> Love Blooms > by Ebonyglow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Blooming Together > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The faint yet noticeable rays of light seeping through the cracks of Anon’s blinds shimmered against his eyes, causing them to flutter open. He let out a yawn, groggily rubbing his eyes as Celestia’s sun basked him in its warm glow. Instinctively, he stretched his arms out, leveling them off and resting his right hand on a familiar warmth to his side. A smirk split his countenance, his blurry vision beginning to clear as he looked over. Resting peacefully beside him was Scootaloo, the mare he had found himself growing ever closer to with each passing day. It was only a few weeks ago when she had opted to show him the old treehouse she and her friends used to use way back when they were fillies, and from then forward their connection together had shifted drastically. A stumble, a fall, and an intense bout of carnal lovings later, they had opted to give dating a try. It had been wondrous so far, and even if it had only been a few weeks, he couldn’t deny that he hadn’t been this happy in ages. Her disproportionate wings rustled at her sides as she snored lightly in her sleep, the sun’s rays beginning to hit her face and stir her awake as well. With a little grumble, and a brief grimace, she slowly opened her eyes, wincing as the sun struck her pupils. Shaking her head, rubbing her eyes lightly with a forehoof, she slowly glanced over at him, a smile splitting her muzzle. “Morning, dork,” she cooed, leaning forward and giving him a peck on the cheek. The feeling of her lips pressing against the side of his face filled Anon with a warmth he never knew he needed. Ever since ending up in this world, he hadn’t really thought about dating, but now that he knew what loving and carnal wonders a mare had to offer, especially one as wondrous as Scootaloo, he couldn’t ever go back. Not that he would, from how things were going, he and Scoots were a perfect match. Their dynamic hadn’t changed much at all, besides the frequent kiss and common rut, and with that meant things had kicked off without a hitch. Still close friends, and even closer as lovers - the perfect way things could have gone for them both. “Morning, chicken~” he teased, booping her on the nose. She scrunched her muzzle, a blush forming on it as she glared at him. “I said not to call me that! C’mon! You promised!” He waggled a finger before him, tsking her and raising a brow. “I said I wouldn’t if I came first last night, and last I checked you were screaming like crazy well before I was even halfway there.” “Tch,” she grunted, nudging his shoulder before giggling. “It’s only cause that position has you hit my gspot literally every time you slam into me.” “And are you complaining?” he teased, caressing her cheek. She averted her eyes for a moment, scoffing to herself and chuckling as she shook her head. “No, not at all, but I really wish I made that bet with you with a different position in mind.” He pulled her in close, pressing his lips to hers in a sudden forward motion. The act would’ve caught her off guard a few days ago, but being she had been spending almost every day with him as long as she could, she had quickly adapted to his sudden and fast methods of affection. Returning the kiss, she wrapped a foreleg around him, pulling him as he did her, their tongues soon intertwining in a loving duel of their adoration for each other. The room was still and quiet, the occasion moaning from either of them cracking through the silence as their kiss increased in intensity. He had intended to usher things forward, his arousing beginning to peak as he felt Scootaloo’s warm breath press against his lips as she moaned, but as he trailed his hands down her back and over her wings, she suddenly pulled back. Pulling away, a trail of saliva connecting their lips, she shuddered with pleasure as he teased the tip of her wings, before gnawing her lip and sheepishly looking up at him. “W-wait, we can’t,” she started, shaking her head. “What time is it?” Anon pursed his lips, a portion confused and a portion blue-balled by the sudden denial of their usual morning routine. “Uh, let’s see.” He looked to his side, checking the nearby clock. “‘Bout nine A.M.” She shuffled in place, sitting up and squeezing her thighs together. “Okay, so - uh - y’know how I’ve been hanging out with Apple Bloom whenever I’m not with you?” “Yeah? What about it? I don’t mind, if that’s what you’re worried about,” he replied, sitting with his legs crossed and an aching groin. Those blue balls are gonna need to be sated somehow. She frowned at him, raising a brow. “It’s not that, you dork.” She nudged his shoulder, rolling her eyes. “No offense, and do know I love you, but I would not let you dictate who I hang out with and where I go. I’ve never been the kind of mare to let somepony hold me down.” “Unless it’s in bed…” he grumbled, glancing down at her hefty bosoms resting near her legs. Scootaloo blushed deeply, rubbing her thighs together further as she tried to quell her own desires. “Y-yeah, besides that…” She perked up, shaking her head. “Well, we’ve been…discussing things lately.” She eyed him hesitantly, awkwardly rubbing the back of her head. “She wants to meet up with you at the farm. Alone.” Anon eyed her curiously, rather lost in the current turn in events. It wasn’t that he wasn’t close to Apple Bloom, quite the opposite actually. As far as he could say, he was just as close to her as he was with Scootaloo before he started dating her. Though, for the past few weeks he had been spending time with the pegasus almost exclusively, so a part of him was curious just what could have transpired in the background. A tinge of pain met him, as he began to consider