his lead. It only took a second, but once her horn ceased glowing, he looked toward the television, turning his head to inspect his cheeks on the black screen. His ears flicked as Lunaris giggled and he looked back toward the blue alicorn, purring again as she stepped closer and nuzzled his mane.

“Silly little bat, it’s a temporary blessing to make you feel at home in the royal suite. A benefit of being moon-touched is that one is a part of the royal harem, and as such only the moon-touched are allowed in the royal suites. To stay longer would cause great pain.” She withdrew and pulled him toward the double doors. “But, I prefer to inspect my guards in comfort, so you will be protected for the evening and most of tomorrow.” She winked. “In case we have further need of your services of course.”

Fireheart giggled, bumping rumps with Cobalt again, their rubber suits squeaking against one another. The blue bat squeaked and blushed, knowing well just from the prince’s glances alone that he was definitely staying later into the morning.

The double doors opened, and Cobalt followed diligently as Lunaris led him inside, Fireheart following close behind. A dim set of lights flicked on, giving soft illumination to the spacious bedroom. Tall ceilings stretched high above their heads, illuminated with crystals of different colors. The walls were painted in beautiful shades of purple and blue, and tall bookshelves filled with different scrolls and tomes filled most of the empty space. A doorway led to a small study, and another pair of slightly ajar double doors led to a closet. At a glance, Cobalt could see a vast variety of different dresses and pieces of rubbery gear. He faintly wondered if Lunaris would be willing to show off any of it.

He shook his head as Lunaris giggled, nosing Fireheart toward an oaken door with his cutie mark on it.

“Go clean up dear, I shall perform the initial inspection.”

The orange bat pony nuzzled her cheek, then trotted away with a happy flick in his tail. Lunaris gave Cobalt’s leash a tug, pulling his attention away from the rubber-clad prince. She smiled knowingly and led him to the massive bed at the center of the room, tying the leash to one of the bed posts.

“Now,” she said, her eyes combing over his body. Cobalt closed his eyes and shuddered as her hoof slowly squeaked and slid down his flank. Lunaris leaned in close, her teeth grazing his ear as she whispered. “Stand at attention, Guardspony,” she whispered, her breath warm. “And don’t tense up. I am quite in depth with my inspections.”

Cobalt smiled and did as she bade, straightening up. He couldn’t help the excited quiver he felt in his knees, however. Another chuckle tickled his ear fur as Lunaris pulled away. She moved to his side, her eyes combing over his body with open lust. Lunaris bit her lip and chuckled, again stroking his rubber clad flank.

“I’ll need to thank Ocean Breeze the next time I see her, once more her work is impeccable.” Cobalt moaned as her hoof drifted toward his undercarriage. She hummed and the hoof drifted up. “My colors look good on you Guardspony, tell me, have you liked serving in my guard so far?”

Cobalt didn’t have to spend even a second considering the question, not with the scent of latex filling his nose, and rubber tightly wrapping his body, giving a soft squeak with every touch.

“Yes, my Queen” he replied, his thoughts flashing through the myriad of pleasant experiences he’d already had with Strong Hoof and Lavender. “It’s a dream come true.”

“I’m glad to hear that.” Lunaris pulled one of his wings out, clicking her tongue as she massaged the black rubber covering the leathery limb. Her voice fell to a mumble, as if she was taking down notes. “Average wingspan, but given your smaller size, I imagine you can move quite quickly when you want to.” Her hoof moved across the membrane of his wing, pressing it gently. “Elasticity is good, and is there any pain when I do this?”

She twisted his wing at an awkward angle, one he recognized would cause him to suddenly stop in mid-air. It wasn’t a fun maneuver, but it was effective.

“I do,” he answered honestly, his wince already likely giving away his answer. “But not much.”

Lunaris nodded and let the wing fall back to his side, moving around him and pulling out the other one.

“Hmmm, I may have Commander Glamour start running more advanced flight training for new guards, just to make sure you are the best.” She winked at him and let the second wing fall. “Aside from the Shadowbolts of course.”

The blue alicorn moved to his front, and she felt up his ears, making Cobalt shudder, a low whine escaping his mouth as his tongue flopped out with delight. There were few things better than proper ear scratches, and there was something in the way her hooves ran up and down his long, fluffy ears that just felt so good.

“Sensitive ears, that’s a positive.” She giggled and continued to massage first his right ear, then his left. Cobalt’s hind leg started to thump of its own volition. “I’ll be sure to have a nurse mark that in your file.” Her hooves moved down, rubbing his cheeks, drawing out a purr.

“Mmm, and very appreciative of affection, very good Guardspony.” Her hoof tip lightly patted his jaw, and Cobalt relaxed, letting her pry his mouth open and peer inside. “Fangs are sharp, and clean, and you have some very muscular throat muscles.” She chuckled, and her gaze momentarily met his as a blush re-filled his cheeks. “I can’t imagine why.”

Cobalt exhaled, knowing full well that she was teasing him. His repeated forays with Strong Hoof weren’t exactly subtle, and he’d gotten very familiar with the laundry facilities and cleaning both of his latex bodysuits. All things considered, he was just glad he liked the taste. It would have been a tragic relationship otherwise.

Lunaris’ tail brushed along his side as she moved toward his rear, and Cobalt stifled a moan. That was immediately met with a slap to his flank, and he yelped, looking to his queen.

“No holding back, Guardspony,” Lunaris said. “I want to hear your every pleasure. It helps ensure you’re enjoying this just as much as I am, so use that talented throat of yours and moan for your queen.”

Cobalt’s next moan was loud and unhindered as she massaged the spot she had struck.

“Good boy.”

She crouched, chuckling as she looked at his rubber-clad bulge.

“I do so love the guards who take advantage of the null-bulge. Truly you are devoted to so lock away your pleasure. Release.”

The lock symbol on the latex shifted to ‘open’, and Lunaris stroked his cock, watching as it quickly grew to a full erection. Reaching its full length, his cock bobbed, throbbing with desperate need. Her eyes lit up with delight, and she pressed her muzzle into his balls, taking a deep breath of his musk. Cobalt, for his part, struggled to keep control as the alicorn handled his cock and balls. Her every breath sent warm tingles down his length, and when her nose pressed against his balls...

He’d gotten a little better at ignoring the constant pleasure in his crotch, allowing the coating of rubber to simply make him happy instead of constantly horny. With such expert treatment, however, he could feel the pressure in his cock rising, and rising fast. It took all his restraint not to cum on the spot.

“Oh yes,” Lunaris said as she slowly exhaled, clearly taking great pleasure in his squirming and whining. “Excellent size and scent. That will come in handy I think. Lock.”

Cobalt squealed as the latex tightened around his cock, slowly withdrawing back into its normal smooth, trapped state. The bulge formed, and the lock symbol once again shifted to ‘closed’. The pressure that had been building remained, growing more and more, leaving him to squirm and fall into a lust-filled haze with no hope of release, not that he cared. He panted, his eyes looking to the ceiling. Reflexively his asshole clenched, awaiting the usual breeding that came with being teased so rigorously.

Lunaris planted a kiss on the bulge before withdrawing, watching with a feral grin as he quivered in place. Her hoof squeaked against his bulge, rubbing small circles around the lock.

“Did you know Ocean Breeze first tested this little feature on Fire?” Lunaris leaned in, her fangs tickling his neck. “Poor dear didn’t last five minutes before he was begging for release, but a good little guard like you?” He gasped as nipped his ear. “You enjoy the torment, the endless teasing. You’re so loyal, that you must earn your pleasure. You can’t survive without making sure your superiors are satisfied, isn’t that right?

Cobalt stared straight ahead, his voice shaking, the pleasure clouding his brain threatening to take his ability to speak.

“Y-yes, m-my Queen.”

Lunaris chuckled in his ear and pulled away.

“It’s a good thing we love using cuties like you, dear. You’d go mad being teased like this, and then what would we do?” She purred. “I would probably give you to the nurses. They have such wonderful ideas about cute little bats lost in pleasure. Perhaps a rubber straight jacket and a nice, thick gag to keep you safe.” Her hoof moved faster, drawing out more squeaks and moans from Cobalt. “Or maybe they use you as a decoration. Trap you in a nice vacuum bed with a visor and a vibrator to keep you company.”

Cobalt felt drool fall from his tongue. Her tail flicked his nose, smelling of lavender and latex, further fueling his lustful haze. Mad... She was going to drive him mad with lust. His primal urges bounced back and forth between a need to breed to the attractive, latex clad alicorn beside him, or be bred by the very same alicorn. Something in her scent demanded he submit to her, and with how lust-stricken he was feeling, he gave easily into that demand.

“How about that Cobalt, would you like to become a little toy for the nurses? I’m sure Head Nurse Camp Fire would love to spend an evening with you.”

“W-whatever would best please my Queen,” he squeaked out, his knees quivering, barely keeping him upright. By the moon, he thought Lavender was talented at teasing. If she was an expert, the blue alicorn beside him was a master, somehow knowing just how to make him squirm in the most delightful ways. Her hoof left his bulge with one last squeak and she moved toward his rear.

“Now for the main event.”

She easily brushed his tail aside and slowly drew down the zipper hiding his rear end. Cobalt shivered and felt his asshole clench again as cool air kissed it. Lunaris licked her lips, and nodded with slow appreciation.

“What a beautiful sight.” Cobalt let out a moan as her hoof pressed against his tailhole. “A deep black, tight, yet clearly well used. Just the right amount of puffiness…” She bit her lip. “I’m almost jealous that Fire is going to break this in, but hearing your cries of pleasure will be enough.” She giggled, her hoof pulling away. “Still, I’ll have my own fun, and perhaps my submissive guard will remain awake enough to let me have a turn, hmm?”

She giggled and zipped his suit closed before patting his rump.

“Climb onto the bed, face down, ass up.”

Cobalt looked to the alicorn-sized bed, covered with a thick rubber sheet of flowing black and blue. Hopping up, he did as ordered and centered himself on the bed, his hooves squeaking with every step. He wiggled his rump as he got in position, carefully setting his cheek against the sheet, shuddering and closing his eyes as the now-familiar, yet still phenomenal kiss of rubber brushed against his fur. He opened his eyes and smiled at Lunaris.

“Like this my Queen?”

She giggled and moved around the bed.

“Perfect posture, Guardspony. Remain just like that until we are ready.”

He squeaked as darkness suddenly descended, a silky soft blindfold covering his eyes. Lunaris continued to giggle as she tied it tight around his head.

“And no peeking. We’re here to inspect you after all. Not the other way around.”

“Of course, my Queen,” Cobalt said, feeling the barest touch of nervousness at being blinded.

His ears twitched as she walked away, her footsteps growing softer until he could hear nothing but the sound of his own breathing. He remained in position, his legs spread far apart, giving maximum access to whomever decided to mount him. He was confident in his ability to stay in the breeding position. Strong Hoof had even taken pictures of when he’d passed out after a particularly thorough plowing, his rump still in the air while he snored away.

Cobalt blushed at that particular memory, couldn’t wait for it to happen again. Something told him it would happen all too soon, in fact. The slightly musky smell of cockflesh touched his nose, and his mouth instinctively opened, offering an extra hole in case the owner of the cock had a preference of which side he would use. He heard a giggle, then felt more than saw someone move in front of him.

“Such a cute little bat,” Fireheart muttered.

Something large and hot booped his nose, and Cobalt let out a needy moan as the scent of precum flooded his nose. He couldn’t help but scoot forward, his nose running down the thick shaft to rest against Fire’s balls, the stallion’s musk washing over him. Faintly, Cobalt could have sworn he smelled mango, could taste faint hints of it as he ran his tongue up the steadily hardening shaft resting on his face. He heard a moan sound from the prince above him.

“G-good bat. So g-good.”

Cobalt smiled and repeated his motion, burying his muzzle in the warm scent of Fireheart’s balls before slowly dragging his tongue up the stallion’s shaft, enjoying the savory, slightly fruity flavors coursing over his taste buds. The taste alone was enough to drive him wild with need, and had his cock been free, he could only imagine it would be standing tall.

He ran his tongue over Fire’s cockhead, taking his time to slowly soak the fat cockhead in his spit. As the orange bat pony squealed with delight and humped forward, Cobalt chuckled, pulling back and reaching out blindly with his hoof. He first brushed against Fire’s rubber-clad thigh, then slowly felt his way to the stallion’s balls, fondling them gently as he let that wonderful tool flop onto his blind-folded face. He grinned upward, his tongue teasing the stallion’s shaft.

“Is my prince enjoying himself?”

The cock left his face, then rammed into his open muzzle in reply. Cobalt gagged in surprise more than anything at the sudden intrusion, but quickly fell to his lust as Fireheart draped himself over Cobalt’s body, thrusting his shaft deeper and deeper into his ready throat.

“Oh buck,” Fireheart moaned, their suits squeaking as he settled on Cobalt’s back. “So tight...”

Cobalt matched the prince’s moan, his cheeks flush as he did his best to suck and bob his head on that thick shaft filling his muzzle. Unfortunately, with how the prince had positioned himself, he could do little as he was face-fucked. His tongue glided over Fireheart’s cock as he pounded away, his medial ring slipping past his lips, and his balls slapping against his nose.

Through the sounds of Fire’s panting and his own gagging, Cobalt heard a chuckle.

“I warned you that my little flame didn’t take well to teasing.”

Cobalt moaned in reply, working his throat muscles, trying to draw the stallion in deeper. Fireheart thrusted frantically, his breaths coming in snorts.

“C-Cobalt, I’m gonna-”

It was barely a warning. Cobalt took a deep breath not a second too soon as Fireheart slammed his cock into his throat, the head of his cock swelling as a tidal wave of hot cum fired from his cock, painting Cobalt’s throat white. The blue bat pony’s throat worked hard, sucking and swallowing every ounce of hot cum, his only regret being that he didn’t have more time to savor the taste of the massive load of royal spunk.

Taking a second to recover, Fire panted, leaving his cock fully buried in Cobalt’s muzzle. The blue bat pony’s eyes filled with tears as he held his breath, finally exhaling once the prince pulled out. Fireheart’s cock left Cobalt’s muzzle with a pop, dripping with saliva. Gasping for air, Cobalt let his cheek rest against the rubbery sheet beneath him, drool and the remaining drops of cum pooling on his tongue. He savored the salty taste, and as he laid there, he swallowed, making sure not a drop escaped.

The blindfold left his eyes, and he blinked blearily, his emerald eyes flicking up to Lunaris. She nudged a still panting Fireheart.

“What do we say dear?”

Fireheart whined, his cock already erect once more, bobbing with need.

“I… I’ve gotta…”

He peeled away from her side and sprinted around the bed, quickly hopping up to drape himself over Cobalt’s other end. Lunaris clicked her tongue.

“Fire, you should thank the kind Guardspony. He did a marvelous job, and didn’t let a drop of cum go to waste.”

Cobalt felt his prince’s weight once again settle on his back, again relished the squeaking of their suits as Fireheart put his hooves on either side of Cobalt’s head and seized his ear in his teeth.

“My cutie bat,” he mumbled, his fangs tickling Cobalt’s ear fur. “I think somepony needs to spend more time with his prince.”

Cobalt moaned whorishly as he felt a firm prod against his backdoor. He tried to relax as Fire pushed harder and harder until with a loud pop, several inches of thick, hot cockmeat slipped into his ass. He let out a cry of delight, and in his ecstatic quivering, his forelegs slipped, sending him falling onto his side. Fireheart’s cock popped out of his ass, and Cobalt let out another moan, his tailhole clenching, as if begging for its missing occupant.

“This is what happens when you try to rush dear,” Lunaris sighed.

Fireheart whined as he was magically held back while she readjusted the bat pony on the bed. Cobalt felt himself float into the air momentarily before coming to rest on his back. Magic pressed his forelegs behind him, and a leather band wrapped around his chest. The band tightened, locking his hooves behind his back.

“There,” Lunaris said. “That will be a little more comfortable for the three of us.”

Despite the tight nature of the straps, Cobalt found that he agreed. The leather was just tight enough to make his suit press deeper into his fur, enhancing the feel of rubbery material. He felt hooves seize his hind legs and gently pry them apart. The motion caused him to squirm in place, his head trying to lean up to see what was going on. A hoof touched his chin and pressed him down. A thump hit his ears and he gulped as his eyes met the thick, black strap-on Lunaris was wearing. The silicone cock was an exact match to the one he’d just been deep-throating, and it was already slick with sweet-smelling lube. He looked up to find Lunaris grinning down at him.

