> Proxy Mommy > by DrySpell > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Need Some Motherly Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “These lilies over here are a little picky about how much water they need, so that’s important to remember. Oh, and remember to keep these marigolds in clear view of the sun! They love to sunbathe. Ah, and there’s also—” Posey Shy followed the frantic gesturing of her friend as she pointed to the flowers strewn about her house. Of course, Meadow Bloom had done all this before. She made no attempt to hide her love of flowers and arrangements. It was a bit more important now, so Posey made sure to listen. “Well, everything's marked so nothing should be too difficult to keep track of. But if you ever get confused, I’m a call away.” Meadow looked around her indoor garden one more time, checking to see if she had missed anything in her lengthy explanation. With a chuckle, Posey placed a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry, Meadow. I can handle this, at least.” She put on a confident smile, which seemed to put her friend at ease. “This is your vacation, right? You’ll spoil it if you spend so much time worrying.” “Yes… yes, you’re right.” Meadow sighed with resignation. “I don’t doubt you. You’ll be a wonderful housesitter, but when my mind gets running… it never stops.” With a shake of her head and a huff, she crossed her arms over her chest. “This should be a job for Daybloom. He’s always lazing around, doing nothing… What am I gonna do with him? “Now, now,” said Posey with a nervous smile. “If you keep this up, you’ll miss your flight.” Meadow checked her watch, her eyes going wide as she confirmed the time. “Ah, you’re right!” she exclaimed. She skipped past Posey, making her way to the front door. By the time she caught up with Meadow, she was already putting on her second shoe. “Still if anything gives you trouble, don’t hesitate to call!” “Of course,” Posey responded. “Enjoy your vacation.”  Meadow got to her feet, grabbed her suitcase by the handle, and opened the door. With one last frantic look around her house, she stepped out and headed down the pathway to the street. Posey watched in silence as she spread her wings wide and took off into the sky. Once she was finally clear of her view, she closed the door, locking it behind her. With the house owner gone, Posey’s duties officially started. Though, at the moment, there wasn’t much to do. Most of her daily tasks were completed before she got here. The plants were watered, the house was spotless, and the mail lay in a neat pile on the countertop. According to Meadow’s extensive instructions, she wouldn’t have to do too much work for the first couple of days. Still, Posey wasn’t one to call a job done just because it seemed like it was.  She turned around and scanned the living room. Meadow lived in a nice place, even by Cloudsdale standards. It was large and well furnished, with almost every surface of the place covered by something. Pictures and artwork of places Posey couldn’t place were everywhere on the walls. Her TV was as wide as Posey was tall. And of course, dotting every desk and table was at least one pot with a healthy plant inside. Posey approached the one closest to her, her eyes catching the label. “Nerve plant,” she mumbled. “Keep soil moist, with moderate light. From my trip to Peru.” The soil it rested was a healthy shade of dark brown, and light from a nearby window kept it well in sight. Given the delicate nature of the plants, Posey chose to leave them be for now.  Next was the kitchen. It connected to the living room by a large arch opposite the wall with the front door. Yet, before she could make her way to check on anything, the sharp click of a doorknob turning took her attention. She turned to her side in time to spot a door opening down the hallway.  “Ah,” Posey’s eyes widened. Once she made a noise, the figure coming out of the door paused and turned in her direction. It was a lanky man, with blond hair long enough to cover most of his facial features. Posey could make out the light blue eyes he shared with Meadow. The two stared at each other in silence before Posey collected herself with a clear of her throat. “You must be Daybloom.” “Y-Yeah.” His voice sounded groggy and strained as if he’d recently woken up. He cleared his throat. “Who…?” “Oh… did Meadow not tell you?” asked Posey. After receiving no response, she continued. “I’m Posey Shy, your mother’s friend. She asked me to come house sit while she goes on