> All That Glitters > by Peridork > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > I Want To See How Much Love Fits In You > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Izzy, this is a terrible idea." Pipp stared at her unicorn friend who was asking for the near impossible. Or at least the worst idea Izzy had this week. "First of all, I was supposed to get rid of all of Sunny's alicorn glitter after I turned you guys into foals. Sunny was totes serious about tossing every single glitter filled bottle. Secondly, if you want more of the pink glitter just ask Sunny. She makes the stuff all the time because she's not a magical genius. Or at least not as much of a weird super prodigy like you. I mean she's the one alicorn in Equestria we know about. . .she's competent enough with magic." Pipp had no clue how the purple unicorn was so good at magic since it had been only a few months since Equestria got it back, but like how Zipp took to the skies like it was second nature, Izzy had become used to bending the laws of science in every way possible to come up with spells. Izzy shrugged. "Natural talent, I guess." She straightened her Hearts and Hooves Day costume, careful to keep her heart filled headband carefully on her head. She had been spreading the news and cheer of Hearts and Hooves Day to all and she had crossed everypony but one name off her list. "But this is for a surprise present. Sunny's been all down in a mood recently about something and with only my favorite holiday ever barring Wishiehoof coming up I need some big gesture to get her out of that funk. I mean who can hate Hearts and Hooves Day? Immediate happiness and joy to all. And ponies get busy too. It's a win win situation." Pipp rolled her eyes. "It's Maretime Bay. I'd blame Canterlogic, I mean from how Sunny or Hitch describe them I don't think they were just love and sunshine every single moment of every day. But back to the whole harebrained idea. why?" Pipp quickly raised a hoof and lowered it as she saw the smug satisfaction on Izzy's face. "Nevermind, while I'm slowly getting used to the idea of you two doing. . .stuff. . .together, I don't need a whole play by play. Unlike my sister, I'd rather not have that image in my mind." Izzy shrugged. "Well its a fun way to spice up our time together. I mean come on! Magical dong!" Izzy hoofpumped the air as she tried to hype the idea up. She had spent the whole walk from the Crystal Brighthouse to figure out how to rope Pipp into the plan. "I mean think of this as a trial run. And I am great at trials. Doesn't matter, I was totally number one most voted unicorn in Bridlewood for 'future banned word user extraordinaire'. Pipp sighed. "Banned?" Izzy giggled. "It was before Unity came and unbanned the four most jinxied words so I couldn't just come out and say my biggest desire ever- using magic and doing dumb and fun stuff with it. Though I was giving the honor of best magic user in town to myself. One bottle. Just one and we can test my hypothesis. I mean think about it, magical sex change potions for everypony. Wouldn't that be just the most marketable thing ever. Ponies would line up for days. And when am I wrong with my beauty ideas? I mean come on the Spog Juice is doing how well?" Pipp slumped and laid her head in her hooves. The Bridlewood Spog Revitalizer was selling particularly well as a Bridlewood collaboration. Not to mention all the times Izzy had trudged into some part of Bridlewood and found a natural plant for Pipp's myriad other projects- especially the times Izzy fixed a natural remedy Pipp found that had some horrible side effect. It happened more than once and putting all your seasonal releases in one basket had issues. Pipp cringed at her last release causing everypony's manes to have a mind of their own. Or the last one before that making everypony's hooves stink and making Mane Melody a complete laughingstock. In short, Izzy was the lynchpin of her product lines not failing cause Izzy knew what random herbs and flowers were. Pipp was the idea master, Izzy was the realist here. "It's selling really well." "And who has a lot of ClipTrot views. I mean I have like no idea what it is but you said I was doing gangbusters and I guess that's really good. Oh and who is Sneaksy? Also me. I mean I know how to be at least medium sneaky when I have to be and this is a medium sneaky idea. Sunny will never know its from your stash. I'll just say its from something else. I mean there was that time she saved the foals on the beach and everything turned to glitter. This glitter potion could be from that time. Not just the time you messed up and turned us into foals. It would be a plausible deniability type of situation if you will." Pipp shook her head, cursing that she even taught Izzy what plausible deniability was. She thought it would be a funny idea to mess with Sunny, the idea of Izzy doing ever crazier stunts for ClipTrot and telling little white lies so the farce could continue was just a primo content machine. "Fine, but promise me." "Cross my heart, hope for pie, stitch a twinkle in my eye." *** Izzy stared down at the glowing glitter and shook the small bottle it was in. It looked relatively harmless, especially to Izzy who hadn't yet found a glitter that was unusable. Or a craft material that was pure junk. Even supposed trash had its use. Sure the whole fiasco with Pipp turning her, Sunny, and Hitch into foals was a little bit worrying, but Pipp added weird stuff to it. Izzy would cut out the middlemare and drink it straight. Well mostly straight. She stared at her complimentary glass of water from the Hoofburger sitting ever so patiently on the bathroom sink and quickly dumped the pure alicorn glitter straight into it. A few stirs later and she was staring at a particularly pinkish beverage that looked totally safe. Izzy ran through the checklist of things Sunny would say- "its totally dangerous, an unknown magical potion. . . a magical concoction that comes straight from her very own alicorn magic. A controlled substance in the eyes of Canterlogic." Yadda yadda. While her Mind Sunny totally made some great points, Izzy was a fan of what Zipp called "fuck around and find out" methods of science. With a deep breath, she chugged the concoction and grinned as it tasted exactly like how Sunny tasted in their fun sessions together- a light strawberry taste. Izzy had a brief thought of 'maybe this was alicorn cum.' She giggled- Sunny would be mortified if the reason why alicorn glitter wasn't mentioned in ancient texts was because all the alicorns didn't want to mention their technicolor cum. Izzy breathed out and set down the glass and waited. Step one was complete. "Come on make me a stallion. Sunny would love that kind of Hearts and Hooves Day surprise. I believe in you glitter. I believe in you." Izzy had no idea when exactly the concoction of hope and dreams would take effect so she just sat and waited for something to happen. It wasn't like there was some ancient rule of drinking alicorn magic residue or anything like that. She was truly a scientist that Zipp would be proud of, or at least appreciate. Izzy doubted anypony else would take one for the team and drink magical potions with no regards for safety. Some ponies called that reckless abandon and putting your entire life in danger; Izzy called that being creative. Izzy felt a rumbling in her tummy that quickly spread through her body like a flood. She gripped onto a nearby table and held on as she felt waves of pain and pleasure hit her over and over. She rocked back on her hooves back and forth as she tried to will a penis into existence like Pipp mentioned once. Izzy tried very hard manifesting a penis, it was one of the things she wanted to try out and sure toys and the like were cool when Sunny and her got busy, but dicks looked cool and new to her and it must be neat. At least Sprout and Hitch having them looked neat, all those dangly bits and random boners popping up. They must be rad if stallions kept mentioning their dicks. "That would be the best thing ever. Yeah." Izzy grinned as she laid her head back and went off to sleep for what felt like a brief moment. As she did, she