“Are you ready for round two, Guardspony? If you need a moment to rest, you need only say something.”

A whine touched his ears, and he could tell without looking that Fireheart had a pleading look on his muzzle. Cobalt felt his breath quicken with excitement at the knowledge that he knew just how to make both his queen, and his prince very happy. Besides, he was having a blast so far, and two cocks at the same time? He hadn’t tried that pleasure yet. He was excited to try.

His reply was to open his muzzle, making a soft ‘ahhhh’ sound. Lunaris giggled and re-positioned the strap-on to align with his mouth. Cobalt was surprised when the fake cock twitched, and his eyes must have signaled his unspoken question, because Lunaris answered as she leaned forward, her hoof touching his null bulge.

“It is a carefully crafted recreation of Fire’s cock, made to simulate the real thing with magic, as well as heated cum banks in the balls.” She rubbed his bulge, drawing out a squeak. “I’ve tested it personally, and I must say, it is near an exact match, though as you are about to see, it doesn’t quite compare to the real thing.” She winked, then looked toward his bulge. “Orgasm control linked to Prince Fireheart. Maximum vibration.”

Cobalt’s jaws opened wide and he let out a scream as pleasure suddenly filled his abdomen. His pleasured cries were quickly silenced, as Lunaris took the opportunity to cram his muzzle full with synthetic cock. His tongue immediately set to work, lavishing the fake, yet still warm and twitching cock with attention. Lunaris moaned and leaned over him, taking care to drive the cock deeper into his throat with slow strokes.

“T-this invention, oh you talented slut, a-also conveys sensation back to th-” she moaned and gave a hard thrust, the head of the cock slipping into Cobalt’s throat “-the wearer. It is as if this c-cock is my own.” Her cheeks flushed as Cobalt slurped at the cock, his throat bulging visibly as she fucked him. “But I’m sure you’d give it just as much attention either way, my horny little bat.”

Cobalt moaned in agreement, closing his eyes as the synthetic balls booped his nose. He moaned again as the head of Fire’s cock pressed against his tailhole, stretching it just slightly before once again popping inside. Cobalt felt his hind leg twitch, and he moaned, doing his best to focus on the cocks filling both ends. His asshole clenched on each of Fire’s backstrokes, trying desperately to keep the orange bat’s cock deep inside him as it slammed into his prostate over and over, forcing desperate gasps from his muzzle as his throat tightened around Lunaris’ cock.

The alicorn above him groaned and her hooves braced on either side of his body, her hips drawing back only to slam her thick cock deeper into his throat. His tongue lashed the false organ with attention, and he swallowed as sweet tasting lube aided the passage of the pulsing sex toy. Seemingly at the same time, both cocks stopped, their medial rings stopping at his lips and tailhole respectively. Fire said nothing, merely drew his cock out, then slammed it forward again, driving the thick base of his cock into Cobalt’s steadily loosening asshole with lustful purpose. His pace was quick, desperate. It was like he needed to breed the bat beneath him as soon as possible and would let nothing stand in the way of that goal.

Lunaris took a much more methodical approach. She cooed and withdrew, then slowly, achingly drove her cock forward, her soft moans almost offering encouragement to him as the medial ring stuck against his lips once, then twice. On the third stroke, Lunaris used a hoof to massage his throat, and had he been able to see her eyes, he imagined that he’d be facing an almost motherly look, as if she drove him on with a feeling of pride at how far he’d already gotten. Cobalt did his best to stretch his jaw, to open his mouth even wider, and he was rewarded as her thrust drove the medial ring past his lips. Lunaris threw her head back and let out a loud groan.

“S-so good! I s-should punish you for not finding your way to my s-service sooner.” Cobalt heard a giggle, and felt the cock in his throat plunge a little deeper as her weight shifted over his chest. “Yes, lets “punish” the impudent little bat who dared deprive his queen of such a fine gift.”

Cobalt squealed around the cock in his throat as her lips wrapped around the head of his cock. Her hips shifted backward for a moment, then slammed forward, hilting her cock in his muzzle. Her hooves shifted to pin his hips fully, and she kissed his cockhead again, then slowly sucked his stallionhood deep into her muzzle. Cobalt could do nothing but whine as the pleasure coming from his cock increased a hundredfold. The vibrators had never stopped their incessant teasing, but he was used to having his orgasms locked away, and ultimately the vibrators were just a passive buzzing that could fall into the background as he was servicing his partner.

Lunaris changed that. She made his desperate ministrations look amateur. She took his entire length in a single swallow, then held it, the muscles deep in her throat tightening and massaging his cock, doing their best to milk out his locked away orgasm. After a few seconds of this blessed torment, she drew back and took a breath, then dove back again, her hips never stopping their constant motion. Cobalt did his best to return the favor, trying to make his muscles match her obvious talent, but with how much pleasure was filling his mind, always climbing, never allowed to explode free, he was overwhelmed.

He couldn’t escape as the pair continued to pound his holes, couldn’t so much as move, so he didn’t even try. He laid back and basked in the waves of pleasure filling every part of his body, laid back and simply took their cocks like he was their royal sex toy. In all truth, that’s what he was. Cobalt glanced down at his bodysuit, the latex granted to him as a royal guard. He looked forward just as the balls of Lunaris’ strap-on again slapped against his muzzle, and he clenched as Fire’s medial ring once again plunged into his ass, re-shaping the hole to serve its new purpose.

And he loved it all.

Cobalt whined, begging for the pair to continue using him, to make him theirs. Fireheart’s jackhammer strokes started to grow more erratic, and he snorted.

“I’m gonna-!”

He cried out as he gave one last thrust, fully burying himself in Cobalt’s rump and letting loose a tidal wave of hot cum. Cobalt felt his eyes dilate, then roll back into his head as all of the pent of pleasure gave way in time with his prince. Any thoughts that had managed to survive the onslaught of the royal pair were instantly obliterated as his mind burned white with pleasure. As cum painted his insides white, he arched his back, releasing a hot load of foal batter into Lunaris’ muzzle. The alicorn mare snaked her muzzle forward, burying her nose in his pulsing balls as he fired jet after jet into her stomach. Her throat continued to work, milking every last drop out of him until he was completely empty.

And then Lunaris came.

Cobalt choked and sputtered as the alicorn’s silicone cock swelled, plugging his throat before dumping out the third cum load of the night straight into his belly. Already lost in orgasmic bliss, he made little effort to swallow, and the cum quickly filled his throat, then spilled out of his nose, pooling in a hot puddle in his mane and on the sheets beneath them.

Between the pair of ponies on top of him, and the cum now filling his every orifice, Cobalt felt warm. His thoughts drifted in a haze of post-orgasm bliss, and with how hard he had cum, he couldn’t do much but… sleep…

Royal Rest (M-Lite)

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Lunaris let Cobalt’s cock free of her muzzle with a pop, the slowly softening stallionhood slick with spit, but completely clean of cum. She panted as she swallowed the last of his tasty spunk, taking a moment to gather her wits. It had evidently been too long since she’d enjoyed a proper inspection of one of her non-dominant guards, because by the moon had she enjoyed the bat pony still throating her magical strap-on. He was an attentive little thing, and had a strong, sizable cock too. She could imagine many ways she could enjoy his service, and judging from his dazed expression, Fireheart was thinking the same.

Lunaris let out a groan as she drew her cock free of Cobalt’s muzzle. A deluge of cum followed, further flooding the rubbery bedspread with their fluids. Touching the bat pony’s muzzle with her hoof, a gentle snore reached her ears. Lunaris giggled and used her magic to make sure his airways were clear before removing her strap-on and setting it in a cleaning basket. Fire moaned as his cock popped free of Cobalt’s ass, letting yet more cum spill to the bed. The panting orange bat pony looked to her with a goofy smile, and Lunaris smiled back, using her magic to scratch his mane.

“It seems we pushed Cobalt too far, dear. He’s fallen asleep.”

Fireheart looked to the softly snoring guardspony and giggled.

“I want him to be my guard,” he declared, his cock dripping with cum.

Lunaris chuckled again and levitated over a few towels. One she gave to Fire, who started to dry himself, while the other she used to clean herself before lifting the sleeping Cobalt free of the cum puddle he rested in and wiped him down as well.

“I’ll make sure you have plenty of play time with him my little flame, he is a very good bottom, if a bit under trained.” She winked and pressed her hoof against Cobalt’s cock, whispering words that caused it to once more become sealed behind its latex bulge. “But we can solve that ourselves in between his guard shifts I think, and I don’t think he will at all mind another experience like this.”

Fireheart’s eyes sparkled with delight, but he again repeated;

“I want him to be my guard,” he emphasized. “Cobalt is a cute little bat, and I’ve decided that he should be my personal guard.”

Lunaris blinked. That was a touch more serious matter. She’d been trying for years to get Fireheart to accept a personal bodyguard, but he’d always found one reason or another to pass on the many guards she’d put up for the position. Since he didn’t leave the castle too often, it wasn’t a pressing issue, merely one she tried to address when she found an exceptional guard. Her eyes flicked over to the sleeping Cobalt. He wasn’t what she’d had in mind. He was enjoyable, and she knew that he would see plenty of use as a play partner, but as an actual guardian? If nothing else, he was too new. Too under trained. He was decidedly not ready to be a personal bodyguard.

“Are you sure dear? He is a fine playmate, but as you saw earlier, he still needs far more practical guard training.”

Fireheart giggled and trotted to her side. Nuzzling her neck, his blue eyes shined as he looked at the snoring Cobalt.

“I know, but he’s a quick learner, he’s really happy to be here, so that means he’s loyal.” His ears flicked with the same delight shining in his eyes. “And I just think we can be best bat friends!”

Lunaris felt her heart palpitate as he fixed her with a pout, his eyes teary and pleading. He was simply too adorable, and he knew it. Truly her weakness to his pleading eyes would be the death of her. She smiled and kissed his forehead.

“Alright dear, you can turn off the begging face. I’ll make sure that he starts as your bodyguard as soon as possible.” As he perked up, she lifted a hoof. “But I caution, he will still spend some time on regular guard duty, and you will need to share with Strong Hoof.”

“Of course!” Fireheart giggled. “Cobalt wouldn’t be happy without his partner.”

Lunaris nuzzled his cheek, resting her chin on his mane.

“Then I will have it done. It will take some time however, I will need to devise a more permanent solution to allow him to keep watch in the royal quarters.” She glanced at her sufficiently soiled bed, her nose filled with the scents of their fluids. “Speaking of, I think tonight we should rest in your bed, my little flame.”

Fireheart hummed in agreement and led the way to his bedroom, holding open the door with his cutie mark. Lunaris carried Cobalt in her magic, the bat pony snoring away without a care in the world as they entered Fire’s room. The orange bat pony didn’t bother turning on the lights, the enchanted gem stones embedded in the ceiling more than enough to see by.

Lunaris looked up fondly at the towering ceilings. She had crafted the design herself, a welcoming act of love from the early days of Fireheart’s return. Each gemstone was carefully placed to simulate a starry night’s sky, giving his room a perpetual midnight glow that served to cool any potential nightmares he might have.

Fireheart moved to the center of the room where a massive, semi-circular bed rested. Covered in deep blue latex sheets trimmed with purple, the Stellarian Royal Seal sat prominent in the middle of his comforter. Designed with use in mind, the bed was easily large enough to hold the three of them for an evening. Even if it wasn’t, Lunaris doubted either bat would protest to sleeping pressed up against one another. As Fireheart pulled back the top sheet, his ears perked up and he whirled, and excited smile on his muzzle.

“Oh, I should show him my…” His smile faded as Cobalt let out another snore. “Oh, right.”

He looked to one of the many bookshelves covering his walls. Made of a rich mahogany, nearly all available wall space was covered with shelves, packed full with novels, scrolls, and models of sailing ships and airships. His eyes were focused on a particular sailing ship model he’d only recently finished, and yet had the opportunity to share with everyone.

Lunaris chuckled and moved to his side, nuzzling his neck.

“There will be time to show Cobalt each and every thing dear. It is late, however, and much like the guardspony, we should sleep. There is much to do tomorrow.”

Fireheart grumbled slightly, but sighed his agreement, sliding into his bed. His suit squeaked as he settled in, and Lunaris set Cobalt in reach of his hooves. The orange bat pony’s smile made an immediate return, and he grabbed hold of Cobalt, hugging the pony to his chest. Fireheart rested his muzzle in Cobalt’s mane, and started to talk to the sleeping pony while Lunaris moved around the other side of the bed.

“We’re gonna have so much fun,” Fireheart whispered. “First, since I know you love your rubber, my cute little bat, I’ll show you my closet full of suits and bondage gear. Then I’ll show you all my ships, and then my Shadowbolts posters,” he giggled and looked toward the largest, signed by all the members of the team. “They’re a lot of fun, especially backstage.”

As Lunaris climbed under the covers and slid in behind Fireheart, Cobalt stirred, emerald green eyes cracking open slightly.

“I’ve never seen a ‘Bolts show,” he mumbled and yawned. “Never… mmm… never had the time…”

He cooed as he snuggled up against Fireheart’s chest, then drifted away again. Lunaris giggled at the offended look on Fireheart’s muzzle, kissed his forehead and hugged the pair tight.

“I’ll make sure they visit for a show in Lum soon. Cobalt will attend with you as a guest, not a guard.”

Fireheart beamed, then with a kiss on her cheek, he settled in and closed his eyes. Lunaris happily returned the gesture, covering the pair with her wings and drawing the covers to their chins. With rubber all around and a pair of cute bats in her hooves, it was simplicity to fall into sleep.

The Morning After (T)

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Cobalt yawned and rolled over, let out a happy sigh as he cuddled into his rubbery sheets. He didn’t know why, but they felt extra rubbery today, and he was more than happy to keep snoozing. Each squeak set his ears flicking with delight, and he briefly wondered if he could convince Strong Hoof to get him breakfast in bed…

That was not to be, however, as a hoof jabbed his back, and a female voice spoke to him.

“Rise and shine sleepy bat. There’s a busy day ahead, and your prince would like you to accompany him.”

Cobalt’s ears flicked at that, but the call of sleep and the allure of his sheets all but demanded he roll over and wave a hoof at the mystery voice.

“No…” he moaned. “Sleepy…”

His ears flicked again at a giggle.

“I see Prince Fireheart has found a friend just as batty as he is.” Again the hoof prodded his back, a little more forcefully this time. “Come on sleepy bat, there’s a beautiful day ahead, and breakfast is waiting.”

Cobalt poked his head from beneath the covers, squinting against a light so brilliant it blinded him. Vaguely he could see a shadowy figure next to the bed.

“Thestrals are traditionally nocturnal,” he said. “And I have the day off, so I’m gonna sleep. Besides, it’s too bright in here, and my eyes hurt.”

Had his mind been fully alert, Cobalt would have been aghast at his words, but he couldn’t speak for his tired side. It was a different bat entirely. He pulled the sheets tight around him, savoring the rubbery scent and letting out a light sigh as he tried to drift away once more…

Cobalt yelped as he was yanked from the bed. He fell to the floor muzzle first, squeaking in pain as the rubbery sheets piled on top of him. He heard another giggle as the mystery mare moved aside the sheets so his head could poke free. As the covering was removed from his eyes, Cobalt looked up to find a purple mare in a plum maid’s uniform. Puffy white flows of latex rested on her chest and poked out of the skirt of the maid dress, acting as accents to the smooth purple latex covering the rest of her body. On top of her purple striped mane sat a cap, and a bow on her chest completed the suit.

Cobalt blinked, realizing he could see the mare clearly without squinting. She seemed to notice his confusion and pressed her rubber clad hoof to his nose.

“I apologize, Guardspony. I usually turn up the light while I clean the prince’s room to make sure it’s perfectly cleaned. I just forgot there was a cute little bat still in here snoozing the day away.”

The prince’s room. He looked around, finding that he was, indeed, in Fireheart’s room. Tall, unfamiliar bookcases met his case, and he looked to the floor, trying to recall how he’d gotten here. He and Strong Hoof had been training, then…

His cheeks immediately filled with blush as he remembered his eventful evening, a warm feeling still filling his belly. He could feel his guard suit still hugging his body, apparently he’d never changed out of it. He blushed harder as he thought about how he must have stank, but the maid helped him to his hooves and nosed him toward a door.

