> Swiftly Rising > by HarpyYoshi > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue I - Curiosity Will Bring You Nothing, Son > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- `“...” “Please. Tell me what my dream means again….” sigh ”I know what it means because it’s related to a story I know. One I was a part of and have since tried to forget. I can’t remember exactly when it started, but I do remember the day ‘he’ was assigned to me. From that day on, we would have this mutual understanding and respect for one another, and our friendship would blossom. All of that…undone by the discovery. Something I had unintentionally learned and did not expect…. Not from him.  My outlook on the pony changed once I had found what he had been up to behind closed doors.”` ========================================<>========================================= My day started earlier than usual, even before the sun came up. It was quiet and uneventful, to say the least. I had been perusing Equestria’s old capital for ten minutes before coming across an old building. The ivy that enveloped it showed that it had been abandoned for a long, long time. The decay it showed was evident by its cracked foundation and missing bricks. As I walked up to the house, the building's old number, 0123, was etched into the wall beside the door. ========================================<>========================================= `”I’ve left a list of numbers there. In due time, you will know what all of them mean with the help of the watch. And remember, keep everything I give you. They’ll be your clues.”` ========================================<>========================================= “Old man,” I said under my breath, “you've shoved a giant thorn through my head since you said those words. So now, I’m ripping it out.” I walked up the tiny broken staircase and stood before the door, or what used to be of it. Now, boarded up by planks of wood and sealed shut, whatever was in here had to be unquestionably valuable. Right? The watch on my wrist activated at my command, and seconds later, the entrance to the chamber of secrets was slashed open by the thick, iron blades from the Ax of Orichalcum. “A house of forlorn memories?” I inquired under my breath as I peered into the dark house. ========================================<>========================================= `”I had a friend there. Once. He was considered my first-ever friend in Equestria and one of the best ponies in the Royal Guard. Nowadays, I like to believe that he retired on his own terms like I will one day.”` ========================================<>========================================= Stepping through the doorway into what looked like an empty living room, I took note of my surroundings. It was a tranquil and nearly dark place, save for the light pouring in through the open wound I had created at the entrance. The living space had been untouched, evidenced by the thick blanket of dust coating the furniture. But, conversely, the doormat at my feet was worn down quite a bit. ========================================<>========================================= `”The basement is meant to be sealed off for good. I made sure of that, painting over it in crimson red. Nocreature should ever enter that tomb and experience what I have witnessed. The memory will forever be burned in my brain, so under no stupid or unreasonable excuse should anycreature ever descend into the darkness.”` ========================================<>========================================= It was an oddly specific line to include in the notes. Why exactly is nocreature meant to explore this place? I thought to myself. What lies beneath the surface? Since those days have come to pass, I decided I had had enough of living in curiosity’s shadow. Turning on the flashlight accessory on my watch, I walked past the kitchen area and headed toward the back hallway. At the end of it, a crimson-red door stood tall. It was undoubtedly the entrance to whatever tomb the author had referred to. “Time to see what’s so important about this door,” I told myself with a smirk.  As I reached for the door handle, grasping it in my hand, a shiver ran down my spine. It's cold. Too cold, I thought. Attempting to turn it, it wouldn’t budge. Locked up tight. sigh “Well, so much for preservation,” I said aloud to no one. Immediately whipping out my ax again, I swung it at the door once. A clean slash down the middle severed the red door in two, and from there, I stepped through. Unfortunately, I neglected to notice that as I did so, the paint that had been used to mark this door hadn’t…dried up. Instead, the crimson paint slathered my jacket’s sleeves, prompting me to peer back at the door. What the hell? I thought before the first oddity of the day was saved as a memory. The door’s color started to lose its hue, with the red matter seeping from the wooden frame. A paint line raced toward the bottom and claimed my attention before dripping onto the floorboard below. “Weird,” I said under my breath. “I thought that paint usually dries up over time. Especially after a ‘long time.’” ========================================<>========================================= `”That place’s mere existence has caused me so much mental pain that I cannot venture into it again. And I hope that you will do the right thing once you find it. Heed my warning…”` ========================================<>========================================= As I turned and went down the dimly lit staircase, anticipation built up inside me, and my thoughts ran wild. What is he hiding? Why didn’t he want anycreature to find out about this place? How is it that he knows of the legend? When and where did it all start?...Who is ‘he?’ When I reached the bottom, I felt for and flicked the light switch up. The lights, surprisingly, came to life and showed me the darkness’s secrets. What greeted me was a reasonably normal-looking basement. It was tidy and clean. To the left corner of the spacious area were a giant tub of water, a box of cleaning supplies, and a washboard. Next to it were these hooks to hang garments on and a string line with clothespins clasped on it. In front of it, closer to my left, was an enormous couch and a pool table. I scratched my head and was left dumbfounded. How the hell could anycreature get this down here, I thought to myself. Did he bring it in pieces? That seemed like the only logical conclusion I could’ve come up with at that point, so my attention slowly drifted to the right side of the basement. A large rug was placed on the ground, with the worn marks of pony hooves decorating it. A desk chair and table were at the center of it. I walked up to it and placed my hand on the old chair. Then, freely spinning it around, I let it swivel and coast to a stop before turning my attention to the desk. It was a lovely desk. Clean and polished, as if it had not seen much wear and tear over the years. Folders were neatly stacked on the right side of it, a couple of quills and scrolls sprawled across the center, complete with an inkwell and desk lamp on the left. I flipped the desk lamp switch to turn it on, but it didn’t respond.  “Dead bulb,” I remarked, shaking my head. “Figures….” That’s when the wall caught my eye. I walked around the desk and stared at it. What greeted me were tons of newspapers, articles, and headlines tacked onto the wall. Headlines about these many events that had been happening throughout Equestria involving dangerous creatures. Reports detailing witness accounts. Newspaper photographs documenting who was involved. The dates on those didn’t matter to me. Instead, it was what was in every last one of those pictures. A lone creature stood out to me amongst all the papers. It was a creature I knew of. One whose name I knew of. “Hmph,” I crossed my arms and looked back at the picture. “There you are….” My attention then shifted to one in particular. In the middle of the collage was a singular photo. A photograph of the same creature next to what appeared to be a guard pony. The guard was in uniform and stood at attention, while the other creature was dressed from head to toe in all black. He wore a tuxedo suit, pants, polished black shoes, and neatly combed hair. Both donned medals and wore these warm smiles. My breath started to shake, and the memories of those days long ago poured back. A tear formed in my eye as I did my best not to let it drop. Fuck, I thought as I wiped it away. Why? Why did you do this to me? A singular box stared back at me as I looked to my right. It was closed, taped up, with the words DO NOT OPEN!! plastered all over it. And when I mean by plastered, I mean scribbled erratically to the point where the box’s dull color was barely discernible. “Somebody really doesn’t want the contents of this box to be seen,” I said, chuckling to myself. I shook my head and looked at the desk again. “I guess I should leave it alo-” I ran to the box and snatched it right up off the ground. Then, walking back over to the desk, I cleared the entire table of all its belongings and gently placed the box down in the center of it. I ran my hands over the cardboard exterior, examining the heavily taped sides. The one singular line of tape straight down the middle was all I would need to sever. Retrieving my pocket knife from my back pocket, I flicked the sharp metal blade out and brought it to the edge of the left side of the box. One swift dash across and the top flaps were opened. “What are you hiding from me, Mister?” I said before opening the box. I looked into the box with a broad and joyous smile before it switched to shock. The package was filled to the brim with…envelopes? “Whaaat?” I said quietly. I picked up one of the envelopes and examined it. They appeared to have been already opened, with the exterior flap slightly curved and tucked neatly inside. As I placed the envelope down and investigated the contents of the box, I realized they ALL had something in common: each one was numbered. I scratched my head in confusion, thinking to myself for a second. Why, though? Why go through all this trouble to protect some envelopes? Wh-What could they be hiding? “Welp, might as well start with you then,” I said, holding up an envelope with the number ONE written on it.  And no, not the numerical version. It was the actual word. Taking the back flap out, a piece of paper lay dormant inside its interior. As I brought out the neatly folded letter, a note slid out and floated to the floor below. Turning my head towards it, I bent down, picked it up, unfolded it, and read it silently. ========================================<>========================================= “To whom this letter may concern.  Greetings. It may seem stupid for me to be writing this, but you are not the first creature to happen upon this box. Disappointing, sure, but be warned. The contents of these letters are not for the faint of heart. I am not responsible for any emotional trauma you may experience after reading these letters.” That’s not comforting at all, I thought before continuing. “Unfortunately, the original scrolls have been lost to the sands of time due to degradation. So, I have taken the liberty of copying, word for word, what was written in those letters.  Before you ask, yes, I have read them all…and, yes, those are my tears you might find stained on some of them. Even while writing them out, I could not bear to contain MY emotions.” “This creature is serious, whoever he was,” I said to myself as I began to pace back and forth. “I pray that nocreature will have to experience what I have experienced from reading and writing these letters. The burden is too much for anycreature to bear.  Please, whoever you may be, do me one favor. I have tried to forget about this place, but I believe it will forever be burned into my mind, and thus, I could not take the responsibility into my own hands to destroy these letters. After you discover this box, immediately BURN the contents of that place. Please, do not attempt to read them.” “Do not read them?” I asked myself, stopping in place. “Why not? What are they hiding?” I read the last few sentences to myself silently. “These letters must NOT be taken out of this room, whether by physical or mental movement. Leave the demon to his demons, and let this pony’s poor soul rest.” My hands started to shake as the note fell from my hands. I trembled in fear as questions swirled in my mind. Why do they need to be burned? How will I be affected emotionally by them? But, most importantly, what are the contents of those letters? The note underneath my feet had left the bottom exposed. “Out of respect for the pony I once called a friend. Alex.” ========================================<>========================================= I shuddered at the thought as the words left my mouth. “It can’t be…n-n-no,” I trembled while shaking my head. I turned towards the desk where the box was currently sitting. It was taunting me now, inviting me to sit and join it. I…I c-can’t resist the urge. I'm intrigued to know what these letters contain now, my mind told itself. I need to know what exactly happened here long ago. That last thought pushed me to ignore the ample warning. My mind had already been made up, and I wasn’t going to let it go. Grabbing the chair and taking a seat at the desk, I grabbed the paper in front of me, unfolded it, and began to read the first letter. > Prologue II - Another Recruit Arrives In Canterlot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Next stop! Canterlot Station!” The city of Canterlot came into view outside my train car’s window as I opened my eyes. Oooo, I can’t wait! I anxiously thought to myself. The pony conductor’s voice had woken me up from my daydreaming and made me sit up in anticipation. “District 012 Station is the next stop. Time of arrival will be approximately five minutes!” the pony conductor shouted from the front of the car. I fidgeted in place as the train sped along the train tracks. My passenger car was somewhat empty, save for a few business ponies. Unfortunately, their conversation about business ethics was drowned out by the sound of screaming steel underneath the floorboards. Come on, I thought to myself as I looked out and ahead from the train window. I gotta make it before they close. I sat down in my seat and thought about the trip. The train ride had been uneventful since getting that letter earlier today. I didn’t consider how long the trip would be from Seaward Shoals to Canterlot, and I felt I had enough time. The recruitment agency in Canterlot was to close soon, and since it was the first of the month, it would be an hour earlier. The train started slowing down as I looked out the window again. The capital city’s buildings began to pass by, and the ponies milling around on the streets of Canterlot kept coming and going. I looked at the nicely constructed buildings and picked out a few details as they passed. The details of the restaurant and its ivy decorations, a jewelry shop, and a convenience store turning on its neon lights for the evening. I quickly glanced at the train clock near the passenger car’s doors. 17:22, I thought to myself with a chuckle. Papa always reminded me that if I wanted to be in the Army, I must learn to count in military time. That means I have 38 minutes left before they close their doors. “Arriving at Canterlot Station!” the conductor shouted. The train slowed significantly as the station house slowly emerged outside my window. The platform below saddled up nearby the bottom of the train as it rolled to a complete stop. I quickly grabbed my bag and ensured the letter was still inside. Then, after reaffirming it was there for the third time in five seconds, I zipped it up and threw the bag over my shoulders. Bolting for the exit door, I approached a mare that was getting up from her booth and entering the aisle. I quickly halted and ushered her in front of me. She gave me a warm smile and trotted ahead as I followed suit. Mama always said to let the mares proceed first, I reminisced, smiling to myself. I quickly exited the train and looked at the map near the ticket booth on the platform. Surveying my surroundings, I needed to go to District 009. I quickly located it on the map and approximated which direction the office was. “Well,” I said, “no time like the present!” I quickly galloped across the platform and down the mini-staircase at the end of it. As the train whistle blared, I promptly crossed the train tracks and onto the streets of Canterlot. From there, it was a full sprint to my next destination. ========================================<>========================================= “Mmmm, I don’t get paid enough for this, mmm….” The day had been long and tiresome. And with ten minutes left, another shift would be in the books. I leaned against the wall behind the desk and exhaled softly. Working in the same agency for nearly 20 years, I’ve had my fair share of being in the recruiting officer role. Requiring and looking at the letters sent to the potential recruits to see if they were valid, having them fill out some paperwork, and then sending them off to the castle for their training assignment kept me out of trouble. It was especially an extensively long day, being the first day of the second month of the year. The previous month was when all the recruiting letters were sent and distributed across Equestria. The randomly selected stallions would then flock to this recruiting agency and transition into a career of protecting and serving the sovereign rulers of this land. “Hmph,” I smirked. How could I have forgotten? I told myself. I remember that day I got that letter in the mail. Jumping out of my bed and seeing my parents turn around with the letter in their hoov- Ring! “Hmm?” I looked up at the door and saw it had been opened. What greeted me was an exasperated stallion with a bag over his shoulders, panting heavily. “S-Sorry!” the stallion blurted out, his hoof shaking as he held it open. “I hope I’m not too late.” I peered at the clock on the wall and saw the time. Six minutes until the end of my shift? I shrugged after contemplating it for a second. “Well, we’re not closed yet, so you’re right on time in my book,” I told the stallion, who breathed a sigh of relief. He trotted forward and approached the desk. I took into detail everything about him. Firstly, the disheveled mane atop his head and the faint red color at the ends dangling aside his face. He’ll have to make sure he gets that shaved off since that’s not allowed, I reminded myself. Lots of ponies with newer manestyles are coming through here. It’s unfortunate, but it is necessary. Next was the build of the earth pony. He appeared to be a fairly built stallion and about four feet tall. He was the most peculiar compared to all the others that came through today. His grayish fur underneath his coat was smooth, and his cutie mark was a shield with a heavy black shadow surrounding it. Beads of sweat dripped down his face as he breathed in. “Take a couple deep breaths, son,” I told him. He nodded and took a few deep breaths in before exhaling. “Now then, what can I do for you, son?” “I have a letter from the Canterlot High Command,” the stallion responded. “I got it in the mail this morning and bolted out the door.” “Okay. Let me see that letter,” I motioned, to which the stallion pulled the letter out from his bag and placed it on the desk. Sure enough, the Canterlot Royal Guard seal was on the top right side of the letter. I quickly retrieved it with my magic and read through the letter, but I did a double take when re-reading the address. “Where are you from, Mr. Swift?” “Seaward Shoals, sir,” Swift proudly stated, puffing his chest out. “My parents are retired now, and I have lived with them my entire life.” “Hmm. Good to know,” I nodded and placed the letter back on the desk. Then, reaching underneath the desk, I fished out a clipboard and put the information background sheet onto it. Then, sliding it over to the stallion, I levitated a pen for him to use. “Fill this sheet out, and I’ll have it signed and stamped so you can proceed tonight.” He quickly took the clipboard and pen in his hooves. “Thank you so much, sir!” The stallion promptly turned and trotted to a chair across the room. He took a seat and started to scribble on it as I studied him closely again. He’s looking a bit anxious and nervous but also excited about this, I thought to myself as the stallion filled out the paperwork. He’s practically beaming. I shrugged and headed to the backroom to start closing down for the night. Flicking off the lights for the outside, I then brought out the last box of copied paperwork for filing. Lifting it to the table behind the wall, I placed it down and turned around. My eyes widened as the stallion was standing at the desk again. The clipboard was in his mouth as he looked back at me. I trotted back over and gave him a curious glance as he placed it back onto the desk. “I finished it, s-sir,” Swift said softly, pushing the sheet towards me. “H-Here it is.” I quickly took the clipboard and pen back from the stallion and looked it over. Everything appeared to have been filled out correctly, so there was no reason to be suspicious of the stallion. I signed the bottom of the official document and stamped it. Then, as the stallion put a hoof on the desk, I quickly copied it with my magic and levitated the actual record over to him. He tilted his head to the side with a curious glance, causing me to chuckle. “Filing purposes, son,” I told him straight. “In case we have to provide a document proving you were here and that the paperwork was filled out and approved by us.” The stallion nodded and accepted the document. “Well,” I nodded before saluting. “Welcome to the Canterlot Royal Guard.” I took the copied document in my magical grasp as well as the cup of coffee I was drinking. As I began to walk into the back room, I took a sip of it an- Pffft! Rrring! I quickly pivoted and noticed the stallion leaving in the direction of the castle. I then glanced back at the page, re-reading the name repeatedly. “It can’t be,” I mumbled before my mouth opened in shock. “Another Wildshadow….” ========================================<>========================================= “There it is,” I said, looking ahead as I trotted along the sidewalk. “Canterlot castle.” The massive symbol of Equestria’s pride cast a shadow over the districts of Canterlot from the evening sun. It displayed an aura of regalness in its details and symbolized a sense of majesty in the paper-white colored exterior emanating its power. From what I read in the old history books my dad kept, the enormous castle walls were the first line of defense, not the ponies. Although we would be the ones to call out the approaching threat, any and all outside dangers who want to give the sovereign rulers trouble would be slowed by it. And by approaching threats, I meant the stupid creatures that wouldn’t be able to have the chance to pose such a threat. The supposed power of the two goddesses that resided within the castle was probably infinite. As I approached the massive gate, the four guards’ ponies on duty took notice and shifted slightly. I stopped in place and retrieved the information document from my bag, grabbing it with my mouth. All the while, I kept thinking to myself about the journey thus far and what this moment signified. The next step down the right path, I thought to myself happily. Mama and Papa will be so proud of me once it’s all said and done. After beginning to get closer to the gate, one of the guards stepped forward and spoke to me. “State your business, citizen.” “Mmph,” I muttered before stopping to take the paper out of my mouth. “Greetings. My name is Swift, and I’m here from the recruitment office. I’m here to begin orientation for the Canterlot Royal Army.” “Another recruit,” the guard pony said quietly with a tiresome look in his eyes. “I assume that is the document, both signed and stamped. May I see it, Mr. Swift?” “Yes, sir,” I replied. Then, moseying on over to the stallion guard, I presented him with the approved document, which he retrieved with his magic. He quickly skimmed through it and nodded to a guard over his right shoulder. The guard, in response, moved over to a lever and pulled it. Then, the large steel gate slowly began to open upwards as I was given the document back.  “Welcome to Canterlot castle, Mr. Swift. Please proceed to the registrar three buildings down on the right and present the mare at the desk with this information and background paper. You’ll have to complete a bit more paperwork, so please be respectful of her time.” The stallion motioned for me to trot past him. “It has been a long day for everypony.” “Thank you, sir!” I chirped before trotting through the gate hastily. “Ahem!” I immediately turned around and noticed the stallion approaching me. I began to feel nervous before he spoke up. “I wasn’t finished, son.” He cleared his throat before continuing. “From there, you’ll be assigned to a building in the lower districts. You will be boarding with three other ponies,” the guard said cautiously. “So be sure to make it before the night is over. The streets of Canterlot are not for young stallions such as yourself after dusk falls.” > Entry 1 - The Process > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rank & Full Name: Private Swift Wildshadow Letter’s Date: x3/x7/xxx3 Address: South Filly Street, Apt. 056, District 018, Canterlot, Equestria Contents: Letter & Package “Dear Mom & Dad, Hello! Firstly, I know it has been a while since you last heard from me. I understand that you may have been worried sick, me being your only son and all. But rest assured, everything is going well here in Canterlot. I was super ecstatic after that recruitment letter came in; I couldn’t wait to race on over and start my new career! All bits aside, I have been officially enlisted to become a member of the Canterlot Royal Army, as a Private. Still in training, but a Private nonetheless. It was awkward at first being in the boot camp since I am just an earth pony. Most of the recruits alongside me during ‘Orientation Day’ were unicorns and pegasi. About a couple dozen earth ponies were here too, but most didn’t make it past week two. It was bizarre, in fact. I mean, showing resilience is a big plus for being a part of the army here, but I guess they weren’t up to snuff. Everywhere I looked, the other ponies showed no emotion, flying through the courses like it was nothing. I admit I struggled a bit, but I did push myself to do my best as you taught me, Father. I understand that serving your country brings forth a sense of patriotism, fighting to protect the sovereign rulers of the land and its inhabitants. You know a lot about that, Dad. It’s so much different than I thought. Words can’t describe how much I have taken everything you both have given me for granted over the past few years, and I am sorry for things that I may have said that could have hurt you in the process. Back to the present, the first few weeks were dreadfully slow. The training was getting more and more intense as the days went on. We are constantly told to expect the unexpected. Whether it is a creature of such magnitude that could seriously threaten innocent pony lives or the unknown otherworldly elements, our job is to protect and serve with honor. I’m glad I joined when I was of legal age. It has opened my eyes to how much the guard is underappreciated in this day and age. Admittedly, the one problem I faced over the last five weeks was going through the emotional tests. I don’t know how or why, but there were times I got called into question why I made the decisions I made. I fear that the ‘High Command,’ as they are referred to, may not value me that much for service in going out into the world for action-combat service because of it. I cannot elaborate on it further. But, if I can’t be sent out for combat, they may not want me as a guard in the castle either. For now, I am currently in the waiting process. I’m sitting in my makeshift apartment complex in the lower district of Canterlot. There are a lot of districts here in the city alone, about 26 in total. The central districts are closer to the castle, while we are much closer to the capital's outskirts. I share this place with three roommates, and we all have gotten to know each other over the past five weeks. Albeit very slowly. First, Jake Storm is a pegasus from Cloudsdale. He’s older than me by a few years and has loved flying since he was a young colt. He has black fur, is the average height for a stallion of his caliber, and his cutie mark is a lightning bolt surrounded by dark clouds. Me thinks he would be sent back to Cloudsdale to be in that weather factory or whatever it's called up there. Or possibly join the Wonderbolts. He told me he didn’t like the idea of being a factory worker or whatever they do up there, but he said it would give him a large amount of insight into Cloudsdale’s internal operations. Wonder what will happen to him… Lyle, on the other hoof, is an odd fellow. He’s three months younger than I, has a badge for a cutie mark, and is a unicorn. He says he gets scared by loud sounds and unexpected occurrences, which is strange considering how far he has made it while not being considered for re-evaluation. I have already gone through it twice, and both times the High Command reinforced the notion that my emotional side needed to be repressed as best as possible. But with Lyle? He has the build of a confident soldier with the mind of a filly that got too clingy with their parents. Sorry. Just my personal opinion on the stallion. He’s very nice, though. The last one in our group is Pete Dreadson. He’s, how do I put this? Intimidating. He is also a pegasus, but his cutie mark consists of four red chains and a skull in the middle of them. I think he wasn’t given a choice and that destiny had decided his fate: to serve and become a military operant. He has been at the top of our recruiting class since ‘Day One,’ but he doesn’t talk much. The times I have heard him talk, he speaks in a low, dry, dark tone. It's as if he shows resentment or bitterness toward the creatures around him. I personally don’t like him or his demeanor, but I shouldn’t say more. I get this feeling that he’s always watching our every move. Lyle has been noticeably fearful of him; even Jake admitted how scary it’s been while Pete is rooming with us. Anyways, I should probably wrap up this letter. It’s getting late here in Canterlot, and there is no point for me to keep rambling for what seems like an eternity.  Oh! Almost forgot! I sent you both a package in the mail. Dad may or may not have forgotten some of his old military clothes when he was last here. Funny enough, they gave me the same locker you had during your orientation. There are a few dents inside, but I suppose they see something in me to provide me with your locker, huh? In that package, there are also some treats for mom. Ma did love to eat those sugar cookies from SugarCube Corner in Ponyville. I had enough time on one of our two days off to travel down there and fetch a dozen. I will apologize since I ate about half of them. I couldn’t resist, because they’re so good!. Well, that’s pretty much it. It has been a rocky start, but my progression and rapid rise have helped make me stand out from the other ponies. I have aced all the written tests so far and now have to focus on completing the last few obstacle courses and the final mental test. After that, I should be ready for my first few days of work in the Canterlot Royal Army if all goes well. I do have to ask, can you send some of that hair dye I used to keep in the bathroom cabinet? They cut most of my mane down and almost wiped the red coloring away. So if you could do that, I would appreciate it. I’ll send you some bits as compensation. Thank you for being there for me and always believing in me. Write back as soon as you can! With love, Private Swift Wildshadow” ========================================<>========================================= I sat back in the chair for a second. Damn, I thought. That wasn’t so bad. All this pony was doing was describing those first few months in training camp after being recruited. He was about to be enlisted into the army. The gears in my head churned as an obvious question emerged. How could this go from 0 to 150 real quick? As I tucked the first letter back into the envelope and pulled out the second one, something caught my eye as I took out the letter. I realized there was a small blurb written inside the interior. It was a bit smudged but faintly visible. I decided to take a gander, so, using my watch and fishing out a magnifying glass, I placed it over the text and read it as best as possible. `Wh-t is se-- thro--h one le-s ma- -ot be se-n as the sa-- thr--gh an---er per-pect---. Be ca--ful who -ou tru--, beca--e it cou-- be -he dif--re--- be--een li-e -r de--h. Sta- stro-g, you-- on-.` “Hmm. Odd way to put it,” I commented out loud. “Some of the words are blurred out. Was he in a rush to write this? I think I get what he is saying, buuut….” I shook my head and opened up the folded piece of paper. Okay, letter number two, I thought while taking a deep breath. So what’s this one about? > "Never Lost?" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- sigh “Finally. We’re home….” “Uuuugh,” Lyle exasperated. “Took us long enough….” I looked at both of them with an inquisitive look. “What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked. “...” “Well, if you hadn’t spent so much time asking the pink bakery pony which set of sugar cookies would be better to send home to your mom, then we would’ve gotten back home sooner,” Lyle complained as he opened the door. His magic pushed the door aside as he stepped through. “I haven’t been to Sugarcube Corner ever,” I explained. “Of course, I don’t know! I just wanted to ensure the ones I intended to purchase were the same as the ones I remembered mother liking.” “Chill, Swift,” Jake said as he rolled his eyes. “Lyle’s agitated since he only needed to get one thing while we were in Ponyville while being forced to wait for us.” “...” “I-I-I am not!” Lyle pouted. “I-I was being patient….” “Then why are you so upset?” Jake replied with a raised brow. He placed his bags down on the kitchen table as we began unpacking. “I-I am not, I promise,” Lyle responded softly. “...” “Doesn’t sound like it to me,” I muttered. “Okay, fine.” Lyle exaggerated his motions before facing me. “I’m sorry for getting a little upset at you and being impatient. There, happy?” “A little?” I countered before snickering. Jake began to chuckle as Lyle stared back. “It’s all good, Lyle. I accept your apology.” “...” “So what’s the plan for tonight, gentlecolts?” Jake asked. “I know we have to get some grub, but what do you want to do tonight for fun?” He looked at all of us as we thought to ourselves. “Speaking of food,” Lyle started, “I want to try and make this old family recipe my grandma used to make when I was a foal. I think you all will really like it.” I looked at Lyle, who was practically beaming right now. “Okay, Lyle,” I said with a smile. “You can do that, and then afterward, maybe we can play Pony Kart II again?” I shrugged before seeing Jake’s expression go dead. “Bro, do you remember what happened two days ago when we played that game?” Jake asked rhetorically. “Pete wiped the floor with us, you and I had an intense back-and-forth on the first course, and Lyle got pony-karted three times on the finish line.” “...” “I’m still salty about that,” Lyle bitterly commented as he got some of his cooking supplies out. “And it seems like he still hasn’t gotten over it,” Jake concluded. “Maybe something else toni-” “No,” Lyle replied quickly. “I would like to play again.” We all turned our heads in confusion toward Lyle as he began cooking. “I want revenge for that crap you put me through. I barely slept that night knowing what had happened….” “Well,” I whispered to Jake. “So much for letting go of things.” “...” “We’ll set it up and wash our hooves for dinner,” Jake stated as he headed to the bathroom. “Once we finish dinner and clean up, we’ll play some more Pony Kart II.” “Sounds like a plan,” I replied, grabbing my bags and heading upstairs to my room. As I trotted up the steps, I glanced and saw Pete’s stone-cold face in the TV’s reflection. His eyes quickly flicked, and noticed mine before relaxing back onto the couch. Looks like Pete’s in the zone, I worriedly thought as I made it to my room. Again…. ========================================<>======================================== “Oh, COME OOONN!!” Lyle’s reaction to getting blue-shelled near the finish line again made Jake and me laugh. Finally, the conclusion of the race began tallying our points as Lyle’s rage drowned out the music. “Sweet Celestia, can’t I get second place FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE?!” Lyle screamed in frustration at the TV. chuckle “O-Only in Pony Kart,” Jake wheezed as he kept laughing. “O-Only in Pony Kart, can you get blue-shelled right before the finish line and get last place, HAHA!!” “That’s ridiculous!” Lyle snapped as he glared at Jake. “I had second place in the bag. I WAS GOING TO EARN IT!! But noooo, the game decides to buck me over right at the end!” “Chill, Lyyyle,” I sighed as the laughter escaped my mouth. “We’re all losing to Pete anyways. So getting second is a free-for-all, haha.” “Select the next course, come on!” Lyle growled. “I’m targeting both of you from now on.” Jake looked at him from the corner of his eyes and picked up the controller. “You’re not going to target Pete, but you want to focus your anger on Swift and me?” Jake asked with a sour tone. “Nopony here can mess with Pete because he’s way better than us by a country mile,” Lyle complained. “Ain’t fair playing with him, so you two must endure my rage this next course!” “Well, I am taking off the training wheels and will definitely win this next one,” I noted before making a quick comment under my breath. “Never lost Big Blue.” “What?” Jake turned his head in confusion before the turtle in the cloud counted down to start the race. “You heard me!” I shouted as I rocketed out into first place. We all continued to race each other around the course, and I kept my eyes glued to the screen. The long, winding course stretched into three sections, each with its own fun quirks. About a minute in, I glanced at the minimap to find myself far ahead of the others. Yes, I thought to myself. This is my map. “...” I looked at Pete out of the corner of my eyes. Pete said nothing as sweat started to form on my brows. I sat silent as I triggered the course’s final section and looked back at the minimap. Pete’s character was still far behind mine, but it started getting closer. My eyes went back to the screen as I rounded another corner and flew down the straightaway. Come on, give me something good, I thought as I hit the item boxes. The roulette ended quickly as a coin and banana peel appeared. fting! Well, I thought with contempt, at least I can protect myse- “BLUE SHELL INCOMING!!” Lyle yelled as my brain started to scramble. The controller shook in my hooves as the icon appeared underneath my character on-screen, knowing this would only worsen. “...Hmph,” Pete scoffed as the impact of the shell hit my character. His icon on the minimap got closer and closer as I rounded the last major turn of the course. “Come on,” I chattered between my teeth. Jake and Lyle were in an intense battle for third, signaled by Jake’s excitement over receiving three red shells and Lyle’s yelping in frustration. But Pete was dead silent as his character appeared behind mine on-screen. His character was right behind mine, drafting off of my rear bumper. He’s not real, I nervously thought as his character shifted slightly and hit my right side. That’s unbelievable! I moved slightly to the right and hit him back, to which he responded by slightly braking and staying behind me. He quickly drafted off of my character again, but this time he shot out to my left and passed me. I hit the rough patch near the final piece of track as my mouth opened. “Are you kiddi-” crash! gasp! A red shell had flown past me and nearly collided with my character. But, instead, it chased after and hit Pete’s kart. His character tumbled as mine exited the rough patch and slowly passed his. My heart began thudding as the finish line grew closer. Hitting the triangle button, I looked behind me to see the gap forming between our two characters. Finally, Lyle and Jake appeared around the corner, but letting go of it, my excitement couldn’t contain itself as I crossed the finish line. “ISN’T IT CRAZY THAT I’VE NEVER LOST ON BIG BLUE?!” I shouted in excitement, dropping my controller and leaping off the couch. “Buck off, Swift,” Jake grumbled as he finished in last place. His character was unfortunately hit by Lyle as he had activated his star power near the rough patch. “Chew on last place, sucker,” Lyle cynically croaked before coughing. cough! hack! “Ah. Swallowed my own spit….” cough! “...” After bouncing in place for a few seconds, I looked at Pete, who said nothing. His eyes remained fixated on the TV as I grinned. “I’ll take it, though,” I whispered in triumph. “It doesn’t matter, Swift,” Jake motioned. “The event is over.” I looked back at the TV and heard the results song starting to play. My ears drooped as I realized I had lost by 9 points. “GG, guys,” Pete nonchalantly muttered before placing his controller down. He laid back and closed his eyes, breathing a sigh of relief as we stared in shock at the screen. “Oh, for Faust’s sake!” Lyle yelled. “I GOT LAST AGAIN!!” “Haahaa!” Jake laughed out loud, nearly falling out of his chair. I couldn’t help but chuckle as two thoughts surged ahead of everything I had thought about that day. Number one, dang, Pete is really good at Pony Kart, I internalized before smiling, but two and more importantly: damn, Lyle sucks at this game. Haha! ========================================<>======================================== yawn “Alrighty then, I’m turning in for the night,” I muttered as the three other stallions sat around the kitchen table. “Why so early to bed, Swift?” Jake inquired as he turned to look at me. “Tomorrow is-” “My next written test for the combat portion of our training,” I finished his sentence. “I made sure to study for it at least three hours a day for the last five days but have neglected tonight’s study in favor of playing games with the boys.” I smiled weakly before rubbing my eye with a hoof. Lyle stared at me as if I were crazy for doing such a thing. “Yeah, you definitely will need some rest for that, Swift,” he conceded. “Which section is this one, if I may ask?” “Section 5.6,” I replied as I turned and trotted towards the staircase. “Oh, that one was rough for me,” Jake stated flatly. “I nearly passed it, but I had to do an extra study session because some of the questions I had wrong were major to my understanding of combat and situational awareness.” “Yeah, I’m hoping to ace it as usual,” I shrugged before stopping at the first step. “But this one has me feeling a bit uneasy….” My head drooped as a memory of cramming before an exam from five years ago played in my head. “...Pick your head up, Swift,” Pete softly mumbled, catching everypony’s attention. My eyes looked up and stared at him as he glared back at me. “Ace that damn quiz so you can move on. We’re all going through it, and we’ll all get through it, so long as you DO.” My mouth hung open as Pete went back to sipping his drink. The other two shifted in their seats, slightly uncomfortable from hearing Pete’s voice. I shook the bad thoughts away and exhaled slowly. “You’re right, Pete,” I sighed before smiling. “I know I can pass this test. And that’s what I’m going to do tomorrow! Thanks!” “Alright. Goodnight, Swift,” Lyle and Jake said in unison. “See you in the morning.” They waved to me as I trotted upstairs and into my room. I closed the door behind me and made my way to the moderately-sized bed. sigh “Luna, help me fall asleep tonight,” I pleaded. I flopped onto the bed tiredly and let my body be swallowed by the mattress and blankets. I turned myself over and stared at the open shades. “Ugggh,” I groaned, realizing the shades weren’t closed. Lazily, I rolled over to the bed's side and got off it. I slowly made my way over to the window and grabbed the curtains before noticing something. I looked up and saw the moon shining brightly in the night sky. Its aura emanated a feeling of majesty and beauty as it cast its light onto the sleeping world of Equestria. Wow, I thought. It’s so pretty. I stared at it for another few seconds before closing the curtains. Then, trotting back to the bed, I hopped back onto it and lay down. Rolling over to my left side, I then noticed the bedside cabinet. On top of it was a deck of playing cards, a plush toy from when I was a colt, and two picture frames. One was of me and my roommates, during which we all got acquainted with one another over dinner a few weeks ago. But the second frame captivated my attention. My parents had sent it to me before I mailed my first letter back to them. The picture was taken of my family about seven years ago. I still remember all the faces, with my mom and dad cradling one foreleg over my shoulders. It was a great picture of our happy family. But as I saw the other two faces on each side of my parents, my head turned back to the right as I cradled the pillow in my hooves. Tears started forming in my eyes as the question I had been asking myself repeatedly reemerged. What truly happened to my brother and sister? > The "Test" (NSFW) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is it, I told myself as I trotted down the halls of the Canterlot castle. The last test before you can graduate and become a member of the Royal Guard. Stay cool, Swift. “Good evening, Swift. Good luck today!” A passing unicorn guard caught my attention. I gave him a warm smile as I rounded the corner. Sweet Celestia, why can I hear my heart thudding? My thoughts were getting even more nervous as I made my way down the long corridor toward the spellcasting room. Anycreature that could perform specific runes or cast magic spells had access to the dozen rooms in the castle. All the tests were to be supervised today by the High Command, especially with this being the final test. One more test to determine whether a stallion or mare was fit to join the Canterlot Royal Army or Guard. My trot slowed as the fourth room appeared, and a middle-aged stallion with a clipboard stood outside the door. The door may have been closed, but I could still hear the faint voices from within. Then, finally, the pony turned his head and glanced in my direction. Clearing my throat, I spoke. “Good evening, sir. I am here for my last major response test.” “Ah, Mr. Swift. I’ve heard great things about you,” the pony replied. He quickly jotted something onto his clipboard before motioning me to sit down. “Take a seat, and we will soon call you in for your test.” “Thank you,” I responded as I nervously sat near the door. My forelegs were slightly shaking. Stupid nerves, I thought. I can’t be nervous now. I made it this far for a reason. “Don’t worry, Mr. Swift,” the pony’s voice said as I looked at him. “You’ll do fine. Pick the best option and stick with it. Of course, the High Command will have questions, which you must justify your actions. My best advice is to remain calm and collected and choose your words carefully.” He smiled, nodded his head, and entered the room. The door shut after him as I took some deep breaths. Then, exhaling softly, I reminded myself of the other tests before this one and how I needed to respond. Those were light, everyday scenarios that could inevitably pop up. But as the tests kept growing in difficulty, it was apparent that I would panic a few times. The emergency scenarios highlighted this issue since I nearly tripped over my hooves during the ‘rescue mission’ scenario. I entered an event where a ‘foal’ was trapped in a burning building. Being the first on the scene, it was a ‘how would you respond’ type of situation. The illusion was created and reinforced inside the spellcasting room, and I was immersed quickly into the scenario. Even though it was fake, everything in the scene and what transpired felt real. Saving the filly was of high importance, but I narrowly passed the test. I certainly would have failed if I didn’t risk putting my body in danger to save her. As I entered the building, I hurriedly went to the second floor and found the filly in the corner, scared for her life. She may not have been real, but it could have been. And I vividly remember me tripping over my hooves as the floor began to deteriorate. I backed up to get a running start before leaping across the large gap in the floor and finally making it to the filly. The last part of the rescue mission was brutal. As ceiling tiles rained down from above, I did my best to shield her from getting hurt. It was a painful experience to go through.  