> The Letter(s) > by starcoder > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The First Letter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Starlight Glimmer, I'm not feeling well today. Well, I'm never feeling well, so I suppose this is just another ordinary day. Actually, I want to talk to you about that feeling. First, don't blame me if it feels strange to be talking and writing to you; you're a full-grown mare while I'm this weird pony with a social anxiety disorder who can't muster up enough courage to speak with you directly. Sorry I didn't approach your office in person; I feel more comfortable talking through letters, otherwise known as being anonymous. I don't feel comfortable physically talking with ponies. It feels wrong, and that's one thing I wrote this letter about. So anyways, if you could respond to this letter, that would be great! I still want to keep myself unknown to you, so just leave your response to my letter right outside your office door. Maybe even give it to Professor Sparkle and have her leave it on her desk in Period 3. So anyways, I'll address the problem right now. Like I said, or wrote (whatever), earlier, I've got a social anxiety disorder and I find it incredibly hard to make any friends. And this is the School of Friendship, so not making any friends feels so... wrong. In my opinion, it's really hard to make any friends, especially when they've all got friend groups of their own already. The worst part is, I feel like I'm basically invisible, so whatever I do goes unnoticed. And I honestly don't mind that, but it's a friendship school, and I still need to learn friendship. That's not going to happen if all I do is live life unnoticed. I want to know if you have any advice on making friends that you could give me so that I feel more comfortable being here. Either way, I'd like some practice making friends, as well, just in case your tips don't work for me. I want you to assign some friend assignments that will help me to, possibly, bond with everyone. And maybe, just maybe, when I'm feeling more comfortable, I'll show myself to you. Expose myself. Talk to ponies. Basically the stuff that makes me feel uncomfortable now that I may be able to get over with your help. I'll be waiting for your approval of "written therapy." If you are down with the idea, I appreciate it so much. If not, it's still greatly appreciated if you're reading this letter all the way anyways. Oh, and just know that if it's unapproved, I'll be trying my best to make friends. Try to let me know about it all. I just... I don't know how to feel about this world I've been put in, and I'm hoping to feel normal about this all after talking for a little. Thanks so much, TAS (The Anonymous Sender) P.S. Maybe talk to Professor Sparkle about this because some things I listed are class assignments, which only she or the other professors can give during their classes. Starlight Glimmer set the piece of paper down and sighed. She had discovered it on her desk just as she was about to close up for the day. The School of Friendship had only been in business for about one and a half weeks or so, but ponies, and creatures, were already asking for friendship advice. And there were several of them, too. You can imagine how stressful that would be for the guidance counselor. Starlight Glimmer folded the letter and tucked it into her bag, with intentions to bring it to Twilight, hoping they could together work on ways to help face uneasiness around others. Starlight was, as they had soon discovered, the last of the staff members to leave the school. Everypony always stayed afterschool for guidance and advice, so Starlight was often held up. Today, she was slowed down about twenty minutes more than usual, which was a bit past dinnertime. Luckily, it was only late summer, so the sun was still up a bit before bedtime. It was fairly nice out on this day specifically, so the girls decided to have a picnic together. With all the stress, Starlight had almost forgotten about it until now. With a tired smile, she placed the bag on her back, closed the doors to the school, and teleported herself to the park. The girls were sitting on a big blanket, laughing, but not yet with food. As she approached them, she asked, "You didn't bring out the food yet?" They all laughed as Twilight looked at her with a grin. "We couldn't start without you, Starlight. Now, sit down so we can start our dinner!" Absent minded, she sat down and took everything out of the picnic basket. Spike had made it all, and he was here too, so he'd even packed a few extra diamonds and emeralds for himself. Starlight handed him the gemstones and the girls all took their desired snack. Starlight was left with apples, which was, luckily, one of her favorites. The girls discussed several things as Starlight thought about the letter. She could bring it up now, but that would ruin the fun of the night. Maybe after dinner? She groaned in her mind as she realized that wouldn't work out either; they were all sleeping over at the Castle of Friendship, so they would obviously be talking then too. That eliminates discussing it at- "Starlight?" Twilight asked with the familiar sparkle of Friendship and in her eyes. "You've been pretty quiet. Anything you want to say?" Well, she asked, so you should just get it over with. Starlight took a deep breath. "Yeah, see, there's this letter that was on my desk. And, see, it's anonymous, so, yeah... You know what? Here, I'll just show you." She took out the paper and held it out for everyone to see and read. Twilight was rather surprised. "The counseling office is always open during school hours; they could've just approached you then." Starlight pointed to a specific spot of the letter. "But, see, they feel uncomfortable talking in person. Stress disorder, you know." Twilight nodded. "Alright, we'll do our best to help them out. Whoever they are." "Work on it once we get home?" Starlight asked. "Deal," was Twilight's response. The others didn't respond, as they were trying to relax and peacefully take the day as it came, but she was sure they were fine with it. Starlight sighed and slipped the note back into her bag, taking a final bite of her apples and walking to an unpopulated area on her own. She took in a fresh breath and stared at the letter, which she just pulled out and held in front of herself. With several things on her mind, the letter just added stress to her life in several ways. She walked slowly back to the castle at sunset, while the sky was glowing brilliantly. She saved the picture in her mind, wishing she could somehow share it with the pony she knew was desperate for help. It'd been so long, yet this feeling had been approached again. Indirectly, but they were true feelings written down by a true pony. She sat down at the throne room, in Spike's chair, rereading the letter over and over again. She was waiting for Twilight's approval of some of the suggestions, such as the bonding activities. But as for the advice, she could think of one, and only one. When she'd first been reformed, Twilight suggested that she think of three compliments for herself every day and write them down. The worst part of the assignment was that she had to give the paper of compliments to Twilight. After the first day, Twilight checked on the paper, which happened to be blank. Then, she decided it would be that Starlight wasn't limited to complimenting just herself. Besides, part of being a good friend was complimenting the other, not just yourself. She felt much more comfortable doing this, and although it was hard, she had found a way through it. So Starlight jotted the exercise down