“Strip down and clean up in the prince’s bathroom. Queen Lunaris would like you at breakfast as soon as possible and they’ve both given you permission to use the royal facilities for today.”

Cobalt looked down at his filthy guard suit, then back to the maid, but before he could speak, she answered his unspoken question.

“Your suit will be delivered clean to your normal suite later today, and appropriate armor will be provided for your guard duty today.” She again nudged him toward the bathroom. “Just throw the suit in the hamper. I will personally make sure it gets returned to you.” She winked. “Cutie.”

Cobalt blushed, but did as she bade, moving toward the bathroom before pausing and turning on his heel.

“Oh, ah, thank you for helping me…ah…” He chuckled nervously. “Miss…?”

Her hoof raised to her muzzle and she giggled at him.

“I’m Maid Plum Pudding, and you are Cobalt, Prince Fireheart’s new bodyguard.” She stuck out her hoof. “Pleased as plums to meet you, Guardspony.”

Cobalt met her hoof and shook it in a state of awe.

“B-bodyguard? Since when? I…” He looked down at himself, then back to Plum Pudding. “I thought I was just passing the royal inspection.”

She gave him a beaming smile.

“Well congratulations, because you passed so well that Prince Fireheart decided that you were to be his new bodyguard.” She shooed him on again. “But I’m not going to spoil any of that, just go shower while I clean up, then I will escort you to breakfast.”

Finally taking the hint, Cobalt moved through the doorway and into a spacious, pristine bathroom. As he unzipped his guard suit, he looked around, his jaw slightly slack with awe. The bathroom was huge. To one side was a bathtub the size of a small swimming pool, with steam gently rising from its crystal clear surface. To one side sat a basket filled with fluffy orange towels, beside which sat a plate with a half eaten mango on it.

On the other side of the room sat a large vanity which looked strangely empty, save for a comb and a toothbrush. At a glance, though, Cobalt assumed it had plenty of drawers that slid out at the touch of a hoof, much like the one in his far smaller bathroom did.

Cobalt gave himself a shake and slipped free of his suit, picking it up with his teeth and depositing it in the hamper sitting near the bathroom entrance. As tempting as the massive bathtub was, he knew he needed to be quick; Plum had mentioned breakfast was waiting, and that half eaten mango was looking tempting to his rumbling tummy. He trotted toward the glass door leading to the shower and stepped inside, reaching for the lever to send scalding hot water across his filthy pelt, only to pause when he found not the simple levers he was used to, but buttons. Lots of buttons. Lots of buttons with numbers on them, but nothing else. Cobalt looked around the shower for any kind of guide as to what the buttons actually did, but found nothing. He looked back toward the console with a frown, rubbing his chin with a hoof.

“Well, it can’t hurt to try a ‘1’…”

He pressed the button and was immediately rewarded with water. Unfortunately, the water was ice cold and he squealed like a filly, desperately slapping buttons to reverse the decision. Hitting ‘3’, Cobalt let out a squeak, then a sigh as the water warmed, easing away the chill that had started filling his bones. Still wanting the water warmer, however, he gingerly pressed ‘4’, and purred as the shower finally started to steam. He pressed the last button on the row, and squeaked as the water became heated to a scalding temperature, and he quickly pressed ‘4’ again, sighing happily as it settled on the perfect heat.

“First row is temperature,” he mumbled, turning around to make sure all of his fur, especially his hindquarters, were sufficiently soaked.

Completing his turn, he again regarded the panel, eyeing the ‘6’. Seeing no soap in the shower, he had a feeling that the panel would distribute, if he could just figure out which button did what. He pressed the button, then cringed as a mare’s voice filled the shower.

“Good morning, my Prince,” it purred from some hidden speaker. “It’s going to be another beautiful day in Stellaria, with sunny skies and a high of seventy-five degrees. Now, let’s get you ready to breed all of those pretty ponies…”

Cobalt flinched as panels on the walls opened, and arms descended on him. One seized his tail, causing him to squeak, but with a glance, he could tell that it meant no arm. A secondary arm held a brush lathered with soap, and it quickly set to scrubbing his tail clean. The arms at his sides were similarly armed and started lathering his flanks. Cobalt felt himself relax under the gentle scrubbing, and only felt mildly alarmed when arms seized his wings, stretching them toward the ceiling where more arms descended with brushes, scrubbing them clean as well.

The voice giggled as he started to purr under the attention, and an arm poked out from beneath the panel, scratching his chin.

“Good boy,” it said. “You have not selected any relief options, my Prince. Would you like to select an option, or would you like a deep cleaning?”

“Deep cleaning?” Cobalt echoed softly. The implication was fairly obvious. ‘Relief’ had few meanings, and with deep cleaning being the other option, he assumed it existed for when Fireheart had an eventful evening.

Evidently the voice could hear as well as it could speak, because the arms scrubbing him temporarily withdrew, returning only to grab his limbs, holding him in place. The arm scratching his chin gave him a pat on the head before slipping back into the wall.

“Deep cleaning mode activated,” the voice said. “Please close your eyes, my Prince.”

Cobalt recognized an order, even if the system thought he was Fireheart. He closed his eyes, then immediately yelped as water blasted from all sides. The arms kept him upright as the water soaked him from head to hoof. He yelped again as he was suddenly turned upside down, and again blasted with water. He was once more spun and set on his hooves. The brushes returned, re-lathered with soap, and Cobalt was helpless as they scrubbed him down, even going so far as to lift his tail to make sure his dock was cleaned as well. Yet more arms devoted themselves to his mane, pulling it out and scrubbing away, combing through to make sure it was clean.

As the arms spun him upside down so that the brushes could best get at his underbelly, the scratching arm returned with a toothbrush, dollop of toothpaste on its bristles.

“Open wide, my Prince.”

Cobalt opened his mouth to protest, to correct the system, but he too quickly realized his mistake as the brush went to work, scrubbing every inch of his mouth. The taste of mint quickly became overwhelming, but the system seemed to know this, and offered a cup of water for him to rinse with. As soon as he spit, it went back to scrubbing, making sure his fangs shined.

Once it was satisfied that his mouth was clean, the arm withdrew, replacing the head of the toothbrush as it went. Cobalt licked his teeth as the brushing stopped and the rest of the arms started pulling away. Warm water fell like rain from above, washing away the suds in his fur, and the voice let out another giggle.

“Deep cleaning is complete. Rinse cycle will complete in thirty seconds, please keep your eyes closed.”

Cobalt continued to obey, more than happy to bask in the warmth of the wonderful shower. The one in his room was good, with great water pressure and temperature control, but once he had gotten used to the rather interactive nature of it, Fireheart’s shower was far better. He’d never felt cleaner, and the rainfall shower… he faintly wondered if he could request to have one installed in place of his normal shower-head.

The water tapered off, and Cobalt let out a sigh, turning to leave the shower. He was immediately buffeted by winds that felt like they belonged in a desert. Hot and dry, he could almost feel the water being forced to evaporate, making his fur stand on end. As quickly as the air started, it suddenly stopped, leaving him fully fluffed out. The shower door opened and he waddled out to the sound of giggling. Through his mane he found Plum Pudding giggling at him, holding some sort of blue cover with one hoof.

“Looks like somepony found the Prince’s automatic settings.”

“There are too many buttons,” Cobalt grumbled, glancing up to find his hair brushed back in Fireheart’s style. He brushed it down with a hoof as the maid moved closer, taking a brush to his puffy fur. With the cloth closer, Cobalt noticed the royal seal on one side, and found that it looked like a heavily padded caparison. He tilted his head, eyeing it with open curiosity. Plum lifted his wing and brushed the fur down on his flanks.

“You won’t be needing your suit today, Guardspony. Queen Lunaris has requested you wear your traditional underwear to breakfast, then you will stop by the armory for fitting for a steel set of armor.”

“Steel?” Cobalt echoed. “But I was told that the rubber guard armor hardened to be stronger than steel when in combat.”

“Which is true,” Plum Pudding agreed, “But today you cannot be dressed in any of the royal gear, because today you will be escorting our Queen and Prince to Lum’s growth district?”

What’s a growth district?”

Lunaris smiled as she looked up from pancakes. Plum Pudding had become rather tight-lipped, again stating that the queen had wanted to explain everything, so Cobalt had been left to silence with the maid as she finished brushing his coat. After that she assisted him into the heavy, but comfortable caparison that now sat on his back. The royal seal sat on each flank, much like his normal bodysuit, but aside from that, it was just a simple blue. Cobalt felt his wings flick nervously, unused to being free from rubber. It was surprising just how much he had adapted to his new life so quickly, but he was sure he’d get used to being a touch more bare again.

Beside Lunaris, Fireheart chowed down on his own plate, beside which sat a solitary mango. To Lunaris’ right sat a bat pony mare with spotted fur, and seafoam wings, wearing a caparison matching his, with an extra crimson seal in the shape of a sword over a shield on her chest. She was watching him carefully, but with a smile on her muzzle as she carefully ate her breakfast.

“You are from Fruity Fields, correct?” Lunaris asked.

Cobalt looked to his queen and nodded.

“Yes, and we didn’t have any “growth districts”, your Majesty. Apologies for being ignorant of them.”

She waved his apology away with a scoff.

“No need for apologies Guardspony, your town is small and isolated.” Her eyes flashed with momentary irritation. “It is why your latex-less plight escaped my gaze for a spell, but that is remedied now, and I have an agent in town ready to again offer the royal services whenever needed.”

“Still,” she continued, waving her hoof. “Fruity Fields is far too small to sustain a growth district in any meaningful way, so tell me Cobalt, you mentioned sisters and a brother? How did your family shield your innocent eyes from the rubber pleasures that have spread through my kingdom?”

Cobalt blinked, looking toward the ceiling in thought. After a few moments, he started slowly.

“Well… I suppose us kids were just kind of stuck on the farm except for school, or once we were older, the occasional festival. Trips into town were always done by one parent or another, and later my sisters when they got older, and finally me once I was of age.”

“And during school, or these festivals, were you kept to a narrow path?” Lunaris asked, nibbling at her pancakes.

Cobalt frowned as he scanned his memories.

“Now that you mention it… I believe so,” he said. “The festivals were always at night, being a town of mostly bat ponies, and so it was always glowing with light!” He smiled fondly. “I was always good at bobbing for mangoes, Mountain Climber destroyed at the obstacle course…” He blinked, drawing himself back to topic. “The town square was always decorated with streamers and stuff around the rides and games, but I vaguely remember seeing other parts of town also lit up…” He shrugged and met Lunaris’ eyes again. “I never did find out what those were. My brother just came of age this spring, and we weren’t due for another festival before I entered your service. We liked hanging out together, so I stayed with him while my parents and sisters did setup.”

Lunaris smiled and touched his muzzle with a napkin.

“Then although you did not have a formal district set aside, your parents, and your neighbors are still following my commandment. A growth district is an area of a city set aside for families with young children, unable to participate in the more erotic ways of Stellaria. It would not serve to have foals introduced to latex gear and public displays of lust. They must develop in a safe environment, free to make their own choice to join those of us who like to live more openly, or to remain in a safe, happy place.”

Cobalt frowned slightly.

“I apologize if it’s rude to ask, but… they’re just shut away? We stayed on the farm, sure, but we knew everypony in Fruity Fields.”

Lunaris giggled.

“It’s not rude dear, you’re merely curious, and no, they are not “shut away” as you put it. The district is surrounded with tall walls and guards, yes, but to keep everything out.” She nodded toward his chest. “It is why you are dressed in more modest garb, and why Fireheart and I will be wearing little other than regalia today. All latex-related gear is prohibited in the growth districts, but so long as a pony is willing to shed their erotic clothing and abstain from any public acts, they may come and go at will.”

She leaned over and ruffled Fire’s mane, earning a purr from the orange bat pony as he set upon his mangoes. Her eyes twinkled as she met Cobalt’s gaze again with a smile.

“I made sure to save all of my wondrous inventions until well after Fireheart’s eighteenth birthday, and I would be a shamed queen if I forced any other parent to not have the same luxury. I ensured that the growth districts were constructed, and fully developed to function alone if necessary without outside intervention. A family has everything it needs to grow fully inside the safety of the walls and the protection of the guards.”

“As for us guards,” the bat pony beside Lunaris said, swallowing the food in her mouth. “It’s standard for us to work a rotation at least once a month in the district, to make sure we remember the heart of what we’re protecting. Since you’ve been assigned to the prince’s bodyguard, however, that’s going to be waived, but you are required on all royal visits to the district.” Her eyes flicked to his plain blue chest. “The royal seamstress should have your proper caparison prepared in a week or so, but it’s better you come along to the district this time around. We’re visiting a schoolhouse.”

“Midsummer Song is correct, but more specifically we are sitting in on a history lesson for Mrs. Starshine’s third grade class,” Lunaris said. “As well as some general visiting with the ponies of the district.”

“It’s a very standard trip.” Midsummer Song nibbled at her pancakes. “We make one at least twice a month, more if there are festivals.”

“And will Strong Hoof be coming too?”

Lunaris chuckled and nodded.

“He was due to guard the district soon, so he will be added to the guard detail today as well.”

Cobalt smiled at that and finally started on his breakfast, happy that his partner wouldn’t be left out, even if they wouldn’t get to tease and play like usual. It would still be a fun experience he imagined. He looked toward his fellow guard.

“So what will my position be Guardspony? Rearguard?”

As the spotted mare started to speak, Fireheart cut in with an excited squeak.

“You’re gonna be with me! While Mom does her speech, we’re gonna go to this amazing ice cream shop that puts little mango chunks in the ice cream, and then we’re gonna go to my favorite comic shop, and then-”

Lunaris chuckled as Fireheart picked up his plate and moved around the table, sitting beside Cobalt as he continued to ramble, with the new guard joining in, asking questions and bobbing his head excitedly as the prince happily answered each one. She leaned down, feeling Midsummer Song’s ear flick as she whispered to her.

“Do continue the search for another bodyguard. Cobalt will be absolutely loyal, but not as alert as I’d like.”

Midsummer chuckled, chewing on her pancakes.

“Probably not, but look how happy Prince Fire is. He’s been aching for a friend to share with.”

Lunaris quirked an eyebrow.

“He is friends with everyone in the castle, is he not?”

Midsummer Song giggled as Cobalt let out an excited squeak as he was pulled into a hug.

“Of course he is, but do the nurses pull him away with a guard, or by himself? He shares a bed with the maids, but are they lavishing him and another with attention, or just him? A mango shared is often better than one you get to devour alone, as we bat ponies say.” She giggled again, watching a crimson blush spread on Cobalt’s cheeks as Fireheart nibbled his ear, his wings wrapping tight around them. “Fireheart has needed a good partner just as much as Strong Hoof has. Let’s hope Cobalt is up to snuff in that regard, shall we?”

Lunaris hummed her agreement as she watched the pair of bats, her smile slowly widening as she thought of just how to make sure Cobalt was as close to Fireheart as possible.


Cobalt did his best to stand tall as his far bulkier and far less comfortable armor sat heavy on his body. He couldn’t resist the urge to turn and scratch though, earning him a giggle from the orange bat to his left, and earning him a scowl from his fellow guard on the other side of Lunaris. Cobalt shrank and stopped scratching his wing joint where the cloth of his caparison was rubbing his fur backward. He immediately let out a purr as Fireheart scratched the area with his hoof.

“Right there?” the prince asked, a smile on his muzzle as he scratched away.

Cobalt whined and nodded.

“P-perfect my Prince, t-thank you.”

Fireheart winked and drew his hoof away, gently bumping their rumps together.

“Anytime for my best bat friend!”

Cobalt blushed and looked away, causing Fireheart to giggle and pull him closer with a wing.

As the pair continued to move forward, Strong Hoof snorted and rolled his eyes, smiling as he watched the pair of bats.

“I hope the prince doesn’t steal my partner for the royal harem. I just got him!”

Midsummer Song matched his snort, her eyes alight with mirth.

“Fireheart just might, but I wouldn’t worry too much. I think he just wants a bat friend, and Cobalt is silly enough to fit that measure.” She quirked an eyebrow toward the amber pegasus. “I’ll make sure he still gets rotated on normal shifts with you though. Cobalt asked if you were joining our detail by name, so don’t think he’s forgetting about you. He’s just…” She waved a hoof at where the pair were giggling as they neared the gates of the growth district. “Batty. But batty is good, and while he might not be the most disciplined guard, I don’t think we’ll have any questions of loyalty.”