could swear there was some random glow in her peripheral vision. She smiled at the thoughts swimming through her mind as to what she could look like as a stallion. The possibilities were endless, from silly thoughts of her looking like Uncle Alphabittle, or Hitch, or even Sprout. Or even something entirely different. She could wake up with like multiple dicks or turn into an unknown magical creature. The sky was the limit and Izzy couldn't fly so it was even more infinite. She drifted off to sleep as the potion got to work. *** Sunny quickly rattled off the seven orders that Sweets wanted for her friends and turned to make them, whirling through the steps as she grabbed the ingredients she needed. She had years and years of running this small stall that she could normally carry on conversations with her customers and her friends at the same time. "What were you talking about Hitch?" Hitch leaned against the stall and smiled briefly at passerby. He was the appointed sheriff of Maretime Bay and showing the populace that the law was out in force and always approachable was a great way to get concerned ponies and their tips. Even if half of his normal daily tips were just from Posey complaining about how Maretime Bay was ruined by pegasi flying everywhere or that Sprout needed more time off so they could spend time on Hearts and Hooves Day. Hitch didn't want to know what the pair of ponies saw in each other. Posey was often so confrontational and Sprout was just so incompetent. And yet somehow they balanced each other out. "I was just saying that Pipp texted me and said something about that alicorn glitter debacle and then something about Izzy. I couldn't decipher most of it because while I love texting Pipp, I don't like having to always check the internet to figure out what she means. So probably keep an eye out for Izzy doing something dumb. Though that's pretty much Izzy's M.O." Sunny rolled her eyes. Sure, the purple unicorn was a "do first, ask questions later" kind of mare, but usually she had a firm head on her shoulders. Heck, she wouldn't even know how to control her alicorn magic as well as she did currently without Izzy spending hours and hours running through every spell idea she could. She blushed at the thought of their training sessions. They were usually completely professional gatherings, but sometimes Izzy and her tried out some more risqué spells from a small booklet they had found in Bridlewood. "I will keep that in mind, Hitch. And anyway, if anything gets weird I'll fix it. That's what Twilight would do. Find a friendship problem and solve it. Or make one and solve it. My dad's translation of Old Equestrian is a bit weird on translating certain words. But yeah alicorn powers fix everything usually." Sunny wasn't entirely sure on that since she could could on her hooves enough times that her own powers caused an issue, but radiating a false sense of confidence helped most ponies. become more confident over time. Self help books couldn't all be wrong. "Or I can close up shop to check on her." Sunny knew Hitch well and usually when he asked something from her it was more a politely worded request. Hitch smiled. "That'd be fine. And I'll keep shop here for you. Making smoothies isn't usually in my wheelhouse, but I think they can understand if I tell them nicely. Plus I could arrest them if they get a bit too rowdy." Hitch waited for Sunny to laugh, but she didn't. "Okay that last part was a joke, but it'll be fine." Sunny understood her customers mercurial moods and didn't want to dampen Hitch's desire to run her shop badly. Saying nothing, she headed towards the Brighthouse. He'd find out that running the stand was a bit more difficult than he expected. *** Izzy yawned and trudged to the bathroom. The unicorn woke up tired and sore and for some reason they had to pee real bad. Not annoying since that was just a natural part of being alive, but it really hampered creativity sometimes. But Sunny often told her that taking care of herself and not getting so gummed up in her projects was a good thing. Izzy shrugged. Sunny was calm, cool, and collected and had a good head on her shoulders and a ginormous butt. Izzy cocked their head and hummed. That was new. Not the whole thinking Sunny was absolutely gorgeous and the best friend Izzy had that doubled as a fun fuck buddy. No, that was normal. Even Izzy thinking Sunny had a wonderful booty was normal. Sunny had a great butt before she became an alicorn- nowadays Sunny's butt was about as magical as magic and her biggest asset. No while Izzy could rant and rave about the wonders of alicorn ass- it was the mahogany pole that was rising to attention that told the unicorn there was something either horribly wrong or the potion had gone horribly right. Izzy had a dick now. "Huh, that's new." Izzy blinked. That wasn't her voice. Not the normal raspy, voice that Sunny though was cute, but a stallion's voice came out instead. It still sounded like her. It wasn't like a potion would make her words a garbled mess or let her learn a new language- that would be stupid. But it was a deep, low voice that rivaled Alphabittle's. Izzy bounded to the bathroom and skidded to a half to see a large, unicorn stallion who's horn almost touched the top of the door frame stare back. Izzy blinked and the stallion blinked back. Izzy waved and they did the same. Either this was a good mirror imp who was impersonating her as a giant unicorn stallion or the potion worked. Izzy had one final idea to test it out. "Okay, what am I thinking about?" The image didn't reply since it just repeated the words. Izzy grinned. She, or rather he, had figured the potion worked. He bent down and stared at his junk. Izzy couldn't tell if the bait and tackle was huge. As a mare, Izzy had always wondered what she would look like as a stallion and yet since she was attracted to mares, she hadn't had a habit of checking out Bridlewood's collection of stallion junk. Even if Bridlewood had a population that enjoyed boning in the midst of nature, Izzy had zero clue what was the pinnacle of giftedness in cock. So to a new and greatly improved stallion Izzy, it looked massive. He didn't know how to measure it, but he eyed a shampoo bottle and his eyes lit up with an idea. "That's perfect." *** Sunny walked into the Brighthouse's kitchen and looked around for Izzy. She usually got a text from her if she was out on delivery or on a crafting mission- whatever that entailed- but Sunny quickly flipped through her texts and saw no recent replies from the purple mare. She noticed that the fridge door was open as she passed by it. That was odd, usually Izzy was at least a competent roommate. Sunny sighed. It had been a few months since everypony moved in the Brighthouse and she thought Izzy had moved past the whole "I thought your toothbrush was the perfect thing to clean my ears with." debacle that had horrified everyone but Izzy. "Izzy, you left the fridge door open." A muffled yelp of surprise came from the bathroom and Sunny's ears pricked up. That wasn't a voice she recognized and she doubted Zipp or Pipp had brought ponies home. Zipp was really weird about keeping her Zephyr Heights friends away from the Brighthouse- something about ". . .my friends from before like going out to bars and I haven't yet built a fully stocked bar in my personal section of the Brighthouse yet." Sunny didn't ask what that meant. And Pipp would have made a whole mountain out of a molehill if she introduced somepony like Ruby Jubilee to the Brighthouse. A livestream, probably a newsletter, a sale at Mane Melody. Pipp wasn't one to throw a party discreetly. Sunny looked around for a weapon. Sure she probably could "go alicorn mode" as Izzy so bluntly put it, but her adrenaline kicked in and she soon found herself standing outside the bathroom door with a frying pan in her hooves. She weighed her options as she held her ear to the door. Sunny could walk in calmly and see what stallion was in her house or she could go in and ask questions later. Sunny groaned. She didn't want to kick the door down and charge- doors were expensive to replace. "W-whoever you are in there, I am ready and willing to call the