the possibilities. Was she against him dating Scootaloo? Had he been a neglectful friend since he and Scoots started being a couple? He cared about the earth pony a ton, and the last thing he wanted to do was have upset the mare. “Can I ask what for?” he questioned, a tinge of concern splaying across his face. Scootaloo shook her head, her blush deepening as she glanced at the clock. “Erm…can’t say.” She gnawed her lip, her thighs. “Just - uh…head out to visit her, she’s probably already waiting.” Anon sighed, slowly rising up out of the bed. Leaning down, he fetched a pair of his underwear, slipping them on. “Fine, but please try and not make sudden, last minute meetings with my friends for me.” “Right, sorry,” she replied, struggling to pull her eyes off his groin, seemingly more worked up after discussing the meeting with Apple Bloom to him. He took notice of her shift, slipping on his shorts and glancing over at her. “You sure you don’t wanna do a quickie? You look insanely flushed over there, Scoots.” Her blush exploded, her wings twitched at her sides, and she shuddered at the thought, clenching her eyes shut and rapidly shaking her head. “N-no! Y-you should save your energy!” “Huh? Why would I need to save my energy?” he pressed, slipping his shirt on over his head. Scootaloo looked around rapidly, seemingly nervous and worked up at the same time. “Heh! I…I dunno! She might want you to buck some apples? O-or something! Can’t say!” Anon made his way to the bedroom door, grabbing the door handle and preparing to leave. “Right…gotcha.” He pulled it open, eyeing the hallway that led down to his front door. “Do me a favor and clean up the room if you could?” Making his way to leave, Anon was left with an abundance of thoughts. Being asked to suddenly go meet with Apple Bloom was odd in itself, but his confusion was only elevated by Scootaloo’s perplexing behavior. He couldn’t help but notice her odd, increasingly flustered state upon mentioning his meeting with the other mare, but he simply chalked it up to her lust building up without being sated. “Wait,” she suddenly called out. He paused, nearly having shut the door behind him, peeking back at her. “Hmm?” She rubbed her foreleg, sheepishly looking up at him. “No matter what she says, or what ideas she may be proposing, know it’s okay, alright?” She looked up at him, firmly glaring right into his eyes. “If you think I’d be upset or mad at it, I won’t. I know what she and I have been discussing.” Anon stood for a moment, trying to wrap his head around her words. No matter what Apple Bloom suggests or ends up leaning towards, it’s fine? What exactly did the two have in mind? He couldn’t find an answer, unless he made his way there and saw how things played out. “Gotcha,” he replied, beginning to close the door. “I’ll keep that in mind.” He shut the door behind him, leaving Scootaloo alone in the bedroom. She heard him open the front door, slamming it shut, and, glancing out the window, saw him making his way towards Sweet Apple Acres. She let out a long, slow sigh, reaching a hoof down to her nethers. True, she had gotten far more worked up than she intended, and she needed to get herself off. After all, if everything that she had planned with Apple Bloom paid off, they’d be having a lot more fun. “Hope you’ve heard of forming a herd, dork…” The walk to the apple orchard wasn’t all too long, and it was one Anon enjoyed. Waving to passing ponies, dragons, kirin, and more, the town incredibly diverse thanks to Princess Twilight’s school, he savored the lovely weather as he made his way to his destination. Scootaloo’s behavior and words loomed over his thoughts like a haunt, the mysterious nature of it all leaving him both worried and excited in tandem. He could’ve assumed a lot about it. It could be a prank, it could be some kind of confrontation, the possibilities were endless; all he knew was that whatever it was was so important that he was denied making those fat, orange flanks of Scootaloo’s bounce on his cock - which he and his dick were not fond of. Grumbling to himself, cursing under his breath at the aching sensation in his groin from the denied release, he glanced up and saw his destination. Apple trees sprawled the land as far as the eye could see, the orchard having expanded immensely since Apple Bloom took over a few years ago. All sorts of the delicious fruits grew among the diverse species the farm had to offer, but today his goal wasn’t the sweets it had to offer. Briskly walking past the welcoming gates of the farm, he paused. Scootaloo had mentioned Apple Bloom was likely already waiting for him, but she hadn’t mentioned where exactly he was meant to go. From the looks of it, she wasn’t around the barn or house, but a rough idea did meet him. Glancing to his side, trying to reminisce on the events of a few weeks ago, he charted the path towards the old, abandoned clubhouse they used to use in his head and made his way towards it. Another brief walk, and he came close to the clearing where he had previously had his first romp with Scootaloo. The memories of that day were fond, and regretfully making his already yearning member desperate for its restricted release even more. Still, he had a task at hand, and, making way towards the trees that laid right before the clearing, he paused. Standing below the clubhouse, curiously looking over the destroyed staircase that was still in the midst of repairs, was Apple Bloom. He would’ve made himself known right away, but the view he was being given removed his ability to speak. Stooped down towards the ground, with her torso lowered and her ass raised high, Apple Bloom nudged a wooden plank that rested on the grass. Sweat dripped down her form, assumingly from a busy day of apple bucking, but that only made the