Strong Hoof smiled and nodded in agreement.

“He’s a good pony, just like you said, a touch silly, a touch unobservant.” He glanced at the bat pony and winked. “But I’ll be alert enough for the two of us.”

He immediately let his smile fall away into his stern guard demeanor, and he silently scanned the rooftops around them as the city fell away to a small avenue of trees leading up to the growth district gates.

Cobalt was doing something similar, but he was less looking for threats and more simply looking as they approached the gates. On his way into Lum, he had been just as starstruck, but he’d been less looking at the buildings and more looking at the latex clad ponies. Now, latex was the norm for him, and he had more interesting things to stare at. Ornate buildings framed the walk to the gate, replaced quickly by tall, bristling pine trees as they neared the gate. Guards wearing similar armor stepped out, stopping the party and giving them a once over for “contraband” before letting them pass. If Queen Lunaris or Prince Fireheart were ruffled by the search, cursory that it was, they didn’t show it. If anything, Lunaris seemed to walk taller as they passed through the gates, receiving passing glances from the guards on the inside as well.

Cobalt didn’t notice the magic barrier until it was just before his eyes, and he stumbled as instincts told him not to walk into the obstruction. Fireheart’s wing on his back pushed him forward, however, and Cobalt closed one eye, wincing as he prepared for his nose to smack into the wall.

Instead of pain in his nose, Cobalt instead found his ears pinning to the sides of his helmet as he was barraged with the sounds of a busy street. What had been an empty boulevard before was now filled with ponies flitting between colorful shops and sweet-smelling market stalls. His ears flicked and he looked back, managing to spot a small distortion just inside the gatehouse. A chuckle sounded from beside him, and Cobalt shrank slightly as Lunaris smiled at him.

“It’s alright dear, it’s new to you,” she soothed. “Many guards have plenty of questions to ask when they enter my service, and I am happy to educate.” She gave a nod back toward the gatehouse. “There is a permanent spell on the walls and the gatehouses, to keep noise inside the district, as well as to make sure nobody can view inside or out the main entrances. Simply another safety precaution to protect the children.”

A trio of fillies and a colt appeared as if on command and sprinted through her legs, chasing after a small red ball. Catching it, the colt turned and reared back to throw it, but froze when he found the trio of guards and two royals watching them. He let out a squeak, then a delighted squeal.

“Queen Lunaris!”

Instinct made Cobalt act before he could truly process what was happening. His wing brushed Fireheart’s aside, then fell across the orange bat’s back, pulling him close as a crowd of ponies formed around them. Strong Hoof and Midsummer Song immediately spread out on each side, keeping the excited ponies back, even as Lunaris raised a hoof and her voice.

“Greetings my most treasured subjects!” she called, her voice bright and filled with joy, yet demanding quiet. The crowd happily gave it, watching her with open adoration, hanging on every word. “Your welcome is just as warm every time it is given, and this time is no different! You make me proud to be your queen, and you have my thanks.”

A cheer filled the air, and ponies continued to jostle and attempt to press toward the royal party, excitement on their muzzles. Guards, drawn by the commotion, quickly descended and gently pushed the excited ponies back. Fireheart giggled and a heavy blush filled his cheeks as he spotted a crowd of mares holding plush versions of the prince. From his scarf he drew a pen, and he nudged Cobalt’s wing away as he moved toward the mares.

Cobalt followed just behind, doing his best to not look nervous as the mares grew more rowdy with the prince’s approach. They called out his name, flooding the orange bat with compliments, making Fire blush even more.

“I love you my prince!” an earth pony at the front called.

The orange bat let out a squeak, and his ears pinned back, his tail flicking with visible happiness at the compliment.

“T-thank you!” he replied, reaching out and taking a plush, scribbling down a message on its belly.

The plush was passed back to a mare, and another three were pushed forward. A bat pony mare toward the rear of the group flapped her wings to try and get closer, and Cobalt let out a sharp click of warning, causing her to flap back down, a mildly embarrassed look on her muzzle.

The rest of the mares calmed slightly, remaining semi-orderly waiting for their turn to meet Fireheart. Cobalt kept an eye out the whole time, feeling his chest puff with pride slightly at doing his job well. After a few minutes, the crowd started to peel away, going about their normal morning routines, the excitement fading somewhat under the weight of the autographed royal merchandise in their hooves.

A tall, blue unicorn with tufted ears trotted through the stragglers with a smile on her muzzle. She approached Lunaris and bowed low to the ground.

“My Queen,” she said, her tone smooth and relaxing.

Cobalt immediately felt more comfortable around the mare, and both he and Fireheart had smiles on their muzzles as they moved back to Queen Lunaris’ side. The blue alicorn chuckled and offered the unicorn mare a slight nod.

“Midnight Wind. It is good to see you again. I’ve missed our regular sessions.”

The unicorn rose from her bow, her crimson eyes twinkling with mirth.

“We shall resume them soon my Queen. I’ve been missing them as well.” Her eyes drifted over to Fireheart, and she winked, earning a blush from the orange stallion. “Hello, my prince.”

The words were said with a purr, and Fireheart blushed ever more, his face painted a bright red as he let out a soft ‘meep!’

Midnight Wind giggled, and she looked toward Midsummer Song and Strong Hoof.

“Guardspony Song, Guardspony Strong Hoof, you are both doing well I hope?”

Strong Hoof answered with a mere nod, while Midsummer Song continued to keep an eye on the crowd.

“Doing my best to keep our Queen and Prince in the best of shape, not like they’re ever in any real danger here,” the bat pony answered. “How are the kids?”

“Doing fantastic!” Midnight Wind giggled. “Such energetic little things, always so eager to learn, always a pleasure to teach. I do so love it when it’s my turn to lead their lessons, but you’ll see plenty of that today.”

“Now,” she said, her eyes shifting to rest on Cobalt. “Do tell me who this new cutie is.”

The blue bat pony in question shrank slightly as all eyes turned to him, but he was quickly dragged upright by Fireheart, who pulled him close with a broad smile.

“This is my new friend Cobalt!” he crowed. “It’s his first time in the district, so I’m gonna show him everything!

Midnight Wind’s eye brow rose in question and she looked to Lunaris, who gazed at the pair of bats with a gentle smile.

“Cobalt is Fireheart’s new bodyguard, as of this morning.”

Cobalt’s ears flicked, searching for even the barest traces of disapproval, but if it was there, he couldn’t find it. Glancing at the alicorn out of the corner of his eye, her smile still seemed genuine and warm, almost motherly as looked at him. He swallowed and looked back toward Midnight Wind, who also smiled at him. Her red eyes twinkled with delight as she took a step closer. She offered a slight bow and extended a hoof.

“I welcome you then, Cobalt. Any friend of the prince’s is a friend of mine.” As Cobalt met her hoof and shook it, she giggled. “Especially when that friend is another adorable little bat.”

Cobalt squeaked as she winked at him, with Fireheart making a matching squeak as she gave him another wink as well. She let out another giggle and took a step back.

“Utterly precious.” Looking to Lunaris she said; “The morning session is about to start your Majesty. Would you like to join us for a history lesson, or would you prefer to wait until after lunch for math and science?”

“History would be lovely,” Lunaris said. “I do enjoy how you tell the old tales.”

Midnight Wind puffed out her chest with pride, and she bowed low to the ground.

“Thank you, my Queen. I try to honor your legacy.”

Lunaris giggled and moved forward, nudging the unicorn to her hooves.

“None of that now my friend.” She leaned in and whispered something in the mare’s ear, and the two glanced back toward Fireheart and Cobalt. Blush filled Midnight Wind’s cheeks as Lunaris continued to whisper, and her fangs shined as she grinned. With a bob of her head, the pair separated, and the blue unicorn waved them on.

“Let’s get you settled in before the children arrive.”

Cobalt exchanged a glance with Fireheart, who waggled his eyebrows, a playful grin on his muzzle. A hoof was swiftly thrown around Cobalt’s withers as the party started moving forward, following Midnight Wind through the busy district streets. While Midsummer Song and Strong Hoof continued to keep guard, making sure the eager ponies around them didn’t get too close, Fireheart held Cobalt close.

For his part, the blue pony simply continued to look around, studying the buildings of the growth district. It was far busier than he’d thought it would be, with busy ponies moving in rivers up and down the streets. Foals were everywhere of course, but he noticed more than a few groups of ponies without any kind of children. His muzzle twisted in confusion, drawing a chuckle from Lunaris.

“Not everypony likes latex as you and I do, Cobalt,” she said, smiling and nodding at a passing pair of patrolling guards. “The growth district is as much for those uninterested as it is for those with families. In fact, I grant special benefits to ponies who have no interest in our rubbery kingdom, offering them tax breaks and such to ensure that their businesses thrive.” She nodded toward a fruit stand that was already closing down, its shelves barren of produce. “As you can see, the measures aren’t wholly necessary, but I like to think it eases the burden of being separate from the kingdom abroad even if most things are the same.”

Cobalt hummed in agreement, offering his own smiling nod to a trio of mares as they trotted by. He’d never really given such things thought, but he supposed that was why he wasn’t royalty. He was far more small scale. Even aspects of managing the mango farm were lost on him.

The schoolhouse was near the center of the district, and it was clear which structure it was as they approached. Red brick built up to a steeple with a pristine bronze bell inside. Cobalt’s ears flicked at the noise that spilled out across the plaza as the bell chimed, summoning the foals from all over the district. Midnight Wind chuckled as the group that had been chasing the ball stormed under their legs again, racing toward the schoolhouse.

“Double time ponies!” she chirped. “Class is about to start, and we don’t want to be late!”

Lunaris and Fireheart chuckled, and they all made for the schoolhouse entrance at a brisk trot.

The Growth District; History Lesson (T)

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Filing into the room, the royal party already found the classroom of foals arrayed in a semi-circle on the carpeted floor, chattering away excitedly. As Midnight Wind motioned for Lunaris and Fireheart to take the pair of seats at the front of the classroom, Strong Hoof and Midsummer Song took up positions by the door. Cobalt took just a second to decide where he belonged, then moved forward with Lunaris and Fireheart, choosing to stand guard beside the orange prince’s seat.

Midnight Wind stood before the class and smiled, the silent motion quieting the excited foals.

“Good morning class!” The foals dutifully returned the greeting, earning them a wider smile. “Today, as you can see, we have some very special guests! Queen Lunaris and Prince Fireheart have decided to grace us with a visit, so I expect everypony to be on their best behavior!”

While most of the foals voiced their acknowledgment, a filly in the front row raised her hoof, and Midnight Wind gave her a nod.

“Yes, Sunshine?”

“Are we gonna get a story?” the amber eyed filly asked.

Midnight Wind glanced back to Lunaris, who smiled and chuckled.

“Would my Queen be kind enough to give us a story?”

Lunaris rolled her eyes, a smile already on her muzzle.

“I’m not sure Midnight, do the children really want to hear one of my dusty, boring old stories?”

The unicorn school teacher said nothing, the classroom of foals quickly making their voices known in a way that made Cobalt think that it was almost routine. As the foals settled into quiet and Midnight Wind moved to sit behind her desk, Lunaris chuckled, sitting tall in her seat.

“What would you like to hear today, my little ponies?”

Immediately the young voices raised again, shouting a variety of different answers. Lunaris raised a hoof, still smiling as she gently shushed them.

“One at a time, dears, there is plenty of time.”

Sunshine’s hoof immediately popped up, quickly followed by the hooves of her classmates. Lunaris nodded to the little filly.

“What story would you like to hear today?”

“Can we hear the first Reunion Day?” the filly blurted.

A light gasp touched the air, silencing any cheer as eyes shifted to Midnight Wind. The baticorn glanced at Lunaris before looking back to the filly.

“Sunshine, perhaps try something a touch more… historical.”

Lunaris chuckled and she shook her head.

“You don’t need to protect me my dear friend. The time before the reunion was dark, I agree, but that day? That is a story I will happily tell.”

She bowed her head just slightly, putting a smile back on the nervous filly’s face.

“Thank you dear. It will be an honor to tell you of the day all light re-entered my life.”


Lunaris’ eyes opened with the speed of light. She stared at the dark ceiling of her quiet, lonely bedroom. It was sparse, barely had any luxuries to speak of. A bed to fit her large size, a rug to ward off the chill, and a fireplace for the same reason. A small closet held what clothing she required for royal functions, but no more.

Such had been her conditions for a thousand years of penance.

Deserved penance.

She rolled from beneath her covers and got to the hooves, moving quickly to her bathroom. Today that would change. Motivated energy, unfelt for centuries, filled her bones. It had started a few months ago, this new, vibrant energy. Her archmage, Meridian, had finally found a solution after a millennia of research spanning all of her predecessors. She had helped each one when she could, but could only contribute so much, having to keep her ponies happy and maintain a nation alone. When she had time to give however, it was all devoted to their crucial, desperate research, and finally, finally, the effort had yielded results. Meridian had made the breakthrough in the dead of night, crafting the spell that would make her heart whole again.

Upon being woken and hearing the news, she had become near feral with desperation at having the solution so close at hoof, but her archmage was wise, and knew to advise caution. If they butchered the spell, the damage would be irreversible.

So they worked, research replaced with physical labor. The months that had passed had been filled making sure that every safety precaution was prepared. Rooms were built, fortified, warded, and then fortified more. Whole platoons of guards were hired, indoctrinated and drilled, ready to step up and keep order when the inevitable riots occurred while she recovered her magic. The spell would take all of her strength, and a weak queen drew eyes. There would be no usurpation however, no rebellion. Her allies stood ready to defend Stellaria’s borders, as did her armies. There would be no gaps in her strength, not now, not when she was so close.

The shower was at a perfect temperature, as always. Her bathroom was unfortunately not allowed to be non-luxurious. Modern plumbing forces perfection, and though she had protested, her guards and royal technicians did not give her a mere punishing powder room. They had provided a top of the line royal bathing suite, and though it was an act of rebellion, she knew it came from a place of loyalty and love. She could not punish devotion, and her penance was soon to end anyway. What use came from punishing a minor crime of love?

She twisted the dials to ‘off’ and dried herself, quickly donning her royal attire. The guards were statuesque as always as she left her room, falling in quick step as she all but jogged to the royal kitchens. She was sure she looked ridiculous, but perhaps some of her excitement was visible in her steps, because the guards flanking her seemed almost happy to be moving through the castle at a run, rather than the slow, plodding that normally graced her mornings.

Her kitchen staff were already lined up as she arrived; her morning meal prepared and plated before them. Unlike usual, however, where she stormed through and snatched up whatever pastry was prepared to taste like ash in her mouth, today she paused, not giving her carefully buttered bagel a glance as she met her head chef’s eyes.

“Is everything prepared? Our pantries have been filled and the list of potential dishes reviewed?”

The unicorn bowed her head.

“Of course, your majesty. All produce has been purchased fresh this morning, and we are in talks with the bat ponies of Fruity Fields for regular shipments of mangoes.”

Lunaris did something that had truly been a rarity over the last thousand years. She gave the unicorn a genuine smile.

“Excellent.” Looking at her staff, she continued, her tone bright. “Thank you all for this effort. I pray that it is not in vain.”

Her magic seized her breakfast and she was on the move again, leaving the kitchens with a wave of dismissal. Her steps carried her toward the prepared casting room. In her path, however, were yet more of her servants. She paused as her secretary, Indigo Waves, stood ready with her clipboard.

“Construction is already underway?” Lunaris asked, taking a quick bite that consumed half of her bagel, its buttery taste barely savored as she swallowed it down.

“The first rooms should be ready within the year,” Indigo said, adjusting her glasses. “If all stays on schedule, the entire dungeon will be complete on the prince’s eighteenth birthday.”

“And Miss Ocean Breeze?”

“Locked in a designing fervor.” The teal bat-pony smiled, glancing at her clipboard. “She’s already ordered all the materials, and her trees are coming in nicely.” She blushed. “She has also already taken measurements of those among the castle staff that will assist you in welcoming in these new changes my Queen.”

Lunaris grinned down at her secretary, faint thoughts of seeing her clad in her new uniform skirting across her mind, but quickly pushed aside. There would be time for such things, but not now. She had focus now.