sheriff's office and have you arrested for. . .breaking and entering." Sunny didn't know if that was the correct term for that. It sounded right, but she often tuned out Hitch's more inane ramblings on legal codes because it often didn't affect her. She knew the food safety requirements of Maretime Bay and the general laws and regulations. "I have a frying pan and I'm not afraid to use it." The unfamiliar voice laughed. "What, Sunny Bunny, you're going to call Hitch and Sprout on me?" Sunny blinked. There was only one pony she allowed to call her that. And that was only during rather intense bouts of lovemaking. While it didn't outright sound like her Izzy, what with the voice being an octave down and gravelly, she wasn't in the habit of having sex with stallions- she doubted a stallion would know that particular pet name. "Izzy?" The door opened and an absolute unit of a unicorn sat on a toilet that was far too small for him. "Surprise? I know this looks weird but I can totally explain." Izzy waved both hooves as Sunny watched a menagerie of items float lazily in the air. A rolled up newspaper, a shampoo bottle, four or five different sized bottles of perfume, a cucumber, an eggplant, and even a couple hay dogs floated around Izzy like an impromptu halo. "Also would you believe me that this is for science? I could have used a ruler, but that sounded far less fun than measuring this new appendage with other things. Though I didn't realize how big shampoo bottles and other items were so I had to improvise further." Sunny looked down and realized why Izzy was being dumb and raiding their fridge. A tiny dick peeked out from between the new purple stallion's legs and, unlike Izzy, Sunny knew that was a well-below average penis. Not that she was into checking out stallions on the regular, but she had dabbled at the thought and had been curious. Her dad had collected many books on various subjects- medicine, history, music, food, home repair, and crafting. They had helped her become relatively self sufficient after his passing and so she had a few medical texts talking about how to care for ponies. There had been diagrams that were more detailed than the average Canterlogic fare. In short, for how incredibly imposing a seven foot stallion sitting on her toilet was, it was still Izzy after all. And, even though. . .he looked like he was chiseled out of granite as he turned and looked at her, his muscles rippling with unrestrained power. his eyes so open and trusting- she could see each of his muscles lazily flexing and unflexing with each slight movement and she felt her thighs leak with moisture. Izzy as a stallion was what Sunny would term the pinnacle of stallionhood. Except he had only a dick that looked to be six inches long. Maybe his balls were absolutely enormous, but she held her breath on that. She wasn't entirely sure since how Izzy was sitting made it hard to check out the exact measurements due to him being hunched over on a toilet four sizes too small and while Sunny loved Izzy very, very much. . . and the musk that was lightly filling the room with Izzy's maleness made her think of things she might soon regret. . .she wasn't horny enough to stick her head in a toilet to check if her hunch was right. She pinched herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming. "Izzy, they're gone." "What's gone?" Izzy cocked his head. "I mean I have all the needed equipment and I'm totally huge." "Your lovely little teats." Sunny loved Izzy's small breasts and the reality that they were gone for the moment was a bit sad. She loved those two small nubs and their ever perky selves. Even if a part of her was currently trying to stay rational and calm as the room filled with Izzy's stallion musk, it was like she was mourning the death of a friend. "Pfft, yeah. Do you like their temporary replacement?" Izzy awkwardly stood up to show off his bait and tackle. He jokingly jumped up and down to show off the new and improved jiggle physics. "My breasts never jiggled like that. So that's an improvement overall, even if I liked my tiny titties. I mean they were a lot more manageable than Pipp's stupidly large ones." "Well they are... um... bigger I guess." Sunny partially lied. Izzy's penis was rather small, but it just made his balls look even more prominent. She had been more than correct about Izzy's disproportionate cock. Sunny had crude and untoward ideas as to what she wished she could do to those things and the first thing she wanted to do was suck on the pair of them like they were candy apples. The orange earth pony breathed out and stamped down her horny thoughts as far down as she could. She needed to fix this problem as fast as she could. Sunny thought Izzy's misplaced bravado was overall pretty cute though. She definitely didn't want to say that Izzy was small out loud- if Izzy was like other stallions around the Bay, she figured that might bruise his newly formed male ego. She had been dared to tease Hitch about his size years ago by Sprout and Sunny still remembered the hurt and pain that crossed Hitch's face right before the normally calm stallion had punched Sprout into next week. It had stuck with Sunny ever since to at least be tactful about a stallion's size. And Izzy looked like an excited puppy dog. It would crush him if she said he was well below average. "Okay, so you have a dick. And you just woke up like this?" Sunny was being tactful. She knew Izzy had to do something incredibly stupid or use some ancient spell to 'just wake up a stallion'. She read enough Ancient Equestrian to know that it wasn't an everyday occurrence even thousands of years ago. Izzy tapped his hooves together. "Well I may have drank the remainder of your alicorn glitter mishaps. You know, before you got a handle on your cool alicorn magic. I may have asked Pipp nicely for the unused glitter. She wasn't using it and I wanted to see if I could manifest a cock." Izzy's face scrunched up. "I mean I collected it from the beach from when you made a tsunami of glitter and totally not from Pipp's stash of glitter. Not at all. I don't know how I came up with that." Sunny's eye twitched. Izzy had drank what Zipp had put so tactfully as 'a highly volatile compound unsafe for pony consumption with myriad unknown spell effects.' "Izzy, that literally turned me, you, and Hitch into foals for no reason. I could have walked in on you as a baby." Izzy shrugged. "But I'm not. And I chalk that up with imagination." Izzy waved his hooves around as he kept muttering imagination over and over in a fake echo. "I wanted to turn into a stallion and believed hard enough and poof, I'm a stallion with an absolutely massive dick." Sunny facehoofed. Once Izzy got fixated on a topic or a craft, she was hard to bring back down to Equestria. The purple unicorn's mind normally came up with out there ideas and so, of course, as a male, Izzy would fixate on their new equipment which was the newest shiny thing that captivated their attention. "It's nice. It's not that big though." Izzy cocked his head. "What was that?" Sunny blinked and realized what had slipped out. "It's nice. . .", she grimaced as she slowly ripped the bandage off. "but you know how there are three races of ponies?" Izzy nodded and Sunny continued. "Well, unless unicorns are below average. . .or earth ponies are incredibly hung, well. . .your dick is small." Izzy's face went through a range of emotions as the news hit his brain. He was quiet for a minute and his magic faltered and the things he had lazily kept around him as impromptu measuring sticks fell to the ground in a messy heap. "Oh. That's good to hear." His voice was devoid of emotion and he sat there staring into the window in what Sunny assumed was shock. Sunny tried to salvage the situation and she just started rambling. "Well, I mean there's good things about smaller dicks. Not that I know from personal experience, but I've read a few books. And maybe its just cold. Or not fully hard. I mean not all penises are the same, right? Maybe it just looks small and gets bigger. And anyway its not like big dicks are the best anyway. Like they are probably nice and all, but with how often Posey brags about