> It's all about the size... > by PegPony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike never used to feel awkward, sure he was small and nervous but he'd never found himself constantly blushing and darting his eyes around everywhere like he did nowadays. It wasn't entirely his fault, it was just the way the world was and he just happened to be in the wrong places at the wrong time... or the right places at the right time depending on how you looked at it. Whatever the circumstances were, fortunate or not, the fact was the same... Spike was living in a world where every single pony had a huge amount of junk in the trunk and ever since he became legal, his still scrawny frame had led to the ponies around him delighting in playfully teasing the poor drake or making him cum with their fat juicy rears without actually gracing him with the pleasure of their insides. It certainly didn't help that in pony society there were certainly plenty of clothes to wear but it seemed the preferred fashion was panties that got lost in the valley of any and every set of huge cheeks, jean shorts that did nothing to hide or even necessarily contain the titanic amount of ass flesh every mare seemed to be packing and more often than not... most mares decided that clothes just weren't right for them and wore absolutely nothing at all. Spike was the only one who wore a full set of clothes out of a sense of decency and dignity, often opting to wear a completely blue ensemble, his hoodie, t-shirt, jeans, trainers, even his socks and underwear were all varying shades of blue. Though that never stopped those around him continuously and consistently messing with him, like Zecora using his face as a seat, how did he keep getting mixed up in these things? > Gamer Girl > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Alright, awesome! I'm almost at the end of the level!" Twilight was in the castle playing video games, as a little filly who was focused mainly on study, she hadn't really had a lot of time to kick back, relax and use her big brain to do something that was actually fun and stimulating. She had seen her big brother play video games when she was younger and Luna had even said that being a princess hadn't stopped her from enjoying the gaming scene, sometimes convincing Celestia to join in on occasion! After hearing that, Twilight decided to just bite the bullet and use a little tax surplus to treat herself to one console and a few highly rated games that the system supported to see what she was missing out on. There were some games that were based on real life events like Call Of Duty, a first person shooter that mainly focused on the battle of Stalliongrad, then there were ones that had deeper and more intricate story lines, multiple choice options that affected your karma and philosophical implications that could almost be described as an art form or a social commentary, like Undertail, a very interesting RPG if ever there was one. Right now however, she was playing your typical "save the girl and save the world" kind of game. She was just nearing the end of the level when she heard a very familiar sound and felt a very familiar tingle in her flank. "Oh no... not now! You've got to be kidding me!" Twilight turned to look at her flank and sure enough, her cutie mark was flashing to signal the start of another friendship mission that she simply didn't have the time for, she couldn't afford to use her spare time to fix a friendship problem when she was so close to the end of the level already! She couldn't just pause to save the game and come back to it later! She had to do it now! She never realized just how addicting video games were and how addicted to them she had become! Twilight kept playing until Applejack burst into the room and went "Twilight! What are y'all waitin' for! We got a friendship mission together!" Twilight rolled her eyes and said "Yeah yeah yeah, just hang on a second, I'm sure Ponyville can wait for a minute or two while I just get to the end of this level, I'l be right with you, I swear" Applejack went "No no no, you don't understand, the problem is in Saddle Arabia!" Twilight froze, stunned at what Applejack had just said, she turned to her orange friend and said "Did.. d-did you just s-s-say Saddle Arabia? But... but that's like, halfway across the world! It will take long enough just to get there! Never mind finding out what we're supposed to do there!" Applejack deadpanned and went "Twilight, this is kind if important. What if we're bein' sent there to prevent a war or somethin'? You can't just sit here playin' on your Neighstation, so get your big booty up offa that mattress and let's get goin'!" Twilight put on her best puppy dog eyes and asked "Can you please please please please please please at least let me finish this one level? I'm going for a completionist run of Crash Bandicolt and I swear I'm only thirty seconds away from the end of the level! I swear!" Applejack huffed and went "Alright fine, just make it quick!" Twilight continued for a further one minute, then her