on a sticky note, which would soon be transferred to a sheet of paper for letter-writing. Then, Twilight walked through the door, alone. "I expected you to walk in with all your friends," Starlight mumbled as she brought her attention back to the letter. "I was going to," Twilight said with a sigh and shake of her head, "but then you were gone, so I came in to check on you on my own. Are you feeling fine? How's it going?" "Fine, yea, thanks," she replied. "Just wound-up over this letter, I suppose. It's pretty similar to when I was first reformed." Twilight smiled as she caught a glance of the sticky note on the table. "I see that now. I distinctly remember giving you that assignment; it eventually helped you be a better friend both to everypony around you and yourself." "Mhm," Starlight smiled. So, do you think you'll be up for doing this tomorrow? A bonding assignment?" Twilight grinned. "Okay, that's actually genius. I wouldn't have the idea to assign creatures to groups and help them bond with unfamiliar people. Of course I'm down for it!" Starlight giggled and nodded. "It's done." "Hey," Twilight alerted her friend. "I kind of want to learn who the sender is. TAS, or whatever they call themself." Starlight looked nervously at Twilight. "But they said they wanted to be anonymous. TAS just needs to take the time to fully understand, apreciate, and be able to do friendship. Like I was. I'm sure that whoever it was will show themself in due time. I'll maybe add a note about that, if you'd like, though." With a nod, Twilight started to head out of the room before looking behind her. "Just go to bed soon, alright? I'll leave the finished letter on my desk first thing in the morning." Starlight quickly scribbled down a few more things and then followed Twilight out of the room with a yawn. In secret, Twilight sat up in her bed a few minutes after Starlight had gone to her room. She flew over her friends, who slept on the ground peacefully. Once she reached the throne room, she dimly lit her horn so she could see a bit. She squinted, but grabbed the paper and read it slowly but comprehensively. With a smile, she figured Starlight was the perfect guidance counselor. She could give advice like nopony's business. She even gave advice to Twilight herself! She sure had come a long way from the cult leader they had originally found her as. Twilight sealed the letter, with overwhelmingly messy hornwriting, into an envelope and wrote with neater penmanship on it, To: TAS From: Starlight Glimmer She took the envelope and went back into her room with it, leaving it on the dresser besides her bed. She then closed her eyes with ease and drifted off to sleep. > The Response > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear TAS, First of all, many students get nervous talking to staff, so I don't blame you there. Although, I'm free through letters and in person, whichever works best for you. I'm sorry to hear that you've been feeling this way. I know exactly the feeling, and I've been given practices to cope with these before. I'd be glad to share with you one of my favorites: Compliments. You should give yourself three compliments daily, to make yourself feel better. If that doesn't work, or you can't think of any, then try to compliment somepony else. You should also write down the compliments and the pony or creature you give them too, just so that you don't reuse them. It helps you sound more genuine with your praises. Also, I've spoken with Twilight and her friends, and they're totally fine with the bonding assignments. Twilight especially thought it was smart. She'll be making an announcement for that in all periods of her Magic Class. I hope you'll be there to see it during Period 3. If you'd like general advice on being a good friend, I honestly don't have much. Just be yourself, show your Spirits of Harmony, and most importantly, listen. If you listen to the other pony, I guarantee it will make friendship a lot easier. I hope all these tips help you, although it's not much. Lastly, we can start exchanging letters either by my door or on Twilight's desk. Wherever I find the next letter will be where our written therapy letter exchanges will be held. I'm glad you're trying to work through obstacles; I can tell it's very hard for you. The best part is that you are unlike some ponies. The ponies like you always face obstacles, but they will ask for help eventually. I see this great quality in you: the quality of boldness. Most are afraid to ask questions, while I see you are not. Not only that, but you appear to be an introvert. I'm sure it must be even harder to speak up when anyone's in that place. I'm glad you're bold for an introvert, honest, and I love the way you write. (Yes, those were my three compliments to you, just as an example). Sincerely, Starlight Glimmer P.S. I attached a decorative mailbox on my door, inspired by your letter. Students can now leave me messages and requests on the inbox. I'm making note to announce that. She floated the letter out of her saddlebag and looked around to make sure nopony had made a connection between her, her current letter, and the letter on Twilight's desk. As she had walked into the classroom during Period 3, she teleported the envelope into her bag while Twilight was teaching some things about friendship. Near the end of the class, just when she was about to leave, Twilight had announced the project she had suggested. She would be assigning different students to different students. Maybe it would be like a Hearth's Warming Helper, maybe it would just be a back and forth exchange. Twilight was currently indecisive, so she would probably discuss it with her friends after school today. The final exchange and all its details would be announced tomorrow, which was a Friday. That meant they would have the whole weekend to work on it, whatever it was. Maybe it didn't even require a weekend. She slipped the letter back in her bag and started writing another letter. It was fine to waste her lunch period writing letters, as lunch was basically friend bonding period. Everyone in the school had lunch as a break from their classes, even the teachers and staff. With a sigh, she finished the letter and drank a bottle of water. Lunch, in her opinion, wasn't crucial. She folded the response letter and teleported a letter to herself. It was probably from the teachers' lounge, which wasn't good, because there was a chance that a teacher was currently in there and that they saw it disappear. She laughed at the thought. Well, it was possible, but she was just being paranoia. As always. She walked through the halls, avoiding any crowds or eyes on her. As she walked by the counseling office, she quickly slipped it into the mailbox on the door. She quietly went back to her desk and sat down just as the bell rang. As everyone walked into the classroom, she put on a nervous smile. Throughout the day, all she could think about was if what she had written was good enough. She also wondered how the response to it would turn out. Would she like it or not? She shook her head and moved on with the school day. At the end of the day, when it was near dark, she left the school with a lot on her mind. Tomorrow, many announcements would be made. One for her stupid mailbox idea, and another for the bonding assignment Twilight had liked. She was rather shocked that Twilight had liked the idea, especially the fact that she agreed to it wholeheartedly, but it was definitely more a good thing than a bad one. She was just being pessimistic was all. She had a quick dinner, making sure to avoid making conversation or contact at all with anypony else. She