Sprout's massive dick while she's waiting for a smoothie. . .it sounds like he nearly doesn't fit in her. Though she doesn't seem to mind that. I have no idea why Posey thinks sharing that in my line when I have customers waiting is a great idea but I tried to stop her from speaking once and she demanded free drinks for a week and that she needed to complain to my manager. I own the smoothie cart and I'm the only employee. . ." Sunny cringed for a moment as an image of Sprout sitting proudly on one of Pipp's fainting couches more nude than usual and rock hard popped up in her mind. She didn't want to imagine one of her childhood friends rocking a dick that broke earth pony size records. But Posey was insistent that she wasn't exaggerating. In hindsight, that would make Sprout's constant teasing about Hitch as a teen make total sense. But then again, Sprout had been a dick for years- it didn't prove anything. It wasn't like she was going to walk up to Sprout and ask if Posey was lying. That would be incredibly awkward. And Posey making up a story to prank Sunny wasn't out of the yellow earth pony's bag of tricks. "I mean we can probably fix the potion. Or its effects at least. It turned us into foals. Maybe it made your penis small because of that. You know, like lingering effects from the last time Pipp used it." Sunny was bluffing. She had no clue what her glitter did. All she knew was that the glitter came from her and she wondered what it was. No ancient texts talked about it and so she was running blind on how to fix this. "You know maybe it is all cold. I mean Pipp mentioned Hitch's dick shrank in the cold once. Though I don't think I was supposed to hear that- I was on Sneaksy business making street art and passed by Hitch's place and Pipp was calling Hitch's dick cute and stuff after he got out of an ice bath. It was weird." Izzy shrugged. "Ooh, idea, what if you blow my dick?" Sunny cocked her head. "What?" Izzy tapped his hooves together. "Like blow dry it? Blow dryers have hot air and stuff." Sunny rolled her eyes. Of course Izzy didn't notice her phrasing. "Fine, but don't expect much. First though, we should put back all the stuff you used. Especially Pipp's collection of perfumes, she'd probably be annoyed that you messed with her stuff." Pipp freaked out over minor things like a bad viewcount or a wrong order of food. She'd probably blow a gasket if she knew what Izzy used her expensive perfumes for. "Why did you do that anyway?" Izzy shrugged. "Well I tried measuring it to Pipp's lipsticks and gave up after a while. In hindsight, now it makes sense why I kept finding everything too big, guess Little Floppy here had a little issue. Don't tell Pipp though. She'd probably be mad. I mean the last time I messed with her stuff, I broke her microphone and she looked like she had a stroke. "...just how many things have you tested that against?" "I forgot. Also toss the cucumber and the hay dogs. I had to open those to put against my dong. They probably have dick germs now. Though that makes me wonder what dick tastes like. . .idea. After this we can try a glitter potion on you. Imagine you as a male alicorn, that has to be amazing." Izzy waved his hooves around as he briefly imagined what Sunny would look like as a dude. "I mean if I look like this now, you as a male alicorn has to be like ten feet tall and as broad as a house." "First things first, we need to figure out what's going on with you. Then we can discuss that later." Sunny was lying. She was very much not going to let Izzy try weird potions on her. *** Sunny sat Izzy down on their shared bed and knelt down to be at a good level to see the small penis in front of her. Sure, Izzy wanted her to just blow air on his dick to check if he was a grower or not, but knowing how their usual sexual trysts had gone, Sunny was prepared for accidental blow job extending to more- she was able to keep her feelings under control most of the time. . .until they weren't. Izzy was incredibly confident in her skills on a normal day and was just the right kind of unicorn shape that made Sunny feel emotions. That was before Izzy drank a horrible potion and turned into a near perfect stallion who's abs would make Hitch super jealous. And her hormones had been all out of whack ever since she was given her alicorn form. Being a newly minted alicorn was like hitting a second puberty with all the downsides. Every day was a struggle not to just hunker down with Izzy and rut her senseless to the detriment of everything else. And with how parts of her anatomy doubled in size just because she was some supposed combination between the three races of ponies made everypony stare at her like she had a second head. Or stare at her ass. Or worse, treat her like a literal god or some sort of super celebrity. It was a complete mess and some days she wished she could give it all up. Being an alicorn was far harder than the ancient texts said it would be. Sunny wondered what Twilight would do in this situation. She had read descriptions of the previous alicorn ruler of Equestria and from what she read she imagined the wise and wonderful mare to study the newly risen protuberance and test it for every possible magical use. Sunny prayed to Twilight and stared at the dick, eyeing its size and curve as she did. It laid over Izzy's balls which were comparatively huge as they were each the size of an apple and audibly gurgled with seed. Sunny gulped and tried to stay focused on the task of impartiality. Izzy's rod of creativity wasn't helping. She noticed that while Izzy's dick was about six inches long, it was nearly as wide and had a medial ring and flared tip that made it so at points it was nearly a foot in circumference. It wasn't beating records for length but it was far above average for girth. "So are you gonna blow on my extendable pole? I mean I like you checking me out and my dick really appreciates it but I bet you need to get back to making smoothies. The last time you took a much needed break from work, Posey thought it was a good time to start a race war." "What? Oh right. . ." Izzy knew her schedule. "Sure. Let me just get down here and get a handle on things." Sunny didn't know what to do and she was running out of courage as she looked at the pillar of meat in front of her. She angled her head forward ready to do whatever Izzy wanted. . .and a small part of herself imagined Izzy with a bigger penis. She quickly wished that her resolve on keeping this completely and utterly professional hadn't faltered as her alicorn powers activated with a flash, her wings and horn appearing on her. That wouldn't normally be a problem except for the fact that she was too close to Izzy's wonderful crotch and so her solid light horn touched Izzy's dick for a brief moment. It was electric and nearly orgasmic as she felt a bolt of untamed alicorn magic shoot off her horn straight into Izzy's crotch right below his untamed blue jungle of pubic hair.. Izzy bucked his hooves and came, ropes of white hot salty cum shooting Sunny in her face and drenching the now alicorn mare. That would be fine, maybe a simple shower and Hitch would be none the wiser that Sunny was downrange from a virile stallion. Except there was another issue that soon rose up to meet Sunny's face and eclipse it. In a blink of an eye, Izzy's cock exploded in size and smacked Sunny hard in her snout and she felt her body be pushed back by the power of the newly enhanced stallion rod. "Ah, I can't see." Sunny's hooves flailed as she tried and failed to keep her balance, and she fell forward, smearing her bedsheets with cum. Sunny felt Izzy shift and a soft pillow soon smothered her face for a moment, lightly pressing against her muzzle and scrubbing her face enough so she could see once again through the haze of bitter white that had completely blinded her for far too long. Sunny looked at the world with fresh eyes and balked once she saw exactly what her alicorn magic had wrought. Izzy's formerly small penis had exploded in size. Now it looked to be almost as long as one of Sunny's own legs. And that was before Sunny pondered the much larger orbs that were Izzy's balls. The pair looked like they were