face dropped as she reached the exit to the level and saw the box count. Enraged, Twilight threw the controller across the room and screamed "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! I MISSED ONE BOX?! ONE FUCKING BOX?!?! I HAVE TO GO THROUGH THE WHOLE DAMN LEVEL ALL OVER AGAIN?!?!?!" Applejack, slightly scared at just how big a reaction a simple game triggered in the princess of friendship, said "Alright there Twilight, calm down! We want you in a decent mood if we're gonna solve anythin' in Saddle Arabia!" Twilight grimaced and levitated the controller back over, pausing the game as she said "Well... it looks like I'll have to play that level over again anyway, so I suppose it can wait, I wanna get back to this as soon as possible though so I'm teleporting us as close to Saddle Arabia as we can get, alright?" Applejack, tired of waiting, said "Yes yes yes, that's all fine and dandy, now come on already!" Twilight lit up her horn and after a flash of bright light, she and Applejack had vanished into thin air, somewhere between the castle and Saddle Arabia. Moments later, Spike walked into Twilight's room, he'd just made some cookies and figured she'd probably want some while she was on her epic gaming marathon of trying to 100% complete all of her games. Upon seeing that Twilight was obviously nowhere to be found, Spike just shrugged and put the plate of cookies down for whenever she returned, he was about to leave when he stopped and turned to look back at Twilight's little set-up. He wasn't interested in the games console or the library of games, he wasn't interested in the cookies he had just baked... it was the mattress. Twilight was a fair friend and employer and if he had complained about it, then she would have helped him out, she even went to a bed shop with him once when he said he needed a bed but they didn't end up buying one considering that he was just stalling for time so that their friends could decorate the castle. Even though he did end up eventually getting a bed, the mattress Twilight appeared to be using for whenever she was gaming looked infinitely more comfortable, it made sense considering that Twilight would often spend long periods of time playing games on her Neighstation, especially since her self-imposed goal of finishing every single game. Twilight wasn't around... he could afford to take a cheeky nap while she was away couldn't he? They weren't expecting any visitors to the castle, so why not relax? Throwing caution to the wind, he took off all of his clothes and walked over to the bed. Twilight had told him that wearing clothes while inside the castle wasn't necessary but he insisted that he wanted to remain clothed unless he absolutely had to take them off, such as having a bath, Spike's rule of having clothes on both inside and outside the castle was something that Twilight tolerated because she understood that he was a dragon and may not have felt comfortable being naked in public view of dozens of equally naked and/or just partially-clothed ponies. It was quite true that he felt better wearing clothes, though his other secret reason for it was that his jeans did a semi-decent job of hiding, or at least obscuring, the presence of his boner whenever he'd caught himself accidentally ogling the large behinds of Ponyville's female residents but wearing just jeans and nothing else would give the game away. The only other situation Spike took his clothes of for, was to sleep. He didn't particularly mind if Twilight walked in and saw him naked, they'd lived together for most of their lives and it happened enough times to a point where neither of them were bothered by it. As Spike sank his body into the mattress he let out a sigh... this was everything he had hoped it would be and more, definitely more comfortable than his actual bed, so relaxing was it that Spike felt himself become drowsy and fatigued, his whole body going soft as he let out a large yawn and allowed the welcoming embrace of sleep to claim his mind, falling deeply asleep. Hours passed and Spike remained warm, cosy and as asleep as asleep could get, as he slept he dreamt about being a hero, gems, dragon girls and last but not least, nice big pony butts. When Spike awoke, he looked down to see that his last two rather provocative dreams had brought his member to half mast already, he figured that if he couldn't distract himself then he could easily be rid of his partial erection by going to his room to fantasize about banging Princess Ember or finally having rough and passionate sex with Rarity and simply fapping himself dry, once again wasting one of his condoms with a load he'd fired from self-pleasure rather than from sex, a blow job, he wouldn't even have minded a hoof job! Spike was about to sit up and drag himself away from the mattress when, suddenly, there was a bright flash of light and instead Spike found himself weighed down by a gigantic thick ass and a pair of purple pussy lips pressed against his own pair of purple mouth lips. Twilight was back from Saddle Arabia. Twilight groaned