“Excellent,” she purred, laying her wing across Indigo Waves’ back. “And new staff? Are you finding ponies willing and eager to work in my dungeon?”

“It’s a bit slow for the moment,” the secretary admitted, a blush on her cheeks at the intimate contact. She pressed on, however. “Once word gets out and ponies start seeing Miss Breeze’s designs, however, they shall flock to you in droves, your Majesty.” She blushed further. “I-including myself, if you’ll have me.”

Lunaris chuckled and nodded, giving the mare a pat before retracting her wing. She’d been at her side for some time, and had she been like her old self, she imagined she’d ravage the nervous little thing nightly. Such rewards she did not deserve, however.

“It is as expected then, you have my thanks for taking care of these matters while my attention is elsewhere. Rest assured you shall be rewarded in time, and will certainly remain at my side in the days to come. Now go! I must focus, and can no longer spare thoughts to anything other than the spellcraft.”

Indigio nodded, offering a silent bow before slipping away. Lunaris took a breath, then strode onward, no more ponies blocking her path.

She had one last stop before reaching the spell room, and it broke her heart this time just as it did all the others. Her hooves carried her to a quiet, warm part of the castle. The carpet was plush, changed yearly in case some blessing or miracle liberated her from her penance. Nothing had yet occurred, however, though hopefully it soon would. Her heart ached with the thought that it may not, but she would endure.

She slipped past the pair of guards standing at attention, opening the door and slipping into the dimly lit room. It was a perfect reconstruction of his original room, and though the window was covered with starry curtains, they could be thrown open to see the same city he’d fallen asleep to all those years ago. She slipped to Fireheart’s bedside and sat, staring into the crystal with tears in her eyes.

The small orange colt’s chest rose and fell steadily, as it had for a thousand years. His sleep had never ended, and after a month, she had him put into a stasis crystal, to ensure he would survive the centuries it had taken to figure out how to free him from his endless, dreamless sleep. The greatest consequence of that was she was no longer able to fear his soft fur, no longer able to hug him tight and promise that all would be well. She had been unable to touch her son for a thousand years, and he had remained asleep without her touch for the same. Her hoof clinked lightly against the crystal as she fought her tears.

“Soon, my darling little fire. Soon I shall hug you and you shall feast on whatever your heart desires until your belly aches. Soon.”

She kissed the crystal above his head, then turned away, taking a few shaky breaths as she stood, looking around the room. There were a few runes carved through the ceiling where the magic would pour through to release him. She triple checked the safety runes before trotting into the hall, unable to look back, lest she become trapped at her son’s side again. Standing in the corridor, she closed her eyes, trying to calm herself.

“I want triplicate guards on this room during the ritual, with medical staff on hoof, and I want the castle cleared to this room. I will be along as soon as I am able.”

The guard on the left saluted.

“It will be done, my Queen.”

Lunaris nodded, opening her eyes, her tears dried.

“Good. There will be consequences if I am delayed for even a moment from being at my Fire’s side.”

She then trotted toward her final destination. The walk took her long strides no time to conquer, and she barely even remembered it, having taken the route a hundred times. Instead of simply barging into the casting room however, she took great care to open and shut the door with all the gentleness of a butterfly. It wouldn’t do to disturb any of the preparations. The room was lit primarily by crystals, but around the summoning circle sat seven candles, while at the center, Meridian seemed to dance, a quartet of brushes in her magic, painting runes onto the floor as she moved and twirled about. Lunaris watched for a moment, briefly staring at her archmage’s rump before catching herself.

Focus,’ she thought to herself, fortifying her thoughts. Out loud she said; “Is it ready?”

Meridian nodded, doing another spin, the brushes following, dipping into the glowing paint sitting in her hoof.

“It has been since yesterday my Queen. You needed rest, however, and I wanted more time to fortify the room, hence the delay.”

Lunaris’ ears flicked off time, and she sputtered.

“What? I could have had my little flame back yesterday?”

Meridian turned, her brushes still furiously working as she stared Lunaris down.

“No. If we get the slightest thing wrong with this spell, the only way the slumber ends is with death and pain. You are the primary caster, so you must be at your best. You’ve been obsessing ever since I told you I figured this out.”

She smiled and strode from the circle, the brushes floating to rest in a tray off to the side. Meridian nosed her chest, and Lunaris returned the gesture, pulling her archmage close and resting her muzzle in the mare’s mane.

“I love you, my Queen, and I promised all those years ago that I would return your son to you.” Meridian continued to nuzzle her chest fur. “I refuse to let anyone stop me, including you, but you have rested, and I am ready for your order. All is prepared.”

Lunaris sighed, drinking in the mare’s scent. She was a beautiful thing, and had long been one of the only bright spots in her self-imposed misery.

“Thank you my friend,” she murmured. “I knew you would be the one to solve this for me, and you will have my gratitude for the rest of my days. Words can never express how much this will mean to me if we succeed.”

Meridian clicked her tongue and pulled away, a twinkle of offended mischief in her eyes.

When we succeed, my Queen.” She turned, flicking Lunaris’ nose with her tail. “Have a touch of faith.”

Lunaris wanted to jest with the mare, wanted to smile and tease and boast about how easy this would be, but she knew it was to be anything but. She would be functioning largely as a battery for Meridian, who would be guiding the spell through the intricate runes carved into every surface of the room, even the ceiling. It was going to be an unimaginable burden on both of them, but she would endure. Such was nothing to spending another moment without her son.

Meridian barred the door and trotted to the opposite side of the circle, turning and facing her.

“When you are ready, my Queen, step into the center of the circle and start feeding your magic into the runes.”

Lunaris nodded and did as she was bade, moving to the center of the circle. She spread her legs, tensing her muscles before focusing her eyes on Meridian, a determined look on her face.

“Let us begin.”

Her magic was easy to call as usual, was easier than it had been in the last thousand years, in fact. She’d been preparing for this moment, drawing in and lashing out with her magic, making sure her internal stores could handle the strain she would demand. And so far, they did as she summoned as much magic as possible, sending it in a trickle toward Meridian, who’s own horn was shining with light, sending the thread into the runes. The room grew brighter as rune after run charged, slowly carving through the circle and beginning the upward spiral.

Lunaris felt sweat build on her pelt as she continued building and distributing her magic. The slightest mistake in the push and pull would spill disaster. Meridian, at the very least, would be reduced to ash in an instant. Likely the guards outside the casting room as well. A good portion of the castle would likely be leveled, even with the layers of protection spells. And her Fire… He would either be trapped, or the spell would lash out and would destroy him as well. The blue alicorn grit her teeth. She’d be damned if she allowed something like that to happen. So she endured and kept precise focus, even as her petral melted away, turning to slag at her hooves, her fur aflame with magic.

Her muscles started to burn as well as the spell reached the runes at the top of the room. Her limb ached as power searched desperately for new paths to move about as every vein became filled to the brim with magic, and her horn started to glow from the heat alone. Meridian let out a moan of pain, quivering in her place as she spoke.

“W-we are close, my Queen. A m-moment more while I direct the spell….”

Lunaris growled her acknowledgment, arcs of power spitting off her horn. Meridian winced as one carved a gash in the wall beside her, but she continued guiding the spell without pause, and the runes all started to glow brighter and brighter, filling the room with blinding, prismatic light.

With a sharp crack, Lunaris sent the last of her power through the exchange, a white hot bolt of lightning rocketing into Meridian’s horn. The mare cried out in pain, but the magic quickly leapt at the runes, filling the room with white light that blinded them both.

Lunaris panted, her tongue fat and dry as she tried to blink away the afterglow in her blind eyes. She felt hot, as if she’d been stuck inside an oven, inside and out. She didn’t dare move, her hooves feeling melted to the floor as her sight returned. The first thing she did was locate Meridian. She smiled when she found the mare still on her feet, similarly blind and struggling not to collapse on her quivering legs. Lunaris tried to reach out with her magic, but bit her tongue as pain shot through her scorched horn. Glancing up found the limb blackened and dark, and she grimaced. That had been a risk, but testing her legs, she could still feel the touch of magic, faint though it was. She sighed with relief. It would return in time, something she had in abundance.

“Archmage,” she croaked, her throat similarly scorched. “Do grace my ears with that marvelous voice. I would hate to curse my kingdom with losing such a beautiful singer.”

Her ears flicked as a dry, wheezing chuckle was her answer, and Meridian collapsed in place, laughing.

“No, my Queen,” she giggled. “Stellaria is not bereft of my caterwauling yet.”

Lunaris clicked her tongue and took a step forward, squeaking as her aching muscles screamed their protest.

“You know what I have said about self-depreciation.”

Meridian snorted and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath.

“Mmmm, something about not liking it. You say such silly things sometimes, my Queen. I can’t remember them all.”

A trace of worry lanced through Lunaris’ chest, and she took another step toward the mare.

“Stay awake, my friend. I need you here.”

Meridian huffed, but one eye opened, squinting at Lunaris.

“I didn’t expect to still see you here, my Queen. S-should you not be running to Prince Fireheart? I have done my duty, I… I have given all my effort to fulfill my promise. Y-you should go and see.”

Lunaris took a third step, then a fourth. The motion hurt no less, but became easier with momentum. She crouched beside Meridian and nosed her side, looking for injuries other than burnout. She considered the mare’s words for a moment, and found a sense of… security. Like she knew what was waiting for her in her Fire’s room. She had waited for him for so long, she knew he would do the same.

“I will not lose a friend as close as you,” she mumbled. “I will not let your final gift be death, just when you have given me back what is most precious to me, so do chin up. You look prettier when not so dour.”

Meridian coughed, giggling and shaking her head.

“Backhanded insults? Oh my Queen, you stoop.”

“Guards!” Lunaris called over her shoulder. “Bring a nurse!”

Meridian winced.

“Not so loud…”

Lunaris smiled and nosed the mare’s singed mane. The pair of them would likely have short manes for a time, their hair blackened and brittle. A small price to pay, however. The guards charged into the room, and a trio of nurses were at her side in an instant, one trying to nudge her away, while the other two rolled Meridian onto a stretcher, preparing all manner of implements to ensure she survived as painlessly as possible. Meridian’s eye still focused on Lunaris, however, and the alicorn stroked her mane once before pulling away.

“Rest well my friend. You shall be meeting my son soon, and I need you at your best. He has an affinity for pretty mares.”

Meridian snorted and clutched her ribs.

“No more jokes, you sweet old blueberry. It hurts to laugh.”

The pair shared a giggle, then with a nod from Lunaris, she was carried away. The nurse beside her nosed her neck, and Lunaris looked down at the little unicorn, who smiled.

“I can’t imagine you’re going to let me take you to the healing ward?”

Lunaris snorted and shook her head.

“No. I must go to my little flame. He will wake soon. I can feel it.”

“And carrying you, is of course, out of the question?”

Her pride burned at that, but… there was something else. She needed to carry herself through one last trial, one last act of recompense. She needed to walk to this side, even if she was in agony the whole time. She shook her head again.

“I will walk. The prince will see his mother arrive on her own two legs. It wouldn’t do if he worried.”

The nurse nodded and sighed, looking toward the guards.

“One of you prepare the way. The other, press against Queen Lunaris’ side. We shall carry her only if need be.”

Lunaris let out an amused snort as the pair instantly obeyed, with one darting out the door again while the other pressed against her left side. She hissed in pain at the contact, but gave the worried looking bat an affirming nod. The nurse pressed against her right, and they both looked up to her, awaiting her word. Gritting her teeth and bracing herself, she gave a nod.

“Let us begin.”

The walk started slow, but though it caused her suffering with every step, their march steadily sped up, her limping steps gaining strength with every hoof fall. Lunaris grunted, winced and moaned, utterly ashamed of how much she relied on her pair of servants to carry her onward, but every time she glanced at either to see if they looked down on her frailty, she found nothing but worry and care, the pair all but bleeding their desire to whisk her away on some stretcher, to get her to safety and treatment. She couldn’t help but smile, and on one particularly rough stumble, she nosed the guard, trying to convey her thanks as he kept her held up. The bat slowly smiled back, and she noticed a particular waggle in his tail as they continued the journey.

As ordered, the halls were clear, and the same pair of guards were waiting outside Fireheart’s bedroom. To her surprise, however, they were not at their usual attention, but focused on something inside the room. Lunaris brushed free of her helpers with a mumble of thanks, her hoofsteps quick as she found the strength to push herself onward. She brushed past the pair, her muzzle bared in a snarl as she beheld a room full of her guards simply sitting and doing nothing. As she started to bark at them, the words died in her throat as she looked toward the bed.

Tiara sat in the center of the bed spread, a small orange bundle snuggled against her chest, and the freshly returned alicorn smiled at her, her expression earnest and smiling.

“Hello Lulu.”

The words were soft, spoken without a hint of malice or anger, and Lunaris felt her soul crush to bits at the sound. She was unworthy of her sister's love, of her sons. Looking down she found her fur completely blackened, with blood dripping gently from the myriad of wounds she’d ignored, no doubt shrapnel from the spell. Tears filled her eyes and she choked, turning her head away from the shining, pristine glory that was her sister returned and her son freed. Ugly sounds rose in her throat as all of her pains made themselves known, and she took another step back. She needed to flee, to not pollute this perfect scene any longer.

As another hoof fell back, soft, amber magic surrounded her battered body, and she was dragged forward. She let out a cry and tried to shield herself with her wings.

“Don’t look at me! I did this! I’m not worthy of your love, of his!” She wriggled, trying to get free even as she was pulled inevitably closer. “Let me go! I-!”

Warm, fluffy wings embraced her, and an equally warm muzzle rested on top of her head, nosing her charred mane.

“Shh, none of that,” Tiara murmured. “I have seen how you have suffered, my beloved sister. I am here to put an end to that, if you’ll have me.”

Lunaris looked up, her eyes filled with tears as she beheld her sister returned. She searched desperately for the lie, for the cruel joke of the fates that would see her cast into the dirt, her son stolen from beneath her. She found only love and kindness, and it broke her. She burrowed her muzzle deep in Tiara’s chest fur and cried.

She didn’t know how long she cried, but Tiara remained quiet through it all, her hoof gently brushing the blue alicorn’s back, humming a nothing tune as Lunaris cried herself out. Once she had, Lunaris hugged Tiara tight, still hiding her eyes in her sister's fluff.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I… I’ve missed you so much. I… I was scared you would hate me.”

Tiara clicked her tongue and her hoof shifted to Lunaris’ mane, brushing it aside gently, tucking the damaged strands behind her ear.

“Never,” she replied. “I will love you forever more, and nothing would ever change that.” Her breath warmed Lunaris' neck as she nosed her again. “I have missed you too, sister, but I am glad for my return, if only to lift the burden of guilt from your shoulders.”

Lunaris sniffled, wiping her eyes with a soot covered hoof, some of her guilt already lifted.

“Not quite yet, but soon. I have much more to apologize and atone for.” She finally mustered the courage to look up into Tiara’s eyes. “But I will do both, and I have built the nation I so desired. Stellaria has, like its queen…” She choked up again, and her eyes fell to the still sleeping orange colt. “...has been missing its heart. I… is he awake?”

Tiara smiled and nosed her neck.

“Let us see.”

Lunaris felt her heart leap as her sister nosed the orange sleeping bundle of fluff, felt it crumble with joy as a hoof rose and slapped blearily at the offending muzzle.

“Five more minutes…” Fireheart grumbled, his voice still squeaking with foalhood.

Lunaris snorted, her tears spilling over as she smiled. Tiara chuckled and leaned back as Lunaris finally took back what was hers. She rested her nose against Fireheart’s pristine orange fur and closed her eyes, her body relaxing wholly for the first time in a thousand years.

“Whatever you like, my love,” she whispered. “I have built this all for you, and in time, I will give you yet more.”

The orange bundle rolled over and hugged her nose, nuzzling her dreamily.

“I love you Mama,” he mumbled.

Lunaris sighed, her heart filled with joy.

“I love you too, my little flame.”


Lunaris shook herself, taking a deep breath as she paused in her tale. She wiped her eyes, chuckling lightly.

“Apologies, my dearest subjects. I’m afraid that tale tends to make me a touch emotional.”