fighting for space between Izzy's muscular thighs. She couldn't figure out how big they were now but she could audibly hear the sloshing of cum in those massive cum tanks that made her incredibly nervous. Sunny had wished for the dong to be larger in a moment of weakness. It seemed like her own alicorn magic had taken her up on the offer as a cruel joke. This was a terrible idea now and she doubted she could fit the penis inside her without being an alicorn due to certain tests Izzy and her had performed. Alicorns were far more accustomed to punishment and could handle some rather large items. In short, alicorns in certain situations were a tad bit elastic. Thank goodness she did those tests in the privacy of her own bedroom- she could just imagine Pipp trying to livestream that for some weird content machine. "Wow Sunny it grew like four times as big. I guess your alicorn magic likes it." Sunny's eye twitched as she let loose every single thought she had held in. "Izzy, you drank my alicorn glitter and its reacting to my very own alicorn magic. this is the literal worst idea ever. it went from far below average in most areas to what I imagine Posey has to wrangle with- possibly exceeding that by a fair margin. It doesn't even look like it'll fit in me. . . I mean I have done some toys before but nothing like this. This went from a funny idea to me worrying that we should pack up and take you to the hospital." Izzy shrugged. "Well, you're still in alicorn form, I think you could be fine and anyway I'll take it slow. This thing feels super sensitive now. Like I get my magic near it and I get super tingly. Like sparks of rainbow luminescence dancing on my brain. It's a lot. And its like extra floppy. Check it out. I move my hips and it flops." Izzy bucked his hips and Sunny kept her eyes on the dick that swung back and forth like a pendulum. It looked pretty hard but due to its sheer size and weight, it was bending under the effects of gravity. "Flop, flop, flop." Sunny tried to calm herself. Sure, Izzy was a handsome stallion she wanted to jump and rut furiously. Sure, she could probably come up with an excuse to do that very same thing, but a small part of her told her that it was wrong. Twilight Sparkle wouldn't just put aside her responsibilities to bone a stallion. And this new development worried her. She needed to fix it but she didn't know how. She stared at Izzy who was blissfully undulating all over the bed, whimpering softly at all the new feelings his dick was giving him in the open air. She had one idea. It was the same as the absolutely worst idea she could do. Sunny breathed in slowly and her mind came up blank. "I'm going to need to bone Izzy, aren't I?" She grimaced. It wasn't like she had better ideas. If she had been born a unicorn, she might have had like a counterspell or a hex or whatever Izzy called it to fix this. Earth ponies tended to see a problem and use a hammer to solve a solution. Less precise and far more messy, but usually effective enough. "Look if I go fast enough it does it like a windmill" Izzy gyrated his hips and Sunny watched his dick slap over and over against his muscular thighs with a loud and direct slap to Sunny's common sense. Slap. Slap. Slap. Sunny frowned and gripped onto the offending organ so the stallion tube would stay still as she tried to focus. She felt the warm heat radiating off Izzy as she tried to stay calm. She rubbed it briefly up and down to examine the feel of a penis. It felt sort of leathery yet springy to her touch. She knew what they looked like, but she wasn't in the business of giving stallions hoofjobs so this was a completely new experience. She felt the rod quickly stiffen in her hooves and Izzy involuntarily bucked into her, his weighty balls slapping against his thighs. The orange earth pony gulped as she noticed that her hooves took more and more time going over its length as time passed and soon she was looking at a dick that was incredibly hard and slightly leaking. . . "I didn't think it'd feel like this. The few tomes of ancient medicine I've read aren't super descriptive about how sex feels." Izzy grunted as he looked down at his dick. "Sad, I liked the flop but you have the magic tingle touch so its not too bad. Do all alicorns have a magic tingle touch? Cause you shocked me and poof extra floppy and larger dong. I bet Twilight Sparkle was the absolute best at hoof tingles, that's why she was a cool alicorn." Sunny groaned and tried to get past Izzy's name for a hoof job. "Twilight Sparkle wouldn't dare give ponies hoof jobs. She was the ruler of ancient Equestria." Izzy shrugged. "You don't know. Maybe. . .hoofjobs were ancient Equestrian greetings. She'd probably give each diplomat a reach around and do some action. Or get creative and do something like this. . ." Izzy grinned as his horn flared up and a faint pink glow lifted Sunny up and flipped her around so her head was now pointed directly at Izzy's broad chest and Izzy had direct access to Sunny's velvet underground. "Izzy, I know we do stuff like this in our private times, but I really do have to get back to Hitch. He's not equipped to handle a Hearts and Hooves Day crowd. They can get really rowdy if their orders are messed up." While Sunny loved the idea of Izzy eating her out while she was stuck levitating in the air, she really worried about Hitch. The last time he had been left to his own devices in her smoothie stand, he had completely destroyed her system of organizing fruits. It had taken her days to rearrange his system back to normal. Izzy rolled his eyes. "I know that Sunny Bunny, you tell me enough times on how bad Maretime Bay gets on holidays. But here's a nice counterpoint, I don't care all that much." Izzy tapped a hoof in thought. "No, scratch that, I care a bit too much that you have to spend all these holidays doing things for the whole town. Seriously if we weren't going around Equestria trying to deal with new magic problems every few days, you'd just work as much as possible. No holidays or time off. You're a workaholic." Sunny crossed her hooves trying not to focus on the blood rushing slowly to her head. "I'm not that bad. I have time off. Sometimes. And anyway, you do more work than me. You go off and create sculptures or drive around on your scooter helping the town with odd jobs. Who's a board licensed electrician and handymare with a love of interior decorating? You are." Izzy sighed. "i do a lot of things, sure. But I make time for hobbies. My art stuff I do? All hobbies I made into money making opportunities. I get paid for it, but I got my cutie mark by recycling old stuff into something new- I'm not just going to do a normal job that isn't using my hooves in some way. But don't change the subject. What I'm trying to get at is that you have like zero hobbies and never take a break ever while I have some hobbies and at least get paid now for stuff I would have done on my free time anyway." Sunny frowned. "And how does turning into a stallion relate to this?" "Because I wanted to make our first Hearts and Hooves Day special. I was also going to make dinner after this, but I got held up checking myself out and then you walked in on me. Honestly after this I doubt we'd want to cook anyway. So delivery might work later. Or I could whip up something quick. I'm still thinking about that. Now give me your phone." Sunny cocked her head. "Why?" Izzy facehoofed. "I can tell you've been on edge since you walked in on me in the bathroom. You've mentioned how difficult existing as an alicorn is due to magical hormones and the like, but I had planned to drink a completely weird potion to make the day special and maybe rut you silly. I now have a dick. You can infer what I mean, I like how Zipp uses that word, sounds smart. . .oh and also I kept noticing you doing that little dance you do when you are thinking of having sex. You know the one where you rock back and forth like you are on a ship in the ocean. It's cute." Izzy hummed to himself in thought for a moment before remembering that having Sunny upside down was a bad idea. Oops. Sorry. Still though, phone would be a good idea. Else Hitch would barge right in spouting sheriff's