My main concern was ensuring the filly was safe, but I should have reacted faster and been more cognizant of the different routes available. The one I had chosen was deemed ‘too risky’ and was the factor in why I had nearly failed in preventing a terrible catastroph- creak! “Mr. Swift Wildshadow?” the stallion asked. I snapped myself out of my thoughts and looked toward the stallion in the doorway. “Yes, sir?” I responded. “We are all set for your final major response test,” he said. “Please, follow me.” sigh “Yes, sir,” I said as I got up. I took another deep breath and exhaled softly before turning toward the door. Following the pony, we descended a set of stairs and arrived at the spellcasting chamber. The door that was once behind me had closed, preventing me from turning back. Here we go, Swift, I thought. No turning back. ========================================<>======================================== “Alright, Swift,” a member of the High Command said. “You are guarding the throne room doors during Day Court when suddenly, you faintly hear a commotion down the hall.” I stood firm as the scene unfolded. The illusion created made it feel like I was there, and the few ponies around me materialized. Some were galloping down the corridor already towards the noise, while the others were readying their spears. “The creatures are rounding the corner!” the voice yells. Suddenly, they appeared. A group of no more than fifteen creatures rounded the corner and blindsided the guards. My fur stood tall as the gang slammed them against the wall, their calls for backup silenced. Finally, they started making a rush toward the throne room doors. “Act accordingly! Go!” I moved to the right and lowered my spear. “You lot stand down! That is an order!” The creatures didn’t stop and continued to make their way toward us. Some of them sported smirks as they prepared their blades. I decided to repeat myself with more conviction. “STAND DOWN!!” The guards nearby readied themselves as they got closer. My nerves went dormant as I exhaled. Then, seeing as they were not slowing down, I took my stance and prepared to lunge my spear at them when they were within two body lengths. However, to our surprise, they all moved simultaneously to opposite sides of the corridor and ducked. My eyes widened as a small creature appeared and tossed a small capsule in our vicinity. Unfortunately, we had little time to react. “Get down!” the guard yelled as we ducked to the ground quickly. A second later, and... boom!! ========================================<>======================================== The sound was deafening as the concussion from the explosion discharged. The throne room doors burst open from the impact as wooden splinters shot out in all directions. I was thrown to the left, gripping my head. rumble! gasp! I instinctively grabbed my spear and shifted over just in time. A hybrid-crocodile creature attempted to jump on top of me, nearly stabbing me in the chest. Fortunately, I had maneuvered quickly to get away from the attack. Using the spear’s wooden section, I slid it past its right leg and swung left, tripping him. He hastily flipped over and got on all fours. His eyes stayed trained on me as he rose to his full height. I noticed his big jaw opening, showing me all of the razor-sharp teeth inside, finally licking his lips with his tongue before speaking. “No matter what, you can’t stop me,” the creature growled viciously. “I’m going to sever your limbs apart and devour your carcass so you can never see the light of day ag-” stab! “Aaargh!” The crocodile shrieked in pain as I quickly shot my spear through his midsection. He didn’t have enough time to respond during his monologue, so I finished it for him. He dropped to one knee as blood trickled from the wound. I kept it jammed in there as he cried out in pain from my response. Finally, I decided I was through with him. “Give me that back,” I snarled, ripping the spear from his chest. He then fell to the right as blood poured from his open wound onto the carpet. I turned my head away and saw another one of my fellow guards tussling with another creature. He was struggling mightily, restrained onto the ground by it. I have to help him, I thought as I galloped across the hallway. The creature that had him pinned down appeared to be an avian. As I got closer, the creature’s features jumped out at me. A brown and white owl creature with scars covering her long legs, she sported a black bandana and remained concentrated as she kept the stallion near her. Then, her claws began digging slowly into the stallion’s skin, blood oozing from the sites. In turn, he cried out in pain as he attempted to wrestle himself free from her. Finally, I lowered my spear and slowly approached. “Let him go! That’s an order!” The guard’s head turned, his eyes widening in surprise. “Swift! Behind yo-mmph!” The bird grabbed his mouth and held it shut as I turned my head around. It had been a diversion, as another creature jumped from behind me and was about to slash me with his sword. Buck, was my only thought as I fell to my left quickly. The jagged sword had grazed the side of my stomach, leaving a minor wound in the flesh. Simultaneously, I rolled into the nearby wall, my head hitting the bricks hard. slam! “Oww-” stab! ========================================<>======================================== An even louder scream pierced my eardrums. I looked up and finally got the whole picture: an ape-like creature standing over the owl and the guardspony. It had stabbed the stallion guard but inadvertently had gone too far. As a result, the sword pierced through and into the avian creature, causing her to bleed out profusely.  She went limp as the stallion lay there, crying out for help. The creature, on the other hoof, realized the mistake it had made a little too late. I got up quickly and jabbed my spear into the ape’s side. It almost went through him before I retracted it quickly. He stood for a few seconds before falling to the right. His body slumped against the wall as blood gurgled and poured from the wound I had made. I immediately turned my head away. Don’t look at him, Swift, I told myself. Nopony ever wants to see this scene. Personally, if I looked at blood for some time, especially in large quantities, it made me want to thro- `“Focus up, Swift!”` The High Command’s words echoed loud and clear, pulling me from my dazed state. I rushed towards the stallion guard, beginning to take everything into account. He was shedding tears as he clutched his stomach in pain. Rolling over, he continued to sob, making me put down the spear to give him first aid. What can I use to wrap his wound? I thought as I analyzed my surroundings. Precious seconds were ticking away before I set my sights on the curtains donning the corridor’s windows. I hurriedly moved to grab a nearby curtain, yanking it off the rail. I laid it on the floor and quickly folded it, removing the unnecessary amount to create a cloth. After reassuring myself that it was sufficient, I moved to the guard. “I’m going to help you, and you’re going to be okay,” I affirmed to the guard. “I need to ask if you can lift your stomach just enough so I can wrap this cloth around you. Can you do that?” The stallion’s tears slowed as he nodded. Finally, after some quick breaths, the guard gritted his teeth and forced himself up slightly. I slid the cloth underneath him, positioning the padded section underneath the area of the wound. He then brought himself down as I went to work. Stay with me, I thought as I brought the two ends together. Then, tying them into a knot, I slowly tightened it before doing another knot. Afterward, I got up and rushed to the guard’s side. “I tied it as best I could to ensure your wound clots faster. You’re going to make it,” I said to the guard, smiling warmly. He turned his head to look at me, squinting his eyes before laying his head back. “Th-th-thank-k you, S-” boom!! ========================================<>======================================== rattle! I ducked again to the ground as another shockwave hit my ears. The ringing noise returned, as did the pain in my head. Finally, I opened my eyes and realized where the sound originated from. Oh, darn it, I thought as I rushed for the throne room doorway. Leaping over the rubble, I saw the scene unfolding before me.  It was absolute bedlam. Multiple guards fighting multiple different creatures, some already dealt with, guards lying in pain near stone pillars, and the princess of the sun being targe- gasp! Celestia’s in danger! I worriedly thought. I have to help her…NOW! I saw a creature slowly approaching the end of the throne room, holding up a crystal. It was pulsating, which made Princess Celestia unable to use her magic. Instead, she backed away, nearly stumbling over the side of the raised platform. I acted immediately without another thought. Ducking and weaving my way through the room, I crouched low and peeked over the left side. The creature in question was tall and sported gray and white feathers. Its claws dug into the carpeting that ascended towards the thrones, beginning to get closer to the incapacitated alicorn. I emerged from my spot, ensuring my movements were smooth and minimal. Then, doing my best not to draw attention to myself, I snuck up behind the avian creature and reached the base of the stairs. The bird creature had just neared the top as I prepared to approach and stop it. “Commander, look out! Behind yo-” stab! A creature over my left shoulder had called my actions out but was silenced immediately by a stab to the ribs. A low thump! was picked up by my ears, but that wasn’t from the creature hitting the ground. thump-thump! thump-thump! “...” My heart was thudding. It started low, eventually getting quicker and louder. Everything and everypony else in the room disappeared as fear took over my frame. I stood still as I looked up. My guess was correct, as the operation’s Commander was the one atop the throne’s stairs. But, instead, it stopped and stood in place, my heart continuing to beat faster. Then, it slowly turned its head around without moving another muscle and stared in my direction. thuh-thump! thuh-thump! thuh-thump! thuh-thump! My eyes widened as the avian bird trained her eagle eyes on me. Finally, her beak curved into a sinister smile as her body turned around. Fear nestled into my head as I thought to myself. I wish this would be over sooner. “Well, well, well. Are you lost, little pony?” the bird Commander delightfully said. Her tone was deadly as I quivered in place. gulp! ========================================<>======================================== I stood my ground and slowly rose to my full height. My legs were still shaking, but I took a deep breath before addressing the bird creature. “Stand down, now!” I shouted. The avian creature cocked her head to the left as she continued to stare into my soul. “That’s an or-” “HAHAAAhahahaa!” the bird cackled, throwing her head back in amusement. Her howls of laughter made me feel uneasy, but I cleared my throat and stomped my hoof into the ground. “Th-That’s an order!” I yelled. My blood froze as her head snapped back. Her eyes gazed at me, and I lost all of my confidence. At that moment, the nerves hit harder and caused me to falter back as her stare signified, ‘death unto you.’ The slits for her pupils had narrowed, training onto me as I became the prey to the predator. “Or…what?” she growled back. Her voice had gotten lower, and I felt chills from hearing it. I nearly tripped over my hindlegs as I backed up a bit more. The Commander took this as an opportunity and jumped high into the air, aiming toward my vicinity. I fumbled for my spear as I continued to distance myself but realized too late that I had left it in the hall outside the throne room. Buck…no, no, no, I frightfully thought. Unfortunately, this fatal mistake caused me to get hit viciously by the avian creature, throwing me down onto my back and pinning me to the ground. “Hmm, what should I do with you?” she pondered as her talons started to dig into my legs. Her left claw held my forelegs close to my stomach as I struggled to escape. Unfortunately, the burning pain continued as the sharp nails forced blood to seep from my skin. “For years, my band of misfits has wreaked havoc on shipping yards and the like, from Ornithia to Aashtethos. We have let nocreature get away scot-free. And for anycreature that has tried to stop us or ‘take me prisoner,’ I’ve made sure to kill them to the point they were unrecognizable.” The blade shook in her claw as she prepared herself. I winced and closed my eyes in fear. Was this where my story was going to end? I contemplated. Death for trying to do the right thing and protecting one’s country? I gritted my teeth in anguish as she hummed to herself. “Oh, don’t worry, little pony,” she said while raising her arm above her head. She smiled wickedly as her left eye twitched. “Nocreature in Equestria has DARED stand up to me! And now, you’ll be another example as to why!” “And trust me,” her voice rang out as I took one final breath. “I’LL MAKE SURE THIS HUR-” slash! ========================================<>======================================== gasp! My eyes remained shut as I had assumed the Commander bird had finished me off. I still didn’t believe this was fake, but the scene felt surreal. The room went silent as I held my breath, expecting to open my eyes and meet an endless void of nothingness. However, my ears perked as a low huff registered. I then took a breath in and realized I was still alive. Finally, I slowly opened my eyes to notice the avian creature had stopped her motion. “...ghaaaha…” was the bird’s only sound. She was like a statue, frozen in time, with the knife near my chest. She looked at me and then peered down at her own chest. I did as well and saw something equally horrifying. A clean slice had appeared from her midsection, cutting through from right to left. The deadly cut had left blood to be exposed, staining her feathers as her breathing slowed. I breathed in and looked back at her. Her gaze returned before she let out another dull huff. Then, as her mouth hung open, blood began pouring from her mouth, and her arm dropped to her side. Dear Faust, get me out of here! I anxiously thought as I wriggled myself from her grasp. She had unexpectedly let go of my legs, giving me enough time to move backward and avoid a terrible experience. Her body collapsed onto the ground before me, splitting in two and forming a large pool of blood. It continued to leak from her corpse and stain the throne room’s carpets, making me look away in fear and dread. How? I thought, trying to process the information I didn’t want to see. How did she die? What caused this…? slam! My eyes popped wide open, my head swiveling to the left as I slowly got to my hooves. I stared in shock as the culprit stood on the room’s far side. It was another creature, eerily different than all the others I had ever seen in my entire life. It stood tall on two legs, clothed in some odd fabric, and its exposed arms revealed large muscles and small scars. But the object next to it set off all the alarm bells: a huge dual-bladed ax…with an engraving of the sun in the middle. I felt like I'd seen that weapon before, I silently thought. What in the world of Equestr- Then the thing slowly turned its head and looked in my direction. Its face appeared lightly toned and furless, except for below and atop its head. It had a curved jaw shaped like a ‘v,’ and its mouth remained closed. Its eyes, however, remained unblinking and were a two-toned blue and green. They appeared to be devoid of life. But it was its expression that instilled an unwarranted feeling inside my stomach. It wasn’t anger, nor was it sadness. It was fear. “Who are yo-” “Enough!” a voice called out before everything went black. > Visions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keep calm, Swift, my thoughts rang out. “Why are they taking so long?” I wondered aloud. I was outside the spellcasting room, awaiting the results of my test. The High Command had ended the test abruptly without giving me a chance to react, and I immediately fell to the floor. They ensured I was okay before escorting me outside and telling me to await the results. However, the events that transpired were weighing on my mind. Everything had happened so fast. It wasn’t easy to process, but at the same time, it all felt real…too real. What was that…thing? I thought as my eyes closed. I know what I saw. But I’ve never seen a creature like it. And it killed that bird Commander before I was about to be killed. My head went back as it met the wall, allowing me to let out a deep sigh. Whose side was it on? my thoughts continued. It certainly wasn’t on the bad guy’s side, but that only raises more questions? Did The High Command plan for that to happen? Was it to ensure I didn’t die?...Was it real? My head ached as the events replayed in my mind. I...I can’t explain it, I continued thinking. It doesn’t make sense. And I swear I have seen that ax before…but where? And how did that creature get that weapon? Was Celestia in on it? Her ‘trap’ card? I shook my head in frustration. “I’ll need something to drink after this to quell my headache,” I mumbled. “And a good meal to calm my nerves.” “Thankfully, you’ll be able to do that, Mr. Swift.” “Gah!” I yelped in shock as the stallion from before my test opened the door. I stood up as he exited and shut the door behind him, but my heart began to thud again. “I’m s-sorry, sir, I was j-jus-” “Waiting to hear that you passed your final major response test?” the pony responded with a smile. My eyebrows raised as the news registered in my brain. “I d-did?” I stammered softly. “Barely,” the stallion huffed as he looked at his clipboard. “For starters, you did a fantastic job upon noticing and responding to the threat. Your quick actions were a highlight of the first major event, as you made good decisions after good decisions. Bonus points for calling out the threat and delivering each sentence.” “Thank you, sir,” I replied before a hoof raised. “However, you first responded to the ‘minor’ threat in the second major event. You focused more on saving your fellow guardspony first, NOT entering the throne room. Who were you supposed to protect?” the stallion responded, lowering the clipboard and looking at me sternly. sigh “The princesses of Equestria,” I remarked. “Swift, we take an oath to protect them at all costs,” he lamented. “If anything terrible were to happen to them, our world would be sent into turmoil and unrest, sparking an era of darkness like no other. Every second and every decision made counts.” I said nothing as he continued. “If Princess Celestia were harmed in any way, shape, or form, Equestria would be vulnerable,” he exaggerated. “Not just because the ruler was attacked, but the economic damage, socio-political thoughts, and even theoretical possibilities could cause a chain reaction within our nation.” “Think about it. The media would call into question everything here in Canterlot. The nobles would call into question Princess Celestia’s rulership, and allies might pull back from aiding us in case of war if WE OURSELVES CANNOT PROTECT THE PRINCESSES!!” I looked at him with a raised brow, allowing him to catch his breath and clear his throat. ahem! “It may seem irrational to think this could happen, but allow me to summarize it, Swift. They are the priority in terms of protecting,” the stallion said. “And on the other hoof, your response in the third major event was inconsequential in preventing the threat from ceasing their movements. Instead, it only made the opposition angrier, which can cause you to make even more rash decisions and risk your life and those around you.” He’s right, my mind told me as I closed my eyes. So stupid! Why did I let that creature force me into a vulnerable state? “But,” the stallion interrupted, “two things caught our attention. Number one was that you properly finished off two threats and saved your fellow guardspony by correctly tying the cloth around the wound. Nothing but high praise for that, as lives are precious to us.” A smile returned to my face as I remembered the event. The stallion, though, continued. “Number two. The High Command noticed something strange. During the final major event, there was a glitch in the system, and suddenly we lost sight of the entire scene. Before the avian creature was to stab you, the feed cut out and went pitch black.” The stallion then looked at me. “This has never happened in the number of years we have done this test, but the fact that it occurred raises many questions. We don’t know how it happened, but when the feed returned, you stood up and looked into the room's corner. The creature that was to kill you, however, was sliced in half, and a pool of blood had formed around the body.” I gulped as the scene reran within my mind again. “If you are wondering how that happened, the High Command is suspicious of outside interference, but no concrete proof is available, and nocreature can explain how or why it happened.” His voice grew quieter as his tone shifted to seriousness. “I was informed about taking testimony from you on the events between those two scenes, allowing there to be a record of it. Can you do your best to describe in detail what happened and how the bird creature died?” My head began to ache as I clutched it. I felt my heart thudding in my ears as the ringing noise returned. The pain only got worse as I tried to recall the events. “I…I-I….” “Mr. Swift?” the stallion asked. “Is everythi-” thud! That was the last thing I heard before everything went dark. > Our Last Day Here > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- grunt “Dang, how much stuff did we bring with us?” “Lyle, we didn’t really bring much,” Jake replied. “We were asked to only bring the necessities. So everything extra is what we bought while we were here in Canterlot.” “That’s true. I only brought the items written on the instructions,” I commented. “Everything else has and was provided by Canterlot’s Recruitment Agency and from my bits.” “...” Lyle sighed as he heaved his bag over his back. “Well, considering this is our last day in the apartment, I didn’t prepare. Pretty much stuffed everything in these two satchels and said it was good enough.” “That’s why you always check the calendar, dude,” Jake pointed out with his hoof. “I had it written for a reason. See? MOVING DAY!” “I made sure to prepare,” I chimed. “Especially since we are practically moving to different parts of Canterlot.” “...” “Yeah,” Lyle huffed. “I’m off to District 028.” Jake immediately covered his mouth as he snorted. “Oh, don’t even start. I’m…I’m stationed out there for a huge reason.” “And what reason is that?” Jake asked smugly. “Well, it’s an important assignment. I will be patrolling the outer limits, protecting and keeping watch over the city,” Lyle replied. “I think it’s a pretty important job.” “Yeah, a job that also requires heavy concentration, acute attention to detail, and strong leadership skills,” Jake retorted. “Not to mention, it’s probably the easiest position in Canterlot to get fired from.” “What do you mean?” I inquired. “...” “Well, think of the importance, Swift,” Jake started to say. “You are put in a role that requires you to check for potential threats that can sneak into the city. You’re on the outskirts of town, farthest away from military aid, and therefore, the information you relay to the inner city has to be quick and precise.” Lyle didn’t say anything as he nodded his head. “I already know that. It is literally in the job description,” Lyle said. “Hence why I chose it.” “Good for you, Lyle,” I replied warmly. “I’m glad you’re doing something you feel confident in. I wish you all the good luck in your future endeavors.” Lyle nodded and slung the second bag over his right shoulder and onto his back. “Dang, I might have to cut back on what I take with me if I need to move again,” Lyle complained. “By the way, what about y’all? Where are you being sent to?” Jake was the first to speak. “Well, I, for one, will be flying across the world of Equestria as the ambassador’s guard for Cloudsdale. It’s actually a great position for me to be in since I can routinely have a chance to visit home and be in the place I grew up.” “Yeah, but that also means you will have to protect the ambassador 24/7,” Pete responded, his voice remaining low as I looked over. “It’s almost comparable to a bodyguard role.” “Oh really?” I asked, looking over to Jake. “Isn’t that tougher of a role to take on and easily fireable if you mess up?” Lyle snickered to himself as Jake visibly pouted. “Okay, little Swifty,” Jake snapped as he fastened his bag over his back. “How about you? What position have you chosen to do?” “A simple place, but an even more important job,” I replied as Jake and Lyle’s eyebrows raised. My shoulders sagged. “...a Royal Guard in Canterlot Castle.” “Really?!” Jake shockingly asked. “How were you able to get into that role?” “Calm down, guys,” I reassuringly stated. “All I will do is guard doorways, patrol the castle halls, and immediately remove all threats. It’s actually something I look forward to doing, seeing as it runs in the family.” “Yeah, but it’s also mentally tasking,” Lyle stated. My mind gulped as he continued. “You must be locked in constantly while observing every little detail. Not to mention, you are in the castle that houses Equestria’s two most important creatures! That’s a ton of pressure to be under.” “I know, I know,” I sighed. “Do you?” Pete asked quickly, his brows raising. “Yes, and I can handle it,” I stated confidently. You definitely can’t, my thoughts told me before I hushed them away. “Well, many and all amounts of good luck to you, Swift,” Jake capitulated. “I wonder if that would be something I could pursue. Anyways, Pete? How abo-” “Battlefield,” Pete replied quickly. All of us stood there as we looked him in the eye. He stood there with a duffle bag and one medium-sized bag over his shoulder. His demeanor had shifted back to neutral. “No surprise there,” Lyle commented, earning a head tilt from Pete. “What’s that supposed to mean?” the stallion replied, his voice getting lower and darker. The air in the room grew noticeably colder as tension grew. “What do you mean by ‘no surprise there?’” I stood still as Jake exhaled. “I’m sure there was no harm or offense meant to be taken from Lyle, Pete,” he softly stated. “Lyle had probably assumed that from the start, which isn’t a bad thing.” I mean, didn’t we all assume that? I slyly thought before making eye contact with Lyle. He was frozen in place, unsure of what to say or do. Pete inhaled sharply before breathing out a sigh. “I’m sure you all were thinking the same thing, so you’re right,” he stated before looking at Lyle. “However, you can’t assume things based on appearance. Do you remember the old saying we were taught in kindergarten?” “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” I answered. Pete hummed in agreement before checking the duffle bag next to him. “Forgot something,” Pete remarked, heading toward the basement door. Nothing was said as the door clicked shut, the silent steps of Pete descending into the basement dying. Lyle finally exhaled loudly as a rogue wave of relief washed over his entire frame. “Thanks, Jake,” the stallion weakly said. His limbs were shaking before Jake trotted over to him and chuckled. “Yeah, no problem, bud,” Jake acknowledged, wrapping his hoof around Lyle’s neck to bring him in for a bro hug. “What are friends for? We have to be there for each other no matter what.” “Not anymore, though,” I said, earning a stare from Jake. Shut up, Swift. Stop ruining the moment, my mind told me. Jake cracked a smile before readjusting his bag. “Well, in any case, this is where we will part, Swift.” He trotted over to me and extended his hoof out, to which I returned a hoof bump. “Take care of yourself, Jake,” I replied with a smile. “And try not to get injured so much.” “Oh my goodness, that was one time!” Jake exaggeratingly cried. “I get hit by one plank of wood, tumble into a patch of prickly thorns, and an injury to my wing is the subject of attentiveness for the following two weeks.” “You technically did it to yourself,” Lyle teased. “You were staring at a mare’s flank, weren’t you?” “I WAS NOT!!” Jake yelled back. “Yeah, he definitely was distracted,” I joined in. “You’re blushing so hard right now. It’s obvious why you lost your focus. By the way, wasn’t that when the griffon group was flying by?” “Oooo, I believe you are right, Swift,” Lyle replied, grinning ear to ear. sigh “I’m never living this down, aren’t I? I will be the primary example on those specific content tests next year when the next batch of recruits come in,” Jake groaned. Lyle walked over and gave me a hoof bump as well. “In any case, if we don’t see each other ever again, then this is my goodbye,” Lyle stated. “Good luck in Canterlot, and don’t try to overthink everything, Swift. No matter what, I have a feeling you’re going to be a critical player in the operations of Canterlot, and no doubt I’ll hear about you again down the line.” I blushed as I sheepishly remembered the night before one test, where I had chosen to play Pony Kart with the boys over studying. “Yeah…I’ll do my best.” “Keep your head up, Swift, and you’ll do just fine,” Lyle reminded me. “Remember: your actions speak louder than words. Be brave in your decisions. And if you make a mistake, own it. We believe in you.” I nodded toward the both of them and trotted over to my belongings. Jake and Lyle walked out the front door as I reached the couch in front of the small TV. My two bags were sitting side by side as if they were taking their last moments inside the apartment and reminiscing on each moment from these past few months. ========================================<>========================================= Wow, I thought to myself as I closed my eyes. It’s felt like an eternity since I’ve been here in Canterlot. And just as the four of us came together to form a pact, we all are going our separate ways. The chills rushed across my fur as I took a deep breath. And throughout that entire time, I learned so much about being a Royal Guard. Learning many drills and procedures in the training regiments, studying, and attending each lecture culminated in this very moment. Studying and learning the Canterlot castle’s inner workings, the daily routines, and constantly checking for potential threats was exhilarating to prepare for. Of course, it wasn’t supposed to be difficult since it was just practice, but the real thing was fast approaching. And now, it was to become a reality. Starting tomorrow, working my first shift in the Canterlot Castle as a member of the Royal Guard. A job that pays very well with many lifetime benefits, and working in the vicinity of Equestria’s two most important creatures. `”Dream big, son.”` A smile came to my face, remembering those words my father told me. I don’t know exactly when, but it was undoubtedly in Canterlot, and my dad was showing me where he worked. `”If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish your goals.”` Another warm memory took over. The nods the princesses of Equestria gave me as I saluted and opened the throne room doors for them. They recognized me, I thought warmly. They knew who I was. The princesses of Equestria actually recognized my diligence. click! I was brought out of my thoughts as I opened my eyes. The faint sound of hoofsteps made me turn my head, with Pete emerging from around the corner. “...Still here?” he remarked with a huff. “Just…reflecting,” I replied softly, turning my head toward the wall. “Reflecting on what?” Pete asked. Why’s he talking so much today? I thought internally. He isn’t typically like this. “My life choices thus far,” I answered. The stallion slowly walked over as I turned and looked at my bags again. “You made those choices, and you can’t go back on them,” Pete responded slowly, his voice crisp and dark. “All you can do is take them and learn from them.” “Yeah, I know, I kno-” “Do you?” Pete snapped. My blood quickly froze as I looked into his eyes. They bored into mine, the lifeless pupils now radiating an intimidating aura. My brain was screaming internally to get as far away from him as possible, assuming he would attack me. “W-Well, I m-mean,” I stammered before Pete finally relaxed. Deep breaths, Swift, I kept telling myself. The tension’s bleeding away. Let’s keep it that way. “If I make others uncomfortable, that’s my intention,” Pete uttered. “I know my family’s reputation and do not care what others think about me. That’s how I was raised. You, Jake, and Lyle? You all were raised differently than I was, and that’s a good thing.” I didn’t say anything as Pete continued his soliloquy. “To be clear with you, Swift, this conversation never happened.” The emotionless stallion then sat on the couch next to my belongings and breathed a heavy sigh. “Sometimes, I have these nightmares that depict destruction and terror. It’s always constant and…unnerving.” My mouth opened slightly. Pete’s opening up about himself. He’s never done that! I thought. Wait, why is he doing this now? And why is he only telling me this? “Sometimes I wish I wasn’t a Dreadson,” Pete remarked. “I wish for that more than anything. I sometimes think this is all a nightmare, and tomorrow I’ll wake up a new pony.” Pete’s head fell slightly. “But, unfortunately, this is who I am…and I can’t change that.” I said nothing, shifting slightly to the adjacent chair. “More recently, the nightmares have increased in intensity and are worsening. They feature darker themes, ancient folklore villains returning to modern civilization, and ponies around me dying….” Pete’s hoof was trembling before he took a deep breath. “...and then it ends the same. I wake up as the same damn pony with the same bucking reputation.” He then turned his head to look at me. The infliction in his eyes has changed, I thought to myself. It’s as if he is…sad.  “To be clear, I don’t regret my life choices. I’ve lived with them and have grown to learn from past mistakes. It’s what has made me mentally tougher.” I nodded in agreement, trying not to smile as he hummed to himself. “However, there was something recently that has bothered me. And I am inclined to believe why this has happened,” Pete remarked. “It was after your recent test. I believe your ‘final major response test?’” He continued to stare at me as I fidgeted in place. “I’ve never seen a creature like this one, but it appeared during one of my nightmares,” Pete continued. “It seemed to stand on two legs instead of four and was fully clothed while carrying a dual-bladed ax….” gulp! I had an unnerving feeling as to what Pete was referring to. He heard me nervously gulp and saw me shaking. That’s when he slowly stood up off the couch. “So,” he stated softly and in an even darker tone, “you do know what it is.” I backpedaled as he continued to approach me.  “I-If th-th-this is the same cr-creature we are both thuh-thinking about, the-then y-y-yes?” I awkwardly smiled. Pete stopped a body length away from me and stared through me. Then, for a brief moment, the memory of that test flashed, with the creature’s emotionless face casting itself onto Pete’s face perfectly. I took a sharp breath as Pete’s eyes widened. gulp! “Let’s get one thing straight,” Pete growled. ========================================<>========================================= “I mean no disrespect whatsoever, but we are neither friends nor enemies. And we certainly are not on the same level,” Pete stated coldly. “However, us seeing the same creature is not an anomaly…it’s a vision. Something is coming to Equestria.” “I-I…” I stammered, but Pete interjected. “My recollection of the creature may have differed from yours, but it was running through a decrepit building, slashing and killing creatures left and right, and finally resting atop a throne. A throne made of steel and bones. I believe this creature will be the biggest threat Equestria will ever face, and therefore, it feels like a foreshadowing of events to come,” Pete stated. “That’s odd,” I cut Pete off, my courage to speak barreling through. “Because my recollection is different. I have had two dreams of the same creature after that test. But when I saw it, he killed an antagonistic Commander readying herself to kill me, put his life on the line to protect the princesses of Equestria, and walked the streets of Canterlot with ponies by its side.” My head began to hurt as I clutched it. “Then there is only one conclusion to be made,” Pete realized. “Whatever this creature is, it is coming to Equestria. When that happens, we don’t know what it’ll do. But us recalling the same creature is not a coincidence. And I will do what I must to protect Equestria from it…if it happens to have an evil mindset.” “I don’t know wh-why….” I groaned before Pete interjected his opinion. “Swift, if what you say is true, and you happen to meet this creature one day, you must be careful in how you approach it,” the stallion commented. “Going with the flow isn’t going to help anypony, especially with an outsider.” I shuddered as Pete turned for the doorway. His bags remained at his sides as he finally opened the door. “Because,” Pete warned, “acting on impulse could mean your demise. So act accordingly in everything you do. Stay safe, Swift.” Pete promptly closed the door as I clutched my head again. I hope he’s wrong, I thought, taking some deep breaths. But if Pete is right about this assumption, I must be careful from here on out. On the other hoof, if that was indeed a vision of things to come during my test, then it might actually happen. I moved back over to the couch and slowly grabbed my belongings. Fastening the large bags over both of my shoulders, I made my way to the door and grabbed the key hanging on the coat rack. Taking one more look at the apartment, I sighed before walking out and locking the door. “No time like the present, though,” I commented under my breath before stepping out onto the streets of Canterlot. “It’s time to start my new life.” I looked to my right and saw the castle of Canterlot. It cast a huge shadow onto the streets, the towers growing larger as I approached the gates. `”If you act on impulse, it could mean your demise.”` groan Thanks, Pete, I nervously thought. Way to make me even more unsure about my future. > Entry 2 - Servitude > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rank & Full Name: Private Swift Wildshadow Letter’s Date: x7/2x/x0x3 Address: North Polar Drive, Bldg. 013, District 004, Canterlot, Equestria Contents: Letter “Dear Mom and Dad,   Thank you for writing back. I know it has been a few months since you received my letter. Believe me, when you sent your letter during the fourth month, I got it towards the beginning of the sixth month. The mail system may need help. Anyways, it has been so busy here in Canterlot, and I have so much to share with the two of you. Firstly, thank you for sending the hair dye as well. I am very appreciative that you were able to get it for me. I’ve forwarded some bits I have collected through my service, and they should be placed into your accounts. Considering all the trouble you went through to mail it, it should be enough. Again, thank you so much. Next, where do I begin concerning these past few months? The rest of the training camp had gone by so quickly. However, seeing as the last thing I remember from it was the final tests that I aced and barely getting through the ‘Final Major Test,’ it all paid off. I am officially a part of the Canterlot Royal Guard. The High Command saw me as having a ‘potential to improve,’ so I am stationed in the Canterlot Castle. At first, I was excited to be given a chance to work in the castle, seeing as the two sovereign rulers of Equestria currently live here. You know, the Alicorn Princesses. I forgot that they were sisters, too! It seems like I am learning something new every day, huh? I did get to meet both of them at one point, although indirectly. What was more, I stood at attention while they passed through. However, there appears to be a gentle and positive aura surrounding the Princess of the Sun, Princess Celestia. I always see her with this small smile, coming off as a caring pony. Maybe it’s other ponies’ perspectives that Celestia is a goddess; therefore, we all adore her. But, in my humble opinion, she may want to be…normal, like one of us. As for the younger one, I have only seen her twice. And both times were in the morning when she clocks out to go to bed. Princess Luna, the alicorn that controls the movement of the moon, that’s the one I am referring to. The aura emanating from her during both occurrences has been tiredness and irritability. I haven’t said anything about her, always saluting when in her presence.  However, some of the Royal Guard around me have been chatting up quite a storm. It's mostly pony gossip, which I ignore, but other times, I hear conversations revolving around the lunar princess along the lines of ‘plans.’ It makes me wonder what is planned for Princess Luna. Maybe a birthday party? I’m not entirely sure. To continue, I should mention how the average day goes for me. It starts early in the morning, around 0415. I wake up on the dot and start my morning routine: eating breakfast, practicing good personal hygiene, and then getting into uniform. I’ve found that the helmet I have to wear sometimes sticks to my mane. I usually need to pull it off and scrape out the few pieces of hair attached to it. Maybe a by-product of my hair dye, but that shouldn’t be considered a factor. Correct me if I am wrong, Ma. Afterward, I clock in using my time card and report to my position every morning at a little after 0500. From there, either it’s always standing at attention and saluting when high-ranking officials enter and depart, or controlling the crowds of creatures walking through the throne room doors.  I am always standing on the left with another guard on the right side of the door. Most of the time, it will be a unicorn with me, all of whom are veterans of the castle. Other times, a pegasus will stand alongside me. They are slightly older by a year or two. They have a grasp of how things go and what to do in emergencies, but they do come off as immature and arrogant. There hasn’t been a whole lot of action here in the castle. Other than the few instances of some ponies who have complaints that see them dragged out of the throne room or the occasional dumb assassin, Princess Celestia has been able to keep her castle free from trouble.  I recall one instance in the past month where somepony got past the doors, concealing a knife. Only after I looked back at the pony did I notice it, and he was already bull-charging the alicorn on the throne. I looked at Princess Celestia as I galloped in pursuit, and this face of boredom bore its way into my mind. Like she was getting tired of this.  One quick magical grasp and slam against the right wall later, and the pony was in the custody of the Royal Guard and sent to the dungeons below the castle. After I had bowed to the Solar Princess and turned to return to my position, I believe I heard her yawn. It was the slightest of sounds, and my ears perked at it as I turned my head to look at the solar alicorn. She gave me a warm smile, and Day Court resumed as usual. No offense, but I feel she is growing tired of this stupidity. In my opinion, if you plan an assassination, at least do it right and inflict some damage and fear in everypony's mind. Anyways, towards the middle of the day, around noon, I get an hour to relax and eat. Lunch is served in the mess hall outside of the castle walls. Most guards trot over to congregate and talk while they eat. My old roommates and I from the old apartment had all moved out to go to our newly assigned buildings, so I usually eat by myself with no other pony to talk to. I don’t keep in touch with them because we were given different roles. Come to think of it, I don’t know what became of Jake, Lyle, OR Pete. We all went our separate ways. And yes, I live closer to the castle now. Thank the maker, because if I had had to do the long hike up to the castle every morning from District 018 instead of District 004, who knows how long it would have been before I showed up late one day. And that would not look good for me at all. As for the evening, I usually am done after 2000. Don’t worry. We are given two short breaks in the afternoon and another hour for dinner. The rest of the shift gets boring as we wait for the sun to go down. Once we get the okie-dokie from High Command to be replaced by the Night Guard, we all clock out and head off for the night.  The Night Guards who come in look much different from the rest of us. They have darker uniforms, pointy ears, and bat-like wings. I think they are called ‘Thestrals’ or something along those lines. They rarely speak to us and sometimes growl at us, always appearing as menacing figures. But what’s intriguing is that there are fewer of them compared to us.  Much, MUCH LESS. And that’s pretty much it. Not a whole lot of unusual occurrences have happened since the last letter. That being said, I do have to ask, Dad, if you can give any insight on how I can improve myself to be a better guard pony, I’ll take some now. Are there any secret tips that I should consider? Any tidbits about time management? And as for Ma, what can I do to relieve daily stress? It feels as though reading or sitting in the barracks with the other guards doesn’t seem to cut it. Maybe yoga could help? Thank you again for being there for me and raising me the way you did. I will continue to grow and be successful no matter how long I may be doing this. Who knows, there may be a promotion down the line that can see me being in the Royal Army and fighting battles on the front lines. Or I could be given a secret mission, haha. Take care of yourselves. And do write back when possible. Your son, Swift Wildshadow, R.G.”  ========================================<>========================================= Excellent, good for him, I thought as I folded the paper. The stallion was doing well and was improving daily. Nothing out of the ordinary with that letter. I returned the letter to the envelope and discarded it into the cardboard box. Then, reaching for the third envelope, I saw that the creature who transcribed the letters wrote the word THREE on top of it, but this one was different. It appeared to be…disjointed. It was as if the individual was shaking while writing the word out.  