view all the better. From the way she was positioned, facing away from him, she left nothing to his imagination. With her tail partially flagged, he caught a clear glimpse at her entire rear. He knew Scootaloo had a fat ass, but Apple Bloom was in the running for the juiciest set of asscheeks in all of Ponyville - challenging Pinkie Pie even after her foal. He’d eyed that flank up countless times, noting how it jiggled noticeably with every step she took. He’d watched her buck apples plenty of times in the past, both out of genuine interest and the desire to see that rump of hers bounce. He had fantasized countless times of sinking his hands into that plump flesh of hers, gripping down on her cutie mark whilst he caressed her thick asscheeks. Her glorious ponut rested right below the dock of her tail. Sweat from early morning work made the tempting hole glisten like a mountain of erotic perfection between her cheeks, which made him crave her immensely. He rarely ever caught a glimpse of it, those gargantuan flanks of hers restricted him of the sight, but he knew full well just how perfect it looked. A lump formed in his throat as he watched it wink, making his dick throb in his pants. Trailing his eyes down, he was graced with another sight often hidden by her fat ass - her pussy. He was wholly caught off guard as it too winked at nothing in particular, a line of her essence drooling out of it and down her thighs. Her puffy pussy teased him with each pulse it gave, her engorged clit peeking out at him each and every time it did. He couldn’t comprehend why she seemed so worked up, considering an estrus cycle to blame, but he couldn’t ponder the thought. The longer he lurked in the trees a few feet behind her, the more he’d crave for release - plus, it wasn’t right for him to creep on one of his best friends like this, and he cursed himself for allowing his lust to push him into such perverse viewing. Shaking his head and clearing his mind, he stood up fully and stepped out of the trees. “Yo, Apple Bloom!” She perked up, clamped her tail down against her flank, and wheeled around to face him. Catching sight of him, a deep, crimson blush painted her muzzle, as she nervously chuckled. “O-oh! Anon, you’re here! Ah wasn’t expecting you yet!” Anon smirked, assuming he had actually came early more than anything. “Didn’t expect me to come so early, huh?” “Actually, you’re almost thirty minutes late,” Apple Bloom replied, deadpanned. Her blush slowly faded away, as she seemingly collected herself, a smug look adorning her face soon after. “Ah was expecting you to be at least an hour or two later. Scoots told me how long you take to get outta bed.” Anon pouted, rolling his eyes and fighting back a laugh. If there was one thing Apple Bloom liked to tease him about the most, it was his lack of organization. Being in charge of the farm, teaching at the School of Friendship, and managing the occasional friendship quest, she had become a machine when it came to keeping a schedule and being punctual. Where he was inept at making it to a meeting barely on time, she excelled at doing everything efficiently and oftentimes early. “Okay, okay,” he sighed, raising his hands innocently. “That was uncalled for. I’m not always late.” She shook her head, stifling a laugh. “Ah genuinely can’t recall a single time you were on time.” He rolled his eyes once more, preparing to retort but cutting himself short. He still had a handful of questions on his mind, ranging from why she seemed so worked up and as to why he was even here in the first place. It wasn’t like he disliked spending time with her, quite the opposite, but the uncertain circumstances of it all still lurked in his thoughts. “Fine, I’ll let you have that.” He raised a brow, glancing around the area. “So - uh - why’d Scootaloo tell me I had to meet up with you? Is something the matter?” The blush from before formed on her face. “Erm…ah let ya know in a bit, for now, how ‘bout you help me with some work around the farm?” With a deep, annoyed groan, Anon looked back over at her. “Grueling work wasn’t on my agenda for the day, Apple Bloom.” She rubbed her foreleg, gnawing her lip as she glanced at him from the corner of her eye. “Listen, ah promise I’ll make it worth your while, okay?” He could’ve sworn he caught sight of her tail excitedly flicking at her words, but he couldn’t be sure of it. Seeing no reason to decline helping her, and knowing it’d at least answer his question once he was done, he nodded his head in agreement. Spending the day with Apple Bloom, even if it involved tiring work, never was bad. She was always a joy to be around, and he’d more than happily help one of his best buddies with whatever work she had. He’d done it many times before, and he’d like to say he’d gotten pretty good at it. “Alright,” he mumbled, walking over her and scruffing her mane. “So, whatcha need?” She leaned into his hand, nuzzling it for a moment before her eyes went wide and she took several steps back, clearing her throat. “A-ahem! I’ve got a cart that needs to be filled with some apples by sundown. Think you’re up for some classic apple bucking?” She smirked at him through her blush, making his competitive spirit surge. “From that look of yours, something tells me you wanna make this a challenge, don’t you?” “Huh - maybe you are smart sometimes,” she teased, winking at him. “Yeah, I wanna make it a bet!” He rubbed the back of his head, looking over the sea of apple trees before him. “I dunno, every time I’ve taken you up on one of these it’s been entirely one-sided in your favor.” He stuck his tongue out at her, gesturing towards her flanks. “From how thick that flank of yours is, it’s pretty clear which of us has been hitting trees longer.” Apple Bloom gnawed her lip, rubbing her thighs together