privilege and I think explaining why we'd be in a compromising position would be a lot." Sunny blushed. "In my bag. First pocket." Izzy smiled. "Good, give me a minute and we can get down to the fun part." *** Hitch was not having fun. He had barricaded himself in the smoothie cart and listened to ponies rock it back and forth. Most had left. Posey and her small mob had not. He glanced through the window and saw the yellow mare stare daggers into his soul as she paced back and forth ranting about how "Sprout would totally hear about this" and "I just wanted a free smoothie cause you gave me somepony else's shit." All in all it was a three on the Posey Anger Scale. He heard his phone ding with a message. He grabbed it and hoped that Sunny was on her way to get him out of here. He knew his fruits and vegetables but he didn't have Sunny's magic touch at making smoothies. She made it look easy. It wasn't his fault that he put garlic in a kiwi smoothie. Why would Sunny have garlic in a smoothie shop? What pony would want savory smoothies? That sounded illegal. Sure, the food safety code didn't say certain smoothies were illegal but he wished it did. "Sorry, Hitch, Izzy is super duper sick with the stallion flu. Here's a pic. Hitch's eyes widened as he realized what he was looking at. "Sunny Starscout, why is Izzy a stallion first of all, and secondly why would you send me a dick pic as proof of that?" *** "There we go, we're going to be just fine. He's going to spend enough time ranting about that to not bother us for a while." Izzy grinned as he imagined Hitch's reaction. He walked with purpose into the shared bedroom of theirs and quickly figured out that there might be another problem with boning Sunny. Izzy had been so preoccupied by Sunny's constant worry that the unicorn had done a bad thing that he hadn't stood next to the worried mare for long enough to realize that she came up to his chest. While looking down at Sunny was normal for Izzy, even as a mare, since the unicorn was easily the tallest pony in their friend group. . .chugging a potion kind of exacerbated that issue by a whole heck of a lot. "Oh okay time out." Izzy put his hooves together in thought. He wasn't just going to not have mindblowing sex with his rod of creativity. That'd be a waste of alicorn glitter and Sunny was hesitant to just make more of the stuff. Plus the niggling idea of 'is this a permanent change' that Sunny kept harping on about. Izzy wouldn't mind- he was a pony that took life as it was. If he was a male, he'd be fine with that. It wasn't like his inner self was fully changing, he just knew what being 'Izzy' felt like. But back to the imposing size difference dilemma that the pair of ponies faced. "Sunny Bunny, it looks like you should be on top." Izzy ran a hoof through his mane. He wasn't normally one to worry about things, but he'd rather be safe than sorry. He didn't want to smush her into a Sunny pancake. Sunny rolled her eyes. "So like normal?" Sunny was normally on top due to logistics. Izzy was tall and lanky and often got tangled up trying to do all the odd ideas the unicorn had in his creative brain. Somehow Sunny had found a pony less used to sex than her- though it had balanced into a nice equilibrium after a few times. Creativity and being a good enough listener balanced out the whole 'living out in the woods like a hermit' dilemma Izzy had first had when the both of them screwed the first time. "Yeah." Izzy sheepishly got on the bed, now noticing how small the queen sized bed felt to him. He stared down past his dick and watched Sunny try to seductively crawl on the bed, her alicorn wings providing light in the darkened room. Sunny looked like a winged serpent as she slithered up to him, quickly nuzzling the two dark purple orbs that were as big as her head and crawled onto Izzy's hard abs, the orange alicorn breathing slowly as she tried to figure out how to make this herculean task manageable. Izzy bit his lip as he felt her finally decide to move- her butt rubbing ever so slowly against his shaft, her warm heat from her nether region driving him wild as she slowly flapped her luminous wings and Izzy just stared at Sunny's big earth pony booty. He loved her curves and Izzy joked relentlessly that becoming an alicorn just made Sunny like ten times hotter and her butt like twice as big- the proof was in the jiggly pudding right in front of him. He kept his eyes on the prize and every slow flap of Sunny's wings made her butt jiggle. It was marvelous. Izzy kept his mouth shut as he didn't want to ruin the moment by butting in. "Okay, this is going to be easy, just aim and go. . ." Sunny looked down at the monolith of meat and gulped. It looked bigger close up and her sheer need to get that thing inside her to handle the Hearts and Hooves Day tummy flutters that most ponies got around this time had slightly diminished. It was still there, an emptiness that wanted to be filled with Izzy's shaft, but her better judgment was winning out again. Izzy chuckled and shook his head, his long mane falling around him in waves as he did. "Knew it, but I have a better idea. Trust me." Sunny cocked her head. "What are you-" Izzy held up a large hoof, his self made friendship bracelet holding on for its dear life. "Do you trust me?" Sunny rolled her eyes. "Of course I do. I mean sure, you have terrible ideas- case in point- but I wouldn't be on the verge of fucking you if I didn't trust you enough to deal with the possible consequences of this. So yes, yes I do." Izzy grinned. "Good, now just stay right there." Izzy's horn lit up and covered Sunny's hooves in his pinkish magic aura and breathed out. "Now do you want to try anal or not cause that will change what will happen." Sunny's eyes went to pinpricks. "If I'm having worries about doing the normal stuff a stallion and a mare does with that massive dick of yours, I don't think taking it up the butt will be better, Iz." Izzy sighed. "Figured. Just wanted to give you final say. Though I guess that makes it possible to play your butt like a pair of bongos when we do it." Izzy watched as Sunny's cheeks went crimson. He always liked teasing the mare- she was so much more open to wacky fun sex stuff than her normal demeanor showed. Izzy wasn't the one breaking beds in half whenever their libido started going. "Okay, in three, two, one." Izzy gripped onto Sunny's legs with his magic and gently yanked her body down upon his creativity stick. It was electric and even with how slow Izzy had started the descent, both of them were moaning in pleasure as the velvet walls of Sunny's inner flesh chamber hilted his purple sword within. "My gosh, Sunny this feels awesome." Izzy grinned as he watched Sunny squirm in response to his magic pulling her up and down his dong like she was bouncing on a trampoline. On every up motion, the bulge in her stomach went away and on every down it came back with a vengeance. Sunny shot Izzy a look between joy and annoyance. "It's getting easier, that's for sure, though it feels like you are using a battering ram on my womb so don't go faster than this." The orange mare was glad that her magic wasn't reacting to the sexual tension again- Izzy's cock was huge and didn't need to be any bigger. Heck, with how large it was, she'd probably never feel fulfilled ever again with her few sex toys she had since it felt like her insides were rearranging themselves every slow, laborious pump that the large purple stallion was doing. She breathed out every time the offending member slid out of her and that made the mix of slight pain and pleasure bearable. "Sure thing, Sunny Bunny, I wouldn't want to anyway since I don't want to go too fast. If I did I'd probably make you explode." Izzy had a thought run through his mind as he imagined the final climax and it ended in a pop. Sometimes his imagination was a bit too creative. Izzy's concentration faltered for a moment and his magic flickered off. That would normally not be a problem except that gravity kicked in. One orange alicorn slid down the extra foot and felt Izzy's medial ring pop inside her. Sunny shallowly breathed out as she tried to stay calm. She flapped her wings and tried to