snuck around the halls for a bit to swipe a few pieces of letter paper, envelopes, and seals. Just in case. She never knew when she would need them in a rush and didn't have time to just find an envelope, a sheet of paper, and a seal in time. It was always better to be safe than sorry, as the saying often goes. Right after, she slipped into bed, her eyelids unknowingly falling slowly. Soon enough, she was asleep, just left to dream about all the things tomorrow might bring. It included announcements that probably put her in the spotlight, more sneaking around the halls alone and with mysterious letters, but friendship help in class. It would be a mixture of happiness and anxiety. She would just have to wait a few hours to see what events would occur, just like on any other night. > The Rush > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight had forgotten to clear her mailbox last night, so she hadn't checked or read any letters or notifications yet. She would have to do it soon, in the morning right before school started. She got out two pieces of paper, one for a response letter and another for making an announcement list. On her list, she decided on three items that would be addressed today: 1. Twilight's bonding lesson 2. The mailbox on the counselor's door 3. Something about the sports team that Rainbow Dash needed to talk about. She got out of her room and rushed into the school, where she pasted the list onto a pillar near the stage at the front of the school. Then, she hopped off of the podium and rushed to her office, only to be stopped by Twilight. "Hey, Starlight. You seem a bit rushed today. Is something up?" Starlight nodded. "I forgot to check for letters last night. Now I have to rush the response in. Oh, and I have a list of announcements to be made. Yours is first, by the way." "Oh, alright; thanks for letting me know!" Twilight said with a smile. She's always so nice, Starlight thought to herself as both a compliment and a factual statement. Starlight nodded again and rushed towards her office once more. She took out the one and only letter in the mailbox and skimmed it over. Dear Starlight Glimmer, Whew. I'm glad it's at least a bit normal that I'm overly nervous to approach you in your office. Although, talking through letters may have been a bit of a jump. And as of right now, I still prefer letters, if that's fine by you. (I hope it is). Could you possibly tell me more about your experience with this feeling, (as you say you have encountered a similar situation before)? And about your friendship exercise, it's very hard for me. I don't have much self-esteem, and I'm almost on the verge of writing that I hate myself (which I'm sure is too harsh). And I would compliment other ponies, but I can barely talk to them without my voice vanishing or my hooves shaking. I'd have to say the worst part is that I can hardly stay in one place talking to someone. It often ends up in me running away. Anyways, I'll now list the three compliments I give. My first compliment goes to you. One thing I like about you is that you're always there to help your students, fellow staff members, and friends. You never fail to give advice, not even to me. And I thought that was impossible, at least seeing the way I freak out when most ponies try to help me. There's something about you that makes it possible for me to converse with you more easily than I can others. And it's not just the letters, because I've tried that before and it had almost as bad a result as talking in reality does. Oh, and thanks for all those compliments you sent me. I see more good in me now that you've told me that. My second compliment is to Professor Twilight Sparkle. Can you tell her this one for me? I want her to know that she isn't a failure because she hasn't yet taught me the Magic of Friendship. The keyword there is "yet." She, just like you, has been super involved in helping me, and I appreciate it so much. She is so persistent when it comes to being loyal, kind, generous, fun, sometimes honest, and amazingly magical as a friend and teacher. Tell her that I'm glad I'm in her school, because she's made such a difference in my life, whether she realizes it or not. My last compliment, probably the hardest one of all, is to myself. I told myself that it was great that I tried to flourish in this school, no matter how hard it is to accomplish. Aside from that, an effort to speak out was also quite courageous by my stanards; it's amazing to see how far I've come since coming to this school. I'll tell you that I'd prefer if you left your messages taped onto your mailbox, not in it or on the floor near the door. And preferably not in Twilight's class, either. Your effort is greatly appreciated, Taz P.S. I'm going by Taz now, so it sounds like a more natural name. I'd prefer if you use that when referring to me in letters. Thanks! Starlight sighed and scribbled her next letter in right as the bell rang. She was only halfway done with the letter, so she groaned when she opened the door to see a long line of students waiting for her. She put on a nervous smile and welcomed them in. She was in the middle of consoling Sandbar as she realized she had to make an announcement. She told him she'd be back, as she did everyone else in line, also telling them that it was best if they tagged along as well. When she reached the foyer, the late bell had rung and Twilight stepped onto the podium. "Sorry for making everycreature late today. I've got an announcement for everyone, and that doesn't mean just my class. The others' can participate as well, if they wish to. Hopefully they do. "A friendship lesson has been planned and inspired by one of our shiest students here at the school. Wherever you are, I just want to say thank you." A smile creeped upon their faces. Starlight chuckled and eyed the audience nervously as Twilight continued her speech. "So, the basic details of this event are that you have to compliment three others that you don't yet know. And you can't just go up to them and say they look nice. You have to make letters for them. And letters are supposed to be a decent length, meaning you can't just be simple and broad. You've got to show that you really mean it." Everyone applauded, and Starlight stepped up to make her announcment. With a sigh, she smiled. "Hey. I just wanted to tell everyone that, if you'd like to see me in my office, you should leave a letter or note in the mailbox on my door scheduling an appointment. Unless it's an emergency, in which you would see me without scheduling a meeting. You can also do written sessions with me, if you'd like. That's all." A few groans were heard midst the nodding and clapping. "Rainbow Dash, if you'd like to say something about your sports teams." Rainbow Dash nodded and took her place on the podium. "Alright, so I'd like the attention of everyone in the buckball team. Our next game will be held on Monday, right after school. If anyone would like to attend home game, you have to fill out your attendance form and give it to me by the end of lunch today." The rest of what she said was droned out as Starlight walked back to her office. She opened the door, only to see Sandbar on her couch, curled up in a ball and comforting himself. Oh, right, Starlight thought to herself as she walked over to solace him once more. "Can you tell me what's bothering you?" she forced herself to ask, still taking pity on him. Today was going to be a long day. > The Assignment > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Taz, Of course it's fine to talk through letters! In fact, Twilight had made an announcements saying that they would be the main source