I then noticed another small message on the back after opening it. I rolled my eyes, figuring that from now on, every envelope most likely had a message on them as well. I took the magnifying glass back into my grip. “What does it say this time?” I sarcastically said under my breath to no one in particular. “- -arn-d yo-. -e ca--ful -h-t y-u w--h fo-. B--au-e -t -an ea-i-y co-e --ck -o bi-e you.” Again, I sat back in the chair and thought about the message. ‘Can easily come back to bite you?’ I thought to myself. What the hell do you mean by that? gulp Taking a couple of deep breaths and thinking about all my life choices thus far, I finally pulled the letter out, unfolded the piece of paper, and continued onward. And what came next was the most horrifying and unbelievable account I’ve ever read of ‘the mission.’ > Entry 3 - Operation: Discovery |3| (NSFW) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rank & Full Name: Private Swift Wildshadow Letter’s Date: x9/0x/x0x3 Address: North Polar Drive, Bldg. 013, District 004, Canterlot, Equestria Contents: Letter “Hey, Mom. Hey, Dad. I know it has been a while since I last sent a letter. These past few months have been…challenging, to say the least. A lot has been on my mind. So, first, I should tell you about the mission to ‘Serpent’s Creek.’” ========================================<>========================================= “Urgent letter for Private Swift Wildshadow,” the mail-pony said outside the closed door. “COMING!!” I shouted as I burst out of my room. I had heard him through the open window and, from an instruction I was told today, was to accept this mail without hesitation. So, after galloping down the staircase, I skidded to a stop at the front door and flung it open. The stallion was about to depart when I greeted him. He turned back around and handed me the envelope. “Message from High Command,” he stated. “Thank you, sir,” I said, saluting the pony. As the pegasus flew away, I quietly closed the door and trotted to the kitchen table. As I sat down at the table, my anxiety grew at what was inside. I opened it and pulled out the letter, which was sealed with the Canterlot Royal Army insignia. Oooo, I excitedly thought to myself. Is this what I think it is? As I removed the seal, the letter unfolded, and I skimmed through the letter as fast as my eyes could read. Then, I jumped out of my chair and raced back to my room. “YEEAAAAH!!” I screamed, a humongous amount of joy exiting my mouth. After entering my room, I located my needed gear and quickly dressed. The Royal Army uniform would see its first days of wear upon my frame. The pants were a bit harder to get into, but once my tail got through the hole in the back, I snapped the buckle into place and got into the jacket. A perfect fit, I thought with a smile. As I walked over to look in the mirror, I took in the gracious dark navy blue uniform and stuck out my chest with pride. Damn, I said, admiring the stallion in the mirror. Don’t I look good? I grabbed the helmet and put it on. Then, with the biggest grin, I trotted happily downstairs, grabbing my keys and I.D. card. Ecstasy poured out as I bounced up and down in the living room. Eventually, I took some deep breaths to ease myself before moving to the door. “This is it, Swift,” I said aloud to myself. “Your first taste of combat. Don’t buck this up.” I opened the front door and turned back to lock it. Afterward, I stepped down the small staircase in front of the building and started my walk to the Command Center in Canterlot.  Meanwhile, the letter stayed on the table, still open for any creature to see its contents. ========================================<>========================================= `“Swift Wildshadow, Your impeccable performance of your duty thus far has earned you tremendous praise from your contemporaries. We have evaluated your growth and have been meticulously taking notes. As a result, we have determined you worthy of a new opportunity. You have been selected for a top-secret mission. One that will test your knowledge of hoof-to-hoof combat, your abilities to defend yourself from the inevitable threats our world offers, your judgment and quick-thinking decisions, and your perseverance through adversity. Please report to the Command Center today at 2055. You and six other members of our Royal Army will be debriefed for this mission. Your parents have been notified. Signed, The Canterlot High Command.”` ========================================<>========================================= “I got the news a few days after mailing the second letter to you two. The High Command called six other earth ponies and me to discuss plans for a top-secret mission. At first, I was the only one excited: my first taste of being in the Royal Army. We arrived and walked in together for the meeting, and they gave the following orders.” ========================================<>========================================= “Gentlecolts, good evening. We apologize since this is outside your normal working hours, but we decided it would have been more convenient for us to do so,” First Sergeant Molter said. “YES, SIR!!” we said, saluting the High Command members. “At ease, soldiers,” Commander Jockly said, his tone calming. The six earth ponies and I relaxed, gathering around the large table that showed the map of Equestria across its surface. Most of it appeared as a blank canvas, with the nearby regions and the south registered. “Whoa,” one of the guards said. “That’s a large map.” “It’s not complete, but we will be focusi-” slam! All of the High Command snapped to attention, as did we. “Legionnaire Commander Tempered Steel! Princess Celestia! Princess Luna!” they stated. Their confidence died in their eyes as the expressions of anger and disappointment donned the Legionnaire’s features. sigh “Are these the stallions you could find acceptable for the mission, Sergeant Molter?” Tempered Steel flatly stated with a hint of bitterness in his delivery. A simple, albeit nervous, nod was what answered his question. “Great,” he said, shaking his head. Pacing behind us, it appeared as if he were silently judging us. I did my best to remain at attention as he passed by. “Seven earth ponies, each divided into our seven divisions. And you didn’t choose our most skilled veterans but went along with six stallions who have been fighting in our ranks for no more than two years, and….” the Commander stopped, standing next to me. He peered at me, my gaze refusing to meet his. “...a rookie Royal Guard,” he finished saying slowly. “He IS a rookie, but he has sh-” “A rookie colt, who is nothing more than a GUARD in Canterlot’s Castle,” he growled. The High Command refused to comment further, prompting the princesses to speak. “He IS a rookie, Commander Steel,” Celestia interrupted the stalemate. “But do not let his noviceness be the only thing you see. He is an exceptionally high-class private with the bravery and toughness to be a soldier.” “Hmmph, really?” the Commander said sarcastically, now staring at me. “What is his name then?” Luna spoke up. “Private Swift Wildshadow, Commander.” “A Wiiilldshadoowww,” he said quietly, under his breath. “Then answer this, Princesses. How come I’ve never heard of that name before?..wait,” he said, raising his hoof. “I know the answer. I have heard it before…his father. The ONLY time I will ever remember that name.” I stared straight ahead, ignoring my emotions and refusing to respond to his taunting. He’s trying to rile you up. Keep your cool, Swift, my brain told me. “Fantastic news, gentlecolts,” Commander Tempered Steel declared, walking away to the opposite side of the table. “You are being sent alongside seven divisions, each consisting of seven unicorns and two pegasi, to a location NORTH of Peryton’s Peak. You will be dispatched from the WEST, which is closest to the territory currently occupied by our allies. Those being the dragons and wyverns,” he stated with a dead tone. The stallion next to me silently gulped. That’s not a good sign, I silently told my brain. “This mission is code-named ‘Operation Discovery’......number three,” the Commander said, that last statement with a bit of frustration. I peeked for a split second to notice the Legionnaire staring at the two Alicorns in the room, prompting Celestia to step forward. “Yes, well, as you may or may not know,” Princess Celestia started with, “the region i-” “The region is full of jungle life, and that's why we tried to approach it from the town of Trotsylvania,” the Commander said, cutting off the Princess of the Sun. “Yes, I remember the first two attempts into this area and its inhabitants well. Twice we went in, and twice we were SWIFTLY defeated and sent running for the lake.” The Commander’s voice had changed to that of annoyance. “That is all in the past, Commander,” the Lunar Princess stated. “We are to try a new appr-” “Approach from the west,” he said, refocusing on us. “Stampede Stream is as far as we can send you from Horseshoe Bay by boat. From there, you will trek the remaining journey on hoof until you are outside the large forest.” Princess Celestia then stepped forward next to the Legionnaire Commander. “The goal of this mission is to not engage in any form of combat, but t-” “To map out and catalog the region’s geographical landmarks,” Tempered Steel, once again, cut off the Solar Princess, which earned a kind slap to the back of his head with her wing.  He continued, unfazed. “From there, you will absolutely need to retreat since the maliciously rude inhabitants don’t take too kindly to intruders.” Wow, I mused. What an ass. He doesn’t give a buck about cutting off anypo- “You are going to need every ounce of knowledge of combat that you have, PRIVATE!!” he barked, stomping over to me. His gaze met mine. “Every bit of training you have done! Any form of experience you have gained through combat! AND any knowledge you have retained from your work in the field of which. YOU!! HAVE!! NONE!!” “SIR, YES, SIR!!” I shouted back, saluting firmly. The Legionnaire, instead, growled. “You have so much to learn. You aren’t even ready for this heavy dose of reality you are about to receive,” Commander Steel muttered, relocating back to the group across the table. “This mission will be difficult, and you are not to take this challenge lightly,” Princess Celestia said, unfurling her wings. “Twice we have failed, and we will not fail a third time!” The six earth ponies and I saluted as the rest of the High Command saluted back. Then the Legionnaire Commander said one more thing before we were dismissed. “You will depart with the rest of your squadrons at 0400 two days from now. From there, the seven divisions will be without aid until they reach the Eastern Lair. That is all, gentlecolts,” he stated before saluting. The Princesses both saluted us with their wings before Celestia spoke up. “Good luck, and may Faust be with you for this mission. Dismissed.” ========================================<>========================================= “We were to leave within two days of the mission, with seven squadrons requested. Each group consisted of seven unicorns, two pegasi, and one earth pony. I was in the third group, code-named ‘Sea.’ But, in the hours leading up to our departure from Canterlot, they pulled four of seven groups from the operation for some inexplicable reason. So, only three groups would be going out to explore the unknown area.” ========================================<>========================================= “Why would he do that, though?” I asked. “I can’t tell you, Swift, I am not a part of whatever you are describing,” the guard pony across from me said dryly. I still couldn’t understand why High Command would go ahead and remove four of the seven groups from the expedition. We were going into hostile territory, and instead of having strength in numbers, they ultimately decided less is better. “Think about it, McDuffin,” I said, getting his attention. “This mission is for reconnaissance purposes. Going into an area to map out the terrain and document any significant land points we deem necessary.” I then slammed my right hoof on the table. “Why then, for Celestia’s sake, would they pull four of the seven groups?” “Listen,” Private McDuffin readjusted himself in his chair and put his hooves on the table. “I hear ya. But again, is a mess hall the only place we could have talked about this?” “Bro, why do you gotta be like this?” I asked him nonchalantly. “You and I have known each other for a while now, an-” “It’s been two and a half mon-” “Whatever, that’s not the point,” I spat back. “This doesn’t make sense!” “It's not supposed to make sense, Swifty,” McDuffin said, reclining back and raising his brow. “Maybe that’s the reason. Or maybe they want to send fewer military operants so you wouldn’t be found quicker. It IS a reconnaissance mission, correct?” “Yeah, but what does that have to do wi-” “It's like a top-secret mission if I am not wrong. Somewhere along the lines of espionage,” the unicorn said, now grabbing my attention. “So, technically speaking, it is better to have less. That way, the group can keep their secrecy.” “Hadn’t thought of it like that,” I said, resigning from the argument and slumping back into my chair. “Hey, Swift. Listen,” he said reassuringly. “As long as you don’t place yourselves out in the open for all to see, the most important thing is that you come back home, safe and sound. You have a family that cares for your well-being, friends who have gotten to know you, and most importantly, all of us.” He picked his hoof up and pointed out all the other guards in the hall. I looked at everypony else in the large mess hall, most of which were conversing and laughing up a storm at the number of things being said all around. He’s right, you know, my brain told me.  I slowly nodded my head. “I know that, and I get it. It’s just, ah-I don-” “Stop,” McDuffin said, raising his hoof to stop my rambling. “Let’s finish our food and get back to work. Day’s halfway done, right?” He raised his glass with a smile. This prompted me to smile back. Raising my glass in return, I proclaimed, “Couldn’t agree more, bro. Cheers!” clink! I downed about a third of my cup and sighed with contempt. As I sat there, I stared into the cup and thought about the journey to come. Who knows, my inner voice said. Maybe it’ll be fun. Look on the bright side; your first taste of combat, wandering out into the unknown world of Equestria. You have all the experience to gain, kid. I proceeded to smile.  What could go wrong? ========================================<>========================================= “The train ride to Baltimare was tedious. Since Canterlot explicitly reserved the train for the Royal Army’s use, all passenger trains needed to stop for our trip. In my mind, this had to anger some creatures who relied on the passenger trains to get from point A to point B daily. Our debriefing was led by Sergeant Clackstonn, who headed the first group and the entire mission.” ========================================<>========================================= “Alright, fillies. Listen up!” The entirety of our cabin looked up, ears perked. “This is Sergeant Clackstonn, the leader of ‘Operation: Discovery |3|.’ He will give you all a brief deliberation, so please, give him your undivided attention. Thank you!” The General saluted the Sergeant before taking his seat. “Thank you, General. Now,” the burly Sergeant stated, a menacing tone accompanying his demeanor. “This squadron is code-named ‘Sea.’ You are the third division of this mission. I have already informed MY Squadron ‘Arc’ and Squadron ‘Bee,’ so you will receive the same orders under Squadron ‘Sea.’...I don’t know why they didn’t go with a word starting with the letter ‘C,’ but that is not my doing,” the unicorn said, shaking his head in disappointment. Some of our group chuckled to themselves, knowing the wordplay of ‘Sea’ and the letter ‘C.’ “Laugh it up because that’s your division’s name,” the Sergeant said, a cold stare at the stallions laughing. They immediately stopped before the Sergeant continued. “As for the mission, we will get off at Baltimare Station and trot over to our ship currently docked in Horseshoe Bay. Then, we will board in succession, division by division. From there, you will be taken to the rocks of Stampede Stream, whe…re to desc…to th…reline and trek t…….” My mind was dozing off as I started to stare out the window. Being in the back row of the train car gave me a chance to nap here and there. I was used to standing at attention in the castle all day, saluting for dignitaries or ambassadors and occasionally opening doors for ponies and other creatures. But this, I thought, shaking my head. This is boring. The journey was tedious, but vigilance and intuition would be crucial to our success once the action part got started. As I thought back to our ceremony before my work officially started, a peaceful smile donned my features. That day saw the rest of us that had passed the nine-week training camp, and all our exams, be sworn in as Privates. We swore an oath to protect the land of Equestria with our lives and to swear our loyalty to the rulers of Canterlot, particularly Princess Celestia. When we did our final salute and were welcomed into the Royal Army & Guard, I felt a sense of relief and pride. Finally, I thought. I can live out my dream. One that my father started all those years ago. I’ll make you prou- “A word of caution to ALL of you,” the Sergeant’s words rang out and reached my ears. I immediately shook myself out of my thoughts and stared back at the older unicorn. “If you are attacked and lose communication with the rest of the group, run to the west,” the Sergeant said, a somber tone engulfing his words. “The Eastern Lair will be located west of the jungle’s border. Use your compasses as a guide and run. Run as if your lives depended on it!” The Sergeant’s words mystified me, and I decidedly gave him my undivided attention. “The dragons that occupy the Eastern Lair also control the area bordering the territory we are infiltrating. But, more importantly,” he hesitated before continuing, “they are our ALLIES. This means we can seek refuge inside their borders until we can safely return to Canterlot if something goes awry.” The train started to screech as the brakes were being applied. I looked out the window and saw a lone ship docked in the bay. We’re…here already? my mind inquired. I gulped and looked back up at the Sergeant, who started to salute us. “Good luck, everypony,” he declared, “and may Faust be with us all.” ========================================<>========================================= “As we got off the train, I noticed a large ship sitting in port at Horseshoe Bay. Before I boarded the wooden vessel, the Sergeant of our mission pulled me aside specifically and asked me to do him one favor. I looked back at him in anticipation of encouraging words, but his tone turned to sorrow.” ========================================<>========================================= “Private Swift Wildshadow,” he stated quietly. “I understand this is your first taste of action and combat, but don’t get too excited. We aren’t going to fight a war.” I nodded firmly, but he stopped me, placing a hoof on my shoulder. “Listen,” the older pony said, attempting to find the right words. “Aa-uuhh-S-Son. I am going to be as transparent as I can with you. You are here mainly to scout and report. You don’t have magic, nor do you have wings. I don’t expect you to go out and be a hero because, frankly, you are not the best in this division or this entire expedition. If you were, you would be in my group.” My eyes stared back, but I didn’t say anything. I know you’re correct, Sergeant, but I have the poten- “That being said,” he said, widening his eyes slightly. “I know you have one thing going for you. That’s intuition. So use it to your best judgment. Make calls for yourself if we find ourselves in hot water.” I nodded firmly and saluted with determination filling my veins. “Stick to your roots, grasp everything you learned during training, and you might survive.” He then saluted me before pushing me towards the plank that connected the ship’s entrance to the dock. But not before he whispered one more thing into my ear. One statement that made its home in my mind and plagued every thought I had that entire day. “Lastly, do us all one favor, Private Swift. Don’t. Get. Caught.” ========================================<>========================================= “My mind contemplated the words as fast as possible, and I entered the boat. Over the rest of the afternoon, we were transported to the rocks of Stampede Stream and unloaded onto the river’s shore. Our expedition stayed together, stopping here and there to ensure we stayed relaxed and well-rested.  Initially, I didn't realize it, but being the only earth pony with the group meant I would carry most of the necessary supplies. The unicorns tried to help but focused on navigating us through the area first. The pegasi flew above, underneath the upper treeline, to scout the terrain before us, ensuring we weren’t leading ourselves into a trap.” ========================================<>========================================= “Rest up, colts,” the Sergeant said. “We got a long morning ahead of us tomorrow.” I plopped down on the ground away from the group and exhaled. The journey had been taxing, to say the least, but the weight of all the supplies I had to carry for my squadron was excruciatingly painful. Now that I had been given a second to relax and collect my breath, I took out the journal I had been given and started to scribble in it. Drawing and documenting the jungle's western perimeter was done so we could add to the region's map. From what I could tell, it had already been registered, but a few geographical landmarks needed to be accounted for.  A group of boulders, each the size of a tent, bunched up near the river. A row of bushes protecting the inner forestry. Charred up tree bark from the fallen trees. And speaking of trees, fourteen trees on the outer edge of the forest, all facing us in a nice row. They all were slathered with ‘red X’s' and what looked like scratch marks underneath them. Duullyyyy nootteedd, I thought to myself as I sketched the drawing out. Then, shutting the book, I placed it into my sleeping bag and trotted to my squadron. The group had set up a mini campfire and were barely chatting. “Ah, there he is,” the large unicorn stated for our division to hear. “Writing out your final goodbyes, Private Swift?” “No, sir,” I said emphatically, shaking my head. “Just drawing what’s around us.” “Well, you should, Private!” he barked back. “I may be a veteran leading young colts like you into an environment comparable to Tartarus, but your memory will not live on after tomorrow!” I was taken aback by this, but thankfully, one pegasus in our group stood up. “And how do you know this, General Artie?” he retorted, puffing his chest out. The General stared at him and marched over to the young pegasus. Once confident, he now shrunk in place. “Because I have been here before! TWICE!!” the General shouted back. “I have witnessed atrocities nopony would want to live with! And YOU DON’T want to know what horrors you will face tomorrow morning!” “No, General,” the Sergeant trotted up from behind the General. “They ask. Therefore, they are curious. Tell them about the first two operations, Brigadier General Artis Clay,” he said, smirking. “Sergeant, it is best if you just call me ‘Artie,’” the veteran pony said. “Much easier to say in conversation, in my humble opinion.” “Fair enough, Artie, but please. Enlighten them.” The Sergeant patted the General’s back and departed back to his division. The General huffed, muttering before gathering our squadron around the fire and telling us about the past two missions into ‘Serpent’s Creek.’ “Serpent’s Creek,” he started off with, accompanied by a raspy tone. “It’s a, tch, it’s a place no pony would be brave enough to venture into alone. The jungle hides many creatures within its dark interior that would rip you apart the second you let your guard down.” Many of us backed up slightly, giving him an excuse to continue. “Oh, don’t get scared now,” he reassured. “A river flows through the entire region if you get tired and need to drink.” We all breathed a sigh of relief. “Unless you want your tongue bitten off first, HAHAHA!!” We cringed at the thought while the older unicorn laughed his tail off. Then, one of the younger unicorns started to sniffle, which prompted us to stare at him in bewilderment. Eventually, the General simmered down and stomped his hoof into the ground, signaling the unicorn to stop his crying. “I am only pulling your tail, young colt,” he said, staring at the unicorn. “Gosh, lighten up…Anyways,” he said, continuing his story. “I have been on both missions to Serpent’s Creek. Both times we departed from Trotsylvania. It’s down the river if you sail more to the east.” We all drew in closer, which caused him to slowly start frowning. “The eastern front has already been well documented, but we haven’t been able to document the western front all that well. So that’s what this mission is for; to do what those previous missions couldn’t do,” the General said, slamming his right hoof down onto the ground. “Document land on the one side we could never get to. But that’s why we must do it on the THIRD attempt!” “Wh-What happened to those first two operations, General Artie?” one of the other unicorns asked. He was immediately given a death glare by the General. “Both missions went in through the eastern front and were unable to even get close to this area bordering the land occupied by those dragons,” he said, bitterness flaring off those words. I expected him to get even more upset, but he remained calm and spoke quietly. “Both times, we were forced to retreat to the lake and board our boats. So that's twice we went in, and twice we fled.” All of us sat back, fear starting to settle in. But that is when General Artie told us one final warning that has played like a broken record in my mind since that day. “Be warned, young stallions,” he quietly said. “If we are ambushed, you must flee as fast as possible to the west. The creatures in that jungle know the land all too well, which is what we lack. So do your best to flee if and when we are attacked. Because you never know….” he paused before finishing his sentence. “It is the difference between survival or extinction.” ========================================<>========================================= “As nightfall fell upon us, I did my best to sleep, hoping for rest. But the thought of what could be out there kept me up. Why are there so few of us? Who are the native creatures of this region? What is so important about the jungle? Why is it important that I don’t get caught? As the thoughts festered in my head, I was getting sleepy. Whatever was out there would have to wait for us tomorrow morning. And if it was dangerous, they would meet Private Swift Wildshadow at his best.” ========================================<>========================================= The following day, I woke up in my cot to one of the unicorns shaking my bag. “Get up, Swift,” the unicorn whispered. “Operation: Discovery |3| has already been set in motion.” “Hu-Huu-Whaaat?” I half-heartedly asked, only to be silenced. “Ssshh,” he shushed me before continuing. “Get up. Let’s go.” I groaned under my breath as I sat up. Then, wrestling myself out of my sleeping bag, I rolled it up when the General came over. “What are you doing, Private?” he angrily whispered. “Leave it. We won’t be needing it anymore after today.” sigh “Yes, sir,” I quietly responded, nodding my sleepy head. Guess somecreature else can use it as materials for themselves then, I thought to myself. I trotted over to the group, following General Artie. However, something caught my eye as we were moving on the perimeter. I noticed the fourteen trees from before that I had notated as geographical landmarks and those ‘red X’s.’ Last night, I placed my sleeping bag about two dozen yards from the right-most tree. Hmmm, I hummed to myself. One two three four, my brain started counting…seven eight nine, it was chugging right along, taking its time in making the mental notes…thirteen fourteen… “Fifteen, sixteen, seventeen?” I asked rhetorically. H-Ho-How?! I questioned internally. I am sure there were fourteen yesterday. Did I miss these? I made my way over to the newly marked trees and inspected them. Oh, sweet Celestia, I exasperatedly thought while studying them. These…these are new. The X’s were freshly painted, with the liquid dripping down the tree's bark. I placed my hoof on one of them, and, not-so-surprisingly, it attached itself to the bottom of my hoof. It’s wet, I pondered slowly. It had to be painted recently. But that could have only happened whe- “Get over here, Private Swift!” the General angrily grabbed me from my bubble. I yelped in surprise before he shushed me. “What the hay do you think you are doing? We are not to step hoof into that jungle until five minutes from now!” “B-b-b-but G-General Artie,” I stammered. “The tr-tr-trees-s….” “What about the trees, Private?!” he snapped back. I fished out my journal from last night and flipped it open to the drawings I had made. “There were only fourteen trees marked with those 'red X’s' last night before we started sleeping. But now,” I hesitantly said. “There’s seventeen of them….” The General stared back at me as if I were crazy, which I also thoughtfully asked my mind. Am I going crazy out in this region already? The General examined the drawing I had sketched, then looked up at the marked trees. Sure enough, his counting had revealed seventeen trees donning red X’s. “G-G-General Ar-Artie?” I hesitantly asked, my brain churning out a ridiculous reason. “H-h-how many squadrons, in total, have been dispatched to S-Serpent’s Creek?” The General took a deep breath before turning back to the group behind us. “Fourteen, Private. Fourteen squadrons.” “They’re…they’re an omen,” I thought aloud, pacing beside the General. “The trees represent the total divisions sent to explore this area of Equestria. If the red X’s mean they were defeated, then that means….” I stopped in place, my jaw dropping as the pieces finally clicked into place.  “General, we can’t go in. You have to call off the mission.” “What did you say to me, Private Swift?” the older unicorn hissed, turning his head around. “We can’t go into that jungle, sir,” I retorted, the rest of the squadron gathering around us. “Those marked trees have sealed this group's fate. If we turn back and head for the bord-” “The other two divisions have already departed! There is no turning back, Private!” General Artie yelled back, slamming his hoof into the ground. “B-b-but, s-sir…” “No buts, Private!” he snapped before placing a hoof on the bridge of his muzzle. “I have been a General for nearly nine years in this army, serving Canterlot for over thirteen years. I do not take orders from a Private. Rather, I consider them that you or the rest of the group come up with,” he stated clearly before turning to the rest of our squadron. “And if ANYPONY wants to turn back now, raise your hoof.” No other pony raised their hoof, all of them turning their heads. My hoof hesitantly started to go up before the General’s magical grasp caught it and put it back down. “You don’t even believe in your idiotic reasonings, Private. Once we return safely to Canterlot, High Command will hear about your traitorous mindset,” he growled. “Sir, I am not trai-” “Enough!” he snapped. “End of conversation, young colt!” Silence rushed over us, my gaze going toward the ground in defeat. That’s when the faint beeping sound came to our ears. “That’s the timeframe signal,” the General said before side-eyeing me. “Time to go. Let’s get a move on. NOW!!” ========================================<>========================================= “The unicorn General huffed, brushing it off as pure coincidence, and said the other two groups had already left. If there were any problems, we would have received a parchment by now. I thought they might not have had a chance to send it, but I reluctantly sighed in defeat, my head drooping, knowing I couldn’t change the squadron's trajectory. Once we got the signal, squadron ‘Sea’ entered the jungle.” ========================================<>========================================= “Buck,” I whispered to nopony in particular. “These darn thorns stick to your clothing if you aren’t careful.” The expedition was taking its time moving throughout the eastern side of the forest. I was cataloging the numerous geographical landmarks I could find, sketching down the treelines, any gorges or valleys embedded within, and even what to avoid. “Avoid these bushes as best as poss-WAH!” I nearly walked over the edge of a small cliff and backed up from the massive gap in the jungle floor. Bountiful amounts of shrubbery and dead trees stared back at me. “Hey, Swift,” a pegasus from above swooped in to caution me. “It’s not considered wise to jump in. You either jump over it or walk the path down and through it.” “Why not just lift me over, Steevy?” I inquired with a puzzling look. “I ain’t carrying your flank over that,” he said, pointing down. “You might drag me down with you, and I will let go of you if you’re too heavy.” Wooow, so helpful, I thought to myself, rolling my eyes. Holding the journal in my mouth, I took about a dozen steps back before turning around. Facing the large gap, I galloped forward and leaped as far as possible. Thanks to the lack of equipment I had to carry, I landed safely on the other side and slowed to a halt. “Good job, Private,” the General’s voice said sarcastically. “IF you intended to alert any creature to our location.” “Mhmm mh mhph mmm,” I responded before removing the journal from my mouth. “I’ll remember that and put it in my wellness journal. Thank you, sir.” “Don’t get sarcastic with me, Private,” the General said, decloaking himself. “We haven’t seen any signs of those bastards yet, so let’s keep it at that.” He paused before looking at my journal. “And stop drawing down every single detail. I am not stopping to wait on you anymore.” “Where’s the rest of the group then?” I asked. “Shouldn’t you be monitoring them too?” “Private Swift, why don’t you look up for once?” he retorted before trotting ahead. Sweet Celestia, my mind thought. If I knew I would be paired with the worst leader, aside from the Legionnaire, I would have never agreed to this journey in the first place. I looked into the treeline above and saw the two pegasi flying through the trees ahead. They flew above the ground forces, routinely switching between high-fly and mid-aerial trajectories. Their visual excellence, speed, and ability to cover as much ground as possible made it easier to communicate any potential hazards ahead to us. I didn’t realize it until the General recast the spell and cloaked himself. The seven unicorns, including General Artie, concealed themselves heavily, placing thick layers of invisibility spells down amongst themselves to stay hidden. It worked like a charm, as they blended in with the environment. As for myself, my uniform and naturally camouflaged fur kept me out of harm’s way so long as I stayed low to the ground and moved slowly. With that, it wasn’t a problem going from tree to tree, using them as obstacles and barriers to protect me from danger and giving me a chance to mark them and sketch them in the journal. Navigating the heavily crowded vegetation and scraping any thorns that may have stuck to me, I got another chance to map out a significant geographical spot. There was a large tree nearby surrounded by much smaller trees. Underneath those smaller trees were these wood slabs with odd symbols written all over them. I couldn’t decipher them at the time, but it seemed to me like a memorial. I made a note in my journal to have this research done if adequately documented. I noted one of the slabs, sketching the symbols to the best of my ability. Cool, I thought after I completed my drawing. Now, to get back to the group. We were about a half hour into the trip when I heard the noise of rushing water getting louder. I remembered the stream nearby, slightly running through the jungle but mostly staying towards the southern perimeter of the region. I also recollected the General’s anecdote of possibly getting your tongue bitten off if you tried to drink from it. I shrugged the thought off and tried to put it out of my mind. Then, trotting past the river, my eyes wandered to the bank nearest us and saw…some odd object on the ground near the water. Wha…What the hay is that? I thought, sneaking closer to the foreign object and staring at it. The object came into view the closer I got, and that’s when I realized what it was—a box of some sort with a button on the lid of it. I immediately recognized it.  “A parchment box?” I questioned myself while grabbing it. “What’s this doing out he-” zip! “Private Swift,” the General silently snapped at me. “What in Equestria are you doing moving away from the formation? Don’t tell me you ar- “Sir, look,” I said, holding up the box in my left hoof. General Artie stared at it, his eyes squinting. “What in the name of Faust is this doing out here?” the General said skeptically. He grabbed the box in his magical grip and pressed the button on top of it. The box slowly opened to reveal a scroll inside. The scroll was crumpled as if whoever placed it back inside did so frantically. “Let’s see what we got here,” the General commented, sitting down as he unrolled the paper. He started scanning it when I realized his entire frame had frozen. “What is it, General Artie?” I inquired. “Ssh,” he softly responded, trying not to move his lips. He dared not to move his head, staring into the jungle on his left before his eyes darted to the river. My eyes looked at the written message in his right hoof, and that’s when my blood also froze. The parchment had a faintly scribbled line on the top, followed by a sentence written in the same color as the trees from the western border. “Sir, that’s blood,” I said quietly before realizing that I had just thought it was the sa- “Kid,” General Artie whispered. “Be quiet, and don’t move a muscle.” ========================================<>========================================= “If you are curious as to what it said, the following message went as such:” “Abandon the are–”             “w̵̄̀̆̅̕͝ē̛̗͒̂ r͔̭̋̀Ė̼̦̝̩̀͛̍-s̶͂O̶̞̍̅͘͜ H̵͂̑̃͊U̷͑͒̒͠nG̴͊̈́̅͑̚r̴y̴̾͑͌̀̔̽ ” ========================================<>========================================= The General looked up at the river and stood motionless. “Private Swift,” he said quietly. “Slowly, and I mean slowly, crouch down and cover me as best as you can. Try not to make any extraneous movements.” I didn’t nod, but painstakingly slowly, I bent my hindlegs and forelegs to get into a crouched position. Meanwhile, the older unicorn did not move and used my frame to hide behind me. From there, the General silently popped a parchment and quill from his magical inventory. My eyes darted with my head still, and I peered down at General Artie, who brought out a scroll. With a turtle-like speed, he wrote a message in small hoofwriting. I barely realized what he was writing, but my mind raced with dreadful thoughts. However, when my brain registered the term ‘abandoned,’ I averted my gaze back to the right and looked across the river. Two pairs of yellow eyes stared back from between the bushes, slanted upward. I then turned my gaze back to the General, who placed the scroll inside the parchment’s box. He looked at me and mouthed one word. “Run.” I stared back with a confused look on my face. Run, now? I thought painfully. What’s the reason?  He placed his hoof down on the parchment box’s send button. As it pressed the button, the faint noise of hissing reached my ears, prompting them to shift slightly. My knees buckled as fear shook my body violently. “Private,” General Artie whispered back. “Run. Now.” Please, Faust, I silently thought to myself. Please don’t let it be what I think it i- And at that moment, all fiery Tartarus broke loose. ========================================<>========================================= `’They are here. All sixteen serpents. Operation Discovery |3| has been abandoned.’` “He then slightly moved his head to the left and peered across the river before shoving me to his right. This next part is burned into my mind as a singular image. I cannot get rid of it. No matter how hard I may try, it will never go away. My heart rate rapidly increased as four serpentine creatures appeared from the river’s side, with two rocketing toward our location. Then, just as Artie had sent the parchment on its way and cast his teleportation spell, two snakes reached him and opened their mouths wide.” ========================================<>========================================= Two of the creatures had their fangs drawn at General Artie. The first serpent dove for the older unicorn’s stomach region, biting hard into the midsection. “AAARRRGG-!!” General Artie’s shriek rang out for a split second before the second snake mercilessly cut him off. The boneless creature aimed for and locked in on the pony’s neck, snapping his unhinged mouth down. His fangs dug into the General’s throat, immediately cutting off the ear-piercing sound. The two serpentines dragged the unicorn down to the ground, an open patch of grass in the thick jungle sparing a tiny amount of light onto it. There, the General’s body dropped with a thud! onto the ground and spazzed violently. Seconds later, the body of the General went limp. Blood was pouring out from his stomach as the first snake let go, the red liquid oozing and dragging itself to the ground, staining the soil below. On the other hoof, the second one ripped himself from General Artie’s neck, tearing out his throat. The blood gushed like a hose with its nozzle off from the area, prompting me to nearly puke up last night’s supper. I wanted to faint, but both serpents looked in my direction, hissing loudly. Then, the General’s voice rang out the singular word I had dreaded hearing. `”Run!”` the word echoed loudly. Run, you fool, my mind desperately pleaded. RUN!! Looking at my compass, I immediately started my dash westward. Taking a peek over my left shoulder for only a second, I was horrified to see two slim creatures lunge forward from the ground at my hind legs. Cannot get caught today, my mind declared. My movement changed briefly as I swiftly moved to the left, leaping over a log and pivoting right in one fluid motion. This move resulted in a satisfying bonk! behind me, followed by the sounds of loud groaning. I kept sprinting forward, thinking, I got them with that move. My ears picked up on the faint hissing, starting to grow again with each passing moment. My mind was scrambling to devise a perfect survival route, and I knew that teleporting was out of the picture since I wasn’t a unicorn. Neither was flying since I wasn’t a pegasus either. Even climbing the trees would only lead to me being captured and killed eventually. I couldn’t do any of those things, but I did have an ace up my sleeve.  Something I was reminded of back at Horseshoe Bay. `’Your intuition, Private Swift. Use it.’` the memory played. “I am not getting caught by some bucking serpents,” I growled. “NOT TODAY!!” I galloped forward through the forest as my survival instincts kicked into overdrive. ========================================<>========================================= “A couple of trees had toppled over, allowing me to climb them on an upward slant. I heard loud rustling and rattling noises as I sprinted down the other side, getting ever-so louder. I then noticed in my peripheral that a snake was lunging toward my left side. I quickly ducked, allowing the serpent to fly over me, then jumped to headbutt the creature’s stomach. It hurt, but the snake was struck and flew toward a tree. I heard the sound of wood snapping and louder hissing before continuing to flee.” ========================================<>========================================= “That oughta teach ya!” I yelled back at the boneless creature. The shrubbery it had landed in buckled and swallowed it whole, hiding the serpentine within its secluded space. Buck, I thought to myself as I ducked and darted back and forth. I can’t see him anymore…Keep your eyes ahead, stupid! I snapped my head forward, and then my eyes darted to the left. As I got closer and closer, there appeared to be a moshpit of bushes and dead trees in a ditch of sorts. The same ditch I had to leap over not too long ago. Bingo, I hummed, confidence radiating. Let’s lose them a bit. Taking a detour from the fast-approaching break in the plane before me, I swerved hard to the left and ducked down. Diving into the shrubs below, I grunted as the branches and thorns tore at my skin. The adrenaline could only hold down so much agony, but that wasn’t the objective now. “Gotta survive, Swift,” I told myself softly as the cuts allowed blood to seep through. Crawling out of the prickly vegetation, the hissing only got louder as the noise of rustling leaves made its way to my ears. Then, as I quickly got up and restarted my gallop again, I turned my head for a couple of seconds and nearly froze in fright. Thirteen, count ‘em right now, THIRTEEN!! Pairs of yellow eyes were staring back at my location. Their eyes narrowed as the cavalcade of loud hisses and rattling grew louder and louder. They were getting closer. Target locked, my thoughts told me, begging me to run. Get yourself the blazes out of there! ========================================<>========================================= “All thirteen of them were narrowing in on me. That was the last time I would turn my head to peer behind me since keeping my eyes forward would only lead me to safety.” ========================================<>========================================= Huff! Huff! Huff! Damn, I thought to myself. I have to get back into combat shape. Being at attention throughout the castle for most of the day hasn’t cut it for me. Huff! Huff! I got to, no. I have to, NO! my mind was arguing back and forth with itself. I NEED to survive! Pant! Huff! “Where the buck is the jungle’s perimeter?” I asked myself out loud. “Gotta…huff, hurry!” SsssSS! “Oh, buck. Oh, BUCK NO!!” I said to myself, hoping they weren’t right on my flank. “Please, for Celestia’s sake, PLEEEEASE!!” I could feel their slimy serpentine bodies start to get closer and closer behind me, waiting to devour me at the last moment. They’re toying with me, I thought exasperatedly. I ca…I can’t go on…I-I… `’Hey, Swift. Listen…the most important thing is that you come back home, safe and sound. You have a family that cares for your well-being, friends who have gotten to know you, and most importantly, all of us.’` Tears started to form in my eyes as the memories I had made from my first four months as a Royal Guard at the Canterlot Castle flooded back into my brain. No, my mind told me. No! Keep fighting! There has to be a way outt- gasp! “Jackpot,” I silently told myself, eyeing the clearing ahead. Finally, the neat row of trees became increasingly visible, and I knew exactly where I was. SSSSssssSSSSS! “Oh, BUCK YOU TOO!