and said "Ugh... I can't believe we had to go all the way to Saddle Arabia just to settle a dispute between two royal concubines!" Twilight was about to get back to her game when she noticed something slightly different, specifically, she didn't feel like she was sitting as comfortably as she usually did. She shifted around a little a rolled her hips to see if it made any difference but it was only when she felt little claws tapping her flanks and a muffled voice, that she looked down to see that she was sat on her friend and number one assistant, Spike. Confused, Twilight went "Spike? What are you doing down there you little perv!?" Twilight was about to lift herself off of him when she felt something touch her glorious glutes, it wasn't Spike's claws because he couldn't reach around such a wide expanse of bottom fat with his titchy little arms, this was something that was much closer and dangerously near the exceedingly deep crack of her ass. Twilight looked behind to find that the thing that had touched her was Spike, or more specifically, his fully erect and throbbing cock. Twilight smirked, he was quite small in comparison to what most stallions were packing and she found it almost cute that he thought that he could even handle or please pony booty with a tool that was usually perched atop his balls instead of swinging between his legs. Despite being erect, Twilight doubted that his length would suitably impress a mare, big asses needed big cocks, she'd be surprised if he could even get a fat ass filly to feel just the slightest hint of sexual pleasure with such an underwhelming and pitiful little dragon dick like that! Twilight stayed in place and said "You know what Spike? I do need to start this level all over again and the friendship mission I was on in Saddle Arabia was really frustrating, so if you could make yourself useful and lick my cunt, it would be a big help!" Twilight picked up the controller and selected "restart" before noticing the cookies and going "Aw sweet! Cookies!" As she stuffed a cookie in her mouth and focused all of her attention on the game, Spike just stayed still... she wasn't really expecting him to lick her, was she? Spike got his answer three seconds later when Twilight, without tearing her eyes away from the screen at all, just went "Hey, asshole, why don't I feel that tongue on my pussy yet? Don't expect me to grind or anything, I need to concentrate so get on with it already, geez... you didn't bring milk with my cookies and now you don't tend to my needs after getting hard over my ass, dude, come on..." Spike, not understanding why this was Twilight's main concern, did as he was told and starting lapping away at Twilight's folds while trying to ignore the aching lust in his loins, his painfully stiff cock begging for some semblance of stimulation. Spike did his very best to perform the best cunnilingus he could but Twilight didn't seem to react much beyond frowning when a slightly tricky part came up in the level or grabbing another cookie to eat, not that she needed cookies when all mares had genetically wide hips and a huge pair of cheeks to go with them, weight gain was the last thing Twilight needed! Eventually Twilight spoke as she excitedly exclaimed "Oh yes! Yes, oh my Celestia I'm so fucking close!" Spike was feeling quite proud of himself until Twilight almost immediately followed up her previous comment by going "I'm so close to finishing! I'm gonna beat the level and get the gem!" Spike got the feeling that "beating the level and getting the gem" was, unfortunately, not a euphemism, she was more excited about her game than her assistant tongue fucking her slit. Seconds later she shouted "YES! I SMASHED EVERY BOX!" Spike was going to roll his eyes but instead widened them when he felt his mouth flooded with mare cum, as he obediently swallowed it down he had to wonder if "smashing every box" was a euphemism or not, he looked at the screen... she had indeed beaten the level and destroyed every crate... was she talking about the game or was that an orgasm phrase? Was it perhaps both? It wasn't clear. Twilight paused the game and saved it before finally lifting herself off of Spike and saying "I'm gonna go clean myself up, go grab me some milk and then... I dunno, wipe your mouth of my fluids and go fap somewhere... I don't care so long as you don't interrupt my game..." Twilight walked out of the room, leaving Spike to momentarily lie on the mattress and ask himself one simple question... what the fuck had just happened there?!?! > Beach Babe > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been a while since Spike's rather lewd experience with Twilight and Spike was actually grateful that Twilight didn't ever mention it or bring it up in conversation, almost acting as if it had never even happened. Spike wanted to move on from that and forget it for a while, especially since he was enjoying a nice time down at the beach with all of his friends. Pinkie had surprised everyone with a free trip down to the beach, it wasn't a special occasion or