of communication over the course of the project. My experience with social anxiety had a strong reason. Some ponies just have it, and others, like me, develop it over time, usually because of a traumatizing event in that pony's past. I'm sure you know of my backstory, of me being a dictator who believed in the perfect utopia. And it would have been perfect, if not for my selfishness. And even after Twilight extended her hoof to me in friendship, I turned away. I, unfortunately, was so vindictive! It was the wrong choice, as I came nearly close to the destruction of the whole world. See, I still despise the bad old times today, but I'm communicating just fine now. When I'd first been reformed, it was near impossible for me to talk to anypony. Even with Twilight, conversations were awkward and short. Over time, though, I'd learned to realize that staying away wasn't going to do anything, so eventually, I learned to accept my place as their friend. They, as amazing buddies, helped me fit in and become who I now am today. Now, your case is very different. You are similar to my friend Fluttershy. When she first met Twilight, she could barely say her name aloud. But with the help of her friends, both ponies and animals, she found the right rungs of the ladder to step up and move along. Now look what she's doing: teaching a big class of different creatures! She never would have imgained that she would have come this far, but she has. I'm positive you can do the same thing. You can start by revealing your identity, as Twilight has been nagging me about for a while. Anyways, moving on, I told Professor Twilight your compliment last night, and she appreciates your kind words as much as you appreciate her help. I, too, am grateful for your kind words, especially when my job is so stressful. I know how hard it is to compliment myself, so I understand why it may be the hardest of all for you. I know for a fact that you saw the announcement earlier this morning. I’m sure you’re participating, so please tell me what ponies you talk to and what compliments you give! I’m participating, as well, so I’ll leave you some of my own examples beforehoof in case you’re not ready to try yet. But from the compliments you have given through letters already, I’m positive you’ll succeed. Good luck either way! Always here for you, Starlight Glimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy Breeze P.S. Different ponies will cover my letters sometimes, so expect to see a variety of writing styles. P.P.S. I love the way you write! It's so smooth and flows as if a grown mare or stallion were writing it. If only I, Twilight Sparkle, knew who you were so you could get a proper writing grade. Taz sighed and rolled her eyes. Twilight was already desperate to know her identity. She pulled out a slip of paper, writing the first paragraph, maybe it extended into the second, on the paper. It was a note to Twilight, showing her aggravation while still being as polite as possible. She was the headmare of the school, after all. Although Twilight did have every right to know who she was, she still wanted it to remain a secret. She forgot that she was busy doing this in class, specifically Rainbow Dash's sports class, until a voice came on in the intercom. It was Twilights. "Just a reminder that The Great Letter Exchange has now been started throughout the school, wherever it wants to take place. A few rules I forgot to go over are that you must write your letter and then show each one to your instructor. That way, you can get your participation grade and your name logged in the system. "I've also decided that staff can take place in this, as well! Staff will be holding a competition on whoever can give the most letters out, mostly to students. Staff can give to other staff members as well, but no one outside of the school. Students, we'll need your help to log in which teachers give you letters and give it to us by the end of Compliments Week. Students will also be participating. Since we are doing this out of the whole school, the top five students, who give out the most letters, will get bonus prizes. And they are secret bonus prizes, so I can't say what exactly it is. Have a fun week!" Then, the intercom turned off and the whole class was chatty. Rainbow Dash blew a whistle and got everyone's attention. "Alright, we'll all be participating. It better be one of my students in the Top 5, you hear me?" Everycreature cheered in agreement as ruckus stirred again. The bell rung and everyone started to head to next period, lunch. Taz placed a letter she had been working on onto Rainbow Dash's desk. She laughed as she grabbed the letter and forced a quiet groan that was still easily heard in the stillness of the room. "I'm actually kind of ambivalent on this whole thing, you know?" She nodded, signed her name on the letter and walked out the door with a wink. With a sigh, she walked to the cafeteria where she finished writing the letter she had started earlier. In the middle of lunch period, she smiled once her letter was finished. She could now give out her compliment letters for the Compliment Week of Letters. Her first one was to a pony named Sandbar. She had seen him around every now and then, and although he was known for running away and befriending the creatures, she wasn't really too familiar with him. She wasn't close to anyone, for that matter. Although, many would possibly say that they were close to her. She would have tried to better know them, but she didn't particularly care for that until now. She realized that the letter exchange competition would mean many students would need several pieces of paper, so she quickly teleported to the store, grabbed two large stacks of paper, and left them by the counseling office door. She took two of those papers for herself, starting on the first letter. Dear Sandbar, You are so kind and friendly, to everycreature, and I feel bad that I don't communicate with you as much as most ponies do. Blah blah, something like that. She wasn't sure yet, but she would definitely pitch it up after school was done. If only she could finish sooner, much sooner. With a sigh she sulked out of the cafeteria, thinking about the day ahead of her. > The Letter(s) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Fluttershy Breeze, You are such an amazing pony. You have grown from the extremely introverted pony you were a few years back to the kind, loving, and helpful teacher we all recognize, the one who always gets nominated for Teacher of the Month. You're so great that nopony can compete with the amount of awards you have gotten just for being the caring being we all know. Your hooves are always open to help ponies. Actually, not just ponies, but all creatures, too. You even created an area for them, Sweet Feather Sanctuary, just to help animals heal in a much more comfortable position. It's clear you care about anycreature who needs help, and even those who don't seem to need help. That includes me. I'll just tell you that I don't want you to feel as if you must help me. I really don't need it, not with the help I've been getting. Besides, you work so hard for everypony, I don't think you should really fret over me. You, Fluttershy, are one of the kindest ponies I know. I couldn't ask for any more than that. I love you for who you are. Enjoy your future compliments, Taz Dear Rainbow Dash, You are such an amazing pony. You have been reckless at times, a bit extreme with emotions, and overall scared of what others think of you. Well, I'll honestly tell you how I feel about you. You tend to change your feelings quickly, as if always on a roller coaster with them. And