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. Using my remaining energy and strength, I ran up a toppled tree near the forest's edge and leaped into the air. Spreading my legs out ahead of me, I stretched myself as best as I could and hoped for the be- SSSsssHHAAAAA!! The last thing I expected was the serpentine following close behind me to use the underside of the same toppled tree and sling himself up toward me. Thinking I was going to be bitten severely, I tensed up. But, instead, the serpentine flew right underneath me from behind and slammed into my flank, which did nothing more than propel me forward a dozen more yards. “Oh for Celestia’s SAAAAKKE!!” I cried, eyeing the water below. The water had rippled profusely, revealing three serpents staring hungrily at me. I closed my eyes, took what felt like my final breath, and braced myself for impact. Goodbye, I thought sadly. May my pony soul rest in pe- ffFWWOOOOSssh!! I didn’t see it at the time, but I felt it. A wave of fire engulfed the entire area in a sea of flames. My fur singed at the hot temperatures radiating around my still-flying frame. Chao- ========================================<>========================================= “Ohohoho! Did somecreature say my name?” a familiar draconequus asked. “Get BACK in that box, Discord! This is not your story!” I snapped back at him. “Tch. What a party pooper you are,” he said before snapping his fingers and disappearing into the air. ========================================<>========================================= As I was saying, the chaos started taking hold of the surrounding environment, and the dragons kept it up. Fanning the flames with their mighty wings, they chased those dreaded snakes back into the jungle where they resided and even had to battle and kill a few that remained undeterred. Unfortunately, I blacked out when my body hit the river’s surface. ========================================<>========================================= “It had been thirteen hours since I blacked out. When I came to, I felt hot. My body was aching. Beads of sweat were rolling down my face, and the feeling was super uncomfortable. I slowly opened my eyes to observe my surroundings. Although fuzzy at first, it took a couple dozen seconds for my vision to return, and that’s when panic made itself a home in my head.” ========================================<>========================================= “...W-wha-wh-wher-re amm I?” I asked, sitting up on whatever I was lying on. As I looked around wherever I was, my vision came back, and it allowed me to survey my surroundings. Th-this c-c-can’t b-beee riiight, my brain thought slowly. Wh-what kind of p-p-place is thisss? I looked down and saw I was lying on some flat rock. The rock was elevated upon a platform inside a cave. A very warm cave. A really hot cave. The sweltering heat made the steam from the ground visible to my eyes. As my gaze shifted higher, I took in the walls of the cave, and it was jaw-dropping. They appeared to be of a red-orange hue, with massive spiky rock formations dangling from the ceiling. “MmmmMm…Preettyyy,” I drunkenly said, my gaze faltering slightly. That’s when those same eyes that had been sightseeing a bit widened. I quickly looked around at all the walls and noticed many scratch marks donning them. Scratch marks? I pondered with a puzzling look, switching to fear in a fraction of a second. B-but I saw those at th- `SSSSsssSS!!` pat-pat! “Hey, glad you’re up!” “AAAAAA-” thud! “Ooowwaah,” I groaned, grabbing at my right hind leg. The impact force had been more painful than I thought, as the pain took a few seconds to subside. “Hey, wai-” “AAAAHH!! Don’t come near me!” I screamed at whatever it was, covering my face. “Wait, I’m tryi-” “GET AWAAYYY!!” I screamed even louder, backing up rapidly from the creature. Despite my screaming, the creature flew up, landing a few feet from me as my back collided with the wall. “Stop!” the feminine creature said…or at least I thought it was a female. But then, it started getting closer to me, so I did the first thing that came to mind. smack! “I SAID GET AWAY FROM MEEE!!” I said, smacking away the hand of the creature. I winced from the pain as I retracted my left hoof. Whatever I hit had rough hands and something sharp at the end of its digits. Almost like claws… …claws?  Did I just say…claws? “Hey! Help! He’s awake! Help me out here!” the creature’s voice rang out as it fled the cave, echoing back to my ears and playing endlessly. My body started trembling as I shuddered. No, I thought, a gut-wrenching feeling coming to me. N-nooo. I-I don’t w-want to di- “He’s over here! Quickly! He’s awake!” My breathing started to get faster as a vast group of shadows formed on the wall to my right, getting ever so larger. Uh oh, my mind said in terror. NOT AGAIN!! ========================================<>========================================= “Another few seconds later, a swarm of the same kind of creature rushed into the cave, landing a meter away from me. I was hyperventilating and unable to move, but that one reminder came to mind. `If you are attacked, run for the Eastern Lair to the west. Use your compasses. The dragons that occupy the nearby territory are our allies and will help you seek refuge until we can safely return to Canterlot….`” ========================================<>========================================= “N-No,” I said softly, shaking my head. “Th-There’s n-n-no w-way….” “Do not fret, little colt!” one of the dragons said, his voice booming and filled with pride. “You are safe now! Back in the Eastern Lair, home to us dragons and wyverns!” A chorus of agreement came from the group. That can’t be right, I started thinking. First, we were ambushed, and it took me considerable time to escape on hoof. In the short time it took me to run back to the western side of the region from the east, how did they get to me so fast? More importantly, how did they know when to strike? I stared at them in disbelief. Only when I realized that the Eastern Lair was actually the volcano in the northwest area of the region did my breathing start to slow down. Then, closing my eyes, I did my best to relax, the tension beginning to bleed from my body. I genuinely am safe, I thought internally. Safe from harm’s grip. Then that must mean… “W-w-wh…” I stuttered. I was shaking again, but I needed to ask this question. There are only two answers, my mind said. Taking a deep breath, I pressed my luck. “W-Where are th-the r-r-rest of them?” I asked hesitantly, doing my best to remain calm. ========================================<>========================================= “The dragons all looked at each other with worried expressions. Finally, a dragoness stepped forward and drew me in for a hug. She held me there in her grasp and whispered something to me.” ========================================<>========================================= “You’re the only pony that survived,” she softly spoke into my left ear.  N-n-noo, my mind exasperatedly told itself. Th-th-that’s-s… My eyes started to water quickly, and the tears spiraled down my face as I gripped her shoulder tightly. My breathing started choking up as I sobbed into the dragoness's embrace. The wails of sadness echoed throughout the cave, which signaled most dragons to disembark. Some stayed behind as a precautionary aid to what was happening. “Sssshhhh,” she whispered into my ear, patting me on the back with her left talon. “It’s okay, little one. That’s it. Let it all out. Ssshhhh….” The flashes of the mission flooded back and bore into my mind. The squadron I was a part of. The entire expedition force had gone into that jungle of madness... ...and all of them disappeared without a trace… ...mutilated and decapitated… ...tortured and mentally destroyed! THAT’S WHAT THEY DID TO THEM!! my thoughts yelled frustratingly.  I kept crying into the dragoness’s embrace, the emotions pouring out from what could've happened to what became of the operation. This is what those damn serpents wanted, I bitterly thought. They wanted me to narrowly escape, retaining the feeling of nearly being bitten and eaten alive. General Artie’s lifeless body, painted by the blood gushing out as his head was rippe- “Don’t worry,” the dragoness said, consoling me. “You’re in a safe place now. Canterlot dispatched the message to Lord Ember, and some of our kind flew to the region immediately.” She sighed before continuing. “Of course, we have struggled to fend off those devilish serpents in the past, but all that matters is that YOU are out of harm’s way now.” My sobs slowly faded as I let myself melt in the warm hug I was getting from her. The sounds of the cave slowly faded as I focused on the now. It was nice and peaceful. I wish I could’ve thanked the mysterious dragoness for her actions. After all, they do speak louder than words. Silence started to fill the area, save for the crackling of magma inside the cave’s walls. I felt as though my body was dozing off, begging for rest. The adventure I had just endured was no more. Rest was what I truly needed. It would only grasp me until after the dragoness departed. Then, she slowly picked me up off the ground and placed me back onto the bed-like formation. I can’t remember who comforted me, but I wish I had gotten an answer sooner rather than later. That’s when she whispered one more thing to me, and it’s something I’ll never forget. “Princess Celestia is personally coming to take you back home. I wish I could do more for you now, but...rest yourself, young one…." "You survived Serpent’s Creek….” ========================================<>========================================= “Alive and well in Canterlot. Your only son, Private Swift Wildshadow” ========================================<>========================================= Damn, I thought while shuddering. As I finished reading the letter, my fist clenched around the scroll, the tears starting to trickle from my eyes. Motherfucker survived the event to tell the tale and simultaneously lost all of his comrades. As I placed the paper back into the envelope and tossed it into the box near me, I saw the fourth one poking out from the bunch. I could organize these to make this easier, I told myself as I wiped the tears from my cheeks. After a couple of minutes of sorting, the envelopes had been neatly stacked and spread across the desk horizontally. It's easier this way, I admired as I grabbed the fourth envelope. As I unfolded the envelope’s flap and pulled out the letter, another note floated onto the desk. Again, the writing looked unsettling but was in a much larger font this time. I placed the letter down and picked it up. O--rat--n Di-co-e-y |3|\C--re-t -tat-s: fa--ure\D--isi-n- se-t: 3\--tal p-n--s: -4\Lo-- of --fe: 2-\ A tear fell from my chin and hit the paper sheet, staining the fourth letter's backside. After some deep breaths, I unfolded the letter and looked at the legibly-written handwriting before me. Should I stop? I wondered. Because if I don’t, when will I? > In Your Dreams > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- zZz Whew, my thoughts rang. Finally…it was over. It had been a long adventure, but at long last, I was finally relieved to be back in the city of Canterlot. And after enduring the most stressful and horrifying sets of events in my life, this well-deserved rest was my first choice when I returned home from the Eastern Lair region. It was an easy trip back as well, since Princess Celestia was overseeing my transport. She was mainly concerned for my health, and ensured I was safe no more than a dozen times. I was constantly shaking, paranoid of my surroundings as we flew through the evening sky. “Be at ease, Mr. Swift,” the solar alicorn calmly stated. I nearly jumped in my seat as she gave me a warm smile. “We are approaching Canterlot. Soon you’ll be safe and sound in the comfort of your own home.” I nodded and tried to remain calm. Doing so in the presence of an alicorn, especially one as powerful as Princess Celestia, was no easy task. It was the closest I had ever been to her, mostly spending her time working through Day Court in the throne room or some other part of the castle. Other creatures probably see her more than the Royal Guard ever does, but I couldn’t complain now. The remaining part of the trip remained smooth as we descended toward the land. After landing in Canterlot, I was immediately whisked away with Princess Celestia. After a brief pause in time, her magic brought us in front of my apartment building. I dumbly stood there before realizing where I was, Celestia smiling and ushering me forward. I fumbled for the keys in my torn bag and fished them out. Then, assuring they still worked, Celestia watched as I entered the living area, closing the door behind me and wishing me a good night’s rest. After that, I was alone. Alone once more… Alone to look at my living space for what felt like minutes before collapsing onto the couch. I didn’t want to think about anything else. Not of the past few days, the long escapade through the eastern region, or the nerve-racking chase…. Sleep was all I wanted. zZz ========================================<>========================================= “Uhhh….” I opened my eyes and recoiled in shock. Then, after a few seconds of deep breathing to keep myself in check, I slowly got up onto my hooves and observed my surroundings. This isn’t where I was a few minutes ago, I thought to myself in disbelief. The world looked way different. As I stood upon a lonely hill, it looked like Equestria had been shrunken down. The tree behind me cast a slight shadow onto the ground beside my body as a view of Canterlot finally appeared. Where am I? Am I dead? I questioned myself. No, that’s not right. I turned myself around and continued to peer off into the distance, as numerous geographical shapes emerged across the horizon. The sun shone brightly in the blue sky, with a volcano here, and some cities to the righ- flash! gasp! I was blinded by an intense white light as my eyes were forced closed. The burning sensation in my pupils was comparable to a flashbang, which was more common in the Royal Army. Wait…the Royal Army? I inquisitively thought as I slowly opened my eyes. “What is going on?” I mouthed in shock as I took a look around. What greeted me was the complete opposite of what I had first seen. The landscape was dull and cold, a chilly windstorm kicking up the dust and throwing it all around. The horizon had all but disappeared as massive clouds of smoke filled the air, blocking out the sun. Trees were dying left and right as the scene resembled a barren wasteland. There were no flowers to observe or grassy hills to lie down on. Instead, it had turned into an apocalyptic scenario, as thousands of painful cries suddenly cried out, only to be silenced by a singular bolt of lightning. I averted my gaze before turning around. There, I saw something even worse. The city of Canterlot lay in ruin as mammoth fires sprouted from the castle. Buildings that had littered the streets were leveled, and pathways were raised. The ground deteriorated and opened to swallow anythi- boom! bang! “Sweet Celestia,” I gasped as a shockwave blast hit my body and forced me onto the ground. As I looked up from my spot, I stared in horror as one of the castle’s towers fell from its placement on the mountainside and into the fiery depths. I couldn’t help but continue to wonder in fright as to why this was all happening. I couldn’t comprehend the situation and still didn’t know where I wa- flash! “Gah!” Again, I was surprised by a burst of light, making me falter in place. However, instead of a steady ground to fall onto, it felt like I was floating in place. I slightly opened my eyes again and immediately noticed why. The situation had turned dire, as I was falling through an empty sky, unable to see anything below me. It remained a dark void, with nothing but the cold air to pass me by. I fell for what felt like hours before noticing anything below me. But, in the distance, something had lay waiting for me all this time. And it was a massive red flag to my mind. As I scrambled to try and avert my trajectory, my mind screamed loudly and confirmed my worst fears. “OOHH, NOOOO!!” ========================================<>========================================= crash! smack! SLAM!! My body cascaded through an unbelievable amount of leaves and branches that snapped upon impact. Finally, after slamming into the ground, it surprisingly gave, causing me to sink into it. As I winced from the radiating pain spreading through my frame, my eyes opened to a quiet, pitch-black landscape. I couldn’t tell where I had fallen into. Following the observation, I tried to get up and walk around, but there was a problem: my legs would not budge. I looked down and started hyperventilating, realizing I had been caught in quicksand. Wh-Whuh? my mind sputtered to comprehend as I began to feel my body sinking gradually. Wh-What is ha-happening to me?! ssss! My eyes shot wide open as I looked up. I frantically scanned the space around me. Finally, as if on command, the world began to show itself, pouring dread into my head. “Oh no,” I mouthed silently, realizing where I had landed. I thought that I had escaped… The trees rose quickly above me, slowly sealing away the sky and trapping me inside. My eyes darted from side to side as bushes began rustling softly. My ears flicked back and forth, picking up the faint sounds of rattles and hisses. No, my mind started to repeat. No, no, no, no… I tried to lift my forelegs from the quicksand, but it was useless. It kept pulling me into its embrace, beginning to swallow my body whole. The feeling in the fur on my stomach died away as I continued to hear the hisses from the forestry surrounding me. Please, I pleaded to Faust. My eyes began to water as the hissing grew louder. SsssSSS!! “Please,” I croaked, wanting nothing more than to disappear from this place. “Leave me alone….” My pleading and begging fell on deaf ears as the bushes rustled even more. Meanwhile, the quicksand pond I had dropped into started covering the upper portion of my body as my eyes shut. Tears continued to flow from my closed eyelids, my desperate attempts to wriggle free from my position proving useless. And then…the rustling and hissing noises ceased. I sat there in fear as I continued to try and listen for them, but I was dumbfounded. What is going on? my mind inquired before curiosity shattered my hopes and dreams. I begrudgingly opened my eyes and nearly screamed in fright. Instead, what greeted me was an awful sight: dozens of serpents lining the pond’s edges. They appeared to be eyeing me with rageful intentions as the quicksand started to reach my neck. My mouth hung open as they glared at me, the slits of their eyes narrowing into straight lines, staring into my pony soul. They were eerily behaving like they did duri- Hiissss! HIISSSS!! One of them had started the rallying cry, which made them all call attention to their prey. They continued to hiss at me, their minds made up. Then, to my dismay, they started to float above the surface of the sand. They glided in a zig-zag pattern, nearing my position. I frantically attempted to wrestle myself away, but they did not stop. They won’t stop. The sinking feeling I felt from before had ended, with only my head exposed to them. Stop, I cried internally. Stop…Stop! PLEASE!! The slimy creatures would not agree and worked their way toward me. One of them began to ready itself, its mouth opening to reveal a long, forked tongue and four razor-sharp fangs. Before I had time to react, it suddenly lunged for me and- flash! ========================================<>========================================= “NOOO!!” whumpf! I sat there, shaking in fear, as I remained curled up. I didn’t want to open my eyes, fearing the same scene playing out again. As I continued to lie there, a feeling emerged. It almost felt like blades of grass were tickling my fur. Almost inconceivable, my brain would prove to be a worthy opponent to my conscience. “Swift…wake up….” The voice was unidentifiable as my body stirred. What followed were my eyes slowly opening, followed by the sunlight striking them with immense force. A burning feeling radiated across the surface of my pupils as I tried to readjust them to the light. “Swift, are you okay?” the voice asked. groan “P-P-Please,” I cried in agony, “...m-make them g-go away.” More tears flowed down my cheeks as I continued to shake. Then, closing my eyes tightly, I shuddered in fear as the previous scenes reran through my mind quickly. “Don’t worry,” the voice said softly. “I’m here now.” Then, it was as if something soft began to touch my body. It slowly ran across my stomach as I shuddered from the feeling. Wh-Whyy…hwhat is g-goinng on? I thought as I reopened my eyes. The image I saw was indescribable. It slowly began to resemble a creature as it stood over me. The new area’s background was pure white, with an empty abyss spreading across the world. It scattered across the plane, and the air was unbelievably clean. However, the dark silhouette of the thing remained featureless as I struggled to comprehend what was occurring. “Whuh-What i-is h-ha-happening t-to meee?” I stammered as my throat felt dry. “You took a nasty hit, Swift. Are you alright?” the creature asked again. I turned my head to it as its blank face stared back. Finally, I looked at the soft feeling I had felt on my fur before. Wait, I thought to myself as the gears in my mind started to churn. The creature’s silhouette was fading as it appeared from the empty space. A furless claw lay flat on my stomach, slowly stretching away from me. It continued toward the creature’s shoulders, broadening into a visible body. That body began to manifest faster, as clothing was wrapped around it…. “H-H-Hold on,” I whispered to myself. “It c-can’t b-b-be….” “Swift?” the creature asked once more before its face revealed itself. `”If you act on impulse, it could mean your demise.”` The echoed statement from Pete rang loudly in my ear as the burned picture I thought was buried away in my mind emerged. It was the creature I had envisioned from those past tests: a furless, bipedal creature. It towered over me as I lay there in fear. “Y-Y-Y-Yooou,” I stuttered before attempting to retract myself. “Wait, Swift. It’s just me, remember?” the creature pleaded. It remained in a state of concern, but I ignored that detail completely. `”If you act on impulse, it could mean your demise.”` Pete’s warning rang in my ears a second time as it tried to get closer. I backed away as fast as my tired legs could, only to crumble from a violently painful shock in my back. “Stay away from me!” I dryly shouted in discomfort and agony. “Hold on, Swift. You’re hurt badly,” it stated, the ground slightly shaking as it began to get closer. “Let me help you!” I looked at it in confusion and bewilderment before another shockwave of torment reached my head. Clutching it with my hooves, I closed my eyes and curled into a ball as the pain radiated throughout my body. `”If you act on impulse, it could mean your demise.”` Stop! my thoughts screamed. Don’t hurt me! No more! “Swift! Snap out of it!” the voice from the creature called out again. `”If you act on impulse, it could mean your demise.”` ssSSSSss!! “No!” I yelled before the pain became unbearable. My eyes closed tightly as I began to grit my teeth in frustration. “Stoooop! MAKE IT STOP!!” “SWIFT!!” HISSSS!! `”If you act on impulse, it could mean your demise.”` flash! “AAAAHH!!” shing! “Swift! It’s okay! We are here now! Wake up!” ========================================<>========================================= “Swift!” a new voice called out to me. “Please, wake up!” Wait a second…this voice sounds different. It sounds more feminine than the others. Why does it feel like I recognize that voice from somewhere? my mind continuously thought as I slowly regained feeling in my legs. “Wake up,” the voice commanded. “Thou must open your eyes.” I shook my head vigorously, my fur standing tall upon my frame. I-I can’t, my thoughts said to themselves. “I…I-I c-can’t….” was my weak reply. “Thou hast to trust us, Swift,” the creature reassured softly. “Tis the only way I can help you.” My ears perked as the dots connected in my mind. Wait, I recognize that dialect, I thought. There’s only one pony in Equestria who speaks like that. But should I test my theory? After more deliberation with my mind, my eyes opened, validating my assumption. huff! “Oh, thank the stars,” Princess Luna breathed out. My eyes widened in shock as the lunar princess stood before me. I slowly processed why she would be here and where I was. After more silence had passed, the alicorn began to back off as I finally attempted to get to my hooves. “Oooh…my…aauh,” I groaned as the feeling in my legs was not fully there. “Take your time, Swift,” Luna warned. “Your health has deteriorated from the last time. Thus, thou mustn't be so hasty in thine movements.” sigh “Th-Thank you, P-Princess Lu-Luna,” I replied as I tried my best to bow to her. Unfortunately, my attempt was short-lived as I suddenly fell to the ground from exhaustion. whump! “Swift, TAKE YOUR TIME!!” the alicorn called out. The end of her statement was punctuated by her Royal Canterlot voice, which hurt my ears. My eyes closed completely, and my head slowly fell to the floor of wherever I was. A familiar feeling came to my senses as it rested upon the soft texture. Am I? I thought to myself as I opened my eyes again. My mind was blown as the scenery had reverted once more to the lonely hill I had been upon from the beginning. “Wh-Whuh-What?” I questioned aloud. My concern grew as the landscape drew itself again, with a noticeable castle peeking through the limelight. All was once again minor as Princess Luna appeared once more in the blue sky. “Thou were experiencing a multi-staged nightmare,” Luna asserted. “A terrible one, at that. It seems we had made it at the worst possible moment, though, so I do apologize for that. But you are safe now, Swift….” I continued to lay there in defeat as I observed the lunar princess. She continued to flap her wings, remaining stationary in the sky. Finally, I sighed and relaxed my body on the grassy plain, letting the tickling feeling of the grass prick my fur.  Princess Luna nodded with a smile. “Hopefully, thou will have a more peaceful night,” the alicorn stated. “Goodnight, Swift. Dream peacefully….” Her horn lit up as she disappeared into the sky, leaving me alone. Alone. yawn! “In my…dreams….” zZz > Entry 4 - A Meeting With Fate > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rank & Full Name: Swift Wildshadow, F.O.S. Letter’s Date: x1/2x/xxx3 Address: North Solar Boulevard, Bldg. 0123, District 001, Canterlot, Equestria Contents: Letter “Good evening, Mom and Dad. So it’s been about a couple of months since I wrote that horrifying account detailing my experiences with Operation Discovery |3|. The loss of life was catastrophic, but we did achieve something monumental: a complete mapping of Serpent’s Creek is complete. All geographical landmarks, the jungle’s inhabitants, and every last ounce of detail have been drawn out and rendered as a way to, hopefully, avenge the fallen. Yes, I was the lone survivor of the mission, and the amount of help I have received within the last two months has been colossal. Teams of doctors treating my wounds and helping me get back into shape took weeks. But that was one thing.  No, the psychological trauma endured would keep me out of action. Those beasts had destroyed me mentally, and it only became noticeable once I returned to Canterlot under the protection of Princess Celestia. The first few nights back were horrible. Flashes of those serpents and them jumping from nowhere had me waking up abruptly in the middle of the night. Paranoia would surround me, trapping me in its embrace before the tears would start flowing from my eyes. Princess Luna would visit me constantly, doing her best to fight back the demonic creatures, continually reassuring me that everything would be okay. That I was safe from harm’s malignant grip, but it didn’t stop the nightmares from returning. They kept getting increasingly intense, from the images of the General’s last moments to visions of entire squadrons lying dead in the open field.  It was horrible, Ma. HORRIBLE! The two Royal Sisters arranged for me to seek counseling immediately. I talked with pony psychologists daily, explicitly trained to handle PTSD. Yet, I was scared to speak to them every time I sat down to talk. Scarred from what I had witnessed.  The memories forever etched into the back of my mind. It’s still ongoing, but the intensity has been dying slowly. Like Pete Dreadson during the first month of boot camp, I still feel like I am being watched. I haven’t felt secure enough to escape those slimy serpent’s grasp. I’ll continue to try and work on getting back into the fray, but I haven’t lied to you two in any of these letters, so I feel I should share this much with you. It has been hard to be in the castle once more. Constantly standing at attention is something I have to get used to again, but it’s not that.  I’ve felt that anything could happen at a moment’s notice with these past events. Not like before, but those thoughts that some pony could threaten the lives of the civilians in Canterlot. A foreign group could inflict damage on the castle and attack the guards. One of those serpents disguising themselves and specifically targeting me… Anyway, there is some good news to be shared. About eleven weeks had passed since I got back, and I was summoned today for a ‘chat’ with the two princesses before Day Court started. It was about 0740 when I walked into the large throne room for the meeting, my eyes darting around the space for potential threats. They could be anyw-” ========================================<>========================================= “Ah, there he is! Luna, stop daydreaming,” Celestia nudged her younger sister, sitting next to her, who quickly snapped back to reality.  “Yes! I ordered the banana smoothiiie….” In response, she glared at her sister, who snickered, holding a hoof over her mouth.  “Not. Funny. Tia!” Princess Luna said, pouting.  “Oh, lighten up, Lulu. Besides,” Princess Celestia said before smiling at me, “we have important business to discuss now.” I was now standing at the base of the staircase that led to the two thrones. Both alicorns looked at me, to which I hurriedly bowed and brought my head back up.  Stand at attention, my mind commanded, my body stiffening. “How has everything been thus far, Private Swift Wildshadow?” the elder alicorn asked. “Luna here has been commenting on your tremendous mental strength progress.” My mind fizzled out as I stared back at the two alicorns. Sure, I was getting more sleep and progressing through the therapy, but the tragic events in that jungle of savagery had left their impact on me forever. So answer them truthfully, I told myself. “I…It-ts b-been ha-hard, Y-Yo-our Highness.” I was sputtering, my entire frame shaking. The younger alicorn worriedly looked at her elder sister, and my gaze fell to the floor.  Without another second of hesitation, Princess Celestia descended toward me, in which I closed my eyes. Whimpering, I knew what was coming for me. Your fate has been sealed, Swift, I told myself internally. You won’t be able to live out your dream of being a Royal Gu- “It’s okay, Private Swift,” Princess Celestia said, wrapping her wing around me. My flank thudded against the floor as I tried to relax. It wasn’t working. I reminded myself of what the pony doctors recommended I do when the memories of that horrible place came back to haunt me. My eyes started to water, and my breathing grew heavier. “I-I’m s-so-sorry,” I tried saying, fighting back the tears. The alicorn hushed me in response. “No more tears, Private Swift,” she declared softly. “Operation: Discovery |3| was a tremendous success. Thanks to your bravery and dedication to the mission at hoof, the entire region has been completed. Everypony is extremely proud of your resilience and quick thinking to escape the wilderness, ‘and’ with your life intact.” I stared back up at her, my mouth opening slightly. My brain had processed the words she spoke, but another thing was starting to build up inside me: my self-esteem. “You have shown tremendous progress since I brought you back to Canterlot, and we couldn’t be happier to see you back in the castle doing your job,” Celestia said with a smile. It was indeed genuine, I thought to myself. The tears in my eyes ceased, and my body began to relax. I felt…safe.  I feel… “Better?” she asked me quietly. I nodded slowly, still attempting to process why it took so long to grasp this feeling of security and self-confidence. Yeah, my brain thought. I did go into that jungle, and I DID come out alive!  The solar princess retracted her wing, ascending back up to her throne. Princess Luna nodded in approval before the meeting continued. ========================================<>========================================= “So, you may have been wondering why Princess Celestia and I called you for a meeting today,” Princess Luna said. “My sister has noticed your due diligence and swift rise to serve and protect Equestria from all dangers posed, especially here in Canterlot.” gulp! There’s that word again, I told myself internally. Princess Celestia looked at me with a reassuring smile before speaking. “Certainly, dear sister. Private Swift,” Celestia said, demanding my attention. “The High Command here in Canterlot has been filing reports on current statuses for every Canterlot’s Royal Guard member and has agreed that your rapid rise to being a prominent figure in the ranks has been remarkable.” I looked at her with eyes that pleaded for elaboration as she continued. “Being a rookie here is one thing. But you, Private Swift, have shown the maturity and intellect of one who has been here for years. We appreciate the work you have tirelessly put in, your dedication to a cause, and being on time for every workday station switch. Not to mention how you have represented yourself and the Royal Guard,” Celestia clearly articulated. “I have had ponies, creatures of all kinds, and even ambassadors from other regions give nothing but high praise for your etiquette and excellence.” My eyes didn’t well up, but I knew they wanted to. These were words I needed to hear. “Your father would be so proud and definitely be voicing his approval for his only son,” Princess Luna reminisced. “We surely remember when he was a young stallion, starting as a member of the Royal Guard. How hard he worked, honing his craft and eventually becoming a soldier for the Royal Army. He was meticulous, well-mannered, and respected for his incredible service protecting Equestria from its threats.” “Imagine my complete surprise the day I received that list of recruits from the recruiting station,” Princess Celestia interjected, “and YOUR name was at the very top of the list! Oho! I told myself before, ‘One day, another Wildshadow would sign up to join the Royal Guard!’ and by Faust, it came true!” Celestia was beaming, bringing a small smile to my face. “We couldn’t thank you enough for your willingness to risk your own life for a cause we have been trying to complete for nine years and can FINALLY put an end to,” Princess Luna said with a small smile. Is…Is she smiling? I questioned my mind. ========================================<>========================================= “Sooo,” Celestia announced, “my sister and I have been thinking, and we believe it’s about time you were given a proper break from the castle to rest yourself. Luna will continue to keep an eye on you in the dream world, aiding you whenever necessary. Once you feel as though you yourself can be mentally ready to return, we would be nothing short of excited to welcome you back to service.” I bowed, showing my thanks to the two alicorns. I stayed like that for a while before a cough brought me to raise my head. I looked up, and both Royal Sisters were…smiling at me. What? I thought as my eyes widened. What is going on? Why are they smiling like that? Both Sisters nodded to each other. “Congratulations, Swift Wildshadow,” Celestia said proudly. “Or should I say, First Officer Specialist Swift Wildshadow.” I gasped. My body stood in place. Was I…am I…, my mind was stuttering for the right words. Did I…I got… “I think the title and promotion are rightfully deserving of a stallion such as yourself,” Princess Celestia told me before nodding. “That is all for today. Enjoy your time off.” Both princesses smiled before descending. Celestia helped me to exit the throne room, but I trotted ahead without hesitation. Before leaving through the massive doorway, I turned to bow to the two alicorn princesses. As I exited, the biggest smile spread itself across my face. ========================================<>========================================= “With love, Swift Wildshadow, First Officer Specialist” ========================================<>========================================= I pumped both my fists in the air. There we go, kid, I thought to myself. Get that confidence back in you! Nothing can stop you. Not even some slimy, cowardly, no-bone-having snake can fuck with you now, haha! I chuckled to myself at the last insult my mind came up with before putting the letter back inside the envelope and tossing it into the box. Then, picking up letter FIVE, I turned it over and saw more writing on its back underneath the flap. A smirk donned my face as I grabbed the magnifying glass, preparing to read the printed message. Only this time…it wasn’t smudged. “You think it’s over? This story, no, OUR story, is just beginning. Strap in, young man. You wanted it? You’re about to get it.”  -Dad I dropped the magnifying glass in my hand, and it clacked! against the wooden desk. That singular thought crossed my headspace again as my brow furrowed. “Impossible,” I said softly. “H-He…He w-was….” I hurriedly opened the envelope, unfolded the letter, and read the smoothly written page. > Intermission I - Where Am I? - Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [...] whoosh! “wwWOOAA-” SLAM!! “…” groan “Owww….” The collision with wherever the universe had spat me out from was devastating and painful. The tidal wave of pain flowing through my body became unbearable as I clutched my head. Whuh…what happened? were my first thoughts as I continued to lie there. Then, my eyes slowly opened as a blinding light hit me. Hissing from the sudden sensation, I waited a few seconds before my ears stopped ringing. The first sounds my ears picked up on were of birds chirping. I opened my eyes again to observe my surroundings. It appears I have landed in a grassy field, my mind mentally noted. The blue sky overhead carried a pleasant breeze as an uneasy feeling swept through my veins. There wasn’t a single cloud above…and it was unusually warm. Last I checked, wasn’t it a chilly November evening? I thought to myself as I slowly got up, my bones crunching from the fall. Ow…It feels like it’s summer all over again. I dusted myself off and cracked my back loudly as I attempted to stretch parts of my body. After a few stretches to ensure I was limber again, I put my hand over my eyes and looked out into the distance. I squinted as the vast horizon stretched for what felt like forever while the sun illuminated the extensive mountain ranges and forests. However, what caught my attention the most were a few towns. The closest to me was a settled-down but small village, with buildings surrounding a larger central building. A tall and vibrant castle was nearby, but I didn’t pay any attention to it. Must be the town hall, I remarked internally. So other than that funny-looking castle, which has to be a landmark, I guess that will be my place to start. I slowly began to walk across the grassy hill and realized certain things about my situation. For starters, I was fully clothed in my usual summer attire: my old high school t-shirt, red gym shorts, some white socks, and black and white basketball shoes. Secondly, a bag was strapped to my back, which felt unusually light compared to my teaching satchels. It was fastened in the front by a clip, but I ignored it and kept walking. I felt my pockets and then rummaged through them with my hands. I found my phone and wallet in the right pocket while my earbuds and keys were in the left. They all seemed pretty normal as I looked at them, but that’s when I noticed it. The strangest thing now on my person was an electric watch attached to my left wrist. I stopped my pace and stood for a moment as I stared at it. “I never liked watches,” I commented under my breath. “What’s this doing here?” Grabbing the leather strap, I took it off, flipped it over, and began to examine it. There were no serial markings or anything to identify what make or model it was. Just a plain silver underside to such an unorthodox watch. After flipping it back over, the oddest thing about the device was that the screen remained blank. Is it an electronic one? I thought before dismissing the idea. I rubbed the screen and stared at it. “Probably dead,” I said aloud, fastening the watch back onto my wrist. Then, picking up where I left off, I approached the quiet village. Passing by a couple of buildings, the town was eerily desolate, even though it felt like morning. Usually, there would be people up and about, starting their days or making their way to work. I wanted to talk with someone to know where I was. My ears twitched as the sudden shift in the wind picked up. The air felt slightly colder than before as I tensed up. Goosebumps ran across my skin when all of a sudden… zoom! ========================================<>========================================= “Woah!” I shouted as I fell to the ground. A blurry object had zipped overhead, causing me to duck in surprise. After a few seconds, I lifted my head, and my eyes widened in shock. What the hell was that? I thought to myself. gasp! “What is that?” I heard someone say softly. My ears picked up on it as I turned in the direction of whoever had said that. Unfortunately, there was a ‘slight’ problem with that. Turns out, there was no person in sight…but there was a horse. One singular horse, standing in the doorway of a home. I stared at it in confusion as it tilted its head. Its leg…or whatever is equivalent to hands, was up by its mouth. My senses immediately triggered again as another displacement of air occurred. I immediately dropped down onto my stomach… zip! “Shit!” I cursed out loud, landing on the soft soil. My hands barely caught my weight as I got low to the ground. Another thing had flown right overhead, but my reflexes were quicker than before. “Honey, what’s going on?” a voice seemingly called out. I looked up and saw the horse turn its head away from me. “I don’t know,” the horse that had seen me replied. “It doesn’t appear to be anycreature I’ve ever seen. Can you come down here, Marshall?” My thoughts were spiraling before I realized something. That thought caused my brain to slowly fry. Did that horse just…talk? I looked over at the horse again and stared at it in shock. My breathing slowed as I tried to get back on my feet. It slowly backed away and into the doorway, before another horse emerged from behind. It was confused about what the first had said. That horse, in turn, pointed at me. Once the second horse looked at me, it squinted its eyes before widening. “Aza…that’s the Storm King,” it said, my brain unable to comprehend the voices I was hearing. gasp! “It can’t be!” the other replied in fright. Those sounds came from the fucking horses, my mind screamed. WHAT THE FUCK?! I finally stood up to my full height as they both stared. This wasn’t getting me anywhere. I need to find out where in the Sam hell I am, I decidedly thought. And how to get back home. That’s when I decided to act. “Hello?” I waved to the two horses. “AHH!!” they cried out. They scurried back into their home and slammed the door shut. slam! “Hmpf, well, that was rude,” I remarked, scratching my head. “Incoming!” a voice cried out from above. “Oh, what now-” whumpf! ========================================<>========================================= “Gah!” Something strong struck me violently in the back, throwing me onto the ground. My body tumbled across the road as I finally skidded to a stop. Lying on my back, I was in a daze from the current events. “What…in the bloody hell…was that?” I breathed out, unable to comprehend the events that had just transpired. “I’m terribly sorry, sir,” the thing said off to my left. “My fault. A-Are you okay?” For sure, it wasn’t a thing, but it was something far scarier. It was another horse, and it was looking right at me. Moreover, it stood over me as I continued to scream internally. It took only a few more seconds before it finally reacted, slowly backing away to let me get up. sigh “I’m…owww…o-okay,” I grunted as I forced myself to stand. The pain in my back hurt as I rotated my hand and placed it there. I stretched again and heard a loud crack! as some much-needed relief hit my spine. “Whew, that’s much better,” I commented to no one. I returned my attention to the horse, now two body lengths away. “Now that that’s been squared away…can someone PLEASE explain where the fuck I am?” The horse before me quivered as it didn’t say a word. I slowly made a mental image of the creature before me. It was a light gray horse about half my size, with wings on its back and a tattoo near its flank. Across its body was a carrier bag with a pouch. Visible pieces of envelopes showed through as I looked at her face. Its yellow hair went from the top of its head to its neck. What was unbelievably unusual about this horse were its eyes. They were gold, but one, or even both, didn’t quite see eye to eye. And by that, I mean that they were derped, with one looking up and to the left and the other peering down and to the right. After a few tense seconds passed, I decided to bite the bullet. Clearing my throat, I put on my best teacher voice and created a new goal: get some fucking information from a talking horse. ahem! “Good morning, little horsey. I hope you’ve been having a wonderful day,” I said calmly. “Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Alexander Walkerson, and I am a professional music teacher and sports enthusiast. And who might you be?” I motioned for her to speak up with a delightfully open smile. “Ummm,” the thing stuttered before answering. “D-D-Derpy Hooves, Mr. Alex….” “Wonderful! So, I assume you are a female horse, Ms. Derpy Hooves?” I asked, again using my hand to motion for her to talk. “Well, yes…but actually, I am a mare,” Derpy replied, this time starting to gain her confidence. “And, well, I am a pony….” “Alright, that’s…good to know,” I sheepishly responded, clasping my hands together. My mind was churning out a route to take this conversation. “Now then, I would like to apologize for my language from earlier because I was a tad bit frustrated. You understand, right?” “Not at all, but it is okay,” Derpy replied. “I should be the one apologizing for crashing into you. I just don’t know what came over me….” “Well, I’ll let bygones be bygones. Although, I am curious about what you were doing before you crashed into me…so what were you doing, Derpy?” I inquired with concern. “Let’s see…last I remember, I was delivering mail and was on my w-” gasp! “Oh my goodness!” “What?” I asked the pony. “I forgot! I have to continue my route!” The pony looked over both of her sides and confirmed the mailbags were still there. “I’m terribly sorry, but I must be on my way. Take care, Mr. Alex.” The pony began to flap her wings as she took flight. This left me in a precarious place as I started to run after her. “Wait!” I called out to the mare. “May I at least know where I am?” The mare stopped in place and turned around. Derpy’s wings flapped as she was suspended in the air two stories above me. “Where else in Equestria would you be?” Derpy replied. My ears perked as she uttered the last