and looking away from him. The reaction confused him a fair bit, being it wasn’t all too uncommon for him to make note of her flanks. He was pretty sure she knew how far her ass was, molded by years of farm work, but this time it seemed to have made her genuinely flustered. Even then, her reaction was absolutely adorable. Tugging the handkerchief wrapped around her neck, she snapped her attention away from him and stamped the ground. “Tch - how about you stop starin’ at my flanks and get to bucking, you perv!” “Oh, Apple Bloom!” he cried out, putting a hand to his chest, fawning offense. “Such harsh words!” She looked back at him, fighting to hold back a laugh and failing swiftly. “Pfft ~ Shut up, ya dummy.” He rolled his shoulders, stretching himself out and eyeing the trees ahead. “Game on. What’s the schtick? If I lose I gotta babysit Big Mac’s foal for you again? Not that he minded, since whenever he did he always managed to ogle up Sugar Belle’s sexy body for a good bit when she returned. “Nah,” Apple Bloom retorted, waving a hoof before her. “Ah’ll keep it simple. Whoever loses has to do whatever the other wants ~ sound good?” He eyed her, suspicious. “Win or lose, you’ll still tell me why I’m here, right?” “I’ll do ya one better,” she shot back, fighting back a deeper blush. “If ah win, what I make ya do might relate to why you’re here.” “Fine.” He began to walk past the clubhouse and into the orchard, cracking his neck. “Let’s go~” Apple Bloom followed close behind, quickly coming to his side, playfully nudging him, and then walking ahead. “First one to…let’s say thirty trees harvested.” She pointed to a pile of wooden buckets up ahead. “Fill each up to the brim. Try not to fall too behind, lanky.” Usually, Anon would make a clever comeback to the jab at his otherworldly figure, but he was all too distracted to care. Having passed him, Apple Bloom gave him a show. Each step made her asscheeks wobble, bouncing perfectly before his eyes. He wasn’t sure, but it looked like she purposely flagged her tail right as she came up in front of him. His member ached, a noticeable bulge forming in his pants, and he was quick to turn away so that she wouldn’t see it. “S-sounds easy!” he hastily replied, running over and picking up a bucket. He watched as Apple Bloom scurried off to the side, already making her way towards her first tree. Intent on at least giving her a semblance of a challenge, Anon hurried his way to his first target. Coming upon it, he heard a grunt in the background, followed by the sound of apples tumbling into a bucket. Knowing his competition had already taken down her first load of the delicious fruits, he swiftly rolled his shoulder, and slammed into his first tree. Usually that would’ve hurt, but ever since he ended up in this world his endurance, pain tolerance, and overall durability had grown substantially. Things that would’ve hurt a fair bit back home now were barely noticeable, and injuries that’d typically cause a broken bone or two just led to some hefty bruises. He glanced up, watching as the apples latched to the tree began to topple down. Lifting his bucket up, he caught the majority of them, only allowing one or two to spill out. Satisfied with his results, he ran over to grab a second bucket, watching Apple Bloom make her leave already with intent to claim her next tree, and continued his efforts. On and on they went, slamming and bucking against the trees around them and stripping them of their apples. She was always a tree or two ahead of him, but so far this was the closest he had ever been with her. She usually blew him out of the water, but today she seemed a portion slower. Her blush never left her, her breathing was noticeably heavier, and she seemed to constantly be glancing over in his direction. He couldn’t act like he wasn’t scoping her out too though. He assumed she just watched him to see how he was doing, to ensure her lead was secure, but he had entirely different intent. The way sweat streaked down her body, gliding along her curvaceous form and highlighting her rump and muscles - it was a sight to behold. Each time he glanced over at her, he slowed a bit, lost more of his pace, but he never truly cared. Losing a bet, probably having to do some chores, would be worth it as long as he could imprint the vision of her in his head. He didn’t feel guilty for eyeing her up, hell, Scootaloo herself told him she still checks out stallions and more, so it was only fair if he let his imagination dwell among other mares. Pulling his attention away and slamming into another tree, he scooped up the apples that fell and looked over his work. He was sitting at a solid sixteen, which was rather impressive, but Apple Bloom was quick to strike him down. “Ah’m on mah twentieth!” she clamored, bumping into his side and running past him. His eyes went wide, knowing his defeat was imminent, but he wouldn’t take it laying down. Quickly running after her, he came up beside her, having managed to pry his eyes off her ass and focus. “Ha! This one isn’t gonna be easy, Bloom!” he scoffed, bumping her hip with his own, before snatching the bucket she was carrying off her head. She skidded to a stop, whirling around as he began to dart away. “Hey! That’s cheatin’!” “Never said it wasn’t allowed!” he yelled back. Huffing hot air from her nostrils, giggling to herself soon after, she quickly pursued him. She could’ve easily gotten a new bucket, but there was no fun or challenge in that. Driving her legs forward, she barreled in his direction, the distance between them beginning to close fast. “Never said tackling you ain’t allowed either!” she declared. Anon glanced over his shoulder, attempting to look back at her. “Wait, tackle me - oof!” Before he knew it, having turned entirely around in order to