vacation.” Despite her explanation, Daybloom seemed to be as silent as ever. If it hadn’t been for his subtle movement, Posey would have guessed she was looking at a ghost. Her eyes drifted downward at his hands, trying to find a conversation topic. “Did you finish eating? I’ll take care of that dish for you, dear.” “O-oh, no, no,” He pulled the empty plate close to his chest. After some more silence and a bit more shuffling, he continued. “This is… this is the plate I use for snacks.” Posey’s eyes widened. “Snacks…” she repeated. She turned back to the kitchen, giving it a once over as she’d meant to before. It was pretty much spotless, with only a few dishes left to wash. She turned back to Daybloom to continue. “Well, since it’s so early, why don’t I make us both some breakfast? How do scrambled eggs and toast sound, dear?” Once again, silence reigned between them. Several times, Daybloom would open his mouth only to close it after. When he finally did speak, it came out more as a croak than a sentence. “S-Sorry. You don’t have to worry about me.” He spun on his heel and dove back into his room. Before Posey could even open her mouth to call out to him, the door locked shut, indicated by a small clicking sound.  For the next few moments, Posey stood in place, puzzled by the experience. As strange as Daybloom’s actions were, Posey could understand them on a certain level. After all, she couldn't remember how many times her peers called her timid. Though their first meeting had been brief, Posey wasn't dissuaded. She was certain that, despite his shyness, Daybloom was a good kid. With that thought in her mind, she smiled, taking off toward the kitchen to grab a pan from the rack.  “I suppose I’ll have to put my all into this.” She chuckled under her breath. “After all, the way to the heart is through the stomach.” Daybloom hated a lot of things. He hated the girly name his mother gave him that the kids at school used to tease him about. He hated his room because it was too small and cramped. He hated his mom because no matter how many times he tried to tell her that he was trying, she would never understand. And of course, he hated himself for not being able to do anything about it.  It was almost funny to him how pathetic his life turned out. He remembered the times when he dreamt of becoming some big-shot artist in Canterlot City. He often thought about how long he’d gone on thinking that “this year would be the one!” just to squander it away with excuses and lies to himself. It's not that he’d never realized that he wasn’t destined for greatness. It wasn't that he never realized he was never special like his mother claimed he was, once. He just never accepted it. These were all thoughts that ran through Daybloom’s mind whenever he set aside time to think. Most of the time, he could find something basic to waste his hours away on, but this time, it was different. He was sure his mother told him something about her next trip, but Daybloom couldn’t be bothered to keep up with her. If he knew that she hired a housekeeper, he would’ve hoarded a week's worth of food in his room beforehand. Instead, he walked outside without thinking, embarrassing himself in front of her.  He rolled over onto his side and looked at the clock on the wall. Without being able to go outside, he’d managed to spend most of the hours of the day inside his room. He had nodded off sometime after he locked himself in, but now he was wide awake and more hungry than before. If he didn’t want to suffer, he had little choice but to get up and go out there. Even with his mind made up, he moved slowly. His room only consisted of his bed, a desk, and a TV, but it managed to feel packed with clothes strewn everywhere. Once he reached the door, he took a deep breath, then another. Finally, he unlocked it and pulled it open.  More cautious than before, he peeked his head out to check his surroundings. This time, he spotted the woman easily.  