I'll be honest here, too; you're one of many I know. Including myself, I'd like to note. I wouldn't say it's too much a bad thing, but there is the occasional competition I see between you and Applejack. It feels uncomfortable seeing these emotions and actions reflected, while at the same time, I feel like you set an example for me. You've got just about as much experience as anypony, and you never back down from acheiving your dreams. Some ponies call that "overconfident," but I call it persistent. It's a good thing. From you, I've learned that there is no such thing as giving up, that it is impossible to work hard on something and stop. From you, I've learned a lot of things, too, like the Wonderbolts. You, Rainbow Dash, are one of the most loyal ponies I know. I want you to keep it that way. I love you for who you are. Enjoy your future compliments, Taz Dear Pinkie Pie, You are such an amazing pony. Ponies may say you're a bit too energized, and I'll be honest, you kind of are. But, hey, sometimes it's a good thing. Here's why: You keep telling your friends and students that every day is a good day. You're optimistic in the darkest of times, and you get sad only when your friends do. That kind of spirit is one most ponies envy, me included, whether they tell themselves that or not. Sometimes, ponies say horid things to cover up their jealousy; they lie to themselves and others around them. I won't be one of those ponies. You've taught me to find light in the darkest of dark nights, to always cheer up when I'm feeling sad. Not only that, but from what I've seen in you, I learned to help other ponies when they don't see the light. Thank you for all you've done to help me. You, Pinkie Pie, are one of the most cheerful ponies I know. You make me, and probably many others, so much more happy. I love you for being you! Enjoy your future compliments, Taz Dear Applejack, You are such an amazing pony. You never hesitate to tell the truth and speak your opinion. And while that sounds like a bad thing, it really isn't, because there are those types of ponies who tell lies and lies until they cannot anymore. You don't have to do that because you already know the value of true honesty. I wish most ponies were like that, myself included. I want to be in your hooves, to be trusted by everypony including myself. But I'm not. I wish I were. But you still set the example for me, and I'm glad you do, because I could not have been that kind of pony. Not without you. You, Applejack, are one of the most honest ponies I know. I'm glad that's a fact, because I depend on you to show me the way. I love you for who you are. Enjoy your future compliments, Taz Dear Rarity, You are such an amazing pony. You give and create, never backing down from a challenge you face, especially when you have a friend by your side. Your friends always help you, and you help back. You also give them extra things like clothes, decor, and basically anything a great and generous friend like you would be willing to give to their friend in need, or not in need and it's just for fun. Not only do you often give gifts to your friends, you give some to your students, too. You give the wonderful gift of knowledge to the students you teach, and it's hard work for you. But the way you teach is amazing, so keep it that way. You, Rarity, are one of the most generous ponies I know. I want you to stay that way, and keep giving the gift that you do every day: the gift of your stunning presence. Meanwhile, this is my simple yet hearfelt gift to you. I love you for who you are. Enjoy your future compliments, Taz Starlight smiled as she read them all. Everypony in the staff, including herself and Twilight, had gotten their compliments from Taz already. Starlight and Twilight recieved them through a therapy session letter, but that still counted. Starlight straightened the paper and handed the correct one to each of her friends, who were sitting in the room. They each read their short paragraph and smiled, as the compliments made their day. A word is worth a thousand smiles. Or frowns, depending on how you use the words. "This was so sweet of Taz!" Fluttershy giggled. The rest nodded in agreement, Twilight the slowest. Through her sluggish nods, she asked, "Now who is Taz? That is the question." Starlight swallowed. "Twilight, Taz wanted that information secret. Shouldn't we show her that we're trustworthy?" "I want to find out, Starlight." Starlight sighed and dug at the ground with her hooves. "I know. I know you do. But the seal to the secret remains unbroken, and it will stay that way until Taz decides to break it. Only she can do such a feat." Now, it was Twilight's turn to sigh. "My curiosity gets the better of me each day Taz's identity remains a secret. She is a really fluent writer, and she'd probably be great at giving speeches and cheering others up. She seems to be especially good at that, maybe even to a level where it was her talent. Starlight rested a hoof on Twilight's shoulder. "I know you wonder. But sometimes, secrets are programmed to stay secrets. You can't break that rule, no matter how hard you try. The secret will remain until the owner of the secret wants it all out." "That's really good advice, Starlight," Twilight smiled. Starlight smiled back. "About as fluent as Taz." They both giggled, but Starlight looked around her. As a student walked by, she teleported a scroll into their bookbag. Almost as sneaky as Twilight when it comes to finding something as old as a Canterlot Archives' Spell in the Starswirl The Bearded wing. Almost. they had their limits. At least, that's what Starlight hoped. > The Inner Mind > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh Celestia, Dear Princess Celestia, My heart is broken. My body is confused. And my eyes cannot take another sight before fainting. I was there, I was there when they read the letters. I saw their reactions, each and every one of them. Fluttershy was happy, grateful, even. It was nice. But then there was Twilight. See, her reaction was displeasing albeit totally expected. She wanted to know who I was. And she does know me. Just not as Taz. Still, she wants to see who it is she knows that goes by the pen name of Taz. I also managed to send a random letter to some random filly passing by. I don't know them very well, but I snuck the letter into her bookbag. That counts as a letter and compliment. Here's hoping it'll spark a friendship soon. Anyways, I'm stressed and tired and I can't live the way I do anymore. My mind works through letters. So many letters, so many times I've had to focus on penmanship to make it legible for the professors. In bed feeling drained of energy, I'm writing a letter in my mind, just so I don't have to write this in reality. Once the week is over, I may reveal myself. I bid you adieu Farewell Goodnight Your faithful, indirect student, Taz She promised herself she would write that out tomorrow. Maybe even send it to Celestia. Dear Princess Celestia, by your faithful, indirect student, Taz. The name Taz had become more natural over time. It was almost like a second name to her, so much to the point where her first name didn't matter so much as the second. She actually felt more alive as Taz than she did before. And that last part. It was hard to find a good thing to say naturally to the Princess of all Equestria. She was Twilight's student, so that technically meant that she was Princess Celestia's indirect student. Wow, that meant Princess had a lot of indirect students. She was glad she didn't have to be the future Princess of Equestria. But Twilight probably would. She shuddered. That would be a lot of stress. She