sentence. “You’re in Ponyville.” ========================================<>========================================= The pony flew off into the morning sky, and I was left dumbfounded. Ponyville? my mind repeated as a hand came to my forehead. Equestria? Are you serious?..why does that sound so familiar to me? I shook my head as I began panicking. “I’ve gotta be dreaming,” I told myself. “This is just some hyper-realistic nightmare. Yeah…an unbelievably, highly realistic, and unprecedentedly stupid nightmare.” I looked around at the vibrant scenery and closed my eyes. All I know is that if I concentrate really hard, this will all disappear when I open my eyes again, I thought. And I’ll be back home with my dog, wondering if I am okay. I kept my eyes closed as another sharp breeze hit my body. That’s gotta be the cue. “And I’m bac-” “...” gulp! That didn’t work, Alex. What the fuuhuuck? My mind was beginning to fry as more ponies showed up before me. There were six of them, each varying in color and approximate size. But each one looked at me with some level of curiosity and confusion. I stood in fear as some began to approach me. Even though they were small compared to my 6’3” frame, it felt like they weren’t scared of me. And that’s a fear anyone can have. “What is it?” one of the ponies asked. It was a white colored pony with a purple…mane? I think that’s what those are called, my mind thought. The yellow one standing next to it crouched behind it. “Fluttershy, ain’t this your area of expertise?” the orange-colored pony with a cowgirl hat asked with a fragrance of annoyance. The…unicorn? that was sheltering the yellow…pegasus? moved out of the way. My mind continued to process all of the information in front of me rather slowly, like a Windows 98 computer. “Umm,” the yellow pony timidly spoke up. Her voice was nervous and shaking as I looked in its direction. Suddenly, her eyes widened as it tried to hide itself behind her…arms?...no, those look like her legs, Alex. Out of nowhere, a blue pony with rainbow-like hair glided in from the sky and arrived behind them. “Alright, I’m here,” it said in an almost tom-boyish tone. “What’s the problem, Twilight?” “That’s just it, Rainbow Dash,” the lavender…what even is it? My mind couldn’t comprehend. It was speaking to the rest now. “I’ve never seen anything like it before.” “Not even in your studies, darling?...wait a minute,” the white-colored unicorn pondered with her…hoof? Then, she approached me and looked at me from head to toe. “It resembles a diamond dog since it is standing up on both legs.” I gave her a confused stare back before the yellow pony replied. “Yes, but, ummm…so do minotaurs and dragons, Rarity,” it awkwardly smiled. I scratched my head before the blue one appeared rapidly before me. She was floating in place, nearly nose to nose with me. “Wait a second,” she ominously said. “Why does it appear to resemble an ape?” I slowly backed away from her as the others started to come closer together. This is definitely not good, I thought to myself silently. Say something, you fucking idiot. Try to convince them you’re normal. “Ummm,” I started to say while shrugging my shoulders. “Because I may happen to be one?” I put on a fake smile as the lavender pony’s eyes widened in surprise. Is she surprised by my answer? I asked my brain before her mouth hung open. “I-It can’t b-be….” she started to realize. “I thought we had gotten rid of him....” “What are you saying, Twilight?” the orange pony asked with confusion, looking at her. The others stared at the purple pony as if she were the leader of the bunch. They must know her well, I cheekily thought. “Girls,” Twilight finally stated, spreading her wings. The horn atop her head started to charge as my eyes widened in surprise. “That’s the Storm King!” ========================================<>========================================= A collective and exaggerated gasp! rippled through the entire group before they all looked at me in shock. Slowly, one by one, their faces changed to that of bitterness and anger. On the other hand, I ceased my movements and put my hands straight up. “Nope, not me! Can state THAT with confidence!” I replied, trying to quell the group of ponies slowly approaching my location. “Oh yeah?” Rainbow Dash asked sarcastically as she readied herself. “Give one reason for us to believe you AREN’T the Storm King then.” I looked at her with an odd look as my mouth hung open. “I-th-whuuh-wh-who the hell even is the Storm King…and why am I being mistaken for it?” I asked with a sincere and puzzled look. “Yep, it’s definitely him,” the flying pony deduced incorrectly. “Don’t worry! I’ll nab him in two seconds flat. Watch and learn!” My mind suddenly realized that she was preparing to attack me. I didn’t have much time to react since her movement was lightning-fast. Nearly making contact with my chest, I fell back to my left and flipped over to my right side. Palming the ground with my right hand, I threw my legs over my body and landed on my feet again. I was now crouched low to the ground. The five remaining ponies stood in shock again as I stared back at them. The sound of a pony hitting the ground hit my ears as another wave of air hit my back. The pony had returned to the group and grew a fierce expression across her face. Realizing the amount of time I had bought myself, I put my hand in my pocket and tried to convince them by pulling out my cell phone. “See? Look!” I showed the ponies, holding up a set of keys in my left hand. My head realized what I had brought out as they jingled in place. I quickly began to shake in fear as I dropped them. Granted, my joke may not have been funny to any of them, except for the bright pink one, who began to laugh out loud. “Haha! Now that’s funny!” she cried, bouncing up and down. The rest of the group slowly looked at her with annoyance, making her cease the bouncing. Then, Twilight, who had been charging her horn for a while, approached me rather ominously and quickly. Think, mind, I thought. We need a distraction so we can escape from sight. My mind contemplated for just two seconds before getting an idea. “Wait a minute, wait a minute! I can convince you I’m not who you think I am!” I exclaimed, holding my hands out in front of me. The six ponies stopped and stared at me with confused looks again as I enacted my ingenious plan. “I’ll tell you who I am and where I am from, but you have to promise me thi-OH MY GOD! WHAT IS THAT?!” I screamed, pointing up and to the right behind them. They all turned around and drew battle stances as I seized my opportunity. “What?” the group exclaimed in unison. Seeing nothing but clear skies, they relaxed before returning their attention to me. Only this time, there was a significant lack of human in the vicinity. “Where’d he go?” a voice rang out in the distance. ========================================<>========================================= Making a break for it, I ran as fast as I could through the town and turned a corner. Then, sliding underneath an opening in the wooden fence, I crouched behind the building between two wooden crates and attempted to catch my breath. huff! huff! “Holy…fffuckin shit,” I gasped out. My mind was reeling as it attempted to process the profound amount of information I had witnessed within the last five minutes. huff! “Th-They…” sigh “T-Talkiiing ponies….” It still was unclear how the word ‘Equestria’ hadn’t told me why this place felt so familia- pop! “Hey!” “GAH!!” I frightfully yelled. I jumped as my heart began to speed up. The pink pony from before appeared from behind my left shoulder and stared into my eyes. “Hello, my name is Pinkie Pie! What’s your name?” the mare asked. She was now standing in front of me as I continued to shiver. Doing my best to relax before addressing her, I planned to get her to sympathize with me and be on my side. “H-Hiii…my name is Alex,” I told her sincerely. “I-I’m a human….” “A likely story,” the mare shot back as a detective’s hat and smoke pipe appeared in her hooves. She put the cap on and held the pipe up to my face while staring me dead in the eyes. “You do look like a Storm King to me.” “I don’t even know what that is,” I fired back with vitriol. My muscles tensed as the mare’s eyes widened. “Who even is this Storm King dude?” gasp! “You don’t know?” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, jumping in the air as I shook my head. Then, she plopped back onto the ground and pulled out a rolling whiteboard from behind her. After a few seconds of me questioning where the darn whiteboard came from, she began drawing on it with the marker in her hair. Yeah. Pinkie Pie’s hair was wrapped around the marker, and she was drawing on the board. “Okay,” Pinkie Pie began to teach me, “so, like, the Storm King was this really tall and hairy monkey. He had a magical scepter that needed to be powered up with alicorn magic so he could create massive storms and cause chaotic shenanigans to occur. Basically, he tried to take over Equestria with this grand army and a scepter. That army was led by a magenta unicorn with a broken horn named Commander Tempest, but we now know her as Fizzlepop Berrytwist.” wink! I sat there puzzled but nodded my head as she continued. “Then, my friends and I went on this big ol’ adventure downward through Equestria to Mount Aris, searching for the Queen of the Hippos. That’s all the way to the south. Along the way, we encountered barren deserts, a town filled to the brim with crooks and baddies, some pirates that we helped become awesome, and finally, we arrived at Mount Aris. It was this huge mountain on an isolated island. There, we got dragged into the water and beneath the ocean wav-yes?” Pinkie Pie asked after I raised my hand. “I assume that was a riptide?” I inquired, to which she shook her head. “Nope,” was her reply. “It was actually a hippogriff princess that brought us down to their world of Seaquestria that nopony knew about because we thought the hippogriffs had been long lost to the sands of time. Plus, we thought we were looking for the Queen of the Hippos. But it turns out we found the creatures we were looking for.” I smiled before noticing her sad expression. “Oh no, what happened?” I asked with concern. “Unfortunately, they wouldn’t help us. They possess a magical artifact that can transform anycreature into a seapony, and who knows what else it can do,” Pinkie Pie lamented. A switch in my brain flicked as I stored that information. “We tried so hard to get on their good side by throwing this big party down there, and they even agreed to give us the pearl to save Equestria from that evil guy….” “That’s awesome!” I gleefully said before, again seeing her sad face. “Nooo….” “Yeah,” she sighed. “Turns out that Twilight, the princess of friendship? She was the lavender alicorn trying to attack you from earlier. Yeah, she went behind all of our backs to steal the pearl instead. This angered the Queen and got us banished from Seaquestria. Hurtful words were said after, and we split off…but not before we found out she had been foalnapped.” “Well, her fault,” I scoffed. Pinkie Pie shook her head again. “The remainder of us decided to forgive and forget. You see, although we sometimes don’t see eye to eye on things, we still are the best of friends and can set aside our differences for the good of Equestria. We couldn’t just lie down without a fight. And that’s exactly what we did!” “A fairytale ending?” I questioned. “Saving the day through the magic of friendship, I assume?” “What’s that?” Pinkie Pie tilted her head and asked, causing me to stand up. “Oh, come on,” I shrugged, stretching my arms. “You literally break the fourth wall all the time.” “How do you know that?” Pinkie Pie asked before turning to the reader. “Seriously, how in the land of Equestria did he know that?” I started to walk away calmly and wave to her. “Sorry, but I’m not the cat you’re looking for. See ya around, Pinkie Pie! It was nice meeting yo-Oh!” I abruptly turned around and went back to the pink mare. “I just thought of something. Can we be friends?” I grinned, knowing this would get her to be on my side, as she dumbfoundedly gasped in shock. Her smile suddenly widened two-fold. “Yes! We can totally be friends!...after I turn you in.” “Huh?” I inquired before a set of cuffs were placed on my wrists. “...h…where did you get these? Like, seriously, how and where did you pull those out from?” Pinkie Pie shrugged. “I don’t know. I have stuff stashed all across the world. You never know what you’ll need.” She slid the whiteboard out of sight, turning away from me. As Pinkie Pie pivoted to face me again, her jaw dropped. The ‘cuffs’ were quite delectable, as they were two chocolate donuts covered in sprinkles. Licking my fingers clean, I exhaled and smiled, giving a peace sign to the pink mare. “Thanks for the donuts,” I called as I turned around and made a break for it. “They were delightfully sweet! Hopefully, I’ll stop by your bakery in the future to get some more!” “Sugarcube Corner is the place to go!” Pinkie Pie replied. She smiled and shook her head in amazement, happily bouncing out of view. ========================================<>========================================= “Hmmph!” “Oof…oh NOOO!!” crash! “Hah!” I exclaimed, turning my head around to look at the blue pony flier. She had crashed into a wooden pole and was left stunned. “Watch where you’re going, little pony!” “You best watch out too, Mr. Storm King,” another voice called out. “HuWHOOAH!!” The orange mare from before with the cowgirl hat appeared before me, and I stopped dead in my tracks. I stared at her in confusion before she tilted her head to look at me. “Who are you supposed to be…‘One-Eyed Bart?’” I questioned while closing one eye. The mare chuckled to herself. “What’s it to ya?” she said before reeling out a lasso. My eyes popped open, gulping at the sight. “I’m Applejack, and you ain’t gettin’ away from my lasso’s grip. Now, we can do this the easy way….” She threw it toward me as I tried to dodge left. Unfortunately, it wrapped around my shoulder, nearly causing me to get strangled by the rope. She quickly pulled it toward her and brought me onto my back, as the pull was almost impossible for me to combat. “…heh, or the hard way. And now that I got yo-OAAH!!” Applejack became surprised as I did the Kick Up maneuver, landing back on my feet. She tumbled as I ripped apart the rope with my arm strength, leaving her shocked at the result. “Please,” I scoffed before darting away. “Invest in some stronger rope. That ain’t nothin’ honey!” “Then what about this?” another feminine voice called out. ========================================<>========================================= “Wait, wha-OH GOD!!” I scrambled to the right and suddenly landed in the village’s fountain. My body splashed into the water as the freezing temperature hit my skin. It made me jump out in shock as I stood there, damped and shivering. “H-H-Hoooly sh-sh-sh-shit THAT’S COLD!!” I screamed out as I fell to the ground. Then, planting myself on my knees, I grabbed the top of my shirt near my neck, wanting to remove the wet article of clothing. “Not another step, you foul beast!” a white unicorn said, her horn beginning to glow as she tilted her head up. “For I, Rarity, seamstress extraordinaire, will immobilize you with ecstatic beauty.” I looked at her, dazed, before picking up on her words. Before she could fire a shot of magic at me, I gripped the top of the shirt tighter and began to pull it apart. rip! gasp! “NO!!” Rarity exclaimed in distress, tossing a hoof out to stop me. “Please! Don’t!” With a cocky grin, I wiggled my eyebrows and pulled at it again. snap! “Cease this at once!” she cried, putting a hoof above her eyes while looking away. “Before you damage it furtherrr….” She was on the verge of tears, nearly making me stop what I was doing. But, my mind thought devilishly, where’s the fun in that? Plus, I’ve done this to my old basketball jerseys numerous times. It’s way too easy to pull off… I settled myself and relaxed, removing my hands from the shirt. Then, showing the unicorn my open palms, Rarity exhaled deeply and tried to correct herself. “Oh, thank Celestia, you listened to me,” Rarity breathed out while settling her hoof back on the ground. “I don’t know what would have happened if you-” TEAR!! It was a clean rip down the middle, as I now had a makeshift vest on. However, Rarity nearly went pale before toppling to the ground in despair. “That was too easy,” I said aloud while wiping my shoulder. “I bid thee farewell, oh valiant heroine.” Turning to the right, I ducked into another alleyway. Weaving through the piles of trash bags, I clambered over the wooden fence at the end of the two houses. My ill-fated attempt to flee without a trace was dashed when I suddenly began tumbling toward a stream of water. Hitting the water’s surface, I did my best to recover from the error I had made…only to realize the creek was nearly a foot tall. “Oh,” I thought aloud. “What the fuck am I doing?” I quickly got up and shook my body like a wet dog. Looking at my ripped shirt, I disregarded it and looked up from my position. “Shit,” my mouth uttered silently as my body froze. ========================================<>========================================= gulp! “Ummm, excuse me,” Fluttershy said quietly, her wings trying to hide her face. “Could you please, um, not run away?” I stood still as she looked at me with her pleading aqua-colored eyes. They almost resembled the puppy dog eyes that were a common trope in movies back in my world, and I nearly gave in to her plea for me not to escape on foot. Awwww, my mind thought. She’s so adorable! Let’s stop this petty chase…. “How about no?” I politely responded, clasping my hands together while giving her a warm smile. Her head drooped as her pink hair fell in front of her eyes. “Oh, um, sorry then,” she softly said. “It’s just that, um, you’re kind of…bad.” cough “Sorry,” I sweetly said to her. “I’m anything but that. Good try, though. I’ll give you that because you nearly convinced me to stop running.” I nodded to her before shrugging. “But, I can’t. You six are trying to blame me for someone I am not. And that’s blasphemy.” Her ears perked up as she stared at me. I slowly felt more and more uncomfortable as she slowly got up. Finally, this was my cue to get the hell out of there. “What is…blasphemy…and are you NOT the Storm King?” Fluttershy asked again in confusion. “Wha-I seriously don’t know who that is!” I yelled toward her, stomping my foot on the ground in frustration. “Eep!” The mare yelped, quickly dropping to the ground. The frightened mare began violently shaking in fear as her hooves came up to protect herself from me. I quickly calmed down and realized my mistake. Oh my fucking God, my brain chastised. Alex, why did we feel the need to scare her? “Hey,” I tried to reassure her, attempting to approach the yellow pegasus. “I-I’m sorry…I-I didn’t mean to scare you. H-Honest-” “Don’t come closer!” she snapped back. Her voice was trembling as she slowly looked at me. She was on the verge of tears. My hand went above my head as my eyes darted to the right and left. “I-I…d-don’t make me cry….” I said to her, my eyebrows slanting upward. My own mouth hung open as she continued to quiver in place. I had no idea why this mare was hitting my weak spot so effectively. Fuck, what do we do? my mind asked itself. Finally, after a few tense seconds of thinking, I came up with my answer and offered my hand to Fluttershy. “Here…let me help you up then,” I offered her. “To prove to you I’m not a threat…that I’m not evil, as you may assume. Whoever that Storm King was…he wouldn’t dare help anyone. I’d bet every dollar in my bank account that someone as evil as him wouldn’t help you up. Trust me.” Fluttershy sat there, contemplating her choices thoughtfully. Then, after a dozen seconds went by, she slowly moved her hoof toward my hand. As it made contact with mine, she retracted it slightly before resting it in my palm. I slowly helped her up onto her four legs, ensuring she was okay. “See?” I said reassuringly, giving her a pat on the back near her wings. “There you go…all good.” I looked at the sun in the distance and then back to the village. “Now, I gotta go,” I stated, giving her a nod before smiling. “Maybe I’ll meet you again some other day.” Turning away to the grassy field ahead, I waved behind me to the pony. I may not have seen it, but I could safely assume there was a smile on her face after that interaction. ========================================<>========================================= Make peop-I mean, ponies days, I thought to myself while smirking. Always be nice to each other, and you could be rewarded…with a way out of here! I saw it. A visibly dark and gloomy forest sprouted from the horizon ahead. It looked desolate and submersive, which felt like a perfect place to hide within and try to get more answers to my precarious predicament. “Let’s put it into overdrive,” I boldly stated. Hitting a consistent stride, I sprinted across the plain, my legs propelling me forward. I liked running in the open fields, and I began to reminisce about doing so before with my dogs at the park. We would always train there to help me condition my cardio and gain more stamina. Pharah and Boltoh were the best doggies, I happily thought, always getting bacon bits and treats for finishing a lap on the track. It felt relaxing to do so, and as the forest got closer, I felt the breeze shift again. My arm hairs raised quickly as my eyes finally noticed the cliff appearing before me. Holy shiiiit! my brain thought as I tried skidding to a stop. My feet hit the edge of it as I rocked back and forth. Finally, waving my arms backward ferociously, I caught my balance and grabbed my chest. My heart pounded against my ribs as I tried to regain my breath. huff! gasp! “H-H-Hoollyy…sh-sh-shiiituh….” I exhaled frightfully. “I nearly fell toward those jagged rocks below….” huff! “It’s… I-It’s a good thing, too. I have to be more careful here i-” poof! slam! The ground shook, as did my entire body. My frame vibrated in shock as the noise came behind me, but I didn’t want to know what was there. My stupid, curious brain slowly turned its head around, seeing a white light flash before my eyes. “Wh-” BAMM!! The blast sent me careening off the cliff and through the air. I continued to fall faster and faster before making contact with the side of the steep, muddy hill. As I tumbled and grew excessively dirty, my back collided violently with one of the boulders. slam! heave! I lost my breath as my body abruptly stopped moving. I lay there in defeat as the blood furiously thumped within my veins and vibrated throughout my body. Then, lifting my head up and opening my eyes slightly, I attempted to look at what had hit me. Unfortunately, this exhausted the last energy I had left, and my head fell to the ground. I took one more deep breath before everything faded to black. > Entry 5 - New News > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rank & Full Name: Swift Wildshadow, F.O.S. Letter’s Date: 1x/x9/2xx3 Address: North Solar Boulevard, Bldg. 0123, District 001, Canterlot, Equestria Contents: Letter “Good afternoon, Mom and Dad. I do have some good news and bad news when it comes to my new role.  First, the good news concerning my role as First Officer Specialist. This role in the Royal Guard signifies a guardspony who has shown exemplary and tactical prowess and stands out from his peers as a class act. They go above and beyond what is expected of them daily. The job entails: a) standing at attention and guarding doorways; b) greeting and assisting dignitaries, and; c) fighting battles against oppositional forces. In addition, a First Officer Specialist is assigned a creature of significant importance in Equestria. We accompany them as a personal guard throughout the day, advising them on how to proceed in specific locations and being serviceable individuals. We are a shining example of what the Canterlot Royal Guard represents, and that is what is asked of the job title. I was given this role but not immediately assigned to anycreature due to my extenuating circumstances…or so I thought. And that’s where the bad news comes in. I took the rest of the day off and decided to hang out with my fellow guardfriends in the barracks. We were all having a good time with back-and-forth banter before an unexpected event cut that short.” ========================================<>========================================= “...and from there, the dragons ensured I was well taken care of after that horrible day. Later, Princess Celestia arrived with a dozen guards and the High Command, saying they were there to take me back home,” I said, finishing my retelling of the events from that dreaded mission. “Really?” a guardsmare asked. “And the Legionnaire didn’t bother to show up?” “Weren’t you there?” I rhetorically asked, tilting my head to the right while smiling. Everypony else in the group started chuckling as the mare began sputtering for a response. “Y-yeah! I-A-I KNOW I was there!” the flustered mare replied, throwing her hooves up. “I-I just wasn’t paying attention that much, that’s all!” “Aaahh, rookies,” one of the newer pegasi guards said, shaking his head. The entire group looked up at the floating stallion as he grinned. “So naive and inattentive….” “Who are you calling inattentive, Don Madenn?” the mare snapped, an evil grin creeping onto her face. “Don’t talk about that when you are guilty of it too. I seem to recall you in a similar situation last week, eyeing that mare’s fla-” “SSSHH!!” he shushed her, zipping over to her as fast as he could. His eyes went wide, and his face beamed a bright red, causing a raucous amount of laughter to sweep over us. Madenn stared at us before attempting to defend his actions. “Wh-What?” he said, stammering. “She had an interesting cutie mark, that’s all!” “Really? So what was her cutie mark then?” one of the younger unicorns retorted, grinning. “We’re pretty sure you were staring at something other than tha-” “That’s it!” Madenn said, diving over the table towards the unicorn and tackling him to the ground. As the group sat there, laughing up a storm from the tussle happening before us, I reminisced on how much spirit I would have as a young colt.  Playing tag with the other colts in the village, chasing each other up and down the hills. We would have so much fun when we were younger, I thought, a smile growing on my face. Not having to worry about the burdens of life but living in the now. I sighed in contentment, turning my attention back to the table. I looked up at the other guards in the barracks and took it all in. I honestly do belong here, my mind said with pride. This place, this city, this region…‘This’ is where I want to be for the rest of my life. slam! “HEY!! EVERYPONY!!” a guard shouted from the doorway, causing everypony to turn their attention to the stallion. “COME TAKE A LOOK AT THIS!!” “What is it?” one of the guardsmares said lazily from the back of the room. “The Royal Sisters and High Command are transporting an unidentified creature through Cante-” rumble! rumble! The guards in the barracks cleared out, leaving me all alone at the table. My head tilted as my smile faded. Hmm…interesting, I thought. A new creature shows up, and we all clear out. I drank the rest of my cup and set it on the wooden table before getting up. I stretched my back slowly before exiting the barracks and into the streets of Canterlot. “Welp. I should see what this is all about then.” ========================================<>========================================= “I haven’t heard much about the creature yet, but I recently listened in on some gossip. Some are comparing it to a minotaur. The only problem was that it didn’t look like a minotaur and was REALLY tall. Some were more fortunate to see the creature up close, and they later theorized that the thing may have been taller than the Princesses themselves! However, I don’t have all the details. I will let you both know as soon as I get more information on the creature. But for right now, I wish you nothing but great health and safety. With tons of love and care, Swift Wildshadow, F.O.S.” ========================================<>========================================= “Humph,” I said, raising my eyebrows. “So the Princesses took him and paraded him through the streets of Canterlot like a fish captured for sport. That’s…that’s so wrong in so many ways.” I shook my head. “Well, at least I know ‘when’ he arrived. It seems this guard was in the right place at the right time to witness his story.” I hummed to myself, prodding my goatee. But that still leaves one thing unanswered, I thought as I grabbed the next envelope with the label SIX on the front. The message on the back flap stood out more than the last, allowing me to read it without the magnifying glass. “Where were you when I first met that strange creature? Bet you 10 bits I know exactly where.” I chuckled to myself at the sarcastic message. “Yeah,” I playfully told myself. “I know where. In fact, I wasn’t even born yet, let alone thought of as a concept for existence. So checkmate!” I disregarded the message as playful banter before two thoughts shoved themselves to the forefront of my mind. Firstly, I needed to understand how these two met each other. But two, and more importantly, I internally thought while pulling the letter out and opening it. Where did you go? > Intermission I - Where Am I? - Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [...] beep! beep! “...” beep! groan “Uggh….uuhuh?” Wh…what…? my mind groggily said as it began to wake. My ears were ringing as I shook my head very slowly. My eyes opened, and I was greeted by a bright and blinding light. “Sss…aaauh,” I shakily breathed out, my body aching all over. My mind could not process what had happened as an unsettling feeling in my stomach churned. We hungry, fam, it messaged my mind telepathically. Feed us before we get hangry! My brain tried to shut them up, but I continued to lay there in agonizing pain. Then, as my eyes opened again, the light normalized as I blinked several times. A ceiling fan up above spun slowly as I tilted my head to the right. I noticed a small table beside the bed, topped with flowers and many balloons decorating it. The balloons stretched past my head as I finally realized the setting. Is this…a hospital? my mind spelled out. It was difficult to process, but the machines on the left only confirmed my suspicions. sigh “Okay….” I sighed, my speech remaining slow and methodical. Knowing where I was, I assumed something cataclysmic must have happened. And then, the memories of those tense moments in the other world returned. Shit! was the first thought to reappear as the chase sequence through the town replayed. I…I remember that…but…. I looked around and believed I was back in the real world. My world. “My world….” I silently cried as my hands clutched my head. The IV tube shook as it was attached to my left arm, my sobs echoing through the room. It had happened again, and I didn’t know the reason or cause as to why I was here again. After what felt like minutes, I slowly sat up and began listing out the scenarios. Had to have been a major accident then, my mind deduced as the other hospital trips I had had before flashed by. Unfortunately, I know this process all too well…. “Okay,” I sighed in relief, taking a deep breath and exhaling again. “I do know where I am…just have to find out what happened to me and how I can fix this.” I grabbed the bed sheet covering my body and retracted it. Seeing my legs again gave me some semblance of reassurance, as the visible scar on my left leg stood out. I realized I was alive and back in the real world since the feeling in my bones and every minor movement made me hiss in pain. “That…oww…hurts,” I groaned, bending my legs toward my stomach. Then, I moved my legs over and let them hang off the side of the bed. Surprisingly, the mattress was much lower than expected, and my feet softly crashed onto the floor. A shock of pain vibrated across my frame as I grabbed the tops of my legs. A few tense seconds later, the pain slowly subsided, allowing me to take another deep breath. My breathing slowed as I began to examine the room I was in. The room was like your average hospital room. There was a medium-sized sofa by the window to my right, a bathroom in the corner nearby, some shelving in front of me for some odd reason, and a small corridor that led to what I assumed was the room door. I shook my head again and clenched it in my left hand, an aching and disturbing feeling developing. The harsh and stinging feeling began to hurt even more as I tried to relax, causing me to grip my stomach. It mainly happened in that area, which couldn’t have been good. My ears stopped ringing a few seconds later, allowing me to pick up on the faint sounds of the fan spinning and the machines beeping beside my bed. Speaking of which, I looked at the table again. The table displayed some balloons and flowers and had some envelopes with ‘Get Well’ scribbled across them. My curiosity took a second to contemplate whether or not I had that many people who would be willing to leave one. But nevertheless, it seemed like a fair amount was there, so I shrugged it off. As my right hand began to reach over to the closest one, my senses tingled another time. The hairs on my arm slowly rose as I looked to the right, where the balloons were. I tilted my head in intrigue. The balloons were oddly shaped as if unnaturally bent in so many ways. My hospital visits were obviously not ideal since they mainly occurred after major injuries, I reminisced, remembering the fracture in my wrist during a game that saw me leave for the E.R. during the match. That stay wasn’t as long as others have been, but no wacky and elongated balloons awaited me when I awoke. These ones looked…different. click! creak! ========================================<>========================================= My body froze in place as the door to my room opened. I silently remained still as I listened for footsteps. klip! klop! Those don’t sound like footsteps, Alex, I immediately thou- gasp! A voice behind me gasped in shock as my head slowly turned around. My body slowly did as well, and as soon as I had turned halfway to my left, my peripherals caught sight of something. Instead, it was someone. Some ‘thing’…something I didn’t even consider meeting. My body began quaking at the sight of a white ‘horse’ appearing from the corridor. The outfit it wore signified that it was a nurse of some kind, with a red cross in the hat’s middle. She had pink hair, and her blue eyes widened. But the unnerving sight of the thing made my mind scream in terror as it dropped the clipboard it was holding. clack! gulp! My mind couldn’t comprehend the best course of action, but my body decided to act first…by waving to it with my left hand. A simple gesture in my first encoun- “AAH!!” the pony screamed, immediately turning and beelining for the door. My body fell backward as I jumped in fright. Being on the edge of the bed, I fell over the side and onto my right leg. My right arm had little time to brace the impact with the floor. slam! My body hit the floor hard as the ringing noise in my ears returned. “IT’S UP!!” a voice faintly cried out from the hallway before being drowned out by my head continuing to hurt. My left arm was lying on top of the bed, as the tube to my arm was still connected. My mind was beginning to panic as the hallucination I had thought occurred was just that…a hallucination. Did I take any drugs before going to bed? I thought nervously. Those sleeping pills help me fall asleep. That pill wasn’t laced, was it?...WAS IT?! My fear index continued to rise as another thought popped into my head. Wait a fucking second…where the fuck am I? I silently cried out internally. After my futile attempts to relax and remain calm proved inefficient, an idea immediately presented itself as the table slowly emerged in my line of sight. Quick! Check the cards, Alex! my brain commanded. It’s the only way to be sure of where we are! My right arm fumbled as I tried to twist my body. Then, stretching it over my head, I frantically searched for a card and grabbed the first thing that felt like paper. Bringing it to my body, I noticed the cream-colored envelope and read the ‘Get Well’ message on the front. There’s gotta be a card in here, I thought. Holding the envelope with my teeth, I readjusted my right hand and tore it apart. A small card silently floated out from the packaging and landed on my arm. Frantically grabbing it, I opened it and looked at what was written inside. ========================================<>========================================= ‘Sorry for mistaking you for a monster,’ my mind read out internally. ‘I hope we can meet face-to-face in the future and that this card will make you feel better.’ ‘Thank you for helping me up, too.’ ‘-Fluttershy’ ========================================<>========================================= “What?” was my half-hearted response as my eyes widened. The name on the bottom of the right side of the card made alarm bells go off loudly in the back of my brain. No, it began to repeat. No, no, no…no…. flash! plop! My eyes shut as a brilliant white light flashed before them. My right arm covered them as I tried to regain my senses. “Ah, there it is,” an unknown voice sighed. “And it is awake too, dear sis,” another voice replied. Both voices were significantly different from the ones I had heard before. Yet, as my mind contemplated its choices, it resorted to curiosity as they forced my eyes to open. What stood before me was an unbelievable sight. Two creatures towered over me, their hair flowing infinitely…like…the waves in the ocean. Their wings retracted to their sides as their features slowly clicked into a compartmentalized image. My brain mentally made notes of everything, including their facial expressions. The one on the right, coated in navy blue, was slightly smaller than the other. It had a picture of a moon near its flank and was wearing an expression of sincereness, worry, and curiosity. The other…on the other hand, was a regal white. Its tattoo was a celestial sun near its tail, with a gold tiara atop its head. Like the smaller one near its side, its expression was pleasant, albeit serious and intrigued. They stared at me from their position as I lay there in disbelief. My mouth hung open as my head slowly capsized to the left, and my mind started to melt as I began to lose consciousness. “Is it…is it alright?” the creature on the right asked. However, the one on the left observed in silence as my body slumped and fell asleep on the ground. Fainting on the spot wasn’t ideal since I was in parts unknown and didn’t know where I was…. But an unnerving and painful reminder popped into my head once more. One that I remember from long ago when it was first uttered. `“Take good care of yourself, son,”` the flashback echoed ominously. `“Because you don’t know if you’ll wake up the next day.”` Finally, the world faded to black. > Entry 6 - Meeting “Him” For The First Time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rank & Full Name: Swift Wildshadow, F.O.S. Letter’s Date: x2/x2/2x2x Address: North Solar Boulevard, Bldg. 0123, District 001, Canterlot, Equestria Contents: Letter “Hello, Ma. Hello Dad. So, yesterday, I was introduced to my first assignment as a First Officer Specialist. It did catch me by surprise, but not by the type of creature they assigned me to guard. No, it was ‘who’ they decided to pair me up with.   I should have listened to everypony’s warnings regarding this specific creature. The problem was… They were ALL SO WRONG!!" ========================================<>========================================= “Good morning, Specialist Swift! Are you ready for your first assignment?” Princess Celestia chirped from the throne. “Yes, Your Highness!” I said confidently, saluting toward the alicorn. She grinned. “It seems like you are ready.” Celestia turned to her younger sister, who didn’t look back. Instead, her eyes wandered and stared off into space, her frame…shaking? “Lulu?” Celestia asked, nudging her sister slightly. “Ah!” Luna responded before staring at her sister. “Don’t do that, Celly!” “Whaaat? You were doing it again. Can’t I have any fun?” Celestia said, sticking out her tongue. “N-Not after last n-night,” she said, stuttering. She was acting almost the same way I was when…oh yeah. That mission. Princess Celestia ignored it as she continued. “Well, today’s the day we assign Specialist Swift here to his first ‘important’ creature,” she said, smiling. “Without further ado, let’s go meet ‘him!’” I saluted as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna descended the throne and passed by. Celestia nodded before proceeding, but as Luna approached me, she whispered something to my ear. “Good luck with this one, Swift,” she said quietly before departing after her sister. I looked at the lunar princess, tilting my head in confusion before marching behind them. Odd, I thought. As I followed them through the castle’s corridor, I started to imagine who it could be that I would be assigned. Why is she so worried? Maybe one of the Royal Ambassadors for GriffonStone? No. Perhaps a celebrity in Las Pegasus? That would be cool. Or from a faraway land? I’d bet on tha- The princesses suddenly turned right and opened a tall, skinny door. I stopped and peered at them before they ushered me in. As I was brought into the small corridor, I looked back at them briefly before peering forward and looking up. gasp! “Stairs?” I asked quietly. “Yes,” Celestia said. “Stairs.” There was a brief pause. “...We’ll wait for you at the top, Specialist Swift.” “Wait, whu-” pop! With a quick spell, the alicorns teleported away, leaving me alone at the bottom of the staircase. I groaned in frustration, turning around to look up the almost infinite staircase. The one thing I dread in this castle, I thought while slapping a hoof to my face. Stairs…. ========================================<>========================================= huff! huff! “Oof…I-I need to work on my cardio again,” I said weakly, plopping on the top set of stairs. “I forgot how tall these spires are….” huff! “Lulu, he’s here. Wake up,” Princess Celestia whispered to her half-asleep sister. “Whu-Who ordered me candy?” she responded before seeing me shakily stand on all fours. “I’m gonna ignore that,” Celestia said before beckoning me with one wing to pass her. huff! “C-Couldn...Couldn’t you have taken me with you?” I asked softly, panting heavily. “Unfortunately, you will have to do this daily from now on,” Celestia detailed. “And there might be times when you may have to do this multiple times in one day, Specialist Swift.” groan! My shoulders ached as I approached the door at the corridor’s end. I peered at the massive door before me with a sense of fascination and fear overtaking my frame. Who could this creature be? my mind pondered. What do I do? “Well? Go on now,” Luna called out. “Knock on the door.” I looked behind me, only to notice the Princesses had backed up to the stairs. Ummm, why are you not helping me? They both nodded and stared at the door, which I also did. I took a deep breath and reached out with my right hoof. puuk! puuk! Two soft knocks.  Ten seconds passed. But…no response. I tried again. knock! knock! knock! I knocked louder this time. But, still…no response. “Is ‘he’ up?” I heard Princess Celestia say quietly. “Oh, trust me, dear sister,” Luna responded. “‘He’ IS up….” This irritated me more. Why are the alicorn princesses not helping me? My mind was racing with angry thoughts. Who could this possibly be, and why am I waiting at a door for them? Shouldn’t it have been in the throne room? Bum! Bum! Bum! “Anycreature in there?” I called out frustratingly. I put my ear to the door and listened.  “...” No shuffling. No breathing.  Nothing.  I turned around, looking at the two alicorns, my jaw clenched in frustration. “Is this a joke?” I asked, my body becoming agitated. “Why the secrecy? Why did you back up from me? What is going on here?” “Specialist Swift, those are all great questions,” Princess Celestia said pleadingly. “But you need to practice patience with thi-” “I HAV-” sigh “I have learned how to be patient, Your Highness,” I retorted before gesturing to the closed entrance. “But this? This is ridiculous!” I stamped my hoof into the ground, the alicorns staring at me. “First, you tell me I am assigned to somecreature of high importance, but there is no background for me to read about ‘it.’ Your Highness, I was provided with nothing,” I told the older alicorn before pointing at the younger one. “Secondly, Princess Luna is telling me ‘good luck,’ because apparently, SHE herself is worried! And to top it all off,” I gestured back to the door. “I am banging on this door with my hoof, to which there is no response!” “...” Princess Celestia and Princess Luna looked at me silently, remaining neutral in their stance. I decided to collect my thoughts and be reasonable in my actions. sigh “I apologize for my outburst, Your Highnesses. Don’t think I am being rude, but after all I have been through, this feels like a joke. What kind of creature is it? Where are they?” creak! My ears dropped fast as my eyes widened. My blood froze as I looked toward the two alicorns. They looked past me and audibly gulped. That door opened, I thought as I turned around. Wha- “I don’t think this is a joke, little pony.” The first thing that greeted my face was a giant wall of clothing. As I peered up at the creature before me, my face whitened as I saw the creature’s facial features, which looked very familiar. It was…different from that of a pony. gulp! “Uhhh, g-good morning, Alex the ‘hyuman…’” Celestia said, her voice trembling. At that moment, I remembered all the gossip flowing throughout Canterlot about this massive, unidentified creature, whom nopony knew anything about. And as I stared at the ‘hyuman,’ one thought immediately plastered itself onto my brain. What have I gotten myself into? ========================================<>========================================= “So, as you can probably tell, I got my work cut out for me. If I don’t write back to you for a while, it isn’t because I can’t find time to write letters. It is because it will be challenging to find said time to do so. In the meantime, hang in there, and I will write back as soon as possible.  Wishing you tremendous health, Swift Wildshadow, F.O.S. P.S. It may be hard to admit this, but ‘everypony’ in Canterlot, including the Princesses, are justifiably terrified of this creature…and I am too.” ========================================<>========================================= Was he really that scary? I pondered to myself with a face of confusion. I, for one, certainly am taller than he was, and nopony was afraid of me when I showed up. They barely realized I was there. I started chuckling to myself. “Haha, I was so wrong in thinking that,” I jokingly said while placing the letter back in the envelope. “Those boxes they set up couldn’t even contain my whole lower half! So how will they stop a bugbear if one appears?” I tossed the envelope into the box and brought out envelope number SEVEN. Again, I turned it over and took the letter out. This time, the message on the inside was smudged excessively, with only a couple of words popping out to me. “Noc---t--- --ou-- ---w o- --- ex--te--e, ye- ---y do. - -m a---m-d -f o-- ki--.” “...” You…you dolt, I bitterly thought as I opened up the letter. Why would you ever believe that about humanity? We have a lot to offer! Our technological advances, human intelligence, and the never-ending progress we create have propelled us forward so much. I shook my head as I stared again at the message. There’s no way you could think that. I mean, come on, we aren’t ‘that’ bad… “...” R-Right? > Entry 7 - From A Different Angle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rank & Full Name: Swift Wildshadow, F.O.S. Letter’s Date: 1x/2x/xxx3 Address: North Solar Boulevard, Bldg. 0123, District 001, Canterlot, Equestria Contents: Letter “Good evening, Mom and Dad. Now, I know. Over the past few weeks, some newspaper articles may have been floating across Equestria, with some odd quotes that are definitely ‘out-of-context.’ I understand you may have questions regarding the new creature here in Canterlot. Well, for one, I am safe and doing fine. Secondly, I have had a unique advantage over everypony that has met the colossal giant. No, he’s not a giant…let me start from the beginning. Being a First Officer Specialist, as you know, I get assigned to a creature of high importance to the subjects and creatures of Equestria. Apparently, with the unexpected arrival of this new creature, both princesses have decided it would be the best opportunity for me. And…wow this one! So far, it has been challenging to talk with the...what did they call him? A ‘hyu-man?’ No, that’s not right…Oh! A ‘human!’ Remove the ‘y,’ and you get how it is actually spelled. So, yes, it has been challenging to communicate with the human creature since I first met him. I don’t think he liked me when I did my whole rant to the princesses outside his door…. Yeah, that did happen. Sorry, Dad. I have been able to make some progress. Alex, a ‘man,’ is considered male in his world, so he would technically be a ‘stallion’ in our world, although he doesn’t look like one. He has these weird appendages called ‘arms’ and ‘legs,’ similar to us. But, his kind refers to what’s at the end of them as ‘hands’ and ‘feet,’ with bony digits called ‘fingers’ and ‘toes.’ They help him feel things, a sense he calls ‘touch.’ His stomach and chest region is where he said his vital organs are, which pales in comparison to the most important one, so he says. He has a heart, but his brain is the most essential to his kind. I mean, I have to agree with him. Of course, I want to keep my brain, too, but what envelopes it captured my interest. His ‘head,’ as he says, consists of these weird skin flaps called ‘ears,’ which can help him with ‘hearing’ things, such as a pony’s rant. His hearing is quite impressive, more fine-tuned than ours. In addition, a ‘forehead’ region sits right below the top of his head. Speaking of the top of his head, a pile of what looks like fur? His species calls it ‘hair,’ and his hair appears very spiky…like a hedgehog! Then there’s the weird bridge down the middle of his face that spears into two holes underneath. He says it is his ‘nose’ and finds it odd we call it a muzzle. It helps him ‘smell’ and can be helpful when breathing, but it can also harm him. On both sides of the middle of his ‘nose’ are two pupils, his ‘eyes.’ These help him with his sense of ‘sight,’ but there’s something odd about them. He says his vision has been lacking over the years, and he has to wear either ‘glasses’ or these things called ‘contacts.’ As a matter of fact, I did walk in on him once and saw him putting something in his eye. He was upset I didn’t knock but was all right with showing me them. Watching him remove it from his eye was disgusting, but I saw what looked like a transparent, thin lens. It helps him ‘see’ better. What is most scary about him is his ‘mouth.’ When he opens it, they are traced with these rock-like white pearly things that he refers to as ‘teeth,’ and the tongue on the bottom of the mouth helps him ‘taste’ food. And I did learn what he prefers to eat. Mr. Alex’s species are ‘omnivores,’ and…well, they eat plants and MEAT! When I asked him what he had been eating since he got here, Mr. Alex said he had been eating food rich in ‘carbohydrates’ but was also given ‘steak’ to try. I do have to admit that it is terrifying to think about. But, probably the craziest thing about him? He has, and I mean HAS, to always wear garments on himself. ‘Clothes,’ as he calls them, are intended to cover himself and make him look ‘dignified.’ Every creature I encounter has asked me why, and I always say, ‘I don’t know, ask him yourself.’ They always shy away from the bipedal creatur-YEAH! I forgot about that! He walks on two legs, not on all fours! Crazy, right? Unfortunately, I got into a heated debate with him, and he told me why he needed to wear clothes here. On his ‘planet,’ called ‘Earth,’ everycreature like him, the ‘humans,’ all wear clothes. It is apparently an unwritten rule since the beginning of time called ‘decency.’ So I asked him why he really couldn’t go out naked, to which he simply replied, ‘I…don’t have a sheathe. It’s…just out there, so no, I am not taking my clothes off...weirdo.’ I was so dumbfounded and blindsided by the nickname that I finally realized what he was alluding to too late and needed to excuse myself for a moment. His clothes consist of a ‘shirt’ that covers the upper half of his being, to which he can put a ‘jacket’ over it to keep him warmer. Next, he has a ‘hat’ to cover his head, and sometimes these thin fiber garments called ‘gloves,’ which keep his hands warm. Then there are his ‘pants,’ which primarily cover the lower half of his body. Moving on, he has ‘socks’ to cover his feet, and on top of that, he puts said feet into ‘shoes,’ or what he has called ‘boots.’ I find them a little scary since they can hurt if he steps on somepony’s hoof. Please don’t ask how I came to know about this. It’s a long story…. And that is how I would describe him. Mr. Alexander…I forgot his last name, but he is an actual ‘one-of-a-kind’ creature that is the only one of his species HERE in Equestria! I have told him about this, to which I was given one response: he angrily tells me to leave the room, and once I do, I hear him…crying. And that’s when I figured out that because he is the only one of his species, being reminded of it is probably a touchy subject. So, I will leave that alone for now…. But, he did tell me what his life was like back on his home called ‘Earth.’ However, I will also save that for a different time. I had a busy time these past seven days, and now, I am getting a well-deserved rest. In contrast, according to the two princesses, Alex gets only six hours of sleep a night and will remain in Canterlot. So, unfortunately, I can’t show him where I live…yet. Hopefully, he will be given a chance to explore the city. I should wrap this letter up with this: my interest has been peaked by the duty of guarding this human. Whenever he speaks to the princesses, it is always with this calm and humbling demeanor. I assume because we discovered what transpired to him getting here and how they subdued him, he has forgiven them and is trying to get situated with his new life. Oh my gosh! That’s another thing! Did you hear that the human actually FOUGHT BACK? He tried to run from them, which forced Princess Celestia to hit him with a single shot of magic. That whole walk through Canterlot you probably read about? They were clearing a path for him to receive medical attention immediately. Okay, that concludes this letter. Feel free to ask any questions if you do have them. And don’t be too concerned, Ma. I am not too worried about him. He seems…friendly. Stay strong and resilient. Your son, Swift Wildshadow, F.O.S.” ========================================<>========================================= “Fascinating,” I softly commented while folding the letter. “So he got here and made himself ‘look’ like a threat and was treated like one. And...I don’t blame him. I tried being one toward my parents, and that’s when I was introduced to ‘Mr. Belt, Five-Time Generation Champion.’” I shook my head and placed the envelope in the box, retrieving letter EIGHT from the stack before me. I turned it over and saw another message written on it. Only this time, one word was written in a massive font across the backside. “UPDATE.” “Okay.” My mind was fixated on that word as I opened the envelope and unrolled the letter from its confines. Then, they turned to abject horror as several blood splotches stained the page. “WHAT THE FU-” > Watching The Fireworks From Afar > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boom! A firework went off above the Canterlot castle, the sparkling shimmers illuminating the night sky into a burst of colors. My ears flicked back and forth as they continued to blast loudly, passing the midnight hour in Equestria. As I sat atop the roof of the building, I watched with wonder as the celebrations continued into the night. The castle was hosting the Grand Galloping Gala, celebrating the thrivement and prosperity of friendship in Canterlot and Equestria. Hundreds of delegates, ambassadors, and regal creatures were, in all likelihood, there. As for the guards, most of the responsibility tonight would rest upon the Night Guards and those who worked the evening shifts in the Royal Canterlot Guard. A prime opportunity to experience it upfront and enjoy the festivities inside the castle. bam! sigh “Wish I could go this time….” I stared at the roof underneath my hooves and slumped as those thoughts buried further into my mind. After diligently performing my duty as Alex’s personal bodyguard for the week, the alicorn princesses decided to give me the night off, and I took that as my chance to get some rest. boom! But after realizing the fireworks show was also happening tonight, it was already too late, and I had to settle with sitting atop my condo and watch from afar. “...” I should be there, I thought. My ears heard the exploding fireworks crackling, with brilliant flashes of colors blooming every few seconds. The sky was nearly as bright as during the day and would likely keep the residents of Canterlot and its neighboring regions up for another hour. Meanwhile, I sat there and closed my eyes. The cold wind breezed across my fur, keeping my emotions at bay. Even though I was much closer to the event than my hometown, I could still go, but only when my father was a veteran of the Royal Guard. They had decided not to attend anymore since age was catching up with them, and sadly…that determined I wasn’t going. boom! I should have gone home then, I told my mind. At least spend the night with my parents. Spend time with them peacefully and not be…a ‘hindrance.’ bam! “...No,” I muttered. “No…I am not a hindrance. Shove those negative thoughts away, Swift.” I extinguished the agonizing worries I had thought up and decided I had had enough. The day had wound down considerably, and tomorrow would be another tiring day for me and Mr. Alex. As I collected myself, I crawled back over to the open window atop the triangular roof and began to climb through. Just as I had landed on all four hooves- bam! “...” I closed my eyes and sighed heavily. These latest events from this year have brutally traumatized me…and now? It was feeling no different than before my therapy sessions had started. It haunted my psyche every day. How am I supposed to get over it? “...” ‘When’ will I forget? Boom! I peered up one last time as another fireworks display exploded over the castle, emitting a light green and white color palette over the city streets. My eyes blankly stared as I rested my hoof underneath the window, preparing to close it. Bam! sigh “...maybe next year.” click! > A Day With Mr. Alex > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- chik! Clocked in and ready to go, I excitedly thought to myself. A smile dawned upon my face as I moved through the corridors toward the western section of the castle. As I passed by guards patrolling the castle, I began to remind myself of the daily routine. It was a schedule so basic that not even a foal could screw it up. First, wait for the human to wake up. Then, walk with him throughout the day for his daily activities. And finally, return him to his room to close out the day. I made another left turn and finally saw the locked wooden door. Crossing the hall and standing before it, the nameplate and the warning sign below were a stark reminder of what lay beyond it. As I mentally prepared myself for the day’s challenges, I dug the key out of my bag and inserted it into the door’s keyhole. Turning the key to the left, it completed a full circle before unlocking, allowing me to remove it. Opening the door, I trotted through and turned to close the door. click! After the door had shut, I moved the locking mechanism on the right side over and latched it into the slot. The door was now secured from the inside, meaning the only way to enter would be to break it open by brute force…or unicorn magic. And what creature would ever try that? I smirked at the thought. Especially with what was hidden at the end of their futile attempt? After reaffirming the door was secure for a second time, I turned around and faced my greatest adversary. A groan escaped my mouth as I looked up at it. “Stairs,” I muttered. “Always the stairs that determine this day’s trajectory.” I slowly approached the behemoth pile of stone and began my lengthy climb. It was an unbelievably treacherous thing to place within the castle, leading upwards to a singular tower room? “Faust, help me,” I whispered to no one. But, as I continued to climb, a part of me felt as though the human could handle his own if he were on ground level. But, if the princesses are trying to protect him from ground forces, I thought, this might be their evilest creation to safeguard him. It was a stone staircase that would put schools to shame. The treehouse staircases from the town I grew up in didn’t match this one. Not even the mythical Mount Aris could compete with this gia- clack! sigh “Finally,” I sighed as I took another deep breath. “Made it without breaking too big of a sweat.” Truthfully, I had gotten used to the stairs leading up to the tower room that held Mr. Alex, the human creature from Earth. With the amount of training I had received before being fully assigned to him, this was definitely one enemy I wouldn’t be afraid of. As I slowly reached the door to the room, I turned to my left and stopped. Looking out the window, I saw the morning sun beginning to rise from the horizon, marking the start of a brand new day for Equestria. “Aaaand turn.” I thought aloud, doing an about-face. Then, standing beside the wooden door nearest the knob, I puffed my chest out, stood firm, and looked straight ahead. And…that was it. For the next however long it would take for him to wake up, I was to wait beside the door and stand still like a statue. It was the most tedious thing to get used to during the training regiments. Everypony wishing to join the Royal Guard had to do it, especially those working in the castle. Standing beside a door and remaining still yet focused. Unmoving yet concentrated. Stationary yet locked in. My mind would go on for minutes, rattling off synonyms for standing at attention and staying on course with the objective. ========================================<>========================================= “...” Nearly two hours had passed, and my ears slightly perked. The sound of shuffling was going on inside the room as I heard a wooden bed creak loudly. It woke me from my stupor as the human’s footsteps shook the floor. I stood firm at attention and waited for him to emerge from his room. Usually, this was tedious, but I had to remain patient. The man was a strange creature and very careful about his surroundings, but his morning routine would be close to a quarter of an hour long. Taking his time was forgivable, and I found new ways to pass the time. But, for now, I waited for him to unlock the door so we could start the day. Today, I thought methodically. Hmmm, what would be good? I remained attentive as I mulled over my options before selecting the ‘classic.’ A smile crept to my face as the simple melody sprouted from the banks. Remaining still, I closed my eyes and whistled the melody Alex had taught me. whistle! From what Mr. Alex told me, it was a simple arpeggio-like melody to something called…‘The Addams Family.’ When the human did the song, he used his hoove-er. ‘Hands,’ to snap his fingers together. It looked so weird, but his sounds matched the song’s tone. I had found an easier way to mimic the sound by clicking my tongue. “Duh-duh-da-dun!” click-click! “Duh-duh-da-dun!” click-click! “Duh-duh-da-dun, duh-duh-da-dun, duh-duh-da-dun-” snap-snap! My ears flicked as the sound of snapping was heard behind me. I stopped what I was doing and stood at attention as the door handle jiggled slightly. click! “They’re creepy and they’re kooky. Mysterious and spooky. They’re all together ooky…” the voice sang out. I looked over my left shoulder and peered up as the human creature motioned for me to finish the song with his hand. “‘The Addams Family,’” I sang in reply. Alex pumped his fist in the air and turned back around, returning to his room while leaving the door open. “Yeah, dude!” Alex shouted from inside the room. I turned around and stared through the open doorway as the human collected his bag from his writing desk. I looked at his room’s layout and how much it had changed from the first time I saw it. The bed was more toward the middle of the back wall, adjacent to the bathroom. Alex’s bedside had an upright table with a candle and some books. The other side, closest to me and the only window in the room, contained three bookcases. They appeared to have been sorted through and spaced, allowing the human to grab a book as he pleased. The floor was neatly swept, and the bed was tidied, matching the cleanliness of the castle. “You ready, Swift mah boy?” The human playfully asked as he started to walk toward me. I moved out of his way as he exited the room, noticing his attire as he turned to close the door. Alex was dressed in a black polo shirt, with the top two buttons being undone. His ‘undershirt’ peeked through, exposing a silver necklace around his neck. He also wore a snug jacket, baggy brown jeans, and dirty brown boots. Those boots pounded against the stone flooring of the tower, telling me they were his steel-toed ones. “Good morning, Mr. Alex,” I stated with a smile. “Ready to start the day?” “Sure am!” Alex replied cheerfully. He stood tall and yawned, stretching his arms behind his head. Afterward, he rotated his upper body left and right before bending backward, eliciting a small crack! from his back. “Ooo, that felt good,” Alex sighed. “Alright, I think we’re good here, Swift.” “Then follow me, Mr. Alex,” I replied. Alex nodded as we began the long trek down the stairs. ========================================<>========================================= “Ugh, I hate mornings sometimes,” Alex said as we walked through the vast corridor. I peered at him through the corner of my eye and sighed. “Well, that’s the schedule you agreed to,” I shot back calmly. “You even said it yourself, Mr. Alex. It’s what you were normally used to back on Earth, right?” yawn! “Yeah,” the human yawned. “Back when life was peaceful and straightforward for me. My schedule was consistent and concise. Unfortunately, I’m not in that world now, so my body is adapting and reacting like its old college self.” He stretched his arms above his head as some guards on patrol passed us. They gave him a slightly nervous look before looking back at me, and I nodded toward them as they passed by. “So, Mr. Alex, I will remind you that after your breakfast meeting with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, we are to report to the Canterlot library for your daily studies and traditional customs exercises,” I said to the human creature beside me. sigh “Yeah, I know,” Alex would reply while exhaling. “We have done this every time….” “And we will have many more times to go, Alex,” I countered. “The princesses are adamant about your training. To better integrate yourself into Equestrian society, studying through these customs courses will help you be more respected during social gatherings.” I turned my head and looked up at the human. His eyebrow was raised, and finally, he shook his head. “Yeah,” Alex scoffed while lowering his jaw. “And next, you’ll tell me that I’ll earn a degree in law after this quote-on-quote ‘training’ is done.” I thought about it briefly before looking back at him with a smile. “Maybe,” I answered. “Maybe you’ll practice law one day and become a fantastic lawyer here.” “I think they’re doing it so that from now on, I will know the consequences of my actions if I end up getting in trouble like last time,” Alex muttered. “Wasn’t even my fault…that bastard.” “Yeah, that was quite a pickle you put yourself in,” I replied, “but you shouldn’t be bitter about it anymore. You were granted immunity, remember?” I glanced over and noticed his eyes widen as he nervously placed his hand on his head. “O-oh, umm, s-sorry,” Alex sheepishly said. “Force of habit…sometimes, I may say things that come to mind that I don’t actually mean.” chuckle “I mean…ye-yeah?” His face was a bit red as I shrugged the thought off. “It’s fine to think that,” I offered in response. “There hasn’t been a creature like yourself here, so the princesses are just being cautious. However, unless you do something very, VERY stupid, I think you’ll be fine.” We rounded a corner and saw the large white doors at the end of the hall. “Yeah, but,” Alex nervously commented. “I don’t want to make any rash decisions or say some shit that is ‘out-of-pocket.’” He slowed his walk and put his hands in his pockets. “Personally, I don’t want to see Princess Celestia’s bad side….” “Same here,” I replied. “Thankfully, nopony has seen that side of her since…well, you know.” sigh “I know the incident, Swift….” “Look, as long as you have a justified and perfectly good reason for your actions, I believe the princesses will be understanding and forgiving of you. After all,” I chuckled before reaching the vanilla-coated doors of the dining hall. “You are?” chuckle “Only human.” Alex shook his head while chuckling, eliciting a grin from my face. “That’s the spirit!” I stated before motioning Alex through the doorway. “Now then, enjoy your breakfast, Mr. Alex.” The human gave me a nod before disappearing into the dining room. I closed the door behind him and moved to the right side of the doorway. My mind was collecting itself as I resumed remembering today’s schedule changes. He will have to go to work today, Swift, my mind told me. So let’s try and grab a bite to eat before then...or maybe on the way back? There is that restaurant near my housing complex with that cute mare at the entrance. A smile slowly plastered itself onto my face. ahem! I snapped to attention, peering straight ahead before realizing another pony was with me. “Remain focused, Specialist Swift,” the voice softly muttered. My ears perked after hearing the veteran guard. Concentrating on my duty, I kept my thoughts to myself as my neutral expression fully embraced me. ========================================<>========================================= creak! “Alrighty then, Princess Celestia. Princess Luna. Take care, and I’ll see you tomorrow!” Alex’s voice rang out into the dining hall. Wake up, Swift, my mind commanded. It was a dull hour waiting for Alex, the human, to go through his breakfast with the alicorn princesses, but I assumed it was good. “Ready to go, Swift?” the human asked, appearing on my left suddenly. “One moment, Mr. Alex,” I said. I stretched my legs and shook my frame quickly. “Ready.” “Great! Uhh…what’s next again?” Alex asked politely. “Your lessons,” I replied flatly. groan! “Oh noooo,” Alex grumbled. He put his hand over his face and pulled it towards his chin. “Do I really have to?” sigh “Technically, you don’t have to,” I said calmly. Hearing an exhale from the human, I grinned. “You ‘need’ to go do these studies.” Alex walked slightly ahead of me and put his hands in his pockets. “But do I reeaally need to?” Alex questioned. “I already am well acquainted with customary greetings and actions.” He bowed before I shook my head. “No no,” I fired back with a soft chuckle. “You can’t get out of these ones. Trust me. It’s for your own good that you’re getting these lectures.” “And why is that?” Alex stopped and turned around to me. I kept my trotting pace going, remembering that I should not delay no matter how or what the human does or may say. “Mr. Alex?” I inquired. “What was your occupation back where you came from?” Alex strolled right up to my left side. “A teacher…why?” His face expressed confusion, but I knew what I wanted to say. “So you got your education already. That’s not something many creatures here in Equestria can say,” I replied. “Some don’t have the opportunity. Some will never be able to do so and must learn the harder way. And that’s how our little world works. Be glad that you were fortunate enough to do so.” sigh “Yeah, thank my mother,” Alex sheepishly answered. “She was the one that pushed me to always be at my best. Made sure I got to school on time, brought me to all my practices, attended all the games…mother knew what was best for me.” “That’s what moms are for,” I replied. “Can thank my mother for caring about her kids too.” sniffle I quickly turned my head and noticed Alex had stopped a while back. I promptly galloped back to him and started to get nervous. “I am so sorry for bringing that up, Mr. Ale-” “Don’t.” Alex wiped his eyes with his left hand and took a deep breath. His face was slightly red as he looked back at me. His turquoise eyes looked like they had lost their color, but he was noticeably crying. “I remembered all the times I needed my mother the most, and she was always there for me. Now?” Alex spread his arms to show the space he was occupying. “She’s not here to stop the tears from falling.” I sighed and continued to listen. Eventually, Alex regained his strength and continued to get back on track. “It’s a good thing I listened too. I should be grateful she was there for me…for some others….” sniffle “I f-feel bad for….” I trotted alongside him as we rounded the corner and headed toward the library doors. “Some of my students weren’t able to get the education they wanted from wherever they came from,” the human reminisced. “I did everything I could to make sure they had the chance. Fighting for their right to learn about music and everything it offers.” Alex closed his eyes and shuddered. “I can’t even begin to imagine what some have to go through….” “Then don’t,” I responded. “Let us be happy that we changed that and got through it. Be it the easy way or the hard way, you triumphed and received it.” I peered back up at him and gave him a gentle smile. The human took another deep breath and wiped his eyes one more time. “Thanks, Swift,” he said. “But those lessons and practices differed from what I’m learning now.” “How so?” I asked with a raised brow. “These are like me learning about my ABCs growing up,” Alex compared. “It’s so….” “Basic?” I chuckled, trying to hide my smile. “Yes, exactly!” Alex exclaimed as the Canterlot Castle library doors opened. “Ms. Raven is a great teacher, but it feels too fast for someone learning the ropes of Equestria.” “What’s on the lecture board for today?” I asked. pop! “History,” a unicorn responded. I looked up and noticed that it was Raven Inkwell, Princess Celestia’s top assistant. She was a pale white unicorn mare with a brown mane and a slightly lighter brown tail. Her cutie mark was of an ink pen and the well it is dipped into. Hence the name ‘Raven Inkwell.’ “Good morning, Ms. Inkwell,” Alex replied softly. He bowed his head and smiled slightly. “I’ll wait out here, Mr. Alex. Good luck!” I called out, rushing for the door and closing it behind me. Then, taking my place on the right side of the door, I began the begrudging task of waiting patiently until the five-hour lesson was over. ========================================<>========================================= tick-tock! tick-tock! I looked at the clock to my right and then stared straight ahead. It was thirteen minutes after 1400, and Alex had not given me an indication that he was don- creak! Well, I stand corrected, my mind told itself. I shook my head and ignored it before turning to the left and facing the human. I quickly noticed the crumbs around his lips and motioned for him to clean them off. “Oh,” Alex wiped off the excess crumbs and slightly stretched his upper body. “Sorry, Swift. The lesson started slow, but after lunch, I got back on track and finished earlier than expected.” I raised my brow. “Finished earlier than expected?” I questioned before pointing to the clock behind me. “I think that says otherwise, Mr. Alex.” Alex looked at it, and his eyes shot wide open. “Oh crap!” Alex exclaimed before jogging ahead. “Time for work. We gotta go!” chuckle “Don’t have to tell me twice,” I softly commented, galloping alongside the human. We turned right and headed down the main corridor for the castle’s front doors. I tried maintaining the pace he had made and even got him to slow down a bit. “Give me a second, Mr. Alex,” I gasped, trying to get him to slow down even more. Alex turned around but didn’t stop moving. He was running backward as I looked at him with bewilderment. He shrugged his shoulders. “Try to keep up, Swift,” Alex said as we approached the corner that led to the front entrance. Alex turned around to my left and spun to the right quickly, nearly losing me in the process. Not to be outdone, I pivoted and caught up to his right side. sigh “No, seriously,” I reiterated. “You might want to slow down. Because you are stil-” “Halt!” A voice echoed through the corridor as we both came to a stop. We stood still as two guard ponies stood near the entrance of the front doors. Their spears were down and aimed at us. Alex didn’t know what to do but raised his arms, causing me to roll my eyes. “We do this almost daily, Trent and Blocky,” I lazily told both guards. “It’s just us.” “Oh. Sorry about that there, Swift,” Trent replied shakily. The pegasus’ spear went back up by his side as he saluted. “Thought he was getting away from you. My mistake.” sigh “Alex hasn’t shown any signs of wanting to leave, has he?” I motioned to Blocky, who shook his head firmly. “But I understand, though,” I chirped. Trey’s ears perked up. “You’re doing a fantastic job at keeping the castle safe. But, we must exit the castle now, so ‘Mr. Alexander Wallkerrsone’ can get to his job.” The guard on the right nodded with a firm huff! before reaching for the door handle on his side. On the other hoof, Trent hurriedly opened his side and ushered us out of the castle corridor.  “Good luck, you two!” Trent shouted as we descended the staircase and onto the streets of Canterlot. I waved slightly behind me as Alex slowed down, walking into the center of the open and barren street. The human stopped as he brought a leg up, presumably stretching. “Walker-sohne?” Alex asked. I looked at him as he dropped his left leg and raised the other. “It’s ‘Walker-son.’ You know…like the actual sun above us?” “Is that how you spell it?” I replied in confusion. “I thought it was with an ‘o?’” “It is…uugh. Never mind that,” Alex shrugged off. “Let’s go.” ========================================<>========================================= As we made our way through the streets of Canterlot, I occasionally glanced to my left and right to take into account my surroundings. Of course, I wanted to be extra sure that Alex was safe, but to prevent an accident and put myself in harm’s way was another thing entirely. I never told Alex that, I thought to myself as a pony’s eyes caught mine. The mare’s head tilted to the right as her mouth slowly opened. I gave her a nod and continued to guide the human down the street. “Honestly, this walk is perfect for me,” Alex said as he stretched his arms above his head. Then, I heard a slight crack! followed by an exhale of relief from the human. “Oooo, that felt good.” “I heard it,” I replied calmly. “Tense?” “‘Stressed’ is the correct word,” Alex replied. “The ‘company bosses’ are supposed to come in tonight to discuss quote ‘important matters.’” Alex brought his hands and made air quotes with them. “But that isn’t why I am stressed.” “Then what’s got you stressed?” I inquired. “...working there. I feel misplaced,” Alex admitted. “Well, for one, you aren’t from he-wait. Is this about what other creatures think of you?” I asked, slowing down and getting closer to the human’s side. “You know you can simply ignore them.” “Yeah, but that’s the thing,” Alex countered. “You shouldn’t feel unsafe in that environment, no matter the reason. It’s supposed to be a judgment-free zone, Swift.” “I understand that, but you must remember, Mr. Alex,” I argued. “You still are not considered trustworthy. Many ponies and creatures in Canterlot and across Equestria think of you with neutral opinions. Some may view you as trustworthy, like the princesses…but others may have already concluded that you aren’t to be believed and pose a threat.” sigh “And that’s the sad reality,” Alex admitted, his shoulders sagging. I looked past him and noticed two ponies talking to each other. One of them pointed in our direction, covering his mouth with his hoof and whispering something to his ‘buddy.’ I immediately stopped and glared at them. In response, the two ponies’ eyes widened as they quickly proceeded in the opposite direction without looking back. “Hmpf,” I smirked, trotting faster to catch up with the human. “Sorry about that, Mr. Alex.” “What happened? Did I miss something?” he asked with a confused look. “No, you didn’t,” I reassured. About a minute had passed as I continued to pace myself. We turned another street corner, and I began to make plans. Only a few more buildings and I can get some lunch, I thought to myself. Maybe take a nap, read a book, or even play som- “Hey, Swift?” Alex interrupted my thoughts. I looked up at him and didn’t say a word. “Did you hear the question?” “Ummm,” I stammered in response. This elicited a chuckle from the human as I shook my head. “Okay, I’ll repeat it,” Alex concluded. “I started by saying that I know I’ve been here for over a month and still may not be trusted in interactive settings.” He then stopped and pointed behind him. “So why again was I given a job where I have to interact with creatures and ponies alike?” I stopped and realized we were here already. “Speaking of which,” I reminded myself. “Why are you working at a grocery store? You could be useful in other aspects of Equestrian life.” “Like what?” the human asked. “I don’t know,” I replied, pursing my lips in thought. “You could do construction. Or maybe join a band. Oh! What about becoming active and competing in sports? You said you were an athlete at one point in your life. We have sports like buckball and hoofball. There’s even the Equestrian Games you can compete in.” Alex shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. “Construction?” chuckle “I’ve never done that. Maybe with Lego bricks, but not actual building materials. As for the other two, this seems the most practical and poses less risk to my health.” “Why?” I tilted my head in confusion. Alex winked and waved his hand. “Well, Swift,” the human said as he turned around to face the store, “I have more years of experience in this one than teaching. See you in eight hours, buddy!” Alex slowly made his way up to the door and entered the building. I stood there for a few seconds, watching him enter the store, the doors closing behind him. I shook my head and turned around, heading back for the castle. I could use some lunch, I thought to myself. After all, eight hours was a lot of time to relax. ========================================<>========================================= yawn! I yawned as I sat outside the store doors. The clock down the street clicked past 2245, and I was beginning to grow impatient. Where is Alex? He should have been done half an hour ago, my mind grumbled. I got up and slowly stretched myself. fwiish! “And a goodnight to you too,” Alex’s cheery voice chimed. Turning to the left, I noticed the human walking away from the automated doors. “Hey, Swift! How are ya this evening?” I trotted up to him and shook my head. Then, motioning for him to crouch, he secured his bag onto his back and leaned in toward me. “Mr. Alex,” I said. “I’m tired. How many times are you going to keep working past your shift to realize I need sleep, too?” His face contorted into confusion before knowing what I was saying. “Well, Swift, I-I just clocked out. What do you want me to do?” Alex retorted.  “You are always clocking out late,” I replied with annoyance. “These past two weeks are evident of it. I am simply asking if you can clock out ‘on time?’” “Pssh. It’s not ‘that’ bad,” Alex sarcastically countered as he rolled his eyes. “I’ve worked many shifts past my clock-out time. There was one time I went home nearly four hours past midnight-” “YOU DID WHAT?!” I yelled at the human. My nerves had gotten the best of me, and I immediately cupped a hoof over my mouth. Alex said nothing except stare back at me, his mouth hanging open as my eyes widened. “I am so sorry, Mr. Alex-” “No, you’re right…” he relinquished. “I should be the one that’s sorry. I see why they don’t want me working overtime here.” He put his hands in his pockets and slowly walked down the street. I quickly caught up with him as he kicked a rock to the other side of the street. “It’s my fault, I know,” Alex softly reflects. “I’m keeping you from going home and getting proper rest while I’m doing this for my own selfish gain. I put more stress on others than I do for myself.” His head hung low as his eyes closed. I shook my head and tried to switch the subject. “Don’t worry about it,” I quickly said. “I’m not pressed for time. Really, I am not. Others in the Royal Guard, especially the Lieutenant, would have been upset if they were to wait for you…don’t tell anypony I said that.” “Not like it matters,” Alex grumbled. “They are considering sending me to Ponyville to be closer to the princess of friendship, Ms. Twilight Sparkle. Something about learning to make friends, uphold my public image, and finding somecreature to be with…whatever the hell that means.” Alex was in a depressed state, causing me to panic heavily. I frantically looked at the street intersection coming up and tried to come up with an idea. Come on, Swift, I thought to myself. How can we fix this? Then, after a couple seconds, I saw some bright lights appearing from the rightmost street. I immediately recognized the street as an idea popped into my head. “Let’s just forget it and talk about something else, yeah?” I tried to direct the human toward the right. “How about this? Bet you haven’t seen something like this in a while.” “I’m not joking,” Alex stated. His eyes opened as he noticed me dragging him away from the castle. “Hey! Swift, the castle is that way-” ========================================<>========================================= Alex stopped in the center of the street as I held my hoof and pointed to what was before us. On both sides of the street, the neon lights that brightened up the central district’s many buildings and busy roads captured his attention. I grinned, nodding to the human to check it out for himself. Alex took a step forward and looked around at all the various signs. “Neon lights,” he whispered. “Vibrant and full of life. This…This does remind me of home….” “Isn’t it beautiful?” I asked, strolling up to his left side. “A-Always is,” Alex said shakily. “The restaurants even have little light strands on the patios. Lanterns hanging above the dining tables, the vibrant colors of the signs making you feel welcomed….” His eyes wander for a bit before stopping, his mouth hanging open. “What is it, Mr. Alex? What’s got your attention?” I inquired before looking in the direction of where he was staring. Seeing the relaxed textures of the green and yellow neon sign, I realized why Alex, of all creatures, would find it interesting. “The ‘X-Perience’ Music Bar, huh?” “I didn’t even know one existed here,” Alex silently mouthed. “It’s like the ‘Hard Rock Cafe’ back where I am from. Do I really work that close to it?” “Best music cafe in Canterlot from what I have heard,” I replied. “It’s got a great atmosphere and is inviting for all creatures, no matter who they are. Best of all, a rock band plays music for the patrons every weekend. That’s something totally up your alley!” Alex stood still for a few more seconds before nodding in admiration. “I guess I’ll have to check that out some other time then,” the human noted before turning and walking toward the castle. “Wait, we can check it out now, Mr. Alex!” I countered. However, Mr. Alex was already nearing the intersection, and I galloped to his side just in time. Making sure the coast was clear, we crossed the street and found ourselves back on track to the castle. “It’s fine, Swift, really,” Alex said. A soft yawn escaped his mouth as he rolled his head. “I’m wiped out as well. Feel like I need an extra cold shower and some reading time before I officially ‘hit the hay.’” “Fair enou-wait. ‘Hit the what’ now?” I asked in confusion. The human rolled his eyes. “Figure of speech,” Alex called out. “Meaning I need to get some sleep.” I nodded and thought about it for a second. “Makes sense to me,” I concluded. “Not a bad idea, either. I might have to do the same thing.” “You should,” Alex replied. I nodded in contempt as he sighed. “Also, I’m not mad at you. In fact, showing me those neon lights made me forgive you. It was a great reminder of what I had forgotten, and I can’t believe I didn’t notice them sooner. Nevertheless, you pointed them out to me, and I had fun reliving old memories. So thank you.” He smiled at me as I shook my head. “Yeah,” I scoffed. “But what about the other fourteen times we walked past that street at night?” I smirked as he glared back at me. “Oh, come on,” Alex exaggeratingly said. “I was reminiscing about my past, and we were pretty much having a moment being bros. Don’t ruin this now!” chuckle “Yeah, but what about the other fourteen times?” I chuckled to myself as he grinned. It’s a crooked grin, usually shared between friends after witnessing something hilarious for the first time. Alex could only shake his head as he joined in on the laughter. “You are an interesting pony, Swift,” Alex admitted. My eyes widen as I stare back up at him. “And you don’t think you yourself are an interesting creature, too? I’ve never met anyone like you ever,” I replied. “And I don’t think anycreature in Equestria has either.” Alex smiled as he nodded to himself. Got him relaxed, my mind thought. That’s good. Keep it that way, Swift. I nodded and continued to guide Alex back to Canterlot Castle. The staircase leading up to the doors slowly emerged in sight as he started to jog ahead. “Come on, Swift. I’ll race you back to the tower door!” Alex called out before he looked back at me deviously. “Unless you’re ‘scared.’” I looked at him with shock, and a fire slowly formed within my eyes. I began to gallop after Mr. Alex as the guards slowly opened the entrance doors. Alex laughed as he picked up the pace. “You’re on!” I confidently shouted back. Then, passing through the doors, we were in a dead sprint for the tower door and the winding staircase. ========================================<>========================================= huff! huff! “Finally,” Alex said to himself. sigh “Made it up…whew…just in time….” huff! “Yeaah,” I replied tiredly. My head hung for a bit as I tried to catch my breath. “Never a good idea to…” huff! “…to race through the large open corridors of the castle at night.” huff! “Why…why is that?” Alex asked softly. He was practically wheezing as he brought his arms above his head, resting his hands on his hair. I shook my head. “It’s…It’s the Night Guard you gotta look out for,” I explained. “They patrol the castle…when Princess Luna is up.” My heart was racing as I tried to take some deep breaths. sigh “Ye-Yeah,” Alex said softly. “I do know about th-them….” The human’s expression changed as his head slowly drooped. I looked at him and decided to usher him into his room. “I think…think that’s enough for t-today, Mr. Alex,” I firmly replied. Then, pushing him toward the doorway, Alex picked up on what was happening. “Swift, I’m f-fine,” he stuttered. “Yeah, and I can see how sleepy you are,” I shot back. “You do need to rest, Mr. Alex….” The human ruffled his hair with one hand as he managed to open the door to his room. Regaining his balance in the doorway, he leaned against the wooden frame, breathing heavily. sigh “I knew I shouldn’t have tried that salad at the store,” Alex admitted. “They said it was good for me. And now it’s messing with my stomach….” “Well, I think you should get a good night’s rest then,” I replied, bowing my head towards the human. My breathing had normalized as my heart kept thudding. “I’ll be back in the morning to start a new day with you.” “Hmmm….” Alex hummed to himself as I looked up at him. He pursed his lips in thought as his hand rested on his chin. Rather, he was in deep thought as he furrowed his brow. “Is something the matter, Mr. Alex?” I inquired. “Have you ever felt like you don’t belong somewhere, and no matter what you do, there will always be one individual to still treat you with fragility?” the human asked. Alex stretched himself out to his full height and exhaled. “Like, you say you’re alright, but one perso-I mean, creature, will always try and coddle you like you aren’t? Does that make a little more sense?” My mouth hung open as I tried to process his question. Finally, after a few moments, the human shook his head and turned around. He looked at his room silently as I offered up a question. “Who do you feel has been like that?” I asked him quietly. Alex stopped and brought his left hand higher. His fingers pinch the bridge of his nose as he turns his face back to me. “Isn’t it obvious?” he asked. I tilted my head and pointed at myself, causing him to groan in frustration. “No, not you, Swift…the princesses?” gasp! “Why would you believe that?” I asked with shock. “Do you think they are treating you like a foal? Might I remind you they saved your life and are merely returning the favor by trying to protect you, Mr. Alex.” “Yeah,” the human scoffed. “After shooting me in the side of my stomach and tearing out a vital organ. Their magic may have saved me, sure, but why do they have to treat me as if I need to be imagined or corrected into their image? It doesn’t...feel right. I’m my own individual and know I can think for myself.” “You think…wait, the word is ‘reformation,’” I corrected. “And, secondly, the princesses have YOUR best interests at heart. They’re doing everything to keep you safe.” I shook my head as Alex said nothing. “You get a room in Canterlot Castle. You get to sit in with two alicorn princesses, the most powerful creatures in Equestria, during breakfast,” I began to list out. “You get private tutoring lessons from Princess Celestia’s top assistant. You are assigned a Royal Guard pony to walk with and protect you. A place in Canterlot to work for bits, and if anycreature speaks ill of you, the princesses will have your back in a heartbeat. What more could you ask for, Mr. Alex?” He shook his head and dismissed the thought. “Never mind then. Forget what I said, Swift,” Alex stated. He turned around again and looked at his bed. “Maybe I’m being a bit selfish. Have a good night’s rest, buddy.” I looked down at the ground and began to think. I don’t fully understand this huma- “Wait.” Alex turned his head toward me as I reached for the door. I looked up at him and gave him a shaky nod. “I have felt the way you are feeling right now, Mr. Alex…once.” His eyes widened as he folded his arms. He tilted his head upwards and thought about his next words. “When could that possibly have been, Swift?” he asks with a puzzled frown. “You have told me about your upbringing, and not once did you outright say you felt coddled to such an extent.” “Well, that’s because…it was right before I was assigned to you. Before I met you,” I told the human. “Goodnight, Mr. Alex.” click! I shut the door and breathed out a heavy sigh. Didn’t want to tell him that, I thought before shaking my head. But that’s the same kind of feeling I got back then. Granted, it was warranted, but…no. Turning the other way, I slowly approached the staircase and looked down into the dark corridor below. slam! “Gah!” “Swift?” Alex’s voice rang out. My head swiveled around as our eyes met, but…they weren’t of anger. Alex didn’t appear mad or bitter, but he felt…relieved. A small smile appeared on his face as he nodded to me. “I’m sorry about all of that. You’re a great pony, and I couldn’t have asked for a better friend. Thank you for today.” creak!  