lift herself up a few inches but she couldn't get past the medial ring. She had read of such an occurrence in the books her dad had- rarely some mares had tried to get with stallions that were too gifted in what they called "the reproductive anatomy" and there were not many ways to fix it. Well going to the hospital was one choice. But Sunny imagined that thought and she'd rather not have Zipp tease her to the end of time that she got stuck on Izzy's magical penis. The other option wasn't much better. "Hey, Izzy. I'm stuck." Izzy shook his head. He had been thinking rather hard about the logistics of replicating this magical potion- he had enough of an idea on how it worked. Though selling the power of imagination and belief seemed like a bridge too far even for Pipp's natural potion focused clientele. "What?" Sunny slumped her shoulders. "I'm stuck." "Well, fuck." *** Izzy sighed. Of course his magic would falter the moment he got distracted about the interesting fun sexy things he imagined in the heat of the moment. Unicorn magic was a fickle thing at times- he had tested the limits of his magic and he had slowly found out that while he was great at it. . .a prodigy for magical creativity, he had a major flaw. He was a bit too scatterbrained at times and well, his magic didn't always work. Case in point, one alicorn that was quickly going from calm to frazzled as she continued to attempt to free herself from sexual impalement. "Okay, okay, take some deep breaths, Sunny, I'm here to fix our predicament. Cause while I'd love to be conjoined at the hip with you cause that sounds cute and fun, I didn't imagine this. Plus, if I can't change back I kind of need a free and usable penis. Izzy breathed out and fired up his magic, gripping Sunny's forehooves in his pinkish glow and pulling with all his stallion strength- which was a lot. He pulled and pulled until he could pull no more and yet Sunny was still trapped upon his rod. "Well darn, that usually works. Are you sure you didn't like slide down slightly wrong when my magic went out cause it should be a 'go back up and we're fine' kind of situation and this is more like 'welding your vagina shut' situation." Sunny crossed her hooves. "How should I know? One moment we were doing fine and the next your medial ring doesn't want to let me go." Izzy cocked his head. "What's a medial ring?" Sunny sighed. "When we get out of this I'm showing you pony anatomy 101. But okay, that didn't work. I have a plan but its not going to be fun." "Are we going to break your bed again? Cause every time you say something like that, your alicorn strength kicks in and your pelvis piledrives me into the floor. Totally hot and all, but its like a monthly thing I have to prepare my body for." Sunny rolled her eyes. "First of all, no that's not my plan and secondly, I keep telling you that alicorn magic wasn't mentioned much in my old texts. Twilight never mentioned that alicorn magic made everything so breakable. Though with how she is described and written about I can see why she would stay quiet about the sexual habits and moment to moment bedroom antics." "Sunny, while I would love being sexily lectured to. . .I'd rather get to the point." Izzy loved when Sunny rambled on and on but it wasn't the time or place to listen to an hour long lecture about ancient history. "Right, right, well the second option besides the hospital is a sexual release. Which has its own issues." Izzy put this hooves together and thought short and quick about the problem because time was of the essence. "I may have a few ideas." *** Izzy wiped his brow as he finished tying the rope to the door. It hadn't been that difficult to find the rope- he always kept a fair amount of rope for crafting. . .and other purposes in his work station. It was the whole 'getting downstairs without teleporting' cause Sunny was all worried that adding more magic in their closed sex system would cause catastrophic results. Izzy demurred to Sunny's worries; it wasn't like adding more magic would outright cause an issue. Not if all those wacky legends about Sunny's fun hero were true. But after like five minutes of back and forth between the two, Izzy relented and walked uncomfortably down the stairs. It was difficult even for him to lug around Sunny as sort of dead weight. Hot dead weight cause he could still feel every slow movement she made, but he needed to find a solution. He wasn't going to lug around like 150 extra pounds of pony tied to his crotch for the rest of his life. The logistics of peeing alone made him want to find a solution. And while Sunny had laughed out the whole idea of tying rope to a door and tugging as hard as he could with magic, it worked with foal's teeth at times. Sure it was painful and probably what Pipp called 'traumatic nonsense' but it seemed to work there. It was a good simple idea and sometimes keeping it simple was for the best. So that was how Sunny got a lot of rope around her middle and then the end of that rope was tied securely to a door. Perfectly reasonable answer for anypony if they walked in at this moment. "This isn't going to work, Izzy, can we just do the other options? Maybe not the one where you launch me out of a cannon though that sounds dangerous and impractical. I thankfully can still breathe for the time being- but I haven't kept up my alicorn form for this long before and I'm starting to get a headache." Izzy craned his neck down to see Sunny and she did look rather green and almost ill. To be fair, Izzy had looked at the nearby clock and Sunny had been in this situation for about an entire hour. Most ponies would be ill. "Okay, but let's try this. I'll just slam the door and run the other way. Should work. Probably." Izzy had no clue but belief in magic had gotten them this far. "Okay breathe out Sunny, this might suck." Izzy gripped the door handle in his magic and counted down slowly to zero. "Three, two, one. Zero." He slammed the door as hard as he could and quickly hoofed it the other direction." With a loud snap, the entire door was ripped off its hinges and crashed to the ground, glass shattering as its small window broke and it was dragged fifteen feet inside. Izzy stopped his run soon after and looked at the carnage. "Oops, I'll clean that up later. We still have the trampoline idea and I want to run through the rest of the ideas before you power down." Sunny shallowly breathed in and out, her focus wavering after what would to most non-alicorns would be defined as torture. Her middle hurt after the quick jolt and hard stretch and she felt the twitch in her side that often warned her that her alicorn magic had run out. Unlike the ache and pain having what she imagined to be at least three feet of dick- though it felt to her insides closer to four- impaling her, the twinge often just felt like a sneeze coming on. "It's time, Iz." Izzy nervously looked around trying to find a quick and easy solution. "Lube, water, hot sauce, anything. Well scratch the hot sauce, that would feel awful for the both of us. I can still fix this." Sunny shook her head. "I've been trying to figure out a better solution. This works. Or at least it should. Especially since we've already tried everything else." They had. Izzy's creative rod was pretty much incapable or unwilling to go soft. Even thought exercises Sunny had read in old tomes hadn't icked out his purple snake at all. "I really don't want to pop you, Sunny Bunny." The image of a Sunny balloon being filled with way too much air flicked through the purple stallion's head. It looked hot but dangerous. Sunny smiled and would have kissed Izzy if she wasn't currently in the most compromising situation possible. She liked Izzy because the unicorn, under all their wacky- and honestly sometimes hard to deal with- hijinks and plans actually had a good heart. "I'm currently an alicorn, Izzy. I doubt this would hurt me all that much." "You sure?" Izzy's low voice wavered out of fear. "Probably." That was all Sunny Starscout could hope for. She breathed out and cupped Izzy's pendulous balls in her own golden magical grip. She rolled them around and with one quick motion gripped them as hard as she could. Izzy cried out