anything, she just figured they could all use a holiday and she thought the beach would be a fun place for all of them to go, whether it was to relax, have fun or, ideally, both! Being a reptile meant that Spike got to enjoy being full of energy at the beach as the blazing sun heated up the cold blood in his veins and gave him the strength to enjoy actually spending time doing things with his friends... though that wasn't to say it didn't come without any kind of challenge. The challenge actually came in the form of his friends, every single one of them. Like every mare in Equestria, Twilight, Pinkie, Rainbow, Rarity, Fluttershy and Applejack had bottoms that were beyond ridiculous in proportion, something that Spike became extremely aware of when they had darted into the nearby beach huts to change out of their already ill-fitting skirts that drew attention to their butts more than cover them and into bikini wear so skimpy that the only proof of their existence was the waistband, the rest of the thin fabric having been swallowed up by their respective set of cheeks. With their butts more on show than ever, Spike insisted that he be allowed to keep all of his casual clothes on despite the sweltering heat, all of them pleaded with him to get more comfortable so that he didn't spend the whole time working up a sweat, though eventually accepted it, even if Twilight smiled to herself because she knew he was only doing it to cover up his inevitable erection. Spike remained calm for the most part as the girls all relaxed in the shade of their beach umbrellas, eating their packed lunches, sipping on cold drinks and maybe reading a book through the dark lenses of their sun glasses. Things got a little heated when Spike was asked to referee their game of buck ball, a job he didn't too terribly well at considering that his focus kept being stolen away by the players, or more specifically, the huge jiggling masses of clapping ass flesh on the players. Though the worst part was yet to come, the girls all set down towels on the sand and lied down before Pinkie went "Hey Spike, would you mind fixing us all up with some sun tan lotion?" Spike froze, all the girls were lying on their front with their butts basically on full display already and now he was being asked to rub lotion all over them? Spike went "Uh... well, what parts of your body need it?" Pinkie giggled and went "All over ya big silly! We all wanna get a nice tan but we don't wanna burn our buns! Now hop to it and start spreading!" Twilight had to hold back a smirk, Spike was gonna melt with arousal considering that there were six mares, all with huge rumps of course, waiting for him to smother them with lotion and she imagined that Pinkie saying "start spreading" took on a much different and more sexual connotation in the mind of her horny and dorky little dragon friend. Spike looked to Twilight, silently begging for help or at least a hint as to how he could get out of doing this... but no such assistance was provided as she simply put on a smug face and said "Yeah, come on Spike, what could possibly be the problem? All you gotta do is start with me and go down the line, just sit on our backs and rub the lotion into our skin, simple!" Spike conceded defeat and picked up the lotion, unscrewing the cap as he sat on Twilight's back and began to squirt the protective cream along her shoulder blades before working it in, making sure that the lotion coated and soaked in to as much surface area as possible. Twilight hummed and went "Oohh... your claws feel really good Spike, have you ever thought of a job at the spa?" Spike was trembling as he silently continued to concentrate on making sure Twilight wouldn't get a sun burn... so Twilight had to make it more difficult of course. Twilight lit up her horn and applied a rubbing motion to Spike's crotch, giving as little stimulation as she was able to her assistant's already painfully hard dragon dong. Spike was shaking all over, why did Twilight have to torture him like this?! It was tricky enough just being near so many gorgeously toned and rotund backsides! Twilight said "Mmmmm... lower Spike... much much lower please..." Spike knew what she was doing, edging him and denying him orgasm on top of forcing him to have to eventually touch her bubble butt for the sake of "Not getting a sun burn", luckily salvation came from the very pony who was the product of his temporary torment. As much as Twilight was enjoying Spike's hormonal suffering, she didn't actually want to get too dark a tan and Spike wasn't doing a great job, too petrified and aroused to effectively coat her skin properly, it also didn't help that she could slightly feel his stiff prick poking into the small of her back as he resisted the urge to start rubbing his groin up against her, even if it was just her back. Not too keen on having Spike jizz in his pants, she ceased her rubbing so that his balls remained very much full and snatched away the bottle of lotion and saying "Oh Spike, as nice as it feels, your technique and coverage is terrible, I'll