defend himself, Apple Bloom tackled him with force. The two went tumbling, cartwheeling over one another across the soft, morning dew soaked grass. They both grunted as they rolled with one another, coming to a stop as he laid on his back, with her on top of him pinning him down by his chest. “Gotcha!” she victoriously exclaimed, glaring down at him as sweat dripped down her face. Her smirk only lasted for a second, as her eyes went wide, her blush deepened, and she trailed her gaze downwards. Sitting as she was, her marehood grinding right on the noticeable bulge in his shorts. His hands had instinctively gripped onto her plump flanks, caressing them subtly as he was recovering from having the wind knocked out of him. Apple Bloom gnawed her lip, pressing her slavering lower lips against his bulge, before returning to look at him. Blinking wildly, recovered from his daze, Anon gasped as he realized what he was doing with his hands. “O-oh crap! Sorry! I didn’t mean to -” With a hoof pressed against his lips, his apology was cut short. Looking down at him with a sultry gaze, Apple Bloom snickered. Glancing up, seeing they were at the foot of an apple tree, she picked up the bucket that had fallen, pulled her other hoof away from his lips, and punched the tree with her foreleg. Soon, an abundance of apples toppled down, most of which she managed to catch, missing a few due to being seated. “And that’s thirty~” she cooed, placing down the bucket and looking back down at him once more with the same lustful gaze. “Ah win~” Anon gulped, her eyes digging into him and sending his heart aflutter. “U-uh, yeah, you d-did.” He felt her grinding against his bulge, his shorts growing damp with her now apparent lust. “So…what now?” Apple Bloom's entire attitude had taken a near full 180. She had gone from flustered and innocent, to seemingly seductive and fairly forward in an instant. She guided his hands back to her flanks, placing each on top of her cutie marks. “Give ‘em a squeeze, ah know you’ve been ogling them all day, haven’t you?” she purred, winking at him. Unsure of what to reply with, he simply followed her suggestion, sinking his hands into her thick asscheeks and caressing them. “What…what’s going on?” “Ah know you and Scoots talked earlier, right?” She booped him on the nose, giggling. “Probably after you fucked her silly!” It was Anon’s turn to adorn a blush, wholly confused and taken aback by how forward she was being. “W-we did talk, yeah, but we didn’t f-fuck.” He gripped down on her flanks harder, his arousal beginning to soar. “She…she said I had to save my energy.” “You didn’t wonder why she said that?” Apple Bloom teased, biting her lip as he caressed her flanks further. “Ah’m sure she said something else a bit odd~” Anon felt like his heart was about to explode out of his chest. Here he was, pinned down by one of the most stunning mares in all of Ponyville, arguably Equestria, as she ground her cunt against him. She eyed him with lust, her voice was littered with carnal need, and her ass felt like pillows in his grasp. Part of him thought it was a dream, but upon feeling her marehood wink against his groin, he was quickly reminded of the reality of the situation. Drinking in her words, reflecting on the morning, he nervously replied. “She…she did say that no matter what you say or propose, she’d be okay with it.” His eyes went wide, slowly beginning to realize what this was all about. “Wait…did she say that because she thought I’d be worried about -” “Bucking me? Yeah~” Apple Bloom cooed, planting a soft kiss on his forehead. “She’s told me alllll about how good of a rut you are, and this heat ah’m goin’ through is something fierce! So, I talked to her about mah feelings towards you, and about a little idea ah had…” His eyes grew wider, his stomach filling with butterflies. “W-wait, feelings?” Her confident, in control demeanor faltered, as her blush exploded into a deep crimson hue and she shied away. “Ya think she’s the only one that might’ve had feelings towards you?” “I…I…” he mumbled, unable to properly reply. “Ah didn’t realize it at first, but after I saw you two fucking like animals in the orchard a few weeks ago, I couldn’t get it out of my head,” she continued. “How passionate you two were, the way you seemed to genuinely care, and just how worked up it made me…it was incredible.” His own blush deepened, as he blinked wildly. “Y-you saw that?!” “Most of it, yeah,” she clarified, shaking her head. “But that ain’t important.” She rubbed her shoulder, avoiding eye contact with him. “I knew ah was starting to lust over you, and honestly Scoots too, I might have a bit of a crush on her too. Sweetie as well.” She perked up, shaking her head harder and gnawing her lip. “You - uh - didn’t hear those last two parts, okay?” “Noted,” he replied, fighting back a smile seeing how cute she looked right then. “Right, anyways. Ah knew I was lusting over you, but then ah started thinking about, well, you,” she furthered, looking back at him now. “And, honestly, you seem like the perfect stud. You’re friendly, caring, and you treat mah friends right. The Apples are all about family, we always have been, and ah know you care about your friends, lovers, and more immensely.” Anon soaked in her words, taken aback by her sincerity and just how candid her feelings were for him. He wouldn’t lie, like Scootaloo, he would’ve been more than happy with the idea of dating her. She was hard working, honest, straight forward, and confident - traits he loved about her. Not to forget her absolutely banging body, which he was so graciously getting to feel up right now. He laid there, looking into her eyes for a scant few moments, trying to get a grip onto the situation. “You…seemed too nervous before?” “Ah still am,” she retorted, frowning