The replies were mumbled and supportive, and as she wiped the tears away, she found the arrangements in the room had changed since she started. Everyone, including her guards, were sitting before her. The foals were a mixture of teary and jubilant, mostly leaning toward the later with the conclusion of the tail. Midnight Wind and Cobalt were sitting beneath Midsummer Song and Strong Hoof respectively, the quartet teary and clearly taking comfort in one another. Last but not least was the prince himself, and as soon as her eyes fell upon him, his tears spilled over, and he leapt forward and into her waiting hooves. Lunaris hugged him tight, planting a kiss in his mane as he nuzzled her chest. She sighed and rocked him back and forth.

“Good boy.”

He poked his head out of the hug and smiled up at her.

“I love you Mom.”

Lunaris smiled back and planted another kiss on his forehead.

“I love you to Fire.”

He purred and settled against her chest. The heartwarming action earned a few ‘dawws’ from the foals, while also sparking her guards into action. Midsummer Song and Strong Hoof stood, trotting back over to their stations. Cobalt looked back, looking like he wanted to protest, but quickly thought better of it, slouching in place and looking ashamedly at the carpet. Midnight Wind giggled and nosed him back toward his original seat, then trotted to her desk. Lunaris glanced at the clock on the wall, then gave her a smile and bowed her head slightly.

“Apologies. I seem to have taken most of the afternoon.”

“I don’t think anypony is protesting, your Highness.”

She looked toward the class and quickly received the dozen happily chirped answers of the foals. Lunaris chuckled and bowed her head to the class as well.

“You have my thanks. I’m afraid at my age, I get a touch sentimental from time to time.”

“Class is dismissed early,” Midnight Wind said. “With no homework! Enjoy the day, and I will see you all bright and early tomorrow!”

The foals cheered, and Lunaris continued to smile, looking down at her favorite colt in the whole world.

The Growth District; Fire's Favorites (T)

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Cobalt winced as another cheer split the air, and the foals charged toward their cubbies, snatching up their saddlebags and sprinting out the door. As the classroom cleared out, he mentally cursed himself. The story had been both heartbreaking and heartwarming, and he’d loved every second, but to leave his post! He was supposed to guard Lunaris and Fireheart, not sit around like some sort of starstruck filly! What if something had happened to Fire? He wouldn’t be able to forgive himself if the adorable bat got hurt because he was lost in some story, good though it was.

He glanced at the orange bat, felt a touch of jealousy as Fireheart continued to purr and nuzzle Lunaris. He quickly squashed it however, realizing that it wasn’t that he was jealous, he just felt… homesick. He sniffled and wiped his eyes with a hoof, looking toward the floor as he tried to steel himself. It was getting closer to harvest season, the months grew colder, that meant long days dancing from tree to tree, pulling down the sweetest mangoes, followed by the warmest nightly snuggles by the fireplace…

Just as he felt tears begin to creep into his eyes, warm fluff embraced him, pulling him to his hooves. Fireheart beamed, throwing his wing over Cobalt’s back as Lunaris spoke.

“I will be paying the mayor a visit, followed by the feast I’m sure the district has planned?” Midnight Wind nodded, smiling. “Excellent. Guard Song, Guard Hoof, I would like you with me. I don’t want anypony to think I’m not bringing a full detail and think I don’t care as a result. Guard Cobalt, Midnight Wind;” Cobalt felt his ears perk up and flick at his name, and he looked to Lunaris, blushing slightly when he found her motherly smile meeting his gaze. “Please chaperon Fire to his usual haunts. Try to make sure he doesn’t get a bellyache from candy this time. He didn’t eat for two days, and I was worried sick.”

Midnight Wind giggled, making Cobalt feel short as she stood over the pair of bats.

“Don’t worry your highness. I’ll make sure they have a good day and are returned to the castle safely.”

Lunaris hummed and she gave Cobalt a wink before turning away.

“Indeed. I shall see you this evening, my little flame.”

She blew a kiss toward Fireheart, and the orange bat let out a squeak before mimicking catching it and holding it to his chest. Strong Hoof and Midsummer Song followed Lunaris out of the classroom silently, with Strong Hoof giving Cobalt a nod and a smile.

Cobalt squeaked as Fireheart suddenly pounced on him. He hit the ground with another squeak, then a squeal as the orange bat licked his nose.

“So where do you wanna go first?” Fireheart enthusiastically chirped. “I wanna go to the comic shop, and get ice cream!”

“We should stop somewhere for lunch, my prince,” Midnight Wind giggled, pulling Fireheart back before helping Cobalt brush himself off. “How about Slice’s pizza?”

Fireheart’s tail smacked the ground.

“With mango slices?” he chirped.

Midnight Wind pulled the orange bat to her side and licked his cheek.

“Yes, my adorable prince, with mango slices.”

Fireheart squeaked and flushed crimson, and Cobalt quickly matched him as Fire’s wing kept him in place, pressed to the orange bat’s side. Midnight Wind giggled again, giving the pair a wink that made them blush further as she led them from the classroom.


“Oooh, Ponio!”

Fireheart’s tail waggled back and forth as he stared longingly across the pizza parlor. The room was a warm orange, and though it was relatively barren of customers, the ponies behind the counter were enthusiastically at work, putting a trio of pizzas through prep while their little party looked over the menu. Midnight Wind slipped a bit from her saddlebags and passed it to the orange bat.

“Go play dear, I know what to order for you.”

Fireheart let out a chirp of thanks and he flapped across the restaurant. Cobalt felt his body instinctively twitch, wanting to follow the prince, but he kept himself in place, swallowing dryly as he noticed the half-bat mare at his side grinning at him. He stared straight ahead, trying not to sweat as he stared at the menu.

“Any… um, recommendations, Miss Wind?”

She giggled, stepping closer and pressing against his side, making him shiver as he drank in her sweat scent.

“No need to be so formal Cobalt, Midnight Wind is fine. Now; let’s stop playing pretend.” He squeaked in mild alarm as she removed his helmet, then let out a little moan as she scratched behind his ear. “I can tell this is your first time in the district, as well as your first time out with Prince Fire. Don’t worry about guard duty or any of that, I’ll take care of it.”

“B-but…” Cobalt tried to protest, even as he leaned into the scratches, his hind leg thumping slightly.

“Good loyal bat,” Midnight Wind cooed. “Your number one duty is to protect the prince, and his warm, kind heart will be broken if you’re too busy watching our tails.” She licked his ear. “And besides, I saw that little tense, you want to have fun with Fire anyway, so go on. You have my permission.”

Some part of him knew that he was supposed to say no, that he was supposed to be a strong, resolute guard, focused entirely on his duty, but he really really wanted to have fun with Fireheart…

“Come on best bat friend, you get to go first!” Fireheat called.

Cobalt felt any resistance break as he flapped toward the orange bat. He quickly paused and turned, rubbing against Midnight Wind before flapping away again.

“Thank you Ms. Wind!”

The baticorn giggled and waved.

“Enjoy my adorable bats! Let me know if you need any more bits.”

The pair blushed and chirped in acknowledgment as she turned to order their food. Cobalt slid in beside Fireheart, who wrapped him in a wing hug, poking at the controls.

“Here, you go first! I already started the level.”

Cobalt stared at the screen. He’d seen electronics before… in passing. He’d heard much about video games, but had never actually played one. This one displayed a simple red and blue pony on a light blue screen. Brown blocks stood in a variety of ways across the screen, and little creatures moved back and forth. He looked down at the controls, then at the screen, then at the controls again. Finally he looked toward Fireheart, who smiled back. Cobalt blinked blankly.

“I’m a farm pony… what do I do?”

Fireheart tilted his head slightly, his smile never wavering.

“Press da buttons!” He poked at the controls. “This one makes you jump, and this one makes you move!”

Cobalt stared hard at the controls before pressing the move button. The pony on the screen inched forward, and Fireheart pressed against his side.

“Good! Now jump!”

Perhaps he had gotten too used to following direct orders, because Cobalt did a small jump in place. The character on the screen ran into one of the mushroom looking creatures, and the screen quickly changed to say; ‘You Died’. He looked toward Fire and blinked again. Fireheart giggled and leaned over, nipping the blue bat’s ear, making him squeak.

“No silly, you gotta press the jump button on the game!” He pressed the reset button and the pony was back on the screen. Fireheart nosed Cobalt’s neck, giggling. “Now try again.”

Cobalt frowned, leaning comfortably against the fluffy orange bat as he pressed the move button again. Fireheart let out a soft chitter as Cobalt’s character neared the first enemy, and he again said;

“Now jump!”

Cobalt’s ears pinned to the side of his head, and, not wanting to disappoint the prince, he quickly pressed both the move button and the jump button, spamming them as fast as he could. The screen flashed, then froze for a second before his character magically appeared atop a flagpole, snatching the flag off in his teeth before hopping down and entering a small castle. Cobalt looked to Fireheart.

“W-was that good?”

The orange bat pony stared blankly at the screen for a long moment before letting out a delighted squeak.

“How’d you do that? It glitched! I’ve never seen that one before!”

Cobalt’s tail waggled back and forth, and he gave a fanged grin.

“I just pressed the buttons like you said!” He looked back to the game, pressing a button to start the next level.

Fireheart pressed against his side, offering bits of advice as he progressed normally through the level. It didn’t take him long to die again, and so they switched places, with Fireheart casually flying through the levels, his tongue blepped out in concentration. They continued happily playing until Midnight Wind called out that their food was ready. Fireheart quickly finished the level and the pair trotted over to the mare, sitting with her in the circular booth she’d chosen.

Fireheart immediately scooted over to sit beside her, nosing her neck affectionately before digging into his pizza. Cobalt sat toward the end of the booth, his eyes flicking between the pair and his own steaming pizza. A giggle touched his ears, and looking sheepishly toward Midnight Wind found the baticorn sitting with open hooves.

“Come here my cute bat. You won’t experience the best the growth district has to offer until you get some snuggles. I promise I won’t bite.”

Cobalt blushed, but his tail swished across the seat as he scooted over, her hoof pulling him against her chest fluff. The mare hummed in satisfaction, her breath warm on his ear as she whispered;

“Too hard, that is…”

He squeaked as she gave his neck a lick, and he scooped up a slice of pizza, trying to hide his blush by taking a bite. Midnight Wind giggled and smooched his cheek before turning to her own food.

“So, my prince, I think we should go to the hobby shop first, followed by ice cream?”

Fireheart chittered with delight, cheese hanging from his muzzle as he bobbed his head.

“Yes! I wanna see if Ink Dot has the new models I ordered! It’s supposed to be huge, and in a new color, and has this little pony that you can paint on it!”

Midnight Wind giggled and licked the cheese off, making the orange bat blush.

“Then it’s set. Cobalt, is there anywhere in particular you wanted to see in the district?”

Cobalt blinked, quickly scarfing down the rest of his slice before tilting his head in question at the blue mare.

“Me? I’m glad I get to relax and play with Fire a little, but I am just here as his guard.”

Midnight Wind smiled.

“I know dear, but there’s no reason we can’t make a stop somewhere you’d like to see, or to get something. Think about it, we are happy to make a little detour for an adorable blue bat, aren’t we Fire?”

Cobalt blushed as the orange bat pony waggled his eyebrows.

“Anything for my best bat friend!”

Cobalt mumbled a brief flushed thanks, going back to his pizza as the pair giggled at him.


A bell rang out above their heads as they trotted into the hobby shop aptly named; Ink Dot Comics and Hobbies. A chipper voice rang out as the trio trotted inside.

“Prince Fireheart, hello!” came the bright call.

Cobalt’s head swiveled as Fireheart trotted toward the counter, a shy smile on his muzzle and a light blush on his cheeks. From behind a dozen small displays covered with ads and trinkets, a dark pink earth pony waved her hoof, her smile shining at the orange prince. Fireheart shyly approached her, rubbing his foreleg as he continued to blush.

“H-Hi Ms. Ink Dot.”

The mare snorted and reached across the counter, ruffling his mane. Fireheart squeaked, then purred as she giggled.

“Silly bat, you know you can just call me Inky!”

Fireheart’s blush deepened and he nodded.

“Y-yeah, j-just wasn’t expecting to see you here, I-Inky.”

Ink Dot giggled again and settled her forelegs on the counter.

“You were just lucky my Prince. I rotate back to our normal store near the castle tomorrow, but still, it’s good to see you a little early! Here for the new Power Ponies, or are you looking at models?”

As the two started to relax into regular chatter, Cobalt looked around the shop, his eyes slowly widening as he beheld all of the color, all of the unique sights. He’d been more focused on the prince as they walked in, but by the queens, the shop was packed with stuff! Tall racks of brightly colored comic books formed into tight aisles, above which were strung dozens of different models of airships, boats, and planes. His eyes drifted down to that which he was most familiar with, even though that was a stretch. He recognized perhaps two of the comics, but the rest… they were just so many! His tiny town general store had never had this many! He looked at a Power Ponies comic, smiling as he recognized the familiar characters. His sisters enjoyed them more of course, but with only two magazines stocked in Fruity Fields, he read what he could.

“The adult section is behind that curtain, cutie!” Ink Dot called.

Cobalt squeaked and blushed, his tail tucked between his legs as he looked away from the comic rack. He tried to hide in his helmet, but realized that Midnight Wind was still carrying it. She and Ink Dot giggled at his flustered state, and the comic mare looked to the baticorn.

“How did you manage to clone and paint the prince blue, Sister? This bat is just as nervous and cute!”

Cobalt looked at Midnight Wind.


The baticorn grinned and nosed his neck, making him squeak again.

“I am a Sister in the order of the Sisters of the Light. I’ll tell you more when we meet again, my cute guard.” She nibbled his ear, making him squirm as she glanced at Ink Dot. “And I know, precious, right? I cannot wait for the news to spread through the castle, especially since Cobalt here is Prince Fireheart’s bodyguard.”

Ink Dot’s eyebrows raised, and a smile spread on her muzzle. She looked to Fireheart, who’s tail waggled, his expression beaming.

“He’s my best bat friend!” the prince chirped.

The dark pink mare giggled, and she looked back toward Cobalt.

“Well welcome to my hobby shop Cobalt! Prince Fire has his run of the place and probably knows where things are better than I do, but feel free to ask me any questions you like.”

Cobalt glanced at Midnight Wind, and she grinned, silently nodding permission. His tail waggled and she rubbed against her cheek before trotting forward, his eyes once again roaming the shop.

“I don’t really know where to begin… we only had Power Ponies in Fruity Fields… adult section? What’s that for?”

“Mostly for the Shadowbolts comics, those are super popular, and really action packed, in both ways,” Ink Dot said, waving a hoof toward the curtain. “But there are a couple books that adults in the district like, so we keep them stocked. I’m sure Fire will visit my main store near the castle though, so if you want to see our full range, I really recommend dropping in.” She winked and stuck her tongue out at Fireheart, making him squeak again. “The prince also likes my uniform much more in that shop.”

Cobalt giggled, feeling a blush tinge his cheeks as the mare’s gaze shifted to him, eyeing him up and down before winking again.

“You will too I imagine,” she teased, then giggled as the pair of stallions squeaked.

Fireheart shook himself free of the teasing first, and his tail waggled, the stallion almost bounding in place.

“Did you get the new models yet Inky?”

The mare nodded, her muzzle opening, but Fireheart was already gone, only reappearing to grab Cobalt and drag him through the aisles with an alarmed shriek. Midnight Wind giggled, trotting up to the counter and laying the guardspony’s helmet atop it. She stared after the vanished pair with Ink Dot.

“I bet one of them ends up as a mare in the next month and the other plows her.” Ink Dot stated, a sly grin spreading on her muzzle.

Midnight Wind snorted, sliding a pouch of bits across the counter.

“I’ll take that action, but if it does happen, I get to take the mare to the altar and show her what being a sister is about.”


Cobalt faintly heard giggling as Fireheart finally stopped pulling him along, their path halting before a tall wall of models, most of which were airships. The orange bat pony beside him vibrated, whining anxiously as he combed the wall up and down.

“Helios helios, where’s da Helios model?!”

“Third shelf, four from the right!” Ink Dot called through the store.

Fireheart’s eyes immediately shot to that spot, and he squealed with delight, plucking a rather large box from the shelf and holding it in his hooves. His tail slapped the ground, and he hugged it tight to his chest.

“Yessss! I’ve been waiting on this one forever!” He looked to Cobalt with an eager smile. “It’s got fifty pieces, and a custom “paint-yourself” pony for the front of the bow!”

Cobalt stared at the ship, his eyes widening. It looked so detailed, so cool! And a minature pony you could make yourself, that was so-

“Awesome,” he whispered.