do it" Spike removed himself from Twilight's back a quivering mess, being surrounded by so much pure and thick booty with no way to alleviate his stress was a nightmare! No thanks to Twilight messing with him! Spike distanced himself to ensure that Twilight wouldn't make a show out of her using lotion on all of her friends and decided to calm himself down by doing mundane beach activities, namely, building a sand castle. Spike managed to settle down for the most part while the girls all continued to bask in the sun, having since turned over to get a nice even tan on the front of their bodies, Spike had just finished construction on a sand castle that was his best approximation of what a castle would look like if you mixed Ponyville and Canterlot up together in a blender when Twilight waltzed over and said "Hey Casanova, we're almost done tanning and we were gonna go for a swim, you with us?" Spike thought for a second, there was sure to be a lot of wet and bouncing female body parts if they went for a swim but the water was probably deep enough to hide any stiffness, then again, if the water was cold enough then he might not even have to worry about that! Spike nodded and went "Sure!" Twilight nodded and went "Alright, you go and get changed while the rest of us finish up, try not to ogle us on your way to the beach huts, it's bad enough that all mares have to fend off stallions from groping our derrieres so we certainly don't need a tiny teenage dragon with a tiny teenage dick salivating at the sight of us, alright? Fantasize if you want but not many mares are gonna be keen on taking you inside them and having to ask if you're in yet, so keep your dirty dragon desires to yourself and jack off if you need to, you little pervert" Spike gulped, a blush on his face and said "You... y-you got it!" He didn't quite understand Twilight's reason for demeaning him, it seemed to be a common occurrence ever since the incident but it didn't really stop his body reacting. Nevertheless, he quickly made his way over to the nearest beach hut with his swimming shorts to finally change out of his clothes and get into something that was probably more comfortable and would expose a little more skin, perfect swimming gear! Spike put his trunks to one side and began to strip, he was glad that these beach huts were here, if he'd had to take his clothes off on the beach then he couldn't imagine how Twilight would torment him and yet again manage to give him a boner. Though of course, things weren't perfect for long and it was just as he was down to his underwear that a certain pink pony barged in without noticing that the hut was already occupied and inadvertently pinned the poor dragon to the wall with her gigantic ass. As Spike was reeling from being so suddenly crushed by the enormous pink cheeks, Pinkie went "Alright! Time to get changed into my super duper awesome swimsuit! Sure wish this chair was slightly bigger and more comfortable though, you'd think they'd make it more accommodating since us mares always have so much dump truck booty to park! We need the space! It's bad enough that I can barely squeeze myself into this hut as it is!" Pinkie obviously hadn't realized that the thing she had her butt pressed up against was actually a dragon with a painstakingly difficult to hide erection rather than a simple chair, despite not having great mobility in his current predicament, Spike was able to get his claws on the waist band of Pinkie's blue bikini wear and give her a slight wedgie as he pulled on the waist band and released it so that it snapped back in place to alert Pinkie to his presence. Pinkie let out a little yelp and turned to see what was going on, she gasped with wide eyes and immediately said "Oh my gosh, Spike! I'm so sorry! I thought this hut was empty!" Pinkie squatted a little, moving her pink posterior down Spike's body and finally allowing him to breath again. Spike's face went back to a normal color as he took in large gulping lungfuls of air, Pinkie went "Oh Spike, are you OK? I hope I didn't hurt you too much, it's just that-" before stopping abruptly mid-sentence as she felt something firmly wedged in her ass crack, something other than her bikini, she wiggled her rear a little and a small grunt from Spike confirmed her suspicions as she giggled "Oh my goodness Spike, is that thing in between my cheeks your dick? Aaww it's so titchy! It's like a baby carrot! Sooo cute! That's as big as it gets when you're hard huh? Can you even fuck a girl with that thing?" Spike was starting to sweat, though not from the heat this time. He knew that, for a pony, his equipment was small but by dragon standards he was actually pretty average, he didn't need another one of his friends always pointing out that not even a filly would want a cock so tiny. Before he could formulate an answer, Pinkie hummed in thought as she poked her head out of the door and looked from side to side, the coast was clear and the rest of the group were still getting changed. Pinkie looked back at Spike with a wry smile and said "Well, we can't have you walking out of here with a stiffy can we? So how about I give the little guy in your underpants some lovin' huh?" Spike didn't have enough time to even question what was happening as Pinkie started grinding on his crotch, rubbing her butt up and down his throbbing length. Spike groaned, his cock wasn't even touching Pinkie's rump and it was still leaking pre like a faucet, he'd have to wash them when he got back to the castle. Pinkie chuckled as she went "Yeah, you like my fat juicy ass Spike? Better hurry up and cum for me, don't want the girls to come looking and find us halfway through this sweet hot-dogging huh? You certainly feel very pent up... not getting much action? It's not surprising really, you don't exactly measure up in the same way stallions do, even the smallest of colts can show a mare a good time! Your fuck stick is just kinda pathetic but that's what makes it so adorable! Come on Spikey! Empty those beach balls! We still gotta get changed after this!" Spike breathed heavily, the way Pinkie gyrated her hips, bouncing up and down, swiveling around in circles and shaking from side to side... it was almost too much! How was she so expertly milking his dick through two layers of fabric? It didn't make sense but Spike soon found that he didn't care as his nuts tensed and he let out an almost boyish moan upon firing several thick ropes of semen directly into the tent he had pitched in his undies, staining them with his nut butter. Pinkie grinned and said "Pleasure doing business with you little lizard! Think I'll find a beach hut that's empty so I can get changed, or if I happen upon a stallion, maybe he can actually show me something impressive! Or maybe a mare I can bash booty's with? Either way, it'll be something better than your puny prick, later!" Pinkie left the beach hut and as Spike came down from his orgasm, he had only one question, why hadn't Pinkie just left to find another beach hut that was empty in the first place?! > The Derriere Duo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been at least a week since Spike had fallen prey to Pinkie and the extremely pleasurable butt job she had delivered to Spike after accidentally cramming herself into the beach hut he just so happened to be changing in. When Twilight had discovered how fun it was to tease the young drake and belittle him, she at least had the good decency of keeping that piece of information to herself, Pinkie however had gone and blabbed it to all of Ponyville, so now every mare and filly who had a big backside to flaunt, which was all of them, took whatever opportunity they could get to rile him up and get hard in public, forcing him to find the nearest toilet to jack himself sore in. It was almost worse in public because, most of the time, ponies only wore clothes on special occasions, sure they mostly wore clothes that barely hid anything anyway but the idea of them being naked at all was enough to get the motor running, so getting an erection in public was almost guaranteed, he was just thankful that most ponies weren't able to notice it so easily on account of his jeans......... most ponies, not all. There were two ponies who had kept their eye on Spike for a while, looking for all the tiny little details and telltale signs that other ponies failed to notice, all the tells that gave away that he was pitching a tent in his pants and was trying to keep calm, collected and casual about it in the hopes that no one would notice...... but they noticed. When it came to being cruel, they considered themselves to be top tier, the cream of the crop when it came to being the meanest bitches around, a title they had earned and wore proudly, so the chance to pounce on this weak little dragon and sexually torment him? It was every bullies dream and if they were anything other than just little ponies, they were bullies! Something the CMC and almost everyone else were quite aware of considering the years of emotional and physical abuse. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were the biggest bullies in town, the best of the best when it came to being horrible ponies and crushing weak and innocent ponies under their hooves, ask anyone in Ponyville who the worst little fillies around were, all of them would have said Diamond Tiara and her gal pal Silver Spoon. Once gossip had spread that Spike was an awkward loser with a small dick, it was like Hearth's Warming had come early! The two fillies finally found the perfectly primed opportunity to put their fat butts to some good use! They bided their time, carefully stalking and studying their prey, checking for weaknesses like the fact that his eyes just wandered from one set of cheeks to the next, the slight change in his walk that signaled an erection that he was trying and failing to hide, the way he would freeze and start sweating whenever a mare decided to tease him, usually followed up by him zipping off somewhere to fap once the mare moved on. Any guy who looked like they had just finished exercising after coming out of the toilet