got out a piece of paper and started scribbling her next letter on the paper. She completed about five more before she heard her door open. "I just wanted to check on you," came the voice. Taz didn't bother turning around to see who it was. She nodded. "I know, it's almost bedtime. I'll sleep soon. I just have a few letters to write for the exchange." She felt somepony get closer to her, and she continued to write her last letter, to a griffon named Gallus. She had made letters for all of them. Apparently, they were the biggest friend group and also the "student legacy" of The School of Friendship. She didn't finish signing her name, so that was a relief. She didn't want anypony, not even those closest to her, to discover her true identity or who she was pretending to be. "Okay. Goodnight." Once the door had closed, Taz sighed and leaned back. She then signed, You're amazing, Taz. She would be dead if she had signed that while somepony else was in the room. She smiled and turned out the light, tossing and turning in bed. Okay, just one more letter, she promised herself before turning on her lamp, a dim light, to help her see the letter she was writing clearly. She whispered what she wrote aloud. "Dear Starlight Glimmer," she started, wincing while hearing it aloud, feeling it on her tongue. The name hurt to say a bit. "I've progressed greatly through the help of you and Twilight. The compliments come naturally to everyone, and anypony. Anypony but me, that is. Just wondering, but does a letter to myself count as a point towards the final competition? Also, so far, I've made and delivered letters to all the staff, excluding Spike. I'll write his and send it tomorrow, actually. And maybe, if you approve of me sending letters to you and Twilight (through your letters), that would count as two more complimentary letters. Sorry if I sound greedy; I'm just so enthralled, being in this competition. "Anyways, I've also written letters to and for several ponies and creatures named Harmony Brush, Sandbar, Silverstream, Ocellus, Yona, Smolder, and Gallus. Those are all the students I've given letters to so far. Also, sorry to ask another question, but can I create and send things other than letters? That includes drawings and gifts (that are not letters). "Thank you again, so much, Taz "P.S. I'd prefer if the answers to my questions are announced, just so that other students can get these answers, too. Please send me the answers through letters, too." With a yawn, she slipped the letter into an envelope, teleported it to land in the mailbox on the counseling office door, and closed her eyes and drift off to sleep. Dear Taz, I'm glad this activity is what you asked for! I'm glad compliments come naturally to you. I do want you to write a letter to yourself, though, to make yourself feel better and help you progress. Thank you greatly for your ideas and input on this whole event! Just wondering, but how many students have sent you letters? Sorry to be nosy, I just want to know how many new friends this whole exchange has gotten you. And don't be ashamed of asking questions; it's actually a really good thing! I've let Twilight know to announce the answers to all your questions in the morning! Here they are for you, though, on a letter: Yes, a letter to yourself would count! Twilight and I encourage that because it makes a student feel better about themselves, and not just make others' feel amazing. Both skills are necessary. Twilight and I have agreed to count your previous letters to me as points for the final count. We're counting them as two separate letters as well, as each paragraph contained compliments for only one pony. Yes, I remember what it looked like. Please do send things aside from letters! Letters get boring over time, and ponies may not think letters mean as much after the whole school is sending letters out and about. A heartfelt gift or card would be greatly appreciated by them, I'm sure. Sincerely, Starlight Glimmer Taz skimmed the letter, walking into the school, and bumping into a pillar. She rubbed her head and put the paper back into her bookbag. She smiled as she looked up and saw Twilight giving a speech of some sort on the stage. "...and send letters to yourselves. Also, I greatly encourage you to send more than just letters. Gifts, cards, and drawings have more meaning than letters, which, I assure you, will get boring in the next week. Remember, everypony, the exchange ends this Friday, so make sure to finish giving your gifts in a few days! The top five givers will be announced and receive prizes!" The students all headed to their next classes, and Taz headed into Twilight's classroom. With a smile on her face, she wrote a letter to Spike as she pretended to watch Twilight give her lesson. > The Questioning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight sighed. She read the letters over and over again, until she was wound-up and couldn't think clearly. Who could it be? She'd asked herself. Who could that pony be? That Taz character had a mind of her own. She had such a strange way of life and a weird way of thinking, and especially a weird way of communicating. Weirder than Starlight, and weirder than Fluttershy, even. But if that was her, then there was nothing she could do to stop her from being, well, her. She walked up to Starlight's office, hoping she was still there. Knocking on the door, she asked, "Are you in there?" Starlight opened the door, putting away a sheet of paper she was writing on. "Getting into grading?" Twilight asked with a slight smirk. Starlight giggled back. "I sure am. It's like homework in a way—you don't like it, yet you can't stop once you start." They shared a laugh before it all went silent. Twilight reached back into her mind, trying to recall what she was going to ask Starlight. Then, it hit her. "Oh! Uh, you know Taz?" she asked. Starlight rolled her eyes and nodded. "I know you said this should be kept secret, but I can't help but wonder who she is. I can't help but feel the urge and the need to ask around, to see if we can find anything out about Taz. Please?" "Uhh," Starlight groaned, unsure. Twilight looked almost impatient, and Starlight herself wanted the mystery to be over soon anyways. Hopefully "Taz" would reveal herself by the end of the week. Maybe even Monday, when the winners were to be announced. "Alright," she sighed. "But it's not like anypony will willingly say they are Taz. She did mention that she was her own secret, you know." "Oh," Twilight grinned, "I know. But curiosity has gotten the better of me. We could at least try." Starlight tried to stop Twilight, to interrupt and prevent any chaos from happening. "Besides, it would be weird to ask everypony in town if they know about a scheme including a pony named 'Taz...'" "Yes," Twilight smiled. "Exactly my point. We don't have to try and ask everypony in town. We can just observe." Starlight then sighed and followed Twilight. There really was no way out of this. Together, they walked through Ponyville and observed everypony closely. Unfortunately for Twilight, who was really hoping for an answer, nopony seemed to be doing anything abnormal. Everypony just did their normal job. Twilight frowned and turned to Starlight. "What do you think Taz looks like?" "Twilight!" Starlight shouted. She needed to snap her friend out of it! "What are you thinking? It's enough to drag me along on a search I don't feel comfortable doing, and now you're ready to explore an anonymous pony's identity even further?" As the words reached her, she realized what she had just processed, what mistake Starlight had finally pointed out. "Oh, I'm sorry. To both