down at him. “But I needed to take my chance, so I threw on that whole confident schtick to try and get somethin’ going.” She adorned a solemn look, slowly beginning to get up. “I…I’m sorry. This was such a stupid idea, I didn’t even ask if you were okay with all this. I just knew how often you looked at mah flanks, and Scoots told me you were probably gonna be okay with it and…” She trailed off, looking away from him and slowly rising up. Before she knew it, she paused, feeling a firm smack on her ass that pulled her attention back down towards him as she gave a surprised gasp. “That is for tackling me,” he taunted, pulling down on her hips and slamming her back down onto his body. He gave her other flank a firm slap, her rump jiggling as a loud slap rang out. “And that is for thinking I wouldn’t love doing this with you.” He reached up, caressing her face. “I enjoy all the time I spend with you, and, being you and Scootaloo planned all this and I know for sure she’s okay with it, I’m all for it.” She gulped, shivering as she felt him sink his digits into her asscheeks. “Y-you’re all for us, y’know…” “Fucking? Yeah!” he cheered, slapping her rump again and earning a moan from her this time. “You’ve got a banging body, Bloom. I’ve fantasized about this ass of yours so many times.” She sheepishly chuckled, licking her lips. “After what Scootaloo’s told me, ah’ve gotten myself off to the thought of your cock plenty~” “Why not get off to the real deal?~” he cooed, trailing his hands up and gripping her hips. “I’m all for it, but I am a bit confused on the other part of what you wanted.” She slowly untied the handkerchief around her neck, gingerly placing it on the ground and ensuring it was safe and clean. “Other part?” “The whole ‘having feelings for me’ thing.” He caught her frown, quickly waving his hands before him. “D-don’t worry! The feeling is mutual! I just don’t know how that’d work!” She tilted her head, eyeing him up and down. “You really haven’t ever heard of it before?” “Of what?” he asked, curious. She snickered, shaking her head and smiling down at him. “Don’t worry, I’ll explain it in a bit. We can see how you feel after I make my request to you. After all, ah did win our little game~” Anon rolled his eyes. “Oh? And what would you like me to do?~” Apple Bloom licked her lips, lowering her muzzle and hovering right over his face. “With how bad this heat of mine is, how big your cock seems to be, and with how we are, Ah’m pretty sure you know what I want you to do.” “Why don’t you spell it out for me?” he teased. “Heh, you always gotta be a smartass?” She rolled her eyes, hovering her lips inches from his. “I want you to take those clothes you got off and buck me as hard as you can.” He was more than happy to oblige. Feeling her lift her rump up, Anon quickly shot his hands down to his shorts. Grabbing his waistband, he swiftly pulled down, freeing his cock from the confines that held it back. His member throbbed as a bead of Apple Bloom’s essence drooled down onto it, coating it in her lust. She glanced down, looking past her modest bosoms and at his member. Eyeing it hungrily, she gulped. “Scoots wasn’t lyin’ about you being big,” she stated, looking back up at him. She didn’t waste time, angling herself carefully and lining her slavering lower lips up with the head of his cock. Her marehood winked angrily, eager to be filled by the taunting tool mere inches from it. Her lust driving her, heart aflutter by her feelings towards her partner in this carnal embrace, she took a deep breath and slammed herself down. Her ass rippled as her cheeks slammed against his groin. A wet schlick sounded out as she felt him fill her depths, a sharp, unbecoming moan crept past her lips, and her entire body tensed. Her walls instinctively clenched down on his member as she pressed herself down, caressing his thighs with her plump flanks as she hilted him within her. His tip pressed against her womb, as he gnawed his lip and took a sharp breath. Her depths were an angel’s embrace, coaxing and caressing his member with whorish expertise, her body fueled by its pure desire. They held their position, grasping their reality as their friendship had taken a sharp turn with that one singular motion. Anon composed himself, grabbing onto her hips and smiling over at her. “You ready?~” Apple Bloom didn’t respond, too lost in the allure of the sudden sensations accosting her. It felt surreal to be doing this with him, but at the same time it felt incredibly right. She had heard just how phenomenal he was in bed, thanks to Scootaloo’s constant ranting about it, but even with her high expectations she was blown away by his mere intrusion. Her time spent pondering on how she felt regarding him earlier within the week had come to fruition. Not only did she find an affection for who he was, but now she downright craved his cock alongside it. She took a long, deep breath, eyes fluttering as she snickered. “Give me everything you’ve got.” Anon looked into her eyes, their feelings morphing together in a deep, silent understanding. He wanted her, and she needed him - be it to sate her heat, her curiosity, or to give her a clear perspective on her feelings towards him. They stared at one another for a brief moment, allowing the words she just spoke sink into their minds, before they exchanged nods and began the inevitable. With a firm smack on her ass, Apple Bloom was encouraged to move, and she did so with passion. Raising her hips, she held him tightly in her depths until only his tip remained within, and then slammed down with every ounce of lust she had backing it. A pair of moans rang out, followed by yet another slap on her flank, and they began to enter a routine. Each hard slam down was met by a firm, yet affectionate, slap on her ass, causing