had undoubtedly been masturbating. Diamond and Silver wanted to wait for the perfect time to strike, they weren't sloppy when it came to their victims, it was the way they structured their bullying that had made them so effective at hurting so many ponies over the years, they weren't slouches who would fall asleep on the job! They were cold and calculating little fillies, they were good at what they did and they drew a bizarre, twisted and sick perversion of pleasure from being sadistic, even if the sadism seemed subtle and harmless, it was the joy they derived from it that made what they did so nauseating. There was no point to their evil, they just enjoyed it, mocking any pony for any reason no matter how depraved and wrong it was, making fun of those without cutie marks, pointing and laughing at the disabled, making offensive jokes about the elderly, there was no line they didn't cross and no level they wouldn't stoop down to in their effort to be the best bullies Equestria had ever seen. They had always gone too far... and gotten away with it, now it was Spike's turn to suffer, it was sexual suffering true but it certainly wouldn't be pleasant. The words "kindness" and "pleasant" weren't in Diamond and Silver's vocabulary when it came to picking and choosing the next subject of their special brand of genius, specially crafted to demean everyone who wasn't exactly like them, which was a lot of ponies and especially this one particular dragon. The vile and villainous plan was set in motion, Spike was walking through the middle of Ponyville where practically everyone could see him and they were both following him close behind. With perfect coordination they sidled up next to him until he was flanked on both sides and did their customary greeting to each other. With a smile, Diamond Tiara casually just said "Oh hey Silver Spoon! Long time no see!" Silver Spoon grinned and went "Hey DT! Haven't seen you for a while, huh?" Then in unison they chanted "Bump, bump, sugar lump, hump!" Spike was caught in the crossfire as they smashed their rears together, he was hard almost instantly, sure he had to deal with fat asses on a daily basis but at least he only had to put up with one at a time, he was being subjected to double the booty! Silver Spoon, being rather dramatic, lamented "Oh no! We got our chant wrong! We don't say "hump" at the end usually, do we?" Diamond gasped theatrically and said "You're right! Let's try that again!" Again they spoke in unison as they went "Bump, bump, sugar lump, pump!" Spike was once again trapped in between the fillies as they pressed their big butts together, he was certain that they were doing this intentionally, how could it not be on purpose? Then again he'd become somewhat used to the occasional mare playfully teasing him but these two were taking it to the next level. Diamond Tiara shook her head while going "No no no, that can't be right can it?" Silver went "You're right! What's the word we are looking for? Is it chump? Dump? Lump? Oh wait! I remember now! You ready DT?" Diamond grinned and said "You know it bitch!" Speaking in sync once again they both went "Bump, bump, sugar lump, rump!" Spike was sweating profusely as he was momentarily smothered once more by the two of them banging their butts together. As they separated, Diamond smirked and said "Hey Spike! Enjoy us clapping our asses together with your head in between them?" Diamond faced away from Spike and started shaking her rear right in front of his eyes, the two cheeks wobbling like two big bowls of jello. Diamond continued "You like this ass huh? Does my tight, young and barely legal booty turn you on? Are you a dirty little filly fucker? I bet you are, I can feel your eyes roaming all over my curves, you're just dying to grab onto my hips and defile my innocent little holes with that poor excuse of an erection! I can't even see it properly and I can tell that you don't even have a dick worth sucking, let alone being shoved up a fine piece of ass! Still, you like the view, right?" Spike just stared, his mouth tried to form words but his voice died in his throat, then he got the shock of his life as, in the middle of the street, Silver Spoon approached him from behind and grabbed onto the waistband of his jeans before pulling them down until they were around his ankles, exposing his underwear and the stiff dragon cock that they were containing. Silver laughed and said "Ha! Nice boner, loser! You think that thing is good enough to please anyone? I could buy the smallest strap-on ever made and I'd still be bigger than you! I could fuck a girl and she might actually feel it!" Members of the public, Spike's friends included, had started watching the spectacle play out and were chuckling. Spike's face went bright red with embarrassment and he scrambled to try and pull his jeans back up but Silver was there to ensure that he wouldn't be covering himself up anytime soon as she said "Nuh-uh! Don't you dare fucking pull your jeans back up you fucking wimp! It's not like you've got much to cover anyway! Though