you and Taz." Starlight sighed. "It's fine. I'm sorry I yelled... Do you want to go get some dinner?" "Sure." There was silence between the two of them as they walked to the café nearby. "I don't mind you yelling, actually," Twilight said to break the disturbing stillness that filled the air. As they arrived at the café, unfortunately near closing time, they heard a few more noises to fill in the gaps in their conversation. Twilight finally mustered up the courage to speak again. "I needed it. After you yelled, you made it clearer to me that I was acting wrongly. I'm sorry. Again." Starlight nodded, but still avoided eye contact with Twilight. Was it really that bad? she asked herself. Twilight ordered a daisy sandwich, looking towards Starlight to see what she wanted. Starlight just shrugged, seeming tired, so Twilight ordered a sandwich for her, as well. "Did I say something to offend you? Are you still angry about my actions?" Twilight asked, unsure why Starlight was acting so distant. Starlight shrugged again. "No, not really. You apologized for that already. I forgave you." "So what's with the distance?" "Nothing," she answered with a sigh and a look away. "Everypony just needs their time to think, to speak to themselves and nopony else." Twilight nodded in agreement. "Alone time is nice, but could you do it while you're not in public? At a literal restaurant with me? When we're kind of, you know, hanging out?" Starlight looked around as if she had forgotten where they were. "Oh. Yeah, sure." Twilight giggled a little, slightly glad that that problem had been resolved. Starlight still seemed a bit quiet, but at least she wasn't completely off in her own world. As their sandwiches arrived, Twilight thanked the waiter. She made sure to also order some juice before he left, because she thought Starlight might need it to refresh herself. She knew she did, so she ordered another for herself. Starlight soon revealed that she didn't feel like eating anymore. Soon after, they left the café, Starlight eyed Twilight. "You came here to find Taz. I guess I'll accept that and tag along." Twilight looked shocked. "But it's wrong! You were right, I shouldn't have been too eager to do such a thing. Taz's identity should be kept a secret." Starlight smiled. "I'm glad you realize that. Now, it's only Wednesday, so we'll have two more days of sending gifts. The winners are being announced on Monday, and it seems that Taz is one of the top five students." "Oh," Twilight said aloud, a breath of her thoughts escaping. She then spoke her complete mind out. "What if Taz won't show herself when we announce her name? How will we announce her name, for that matter?" "Just say 'Taz,' I guess," Starlight grinned back. "I have a feeling she will reveal her identity on Monday. If she doesn't, then we'll leave her prize in the mail. She attends all the announcements, so I know it won't be a problem to let her know of her victory." Twilight smiled too. They walked home together, Starlight mentally plotting out how her last letter with "Taz" would go. > The Truth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was close to the end of the week. It was Thursday night, and tomorrow would be the last day to send out letters or gifts to anybody. The winning students would be announced on Monday. Taz had just a little more ways to go. There was one student who had just a few more gifts sent out than she did. Sandbar was at seventeen, just two more than she had. And she was in second place. Two, maybe three, more letters and she'd be at the top of the board. Not that it was her goal. Friday morning, in Twilight's period 1, she found three ponies that letters could be sent to who were all in Twilight's Period 1 class. Their names were Cozy Glow, Grape Raindrop, and Huckleberry Rose. She had the whole period to observe them, and then find things that were good about each one. The letters could be given during lunch. After a bit of looking, she found traits that were perfect for each of them. She wrote them down on the paper that was meant to be for taking class notes, not on observing other ponies. But she had grown, and a lot, and she thought that was just as crucial as focusing on how the class was doing. Then, during her 2nd period, she wrote the letters in their official form. Then, she tucked her final letters in envelopes and put them in her bookbag along with a few other gifts she had bought for ponies. One was for someone in Rainbow Dash's class named Sunshine Sweetfeather, the other was for Minty Campfire, a young pony in Pinkie's class. She delivered all of them, the letters at lunch and the gifts when she found them in their classes. A smile crept across her face. She had done nothing like this before, yet it was fun and beneficial to her. She hoped that it would not stop once it hard started. She spent Friday night tired and worried, and counting. She had to know who had won. The more she thought about it, the more she realized how greedy and competitive that sounded. She didn't like it that way. With a yawn, she wrote another mental letter because they were that big a part of her life now. Dear world, good night. Taz walked into the school on Monday with a bounce in her step and a smile on her face. She was a bit earlier than she had been for the past few days, because not as many students were crowding around the stage. The top five givers would be announced, although all the records were recorded. They had a list of students who didn't participate, but it didn't go against them. Participating in the gift/letter exchange was only extra credit. At least that's how it worked for Twilight. She hadn't given the announcement yet, but everyone was ready to see who had given the most out. Everyone was eager to find out who got what. Twilight hadn't started the announcements yet, though, so friend groups still had time to chat and dream. When Twilight did start, Taz started sweating and trembling. What would happen if everyone were to find out about the mess she had created, that the whole exchange was her doing? And how would they react to seeing her onstage? They would never expect such an outcome. That was when the announcements started. "Thank you, everyone, for participating in our letter exchange. Hopefully, it has taught you some valuable friendship skills, and made you feel proud and better of yourself, as well. As of right now, let's announce the winners and their personalized prizes!" At this everyone applauded, staff included. "In fifth place is Lavender Rose with ten gifts sent!" Another round of applause. "Here is your boquet of, well, lavender roses! For our fourth place winner, Glory Dusk! She wins a glittery keychain for her fourteen gifts sent! Third place goes to Cozy Glow with sixteen letters! Here is a plushie with the look of you! With seventeen letters sent would be Sandbar with his turtle toy." Taz bit her lip. She knew she had been on the leaderboard. And her name wasn't announced yet, meaning she was first place. She was so excited for this moment. But also incredibly nervous. Mostly just nervous. As she heard Pinkie put it once, she was "nervicited." "Give it up for our first place winner," Twilight stated with a grin, "Taz! At least, that's the anonymous name they go by." Twilight stepped aside and waited to see who was moving towards the stage, who Taz was. Taz herself trembled and took deep breaths. This is how it goes, what did you expect, she asked herself. After the millionth breath, she put one hoof in front of the other, one by one, slowly, until she finally made it to the stage. Her eyes were squeezed so tightly because she didn't want to face the stares