Posey Shy, the woman that his mother had hired, had her back turned to him, and was sitting on the couch facing the TV. It was playing some talk show at a very low volume, but it seemed to be just loud enough to mask his movements. He took another deep breath, then stepped out. With eyes glued to the back of the woman’s head, he crept along the floor. He cursed at every floorboard that creaked under his weight but somehow didn’t alert Posey. She seemed to be completely engrossed in her show. He slipped into the kitchen, finally surrounded by the food his stomach had been growling for. Instead, he found something waiting for him. It was a plate wrapped in plastic. It had fogged up from the heat, then cooled down, leaving little droplets of water hanging from the inside. On the plate were a healthy serving of eggs and two slices of toast. Off to the side, there was a colorful note Daybloom recognized as one of his mother’s sticky notes. He peeled it off the counter and brought it to his face. “For Daybloom. Hope you enjoy…” He looked back down at the plate. There was still a bit of warmth emanating from it. With a quick glance behind him to make sure Posey still hadn’t noticed him, he removed the plastic. After retrieving a fork from the drawer next to him, he jabbed into the food, all but shoveling it into his mouth.  The first bite was enough to send him spiraling. His stomach growled for more as he swallowed, his hand already reaching for the next bite. The rest of the food stood no chance. Within a minute, the plate was clean, with barely even a crumb of toast left behind. Only after he finished did he slow down to take a few breaths. He put the fork down on the counter, then pursed his lips. After slipping the plate into the sink, he grabbed his original plate, then exited the kitchen. Posey was still facing the TV, completely oblivious to his presence. Normally, this would have been great news for Daybloom. This time, he made a decision. He bit his lip before opening his mouth. “T-Thanks for the meal,” He called, clenching the plate in his hands. Waiting for her to respond, his eyes focused, and his breath paused. He didn’t mean to be so tense, but as the seconds ticked by, he couldn’t help but feel nervous. But she never turned around. He might have just been too quiet, as his mother often berated him for being. For all intents and purposes, his job was done. He had shown his appreciation, so in his mind at least, he was free of criticisms of selfishness. Still, something made him take a step forward. “H-Hey, Posey?” He spoke up enough that he was sure that she couldn’t have misheard him. After more silence, his nervousness spiked. Why wasn’t she responding? He shuffled over until he was behind the couch. “A-Are you…” Once she came into view, his suspicions were confirmed. Closed eyes, tilted head... She’d fallen asleep sometime after he’d last seen her. He felt a little stupid for tiptoeing around this whole time, but most of his attention was elsewhere. Specifically, her chest.  It rose and fell with her delicate breath. More importantly for Daybloom, it was almost completely exposed. Her blouse, which was neatly buttoned up when he last saw it, was now completely unbuttoned. His eyes widened as they explored her massive bust. They traveled further inward until they spotted the black edges of her bra.  He wasn’t sure how long he sat there staring at her. It seemed that all the blood meant to go to his head so he could make some kind of decision rushed downward instead. He smothered the tent that pitched in his pants once he pressed his hips into the back of the couch. With a few breaths, he pulled one hand away from the plate.  “M-Might as well button this up,” he mumbled. His hands were shaky on approach and were even shakier as they reached her chest. Much shakier than his hands was his resolve to keep to his excuse. He immediately let his hands slide down the slope of her breasts. He grasped onto them as lightly as he could, pulling them inward to get a proper estimate of their weight. “God…” He abandoned his reasoning, pulled his hand back, then returned with a new goal in mind. He pressed one finger into her skin, then another. They sunk into her boobs, her soft skin sending goosebumps up his arm. Next, he pressed his palm in, grabbing a healthy handful of her breasts. Without pause, he slipped underneath the fabric, squeezing past the hem of her bra and beyond. His index finger brushed past a nub he couldn’t quite see, sending his erection into overdrive. Every pore on his body flared in anticipation. He could feel each bead of sweat as it dripped down his neck. But the neglect of his other hand while mesmerized spelled his downfall. He barely noticed as the plate he was holding slipped from his weak grasp. As it fell, he finally realized his mistake. His heart jumped into his throat, and his entire body clenched. He pinched down underneath her shirt, clenching her nipple in a tight grip. Before he could even worry about that though, the mighty crash of the plate hitting the ground rang out.  