if you really really need to have your good-for-nothing cock hidden from view, then how about you stick it inside my girlfriend? It would give you your one and only chance to prove yourself. What do you think DT?" Diamond shrugged and said "Sure, go ahead, I don't have anything better to do and who knows? Maybe if he sinks it into my ass, then I might feel something!" With that decided, Silver shoved Spike forward until his hips connected with Diamond's rump. He shivered nervously as he peered down at the tight pucker of her ass hole and reached for the waist band of his underwear... shortly before Silver slapped him away and said "Oh no no no dragon boy, a stallion could wear five pairs of underpants and still rut good enough to make a girl cum! You're going in with them still on or not at all! This is probably the most generous any girl will ever be with you so don't fucking turn it down! I can guarantee that no mare or filly is gonna feel so sorry enough for you that they would actually let you feel their insides! So keep them on and fuck her if you can you little bitch!" Spike gulped and shuffled forward before gently gripping Diamond's waist and softly moaning as he effortlessly sank every inch of his fuck stick into her back door, the feeling of being inside her but only able to experience the exquisite warmth of her flesh through the fabric of his underpants was surreal, it was like he was about to fuck a cheap and poor imitation of a mare like some kind of home-made flesh light. Spike would have started thrusting of his own volition, not that he had much of a choice in fucking Diamond Tiara up the ass in the first place, though the decision to start thrusting was taken away from him when Silver Spoon got impatient and used her hooves to grip his hips and start to control his thrusting manually, his crotch plapping gently against the thick rear he was currently balls deep in. Diamond Tiara, seemingly confused, asked "Why is he thrusting? He's not even in yet..." Silver snickered and went "He is actually!" Diamond went into hysterics and exclaimed "No way! You're not serious! He's really fucking me? I don't feel anything! There's nothing! You're kidding me right? You're bullshitting? If he's in then it's just, like, it's only the tip isn't it?" Silver shook her head and went "Nope, swear on my life he's got the whole thing inside you from tip to base!" Diamond Tiara couldn't stop laughing, her eyes welling up with tears as she said "Oh my goodness, that is fucking hilarious! I've seriously never felt so empty while being fucked in my entire life! Geez, put that loser out of his misery and make him cum so that we can go find a real guy to pound us silly the way a proper male can!" Silver simply nodded and amped on the speed on her forced thrusting, despite Spike's best efforts, it was only a couple of minutes later that he couldn't hold back and his underwear were quickly soaked in cum, his ejaculation clinging to the fabric and nothing else as he nutted harder than he ever had, groaning loudly. Once he was spent, Silver Spoon pulled him out of and away from Diamond Tiara before pushing him to the ground and saying "You fucking pussy" before walking away with Diamond Tiara by her side. As Spike sat there in the dirt with his jeans around his ankles, one question came to mind, why had everyone just stopped to watch instead of helping him out?! > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, it seemed that ever since he became legal, he became the plaything of almost every single fat-bottomed mare that came his way, which was incredibly inconvenient in a world where every mare, regardless of age, had rather over-sized behinds. Twilight had been the first one to take advantage of him and to be fair, he probably could have lived with her teasing him and flaunting her ass in the full knowledge that she would never willingly allow him to have some fun with it, things only got out of hand when Pinkie went gossiping about him and gave everyone the idea to mess with him, precisely why he had found himself in the exact situation he was in now with Zecora sat on his face and demanding to have her ass hole licked while she kept smacking his erection. Zecora came before he did, not surprising considering she was enjoying some analingus while she kept on hitting his miniscule member, though the odd tingle he got from the repeated beat to his meat did eventually make him cum but it was one of the most uncomfortable and downright unpleasant orgasms he had ever had, his load barely even went anywhere as it simply oozed out of his tip and ran down his softening cock. Zecora removed herself from Spike and said "When I first heard this rumour, I didn't believe it at all. Though I see that it's true, you're cock is unbelievably small!" Spike sighed as he got up, dusted himself off and said "Yeah thanks, I get that a lot" As he left Zecora's hut, he re-affirmed to himself that, for a dragon, he had a cock that was perfectly average! Why hadn't he just moved to the dragon lands? Spike was an idiot. The End