Fireheart hummed in agreement and looked back to the wall of models, his tail swishing back and forth.

“So, which one are you getting friend?”

Cobalt tilted his head at the orange bat.

“What do you mean?”

Fireheart met his gaze, smiling and waving at the wall.

“You gotta pick one! Then we can build ‘em together!”

Cobalt’s ears pinned to the sides of his head and he looked toward the suddenly intimidating wall of models. His eyes flitted across the myriad of choices, and he slowly shook his head, shrinking slightly.

“N-no. I’m fine. N-never had any models before. We couldn’t afford those, and we had to work the farm anyway. I wouldn’t know what to do with one.”

Fireheart sputtered, visibly confused. Cobalt shied away more, mentally cursing himself for not knowing yet another thing. He’d only waltzed into the royal palace and asked for a job, he couldn’t have bothered with actually knowing anything about Stellaria outside his tiny town before he arrived?

Midnight Wind seemed to appear from nowhere like a guardian angel, wrapping him in a gentle hug as she rested her chin in his mane, smiling at Fireheart.

“Why don’t you pick one out, my Prince? Cobalt’s new to the hobby, he needs help to make sure his first model is exceptional!”

Fireheart immediately lit up, and he grinned, his blue eyes shining at Cobalt.

“I’m sorry, of course I can pick out one for you! Then we can build them together, and then we can talk about getting more!”

He set down the model in his hooves and hopped over it in one smooth move, hugging Cobalt. The blue bat did his best not to choke up, and he hugged the orange bat back, purring emanating from his chest. Fireheart just as quickly sprang away, looking the wall up and down with an intense look on his face. Midnight Wind chuckled and guided Cobalt down the aisle.

“Maybe grab two!” she called over her shoulder. “You can make an evening of it.”

Fireheart chirped in response, immediately snatching a model from the wall and setting it beside his own before returning to his task. Midnight Wind smiled as they turned the corner, and her hoof left Cobalt’s withers. As she turned and stood in front of the guard bat, he looked toward the floor, his cheeks burning with shame as if he was about to be scolded.

A hoof touched his chin and pushed his gaze up until he met Midnight Wind’s kind smile. She brushed his mane gently with her other hoof.

“Cobalt, take a deep breath.”

His eyes flicked down, and he tried to draw back, but a shelf at his back prevented his retreat.

“I-I’m fine S-Sister…”

“I have served Queen Lunaris and her family for well over a decade now, and I know what it looks like when a bat with a big heart starts getting in his own head. Now look me in the eyes and take a nice, deep breath.”

Cobalt sniffled, but did as he was told, meeting the mare’s crimson eyes with his tear emerald ones. She smiled and brushed the tears away as they took a shared deep breath. She cooed softly.

“That’s it, in and out my cute bat. In and out.”

Cobalt followed her breathing, slowly calming from the panic he hadn’t realized was filling his chest. Midnight Wind kept him breathing until he was fully calm, then she spoke again.

“You have nothing to worry about with Prince Fire. Nothing. He doesn’t care about what you don’t know, he doesn’t care about where you came from, and he doesn’t care if you don’t exactly share his interests. What he does care about is his friend, and he wants you to be happy. He of course would like that happiness to include his interests, but if things don’t always overlap, he’s a big, smart stallion who will share anything and everything he can with you until you find something you can do together.”

She continued brushing his mane, and Cobalt nodded, his eyes glazing slightly as he tried not to hiccup. Fireheart had been nothing but kind with him, everyone had really, yet here he was, overthinking-

“Queen Lunaris knows how to pick her ponies,” Midnight continued, interrupting his thoughts. “Fire was just like you once, always nervous, always shy, always anxious about what others thought. He can still be like that sometimes, but he’s only that way because he’s got a big heart and wants everyone to be happy. I think you are much the same, my dear cute bat, so please; relax. Fireheart will stick by your side, and I know you will stick by his. I knew before he even spoke the words that you were going to be the best of friends, and I don’t think a bat as precious as you will let me, or him down, will you?”

Cobalt hiccuped into a smile, shaking his head. Midnight Wind dabbed away his tears and smooched his nose.

“Good bat. I expect to hear such wonderful stories when I shift back into the castle, and I fully expect to see you causing mischief with my favorite orange bat. Now dry those silly tears Cobalt, take another breath, and explore Ms. Ink Dot’s shop. Find something that catches your eye.”

She giggled as she heard an overexcited squeal coming from the model wall. She stood, trotting that way.

“I’ll keep the prince distracted a few minutes more, but like I said in the restaurant, have fun. You are Prince Fireheart’s bodyguard, yes, but you are also his friend, and that is by far the most important of your duties. So have fun. Let Cobalt the bat out for a little while. There will be plenty of time for Cobalt the guard.”

She turned the corner, and he heard her gently admonish Fireheart, who quickly protested; some argument about how they needed to get the fifteen model starter bundle. While the pair quietly debated the merits of the massive set, Cobalt took another deep breath, drying his eyes and starting a slow trot through the aisles of comics. His gaze wandered over the tall shelves of comics, passing over a dozen different titles, none of which caught his interest. He frowned, starting a more pointed search. His hooves carried him up and down a few aisles before leading him toward the curtained section of the shop. Trotting through the curtain, Cobalt was immediately greeted by the books he was looking for, and he grinned, his tail waggling as he trotted over, looking up and down the comic stands until he found the first volume in the Shadowbolts comic line.

He felt his body flush beneath his armor as he got a closer look at the cover. At a distance the group of mares were simply clad in their normal uniforms, but with a close inspection, he noticed that said uniforms clung tightly to their athletic bodies, and had the distinct shine of rubber on them. With a nervous glance toward the curtain, he took a seat, opening the cover, looking for a brief synopsis of the story. Ink Dot had said they were action packed, and while clearly that had some lewd implications, he hoped the story would also be good. He loved a good adventure.

Finding nothing, Cobalt shrugged and turned to the first page, curling into a bat-loaf as he started reading. The first few pages were introductions to the heroes of the story, as well as to the villain of the first issue. Though simple, Cobalt was quickly drawn into the colorful conflict, and soon he was flipping through the pages, his green eyes combing over every inch, drinking in words and art alike.

He vaguely felt something touch his withers, and he flicked his tail at it, his eyes never leaving the pages before him. The Shadowbolts were navigating a jungle temple to rescue an important noble, weaving and dodging through deadly traps and hostile native guardians, defeating both with apparent ease, their suits never becoming marred, save for the one tentacle monster trap… though he’d skipped that particular section with a blush. He wanted only the action, could do research into lewd monsters later.


“Shhhh!” he hissed, turning another page. The Shadowbolts, with Rainbow Dash at their lead crashed into the primary chamber, an orange pegasus that looked strangely reminiscent of Fireheart hanging from a set of ropes over a pit of black, roiling sludge. The villain, a red zebra mare, threw her head back, cackling at the team of pegasi, her teeth sharp as she t-

Cobalt yelped as magic seized his tail and lifted him into the air. The comic dropped from his hooves and hit the ground. He swung at the empty air, sticking his tongue out in concentration as he tried to snatch up the comic. He heard a giggle, and, looking upside down, he found Ink Dot, Fireheart, and Midnight Wind looking at him. Ink Dot was giggling, while Fire simply looked confused. Midnight had an understanding, but chastising frown on her muzzle. Cobalt crossed his hooves and looked away, pouting even as his cheeks filled with blush. Midnight Wind shook her head and snorted.

“Guardspony, I’ve been calling your name for the last five minutes.”

“We picked out five models!” Fireheart chirped.

Cobalt’s blush deepened as his embarrassment grew worse. Ink Dot came to his rescue with a light gasp before he could truly be scolded.

“You can’t blame him, Sister, he’s at a really good part!” All eyes looked to the pink earth pony as she crouched over the comic he’d been reading, her eyes shining with delight. “Ooooh, issue twenty-four! It’s the first time we get to see the series villain!”

“Celestial Storm!” Fireheart gasped, pushing in beside them and eyeing the comic. He gasped again and his hooves seized the comic, holding it close to his eyes. “This one has the unique shadowbolt suits! This is a one in a million comic!” He looked up with a brilliant grin at Cobalt. “You’re so lucky! I have a bunch of the Shadowbolts comics in the unique suits editions, but not issue twenty-four!”

Cobalt grinned and waved the book toward Fire.

“Well, that one can be all yours too! It’s not like I have any of any edition.” He scratched the back of his head. “Sorry for not listening to you. It’s a really good story, I’ll have to come back and buy some once my next paycheck hits.”

Fireheart’s ears flopped off-kilter as he looked on the verge of hyper-ventilating, while Midnight Wind let out a chuckle, finally setting the bat down and giving his mane a few pats.

“Silly bat, I’m sure that Prince Fireheart will be more than happy to let you read from his collection.”

“He won’t need to,” Ink Dot said, picking up the comics Cobalt had left piled neatly beside him as he read. “I’ll send you home with the next five issues, that closes out this story arc, and then I’ll have the rest of the series ready for pick-up at the shop near the castle come Monday!”

Cobalt’s hoof kneaded the floor, but before he spoke, Ink Dot booped his nose.

“Free of charge for the five, and just a small favor for the rest of the series, I don’t like charging first timers full price.”

Cobalt blushed, and he sputtered out a thank you, his cheeks only growing redder as the pink mare eyed him up and down. Fireheart barrelled into his side and hugged him tight, earning a surprised squeak from the blue bat.

“We’re gonna stay up all night readin’ anyway!” he cheered. “Best bat friend is gonna get all the best mangoes and hot chocolate and the best hugs! I’ll only be missing three unique suit issues after this!”

“Followed by a nice royal breeding I’m sure,” Ink Dot giggled.

Both bats squeaked, staring at the suddenly wolfish pair of mares. Midnight Wind’s eyes flicked between them, nodding appreciatively.

“Indeed. A proper reward for such a kind, generous friend.”

Cobalt squeaked again, but pressed tight against Fireheart, he couldn’t really say he found the idea unappealing… Shaking himself, Cobalt managed a gulp and asked Ink Dot;

“W-what favor d-do I owe you?”

Ink Dot’s grin widened and she stepped closer.

“Two things. One; you’re going to join Fire at the comic shop fan meeting. The other mares will have to take your friendship into development in their royal fanfictions.”

Fireheart let out another blushing squeak, and he hid his face in Cobalts neck floof. Ink Dot smiled at the orange bat, then looked back to Cobalt.

“Second, Sister Midnight and I have a little bet going, and I’d like to see who’s right.”

Cobalt’s brow furrowed and he tilted his head.

“Bet? About what?”

Midnight Wind stepped forward, her hoof cupping Fire’s chin, making the blushy bat meet her eyes.

“As I’m sure you’re soon to find out, Prince Fireheart’s kisses taste like mangoes.”

As Cobalt flushed at that implication, Midnight Wind pressed into a gentle kiss with Fireheart, making the orange bat melt in her grasp, giggling softly as she pulled back. The baticorn licked her lips, staring into his eyes.

“Such a sweet bat.” She glanced toward Cobalt. “Ink Dot and I disagree on what other bat stallions taste like. She is insistent it’s more related to strong colors, while I believe that bat stallions universally taste like mangoes. We’ve been lacking in brightly colored bats of late, however, until you came along. We just needed an excuse to test our theory-”

“Dibs!” Ink Dot called.

Before he could say anything, Cobalt felt warm lips pressing firmly against his own. Much like Fire, Cobalt melted instantly as the pink mare pressed into the kiss, her tongue overpowering his and exploring his mouth. He faintly tasted bubblegum as they shared the kiss. She hummed with delight and pulled back with a happy sigh.

“Not bad, not as good as Fire’s, but I could definitely do that again.” She looked triumphantly toward Midnight Wind. “Also, I’m right, he tastes like blueberries! You owe me fifty bits.”


Midnight stormed over and bumped Ink Dot aside, holding Cobalt’s chin and pulling him into another firm kiss. Cobalt found he could taste touches of the pizza they had just eaten, along with a delightful bit of lavender. Midnight Wind broke the kiss, giving him an appreciative look as she took a step back.

“You’re right, he’s not bad, but could certainly use more practice. I’ll be sure to have a note put in his file.” She whirled on the other mare. “And he still tastes of mango from lunch!”

Ink Dot stared smugly back.

“You tasted blueberries and you know it. You can add the fifty to your checkout total.”

Midnight Wind huffed and pouted, then a mischievous glint entered her eyes and she lifted her nose.

“Fine then, I’ll pay… But after we’re getting ice cream, I’m going to makeout with the prince on a private bench.”

Fireheart squeaked again while Ink Dot sputtered.

“N-no fair! I, I’ll take off! We’re not busy anyway!”

Midnight Wind grinned.

“There will be no gaps dear. Fire’s been practicing not breathing when giving pretty mare’s kisses, haven’t you Fire?”

Cobalt glanced over and found the orange bat still flushed, but nodding his head, a wide smile on his muzzle. Ink Dot let out a huff of jealousy, then looked toward Cobalt, pointing her hoof at him.

“There’s still a cute bat I can make out with!”

Cobalt squeaked, first at her words, then as his helmet settled on his head. Midnight Wind grinned victoriously.

“Guardspony Cobalt is on shift I’m afraid. Much too busy looking out for threats to the prince while we kiss passionately. No kissing for him until after we leave the district I’m afraid.”

Ink Dot whinnied in disbelief, stomping her hoof and snorting. The pair glared hard at each other for a long moment, then they both burst into giggles. Ink Dot nodded toward the curtain.

“Let’s get you rung up Sister, I’m going to get you back for this.”

Midnight Wind bumped against her flank and escorted her out.

“I’d expect nothing less. Come along boys. Ice cream awaits!”

The pair of bats watched the pair of mares strut through the curtain with slack jaws. Cobalt was the first to recover his tongue, looking to the bat beside him.

“You’re one lucky bat.”

Fireheart nodded slowly, still blushing and grinning.


Cobalt licked at his chocolate ice cream while Fireheart ordered his sunday from the gray pegasus mare behind the counter, North Star, her name tag read. Midnight Wind stood beside the blue bat, happily eating a vanilla cone with sprinkles and watching the pair interact.

Fireheart let out a soft ‘oooh’ as North Star used her wings to flip the bowl through the air, followed quickly by two scoops of vanilla and one scoop of mango ice cream. She juggled the trio with her wings, much to the appreciation of her customers as she fished about for the sprinkles the orange bat had requested. She glanced at Cobalt, then let out a small gasp.

“Oh no! I forgot your gummy bears!”

Cobalt paused mid-lick, glancing down at his ice cream to find that it was, in fact, missing the candy bears he’d requested. He looked at the gray mare and smiled, shrugging his shoulders.

“It’s not a big dea-”

Before he could finish, gummy bears were flying through the air, landing precisely around one side of his ice cream cone. North flapped a wing, and the cone spun in his hooves, just in time for another round of bears to land precisely around his cone.

“Open wide!”

Cobalt opened his mouth to ask; ‘for what?’ when the answer came. A trio of gummy bears landed on his tongue, and he chewed, his tail wagging with delight as he stared at the pegasus in shock. She beamed back, continuing to juggle Fire’s sunday without missing a beat.

“That’s since I can’t mix them in the middle!”

Cobalt chirped in thanks, earning another warm smile from the pegasus. Her wings snapped to her sides and she tossed the sprinkles into the air. Her hooves caught the ice cream scoops, depositing their creamy cargo in the bowl as they came down. Slotting the scoops away, she caught the sprinkles and generously applied them to the top of Fire’s ice cream.

“One Royal Mango Surprise, served with pleasure!”

Fireheart giggled and hopped his hooves onto the counter. Before he could take the sundae though, North grinned, her hips waggling.

“Don’t forget the North Star special!”

Fireheart’s ears pinned to the sides of his head, but before he could protest, the mare darted forward, licking the orange stallion’s muzzle. He let out a squeak, then a whine of protest, while North Star and Midnight Wind giggled.

“She actually used to bite his nose when they were foals.” Midnight Wind sighed. “I was just a volunteer helper then, he was such a precious little thing, and North loved roughhousing with him. Still does on occasion, but mostly she stays here.”

“Not big on rubber?” Cobalt asked.

Midnight hummed and nodded. “Come along Fireheart, or she’ll lick you again.”

North Star giggled and booped the prince’s snoot.