her flanks to jiggle as her eyes began to roll back. The mixture of pain and pleasure sent her nerves alight, and gradually her pace increased as she yearned for more. The sound of their bodies meeting together became routine, a clap sounding out each and every time they slammed into one another. In unison, they evolved their rut, a silent understanding that more was needed to sate them both. Each time she rose, he now braced, and when she slammed down, he met her with his own upwards thrust. He pressed against her womb and coaxed a sea of moans from her lips, his own breathing becoming heavy as they continued to give each other their all. The sweet scent of sex filled the air, her musk filling his sinuses with a familiar yet welcome scent. The smell of apples had intensified tenfold, and he knew for sure that it wasn’t the orchard that was sending his senses alight. All ponies had a distinct, appealing scent, and it was fitting that Bloom was that of an apple. Her scent filled his being with lust, as he pushed up into her with all the more force. Minutes felt like hours, with neither slowing down as they pleasured each other to the limit. “B-buck! You’re so g-good! Ahn! YES!” Apple Bloom wailed, her tongue lolling out of her mouth. He grunted below her, making sure to keep his motions in tune with her own, pivoting his hips upwards as he cracked a smile. “You’re - tch - so tight! Mmmph!” He smacked her rump, gripping her flank right where her cutie mark laid. “And I just can’t get enough of this ass of yours!” “Heh,” she groaned, glancing down at him, “ah always knew you - nngh - liked it! Thought mah eyes were - huff - playin’ tricks on me when I thought you were staring!” He pushed his cock into her with additional force, his balls beginning to tense. “Can you blame me?! Unf ~ This ass is the stuff of dreams!” She gave a laugh in response, broken up into moans as they went harder and faster. He felt her body tensing up, and she felt his cock beginning to flare, both knowing what was coming. Their rutting became all the more passionate, all the more pleasurable, and the upcoming release was something they both began to brace for. Huffing air into their lungs, sweat dripping down their forms, they exchanged a look with one another. Their eyes met, both filled with wonder, lust, and a newly forged love that had no knowledge of beforehand, but it was all they needed to confirm their mutual concerns. On instinct, she surged her muzzle downwards, pressing her lips to his own. He returned it, pressing his tongue into her mouth as their moans were muffled by their embrace. Their tongues dueled, a battle of passion that had a victor - as she pressed into his mouth, caressing the back of his head with her hooves. They both shuddered intensely, a deep groan creeping past his lips as his legs began to stiffen. Her heart skipped a beat, and, with one final rise, she slammed down with every ounce of energy left in her, inhaling sharply as her peak finally struck. With immense force, her climax rocked her body unlike anything before. Her nerves went alight, her vision blurred, and the world around her faded away as she entered a realm of pleasure beyond her wildest imagination. Her marish juices spewed from her depths, gushes of marecum coating his member, balls, thighs, and the grass below, as her moans morphed into pleasurable cries. She pulled away from their kiss, throwing her head back and screaming with bliss. Her eyes rolled back, her entire body spasmed with sheer ecstasy, and her walls clenched down onto him with everything they had as the first surges of his cum met her depths. He pressed up into her, keeping himself lodged as deeply within her pussy as he possibly could. His seed gushed from his cock in waves, load after load of his spunk filling her. Her womb was swiftly flooded, her cum gushing out of her canal and coating her walls with molten bliss. Her marehood wrung his dick for everything it had, coaxing every last drop of seed out of him. He held her close to him, gripping onto her hips and keeping her pressed down, making sure nothing could interrupt their apex of their rut until they both came down from their highs. The delirium they were in was a blissful daze, both moaning deeply as they slowly began to come down from their orgasms. Afterglow washed over them, a warmth permeating through every inch of their bodies as they gradually came back to their senses. Both took deep breaths, heaving air into their tired lungs, before Apple Bloom fell forward, resting on his chest as her face nuzzled his own. “That…was…amazin’,” she cooed, closing her eyes. Anon steadied his breathing, taking a hand off her flank and guiding it up to pet her mane. “Amazing is selling it short, Bloom.” “Pfft,” she scoffed, nuzzling his neck. “Well, all ah know is you lived up to the hype Scootaloo gave you…” The mention of his marefriend made Anon perk up, as he shifted himself away from her. “Speaking of Scoots, care to tell me what all this was about now?” A blush crept into Apple Bloom’s cheeks, as she hesitantly shied away. Her eyes were filled with wonder and worry both, the air around them growing tense from her extended silence. She looked to be thinking over things, deep in thought with herself as she sighed. “Y’know, after cumming like that, ah really lost all the bravado I had before,” she chuckled. “Sorry, I’m just…worried is all.” Anon cupped her chin, pulling her attention to him as he looked right into her eyes. “Apple Bloom, you’re my best friend, and I know what you’ve been getting at.” “A herd is a big deal, Anon,” she swiftly retorted. He raised a brow, looking over at her curiously. “A herd?” She nodded. “Yeah, a herd. Nggh ~ Y’know, if your cock stays in me I will get in the mood again.” He blushed, awkwardly chuckling