of her friends, not to mention the whole crowd. But she forgot to close her ears or do some deafening spell. She still heard several voices, all in unison, say her name. "Starlight?" Twilight gaped. Alongside all her friends. She then swallowed what she had been holding in. She had been so eager to meet Taz, so desperate to find out the truth and, really, she seemed to have given up on putting the clues together. On that first day, the day Starlight had introduced "Taz's" first letter, the clues were there all along. But nopony cared enough to see what was right in front of them. And now Twilight felt stupid. But she still had questions, obviously. "Why? Why any of this? What started it all?" she asked. Starlight gazed down and dug at the ground with her hooves. "It started out a truth. When I first started, I viewed the letters as more of a story I was creating to heal myself. But eventually, I just saw it as an opportunity to create a more friendly environment at the school, because students were drifting apart from others and just staying with their own friends. And by then, well, I'd already shaped the character of Taz. And so this became a thing." She looked into Twilight's eyes, feeling shy. "Besides, I have social anxiety myself," she whispered. Twilight smiled. "That's alright. New friends are great to have, and I'm glad you realized that. I see that our school is back to the more friendly and open environment it originally was. But why the letters? Why anonymous, and why the 'truth' at the beginning?" "Are you alright?" Spike asked. "You could've just told someone, you know. We would have helped." Starlight sighed and looked at them. "You put me on the job of student counselor. And I can't complain; I love my job! But at first it was stressful. And at first, it felt as if I were all alone. And I couldn't take it all on my own, I couldn't help myself. So I confronted you, well, really myself, with one of the last letters I thought I was going to write. I ended up writing more because I felt better when I could express myself truly. And of course, express myself without anypony knowing I ever did." Twilight was at a loss for words. Starlight had come so far as a student, sometimes going backwards in steps, but sometimes she tended to get stuck. This was one of those times. "But you helped yourself escape the problem. Right?" "Yeah. Totally," Starlight grinned. Her friends smiled back at her. "That's good to hear, of course. Besides," Twilight thought, "this whole thing has even taught me a thing or two!" Starlight's eyes widened in shock. "Really? Like what?" "You taught me that we should always respect others' wishes, no matter how eager we are to find out our own thing. You've shown me that sometimes, I get lazy to the point where I give up on seeing the clear answer. I need to improve on that from now on. And one more. This whole mess taught me that sometimes, an answer does not always seem right until you consider it. And that's when you realize you should have put more effort into trying before finding the answer." Starlight was at a loss for words. "I... I taught you all that?" Twilight nodded, looked away with a smile, and then looked back. "Sometimes, a teacher can learn from their student. Including the Princess of Friendship." Starlight smiled. She then looked back at the crowd watching. "You should all start heading to class; we'll be in our classrooms in just a moment." Through the chatter and movement, Starlight asked with a laugh, "So, what was my prize?" Twilight giggled. "It was a writing set! The words you wrote in the letters were so elegantly written, so neatly, too. Compared to your usual writing, at least." "Wow, I just... I don't know what to say. Thank you!" Starlight smiled. "Thank yourself," Twilight grinned back. "After all, Taz was all your doing. Now the school is a really friendly environment, just like it started out as." > Epilogue: The Final Letter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Taz, I could always just thank you personally, which I already did, but here's a letter to you because I can't stop sending letters! Just like most ponies here! My name is Twilight Sparkle. I wanted to thank you for bringing such a big part of the School of Friendship (friendship, which is in the name) back to life here! My students are now not only pairing up with their original friend groups, but they are exploring new friendships and sending each other gifts and letters. Anyways, I wanted to recap what you had taught me through the whole thing. And I'd also like to state what some of my students shared when we discussed what the whole exchange had taught us. First, I should always respect the wishes of others. Remember when we had dinner together that other day? You wanted alone time, but I wanted to hang out with you and get letters off our minds. I should've listened to you. You were also right then, where I had wanted so eagerly to discover Taz's identity. I should have listened about that, too. I was wrong, you were right. Even the Princess of Friendship can be wrong. Another thing you've taught me is that I need to try harder. It's not about trying harder just for myself to be satisfied, but also to try harder to help others feel right. You tried, with your spirit, to help the whole school feel better, just by first helping yourself feel better. I wish I knew how to do such a thing. It seems you have come a really long way since we first met. Of course, you have your setbacks sometimes. But I now see that you have the power and spirit in you to help yourself ease through them! Now that I think about it, I have also seen that I should do a better job of noticing those who feel invisible, as you did on that first day. I should start noticing all the smaller details, actually. I didn't notice the easter eggs you left along the way, when you left that hint about invisibility. I didn't catch onto that. And so I had to end up finding out on the last day. It was kind of sad. I should have seen you better. I should have paid attention, and noticed everything that was happening. I should be more like you, considerate and eagle-eyed. Like the counselor you are. By the way, one of my students has learned that finding new friends is a great thing. She has shared that she used to stay with her friend group exclusively, and she never realized how many other friends were perfect matches for her. Now she spends time with a variety of students, and even ponies and creatures outside the school! Another student has said that they never realized how many ways you could compliment someone. He had barely even complimented most creatures before. Now he says it feels so splendiferous to give out compliments! He's one of the most loquacious students I have, and now he's putting that bubbling energy into a pot and stirring it up, making his words warmer and more welcoming. Everyone is so nice to him, and he's so nice to everyone else! Thank you once again for the lessons you have taught, the activity you have created, and the amazing spirit I love to see in you that will never fade away. Your friend and teacher, Twilight Sparkle. P.S. Never let that spirit fade away, please. It's something I love so much about you. P.P.S. How are you enjoying that writing kit? Starlight smiled and turned to her drawer. On it were all the appointment-scheduling cards. Her book was packed, just like her time, so seeing the letter in the midst of the giant pile was so relieving. From the bed, Starlight grabbed a piece of tape and stuck it onto the letter paper, which she pushed against the wall. With a satisfied smile, she read it again and fell asleep, relaxed.