click! ========================================<>========================================= `“I’m sorry about all of that. You’re a great pony, and I couldn’t have asked for a better friend. Thank you for today.”` “...” It felt like minutes had passed as I stood at the top of the stone stairs. My mouth was still open as my breathing fell silent. The night sky loomed outside the window as the moon shined brightly, the stars continuing to twinkle and dance about the space like petals in the wind. For once, the world fell silent as I continued to stand there, staring at the door that housed the human creature behind it. My heart slowed down as I began to take smaller breaths. And for the first time in a long time, I had felt…contemptuous of my work for the day. Finally, my eyes closed while a warm smile spread across my face. I turned around, facing the staircase below me, with only one thought remaining. Mr. Alex…the human called me his…‘friend.’ > "That's...New." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [...] “Is everything okay, Mr. Alex?” “Dude, you are just in time! You gotta see this!” I had rushed to one of the castle’s private gardens, where the human had told me to meet him. The awning was up as the cold winter sky enveloped Equestria, and then I saw Mr. Alex. He was sitting on the ground underneath a tree, with a long suitcase beside him. “What is that?” I asked, trotting towards him. “Princess Celestia got me something, and I thought you’d like to see this, too,” Alex excitedly said. His face had that goofy smile as he motioned for me to sit beside him, which I did. Afterward, he reached for the case, flipped the latches up, and pushed the top part open. What I saw next was incredible. gasp! “No! She did not!” “Yes, she did, Swift!” Alex beamed, grabbing the neck of a vibrant, red guitar. The silver strings lay across the length of the neck, connected to the instrument’s body. A few knobs lay near the bottom, and as he turned to show me, the sun reflected off the instrument and into my eyes. “Woah!” I exclaimed, blindsided by the sudden light. “Oops! Sorry, Swift,” Alex retracted, hugging the guitar. sigh “But I just can’t believe it! It’s almost like the one I had back on Earth.” The human stared at the instrument and sighed, allowing me to see that happy smile again on his face. “Well…what are you waiting for, Mr. Alex?” I asked. “Play me something.” The human grinned as he grabbed a guitar strap from the case and connected it to the guitar. As he latched the second one on, he pulled it over his head and held the guitar securely. I watched as he looked down at it and grabbed an object near the head of it. “What is that?” “This is a guitar pick,” Alex replied. “It helps me strum the guitar instead of playing it with my bare hands. That…and I have large digits, so it is very tough to do that way, anyway.” I chuckled and nodded my head. “Your ‘hands,’ as you call them, are as big as my hooves, dude,” I laughed. Alex looked at me and shook his head as that smile remained. “Well,” the human sighed. “Let’s see what I remember. I usually practice, like, twice a day for two hours. Once during my lunchtime and once in the evening. So, of course, I am two months rusty, so bear with me, Swift.” I nodded and intently watched as he brought the neck toward his left ear. He plucked the lowest string and began to spin the knobs on the head slowly. Before I could even ask, he answered. “Tuning it, Swift,” Alex said quickly. “It’s ‘so’ out of tune. This might take a minute.” I said nothing and watched as Alex adjusted the first string. “Thankfully, I’ve got perfect pitch for E, so I can do this without a note drone to help.” “Perfect pitch? Note drone? Sounds like a whole new language to me,” I said in bewilderment. Alex looked at me with a confused look, his eyebrows furrowing as he continued. “Music is its own language, buddy,” Alex replied. “Ah, got it!” Alex had finally tuned the first string and placed a finger on one of the strings. He plucked the string and began to adjust the second. “Doing this is more efficient since I can actually hear the note, which is called ‘relative pitch.’ Yeah, I’ve got both. It’s both a blessing and a curse.” “I wouldn’t think of it as a curse,” I retorted. “I’d wager that it’s incredible to hear you have such skills.” Alex shook his head and chuckled as he reached the last string. “This one’s easy,” Alex said. “Just two octaves above the low E string, and done!” Alex adjusted the guitar to his lap and plucked every string before playing them all. “Ah, that’s much better!” “Now, will you play me something, Alex?” I asked tiredly. The human looked at me and smirked before adjusting himself on the ground. He slowly moved his left hand to the neck and set them on the strings. From there, he began to play a melody to a song. It was very peaceful and somber, as if he were…reminiscing about something. His expression changed as his smile faded and his eyebrows raised, the music becoming more tranquil. “There’s a lady who’s sure…all that glitters is gold. And she’s buying a stairway…to heaven.” Alex sang. My mind was in a trance as he plucked the strings softly, his voice trembling as he spoke the lyrics to the tune. Slowly, the garden faded away as the human kept playing the guitar. “Ooo, Oooo, and she’s buying a stairway…to heaven,” Alex sang softly, his voice shaking as he stopped. The human shook his head and hugged the guitar, holding it carefully like a foal. “Oh, how I missed this….” “Dude,” I commented while clasping my hooves together. “That was amazing! Alex, you looked so…peaceful and happy while playing that thing.” I stared at Alex as he nodded his head and closed his eyes. “That song was called ‘Stairway to Heaven,’ Swift,” Alex replied. “One of my favorite songs. It’s so soothing and comforting to play, and I don’t need to put much effort into it. Every time I play it, I feel…relaxed.” His head tilted up, and he noticed I was still staring at him. “What?” “I…I-I can’t believe it,” I said in shock. “You weren’t lying about your musical abilities.” “Hmph,” Alex scoffed, a grin creeping to his face. “Mama didn’t raise a liar in her house.” He saddled the guitar back on his lap and began to pluck the strings again, only this time, the song sounded more mellow and sad. I continued to listen as he played what sounded like a ballad of a lost ship and her crew, the experience being incredible to me. The experience, my mind repeated. It echoed louder every second it could. The experience. The experience! The ‘X-Perience,’ Swift! My eyes widened even more as Alex kept playing. That’s it! My mind had found an idea for what Alex could do instead as a job. He wouldn’t need to work in a crappy retail store anymore, and I was sure it would make him happier than anything else if he just had the opportunity. All I have to do is make a trip somewhere tonight, I thought. ========================================<>======================================== ding-ding! “Welcome to ‘The X-Perience’ Musical Bar. What can I help you with today, sir?” the waitress asked. I whispered something to her, and she immediately looked at the stage. “One moment.” As the mare disappeared toward the stage, I moved to an open seat at the bar and ordered a non-alcoholic drink. Better be sober than be a mess for tomorrow’s shift, I thought. A few moments later, the mare returned. She was accompanied this time by an older stallion sporting a navy blue coat and a light-brown hat. “This was the pony that wanted to see you, sir,” the waitress said. I turned around in my stool and smiled at them. “Thank you, missy,” the stallion replied. The mare walked back to the front of the establishment, leaving me alone with the band manager. He turned to look at me as I saluted toward him. “Well, what’s this I hear about you knowing a musician that’s itching to play, Mister…?” “Swift. Specialist Swift Wildshadow. And yes, I ‘do’ know somecreature that would love to play music again in a band. He just needs…a ‘chance.’” > A Timeless Encounter - Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Hey, Swift?” “Yes, Mr. Alex?” I looked up at the human as he twiddled his fingers, appearing confused and nervous. “Mr. Alex, is everything okay?” “...N-Not really,” Alex admitted, his shoulders sagging. “But…that’s a story for another day, Swift. Listen, I wanted to ask if we could head to the training grounds for a bit.” “The training grounds?” I repeated. “Isn’t it, like, nighttime for you?” “Yeah, but I thought I heard rumblings of something happening over there right now from some of the guards,” the human said, catching my attention. “Something about a stallion training against test dummies and beating the crap out of them.” “Really?” I said, beginning to trot down the corridor alongside Alex. We ignored the door that led to his tower room and took a sharp left turn. “So why do you want to go?” “Honestly, I don’t know why,” Alex shrugged. “That’s what I am trying to find out. My idea was that if it was somepony training, maybe I could train with them. You know, like combat training?” I looked at him with a confused gaze as he smiled half-heartedly. “5 minutes?” I asked, cocking my eyebrow. “5 minutes, Swift.” Alex nodded. sigh “Alright. Then let’s head over there and see what all the hubbub is about.” ========================================<>========================================= thud! The sound of a sandbag slamming against the stone floor reverberated through the halls as the human and I approached the training grounds. I slowed my trot and stood before Alex as we rounded the blind corner. We had to traverse a small tunnel before reaching the top end of the bleacher section to… Princess Luna’s private training grounds? my mind thought. A lone stallion was near the opposite end of it, appearing to be battling a dozen wooden dummies. As he fired his magic toward them, they disintegrated immediately, causing some loud cheers to echo from the opposite tunnel. “Yo, what the hell…?” The human beside me muttered slowly. “I recognize this place. Isn’t this Princess Luna’s private training court, Swift?” “From what I can tell,” I whispered, “...yeah, it is.” The human began to walk down the bleacher steps slowly, approaching the turf while I stayed behind him. I watched the stallion battle with even more training dummies, the scene remaining incomprehensible. “Oh, shit.” I heard Alex swear, his movements stopping as I looked back at him. “What’s wrong, Mr. Alex?” I asked. groan “That’s the guy I was telling you about yesterday,” Alex grumbled. I stared at the pony as he stabbed his spear through three sandbags, breaking them in half. Sand poured onto the ground as the remains of the bags flopped down. His face became clearer as the unicorn’s horn charged more magic through the dummies, stitching them back together. The pony’s face was deterministic and full of vigor. Beads of sweat dripped down his face as he suddenly barked at the wooden dummies surrounding him. “COME ON THEN!!” My mind switched to worry as I looked back at the human creature beside me…or lack thereof. Alex was heading over to the sideline and crossed the halfway mark before a large bag hurtled toward him. “Alex! Watch ou-” ========================================<>========================================= grip! slam! My body froze as Alex grabbed the bag in midair and threw it back over his shoulder. His momentum carried with it, and he flipped over violently, landing back on his feet and sliding a few meters toward me. That’s when I noticed the training dummies suspended in the air had stopped, all dropping to the ground with an unceremonious plop! The stallion on the opposite end looked in our general area while I raced over to Alex, ensuring he was alright. “Who goes there?” the unicorn asked. I said nothing while Alex put his hands up to his chest. “Wait a minute, pal,” Alex reasoned. “You remember me, right? From the throne room incident a couple nights back?” The stallion paused as his head tilted, his eyes squinting before he dropped his head and sighed. sigh “Oh, I remember. Tch,” the stallion said, trotting over to us. A collective groan! was heard from the other side behind him, my eyes wandering to notice a group of more than a dozen ponies standing there, watching intently. What…What am I looking at right now? I thought in shock. “What can I do for you?” The pony asked toward Alex, his head tilting upward to look at him. “S-Sorry to interrupt you,” Alex mumbled. “I-I heard something was happening in one of the training grounds, and I brought my guardpony with me to investa-I mean, check it out. Yeah….” Alex looked away as the pony’s mouth opened slightly, an expression of confusion tracing it. “...” The stallion said nothing, only moving his eyes to look at me for a second. “And…this is?” “Oh, um…” ahem! “Specialist Swift Wildshadow, sir!” I saluted. The unicorn stared at me more, his eyes briefly closing before he looked back at Alex. “He’s also my friend,” the human added. My mind appreciated that as a smile tried not to force itself onto my face. The unicorn nodded as he extended a hoof toward the human’s hand. “Well, pleased to meet the both of you. My name is Private Shifting Sands,” the unicorn chirped. Alex bent down and gave him a ‘bro-hoof’ with his fist while I bowed. “Interesting,” he whispered, the faint traces of his breath blowing in the breeze. “I’ve only heard tales of your species before…but now I finally meet one face-to-face.” “Huh?” “You’re the infamous ‘human,’ correct?” Private Shifting commented. Alex looked back at me and shrugged before turning toward the stallion. “Depends on what context you are alluding to with the term ‘infamous,’” Alex replied. The pony shook his head and chuckled. “No, no,” Shifting laughed off. “It’s not anything bad. But I recalled reading about this creature that randomly showed up one day and how that sparked a deep dive into Equestria’s past. It was about a month ago, and it has been nagging at the back of my mind ever since.” The pony nodded and then smiled. “Glad you turned out to be more real than I thought.” “Uhhh…no problem?” Alex muttered. “I, uh…also wanted to apologize for that scene a few nights ago. I didn’t know what was happening and thought ‘you’ were trying to hurt Luna.” “Why are you apologizing?” Shifting asked. “I should be apologizing since I didn’t know if you were ‘friend or foe.’ In fact, that whole thing had nothing to do with you, solely involving the princess of the night and her traitorous guards, so, again, I should be saying sorry to you.” “Then apology accepted, Mr. Shifting,” Alex concluded. The stallion chuckled as he nodded and headed back over to the bags. “So, uhm…what are you up to tonight?” the human asked. “Well, I have to find some way to shake off the decades of rust that have built upon my joints and get back into shape,” Shifting replied somberly. “It has been so long since I have sparred against any training dummy, so I was just practicing my technique and using some complex combat moves against moving targets.” “Nice,” Alex whistled. “Sounds like you were really into it too.” “Eh, nothing special,” Shifting admitted. “Basic fighting moves 101.” “Really? Can I see it again then?” Alex curiously asked. The unicorn grinned as he reactivated his magic. “Sure. Why not?” ========================================<>========================================= blam! The training dummies disintegrated as we watched the stallion from up close. Shifting’s attacks were lightning-fast, and even Alex had difficulty tracking down the pony. Eventually, Shifting disappeared, and we were left scratching our heads. “Holy shit. This guy is good,” Alex mumbled. “You said it,” I replied softly. “Never seen a unicorn move that fast before.” “What do you think his secret is?” “A well-balanced diet and some proper stretches.” We both jumped as Shifting reappeared, trotting out from behind us and toward the middle of the arena. Alex jolted to the right and brought a finger to his chin. scoff! “Yeah, right,” Alex smirked. “Seems like you have had tons of experience on one routine, my guy.” Shifting shook his head and picked up his spear, launching it through three of the practice dummies’ bodies set up near the opposite wall. They were viciously pinned against the wall before cracking and exploding. “I’d correct that to me having centuries of experience compared to you, Mr. Alex. But, that is neither here nor there,” Shifting replied confidently. “I see that you yourself are quite built as well…i-in terms of muscle.” Alex pointed at himself while raising his eyebrows. “Me? Pfft,” Alex admitted, walking toward Shifting and removing his jacket. “A keen eye you have, Mr. Shifting Sands. Alas, I have been training my whole life….” Alex’s sweater came off as he was in a thick t-shirt, flexing his right arm slightly. “Have you now?” Shifting inquired. “Well, correction: Until eight years ago,” the human clarified. “I’ve been in and out of rehab for an…‘injury,’ which completely sidetracked my workout routines. But…” Alex flexed his right arm again, the veins showing through his skin, “I’m still built, right?” “Impressive,” Shifting responded before shaking his head. “Wait, how old are you, Mr. Alex?” “Ummm,” Alex pondered before pointing at the unicorn. “That’s something I would like to know from you first, Mr. Shifting Sands. What with you mentioning the words ‘decades’ and ‘centuries’ alongside the term ‘experience.’” “But, I asked you first….” “...” I stared at the two, neither side backing down from their request. I took a deep breath and decided to intervene, trotting between them. “Guys, guys! Wait just a second,” I calmly said. “How about we settle this debate with a test of strength?” Both of them looked at me slowly, causing me to gulp. “U-Uhm, if it’s all the same with you, maybe a ‘hoof-wrestling’ match would work?” Alex’s eyes blinked twice. “...What is that again?” Alex asked. “I know what he’s talking about,” Shifting replied, trotting to the scorer’s table. He stood on the opposite end of the short section and put his hoof down, bending at the elbow to demonstrate. “Oooh! ‘Arm-wrestling!’ Of course…I knew that,” Alex exclaimed, looking toward me before walking over there. My mind raced as Alex reached his end of the table, kneeling on one leg before mimicking the tan unicorn. I quickly trotted over and gave Alex a chair, knowing it would’ve been uncomfortable. “Thanks, Swift,” Alex acknowledged. “Ready to lose?” “Only one way to find out, kid,” Shifting said comically. “Who the fuck you calling a ‘kid?’” Alex shot back. I immediately clasped my hooves over both their hoove-I mean, han-oh, whatever. You know what this is. I don’t have to explain it. “Are we ready?” I asked, looking at them. They simply nodded before staring at each other. “Three, Two, One… Go!” ========================================<>========================================= grumble! “What the fuck…?” “Alex, why can’t you take him dow-” “He’s not budging, Swift, I don’t know!” yawn! Shifting yawned as Alex tried to move his hoof, the seconds racing. Those ponies by the corridor now flocked to watch from the stands, many in awe by the pair’s strength. sigh “I should’ve at least gotten you to move by now, but…dayum!” chuckle “I’ll take that as a complement. But, come on,” Shifting replied confidently. “You’re not even trying. Give it your best shot. How much strength do you got in that arm of yours?” I saw Mr. Alex glare right back at Shifting, his head shaking before his left hand gripped the opposite end of the table, teeth gritting as he pulled himself toward the unicorn. “Let me give it one…more…‘shot!’” Alex’s right arm flexed as he tried moving Shifting’s hoof down. The stallion’s arm didn’t budge, but he groaned for a split-second. Suddenly, to his and my surprise, his arm moved back. “Fascinating,” Shifting whispered, his eyebrows raising as Alex continued. He wasn’t trying to breathe, turning his face into a tense red, and his arm’s veins were popping even more from underneath his skin. “Sssss!! Come ooon!” Alex yelled. Shifting looked at me momentarily before chuckling. chuckle “Okay, I think I can end this now.” slam! “Ow!” Alex gripped his right hand as Shifting swung his hoof to the left, catching Alex by surprise. His hand slammed against the scorer’s table, leaving an actual indentation in the wood while Alex grabbed his hand. “Shit!” “Hey, I did warn you about challeng-” “No, my arm just seized up! Fuck!” Alex fell back in his chair and began to hyperventilate. His right arm had, in fact, seized up, bending awkwardly as his arm’s muscles refused to budge. “Dammit, I need an ice pack or something…shit.” poof! “Here.” Shifting summoned a small ice pack with his magic, placing it gently onto Alex’s arm and wrapping it tightly with a bandage. Alex hissed from the stinging sensation before relaxing into the chair, his arm flopped to his right side. A sigh of relief escaped his mouth. groan! “Th-Thanks,” Alex mumbled. “Are you okay, Mr. Alex?” I asked worriedly. He slightly nodded, swaying his arm back and forth. I turned to look at the stallion, who was rounding behind me and making his way toward the training field. “Hey, Mr. Shifting?” Shifting paused and turned his head, looking me in my eyes as I trotted toward him. I only had one word for him. “How?” “How?” Shifting repeated. “Yeah, like, how?” I asked in confusion. “Mr. Alex has beaten a ton of ponies in hoof-wrestling before, and this time, he didn’t even get you to budge until he tried with all his might? No offense, but how did you do that? And…how old are you?” Shifting shook his head and shrugged it off, turning around to collect his saber and spear. “Mr. Swift, let me ask you something trivial, and we’ll see what you come up with,” the unicorn replied. “How long has it been since there was a non-Thestral in the Night Guard?” “Uhm…let’s see,” I thought aloud. My mind scanned every bit of information and historical dates it could remember. “The Night Guard disbanded following Princess Luna’s banishment, and it has been almost three…two years since she last returned?” My hoof tapped my chin as I pondered. “You said you were a member of the Night Guard, but that would put you at…” gasp! My mind blanked as my jaw dropped. I stared back at the unicorn, who simply smiled before turning around and summoning the training dummies with his magic. I heard his voice, however, for a brief moment as the breeze flowed through my ears. “Shh…don’t tell.” ========================================<>========================================= “...” “Almost there,” I whispered. Alex gripped his arm as we reached the tower door, which I unlocked and ushered him through. We slowly climbed the staircase with Alex on the left side using his only good arm. I nudged him on the right to ensure he wouldn’t fall over. As soon as we reached the top, Alex stopped and gripped his arm even more. hiss! “Oh, my God…that hurts so much….” I opened the door and galloped back to the human. “How about you get some rest for the night, Mr. Alex?” I asked. “You need some sleep. Especially after today’s events.” “Mmhm…you’re right,” Alex lazily replied before saluting me. “Have a good night, Swift.” “You as well, Alex.” click!  The door shut, and next, I heard a loud fwump! from inside the room. Alex had either thrown something or himself onto the bed harshly, causing the ground to shake silently. I exhaled and looked out the window, noticing the moon starting to hang overhead in the darkened sky. Over one thousand years? my mind exclaimed in shock. There’s no way he’s ‘that’ old. I shook my head and proceeded back down the stairs, the clacking of my hooves echoing throughout the corridor. As I approached the bottom of the staircase, my head still could not wrap around that admission. He’s been alive for over a thousand years?! How?! my mind shouted in confusion. Did he- click! “...” creak! The door opened slowly, and my eyes widened. To my surprise, Princess Luna opened the door using her magic and silently stared back at me. “Oops! We are sorry, Specialist Swift,” Luna remarked before using her horn to teleport. poof! “...” I stood there silently, as a distant clack! was heard from atop the staircase I just climbed down. My head attempted to process all the information circling within it, but one thought trounced every single one. What in the hay is going on here? > ‘X-Perience’ An Opportunity - Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [...] “Alex?! Where are you?” I was trotting through the castle courtyard, searching for the human I was tasked with guarding. For some reason, he hadn’t gone to work, and a message of concern was delivered to the princesses. After hearing the news, Princess Celestia tasked me with finding Alex quickly. I know he wouldn’t just run off without an excuse, I thought as I checked every nook and cranny of the castle. There’s gotta be some clue around here. From what I had initially gathered, Alex had been last seen in his tower room and was preparing for work but, instead, disappeared. “I knew I shouldn’t have listened to him,” I thought aloud. “Alex said he would be alright on his own and that nothing bad could happen. How foolish of me….” I shook my head as I exited the courtyard and returned to the main corridor of the castle. I galloped as fast as I could, searching room after room. Eventually, my mind remembered that whenever Alex needed time to mentally unwind, he would ask me if we could go to one of the gardens in the castle. If there was one place he could be, perhaps the castle gardens would help me find him. Unfortunately, there were a total of four gardens scattered within the castle walls. The heavy glass doors slid to the side as I stepped onto the grass of the first garden. My mind started to get tired as I searched the entire garden, even submerging my head into the pond. Not in here, my mind whined. There’s gotta be a faster and more efficient way to do this. I slid the door close and shook my frame. Advancing toward the second garden door, I came up with a foolproof tell that would determine if Alex had visited the garden. As I slid the door open, I checked the grass and saw it was undisturbed. If Alex had been in here, my mind determined, his shoes would have definitely left an imprint. So…he wasn’t in here. sigh “Please, be three,” I groaned. Thankfully, the third garden provided a big clue. Rather, a ‘large’ clue. A footprint was pressed into the grass, solidifying the fact that Alex was here. I entered the private garden and closed the door softly. The peaceful atmosphere was contrasted by the towering walls that contained the garden, with the cold air breezing through. As I trotted down the right path, it led me to the backside of the garden, where the tree and pond sat solemnly. There, nestled underneath the tree… sniffle! “...Alex?” My mouth reacted before my brain, which startled the human. Alex noticed me approach him, his shoulders tensing as my brows furrowed. I saw the human’s appearance as he backed away from the tree. Alex’s hair was disheveled, appearing frayed at the ends, while his clothes were roughed up. But as I looked up at his face, my mind slowly began to feel bad for the human. The human looked at me, his once colorful, teal eyes bloodshot and soaked with tears. Alex’s face was a bright red and stained with two tear tracks extending past his cheekbones and down his neck. My hair stood up as I reached my hoof out to try and comfort Alex. The human retracted, apparently afraid to be comforted. I remained undeterred, extending my hoof to pat his leg softly. “Alex-oof!” sob! “I am so sorry, Swift….” Alex quickly crumpled, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me in for a tight hug. My body was squeezed against his, my arms cramping from being unable to reciprocate the action. I tried to get Alex to ease himself, which he figured out. “S-Sorry….” wheeze! “N-No…m-my bad,” I exasperated. I tried to crack a smile as his eyebrows creased upward, expressing concern. I didn’t say anything as his body visibly trembled. “H-Hey, Alex?” “...” Again, Alex remained silent. This was becoming tedious for me, trying to get to the root of the problem…whatever it was. So I decided to sit and relax, taking a spot underneath the tree’s brush and awaiting his response. It didn’t take long as the human fell to his butt, bringing his knees in toward his stomach and burying his head within them. He began to softly cry, his muffled anguish pouring onto his clothes. I scooted closer to his side and patted his back, ultimately giving Alex time before he would have to tell me what happened and why he didn’t go to work today. Little did I know, this was much more than just deciding not to go to work for one day. It was much…much worse. ========================================<>========================================= “S-So…you actually ‘confessed’ your feelings to Princess Luna?” sniffle “Mhmm….” “Aaand…what did she say?” shiver “She appreciated it,” Alex sighed, his head drooping. “B-But…Shifting already asked her first, and she had said ‘yes’ to him….” “Hmm...I see now,” I pondered. Alex was curled up into a ball and was trying to keep himself composed. Meanwhile, I tried my best to avoid using their names, but I had very little room to work with. “Wait…but that doesn’t make sense. Princess Luna barely knows Shifting…right?” scoff! “Not from what I’ve heard,” Alex mumbled. “Apparently, they’ve known each other since they were foals.” “Oooooh,” I said in surprise, even though I knew the ageless stallion was technically immortal. “But that raises even more questions. Wasn’t Princess Luna banished to the moon after the whole ‘Nightmare Moon’ fiasco? How did Private Shifting Sands survive for a thousand years when he is clearly an earth pony…like me? Evidently speaking, it’s only been a mon-” “A month,” Alex agreed, adjusting himself on the grass. “Yeah, this whole thing is weird to me, and I have reasonable suspicion about him. Apparently, Shifting was Luna’s ‘Captain of the Night Guard,’ so no shit there’s history there. But…why now? Of all the times to come back, why did he choose to return now?” “...I have no idea,” I pondered. “Shifting did say he came back to warn Princess Luna that her life was in danger by her own guard, but…yeah. Why did he show up the ‘exact night’ it was all about to go down? Couldn’t he have sent a note or something in advance?” “That could’ve raised even more suspicion,” Alex grumbled, looking away. “And the guard might have acted immediately upon hearing that somecreature knew of their plan….” “Mmhm,” I groaned. I rubbed my temples, a minor headache forming while Alex sighed heavily. The human appeared visibly shaken, beads of sweat flowing down the sides of his face. I patted him on the back, which he hesitantly allowed. “It’s gonna be okay, Alex….” sigh “No, it’s not…d-don’t lie.” Alex’s tone shifted, getting serious and agitated as his hands gripped the garden grass. The human uprooted several blades of grass, my mind gauging where the conversation could head if I continued to try and argue my point. I decided to lighten the mood. “Well, if you don’t believe me,” I began with, “why don’t we take the night off and go enjoy ourselves? I’ve had this one place in mind for a while, and I believe you’d totally dig it.” grumble! “...I don’t want to go anywhere,” Alex muttered. He crossed his arms and pouted, a chuckle nearly forcing itself from my mouth. I took a deep breath and decided to try again. “Oh, come on, it’ll be fun!” I reassured. “Away from the castle with nopony to bother us and some music to enjoy.” That statement did the trick as Alex’s eyes darted toward me in surprise. “Fir-First off, that just sounds creepy,” Alex stammered, putting his hand up. “God, Swift…you need to learn proper ‘phrasing.’” chuckle “I apologize. I now see why that can be so wrong without context,” I teased. “Yeah. But, more importantly…‘music?’” Alex stopped as his head tilted, his eyebrows coked upward. “Wha-What do you mean by ‘music to enjoy?’ You can’t just leave me hanging there.” I stopped and closed my eyes, exhaling silently. “Well, it sounds just like it does, Alex. A performance is happening tonight, and I’ve wanted to see this group for some time,” I explained, rubbing my hoof. “It’s…actually embarrassing since I like that kind of music, but just…never got the chance to go.” “Why?” Alex’s one-word response stunned me. I looked at him and shook my head. “I’ve…b-been busy,” I hesitated. Alex looked at me, skepticism probably running through his mind. “A-And I can’t afford it….” “...” We sat there in silence, only the wind accompanying the dead atmosphere. The wind howled as the rustling of the tree’s branches filled my ears. For sure, that should’ve worked, I thought. Alex likes music…a lot! Who would turn down this kind of opportunity to see- “I can cover it.” My head shot up while my eyes widened. Alex’s response had taken me by complete surprise. “...Y-You can?” I whispered. Alex nodded his head, shrugging to himself. “I’ve saved up enough anyway. Unless it’s really, REALLY expensive, I think I’ll be covered nonetheless.” Alex paused before exhaling deeply. “Besides…they owe me now.” “...Ummm…Alex?” growl “Oh yeah, they fucking owe me, all right.” Alex’s fist tightened, uprooting another portion of grass. I couldn’t think of anything and knew something drastic would happen if it persisted, so I threw my hooves toward him to stop it. grip! “Thank you so much, Alex!” “W-Woah! Easy there, Swift!” Alex awkwardly exclaimed. I wrapped my hooves around his waist, nearly causing him to topple over. “...I-I’ve yet to decide even IF I wanna go.” My ears perked as I separated myself from the human, clearing my throat. “R-Right. S-Sorry about that,” I whimpered. My head fell, eyes glued to the ground. All I was trying to do was to get Alex to forget what brought him to the garden in the first place, and it only seemed lik- sigh “Alright, let’s go.” Alex answered unexpectedly. I looked up at him and stood up so fast. “Really?!” I asked excitedly. My hooves started shaking in excitement as a broad smile carved itself upon my face. “Jeez, dude,” Alex noticeably said. “You’re wagging your tail like a dog, man. Chill.” I looked back and realized he was right, a small blush forming on my cheeks. “Pfft, haha! Come on, bud, there’s no time to waste.” The human had made it to the door and slid it back open, ushering for me to join him. “Yes!” I pumped my hoof in celebration and trotted through the door, turning around to wait for Alex. He walked through the doorway, shut it behind him, and smiled toward me. As he smiled at me, I remembered that everypony in the castle was looking for him. If he was spotted, he’d have to talk with the alicorns first before leaving, which would likely end catastrophically. “Wa-Wait!” I stammered, motioning toward the human. “I know a shortcut. This way!” ========================================<>========================================= “Hey, uh…Swift? Where exactly are we going?” “Don’t worry! We’re almost there, Alex.” groan! “I don’t even know ‘where’ this is,” the human muttered. “The only thing I am aware of is that music is involved somehow.” chuckle “Well, I do hope you like it!” I chirped. “It’s a great place from what I’ve heard, and it beats sulking around in the castle garden all night.” “Hey! I wasn’t sulking,” Alex protested. “Just…coping.” “Uh-huh.” “I’m serious!” Alex yelled. “And why do I have a sneaky feeling I know where we’re going?” We continued down the main street and passed the intersection that led to Alex’s workplace. I noticed him look over his right shoulder, so I drew his attention by steering him to the left. “This way, bud!” I called out. “Woah, Swift! Chill out, my guy….” Alex’s words stopped, as did his body. I trotted next to him and looked up at the establishment’s sign, the illuminated words beaming back down at us. “Swift?” “Yes, Alex?” sigh “...Why’d you bring me here?” Alex shakily asked. I grinned as I trotted for the entrance. “You’ll see,” I cheekily answered. I held the door for the human as he followed my lead, ducking down slightly. The top part of the doorway grazed his hair on the way through as we entered ‘The X-Perience’ Music Bar. Alex observed his surroundings, as did I, taking in the atmosphere. The bar almost resembled a nightclub but doubled as a leisurely restaurant for everycreature to pass the time in. Music memorabilia lined the walls, photos of bands and performers playing, and even a small aquarium toward the back right. I didn’t understand why they had one since the music bar was only for creatures 18 years or older. The reason why was spelled out on the left side. A long countertop bar with dozens of stools lining it and a few bartenders catering to the ponies who could hold their drinks well. I had only been here a few times as a way to unwind but never engaged in casual drinking. That was also something I needed to keep secret from Alex. Speaking of which, the human may have drawn some attention as some guests who were leaving nearly fell over at the sight of him. He gave them a friendly wave, and the ponies only ran off in fright. Alex shrugged his shoulders as his eyes continued wandering around the establishment. I trotted toward the waitress standing at the entrance podium. It seemed like she recognized me, her eyebrows raising in surprise. “Well, what can I do for you, Mr. Swift?” she asked nicely. chuckle “Nice to see you again,” I replied. “Two seats at the bar, please.” The mare nodded as she moved for the bar on the opposite side of the place. I called out to Alex and motioned for him to follow, the human’s mouth agape as his eyes darted everywhere. “God…dayum,” Alex whispered. “This place is lit up like the Fourth of July.” “You know I have no idea what that means, but I’ll take your word for it,” I responded. Alex and I made it to the barstools, the mare showing her hoof before noticing Alex behind me. She froze in place, probably scared by the towering creature. “Thank you,” I politely commented. The mare said nothing as Alex sat beside me, flicking his hand and waving toward her. The waitress acknowledged him awkwardly before quickly heading back to the front. “Weird,” Alex muttered. “You’d think anypony would have gotten used to seeing me by now.” “Was that sarcasm?” I asked with a nervous laugh. Alex’s mouth turned into a silly grin as he shook his head, resting his elbows on the bar’s countertop. “Yeah, that was,” Alex laughed off. “How long do you think it’ll take before we get our drinks?” “Don’t know. They’re usually fast abou-” “What can I get you two?” the bartender interrupted. We were caught off-guard, Alex silently laughing as I waved my hoof at him in disbelief. The human shook his head and watched as I spoke up. “I’ll do the usual, Barry,” I said. Alex cleared his throat, causing me to look at him. His face expressed confusion, his eyes squinting at me. “...What?” “Wait a second. You drink?” the human asked, making me nearly fall out of my seat. “No!” I answered. “What I’m getting is NOT a drink! It’s more of a refresher…a ‘non-alcoholic’ refresher.” “Pfft! God…remind me to find one night a week to go to a bar or something with you, just so I can relive this moment, haha,” Alex chuckled. I laughed as well as Barry looked back at me in skeptical annoyance. “He with you?” the bartender inquired. I nodded and motioned toward the human. “What do you want to get, Alex?” I asked. The human slowly prodded his chin, mulling over his decision as he looked at the bar’s fancy wall menu. There were a lot of choices across the board, and I couldn’t blame him for taking his time. There were many different selections of root beers, ciders, and martinis. The list went on and on and on. Ultimately, Alex shook his head. “Water with ice,” he cooly replied. I was dumbfounded by his choice, as was Barry, who slowly nodded and walked toward the opposite end of the counter. I rolled my eyes and let my chin hit the bartop. “Great choice,” I lazily grumbled. Alex looked at me with an annoyed look. “I always get water…with ice,” Alex added. I was just about to comment before we heard a bass guitar strumming some notes. Alex’s eyes darted past my head, forcing me to smile and look toward the stage as a curtain parted. Then… “1, 2, 3!” clack! ========================================<>========================================= Without warning, the entertainment for the night started to play one of their regular openers, enticing the ponies within the restaurant to swivel in their seats. Everypony turned to listen and watch them keenly, commanding their attention with their beautiful sound. I bopped my head with the song’s tempo, the bassist beginning to sin- tap-tap-tap! “Swift!” I shook myself out of my stupor and turned toward Alex. He was nearly jumping up and down, a wide grin running across his face. “I-I know that song, dude!” My eyes widened at that admission. “Wait a minute. You know this one?” I asked. He nodded happily and started snapping his fingers. snap! “It’s a classic where I’m from,” Alex acknowledged. snap! “How do you know this…w-wait.” I did a double-take. “A classic? Where YOU’RE from?!” chuckle “Hell yeah!” Alex looked up toward the stage and bopped his head in rhythm. “Check it. This is how the chorus goes.” As the guitarist and synth began to lead into the chorus, Alex looked at me an- “Everybody’s working for the weekend!” Alex sang. I nearly choked on my spit as he recited the entire chorus word for word before the bassist even sang it. My brain almost exploded as they went to the solo section following it, Alex mimicking the guitar and air playing. “Goddamn, I know this one all too well, Swift!” Alex cheered. His eyes were glued toward the stage as the band reached the second chorus and jammed through it. The crowd suddenly got into a loud chant as the guitar played the following solo part, and we took part in it, too, from our spots. Alex was digging it, especially since the drummer had switched his pattern up and got the crowd going. Some were even dancing, mostly the older pony couples. Wow, my mind thought in amazement. How in the land of Equestria…what the…wait a second. I turned toward Alex as the band neared the end of the song. “You’ve played ‘Working For The Weekend’ before?” Alex nodded as he motioned for me to lean in. “It’s a classic rock and roll song of the 80’s where I’m from,” Alex mentioned. “Back in college, this was a fan favorite for the band I was in. Especially, heh, on Fridays.” I moved back and looked him dead in the eyes. “...You’re joking, right?” I asked skeptically. Alex shook his head as the song ended, and the crowd began to cheer. Alex did as well, clapping his hands and smiling ear-to-ear. I stared at him as the band started the next song, with the guitarist bending three notes and then the melody t- “‘Kickstart My Heart?!’” Alex exclaimed. My eyebrows raised as the band played the intro, the song being upbeat in tempo and very loud. Alex was trying to contain his laughter as the band’s sound flooded the bar’s atmosphere, encouraging everypony to chant the words for the chorus. “Woah! Yeah!” the crowd chanted along with the musicians, the spectacle taking over my mind. I didn’t even notice that Barry had brought our drinks for us. Alex began to tap my shoulder again, my head turning to the right to look at him. “Drinks!” he yelled. “What?” I asked in confusion. Alex pointed, and that’s when I saw the drinks. “Oh. My bad!” “No worries!” Alex shouted. He grabbed his cup of water with ice and took a long sip. His mouth tasted it for a bit before he shrugged. “Is it good?” I asked. “What?!” Alex replied loudly. I shook my head and waved my hoof, telling him to forget it. As the band played the final part to the tune, Alex’s head swiveled quickly toward the stage, his eyebrows creasing. I didn’t know what had happened, so I did the same. As it turns out…nothing was wrong. The band finished the song, and the crowd went into a raucous applause. I turned around to look at the human, who grimaced. “Everything okay, Alex?” “Oof, the guitarist,” Alex cringed, shaking his head in disgust. “He didn’t hit some of the correct fingerings, in my opinion. I can tell.” “How…what?” “He missed some notes and was late on the last run before the final solo part,” Alex explained, wiggling his fingers. “Seems like he needs to practice more on this one. If you couldn’t already tell, I’ve played this song too.” “I am so confused-” pfft! Alex had taken a full sip of the water and immediately spit it out as another song began. His eyes widened as his mouth opened, an expression of giddy shock across his face. I looked over as Barry trotted toward us, his head shaking in frustration. “Sorry, Barry,” I replied sheepishly before glaring at Alex. “Bro!” “Dude, they keep playing banger after banger! I am so sorry,” Alex whispered non-discreetly, pointing toward the stage. “Wha-” “That’s ‘Thunderstruck!’” ========================================<>========================================= As the night played on, Alex and I sat at the bar and listened to the band. The rock and roll songs kept the crowd alive, but Mr. Alex’s knowledge of those songs had my attention. “Oh, God! Now THAT was a good song,” he remarked. “They’ve never done that song before in public, yet you knew the song?” I retorted. Alex was surprised before scratching the back of his head sheepishly. “I mean…‘Everybody Talks’ was a great rocker for the newer generation when I performed,” Alex explained. “The band I was in played mostly classic rock songs, and other songs were suggested by the younger band members, like myself.” I nodded in disbelief as he downed another cup of water, watching him set it back on the counter and calling over Barry. “Can I get another refill, brother Barry? Appreciate you, sir.” Barry shook his head and just smiled. As the band took a minute to recuperate, the bartender asked me about who Alex was…in front of him. It seemed as though the human was unbothered by this, but as a friend, me explaining who the human creature was wouldn’t do him justice. So I just motioned toward the human. “Ask him yourself. I swear he doesn’t bite,” I sarcastically teased. Barry took a shaky breath before taking me up on that, and I think it couldn’t have gone better. The three of us had a fun talk, and I think Alex had made quite an impression on the bartender. Alex was probably on his tenth cup of water but couldn’t care less. “Thanks, bud,” Alex said. Barry nodded and asked if I needed a refill, but I took a hard pass. It had been a few hours, and I was reaching the limit. It was to the point where my head hurt, but I tried my hardest to quash it and enjoy the time I had with Alex. sigh “Dang….” “Swift? You okay?” Alex asked. I lazily looked at the human, his face showing concern. I shook my head and clutched it, resting my elbow on the counter. “Headache,” I grumbled. “It’s beating me up right now….” “Well, we can always go-” “No!” I exclaimed while grimacing. Alex looked stunned as I stretched my neck, taking a deep breath. “I…I’ll be fine. Don’t worry.” “...” Alex said nothing. However, once more, the crowd cheered loudly as the band finished their final song. The microphone then gave some rough feedback before the bassist began to talk. “Alright, how was ‘that experience?’” the stallion asked the crowd. The ponies on the dance floor cheered and jumped in place while others sitting nearby nodded in approval. “We want to thank you all for coming out tonight. That will be it from us, and we wish you a good night! Get home safely, and remember to tip the waitresses on your way out!” The bass player saluted as the band took a formal bow, my eyes seeing most ponies beginning to vacate the premises. Meanwhile, the band had left the stage and disappeared toward the back, the curtain closing simultaneously. Alex turned toward the counter and set down his cup, stretching his arms above his head. “Well, I’d say that was an ‘awesome experience,’ Swift!” Alex emphasized with a hardy laugh. chuckle “Yeah….” I laughed off. Alex sighed heavily as his shoulders slumped. sigh “Too bad it’s over for tonight,” the human acknowledged. “That music was so frickin’ good!” Alex turned toward me and raised his voice a bit. “I don’t know about you, but that band reminds me of some cover bands we had back where I’m from. Hell, I’d say that they sounded better than the band I was in.” “A ‘cover band?’” I asked, my head tilting to the side. “What are those?” “Cover bands are groups that play their own versions of songs already made,” Alex explained. “Music isn’t limited to one style or genre. Multiple artists could produce their own versions, rewording some lyrics or changing the style to suit their musical abilities. They can also add solos and make stuff up on the fly.” “Oh! That’s interesting,” I said in amazement. “Yeah, that’s what they remind me of,” Alex reiterated. “Don’t get me wrong, the music they play isn’t half-bad. The selections are interesting, to say the least, but I would tweak some of them…in my opinion.” huff! “Like what?” ========================================<>========================================= My eyes widened as a gruff voice came from behind us. I turned my head and noticed it was the band manager I had met before. The pony’s eyebrows raised, and a smile went across his face. “Mr. Swift! What a surprise to see you here!” the stallion exclaimed, extending his hoof. “How are you doing, son?” I shook his hoof and laughed it off. “Oh, you know,” I relayed. “Doing my job as a guardpony and standing around got boring, so I decided to come here. It beats sitting around and sulking in the dark, haha.” I turned toward Alex and stuck my tongue out, the human pouting in return. “I’m not going to live this down,” Alex muttered. “And…‘who’ is this creature right here?” the band manager asked, approaching the human with a curious stare. I cleared my throat and addressed the matter. “This is Mr. Alex,” I presented. “He’s a human…from Earth. Or…however you call it.” The band manager squinted before looking at me again. “‘Hyu-man?’