as she rolled her eyes. She shifted her body, slowly raising her rump. With an audible pop, his cock slipped out of her depths, a cascade of cum drooling out of her as it did. A moan slipped from her lips, before she flopped to the side and laid down beside him. Carefully slipping her handkerchief back around her neck, she took a deep breath and glanced over at him. Watching her lay on her stomach, Anon’s arousal began to reignite as he eyed up her thick flanks. “Also, again, your ass is amazing. I could watch you jiggle that rump all day~” “Hah ~ Damn right I can make it jiggle,” she cooed, twerking her rump for a moment as she shot him a sultry look. Giggling, she rolled her eyes. “Like ah was saying, a herd is a big deal, Anon.” Snapped out of his brief resurgence of lust, he jabbed her side with his elbow, throwing her an annoyed look. “Which is why I’m asking you what it is.” “Right, so important that you got sidetracked to talk about my ass.” She nudged him right back, pressing against his shoulder. “A herd is when a stallion has more than one mare as a partner,” she answered. “Essentially the stud takes care and tends to two or more mares. They live together, spend time together, and obviously are dating one another. Usually it - uh…” She hesitated, rubbing her shoulder. “Usually it ends up with a good few foals too…” He pondered her words, letting the concept sink in. The idea of having more than one partner wasn’t too common to him, but he did know it existed back in his original home. Though a bit taboo, he couldn’t find any real issue with it. Apple Bloom was one of his best friends, and he did have feelings for her akin to the ones he had for Scootaloo. There was no harm in doing this, and clearly Scootaloo was okay with it. “Maybe a bit down the line. I told Scootaloo the same.” Apple Bloom’s eyes went wide. “Wait, so you mean…” “That I’m cool with the idea of it? Hell yeah!” He wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close. “You’re an amazing mare, Apple Bloom, any stud would be lucky to have you, but it seems this human is instead!” A broad smile split her muzzle, as she wrapped her foreleg around him and returned his hug. “So, ready to start a herd?” He mimicked her smile, a warm feeling washing over him as his heart soared. “Absolutely -” “Woowee! That went perfect!” He and Apple Bloom were both snapped out of the moment by a scratchy voice from afar. Whipping their heads to the side, they caught a glimpse of a familiar orange pegasus peeking out from behind a tree. “S-Scootaloo! What the hay are you doing here?!” Apple Bloom blurted, her face a deep crimson. Scootaloo trotted over towards them, giggling. “Oh come on, since we’re a herd now I’m going to be seeing him fucking you allllll the time!” “That doesn’t mean you could spy on us!” Apple Bloom shot back, scrunching her muzzle. “Really?” Scootaloo scoffed, rolling her eyes. “So you can spy on me and him rutting for the first time, but I can’t watch you two do it?” “I…” Apple Bloom paused, crossing her forelegs and harrumphing. “Fair point.” Anon let out a hearty laugh, seeing how now his other marefriend was with them. “Well, today has been awfully eventful.” He looked between the two, pointing back over his shoulder towards the town. “How about we clean up here and go get a bite to eat.” “Yeah! That sounds great!” Scootaloo cheered, her wings buzzing at her sides excitedly. Apple Bloom nodded, pulling away from Anon and shakily standing up. “Yeah, ah could really go for a bite. Especially after all this.” She nodded her head in the direction of the farm. “Anon, could you go fill up a bucket and bring it over here so we can wash up a bit?” “Sure thing,” he replied, slowly getting up as his legs quivered a bit. “Gimme a sec, I’ll be right back with it.” Scootaloo walked up beside Apple Bloom as they both watched their partner head off towards the farmhouse. She bumped her flank against Apple Bloom’s both sets of rumps jiggling a portion before she glanced at the earth pony’s rear. “Sheesh - I must’ve left him pent up this morning! He filled you to the brim!” She poked Apple Bloom’s stomach, snickering. “Your belly is even bulging a bit from how much he pumped into you.” Apple Bloom flicked her face with her tail, furrowing her brow at the pegasus. “H-hey! Cut it out!” “Fine, fine, but you look great stuffed full of his spunk~,” Scootaloo teased, sticking a tongue out at her friend. “So, y’know how you said you had a crush on me and Sweetie for ages earlier?” “W-wha?!” Apple Bloom’s face went red as she recoiled. “Y-you heard that?!” Scootaloo shrugged, booping her friend on the nose with a hoof. “Yeah? What’s the big deal? We are forming a herd, so I figured it was implied anyways. Either way, the feelings are mutual. I’ve had a thing for you for years.” “You…you did?” Apple Bloom questioned. “Oh yeah, a huge crush, honestly.” Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “Having you standing next to me, filled to the brim with cum from our other partner makes it strangely easier to confess.” She shook her head, staring intensely at her friend. “But that isn’t important right now.” Apple Bloom’s flustered state subsided, replaced with curiosity. “Huh? Then what’s up?” “It’s a good thing you admitted you have a thing for Sweetie Belle too,” Scootaloo snickered, raising a brow at Apple Bloom. “You have a thing for Sweetie too? Ah had no idea!” Apple Bloom clamored, laughing to herself. “Guess we’re all mixed up like crazy feelings wise! Next thing we know, she’ll probably be asking to join our herd!” Her laughter gradually subsided as she looked at Scootaloo’s smug smile, quickly catching onto what she was silently implying. “Wait…you don’t mean…” She was met with a firm nod from the pegasus, and her smile furthered all the more.