“She’s not wrong, love you my Prince! It’s always a pleasure seeing you.”

Fireheart blushed, and he opened his hooves, blushing and looking away. North quickly darted around the counter and scooped him up, giving him a bone crushing hug. Fireheart purred and rubbed against her, mumbling out a thanks before grabbing his ice cream and trotting toward the waiting pair of bats. Midnight nuzzled his fiery mane, then looked to Cobalt.

“Alright Guardspony, where should we enjoy these fine treats? Anywhere you wanted to see?”

Cobalt blinked, but quickly found that, looking around at the carefully crafted, colored, and cleaned walls, that he knew exactly what he wanted to see.

“Is there a park nearby?”

Midnight Wind led the way, taking them out of the shop with one final farewell from North and out onto the sunny district streets. Ponies greeted them as they walked past, and Cobalt relished it all. The sun warmed his fur, and the smiles, not familiar, still felt so personal, and they warmed his heart. He happily returned each and every one.

Eventually they came to a small arch that read; “12 Acre Park”. Midnight Wind smiled up at the sign, then looked at Cobalt.

“Fun history fact, but the original park was a tiny little donation from the original Sisters of the Light, the chapel is viewable on park grounds! It’s of course about a hundred times larger now, but well, I love telling ponies that.”

For the first time, Cobalt saw a touch of embarrassment in the confident mare’s eyes, and he bumped his rump against hers.

“Really interesting! You’ll have to take me for a tour sometime.”

Midnight Wind’s smile returned in full force, and she gave him a wink, returning the butt bump.

“You charmer, getting to a mare through her secret interests.” She leaned in close and smooched his cheek, making him babble. “Good boy, that always works.”

While Fireheart giggled at his flustered state, Midnight Wind led them on into the park, an extra pep in her step. They traveled far down the trail before coming to a slight hill, at the top of which was a massive oak tree. Midnight Wind sighed and smiled, pausing for a moment.

“Excellent, we have it all to ourselves.”

She drew a blanket from her saddlebags, and they trotted up the hill. Cobalt helped her lay the blanket out, and Fireheart immediately dove into the center, purring and rolling about in the leafy shade. Midnight Wind giggled and trotted over top of him before settling down, letting the orange bat’s head rest in her floof. He purred louder, and dug into his ice cream. Cobalt, with only a little nervous hesitation, trotted over and rested beside the mare, pressed close to her side. Midnight Wind glanced at him with a pleased smile and she nosed his mane.

“Good bat.” she mumbled into his ear.

They ate their ice cream quietly, then snuggled up tight together, the trio of bats quickly becoming a nigh-inseparable ball of fluff as they curled around one another. With the sun warming his fur, Cobalt yawned and nuzzled his cheek against Fireheart’s floofy belly. His eyes looked out over the park, relishing in all of the green he could see. Blades of grass managed to poke through the blanket, and Cobalt loved it, loved the natural scents filling his nose. It reminded him of home, and curled up with two fluffy bats. He looked up at Midnight Wind and found a pair of motherly red eyes staring down. Glancing toward Fireheart, he found the same love he always saw in the eyes of his sisters. Cobalt let out a light chitter of appreciation, his exhale gently messing up Fire’s belly fur. The orange bat responded by resting his chin in Cobalt’s mane, letting out a wide yawn that smelled faintly of mangoes.

Midnight Wind brushed both of their manes, humming a soft tune, and slowly, Cobalt felt his eyes drift closed. He fell asleep, happy and warm, the ache in his chest easing as he drifted into fluffy dreams.

Stellaria Snapshots: Diamond and Flame (M)

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The soft muffled sound of rubber clad hooves as well as the gentle shimmering sound of a unicorn’s magic echoed off the stone walls of the castle hallway. Making her way through the castle was a latex clad, unicorn dragon-pony. The mare wore a shining rubber Stellaria royal servant’s outfit, and had a sense of purpose to her gait as she went.

The mare was a beautiful white unicorn-dragon with a purple mane put up into a neat, professional looking bun. The royal servant suit she wore was a light moonlit blue latex vest over top a black latex undersuit. The vest itself also had a starry pattern on it along with a crescent moon at the base of the neck.

In her shimmering blue levitation magic, Rarity was carrying a silver tray with an equally silvery covering on top of it.

Making her way through the castle she would smile and nod as she passed other castle staff. A rubber clad guard, a pair of purple latex suited nurse mares, and then a few royal maids. Each pony she passed nodded and smiled at her.

Eventually she came to a large oak door with the Stellaria royal seal emblazoned upon it in a beautiful, shimmering silver. Of course she had seen it a million times, but it still never ceased to impress her, the way it was always pristine, always shining..

Stationed on both sides of the door were a pair of guard mares. The two ponies were wearing deep red and orange rubber armor, marking them as members of the elite Blood Moon Guard, assigned to personal protection of the royal family.

As she approached, one of the guard mares stepped towards her. She was wearing her suit's combination latex mask and helmet which integrated seamlessly with the rest of her suit. Rarity blushed a small bit, watching as the telltale bump in her throat drew back, denoting that her mask's cock gag had retracted so that she could speak.

“Good evening Miss Rarity~” the guard mare spoke. Her words were ever so slightly muffled from under her mask but still clearly understandable thanks to the suits' magic. “I see you have brought the prince’s dinner?”

Rarity smiled and nodded, using her magic to open the tray for the guard to see.
“Indeed darling~ Miss Plum asked that I bring it to him in her stead..” Her tail flicked back and forth, swishing on the floor. “I was on my way back to the royal suite for the night anyway~”

The guard mare nodded, turning and opening the door for the dragon mare to pass.

“Of course Miss Rarity, please have a wonderful evening.”

Rarity giggled and smiled. Under the guards visor she could see a pair of eyes she knew. The guard to whom she’d been speaking was Midsummer Song. As she trotted past, she allowed herself a brief breach of protocol and gave the rubber armored mare a quick nuzzle. Midsummer blushed, although it was hidden under her mask. As her rubber cock gag slid back into her throat, she nuzzled her harem sister back before resuming her post and closing the door as Rarity passed into the royal wing of the castle.


After a few more twists and turns through the castle Rarity at last came to the royal suite. Stepping inside she looked around to see if she could find a certain orange batpony.

It didn’t take her long to find him. He was currently sitting on one of the suite's latex covered couches. As she approached, she couldn’t help but smile. The prince was completely engrossed in one of his comic books, appearing to not have noticed her approach.

The dragon mare couldn’t help but smile to herself, watching as the prince focused so intently upon his comic, very cutely bleping his tongue as he read.

Rarity ever so gently set down her tray before coming up behind Fireheart. With each graceful step, there was the softest squeak of rubber. Leaning in close, the mare gave her prince a loving nibble and kiss on his neck which was answered by an adorable surprised squeak from the batpony.

“Good evening my darling prince, my apologies for startling you,” she said, her words smooth like cream with her upclass accent.

“Eepp!!! O-Oh! Hello Miss Rarity~ I didn’t hear you come in.”

Rarity giggled and looked to see what he was reading. The blush on his face along with the naughty looking comic he was reading told her all she needed to know.

“Oh dear, my darling, it would appear you’ve gone and gotten yourself all excited hm?”

She gave her prince a seductive fanged grin before slowly circling the couch so she stood in front of him.

“M-Maybe a l-little” he replied sheepishly, looking up at her with those big blue bat eyes of his.

She took another step closer, noticing the bulge in the crotch of his latex suit and smiling. She reached out with a hoof, gently pressing against him and eliciting a moan of pleasure in response.

“Mmmm~ oh yes darling~ you are excited indeed~ perhaps your servant can help relieve you~”

“Crotch open,” she spoke, uttering her spoken command which caused Fire’s suit crotch to magically open for her. As it did, his thick, swollen member and balls were freed.

She licked her lips, her own marehood winking under her tight rubber suit at the sight of her prince. The scent of his musk rose up to her nostrils, making her even more excited. She gave a few gentle strokes with her latex shod hooves, earning her more cute moans from her beloved prince before turning and presenting her rear to him.

“Please, use me Darling~ I want to feel you~” she said with a seductive look back at the bat.

Fire let out a squeak and blushed before getting up from the couch. As he came close to his beautiful servant her tail swayed away to reveal her suit had also opened, exposing her wet, dripping dragoness pussy.

Fire moaned softly, his nostrils flaring as he caught her needy scent. The smell of excited mare only made him harder, his cock throbbing and he looked at her.
Rearing up, the orange batpony mounted the dragoness mare, resting on her back and pressing his throbbing tip against her.
He huffed hotly, his face right beside hers.

“Mmmm~ oh yes darling~ go on~ sink into me~” came Rarity’s gasping words.

Fire moaned softly, nuzzling against her neck as he flexed his hips, sinking his thick throbbing shaft deep into her tight wet tunnel.Inch by wonderful inch the prince spread her tight hole to accommodate his girth.

Rarity moaned in pleasure, savoring the feeling as her prince mated with her. The soft sound of rubber against rubber could be heard as Fire thrusted. In and out he fucked his rubber clad servant and concubine. He let out pleasured grunts as with each deep thrust his cock would shoot a hot spurt of pre deep inside her.She moaned and grunted back, grinding back against him, eager to take her prince as deep as possible.

Rarity smiled, turning and whispering sweet moans in her prince's ear with each thrust. She felt herself clamping down on him, her tunnel milking his length for all he was worth.
Fires thrusts came faster, his moans louder and even cuter as he neared his peak.

“M-Miss Rarityy…I’m g-gonnaa…” he moaned

“G-Good boy darling, cum for me, fill me!” she cried out between pleasured thrusts.

Fire gave one more big thrust, his body tensing and shuddering as he came inside his lover. His shaft throbbed and pulsed inside her, shooting hot, sticky royal cum deep inside her and filling her to the brim. Mixed mare and stallion cum oozed out around Fire’s cock as he rested on Rarity’s back, the pair riding out the high together.

At last Fire withdrew. There was a wet pop and a gush of cum from Rarity’s hole before her suit quickly sealed the rest in.

Rarity giggled and turned, guiding Fire back to the couch and nuzzling him as she sat down with him, still feeling his warmth inside her.

“Mmm~ There's a good boy.”

Fire blushed and smiled shyly, leaning against his latex clad servant and cooing softly.

“Now darling, we must be sure you are keeping up your strength and fluids, so I have brought you your dinner.”

With a flash of blue magic the dragon mare ignited her horn and levitated over the covered tray. Lifting the lid, it revealed Fire’s favorite meal of peeled mangos and a large glass of orange juice.

The orange bat let out an excited squeal and began to eat his dinner with his lover and friend beside him.

Stellaria Snapshots: Magic and Flame (M)

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Twilight gently pushed the door open. There was the softest of creaks as the orange and black door gave way and allowed her to pass. Carefully, the purple unicorn entered Prince Fireheart's room. To her left was a couch, coffee table and fireplace, and to her right was a bookcase as well as the prince’s Gamecolt setup.

She giggled, remembering how much she had enjoyed her own Gamecolt growing up. She just wished she had more time to play now. Alas, her royal mage duties under Meridian kept her busy, and what time she did have free she preferred to spend with her prince and fellow concubines.

Twilight was clad in her latex royal mage attire. She wore a purple latex suit with golden accents printed on the outsides of her legs and shoulders. The suit also had a golden latex collar. On top of that was the shiny rubber magenta cape. The outside of the cape was a more flat color,but on its underside were enchanted sparkling stars as if the cape itself was painted with the brilliant starscape of the night sky.

There was a faint rustle of rubber as she adjusted her cape and approached the bed and the lump of rubber covers upon it. As she did her ears swiveled as she heard the telltale sound of Fireheart murmuring softly in his sleep. Leaning in, the unicorn gave the lump a gentle nudge with her muzzle.

”My prince~ it's time to get up,” came her sweet, gentle voice.

The rubber lump stirred a bit, but the orange bat beneath did not yet emerge.

”Mmmm... five more minutes…” came the orange pony’s groggy reply.

Twilight giggled again and took the rubber blanket in her teeth, pulling it back to reveal the prince hiding underneath. He was wearing his latex PJs; a black, orange marked t-shirt top and orange with black markings on his shorts. The pajamas echoed his usual play suit but in a more casual fashion.

With his covers removed Fire screwed his eyes shut, curling into an adorable ball of orange fluff and rubber, giving a protesting squeak at his sudden lack of cover.

Twilight put a rubber shod hoof to her muzzle, smiling at the display of cuteness before her before leaning in for another affectionate nuzzle.

“Fireheart~ It's time to wake up~” she again spoke softly into his ribbed batpony ears.

Fireheart cooed as she spoke to him. Slowly, he uncurled, laying on his back and yawning. As he did so, his rubber PJs squeaked softly against his rubber bedding as he squirmed and stretched.

Twilight smirked, taking note of the tent in her prince’s rubber shorts. Reaching out with her golden rubber covered hoof, she gently stroked the member beneath, earning her a squeak from the orange pony.

“Mmm, my my, it seems you may need some relief, my prince,” she said with a seductive smile. She looked the blushing pony in the eyes while slowly stroking him through his shorts.

Fire groaned softly, looking up at the pretty purple unicorn mage stroking his shaft.

“M-Miss Twilight?”

Twilight gave a few more strokes before unzipping the crotch of his shorts, letting the throbbing orange shaft free.

The purple unicorn smiled and turned, swishing her long tail aside to give Fire a view of her wet, winking marehood.

“Mmm~ your relief awaits love~” she said, giving Fire a seductive smile with half lidded bedroom eyes.

With adorably puffed up, freckled cheeks, Fire squeakily got up and out of bed, coming up behind the rubber clad mage.

Using her magic, Twilight adjusted the position of her cape to give Fire a better view, her sweet scent drifting up to his nostrils, making him even harder and more excited.

Fire moaned softly and leaned in, pressing his muzzle into Twilight's marehood, slipping his tongue in to lick at her warm walls. Her aroused scent washed over his senses, flooding his brain with love for the purple mare.

As her prince’s muzzle pressed into her the unicorn mage let out a moan, catching her breath for a moment as pleasure washed over her.

“A-Ahhh~ oh yes Fire~ r-right there ahh~” She arched her back, letting out a heated gasp.

Fire moaned into her depths, licking at her before pulling back, his muzzle covered in the mare’s fluids.

Panting softly, he then reared up, mounting the unicorn and pressing his thick cock against her winking pussy.

“Ooohhh, yes Fire~ Good boy~” she moaned back to him.

Fire groaned and flexed his hips, sliding his pulsing orange and freckled shaft into her wet, inviting folds. Inch after pleasurable inch sank into her, feeling her wet walls milking along his length.

Twilight smiled lewdly, basking in the pleasure of being filled, listening to the sound of the prince's latex pajamas squeaking against her suit. Her long dexterous tail curled around one of Fires hind legs, tightening and gripping him with every thrust.

Wet slaps filled the room as Fire fucked the unicorn, flexing his hips and thrusting in and out of the purple mare.

“A-Ahh~ y-you feel s-so good Twi!” he moaned for her.

Twilight groaned in pleasure, leaning back and into him with every thrust, eager to take him as deep as possible.

“Mmmffff ohhh yessss Fire~” she moaned back

Fire gave a few more thrusts, each one building in force as he neared his peak. Twilight grunted, feeling her prince building to his climax, as well as feeling her own approaching.

“That’s it, cum for me Fire!” she groaned, looking back with a pleasured smile at the orange bat, clenching tight around his throbbing shaft.

Fire’s muzzle twisted, and he made a cute face as he came, his eyes closing and his tongue sticking out. His cock erupted, pumping the unicorn full of his hot royal cum. He let out a gasp of pleasure as he did so, and Twilight couldn’t help but match him, moaning in bliss as she felt her belly fill with warmth. After several pleasure filled moments, Fire slumped on the mare's back. He panted softly, still buried in his lover, feeling warm seed oozing out around his shaft.

Twilight giggled, kissing her prince's cheek before helping him off of her, her suit quickly resealing, keeping his warmth inside her.

“Mmm~ there we are, my prince. Feel better?”

Fire smiled sheepishly, looking up at Twilight and nodded.

“M-much better Miss Twilight.”

Twilight giggled and kissed his nose.

“Good colt. Now, let’s get you cleaned up and ready for your day, ok?”

Fire nodded, a cute blush painting his cheeks, giving Twilight a nuzzle before following her into the bathroom to get cleaned up.