and crumpled to the floor whinnying as he bucked his legs as his balls let the dam break. Sunny just listened as Izzy ran through Bridlewood's four banned words. "Magic, wing, feather. . ." and she felt Izzy's whole body tense and relax as he started cumming his brains out. Sunny would only have a moment chuckling at the thought that Izzy screaming out "Mayonnaise" in the heat of passion- or at least what Sunny imagined getting a mix between a hoofjob and a direct punch to the balls would feel like. One moment later, Sunny regretted her decision as gallons of cum flooded into her. With how plugged up she was- Izzy's dick was honestly far too large for her velvet cavern, it had nowhere to go. "Oh ponyfeathers." She stared down at her middle and watched her middle inflate as Izzy's massive load shot into her like a fire hose. She bucked her hips as she came over and over. She hoped that once Izzy had stopped cumming, she could slide herself off his member- if she could even move by the end of this flood. A thought flitted through her mind. "Can magic like this make me pregnant?" *** Hitch breathed out and tried to stay calm. He had a terrible time de-escalating the makeshift riot caused by Posey. She was rather persuasive and forceful when she didn't get her way and the only reason he was still here in one piece was by writing a makeshift "get out of jail free" card for the mare. He shivered at the thought as to how the yellow menace would use it. The ideas he had swimming around in his head didn't fill him with confidence. Especially since he had walked into Sprout and her in the midst of coitus a few too many times. Sprout had been mortified, but Posey? She hadn't minded and had spent entire minutes talking about the tile in the office's bathroom of all things. She had little to no shame about messing with the confines of public decency. He sighed and stared at the Brighthouse. He had ran through his shift as fast as he could to check up on Sunny. He figured Sunny was fine enough, at least he figured she would be. She was technically an alicorn and, more importantly, not as reckless as Izzy. She would be fine, but he had a niggling feeling that he should check up on the pair. Mainly because he still wanted to speak his mind about getting sent an unsolicited pic like that. He was comfortable with his sexuality- he was decidedly straight edge- in any and all things- the law, his non-existent drug habits, and his complete focus on how attractive Pipp was. He didn't have a wandering eye at all. But it was the nature of the thing and he didn't like opening up a text and seeing that. He stared up at the Brighthouse and froze as he saw the gaping hole where the door would normally be. He breathed out and quickly shifted into Sheriff Mode and galloped into the front room, careful not to step on the shards of glass that littered the floor. "Okay, Sunny? Izzy? What's up? Did somepony break in?" Izzy lazily skipped through the kitchen door, plates of spaghetti in her magical grip. "Oh hey, Hitch, yeah about that. That's on me and its fine." Hitch frowned. "It doesn't look fine. And I thought you were a stallion. The. . .pic. . .you sent looked convincing." Izzy waved a hoof. "Oh I was. And Sunny can attest to that fact. She'd probably be downstairs greeting you if she could move easily but one thing led to another and, well, magical fun. I mean I woke up like thirty minutes ago and thought 'well that was a fantastic romp in the sheets, so its spaghetti time." Izzy shrugged. "Sounded better in my head. I'm saying its Hearts and Hooves Day. You kind of walked into me making a romantic dinner. I could let you stay though if you want. I doubt Sunny would mind all that much. I always make way too much pasta. Though it'd probably be a tad bit awkward since Sunny currently looks like she swallowed an exercise ball." Hitch blinked. "What?" The purple unicorn shrugged. "All the cum had to go somewhere. Duh." Hitch politely declined whatever dinner Izzy offered, gingerly stepped over the threshold of the broken door and hoofed it back to his fortress of solitude that was his house as fast as his hooves could carry him. He was decidedly not paid enough to decipher if Izzy was just pulling his leg or if she had been deadly serious. And he was too afraid to go up to check if it was true. There was a reason Hitch didn't like magic at times. And that reason was often named Izzy Moonbow. *** Posey stared at the two ponies that sat in front of her. "So you are telling me Izzy and you have a magical spawn of Tartarus because she filled you with. . .and I quote "a ridiculous amount of cum." Posey facehoofed and quietly tried to stay as calm as possible. It was one thing that she joked that unicorns fucking cheated with magic for massive pogo sticks but having her own suspicions confirmed made her feel hollow. Sunny blushed. "It wasn't that much. It went down after a few. . .hours. Sure it made the dinner date rather awkward because I wasn't expecting a dinner in bed, but it was nice." Sunny held on to Izzy's hoof and smiled. It had been about two months since the pair's magical mishap and besides the slight swell of her pregnant stomach, Sunny looked absolutely normal- though by how Zipp had ran tests, it wasn't normal to have triplets. Sunny groaned when she had heard the news and chalked it up to magical virility. Not that she minded, but three was a lot. Izzy beamed at Sunny and ran a hoof through her mare's mane. Izzy had changed back into a mare pretty quicky after the final climax and, while nopony knew exactly how or why, Zoom had a few hypotheses as to how Izzy went back to normal. Though Sunny doubted it was 'Izzy came so much that her brain short circuited and stopped the spell' or 'there's a time limit on having a fuckstick.' Either way Zipp was hounding her to make even more alicorn glitter to test out her hypotheses. "Sunny, you were like a water bed. It was kind of hot." Izzy winked. "Seriously though I guess we tested how durable alicorns are in a way." It was a nice silver lining. Izzy had tried valiantly to keep all that baby batter inside those tankers but had catastrophically failed in a spectacular fashion. "The last thing I remember was getting punched hard in the balls and when I woke up I expected you to be like a popped balloon." Posey cringed at the image that Izzy had just given her. "Unicorns and their weird ass fetishes." "It's not that weird, Posey. I mean sure I turned myself into a stallion and then boned Sunny six ways to pregnant but you and Sprout do the same." Izzy had seen enough creeping around Maretime Bay as Sneaksy to know at least a small hooffull of the shenanigans the pair of earth ponies got up to. "Hey, what if Sprout and I had a dick measuring contest, that would be fun." Posey blushed. "First of all, no and secondly, what Sprout and I do together. . .that's between me and Sprout. Plus unlike how you described Sunny blasting magic into you, he doesn't need a boost at all. It's all natural." Posey didn't always want to brag about Sprout. It just so happened she liked bragging about Sprout and ponies kept thinking he wasn't anything special. "It'd be like holding a contest where Sprout loses cause you unicorns cheat to win." Izzy shrugged. "Well magic or not, it felt awesome. And I think I kind of know how to repeat it." Sunny's ears perked up ever so slightly. "Really?" Izzy grinned. "It's like riding a bike while juggling. The spell is difficult but I know how it felt the whole time. It's like a tingle located right in my stomach. And you never fully lose that feeling." Izzy hummed to herself for a moment. "Just imagine the possibilities. I mean sure most of the possibilities coming to me right now is 'why not bigger? Or 'what would stallions look like as mares and vice versa.' You know pretty standard stuff." Posey sighed. "Unicorn fuckery. A whole lot of unicorn fuckery. You also spent how long explaining how Sunny was literally stuck." Izzy waved a hoof. "Semantics. Sure, the first time failed, but the next time? That's when I see how much 'love' fits in her. Or me. I mean I still want to see what male alicorns look like." Sunny just blushed crimson at the thought.