His body froze. His eyes dilated. The sweat dripping off of his body made more noise than his breath. His heart pounded against his chest with impossible force, like it was trying to break free from it. He bit his lip, then turned his gaze back to his other hand. Staring back at him was a pair of soft magenta eyes cool enough to kill. “Erm… dear? What are you—” His hand shot out from underneath her shirt, recoiling behind him with enough force to smash a rock. He spun around on his heel, bounding forward with a large step. Unfortunately, he hadn’t given himself enough time to turn. He tripped over himself, crashing to the floor with a great boom. Despite the fall, he turned back to Posey, who was now off the couch and put his hands up over his face. “I-I’m sorry!” He pushed against the ground, trying to inch away with every kick. “I d-didn’t know what I was doing! Don’t tell my mom, or call the cops! I’ll do anything!” “Woah, woah, Daybloom! Calm down!” Posey put her hands up in front of her as well. “I-It’s okay! I’m not going to do anything to you. Please, calm down.” He balled up on the floor, hoping that he could make himself as small as possible and disappear from sight.  The silence that followed did nothing but exasperate Daybloom’s situation. He knew it was a bad idea. He knew he shouldn’t have even thought of her that way. There wasn’t a single excuse he could come up with that would get him out of this. Now, he sat on the floor of his own house, pathetically begging not to suffer the consequences of his actions. He bit his lip and tears started to well up in his eyes. “Dear…” He flinched. During his own self-loathing, he hadn’t heard Posey take any steps toward him. She shuffled next to him for a bit before returning to silence. After a few moments, he felt a hand press against his head, gently brushing side to side. “It’s okay. I’m not mad.” As tightly as he grasped his whole body, her words were gentle enough to slip through the cracks. “Um… can you please come out?” Daybloom couldn’t allow himself to even consider those words. He was almost certain that leaving his shell would result in him getting yelled at and berated. Even though he deserved it, he was sure his heart wouldn’t be able to take it. But despite his protests, he lifted his head up, a rush of cool air blowing against his face as he did. He looked upward, meeting the same gaze as before. Though now, Posey radiated kindness, with a slight smile enough to melt him down.  “Sorry…” He immediately looked back down. “I’m sorry…” “I forgive you.” A small white cloth, damp and warm to the touch brushed against his cheek, wiping away his tears. He looked up again, watching as Posey continued to clean his face. “There’s nothing to be worried about, Sweetie. I won’t tell anyone.”  Again, no matter how much he wanted to ball up, her words were gentle enough to calm him. He leaned up until he was kneeling, allowing Posey to clean his face. Time crawled by until she wiped away the final tear. She folded the towel and offered him a smile. “Let’s go have a seat on the couch,” said Posey. Daybloom answered with only a silent nod.  The two got to their feet and made their way to the couch. Posey sat down first, returning to her original seat. With a quiet pat on the cushion to her side, she beckoned Daybloom to sit. As hesitant as he was, he obeyed, sitting down only a foot away from her.  The suffocating silence returned. Even after calming down, Daybloom couldn’t imagine looking Posey in the face at the moment. She’d proven to be a kind and understanding woman, but what he did wasn’t just something to forgive and forget. Every second that passed by felt like it could be his last. His nerves frayed, and his breathing became rugged.  “Meadow talks about you often, you know?” Posey broke the silence once again and grabbed hold of Daybloom’s attention. Once their eyes met, she continued. “She often tells me that you’re a very creative boy and that you have a lot of potential.” He looked away. “O-Oh? I guess so.” Posey smiled again. “You don’t believe me, do you?” “No, I do! It’s just…” Daybloom sighed. He needed a moment to collect his thoughts, which Posey kindly obliged. “She never tells me that. All we do is yell at each other.” “Hmm…” Posey hummed. “She might not express it as well as she likes, but… she loves you and wishes the best for you.” Daybloom met her glance. “I… I know…” Daybloom would never admit it to his mother’s face, but he knew that she was doing her best for him. Despite their arguments, Daybloom knew his mother was trying to make sure he didn’t screw up his life even more than he already had. He’d had these kinds of thoughts alone all the time. All they did was make him hate his inaction even more. “And all I do is take advantage of that.” “If you feel that way, I’m sure you can make it up to her,” she said. “You’re still young, after all.” “I’m 25,” he said with a sigh. “I don’t know if I’d call that young.” Posey chuckled.  “Dear, I’m 49,” she said. “To me, you’re still a boy.” Daybloom chuckled and looked away. “Do you have kids, Mrs. Posey?” he asked. “You’re very, um… motherly.” Posey’s eyes widened. “Yes, a mother of two,” she answered. She frowned before she could continue. “I suppose you could tell by how flabby I’ve gotten recently…” Now Daybloom’s eyes widened in surprise.  “N-No, of course not!” he yelled. “You’re still very beautiful, and, um…” He bit his lip. They’d gone off track, but he remembered the reason why he had sat down here in the first place. If Posey noticed his uneasiness, she didn’t show it. She put her hand to her cheek. “There’s no need to flatter me, dear,” she said with a sigh. “Even earlier, this blouse felt very tight on me. I had to unbutton most of it just to relax.” Daybloom took a deep breath, then another. After a few seconds passed, he looked Posey straight in the eyes. “I’m sorry. For what I did earlier… I’m sorry.” He hung his head. “I know what I did was stupid, and I know it was inappropriate. If you feel uncomfortable around me, I understand.”  More silence. After he gathered his courage, he looked back up, shivering at her angry expression. “I-I knew it. I’m—” “Honestly, I already told you that I forgive you for that!” For Posey, even her raised voice seemed soft and gentle. “As many times as you apologize, I will forgive you.” “Why?” The question came out before he even knew it. Posey took a deep breath of her own. Her eyes turned to the side, and her cheeks flushed with a subtle blush. “I understand that the sex drive of you young men can be… uncontrollable.” She chuckled nervously. “Sometimes the body gets taken over by it. Much like now…” Confused, Daybloom raised an eyebrow before he realized it himself. His hands shot down to push against his pants, a wave of embarrassment washing over him.  “I’m so fucking awful,” he murmured. His eyes shut tight and he hung his head again. The shame weighed on him, making him fold over himself. Like before, silence returned to the room. The quiet buzz of conversation from the TV was the only sign Daybloom had to know that time hadn’t stopped. There was a shuffling beside him for a bit, followed by a warm touch against his leg. He flinched as it landed, even though he knew who it was from. “Daybloom…” Her voice worked its magic once again, loosening him up. “Please, look at me.” He was slow to follow instructions. He opened his eyes and pulled back enough to get a proper view of his side. His eyes traveled up her arm at a snail’s pace, his eyes widening with every inch. They reached her shoulder, then quickly switched to her chest. He felt that if he stared any harder, his eyes would pop out. Her blouse had been discarded on the couch’s armrest. The hands that were holding back his erection had been overtaken. A tent had pitched in his pants strong enough to rip the fabric. And it was all thanks to the sight before him. Posey’s breasts wrapped snugly in her bra filled his entire view. He sat there without saying a word, almost like saying something would break the illusion. “Without the proper outlet, those feelings can well up and burst,” Posey explained. Her blush had become more pronounced, but her eyes were much more determined. “So… let me be the outlet.” Her hand slid across his pants, finding its place on the mountain at the center. With a few rubs, goosebumps shot up Daybloom’s body with impressive speed. She paused, then slipped off of the couch. Within a second, she was kneeling in front of him, her hand tugging at the hem of his pants. He reached for her hand, but she was quicker, pulling them down enough to let his cock pop out. “Oh… wow,” she hummed. “You’re a very… healthy boy.” She reached for his shaft and wrapped her hand around it. That subtle touch was enough to make it twitch and throb in her grip. With a small squeeze, she looked up. “Does that feel good, sweetie?” “Y-Yeah…” mumbled Daybloom. He was speechless, only able to watch as Posey stroked up and down. She was completely focused while she worked, staring at it like she expected it to disappear if didn't. Her other hand