...Oh! Was this the one you told me about?” the stallion asked out loud. Alex’s eyebrows raised as he looked at me in shock, to which I sheepishly shrugged and nodded. “Th-This is the one, yep,” I stammered. “Oh!” the pony remarked. “Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Alex! My name is Gerry Maneigh. I am the band manager for ‘The X-Perience.’” Alex awkwardly shook the pony’s hoof and smiled. “Uh, thanks?” Alex said in return before harshly glaring at me. “What do you mean by ‘you’ve been here before,’ Swift?” “...” “Well, Mr. Alex,” Gerry interrupted. “I do reckon I would like to return to that conversation you were having a moment ago. So what about the music needs to be tweaked in a way that will make it better for you?” Alex looked at the band manager and didn’t say anything. It seemed as though he was caught between a rock and a hard place. “Well, don’t be shy now, son. I would like to hear your thoughts on the matter.” “...U-Uhhm,” Alex stuttered before resting his hand on his lap. “I-I would say…the biggest thing is the guitar part needs some work.” “...” Gerry said nothing. I looked at Alex as he returned the stare, his fingers tapping his leg nervously. “Uhm…wh-what I mean by that is the s-sound,” Alex tried to clarify. This seemed to work as Gerry cocked an eyebrow up. “The sound?” Gerry repeated softly. “Y-Yeah. It seems like some of the notes aren’t being hit…b-but other times, he is playing them, albeit a bit behind tempo,” Alex reiterated. “I-I don’t know what species the guitarist is or what kind of guitar he plays on-” “The guitarist is a dragon, Mr. Alex,” Gerry replied coldly. I was thinking of a way to get the human out of this situation, but we were both stuck as two waitresses appeared to overhear the conversation. Alex saw all this unfold and gulped before pressing his luck, much to my dismay. “...Th-Then?” Alex thought aloud before wiggling his fingers. “Perhaps his digits are too weak?” Gerry tilted his head to the side as Alex shakily sighed. groan “I-I mean, that would explain the missed fingerings and wrong notes. Puh-Perhaps thinner strings could help the guitarist out?” “Thinner…strings?” Gerry repeated. Alex slowly nodded before looking at me in desperation. The human clearly relayed that he needed help, but I shook my head and pointed toward him. “You started it,” I muttered. “This is on you, Mr. Alex.” “W-Well, I didn’t know their band manager would overhear ‘our’ conver-” “‘Thinner…strings.’” We both looked at the stallion as he prodded his chin with his hoof, repeating the phrase over and over to himself. After a few tense seconds, the pony’s eyes widened and he suddenly began to laugh, catching us off guard. “Hahahaaa!” Gerry loudly chuckled. The servers nearby didn’t fully understand the situation, but their amused looks didn’t ease the feeling Alex and I were having as the band manager chortled on. After the servers left, he wiped his eyes, trying to compose himself as much as possible. “I-I’m sorry there, Mr. Alex. Haha! I-I dooo sincerely apologize,” the band manager wheezed. Alex looked visibly uncomfortable but tried his best to save face. “Uuhm…ye-yeaaah,” Alex stammered. The human tried to remove himself from the barstool, but it seemed the band manager had other plans as he cleared his throat. ahem! “Well, thanks to you, that dragon owes me 20 bits now.” “...Come again?” > ‘X-Perience’ An Opportunity - Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gerry deflected my retort and leaned in, cupping his hoof by his mouth. “Do you mind if I ask you colts to stick around afterward? I’d like for you to meet the band and let the dragon know yourself about his playing problem.” Alex looked at me worriedly before looking back at the band manager. “W-Well, I don’t know-” “Nonsense!” Gerry remarked cheerfully. “You get to meet the band, after all. Quite an honor, if I do say so myself!” The band manager was beaming, and I decidedly shrugged toward Alex. Alex took a few moments to let out a long sigh before nodding slowly. “Perfect! I’ll see you two back here in about one hour.” The band manager started to leave for the back as I got off my chair to stretch. Alex then slipped off his and called out to him. “Hey, Mr. Gerry? Do I, like, need anything with me?” Alex asked. Gerry flashed him a grin, turning his head to look Alex in the eyes. “If you got a guitar, I suggest bringing it. If you’re going to convince anycreature back there with your music background, you’ll first need to prove yourself worthy of being listened to.” The stallion left without another word, leaving Alex and me stunned by the series of events. “Come on! We gotta return to the castle quickly!” Alex declared, waving to me. As he jogged past, I started to gallop after him before nearly choking on my spit, remembering something. `“If you find Alexander Walkerson, please bring him back to the castle and to my private study. Luna and I would like to have a quick word with him, Specialist Swift.”` Princess Celestia’s words rang out in my mind as I stopped. “Wait, Alex!” I called out. The human stopped and turned around. “We can’t go back to the castle!” Alex looked at me in disbelief. “What do you mean? We gotta go back! That’s where my guitar-” “Nopony knows where you are except me!” Alex looked perplexed before realizing what I was saying, his head hanging back in despair as I groaned. “The princesses are looking for you. Said they wanted to talk with you privately about something and I needed to find you. If anycreature sees you in there-” “They’ll report me to the princesses. Fuck, I can’t go back….” Alex agreed, solemnly walking toward the bar again. “They’d have a million plus one questions about what happened…a-and that’s something I don’t need right now.” I sat there and looked at Alex, his head hanging as he sat in defeat at the bartop. His keys hanging from his belt jingled, giving me an idea. “What if I go get it, Alex?” The human turned to look at me, his eyes slowly widening. “Swift. Do you think you can carry-” “Please,” I confidently said, brushing it off. “It’ll be a piece of cake. You’ll barely realize I was gone.” Apparently, that was all it took to convince Alex as he unhooked his keys and gave them to me. “This long key is what you’ll need, Swift. Go to my room and look underneath the bed. It should be a black-leathered case with a sticker of a red guitar on one side. It has two code-dial locks on either side and one central one by the handle,” Alex described. I saluted him and nodded. “Without a problem, Mr. Alex,” I stated before bolting for the door. “Grab that one, and then the other guitar, Swift! It’s sitting by my desk!” I skidded to a stop as my mind registered that. I slowly turned around to look at the human, tilting my head and staring at him in shock. “...Y-You have another one?” “...” ========================================<>========================================= click! huff! “Goodness me,” I huffed out. I put a hoof on my chest and heaved. “I might need a break after that sprint.” heave! After Alex had given me the instructions on where his ‘two’ guitars were, I raced to his tower room, doing my best not to be caught by the other guards. Unfortunately for me, Trent just had to stop me in the halls and was talking at length about his day- `“Yeah, sorry! Don’t have time to chat, Trent!” I politely shouted, galloping down the hall. “Talk to you later!”` groan! “I have to apologize to him later,” I grumbled, trotting toward Alex’s bed. “Now then, where is this guitar?” I bent down and flipped the blanket hanging from the bed upward, exposing the underside. There, as the human had described, was a black leather case. Bingo. I grabbed it with one hoof and yanked it from its confines. The case slid out from under the bed, and near one of its corners, a sticker of a red guitar was plastered. I nodded confidently before turning my head to look over my left shoulder. “...” Another case was near the desk, just as Alex had described. My eyes blinked a few times before I sighed heavily. sigh “One of those days, I guess,” I muttered. I placed the black guitar case atop the bed and prepared to gather the other one. Its tannish leathery exterior was intriguing, and the locks were, well, locked. The mini locks were made of a crystal-like gem, and I wasn’t about to let curiosity ruin my friendship with the human. I wondered if these locks were the same as the ‘gift’ he got from the Crystal Empire. “Hmm. I’ll ask him about it later,” I idly thought aloud. Lifting the guitar case and making the arduous trek to the other side of the bed was painful, but I was relieved when I disposed of it from my back. A dramatic fwoomp! escaped into the air, as well as a shiver of relief from me as I closed my eyes. After getting both guitars out, I took a few moments to breathe easy. It had been one haphazardly long day, and if I just got through this next half hour, I would have an easy night hanging out with Alex. My eyes opened, and I peered toward the open door. My brain churned out the biggest dilemma I was about to face, and dread made me feel weak at the knees. How was I about to get these two guitars down a long flight of stairs, through the Canterlot castle halls, and to the restaurant…while trying to make sure nopony stopped me?  `“Here. Take this. You might need it when lugging them back here.”` My mind rattled numbly as Alex’s words made sense. One word softly escaped from my mouth as I peered back at the ropes tied around my waist, with the ends connected to form hooks. “...Buck.” ========================================<>========================================= grunt! “Why are these so heavyyy?” I strained in exhaustion. “Oof!” The two cases beside my barrel crashed against my sides as I limped into the ‘X-Perience Music Bar.’ Only a few ponies were left inside the restaurant, and most of the staff was gone. Alex, meanwhile, was waiting beside the bartop before noticing me, nearly falling out of his chair at the sight. “Don’t move any further, Swift!” Alex yelled. I did just that and stopped, my legs shaking from the weight bearing down upon my body. The human ran over to me in two seconds flat, grabbing the first case on my left side. I tried keeping a firm stance as he unhooked the strap, setting it beside him while I groaned from the right case’s weight. “Sorry about that, Swift,” Alex apologized, moving around me toward the right side. “I know they are heavy, but it’s much easier for me to carry them sinc-” “Why DO you have ‘two’ guitars, Alex?” I asked in annoyance. The human stopped talking as he fiddled with the rope holding the case’s handle. groan! “It seems impractical to me….” sigh “Well, the red guitar was the one I showed you a couple months ago, remember?” Alex reminded me. I nodded in agreement as he removed the second guitar from the right side of my body, allowing me to ease myself back onto my hindlegs and sit. “As for the second guitar, it’s custom-made.” “Custom…made?” I repeated in confusion. “Yup! It’s a replica of the guitar I own in my world. That’s a guitar I only use for shows and gigs,” Alex nodded proudly. I pondered the statement before shaking my head. “...Wait. So you got somepony to help you ‘make’ another guitar?” I asked. Alex nodded again and explained in further detail. “Every guitar sounds different. No two guitars in the world should ever produce a similar sound, with different models, shapes, sizes, and so on.” Alex lectured me as I stretched my back. I grimaced in pain before hearing a loud pop! in my back, which alleviated some of the stress. sigh “Oooh, okay,” I exhaled. “So they are unique in their own way to each other?” “That’s correct, Swift,” Alex answered. “For instance, when Twilight helped me put this guitar together, she lent me her acoustic guitar and showed me how it had cracked. Those guitars don’t require an amp to amplify their sound, but a crack in the body can affect their sound quality.” My eyebrows raised as I stared at the human. “Ooooh, so you got Princess Twilight to ‘help’ you make another guitar?” I teased. Alex realized his mistake and deflected my question. “And YOU didn’t get anypony to help bring these guitars here? Say, for example, a unicorn who can magically levitate objects?” Alex replied. I shook my head, trudging for an open barstool. “McDuffy wasn’t available to help me,” I lied. “Plus, there’s no need to ask for help when I can do it all by myself.” I confidently puffed out my chest before spitting out what I shouldn’t have told him. “Although, dragging them both down the stairs was an issue….” Alex stared at me as I covered my mouth. He did a double-take as he picked up the guitar cases, looking at them worriedly. “...You know? I’m just going to pray to God nothing bad happened to them on the way here….” “Well, come on now! They don’t got all night to stay up and wait for y’all!” Gerry, the band manager, trotted from behind the back curtain and motioned for us to follow him. I groaned as I got up from my seat while Alex grabbed both guitar cases and walked before me. We strolled after the stallion, passing through the backroom curtain and past the stage. The backstage was large, with the stage darkened. The silhouettes of some instruments were visible to us as we passed the staircase leading to it. I looked at Alex, who stared ahead, rounding a blind corner and proceeding through a smaller corridor. It twisted to the left and abruptly ended at a double door with a split star, with some names I didn’t recognize etched across its surface. “Wait one moment, son,” Gerry cautioned. “I’m just gonna introduce you to them, but I need to address something first, yeah?” We both nodded as he smiled, disappearing into the room and closing it nearly all the way. He may have purposefully left it open, allowing us to hear the conversation. “Thank you all for being patient with me,” he remarked. “Now, I would like to introduce you all to two very special guests. But, first, I must address a matter with one of you.” The room fell quiet as Alex and I stood there anxiously. “Riff?” Gerry interrupted. “I’m taking 20 bits from your pay for today.” “Wait, what?!” the supposed ‘Riff’ yelled back. “Why me?! What did I do this time?!” I nudged Alex, who looked down at me, grimacing. “Everything oka-” “Now, now. Let’s not get hasty, Riff,” Gerry calmly reiterated. “This has to do with your playing tonight…again. This time, however, somecreature confirmed what we already knew, and you will need to hear them out. Understood?” snort! “Really?” the creature replied in annoyance. “Well, whoever it is-ooh. Hoh hoh! This better not be another damn ‘critic!’ For Lord Ember’s sake, every time a supposed ‘critic’ comes along and listens to us play our show tunes, it’s always ME that gets targeted!” Alex’s shoulders slumped as he shook his head, leaning toward me. “Seems like it has been an ongoing issue,” Alex whispered. “This may not be a good id-” “Well, let’s hear them out real quick, shall we?” the band manager replied. I noticed the door starting to open, making me gulp. Alex gripped his guitar cases tightly, taking a deep breath. The creature continued to rant on, unaware of what was coming. “I am SO SICK of these so-called ‘critics’ coming up here! They always come up with newer ways to diminish our music abilities, ME in particular!” ‘Riff’ commented angrily. “Well, I want to know who this creature is this time! I want to hear WHY they think that so I can give them a piece of my mind! I wanna know who exactly they arrrrrre….” “...” Four creatures were sitting around the room, all eyes trained on Alex and me as we entered. ‘Riff’ was in the center of the room, standing up before stepping back. Their eyes widened in surprise as Alex set his cases down, causing me to move more toward the right side. The band manager grinned, waving his hoof toward us. “Band? I’d like you to meet Mr. Alex, the ‘hyu-man,’ and his guardpony companion, Mr. Swift Wildshadow.” ========================================<>========================================= “...” “...” cough! “...” Nocreature said anything. It was so quiet that I actually heard crickets sounding out from outside the establishment. It was…awfully quiet. “So, is no one gonna say anything about the obvious, or what?” the stallion sitting nearby asked. He had his hooves crossed and was staring at the dragon in the middle of the room. The rest of the group stayed silently still as the band manager scoffed. “Hmph…Riff? Why so silent now?” the stallion asked, staring at the dragon with a grin. The dragon looked at Gerry before staring back at us. He looked directly at Alex, straightening himself up and rolling his shoulders back before opening his mouth. “...” No words came out. The room remained quiet. Alex decided to break the silence, stepping toward the bewildered dragon. “I assume you’re the guitar player, correct?” Alex asked politely. The dragon didn’t budge, but he silently nodded as Alex shrugged. “I couldn’t help myself, but I was listening to you perform and-” “Yeah? What of it?!” Riff snapped. His claws clenched as smoke huffed from his nostrils. The band sat back silently as Alex held his right hand up. “I don’t want no trouble, Mr. Riff. I just want to make a suggestion, if I may,” Alex conceded. The dragon didn’t say anything. “See, I’m also a guitarist, and I heard you missing some notes and key chord fingerings in some of the songs. That made me think you weren’t able to hit th-” “Wait a second!” The hippogriff at the back of the room sat up in his chair. “Let me guess. You are going to say Riff needs ‘thinner strings?’” Alex nodded, and surprisingly, the hippogriff flew up into the air. “Yes! I called it!” the hippogriff cheered. “Haha! You ALSO owe me 20 bits!” The band quickly dissolved into a fit of laughter, the dragon leaning his head back. He did his best to cover his face, but we noticed the blush of embarrassment creeping onto his cheeks. As the laughter finally died down, Riff pinched the bridge of his nose before the hippogriff grabbed the dragon’s shoulder. “Sometimes, you gotta trust your bandmates, Riffy,” the hippogriff teased, shaking the dragon. “Get off me, Darius!” Riff angrily shot back, his arms folding as the hippogriff landed in front of him. I took in his appearance as he approached Alex. His blackened fur was smooth, laced with bits of white feathers tracing down from atop his head and down his neck. He had a long white tail wrapped with a bandage, but his hazel eyes shone in the light as his beak creased into a grin. “Sorry about little Riff here. He can get cranky when others criticize him,” the hippogriff teased, his claw extending toward Alex. “I DO NOT!!” Riff shouted in protest. The hippogriff shook his head before chuckling. “Anyway, my name is Darius. Darius Hawkins,” the hippogriff introduced himself. “I come from the Hippogriffia Isle down south but have played all over Equestria...oh! Yeah, I’m the drummer of the band too!” Alex shook his claw happily, which made me tilt my head in surprise. “Well, there’s something you don’t see every day,” the griffon sarcastically stated, getting up from his seat. “Mr. Alex, right? I’ve seen you somewhere before…wait. You work at the local supermarket, don’t you?” Alex’s shoulders slumped as he nodded, which made the griffon’s smile widen. “Heh, at least you’re putting bits in your pocket. Name’s Jay. I play keytar,” the griffon replied, extending his claw out. He almost resembled a snow leopard with his vanilla-like fur, but without the spots across his body, save for one. His hair was slicked back into a mohawk, which exposed a dark gray spot that extended across the side of his face and down to his neck. For some reason, his dark brown eyes dilated as he noticed Alex’s guitar cases. “So, what kind of guitars you got?” “Magic-powered, right?” the unicorn on the left pointed out. Alex nodded while slightly wincing as the light-blue pony approached. “Jake Tenuto’s the name, and playing piano is my…specialty. Sorry.” His hoof retracted after shaking Alex’s hand, probably intimidated by his size. “None taken,” Alex replied. “And as for the guitars, they’re battery-powered. They only run on magic in case of an emergency power outage.” Some band members were left scratching their heads, but the unicorn understood it. “Like a reserve of energy,” Mr. Tenuto responded. “Smart idea. I’ve only heard of those, but I’ve never seen one up close. Probably because Riff is too afraid of them-” “WHY ARE Y’ALL PICKING ON ME?!” the dragon yapped. The unicorn’s shades hid his eyes, but I knew he was annoyed due to his sigh. Speaking of which, the unicorn’s long blonde hair extended past his forehead and near his shades, while the back end extended toward the body. He wore a vest with sleeves at the front of his body, and a red bowtie completed the outfit. Mr. Tenuto adjusted his magenta-tinted shades and looked back toward the earth pony. “K. G.” Mr. Alex and I watched as the earth pony near the back-right sat upright. The stallion said nothing as he observed the human with a sharp eye. I heard Alex audibly gulp! before the earth pony stood first on two hooves, then dropped to all four. He moved forward, and the other members backed away, letting me get a good look at him. The earth pony was taller than me by a slim margin, his black mane disheveled compared to the band manager. The sand-like color of his body fur appeared wet, most likely from the sweat of playing music earlier. His trained eye on the human beside me made me tense up, the backs of his brown eyes boring past him. The cut beneath his left eye was also a scary sight, but I did my best to stay composed. “I’ve definitely seen you before…but I can’t quite put my hoof on it. You’re not from around here, are you?” The earth pony’s scruffy low voice said. He waited as Alex scratched the back of his neck, sharply inhaling before a deep exhale exited his mouth. sigh “You’d be correct,” Alex answered sheepishly. “If you wanted to know where I am exactly from, it’s a place called ‘Earth.’” I knew this was true and nodded along with him. Then, the stallion’s eyes lit up as he smiled. “So you’re the creature who randomly appeared in Equestria that one day?” the earth pony deduced. The entire band nearly did a double take as they stared at Alex, who nodded slowly. Alex laughed at their reactions, a mixture of amazement and surprise filling the room. The earth pony began to quiet them down as Alex explained. “Yep, that’s me,” Alex said. “Still don’t know how I got here, but…I’m here.” “And we’re glad to meet you, Mr. Alex,” the pony commented, extending his hoof for Alex to shake. “I’m the band leader of ‘The X-Perience,’ Kyle Growl. I play bass and sing the main vocal lines. It’s nice to meet a fellow musician here in Canterlot.” “Likewise,” Alex replied nicely before retracting his hand. “Hmpf.” ========================================<>========================================= Riff stood a ways away, still in the center of the room. Kyle realized he hadn’t introduced him, which made him walk over and put a hoof over his shoulder. “This here’s Riff. Best guitarist out of the Dragonlands,” Kyle encouraged. “He’s had some trouble recently because of his distaste for ‘critics,’ but we all have had our fair share of critiques from older, snobby musicians. Ain’t that right, guys?” A collective sound of agreement came from the others, which only made Riff cross his arms and pout. “It’s annoying, that’s what!” the dragon complained. “Well, Riff. Maybe we should hear Mr. Alex out on this one,” Kyle persuaded. “If this guy can figure it out just by listening to one performance…speaking of, how did you know?” Alex pointed at himself and awkwardly grabbed his arm. “I-I…For me, that’s the first thing I usually look at,” Alex stammered. “Trust me. I get my fair share of criticism all the time. I am a firm believer that, in any situation, restringing your guitar will improve your playing tenfold. If you don’t mind me asking, what gauge strings do you use? I-I mean, how thick are the strings?” “Gauge 12….” The dragon mumbled, which made me squint. The bassist surely was frustrated, considering he let go of the dragon’s shoulders and tried to match his height. “Riff-” “See, that’s the thing, Mr. Riff. Those are too thick for your playing style, and your performance is suffering because of it,” Alex disagreed. The band fell silent as Alex flipped his case over. Unlatching the locks, he opened it to reveal a black cloth covering his guitar. The human opened a compartment toward the bottom left side, with many supplies inside. “Sheesh! That’s a lot of guitar supplies,” Jay commented. “Thanks,” Alex smiled before looking back at the dragon. “Listen. I get that the tone quality is really good with thick strings, but sometimes, you hit different strings on specific notes, and that causes the note to change. Or it just adds an overtone, which is unnecessary. My suggestion? Thin them out. A gauge-10 should do you good.” “You can’t be serious?” Riff pessimistically repli- flick! “Gah!” Something flew toward the dragon, causing him to put his claws up. Riff caught it and stared at it, then toward us. I looked over at Alex and saw him deadpan staring back. “Mr. Riff. I’ve played guitar since I was a little kid,” Alex explained. “It’s been almost 20 years since I first picked up a guitar, and so I can say, with great confidence, I know when it’s time to change your strings.” I watched as Alex removed the cloth covering the red guitar. The drummer pointed at it with a surprised expression on his face. “Hold up! That guitar looks sick, dude!” Darius commented. All Alex could do was smirk and shrug his shoulders. He removed the strap from the case and began attaching it to the guitar when Kyle brought his hoof up in thought. “I’ve never seen that kind of brand before. What is it?” the bassist asked. “It’s a PRS,” Alex answered. “What in Tartarus is a ‘PRS?’” Riff rudely shot down. “You don’t know what ‘PRS’ stands for?” Alex fired back. The group remained stagnant as Alex slowly smiled. “Stands for ‘Paul Reed Smith.’ It’s a type of guitar manufacturing company. Very high-quality stuff, if I do say so myself. Hey, you got an amp I could borrow?” The group turned to look at Riff. The dragon hesitated before grumbling and marched over to the opposite side of the room. He grabbed a medium-sized amp from what looked like a cubby hole there. Meanwhile, Alex walked over with his guitar, the dragon plugging it in. “This one’s got a bad sound. I rarely use it,” Riff said. The dragon handed Alex the chord for it, which Alex took and plugged into- BZZT!! “Shit!” Alex yelled. We all covered our ears as Alex turned down one of the knobs to his guitar. The ringing from the severe attack on my eardrums stayed, which only heightened the headache I was still enduring. “Sorry about that,” Alex apologized. “Didn’t realize it was all the way up. Let’s see here….” Alex fiddled around with some of the knobs on his guitar, adjusting them until he turned to look at the amp. “How old is this thing?” “Brand new, actually,” Gerry answered. “Got that for Mr. Riff about a month ago. Unfortunately, he’s complained about its distorted sound and how loud it is. Nearly blew out the speakers on the trial run, as a matter of fact.” My eyebrows raised as Riff shook his head in annoyance. “I think I see why, but I’m not trying to waste anyone’s time, so I’ll just adjust-” “Already have.” Alex stopped mid-sentence and turned his head, staring at the dragon. I had heard the response from standing near the door, but Alex’s wide-eyed stare was…scary. His mouth remained open, and his eyes remained fixated and unblinking. Ever since I was first assigned to him, he had only done that two other times…and both outcomes were not pretty. “...” The room was quiet. Really quiet. Nocreature seemed like they were breathing. Eventually, the stalemate was broken when Alex turned his head away to readjust another volume knob. The bassist moved the dragon back with his hoof toward me, Gerry, and the other band members congregating nearby. “Riff….” “Kyle, I don’t want to hear it.” “You need to grow up,” Kyle shot back under his breath. The dragon said nothing, turning his head away to look at the wall. “You’re acting like a foal right now. At least show some respec-” Revvvv! ========================================<>========================================= From nothing, the room filled with this revving sound. I looked at the source, as did everycreature else and watched as Mr. Alex started playing ‘Kickstart My Heart.’ The way the notes were bending, it seemed he was casting magic spells because we watched with our jaws open in awe. The way Alex’s fingers pressed down on the strings, moving across the neck of the guitar and repeatedly coming off to planting right back on the same note. His calm and collected demeanor evaporated into this headbanging and carefree attitude, which caught me by surprise. But his singing got our attention, his conviction and mouth emphasizing the tune’s lyrics. Almost as if…this is what he wanted them to hear. I looked at the group of musicians, whose expressions told the whole story. Gerry had a smug smile on his face while Jay the griffon and Darius the hippogriff were digging it. Jake was nodding to the beat, loving every bit of the performance Alex gave them. Kyle, on the other hoof, was standing next to Riff, who…had a look of fear on his face. It confused me why he would be afraid of what he was listening to, but Kyle’s watchful eye glanced at me before looking at the dragon. He wrapped his hoof around him and lightly punched the dragon in the side, laughing as he spoke up. “Okay, Mr. Alex! I think you proved your point!” Kyle exclaimed. Alex opened his eyes and looked up as he stopped playing. The feedback from the extra noise of the amp filled the room’s air, making Alex turn to the amp and shut it off. “Heh. Seems like you know that one all too well, considering you were hitting the notes with your eyes closed.” Alex slightly blushed and grinned. “Let’s just say, the music you all play…I know them.” His admittance made the band look at each other and nod in approval. However, their band manager moved over toward Riff and called our attention to the pair. “Well, I do believe that Mr. Alex here is a ‘fine’ musician, don’t you agree?” Gerry asked the other five creatures. Jay, Darius and Jake were in agreement, while Kyle gave Alex a hoofbu-uh, fistbump before trotting toward Gerry and Riff. “He sounds excellent, Gerry,” Kyle replied. “And, honestly, he may be the best guitar player I’ve ever heard.” In my mind, I was shocked by the stallion’s admittance, especially since he was saying it right before the dragon guitarist. Speaking of which, Riff stared between the two ponies and sharply inhaled. For the first time, the dragon’s once cocky demeanor turned into a worried expression. gulp! “Uhhh…I-I’m not getting re…replaced, a-am I?” Riff shakily asked. “What? No! Riff, why would I replace ‘you?’” Gerry responded. “Music is a fantastic art that all of us in this room are excellent at. We take pride in our work and strive to improve daily through practice and performance. You have shown since day one that you had potential, Riff. And, as far as I’m concerned, you haven’t reached it yet.” The dragon’s shoulders slumped as his head drooped. sigh “Sure feels like i-” “Riff, I am simply adding another sound to this star-studded lineup here!” the band manager proclaimed. “Besides, you boys have been selling out show after show, night and night out, and have put so many hours into building this chemistry…this may not be a bad idea. I think a new face would make for an interesting challenge and a great addition to the band! Especially since he’s so unique, this is the perfect opportunity!” “Once-in-a-generation type talent, if I may add,” Kyle complimented. His head turned toward Alex, who was putting his guitar away. The human stopped and noticed it, and my chest began to thud as my mind started putting two and two together. I-Is he…did I just help Alex get- “Mr. Gerry, I think he would fit in well with us,” Kyle added, smiling at Alex. I stood there, unsure what to do, and waited as Gerry nodded. The bass player turned his attention back to the dragon, who looked ashamed of himself. “However, some conditions need to be met first, which include you, Riff.” “...” “Riff, I’ve known you since our last band together,” Kyle lamented. “Remember? We discussed making this new band together, and Darius was our first call. From there, he recommended this griffon out of GriffonStone, and then we heard about Jake Tenuto from Las Pegasus. We’ve added so many different sounds and unique styles over the past few years, which is why our journey to this moment has not gone to waste.” “...” The dragon continued to stay silent as Kyle sighed, shaking his head. “Dammit, I’ve had all our past fans give me crap for everything I ‘supposedly did,’ and I know you’ve received a ton of hate since. More recently for your play, but that’ll always happen…only IF you allow it to happen,” Kyle emphasized. “You know what you have to do in that case?” “...Practice.” “Exactly. That’s number one,” Kyle explained. “Number two, you are ‘definitely’ going to need to restring your guitar. Every single string needs to go and be replaced with those gauge-10 strings Mr. Alex politely donated to you. And that’s the third condition….” Riff looked up at the band leader, who smiled at the dragon. “You and Mr. Alex are going to be working together,” Kyle finally said. “So, from now on, I expect you to get to know this creature, talk with him more, and share your background. Please get along with this guy since you two will make this work...one way or another. Get what I’m saying, Riffy?” “...” Riff didn’t say anything but solemnly nodded. “If I may ask for one thing from you now, Riff,” Kyle said, “is for your input. What do you think of this guy? You think Mr. Alex is good enough to join this group?” My hooves started shaking as I trotted toward Alex’s right side. He had both guitar cases situated and ready to go, but his surprised look told me he was hearing everything correctly. You bucking did it! my mind shouted. “...Yeah. M-Mr. Alex does sound good,” Riff admitted. sigh “He’s got a nice guitar, too.” Oh, sweet Celestia! He did it! “Then it’s settled!” Gerry remarked, trotting toward us. I watched in glee as Alex’s face devolved into a slow smile, the band manager going to shake his hand with his right hoof. “Mr. Alex? Welcome to ‘The X-Perience!’” > Mindful Dozing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alex and I proceeded out of the restaurant and onto the streets of Canterlot. The human carried his guitars and was beaming as he skipped down the street. I followed him as we headed toward Canterlot Castle, the night sky illuminated by the neon lights. “Hey, Alex! Wait up!” I called out, galloping after him. Alex turned his head and had a silly grin across his face. He shook his head and jumped in place several times. “Dude, I can’t believe this!” Alex exclaimed. “I got a gig as a guitarist AND as a vocalist?!” huff! “For ‘The X-Perience,’ nonetheless,” I confirmed. Alex closed his eyes and laughed, allowing me to catch my breath and slow down our pace. “Please. Can we take it easy for right now? I had too much, and that headache got worse….” “O-Ooh. I’m sorry,” Alex apologized, walking in tandem beside me. “I just…” chuckle “...I-I can’t believe it! I have another opportunity to continue my career and do what I love!” “And you seized it again,” I weakly added. Alex nodded in agreement as we walked across the intersection and onto the main street. I looked ahead and noticed the castle’s main gates looming ahead, my mind remembering those words. `“If you find Alexander Walkerson, please bring him back to the castle and to my private study. Luna and I would like to have a quick word with him, Specialist Swift.”` Oh no, my mind thought. Princess Celestia asked me to find and bring him back so she could chat with Mr. Alex. I looked up at the human as his face beamed with glee, my vision returning to the street beneath my hooves. There is no way…th-that might make this night end in disaster. I cannot let that happen! “Everything alright, Swift?” I looked up and realized Alex had stopped. His concerned look hurt my heart since the human had no idea what I was tasked with. But I decisively shook my head and smiled warmly. “S-Sorry, just…I remembered something,” I responded in kind. “But it’s not important.” Alex gripped his guitar case handles as he walked up to me. “Are you sur-” “Absolutely,” I interrupted. “It has nothing to do with tonight. After all, the newest member of ‘The X-Perience’ has some celebrating to do for landing an incredibly lucrative gig!” “Mmmm, maybe…” Alex hesitantly admitted. “I haven’t proven anything, Swift.” This time, I stopped and stared at the human with my jaw open. “Wha-Whu…What do you mean?” I retorted. “I-I…You played one song, and they were sold-” “Exactly. One song?” Alex asked. “One song lands me a gig on the spot? Seems far-fetched to me. Not even a contract, nothing in writing. Just…” snap! “...like that, I get it.” He walked faster as we passed through the main gate, my mind doing mental gymnastics between arguing his point and plotting a better route. Eventually, as we stepped into the courtyard, it hit me. “Before I argue against this self-inflicting, harmful take you have about yourself, Alex,” I said toward the human. He turned around, slowing down as I pointed to the right. “This way first.” ========================================<>========================================= After navigating the halls of the castle, we made it to Alex’s tower door and silently entered. Climbing up the stairs quietly, I managed to get Mr. Alex to his room and opened the door for him. Alex walked in first and set both guitar cases by the desk, running his hands through his hair and pulling on them. groan! “Fucking finally,” Alex grumbled. The human didn’t care that I stepped into the room, opting instead to flop onto the bed like a fish out of water. I watched as he struggled to put the blanket over his body, which returned a flurry of kicks. snrk “U-Umm, Mr. Alex?” I stuttered while chortling. “Y-You okay-ay-ahaha….” “Mmmmrrr….” Alex’s muffled answer made me laugh out loud. The human stopped moving and began to doze off. “I’m okay…not really. So tirrred….” I shrugged and yawned. “Well, I hope you get some well-deserved rest, Mr. Alex,” I whispered. “Both of us know you need it, especially with your roles changing yet again.” Alex flipped the blanket covering his head and looked in my direction, furrowing his eyebrows. “What’s that supposed to mean?” he mumbled. yawn! “Don’t think about it too much tonight,” I resigned, turning for the door. “Just…get some sleep, bro.” “Huh? Did you call me ‘bro?’” I stopped in the doorway and turned around. My brain realized that word just came out of nowhere, and I was left speechless. chuckle! “Just messing with you, Swift,” Alex dismissed. “Goodnight, bro.” Alex’s head fell flat against his pillow, groaning as he dragged the covers over his face. Meanwhile, I shook myself out of my stupor and turned for the door again to let him get some res- “Mmm…thanks, Swift…” Alex muttered under his breath. “Thanks for tonight….” I had barely heard it and turned my head to look at the still human. He hadn’t moved and sighed loudly, my mind deciding not to bring up the previous situation that started this whole night. “...Hmph. Anytime, buddy.” ========================================<>========================================= I exited the room and slowly closed the door. I trotted down the stairs and said nothing, promptly opening and shutting the tower door. Once I locked it, I exhaled before deciding to return home. While I roamed the halls of the now quiet castle, I knew that I was not supposed to leave until I reported Mr. Alex’s whereabouts to Princess Celestia. But the more I thought about it, the more I saw that there was no point anymore. Alex was already asleep, Princess Luna had some new company, and Princess Celestia could assume he was fine on her own. Everycreature is in a perfectly contemptuous situation, my mind cheerfully thought. Ergo, why should I tell them? I didn’t need to tell the princesses he was back. His attitude from earlier had vanished, and by wanting to see the human now, they would only aggravate him more. whistle! “Well, time to clock out and head home for the night,” I thought aloud, mentally dozing off as I closed my eyes. “Truly, a dream come true….” “Is it now?” I froze in place. That voice, my mind said in fright as I turned my head. Oh please, don’t be her- I turned around and saw the looming shadow of an alicorn. A wall of white fur was what met my vision, and I gulped as I forced a timid smile. “Heh heh…g-good evening, Puh-Princess Celestia,” I waved. Her expression told me she was not amused, and my mind buffered as she bent her head down to look at me in my tired eyes. “Specialist Swift? I gave you an order. You were ‘supposed’ to bring Mr. Alexander Walkerson to my study,” Celestia coldly whispered. I remained frozen as her head shook in disappointment. She tucked a wing around my backside, ushering me back down the hall toward Alex’s tower door. “Come on now…let’s ensure you complete your task.” gulp! Oh no…this won’t end well. > Ditch > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So, Alex?” “Yeah? What’s up, Swift?” Alex replied. As we sat there on the park bench, I tiredly looked up at the human who was snacking on a granola bar and drinking apple juice. “So, your first goal, which you have been maintaining, was to aim for seven hours of sleep a night, right?” I started with. “Yeah?” “And you’re still going to be busy in the castle with your lessons and duties, yeah?” “Uh huh…where is thi-” “And I am going to assume you’ll be practicing music much more on your guitar from now on since you got the gig with the band, correct?” “Where are you going with this, Swift?” Alex looked at me, his eyes squinting. My mind had confirmed everything it wanted to know, so there was no point in hiding it anymore. “Well, where does ‘work’ fit into all of that?” I asked. Alex finally figured out where this was going and closed his eyes, his mouth creasing into a smile. chuckle “God, I knew this conversation was going to happen,” Alex chuckled. I looked at him as he shook his head. “Well, if you are so inclined to know…I already talked to management about it, and we came to an agreement.” “What?” I was taken aback by his words as my mind was shocked to hear that. “Yeah, and they were totally fine with me requesting fewer hours,” the human said with a chill tone. “A bit weird, though, since I am their ‘best employee,’ but it doesn’t matter. From now on, I’ll work about four hours a day, Monday through Thursday, at the store. That’ll give me plenty of time to practice my music and keep a steady income underneath that.” “Wow. Sounds like you got this all figured out,” I conceded. “The only thing you have to figure out is when will you go back to eating comfortably?” Alex rolled his eyes as he punched my shoulder lightly, a chuckle escaping my mouth. “My guy, let me tell you something,” the human joked. “The next time I hear anypony, or anycreature for that matter, complain about me being an ‘omnivore’ and eating meat…I am sending them to God.” I stared back at him in surprise, believing he wasn’t being serious. “Haha. Yeaaah….” sigh “I’m not kidding anymore,” the human exhaled, his legs swinging below him. “I’m done arguing about it. I just want to live my life, bro…heh heh.” I shuffled in place and tried to readjust myself on the bench when I suddenly remembered the other question I had for Alex. “By the way, Alex,” I mentioned. “Mm?” Alex mumbled, holding the apple juice again as he sipped out of it with the straw. “I’m wondering why you asked if we could talk about this ‘here’ of all places?” “What do you mean?” “I mean, why are we talking about you not working weekends at the store by a ditch?” I alluded to. I sat there and looked at Alex as he leaned back, took a deep breath, and finished the juice box. He let out a satisfying sigh while nodding, that smile again dawning on his face. “Ah, symbolism…the absolute best way to get your point across.” Alex opened his eyes and stared at the sun as it began to set on the horizon. The evening sky’s color changed to a relaxing orange, and Alex’s expression remained calm as we sat there, enjoying the time off we got today. “Oooh. Okay. I get it now….” sigh “Yep.” “...Sooo, are you working evenings from 6 to 10?” “Mmmm, not exactly….”