reached for the tip, her thumb rubbing a circle around the glans. Gripping at the fabric of the couch, Daybloom let out a low moan. “I haven’t done this in a while,” chimed Posey. She looked up at Daybloom’s flushed expression and smiled. “I’m happy to see that I haven’t lost my touch.” “You d-definitely haven’t…” Daybloom grunted. Posey pushed forward, planting herself between his legs. Returning to her work, she began to pump her hand to a rhythm. Her thumb pressed into the shaft, stimulating his urethra while her other began to circle the tip. Suddenly, she pulled away, leaving only one hand at the base of his cock. Though he was thankful for the few moments of rest at first, he realized that she had no intention of giving him a break. She opened her mouth, her breath tickling his tip for a second before she clamped down on it. A shock of pleasure shot up his spine, and his eyes rolled back as far as they would go.  Without skipping a beat, she pushed forward, taking more and more of him into her mouth. She reached the base easily, pressing her nose into him to show it. Inside, his cock jumped with joy and excitement as Posey licked from shaft to tip. The miracles Posey performed with her tongue ripped guttural moans from Daybloom's chest. It poked and prodded before swiping in wide arcs across it. She pulled back, suckling it like a teat all the way to the top, then dove back down. She began to bob her head in a steady rhythm as she did with her hand before. This coated Daybloom’s cock in warm, sticky saliva. His head rolled back on the couch, a louder moan managing to escape him. He reached up and pressed his hand into Posey’s head, which she responded to with a pleasant hum. With one last bob, she pulled herself off of him with a small pop. Dripping in her saliva, Daybloom’s cock twitched and danced now that it was free.  “You okay, honey?” asked Posey. Daybloom could only muster up a weak groan as a reply between his ragged breaths. Thankfully, Posey didn’t seem to mind. Her hands disappeared underneath her breasts, propping them up into the air. Slick and prepped, his dick had no problems slipping right between her boobs. The snug squeeze made Daybloom bite his lip to hold himself back. Posey pressing them together made it even tighter. Daybloom looked down at his hips, now completely engulfed by Posey’s massive tits. He couldn’t even see his own cock poking out from the top of them when she started to rock back and forth. The softness and warmth of her chest were enough to make him melt. Every time she pushed in, they squeezed against his stomach, pulling back before he burst. His hand went up to his eyes as he leaned back and groaned. “I can’t…” he mumbled. “I’m cumming…!” Posey smiled. “It’s okay, dear,” she chirped. “Give it all to mommy…” Daybloom’s hands shot out, pressing against her own. She yelped as he pressed her breasts together even tighter around his dick. His balls contracted and a mighty wave of cum burst out of him like a pipe. With each pump, he let out a depraved huff, his seed bubbling up between her breasts. He leaned forward just as a spurt of cum broke from the top of her chest, splattering her neck and chin in cum. Long seconds passed without a word between the two. Daybloom let go of Posey’s chest, then fell backward onto the couch again. He looked like he’d just run a mile. Sweat dripped down his face, and he was breathing hard. Despite this, he managed to look down at Posey. “Sorry for… grabbing you,” he panted. “I couldn’t help it…” Posey didn’t answer, opting instead to get to her feet. As she pulled away, her bra got caught on Daybloom’s shaft. That didn't stop her, though. The bra stayed in place, the straps falling to the side as Posey exposed herself. His cock slipped out, a small trail of cum following her up.  “It seems like the straps broke,” she said, covering her nipples with her hands. Though she was bright red, she still offered him a smile. “I suppose I really have been getting bigger in my old age…” Daybloom’s eyes widened, and he put his hands out. “N-No, that’s because I grabbed you!” he exclaimed. With his face just as red as Posey’s, he swallowed hard. “You’re b-beautiful.” He squeezed his eyes shut, wanting to die over his cringey line. Though considering he just got a boobjob from this lady he barely knew on a whim, he felt like he could be a little more open with her. “I’m… flattered,” she chuckled. “Though, given how erm… excited you are, I think I can believe you.” Daybloom opened his eyes and looked down, confirming what he’d already felt. “Looks like being an outlet didn’t exactly work out.” “It was great,” mumbled Daybloom, looking up with a nervous chuckle. He spotted Posey as she pulled apart her breasts, the globs of cum from before still plastered all over them. She met his eyes. “I guess I'm, um... backed up?” Posey paused, then smiled warmly. “Would you like to do this again?” Daybloom bit his lip. “We don’t have to,” he said with a weak chuckle of his own. “I already can't believe that you did this for me the first time.” Posey narrowed her eyes, then dropped a hand from her breast. Daybloom watched it trail her body, stopping just before the crotch of her pants.  “What if… I wanted to?” Posey glanced down at him. Her gaze was as fierce as a lion with the appearance of a gazelle. “I may have gotten a little… excited, myself.” Once again, Daybloom swallowed hard. Almost as hard as his dick once he’d heard her proposal. “O-Okay,” he said with a nod. “One more time c-couldn’t hurt, I guess.” “Hey, are you doing alright?” “Hmm? Y-Yeah, of course! What do you mean?” “You sound out of breath… what, did you go running or something?” Between his heavy breaths, Daybloom managed to sneak in a nervous chuckle. His mother had a tendency to poke her nose where he felt it didn’t belong. It was normally annoying but harmless. This time, Daybloom was at serious risk.  “N-No, I’m just sitting at h-home,” he answered. He heard a curious hum on the other side of the phone and quickly wracked his brain for a way out. “How are things um… o-over there?” “Oh, Hawaii’s amazing!” she chirped. “There are so many plants here, and they’re all so beautiful! I wish you came, but you… what is that?” “What do you mean?” “There’s some kind of slapping noise getting picked up by the phone.” Daybloom’s heart jumped into his throat. He took his attention away from his phone and focused on what was in front of him. Posey raised her ass again, giving Daybloom a moment of freedom before shoving his cock in deep. The impact from her shapely ass against his thighs rang out as clear as day. It was impossible to mask. With his other hand, Daybloom reached forward, grabbing her thigh and trying to slow her down. Instead, Posey grabbed his hand, raising it and pressing it into her breasts. “T-That must be coming from outside.” He rattled off the first excuse that he could think of. “The neighbors, m-maybe?” “It sounds really close, though?”  “It’s just your imagin—” Daybloom gasped, nearly dropping his phone. Posey reached between his legs and grabbed Daybloom’s balls in one hand. After a squeeze, she continued her attack, faster than before. “S-S-Sorry, I was watching, hmm, a scary movie. It c-caught me… caught me off guard.” “Daybloom,” Meadow’s voice seemed serious, sending goosebumps up his spine. “Are you serious? You couldn’t pause your porn to have a conversation with your mother!?” “N-No, this isn't porn!” he yelled. “I swear! It’s not like—” “Daybloom, dear?” His heart jumped once again, this time at Posey’s voice. He looked up from his phone, meeting her gaze as she turned to look at him. “Can you come over here and… help me with this?” With another squeeze of his balls, it was very clear what she meant. Once again she sped up to match his raging heartbeat. “Y-Yeah…” he murmured, his balls clenching up. “I-I’m... cumming…” With a hefty slam, Posey buried his cock deep inside herself once again. “That’s it,” Posey said, nearly inaudibly. “Fill mommy up…” “Oh, so you’re getting along with Mrs. Shy!” His mother’s words fell on deaf ears. With a low grunt, cum shot from him, quickly pooling deep inside. He let out a few huffs that he tried his hardest to muffle with his hand. “I can trust you not to do anything weird while she’s around. Or at least, I hope so. You better keep on your best behavior while she’s around, you hear me?” “Mhm…” He hummed. Posey ground her ass against his hips, squeezing every last drop of his cumshot out of him. Despite what they were doing, her smile was as gentle as the sun. “I’ll try my best to… please her.” “Okay…” Meadow chuckled. “Weird way to put it, but I’m glad you're motivated. I’ll be back in a couple of weeks, so make sure she feels at home!” Posey got to her feet, cum dripping down her thighs and dripping onto the floor. She spread her cheeks, giving him a full view of his handiwork. Of course, she did this because she knew it wouldn't fail to get him hard again. He closed his eyes and chuckled. “Hurry back,” he said with a smirk. “I might not make it if you don’t…”